
Location: Gotham Sewers, Justice League Base (temporary).

Time: Invasion Day +7 hours.

I flopped onto a chair and found it uncomfortable. I laid my head on the table and groaned.

Gunnr gave my actions a soft smile and quiet acceptance. Wonder Woman patted me on the head softly and took the seat next to me. Batman was brusque as ever as he entered and began talking quietly on his transmitter as he paced.

Martian Manhunter phased through the walls and came to a rest in a sitting position quietly watching us. Green Lantern Alan floated inside, eyes lighting up at the sight of his friend.

"Diana! You look no different than when I last saw you!" He remarked. "I'm glad you are still fighting the good fight after all these years. I worried when you left us."

"Well met, my old friend! I was gladdened to hear that you were there to aid us in this difficult endeavour." She replied with a gentle smile. "I was convalescing after a significant injury. But I am hale and hearty once more, here to fight all the evils that plague Man's World once again."

"And it is a relief to see you." He replied with a wistful smile.

The following moment Flash was here, with a man in a green hood and bow and quiver full of arrows. Wait… that would be Green Arrow, right?

"Well, this is a very odd and exclusive country club." He remarked looking around at each of us curiously.

"You're a Flash! Do you know old Garrick?" Alan asked eyes glowing green.

"Know him? He showed me his formula." Barry replied cheerfully.

"Who is the new guy?" I asked. For convenience and to speed up the introductions.

"I'm Green Arrow, from Star City your friends found me on a business trip to New York." He glanced at Alan and J'onn J'onzz. "It doesn't seem like there is any shortage of green guys so I should fit right in."

Alan chuckled.

"So you're the teenager that's been tearing through bad guys like they were tissue paper?" He asked.

I raised my head and smiled with all my patented 'Vertigo' charm. He took it the right way as he seemed to shudder. "Ah yes, that would be me. More recently I've been tearing through these aliens too. Do take a seat and don't be concerned you are not the only person without powers, there is Batman for example over there. I would advise you to keep your humour to yourself around him, he is a rather no nonsense type."

"Sure thing, kid." Green Arrow replied, pulling out a seat and sitting on it backwards with the backrest facing us and his arms resting on it. "You're a creepy little guy, ain't cha?"

"I don't give a fuck, that is my deal." I replied. "I'm not like most of you here, but I believe in my cause: to bring about a better way of life for Metahumans and Magic Using Humans. And then these blue bastards decided to interrupt my holidays."

"Shit kid, you don't match your public image." He muttered.

"I have good PR. Being an openly superhuman celebrity has been difficult." I chuckled. "But unlike everyone else here besides Martian Manhunter, I'm also legitimately a part of my government's law enforcement and military. Oh, I suppose Wonder Woman counts too."

She nodded. "I am legally within my rights to perform arrests on Themyscira. I am unsure how you know that and your knowledge of Atlantis is curious."

"I'm sure Batman is all ears as well. But before you pull out the golden lasso and we play twenty questions with my soul, I have already told the truth to Superman and Martian Manhunter has read my mind." I shrug. "I have some precognitive knowledge. Major world events in what would be alternate universes. Weaknesses that become common knowledge in later years, you're weak to wood aren't you Alan Scott?"

"That was hushed up. But yes it is true." He nodded. I figured he wouldn't take it hard, he barely has a secret identity. "My name is more interesting information, however. How did you know?"

"Actually, that can probably be laid at the feet of a future version of Batman." I replied, looking at him as he glared back. "You are collating files on all of us, keeping tabs to make sure we don't go rogue and possible methods to use to subdue us."

"I may not have started on many of you, but yes that was my plan." He replied.

"Keep that information isolated and even more secure than you intended. Eventually villains will break into the Batcave and gain access to it. Which they will then use and release to the public." I explained. He winced. "Also make sure to get Alfred checked for any obscure brain diseases." He looked at me closely. "You know too much." He growled.

"Bet you don't know me! I'm not that easy to pin down." Green Arrow added his two cents.

"How is Queen Industries running these days?" I asked.

You could hear a pin drop at the silence.

"You do know. Well, if that isn't creepy, I don't know what is." He said eventually.

"Diana and Martian Manhunter are open books, so there isn't much to tell there. Is your species' weakness to fire merely psychological or also physiological J'onn?" I asked.

"There is no physical reason." He finally replied.

"It was implanted ages back before your species was pushed underground. It is also why you crave the nearness of other minds: it is to keep your kind under control. Yours was originally a warlike destructive race that butted heads with an even more powerful race that effectively lobotomised your race to keep you sedate and trapped. The Red Martians are closest to your original people, who were able to use the innate control over their own molecules to light themselves on fire. The war between the two races is what reduced your world's surface to barren wastes."

"I sense no deliberate lies, but I will need corroborating proof." He finally said after poking around in my head a little.

"The other race, the Guardians may try to keep it secret. But you will have the opportunity to ask them later. When Green Lantern's copycats start appearing." I grinned. "They will even use rings and tap the same source of power, Will. In fact there is an entire corps of them out there, acting as space police." I chuckled at Alan's look of confusion. "Your lantern is connected to their network, and may have influenced your choices at the beginning, but they will not consider you a member. You are… an oddity."

"Oh, and Batman. When you hear about Harvey Dent having troubles and try to help him, I would advise you to get help. Dent will otherwise suffer significant burns and become an unstable gangster prone to using a coin flip to decide his actions… Two Face. Some other things I'd like to tell you, but they would also change your future in more unstable ways. We'll need to have a sit down later." I explained.

Oh, Black Lightning, Marvel and Superman are here… and behind them a red robot… Red Tornado?

"I heard a lot, what do you know about me?" Black Lightning asked.

"Actually, not a lot. You do work with the Justice League occasionally, but for the most part you are just street level. You were never part of the original League. Or Green Lantern here for that matter." I shrugged. "But I am not in any of these visions either, so I have altered the events to a significant degree with my presence. Yes, I also know all about you Captain Marvel, I don't mind. The wizard made you wise and courageous enough to handle the things you deal with… even if I fail to see how Achilles, known for his invulnerability relates to courage. He never had to fear being injured, aside from in one tiny place… much like Siegfried, except he actually had to slay that dragon to earn his while a regular man."

Gunnr nodded at my rambling. Marvel was just quietly gobsmacked.

"In fact, my knowledge is why I was so concerned about Atlantis. We are missing a member. Aquaman, the ruler of Atlantis." I explained. I looked at Queen. "Black Canary is also a fixture, when you talk her into joining."

"Goddamn are you a trip, kid." He remarked.

"You have no idea." Superman added.