
What do you want?"

… It had been... A strange couple of days for Bradley since he had been knighted. The antlered knight he now knew to be Lord Robert Baratheon had been surprisingly friendly, especially compared to how the nobility appeared prior to that. The lord whose house symbol was a stag, explaining the antlers, went out of his way to introduce Bradley around to his friends, other lords whose names he was probably supposed to know. It was in these conversations Bradley finally got some decent context for the wheres and whats of the world he found himself in. A continent called Westeros, split into seven kingdoms all ruled by the perpetually grimacing and sneering king Aerys Targaryen. One king for seven kingdoms seemed odd but there was probably some history there.

And so, Bradley had met the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. As if meeting a family only a step down from the king's own wasn't an indication of Bradley moving up in the world, Robert had introduced him to the Starks or at least the Stark children. Their father, the Warden of the North Rickard Stark was not in attendance. Bradley wondered if that was better or worse for him. At the very least the Starks he met were near his own age.

Brandon, the eldest and heir. He seemed torn between trying to get Bradley to swear fealty to the Starks and challenging him to a fight, boldly claiming he wouldn't be as easy to unhorse as Clegane had been. Benjen, the youngest, mostly found amusement in lords and knights alike fawning over the giant man no one had ever heard of a day before. Eddard, the middle brother, he was polite. Friendly even. But quiet, usually letting his more boisterous siblings carry a conversation.

And then there was Lyanna. The woman standing before him now in ill-fitting armour, a shield with a smiling weirwood tree blazoned on it left discarded on the floor. The old, dusty storage room below the castle cast in awkward silence.

He'd just been a bystander for everything that had led to this situation. A boy apparently from a noble family was being harassed by some squires, Lyanna had taken exception to that and chased them off with a sword. She was very impressive, Bradley had briefly entertained thoughts of trying to win her over but the constant talk from Robert of how she was his betrothed forced him to set such thoughts aside. She had never looked particularly happy about it whenever Robert brought it up but that wasn't really his business.

And then during the tournament festivities, a strange knight appeared, later named the Knight of the Laughing Tree. The knights the squires attended were challenged by the mystery knight and he defeated each one, taking custody of their horses and armour. The knight's terms for returning the property of the defeated was for them to teach their squires honour. And then... The mystery knight left. The king declared him an enemy of his and demanded he be found and killed. Robert and Brandon wanted to unmask him.

Bradley? Bradley had wanted to recruit him. It could have been the start of his wandering adventuring band! His very own Unstoppables! The Silver Shroud to his Grognak! It would have been perfect!

So when Bradley found the mystery knight, found a woman struggling to take off her makeshift armour. Muttering, "Bloody bugger-fucking buckles come off already, fucking–". Well he found himself feeling excited. Excited because this was even better than he had hoped! Lyanna wasn't his Silver Shroud! She was his Maula! No, wait... Maula was kind of a nut-job in the comics. Maybe his Mistress of Mystery? Yes! A mysterious heroine, fighting to right injustices across the land!

And he was only a moment later disappointed. Because like the Mistress of Mystery was for Grognak, Lyanna was promised to a friend. The Mistress would marry the Silver Shroud, Lyanna would marry Robert.


"Well?" Lyanna demanded, not the slightest bit meek from being caught by a man near twice her size. "So you caught me. What of it?" She tried to fold her arms defensively but the pauldron she was trying to remove got in the way, hung awkwardly by a strap over her breast.

Bradley palmed his face, frustrated at the potential future he would be letting go. How many brave, strong warrior women was he going to find in a dark ages society like this one? Still, sliding his hand down his face he wiped away his regrets and stepped forward. "Let me help you with that armour."

She remained defensive, stepping back on instinct as the hulking figure approached. Bradley raised his hands in placation and she, reluctantly, stood in place and allowed him to find the buckle she was struggling to reach and unfasten it. The other pauldron followed, and then Bradley circled behind her to get to work on the cuirass. "How did you even get this on?"

Bradley couldn't see it but Lyanna blushed faintly. "Ned helped me."

"Your brother? The quiet one?"

She nodded. "He wasn't happy about it, called me foolish."

"Well you certainly stirred things up," Bradley informed her. "The king's after your head, calling you an enemy of the crown."

"Me?!" she yelped.

"Err, the 'Mystery Knight'. Sorry. He's got people looking for him. Brandon and Robert are looking too."

"And you?" Lyanna asked.

"I had my own reasons," Bradley answered cryptically.

Lyanna had never been one for accepting such non-answers. "And what might those reasons be?"

"... I was hoping to recruit the mystery knight. Start a band of wandering adventurers."

She laughed openly at his answer. "And Ned said I was the only one who could have such foolish romantic notions of knights! Allow me to guess, you changed your mind on finding out I'm a woman?"

"No way! You being a woman made it way better!" the big man denied fiercely as the last strap came free, allowing the cuirass to come loose. "I changed my mind when I found out it was you, when I remembered you're getting married in a few weeks."

She sniffed in derision, "Right." But as she looked at him, to show the doubt plain on her face, she met his eyes. And found nothing but honesty there. "You... Really would have?"

Bradley nodded, letting his regret show plain on his face.

"Ha!" A burble of wet, choked laughter escaped Lyanna's lips as she looked away again, tossing aside her cuirass in an open show of frustration. "The gods certainly are cruel, aren't they? A chance comes along to seize everything I've ever wanted but only when it's too late for me to take it." Furiously she wiped at her eyes. "Gods I'm such a girl sometimes!"

"I mean... Robert doesn't seem that bad?" Bradley said in an attempt to comfort her. Crying girls were well beyond his realm of expertise. He just wanted to say whatever might make her feel better. "He's a kind of fighting, adventuring type too, right?"

Her tear-streaked face turned sour. "Oh yes, if you invited him I'm sure he'd go with you. His wife, though? Never. A wife is for pushing out sprogs to continue his line and polishing his cock when he demands it. That is if he isn't out giving it into some back-alley whore. My brothers might try to hide his indiscretions but I'm not an idiot! I know what his nightly trips to Harrentown are about, only weeks before– Ah!" Her tirade is cut of with a yelp as she feels Bradley's arms wrap around her from behind. "What are you doing?!"

"You sounded like you needed a hug."

"Th-This is not appropriate conduct for a knight with a daughter of a noble house!"

"Do you want me to stop?"

Her silence was answer enough. Turning around in his arms to lean into him was going above and beyond. The size difference between them painted an amusing picture. He was more than half again her height and so broad. It felt comforting, reassuring, as he held her. It felt a little like when she was small, when her father was simply Father, not Lord Rickard Stark, the man who sold her for the sake of political games. When he was the man who she looked up to. The man she wanted to emulate. But no. Young ladies weren't meant to be warriors. Young ladies were to sit and meekly obey their lord husband's command and care only for children. Young lords would go down to Wintertown and get their cocks wet in some whore, while young ladies must protect their maidenhead, else lose the only value they had!

She looked up, into the kind, caring brown eyes of the giant, his lips turned up in a worried but patient smile.

… Her blood was still up from the fights, from the rush of getting caught. It had already been a day of foolishness. What was a bit more she asked herself as she reached between them, pulling at his belt buckle.

"Lyanna?" Bradley asked a handful of questions at once, frowning at her sudden change.

"Don't tell anyone about this," she warned with severity, even as she continued to work at his pants. They insisted she be the good girl. The obedient girl. Well fuck them for never understanding or caring who she really was! She wanted to feel wanted, desired for who she really was, not just Robert's pretty little prize brood mare! She had lost her maidenhead while training years ago. Robert would never know that she had been 'soiled'.

And she really believed that. Right up until she finally managed to unfasten and pull down her chosen lover's bottoms, his manhood springing up to smack her on the chin. With wide eyes and open mouth she marvelled at the size. As she took him in hand, hands, running delicate fingers along it she realised there might actually be a chance Robert might find something amiss if she took this inside her.

… Sod it. She'd already come this far. Besides, she liked that little intake of breath Bradley made when she laid her hands upon his member. The brave warrior that took down all challengers and saw Robert retreat with his tail between his legs, and yet here he was frozen in place as she toyed with his length. Yes, she could get used to this feeling. "Lie down," she ordered, using her 'noble' voice.

To Bradley's credit, he didn't scramble to follow her orders but he wasn't unhurried either. His eager, twitching manhood stood tall and proud, his eyes locked on her as she pulled off her borrowed gambeson and threw it away, soon followed by the rest of her clothes.

Bradley wasn't going to complain that a pretty noble girl was climbing atop him, preparing to give him her virginity. But at the same time... "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. She could make her own decisions. It was one of the things he liked about her. But even so... This could cause problems down the line.

As she settled herself over his length, she smiled with certainty at him. "That you're even asking me that means yes, I'm certain." She perched herself atop his crown, slowly settling her weight down on it, "Mn!" she grunted, trying push herself down, feeling her lower lips try to stretch to accommodate the massive intrusion.

"Hold on," Brad bade her, pulling himself away from her lips with one hand and settling her down on the shaft. "There's no rush, no one else is coming down here. Let's get you a little more ready, okay?"

"Ready?" Lyanna asked, confused. What did he mean? Nan had only told her that the cock would go inside her, that it would hurt the first time... And then that other nanny that worshipped the southern gods chased her off before she could explain any more. The old witch.

"Here," he unbuttoned his tunic and oh wow, she gasped at the sculpted physique the giant was blessed with. Her fingers eagerly started tracing the divots between packed muscle. "That's good, now rub yourself along the length," he continued, taking a hip in hand and guiding her forward and backward in a gentle rhythm.

"Ooh," she cooed, it felt quite nice, the stiffness rubbing at her folds, nudging the little button she discovered on nights she was feeling daring. Nights she was certain, or at least very much hoped she was alone.

As she moved, Bradley guided her, settling her legs under her instead of splayed out on the floor. As she got comfortable in her new position, enjoying the frisson from her increasingly slick lower lips, Bradley's hands came up to feel her as she was, him. Strong yet surprisingly soft hands running up her waist, thumbs sliding over her ribs as his palms came in to fondle her breasts. She had never considered her breasts on her nights of experimentation. Yet more discoveries to be made. But for the moment, "I want to try again," she said, lifting herself off of him, a string of liquid extending between where they had been connected.

Bradley nodded his assent, guiding his manhood to rest at her entrance. Once again, "Hm-mmmm!" she lowered herself down, this time the head slipping in prying her body open. "Mmm! Hm! Hm! Hm!" she panted out as she slowly slid down the shaft, "Ah!" She was surprised when she felt her hips connect with his. "I did it!" she panted out with an excited smile! She was a woman now! She didn't get any new great wisdom with the change, no great revelation that she had ruined her life or any of that rot! That Septon could go hang!

Best of all, it felt good. Not just satisfying for thumbing her nose at her father or Robert or the Seven, though that was a factor. It was just a wonderful feeling having Bradley inside her, touching places no one ever had before. Every throb of his cock sending shudders of pleasure from head to toe. She felt full, she felt wonderfully stretched out, she could even see a little bump in her belly where there was none before. He was that deep in her?

"Are you ready?" Bradley asked. Ready? Ready for what?

He took hold of her hips, slowly lifting her– "Hm!" she groaned with her mouth shut. It felt–! It felt–! "Mhmmmmmmm!" She bit her lip hard enough to bleed, the pleasant shudders becoming a single great crash with almost no warning! Her toes curled, her legs shook and seized, her world turned white as the pleasure overwhelmed her!

Bradley was simply left lying there blinking. Had she just cum from just that? Oh, this poor, sheltered noble girl was in for the ride of her life.

Even as the aftershocks ran through Lyanna's body, Bradley began lifting her again, pulling a panicked yelp from the poor girl. And down again. And up again. "Mm," she whimpered, "Mm mimim!" Those weren't even words. Sending a silent apology to Robert, Bradley sat up and pulled her gibbering, wide-eyed form into his chest.

And then, he started in earnest.

"HmmmmMMMMMMM!" she squealed through thinned lips, her eyes screwed shut as she felt the next great crash hit her.

Minutes later, the poor girl was a mess. Her lower lips gushing so much he worried she might be dehydrated. Her eyes were vacant, her tongue hanging out and trailing along his muscular chest.

The constant clenching of her already tight pussy wasn't exactly easy on him either and he felt his own finish approaching. His upper brain screamed at him to pull out, that even with everything that had happened that day, the absolute last thing he should do was finish inside her.

His lower brain simply reminded him just how good, how primally satisfying it was to empty himself into a willing cunt.

In that split second, the lower brain won. The surprise encounter with a noble daughter ended with her giddily insensate and her pussy flooded, even bloated with his hot cum.

Lyanna's response was a happy little gurgle and the fluttering of her big grey eyes. Utterly fuck drunk.

"Well..." he mused to himself, "This could be a problem."

He waited with her. For her to come around. It probably wasn't in his best interests to take a noble girl's virginity, willingly given or not, and then bail. So he waited the hour and a half it took for her to wake again. The evening feast would begin in an hour. Her brothers were probably wondering where she was. Or at least two of them would be.

When she finally awakened, Lyanna felt... Sore. Pretty much all over. Like she had fought three knights in a row and then had her body ravaged. Which had happened, so it was an accurate feeling. Thankfully her reaction to his spilling himself inside her wasn't severe. Outwardly she told him it was fine while inwardly she dreaded finding out what moon tea actually tasted like. Even so, she suggested, very strongly, that Bradley should make himself scarce. Take his winnings and go wherever he would go. Loathe as she was to admit, her youthful rebellion began and ended in that storage room. One last great insult to Robert and her father before she would need to submit for the sake of her family. And in so doing she had experienced a long, throbbing measuring stick to which Robert could never measure up. That was unfortunate.

And so the strange, giant man bid her a sombre farewell, knowing the next time he saw her, she would be unhappily married. But one could never predict these things. Maybe she would manage to find a little happiness.


Weeks later.

Lyanna was in a panic. One mistake! One little act of rebellion against everything she was supposed to honour and cherish and this was her punishment?! It was a bit much, surely?!

She had done as she knew she must after Bradley had left. Moon tea. She drank it. It was considered quite reliable and so she foresaw no issues. For days her only concerns were the political games being played in the tourney's audience. She was not prepared for those games to so suddenly involve her when Prince Rhaegar named her queen of love and beauty over his own wife. She honestly hoped said wife understood the look of unwilling horror on her face at the gesture, she had not wished for such a thing at all! Nothing came of it. Yet. But it was a fear in the back of her mind that one day the Martell queen-to-be would see an extra something added to her meal.

Bad enough a royal may or may not want her dead. But then her time of the month came. And yet her monthlies didn't. And then that morning... She had felt queasy before the carriages even started moving. She had played her sickness off as perhaps something she ate, all while she screamed hysterically inside her mind! What was she supposed to do?! Robert would be furious! He would break off the betrothal–... Actually that part sounded good, but Father would be furious! Would he disown her? He might...

Would that... Would that be so bad? She could find Bradley again? Take him up on his offer?

No, she scolded herself. It was foolish. Taking a woman on adventures was one thing, taking a pregnant woman was entirely another. Not to mention the mother of his child. Gods she was going to be a mother!

She... Could... Pretend he forced– No. She couldn't even finish the thought. He didn't deserve that in the slightest. He would be tortured and his head mounted on a pike if she claimed such!

She resigned herself. She knew what she had to do. When her father arrived for the weddings, she would tell him the truth. That she had lain with a man and was carrying his child. She would claim them a stranger, one for who she knew not the name. Father would think her a whore but it was better than the alternative. Every hoofbeat of the horses was a step closer to her doom.

And then, one night, a familiar face arrived. A royal blessing on his lips for the soon-to-be bride. And as their party bedded down for the night, that familiar face professed his love for her, made her an offer she could no longer afford to refuse.

