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Peerless Darkness by SocialistBukharin

 Anime » Naruto Rated: M, English, Adventure, Hiruzen S., Danzō S., Mito U., Words: 43k+, Favs: 636, Follows: 749, Published: Jun 27 Updated: Nov 12184Chapter 11: Omake 2: Madara's Attempt (1) (C)


The following is a fan-based


Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Shueisha.

Please support the official release.

Omake 2: Madara's Attempt (1)

Mineko Shimura is what many would consider a lovely flower that was slightly hurt by the unfairness of time itself.

Losing her husband and father-in-law almost at the same time took a toll on the poor woman's mind and self-esteem. A lady that was only learned in house-wifery, the woman was still devoted in her role as a single mother to a young shinobi-in-training.

Madara knew just this much when he tried to scavenge for any information about the woman he was currently aiming to make his, and that left him as perplexed as further intrigued. Sure, he had expected to find little expansion to what he already had on the fair lady, but to actually find nothing beyond what he was aware about through her son was enough to urge him to grow more fascinated at the sense of mystery behind her figure.

She wasn't the most gorgeous, and he had many other women that were more beautiful than her- but it would be a lie to say that she didn't hold a brilliant sense of natural prettiness that made him look at her with interest beyond the mere curiosity. She was a lovely sight, and one that had shown no interest in him despite the fact her son was studying under him.

Many women would've killed to be in that situation, and yet Mineko merely thought of him as a respected head of clan and her child's sensei. Nothing more.

Something about that degree of respectful distance made the Uchiha lament the fact that she wasn't interested in him beyond that. It felt like a slap but… not one to be genuinely offended as. More like a wake up call that maybe, just maybe some women didn't want to have him as a husband to be set for life. That idea was absurd for him to even consider.

For years he had been troubled with requests of arranged marriage. Even his younger brother wasn't spared by the onslaught of ladies wanting to become part of their clan through them and… it just left them dejected from any chances of having a proper family born through something like love or affection.

And yet, as he looked at his apprentice and his lone mother, he couldn't help but feel quite certain about it. That woman was a rare opportunity… that was just waiting for him to be taken away from that lonely homestead. Yes, he could now see how that could be only good for everyone if he at least tried to 'rescue' her from that.

"Oh, Uchiha-san. I wasn't expecting you to visit," The woman greeted quietly, having just now opened the door to her home to him. "Danzou-kun is currently spending some time with Hiruzen-kun, but he should be back in an hour or so."

"Shimura-san," He calmly greeted back. "I was actually planning for a visit of courtesy. I had no scheduled session with your son."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Is that so? I guess I was just… not expecting for you to be free for this kind of activity, Uchiha-san."

"Free for… this?"

"Well, being the clan leader can leave a person quite busy," The kind lady answered. "Ikku-kun tends to be rather taken by the paperwork when… I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's alright," Madara conceded, surprised by that sudden remembrance from the woman. He could see her flinch at the memory, the pleasantness of that bit of the past tainted by the mourning for her losses. "I hope I'm not intruding."

"You are not," Mineko confirmed with a smile. "But I was a little busy with the kitchen, I can take a break if it's important."

"It's not needed. I will follow you there and allow you to… keep on with your activities."

She nodded, almost grateful. "Thank you, Uchiha-san."

His lips twitched in minor discomfort at that response. It just felt odd for someone to be relieved to resume their chores. Maybe it was something ingrained in her mind and going through that duty was an important bit of her day.

Following the woman around the house, eventually they arrived at their destination, and Madara took a seat by the nearby table as he regarded the half-distracted widow with a curious look. How should he start making a conversation right now?

It was easy to greet and make some brief discussion out of the previous exchange of words, but right now he was having trouble coming up with a good opener for a proper talk. It was the first time in many years that he was failing in thinking about a proper way to begin a conversation… and this wasn't even in the middle of the battlefield! It should've been easier and… yet it wasn't!

"So… I guess it has to be quite lonely without your son around," He started, trying to make a foothold by bringing a winning subject up.

The woman hummed, glancing at him briefly but… giving him a simple nod.

"Sometimes. I admit that it can be quite tiresome to have this big house and… not many people housing it."

Madara wanted to facepalm for having indirectly brought her back to think about her deceased husband. He needed to salvage the situation- now!

"I've heard Mito has been visiting quite often. Same for Sarutobi-san's wife."

"They do once in a while. Those are quite… interesting experiences," She admitted. "Especially those with Lady Hokage."

"I… I can understand," The Uchiha had to admit. Mito just wasn't the normal guest with her direct approaches. It wasn't overly annoying, but still it made for some wacky predicaments to be part of when she is around.

"Hmm, I suppose it can be quite tough," Mineko agreed quietly. "I've seen the Hokage's brother being rather unhappy with your family, Uchiha-san."

"The fool is just trying to undermine my clan's position. He thinks only the Senju should be regarded as the founders of the village."

"That's… silly," The woman commented with a nod. "In fact, I believe the Hokage had reprimanded him on multiple occasions for that."


Madara was actually surprised by this discovery. Sure, he knew Hashirama would always confirm that it was a combined effort that created Konoha, but the man never had the chance to check if his rival was of the same mindset when discussing this matters with others.

"And how do you know of this, Shimura-san?"

"Well..." Mineko paused, allowing a tiny hint of red to stain her cheeks. "It was something Mito-san complained about during our last visits. She said that Tobirama-san can be rather… childish about this matter, but that his brother would always bring him back to… 'a calm understanding'."

Sparring? That would explain why that thorn on his side was rather subdued with his frustrations over the Uchiha Clan. Still, that made him even more curious and… he was actually allowing the woman to direct his attention away from the main reason that saw him there today. Taking a calm pause to recollect his thoughts, Madara knew he now had to be a little more direct with his comments. Lest he was going to be led astray once again from that topic.

"Shimura-san, may I ask about your… son?"


"Danzou-kun? Is there something he did?"

Considering how much he had done in the last few months, yes. But since all of those were already known to the woman, he decided to calm her with a calm sigh.

"As far as I know, he has yet to do something… interesting," He guaranteed. "But the reason why I'm bringing him up is… I can't help but think he has to be quite a handful at times."

"He is a young boy. He is meant to be quirky at this time of his life, and I know I will only regret the time these amusing instances go lost in his growth to maturity."

"Don't you fear that he might grow even more bizarre now? I don't wish to undermine your care but… don't you believe the fact he only has his mother will influence his growth?".


He frowned. "That sounds quite swift, Shimura-san."

"Let's just say that I don't share your same worries, Uchiha-san," Mineko calmly elaborated. "In fact, I believe Danzou-kun has a responsible father figure already looking out for him."

His frown deepened. Did he miss anyone approaching his students while he wasn't training him? Maybe at the Academy- No, it had to be the Hyuuga!


The woman actually giggled at the question, stopping with her task to fully address him with that simple answer.

"Why, I was referring to you, his sensei."


Oh right. He was his sensei.

That felt rather awkward to digest.

"I suppose… that's true."

"He talks a lot about you," The widow added. "He might try to sound tough at times, but my boy is still someone that can't lie when he is speaking of someone that he admires and respect."

...That actually was… nice to hear.

Even though it wasn't why he came here, that development sure had him satisfied. Instead of lingering any further, the man decided it was just about time to leave instead of keeping on trying to get something a little more meaningful out of this interaction.

He had already made much progress than previous times, and he knew the only times he could get something done was when his student was out of the house.

After mentioning this to the widow, he was quietly escorted back to the entrance of the compound, where he shared a few last words with the woman before leaving.

"I suppose I shall see you soon, Uchiha-san-"


… "Uh?"

"I believe it is fitting if we addressed each other's name. I've been spending dinners at your home for a while… Mineko-san. It's only proper if we mutually accept this change in our formality."

Was he asking too much? Maybe. Just maybe.

"I...I suppose- I mean, if it's not asking too much since you're-"

"I was the one asking, Mineko-san. You just have to either accept or decline this proposal."

"T-Then I accept."

He nodded, almost cracking a smile at the fact he finally got her flustered like that. It wasn't the best he could've hoped for, but it was still something that made this entire trip and the ensuing conversation worth making.

Soon he was on his merry way back home… completely ignoring the fact that as he was leaving, a certain boy had spotted his sensei walking out of his house with a happy smile.

A week filled with pranks would then ensue, but Madara, despite the irritation at the brat's stubborn defense, couldn't help but still grin at the memory of how gorgeous Mineko looked when that embarrassed.


Love works in mysterious ways.


Middernacht: Perhaps.

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