

Just In




The Stag of Kings Landing by GrandmasterAzrael

 Harry Potter & A song of Ice and Fire Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Romance, Harry P., Jon S., Margaery T., Words: 69k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 7, 2019 Updated: Sep 19 175Chapter 1

This world belongs to Martin and all profits go to him. I just had a thought and wanted to write it out and see what came of it.

Chapter 1

The day was already hot even though it was still early morning. The sun blazing high in the sky and pouring heat down on the world. In the Red Keep of Kings Landing Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms, was sweating like a pig through his fine silks and drinking wine by the barrel.

Sitting in the Royal Chambers he sat cursing quietly to himself about the heat and women's work of the court. Thankfully he had Jon to deal with those problems which allowed him to sit here hoping for a single fucking breeze. In a chair that groaned under his weight every time he shifted.

The door to his chambers opened abruptly and a beautiful woman with long golden blonde hair and bright green eyes walked in with a glass of wine held firmly in her hands. Roberts' bleary eyes took her in with a groan of disappointment. 'Why the fuck isn't she sweating to?' he asked himself. 'Damn woman's heart is too cold to feel the heat.'

The woman in question was Cersei Baratheon, Roberts' Queen, mother to his children. 'At least she gave me one child to be proud of' he thought to himself. Taking another long pull on his almost empty wineskin.

Cersei for her part was less than thrilled to be in Robert's presence, but she was also very happy today. Soon her darling son, her pride and joy, would be coming back from the North. He had been stewarded in Winterfell for the last few years in order to maintain relations with the far-flung land.

She had opposed it vehemently, wanting him to stay with her where she could keep him safe. Unfortunately, one trait he did get from his drunk bastard father was stubbornness. Trying to convince her son after his mind was made up was like talking to a stone wall. He had been adamant on wanting to go North and see the largest of the seven kingdoms.

Cersei had told him that the North didn't matter, they were too far away to affect the capitol and that he would be better off here with her staying at court. However, as all young men did, he had a wanderlust in his heart and fire in his blood. From his Baratheon heritage no doubt. So, in the end, her son got his way and had been gone these past three years. Soon though, he would be back. Hopefully on his eighteenth name day so he could attend the celebration that Cersei had always thrown for him even while he was away.

Even though her son was blatantly Roberts, a fact she cursed every day he also made her proud. His bright green eyes were definitely a Lannister trait and he had listened to many lessons on cunning and the court from her and his grandfather Tywin. So, although he was a Baratheon, he was also a Lannister. A better mix of the two houses could not be imagined in her opinion. He seemed to have all the positives of their houses with none of the negatives other than stubbornness and a sense of honor that irritated her at times.

He had sent word that he would be home soon and she was here to inform Robert about the latest raven letter from Grandmaester Pycelle that said he would be arriving within the week.

"Hadrian will be here within the week according to a raven that has just arrived." Cersei said staring straight into Robert's unfocused gaze.

As usual the one thing that could make Robert look alive again was his oldest son only one he was proud of. He would barely look at his other 'children'. Though Cersei knew that only Hadrian was half his, the rest of her beautiful children all came from Jamie thankfully.

She had just come from informing Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella of their brother's arrival and only the later two had been happy. Joffrey as usual just sneered and looked angry that he would have to deal with his older brother again. Cersei knew that the fact Joffrey would never be king angered him greatly. Cersei also knew there was nothing Joffrey could do about it.

Hadrian had long ago taught Joffrey his place as when Joffrey had, during a feast for Hadrian's fifteenth name day, loudly and openly spoke of his brother's supposed faults. Hadrian had just smiled, made a quip about his brother drinking too much and moved on. But after the feast Hadrian who stood head and shoulders above Cersei herself at the time, had taught him a lesson.


It was night now and Cersei was glad that the majority of the vultures and harpies were gone. They didn't truly care about her son's name day; they only wanted favors and to make a good appearance for the future king. With the way Robert was rotting away he would be king sooner rather than later.

She heard a noise, a clatter of metal down a hallway from the throne room as well as a quickly cut off shout. Waving Jamie to follow her she rushed down the hallway and stopped at what she saw.

Hadrian, who towered above his brother, had grabbed Joffrey by the throat and pinned him against the red stone walls of the keep. In his other hand he held a dagger that he had tightly pressed to Joffrey's chest right where his heart would be. And their faces were inches apart while Hadrian glared at this brother and Joffrey's eyes were wide with fear.

Slowly she walked forward feeling Jamie behind her about to step forward. She stopped his movement with a glance and watched the scene carefully.

Hadrian leaned forward and with a voice colder than the wall spoke softly, "if you ever call me out, defame me or our family in public ever again, I swear to you brother, your life will end then and there. You live now only because our Mother loves you and she would be heartbroken at your death. For some reason she loves a piece of shit like you. However, this is your only warning." As he spoke he leaned even closer and pushed the dagger harder against Joffrey's chest causing him to whimper in fear and pain.

"I promise, by the old gods and the new that I will kill you, I don't much care for you and as my brother you get one warning next time you will pay with your life. For now, I'll merely leave you with a reminder of your place." Here Hadrian raised the dagger to Joffrey's face and held his arm in his brother's mouth to stop him from making a noise while he slowly, as Joffrey tried to struggle and scream, cut a line from his right temple to his jaw with the steel dagger.

Hadrian didn't flinch or break his eyes away from Joffrey's until he was. With a sudden motion, he grabbed Joffrey's head and slammed it into the wall, knocking his brother out cold and letting him collapse to the floor. He then turned his cold gaze onto her and Jamie.

His eyes warmed only slightly before he spoke his voice, slightly warmer, as he held his mother's gaze. "Uncle take my brother to his chambers and lock him in there. No healer shall see him, use alcohol on his cut but do not help in any other way. I want him to have a permanent reminder of his lesson tonight."

Jamie looked from Joffrey to Hadrian before he nodded and stepped forward, taking the younger boy into his arms he walked off while Hadrian still stared into his Cersei's eyes.

When Jamie had left and they were alone Hadrian stepped forward seething his dagger and stopped next to Cersei who only came up to his shoulder even at his young age. He then quietly whispered, "Mother keep your son on a tighter leash before I have to do something permanent. It is only for you that he is not dead." Hadrian said his voice almost freezing the very air around them.

Cersei gave him a startled glance, eyes widening slightly before Hadrian leaned in and hugged his mother to be able to speak in her ear.

"Yes, Mother I know that my siblings are only half mine. I do not care, because I love my sweet brother Tommen, my darling sister Myrcella, and I love you as my mother. I am aware that father is a bastard who treats you horribly." He spoke so quietly as Cersei trembled in his tight grip, her face buried in his shoulder length wavy black hair. "I will keep this quiet Mother. All I ask is that you listen to me as your son and you aid me in keeping my siblings in line. I do love my Father but he only sees me as a Baratheon."

Here he paused and his hug became more comforting as he kissed her head. "You my Mother, have always seen and loved me for who I truly am as both the Stag and the Lion. So, in return I don't care who you take to your bed. Father isn't exactly discrete and I know this shame's you. I only love you just as you have loved me. But Mother, please try to be more discreet. I can't protect you, Uncle Jamie, or my siblings if this ever comes out."

Taking a moment to digest his words Cersei returned his hug hiding the few tears that slipped from her eyes. She hated the way Robert whored and constantly compared her to a long dead woman. The only good thing from her marriage from the fat bastard was her first son. The son who has always loved and respected her who cared for, loved, and played with his siblings. But who she now knew was truly half hers, and not just the Baratheon that he pretended to be. And she loved him all the more for it.


Cersei had never told the truth to anyone about that night and swore both Jamie and Joffrey to secrecy. She also told Jamie that Hadrian knew about them and that he didn't care, but they both had resolved to be more discreet about their actions. She even noticed that Jamie and Hadrian had a closer relationship from that point forward with Jamie often helping Hadrian to train with his swordwork.

Joffrey, however, hated his brother even more vehemently. The long scar on the right side of his face, that they had passed off as a training accident, was a constant reminder of his subservience to his elder brother. Joffrey had yet to question Hadrian openly again. She often saw a flash of fear in Joffrey's eyes when their gazes met when Joffrey was being particularly unruly.

"Good!" Robert shouted, raising his great bulk from the chair and moving to the bannister window. His shout jerking Cersei back from her memories. "He's been gone for far too long. I can't wait to see what he has become now that he's a man. Hopefully Ned will be coming with him. It would be good to see my true brother again." Robert said, throwing his empty wineskin through the window down to the city below.

"I must get Jon to set up a tourney in celebration of his return and a great feast as well." Robert said loudly, grabbing another wineskin before walking to the door and asking a guard to fetch him the King's Hand. Turning he walked ponderously, obviously struggling to go in a straight line, before he almost crashed into his chair.

Cersei, through long practice, managed not to utter a sound and only grimaced slightly at sharing joy with the man over anything. Turning around she quickly left the Royal Chambers having delivered the message and wanting to get as far away from Robert as possible before she said something that she would regret.

Walking into her personal rooms Cersei sighed in relief as she sank into a chair. She looked up as her door opened and her brother Jamie walked in with a small smile on his face.

"How did our great King take the news?" Jamie asked, leaning up against the door.

Cersei scoffed quietly as she looked out over the city. "How do you think he took it? Though I'm sure he barely heard me through his drunken stupor. He was more than thrilled at his prodigal sons return," she said acidly.

"I do wonder how much more debt he will borrow from father throwing another massive tournament." Jamie said, smirking softly. "Hopefully it'll be interesting at least I get tired of watching Ser Loras win so often."

Cersei smiled a look of pride in her eyes. "I'm sure that my son can easily remove the Knight of Flowers from the top rankings. That is if he fights in the joust. You do remember his preferences for fighting on foot?"

"Yes, how could I ever forget?" Jamie replied easily then smiled a bit of amusement flashing in his eyes. "Although the last time he and I fought he nearly beat me so I think that if he does enter the melee, he will at least earn a victory there."

"Yes, I'm sure he will." Cersei replied distractedly, staring at her wineglass in thought. Looking up her face was set in a careful mask but Jamie could see the worry in her eyes. "Please watch Joffrey on Hadrian's return; he was less than thrilled at the news of his brother's arrival. We both know he will not survive Hadrian the next time he steps out of line."

Jamie's face was suddenly grim as he carefully asked, "You truly think Hadrian would kill him?"

Cersei could practically taste Jamie's mixed feeling on the issue. Joffrey had only gotten worse since his brother had left. Being the oldest prince in the city made Joffrey feel that he was the oldest Prince period with him being more than willing to forget his brother's existence. And he had picked up a disturbing habit of carrying that damned crossbow everywhere.

Only the other day Cersei had watched Joffrey hunt down a cat with the bow. However, he didn't merely kill it he shot it in each leg before then nailing it to the wall and letting It bleed out in pain and suffering. Joffrey had only laughed in glee at its pain. Leaving Cersei to comfort Tommen over the, as she told him, mysterious disappearance of his favorite cat.

Looking Jamie in the eyes she said, "Hadrian is one of those people like father. Who with barely a glance into someone's eyes can know everything about that person. I'm sure he will see Joffrey and be able to know he has gotten worse. However, Hadrian has always kept his word. So he will wait until the next time Joffrey pushes the issue."

Cersei looked down into her glass of wine again as she threw it back draining its contents. "I only hope we can keep a good enough eye on him to stop him from acting out. Hopefully he will take my warnings to heart, but I fear Joffrey is like a bow string drawn too far. He's just waiting for something to push him, and he will snap."

Jamie's face fell at this and he took a moment to choose his words carefully. "I will try my best, Cersei, that's all I can do. I love him for what he is to me." Jamie said, keeping his words intentionally vague. You never knew who was listening in King's Landing.

Cersei gave Jamie a slight smile telling him that she understood and appreciated the sentiment. 'So much depends on you my darling boy. My firstborn. Your mother misses you, please hurry home.' Cersei thought to herself impatient for her son's return.


A small group of soldiers were moving slowly down the Kings Road in the heat of the day. 20 horsemen wearing the colors of house Baratheon walked beside their horses giving them a rest from riding with the scorching heat. They would soon stop for lunch and then continue walking until the temperature cooled then they'd ride until nightfall. In a little under a day the small group would make it to their final destination on the long ride from the North.

At the head of the column three men walked side by side. The man on the right wore tough leather armor and stood taller than the other men with a large sword on his back. This man was Sandor Clegane or the Hound as many called him because of his distinctive helmet shaped into the face of a snarling dog. On the right side of his face the man had a massive amount of scarring due to an injury his older brother had given him when they were children.

The middle man though young was tall, close to 6'10'' and was broader in the shoulder and chest than Sandor who was a leaner man in comparison. The man wore a hardened leather vest that was finely wrought with a black stag pressed into the armor. He had a simple longsword at his side and carried himself with an easy grace compared to Sandor's heavy trudge. His shoulder length hair was slightly wavy and black as a raven's wing. He had a handsome face with high cheekbones and a strong jaw. Most strikingly though, were his bright green eyes that shined with intelligence and good cheer. He seemed to constantly be grinning which was just a small upturn of the right side of his mouth. This man was Hadrian Baratheon, crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms.

The last man of the three standing to the left of Hadrian wore dark black leather armor and was constantly watching the sides of the road ahead. He stood roughly 5'10'' and carried a bastard blade which he thought was fitting since he was Jon Snow, bastard son of Eddard Stark Lord of Winterfell. More importantly he was the best friend of Hadrian Baratheon. Beside him walked a white wolf with red eyes, but this wolf was actually a Direwolf the sigil of House Stark and a parting gift from his father.

"Jon you don't always have to look like someone pissed in your boots," Hadrian said, his voice clearly carrying his amusement at his companion's dour face.

"Not everyone can be a cheerful shit in this heat like you seem to you fucking cunt. Can we stop for lunch yet this heat is cooking my brain in my head? And there's not even a god's damned breeze in sight!" Sandor said getting louder the more steam he picked up in his irritation.

Hadrian hid a smile at his long-time guards' attitude and looked around to try and figure out where they were. Sighing in disappointment he continued walking before he said, "there is a river somewhere up ahead. It should be within a mile or so. We will stop there so the horses can drink freely before the last stretch of our journey."

Sandor just grumbled to himself about gods and their shit weather from what Hadrian could hear before Jon spoke up. "Hadrian I'm leaving behind everything I ever knew all my family and the people I care about to come south with you. Although I know it is asking a bit much, one would imagine that you could scrounge up a bit of understanding in that hole you call a heart." Jon said, shaking his head.

"That's where you made the first mistake bastard, you assumed he has a heart instead of a cold pit in his chest just like the rest of the Lannister's." Sandor said.

"Ahh Sandor, your opinion on my family is always so enlightening," Harry said, smirking at the man who just continued to curse quietly about Lannister shits.

"Is he wrong though? From what I've heard the Lannisters aren't the most caring of families." Jon said trying to poke back at Hadrian.

"No, he's not wrong," Hadrian said flatly. "The only person a Lannister cares about is their immediate family, and sometimes not even then." Hadrian said with a grin while looking at Jon who just sighed and rolled his eyes knowing what was coming. "I however, am only half a Lannister so thankfully I'm just a cunning shifty shit, but I do have a full and complete heart. Which is very exciting to see my younger siblings again."

"I do understand Jon, but one would think that you'd be more than happy to be away from that frigid bitch who is supposed to be Lady Stark. I mean if she glared at us one more time, I swear she was going to give me frostbite." Hadrian said shivering slightly at the memory.

Sandor snorted in amusement while Jon gave Hadrian a slight smile before saying, "That may have something to do with the fact that Sansa was trying her absolute best to find a way into your chambers my Lord. Also, you constantly encouraged Arya's learning to fight, and let's not forget when you took both me and Robb to the village brothel. To say she was mad would be like saying The Wall is a fence."

Hadrian shivered again and even looked over his shoulder remembering that time. "Gods was that horrible. How your father ever managed to get his prick up in order to bed that woman I'll never know. Duty and honor indeed." At this Sandor gave a rough bark of laughter and Jon's smile grew slightly. "Also, as to Sansa trying to get into my chambers, I honestly think lying with Old Nan would be more exciting. I mean if that girl had any less personality, she'd just be living breathing dirt. As for Arya, that girl is as much my sister as she is yours and I was more than happy to encourage her. If the results of being raised by Lady Stark are either Sansa or Arya. Then Arya is infinitely better."

Jon though he did not respond he internally agreed with his friend. Arya and Robb were his favorite siblings although he did care greatly for the others as well. It's just that Arya and Robb always treated him well and that meant a lot to Jon.

"Talk about shit family neither of you have my brother as family. So I'd say your winning the fucking pool on that score no matter who else your related to." Sandor said his face twisted into an angry snarl at the thought of his brother.

Hadrian turned to Sandor and gave him a sympathetic look before saying. "You've been a great friend Sandor. As much of a bastard as you are, you're a saint compared to your brother this much is true." Here Hadrian's face became deathly serious and his voice turned cold. "I have plans for good Ser Gregor, don't you worry about that. My grandfather should have put him down long ago if the information I have on his is even partially true."

Both Jon and Sandor grimaced at the rumors that came to mind the worse starting with the little girls he supposedly captured used and killed.

"I will keep my promise to you Sandor. Ser Gregor will meet a most fitting end and although you might not land the finishing blow take heart from the fact that he will die and it will be unpleasant." Hadrian said his emerald eyes now a dark forest green in his fury.

Jon looked at his friend and wondered what plans he had put together. He knew that Hadrian had spent a lot of time with his grandfather Tywin Lannister learning how to be a Lord since his father wasn't up to the task. He also knew that he was good friends with his Uncle Tyrion Lannister. A man who Hadrian thought was one of the smartest men he knew, and if what he had told Jon was true then Jon would probably agree. Apparently, he was also on good terms with Varys who was a master of spies and regularly provided Hadrian with various pieces of information.

Jon didn't care to think about that. He knew Hadrian had many ideas on what should happen with the future of the Seven Kingdoms. Jon was just a bastard sworn to Hadrian's service. His job was to help him fight and keep him safe beyond that the only thought Jon had along political lines was that he believed Hadrian would be a better King than his father.

The debt that King Robert had developed was staggering and considering that the treasury had apparently been full to bursting when he took over Jon thought that the man wasted a lot of coin. The fact that the man was constantly drunk and openly whored all across the city also deeply upset his sense of morality, and led more credence for him to believe that Hadrian would be a better King. His friend though he could sometimes be led by his passions was a good person with morals that his Northern mindset mostly agreed with. Even Robb had become good friends with Hadrian which was good for the future of the kingdom.

An hour or two past midday the column came to the river Hadrian had remembered and they camped until the heat broke then they mounted their horses and rode for Kings Landing.

Just as the sun was starting to set on the horizon Hadrian and company came within sight of Kings Landing. Jon was quite literally speechless at the sight. The city was truly massive and spread across the plain below nestled against the side of Blackwater Bay.

Hadrian just smiled as they steadily rode closer to one of the gates of the city. He was glad to be home. He liked the North and its people for the most part. They were good hardworking people although they could stand to smile more. But being back in the city of his birth was good. Hadrian had many things he wanted to do and hopefully his father wouldn't impede many of them. He loved his father for being his father, but the man had wasted away and was even now only a few wine barrels away from an early grave.

Hadrian was also eager to see the rest of his family. He truly loved his mother because for all her faults her children were her life. He also loved Tommen and Myrcella very much, and couldn't wait to see how they'd changed. He was sure Tommen would still be a sweet and gentle soul caring more for his pets than anything but hopefully he'd matured a little the world was a cruel place and a child like Tommen would be eaten alive.

Then there was his beautiful baby sister. He remembered when she was born it was one of the best days of his life, he couldn't wait to see what kind of woman she was turning into. She'd always been a beautiful soul and Hadrian hoped that was still the case and she wasn't turning into his mother. The world only needed one Cersei Lannister.

Then there was Joffrey. Hadrian hoped the little shit remembered their arrangement. The scar he left was supposed to help with that memory, but knowing Joffrey it probably didn't help without Hadrian's constant threatening presence. His mother loved her children and sadly in Joffrey's case the boy needed serious tough love. Hadrian however privately thought that with him being the product of incest something was deeply wrong with him and there wasn't much to be done about it.

'Still I'll find out shortly,' Hadrian thought as they approached the Dragon Gate. The guards saw the Royal banner and didn't even try to halt their progress and from here it was only a short ride into the entrance of the Red Keep where apparently word had been sent as people were gathering in the courtyard. Seeing his family approach Hadrian could only smile at finally being back home.

"Sandor please take my horse to the stable master and show Jon where my quarters are, I'm sure my family will be keeping me busy for the foreseeable future." Hadrian said dismounting his large black stallion and handing The Hound his reins. Jon and Sandor nodded as Hadrian moved off toward the crowd with a broad smile on his face and joy in his eyes.

"Brother!" Two young voices shouted as Myrcella and Tommen both dashed forwards. Hadrian smiled and knelt down gathering his siblings up with each in one arm and lifted them both easily from the ground hugging them both tightly.

"Myrcella, Tommen I missed you both so much," Hadrian said the smile on his face refusing to leave as each of his siblings smiled up at him. Setting them down he looked them over before speaking.

"Myrcella you have only grown more beautiful dear sister," Hadrian said chuckling at Myrcella's shy smile and slight blush. "And you brother have gotten so big I feel as if I barely even recognize you!" Tommen smiled brightly up at him in reply.

"You're one to speak of growing tall, you look to have gained at least a foot." Myrcella as she hugged him tightly around his waist Tommen joining her on his other side. Hadrian just reached down and held them closely as the rest of his family walked up.

"Son, it's good to see you healthy and whole," Cersei said, accepting Hadrian's tight hug.

Leaning forward Hadrian spoke quietly into her ear, "I love you too Mother and I'm glad to be home"

Hadrian could feel Cersei smile into his chest before she stepped back, "we have missed you here. Hopefully you won't be leaving us again for some time."

"I currently have no plans to do so Mother." Hadrian replied. He looked over her shoulder giving his Uncle Jamie a brief smile and a nod which was returned. Looking around he noticed several court nobles or watching lords, but there were a few noticeable absences. Looking at his mother an eyebrow raised in question she sighed before shaking her head. Hadrian just rolled his eyes in acceptance of her unspoken apology for Joffrey.

Giving his other siblings one more light hug he peeled them off of him before walking towards the throne room with his family following behind. Hadrian was somewhat glad to arrive at night if it meant less people in the way of his return. He wasn't really in the mood for ass kissing nobles.

As he walked into the throne room a voice boomed out across the hall. "There he is, My Son and heir! By the Gods just look at you, you're truly a man now! That Northern air must have done you good!" Robert Baratheon's voice easily crossed the long hall.

Hadrian got his first look at his father in three years and it was a sad sight. The man was fatter than ever. Any muscle he had ever had was all fat now and his large black beard was thick with grey. His face was bright ruddy red and the stains on his clothes from his wine and what Hadrian could only assume was his last meal was disgusting. In total his father looked like shit.

Hadrian smiled genially and walked across the long hall, his boots ringing out in the empty room. "Father, My King, it is good to see you after so long. Thank you for the welcome and yes I would have to agree with you the North truly was magnificent in its own way." Hadrian stopped before the steps of the throne and bowed from the waist to his father.

"Aye, I remember it well, truly it can be beautiful, but enough of the past it's the future we need to discuss now. I've already started to plan a feast and tournament to celebrate your return!" Robert said standing from the throne and walking up to Hadrian who was now his equal in height but thankfully not in width. Resting his hands on Hadrian's shoulders he looked into his emerald green eyes before he smiled and waved Hadrian to follow him from the room.

Hadrian nodded and turned to wave goodbye to his mother and siblings who returned the wave as he moved off to follow his father. The Kingsguard members, in their white cloaks and bright golden armor, walked behind and in front of his father as they moved off to the Royal chambers. He nodded to Ser Barristan who returned it with a small smile as he followed his father into his room.

Ser Barristan had always been kind to Hadrian and had even helped him train in his early years. Hadrian accredited him as one of the main reasons that his skills with a sword were as good as they were.

Stepping into his father's chambers he raised an eyebrow in question as he closed the door. "Was there something you preferred to say in private Father?"

Robert stood there for a moment before he sighed and sank into his chair. Looking up at Hadrian he said, "Jon is sick and the Maester has no idea what's wrong with him. He is fading fast and I'm told he won't live for a further few days let alone the week."

Harry sighed sadly, "I had wondered why I didn't see him even if it is somewhat late."

Robert nodded as he looked at Hadrian. "Son, I'll be honest with you because I always have been. I'm pretty sure Jon was poisoned but there's nothing I can do about it 'cause I have no idea who or why." Here Robert seemed to sink into himself a bit before he spoke slowly. "I'm glad your home. Truly I am, but I fear that we will not be together for long. I'm probably not going to live out the year."

Hadrian just stared at his father completely stumped about what to say. Slowly his brain restarted and his thoughts came back to him, but he was still unsure what to say or do at the moment. He knew his father was killing himself; he just didn't think it would be quite so sudden. He had figured he would have a year or two left.

"Pycelle told me my blood is poisoning me, whatever that means, either way my end is coming. I'm telling you this so that you can be ready and aren't caught unaware." Robert said, speaking up. His voice was strong once again.

Hadrian sat across from his father and they looked at each other for a long time. Eventually Hadrian broke the silence. "Is there anything you would wish, to enjoy your remaining time Father?"

Robert scoffed before he became contemplative and looked at Hadrian shrewdly. Slowly he nodded his head, a small spark of life, that used to be in his father's eyes when Hadrian was only a young boy, coming back to them. "It would put more pressure on you and it would be no easy thing but if I could have anything in the world right now. Well I'd really like to go to spend my last days in Winterfell with Ned, and say goodbye to Lyanna one last time."

Leaning forward he spoke slowly. "I love you my boy I do, and I'm as proud of you as any father could ever be. I'm just tired of life here and if I'm to die I'd rather do it with a good friend by my side. In a place where I don't have to care about the games being played around me."

Hadrian smiled at his father a few tears held in his eyes at the thought of the man dying. "If that would make your last days better, Father. I'd deal with far worse than taking the throne sooner rather than later. Though I'm sure you'd rather not hear this, it would honestly make some of my goals a bit easier if I'm to be entirely honest." Hadrian said, finishing with a wry chuckle.

His father rather than become upset merely smiled broadly and laughed heartily. "Oh I'm sure son. You're smarter than I am. I've never doubted that. Ever since you started that business of yours with the Imp. Even though your mother and I have never gotten along you are the best of both of us and will hopefully learn from our many mistakes."

Hadrian grinned at his father happy to see some life back in his eyes even if the topic was somewhat morbid. "Well I'll try but I'm sure to make a few messes of my own."

His father just tipped his mug to him and drained the cup before he waved to a stand in the back of the room with a covered sheet over it. "Well thank you Son, and we will work this out over the coming days. For now I had a gift prepared for you by the finest smiths in the Kingdom."

Robert stood up and beckoned Hadrian to follow him closer to the covered stand. "You're no idiot so I'm sure you know what this is. Ned sent me a letter on the way you preferred to fight and though I hope it's not for a while yet. I'm sure you'll have your own battles eventually and I had hoped you'd wear this in the tournament this weekend."

He grabbed the sheet and turned to Hadrian smiling proudly at him."One last gift from your father eh?" Chuckling, he pulled the sheet away to reveal the armor underneath.

The armor was a partial set of plate mail, but with scale mail connections making it just as protective, but lighter than normal mail. The armor was also solid black. With a bronze stag head lowered to charge emblazoned on the chest. The helm was a traditional barbute with a visor. It also had the signature bronze antlers of his house coming off of it similar to his fathers' old armor. As well as a small bronze crown around the top of the black helm. The thick gauntlets also had short steel spikes in them perfect for bashing an opponent. Most importantly to Hadrian was the shield.

It was a large circular shield also solid black. It was thick and broad, almost as much of a weapon as the longsword at his side. On the front emblazoned in bronze was the rearing stag of his house with the proud lion of the Lannister's. Both beasts were facing each other as if prepared to fight.

Looking to his father, who was smiling at his stunned expression, he nodded towards it and his father waved him forward. "It's your armor, of course you can look at it."

Walking forward Hadrian reached down and grabbed the shield and marveled at its craftsmanship. It was beautiful and practical at the same time. Hadrian had long preferred shields in combat. Even though his size and strength made it easier for him to use larger weapons he much preferred an unbreakable defense with lightning quick attacks meant to take advantage of an opponent's openings. Which just happened to be easier to create with a shield.

Looking to his father he set the shield down and hugged him fiercely. "Thank you Father I'll wear it proudly. It's truly the greatest gift I've ever received."His father merely smiled and returned the hug, some of his forgotten strength returning to truly embrace his favorite son.

"I'm glad you like it Son. May it long serve you well and keep you alive. It's a tradition of our house that on our eighteenth birthday Fathers give their Sons armor fitting to their preference, and just as my father did for me, I now do for you. Hopefully you'll one day do it for your own son." Robert said smiling at Hadrian. "Now, it's late and I'm sure you'd like some rest. I'll have this taken to your rooms tomorrow and we shall speak more on serious matters after the tournament."

"Yes, I would, although I'm sure my meetings with others have only just begun unfortunately," Hadrian said smiling ruefully at the inevitable conversations.

Robert gave a great barking laugh before clapping Hadrian on the shoulder he said, "Too true Son I'm sure you'll be up many hours yet."

Bidding his father good evening Hadrian took one last look at the armor and then left heading further down the hallway to his own chambers. Outside his door he was unsurprised to see both Lord Varys and his Uncle Tyrion talking quietly to each other. While Jon and Sandor leaned against the wall waiting for him to return.

Giving the older duo a brief nod he turned to his friends. "Jon, Sandor I need to have a fairly serious conversation with my Uncle and Varys. I will tell you the important details later, but for now could you wait out here and ensure that no one attempts to listen in?"

Jon, as was his way, merely shrugged and said. "I'm not much of a politician so that suits me fine."

Sandor went looking for a serving girl to ask for wine and food to be brought to them. Hadrian grinned and moved further down the hall.

"Uncle, Lord Varys, it is truly great to see you both again. I have missed our talks Varys and even more our games of cyvasse Uncle. You wouldn't believe how few nobles can play up North, and Jon is a poor substitute." Hearing Jon scoff quietly only caused Hadrian's grin to grow as did Varys slight smile and Tyrion's eye roll.

"Yes, I'm sure that would be a challenge," drawled Tyrion. "But we do have some things that need to be discussed sooner rather than later if it's not a bad time?"

Hadrian smiled before opening the door and waving the men in ahead of him, "quite the contrary I was already planning on it. Jon and Sandor here will make sure our discussion remains private."

Nodding at his prudence for guarding secrets the two men entered with Hadrian following closely behind. His chambers were just as he left them a large square table taking up the main area of the room they had just entered with his private office through another door opposite him. To his right was a balcony overlooking Blackwater Bay, and to the left was a door leading to his bedchambers.

Waving for the two men to seat themselves he walked to a nearby table and grabbed wine for his uncle and glasses of cooled water for himself and Varys. Though he and Varys preferred water to keep their minds clear, his Uncle seemed to have the strange ability to think clearer with the liberal application of wine. Joining the two men he gave them a moment to get comfortable before they began.

"So, gentlemen, family, foreign, or domestic which would you care to start with?" For as long as they had met and talked, with Hadrian learning from the two other men, they had always split things into these three categories and they usually worked quite well for their purposes.

"Easiest first I think should do well and surprisingly enough that is family for once." Tyrion said, taking a long drink of wine before continuing.

"In order then. First Joffrey has only gotten worse and you should prepare yourself for dealing with that." At Hadrian's nod he continued. "Cersei and Jamie have done remarkably well keeping their affair discreet which I'm fairly shocked by. Your Grandfather has been doing business as usual in the Westerlands, but he will be here in the next day or so for your name day tournament. A cousin Lancel has been made your Father's squire I'm sure just for him to enjoy ordering the boy around. However, we believe that Lancel is here to provide information to your great uncle Kevan. His efforts have been miserable though. Tommen continues to prefer his pets to people and I'm sure that will continue. Myrcella however has expressed an interest in sailing recently so we may need to get some loyal men assigned as protectors."

Tyrion sighed quietly before refilling his glass and then looked up smiling a little. "Also you shall soon have a new niece or nephew depending on the god's choices and my good lady wife."

Hadrian smiled broadly at this news. His Uncle in secret had met the daughter of a merchant from Bravos named Meera and fallen hard for the woman just as she had come to love him. With Hadrian and Varys's help they had gotten married in secret. The woman lived in Bravos and Tyrion visited her often. He would sail with the Merchant fleet that he and Hadrian had set up on an independent business venture. This was to earn themselves some more money that they could use without oversight from their families. This would be Tyrion's first child and Hadrian couldn't be happier for the man who often had little to be happy about.

"Congratulations Uncle I'm happy for the both of you and cannot wait to meet the child." Tyrion smiled at Hadrian's open joy at the news. Hadrian had always appreciated Tyrion for what he was rather than what he should have been, unlike his father. This to Tyrion made Hadrian his blatant favorite of all his family with Myrcella and Tommen coming in close second alongside Jamie.

Varys coughed slightly interrupting the moment. "Yes, and I do congratulate you as well Lord Tyrion, but we really should move on there are a few pressing issues that need to be talked about in the greater world."

Tyrion nodded in agreement understanding that such talk could wait until later. "My Lord—," Varys started but Hadrian held up his hand, stopping him suddenly.

"I know there are other things but before moving on I have other news," Hadrian said looking grave.

"My father had just told me that he is dying, and I got the feeling it would be sooner rather than later. From what he explained I believe it's the overconsumption of alcohol that has permanently damaged his body." Hadrian said before continuing. "I asked him if there is anything he wanted and he only expressed a desire to see the North again and we tentatively agreed on that fact. I think my father shall within the next few months abdicate the throne to me, and go North to enjoy his remaining days."

He could tell that this was news to the two men but as usual they quickly digested it and realized how this could aid some of their future endeavors. "Well for what it's worth you have my sympathies my Lord." Varys said which Hadrian gracefully acknowledged with a nod of thanks.

"Yes…mine as well but you can't deny this seems fortuitous." Tyrion said looking off lost in thought. "The very time you return from the North and your Father is terminally ill and Jon Aaryn is also on death's door. You soon to be the King by willing abdication. It almost seems fate had dealt us a chance to stack the deck as it were."

"I agree Uncle, it is strange. Although I am sad at my Father's eventual passing, I can't deny your point either it would be good for the plans we have. Especially since it will allow us to tackle the issue of the Kingdoms debt much sooner. Which is the greatest problem in my mind." Hadrian said, acknowledging Tyrion's point.

"I concur my Lords but this neatly allows us to segue into the domestic issues I believe?" Varys said looking as unflappable as ever.

At Hadrian's nod he continued. "The Kingdoms individually are settled although the Greyjoy's are unhappy. However, they are always unhappy but we may need to draw up some plans of what to do about them. Which means we need to keep Stannis appeased and, on your side, since he commands the royal fleet."

"Where is Euron? Has he returned?" Hadrian asked, rubbing his chin in thought.

"No, my Lord he, according to my latest whispers, is still raiding around Volantis," Varys replied.

"We will need to keep an eye on him. The remaining Greyjoy's are not an issue; their fleet is not very large, merely a hundred ships. The issue is Euron the man is skilled at war and raiding. His potential influence is massive." Hadrian said.

"As you say my Lord however, some birds have told me that Yara Greyjoy has a level head and would be a stabilizing influence on the region." Varys informed Hadrian letting him digest the information.

"Then we should send a letter to Lord Stark informing him of this, and to watch Theon so that he is not caught unprepared." Tyrion said speaking up. "I feel any overtures to Yara Greyjoy will have to wait until you're officially King for any great steps to be made to settle the region."

"I agree. Lord Stark trusts me. I'll write him a letter tomorrow and send it with a raven so he can be informed as soon as possible." Hadrian replied, pulling over a piece of paper and starting a list of things to do.

"Good news though Prince Oberyn and Lord Martell have agreed to your proposal. If you deliver Ser Gregor in the pre arranged manner they are willing to fully back you as King. As well as forgive any debt you may owe them due to your family's actions against them." Varys said watching the grin spread across Hadrian's face.

"I think Sandor will be getting drunk in celebration for the entirety of this tournament my Father planned. Possibly even well into next week." Hadrian said with his eyes a forest green in anger. A stark contrast to the grin on his face.

"Yes, I'm sure he will waste any and all coin he has," said Tyrion. "The problem will be getting my Father over the death of his attack dog."

"True, but Grandfather and I will be having a very frank talk about many things when I see him next." Hadrian said looking less than pleased at the thought.

Tyrion merely tipped his glass to acknowledge his statement. "In other news Lord Tully has grown very ill and is not expected to live past the year. Meaning his son will become Lord of the Riverland's in short order." Varys said neatly continuing the conversation.

Hadrian and Tyrion both groaned in annoyance. Edmure Tully was one of the greatest moron's that ever lived, and with men like Mace Tyrell around that was a very low bar already.

Then Hadrian shot up having a thought and smiled in a way that he only did when he was going to lay a prank on either Joffrey or his Uncle Renly. "Uncle, Cousin Gwenna Lannister recently had her eighteenth name day and is said to be a rare beauty but also wickedly intelligent is there any truth to this."

Tyrion looked at Hadrian in confusion for only a moment before he smiled. He was very proud of his nephew; he had learned well the many lessons on politics they'd had when he was young. "Why yes I do believe she is. She is also a very strong-willed woman not to mention rather friendly to me in private. I think I see where you're going with this. I will write her a letter to ask her opinion, and if she agrees then when I think we can arrange for them to be seated closely together for when the lords come to swear to you."

"You know there is suddenly some small part of me that is glad women have no interest in me." Varys said showing his rare dry wit. "From what I know of that girl she will eat him like a shark."

"Yes, if he lives long past providing an heir, I'll honestly be very surprised," Hadrian replied seemingly unworried at the future Lord Tully's fate.

"Furthermore," Varys broke in again continuing business. "The rumors of your Uncle Renly and Loras Tyrell are apparently very accurate. This could be fortuitous to help us keep him in line."

"Agreed," Replied Hadrian, "but for now we will merely hold the information until it is useful, I think, yes?"

At Tyrion and Varys nods of agreement Hadrian continued, "Speaking of The Reach, anything there?"

"Yes actually. The Tyrells are coming to the tournament this weekend to celebrate your name day. But most importantly Lady Margery and her Grandmother Lady Olenna will be arriving."

"I know Lady Olenna is the true power in the Reach outside Willas since Mace is a fool to rival fools. But why is this ranked so highly to you Varys?" Hadrian asked, looking confused.

"My Lord it is important because of what their goals are," At Hadrian's raised brow Tyrion spoke.

"Nephew you are very ripe for the great houses to try and arrange a daughter for you in Marriage. You're known for your intelligence and independent wealth with our company. Your prowess in combat is assumed to be at least adequate considering last you were here you almost beat my brother. And your honor and decency as a person has been confirmed by the friendships you have acquired up North, the people there being known for strong morals and rigid honor." Tyrion explained not bothering to hide his grin at Hadrian's cornered look.

"The only daughters truly eligible for you are quite easy to pick with the current political landscape. Either one of Lord Royce's daughters. All of whom I believe you've met and none struck you as memorable?" Varys said, ending in question.

At Hadrian's confirmation Varys continued. "Arianne Martell or one of the famous Sand Snakes is an option but you've never met them and your alliance with the Martell's is yet to be assured. Sansa Stark is an option…" at Hadrian's suddenly horrified face he smoothly carried on, "but you do not care for her. This leaves few daughters of sufficient rank and age for option with Margery Tyrell being the best of those choices."

Hadrian waved Varys to continue resigning himself to the conversation about this future match. "She is known to be kind and a true Lady; however, she was trained personally by Lady Olenna so you can also expect her to be very intelligent and politically savvy. Honestly my Lord she would be a fair match for you."

Hadrian appeared lost in thought for a moment considering Varys's words.

'I really can't find anything in his argument to disagree with and having not met any of the Martell's outside Prince Oberyn I can't really look there for options. I honestly don't expect them to trust us that well any time soon either.' Hadrian thought to himself giving due consideration to Varys' words. 'If my father is to believe I'll be King soon enough and having a Queen to help deal with some of the more bureaucratic issues, and one I could hopefully rely on would be a benefit.'

Hadrian looked to Varys and said, "I follow so far, continue."

"With the Tyrells coming here to the capitol, importantly Lady Olenna, it may be a prudent time to arrange a meeting between the two of you so that you could meet and get the measure of each other." Varys said hoping the man who he fully believed would be a good King would take his advice to heart.

Hadrian grinned at his longtime friend before saying, "Varys are you just trying to get me laid?"

Hadrian had timed his response perfectly because as he said it Tyrion coughed up the wine he had been drinking and started coughing having laughed at his words. Varys merely rolled his eyes and gave Hadrian a blank look. Hadrian raised his hands in surrender at Varys's version of a glare before continuing. "Sorry, I do understand your point and if you can arrange it I'd be interested to meet the Queen of Thorns in person."

Tyrion finally getting a breath back glared at his Nephew knowing what he did and why before saying, "I'm sure you're sincere. Be cautious though that woman has earned that title; she is shrewd and sharp and has always worked for the greatness of her House; do not underestimate her."

"I know Uncle, however in this endeavor she and I have somewhat similar goals. I cede the point that I could benefit from a strong Queen. The Tyrells however, would benefit from their daughter being the Queen. So, for the most part we would be on at least amiable terms, but I will heed your words and be careful around Lady Olenna."

Tyrion stared at his Nephew to be sure he understood before his eyes softened somewhat and he sighed. "You understand that you and Margery may never love each other?"

Hadrian gave a faint smile, "yes I do Uncle. However men of our station rarely get to wed for love. Also, from what I've heard of Margery it will not necessarily be a hardship. The woman is beautiful and if we can at least have a friendship I will be content."

Tyrion nodded somewhat melancholy. He was glad Hadrian understood but he did hope for good lives for his Niece and Nephews. However, Hadrian was similar to his Uncle Stannis in one key way he had always understood his duty to both family and Kingdom.

Hadrian sighed before he leaned back seeing the moon high over the bay, he knew it was getting late but there was one last thing of import. "What of the Targaryen's that still live?" He asked looking at Varys.

Varys shared a look with Tyrion before he said, "The two siblings Viserys and Daenerys still live in the free cities. Currently their efforts to gain support have gone unheard and they have little. They would have none if it wasn't for the support for their benefactor Magister Mopatis."

Hadrian stared into the fire from one of the torches on the wall for a long time before he responded. "Their estimated mental state?" He asked.

"Viserys is unreliable, entitled, and prone to anger. Daenerys however seems to be a sweet intelligent girl who is led around by her brother," Varys replied.

"I'm going to say something and I just want to know if you can do it," Hadrian said, staring into Varys' eyes.

Varys for his part had always marveled at Hadrian's eyes; they were always very indicative of his mindset and currently they were hard green chips like true emeralds. This told Varys that Hadrian had decided a course and wanted the truth no matter what. So, Varys nodded for him to continue while Tyrion watched closely.

"I want Viserys dead." Hadrian said ordering someone's execution seeming to understand the ramifications of his statement. "The girl if possible, I want brought here to Kings Landing. I will not see her harmed. Her father was the issue not the rest of the family and they should not have feared for their lives from men like Ser Gregor."

"She will be noticed. The white hair alone would give her away," Tyrion said, speaking up.

"Yes, it would, which is why we will use dyes to turn it brown or black with that she will just be another girl lost in the masses. I want to speak with her at length and I can't do that from half the world away." Turning to look at Varys he finished by asking, "Can this be done?"

Varys for his part just stared back, not moving and seeming not to breath for many minutes as time seemed to drag on. "You think the girl is save able, and you don't intend her harm?" Varys asked, looking for clarification.

Hadrian nodded in confirmation, "yes, I do, We all know there is a member of her family left very close by." As he said this his eyes darted to the door and the two men opposite him nodded in confirmation. They all knew Jon was likely a Targaryen. It really wasn't all that hard to figure out when you had Varys' resources and considered the character of a man like Eddard Stark. He would never have a bastard; it was one of those impossibilities in life. There was also the information that they had gotten from Ser Barristan telling them that Lyanna Stark had truly loved Rhaegar and even married him willingly.

"Then yes I do believe that we can accomplish this my Lord." Varys said bowing in agreement of Hadrian's plan.

"Very good," Hadrian said looking down at the notes he had scribbled down on what their plans were in the immediate future. "Well my friends it's late and I want my bed. So I'll bid the both of you goodnight." The two men nodded before heading out. As the door opened Hadrian called for Jon and Sandor to come inside for a bit.

His two companions came inside closing the door behind them when Hadrian waved them to take a seat thinking about what to tell them.

"Well I won't waste words. I'll just give you the facts and see if you have any questions after; sound alright?" Hadrian asked barely looking up to see them nod before he continued to read his list.

"First the Greyjoy's are being shits so we are going to warn Lord Stark and potentially try and get Yara Greyjoy on our side while Euron is on the other side of the world." The two men nodded in understanding Hadrian had long shared his plans with them because though they may not be great politicians or planners, but Hadrian had learned to trust their judgement. Jon helped keep his morals straight whereas Sandor had a weirdly accurate read on most people if he had met them.

"The tournament this weekend will draw many Lords and I'll have several meetings. The most important with the Tyrells and potentially my Grandfather Tywin. Apparently, it's time I think about marriage." Hadrian said with a sigh knowing he shouldn't complain, but he did enjoy his freedom. If it was up to him, he would spend his life exploring the world but that was not the life of a King. Jon's grin and Sandor's snort let him know their sympathies for him on that topic so he moved on.

"My father…is dying…and so is Jon Aaryn. I'll probably be made King much sooner than I had planned. My Father only asked to be able to go to the North and die in peace with his friend, and say goodbye one last time to Lyanna Stark." Though his two friends seemed stunned that the two men were both going to pass at least in the next year Hadrian gave them a moment to gather their thoughts before he continued.

"The surviving Targaryen's have been found and I'm bringing the youngest girl here to hopefully get her on my side and see if I can't gain her allegiance." His two friends seemed confused at why he would do this but seemed to accept that he had some other plans that weren't quite fleshed out yet so he couldn't really explain further.

"Other than that, there's really not much fortunately. So we do have a bit of time to relax. However, Sandor you'll be happy to hear this part." Here Hadrian couldn't help but notice the gleam in the man's eyes hoping that his brother was finally going to pay for a lifetime of cruelty.

"The Martell's have agreed to my plan to deliver the good Ser Gregor into their eager hands and even though you will be unable to do it yourself Sandor I believe you'll be very satisfied to know they plan to make his end unpleasant to say the least. My conversations with Prince Oberyn on his ideas were quite graphic." Even though the man did seem unhappy that it wasn't by his hand it seemed that as long as his brother was 'removed' he didn't have too many particulars on how.

"Anything else the two of you think I've missed or wish to bring up?" Hadrian asked, giving them a chance to speak up.

"You want us with you this weekend or can we do as we will?" Sandor asked looking, Hadrian knew, to get drunk and enjoy some women and probably take Jon with him to do it.

Hadrian smiled at the predictability of his long-time friend. He stood up and went to a chest in the corner and grabbed two bags of gold coins that he threw on the table for the two of them. He knew Jon didn't have any money and Hadrian had plenty enough to give his friends a good weekend so he didn't much care. Friends were always more important to him than money.

"No, unless I'm fighting, I'll be fairly bored and mired in politics. Go have a good time and try not to get in too much trouble." Hadrian said grinning at his friends and giving Jon a wink.

Jon for his part blushed lightly knowing what Hadrian implied while Sandor next to him just laughed at the look on his face. "Aye lad I'll take the bastard here and show him some of the good life. You enjoy your Lordly business." Sandor said, grabbing the bag and motioning Jon to follow him. Jon grabbed his bag with a sincere thank you, to which Hadrian just smiled and waved him off, before he followed Sandor to their quarters further down the hall.

As the door closed Hadrian sighed, locked and barred the door, before moving into his bedchambers and getting into bed. He lay there thinking for quite some time before he fell asleep. Many things were changing and the pieces were moving; he only hoped there wouldn't be too much strife ahead.

He barely remembered what he now realized was some past life he had lived. Life where he had some sort of magical power and used it for the most part to help people. It seemed no matter what life he lived he was born to fighting and being good at it too. The only skill he seemed to have was the ability to lightly read the minds of other people if he focused, and could see their eyes. In this world it was a great ability and although he couldn't do some of the more interesting magics that he remembered. Hadrian Baratheon, or Harry Potter, was glad that he at least had something from his old life. 'At least I'm not as short this time' he thought with a laugh.

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