

Just In




My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong! by Sage of Eyes

 My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU/やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている & Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Xover Rated: M, English, Humor & Adventure, Hachiman H., Bell C., Words: 274k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Jan 5, 2017 Updated: Oct 5 795Chapter 6

Obviously, Nothing is Ever Simple. (6.1)

Wouldn't it be great if problems just stayed static? If life was like an objective in a game, where everything was programmed to not progress until a flag or event was triggered? Everything would be simple. The entire world would just bend over and prostarate itself, waiting and keeping quiet, until the player carefully amassed enough power to surmount the problem. Ignoring a problem wouldn't mean allowing it to fester into something worse.

Even with this world, filled with magic and monsters, that isn't the case. Problems are still problems. Ignore them at your own stupidity. When something terrible happens, they just don't end, they echo and affect others. Source: Me. I broke my leg first day of high school, missed several weeks, and ended up losing my chance to make friends… Ah, who am I kidding, there's no way in hell I would've made friends whether or not I was there.

But breaking my leg did still cause my family problems.

Both my mother and father had to live through the fact that they couldn't be with their recovering son, though I didn't think that was much of a sacrifice, given I was an idiot just pushing fifteen years. Looking back at that time, putting myself in my parent's shoes, I'd feel like a piece of shit if I had to work instead of visit my kid at the hospital. Komachi came home to an empty house for those weeks. Imagine being a sophomore in Junior High being alone until your parents came back at nine or ten in the evening? Thinking back on things like that brings things into perspective.

Especially in this shitty city, where dying is common, and anything less than that isn't even considered trouble. Alcoholism? Just go farm some monsters, idiot! Hedonism? Farm some monsters for some whores! Oh, you've broken your leg? Let's go get you healed at the hospital if your God is busy! People here only mourn death, especially to someone who came from a much, much nicer place. Anything along those lines could make or break entire families. Here no one even bats an eyelash regarding such matters.

In the end, it would be arrogant and stupid to assume that the injured party is the only one who got hurt. There's always other people that will be affected, perhaps even worse than whoever got hurt. No matter what, in the end, there isn't ever only a 'single' victim whenever a person is hurt. The threshold might be higher because of this town's absurdity, but I passed that threshold quite nicely… and still ran away for a week instead of addressing the problem like I should have.

Returning to the Hostess of Fertility after a week in seclusion, I'd like to say that everything was fixed. That after I requisitioned help from the Loki Familia, nothing else needed to be addressed. That I could just return to my life with a Level 5 or 6 bodyguard at my hip.

However… that would be lying to myself, now wouldn't it?

The outskirts of Orario is a slum, filled with people who beg, steal, and smuggle. I'd spent a month or two in it, before moving into the Hostess of Fertility. The streets seemed clean and orderly, but the alleys were dirty and filled with scum, criminals, and criminal scum. A few street urchins ran around, along with a few prostitutes, but most of the population were those first three. Dealing with the first and the last was a headache, but I was waiting in an alley for the ones in middle. While waiting, of course, my mind wandered to the reason why I was here.

I've known Ryuu Lyon for nearly a year and a half. My relationship with her is complicated at best. I'm not going to dance around the topic. For a long time, I'd used her as a replacement for Yukinoshita. The banter we kept up reminded me of my club, of days that I wanted to return to. It was only a month ago, when she asked me about my intentions towards Cranel, the first student I took to the Hostess of Fertility since my first party died, did I realize that I couldn't just keep treating her as a replacement. Overall, it was a good decision to do so, especially since I felt less like a piece of trash for doing it in the first place, and nothing between us changed.

Then I went and got myself kidnapped.

If Ryuu Lyon had been a Level 2 or 3 that was blacklisted for a murder or two, as I initially suspected, everything would've turned out fine. Her situation's pretty much par for the course in Orario, and Grand wouldn't allow a murderer to work in the Hostess of Fertility, so I figured she was reforming. However, instead of finding her not present in the little party that was being set up to rescue me, I reentered the Hostess of Fertility with her clad in high-class equipment and standing with the likes of Alf and Deimne. That meant, at the very least, she would be Level 4… and stronger than Grand.

"Hikigaya, rumor was you were dead. I guess those tales were exaggerated?" I didn't turn as a cloaked individual took to my side against the wall. I slipped them a pouch of Valis, about quarter of a million, and didn't bother rising to their banter. I'm not giving free information about the trouble I encountered, bastard. Go fish for information somewhere else. Except Cranel, that brat can't keep his mouth shut. "Still not the chatty type? A shame. You seem the sort that'd be fun to talk with."

"I've got errands to run." I cut them off. Augh. I didn't want to spend any more time than I had to around them. My informant they might be, but they're still a criminal. My standards might not be high, but I still had them. My apologies, my unnamed contact, but you and I will never be friends. You're my employee and I'm your employer. That's all there is to it. "Talk fast."

"Ryuu Lyon, Level 4, part of the Astraea Familia. Exploration and Policing type. Everyone but her and her god was killed in an ambush in the Dungeon." They rattled off the information I asked for efficiently, and I felt them slip a smaller pouch into my pocket. "Lyon's the last survivor, also killed the entire guild that did it to her family. Ambushes and open battle in the City. Guild Blacklisted her." I raised an eyebrow. They just shrugged their shoulders before moving deeper into the alley. Soon enough, I couldn't see them. "I got most of the information easily, and you're the type to slander people who cheat you. That's not good for business. Later, Hikigaya. Thanks for the referral."

Normally, I would've answered back, but I was already moving towards the Hostess of Fertility.

Dammit, I definitely made a mistake in not talking to Lyon privately before I left to train Loki's students.

In retrospect, I was doing something that was clearly against my best interest. Having a Level 4 going out every day, looking for whoever hurt me, was beneficial. Lyon already proved herself capable of taking down one entire Familia, so there should be no reason for me to stop her from spending her nights searching for trouble. Hell, I could even pretend that I didn't notice that she was leaving her room and bounding into Orario in the dead of night. I could just pretend that there's no problem, and let Lyon do my work for me. In the end, the Elf was helping me out, and she could most definitely handle herself well.

Still, instead of just pretending to be asleep, I was there when Lyon exited her window, clad in a cloak with a deep hood, a mask, and a sword.

"Hikigaya…" Lyon, despite the pause, didn't seem surprised to find me on the rooftop. I was keenly aware of the fact that she was a Level Four. The long boots she wore, her cloak, and sword were all of the quality expected of experienced Level 4s. I'd seen the boots before, they allowed people to leap ludicrously high and sold for obscene prices. The cloak seemed to meld into her surroundings as she stood still. The sword… my eyes slipped off it no matter how hard I focused on it. No matter how I looked at Lyon, she looked dressed to kill. "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I kept myself calm as I confronted her. The winter night was chilly, the full moon shed a silver light upon the rooftop, and Orario was terribly quiet. By all means, this could be a terrible twist and my information could be wrong, and Lyon could be some sort of secret boss that I just triggered. The Elf before me might be the spy keeping track of me and Cranel, and I'd just inadvertently picked a fight I couldn't win. A part of my mind already prepared to throw me off the roof and cast Haste. Not that it would do much. "I'm stopping an idiot from doing something stupid again, Lyon."

"…you found out." I couldn't see Lyon's face, but the tone of her voice wasn't the way it usually was. There was a hardness to it, an intensity that I'd never been the target of. Undoubtedly, there was a problem with me knowing what she did years ago. I can imagine that wiping out an entire Familia wasn't something she publicized… or wanted to spread. Heh. More and more, I was starting to feel that I was less and less correct about Lyon going out hunting people for my sake. Isn't it much more likely that a Blacklisted Level 4 Adventurer would be a spy? "Who told you, Hikigaya?"

"I have sources." I didn't know the name of my contact, or any of my other informants, but I wouldn't have divulged it anyway. A man has to keep quiet about quite a few things in his life. A ring of 'mutual acquaintances' that they met in specific locations is one of those secrets. Arde and the others might use it as well, and hopefully they'll do the smart thing and not confront a Level 4 like I was doing, if I did die. "They didn't have to look far, they told me. Even gave me a discount. You made your status easy to find, apparently."

"…A payment? So Syr and Grand-sama didn't tell you? And you haven't told them about this?" A sigh of relief left Lyon's lips. I focused on the Elf's words. Syr and Grand knew about her past? Were they also involved with the Familia that captured me? Or… could it still be possible that Ryuu Lyon was doing this for my sake? Stupidly hunting down enemies in the dead of night? I marshalled my thoughts, tightening my fists. No. Don't make assumptions. This could just be a trap. "Then, if that's the case, Hikigaya, you need to be more mindful of the privacy of others." Her shoulders straightened. "Return to your slumber, then, I am merely-."

"Merely what, Lyon?" I should just be running now, I really should. There are simply too many loose ends to Lyon's story, too many things I didn't know. The wise thing to do would be to simply run. Yet, I found myself standing stock still. Why couldn't I run from this woman, who is both a murderer and armed to the teeth in the dead of night? "What exactly are you doing? Alone? Without help? What are you planning?"

"…" Lyon stayed silent, across from me. I didn't know her goals, who she was, or why she was doing this. I'd went on the assumption that she was doing this to help me, but standing across from her I couldn't help but see a Level 4 who destroyed an entire Familia in revenge. She started disappearing in the evening, just as the Loki Familia began to keep watch over the area? Why the hell did I assume she was doing this for my sake? "Hikigaya... I am doing this for your own good."

Then, her form blurred, she was behind me, and from the corner of my eye I saw her hand raised in a manner that made phantom pain echo in my neck.

I launched myself off the roof, casting Haste as I fell.

I'm an idiot for fooling myself into thinking that anyone saw me as someone worth fighting for.

Interlude: The Lonely Champion

Hachiman Hikigaya… to say that I'd encountered a person such as him before… would be a lie. Indeed, the opposite rang true.

I'd known his exact inverse.

Alise Lovell, my first friend in Orario, the one who led me to Astraea-sama, had been a human who believed in true justice. Who saw herself as perfect, yet never ceased to strive to be better. An idealist who never held doubt in her heart. With a smile, she always sought out the sky and gazed upon the horizon with fevered jubilation. Never would she accept anything less than the proper order being maintained, free of bloodshed, and with all safe from harm.

Never would I ever confuse Hachiman Hikigaya as such a person. To him, right and wrong was dependent on his goal. The word perfect would never leave his lips, let alone used to allude to himself. There was never a moment where he viewed the world as kind. Never did he sit anywhere but the shadowed crevice, his eyes diligent and wary for violence.

Perhaps, that was why he was able to reach me.

Syr Flova's kindness, her decision to save my life, would have me stalwart at her side for as long as she lived. Mama Grand's silent understanding and acceptance earned her my complete respect and loyalty. The jubilation and companionship given by my coworkers endeared them greatly to me. Yet, still, to call them friends... reminded me fiercely of my past.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the visages of those who bought my life with their own, upon each one of them.

They were visages contorted in pain, hatred, and disgust. They were those whose ideals I betrayed by choosing to hide, by swearing to never venture further into the Dungeon, and by becoming a murderer myself. Truly, to have absconded with transparency, to have left others to suffer by not lending my aid, and for perpetuating the cycle of violence… I am a vile being, indeed.

I chose to befriend Hachiman Hikigaya because I am a coward. With him, a person that Astraea-sama would never accept, I found someone who I believed I could have a facsimile of what I had lost.

Yet, when he dodged my blow, as I felt his shoulder give against my strike, our eyes met.

The lazy, unfocused, and impatient eyes had been replaced with orbs that were fierce, focused, cunning, and brimming with anguish.

From Hachiman Hikigaya, I saw the gaze that I believed Alise Lovell, my dearest friend, would have cast upon me should she still have lived.


I pursued him as he fled from me. My body moved by its own accord. The rush of wind against my skin, which I've long dreamed to experience again, felt thick and heavy. The exertion of power which sent my heart pounding, that I wonder of on quiet days, created only a dull, faint, and anemic thud in my breast. Orario, lit by silver luminescence and a bracing breeze, seemed like nothing but a plane dotted with obstructions.

Why did he run from me?

That perception of betrayal, as he fell setting his shoulder, made it difficult for me to breathe. Every step he took to escape me, even as I neared him, made each step I took heavier. The fire that had been rekindled at the knowledge that someone had tried to kill him… was smothered further as he cast spells to slow me down to no effect.

What had I done wrong?

Was… was it because of my past? I… I had thought he'd overlook what I had done. How despicable of me. Did I truly believe that he would overlook my bloodstained hands, even for the sake of my Familia? Never has he killed. What violence he administered was always calculated, painful, but meant to teach… confirmed by the few innocents I'd helped long ago.

Was it because of that, did I believe he'd understand what I had done? That he would be accepting of the fact that I sent a god back to heaven before seeking out, running down, and hunting a score of powerless beings with families, friends, and loved ones. No matter what they promised, begged, or pleaded. Even if they were taken in by another god and regained their power… I had killed them.

Did I think he and I were so alike, that I would not be judged?

…I had, didn't I? I thought him a wretch, a coward, and a despicable being. I was mistaken. Wrong. The justice that I tried to run from was strong in him. Tempered by time, enshrouded by doubt, but carefully upheld and tended to. There was no acceptance for me to receive from that heart.

Just hatred, rage, and disgust.

As I have earned.

I caught up to him and he lashed out. The blow disregarded the normal limitations of a mortal frame, as the finest adventurers do, but I ignored it. A bruise to my side at most and no more than that. Securing him, meeting his fear-filled gaze, without causing him further harm… was what I needed to do. I held him against the wall, one hand on his shoulder, and the other pressing his wrist against the small of his back.

"Get off of me, you bitch!" Hikigaya gasped out his words, struggling against my hold. He strained against my grip, gritting his teeth, and I was forced to relent and reapply pressure. He attempted to dislodge his own shoulder to escape. My hands trembled against his attempts, though I was much stronger than him. He strained in my grasp, like a criminal, yet he's done nothing wrong. "Let me go, dammit!"

"You were caught, kidnapped, the last time you went off by yourself." The words that came from my mouth weren't the ones that blared in my head. There was spirit… in my words. Bordering on anger. Though I was wavering in my thoughts, in the light of my revelations, there was still fury within me? As I held him still, some of the meekness that grasped me after I chased him faded away. I found my voice. "What makes you think it's safe for you to charge into Orario in the middle of the night, alone!?"

"What are you saying?! You think I haven't seen through you already?!" Hikigaya strained against me, but clarity was beginning to return to me. Even if he did hate me for what I had done, that does not give him the right to run along into the night. Where was the cunning and intelligence that he touted as his most prized weapons? Even if I was a murderer, to risk his own safety due to mere fear alone is inexcusable! "Drop the fucking act! Stop acting as though you care about me!"

"…What are you saying, Hikigaya?" The words caught me off-guard. Some of my earlier lethargy returned as the words ran through my head. An act? What was he talking about? Did he believe I was using him as an excuse to kill others? That I had wished to knock him unconscious so that I could revel in destruction? Though I had not given much thought to his perception of me, those inferences made me grit my teeth. "Tell me exactly what you believe I am, right now."

"…You're the one who's been giving off information about me and Cranel…" I was unprepared for the accusation. Nearly, I had lost my grip on him. I see, now. I was wrong in seeing betrayal in his eyes. He had never trusted me from the start. That thought should've given me a semblance of respite. That's what I had thought of him, correct? I had believed him to be the untrusting man whom I could approach? Yet… having it said aloud… I shuddered as I dragged air into my unwilling lungs. Wasn't this the person I wanted him to be? "You've been leaving every night, armed to the teeth, in case you come across the Loki Familia. You can't just leave as you used to, before they started guarding the Hostess of Fertility. "

I could have just said that he's wrong. I could've returned to the Hostess of Fertility to prove it. All I had to do was simply cease heading out in the late evening, then everything would return to normal. I would return to the comfort I'd enjoyed for a decade. Back to Syr, Mama, and my coworkers. It was possible for me return to the shelter that I'd created for myself, in the wake of the loss of my family.

However, I didn't want to.

I let him go.

I'd made the mistake of thinking less of him before. Now… well, I would place my trust in him.

"…What game are you playing at?" He growled as he turned to face me. His stance was ready to flee. As I met his gaze, I saw something in there that he would never admit to: doubt. Doubt of his own decision. Even though different words came forth from his maw, I grasped that shroud of doubt, cradled it, and decided against standing my ground instead of running. The fact that he did not immediately flee merely strengthened my will. There was a fragment of a fragment within him that indeed trusted me. "…Lyon?"

I took my blade, still in its scabbard, from my side and threw it at him.

"That blade may seem mundane, but it can kill me. The gods know it's slain stronger than I, Hikigaya." I stood before him, unarmed, and at his mercy. We are similar beings, and for fools such as me and him, this just might be the only way to convince him utterly of his mistake. The gods know that such is the case with me. Only situations of utmost severity, the most true of confrontations, would have him doubt himself… as I had just experienced it moments ago. "Now, I will tell you my piece." Carefully and slowly, I pulled down my mask and pushed back my hood. Earnestly, I met his narrowed, dangerous gaze. Hah. Those eyes. I've seen them only in a mirror. "Hachiman Hikigaya, for these past two weeks I have searched for those who tried to kill you. I intended to kill them. If you do not believe me, then… give me the death you think I deserve."

"Y-you're bluffing." His voice caught in his throat. The first note of hesitation I'd ever heard from him. I did not hide my smile. "You can kill me, even if I have this sword. You're faster." I knelt. "You can kill me with a flick of your wrist." I pressed my hands beneath my knees and flesh. His teeth grit. "…what the hell are you playing at… Lyon… Do you think I won't kill you?"

"No." Freely, I admitted that. His grip on the scabbard sword was tight. Yet, even as his gaze bore down upon me, his hand trembled as it neared the handle. "Because you know what I'm saying is true."

He staggered back. Eyes contorted in thought.

I'd made many mistakes since I lost my Familia. Mistakes that haunted me to this day.

"You're fucking insane, Lyon." He whispered as he leaned against the wall. To and fro, he shook his head. "Absolutely insane."

The time has come to replace them.

He did not choose immediately. He wondered, pondered, and reconsidered ending my life.

Even if it meant putting my life in someone's hands.

"…Don't… make me regret this." He walked away, turning his back to me. "You're a goddamn idiot… you barely know how anything in this world works…" My sword, never having left its sheathe, landed at my side. "It's a goddamn insult to stupid people to call you stupid…"

Even if those hands were attached to a foul mouth… they were still reliable.

Standing up… I didn't feel the need to investigate tonight.

"Oh, of fucking course, you're going to start walking right behind me."

Lightly, I laughed.

Obviously, Nothing is Ever Simple. (6.2)

Typically, after a little 'I'm putting my life in your hands scene,' there were at least a few episodes or chapters between the two that were involved in it. I'd always thought that it was a cop-out, a clear sign of an author not wanting to deal with the whole 'talking' part. Of course, I never thought it was a bad thing, mostly because a cop-out is simply another phrase for a 'shortcut,' and generally people liked pointing those out unless they were the ones that used them. Typically, in a Shounen Harem Comedy anime, something like this would happen but then it would cut to a Beach or Onsen scene with the girls talking about it while the guys are conspicuously not present. Fanservice, vague words, and faraway gazes are what most fanatics feed off of, after all.

So… knowing all of that…. why in fuck's sake is this scene still going on?

"Hikigaya." Lyon's voice made me twitch. I could hear the smirk she's been touting. It made my teeth grit. Was this what murderous rage felt like? If so, I just might understand why Lyon was incapable of holding back the urge to do so. Faintly, I was tempted to insult her, but I had the strangest feeling that whatever insult I made would just make the insufferable smirk larger. It's like this entire episode somehow made her happier. "Come this way, we'll reach the inn quicker through here."

"…I don't feel like going through alleys in the dead of night." If there was a correct way to approach the effects of the stupid, idiotic misunderstanding that I still couldn't make any sense of it wasn't coming to mind. Zaimokuza, you're seriously overestimating your writing ability. Actually trying to do something original? Are you an idiot? Everyone knows that you have to feed the masses with the differently-colored slop that they're used to. So, for the sake of your popularity, stop this. Maybe I can get a timeskip? Everyone loves timeskips. They're the best cop-outs. "But you can go ahead and-."

"So you're afraid of dark places, Hikigaya?" No, just afraid of heading into them with you! Who knows what sort of a situation your dimwittedness could generate if I head into there with you!? I don't want to be anywhere near you right now, can't you catch a hint!? I thought girls are supposed to be able to be less dense than boys?! Did I make a mistake in thinking Cranel is the Harem Protagonist in this scenario? "Or could it merely be that there's a part of you that actually knows better than to go into such shady areas alone?"

"Just… stop, alright? I'm not up for… it, right now." Even as I tried to 'catch the mood,' I couldn't manage it. Too much of my mind was still off-balance by just about everything that happened. Being given the choice to end someone' life, thinking I was betrayed, and being chased by a Level 4 frayed my nerves. Though it seemed that everything was 'fine,' I still had doubts about Lyon. Even if I had chosen to not kill her, that doesn't mean I trusted her. "You mind just… walking, Lyon?"

"…You still have doubts, about me, don't you, Hikigaya?" Lyon's voice seemed more careful this time around. The light tapping of her boots across the cobblestone faded away into simple steps. Only the wind resounded against the stone walls, cobble floors, and glass windows. Immediately, I regretted speaking my actual thoughts. I should've really just gone along with the atmosphere Lyon had tried to set up. It's really annoying how I can't just ignore things like this like a regular person. "If there's any question you'd like to ask about me to put you at ease then… please, ask."

"It's not a matter of knowing, really. I can guess at what you tried to do." Knocking out someone to protect them, in hindsight, is a classic Shounen theme that I had reacted adversely to. In normal circumstances, I'd be inclined to accuse Lyon of being in the wrong since she lashed out first, but leaping off into Orario without a plan in mind just caused things to escalate out of either of our control. Getting knocked out, confronting her the following day, would've been a smarter course of action. "You're not that hard to figure out, it was just… I was on edge since you were acting suspicious every night since I returned."

"You haven't been sleeping?" Hah, I knew Lyon would pick out that piece of information. The soles of boots clattered against cobble, then she was simply before me and leveling me a glare. Nice to know that there were things about Ryuu Lyon that I actually knew and didn't just assume. Granted, I didn't make much of an effort to not be an ass, but what just happened was nothing short of embarrassing. "Hikigaya, you should know better than to lose sleep over problems-."

"Don't try to avoid the topic, Lyon." I interrupted Lyon's words with a sigh and a shake of my head. Really, I just needed to clarify what there was… between the two of us. I didn't know her, because I'd treated her like someone else. Because of that, I wasn't able to properly analyze the situation. By all means, it was my fault that this got out of hand so quickly. I shouldn't have tried to replace Yukinoshita. This would've all never happened if I'd simply treated Lyon just like I did everyone else. "Cornering me with 'kill me if you don't believe me' isn't actually a good way of gaining trust. Hell, if you're a spy like I thought, you'd know I'd never kill anyone. You could just be using what you know about me against me."

"…I don't know whether to be concerned or happy that you've put so much thought into the matter, Hikigaya." Lyon's features softened and she shook her head in turn. Then, the elf turned her gaze away, walking with her hands held at her back. I didn't feel at all safe, even with my eyes on her. The 'fight' I had with her was downright appalling. I had half a mind to just head to the dungeon and start killing monsters to prove to myself that I wasn't weak. "Hikigaya, what exactly do you know about the Astraea Familia?"

I told her what I knew. They were an exploration and policing Familia. That they were ambushed. She survived and killed the perpetrators. Overall, it was easy to slot her as a 'bad person' with her past. Look where those assumptions got me. I'm not making the same mistake again.

"It's mostly correct, lacking a few secrets I'm glad aren't well-known, but mostly correct." Lyon gave a short nod, brushing her hair behind her ear. The elf turned her gaze on me. I stood straighter. I can't let her fool me. Suddenly, she just shook her head. "You can guess that I can see if someone doesn't trust me. Plenty of victims feel like you do. Second-guessing everything that happens to them." A light sigh came from her. I didn't know whether or not she was taking this seriously or just having a laugh. "I suppose that all you can really do is have some faith in me, Hikigaya. Until I prove that I'm really on your side."

"Oh, and how are you going to do that, Lyon?" I gave my own sigh. Seriously, I didn't know how to make heads or tails of Ryuu Lyon. She's either a hard-bitten cop, an arrogant waitress, or this person before me who's irritating at best. "How exactly will you get me to trust you?"

"Track down those who kidnapped you and kill them, of course." The words that came from her were innocuous, but they sent a chill up my spine. The look in her eyes, as the elf declared it, was nothing short of malicious. By all means, this being before me had a very, very large chip on her shoulder against criminals. Less eye for an eye and more you're losing your hands for stealing a hunk of bread. "You can't deny that I'm against you if I do so-."

"I would deny to hell and back that you're associated with me in any way if you do, Lyon." Again, I cut Lyon's stupid declaration off. Really, I should've learned my lesson regarding this sort of thing. I should just keep my nose out of the elf's business and let the cards fall where they might. However, I had rules. Tenants. Things that kept me apart and above the idiotic masses that dwelled in Orario. "I told you that I don't kill people. That also means I don't associate with people who kill for me."

"…Then what are you going to do to the people who kidnapped you, Hikigaya?" Lyon, to my surprise, didn't seem affronted by my words. If anything the elf seemed prepared for them. Turning to face me completely, the Level 4 simply opened her arms, seemingly ready to receive what answers I could come up with. What game are you playing at? "You've seen what they're capable of firsthand. How are you going to destroy their ability to hurt you without killing them?"

"Like what you did? Kill a god, hunt people down, and salt the earth where they lived? I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in falling to that level. I like where I am." I leveled a glare at Lyon. Kill people and all the problems end? Only idiots think that things could ever be that simple. "You didn't fix the problem, Lyon. You ended it. The result? Nothing changed. Orario's still a shitty place to live."

"You still haven't answered the question, Hikigaya." Lyon crossed her arms. The elf's steely eyes didn't seem perturbed by the points I made in the least. "In fact, you've just made the problem larger: how are you going to 'fix' Orario? Stop every crime that my entire Familia couldn't?"

"The same way every civilization has of course." I didn't falter from her gaze, in fact I met it with another glare. "I'm going to make myself untouchable. I'll become integral to this fucked up city." I gestured to the city behind me. "You see this place? It's filled with organizations filled with selfish, egomaniacal idiots who'd sell out their own mothers for more power. Guess what I can give them?" The smile I felt crawling onto my lips was not a nice one. "No. That's wrong, it's better for you to guess what they'll give me."

"You're just going to… leverage every Familia you can and use them against who oppose you? Like some sort of personal army?" If Lyon seemed composed a moment ago, she wasn't now. I'm sure that she expected quite a few things. Maybe some sort of dastardly plan involving threats and intimidation. But why mess with something that history has proven correct time and time again? If you have something people want above everything else, you lord it over them for everything you can want. "…You're going to make yourself some sort of king?"

"They're either going to fall in line, or they're going to get eaten out of those who did. The Loki Familia? They're the first step." I shoved my hands into my pockets. Fuck being dramatic. "They'll all come, one after another, Ganesha, Ouranos, whomever has two brain cells will come before long. Then? It'll be my word that sets the pace in this entire city."

I didn't falter beneath her reproachful glare. If she didn't think I could do it, well I'll just rub it in her face when I did.

I'd thought long and hard about how to get this hellhole working the way I wanted it to. Now? I had all the right levers. A figurehead the masses could respect, a Skill that those in power needed, and enough money to convince the remaining idiots to just follow along.

"I'll drag Orario kicking and screaming into becoming a civilized society, Lyon. That's how I'm going to completely and utterly beat the idiots who kidnapped me."

I needed this city in working order to get back to my home, and if I managed to take care of a few irritating problems along the way?

Well, that's just a bonus.

Obviously, Nothing is Ever Simple. (6.3)

As one goes deeper into the dungeon, mundane equipment generally becomes unreliable. At best they'll fall apart due to the fact the adventurers wearing them will cause them to degrade faster than an average human, making the adventurers in question have to buy clothing and weapons more often. In the worst case scenario, armor, clothes, and weapons will just break in the middle of battle and get people killed. Every stitch of cloth, piece of leather, and armor that a high-level adventurer wears is enchanted to the gills and generally worth their weight in gold.

Frankly speaking if you don't know your way around a bargaining table about half your earnings will go straight into maintaining your equipment. Especially if you go for fancy things like 'Speed Enhancement' and other buffs that Zaimokuza ripped off whatever video game he came across. Overall, the most cost-effective thing to do would be to have every stitch of clothing you own be 'durable' first and just have everything else added onto it at a later date. And, as per usual, 'items' dropped by monsters can receive more enchantments than regular drops. A piece of normal, treated leather might only be able to have two weak effects… while something like the Salamander Hide can only have one and amplifies the strength of Flame resistance.

Overall, it was a needlessly complicated process that Zaimokuza probably wrote to pad the pages between fanservice. Maybe he'd even have some sort of blacksmith-type character explain its intricacies over a cool montage or something. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't cool, but it was just a blatant transfer of game mechanics and items onto his generic fantasy adventure harem comedy. 6/10, Zaimokuza, good effort. However, since it's practically plagiarism, you automatically fail. Please come up with something original.

Anyway, like any decent adventurer, I made sure to patronize only a single shop for whatever I needed. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, after all. I'd rather deal with one money-grubber that's decent at forging and crafting than trying my luck at a dozen cheap blacksmiths that give me shitty weapons. There's a time and place for being cheap. Making my 'optimal' equipment is not that time. While I prided myself in being frugal, there comes a time when money is of no object, those times tend to be regarding the things that'll keep me from dying.

So, after two weeks after losing most of my weapons and armor, I was going to fetch a new set.

And, since I was already going that way, there was no problem with me taking Cranel along. He needed to get his first set of armor as well, given that he's steadily worn through most of his tunics and trousers. Might as well make sure he didn't do anything stupid like buy clothes for regular people, or get scammed into spending all his money on a single shirt.

I'd done it for Arde and the others, so there's no point in me not doing it for him.

"Wow, I never thought there was a place like this in Babel, Sensei!" Cranel didn't hide his excitement, and I didn't bother calling him out on it. Babel's one of the few 'safe' places in Orario, despite the fact it was right above the Dungeon. The Gods didn't like it when crimes were commited right below their noses. Good to know that their pride could be used for good sometimes. "And everything's from the Hephaestus Familia but they're not too expensive!"

"The cheapest thing on this floor is fifty thousand Valis, brat." I gave a huff as I followed him onto the floor. Magical elevators sure were nifty. Nice to know that an adventurer or two died for the righteous cause of easy, fast, and comfortable transport! My student was practically pressing his face against every display. Arde did the same, the first time we came here, but I was sure that she was trying to figure out how to steal them. I called the guards on her once. Heh, good times. "Where did the little money-grubber who couldn't pay for his own lunch go?"

"Ehehe, well… I guess I've got a lot of money now, thanks to Sensei!" Cranel turned and balanced on his heels. The smile he gave me was refreshing-. What? No! What are these treacherous thoughts coursing through my mind. Did I just think that I tripped a flag for my student! That's indecent! Wait, shouldn't I be worried about something else? Ah, right, Totsuka's the only one for me! Please accept apologies, Totsuka! I had the feeling I was missing something more important than that… but what could be more important than Totsuka? "I can definitely get something cool! Like a warhammer! That'll let me kill Minotaurs very easily! Their knees would just evaporate in a single blow!"

"As good as your reasoning is, Brat, we're here to get you some clothes that won't wear out and some armor that'll keep you alive." Indeed, Cranel has come far. A warhammer to the knees! Indeed, my student, I have taught you well. The knees, indeed, are the best target to immobilize foes. "Can't have you buying new clothes every time you leave the dungeon. So, we're going to a tailor and smith that I know."

"Eh? A smith that's also a tailor?" Cranel tilted hi head in the usual 'questioning' manner. Of course, given his protagonist nature, it was deadly to look upon. Oi, don't quirk your head like that. I don't want to deal with a swarm of rabid girls. It's much too dangerous in enclosed areas like this, Cranel! Watch your line of fire, be careful of the Area of Effect. Friendly fire is active, you know?! I don't want to be suddenly crushed to death beneath a stampede of women! "That sounds like a strange combination, Sensei."

"Well, he's an adventurer too, so he's understandably strange." I shrugged, not even glancing at the various weapons and armors that were on display. Most of them were useless thanks to my fighting style. Not enough copper in most of them for a proper shock. Heh. Puns. "He's a sap for a challenge. Push the right buttons and he'll make you anything you want." For a moment, I wondered if I should let Cranel trip the figurative land mine himself. I decided against it. No time for fun. "As long as they're not Magical Weapons that is, Crozzo doesn't like having anything to do with those."

"Why not? Aren't magical weapons crucial for any Adventurer, Sensei?" Cranel's question was more serious now. I could tell that he wasn't being silly. Which was good, given the fact Magical Weapons are a very important asset to regular adventurers. I insisted on having a minimum of one of at least average power at all times. Despite the fact I didn't have limits to my Mind, my students did, and they didn't require chanting to use. A very good last-ditch weapon for both me and my students. "If he can make them, that means he's a very high-level Blacksmith, so why doesn't he?"

"Because he's not a Level 5 so his Blacksmith skill won't let him do it." I explained easily. I waited for a moment, to see if Cranel would rise for the bait, but he didn't. Good, listening is as much of a skill as asking questions. It also reins in his protagonist-level hot-bloodedness. I doubted I'd ever get through to him completely, but I hoped he'd be able to just take a moment to think instead of running headlong into battle like an idiot one day. "He has a skill called Crozzo Blood, which was granted to him the moment he became part of the Familia because of his family's lineage. Crozzo didn't do anything to earn it, so he's not going to use it until he gets the actual Skill."

"Ah, Crozzo-san sounds very respectable!" Cranel beamed. Who would've guessed that a protagonist would appreciate someone who held themselves to such a high standard? I really wish Zaimokuza can do something that's even vaguely original. A character that would've used that ability as much as possible would've been far more interesting. I'd have just spent my days hammering away, making money, and had an army of adventurers just clearing the dungeon at my behest. Sadly, I had to do all the work myself. Dammit. I hate working. "He seems to be a very dependable guy to have around!"

I was going to answer, but I found my way towards Crozzo's shop blocked by armored plate.

Now, something like bumping into someone in plate armor is normal Orario. More than a few idiots have the bright idiot of wearing slow and cumbersome armor to the Dungeon. Typically, I don't even express my anger at them for being slow and horribly scented because most of those idiots are either going to die or quickly find out that they've made stupid decisions.

What isn't normal, however, is bumping into three people side-by-side, in perfect, uniform armor with matching weapons. There are very, very few adventurers in Orario who would actually wear uniforms, and it would be difficult to name them. However, I didn't need to since each soldier blocking the hallway had a very, very memorable sigil stamped onto their shoulders. The heavily armored warrior upon their chests simply meant they belonged to the largest Adventurer Organization in the world: Rakia. The sole country in the world with a professional army made up of Adventurers and headed by the Ares Familia.

Welf Crozzo's former Familia.

"Adventurer, the Hephaestus shop beyond this point is no longer accessible." Politely and professionally, the God-blessed soldier in the center spoke to me. By all means, they were just blocking the way and not actually instigating violence. Ah, that's the game. Blockade and keep out customers from getting into Crozzo's shop. It would work, given the fact that they're more than intimidating enough to have even Level 3s leery of fighting them. They specialized in taking on Adventurers, after all. "Please take this as recuperation for the time you have wasted coming here."

"Is that so…" A gauntleted hand was stretched towards me. Looking it over, it couldn't possibly have more than fifty thousand Valis in it. Still, to have that much money prepared meant that Rakia was taking this seriously. They probably had someone inside the shop 'speaking' with Crozzo regarding his return to the Rakia Familia. Glancing over the man's shoulder, I found that another 'Blockade' was set up to keep people from entering the other direction. "Well, what if the item I'm picking up costs more than the Valis inside that pouch? What happens then?"

"Every item that Welf Crozzo has listed on his catalogue costs only fifty thousand Valis. Do not attempt to fool us, sir." Curtly, the blessed soldier answered. I had to give them credit, they took their jobs seriously. Nice to know that adventurers can actually act professional. "Welf Crozzo also has a policy of payment upon delivery for custom orders." The man must have given me a steady glare through his helmet. It would've been intimidating if he didn't just come up to my shoulder. "I do not see a large amount of Valis on you, sir."

"Well, I'm not an average customer. I pay ahead of time." I drawled, feigning a yawn to draw their attention while nudging Cranel. My student was already balancing on his heels, readying himself for a fight. Good instincts, but we're not going to win against professional soldiers wearing armor in such a small hallway. Thankfully, he got the message and gave a nod to let me do all the talking. Sorry, Cranel, but these are masked, male mooks. They are impervious to your attacks. "I was picking up my order, if one of you can fetch it for me, my student and I will be on our way."

"I… see." The man exchanged glances with his fellows. They both gave simple nods of assent. Yeah, the one I'm talking to is the weakest link. The other two are definitely Level 2 at least. Unmarked armor for officers. Neat trick. "I'll have one of my subordinates take a look. Would you care to describe the item in question-."

He didn't get to finish his words, as the magical elevator gave a 'ding,' and from it strode the woman I knew was coming up to deal with this mess.

I grabbed Cranel by the wrist and went into the store neighboring Crozzo's shop. Carefully, I situated him and myself behind a tower shield. The man who owned the store was already behind one. He probably had been since the Rakia Soldiers showed up. He's a very wise man.

"I don't know who the hell you guys are." As far as memorability went, the Amazon Half-Dwarf of the Hephaestus Familia was definitely someone no one forgot easily. However, I didn't pay attention to looks enough to care about how 'exotic' she is compared to just about everyone else. "But right now? I don't really care."

The six professional and blessed soldiers of Rakia, undeniably well-versed in counter-adventurer skills, formed up and began to move steadily towards her. It was six armored, veteran men of the world's only full-adventurer army against a single woman clad in a sarashi, a red hakama, and an eyepatch. The poor souls had no idea who she was.

"You're blocking my Familia's enterprise. That alone is reason enough for me to kick your asses." I knew Tsubaki Collbrande for one reason: she's the Hephaestus Familia's one and only Level 5… and she was Welf Crozzo's very, very protective girlfriend. "But since you're trying to take Welf away… well, you deserve something special."

A single blow from her fist shook the floor, shattered the windows, and sent a torrent of stone flying everywhere. When the dust cleared, there was light from the outside pouring into Babel. Instead of the wall that had previously existed to Collbrande's left, there was a massive hole that a wagon could be fitted through. Thanks to the fact it was built by the Gods, Babel was awfully high, even from the fourth floor. A small ball of pity formed in my gut for the soldiers sent here. They were obviously only probing for a response and boy did they get one.

"I'm going to throw each and every one of you out of this tower." The smile on Collbrande's face sent a shiver down my spine. The Amazon and Dwarf hybrid dubbed 'Cyclops' walked towards the squadron of six, veteran soldiers blessed by Ares with a grin straight out of a horror movie. "Do me a favor and don't die, alright?"

"Sensei..." Cranel whispered. I noticed that he somehow acquired a helmet and has donned it. A wise choice, my student. "Please tell me she's on our side."

I didn't manage to answer Cranel's question, as totally unjustifiable violence ensued shortly thereafter.

Obviously, Nothing is Ever Simple. (6.4)

"So, you have a new kid following you around, Hikigaya?" Collbrande leaned against the wall, her arms were crossed against her chest. Are you allowed to act that cool after shelling out half a million Valis to repair Babel? Of course, I didn't mock her aloud. Badmouthing an irate Level 5 is a good way to get into the hospital. I focused gauging my now-limited abilities in my new equipment. "You're getting quicker in training your brats."

"Experience tends to make any job easier." Admittedly, I was only able to talk to her because of Conscienta Strenuissium, but I didn't expect Collbrande to know how difficult it is to go from superhuman to regular human by just activating a single item. I hated not having a cloak on for more than a few days. Nearly three weeks operating at Level 2 made every action I took feel slow and unresponsive. I felt as though I was wading through rigid jelly. Even breathing was more strenuous. Welf did a really good job this time around. "It helps that they're willing to listen to directions instead of running off like an idiot."

"Welf is very excitable and often prone to overextending himself, yes." Collbrande sighed, a faint smile on her face. Augh, what was this aura of bliss emanating from her? It's making my stomach curdle. Is this the rumored 'Joy of a Woman?' You know you're not even married yet, right? Aren't you hedging your bets too early, Hybrid-chan? Again, none of these thoughts left my lips. I did not want to experience being thrown off ten stories. Not happening, even if I can apparently survive it. "Every time we head into the Dungeon I'm always surprised that he doesn't manage to level up, especially since he still tries to move in the same way as Arde and your other students."

"Not my fault, I told him he doesn't have the body for it." That was indeed the case for Welf Crozzo. My many teachings capitalized on speed and either decisive or continuous blows. It's mindful of stamina and the 'proper' methods of killing as many things as possible. Crozzo was all about taking enemies head-on in duels and taking out ranged magic with Will-o-Wisp. Strength and Magic against Agility and Dexterity. In a way, the blacksmith aspirant was too well-blessed by his birth to properly use my techniques. "I gave him several techniques to take advantage of his strength and power, however, so its his own fault if he insists on trying to work on something he shouldn't."

"And here I was thinking you were some sort of extravagant replica." Collbrande gave a light chuckle as she shook her head. The Amazon-Dwarf hybrid recognized my unsaid question and chuckled once again. "When I saw you getting along so well with someone, I thought the rumors about your death were true." The one-eyed blacksmith gave a shrug. "As you said yourself: Orario is an odd place. I'd sooner believe that you've been insidiously replaced than you seemingly enjoying yourself."

"Cranel's… a good kid." I gave a shrug, which was difficult as hell, at Collbrande's voiced curiosity. No point in denying that I was comfortable around Cranel. Ignoring my usual attitude around him, my white-haired student definitely had the air of a Hero surrounding him. I could go ahead and list Cranel's many good qualities, but it's irrelevant. He's the sort of guy that no one can hate, who always got the job done, and that tends to make him likeable to anyone thinking straight. "Talk with him sometime, you'll know what I'm getting at."

"How can I not, with such a glowing recommendation? According to the great, mysterious Hikigaya himself: Cranel's a… good kid." Collbrande rolled her eye. The one-eyed blacksmith pushed herself off the wall and went over to my other purchases. "You know… Welf was ludicrously happy when you came around after going missing for a week. He was… distraught when you were gone." The Amazon-Dwarf Hybrid leveled her gaze onto me. However, I noticed that she was holding her arm against herself in discomfort. This girl really cared too much for Welf. "Hikigaya, can't you make him into your student? Take him along with you? Do more than just throw him towards making you more weapons and armor?"

"Collbrande, you know how dangerous the Dungeon is. It isn't a place for people to go for the sake of spending time with other people." I was far from friends with this Level 5. I knew her through Crozzo. Not only that, but as a blacksmith capable of making Magic Swords, Collbrande had an immense amount of influence outside and within her own Familia. I had to watch my words around her, unlike the case with Riveria. Wallenstein had been a special case since she was around my age and easily flustered. Collbrande? Hah, she's basically the opposite. "Besides that, don't you think Crozzo should be asking me this himself? You know that he'd snoop around if I suddenly brought up bringing him with me to the Dungeon."

"I… you're correct, Hikigaya." Collbrande bit at her lip. Obviously, the one-eyed blacksmith did not like accepting my words. The Amazon-Dwarf Hybrid shook her head once more, gave a huff, and emitted a sigh. She reminded me quite a bit of Hestia, which is by far the greatest compliment I could give to anyone. Oppai Loli she might be, but Hestia went to immense lengths because of her love for Cranel. For a Level 5 to implore for a Level 2 to do something, especially a Level 5 of international renown like Collbrande, was along the same thing as a God bowing to a mortal. The amount of pride they had to swallow is immense. "Don't… tell Welf about this, alright?"

I gave a terse, sharp nod in reply.

Really, there was a part of me that wanted to take Crozzo into the Dungeon, but he reminded me too much of adventurers who had everything to prove, wanted one thing above everything else, and had nothing to lose…

The kind that died if I took them in.

After trying out my newest weapon, repacking it into its box, and bidding goodbye to Collbrande, I made my way into the rest of the shop. Crozzo was definitely one of the best upcoming blacksmiths in the city. A full sixteenth of the Fourth Floor of Babel was dedicated to him, giving him a shop and workspace as large as the first floor of a department store. Often, he had a few other Hephaestus Familia members running errands and deliveries while he worked through the day. Starting as a guy who could barely sell a piece of armor, to one of the Hephaestus Familia's best blacksmiths in less than a year. Even if he didn't make Magic Swords, it's no surprise that Rakia would try to 'negotiate' with him into returning to their Familia.

Having an army of Adventurers with very good weapons and armor can be just as good as a valley-carving superweapon.

Less chance to get an entire bloodline cursed by Spirits for being idiots too.

Pride cometh before the fall, indeed.

Heh, it's always fun to remember that fact. Sometimes, this world can be pretty hilarious.

Anyway, I found myself at the storefront with Welf and Cranel present. I placed my purchases by Cranel's. As I expected, he bought some cheap, balanced knives, several extra shirts and pants, and a mace. For a moment, I had feared he'd actually buy a warhammer, but I managed to knock into his head that it was a bad idea.

With all that done, I simply waited for Cranel to finish admiring his new clothes.

"These are amazing! I can move all I want without tearing them!" Cranel gave a few punches, dashed to and fro, and even did a backflip. It had taken a few hours to get him fitted and for his first set of clothes to be made, but Crozzo did good work and made plenty of the clothes I asked for. Someone with less experience making them would've taken a day. Crozzo? Just under five hours. "You must be brilliant to have made these, Crozzo-sama!"

"Heh, I've done a fair bit of tailoring for Hikigaya and his students. In fact, your Sensei helped out a bit making them himself." Crozzo gave a massive grin towards Cranel and gave a nod in my direction. I returned it. We'd spent some time studying the Blacksmithing skill after he attained it. Long-sleeved shirts, trousers, vests and boots were all, oddly enough, in the purview of the Blacksmith skill so long as they were armored in one way or another. Leather, iron buckles, and some thicker cloth around the midsection made regular clothes 'armor.' As far as exploits went, it was rather tame, but having durable clothes is a must. "I've got your measurements all recorded now, so feel free to come along if they're ever torn up! Though, you'll need Arde's permission before I make you a coat!"

"Eh, why? Can't Sensei just give me permission to have one?" Cranel turned to me and I averted my gaze. I know of your powers, my student, and I am unafraid of acknowledging my weaknesses. Now, I don't know how Arde managed to get Crozzo scared enough to give her the license over who gets coats like mine, but I didn't mind having my idea being limited to me and my students. Well, not enough to confront Arde about it anyway. I'm sorry, Cranel, but I have adapted to your puppy eyes and I will not be going through something I can avoid just for you. "Sensei? Please?"

"Don't beg, Brat." I grunted and shook my head. Cranel gave a little huff. Oi. Stop being adorable. I walked forward, until I was at the counter, and handed over the rest of the payment to the short-haired blacksmith. "Good work again, Crozzo." I offered him a handshake and he accepted it. "The coat's in perfect shape, the clothes are better than ever, and my new weapons are exactly to specifications."

"I had some trouble making the Restraint enchantments removable on regular leather, but with something as High-Grade as Dragon Skin it was ridiculously easy." Crozzo, as always, loved to be praised. Needless to say, I did not hesitate to lavish him with compliments. Words are free, after all. Still, with Collbrande's earlier words, I made sure to give them less freely. A Blacksmith and an Adventurer shared a very profitable relationship with one another, but I didn't want to overstep any bounds. "Making another Channeling Blade was easy too, but that new… axe of yours…" Crozzo shook his head. "It's easy to make, and I can see how you're going to use it, but you need to be careful when you do, Hikigaya. One wrong move and you could potentially break a few of your bones or even tear your sides."

"Crozzo, you know me better than to do something idiotic like test out a weapon on the battlefield." I appreciated the fact that Crozzo cared enough to warn me. The short-haired Level 2 winced, but I shook my head and offered him a chuckle to make sure that he knew I wasn't angry at him. Really, for someone who spends most of his time working metal and dealing with adventurers, he's too sensitive. "I'll be working on figuring out how to use it, I have plenty of time since I'll be dragging Cranel and the others into the Middle Levels. If you have any requests for drops, you know how to contact me."

"I'll do that, Hikigaya." As I motioned for Cranel to follow me out and hefted my new weapon, Crozzo gave one final tilt of his head in my direction. For a moment, I remembered Collbrande's words and I was tempted to invite him to come with us despite my earlier words. He'd probably be much better off if he was at a higher level. Rakia would be a lot less intimidating if he was at a higher rank. Before I could ask however, he gave a huff and waved his hand towards us. "Now, go on ahead and kill some monsters for me. Once you guys reach the Goliath, be sure to have me tag along so I can poach a Rank or two."

"…I'll do that." I couldn't help but smile. Hmph, it seems like I've let my ego go unchecked for a while. Seriously, teach one or two brats and you start thinking you have an obligation to help everyone out. In reality, some people could handle their own problems without my help. Really, I should trust some people to not be idiots when I'm not looking. "I'll be back around for some more knives in a few days. Iron, cheap, at least two dozen as always."

"Augh! What the hell do you and your students do with those things!?" Crozzo griped, tearing at his hair. I couldn't help but chuckle, and Cranel soon followed. "Wait, Cranel's going to be one of you as well!" He seemed to pale. Ha. Yes. He has realized that he is no more than a corporate slave whose job is to make cheap, balanced knives for me and my students. Lament, Crozzo! Lament! "I'm going to be making knives for the rest of my life… by the Gods…"

Leaving the blacksmith, seeing Collbrande's sheer affection for Crozzo, and his own determination to solve his own problems as he never once brought up Rakia in my presence, I couldn't help but breathe easier.

It's good to know that I can still help people help themselves without having to compromise.

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