

Just In




My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong! by Sage of Eyes

 My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU/やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている & Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Xover Rated: M, English, Humor & Adventure, Hachiman H., Bell C., Words: 274k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Jan 5, 2017 Updated: Oct 5 795Chapter 8

Of Course, I Have Several Tricks Left. (8.1)

Spell Stones, embedded at the end of staves, allow firmer control over magic. As a Mage, I can technically create them myself from Monster Crystals, but I wasn't keen on taking to studying both carving and the intricacies of magic. One did not simply kill a monster, place a sharpened Monster Crystal atop a stick, and wave it about. No, that's a method to make explosive spears. They're very useful but they're not staves.

Everything from being able to direct a spell's speed, concentration, and direction depended on a stave. However, most Magic Users used Staves so that they could store magic into the Spell Stone while chanting. Like 'paying off' the Spell at the start, it eradicated the chance for Ignis Fatuus to occur in the body of a Mage due to a surprise attack or anything else that could break their concentration. So, despite the fact that Staves could be used to amplify Magic, many Mages used them as insurance that they won't die because of a miscast. Better to have the end of a stave explode rather than one's arms or hands.

Still, experienced Mages touted staves that were focused around concentrating and directing their attacks. Being able to direct their attacks above monsters, or turn a barrage into a single, concentrated lance, is fairly important when dealing with power that could wipe out several city blocks. Using hands alone only allowed an attack to propagate forward, and that's quite useless when meatshie- allies are in between them and an army of monsters.

Overall, I'm sure that any decent author would've went on about the limitations on Mages and why they haven't cleared the Dungeon. There's a ludicrous amount of downsides to being an ordinary mage. They couldn't move quickly, their spells took an immense amount of time, and their job made sure that they needed to devote immense amounts of time into making sure they're focused. A decent Author would've explained it along those lines. I was fairly sure that Zaimokuza simply wanted his magic users to fit the western-fantasy that he was going for. In fact, the fact that I saw that the most 'efficient' styles of Spell Stones resembled crystal butterflies and other chuuni-designs, pretty much confirmed the tubby bastard limited my selected class for sheer aesthetic alone.

Zaimokuza, if the staves I ordered have stupid-looking, crystal animals or flowers on their ends, I'm going to kill you.

"These are quite possibly the most simplistic, crude staves that I have ever laid my eyes upon, Hikigaya." Alf somehow managed to sound as imperial and haughty as always despite the Amazon hanging off her midsection. Truly, you have been raised well to be so well-versed in insulting people while looking ludicrous. "Though, I suppose, given your personality and cheapskate nature, I should be surprised that they aren't mere Spell Stones tied onto the ends of iron rods."

"They're still better looking than the clunky and tasteless stave you're carrying around, Alf-oujo-sama." I gave my own retort habitually. I gave Viridis, who gave a stuttered greeting, a nod as I walked towards the case where my ordered staves were. Looking them over, I released a sigh of relief. Each was 'only' a short, black metal rod with a shaped Spell Stone atop it. Looks like my choice of separating the effects amongst four made it so that I didn't have a stave of idiotic design. "Though I suppose, given your fashion sense, I should be glad it's only an eyesore and nothing more."

"This coming from a man who wears a mask and coat no matter the occasion, Hikigaya?" Alf shot back with a glare. Still, I noticed her crossing her arms over her green, thick jacket. Yeah, you can't talk about my coat! It's better than yours! I made it from the hide of a Dragon whose head I caved in with a chunk of a Minotaur's halberd! It has pockets inside and outside! My cape is built-in! Yours has useless straps for no reason! Zaimokuza's a bigger nerd than I ever was! "Besides that, wearing a nic- acceptable formal wear at all times is but a simple, lazy method of ensuring that no one can complain of your style of clothing!"

"Ha!" A misstep, I needed to put this to my advantage! Such a weakness needed to be capitalized upon! At last, my ability to pay attention has finally paid off! "You were about to admit my clothes are nice!"

"I said your clothing is acceptable." Alf nearly recoiled, but gathered her composure quickly. Damn. I thought I had her. She had amended. "Clear those ears of yours, Hikigaya. Your clothes are merely acceptable at best."

"A three-piece suit meant for combat isn't merely acceptable." Still, I persisted, digging my heels on the verbal battle. "That just confirms the fact that you have terrible taste, Alf."

"Such recalcitrance on a petty matter speaks leagues of your imbecilic nature, idiot."

"So you're just going to bring out the thesaurus when you're about to lose, Dictionary-sama?"

"Your display of casual obstinacy speaks for itself, cretin."

"Anyone with a brain would know that you're avoiding the subject, Alfthesaurus-chan."

"R-riveria-sama! H-hikigaya-kun!"


A sudden voice cut us both off before we could go on. Oddly enough, the two of us turned and spoke as one towards the voice. Though we were both focused on the source of the interruption, I had the strangest feeling that our little bout of synchronicity was because of different reasons entirely. I had turned because I knew I was about to win, while Alf seemed to turn to the sound the moment my name was called out. Odd.

"Ah, um, ah." Viridis paled, and her knees began to shake. Instantly, I felt as though I had kicked a puppy. Worse, this puppy was deliberately made to be cute and adorable. Undoubtedly, Lefiya Viridis's character was the archetypical easily-flustered, earnest, and nice Mage girl. Going further into the puppy metaphor, I supposed this was the equivalent of kicking some sort of a hybrid between an Akita hound and a Pomeranian. It's a good thing I liked cats. The look on Alf's face as she realized that she just lost her composure at her own student was priceless. I'd participate in it again if it meant seeing the shock on her irritating, smug façade. "A-are we not here to e-evaluate the differences between your current magic and y-your previous state, Hikigaya-kun?"

"Then, please excuse my actions, Lefiya." Alf gathered her composure quickly, coughing into her hand to hide her embarrassment. I was tempted to comment on that, but Hiryute elbowed my side. The look in the Amazon's eyes told me I should stop talking. That I should just bask in the successes I already had. There was also a threatening undercurrent in her glare. The promise of swift, unyielding justice. Needless to say, I chose life over amusement. "Well, I suppose that we should begin to test your Spells now, Hikigaya-k-kun?"

"I am." Eh? What's with the sudden honorific? You know that your student calls me Hikigaya-kun because I saved her life, right? There's really no need for you to try and act nicely to me because Lefiya owes me something. Wait, why am I trying to convince you to treat me like trash? This is a goldmine! Ha! I bet she's forcing herself to say that because her student was here! Ah, this was hilarious. Too bad Hiryute was stopping me from pressing forward. Such a valuable opportunity lost. "Then, I'll start with the Focusing Stave…"

Hefting the first of the four, different staves, I prepared myself to start my first practice with my new weapons…

Only to stumble as the ground began to shake tremendously. I caught myself easily, given the fact I lived in Japan for most of my life, but the other three grabbed hold onto the table where my staves sat. However, even I had to rely on the piece of furniture as the shaking didn't cease.

I was sure that one of us was about to voice the question that was on all our minds… but before anyone could, the walls of the basement were pierced by immense, green tendrils, framed with petals, and filled with slavering maws.

The monsters that the Loki Familia had been searching for. The ones capable of killing Level 3s. With the ability to resist the blows and strikes of Level 5s.

Weak only to magic.

So, of course, it would only be wise to attack the Witch's Secret House.

We didn't engage the surging mass of deadly tendrils in the basement. That would've been a move worthy of the swift death that would've followed. Granted, I was probably the only one that would've died, but that's simply semantics. The unnamed plant monster was taken straight out of a Hentai, but was thankfully dangerous and lethal. The fact it was a dangerous, terrifying threat made my respect for Zaimokuza double. Oh wait, zero multiplied by two is still zero, better luck next time you, perverted Chuuni. I know where you ripped this monster off! You're giving anyone who likes anime a bad name, dammit!

Rapid movement, no visible eyes or other sensory organs, capable of tearing through stone fortifications with ease. Information provided by Loki is trustworthy. Unknown monster is possibly more dangerous than Goliath. Unknown number present. Head possible weak point? Possibility of multiple heads? Potential weak point?

Anyway, Alf grabbed Viridis and Hiryute hefted me up before we rocketed up the stairs. I barely managed to grab my staves before the world blurred and we were suddenly inside the shop. Lenoa was conspicuously absent, along with everything else in the store that was remotely valuable. Damn, I wish I had a way to disappear with all my valued possessions. That would make life a lot easier. An inventory system would be ridiculously powerful if you can store and take yourself out of it.

Start casting Spark. Utilize Amplify Stave. Lenoa and valuables not present. Possible betrayal? Unlikely. Nothing to gain from death. Wouldn't be capable of taking on entire Loki Familia or Elven Nation. Amendment: Viridis possible target of Lenoa due to Elf Ring. Low probability of possible treachery. High probability of Spark doing no damage. Cast Spark into support pillar for ceiling. Ceiling collapses behind group. Rubble only marginally slows tendrils but does no damage. Sensory organs blinded by dust or lightning?

Hiryute followed Alf, and soon enough I was standing atop a roof, and I realized it wasn't just an attack on the Witch's Secret House. I was glad that I started up my 'Combat Mind' because I'd have been shocked still for a long time by the sight of Orario being ravaged by a literal army of monsters.

Fifteen. Thirty. Seventy. Eighty. Ninety-seven. At least a hundred, including pursuers. In groups of three. Arranged on intersections. Planned attack. No. Invasion. Adventurers mustering from Babel. Monsters hadn't broken through. Noon. Majority of adventurers still within Dungeon. Shock on faces of all current allies. No fear. Worry present. Good. Capable of taking on current array of foes. Attach self to group for safety. Disengage limiters on cloak. Take command? No. Alf superior leader. Provide supplemental magic support? Lefiya. Physical strength? Provided by Hiryute. Presence is superfluous, possible weakness, can't endanger others-.

"Hiryute, tie the enemy down! Hikigaya, Lefiya, fast, impact-based chants only! Keep them away from me." Alf barked and I immediately turned to her. Gone was the elf I knew. The one that stood before me was the Heir Apparent of an entire nation and capable of wiping out armies with a single spell. Hefting her stave into the sky, the immense amount of magic that poured out of the emerald-elf was immense. This was a being who deserved the name Nine Hell. "I will handle these interlopers myself."

Just this once, I supposed that I could break character and take someone else's orders.

The Astray Elf (Part 2)

It is to my great regret that even in the weeks that passed since I last met Hikigaya, I have not surmounted the challenge that still plagued me. Though I faced the monsters that now assaulted Orario before, and proved myself capable of destroying them, I nonetheless felt fear of fighting them growing in my chest. Though Tiona strode ahead with only her bare fists and Hikigaya took to my side without hesitation, I found myself faltering as I took in the enemy that had nearly killed me several weeks ago. How unbecoming of an adventurer I am, to find my resolution failing easily in the face of the same challenge, especially when innocent lives were on the line!

"Viridis, stay calm." Hikigaya's voice was calm and measured, a far cry from how he addressed me during our last encounter together. Simply glancing at him, however, made it clear to me that he was wholly concentrated the battle at hand. I remembered that he was a Step behind myself in Divinity. The confidence and assuredness that he exuded always made me believe he was closer to the gods than myself. I knew that I should have felt indignation and shame at myself as he began to instruct me, but I felt myself growing emboldened as he continued to speak to me. "Focus on what you're supposed to do. Nothing else matters at this moment."

"Y-yes." How I wished that I didn't stutter. Taking his words to heart, I began gathering magic. After our last encounter against this foe, in Under Resort, Riveria-sama had discussed with me the weaknesses of our opponent. While both of our attacks, hers of frost and mine of pure magic, had been to great effect against regular fiends, the larger monstrosity that formed of them had been greatly resistant to our attacks. Wisely, Riveria-sama surmised that magic of the Flame would have the greatest effect. "I will take on the enemies below us!"

"I'll take the rest, then." Succinctly, Hikigaya acceded to my plan, beginning to chant for his favored spell. I had not meant to take command, but I stilled my tongue as he swiftly brought forth his new stave. From the shape of the Spell Stone at the end of the black iron rod, I was able to surmise it was the one focused entirely for shaping and directing blasts of magic. How would he use it with his preference for the element of Lightning? Unlike that of other elements, Lightning surged onward without pause and sapped upon Mind quickly. I had expected him to utilize one of his staves for Amplify, to increase the power of his magic to a greater degree. Had he made a mistake? "Continuous Chain Lightning."

I began to cast the spells in my repertoire that did not rely upon my Fairy Ring. Simple spells, procured in hindsight of the new threat, such as Flame Lance and Fire Spheres, were practiced by both myself and Riveria-sama. Their chants were short, easy to remember, and their cost in Mind little in comparison. I was glad that Loki-sama thought to purchase them for both myself and Riveria-sama after she fetched the others from training with Hikigaya. They worked well against the rushing tendrils, the Lances cut and burned away the tendrils while the Spheres diverted them and caused them to crash into the surroundings.

Still, even as I cast spell after spell, I could not help but be fixated on my savior's usage of the Shaping Stave. The stream of lightning projected from the end of the Spell Stone, of which I expected to elongate endlessly, instead curved and rippled into the shape of a massive, weightless sword. He wielded it with the practiced ease that he had once used to save my life. Most of the tendrils of the fiend were met with a quick response, born from both his recent Step into Divinity and his own skill, but those that evaded the edge were met with branches from the main body that he allowed to dissipate moments later. It was a melee weapon made of pure magic, a newfound use for Staves, a display that did merit to the praise I held for him!

Hikigaya worked with me seamlessly, despite the matter of us having only met once before. I held no doubt in my mind that I would have feared having to fight with someone else, not of my Familia, at my side. Yet, knowing of the time he spent training others, turning normal adventurers into skilled and capable ones, I was able to take heart and surge forward. I elevated my barrage, making better effort into using both of my spells, and began to supplement his own efforts. I was unsurprised to find him readily altering his own plans and meshing them with my own. Soon enough I was no longer casting Spheres, as he took up the defense, and I focused entirely on using Lances to debilitate our foe.

Working in tandem with Hikigaya-kun, the battle become a blur even as more of the fiends congregated towards us as they detected our gathering magic. It was unlike any other battle I had ever fought. Though the prospect of death still lingered on my mind, the immense oppressiveness that I was plagued by was replaced with the urge to spite it. I had felt the thrill of victory many times over and this was similar. I felt… the promise of impending victory. Of one hard-earned, tenaciously-fought, and worthily-won through an intense endeavor. The decisiveness of my role, to end battles swiftly from afar, made the feeling scarcely felt… and all the more intense.

When Riveria-sama cast her spell, ending the threat for entire blocks, I felt as though the battle ended sooner than I had expected. No, I would not dare lie. Deep in my heart, I had felt as I expected many of my other Familia members did during our engagements. Giving my all, being an Adventurer at the forefront of the fight, had exhilarated me tremendously. For once, I had fought in a battle that had ended sooner than I wished it to.

All thanks to Hikigaya.

"You did exceptionally well, Lefiya." Riveria-sama's smile and compliment flustered me greatly. I could not remember a time when I had such praise set upon me. Nearly, I tripped as we made our way across the city to provide further aid to its denizens. Finding allies was a priority as well, but Riveria-sama decided that our objective was to eliminate as many of the fiends as possible. Having cleared a large section of the city in moments, I had no doubt that we would accomplish our goal. "Though you've had little practice in that role, I was astounded by your efficacy."

"T-thank you very much, Riveria-sama!" I desperately hoped that I was not flushed, but the heat gathering upon my face and the tips of my ears told me otherwise. Under normal circumstances I'd have hoped to hide my childish embarrassment, but my hands held onto my stave tightly. It would be remiss of me to lose my weapon through mere carelessness! For a moment, I wished to merely bask in the praise, but I soon realized that I greatly undermined Hikigaya by not speaking on his behalf. "Hikigaya-kun helped me immensely! I-I am sure that I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I did without him!"

"Yeah, Hat-kun was all like 'Woosh!' and 'Zap!' with that sword of his!" Tiona cheered, giving a nudge to Hikigaya as he ran by her. As he gave a yelp, the smile my Amazon Familia member normally sported widened another degree. While Tione seemed to enjoy showering Finn-sama with affection, Tiona was more guileful and teasing in her affections. Or, at least, that was what I saw. The culture of the Amazons was a confusing one. Was it truly affection or mere playfulness? "Ne, Hat-kun, why'd you never use that before? It was amazing, Hat-kun!"

"First time using it." Since he was relying on combining Haste and Empower to keep up with us, Hikigaya gave Tiona a glare as he had to recovered from the slight push. My Amazon Familia member only seemed to grow happier at the attention, outright beaming at him with a massive smile. The scoff that followed from him had her giggling and forming a more pleasant smile. I was surprised by how close the two were, after such a short period of time. "Can't be done without a Focusing Stave, and even then I can't use it all the time unless I want to waste a Spell Stone."

"Such powerful magic would degrade the Spell Stone quickly. You will need many Staves to use such a technique multiple times." Riveria-sama agreed, suddenly halting atop a rooftop's chimney. We all ceased to move as she slowly turned about. Given that she was on her Sixth Step to Divinity, I had no doubt that her senses were more powerful than all of our own. I could not remember a time when a fiend ever managed to surprise her. "There is a mage in the vicinity." There was only a second of a pause before Riveria-sama pinpointed our fellow mage's location and sharply gestured towards it. "Several monsters are heading their way now! I will distract them! Hikigaya, with me! Tiona, rescue the mage, Lefiya, support her!"

We gave our affirmations to her plan and surged forward. Though a part of me wished to fight with Hikigaya as I had in the earlier battle, I knew better than to question orders for such a trivial matter. I knew that I needed to be as comfortable at the rest of my Familia's side as I was at his and Aiz's. Relying on only two people, when I had an entire Familia willing to support me, would do many a grave disservice. I would not be able to live with such a shame upon my shoulders. Each and every one of my Familia would do the same as Hikigaya and Aiz for my sake, and for that reason alone I should be able to fight as well at their side as for the one who saved my life and the one whose side I wished to reach.

Tiona and myself found the mage quickly. She was an elf that sported onyx hair and a dress of white and blue. A barrier made of golden light stood before her and the fiends. Though her attacks surged through the barrier, the fiends could not bypass it. Still, she was harried and chased as the plant beast surged through the houses and cobblestone streets. Though she stayed a step ahead of them, tendrils still managed to graze and render wounds upon her.

Rather than stay atop the roofs in relative safety, I chose to take to the ground as well, eliciting a sound of surprise from Tiona. Taking to the side of the elf, I grabbed her waist, and launched us both back as Tiona fell upon the fiend with a cry of appreciation.

"T-thank you." The elf heaved a sigh of relief as I set her down gently. I offered her what potions I had and she took them with gratitude. An appreciative smile stretched across her features. "You saved my life."

"…" I only gave a nod in return, even as I felt pleased by her words. No, I had yet to save her, the fiend still lived and until it was dealt with… neither of us were safe. Still, it was odd to say nothing after such a proclamation. After a moment, I decided on giving another nod and instructing them as Riveria-sama would in my position. "Drink, then help us defeat this monster."

As Aiz did when she faced Udaeus, and as Hikigaya did when he willingly took a blow to defeat his opponent, rather than hoping for change to come, I swore to myself that I would endeavor to make change occur.

That in mind, I turned on my heel to face my opponent with all the might I had to my name.

I could do nothing less.

Of Course, I Have Several Tricks Left (8.2)


Evade blow, detect magic, duck and allow Lance to destroy tendril. Five current enemies. Two at back. Three at front. Buildings to sides. Two enemies at full combat ability. Remaining three currently maimed. Coming assault from two at front. Parry primary blows with main branch. Utilize secondary branches for remaining attacks.

Alf and I took on the horde of plant monsters, making sure to keep them off Lefiya and Tiona. Under normal circumstances, I'm sure that a normal Level 2 would be paste even when fighting alongside her, but my Continuous Haste and ability to cast on the move allowed me to evade the many, many blows of the monsters. Given that we were both Mages that used magic on the move, albeit I focused on a more personal method of using magic, our methods of fighting were similar enough that we worked very well with one another. Though the streets and buildings around us suffered, due to the fact both of us were throwing around very powerful magic, we were able to handle the constant tide of the monsters despite the fact we weren't capable of killing them quickly.

One more enemy entering at ally's end of the street. Wounded. Sporting fire damage and cut limbs. Immense strength and powerful weapon required to cut. Mage and Warrior. Monster is fleeing. Flash of silver and gold. Monster is cut completely in half. Figure stands atop it. Aiz Wallenstein. Level 6. Second figure present. Hand outstretched with glittering sparks. A cry. Firebolt. Cranel. Lance of white energy. Destroys entire group. Focus on remaining foe. Work in tandem with current partner. Enemy destroyed. No other monsters. Relax and focus on calming down-.

I barely managed to stop myself from recoiling as Cranel reached me with a few, bounding steps.

"Sensei, you're alright!" Cranel tackled me by the midsection. Covered in soot and sporting a few scrapes and bruises, I was surprised that he had the strength to grasp me so tightly. Despite the fact I had my Restraint off, I couldn't help but grunt as his maximized stats warred against my A-Ranks. Truly, Realis Phrase was ridiculously strong when combined with Mentor. He'll probably start Level 3 at C-Class, despite never stepping past Under Resort. Really, isn't that a bit overpowered? "Aiz said that these monsters went after people with large amounts of Magic, so we started looking for you when they appeared!"

No sound of coming enemies. Need to rescue other allies. Street unsafe. Roofs safer.

"I'm fine, Brat." I pushed him off lightly, turning my gaze towards Wallenstein. As expected, the Sword Princess was completely pristine despite fighting opponents that Hiryute's blows couldn't slay. Even the weakest Level 6 is more powerful than any Level 5 below S-Rank. Augh, I still have too much of my mind dedicated to fighting to properly think about other people without considering their strengths. It didn't help that I was in serious danger of dying the last hour. I made sure that he noticed my glances towards his various, minor injuries. "Though, you're not. Care to explain why you tried to fight against these things?"

Leader-Ally in close proximity. No fatigue. Offer healing. Request movement to reinforce ally or relocate.

"I couldn't leave Aiz to deal with all of them, especially when she could protect me while I took them out in one shot, Sensei." Cranel shook his head, no sign of regret in his actions. Good, reasoned argument as well, I can't fault him easily for it. Still, seeing his stubbornness gave me something else to focus my mind on. Running through a list of other things he could've done, such as simply evading combat altogether, I found the portion of my consciousness dedicated to battle slowly returning to manageable sizes. Manageable because I was sure that I wasn't done using it yet. "Besides, you said that sticking to someone strong in a dangerous situation is the best way to survive, and Aiz is definitely strong!"

"I also felt it would be safer for him to stay by my side, Hikigaya-san." Wallenstein spoke softly, giving a small tilt of her head. There was even a bit of red on her cheeks, almost as though she was embarrassed by admitting such a small thing. Alf gave me a slight nudge in my ribs, meeting my inquiring gaze with a raised brow. There was some sort of question in the raised eyebrow, but I wasn't the most social of people. I could only offer a shrug in response. "In fact, I had asked him to stay with me rather than allowing him to go looking for you immediately."

"Needless of the circumstances." Alf cleared her throat and settled back into her 'leader' state. Though the differences were only slight, straightened shoulders along with the slightest upturn of her slight shin, Wallenstein immediately stood at attention. Cranel followed a moment after his crush, though he cast a quizzical look in my direction before doing so. Don't worry, Brat, this is just me delegating a more difficult job to someone else. "With the two of you we shall be able to deal with any and all monsters that currently remain. Hikigaya-kun, tell them of the situation. Aiz, please relay what information you have gathered to him. It is imperative that we know how many of the monsters remain."

With that, Alf took off and we followed. However, before Aiz could start speaking, Cranel turned to me with a look of curiosity in his wide, scarlet eyes.

"Hikigaya-kun?" Cranel tilted his head as he spoke, lips slightly pursing. His hair was pushed back as he followed us into the air. W-what the hell? Why are you referring to me like that, you Brat?! I'm your Sensei! Such relationships are unacceptable, you need to graduate- No. This isn't what I meant to think. Totsuka is the only one for me. Forgive me, Totsuka, I am but a mortal man who is led into temptation. Cranel is but a false idol! Wait, I think I went into the wrong direction in this. "Since when did Alf-sama call you Hikigaya-kun, Sensei?"

"After Lefiya did." I answered simply, truthfully, and without a chance for misinterpretation before giving my student a glare. While I'm glad that I managed to avoid a subplot that I didn't have time for, I wasn't going to give my student any slack. We're currently fighting against monsters that can kill us if we make a single mistake. Even if we had several powerful allies on our side, that didn't mean we could talk casually heading into combat. Your appeal goes only so far Cranel, asking such inane questions in combat can get you killed! "Now, less talking, and more fighting, Brat."

"H-hai, Sensei!" Cranel gave a cry of assent before giving me a beaming smile and a thumbs up. "You're amazing, Sensei! I hope to follow in your footsteps one day!"

Damn right you are! I won't allow any student of mine to ever underestimate the battlefield!

Side-quests are a pain. I'll have to admit that they're useful, and that doing them all makes the 'real' game easier, but when the grinding mechanics give more money, and have easy exploits, they're just a pain. There's a reason why I never did any of the Quests posted on the guild. While they could've allowed me to make a 'good' reputation with various people and companies, the money made from them was lower than the amount I could gain by just going into the Dungeon and training while farming. It's a regular occurrence for one side-quest to lead into another, leading to a 'character development' decision or romance, before altering the ending of the game. If this world was actually a videogame instead of a Light Novel, its side-quests would've needed to contribute greatly to the plot, or one of its many endings, to consider doing because of how much better grinding was in comparison.

Needless to say, side quests are essentially underpaid, voluntary work that had vague rewards. The same as taking an unpaid internship for a 'work experience,' carrying bags for a girl for a chance for 'affection,' and picking up trash on the side of a mountain to 'value your culture.' All things that I didn't do, unless I had sufficient reason (read: forced) to do it. Understandably, I've been avoiding them because they were useless, I had no interest in relationships built off of hard work by me, and I appreciated my culture enough without having to clean up the countryside during my vacations!

However, much to my irritation, I was now neck-deep in one while I was going along with the main plot! Oi, what sort of shitty VN, Light Novel, or Videogame is this!? This is a serious branching off of the current arc, you know!? First there was the attack by monsters, which was fine because it had some foreshadowing, but suddenly introducing a long-haired, special, elf character that just screams potential love-interest right in the middle is strange no matter how you look into it! Whoever's editing this pile of crap needs to be fired!

"…and so, Dionysus-sama is currently alone in the city, as I made myself bait to save him." Filvis Challia finished her lengthy story and exposition. In twenty words or less, her story was: 'Most of my Familia was killed, my god and I investigated, we found suspicious stones and these monsters. Please help.' Yep, exactly twenty words. Didn't need the monologue, cutscene, or whatever just happened while we all stared at her for five minutes. That could have been five minutes spent killing the monsters threatening the city, you know!? "I must humbly request this of you, Princess of the Forest, aid me in saving my Kami-sama!"

"Raise your head, Challia-san, in Orario I am but a mere adventurer." Alf, our timely leader, took to the lengthy explanation longer than I did. As much as I mocked her upraising and schooling, I couldn't help but be impressed at how easily she made speaking to others seem. Usually, I'd just force someone to tell me what they wanted. I most certainly wouldn't have gotten a grateful smile or a sigh of relief by doing so, but I have Cranel to do all that stuff for me. His Harem Protagonist powers shall serve me well! "We shall aid you in finding your Kami-sama, Challia-san, but please understand that we cannot simply let these fiends run loose, we are of the few who are effective in fighting against them."

"I understand, Alf-sama." Challia gave a curtsey as Alf lowered her head slightly in acknowledgement. I focused on using Nourish and Mend on the rest of the party. Though only Cranel needed Mend, due to bruises and scratches, Nourish was useful for everyone. Given the fact that I had an Amplify Stave and had my Mage Skill, the effect of Nourish practically wiped away every ounce of tiredness that built up across the day. When I used it on myself, I felt as though I'd just woken up from a long nap and just ate a refreshing, energizing meal at the same time. "Two people will be sufficient in ensuring Dionysus-sama's safety as we travel to meet with you again." The black-haired, elf paused before turning towards me. "However, I must request that your Healer accompany me, as I am afraid that Dionysus-sama might be injured."

"With Aiz with us, myself and Tiona will be more than capable of taking on the monsters while you search for your Kami-sama." Alf gave a sharp nod as she gave Challia more than she had asked for. However, I saw the strategy behind the plan. A Level 5 and a pair of Level 6s are far more effective when not worrying about two pairs of Level 2s and 3s. We also had enough magic between the four of us to take on the enemy cautiously. Overall, it was a plan I couldn't find faults in. "Hikigaya-kun, you're in charge, bring yourselves and Dionysus-sama back safely. Meet us at Twilight House."

With that the three left, leaving the four of us to our own devices.

The city was in complete chaos with monsters running amok, all four of us could be killed with a single, lucky blow from a tentacle monster straight out of an eroge, and we needed to find a god whose general location was specified as 'that way.' Honestly, I didn't know whether to be angry at being handed the responsibility of managing this mess or be pleased that Alf thought I would be able to do it.

Eh, who am I kidding?

I've been pissed off at less.

Of Course, I Have Several Tricks Left (8.3)

"Challia-san, Dionysus-sama is no longer here." Cranel gave out a call just as he exited the flower shop. A pair of frazzled, human girls came out before he did, giving him flushed glances that he managed to miss completely thanks to his Dense Harem Protagonist Attribute. My apologies, ladies, but you're not part of the main cast. I will probably never see you again. Please, reconsider your life choices in living in Orario. My student came out of the wreckage of the florist, brushing dust from his lapel, but with a note in his hand. "But he left behind this note, addressed to you. I'm sorry, Challia-san."

"There is nothing to apologize for, Cranel-san." Challia gave a short bow towards Cranel before accepting the letter. Turning away, I kept watch over the street and made sure that the ground wasn't rumbling beneath us. The trashy monsters that Zaimokuza created liked to play dirty. I would've been impressed if I wasn't sure that they were basically ripped straight out of a hentai. Both Lefiya and I were carefully keeping watch for any of the monsters. Thankfully, Alf and her team have been whittling them down very quickly. I guessed that she read the note as yet another spike of magic erupted in the distance. What a bunch of showoffs. "Hikigaya-san, Dionysus-sama wrote that he's making his way to Babel, but he also believes that someone is pursuing him."

"Do you know of anyone who might do such a thing, especially in times like this?" Viridis quirked her head towards the two as they joined us. I was surprised by how different the blonde-haired elf acted when facing monsters. She hasn't hesitated once since we began fighting together. I supposed that it's to be expected of a Level 3 who's gone past the fiftieth floor. Monsters are easier to face than other adventurers, after all. Whatever the case is for her sudden change, I was glad for it. Pairing Cranel off with Challia, which I suspected was the entire point of this little story arc, resulted in me gaining someone reliable as my second-in-command. "Could it be possible that your Kami-sama might be pursued by someone who intends to rescue him?"

"Not with the description he left." Challia shook her head, a frown coming upon her face as her brows narrowed. Ah, the confused and frustrated face. I am well aware of this facial expression of an elf. Generally speaking, they end up glaring angrily at me afterward. "A man with a goat's head mask is apparently leading several monsters after him." She paused as we began to move. Staying still, especially with the amount of magic we had altogether, attracted quite a few of the monsters. While I had infinite Mind thanks to my overpowered, broken ability, they did not need to know that I did. "He believes him to be a remnant of an organization called 'Evilus.'"

"…I suppose we can all guess why the man's a remnant." What a stupid name for an antagonistic organization. Seriously, Zaimokuza, I thought you were actually being decently clever several times. What the hell happened? Evilus? Really? It's just English. How do you expect the Western Audience to like the anime if you do shit like this? Do you want Manga and Anime of this series to fail? "Do you know anything about Evilus, Challia-san?"

"Unfortunately, Hikigaya-san, I do not." Challia shook her head, though I did notice the slightest of quirks of her lip at my little joke. My, oh my, Cranel you sure are a lucky bastard. The black-haired elf whose heart you'll probably capture this day is the rarest form of elf. Undoubtedly, she is an elf with a sense of style and humor. Quite possibly, she is the sole example of her subtype of elf in the entirety of this world. "However, Dionysus-sama has said that he intends to seek shelter at the Hecate Familia, a wise choice considering the nature of our enemy."

"The Hecate Familia specializes in magic items and Mages, so his safety should be assured." Viridis noted thoughtfully before giving a sharp nod and rattling off directions. We picked up speed and settled into a brisk pace without incident. You know, if the price to pay to make someone confident and assured is a spear to the chest… I just might be willing to pay for it multiple times over. Especially if I can hit someone with a rod of lightning in the meantime. The twitching never fails to make me happy. "I believe that Evilus was an alliance between several gods that formed after the Zeus and Hecate Familias destroyed one another almost a century and a half ago. However, they were destroyed at the same time by an alliance between the early Ganesha, Loki, and Freya Familias."

"For someone that old to be active, that either means there's a secret Familia that still supports Evilus, or we're going to be facing a Level 3 or 4 with fifty to a hundred years of experience in handling monsters." Tamers aren't pushovers. The Ganesha Familia is well-known across the world for their specialization in that particular, crazy skill tree. For one to live this long, even at 'only' Level 3 and 4, the man in question must be powerful. Still, I had a white-haired, red-eyed trump card with maxed out stats, an overpowered knife, and a ridiculous amount of firepower. In the end, this guy was only a threat if I let him be a threat. Which, of course, I had no intention of doing. "No more searching by pairs then, we go altogether when searching for Dionysus-sama."

With that, we made our way to the Hecate Familia.

I tried to ignore how familiar the route we took was.

And, how strange it was to take the route with others.

The Hecate Familia was based off an old Inn, with dozens of rooms in the upper floors while the first was entirely dedicated to serving and preparing food. A few elements, such as the kitchen, and the many tables were kept once it was bought by Hecate. There wasn't much in terms of decoration, given how expensive being a mage tends to be in a Familia filled with mages, but despite the size of the building, it was… warm. Lived in. Despite the fact the first floor was filled with people seeking refuge, it was still unbearably familiar.

I underestimated how difficult it would be to return to it. In the corner of my eyes the ones who I failed were still in their usual spots. Linnaeus sat on a stool, interposed on a fidgeting dwarf, giving a cocky smirk and a whistle to any passing lady. Asha and Jinnah, of course, would both walk up to him moments later, give smacks on the head, and they'd go on to pack while I waited right where I stood now. Sylt would be the first at my side, always on time and ready to go. Quiet enough to go unnoticed, but she kept her heart in plain view with the rest of us. Kanuri would always be the last present, lugging a massive pack behind her, always nearly completely exhausted before the day began.

They were all standing before me now.




"Sensei… are you alright?" Cranel's voice brought me back from my slowly muddling thoughts. As I forced myself to relax, I heard the creaking of leather as I unclenched my fist. The taste of iron permeated my mouth. I'd accidentally drawn blood as I forced myself to keep quiet. Glancing towards my student, he was in Sylt's place, I had to make sure to swallow and keep out any sign of scarlet before I spoke. Relaxing was out of the question then. All I could really do was make it seem as though I'm fine. "You don't seem well. Are you hurt?"

"Just tired." My reply didn't elicit the understanding I was aiming for. Cranel simply frowned and his eyes focused on me. My white-haired student could be very perceptive when he wanted to, so I had no doubt that he could tell that I was lying. If I could read between the lines, then he could most certainly tell something is wrong within moments. I supposed I hoped too much that his dense nature would apply to me. I supposed that I should take comfort in the fact that I'm not one of his routes… Still, there was no harm in trying. "I've used a lot of magic today."

"…Lefiya-san, Challia-san, can the two of you start looking for Dionysus-sama?" Cranel turned and gave both elves a small smile. Undoubtedly, my white-haired student was giving them both a command. A gentle command, but an order nonetheless. Yeah, I didn't teach him how to do that. That's all Hestia's work. Good to know he's paying more attention to how people act. However, I wished he wasn't showing this off now of all times. I didn't exactly want to talk about my problems. No one ever did. "I'm going to try and find some Mind Potions for Sensei."

They complied without question, leaving me with my student and a few ghosts.

"Sensei, what's wrong?" Pleadingly, Cranel approached me. Worry was clear on his face. An emotion that I had caused. He knew that there was no way that I'd actually talk about what was wrong with Challia and Viridis present. Really, he knew me better than I thought he did. There was something in his red eyes that made my stomach twist into knots, but looking past him made my throat lock up. Following my gaze, he looked upon the sole person that I never wanted to see. "Ah, who are you-."

She walked past him completely, standing before me with her hands upon her hips, and locked her gaze with mine. Unlike many others of her kind, she wore a simple tunic, tights, and leather boots. Auburn-haired, silver-eyed, and fair-featured as she tended to be, she was simply another Adventurer within the renovated Inn. Often, I'd conversed with her without knowing who she was. She did nothing to mark her as different or special.

I remembered many afternoons simply spent talking about anything. Moments of calm in a life filled with killing monsters, gathering money, and dealing with thieves and the refuse of society. Despite the dozens of deaths I'd witnessed, the amount of beggars that sat despondently on corners by, and the strangeness of the entire world, there had been a place where I could simply exchange inane stories and interesting news.

Something familiar in a strange, terrible world.

"Hachiman." It wasn't a greeting. I knew that we were long past that. Besides that, I couldn't find the strength to speak as I looked upon her. There was a smile on her face. A small smile. But a smile nonetheless. Her hand, slight and soft, reached out and grasped my wrist. My hand unclenched, having curled tightly without my notice. Even as tension left me, I found myself only looking at the goddess before me. There was something indescribable about her. Something that led me to wanting to both flee and stay. "I'm glad you're safe."

"…" Were those really the words I deserved to hear? After getting five of her children killed? I wanted to say those words aloud. To tell the truth. An immense, no, a critical part of me demanded that I correct her. To tell her that I had failed in properly training them. That she should stop sending messages to the Guild asking for me. To treat me as I deserved to be treated. Instead, I found that the words wouldn't come. I was only able to manage a small bow, avert my gaze, and give a faint whisper. "I'm sorry for troubling you, Hecate-sama."

I hadn't known who she was until the day she told me they were all dead.

The day I last saw her.

The day I ran.

"You're no burden for me, Hachiman." The smile on her face widened ever so slightly. Why, I had no way of knowing. "Please, try to remember that this time."

Of Course, I Have Several Tricks Left (8.4)


Once upon a time, what feels like lifetimes ago, I swore that I wouldn't regret living my life. That I wouldn't work my hands to the bone to support my family, that I would seek a life filled with perpetual happiness, and that I would never again hurt people I cared about by acting without their own feelings in mind.

What is the first, but a hollow declaration for laziness and ineptitude? To have such a goal in mind is disgustingly childish.

What is the second, but a dream of a life that could never be? It was an irreconcilably foolish dream.

And then, finally, to simply do as others already do? How unforgivably self-absorbed!

I didn't know regret until I learned that five people died because I wasn't present. Until I ran and sequestered myself away, busying my mind, and trying to forget that I had something to forget. The gnawing, ever-present ache was always at the back of my chest, a steady, painful burden that only lessened with isolation and the destruction of hordes upon hordes of monsters.

From an emotional standpoint, it is a terrible thing to say. It is the same as saying that the problems and challenges of those who haven't lived the same life as me are meaningless. That, above all, my regrets are the most horrific. That no one else's could compare. Intrinsically, that must mean that I was selfish, arrogant, and prideful to declare that no one else has suffered as much as me.

Logically, I knew that in this case being unreasonable, irrational, and unfair about the deaths of five people who I considered friends is at least fitting.

And, what am I, but a monster of logic?

They had been my team. Students in name only. We worked with one another, supported each other, and endeavored to see our dreams made reality. Whether that dream be as silly as attracting women in the Dungeon, as mundane as simply wanting to acquire money, or as impossible as reaching the end of the Dungeon… we all wanted to help one another achieve our goals. Whereas I used to come to the aid of others, they instead stood at my side. Unlike Arde and my other students, they were strong in their own ways, powerful in their own right, and… if we'd never met they'd still be alive.

I wanted to go home. To see my family again. To deal with petty, personal problems that didn't have my life or that of others on the line every single day.

But I didn't want people to die for me to get home.

The only life I'm ever willing to risk, in the most dire of situations, is my own. Not someone else's. That's how it always should be. That's how it must be. How it needed to be. Above all else, I regretted ever interfering in their lives.

I knew that they'd have been better off without me.

"This is your new student, Hachiman?" Hecate turned to Cranel, her smile changing indescribably. The shape of her lips was the same, but there was something different in the auburn-haired goddess's eyes as she turned to him. There was less warmth in her eyes, but not out of spite. Not out of blame for me taking someone in so soon after I got five of her children killed. I almost wished there was. I would've been able to understand it. However, as always, she proved to be beyond my ability to comprehend. Brushing her braid to her back, she gave him a smile one would give to a stranger they just met. Nothing more. Nothing less. "Have you been treating your Sensei well, child?"

"Y-yes, Kami-sama!" Cranel shook his head rapidly, dispelling some confusion. I evaded his scarlet gaze as he turned to me instinctively. I'm sorry, Cranel, but I'm no help here. At the very least, you're in good hands. "I have been… but, he's been acting differently since we came here." My throat seized up and I very nearly took a deep breath. That would've stopped him speaking further, undoubtedly. However, the continued presence of the gentle hold on my wrist stopped me from doing so. Hecate still hasn't let go. "Hecate-sama, w-would you mind helping me convince my Sensei to-."

"I can't. I won't." Hecate shook her head before turning back to me, her smile reforming, and briefly the pressure on my wrist increased. The change was nearly imperceptible, but I noticed nonetheless. There was a message in those subtle movements. One that I couldn't grasp. However, I took note of it. How could I not when she's the one that made them? When she turned back to Cranel, the smile she gave him was gentler and kind. "I'm glad that someone like you found Hachiman so swiftly, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait for him to tell you his secrets." Her voice was almost unbearably soft. "Trust in him to one day trust in you."

"…I understand." Cranel's features changed several times. Some luster in his red eyes was lost as disappointment came upon him due to being incapable of helping. However, soon enough, that disappointment was replaced with conviction. When I felt his eyes look upon me, I could tell that he still wished to help, but he knew better than to push. My own lessons about patience came to mind. About biding one's time and preparing for the opportune moment. Those were probably in the forefront of his mind. Despite myself, despite the apparition imposed upon him, I was able to manage some appreciation towards him. "Sensei, I'm going to go help out Challia-san and Viridis-san. Hecate-sama, please take care of my Sensei."

"I will. Go on. Dionysus will surely appreciate someone to foist his Familia upon." Hecate gave Cranel a small nod as a dismissal. Raising my head, scarlet eyes met my own before my student simply gave a nod and darted towards the insides of the renovated Inn. Unfortunately, that left me alone with someone who I didn't want to be with, yet couldn't pry myself away from. "You're drowning yourself in work, aren't you, Hachiman?"

"I'm fine." My voice was rough and it brought to mind just how wrong this situation was. Even if I tried to fool myself into believing that Hecate was really looking after me, that she had somehow forgiven me, I shouldn't believe it myself. I know what a lie is. I've lived a lie since I've come into this world. My appearance, my actions, everything I am has been molded to fit a piece of a puzzle that I wanted to be a part of. However, there are boundaries that I swore I'd never cross, that I wouldn't dare to ever bend. That one being pretending that my lies are true. I shook my head. "You didn't need to-."

"I did, Hachiman. I really did." Hecate's hand left my wrist. Despite the gentle pressure it exerted, once the goddess let go I felt as though I was unbalanced, falling. I was only able to stay upright as the same hand drifted upward to lay against my mask. Even through the fabric, I could feel her hand's warmth and silken contours. Still, it was beyond a mere physical touch. Describing what emotions it elicited was beyond me. Comfort? Discomfort? Pain? Happiness? I didn't know. "You blame yourself for so much, Hachiman. You shoulder too much. More than is expected of you. More than you should."

"No, I don't." That was a lie. I ran away. They left all their friends, their family, and their past lives for the sake of achieving their dreams. Those dreams were dead now. Linnaeus would never return to his homeland and see his family's fortunes restored. Asha's parents will never see their daughter married into nobility. Jinnah will never explore the world, righting what wrongs she came across. Sylt couldn't add her magics into the Elven Archives and teach where her mother and father had. Kanuri will never return to the homeland she could barely remember. How was just remembering them a burden? I've done nothing. "Not nearly as much as you believe."

"What will you give them, Hachiman? Everything? You can't. I won't let you." I was drawn to Hecate's words. There, at the entrance of her domain, I could do nothing and say nothing against her. Even though I wanted to. "You're strong. Resilient beyond anyone else I've ever met. But no mortal or god could ever hold onto that much pain without going mad. And if you go mad… I'll have lost Linnaeus, Asha, Jinnah, Sylt, Kanuri… and you as well." Her spare hand joined the other and she guided my face until our eyes met. The glint of silver in her eyes was emotion tempered by intellect. A point of understanding and empathy that I'd never reach. If I was a man of logic that eschewed emotion, then the auburn-haired goddess was someone who bound both together. "I can see that you want to. That you need to. But you're only hurting yourself more and more by doing so."

"…" I tried to speak, but the words could barely come out. What Hecate said… all of it made sense. I know her and she knows me. We weren't bound together like Adventurers or students and teachers, but that was something I cherished. Hecate and I always were simply just two people sharing stories and experiences at a bar top to pass time. Normal at first. Traditional as time passed. Sacred at the end. When I finally managed to speak, to try and deny her words, to do what I thought was right… the words were weak. "…Someone has to remember them, Hecate."

"Remembering someone is different from blaming yourself for them, Hachiman." Hecate's hands drifted away as she turned her gaze downward. They drifted just above my heart. Slowly, she laid her head against the back of her hands. A thought occurred to me. How many of her Familia have died across the centuries she's been in Orario? How many mortals did she turn into Adventurers to fulfill their purpose as an Exploration Familia? Just like me, she's been the cause of the deaths of many, many people. People that she cared for, spent time with, and loved. Hecate was able to speak so well on this matter, because she was experienced in it. "Trust me on that."

I didn't know how to reply.

I didn't have time to reply.

Because as soon as she finished speaking the world became a blur of movement and a cacophony of noise.

Wood splintered and stone was upturned, the ground erupted, and monsters surged forth. They came through the walls, the floor, and the doorway that both Hecate and I stood before.

People surged to combat, magic unfurled and words began to be spoken, melee fighters drew their blades, and I saw a figure clad in bone armor with a helm of a goat's skull. He rode atop the one that surged through floor. It was massive in comparison to the others.

However, for me, my entire focus was upon the tendrils, capable of crushing stone and wood with ease, that were about to take Hecate away.

She was going to die.

The world seemed to slow to a crawl, panic and fear compounding infinitely in my mind.

She was going to die right in front of me.

It was a tide of emotion and fear that I was familiar with. That I could observe from the wayside due to the properties of Conscienta Strenuissium. I was always slightly insane, tiptoeing between polarities, with only rigid diligence and working keeping me from falling into madness. A madness that made me only a passenger of my own body, that focused everything on instinct and whim, and was terrifying to watch.

There would no longer be days spent laughing, sharing tales, and forgetting about worries. There would never again be the glint of mischief in her eyes or for her to brush her hair behind her ear. The smile that graced her lips would never come again. The tune she hummed in passing would be silenced.

Yet, for once, I welcomed it. I embraced it. I knew what it was going to make my body do and wholeheartedly agreed with the action my madness, insanity, and delusion decided to do.

If I let this happen, I'd never see her again.

I surged forward and pushed her away.

The fear and panic instantly faded away into nothing more than whispers as she fell back.

She was safe.

Then pain registered across my body, the world became a blur motion, and a scream echoed in my ears before I was dashed against stone and wood.

She was safe.

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