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My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong! by Sage of Eyes

 My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU/やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている & Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Xover Rated: M, English, Humor & Adventure, Hachiman H., Bell C., Words: 274k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Jan 5, 2017 Updated: Oct 5 795Chapter 7

Clearly, I Need More Exploits (7.1)

Perhaps if I'd been some sort of genius, I'd have had an easier time of taking advantage of the Pseudo-Renaissance occurring across the world in which Orario was upon. Yes, I say that I would need to be a genius, because I'm not some delusional NEET who thinks he'll be able to make guns or steam engines by just knowing about them. Seriously, unless you're some sort of civil engineer with an absurd secondary class selection in history, I doubted that the average Reincarnated Protagonist with a background as a useless, trash NEET could truly turn a country into a superpower armed with tanks, rifles, and factories.

I lived in a First-World country, I never had to worry about how the amenities that I took for granted worked. Hell, my corporate slave parents worked hard so they could just call someone to fix the things they didn't know how to fix. No one in my house knew how to fix a toilet, let alone make a steam engine! There were definitely people in this very world I now inhabit with better knowledge about physics and machinery than I did, given the fact they had indoor plumbing, showers, and crude explosives.

Still, I did have a particular advantage thanks to my Financial Sector Thrall progenitors: I had a good handle on how modern banking worked. While there was definitely a banking system in Orario with loans, savings, and investments… things like bonds, insurance, and stocks were still beyond them. Needless to say, that was something that I didn't hesitate in taking advantage of. Mother, Father, I know that you never wanted a son who would take advantage of the uninformed masses, as you have done your entire lives, but please accept my most sincere apologies for introducing and profiting off of the most unholy of all corporations in existence: Insurance and Investments.

Oh, are you worried that you'll lose your weapons? Why, for the low price of ten thousand Valis a month, I'll happily replace your weapons! What about your armor then? I'll cover that too for just five thousand Valis more! Of course, if they cost an immense amount of money it costs more to cover them! Remember that if you do lose it, you'll need to buy more insurance and at a higher price! It only makes sense that if you lose it once, I'll be worried that you'll lose it again, you know~.

Really? You think that you can start some sort of small stand that caters to adventurers? A potion stall for Mind and Health right outside the entrance to the Dungeon? Why that sounds like an amazing idea! You know what, I'll give you a loan, at a higher rate than the local bank, but I'm taking as much of a risk here as you are. Hmmm? You can't afford that interest? Well… what if I own it and give it to you as soon as it's fully paid off! I'll even be able to give you a stable wage, all you'll need to do is man the shop! If it fails I'll just have you hang around in my party for a few weeks.

Fear and greed are both so easy to sell. It's almost criminal.

Of course, I only did this to people who were Level 1 and who I could… persuade… to pay off their debts at the very end. I'm not the gambling type. I even made sure to give people a hefty sum back once they reached Level 2. Oftentimes, it was a meagre amount of money in comparison to the amount I farmed… but now that it was clear that I was facing an enemy organization with immense resources I knew that I had to get more stable sources of income.

With a powerful, hidden enemy after me, and my new status as a Level 2, it was time to check up on a few, former clients and give some of my… less innocent contacts some stable, paying jobs. There's really no one better to check if someone's trying to commit fraud, renegading on a debt, or truly deserving of the money they were promised. The decent businesses end up paying me back, the 'honest' adventurers get money for new weapons, and those who try to steal my money have really, really bad days.

Really, who better to employ in an insurance company than cutthroat, former criminals backed by someone with a very, very large bank account?

Still, however, I needed to give my planned organization a foundation separate from my own savings.

Needless to say, it was a good thing that I could now 'legally' enter the Middle Floors.

"Three… three million Valis in a single day?!" Cranel very nearly fainted on the spot as he looked over his bank notice. My white-haired student's first 'farming' of the Middle Floors, needless to say, had been ludicrously successful. After a week of training against all the enemies, I was satisfied with his knowledge enough to let him loose. Given the higher quality of monsters on the floors he managed to net a massive amount of Valis. Typically, I managed to secure the same amount of Valis farming by my lonesome in the Middle Floors, with a third of it lost due to fines. "Arde-senpai! How much money did you make?"

"Jeez, kid, keep your mouth shout about how much money you make!" Arde gave Cranel a quick rap on the head. It was a rather hilarious sight given the fact that my auburn-haired student was a full head shorter than my white-haired student. "If you keep spouting words like that, we're going to find ourselves in an unnecessary fight!" The Pallum crossed her arms and gave a huff. "And, if you really want to know, I made four million."

"Huh!?" Cranel pointed at Arde in an accusing manner. Huh, they were already competing with one another. Neat. Less work for me. "How did you make so much more than me!?"

"I didn't bother killing Worms, Almiraj, and Hellhounds like you did, that's how." Arde's shoulders rose and I knew that she was smirking behind her mask. "You could've just figured out their patterns and killed the larger ones, but I guess kids like you get excited about killing trash enemies, right?"

"If you guys are done, how about we start going over our plans to get to the Safe Zone?" I didn't bother telling them how much I made. By using Cranel and Arde as pack mules… err… as allies, I managed to get almost double the amount the two of them got combined. All of it was going straight to my new employees operating in the slums. It takes a lot of money to back an insurance and investment firm. Good thing Orario is literally this world's most prosperous city. "If we want to kill the Goliath, we're going to need to start recruiting now, though we could just wait for the Loki Familia to launch their next expedition and clear the way."

"When's their next expedition, Sensei?" Arde already had a calculating look in her eye. I'm sure that she's been in a fight against the Goliath before. Given how bullshit her Skills are, I can't imagine that copy-paste of a Titan being any threat to her. Since she essentially did the same as me and helped out new Level 2s, I'm sure that she has quite a few contacts. "We'll need at least three teams of distractions and two more mages to kill it quickly." My Pallum student then cast her gaze towards Cranel. "Though if we use this kid's Argonaut Skill and count on his Luck, we might be able to manage it with only a single set of distractions if we invest in a very, very good Magic Sword."

"The Loki Familia is leaving at the end of this week. Apparently they want to make sure Wallenstein's Rank Up doesn't go to waste." The Sword Princess became a Level 6 while we were at the training camp. From what I could tell, the copy-paste of a certain British King had solo-killed Udaeus for her rank up. Man, Cranel chose one heck of a girl to follow. If you weren't a Shounen Protagonist I'd be worried that you wouldn't be able to catch up! "Hmph, that gives us four days to get a few allies and a very good Magic Sword for Cranel to use."

"Eh, I don't have a say in this plan!?" Cranel, unsurprisingly, was startled by our conversation. He's only been a Level 2 for only three weeks and I've made sure he's not as uninformed as he used to be. Ah, to have a non-dense Heroic Protagonist. Zaimokuza, I'm sorry but you're definitely going to be losing a fair amount of readers. Making someone smart and clever is a good way to lose your audience, don't you know? They won't be able to insert themselves into the character! "Even though I'm apparently a big part of it!?"

"Hmmm? You're going to say no to possibly taking another step towards your beloved Wallenstein, kid?" Arde nudged Cranel with her elbow. Given the fact both of them were already A-Class in Endurance and Strength, they could roughhouse with the best of them. Man, Cranel's Realis Phrase and my Mentor sure are overpowered. Two weeks and we've already caught up with someone using my training methods for a good half a year! Huh, should I feel bad about catching up with my Pallum student so quickly? Especially because she was a decent person and worked hard to get where she is- Oh I can't even keep a straight face thinking it. She's as much of a cheater as the two of us! "Imagine it, kid, everyone dependent on you! Our lives in your hands! That's a challenge, kid! Why, that's practically killing a boss solo yourself, Wallenstein will most certainly notice you!"

"T-that sort of argument won't work on me! I d-do have a say in a plan this crazy!" Cranel paused in his tirade, looked away, and began to twiddle his thumbs. Arde met my eyes over his shoulder, gave the 'A-ok' thumb and forefinger signal, and gave me a wink. I returned it with a thumbs up. Hook, line, and sinker. Heh, I taught quite the clever Pallum, didn't I? It was cool enough that I could ignore the fact that American gestures somehow made their way into a fantasy world! "Ummm… Wallenstein would appreciate not having to deal with the Goliath again… wouldn't she? It's… it's just a waste of time and money for them, right?"

I was about to bully… err… persuade Cranel further, when the doors to the Guild burst open.

A woman from the East, where the 'Japanese' Humans came from, strode into the Guild covered in blood and a badly mangled arm. There are smaller scratches on her legs and back. The ends of her hair hacked away and her clothes were singed.

Almiraj weapons and Hellhound flames.

"Please, if anyone here can help, come with me now!" Her voice was hoarse and her eyes frantic. She practically lunged at the nearest adventurer at her side. The man evaded her and she fell to her knees. "My… My Familia! They're in the Middle Floors! Someone please come help me!" Those near her began to disperse, not even taking a moment to glance at her, soon enough she noticed the forced ignorance that was being aimed at her… and she couldn't find the strength to get up. "Please… help me… someone?"

By all means it was just a typical bad day for an adventurer... a day when a single mistake got everyone but a single person killed. A day where they found themselves alone.

However… I already knew this time was going to be different.

"Hey, Miss! Y-you need to t-take this right now!" Cranel was already gone from my side. He was in front of the girl, producing one of his Health Potions, and practically forcing it on her. "Why aren't you at a clinic!? You could die!"

"Please! Save my Familia!" The woman latched onto Cranel with a ferocity that would've turned anyone else away. I saw her nails draw blood from his hands, but he kept his face concerned and simply held still. "I can tell you're strong! Give me a weapon! Come with me to the Middle Floors! I'll pay any price!"

"Drink first, c'mon you can't help them if you're dead." Cranel ignored her fervent pleas, doggedly forcing the Health Potion towards her throat. Bystanders muttered all around him, but did nothing to help. His teeth grit, already his patience was being tested. "I'll help you, I swear, just drink this potion!"

"No! You can use them for the others! I can still fight!" The mystery woman grasped his hands and held them back. "If I can run I can still fight! We need to go now! Every moment we waste is another where they might-."

"Stop being an idiot and drink the damned potion!" Cranel practically roared, interrupting the woman. In the face of the sudden aggression the woman was silenced and her hands went limp. Carefully, tenderly, Cranel eased the potion through her lips. Minutely, his face softened. Still, there was a tightness to it that wasn't normally present. An anger towards those who just stood by. "Now… I want you to tell me exactly where your Familia is and-."

"Floor 13." I stepped in and Arde handed Cranel a Mind Potion. Normally useless for a swordswoman, as she had a scabbard for a katana at her side, but it still calmed, steadied, and reinvigorated the mind. The amount of calories in it also filled up the stomach. Good for people going into shock. "Isn't that right, Miss?"

"Y-yes, how did you know?" The woman spoke to me, but her eyes were firmly on Cranel. "W-we found ourselves at a dead end and…" She shivered at the thought, only managing to hold still because of Cranel's sudden grip on her arm. "Monsters. Monsters everywhere. From the floor. The walls. Ceilings… they just burst through from every direction."

"It's the worst place for any new group." Arde decided to explain for me, reciting the same lesson I taught her long ago. "The Almiraj carve paths away from safety. They trick adventurers into following them." Her voice was unusually soft. "Your Familia is probably dead, you've survived, but if you want to save them… you really do need to show us the way you took. You'll need to be at the front. In the most danger. Do you really want to do this?"

Cranel was about to speak, but I shook my head and silenced him.

"You're no longer panicked and wounded. You can think straight now." I explained simply. Her eyes finally broke away from Cranel's and met mine. They were unsteady and wavering. "Are you still going to risk your life for people who might already be dead?"

For a moment, the unnamed adventurer hesitated, then Cranel's hand gripped hers tightly.

Then, almost miraculously, there was a warrior instead of victim.

"I can."

Today was going to be different, because a hero was here.

Clearly, I Need More Exploits (7.2)

"So from which Familia is she?" Quietly, I inquired Arde of our mystery adventurer. Why would I ask it myself, especially when I had thing to do like acquiring new weapons for the woman in question? No subterfuge between me and Arde at all! We're just your regular, kind-hearted adventurers who intend to help someone out. I'm just being mindful of the fact that she just survived going through thirteen Dungeon Levels by herself. "You think they'll be useful?"

"The Takemikazuchi Familia has two Level 2s: Kashima Ouka and Yamato Mikoto." Arde recited the information she knew about the woman in question without hesitation. Huh, didn't I have a classmate that had Ouka as a last name? What did that poor guy do to you, Zaimokuza, for you to try and kill him in your Light Novel? There better not be a guy modeled after me here! "The woman's Mikoto, so even if we only rescue her, we have another capable person for the fight against the Goliath. Though, it's questionable if she's going to be willing to go back so soon…"

"Ouka is still probably alive. Perhaps it's not the case for those below Level 2, but if he didn't sacrifice himself he's probably still alive." Since Arde was the only one in our group who actually fought against the Goliath, I trusted her advice on the matter. Casting my gaze over my shoulder, I made sure Cranel was still out of earshot. "I know her type. She's not the kind to lie down after being hurt. She'll come, for revenge, if not for anything else."

"I see, I can see a warrior like her doing that." Arde agreed with a nod, following my gaze. Currently, my white-haired student was explaining the movement techniques of Almiraj and Hellhounds to Mikoto. Clad in Cranel's spare clothes bought mere days ago, the swordswoman was wearing her armor and burnt kimono to cover the trousers and shirt. She had a steel longsword, again courtesy of my white-haired student. "You're right about that kid, he's one heck of a womanizer, Sensei."

"I count at least three woman after him already." I couldn't help but chuckle. Hestia, Flova, and Tulle were guaranteed. Wallenstein was an oddity that I couldn't put a finger on. I think that Baade seemed to like him as well, though she could've simply preferred to fight against someone with a similar fighting style to herself. It was unsurprising given his role as a Harem Protagonist. "That aside, he needs to start learning how to think for himself. How about we let him lead us in combat through Level 3?"

"Only if you promise to use your magic if things go horribly wrong. I don't want to die because of a test." Arde's answer was dry, but she sighed and nodded after I affirmed that I would unleash my magic if Cranel made too large an error. Still, my Pallum student must trust my Human student more than she'd care to admit to give him even the slightest possibility of getting herself harmed. "Then, I don't have a problem with it. Floor 13 was a cakewalk for you when you were Level 1, so there shouldn't be any… immense problems."

We exchanged nods, dealt with the orcs that remained before us, and simply walked towards Cranel and Mikoto. The two had been perusing for equipment in one of our stashes.

Time for a rescue mission.

Cranel took command better than I expected, mainly because he didn't hesitate to take advantage of me and Arde as much as possible. Arde was scouting and out of view, dragging hordes of monsters towards me, and generally making sure that we weren't caught unaware by the Almiraj. Her ability to transform into flight-capable creatures allowed her to scour the dungeon with impunity. I handled killing everything that came towards our flanks while Cranel and Mikoto took on whatever was coming from our front or back. Though I wasn't using my magic, it was easy enough to kill Hellhounds and Almiraj with my iron knives.

Still, killing the monsters wasn't a problem. Cranel could take on Floor 13 as easily as I could since he didn't have a Restraint Coat. Well, as long as I didn't use Magic that is. Both Arde and I were more than capable of casually strolling through Floor 13 because we've harvested it for Monster Crystals many, many times.

Our current mission was harder than that. Right now, we had to escort a new Level 2 and look for survivors of her party. In essence it was a dreaded 'Escort Mission.' An 'essential' character that's underleveled for an area needs to be protected before they can join the party. As far as introduction arcs for a new Heroine go, having Mikoto prove herself as a capable combatant despite being an emotional wreck moments ago is definitely something I hadn't seen in a Light Novel before, our situation was somewhat original. Congratulations, Zaimokuza, you're actually decent this time around.

"We're here." Mikoto's voice drew me from my thoughts and I looked about the Dungeon Room that we entered. Floor 13 was special because the Almiraj were very, very crafty monsters that dug out new routes and rooms to ambush Adventurers. Essentially, it was a wake-up call for any underequipped and rookie Level 2. Really though, it should be common sense to farm the Final Stage of the previous Disc as much as possible before going onto the second! Grinding is essential for any JRPG, don't you know!? "That's… Chigusa's body."

"This is where your Familia got swarmed by monsters?" I asked and Mikoto nodded. I approached the body in the corner. I was surprised that it was intact. Monsters typically 'got rid of' the bodies of Adventurers. Monster Pantries were rare in the Middle Levels too, so the monsters that spawned didn't tend to leave any nourishment behind. I checked the wounds and the damage on the clothes. The corpse had large, gaping wounds on the back. "This girl was ambushed, she was dealt mortal blows to her back, and you rushed to get her out… but were forced to leave her body here after being swarmed by Monsters."

"That is correct." Mikoto's voice was tight. I wasn't surprised that she didn't say anything more. Looking over the body, the features, and the wounds… I made sure that this wasn't some sort of elaborate trap. The Blessing wasn't present on the back, wisely locked away, but her features and clothing were close enough to the samurai girl that I could believe this was one of her Familia. "She died because we couldn't find a way out quickly enough, we had to leave her here, and then our leader told me to run since I was the fastest of the group."

"I'm sorry, Mikoto-san." Cranel placed a hand on her shoulder. Arde dropped from the ceiling, met my gaze, and covertly handed me the steel Stiletto that I passed onto her earlier. I slipped it into my sleeve. Did I feel bad about preparing to handle Mikoto? Hell no. Sabotage and traps occurred regularly in Orario. I wasn't going to risk me or my students. The situation was enough like a Light Novel plotline that I allowed it to go through, but that didn't mean I was giving a stranger the benefit of the doubt. "But, if we hurry, I'm sure that we can save your friends. Can you guess where they went? Or did you have some sort of fallback position or plan to meet?"

"I'm afraid that we were ill-prepared for our adventure, Cranel. I must admit we were incomparable to your own." Mikoto shook her head. Hmph, no honorific already? You sure do work fast Cranel. Still, there was a flash in the ebony-haired swordswoman's eye that told me she had a plan to find her Familia. I silently motioned for Arde to stay for the time being. We could deal with the waves of Almiraj and Hellhounds without a problem. "However, with your protection, I can invoke my Skill and hopefully locate my comrades."

"I'll get out of earshot while you do, Mikoto-san." Cranel was remembering what I taught him, I made a note to commend him for that as I broke the neck of an Almiraj with a swift kick. Having good manners, such as not listening in on other's Skills, is a good way to be respected in the Adventurer community. My white-haired student made good use of it. Typically, I never fell into a situation where something like good manners could help. Most of my interactions with new Adventurers tended to be more… combative. No room for manners in a fistfight. "I'll help Senpai and Sensei out while you-."

"It's fine, you may stay." Mikoto's voice held a note of confidence in it, but she couldn't hide the desperation completely. I had no doubt that the ebony-haired swordswoman had latched onto Cranel for support. Had I not seen her in combat, where she was outright deadly, I would've been worried for my white-haired student. You can definitely do much, much worse my young Harem Protagonist. "I'm learning so much from the three of you. I'm sure that knowing of my Skill only alleviates my debt to you in the slightest of degrees."

"…If you say so, Mikoto-san." Cranel dipped his head in a nod. An appreciative smile very nearly spread across the ebony-haired swordswoman's mouth. I had to roll my eyes while I sent a knife into a Hellhound's flaming, gaping maw. It exploded and took several Almiraj with it. So all this fighting is going on in the background, barely a word of it written in passing, as Cranel woos his newest admirer. If you manage to get a decent Anime Studio, they'll do a good job with this scene, but a shitty one will fuck it up, Zaimokuza. "I'll stay by your side then."

"Alright then…" Mikoto took a deep breath, her feet shuffled, and in the corner of my eye I saw her make a hand-sign popularized by a certain blonde-haired, demon-container's favorite technique. Dammit, Zaimokuza! That's beyond creating a mere nod towards Kishimoto! That's a blatant rip-off! You're going to get sued! Hand-signs for the blatantly Japanese samurai, really!? I was so exasperated that I almost tripped! Yes, I nearly tripped despite the fact most of my mind was commited to combat! "Yatanokurograsu!"

"!" A pulse of magic emanated from Mikoto, eliciting a wordless yelp of surprise from Cranel. It felt somewhat similar to being in the presence of a Mage when they began casting magic while standing still. By all means, it probably had a very interesting, practical effect since a swordswoman was using it… but… the Chuuni levels are too damned high! A hand-seal, standing still, and a pulse of pressure that blows hair back!? I don't want to live in this world anymore. It's not even proper Japanese! "I didn't know you knew magic, Mikoto-san!"

"It's an extremely situational Skill, though it does take Mind." Judging from how out of breath Mikoto was, she didn't have much in her Magic Ability. I quashed my quailing at Zaimokuza's terrible tendencies and focused on Cranel's conversation. It helped that I was killing monsters to get my mind off the atrocity I just witnessed. "We need to move down that left corridor. Several swarms of monsters are moving rapidly towards certain directions. My Skill will last for a good amount of time, but I won't be able to cast it again, we must move quickly to save them-."

"Senpai, carry Mikoto-san! Sensei and I are taking point!" My, my, Cranel, I taught you better than I thought, didn't I? Arde finished off her opponent and picked up the ebony-haired swordswoman. The human woman gave a yelp as my Pallum student picked her up without effort. I took to my white-haired, human student's side and we immediately set off towards the left corridor. "Senpai, relay directions to us from Mikoto, don't say anything if we just need to go straight!"

Cranel's going to make an amazing, powerful leader. My white-haired student will be a bonfire that can attract powerful Adventurers like Mikoto to his side. Undoubtedly, he will achieve his goal of becoming as powerful as Aiz Wallenstein. He'll become known across the world as one of the mighty few who have charisma, intelligence, and power to their name.

Doubtlessly, the shadow he'll cast will allow me to work at peace and to eventually return home.

Interlude: The Sword

A year after I first took up the Way of the Sword, years before I held Zansetsu and sought out Takemikazuchi-sama, my grandfather told me of the Eastern Warriors who stood against the monsters that ravaged the world. Though I had not judged my honorable grandfather's words perfidious by any means, I did not believe that the Eastern Warriors were as skilled in battle as he proclaimed. They were naught but mortal men, unblessed by the Kami, and I believed that their heroic sacrifices simply exaggerated their skill and power.

Now, almost a decade since I disregarded by honored grandfather's words, I found myself hating the same foolish, brash child that I once was, as I was when I left my homeland, and as I had been until this moment. Though I became capable in the Way of the Sword, I was not a master of it. Despite the fact that I trounced my grandfather in combat, I only did so because of my Kami-sama's blessing. In the very end, I only learned of my own arrogance because of my failure.

If I had been as skilled as the three Adventurers that lent me their aid, had I rigorously trained as they did, I had no doubt that my Familia would still be alive.

"Another one dead." The words came from the one who carried me upon her shoulders. The one who Bell had called his upperclassman, Arde. A Pallum. I had thought their race weak, yet she kept up the grueling pace set by her fellows with me upon her back. I had no doubt that in her slight frame resided strength greater than my own. "Where to next?"

"West." My voice seemed distant to my ears. My eyes locked onto the corpse of Haji. His prized bow was broken, legs mangled, and blows to his chest still bled profusely. There was still an arrow in his hand. Its shaft and end was bloodied. Crystals surrounded him. At least two dozen. He had fought until the end, with what little he had, as Soju had. "Down another floor."

"Good thinking, there are less Almiraj on Floor 14." Arde gave the comment after relaying my words. Her breathing was still easy. I was incapable of carrying Chigusa as I had run. There was sympathy in her eyes, but no sign of pity. The pity and scorn that had washed upon me in the Guild was still fresh in my memory. The mere memory fed the fury that was boiling in my chest. The urge to simply fall from Arde's back and meet my own, honorable end was steadily rising. "You said there are two of them left, right? Is one of them Level 2?"

"Yes." The words were more curt than I intended them to be. The fury that I had been quelling rose up at the Pallum's question. Incensed, I had snarled out my response. Lashing out without reason, I felt shame crawl up my stomach and into my throat the moment I realized my mistake. I was sure that my carrier had only meant well or perhaps wished to look after her two companions. I was forgetting myself in my anger… Readily, I apologized. "My most sincere apologies, I did not mean to-."

"I get it." Arde's words were not harsh or brusque as they were when speaking to Bell. My shame intensified as her eyes met my own. There was experience, wisdom, and understanding in those eyes. Here I acted akin to a contemptuous child, yet a woman of a race I had believed weak moments ago met my inelegance with easy commiseration. When her eyes broke from my own, I could only curl myself inward and work harder in restraining my tumultuous emotions. Imbecile, untempered fury leads to death in battle. Are you not already inept in skill and technique? Would you not only die but drag others with you? "No need to apologize. Losing family is… difficult at best."

Before I could reply, the swarm of monsters at the edge of my detection multiplied thrice over.

"Monster Party." The dreaded words left my lips. A mere dozen monsters multiplied into thirty, then became fifty, and suddenly there were seventy. I took heart in the fact that they were dying, undoubtedly because of Ouka's stalwart technique and immense might, but they simply weren't dying quickly enough. Asuka must be with him, though how long he could protect her is unknown to me. Prodigious strength and tremendous stamina alone cannot win against an endless tide. Panic overwhelmed me at the thought of the last of my Familia falling. My speech became nothing more than a plea. I cannot lose them! "They're surrounded, but they're just ahead of us!"

"Sensei, I'm charging ahead! Follow my lead!" Bell's declaration resounded in my ears. As the sole Adventurer who deigned to lend me aid, I owed him more than I have ever owned. This chance to save my Familia was only possible because of his choice to aid me. That in mind, I marshalled my thoughts and gathered what strength I could. "Senpai, you and Mikoto-san keep any other monsters from flanking us!"

The world then blurred into combat.

Cranel burst forward, launching himself off the ground using all his limbs, becoming no more than a blur of black and white. Throughout this time my three saviors have displayed an efficacy of movement, a mastery of their bodies, that I had never borne witness to before. Movements that a normal mortal would not use in battle, either because of exhaustion or the threat of self-injury, they used aplenty. The white-haired boy who had saved me vanished into the darkness ahead, only for a massive plume of fire to erupt before us all.

For a moment, I worried that he would have caused my Familia harm due to recklessness, but I saw that he fired it towards the floor as his launch carried him above the horde below. Truly, in the realm of tactics, technique, and skill, my Familia was woefully unprepared. The simple, efficient method of using Magic in such a manner had not crossed my mind. To fire from above saved my companions and wasted none of the Mind that needed to be preciously conserved by Warriors.

Arde unburdened herself of me and I took to her side. The horde of monsters we had gathered in our search was larger than the one that had pursued my Familia relentlessly. There were over thirty of the Almiraj and over a dozen of the Hellhounds. I had feared facing them with my Familia and my family's blade, yet at ease with this Pallum at my side and the hefty longsword that I had been lent. Knowing that all my enemies were before me and that my back was clear of opponents… all I needed to do was wage a battle against the monsters my own ancestors had fought.

And so I did.

The reliable, steel blade was heavy and had two edges, but against the lighter weapons of the Almiraj it fared admirably. I pressed my advantage when the monsters realized that I was not a weak opponent. As Bell had said, they hesitated to engage the strong alone. They were cowards who relied on their fellows. The split second of hesitation, as they waited for their fellows to come, was apparent to my eyes, and they fell before my unfamiliar blade like chaff. Their slight forms, which I struggled to hit with downward strikes, fell by pairs or trios as I stooped low and swung the blade in swift, crescent arcs.

Arde dealt with the Hellhounds, taking on the abominable imitations of dogs with her strange technique and skill. A combination of Magic and physical prowess, the Pallum transformed into another form to dodge blows and charge at her opponents. While I struggled to cleave through one of the fire-breathing beasts in a single slash, her blows sent them flying or utterly broke them. A single blow to the maw, following their immobilization, was all the time the slight, powerful Adventurer spared them before moving onto the next. Had I been told this morning that a Pallum would exhibit the most physical might I'd ever witnessed among my fellows, I would have scarcely believed it. Yet, as Arde broke more and more bodies with her gloved fists… I could bring no other to mind capable of such a feat.

The horde of monsters that would've destroyed my own Familia was felled within moments.

Yet, in the end, the two of us were incomparable to Bell and his Sensei.

The Almiraj and Hellhounds were incapable of reacting to the tall, gruff, and mysterious man that Bell called his Sensei. The economy of movement he displayed reminded me of my honorable grandfather. The way the wizened man approached and assaulted the monsters was akin to how my honorable grandfather approached his students in mock-combat. Indomitable. Unstoppable. In complete control. He seemed to know how each monster would react. No matter what any beast tried, it could do nothing against him, and he used them against one another. Almiraj were either crushed or killed with their own weapons. The Hellhounds found their maws closed at the exact moment for Ignis Fatuus to destroy them utterly or dashed against the dungeon itself with a simple, flowing movement. Briskly, calmly, he made his way through the horde of beasts without a single one coming close to harming him.

The man most certainly deserved the title Sensei.

However, my eyes were inevitably drawn towards Bell Cranel, the young man who saved my life.

Slight in both height and form, as well as clad in clothing more fitting for a formal event, I would have dismissed him completely had I seen him this very morning. Never would it have occurred to me that he held prodigious strength and skill. Neither would I have believed that his clothing was of excellent make for combat and daily living both. However, atop all of the many scenarios I would never have put faith in, I never believed that any being besides a god could hold so much power and ability… and yet still be so kindhearted.

There was passion and fury both in Bell Cranel. Red eyes blazed with will and focus as he abandoned safety for the sake of speed and ferocity. The mace he held in his right hand flowed with unstoppable grace and shattered skull after skull in a single motion. A rushing rapid in the form of a steel implement of war was in his hand. The Black Knife that he held in his left flashed into the heads of Hellhounds so quickly it seemed to be a spear of obsidian that disappeared moments after doing its just work.

I do not know how long I watched Bell Cranel carve apart the horde that surrounded my Familia. Time seemed to lose meaning as I witnessed him. Stories, both from my own homeland and that of the West, entered my mind as I was entranced by his deadly work. Tempered fury fueled by justice drove a warrior of unmatched caliber on a righteous path. What I saw before me, undeniably, was a champion of the weak, a being that could've stood against monsters without the Blessing, and perhaps most importantly of all…

"They're alright, Mikoto-san! They're safe!" A beaming smile split his features. Innocent and lacking in guile. So wide was his grin that his eyes were all but completely closed. Amidst the dust of fallen beasts, a carpet of Monster Crystals innumerable, his happiness was because he saved the last of my Familia. The skill, power, and ability that he displayed was all meaningless. The reason for his jubilation was entirely because he believed he was happy to have saved my Familia for me… someone he has just met. Skipping past the remains, the smile on his face and the kindness in his eyes warms me to my core. "You saved them, Mikoto-san!"

Bell Cranel was my Hero.

Clearly, I Need More Exploits (7.3)

The Abandoned Church was different from when I remembered it, probably because of Cranel's success in the Dungeon. Though Hestia now worked for Hephaestus due to her procurement of the 'Hestia Knife,' my white-haired student's made sure his Familia's home was in better shape. The roof was patched up, the rotten pews and other furniture were gone, and there was a hefty, sturdy door in place of the former, useless entrance. The Church area now had a dining area, storage area, and a fireplace for cooking. A few decorations, obviously chosen by Hestia, gave the entire place a homey feel.

Anyway, it wasn't my first time in Cranel's renovated home, given that Arde joined his Familia shortly after we returned from the abandoned castle. Arde had shelves full of weapons, armor plates, and extra clothes stacked in a corner along with a cot. The small space clashed with the rest of the first floor of the abandoned church, but it was slowly being decorated by Hestia. No place shall go undecorated by the glorious Oppai Loli Goddess! There will be no gloomy rooms in her domain! There shall only be nice rugs, tasteful vases, and vibrant houseplants!

Overall, I was sure that Hestia was proving to be a good Goddess for Arde. My auburn-haired student most certainly enjoyed having a God that didn't base their power around drugs. Though, according to my Pallum student, Hestia didn't enjoy her practice of throwing knives as practice, the ribbon-string, miniskirt Loli most certainly cared well for both her and Cranel. Good job, Hestia! If you continue doing such a good job I'll consider contacting you for my Househusband training! To be able to make Arde appreciate your hospitality is an immense mark of excellence in your housekeeping and hospitality skills!

Normally, the abandoned Church was rather hectic, given that Hestia and Cranel loved to enjoy their home as Arde and I went over what to do, but today it wasn't just the four of us present.

Indeed, instead the Takemikazuchi Familia was also present.

Or rather, the remains of the Familia were present.

"Hikigaya-san! Please, accept my most sincere gratitude!" Takemikazuchi, clad in Japanese formal-wear, was prostrated before me as he gave his thanks. It was just as jarring as it was the first time it had happened. One would think that I would build up resistance against such surprises, but the action was just as strange as it had been with Hestia. Honestly, being raised in a middle-class family, I expect to bow and not be bowed to! Be more considerate of my upbringing, please! "I cannot thank you enough for saving my most precious children!"

"Really, Takemikazuchi-sama, there's no need to go to such lengths to thank us." Cranel had his hands raised and a weak smile on his face. Thank goodness that I wasn't the only one uncomfortable with the situation! Even Arde, who I'm sure would simply love seeing a God on their knees, was perturbed by how the Head of the Takemikazuchi Familia was supplicating before us. Please, Cranel, stop this man! You're my only hope of retaining my honest, humble worldview! "Haha, my grandfather always told me that rescuing gir- fellow Adventurers is a must for any Adventurer in their prime."

"Then, I must say that your grandfather was a very virtuous man, Bell Cranel." Thankfully, Takemikazuchi got up to his feet after Cranel said his piece. The black-haired God, whose hair was ripped straight out of some history book, offered us all a smile. Augh, this God was definitely someone who was inherently nice, just like Miach and Hestia. Oi, Zaimokuza, why the hell am I meeting so many nice Gods now that I'm with the protagonist? No, scratch that, why is Cranel meeting all the nice ones right away!? This is unfair, you know! Having good contacts is way too broken to not be called a superpower! "Still, my gratitude is still sincere, Cranel-kun. Asuka, Ouka, and Mikoto… my precious children… are still alive thanks to you."

"No, I mean, I had a lot of help-."

"Brat, in situations like this, you say, 'you're welcome.'" I stopped the train of humility that was beginning to gather speed. To further compound on the 'cool factor' in my momentary screen time, I nudged Cranel with my elbow for emphasis. There you go, perfect Sensei-action. I could see Hiratsuka-sensei doing it to me if I ever did something worthwhile. So, it would've basically never happened. I'm sorry my Christmas Cake Sensei, but I doubt I'd ever be a good student. I turned my gaze towards Takemikazuchi and gave the black-haired God a bow. "I humbly accept your gratitude, Takemikazuchi-sama, I am glad to be of aid to you."

Arde did the same as me, albeit without the elbow-jab and advice towards Cranel. My Pallum student, however, still spared Cranel a smirk.

Cranel, of course, rose to his rival's slight towards him and immediately bowed and repeated my phrase.

"I must say, it is refreshing to be so well-respected!" Takemikazuchi gave a laugh, but I was able to tell it was a forced one. Inadvertently, I found myself gritting my teeth. I read between the lines. The black-haired God was hiding behind a fake smile, going through motions to forget pain, and he was using me and my students to do it. Already, I could see Arde's eyes narrowing at him and Cranel gradually becoming disconcerted. They both knew he was acting too cheerfully for someone who lost half their Familia. They would most definitely think ill of him if he continued. "I must say, Orario has so many Gods within it that-."

"Takemikazuchi." Unexpectedly, Hestia's voice wafted over us. There was authority behind the Goddess's voice. Turning my gaze towards her and seeing the confidence in her eyes, I found myself incapable of describing her as anything less than the Goddess of the Hearth and the Home. The smile she offered her fellow god was a kindly one, but it made his shoulders droop and the smile on his face to begin to fade away. The smaller, frailer Goddess guided the warrior God away by his shoulder. "Be with your Familia, worry about appearances later. Bell-kun and his teammates will understand."

"I… you're correct, Hestia." Takemikazuchi released a sigh, practically losing the rest of his smile in less than a second. I released a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding, drawing Hestia's gaze. The Goddess gave me a knowing nod. You know what? I'll let you be cool just this once. Mostly because you stopped someone from doing something he would regret. The black-haired God gave us one final bow. "Please, excuse me for now, my friends. Know that you're all welcome to my Familia's home. We will be more than happy to render our aid to you in thanks for what you've done."

At that, Takemikazuchi allowed Hestia to lead him towards his Familia. Mikoto gave a wave when she saw our gazes turn towards them. The swordswoman was still clad in the clothing that Cranel lent to her. She seemed… as well as someone in her situation could reasonably be. However, the two we rescued, Ouka and Asuka, had haunted looks in their eyes. They gazed into the distance, they flinched at sudden movements, and they stayed in the sunlight. In normal circumstances, I was sure that I would've had a few things to say about the two, regarding how they were blatantly unimportant, but I couldn't bring them to mind. Though they offered the three of us grateful nods in return, it was hard to see them as Adventurers rather than the half-dead, near-crazed individuals we 'rescued' in the Dungeon.

Personally, I doubted that the Takemikazuchi Familia would continue. I had a feeling that Mikoto was meant to join the Hestia Familia at the start. Her Familia dissolving, with Takemikazuchi transferring her to Hestia as he took the other two back to their homeland, could easily happen. Taking in an Adventurer who lost their entire Familia fit well into the theme of this story. How Cranel would've managed to save Mikoto, and with who, is up for debate… but killing off characters with no 'history' or 'uniqueness' for the sake of adding an interesting one to the cast is all too easy in this setting. That was the main reason why I played a part, instead of trying to forge my own path, this world was simply too deadly to tread as a faceless, unknown being.

In the end, this situation was simply a reminder that this world was anything but kind.

"I wish we could've done something sooner." Cranel's voice was soft and his face was filled with worry. Really, sometimes you're far too kind for your own good. You just met the man less than an hour ago, Cranel. You saved half of his Familia. That alone, quite frankly, is an achievement. I wanted to tell him all of that, but… well I couldn't risk a confrontation scene. I wasn't up for risking estranging myself from him, today. "I feel sorry for being so… late… in saving them."

"Oi, kid, keep that ego in check. You saved three people." Arde, thankfully, adapted well into the role of Cranel's rival. Dispensing the advice I momentarily couldn't. My Pallum student gave him a quick rap to the head, which staggered him, and gave a grunt and crossed her arms as my human student levelled a glare at her. I could always trust her to be the more pragmatic of the two of them. "Remember what I told you at the fort? Just because you think you could've done something, doesn't mean that you could have." Auburn hair waved about as she shook her head. Both her mask and hat were on her cot. "Unless all three of us were stronger or better prepared, we couldn't have possibly saved the other three."

"I… you're right." Cranel bit back his words, his hands tightening as a frown spread across his face. My white-haired, red-eyed student knew the dangers of the Dungeon well enough. Heading into the Middle Floors was easy for us because we were prepared and knew what to expect. Heck, we spent most of our time on the 17th Floor given that Minotaurs and Lygerfangs were easier to deal with than hordes upon hordes of Almiraj and Hellhounds. "I need to get stronger. Work harder. So that I can do better if it ever happens again."

"Hmph, I'll believe it when I see it, kid." Arde scoffed, shook her head again, and crossed her arms. Cranel's face formed into a scowl. Anyone looking in would've thought them cross with one another. However, as always, I could read through the lines. As odd as it might be to onlookers, this was simply how these two first members of the Hestia Familia interacted with one another. "Still, I guess it's better than taking on the entirety of Sensei's enemies." My Pallum student began to walk to her 'room.' "Congratulations on gaining a semblance of sensibility. Might I suggest training that particular Basic Skill some more?"

"Are you saying that I'm only sensible thanks to Kami-sama's Blessing!?" Cranel recoiled and strode after her. Though there was an affronted note in his voice, I could tell that he was happy to be returning to something familiar. Seeing several dead bodies of fellow Adventurers for the first time jarred my white-haired student more than he wanted to admit. "I'm very sensible! I'm never r-reckless!"

"Didn't you run into the Dungeon after that mutt, Loga, said something unkind to you?"

"That doesn't count!"

My two students began to bicker, but they went about restocking their knives and putting away their unnecessary items with familiar movements. Two rivals, providing challenges to one another, with good relationships with one another. Cranel needed to become strong to live up to his ideals while Arde kept him from doing anything stupid. Overall, whenever I visited Hestia's home, I was able to see that I achieved my goal of creating a rival for Cranel with the bonus of getting Arde out of the Soma Familia.

Still, their bickering and ease with one another was something I couldn't bear to look at for too long. By all means, I should have been proud of how well my plans went. However, I couldn't help but feel that I made a relationship like what I had with Komachi for my own sake… Right now, with me to connect them, they interacted well with one another.

However, what would happen to them once I was gone?

Clearly, I Need More Exploits (7.4)

"Hmmm, a lot of people are staring at us!" Tiona Hiryute, my bodyguard for the last few weeks, was as airheaded as always. Of course they're staring at us! You're barely as tall as Cranel and obviously young! Do you know how many people would get the wrong idea about some masked individual leading around a skimpily-dressed Amazon!? It didn't help that even as my bodyguard, the short-haired Amazon was going from place to place and gushing over various magical odds and ends. "You're unexpectedly popular around these parts, Hat-kun!"

"Oi, stop causing a scene." Using the slapstick-comedy patented 'Head-Chop' maneuver in hopes of managing Hiryute's cheerfulness and energy, I did my best to mitigate any damage to my reputation. Months of appearing as a mysterious, masked buyer of magical artifacts and tomes are going down the drain thanks to a single Amazon! Laws of Comedy, I invoke you! Stop this airhead from ruining my entire reputation! Thankfully, I must have invoked the Rites of Slapstick correctly and the short-haired Amazon dropped a sinister-looking helmet with a pout. "C'mon, Hiryute, it's best we don't keep Alf waiting."

"Ooooh~ Is Hat-kun worried about looking bad to Riveria-sama?" Hiryute gave off a squeal of delight, forgoing her 'pout and hold head' maneuver in favor of latching onto my hand with curiosity alight in her eyes. That's a dangerous move, you know!? People are definitely going to get the wrong idea! Don't get so touchy-feely with your Hiryutes! A guy would most definitely get the wrong idea! "So you don't want to be late in meeting her, showing that you care for her, despite the fact you say you don't like being around her!?"

"Wrong." I invoked the Rite of Slapstick comedy once more, managing to get Hiryute off my arm without consequence. For added comedic effect, I stretched out the word a bit while remaining perfectly deadpan. I can only imagine that Zaimokuza wanted to put some comedy into his chapters after mercilessly killing half of an entire Familia. Though I doubted I was getting any screen time, since Cranel was currently spending time with Arde learning their new limits thanks to another Update, maybe this could be some sort of spin-off series or additional content? I can imagine Zaimokuza doing something sleazy like that just for extra sales. "Your Oujo-chan would never let me hear the end of it if I wasn't on time for a meeting that I made myself. There's no way in hell I'm letting her have such ammunition to use against me."

"Mou, you're too mean, Hat-kun! You need to treat girls nicely, you know! " Hiryute squirmed, holding her head and shaking to and fro, as we continued walking. Thankfully, the short-haired Amazon could continue playing her game as we walked. The pout that she sported was exaggerated, as were her movements, making it clear that she was playing around. Still, given her state of dress and culture, it was… dangerous instead of comedic. You're treading a dangerous line here, Zaimokuza, even if she is as old as Cranel! Peeking from beneath her bangs, held beneath her hands, an unexpectedly sly smile formed on her face. "They'll only be willing to be nice back if you're nice too, Hat-kun~. You should buy the girl of your dreams lots and lots of gifts!"

"Are you telling me that all there is to getting a nice girl is to be nice to them and buying them things?" Though I was caught off guard by Hiryute's sudden bout of craftiness, I simply fell back onto my comedic defense. Haha! I have defenses against clever girls, now! While I'd never say it's impossible for me to be flustered, since I once believed it was impossible to travel to different worlds, I am at least resistant against their wiles! "I don't know whether to be amused or disappointed at those words."

"Of course! Girls love gifts, but you have to be mindful of what you give them, Hat-kun. However, you need to remember something important when you do give them gifts…" Hiryute's smirk was among the most devious of which I'd ever seen. The short-haired amazon tugged at my sleeve and I found myself incapable of resisting her superior strength. I felt her breath against the side of my face as she dragged in a breath for a whisper. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and I felt keenly aware of the fact that there were quite a few people in the same street as the two of us. Oi, oi, oi! What the hell is with this sudden development?! "A lot of girls love little keepsakes more than jewelry, Hat-kun~. So remember to start small, but never forget to work your way up~."

"…I'm not hearing anything that goes against my previous statement." For once, I was grateful for how one-sided my mind was. Had I still been but a mere mortal, I was sure that I would've been left tongue-tied and stuttering. Oddly enough, I had a feeling that particular reaction would've been merciful in comparison to the one I incited. As I simply shrugged her off, huffed, and started walking ahead, I noticed that she was practically beaming. My weathering Hiryute's high-strength teasing skill side seems to have made the girl very happy. Jeez, this girl was starting to remind me of a combination between a certain college-goer and my underclassman. A dangerous combination. "I'll be sure to stock up on stylish knickknacks and other fashionable trinkets the next time I see them on sale, then."

"Oh no, I've created an insatiable monster!" Hiryute gave a little, jubilant cry before once more taking to my side. I relaxed once I noticed that the short-haired Amazon was content to simply stroll along with her hands clasped against the small of her back. Once again, Hiryute-san, I need to ask you to tone down your personality before a guy gets the wrong idea. "Hat-kun! You must use the advice I gave you wisely! It is a power you must never misuse!"

"Seriously, you're not even going to try and deny that my plan would work?" I found myself drawn into the little byplay that Hiryute generated. It was probably because I was lowering my guard once I realized that the 'danger' had passed and she was once more all jokes and cheers. "Isn't that a bit sad, Hiryute?"

Hiryute stuck out her tongue before pressing a finger against her lips. The short-haired Amazon simply began to hum. I guess that was the end of the little byplay that just occurred. At the very least, I couldn't say that it hadn't been entertaining to partake in, given it was both new and a reminder of my previous life. While someone foolish would make the mistake of assuming that Hiryute was interested in me. I had plenty of experience with sly, adorable girls who didn't have any interest in me.

By all means, there was no way in hell that was any sort of a flag.

Witch's Secret House was, as the name suggested, a place that wasn't easily found. Most high-end magic stores were in Babel, but plenty were scattered around Orario itself. Given the fact that Magic items, from simple staffs all the way to Grimoires, ran for stupidly high sums of Valis it was understandable that most shop-owners wouldn't risk having their very, very expensive wares stolen by thieves in the middle of the night or outright forced to hand them over. The threat of being blacklisted by all the Merchants in the city, or being hit by a Familia who wanted favors from the Merchants, really didn't help when a dozen hundred-million-Valis Grimoires were all stolen.

So, shops that carried High-End Magic Items were only outside of Babel if two requirements were met. They either were part of a larger, more powerful Familia, or the shopkeeper in question is ludicrously strong and it would be completely, utterly stupid to face them in their own territory. The Witch's Secret House was the latter with its proprietor being Lenoa, a human witch who's practically as old as Orario itself. To be her age, she had to be at least Level 5, but I personally believed she was Level 6. Anyone who went through the trouble of looking for her would know that she's one of the deadliest adventurers in Orario, and if that person in question still intended to steal from her after investigating… well, they're free game.

"Nice coat, Hikigaya." The wizened crone croaked a greeting as I entered the dark, messy shop. One gnarled hand stirred and stirred a pot of viscous, blue liquid as another hefted a book wider than Arde. Despite her age, sharp and dangerous eyes looked from beneath the brim of her tall, pointed hat. Old, dangerous, and a mean haggler. Needless to say, I liked her. "That Adolescent Dragon must've been surprised to find someone as tenacious as a cockroach as its target."

"As wise and as composed as always, Lenoa. Your words simply drip with wisdom." I gave my own greeting in return, raising a hand to both wave and take off my hat. The other one had the important duty of holding back Hiryute before she ate a million-Valis reagent or something. While I did the latter for the sake of my wallet, the former was simply proper manners. Pissing off someone as well-connected and powerful as Lenoa wasn't something I wanted to do. "Where's Alf and Viridis?"

"Looking over the staves you requested." Lenoa gave a throaty chuckle, the hand holding the ladle gesturing past a door hidden behind a curtain. I gave the ancient witch a nod before moving forward and depositing the second half of the payment on her table along with a little… extra. The slightest of grins came upon the elderly woman's face. She paused in her stirring and weighed the second bag with a faint smirk. Faster than I could see, she switched it out and threw a slim notebook my way. Heh, jackpot. "The minute I hear you spreading around my advice is the day I'll string you up, Hikigaya!"

"As if I'd be stupid enough to cross you, Lenoa." I stuffed the slim book into the folds of my coat. Ten million Valis for a 'guide' would've been an idiotic purchase for anyone else, but I knew better than to look down on the knowledge of someone like Lenoa. There's a reason why the oldest warrior is the most dangerous one to face, after all. For someone like me, who emphasized magic, a fifty-page, sleek notebook full of advice from the wizened, old mage was worth a small fortune. "I'm just a regular idiot, not an exceptional one."

"Indeed, that selfishness and self-awareness of yours might even make sure you're long-lived idiot." Lenoa gave a croaking laugh, before waving her gnarled hands towards the hidden door. "Now, go make sure that princess doesn't blow up my basement with those staves of yours." Hiryute gave a cheer before moving into the door, rushing to surprise her fellow Familia members. Some guard she is! However, as I moved to follow, the old hag spoke again. There was an note to her voice that I'd never heard before. It was a note of appraisal and… satisfaction. "Good to know you've taken Mage, Hikigaya. Keep working on your magic and you'll receive Arcanum or Wizardry soon enough."

"…Hmph, the advice on how to figure that out better be in this book of yours." I was momentarily stunned by Lenoa's correct appraisal of my Developmental Ability. However, I caught myself and shook my head. The old hag probably figured it out the moment that I entered the shop, only keeping quiet since Hiryute was present. Since the Amazon went off to surprise her fellows, the ancient witch probably didn't see a point in baiting me. "Otherwise I might choose something else instead of those just to spite you."

"Hah! And you'd be the type to do it too!" Lenoa cackled and shook her head. The old hag took to her ladle and book once more, returning to stirring her boiling mixture. "There's no need to worry about that. It's there. You don't get to be as old as me without picking up a few, devious tricks." Another laugh left her lips. "Heh, as if I'd risk chasing away the chance to pull in more Grimoires, cheeky brat!"

"You're far too clever for such a greedy, old witch." I shook my head, but I couldn't hold back my own laugh as I crossed the threshold. Lenoa wasn't Hiratsuka-sensei, not by a long shot. The old hag was more like me than anyone else. A part of me wanted to be like this well-connected, fearsome woman who was wealthy beyond compare… but sitting around in the back of a shop wasn't going to get me home. Honestly, I was jealous. "Don't ever change."

"I don't plan to, Hikigaya." Lenoa chortled, her words echoing through the stairs as I descended. "It's the only way to make a decent living in this shitty town."

On that, of course, I agreed.

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