

Just In




The Stag of Kings Landing by GrandmasterAzrael

 Harry Potter & A song of Ice and Fire Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Romance, Harry P., Jon S., Margaery T., Words: 69k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 7, 2019 Updated: Sep 19 175Chapter 2

AN: So, thanks for the reviews and follows I really appreciate that it wasn't just a line of comments saying I suck. Please comment if you see any glaring issues, plot holes, or I missed other problems. I'm still learning, as we all are, so any helpful feedback is not only appreciated but needed.

Still looking for a beta to help with my grammar issues message me if you want to help.

Updates will be somewhat regular but potentially infrequent I write in large bursts when it hits me, but its not constant.

Going to have to write from female perspective here…. I barely understand my gf so my attempts may be trash if anyone wants to help again id appreciate it.

Also, some of you may note that Cersei is Au and that's in part because I can't write a character like who she is in the books. I apologize for my failings. The other part is that she really isn't as bitter. Though she still hates Roberts Hadrian has acted as both a buffer and something fort them to jointly be proud of. Because of this and the lack of the truly horrible things that happened in the books she's milder and I'm unsure of the role she will play in the future which may be very little.

Answering reviews:

FalseProphet75: true. It might be in Hadrian's thoughts but it wouldn't be something he would say I fixed that I think.

Lord of Erebor: love the screenname

Kopol: Thank you! Magic is difficult not to go overboard with but he is still young he has time to learn more about how it works in Westeros.

Guest: so I had about 50 different plans for Baelish I hope the one I ended up going with will play out well

Agnar: The future is very different hopefully, I'll try to make it a unique path.

Separ: I'm still trying to figure out the role of magic in this universe. It mostly seems to be tied to gods and their effects, but we will see. And though many may disagree with me on this the ice zombies kinda killed it for me. I loved the medieval vibe and the politics not so much the ice zombies. There is still a long night thing eventually.

Dancewithwater: thank you. Yes, im still thinking on where I will go with that but we will see. I have a very general plot over the major actions but for the medium and especially the minuta of the plot changes as I write it.

Rose (Guest), Sesinko, anarion87, kira444, liveoninmemory, Bluebox86, Quhigh,: Thank you!

Chapter 2

The next morning was business as usual for the castle. Servants preparing the grounds for the tournament and ensuing feast to celebrate their Princes eighteenth name day. Hadrian for his part relaxed with his family and enjoyed spending what time he could with his siblings. He had also made time to ask his mother to remind Joffrey to behave. She had promised to watch him, so for now Hadrian put him out of mind.

He also had a more in-depth discussion with his father about his abdication and following journey North. Overall things were moving as planned in that direction. They both planned for his father to make the move in the following month to give him as much time as possible to enjoy his remaining days. His father had also assigned Ser Barristan to his personal guard and informed the leader of the Kingsguard of the upcoming change in leadership.

At first the old knight seemed surprised, but seemed to accept the decision and understand Roberts motives and even wished him well and happiness in his remaining days. Hadrian and Ser Barristan also had a conversation about the members of the Kingsguard and their worth where Ser Barristan informed Hadrian that only his Uncle Jamie, Preston Greenfield, and Arys Oakheart have the skills necessary to be actual members. Hadrian with this information made some plans concerning the other three knights of the guard.

Finally, later in the day his Grandfather Lord Tywin arrived in Kings Landing. Hadrian, as was expected, waited in the courtyard wearing fine black and gold clothes with a small golden circlet on his head carrying his well-worn long sword with Ser Barristan, Jon, and Sandor with him as well. His Brother and Sister stood to his right Ser Greenfield guarding them. And this time even Joffrey was in the courtyard looking unhappy to be there. He straightened up a little when Hadrian caught his eye in silent warning.

His Mother and Uncles stood to his left all waiting to welcome the Lord Paramount of the looked up at the heavy sound of horses coming up the road and before long his Grandfather and other Lords of Lannister rode into the courtyard accompanied by 50 knights in armor including Ser Gregor.

His grandfather though getting older still appeared healthy and whole his hair a mix of the typical blonde and grey of his age. He was wearing the red and black plate armor of the Lannister's and even had a slight smile for his waiting family and legacy.

As he walked up Hadrian gave a slight bow from the neck to his Grandfather while the others present gave a deeper bow from the waist. A man of Tywin Lannister's reputation is to be respected even by Royalty.

"Grandfather it is truly good to see you looking well." Hadrian said, stepping forward to greet the man. Hadrian, compared to the last time they met, now towered over even a tall man like Tywin.

His Grandfather took a moment to study him and then gave him what Hadrian knew to be an approving nod. His Grandfather had always been sparing with affection but Hadrian accepted that. His mother always had plenty of physical affection for him and his siblings.

"Hadrian it is good to see you. And look at you, a man grown now soon to be eighteen. It seems the North was good to you." Tywin said in his evenly cultured voice.

Hadrian smiled and said, "Indeed it was Grandfather. I grew much and learned much and am hopefully all the better for it."

His grandfather nodded and proceeded to greet the rest of his family while Hadrian spent time greeting the other Lords of the Lannister lands and directed them to various servants to show them their lodgings. Ser Gregor however got a very particular servant to take him to his rooms. Hadrian caught Varys eye who nodded in confirmation. Going inside he met back up with his Grandfather as he was greeting his Father in the throne room. To say the temperature between the two was cold was to say rain was wet. Still they got through it and soon everyone was eating and drinking to their heart's content.

Hadrian was sitting near the head of the table with Myrcella and Tommen on either side of him. He technically was supposed to be at his father's right but he always liked to sit with his family and share what time he could with them. Telling his sibling stories of his time up North. Describing the Wall and fights with wildlings and bandits that he had taken part in. Soon enough most of those present left and Hadrian had an arm around each sibling as they had fallen asleep against him. He knew he was always a mix of brother and surrogate father to them so he always made allowances for them to let them know that he cared for them and they were loved.

He knew his actions had surprised many of the visiting Lords, but it was only one or two who showed any disapproval. His Grandfather seemed content to allow him his time with them. He even caught his mother looking at them with clear love in her eyes. Which he was sure shocked some of the attendants more than his own actions. His father as per usual got very drunk and retired early leaving the ruling even now mostly in the small council's hands even with Jon Arryn sick and dying.

Sadly, his time with his siblings was at an end. Waving over his Uncle Jamie and Ser Barristan he asked them to see them to their rooms while he then invited his grandfather to his office. The older lord spoke with a few of his men before he followed Hadrian to his rooms.

Walking into his office his Tywin followed and Hadrian noticed he took a minute to observe the armor he had on the stand in the corner. The armor his Father had gifted him only the day before.

"A gift from the King for my name day and apparently a Baratheon tradition." Hadrian said answering the unspoken question as he set some drinks up on his desk for Tywin.

"It's a fine set of armor," Tywin said before looking at him. "It fits the fine man you have become."

"I only hope to do the best I can Grandfather, using the many lessons I've learned. Some even from yourself." Hadrian said grinning slightly while he took a drink of the fine Arbor red he had prepared.

"Yes…and so far, I will say you've done well. Though the true measure of your abilities will come when you are King." Tywin said, taking the offered drink and seat.

"True enough. Grandfather I'm going to be very blunt with you as you have always been with me. I need you to listen to what I say and if possible, advise me." Hadrian said leaning forward onto his desk. His bright emerald eyes staring directly into Tywin's own slightly dimmer green eyes.

Tywin nodded in agreement and Hadrian said, "my Father is dying. He and I have talked and he will abdicate the throne within the month so that he can enjoy his remaining days in the North which is where he would like to be when the end comes."

To his credit Tywin barely blinked before a shrewd look came over his face and he stared off into the night. Hadrian could almost see the gears turning in Tywin's head at this information and how it changed his own plans.

"Also, as I'm sure you've heard Jon Arryn is dying, and after seeing him I don't expect him to survive even two more days. He looks more like bones with skin than a man." Hadrian said giving his grandfather all the pertinent information as well as his honest opinion. Hadrian sat watching his Grandfather as he thought over the situation carefully before speaking.

"An abdication is a good idea and one I fully support. It will make things quite smooth compared to a sudden death." Here Tywin turned to look at Hadrian taking a moment for his next words. "You're seeking my advice as to who to pick for Hand when you rule?"

Hadrian smiled slightly before replying, "not exactly. The good choices are few and far between but I'll explain to you my thought process before I tell you who I intend to choose."

At his grandfather's nod he continued to explain his reasoning. "There are really only a few choices. No one in the North as the only one there even remotely capable of the job is Lord Stark and he is needed in the North to keep those lords in line. As much of a friendship I now have with his heir Robb he is not yet ready to rule without support." Tywin nodded and waved him to continue.

"Renly is worthless I think we can both agree on that." Tywin held in his scoff at the very idea but only just. "Stannis would be an okay choice but the mans a little too straight forward and inflexible to be the best for the job. Lord Royce is also a decent choice better than Stannis in my opinion however he will be needed to help hold the Vale together with the death of its lord." At these points Tywin made agreeing nods showing that he followed so far.

"I did consider Lord Tarly but to be honest he is the main power in the Reach and until Willas Tyrell has more time to adjust to his rule I think it would be best for him to remain there," again he received a nod. "I've not traveled enough to know any other good options that may exist in either the Stormlands or Dorne but no names immediately jumped to mind. This all leads me to one conclusion," Hadrian wrapped up still looking his Grandfather in the eyes.

The two stared at each other for a minute before Tywin sighed and leaned back in his chair a bit. "Your logic is sound and I can find no fault in your conclusions. And as someone a bit older there really are not any other good choices for the position in either of those Kingdoms."

Hadrian nodded, taking another drink of his wine, "that's what I figured. I did talk to Tyrion about people he may know but even he was hard pressed to suggest anyone else who stood out for that skillset whom I had not already considered. The best he had was Lord Swann who, like Lord Royce, is needed to keep peace in the Stormlands. All of this leads me to my only current practical choice."

"You've done the job before and for the Mad King no less. If I may say I don't believe myself to be mad, therefore it should be an even easier job for you." Hadrian said, watching his Grandfather's face. For all the good it did him. His face was the perfect blank mask as it always was when Tywin was deep in thought and didn't want to show it.

At length he spoke and said, "as I stated. I cannot disagree with any of your points and really don't wish to." Here Tywin gave Hadrian a small smile. "You ask me to help my favorite Grandchild to rule the Seven Kingdoms. It's not really even a choice is it?"

Hadrian tipped his glass giving Tywin the point, "not really no, but you could always refuse. However, I do have a stipulation for this Grandfather and it may be difficult for you to accept."

Tywin raised a single grey brow in query before Hadrian continued. "As much as I wish you would live long enough to help me throughout my reign I should, unless I'm killed or the gods take me, outlive you Grandfather it is what it is."

Tywin merely nodded in agreement he fully understood he was an older man there were no guarantees in life after all.

"I plan to make Tyrion master of coin to get rid of Baelish, and to put someone in the position who I know through our own company is very good with money. He is also rather skilled in finding more of it in hidden places. This is to hopefully clear the Kingdom's debt in time. The concession I ask is that you set aside your disdain and hatred for my Uncle, and help me by giving me someone who I could, even temporarily, rely on to stand in as Hand when you either ask to be done or move on to the next world." Hadrian said this all without pausing to give his Grandfather time to speak.

For the longest time there was silence between the two men as they stared at each other across the desk. At length after what felt like hours Tywin spoke.

"If I ever doubted you would be a good King you would have cleared those doubts over the last hour." He said, speaking carefully. Hadrian merely raised a brow in question an expression he had admittedly picked up from his mother. "I will not lie and say I care for Tyrion in any way. You asked for blunt and I shall give it to you. However, Tyrion has shown decent ability with the business that you share. I also see your point that you will hopefully outlive me by many years and you want someone ready in place to step in when necessary."

Hadrian just nodded showing that he followed before Tywin continued. "If you ask this of me then I will ask something from you in return." Tywin looked him straight in the eyes before saying, "I would like you to release your Uncle Jamie from the Kingsguard so that he may take his rightful place at Casterly Rock and so that he may marry. Do this and I will work with Tyrion so that he may take my place in time."

Hadrian sat very still for a moment weighting the results of this decision. His mother would be unhappy. But maybe if he sent his siblings to Casterly Rock as well she would go to take care of them and then his mother would be slightly appeased. Yes, he thought that just may work.

"I will agree to that if you would be willing to let my brothers and sister go to Casterly Rock along with Mother." As Tywin was about to speak Hadrian raised a hand asking for a moment to explain.

"We both know Mother will never allow herself to be married again. In this manner she is removed from the public eye and people will ask less questions about that matter. Also, Tommen is not doing well in the capitol, and there are no children of his or Myrcella's age here for them to interact with. At least in Casterly Rock, we have many cousins who both he and Myrcella could potentially make friends with." Hadrian said ticking the names of his family off on his mental list.

"Lastly Joffrey is a terror and I've just been waiting for him to go too far. If he was at Casterly Rock we have a much better ability to keep it quiet and hopefully within the family." Hadrian finished with a grimace crossing his face at the thought of Joffrey. The entire time Hadrian spoke Tywin just sat there mask firmly in place listening to his arguments.

Again, a stare off between the two where neither would look away until finally Tywin spoke. "Your points are valid and having interacted with your siblings just this evening. I find I cannot disagree with what you have said. However, when it comes to Myrcella, I think she should remain here so that she has the ability to meet Lords from other houses. Hopefully one will take her fancy and we can have a marriage arranged if the man is worthy of her."

Hadrian thought about it for a moment and although he didn't like using his sister as chattel, he knew this was as far as his Grandfather was willing to bend. Also, if Myrcella stayed in the capitol, since it appeared, he was soon to marry, maybe she could become friends with his future Queen. Having his favorite sibling with him would also be appreciated.

"I agree. Do we have a deal?" Hadrian said, extending his hand to his Grandfather as he always had over business. Since that's essentially what this was. It was just family business.

His Grandfather calmly reached forward and shook his hand firmly saying, "Indeed we do Grandson." At this Tywin actually gave Hadrian a small prideful smile, "I am very proud of the man you've become. You think things through, you reason well, and you know when to push and when to give and what the worth of things are. I think you will make a fine King given time."

"Thank you Grandfather. It's always good to know I remember your lessons well." Hadrian said, giving Tywin his signature grin.

Tywin chuckled slightly before saying, "Indeed you do. I just never imagined you'd use them on me quite so soon."

"Ahhh but wasn't that one of the lessons Grandfather? Always keep your opponent off balance and if you have an advantage, take it." Hadrian said, grinning even further.

To his credit Tywin merely rolled his eyes in amusement and tipped his glass giving Hadrian the point. Then he stood and said, "I have a gift for you as well. I think you will appreciate it," he said with a small confident smile.

He went over to the door and called for a servant who walked in carrying a long wooden box and set it on a nearby table who then left the two men alone again. Tywin waved Hadrian over as he undid the clasp on the box and opened it.

"I wanted a gift fit for a King for your eighteenth name day and as it just so happens the gift pairs well with the one from your father." Tywin said, stepping away as Hadrian approached.

Inside the box was a long sword similar to the one Hadrian wore even now. The scabbard was hardened black leather with bronze casing. The hilt was bronze as well with a black leather handle. It also had a standard T shaped crossguard with the guard being designed to look like antlers. The pommel was a thick circle with an engraving on the rim that said 'Ours is the Fury' and when he picked it up and flipped it over on the other side it said 'Hear me Roar'.

Looking up in question Tywin merely said, "your preferred colors of black and bronze are not unknown to me Grandson, and as you are both Baratheon and Lannister, I felt the words appropriate. I also tried to keep it simple and functional but with some design elements as, after all, this will be a symbol of your house." Nodding for him to continue Hadrian carefully but showing the ease of much practice he drew the blade forth.

The blade was leaf shaped and finely crafted and strangely dark for a blade until Hadrian noticed the distinctive ripple pattern and almost dropped it. Looking quickly toward Tywin in shock he couldn't even speak at what he held in his hands.

"Yes, it's Valyrian steel the second of its kind to be owned by our house." Twin said, looking very pleased with Hadrian's reaction. "I paid quite the sum to a merchant in Myr to acquire it for me."

Taking a step back Hadrian set down the scabbard and took a few practice swings with the blade. As expected, it was perfectly balanced and lighter than any other blade he had ever used. It seemed to almost cut through the air itself. He also noticed an engraving in the middle of the blade Darkheart it read.

Looking to Tywin again he explained. "According to the forger the metal came out much darker than normal similar to how the Starks' blade Ice has a blue tint to it. It however seems to fit your theme with your black armor, and the name came to me and felt right for the weapon."

Hadrian sheathed the blade and set it back down in the box before turning to his grandfather. "This is the greatest gift I will ever receive outside my future children Grandfather. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Tywin merely smiled at him in pride, "you deserve it. I do not fight on the front lines anymore like I know you will. May it serve you well and never fail you. Now is there anything else I should know about the coming days?"

Hadrian turned and closed the box with the sword inside before he returned to his desk. "As you know the majority of the Lords will arrive tomorrow. Such as Renly and the Stormlord's, but more important currently are the Lords of the Reach." Hadrian said.

"Ahh so you've already figured out that Margery Tyrell is likely to be one of your options for Queen?" Tywin said seemingly not surprised.

"Yes, I had it blatantly explained to me by Tyrion and Varys just the other day," Hadrian replied.

"Good," Tywin said, resuming his seat his cup refilled. "She would be a good choice and ensure the loyalty of the Reach. With the loyalty of the Stormland's, Crownland's, Westerland's, and your efforts in the North your rise to the throne should be easy. Especially with Lord Tully taking ill."

Taking a drink Hadrian waited for Tywin to continue, "Do you have any ideas on the other Kingdoms? With Jon Arryn's passing there might be issues in the Vale."

"Yes, I'll go through my list here," Hadrian said, pulling out his actual list on current issues.

"The Greyjoy's as usual are making noises agian, I've warned lord Stark and am keeping an eye out for Euron. I also wrote a note to Stannis to make sure the fleet is fit and ready to be used. I am also planning on contacting Yara Greyjoy to try and make some kind of alliance there to help further stability."

"The Vale is tricky and until I have more information, I won't be able to make an informed decision. But for now, I've sent a letter to Lord Royce letting him know that he can count on my aid for any issues that arise. Outside of Jon he is the true power in the Vale." Hadrian explained shuffling a few papers before he sighed and set them down looking at Tywin before he decided just to stick with bluntness.

"Dorne is a problem currently they hate us and honestly I can see why. Ser Gregor should never have killed Elia Martel and her children. Please let me explain Grandfather," Hadrian said cutting off his interruption.

Here Hadrian turned his now cold dark green eyes on Ser Gregor's sworn lord. "I will not allow the actions that I know Ser Gregor performs to continue, and in the interest of peace and gaining support I have told the Martell's that I will give them Ser Gregor if they will support me as King. After all, what is the life of one man compared to the continued loyalty of an entire Kingdom?"

Tywin though he looked mildly constipated nodded his agreement effectively signing Ser Gregor's death warrant and Hadrian relaxed his glare. He knew that it made even men like Tywin slightly uncomfortable. "So, with that resolved for a while at least we should have some peace until the next issue pops up of course," Hadrian said rolling his eyes.

"Oh, and me and Tyrion are planning on setting Cousin Gwenna on the future lord of the Riverlands, that moron Edmure. She is beautiful and that's all he will see, and currently me and Tyrion have a bet on whether he will see one year or two after a male heir is born." Hadrian said again not caring about the death of incompetents.

Tywin to his credit merely nodded and said, "I don't know whether to applaud you or pity him. I hope you didn't put money on anything past a year. She has already gone through two suitors in the last year alone."

"Damn," he replied flatly. "Maybe she might play with her food a bit then I can still win after all she may want two heirs since Tully is a great house instead of just the one."

"Possible but unlikely," Tywin responded and Hadrian just shook his head at his misfortune. 'That's what happens when you don't have all the pertinent information though' he thought ruefully.

"For now that should handle things. I'll plan on relieving Jamie a week or two after my coronation that'll give Ser Barristan time to pick replacements."

"Replacements?" Tywin asked. "You're going to remove more than just Jamie?"

Hadrian just nodded gravely, "yes, Ser's Trant, Moore, and Blount are going to have an unfortunate accident shortly and sadly they will be leaving us."

Tywin, showing he had his own spy network, again simply nodded in agreement before he polished off his glass and stood. "Well if that's all…" he drifted off before Hadrian nodded and he continued, "then I shall retire and see you tomorrow to welcome all the other Lords." Then he turned and softly left the room.

Hadrian just stared after him until he heard the outer door close then he finished up a little bit of paperwork that he had left over before he once more retired somewhat anxious about his all but confirmed meeting with the Queen of Thorns tomorrow.


Margery Tyrell groaned yet again she was quite frankly bored. She was in the wheelhouse with her Grandmother Olenna while they were surrounded by the rest of the Tyrell party. The countryside here was all the same plain fields and scattered farms cut through by a dry dusty road. But thankfully they should arrive in Kings Landing shortly after midday.

She understood very well why they were coming to the capitol. They wanted to be the first to show their loyalty to the Baratheon and Lannister houses. Secondly and most importantly, at least to her, she was here to see and be seen by the Crown Prince and future King, Hadrian Baratheon.

She had thought about her competition for the place by his side and honestly felt there wasn't any that could compare to her. The only vague chance was Arienne Martell but they and the Lannister's were currently very hateful towards each other. She did understand why but she couldn't help but be thankful for it as it definitely made her goals easier.

"Dear girl will you stop sighing? As if we will go faster if you merely expel breath in boredom?" Olenna said trying to cut the annoying habit her granddaughter was currently engaged in.

Currently they were alone in the wheelhouse, and of course this was by design. Father had been riding with them, but grandmother wanted time to discuss strategy with Margery before they arrived. Her fool of a son would only get in the way. So, she had told him it was better if he was seen riding into the capitol with the men rather than in here with the women. He grumbled and moaned, but in the end did as she said. He always had.

"Sorry Grandmother but this is truly tedious. The land here isn't even pleasant to look at," Margery replied turning away from the window.

"True, but my point stands. Now let's discuss what your plans are. See if there are any holes I can point out." Olenna said, giving Margery her full attention.

Margery sat for a moment gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Currently my goals are relatively simple I feel. First, I need to meet Hadrian Baratheon and make a good impression. According to our sources a good way to do this is to be kind to his younger siblings who he apparently dotes on a great deal. Second, I need to feel him out to get a judge for the person he is and what his goals or objectives are. Once I know this information I'll better know how to present myself to him to seem favorable in his eyes. This is just my plans for today and maybe tomorrow. After that and depending on the results of these actions I will make further plans at that time. The ultimate goal is to become his queen." Margery said all of this calmly and in her normal soft musical voice.

Olenna sat there for a moment thinking about what her Granddaughter had said before she replied. "It's a good start dear and for the moment it will do. However I'll be able to give you some more information as I'm supposed to be having a meeting with the boy this evening. I'll give you my impressions of him then."

"Do you not have any information on him already Grandmother?" Margery asked with a perfect eyebrow raised in question.

"Oh, I do child. But it's the information from other people's impressions I only half trust them." Olenna thought for a moment before saying, "But I suppose half information is better than none in your case so please listen well." At Margery's resulting nod she continued.

"From various sources I've heard several things. One that you are correct he truly cares for his younger two siblings as well as his family in general. This tends to tell me that family is very important to him. Second, he is usually a cheerful person, very patient and caring, but from the few times he has lost his temper he is supposedly as cold as the Wall in the North. His temper is not a great raging thing, it's much more sinister and all the more dangerous for that. He is also independently wealthy. He set up a trading company with his Uncle the Imp. Through this they have supposedly acquired a great amount of wealth. They have done so by offering cheaper rates than anyone else could compete with until their competition in the city was removed. They then raised the prices to what I would say is a fair amount. This shows that the boy is quite capable of cunning and planning into the future." Giving Margery a minute to consider these observations she then continued.

"Thirdly, is that supposedly he has great skill at arms even being able to almost beat the Kingslayer himself at only 15 before he left to be stewarded by Lord Stark. And the Starks are no slouches in combat so I would guess he is highly trained indeed." Here Olenna smiled a bit wickedly, "I do hope he and Loras cross each other. I would very much like to see Loras' head deflate a bit wouldn't you dear?"

Margery gave a soft chuckle and nodded her agreement thinking that Loras was much too self-important and assured of his own skill. "The last thing I can give you is that he is very tall and broad in shoulder and chest. He apparently is of a size to his Father when the man was younger. The only other thing commonly remarked about is that he apparently has greatly expressive and unique eyes, but again we cannot know more until we actually see the boy."

Margery took a moment to try and picture him in her mind but was unable to get a firm idea just a general shape. "Thank you Grandmother. I feel any information at all will help me," Margery said, giving her the older woman a grateful smile.

"Oh, don't worry dear you are very very good I'm sure you're more than up to the task to truly land this boy if that's what you wish," Olenna said looking at her Granddaughter in pride.

Giving her Grandmother another smile Margery then turned and looked out the window again holding in her sigh. Then she noticed Kings Landing, giant sprawling city that it was, in the distance and felt her nerves rise just a touch, at finally arriving. She only hoped that Hadrian Baratheon might actually be kind. Though she was determined to be the Queen. That would be much easier if the man himself was easy to get along with.


Hadrian himself would sympathize with Margery if he only knew her thoughts . He was currently at his wits end dealing with ass kissing lords wanting every moment of his time. Most of these men he had barely even heard of let alone met before yet they tried to act like long lost (and loved) cousins to himself. Finally, he got a reprieve when the runner he had been waiting for informed him of the Tyrell parties' approach. Catching his grandfather's eye, he nodded that it was time and joined him in moving towards the courtyard.

Dressed again in fine black clothes with golden accents and the twin beast heraldry of his house on his right breast he waited patiently in the summer sun. Thankfully today there was a cool breeze blowing in from the sea so it wasn't quite as unbearable. His Grandfather was wearing the rich reds also accented with gold and black that was so common for House Lannister. With him was Jon dressed in good quality black clothes, and Ser Barristan who it appeared was going to be a constant companion by order of his father, something he was okay with. The man was a solid calming presence; he also occasionally had nugest of information that had proven invaluable already.

Finally, into the courtyard rolled the Tyrell party with the Fat Flower himself Mace Tyrell at the front. The man seemed about to pass out from heat stroke, or lack of food Hadrian truly wasn't sure which. With him was the famous Knight of Flowers dressed in all his finery and bright shining armor. Hadrian thought the armor was so brightly polished so that Loras could potentially see himself in it. That could be the only reason Hadrian saw for such armor that either screamed 'look at me', or 'hey rob me I have money'.

Taking a quick glance at his companions he could see that both Jon and Ser Barristan shared his opinions. Whereas his Grandfather was a model of the perfect political mask. To their credit the two Tyrell men walked to the wheel house to escort the ladies before walking off.

First out was a short elderly woman dressed in a fine green gown and wearing tasteful golden jewelry. Obviously, the Queen of Thorns herself. She even managed to have a greater presence than her son Mace, and she was a fourth his size so that was quite the accomplishment.

Next was a young woman with thick, softly curling brown hair that flowed down to the middle of her back. She had a slender but womanly appearance with obvious curves in the right places. She had bright warm hazel eyes and smooth and fair skin. She also wore a fine green dress similar to her grandmother, but much more revealing with an open back and no sleeves. She only wore a simple silver necklace from which hung a golden rose the symbol of House Tyrell.

Hadrian thought that he could certainly marry much worse and judging by Jon's slight cough he agreed. The four approached and Hadrian ever courteous gave a small bow from the neck, but not to Mace who assumed it was for him, and flushed with pleasure, but to Olenna who easily noticed the difference. Hadrian knew he saw a quick flash of amusement pass across her face before it was quickly hidden behind her own political mask.

"Lord Tyrell it is my pleasure to welcome you to Kings Landing. In the name of my Father, King Robert Baratheon, I welcome your and yours into our halls for the duration of your stay." Hadrian said, easily projecting his voice with a calm courteous tone.

"Oh my, Prince Hadrian, it is truly an honor to meet you, and thank you for greeting us on such an auspicious day for you!" Mace said loudly blustering causing his jowls to flap. Hadrian was hard pressed not to wince at the man's gushing behavior. His son Loras rolled his eyes and Hadrian swore he saw a flash of anger flit across Olenna's face. Margery however just continued to calmly smile and present a soft calming presence.

Lady Olenna coughed quietly and Mace jumped to comply like a well-trained dog. "Oh yes yes please pardon me this is my mother Lady Olenna Tyrell, my son Loras, and of course my beautiful daughter Margery.

Hadrian stepping forward took Lady Olenna's hand and briefly brushed his lips to her knuckles, "Lady Olenna a true pleasure to meet you at last." Hadrian said getting a small smile from her before smoothly passing down to Loras while his Grandfather greeted Lady Olenna in much the same way.

"Ser Loras, a pleasure I am sure," Hadrian said holding out and shaking the smaller man's hand. Loras' head didn't even come to the top of Hadrian's shoulders. The Flower Knight merely nodded in return brushing him off. From the corner of his eye Hadrian caught Lady Olenna frown in disapproval as did his Grandfather.

'Very well Ser Loras,' Hadrian thought, 'looks like I will be rigging the roster so that we cross paths you little shit.' Even common courtesy required a verbal greeting Loras was basically saying that Hadrian was beneath his notice.

Next was Lady Margaery. The moment their eyes met Hadrian felt his internal magic jump in excitement. Still Hadrian gave no sign of this bowing low. He took her hand and pressed a soft kiss to her fingers before saying, "Lady Margery it is truly wonderful to meet you."

She smiled and replied, "Likewise Prince Hadrian I have heard very much about you." Her voice was bright and somewhat musical to his ears.

Hadrian grinned before stepping back and emerald eyes shining bright said, "whatever it was I didn't do it I swear!"

Her soft laugh was warm and rich as she smiled and replied, "are you sure it was mostly complementary?"

"Well then I must confess that it would be mostly accurate and depict my true character," Hadrian replied, liking the sound of her laugh and hoping this girl wasn't all fluff and no substance. Although if she was his magic wouldn't have reacted the way it did.

She smiled brightly before replying, "Well my Prince we shall see in the coming days won't we? I do hope we will have time for more private conversation."

Hadrian smiled again and said, "we shall see my Lady until then," here he paused and addressed the entire party, "head on inside refreshments await to relieve you from the stress of your trip."

Mace nodded rapidly and barely grabbed his mother arm before toddling off toward the throne room. Margery however gave a small curtsy before accepting her brother's arm and walking off flashing him a soft smile.

Hadrian and company waited until they disappeared from sight before they spoke.

"I think I will be arranging for you and Ser Loras to be among the first sets tomorrow. Please make it entertaining for me Hadrian?" Tywin said, looking after the retreating Tyrrell's with a small glare.

"I had the very same thought, Grandfather. Worry not I think I may prune the Knight of Flowers," Hadrian said a bit of ice creeping into his tone. His Grandfather nodded and walked off in the same direction as the Tyrell party.

"So, I'm guessing you liked her, my Lord?" Jon said with sarcasm dripping from his words.

"I am fairly interested in Lady Margaery. Although I do hope my first impression was not all fake and she truly may be a kind and strong-willed woman in her heart." Hadrian replied pensively.

"If I may, I don't think that likely my Prince," Ser Barristan said, speaking up. "Even I got the feeling that at the very least she is a kind girl."

"Thank you Ser Barristan I hope you're right otherwise my potential marriage prospects start to look dim," Hadrian said with his good cheer once more bouncing back from his melancholy thoughts.


Inside the throne room there were dozens of Lords and Ladies from across the southern Kingdoms. All mingling and politicking some skillfully some like stumbling babes fresh from their mother's tit.

All of this Margery took in with barely a glance before her father and brother walked off to find their own interests. Her father no doubt towards food, and her brother to his 'secret' lover. Before she could think about that too much though her grandmother quickly grabbed her arm and walked over to a relatively empty part of the hall.

"So," she started, "other than your Brother and Father proving themselves idiots what did you think my dear?" Lady Olenna said refusing to waste time.

"I think he probably possesses a great deal of patience," she replied going over the previous interaction and the feelings she had gotten from it. "I also think Loras is lucky to be breathing. I think the estimate on his anger was spot on. I almost thought he would reach out and crush Loras skull right there."

Her grandmother scoffed in amusement, "oh worry not dear I'm sure your brother will pay for that slight tomorrow in the lists. Tywin Lannister is not a man to let a thing like that go. And if that soldier out there, who just happens to be dressed like a Prince, has half the skill I think he does your brother will regret that slight."

Margery was confused by part of her grandmother's comment, "what do you mean by soldier Grandmother?"

Olenna gave Margery a patient smile before she explained, "that man, for he is no boy, is a soldier in the way he approaches life. That means that family and duty come before everything else. However, fear not. I do not think a soldier is all he is. His actions imply he has an appreciation for humor, and judging by the way he interacted with you he is already interested in you at the very least superficially."

"So, you agree that he and I might truly get along with our real personalities?" Margery said, taking her grandmother's comment and applying it to her own impressions.

"Possibly," she replied. "But let me ask you this, what feeling did he give you?"

Margery thought for a moment before she just decided to say her heart's thoughts, "Calm, and soothing like the gentle waves of the ocean but with hidden depths to who he is." Seeing her grandmother nod she continued. "I got the feeling that he is very like the sea, often set on its path and moving ever forward. Calm and soothing like a warm sea breeze. I felt that he was slow to anger but when it came it would be like a fog. Spreading fast and consuming all in its path."

Meeting her grandmother's gaze she saw only pride in her eyes, "very good child, that is the impression I had as well. Do you want to have a private meeting with him? I can try and arrange one this evening." Olenna said, smiling at her granddaughters faint blush. "I'll take that as a yes dear girl."


Later that afternoon when many of the Lords and Ladies had retired to their personal chambers Hadrian was sitting on a balcony in the gardens reading a book. Tyrion had recommended it to him knowing his love of military tactics. Hadrian was deeply engrossed in it trying to not only understand the moves the author described but how he would counter them if he were the enemy force.

Doing this had enabled Hadrian to be able to understand and see both sides of a battle and he resolved to speak to his grandfather about specific training he had in mind for the army of the Crownlands. That sad excuse of rabble barely looked like an army and in no way fought like one. Especially compared to the well trained and professional Lannister forces.

Hearing footsteps approaching he looked up to see Lady Olenna dismiss a servant who had been guiding her to this location. Standing he waited for her to get closer before speaking.

"Lady Olenna, thank you for agreeing to this meeting," Hadrian said, pulling out a chair for the older woman at the table.

"It was no trouble Prince Hadrian. I've wanted to meet with you for some time so it's no great hardship," she easily replied. While Hadrian poured her a glass of chilled wine from Dorne and sat opposite her at the table.

She took an appreciative sip of the wine and was pleasantly surprised it was not from the Reach. "You would not believe how often people tend to serve me my own wine," she scoffed. "As if I didn't have enough of that already?" she said, shaking her head in disgust.

Hadrian merely grinned in response and said, "I just figured you'd like something different. This was a gift to me from Prince Oberyn on the successful negotiation of a deal between us and I had not yet had the chance to try it."

That one sentence told Olenna more about this man than any amount of reports from others. First that he may be in peaceful talks with the Martell's who should hate him so what had he done for them, or agreed to do? Second, she drank it first, and he waited for her to do so before he took a sip. He used her to test and see if it was poisoned. Though it was unlikely, it showed Olenna that the man across the table was not a simpleton. This only made him more interesting to her.

"Lady Olenna would you possibly agree to drop all the posh and circumstance? I wish to be blunt with you if you'd allow and get to the main point of this conversation. Because although I do enjoy the game to an extent. Recent events have massively shifted my time table forward." Hadrian said leaning forward trying to make the woman across from him understand his honest intentions.

Lady Olenna sighed but nodded, "Very well lad, I assume this area is clear from listeners?"

Hadrian nodded and said, "none but my own and possibly yours so we have little to fear." She nodded in agreement and waved for him to reveal his purpose.

"First I'll tell you that I will more than likely be King within the following month. My Father's health is failing and due to several factors, he and I believe that this is the best course." He could see the slight shock on her face that he started with this right out of the gate, but he pressed on.

"Second I'll state now that I would be interested in Margery potentially becoming my Queen. However, I need a Queen of iron will who, hopefully, could truly be kind as your Granddaughter seems to be. I know that love is probably too much to hope for, but I do at least hope for a friendship with my Queen. I don't live in a fantasy world and I know I will need a Queen who understands and can perform her role just as I will have to do mine as King. Seeing as you have trained her personally. I will assume that she is skilled enough."

To her credit Olenna barely took a second to blink and process this information before she frowned while Hadrian leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his wine. 'Oberyn actually sent good stuff' he thought mildly.

At length she spoke up, "Margery also happens to allow you to ensure the loyalty of the Reach seeing as we did not support your Father's uprising." Speaking of the father Olenna could now see that this man was almost the mirror of his father's youth. Both size and potentially strength, but certainly not in his mind. 'He could be a dangerous enemy' thought Olenna, 'Hopefully we can be allies.'

"A marriage to Margery does hopefully ensure the Reach is with me in any future conflicts, yes that's true." Hadrian replied blandly, openly admitting to the truth of her statement.

"Well young man at least you're honest and don't have ignorant hopes about love at first sight or some other swill," Olenna said, determined to learn more about this man. "But for now, let's chat. I'd like to learn what makes you tick. Especially if you are to marry my only Granddaughter"

Hadrian again smiled and spread his hands as if to say 'give it your best shot', and she fully intended to.


Hadrian felt both exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. For several hours and through dinner he and Lady Olenna talked at length about many things. Each decided to be honest and blunt and she had reciprocated, as was her way. Other than speaking at great length on his thoughts and the things he had done in his life some of Lady Olenna's ideas and opinions had struck a note with him.

'She truly had some good ideas on what to do with flea bottom. Not to mention the unused parts of the Crownlands that for some reason are rampant around the capitol.' Hadrian thought.

One thing stood out though. He could easily admit to himself that he really did not want Lady Olenna on anything but his side. He continued to walk towards his chambers lost in thought over the recent conversation. Which easily explains how the one man he really didn't want to interact with was able to slither up right in front of him.

"Prince Hadrian," the man said in a false attempt at good cheer, "I have been trying to find time in your busy schedule to talk with you. Are you free now perhaps?"

Hadrian, to his credit, barely twitched an eye in annoyance at the man now before him. 'Lord' Petyr Baelish made his skin crawl. His very presence set off his magical senses in warning. Like the screams of a dying animal. The man was small, barely coming halfway up his chest. He was also almost femininely slender, and that dumb fucking mustache looked like a worm had died there.

Hadrian reminded himself to talk to Varys about ways to deal with Baelish, but for now he would have to get rid of the man in another way. "I'm afraid not Lord Baelish," Hadrian said with his own perfect political mask in place. His voice betraying none of the disgust he felt internally. "I need to speak with my Mother over a matter of some import before I retire." Hadrian could almost see Baelish twitch at his dust off.

"I, of course, understand your grace. Could I perhaps press upon you to set time aside for me in the coming week then?" Baelish asked his tone falsely courteous and contrite.

"Very well Lord Baelish," Hadrian replied. "I will pick a time for us to talk and invite you to my office early next week." As Hadrian said this, he put a slight tone of dismissal in his voice. Mostly because he knew it would irritate the parasite of a man.

"Thank you, your grace, I appreciate any time you may be able to give me." Baelish replied, giving a half bow before he turned and headed further down the hallway.

Hadrian turned to Ser Greenfield, another of the Kingsguard, who was his current shadow as the Knight scoffed quietly. Disgust on his face at being in the presence of Baelish almost causing Hadrian to chuckle. He very much agreed with the good Knight, but that didn't mean he could openly show that yet. Continuing to the Royal Chambers Hadrian walked up to his Mother's room and softly knocked. "Mother can we talk about a few things?"

"Come in," he heard her call out. 'Oh, good she's not drunk maybe this will be a little easier,' Hadrian thought, somehow amused at his mother's behavior. No matter her faults, she was still his mother, and he would always love her for it.

"Mother," Hadrian said, smiling at the woman as he entered and closed the door behind him. He also saw his Uncle Jamie in the room thankfully still fully armored who gave Hadrian a smile and a nod in greeting. One which Hadrian returned. His Uncles were always close to him, and he never really had too much of an issue with his Mother's and Jamie's affair. 'At least they found someone to love in this world,' Hadrian thought grimly.

He returned his Mothers hug and gave her a soft kiss on her head, "How are you doing Mother? I'm sorry I haven't come to you before now. There was much I had to do over the last two days," Hadrian said giving his mother an apologetic look.

Anyone else would have been a victim of her sharp tongue. Her eldest son however merely got a disapproving look before she smiled and kissed him on the cheek and resumed her seat. "I understand to an extent my dear. At least you sat with your siblings at dinner. In the future I would appreciate more prompt visits though," Cersei finished an eyebrow raised to ask if he understood.

"I understand Mother, I will attempt to do better," he replied, taking a seat and waving to his Uncle to come and sit down as well. "It's fortunate that you're here Uncle I actually needed to talk with both of you."

Cersei just laughed slightly, "as if your spies didn't know exactly where we were the entire day." Hadrian merely smiled and shrugged in response as his Uncle sat down.

"Are you going to compete in your own tournament Nephew? Aren't they supposed to be fighting for you not against you?" Jamie asked a slight teasing smile on his face.

"Possibly, maybe it will surprise them and make it all the easier for me to win." Hadrian replied easily accepting the offered glass from his Mother.

"Maybe, but even if you weren't, I'd want you to. If only to smack that shit from Highgarden," Cersei said a brief flash of anger crossing her face.

His Uncle nodded in agreement, not looking thrilled about Ser Loras' actions towards him earlier in the day. "You stand a good chance I've seen him fight and he does have skill, but I also caught you sparing with Clegane this morning and I swear you have only gotten faster." Jamie said grinning at Hadrian with pride. And why shouldn't he? Jamie was one of his trainers before he went North.

Cersei merely raised an eyebrow and smirked at Jamie, "Feeling threatened brother dearest?"

Jamie merely shrugged and said, "you didn't see him Cersei. His sword was a blur and he moved incredibly quickly even with his size and armor. I may even have to write my compliments to Lord Stark you obviously didn't rot away up there."

Hadrian smiled at the compliment, "Thank you Uncle. Lord Stark actually taught me much for even though he prefers more medium armors he was a very skilled combatant and his eldest son Robb was even more so."

Jamie seemed to get lost thinking about how good Lord Stark would have to be for Hadrian to pay him such a compliment. In his own mind Jamie could admit that Hadrian would greatly trouble him to beat. His defenses were essentially perfect; there was no wasted movement and every action was made with quick fluid grace. His sword arm was also very quick like the strike of a snake or lunge of a wolf.

"Well that bodes well for the North being stable for now and in the future yes?" Cersei said, wanting to move the conversation along and snapping Jamie out of his daydreams.

"Indeed, but as you've guessed I do have something quite important to talk with the two of you about," Hadrian said with all humor leaving his face. His political mask once more slipping into place.

Cersei always hated that look on her son's face. Though she was one of the ones who taught him to have it and use it. She always preferred Hadrian to smile and laugh. Where his bright green eyes, that were so expressive, would seem to almost shine like the reflected sun. Giving him a nod to continue she waited in some apprehension as to what he could have to say that he took so seriously.

"Alright I'll say my piece, but I'd like the two of you to promise me to hear me out in full before you interrupt or ask questions," Hadrian said looking between the other two's eyes. His emerald gaze like hard chips enforcing his iron will upon them. They both nodded and Hadrian took a moment to organize his thoughts.

"First I will tell you that Father has informed me that he is dying. Something to do with the amount of alcohol he consumes daily. It's incurable so the Maesters give him maybe a year more to live." He could see the smile spread across his mother's face at her impending freedom.

"He and I have talked, and with Grandfather's aid, he will abdicate the throne to me within the next month. While he only desires to go up North for his final days in this world." Hadrian continued carefully watching their emotions. Unsurprisingly they were both happy about the situation.

"Now comes the part you wont like," Hadrian said, effectively killing their smiles. "I have arranged for a new Hand already in Grandfather for when I take the crown. However, we all know he will not live forever. In trade for training a successor of my choice, to be the next Hand, he asked for some concessions." He could see his mother's sharp questioning gaze and hoped she would be somewhat mollified by his next words.

"I'm sorry Uncle I know you enjoy being a Kingsguard, but I plan to release you from your oath so that you may take your seat in Casterly Rock." Hadrian could see them both about to speak up. He raised his hand and glared at the two of them to remind them of their promise to let him finish. Seeing them settle if only barely he winced as his Mother drained her glass in one go and refilled it. That never boded well for anyone.

"Also, Grandfather wants you to marry Uncle however," Hadrian said again, glaring at them to stay quiet. "With him here and kept busy fixing Father's mess I don't imagine he will have much time to worry about it. Secondly Mother, I arranged for you to go back to Casterly Rock, and for you to take my Brothers with you. In this way Joffrey's habits will be out of the public eye and hopefully more easily controlled. I also hope that Tommen will benefit from spending time with some of our many cousins who are of a similar age." Here Hadrian paused and took a drink of wine observing his Mother and Uncles expressions before continuing.

"I also hoped that you Mother could teach both Joffrey and Tommen the duties of their station, and their future responsibilities. It would also give you Uncle more time to be around them," Hadrian said knowing they understood what he didn't say.

"Please remember this gets me a strong Hand to help me fix the Kingdoms as well as a Hand that is trained for the future. In return I kept the two of you together and Grandfather is under no illusion that you will marry again Mother." Hadrian said hoping they would accept the deal he had made. Even if they didn't, he would still do it.

For a long moment there was a pregnant silence between them as the two older adults thought through his words and reasoning. Finally, and being the quicker of the two, Cersei's gaze suddenly locked onto him and Hadrian knew what she would ask.

"And dear Son what is to happen to Myrcella?" she asked, her eyes narrowed in anger.

"I'm sorry Mother, I tried to have her sent to Casterly Rock as well, but Grandfather wouldn't budge on that. But she will be here with me and you know I have always taken good care of her. I actually plan to ask Ser Barristan to be her guard during the day. But Grandfather wants her here in the capitol so that she has a greater chance to meet more of the visiting Lords, and eventually arrange a suitable marriage for her." Hadrian said knowing his Mother would be less than thrilled.

As predicted, he saw her jaw clench and her eyes narrowed in anger, but then strangely Jamie intervened. He reached forward and grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes for a moment, and then Cersei seemed to collapse in on herself.

"I'm not exactly thrilled to be leaving the Kingsguard Nephew, but if you can word it as my taking up my Fathers' duties so that he can aid you. I would appreciate it." Jamie said looking to Hadrian to try and make this slightly less painful for him.

"Of course, Uncle, I'll make people understand that you're giving up an honor to aid your family. Many of the Lords will understand I assure you," Hadrian replied. "I will miss you on the Kingsguard you'll be yet another member I'll be replacing. Although," here Hadrian's eyes darkened until they were almost black. The room started to feel cold and when Hadrian spoke you could feel the ice in his tone. "Your retirement will be barely noticeable compared to others."

"If there was ever any doubt you learned from your Grandfather that right there would wipe it out," Cersei said, speaking up finally. "Is there a reason the good Ser's are going to be retired at least?"

Hadrian took a moment to calm himself before replying, "well Ser Blount is Baelish's man through and through so that's reason enough. Ser Moore is a rapist, and Ser Trant does horrible things to little girls in one of good Lord Baelish's establishments."

Cersei only seemed surprised by the news about Ser Moore. Obviously, she knew about the other two already. Hadrian decided to assume there wasn't anything she could do about it.

"Adequate reasons all," Jamie said looking disgusted. He obviously didn't know this about any of his fellow Knights. "Is Ser Barristan aware?"

Harry snorted at the irony, "who do you think told me about their actions Uncle? The Lord Commander hates them even more than I do for the shame they bring to his order."

"Well deserved retirements aside if this happens and if I agree to it, I want you to promise me something Hadrian otherwise I will do everything in my power to fight this." Cersei said wanting to get back to her main concern. "I appreciate that you are sending Joffrey and Tommen with me. As well as what you've done for…," she glanced at Jamie, "…our family interests." She said knowing that Hadrian understood her meaning. "But you will promise me that you will do everything in your power to ensure Myrcella's happiness and safety if she stays here with you. Promise me Son. Please I hate the thought of anything happening to any of you." Cersei's famous control slipped for a moment and a few tears slid down her face.

Hadrian stood and went to his mother and held her close. She could be evil, spiteful, and hated anyone who wasn't a member of her direct family. But she loved her children no one could ever doubt that. For that alone Hadrian loved her, and would do anything he could to keep her happy.

"I promise Mother, Myrcella will be safe here. Both I and Grandfather will watch over her, and like I said Ser Barristan himself will be in charge of her protection. I currently also have a plan for training up a household guard under my personal command to take over guarding the Red Keep from the Gold Cloaks. She will be as safe as I can make her." Cersei gave him a grateful smile at his assurances and cleared her eyes before draining her glass again.

"Also, Mother, she won't be alone here for long more than likely," Hadrian said sitting back in his chair. At his Mother's questioning look he nodded his head with a small smile. "Yes Mother just like all other King's before me my marriage is currently being arranged."

"With who?" she asked already, having a pretty good idea.

"Currently Margery Tyrell is the leading option. The only other suitable options are one of the Martell children. With our current issues involving that family Grandfather and I didn't think it was wise to pursue that option," Hadrian said in explanation.

"Couldn't you marry the Stark girl?" asked Jamie looking thoughtful.

Hadrian winced at the very thought. "Sansa Stark has all the personality of a stone wall much like her mother. She also has no idea on how to play politics in the southern Kingdoms, and I don't have the time nor inclination to teach her."

"Whereas Margery has been personally trained by the Queen of Thorns herself." Cersei said, giving a grudging acknowledgement of the other woman's skill at the great game. "You had a meeting with Lady Olenna earlier this afternoon, didn't you?" At Hadrian confirming nod she continued, "how did that go? And what does she want for her house?"

"Nothing more than I was prepared to give," Hadrian replied. "We agreed on having Garlan Tyrell take over Renly's position as Master of Laws. Seeing as how he barely does his job it wasn't even a sacrifice. I also agreed to allowing Lady Olenna to stay in the Red Keep to continue to advise Margery. And of course, Margery gets to be Queen and Olenna attaches their family into the crown."

"Garlan is a better choice than Renly for that position anyway. The man is known to be just and honorable. Whereas Renly somewhat openly accepts bribes and gifts to look the other way. Having Olenna around isn't really a negative either. Between her and Father your rule should start with strong support," Cersei said agreeing with her Son. The concessions weren't negative; they just gave more power to the Tyrell family. Which would happen for any family that could attach a daughter to her Son.

"My thoughts as well. In any event Margery is a beautiful girl, and I'll be able to get a better idea of her personality over the coming weeks. If we can manage to get along well then, I'll be satisfied with that. I'm not naive enough to think we will love each other," Hadrian said looking resigned.

His mother and Jamie looked at each other for a moment having a silent conversation. Before Cersei looked back at him with a shaky smile. "Very well Son. We will go along with this, but I will be coming back to the Capitol to check on Myrcella."

"Of course Mother, I would never prevent you from doing so," Hadrian said, glad this conversation had been easier than he thought it would be. "Thank you both very much. This will help me greatly and I appreciate what you're doing for me." Giving his mother a parting hug he bid them goodnight and left towards his chambers.

'I really need to get to sleep. After all, I have a match with Ser Loras tomorrow and I'd hate to disappoint,' Hadrian thought.


Hadrian was not the only person up late that night. Across the Red Keep in the guest quarters Margery Tyrell was sitting in the chambers her family had been given and looking up at the moon over Blackwater Bay. She was thinking about what her Grandmother had said about her meeting with Prince Hadrian earlier that day. One thing she said stuck out most in her memory.

'Dear girl that man is far older than his years. He and I played our various games the entire time we talked, and only by the end did I realize we had both gotten everything we had really wanted. All the while you would have thought I had him locked in a corner. I'll tell you now I wouldn't even need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of other men I've met in my long life who could do that.' Her grandmother then smiled at her and continued. 'I think you and he would be an interesting match. The rest is up to you.'

"An interesting match," she said, speaking softly into the night. 'Well she got permission for me and her to stay here even after the tournament is over,' Margery thought, organizing her mind. 'I shall have to try and speak with him, in private if we can. I'd like to form my own opinions on him to go with Grandmother's.'

With that she stood and decided to go to bed for the night. As she got ready for bed changing into her dressing gown she thought about the next day and smiled slightly. 'I do hope Loras doesn't have too hard of a time tomorrow. He did blow off the Prince and in front of Tywin Lannister no less.'

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