
Location: Justice League Base, Gotham sewers (temporary).

Time:~7 hours after Invasion Day.

"Anyway, I'm glad all of that is off my chest. I've been waiting my whole life to let that out. But I couldn't until now or I might cause it to not happen due to butterflies." I announced.

"How do butterflies, charming as the insects may be, influence anything?" Superman asked, curiously.

"Oh… right. Pop culture reference from a movie and book series released in a few years. Basically the theory goes that unforeseen consequences can emerge from simple actions, such as a butterfly flapping its wings may be the root cause of a devastating cyclone months later." I explained. "Movies were campy but good, too."

"So, now all of you know how flatfooted I felt meeting him in Paris for the first time." Superman commented. "Chances are he's still holding back the really weird stuff too."

"Regardless, the mysterious lack of Aquaman is troubling. I would suggest our next move incorporate retrieving him and securing Atlantis. Not least of all, because he has an entire country's resources at his command." I pointed out. "But also we need to go on the offensive. I suspect what we have faced is a replaceable part of the enemy's forces. The cannon fodder, mostly. The way they protect the troop transports, pulling them back when seriously threatened, I would suspect they are not so disposable. The heavier attack ship I faced earlier would be the same, considering the fact we haven't seen more committed to the fight and especially the Mothership."

"I would concur with elements of this analysis." Batman interjected. "While this 'Aquaman' is an unknown quantity, his people must be suffering due to their isolation and from what I have observed these are not a highly trained, crack front-line division by any definition. They show competence with their weapons, possibly from simulations but they are entirely too reckless and disorganised to be anything more than regulars or green recruits."

Diana nodded her head. "There was no professionalism, they were not properly trained warriors or soldiers. They were eager, yes. But not nearly experienced enough. They also did not know when to retreat, to their detriment."

"However Martian Manhunter's investigation was particularly damning." Batman concluded. "These aliens call themselves the Myrmitons, they hail from a stellar cluster that is their race's territory and they are what we would term corsairs or privateers."

Green Arrow was first to respond. "Space pirates? Seriously?"

"Not entirely correct, they are legally engaged in a war with a second party and from what Martian Manhunter could ascertain they are losing. So they are engaging in what the Romans called 'scorched earth'. A campaign of attrition, they are here to raid and plunder any resources or technology they can take that is useful to them and to deny the enemy the resource called humanity. They are here to kill us all before we can be press-ganged into service of their enemies." Batman explained with a scowl. "Which leaves us only one option, we need to make the fight too costly for these Myrmitons to continue. The 'Mothership' as it has been coined by Magnus is our target. It is an interstellar craft, a battleship carved out of an asteroid to be precise. It has interdicted our solar system and once the raids are complete will literally bomb us back into the stone age or worse utterly exterminate us."

"What should we do?" Red Tornado asked.

Batman's face cracked into an evil grin. "We are going to capture one of their precious 'Troop Transports' and use the age old Trojan Horse tactic to board their battleship and either capture or sabotage it sufficient to our purposes. I believe Superman, Magnus, Gunnr, Martian Manhunter and myself capable enough for the task. Myself for the technical expertise I bring, Superman and the team work of Magnus and Gunnr for the sheer versatility of their powers and Martian Manhunter for translation and infiltration. We will be facing entire divisions of experienced soldiers and far better quality weapons but we will prevail. Because we must."

J'onn agreed, with a simple statement. "I will join you in this. Mars is their next target."

Wonder Woman nodded seriously. "Meanwhile the rest of us will be your diversion."

"Yes. We will need Green Lantern to provide us our alibi for the retreat, by inflicting superficial damage to our commandeered vessel." Batman explained.

"So who are we sending to help our waterlogged pals?" Flash asked.

Marvel raised his hand. "I don't need to breathe and I'm strong. The Wisdom of Solomon says I would be a good choice."

Red Tornado spoke carefully. "I do not require air to function. I will assist."

"Perhaps Green Lantern could move to reinforce Captain Marvel and Red Tornado after performing in our ruse? Everyone else should move to capture the cities still under attack, starting with Washington." Superman proposed.

"They should prepare to take advantage of the chaos sure to follow when these aliens discover our infiltration." Batman added. "Which will be far too late to do anything significant if we each play our roles correctly."

"That is hard to determine; I don't even know how large that Mothership really is. But it dwarfs the troop ships. We may be forced to dig straight through the hull if their security is good, which will take time." I pointed out. "But between us we will find a way to get it done."

"Odin watch over us all." Gunnr breathed out in ecstasy. "For we will take pride of place in Valhalla for this deed, win or lose! But think of the toasts in our honour if we win..." She went into shivers. "We will be legends among even heroes."

"Say… out of curiosity J'onn, I have a question. Who is the enemy of our enemy?" I asked. Please don't be the Reach or Apokolips…

"Thanagar." He said.

"Ah. That does explain it." I remarked. "Sometimes they are the ones to do the invading in my visions. But that is just a very militant faction of the bird themed aliens."

"Bird themed...?" Green Arrow queried.

"A couple of their law enforcement people will probably join the League to keep an eye on Earth and name themselves after hawks." I add.

"Do they call their headquarters the aviary too?" He asked eagerly, joking.

"I'm not sure, but they might." I admitted. "Do you call yours the quiver?"

"Touche kid. But no. Hearing about a Batcave just now does make me want to have an Arrowcave through." He admitted, laughing.

Last edited: Apr 16, 2019

292Location: Washington DC, outskirts.

Time: ~8 hours after Invasion Day

Time to play distraction.

Gunnr and I chewed through the fighter cover over the American Capital, which was still holding strong. It seems something from the past few generations filtered into vast differences, because apparently the Pentagon is equipped with laser cannon defences? Who knew?

Oh, and a burning figure powered by radiation is fighting tooth and nail. Captain Atom it seems is force to be reckoned with. I let Superman handle that encounter, I'll pass on cancer in my everything. Even if my magnetic fields can defend me against radiation to some degree. I think. I'll need to assess that.

Preferably never.

It didn't take long, before something happened. A flash of light and disorientation… which lasted for several minutes. My senses were all jumbled up. After puking I managed to realise I wasn't in Washington airspace anymore.

Batman stood there impassively watching me.

"I have delicate senses... And you're going to put this in my file aren't you?" I wasn't really asking a question.

"Of course." He replied.

"Dammit." I pulled myself to my feet and felt around the hull of the vessel we were inside. Huh. So this was the teleporter room? Somewhere in the aft section of the massive ship. It looked just like all the others, all science fictiony. Glowing lines that served no obvious purpose on the walls and sterile as Chemo's chest cavity. No aliens for at least seven or eight metres, behind walls since this room is sealed.

"Martian Manhunter?" I asked.

"Moving to take the bridge." Batman replied. "Superman will beam in on the next scheduled supply delivery. After him we'll bring Gunnr..."

"I'm already here! Do you think you could keep me away from watching this daring stratagem play out?!" She asked from behind him, causing even Batman to turn with a batarang ready to throw in surprise. She stepped from the wall into reality.

"Supernatural beings. What can you do?" I remarked dryly. "She's excited, it's our big debut. This must be like Christmas day for her. War aspect that she is."

"When this is over we are going to have a long talk." Batman growled.

"But only about the stuff that involves you. Most of what I know is personal to the others or involves us as a group. Threats and the like. I have a few things I'm worried will change things too much. Change you too much." I replied.

"Explain!" There's the angry voice again.

"If you could choose to change a defining moment in your future, would you? One that is a mix of good and bad." I asked. "Because you might have to if you get that knowledge."

"Tell me now!" He ordered.

"No." I replied. "Not while you are on a mission. We get the job done and then we talk. Not before."

"This isn't over." He began to announce, before a flash and Superman was with us.

Kal El looked between us. "Is everything alright?"

"A brief disagreement, but it is settled for now." I said, matching Batman's glare. I'm not scared of you. "Isn't it?"

"For now." Batman stated. He turned away and began tapping at a panel beside an oblong in the wall, a very obvious door.

"Hold up, guards." Superman says, and I concur. A patrol is passing the door down a corridor.

We wait several more seconds before they turn around a corner.

"We're clear now."

The door slides open with a whirr. Empty passageway, as expected. Superman zips forward to the end of the corridor, scouting ahead. Batman follows cautiously, behind him Gunnr and I walk down casually. If I can't sense it, Superman can see or hear it.

[Magnus, I have achieved control over the vessel.] Manhunter communed.

{That was quick.} I remark.

[I have replaced their commander and subdued him in his quarters. Everyone on the bridge has been screened. I cannot replace them, the authentication process for docking at the 'World Breaker' is complicated and requires three separate individual responses from the bridge crew and cross checks against the biometrics of all of us on the bridge. I can spoof the system, I have done so once already. Find a secure area and I will initiate the escape protocol soon; Green Lantern has appeared on scope.] J'onn responded.

"Hey, guys. Martian Manhunter says he has everything under control, we are to take cover in an out of the way place and avoid detection while he and the unaware crew retreat back to base. "Also, the Mothership is named 'World Breaker'. Which is sapping any mercy I had left for these invaders. It was already slim to none."

Kal El winced. "Anyone who names their ships like that isn't even trying to hide behind a veneer of civility."

Searching we eventually found what must have been a storage. It looked relatively untouched and some of the items were quite bulky.

Settling in, we slumped behind them and waited. After several hits rocked the ship, none terribly close (it was a big ship) we felt the vessel take off and ascend. Whatever gravity manipulation tech they used was able to smoothly transition from gravity well to space.

And now we're awkwardly waiting here, Batman with his arms crossed constantly glaring at me.

I guess it's okay, we do have time to kill.

"Fine. I'll tell you. It has been on my mind since I visited Gotham the first time." I explained, as I admitted defeat. "This is about your future adopted son."

That had his eyes widen. Gunnr sniggering at his reaction.

"His name is Dick Grayson, part of a family of professional acrobats. The circus will be extorted and his parents killed by a mobster, as he watches. Orphaned you take him in, but he wants revenge so much he tries to get it despite the fact he is younger than me. So he becomes your pupil and graduates to become your partner. He becomes Robin. Then finally he takes his first steps out from under your cape as the hero Nightwing. So do you see my dilemma? On one hand you can save his parents and he lives happily ever after while you are robbed of some of the defining moments of your life or you let them die and profit from his suffering." I glared back. "Happy now that you know?"

"I… I don't… there is only one choice I can live with. I have to save them." He finally gritted out.

I nodded. "I would have expected nothing less from you. But, I have thought about it for a long time. I would like to offer an alternate solution: you save them and then you ask him if he wants to be like you. You can spin it to his parents as a scholarship for the best school in Gotham, they are poor circus folk and regularly move around the country. You can offer to be his host during this time. It won't be quite the same as it would be if he was formally adopted, but close enough to count. There are more Robins after the first, but I wouldn't want to spoil your meetings with them."

"I will need to think about it." He gruffly replied. "But I do appreciate what you are going through now, just a little."

"Please stop with these public displays of affection." I snarked.

Meanwhile Kal El just quietly laughed at us.

Last edited: Apr 18, 2019

279Location: Alien Space ship headed for Mothership 'World Breaker'.

Time: Invasion Day + 8 hours.

So… this is a very strange flight. I mean Superman and Batman loitering in an alien Janitor's Closet is already surreal. I think I see a mop. Bats has already investigated everything in here, mostly containers of alkalines and tools that are genuinely ordinary, aside from the vacuum cleaner that uses a tractor beam.

The guards are performing another sweep of the corridors at a lazy walk, so I'm fairly confident we're still undiscovered. Thankful for the distraction, we move into hiding as the door slides open and they stare inside before stomping away.

Gunnr emerges from someplace else, ghosting out of the wall with a look of bemusement on her face. "When we tell this tale, I feel this part will detract from it. I think I'll say we were brawling with innumerable security forces instead."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I reply wryly. "As important as that is, I feel actually striking at the heart of our foe is more important."

"I think you have some anger issues, Magnus." Superman finally said. "You are always talking about killing or maiming the enemy. Which is understandable and in some cases is vital to our goal. But it makes me think that you lack empathy for them as living, thinking beings."

"I may need to rip them to pieces, I can't allow myself to think of them as people caught up in the crossfire of a war. Not when they so eagerly bombed our world and tried to kill anyone they saw." I answered gruffly. "I am here because it is the best way to stop this conflict with the minimum loss of life. If I have to sacrifice these invaders to the last for our world to survive I'll do it gladly."

"Which I can't argue with, but it can't be healthy for you." He answered, sighing.

"When has anything we have done, healthy?" I asked chuckling. "I am damaged, I know it. No one lives through betrayal from their own father and comes out of it fine. So yes, I'm angry. All the time. I'll never be quite like either of you. You are each trying to help people, in different ways. I am trying to help myself, by raising the bar for everyone."

The silence was nagging.

"Have you been forced to kill yet?" I asked.

Kal El slumped. "I haven't, however I have caused accidental fatalities. One died in a crash that I caused and another was firing at a child. Heat vision was intended for the gun. One of the ships crashed into me mid air, at that exact moment."

"I can assume Batman hasn't, since he is fanatical about it." I glanced at him. "But you saw no need to save them from their own hubris, correct?"

"Yes." The eyes narrowed. "A trio were buried under a collapsing wall during a firefight, I could have warned them or even pulled one or more out of the way."

"Accidents happen and this was chaos to an extreme degree. Will you need some time to process it, or do you want to talk about it?" Batman's eyes narrowed, but Superman nodded.

"Talking to someone about it can't hurt if you're vague. I know I will, because frankly this is too much. Far too many people have been traumatised today to ever compromise your identity, if you dare to." I said to Bats, before turning to Kal El. "You have your folks, I'm sure whatever you say they'll support you on."

"Yeah, they are great. They keep referring to you as my kid brother after they saw you wearing that shirt with… my logo plastered all over the newspapers. They'd love to meet you." He said fondly reminiscing.

"This part I will skip entirely." Gunnr added cheekily. "Where is the normal male bonding over the corpses of your enemies?"

Batman was about to say something, before sighing. "War aspect. Judgement is obviously skewed."

"Apparently her sisters are worse, so small mercies." I remarked. "So you like sagas and telling stories, Gunnr?"

"Only when they are about me or mine. Otherwise the tale would never end. Battle is a constant of life. Even if it is simply the human struggle to earn money or a predatory animal's attempt to catch food." She responded, laughing softly. "True war on the other hand is exceedingly rare, but the stories that abound during that time..."

"Is there anything you want to ask me? It has been less than half a day since we met, even if you were assigned to me." Her face softened at my words.

"No need My Lord. I have watched over you since you were born. I was curious of who I would be serving under. So I observed you out of curiosity." Batman's paranoid flinch at the thought of being observed by random gods was sure to end in him warding his cave up to and including the bats roosting on the roof.

"Divine stalkers aside, how is the battle faring on the… I'd like to say ground, but its Atlantis." I asked her.

"Good to varying degrees. Green Arrow has taken some injuries in India just now. England has been recaptured, Atlantis was resilient enough to field a counter attack in London. There was a bit of panic from their king's forces when they found the enemy battling hordes of minor demons, haunts and the dead..." I let out a mutter of 'Bloody Constantine'. "...but that was eventually dealt with by using liberal applications of overlapping magical lightning attacks."

I nodded. Warhammer 30000 was correct. That is the best way to treat demons. More dakka.

"In China and Russia the battles rage on. Pakistan is suffering under the attacks, however rather oddly the gods are active in India. Some of the greater gods have blessed mortals with their powers, much like how your Captain Marvel is empowered in part by Zeus. Hanuman, Shiva and Kali in particular."

"Kali. The goddess of death?" Batman asked pointedly.

"Among other things. The Hindu pantheon is complicated and even their roles can be interpreted in different ways. She is also a protector goddess." Gunnr responded. "However in this case her champion is using the gifted powers involving killing to their limit."

"It is interesting they are getting involved, usually they sit back and just watch." I remarked.

"It is a rebirth of the Age of Heroes, Odin and his court wishes to be more involved in the coming days, I would venture the same is true of these three." She suggested, looking my way. "Perhaps something tipped them off?"

"Odin or Loki." I groaned. "Trickster gods, pick one. Fifty/fifty chance it is correct. From the sounds of it these three either want to join the League or form their own local one."

"In other news, the Lord of Order is once again roaming the world from battlefield to battlefield." She added.

"Dr Fate too?" I whined. "What is he a doctor of, even? Magic doesn't count."

"I believe he wanted a title of respect, but did not yet fully understand English and it became his public name, much like your own problems." Gunnr replied.

"Dr Fate, the veteran from the old days like Green Lantern and Red Tornado?" Superman asked, curiously.

I nodded. "He's a nearly limitless source of order magic and a master magician in his field, with his opposite being the Lords of Chaos. There is a sort of balance there, but don't mistake him for being good or kind. He follows rules, but they are mostly his own. He is from the distant past and may still consider slavery a necessary evil if it allows him to continue acting in his role against Chaos. He possesses human hosts to manifest his powers, otherwise he is simply a helmet with a soul attached to it. The other Lords of Chaos and Order also have a focus, like for example a pet cat. If the focus is damaged or destroyed they can be banished or even replaced by a different lord of the same domain. But in the same vein, Chaos doesn't mean evil either. It just seems to attract the evil people more often."

Time passed slowly as we waited some more.

I felt the faintest of changes in the drives of our vessel. We were close enough to start feeling the gravity well of the planetoid sized ship.

[We have been allowed to dock. In ten minutes we will land. Prepare yourselves. We are beginning the plan.] Martian Manhunter chimed in, with his warning from the bridge.

"Guys, we're going loud in ten minutes." Gunnr smiled broadly at my statement. I could feel her bloodlust spring to the fore. "Time to end this farce. Just as well too, the silence was beginning to get awkward."

282Location: Alien Troop Transport, docking at Mothership.

Time: 9 hours and twenty three minutes since Invasion day.





Superman was first out, blitzing the patrolling aliens and dropping them with simple taps. Caught completely unaware, the five 'man' squad were down before they realised the enemy was on board. We moved aggressively toward the nearest docking port as the ship gently came to rest.

The port we were aiming for was being connected as we arrived, a tech inspecting it with a tool crouched down. Batboot met blue head and slammed the alien into the bulkhead. Ouch. That was probably a cracked skull. Not fatal, but only barely. Bats doesn't seem to be pulling his punches.

He grabbed up the tool and examined it closely. "An integrity scanning device?" He slid it into his belt and turned to the nearest panel recessed in the wall, manipulating it to what was likely 'open'.

A light flashed and the sealed door opened.

Into vacuum.

I sealed myself and Batman into a barrier before we were killed by the drop in pressure, Supes looking concerned but unable to help.

Alarms sounded and the ship lurched as the air spraying from the open airlock connected to the ship's crew section vented out with enough force to shift the mass of the massive vessel. Seeing our chance we rushed out, into the airless open space.

It was a massive hangar.

Big enough to hold not one, but three troopships, two kilometre monstrosities that they were. Designed for them, even.

We were soon moving, accelerating toward the hull of the huge ship we were within.

The aliens were aware of us, as turrets were aimed at us from both the troopship and the surface of the mothership. There were several security sections to prevent intrusions or boarding actions. It was a proper warship, and proved this as the empty space around us became filled with bursts of particle beams and plasma bombs.

Zipping through the chaos at best speed, was a difficult thing. Or it would have been if not for my trusty shield maiden.

Gunnr with a wide grin on her wolf wheeled and spun with her shield placed perfectly, deflecting beams back where they came from and in some cases into nearby enemy positions, scything down squads.

Superman added his heat vision to the retaliation, ripping through the turrets and dodging in three dimensions.

I began to tear off sections of hull from the ship beside us like a wall to act as defence against the beams as I played around with the plasma bombs. Interesting things I noted, having a closer look. The inner core of the bomb may well be caged nuclear fusion, they actually were shooting miniature stars at us. Yellow stars.

I forced them to burst, bathing us in solar radiation. I prayed my barriers were enough… then I realised they were significantly more than the barriers that caged the plasma originally and those certainly didn't leak more than a hint of their energy. Mollified at my silly reaction I returned to my task, bathing Superman in Yellow solar radiation, constantly.

He was startled at first, before he felt the changes.

With a sudden movement he flew faster than I had ever seen, reappearing inside the ranks of the commandos pouring out into the hangar to repel us. He tore through them in moments, hundreds dropping to his gentle 'taps'.

He turned his heat vision on the remaining weapon emplacements and in the following moments there was utter silence. More alarming since we had apparently entered into a zone with atmosphere. Sound could carry here, but there was none.

Martian Manhunter phased out from the hull of the vessel beside us, looking grim.

"We need to leave. They are preparing to sacrifice this section to destroy us. They have sealed us inside siege energy shields and intend to implode this dock and us with it as their last resort." J'onn explained.

So… I guess we scared them? Heh.

"Let's not be here when it happens, then." I suggested.

"We could use the teleporters to escape." Batman suggested.

"No, they would only result in you being killed. They have jammers for their teleportation devices as a security precaution and the range is too short to reach Earth." J'onn replied.

"So we brute force the issue. I doubt they've encountered anyone like Superman before, or they would have left long ago at the sight of him." I looked at Kal El. "Ready to rip apart shields intended for resisting warship bombardment? You should be feeling quite energised right now."

"I… I'll try. That's all I can do. But aside from that how did you know..." He asked.

"You're solar powered, remember? Yellow sunlight is your friend." I grinned.

Batman twigged at what I'd just said. Well, at least I didn't say something regarding the issue of red light. Don't want to give him too much material in his files, too soon.

We followed the corridors to a junction which was filled with opaque green light. The wall was immensely powerful, I could feel the juice it was drinking to output that kind of power. They had to have some ridiculously powerful power plant on board. Bleed generators or antimatter generators, I would guess.

I hurled a lost alien weapon against it, which burned against the field before melting then evaporating as we watched. Okay. Don't touch is recommended.

Superman took a serious face and stepped forward, before pushing his fingers into the energy barrier. He winced.

"It stings a little." He explained, trying to force through. "It can't hurt me, but I can't get through." He gritted out.

"Keep trying, the longer you push, the higher your strength rises. It might be effectively limitless." I suggested, hoping. Some versions of him could shatter planets and contain a black hole in the palm of their hand... and right now, he was highly charged with the solar radiation he just absorbed.

He made a nod and put his all into his efforts and several seconds later he looked up surprised. "Almost got it… I'm penetrating it now." And with that, his hands tore through the field that would probably be designed to stop a nuke. He stepped into the gap pulling it wide apart and opening up a passage through. "Everyone, quickly now."

Gunnr moved forward, helping by placing her shield in the way of the edges at the ground level and helping Batman and then myself step through. Martian Manhunter went slightly more fluid, passing through in a narrow serpentine form before Superman stepped through and followed us deeper inside. Gunnr not even inconvenienced, reappeared on our side at the same time.

"Well done." I said.

"All it took was a little effort. I guess I'm too used to being able to do everything without sacrificing some blood, sweat and tears." Kal El responded.

"You might need to pump iron every now and again and push your limits, some of the bad guys out there are just as strong or stronger than regular you. I wonder if a buff you wouldn't simply kick their teeth in." I suggest, chuckling. "Can't hurt to have a strength advantage on top of the experience with powers you already have when dealing with your own kind too. Some martial art training couldn't hurt either. Wonder Woman would be a good choice as a teacher or training partner with her experience and strength."

He nodded slightly, a faint smile showing he was amused by the idea of being considered wimpy right now.

"We are about to walk into an ambush." Martian Manhunter said. The corridor opened into an atrium of some sort. "They are behind the walls too."

I raised an eyebrow but looked closer and faintly sensed them. Huh. Some kind of anti-magnetic field perhaps? Sounds like a headache, even if it just decreases my senses. Some kind of anti-sensor technology or a full on counter to my abilities?

Only one way to find out.

"Let's spring the trap then." I suggested with a smile. Gunnr's response was a mirror of mine. She gripped Gungnir tightly and strode forward to follow me.

Last edited: Apr 22, 2019

Location: The inner defences of the alien mothership.

Time: 9 hours 31 min since Invasion Day.

"My turn." I walked out into the large room, filled with aliens, weapons and… is that a giant robot?

One of the aliens stepped forward, holding a device that didn't look like a weapon. Hmm. I let him activate it, since it didn't seem to be a transmitter either.

"Hear me, freak monster of your race. Agree along with your allies to join our forces and we will cease our attack." The device announced.

"Why should we?" I asked.

"To stop us you would need to go through the entire third and seventh division and their assorted forces before we jump to hyperspace and return to our main military outpost. Impossible." The voice droned, but what it said was not all that formidable.

We had half the founding members of the goddamn Justice League right here.

"Challenge accepted." I laughed, tearing the air in front of me with arcs of electricity. "Now clear my path by dying!" I roared and unleashed the cataclysm upon them. Using the primary power source of the vessel was difficult, it was some form of exotic particle I had never seen before. But they still used electricity for standard power all over the place. Such as the defensive turrets.

These burst like firecrackers as I tore their circuitry apart and funnelled all the power they were using through their metal frames, which was substantial. More than that Fake Zeus was throwing around. The walls and the floor became electrified as I floated over it, repelled by electromagnetism.

The soldiers dropped quickly, cooked. Gunnr gave a shout as she tore the seven metre tall humanoid robot they were using as support apart at the waist, with a drilling strike of Gungnir.

The walls on either side opened to deploy more soldiers, using bolt holes. They had been using some kind of sensor jammer apparently, rather than some kind of neutraliser keyed to my powers. I just reached out and they joined the rest, riding the lightning… until they collapsed.

"Well? Hurry up, you heard them. Chop, chop. Time is a factor." I announced over my shoulder before accelerating down the hall.

I looked back to see Batman riding on Superman's back with a sour look as the others followed. I laughed at his suffering pride. I won't mention Martian Manhunter could simply carry him telekinetically…

We burst through passages at high speed deep into the bowels of the planetoid turned battleship, following my sense of the gravity well ever deeper toward the core. Turrets deploying only to explode as I passed them every section we passed. Into a more central chamber. This wasn't simply a carrier, the entire core was hollow, an inverted planet. On the inside walls was alien vegetation, gardens, fields and building complexes. Above them, in the central area on support pylons was a massive device emitting intense power. Bleed Generator. Has to be.

From the buildings came a hail of infantry grade beam weapons, backed up by armoured vehicles with the heavy kinetic impact emitters. The ones that nearly did me in back in Paris.

Which became my first target.

The first tank became my bludgeon as Gunnr deflected lesser beams aimed my way like rain. Sweeping it through the buildings and into a second tank, causing both to erupt in flames.

I didn't have time to be nice, collapsing buildings and smashing the soldiers in my way with their own weapons like clubs, since I couldn't figure out how to fire them. I suspect some kind of biometric key to prevent enemy use.

Wait… that one.

Dressed differently from the bondage leather straps they typically wore. He has more coverage, like a jacket. He has a better gun and looks beefier too. Command personnel? I think so.

Breaking into a grin I sent a swarm of alien weapons at him, locking him inside a stock of guns, which ironically rendered him helpless. I turned, thrusting him toward Martian Manhunter.

"Commander captured. I wonder if he has shut down codes for the primary reactor above us? Do you mind having a poke around in his head?" I asked with a crooked smile.

Moments ticked past, as Superman quickly disabled the soldiers and Batman introduced their scattered remnants to his fists and batarangs, before vanishing in a burst of smoke. It looks cool, if you can't see through it. Unfortunately I can. So I see the running and hiding.

J'onn finally looked up from his invasion of the alien mind. "I have found valid options. This is a Leader Class. He holds several vital codes to key systems. Most notable: the codes to Engineering and the Bridge and where they are inside the ship. Uncoupling the reactor won't stop the jump, they have enough stored power to return home. Shutting down the engine itself by dismantling it or capturing the bridge and taking control of their computer core are the best solutions."

"We do both! Batman, Gunnr and I will head toward the engineering section, sabotaging the drives if need be. Superman, J'onn take the bridge and abort the launch. Worst comes to worst, we scuttle the ship and try to deflect as much debris from the Earth and Mars as possible. Failing that we take control of the ship and return before it reaches home space and we are cornered and forced into being battle-slaves."

[Here is the map to the nearest entrance and the appropriate codes.] J'onn graciously offered.

"Let's get this done." Batman growled.

"Good luck!" Superman offered, before disappearing with Martian Manhunter in a different direction to us.

He didn't even have time to batglare at me before he was inside a barrier with me, flying above the speed of sound, banking and zig zagging down the correct passages while under constant fire.

"Do you have any idea what kind of engines this ship uses or how they are constructed?" Batman asked.

"Nope. But I can tell where the energy is going, that should narrow down the critical components." I offered. "And if all else fails, we blow up or tear out anything that looks important."

A green wall flared up ahead of us, forcing me to grit my teeth from the hard gees of deceleration as we pulled to a stop before collision. It was the same kind of force field that Superman needed to strain to tear through. Too bad he isn't here right now.

"This… might be a complication." I pointed out.

"Can you try to pierce it or manipulate it?" Bats asked.

I tried a few things, pulling, unravelling, trying to force a barrier inside the field… nothing took. As I strained and twisted trying to get a grasp on this strange application of energy Gunnr walked through the field, tapped at a panel and turned it off.

"Well… that works too." I offered, embarrassed.

"Hurry up, can't be late for the big event!" She replied, happily.

"Gunnr, I really don't like the sound of that…" I pointed out.

"The ship is currently locked onto Earth and in a collision course, with the computer thingy locked." She explained cheerfully.

Of course it was. I suppose that makes this a big dramatic cliff hanger for your story too!