

Just In




Optimistic Game by Mirlnir

 Anime X-overs & RWBY Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Supernatural, [Ruby R., OC] Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Words: 69k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Apr 26 Updated: Sep 5 579Chapter 8: One Down, Seven to go

"Alright, you got everything down?" I ask the bunny Faunus, finishing my explanation.

"Y-yessir!" She nods. "Red and Gold heal and restore Aura respectively. Orange for strength, lime-green for speed, dark-green for stamina, sky-blue for intelligence, purple for wisdom, and pink for charisma." She listed off correctly, making me smile.

"You got it." I nod in approval, causing her to crack a shy smile. "Now go open the door, someone's here already."

She obeys and goes to unlock the door, flipping the sign from closed to open. Some of the customers, usually old people for back pains and whatever, enter the place, and Velvet goes back behind the counter.

She subtly takes a deep breath then smiles professionally, all traces of nervousness disappearing completely. I raise a brow, impressed at how she's handling the customers. None of her previous stutters showed as she simply let her experience shine.

I'll admit, I was a little hesitant with my decision of giving her the job when she was shy and barely responded without a stutter, but it seems I was wrong, fortunately.

I lean on the backdoor and cross my arms, monitoring the new employee blankly as she handled the customers skillfully. I'll stay for a little while and see how often she messes up if she does at all. It's still the first hour after all...

...That reminds me.

"Observe..." I murmur, bringing up her stat window.

Name: Velvet Scarlatina

Title: The Copy Huntress

Age: 18

Race: Faunus (Rabbit)

Level: 54

HP: 890

MP: 0

AP: 17,300

STR: 112

VIT: 81

DEX: 121

INT: 85

WIS: 74

CHA: 45

LUK: 50

Hmm... Not bad, but not what I would expect from a second-year Beacon student. Hopefully, she can take care of robbers and such.

Perks of not needing sleep is that I can guard the place 24/7 and with my sense of hearing? Please, even if they tip-toe while I'm on the lowest floor, I'd still hear them.

Good job taking the random race, me.

This is why you should always risk it.

Opening one of my eyes, I see that Velvet is visibly more relaxed than before, seemingly used to me watching her. Good, that means she's less nervous...

As the last customer in the store leaves, I speak up. "Well, Velvet, I'll be in the basement if you need me."

She nods. "G-got it."

I open the door and close it behind me, taking out my old iron sword and getting down to the alchemy floor. I head to the newly purchased enchanting table and set the sword on it. I believe I just need to pump mana into it...

The blade suddenly starts to float, sky-blue glow enveloping it. I narrow my eyes in concentration and let my magic go through it, empowering it.

Mentally opening the enchanting skill menu, I smile as I see it gain a level. I grab the sword and check its stats.

Enchanted Iron Longsword

A simple iron longsword enchanted to slice through flesh easier

Deals 50 + STRx1.5 Physical Damage

Not much, only adding an extra .3 to it, but I'm only level one still. I mean, look what potions can do at max level. But what to enchant now? I can't enchant without a table at the moment, so stuff like walls or flower pots won't work...

With a hum, I stare down at my clothes, then open my inventory for other clothes I bought.

It's beneficial, so why not?

I shrug and take off all my current clothes, underwear included, and take out my entire wardrobe as well. It'll take a while, but I'm sure Velvet will take care of the place for the next 30 minutes...

The question right now, however, is what kind of enchantings should I apply?

Once I put on my clothes again, I smile at the small yet useful increase to my CHA. Everything I currently wear increases CHA by 2%, so 2% for underwear, 2% for pants, 2% for my shirt, and 2% for the apron. They stack and are not addition, unfortunately, so they all add a 10% increase to CHA, or 20 points to be exact.

Pretty good, not gonna lie. I should be able to scam more idiots with this.

My hearing picks up something from my upper floor and I frown. As I climb the stairs, I recognize the sound as someone yelling, prompting me to rush upstairs. My frown deepens as I hear insults thrown around, and as I open the door, I see an older man yelling at Velvet as she tries to say something. The man stops and grins as he sees me, while I raise a brow at the orange puddle at the floor, shattered glass around it.

"What's going on here?" I ask, my voice neutral.

Velvet was about to answer before the man beats her to it. "This animal here deliberately dropped the product when I tried to get my hand on it."

That's a lie. Was what my Haki told me. I didn't need it to know though.

"T-that's not true!" Velvet denied. "I-I was giving it to him, b-but he slapped it out of my hands!"

She's telling the truth.

I know that.

"You lying animal!" The man screams. "You dare shift the blame on m-!"

"Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to need you to leave." I cut him off.

"What?! She-"

"Our establishment does not tolerate racism. Please leave." I cut him off again.

"Y-you... do you know who I am?! I demand a refun-!"

"Sir, last warning," I growl as I hit him with Haki enough to terrify him, but not knock him out. "Leave, or I'm calling the police."

He freezes, his pupils shrinking to pinpricks as fear almost overwhelms him. He gulps visibly before bolting out of the place, shouting threats and shit.

Fucking prick...

20 Reputation with Velvet Scarlatina

"Th-thank you, sir..." Velvet mutters from behind me.

"It's cool," I reply. "Go and take a break. I'll clean the spilled potion."

"N-no, it's my fault. I can-"

I sigh. "Just go. You're pretty shaken up right now. Are you not used to people like that?"

"Y-yes, well, I mean, no." She shakes her head then takes a breath. "There were racist before, but not to that extent..."

"Right. You can get a rest for five minutes." I tell her. "Go to the back room."

She looks at me for a few minutes before nodding, muttering a quiet "thank you" as she did what I said. With a deep sigh, I pull a mop from my inventory and clean the puddle.

5 Reputation with Velvet Scarlatina

Ugh, potion stains are a pain to get rid of...

...You know, I could just replace the floor with a new one. It shouldn't cost so much since it's only a small puddle...

I look at the window to make sure no one is watching, then snap my fingers, turning the dirtied floor back into its beautiful white marble.

-3 credits


I put the mop near the counter and enter the back room, seeing Velvet on the couch. She stands up, nods, and gets back to work. I smile slightly and pat her shoulder comfortingly.

"Oh yeah, Velvet," I call out. "Tomorrow, I'll be out on some business. I trust you'll be able to take care of the place?"

Velvet pauses then nod firmly. "I won't let you down sir."

Grinning, I reply. "I'm sure you won't."

(Next day...)

Running my sword through an Ursa, my senses warn me of an attack from behind, to which I dodge with ease. I turn and behead another Ursa, sighing in disappointment as it dies in a single hit. I know the forests near Vale all have low-level Grimm, but still. Where're the stronger ones when you need them...

...I hope I find a dungeon soon. They're rare, and I don't have much time to go looking for them everywhere. I already wasted enough time trying to max out alchemy.

There's the fact that it needs to be a higher level dungeon. I think anything short of Rare one wouldn't be enough, but I can only hope...

I step out to clearing inside the forest, then I raise a brow at a giant, screeching Nevermore waiting for me there. It flaps its wings and shoots out razor-sharp feathers, but I easily dodge by tilting my body to the right. It flies up high, screeching and shooting its feathers again.

I put a hand on my chin in thought as I deflect a feather with my sword. "Maybe I should've bought a gun or something..."

I take out an INT potion as I shrug. "I do have a gun, but it's just a normal pistol. I doubt it would do anything to that."

Alpha Nevermore

Level: 68

HP: 20000/20000

"Yup, a pistol will definitely not do anything to it," I mutter, opening the cork and drinking the potion. "Too bad for it I still have fire."

Creating one spear in each hand, I throw both of them then create different fire spells. Spears fly the fastest, but do not deal much damage. Still, I don't need to kill it while its mid-air. As long as I wear it down, it should fall, then I can deal the finishing blow with my sword.

I burn incoming attacks with a fire burst, then shoot more spears in its direction. It's not fast to dodge them thankfully, so if I keep this up, I should be able to knock it out of the air in a few minutes...

But I kinda want to be done with it fast... Maybe I can make a new spell? My skill in fire magic is pretty good, so making one shouldn't be difficult.

I extend both arms and aim at it, cupping my hands and focusing on my mana. Fire erupted suddenly, getting brighter and fiercer by the second. Once I feel it's ready, I shoot the projectile at the Nevermore, and it flies much faster than the spears. The fire blast struck true, exploding and sending the flying Grimm down as its wings are burnt into a crisp.

Goddamn, that took a lot of mana...

Skill added

[Fire Cannon] (LV 1/10)

Shoot out a powerful, fast-moving fireball that deals 5000 AoE Fire Damage

Costs 750 MP

5000 Damage at level one? Only 750 MP? Yeah, fire is strong as fuck. Though, the Fire God's blessing takes all credit here.

Thank you whoever blessed me.

5 Reputation with ?

I dash towards where it fell, arriving only in seconds. It tries to fly, screeching in agony as its wings are badly damaged. As I step into its field of vision, it screeches again, this time in anger, as it tries to pick me to death. With an eye roll, I stomp on its head, ending it swiftly.

...Well, that was a waste of time. Wasn't even the good kind...

I turn back to the clearing, and my eyes widen when I see a dungeon that definitely wasn't there before... and it was purple.

Do you know what this means? An epic difficulty dungeon.

All I need to do know is to kill stuff until a key drops... An epic dungeon though... it must have valuable quests. And all the levels I'll be getting from it... It's gonna be insane.

I get closer to it, feeling a powerful pressure descending on me, causing me to instantly know how dangerous it really is. This only made my smile widen, finally feeling challenged. If I complete it- When I complete it, the boost I'll be getting will put me at the top of this world almost freakishly fast.

All I need to do now is fine some Grimm to-

Behind you.

My gaze sharpens as I turn around, deflecting a blade coming at my neck. My eyes widen when I see Tyrian grin madly at me.

Well... Salem works fast, doesn't she?

"Hohoho, you blocked that..." He giggled maniacally. "You're good..."

My eyes spot another man behind him, who slowly gets away from the trees. Look at that, even Hazel is here.

Looks like that pale bitch doesn't wanna waste any chances...

With a sigh, I take out the all-stats potion, disguised as alcohol, and open it. The two watch me with intent as I take off my mask, revealing my face to them.

"Oooh?" Tyrian tilts his head. "You're really brave, aren't you? Showing your face."

"What's the point? I'm gonna die anyway." I bluff. "Might as well have one last drink, right?"

Hazel frowns sadly. "I am sorry."

I chuckle condescendingly. "No, you're fucking not."

With that, I drink the entire thing, feeling my magic shoot up and muscles much stronger. I wipe off some of the liquid leaking out of my mouth and put the mask on, then send the flask to my inventory. Cracking my head, I smirk...

Then blur to Tyrian's face, delivering a powerful punch to the face and sending him flying back to the forest. Hazel's eyes widen as I'm already in front of him, slashing at his torso and taking out a chunk of his Aura. He moves, trying to give me a left hook, but my superior reflexes warn me and I duck under it, then blast his entire body with fire.

As much as I want a fair fight... I think the smart thing is to end them as quickly as I could. Two of Salem's dumb minions in a single day? Hell fucking yes!

Besides... I really, really HATE them.

Name: Tyrian Callows

Title: The Mad Servent

Age: 39

Race: Faunus (Scorpion)

Level: 92

HP: 1250

MP: 100

AP: 22,250

STR: 172

VIT: 125

DEX: 181

INT: 98

WIS: 54

CHA: 23

LUK: 50

Name: Hazel Rainart

Title: The Tired Servent

Age: 46

Race: Human

Level: 105

HP: 2100

MP: 100

AP: 31,500

STR: 221

VIT: 210

DEX: 144

INT: 86

WIS: 63

CHA: 53

LUK: 50


I take out a cookie and crunch on it, increasing my speed even further. I crouch down then dash, the ground shattering beneath me. I see Hazel already stabbing himself with lightning dust, growling at my arrival. With a roar, he throws a punch towards my face, to which I effortlessly dodge. I slash at his arm, then grab it and heat up my hands, slowly burning his aura away with fire. He screams in pain and flails his arm, throwing me off.

I ready a fireball towards him, then side-step from a backstab from Tyrian and aim the fireball to his face, blasting him point-blank. It doesn't push him away and I use the chance to grab his head and slam him to the ground, charging up a fire burst. Before I release it, Hazel comes to his rescue and tries to tackle me. I gracefully evade it and blast him far away.

With an annoyed click of the tongue, I grab Tyrian's leg and continuously and smash on the ground. Before Hazel returns to the battle, I throw the insane man high up, sheath my sword, and do a quick-draw as he fell down, taking a huge amount of his aura and send him flying to his friend.

I take out a fried chicken leg and walk towards them, munching on it and increasing my strength. I grin as I see Tyrian's enraged snarl, throwing him a bone... literally.

He roars and charges, aiming his hand at me as it glowed purple. As he was an inch away from me, I step to the side and bring my sword high up, then slice of his arm off completely. With his Aura broken, he yells in agony as the stump gushes out blood. I ready my blade to decapitate him, and as I was about to do so, I stop and freeze the approaching Hazel with Conqueror's, smirking darkly at him.

"Is this all? Damn, you guys are pathetic as fuck." I chuckle. "Is Salem playing with me or what? Sending you idiots to kill me is a fucking insult."

Hazel's pupils shrink as he falls to his knees, gasping for air as the pressure suffocates him.

"Wow, really?" I shake my head in honest disappointment. "That's all it takes for you to start choking? What a fucking joke..."

My Haki warns me of an attack, but I don't dodge, letting a bullet his the side of my head. I slowly turn to Tyrian with a cold glare, gripping my blade tightly. Then, I let him choke on the pressure currently torturing Hazel, enjoying the fear in his eyes.

"What are you gonna do now?" I ask, smiling at the defeated look of my foes. "Try to run away? Yeah, good luck with that pressure slowly killing you. Try and fight back? I'll be surprised if you're able to move a single finger.

"Beg for forgiveness?" I laugh. "Well, too bad... because I'm fresh out of mercy to the likes of you."

Before Tyrian tries to shoot again, I cut off his other arm, unfeeling for monsters like him as he screams in pain.

"I wonder how many innocent people you killed," I voice my thoughts out loud. "How many begged you to not hurt them? To not kill their loved ones in front of them?"

He doesn't respond, his brain settling for a fight-or-flight. He struggles to crawl away from me, making me smile in morbid amusement. I stomp on his leg. stopping him in his place. He turns to me, a face of pure terror on it as he realizes that there is no escape.

"I guess even a monster like you can feel fear. The more you know..." I aim my arm at him, fire bursting into life. "Any last words?"

His fear suddenly turns into rage. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you I'LL KILL YOU'ILLKILLYOUILLKILLYOUILLKILLYOU-"

I roll my eyes at his insane ramblings... then shoot a full-powered Fire Burst at him, burning him alive.

As his loud, agonized screams filled the forest, I turn to Hazel with a predatory grin, leisurely walking to him with my blade over my shoulder. I lift off Conqueror's then slam my foot to his face, grinding my boots on him.

I grin widely as he tries to struggle, the feeling of absolute power coursing through me. "Stop it. If you struggle less, it won't hurt as much... but by all means, go on...

"I want to see a hypocrite as you suffer."

A part of my mind disapproves of what I'm doing, but why should I give a fuck to people like him? One thing goes wrong in their lives, and they turn their hatred to people who have nothing to do with their problems. The worst and most disgusting kind of hypocrites...

"I wonder what Gretchen thinks of you?" He freezes at the name of his sister. "She must be rolling in her grave right now."

"Y-you..." He gasps as I stab his shoulder, Wolfsbane easily piercing his Aura. "How do you know...?"

"I know a lot of things, Hazel." I spit out his name like its Venom. "You're the worst kind of pathetic, you know that? To blame Ozpin for her death."

His eyes glow in fury. "WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW?!" He screams, making me sneer as I sink the blade deeper. He dares to- "I TOLD HER TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO NOT BECOME A HUNTSMAN, BUT SHE GOES AGAINST MY WISHES AND-"


Gamer's Mind tries to calm me down, but I refuse. I WANT to be angry!


With every insult, I hit his face, splattering blood on the grass as his teeth are knocked off. "Not only you spat on her grave, but you dare to shift the blame on someone else? How fucking stupid can you be?! Blaming Ozpin?"

He tries to reply but I throw a right hook, shutting him up right there and then. "THE GRIMM GOT HER YOU BRAINLESS IDIOT! THE ONE YOU SHOULD BE HATING IS THAT PALE HAG YOU FOLLOW LIKE SLAVE!"

I get up and take the plunged sword with a sneer, feeling the red hot rage slowly cool off. With a deep breath, I aim the sword to his neck, my eyes still burning with fury.

"Any last words?"

He stays silent.

I scoff and plunge the sword deep in his neck, killing the worthless moron quickly.

Level up

"Should've made you suffer more, but you had to go and piss me off," I mutter. "Fucking dumbass..."

I leave the corpse and sigh deeply. Two down, four to go...

Then, as I was about to return to the dungeon, my senses screamed at me to move. In an instant, I obey them and roll out of the way, and land my eyes on a fully-armored Beowulf with its claws extended. When I say fully-armored, I mean not a single part of its body was exposed, not even its face. My breathing gets a little heavier as I feel the magic it leaked.

What the fuck is this thing?

Name: Fenrir

Title: The Apex Beowulf

Age: 2346

Race: Grimm

Level: 342

HP: 130,000

MP: 25,000

AP: 0

STR: 874

VIT: 653

DEX: 952

INT: 252

WIS: 213

CHA: 0

LUK: 50



Quickly checking on how long the potion effects have before it disappears, I grimace as I see it only having two minutes left. The Grimm didn't move, simply staying where it is as if it's a frozen statue. I take a cookie and eat quickly, increasing my speed by a little. Crouching low, I sharpen my senses to the fullest as I activate my Sharingan, searching for any movement it might make.

Suddenly, it moves extremely fast, and not even Haki managed to save me as it knees me in the face, sending me flying back. The force was enough to break a few trees on the way, and I was sprawling on the grass, coughing blood as the strike was strong enough to damage my HP, even though I still have Aura.

Speaking of Aura, it seems that 40% was gone with that.

"Ow..." I grunt. slowly getting up. "That fucking hurt like hell..."

I blink and the Titan was in front of me again, its claws aiming to pierce my heart. Thankfully, I managed to anticipate the attack and parry it, then blast the fucker with an already charged fire cannon. It plants its feet to prevent itself from going too far, then let out a powerful howl. It charges again with a lunge, opening its maw to reveal razor-sharp teeth. I try to roll out of the way, but I was too slow as it chomps off my left arm.

I bite my lips as I ignore the searing pain I was feeling, then turn around to see it planning to bite my head off. I stick my hand inside its mouth, and before it bites, I let out a yell and shoot another fire cannon, this time sending it flying away.

Not washing any time, I take out an entire full-course meal and a Senzu Bean, eating the latter first to regenerate my atm. Once it was back, I begin devouring everything as fast as I can, feeling more powerful by the second. I gulp up the last meal and let out a burp.

Taking out another potion, I drink it and feel it washing off the taste.

All-Stats Potion - 5:00

Increases all stats by 75%

Full-Course Meal - 1:00:00

Increase all stats by 40%

Physical and Magical Damage is increased by 20%

Defense is increased by 50

As I throw the vial away, the Titan arrives, electric sparks flying off its body. My Chaos Conversion is already maxed in the damage increase department right now after I dealt more than 10,000 fire damage, so I should be able to hit three times harder... but it's not enough. I need to max out the speed side to get faster and get my bloodlust activated.

And to do latter, I mustn't reject Battle Maniac, and let it control me.

With a deep breath, I stop resisting the flaw and grin maniacally, sheathing my sword to focus on my magic. Both hands burst in flames, beckoning it to come.

And it did, roaring as it used its lightning magic to blur through the forest. For a split second, I use my Sharingan to track it, then evade an attack aimed at my head and extend both arms at it. It growls twists its body and spin mid-air to dodge the blast, bringing down its claw at me.

Knowing I'm not fast enough to dodge that, I let out a single word that saves my life.


My companion appears from thin-air and tackles the Titan trying to bite through its thick armor. I mentally order him to back off and he backs away and he obeys, still growling at the powerful foe.

"Gwyn, I'll get its attention while you increase your stats." With a wave of my arm, I take out a potion and another full-course meal for him. "Don't take too long!"

He barks in confirmation, backing off slightly to open the cork with his mouth, instantly gulping up the magical drink.

The Titan howls loudly, lightning striking down at it and charging it.

I let it out a roar as I rush towards it, using an on-the-spot thought of skill to cloak myself in fire. It meets my head-on charge with its own, and we lock hands and claws together. It easily pushes me down with its strength, but I heat up my arms and even with its armor, it let out a pained scream.

In its screaming fit, I let go of its claws and bring up both hands to its face and blast it.

"Hehe... hahaha!" I laugh, feeling the adrenaline coursing through me. "Hahahaha!"

Then, it suddenly disappears from view, my senses warning me from an incoming attack from behind me. I turn quickly, a grin still tugging at my lips as it slaps me away. Even with the immense pain I felt, I still laughed as I planted my feet on the ground, feeling blood seeping from my head.

Everything begins feeling hazy as I recognize the bloodlust taking over me, and I welcome it with open arms.

(3rd Person PoV)

As the Titan rushed Reid, the latter began laughing maniacally as a powerful force cracked the ground while stopping the Grimm in its place. With its years of experience, it felt danger from this being, even if there's a gap between their powers. Fenrir narrowed its eyes and began rushing in again, roaring loudly.

It swung its sharp claws at him, aiming to take his head in a single strike. The human ducked under it and delivered a powerful punch enough to crack its armor, then opened his clenched fist to gush out a stream of flames, sending it back a few paces. As it tries to attack again, it was slapped away by the huge wolf.

The human and wolf rushed in together, with the former unsheathing his blade with the intent to kill. The human reached it first, continuously swinging his sword at it. Fenrir was able to dodge some but not all of the strikes, feeling the sword slowly dig into its tough armor with every hit. It tilted its body to avoid a stab then stabbed Reid in the chest with its claws, barely missing his heart.

Gwyn pounced at it as it bit its armored head, his sharp teeth cracking it. Fenrir threw off the giant wolf with a powerful kick, sending it flying high. Reid dashed towards it, aiming his sword at its head but it dodged, then got up to deliver a jab to his face.

As the wolf fell down, Fenrir dug into its memories to remember one of its victim's moves. It got into a martial artist stance then spun to give Gwyn a roundhouse kick, sending him to his master. Fenrir got into another stance, this one's a runner, then ran forward, breaking the sound barrier as it powered its legs with lightning magic.

Reid slowly got up, his nose bleeding. His eyes widened when the giant form of Gwyn slammed into him. "Get the fuck off of me!" He yelled and the familiar obeyed. Once he was up and on his legs, Reid narrowed red eyes at the fast-approaching Grimm and grinned widely.

With a laugh, he met it with a swing of his sword... which shattered on contact.

Reid gasped as it grabbed him by the face, fear slowly gripping at his heart. Gwyn tried to help but was slapped away with its other hand. Fenrir tightened its grip on Reid's head, planning to crush his skull painfully. Reid's eyes widened as he kicked and flailed, but the magic-empowered Grimm did not feel a thing.

"Ha...Ha...Ha..." Instead, it laughed slowly, enjoying the pain and fear in its victim's eyes.

As life flashed before his eyes, Reid felt something click inside as anger filled him. Who the hell does it think it could kill him? To think it could scare him into submission? He was the destined god of this world for goodness' sake! He will not allow a mindless monster to best him!

The white-haired boy brought both hands and charged a fire cannon, blowing it up in Fenrir's face and stunning him. Fenrir let go of Reid, but before the human could continue his assault, the Titan slammed his body into him.

Reid was sent flying back, slamming into a tree after a tree until he was at the edge of a cliff. He slowly got up as his aura shattered into golden particles. His busted lips and broken nose were bleeding profusely. He shakily got up as the Titan slowly walked towards him.

Reid wiped the blood from his face and took a step back, turning his head behind him and then smirking widely at what he saw.

"Come on, big guy." He muttered, chuckling slightly. "The fight is just getting started."

Fenrir took that as a challenge and charged, crackling electricity enveloping it. Reid closes his eyes to focus on his Haki, then open them as the Grimm was directly in front of him. Reid tilted his head and grabbed Fenrir's extended arm... then jumped off the cliff with the Grimm in tow.

Reid felt an insane grin plastered on his face as he fell down, as the ocean was behind them all along.

As both of them were inside the water, Reid used his heritage to swim away, and as his bloodlust filled him, he took off his mask and let his instinct guide him. The saltwater only empowered said instinct as his body began changing, growing bigger and bigger as his hands turned webbed, with three razor-sharp claws for fingers. A silver, scaly tail came out of his spine with a sickening sound as his eyes turned to slits.

He was much bigger than before, standing at 8'5 instead of his usual 6'4. His teeth were sharper than steel, and his features, while still handsome, had a monstrous look to them as silver scales were shown on his cheeks.

With a deep chuckle as his stats were boosted by 25% from being underwater and another 50% from the transformation, he sped through the water swiftly towards his enemy.

I win~ He thought, as his dexterity and strength were over a thousand, surpassing the Titan's stats. He had the absolute advantage underwater as his movements were never slowed. To him, he might as well be flying.

Fenrir looked around him, finding itself in the ocean. it wasn't bothered much, for it didn't need to breathe. It looked for his opponent, but there was nothing. Even for a night creature like it, it was extremely dark to see. Then, all of a sudden, its back was struck with a powerful force. He turned around but there was nothing.

Annoyed, he growled, sharpening its sense of hearing as it closed its eyes. It heard a low sound coming towards its front, and swung its claw to hit whatever it attacked it... but nothing was there.

It was hit again, this time breaking some of its armor. It roared in fury, but it was cut short as something slammed on its head. Fenrir began to panic as it couldn't see what attacked it, but it was getting struck over and over again, slowly chipping at its armor and strength.

Again and again, it was hit, the powerful force never showing itself at all. Fenrir forgot about the human to focus on whatever the hell was killing it but to no avail. Then, it caught a glimpse of the enemy, and it was similar to the human but bigger and more monster-like. Of course, the glimpse was not without a cost, as Reid chomped off one of its arms, the armor not standing a chance against his teeth.

The Grimm roared in pain, but its head was grabbed by a pitch-black hand as Reid swam deeper and deeper, then slamming it on the ocean floor. Before Fenrir retaliated, Reid grabbed its head once again and tightened his grip, all while heating up his hand to insane levels.

"You did this to me earlier, so I thought about paying back the favor." His deep and monstrous voice echoed through the deep ocean. "Painful, isn't it? Don't worry, I'll make it quick for you. In respect for helping me discover what I am."

Fenrir tried to use its lightning magic to electrocute Reid, but its magic reserves were almost all empty, and all it let out was a pathetic whimper.

With a chuckle, Reid tightened his grip even more. "DIE!"

And with that, Fenrir's skull was crushed alongside its armor.

For the first time in hundreds and hundreds of years, a Titan-Class Grimm fell to the hands of a human.

Then, a small object shone from the Grimm's disintegrating corpse. A small, purple glowing orb was where Fenrir's head was supposed to be, and Reid snatched it. With a satisfied grin at the dungeon key, Reid swam away looking for land.


Level up x31

Gacha Token added

Perks gained

[Break Through] - 250 VIT

Once you are hit with a debuff, you'll be immune to all debuffs for 10 minutes. Two hours cooldown

[Extreme Power] - 250 STR

All physical damage is increased by 50%

Making sure no one was near me, I get away from the ocean and into the land, my entire clothes soaked in water. I regress back into my human form, wincing at the cracks and pops my bones make. Once I was done, I take a deep breath as I order Gwyn to come.

Aside from killing a Titan-Class though bullshit powers, leveling up by a lot, and getting a Gacha Token, I finally discovered my other half. Transforming into my beast form revealed it, and said transformation was purely out of instinct and the need to survive.

[Human/Royal Sea Serpent Hybrid]

A perfect breed between a human and a Sea Serpent of the Royal family

Your mastery skills gain 10% more EXP

Your Sea Serpent side gives you double gain in STR and VIT.

You start with 50 CHA

You can breathe underwater, no matter how deep you are

You can see clearly underwater

Swift movement underwater

When you're submerged underwater, all your stats increase by 25%

Water magic costs 50% less and deal double damage

You are immune to water magic

With every 250 CHA points, you are able to control stronger aquatic life.

Partial Transformation, increasing all your stats by 50%

Full Transformation. [Locked until level 200]

That is a lot of abilities, but my favorite has to be the transformations. I don't know what the full one does, but the partial one makes me powerful, especially with all the stat increase I get from eating and drinking. Not to mention, it feels amazing to swim underwater. I get why, but it's a strange sensation still.

Of course, the huge amount of levels I got is also amazing. 31 levels mean 155 spare stat points. I'll keep them for now until I enter the dungeon and see what kinds of monsters are in there.

As I stretch my arms, I see Gwyn approaching and tackling me to the ground, licking my face as I can feel in relief. I laugh slightly, petting him to calm him down.

"Atta boy." I grin as his tail starts wagging. "I'm fine. I dealt with that Grimm, you can rest now."

30 Reputation with Gwyn

Damn. Why that much? Oh well, if he likes me more, who am I to complain?

I sit down cross-legged, taking out the Gacha Token while looking at Gwyn's golden eyes.

"Let's see what this gets us, alright?"

With that, I snap the stick in half, and a strange-looking sword appears.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops as I realize what it is.

Godslayer - Mythical Item

An incredibly powerful weapon that can cut through almost everything, and was used by skilled warriors in the Marvel Multiverse

Deals 7500 + 25xSTR Physical damage

It can create energy to shoot, dealing 16000 Damage, or to wrap said energy around itself, increasing the sword's power by 20%

A single cut stops all forms of supernatural regeneration.

I grip it tightly, still in awe, then swing it at a nearby tree and it goes through it like butter. The tree didn't even fall as the cut was so clean.

I start laughing loudly, uncaring if anyone hears me. I just got one of the best swords in the entire omniverse. From what I know, this could slice through an Asgardian's flesh, and Asgardians are fucking strong.

Perfect too since Wolfsbane broke. I doubt Godslayer would break though, with the things it can resist.

And with the plans of killing the gods? This is too damn perfect.

Thank you, Gacha gods, for this wonderful reward.

Before I sprint back to the dungeon, I notice that my attire is all but ripped. The only thing that wasn't destroyed was my cloak. My shirts had holes and it was stretched. My pants had too many rips that I might as well be in my underwear.

With a sigh, I take out a back up enchanted shirt and pants.

I don't think going through a dungeon half-naked is a good idea.

Throwing the damn thing to the wormhole-like anomaly, the same sequence happens like the previous dungeons, albeit flashier. Once the door appears, I walk towards it and open it, then enter the dungeon, The door forcibly closes shut behind me as a snowy and frozen wasteland greets me. Buildings, trees, lakes, everything was frozen solid. I take a few steps forward and the dungeon quest appears.

Epic Dungeon Quest added

[The Winter Army]

Objective: Destroy the Frost Legion

Bonus Objective A: Destroy five Ice Giants

Bonus Objective B: Destroy 1000 Soldiers of any kind

Bonus Objective C: Destroy a Dark Ice Dragon

Rewards: 70K EXP, 50K Credits, 200 Stat points, 1 Gacha Token

Bonus Rewards A: 10K EXP, 15K Credits, 100 to STR and VIT, [Destroyer of the Frozen Terror] Title

Bonus Rewards B: 25K EXP, 25K Credits, 100 to INT and WIS, [True Blessing of the Fire God] Perk

Bonus Rewards C: 50K EXP, 35K Credits, 100 to DEX, CHA, and LUK, [Usherer of the New Age] Perk, Greatly increase reputation with ?

...Oh, I think I fucked up really bad.

A thousand soldiers? five giants? and what the hell is a Dark Ice Dragon?

The rewards though... They're really damn good. If I finish all the bonus objectives, I'll get 100 in all stats, not to mention the amount of extra Credits I'll be getting. 75K credits I can use to do whatever I want. The perks look extremely good too. And the title is badass.

Through a little bit of thinking, I put enough points in STR and DEX for them to both reach 300. I smile as I gain a new perk, and see both Observation and Armament reach level 6. Of course, that means I'm 115 points down, with only 40 remaining.

Perk gained

[Supernatural Agility] - 250 DEX

Movement speed, attack speed, and jumping distance/speed is doubled

I pull out a potion and drink it immediately, then walk towards the frozen wasteland and away from the door. Suddenly, two Ice Knights show up from under the ground, raising their swords up high to strike me. My Haki already warned me of the attack and I slash them both with a swing, destroying them instantly.

My senses warn me of an arrow aimed towards my head, and I deflect it with ease. For only a second, I activate my Sharingan to spot whoever tried to shoot me. I sprint forward as I see the assailant on a tree branch inside the frozen forest. With my new improved speed, I reach the forest in seconds and end the archer with a fire spear. Then knights and monsters made of ice began appearing from all around me.

I grin slightly, feeling my bloodlust returning.

A bear pounces at me with a snarl, but my blade cuts through it like its nothing. Another knight tries to stab my back and burn it away with a fire burst. A Manticore tries to attack me, but I turn it into nothing with a fire cannon.

I don't know how long I spent fighting, but after a while, I hear a loud roar and the ground began to shake. Over the frozen trees towers an Ice Giant, with an Ice Axe in its hand. It roars again and smashes its weapon at me, but I was long gone as my body moved on its own. Flipping over, I dash towards it, dodging all kinds of ice projectile coming my way. Spikes, arrows, and even bullets flying at Mach speed couldn't touch me.

With my newly gained strength and my fire magic, I release fire from my feet as I jump, sending me flying over the Giant. With a yell, I begin turning into my beast form, increasing my power exponentially. In a single strike, I cleave the giant's body in two, killing it.

Level up

I fall down, and I was immediately surrounded by monsters of all kinds. Grinning maniacally, I laugh. "Eager to die, are you? Well, who am I to deny your request."

As they charge at me, I shout with an excited grin. "HAVE AT YOU!"

(30 minutes later...)

Level up x21

Do you know what thing I really enjoy about being a gamer?

I side-step from a Paladin's mace and crush it with Haki-infused fist, then duck under an assassin's dagger aimed at the back of my head, and Gwyn comes to the rescue as it chomps it in half. A Drake roars as the turrets on its back shoot bullets. With five shots of fire cannon, it slams down to the ground, destroyed along with its turrets. A giant tries to squash me beneath its foot, but with my incredible strength, I hold its foot with both hands. With a warcry that shatters the ground, I fling the giant high in the sky, take my plunged sword, then jump high, slicing the giant in half.

I fall down with an axe-kick at a dragon's head, completely smashing its ice skull. I land on my feet and let out my Conqueror's Haki to destroy the weaker soldiers.

It's that my HP, AP, and MP restore fully when I level up.

Honestly, this entire fight would've been very different without the absurd amount of buffs I use before and during fights. Originally, my physical stats are only around 250 and 300, but with all these buffs? All of them are a little over 1000. I also make sure to make my stats stay that way by drinking and eating regularly during the entire battle. It feels like I'm cheating, but it's 1000 vs 2, so it's fine.

Gwyn was extremely vulnerable at first but was able to level up extremely fucking fast. I had to defend him from bullets and attacks too fast for him to see, but after a while, he was able to hold his own. He's level 82 right now, while I already broke through the 100 threshold.

My partial transformation is actually insanely helpful. Without it, this would've been way harder. Also, it was extremely easy to max out the effectiveness of Chaos Conversion, so my physical damage and movement speed are tripled basically the entire fight. Though, after getting INT, CHA, and WIS to 250, one of the perks was one absolute god-sent.

[Gaze of the Prince] - 250 CHA

You are able to swoon any kind of woman with a single glance.

REP and AFF gain with the opposite gender is doubled

[Dense Mana] - 250 INT

Magical damage is increased by 50%

[Disciplined Mind] - 250 WIS

You are able to control your emotions more, and all mental impairment not recognized by [Gamer's Mind] will be easier to control

Do you know what this means? It means I can control Bloodlust to a certain extent. An extra 25% without losing control? Yes please!

Also, I'll be having a lot of fun with that charisma perk, but time and place.

I already defeated more than five giants, so one of the objectives is down. I don't know how many I killed, and the Dark Ice Dragon didn't show up yet, so I think I'm still two bonus objective short from perfect completion.

A normal ice dragon uses its frost breath at me, and I meet it with my own fire breath. I close my mouth as my fire wins against its frost, then dash under it to slice its leg off, then blast its underbelly with a twin fire cannon. Its limbs fall out as its torso is completely vaporized.

I stab my sword to the ground and raise my hands to the air, charging up a huge fireball. As bullets, arrows, and even swords fail to pierce my Aura, I throw the fireball at the approaching army, completely emptying my mana as everything in the vicinity is destroyed.

level up x10

And my mana is back.

I look around me, seeing the absolute destruction this battle caused and smile to myself. I've really come a long way, huh? With this power, I don't need to fear Atlas anymore. I can most likely crush them all with my hands only... but that's if I fail in the quests.


I freeze, then look around frantically for the voice. Isn't this voice the one that told me where the first dungeon is?

You have defeated my legion, Young Gamer... The same legion that laid waste to countless worlds...

...Is this the boss of this place? It, or she from the feminine voice, said My Legion. But how does it know what I am? Do dungeons know what a Gamer is?

Now, you could take your rewards and leave ... or you can stay and face the final enemy. What say you?

...It's the Dark Ice Dragon, isn't it? If that's the case, then I'll stay.

Very well...

Come and face the Challenger, Krystal.

As the voice finished, a loud roar that shook the ground was heard. I turn to where it is and see a large dark purple dragon made of pure ice flap its wings, flying towards me. I let out an impressed whistle as I take out one more potion, gulping it up while taking out a piece of fried fish, eating together with the potion. I pull out as much food as I could and eat it all before it arrives.

It plants its clawed feet into the ground, shattering the earth beneath it. With a glare of its red glowing eyes, it screeches at Gwyn and I in anger... and I slash with all my strength at its face mid-screech.

Name: Krystal

Title: Harbinger of the Frozen Terror

Age: 2346

Race: Dark Ice Construct

Level: 352

HP: 131,000/170,000

MP: 75,000

AP: 0

STR: 1004

VIT: 822

DEX: 741

INT: 114

WIS: 94

CHA: 0

LUK: 50

It's... as strong as Fenrir- no, even stronger. Albeit slightly.

Yeah, I'm not taking any chances.

I dash before it retaliates, blurring through the frozen wasteland and then slide under it, slashing at its legs. The sword unsurprisingly easily cuts through, taking another huge chunk of its health. It tries to stomp me with its other foot, but Gwyn comes to the rescue and headbutts the coming leg, sending it away. I mentally order Gwyn to get its attention and he obeys, howling loudly at it.

I run as fast I could, leaving a sonic boom in my wake, and grab its tail. I climb on the gigantic creature and continuously slash at its body, smirking as its health drops rapidly. As I reach its head, I stab its skull, making it screech in agony. I heat up the plunged blade with fire, burning its insides. It flails around, and I grab Godslayer before it throws away. High up in the sky, I use fire burst to send me back down fast, then I bring my sword down on its neck.

Godslayer goes through the crystalized ice like a hot knife through butter, decapitating it.

Level up x22

Quest Complete

[The Winter Army]

Objective: Destroy the Frost Legion

Bonus Objective A: Destroy five Ice Giants

Bonus Objective B: Destroy 1000 Soldiers of any kind

Bonus Objective C: Destroy a Dark Ice Dragon

Rewards: 70K EXP, 50K Credits, 200 Stat points, 1 Gacha Token

Bonus Rewards A: 10K EXP, 15K Credits, 100 to STR and VIT, [Destroyer of the Frozen Terror] Title

Bonus Rewards B: 25K EXP, 25K Credits, 100 to INT and WIS, [True Blessing of the Fire God] Perk

Bonus Rewards C: 50K EXP, 35K Credits, 100 to DEX, CHA, and LUK, [Usherer of the New Age] Perk, Greatly increase reputation with ?

Level up x26

I close my eyes as I see that I'm only a few points away in VIT and DEX, and with the huge amount of spare stat points, I raised INT, WIS, and CHA all to a 500

402 + 98 = 500 CHA

484 + 16 = 500 VIT

485 + 15 = 500 DEX

412 + 88 = 500 INT

412 + 88 = 500 WIS

Name: Reid Astera

Age: 16

Race: Human/Royal Sea Serpent Hybrid

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Level: 182 (1%)

HP: 25,000 [Regens 5000 per minute]

MP: 25,000 (37,500) [Regens 5000 per minute]

AP: 45,500 [Regens 4500 per minute]

STR: 560

VIT: 500

DEX: 500

INT: 500

WIS: 500

CHA: 500

LUK: 312

Points: 355

Perks gained

[True Strength] - 500 STR

Once a day, you can push your muscles to the extreme levels, doubling your STR for two minutes

[Unbreakable Will] - 500 VIT

As your HP hits zero, you will turn invincible for 2 minutes. You can heal in that amount of time. Happens once every battle

Health Regen is doubled

Being beheaded will prevent this from activating.

[Sixth Sense] - 500 DEX

You have a sixth sense that warns you of nearby danger

Boosts the ability of Haki: Observation considerably

[Sharp Mind] - 500 INT

With your intelligence, you are able to predict most people's next words or movements. Not only applicable to fights

[Enlightenment] - 500 WIS

Mana Regen is doubled

[Glare of the Emperor]

A single glare could freeze anyone, even the most hardened of warriors. Intimidation checks are almost always successful

Boosts the ability of Haki: Conquerors considerably

[Lucky Shot] - 250 LUK

Critical damage is increased by 100%, while the chance is increased by 10%

[True Blessing of the Fire God]

All forms of fire damage are increased by five times while spells cost five times less. You are immune to fire damage.

[Usherer of the New Age]

People will always look up to you as the one who will change the world. It doesn't matter how they feel like this, but something deep in their hearts tells them to follow behind you, to witness your great deeds in person.

Getting followers/worshippers is far easier

Title gained

[Destroyer of the Frozen Terror]

Not only you survived the Winter Crusade but you crushed the Frost Legion as well. This deed made you an interesting individual in a certain place...

"Hahh..." My jaw drops at the insane increase, reading over my stats and perks over and over. "Hahahahahahahahahah!"

Slowly regressing back to my normal form, I still laugh madly, drunk on the overwhelming power I feel. Right now, I'm sure that I'm the strongest being on Remnant excluding the gods. This amount of power is most likely enough to put Salem in her place and then some. Of course, there's still the ways of increasing my powers, such as potions, transforming, and all the good shit.

I take a deep breath as I wipe away a tear, the feeling fading away. Right, I still have a Gacha Token, don't I? I'm surprised it only gave me one, but I'm not complaining.

Ultra Divine Water - Legendary Item

This artifact is magic water that will draw out all of the drinker's potential if they can survive its poisonous and painful effects. Only one survived using it when thirteen did not, so beware.

Surviving this will triple all of the Drinker's stats.

50% Chance to give the [Spark of Divinity] Perk

Recommended level - 200

I laugh even harder at the drop. Triple stats! 1500 in all things except luck!

"Whew, this was one hell of a trip, wasn't it Gwyn?" I look at my companion as he licks my face. "Come on, let's go back home. alright? I'm whipping us an amazing dish as a celebration. Should we invite Velvet?"


"Eh, I'm sure she can keep a secret." I shrug. "Just don't scare her too much, alright?"

He barks in affirmation and disappears into golden particles, going back into my soul.

Wait, what level is he?

Name: Gwyn

Species: Great Wolf

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Level: 110

HP: 25,550

MP: 850

AP: 27,500

STR: 312

VIT: 256

DEX: 394

INT: 85

WIS: 72

CHA: 77

LUK: 15

Damn, just a little bit away from 100 INT. Oh well, I can probably teach him how to actually read with that amount. Hell, I'm pretty sure he could talk, but the thing that's stopping him is his vocal cords.

But I'll think about this another day. Right now, I want the sweetest, most delicious dessert in existence.

Walking through the empty streets of Vale, I skip a step as I hum a pleasant tone, feeling absolutely content as I bring up the Golemancy window. I'll buy it after the dessert I promised myself~

I gaze at the broken moon, a smile still plastered on my face as I take in a deep breath.

Then, I hear sirens and people talking in the distance. I raise a brow at that. Did someone get robbed or something? What's the police doing at a time like this...

My eyebrows furrow as I hear the ruckus near my place, and I run towards it, feeling a pit in my stomach. As my place was visible in the distance, the blood drains from my face and my eyes widen.

The entire front of the shop was destroyed as police surrounded it, keeping people away from being too close.

I swallow a lump in my throat as I sprint forward, only one thing inside my mind.

Where is Velvet?

I didn't see her, and I couldn't even smell her. I activate the Sharingan to look for her, but nothing. I get in the crowd, pushing them away as my fists clench tight. As the police officer sees me, he tries to push me back.

"Sir, this place is-"

"This place is mine!" I cut him off. "Where's the Faunus girl?! What happened here?!"

"Sir, please calm down and-"

"I'm NOT calming down until you tell me where my employee is!" I scream at his face. "ANSWER ME!"

Unconsciously, I let some of my Haki leaks out, letting the people get away from me as fast as possible. The police officer shudders and gulps before answering.

"S-she was taken to the hospital, sir." I freeze at the reveal. "She tried to defend herself from Huntsmen-level criminals, but she was only a student where there was two of them."

"Who?" I growl, forcing the answer out of him with a single word.

"R-Roman Torchwick, sir!" He answers. "He and his partner-"

I don't wait for him to finish as I disappear from view, using my supernatural strength to jump from building to building. Roman Torchwick, huh?

Does he think he can hurt my employee and steal from me? I'll ShOw hIm...

I'll ShOw HiM NoT To MeSS WItH A GOD!

Fuck you, I'm not editing this... okay, maybe tomorrow. While I was writing, the damn site crashed and I lost 2k words. you have no idea how that feels.

Anyway, I might've forgotten to mention, but Reid will be OP in this. It's a gamer story in a low-level world, so what do you expect?

I'll be working on Play The Game Differently now, so if you didn't read that, go do it now.

I've made a Pat reon not too long ago. I'm not really uploading anything there, so don't feel obligated that you have to donate. Thank you very much if you do though. The link [ Pat reon dot com slash Mirlnir ] You know what to write.

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