

Just In




God-Emperor of Essos and beyond (DISCONTINUED) by Paperpuscher 101

 Harry Potter & A song of Ice and Fire Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, Harry P., Words: 337k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 4k+, Published: Jan 7, 2017 Updated: Jun 25, 2018 1,146Chapter 2: A Whole New World

The travel through the portal wasn't unpleasant. More like being surrounded by something indescribable and transported by it along the path inside the void. Feeling for time and space lost meaning in this state and all five had no idea just how long they were in this form, but didn't thought it too long. All of them arrived safely at their presumed destination.

Like the memory out of the skull showed them it was a kind of jungle. The surrounding trees were a vibrant green, which was the clearly dominant colour in such a setting. Ferns, trees with a massive height and width and many more plants could be seen in the area. Some animals making sounds in the distance, but none of the group was able to identify the animal by the sounds alone. Something weird was in the air and ground though. It was as some kind of presence, seemingly lurking in the plants, air and earth, even in the water nearby which was nearly as green as the grass growing out of the ground.

Narcissa being nearest to him and having gotten her bearings first said. "It looks like it worked." Hope lacing her words, but she wouldn't break out into a dance just because it looked like it might have worked. The ex-Malfoy needed proof of the success to be able to relax.

The middle sister of the Blacks agreed. "Yes, it certainly looks like it. Something I can't describe is in the atmosphere though." Andromeda trusted Harry that he and in extension they got it all right, leaving their home world for a better one. Of course there could have been something terribly wrong, like the atmosphere not having enough oxygen to sustain them or being poisonous and so on, but in that case they had a quick modified bubblehead charm ready and be on their way back to earth, having the magical signature and pictures of it all over them and in their heads. It would've been disappointing, but they could always search for new places.

Bellatrix being herself answered. "Of course it worked. Master wouldn't make mistakes like that." Still after all this time Harry couldn't really bring her to call him by name. It seemed it just was in her being that she searched for approval from people most important to her. Before Harry it was Voldemort and before him it were her parents. From her parents she never got any despite trying to please them, Voldemort gave it to her in a perverted way, but with Harry she found what she wanted. Someone who cared for her, gave her power and encouraged her with kindness and in a positive way. Sure in the beginning the witch tried to sabotage Harry in her limited ways, but in the time she spent with him it changed. She noticed that the training she did with him made her stronger than anything Voldemort did to her. Of course Bellatrix tried to ignore these feelings in the beginning they didn't stop growing though and in time she came to adore Harry more than Voldemort. All the killing of muggles was fun too.

Marcella just looked around and was glad they landed safely. She like the others felt the presence and commented after Bellatrix exclamation. "Yes, we all know Harry wouldn't make mistakes on purpose. What worries me is this vile feeling presence in the environment." Not to mention all the insects flying in the air. It was a good thing that the air was breathable, but they knew nothing about the fauna, flora or diseases as well as the inhabitants. She guessed and hoped with all the group had at their disposal most wasn't a big obstacle.

Harry picked himself up last, because somehow even the first time with this form of magical travel didn't agreed with him. Briefly he contemplated if somehow magical travel had a grudge against him, but couldn't think of something that warranted such behaviour. Just like his companions Harry took in the surroundings and noticed the aura in the air as well as it getting thicker in one direction, so he said. "It seems as if the presence gets stronger in this direction." Indicating towards the west and proposed. "Maybe we should check it out, seeing what gives out such a presence and destroy it." That was the preferred kind of action from him right now. Of course there could be a mighty being behind it, but it was more like the feeling of a Dementor nest being nearby and the group could deal with that. At the very least it was better than to wander the forest without direction.

The four woman were quick to agree, having seen and experienced too much to be intimidated by an unsettling presence alone. Decision made the group of five journeyed West and with that towards the origin of the aura. On the way they encountered many new and unfamiliar plants as well as insects. When they saw a few of them coming out of corpses from various animals Harry set up a few wards to repel them. Seemed parasites were plentiful in this area, which was not surprising given that it was a jungle.

After half an hour of walking the denseness of the forest gave way slowly to a more open area. Before them stretched a big city, looking abandoned for all intense and purposes. The whole settlement was build out of a black stone with a sort of grime or oil on it. The buildings varied in size going from ones apparently for singles to bigger ones and even a district for the crafts was found in the exploration, when all the various old things for tailoring, forging etc. lying around was any indication. Not a single soul was to be seen though, despite the city not in a completely ruined condition. Simply as if they decided to get away in a hurry, leaving everything behind or vanishing.

The further they went to the centre of the city and with that to the biggest building looking like a massive pyramid made from South American natives, with steps instead of the design from Egyptian pyramids, the stronger the feeling got. The sun began to set slowly, letting twilight replace the day and envelop the city and surrounding jungle in a red-orange light. The stone the city was made out of seemed to absorb the light as if sucking it into a void. Blocks so big that even a few elephants would have difficulties moving them.

Arriving at the steps of the pyramid the group began their ascent towards the entrance of it at the top. Having half of the way up behind them Marcella asked. "What do you think happened here?" as she said that a short glance back to the city under them was given. Very little could explain what happened here. Dementor's was one, but they would've left bodies at least. In the back of her mind something with the jungle and this situation reminded her of a fact the Italian woman couldn't seem to remember.

Narcissa keeping pace with the group spoke her thoughts on the matter. "Well, it seems like something weird happened here. My first guess would be Dementor's from the aura this place gives off. They would've left bodies though." Confirming Marcella's unspoken thoughts. On the back of her mind she thanked Harry again for his training regime, otherwise she would be dead because of the war and couldn't have walked all this way without being winded or completely exhausted.

Bellatrix couldn't help herself and added her own thoughts on the matter with a finger tapping her chin. "I have this feeling, as if I should know what's going on, but can't remember it clearly." Much like the other two she couldn't remember an important fact. It had something to do with creatures only living in the jungle, sadly in the war their group wasn't often deployed into such areas. More often than not it were northern countries were the war was strongest. Governments that had jungle were mostly underdeveloped and had enough problems without the war going on, so weren't all that effective in it.

Harry walking besides his four female companions said shortly before arriving at the top. "Whatever it is we will find out in a little while." He had other thoughts bothering him. The city and the mysterious circumstances of its emptiness not the only thing on his mind. In the jungle he felt on top of the presence watched by something or someone. He tried to shake it off, but it didn't go away. Only when they entered the city itself left whatever it was. Curiously and worryingly at the same time was that it was replaced with another presence.

As they arrived at the top and with that at the entrance of whatever was awaiting them Andromeda's recalled one lesson in Care of magical creatures before the professor was replaced with a useless one. "I think I know what this caused all this." That exclamation gave her the attention of the others, so she continued. "It's a magical creature much like the Dementor, a Lethifold. It lives exclusively in jungles or tropical regions. Unlike the Dementor it doesn't sucks the soul out, but lulls the victim into a sleep with its shadowy body at night and consumes it completely afterwards. It doesn't have a strong presence like the Dementor, so for it to feel like this there must be quiet many here." With a worried gaze her eyes went to the entrance which only got darker all light leaving it much like the sun did for the night. It was therefore quite good that they had night-vision.

Immediately after hearing her explanation Harry got into a much practised fighting stance and said. "Make yourself ready. The Patronus and spells that imitate sunlight or summon fire should work." That was all he remembered working against these creatures, having not much fought against them before or in the war. Harry banished all distracting thoughts and summoned his Patronus at his side. Shortly after prongs stood beside him.

The four woman made themselves ready, it was ingrained into them since the first year of war. To be ready at a moment's notice was normal for them now. Like Harry they too summoned their spiritual guardians.

Andromeda's was a chameleon and Marcella's a magnificent Peacock.

Narcissa first couldn't create one having not really a happy memory with her experience at her parents or Lucius hands. After Harry explained that it didn't had to be a memory, but could be a happy thought about what she hoped her future would be like the blonde managed it. Hers was the only magical Patronus in the group, a Unicorn.

Bellatrix had the most problems with summoning a guardian spirit, having not experienced many pure happy moments in her life and the ones she had were sucked out by Dementor's. With Harry's tip she could create the typical white mist, but that wasn't enough for Bellatrix, having a competitive streak a mile wide. Finally, after years of practise and positive experiences the eldest black managed it with a happy thought she imagined. What it was the black haired woman told no one about. Her animal was a shark.

With the light of the spirits shining around them one could see the darkness practically coming towards them in a pitch black wave, accompanied by the sounds of cloth fluttering in the wind. It confirmed the theory of Lethifold's at least.

"Let's form a barrier with our Patroni to block the entrance." Shouted Harry over all the shrieks and fluttering sounds coming from said entrance. Having said his piece, the green eyed wizard spoke the incantation again, but this time he only formed a barrier with his white mist, while the guardians besides them increased the effectiveness of it.

The four woman just nodded their consent and got to work, copying his actions and stopping the advance of their enemies with a pure white barrier of light, acting like a plug. All stood still as the incoming mass of darkness impacted against it. The barrier waned, but in the end held strong with the support of their spirits. After it Andromeda asked. "What now? We can't hold them all night!" she thought maybe an hour was the maximum before they couldn't hold against such a mass of level five creatures anymore.

"I know." Confirmed Harry, but continued, while he concentrated to hold the barrier. "Marcella, Andromeda and I will hold the barrier while Narcissa and Bellatrix will cast down spells creating sunlight or fire, decreasing their numbers and giving us a bit of relief." It should work and after he said his plan all four were nodding and preparing themselves again.

Shortly after Bellatrix and Narcissa cancelled their support on the barrier, which now got under more pressure, but Harry choose the both of them for a reason. Their Patroni simply weren't as strong as the others.

Just as all the Lethifold's made another attempt to break through the barrier and with that into the night searching for food, preferably them, the two Black sisters send their attacks inside the entrance. Bellatrix choose a light spell that generated sunlight and Narcissa a spell which send flaming spears down the entrance. It pushed the Lethifold's back inside the darkness of their nest and destroyed a few, but others soon replaced the ones that were pushed back or killed.

They were lucky to have noticed what they were up against or the group would've died with all these creatures in the open and not confined in a small passage, unable to escape the attacks.

When more and more of them fell to the attacks Harry, Marcella and Andromeda moved the barrier further inside with the spirits following behind, but losing light and power constantly.

Bellatrix and Narcissa walked with them while firing various spells down the tunnel, trying to eradicate this nest of Lethifold's as fast as possible. The progress went pretty well and after five minutes of constantly pushing and reducing the monsters to ash the group arrived at the end of the tunnel and with that in a pretty big and damp ritual chamber with no windows or entrances. The perfect conditions for Lethifold's to breed, confirmed by the mushroom like things growing all around the room.

Still the constant stream of the cloak like beings didn't seem to have an end to it so Harry thought of a new plan before they were overrun by them. Only one spell came to mind, but that one was pretty dangerous. So, the messy haired man said. "You four send together a big wave of sunlight against them, after that I will try something to kill them. On three."

As he counted down their Patroni vanished one after another and at the count of three a massive wave of light erupted against the wave of darkness, pushing it back half across the room.

Harry choose that moment to make his move and shouted. "Fiendfyre!" the spell leaving his hands and racing in the form of a serpent towards the creatures. Shortly after that he erected a stone barrier, sealing the Lethifold's off from his group and trapping them with the fire which consumed everything. The shrieks of pain and agony were followed by silence, indicated the demise of their enemies.

Only the fire was burning inside and would until Harry snuffed it out with his willpower, the only thing preventing it from going out of control. Harry would survive the fire due to him being protected from all kinds of heat, but the four women weren't and the only reason he could control a fire this large made out of cursed flame was the other side-effect from the ritual of the Goblet. It granted the user more potent and controlled fire based magic.

With a little sweat pouring down his face Harry cancelled the Fiendfyre spell, aided by lack of fuel for it, and let lose a breath, saying. "I think that we got all of them." At least he was pretty sure. The lifting of the oppressing feeling was also a good sign. The last thing he did was bringing down the wall of stone cutting of the tunnel from the room behind.

After the wall came down and the group could look inside Andromeda commented. "Seems like it." Glad that this was over and all these creatures dead. "I have never seen so many dark creatures in one place." The youngest Black peered inside the chamber shortly before occupied by said monsters. All evidence was gone now, thanks to the fire burning the mushroom like breeding cocoon of the beasts down as well as the monsters themselves.

Feeling as if a burden has been lifted from her shoulders with the oppressive aura gone Marcella took a deep breath and replied. "Great. What do we do now?" she guessed making camp and in the morning searching for some kind of civilisation.

Confirming Marcella's suspicion Harry still a bit tired from the ordeal said. "We should make camp in the city for the night and tomorrow look for some settlements in the surrounding lands." That they found this city was fine and dandy, but got them nothing in the end, expect if every one of them wanted massive amounts of space for themselves.

With that the group left the building again and went for a more comfortable abode. Though Harry noticed that the grime seemed to have been burned away inside the chamber from the fire.

None of the houses were comfortable looking with the stones having grime or oil-like substance all over them, so they set up camp. Harry prepared the food, Andromeda put up the tent, Marcella and Bellatrix summoned a bit of firewood and looked out for trouble, which none of them expected much now that the creatures were gone from the city.

Narcissa set up the wards to prevent creatures or uninvited guest's entry. When the fire was burning the green eyed wizard just warmed up a bit of stew they had plenty of leftovers from. When all were fed the group went into the tent, but Harry had something on his mind for a while now, yearning to be released.

"Before you go to bed I have something to tell and give you. Only if you accept of course." Stated Harry as he sat down on a couch in the tent. The subject was on his mind as long as half the war was fought.

Now with open curiosity Bellatrix asked. "What is it, master?" her eyes shining with adoration and admiration at him. For being such a good leader and treating them so well in general. If she would've been given control over four other people before Harry happened the oldest Black was sure she would've no qualms about using and abusing them in any manner. Not he though, despite her being an ex-Death Eater and inner circle member of Voldemort he gave her a chance, which in the beginning Bellatrix didn't acknowledged. In time as she saw his power and that not torturing everybody wasn't a weakness. He showed her that she confused power with love and gave her the later, while she herself desired nothing more. The other three women were curious as well, looking at him.

He rubbed his neck nervously and let loose a sigh. After it he picked the trunks with the potions out of his pocket, enlarged and opened it. Better to show them than to explain or trying to. He pulled the potions out of it he prepared for this occasion. Either ending the war or escaping it. It, were eight potions in general. Four of them looked like simple water and the other four had all colours of the rainbow to it.

"What are those?" asked Marcella now wanting to know what he planned. She was still under the illusion and only Harry knew about that, being apparently powerful enough to simply look through it. He hadn't mentioned anything like potions to give to them though.

"Ok, I need a little time to explain so please don't interrupt." Explained Harry as he set the potions on the trunk after he closed it again.

"I know you all aren't the youngest and lost many years fighting in wars." At that he got raised eyebrows and the three black sisters looked towards Marcella and asked themselves if he could see straight, but didn't interrupted him. "One was imprisoned in her mind, the other in Azkaban another spent her time hating people, only Andromeda had any good things coming her way, sometimes." The longer he talked the more puzzled the women got. Harry saw that and got to the heart of the matter.

"So, with you all serving me well in the war and beyond I want to give you your lost time back, sadly not all of it but at least some of it." Said Harry softly with a look of resolve in his eyes, intent to make them happy. As the sentence left his lips it only confused them more.

Narcissa asked. "What do you mean, give us back some time? I don't know any method not involving dark magic and having serious drawbacks, which you wouldn't do." She wanted an explanation. All the ways she knew involved dark magic and came with heavy drawbacks mostly mental problems and insanity. Things the man before her wouldn't do, so what was it?

Harry nodded his head and smiled at them, replying. "You're right I wouldn't do something dangerous to you." Shaking his head, he continued. "No, I have prepared this potion to do the job." As he said that the green eyed man indicated towards the vials with the water like liquid in it. "That is the Elixir of Life and should give you back half of your life. Effectively turning your clock back to my age."

That stunned them into silence every one of them having different thoughts.

Bellatrix was obviously overjoyed at being able to serve her master longer. Narcissa couldn't really believe that she could get back more than thirty years of her live, twenty of which were wasted on Lucius and his demon spawn.

Marcella had to hold back tears at the thought of being his age, having the chance to eliminate the only doubt she had would be in their relationship should she choose to pursue it.

Andromeda could believe it, knowing what kind of man he was, but wasn't sure if she should. Sure she had only her sisters now, it would give her a new start in a new world though. In the end she chose to do it.

"Of course, it's your choice to make. I just wanted to give you something back for all you did to me unwilling or not." Stated the Boy-Who-Lived with affection in his voice, warming up towards these women wasn't really easy, but necessary to survive. In the end he cared for all of them deeply, possibly loved them, despite them not being model citizen. One could argue Andromeda was one, but then they clearly hadn't seen her fighting or some opinions of her.

As he waited for their answer Bellatrix was the first to step forward, trusting Harry completely and simply took one of the vials of the trunk. After inspecting the elixir briefly, she swallowed it without pause. The changes didn't take long to begin. Her hair lost its few grey stripes in it, her skin tightened, the wrinkles, marks and scars vanished as well as life return to her violet orbs in full. Bellatrix had to see it for herself and conjured a mirror. Touching her face to confirm it the witch didn't knew what to say, so she just hugged her master tight and whispered. "Thank you" in his ear, the voice of the eldest black chocked up. She had to release him now or she wouldn't have let go. This only cemented the loyalty of Bellatrix even more, if possible.

Seeing that it worked the other two sisters of Black also took the elixir, experiencing the same changes as their sister. The beginning grey hair vanishing, replaced with honey blond and chestnut brown respectively. Their skin tightened replacing their little wrinkles of time with a youthful appearance and the scars they accumulated in the wars disappeared. Of course being witches it wasn't such a big change with their magic slowing the ageing process down, but it was noticeable none the less. Letting them look like 25. It was one thing he uncovered from the Philosopher's Stone. It didn't make one immortal, but younger, acting like the Panacea in mythology.

Meanwhile Marcella couldn't really take the potion despite wanting nothing more. If the Italian witch would take it she would raise suspicion from the other three. She knew they would understand, but wouldn't want to risk it. So she just looked on, hoping that Harry knew her well enough to see her desire.

When all the woman Harry thought would take the elixir he presented it instead. The green eyed wizard was aware of Marcella's position and wanted to give her the dose afterwards. Indicating to the rainbow potion he explained. "This one is a mixture of potions or a Draught of Draughts and an Everlasting Elixir, making it a cordial, so I will just describe the effects."

After a deep breath he continued. "It enhances your mental agility, lets you recall things better, sharpens your wit and lets you process information faster. It also is a beautifying potion, giving you flawless, unblemished skin, perfect proportions, a lithe body, perfected and enhanced muscle mass, your hair gets smoothness and a certain shine to it, the eyes will sparkle like gems in the sun, teeth become perfectly white, the voice gets more melodic, seductive and alluring, on top of it the beauty will only get refined with age." When they just stared at him in astonishment he added a little smugly. "I used the cauldron of plenty to make it so it should even be enhanced, not to mention all the rare ingredients I needed to make these. With all that went into it the change is real and permanent. Another thing I changed was that it doesn't generates the typical aura of attraction, so that not everybody should harass you." Harry added sheepishly.

With wide eyes Narcissa asked what was on all of their minds. "When did you make it? We were together most of the time." When someone would've told her what results it would bring to be sentenced to serve in the war she wouldn't have complained so much in her mind at the beginning. In essence she got power, a younger, graceful and perfect body as well as a completely new chance at life. Not to mention all the work he had to do in order to make this potion. The ingredients were rare, the ones for the everlasting part and combination-draught even more and don't get her started on the cauldron it was made in. The potion would easily be worth a fortune, if not more.

That caused Harry to scratch the back of his head again and he said embarrassed. "Well, as we were in the Department of Mysteries I made that my little side project and with the time-turner nobody of you suspected anything." In his mind it was also to ease his consciousness a bit that they were still bound to him in such a manner. When they had to be then Harry would at least make it comfortable for the four of them. He couldn't have done it without all the rare potion ingredients from the Department though.

Like last time Bellatrix was the first to snatch the vial from the trunk, but this time with Andromeda and Narcissa not far behind. The change was more drastic this time. Like Harry explained their skin got flawless, leaving nothing uneven. The hair became smooth and full, with a shine in the light of sun as well as all changes Harry said would occur. One could safely say all three got the body of goddesses, much like Marcella's illusion showed everyone but Harry. They filled out in some areas and they're bodies got restructured, making them the vision of perfect feminine beauty for each of their individual body-type. Still they kept their muscle-tone that wasn't bulky, but for speed, strength and power combined, just like Harry's own. All five of them had a very distinctive muscle-definition none the less.

After the three sisters gave Harry a lingering hug Andromeda asked in her new melodious voice. "Why are there four vials? You are still young and handsome enough on your own and as I see it Marcella doesn't really needs it." It was nothing to be worked up about, but to take a beautifying potion was more of a female thing or something Narcissa's ex-husband would do, but this was something no woman would decline. At least none she knew.

As they broke the hug Harry made brief eye-contact with Marcella indicating he knew what she was thinking so he answered. "Well it wasn't intended, but with the amount of ingredients I got more than three phials out of it. And no, I don't need it like you said. I only took the potion for the mind, seeing that I am a Metamorphagus and appearance is not so important when you are one."

It was true he could look as ugly or pretty as he wanted, so such a potion was useless for him. Harry didn't mention that he got even more than the four shown batches out of it due to making it with the Cauldron of Plenty. Ninety-six more vials were stored safely in the trunk for the potions. One could never know when it would prove useful in trade, to get a good amount of gold, which it certainly would provide.

Accepting his explanation, the three sisters got in their respective beds, leaving Harry alone with Marcella who had an unreadable look on her face. Briefly the green eyed wizard asked himself if he made the right decision with presenting the potions. After all it could be interpreted as being shallow of him.

There was only one way to find out though. "You don't have to take the potions if you don't want to, but I thought after all you went through with me I should give you a reward. When you want something different just say it, Marcella." As he explained that Marcella walked towards him and looked if the other three were coming back out of their beds.

When she saw none of them coming back the Italian witch dropped her useless illusion and crossed the last bit of distance. She swung her arms around his neck and looked him straight in the eye. Marcella knew he wasn't shallow or he would've taken that step a long time ago with being able to see her real appearance, but she had to know something.

So, she just whispered in a voice the dark skinned woman never used when with men in a tone that was full of need. "Kiss me." It was said in a vulnerable voice and state. Though she normally never made herself vulnerable and it would determine what Marcella would do in the future with this relationship.

Harry just looked right back in her chocolate brown eyes and did as she wanted. Her real appearance didn't bother him. He could look past that, having seen her real character as well. She was fierce, strong and loyal to people loyal to her. On the other side Marcella was afraid, hiding herself behind this façade. Intent to show the dark skinned woman he wasn't like her previous husbands Harry kissed her full on the lips, snaking his hands on her hips.

Marcella moaned into the kiss, which grew more heated by the second. She sneaked her tongue in his mouth and he responded with his own, battling her for dominance. The Italian woman had never felt like this with any man, probably because she never had any feelings for them, but with Harry it was different. Her knees grew weak, a fire started in her belly and inflamed the rest of her being, nearly consuming her in the passion and heat of the moment. Her body tried to melt into his when she pressed herself against him.

After a few moments that seemed like more they broke apart with Marcella heavily flushed, while she leaned her head on his shoulder and hugged him, saying. "Thank you" much like Bellatrix before her.

As he stroked her hair and back a bit Harry said in her ear. "You know I wouldn't give you this potion because of shallow reasons, but because I saw how much your appearance means to you. So I wanted to give you the real thing instead of an illusion, bringing out what is inside so to speak."

He only did it now for the reason that he wasn't sure to do it before. What gave him the push was that all of them were magicals and appearance shouldn't mean much to them. They and he himself especially could change it on a whim. What was important was the character, even though a beautiful body was a nice bonus indeed.

She only held him tighter against her, thinking over all this man had done for her even when she gave him nothing in return, but her magic to fight for him. No sex, no money, no false promises, just a relationship based on trust. He didn't even use the bond on the four to force them into doing sexual favours. Not that he needed that, with his appearance every witch would count herself lucky to be noticed by him.

All of them knew Harry wanted the best for them so followed the orders without complaint anyway. However, Marcella knew she wanted to get more physical with him after practically ten years of waiting. Not to mention that Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa would moan his name in their dreams, obviously wanting the same, but not knowing how to go about it. Until now, that is.

Marcella broke the hug and took both elixirs in short order. She couldn't see the changes for herself, so used the full length body mirror Bellatrix conjured in front of the sight of herself Marcella froze.

Before her stood a perfect copy of the illusion she created for herself, but the dark skinned witch knew it wasn't her illusion not having cast it again after disrupting it. Her hair was a rich ebony colour, practically flowing like a river down her shoulder to her back. Her dark olive skin was smooth and soft to touch. It was like he said, making the illusion a reality. It brought fresh tears to her eyes, finding it ironic now that she had achieved the beauty so long desired when she met a man who would love her like she was, but would let Marcella change if she wanted.

Harry brought her out of his thoughts, thinking he did something wrong with her crying in front of the mirror. "What's wrong?" asked the last Potter concerned for Marcella's well-being and walking towards her. The embrace in which he pulled her was reciprocated and Harry took that as a good sign.

After a few sniffs into his chest she looked up at him. "Nothing is wrong. I am just happy." It was difficult to explain anyway, what exactly she felt in this moment. Marcella's emotions were all over the place. Joy mixed with a little relief and love in a weird cocktail aimed at the man in front of her. Not once had the olive skinned woman felt anything like it and wanted more now that she had experienced it.

Seeing that his companion wasn't in distress anymore he said. "Good, then let's go to sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow will be tiring." With his piece said Harry went to his own bed inside the tent, changing out of his armour and just into his boxers. At that moment he asked himself just what they would all encounter in this world. Maybe there weren't even humans here. It was a possibility after all, not one Harry hoped was true, but a possibility none the less.

In his bed and sleepy mind Harry noticed something slipping into it. With all the happenings and exhaustion of the day catching up to him he didn't was in a state of mind to respond in any other way than to fall asleep regardless.

The next day Harry woke up after having had one of the best night's sleep in his life. Even after the Horcrux was absorbed and the more disgusting memories deleted Harry still had the occasional nightmare. It was few and far between though, maybe once every three months they came back, but more frequently they got replaced with memories of the war.

After a few moments of sleepiness, the head of house Black noticed that he somehow couldn't move all that much. Something lay on top of him. His sides were blocked from escape as well.

A few more moments passed in which Harry tried to wake up faster. It worked somewhat and as the sleep left his eyes the last Potter saw all four of his companions in bed with him. It seemed they expanded the size of the bed or all of them wouldn't fit on it.

Narcissa and Bellatrix have claimed an arms each with their heads on his chest. The same went for his legs which were held by Marcella and Andromeda, while they had their heads on his crotch where his friend of most mornings stood to attention. Effectively pinned down Harry only could lie there and wait for them to wake up.

Just as he wanted to wake them they did it themselves. The first to do so was Bellatrix, who only snuggled deeper into his body, mumbling. "Good morning, Master." It was said with cute sleepy eyes directed at his own and in a split decision the eldest Black captured his lips in a clumsy but needy kiss. She wasn't all that good at it, having not done it much. Her ex-husband wasn't that interested in her or females in general and like she, only married because it was expected of him. The less said about Voldemort the better!

Despite being sleepy in this situation Harry responded to the kiss and reciprocated it. Maybe she just was confused, it was Bellatrix after all not the sanest or emotional balanced person around.

When she broke the kiss Bella just went back to snuggling into his side, sighing in content. Next to wake up was Narcissa and did exactly the same thing Bella did. Kissing him straight on the lips with a passion she never showed with her ex-husband, despite being under a love potion. Like Marcella the day before a fire inflamed in her body and desire nearly consumed her as she kissed the man who did so much for her and for whom she fell much like the other three.

The same got repeated with the other two until Harry wasn't so sure anymore if he was awake or dreaming and so asked. "Why are you doing this?" he honestly thought the only reason they were still with him was because of the bond or that they wanted to escape the prosecution as much as he did.

Marcella he understood, even Bella. Narcissa was confusing him though, having thought she wasn't completely over her ordeal. Not to mention Andromeda having led a happy marriage with Ted Tonks.

Narcissa just sighed, sensing the end of snuggling with her comfortable pillow and responded. "I thought it was made pretty clear with the four of us kissing you." Not to mention the bond binding them to him. She knew he wouldn't interfere in relationships, but it seemed the thing evolved somehow into something different than a slave-bond with all the love Harry showed them.

She had noticed after a time that she could've disobeyed orders if she really wanted to. Not that Narcissa would do that after she saw how he was and like the other three fell for him. Harry didn't even notice it that most of the time they discussed his orders more than simply following them. More often than not he asked and not commanded anyway. They slept together in a bed since the middle of the war, only the kisses were new.

"Well, it gives me an idea. Although I thought that you and Andromeda weren't all that ready for a new relationship not to mention that I would have to choose amongst the four of you." Replied Harry still a bit confused with all of this. One of the many reasons he didn't started something with one of them was because he feared the others would react badly and this in turn would affect the team badly in turn.

"Why would you have to choose?" inquired a curios Bellatrix.

It wasn't as if they had the silly notion of muggles to be monogamists. So she mentioned as much. "Were we still in the wizarding society then it would be possible for you to have more than one woman. A man with your abilities of Parsel-tongue, being a Metamorphagus and extremely magically powerful would be greatly encouraged even." The eldest Black explained as she stroked his arm and chest with her hands, enjoying the feeling of his strong and delicious looking muscles.

After all women weren't worth much in their last society and someone like Harry could've had more than one woman. It was a good thing she was no longer married to Rudolphus. The years he spent in prison had made the contract of their marriage invalid, due to him convicted of a crime and spending more than five years in prison.

It was rare what they had, but only because no strong magic user seemed all that interested in family. Dumbledore was gay, Voldemort was married with the quest for power and every other pureblood only interested in their own gain, not that they had much magical power to begin with. In very rare cases went power and love hand in hand. Cases such as Harry.

That news shocked Harry, having not heard this bit of news. It was nothing unexpected in hindsight with Hogwarts being pretty low in the education on the wizarding society. The green eyed wizard didn't know what to respond to that.

Andromeda knew he wasn't the most adept in such situations much like themselves so she explained her point of view. "I loved Ted, but he is now dead nearly thirty years and I can't waste away forever. I will always cherish the memories with him, but that is in the past. I came over it a few years after he died. Only that with Nymphadora being there I didn't had much time to date or search for a man. When she was old enough I tried, though there weren't that many eligible bachelors my age and on top of it I was seen as spoiled goods. After that happened the disaster with my daughter being killed and myself coming to you."

As Andromeda explained this she lifted her head of his crotch and looked him in the eye. "I admit that I was pissed at first, but that wasn't your fault. In time with the things you did for us even though nobody really made it easy on you I saw a truly great man and fell for him." It was a little difficult to admit that, even to herself. Before Andromeda would've felt like a cradle robber, but now with being his age again she had no qualms and would let nothing stand in her path.

Still Harry being Harry responded. "Are you sure that isn't only the bond talking? I mean that I have no idea how these work exactly so I wouldn't want you to do something you don't want."

At that Marcella integrated herself in the conversation and averted her hungry eyes from the big prize inside his boxers. "No, the bond could only force us to do things you commanded. We wouldn't develop feelings that aren't there." Having said that the Italian woman continued. "Besides the bond couldn't force us to do anything since the middle of the war."

It was said off-hand, Harry stiffened none the less, but relaxed shortly after. 'If they wanted to harm or kill me then they could've done so already many times.' He thought trying to calm himself.

Next he asked curiously and a bit perplexed. "How? I thought it was a slave-bond until I or you died." True he couldn't really make a guess, having never looked into the subject. Not even Voldemort did that, he preferred to use his dark mark to achieve similar results but with pain as reinforcement.

Marcella answered him while stroking 'little' Harry a bit. "No, a bond isn't something so simple. The slave-bond is the only one that can be forcibly applied though. Afterwards it is what the people bound by it make of it. How they see the relationship." By that she paused when Bellatrix took over the stroking of his member, so she took to massaging his balls. "When you would've seen us only as slaves, nothing would've changed in it. You and we did not and so it evolved accordingly, if you will."

The messy haired man groaned at their ministration, but had nothing to stop them with his hands pinned down. He wasn't even sure if he wanted. "Ok, then what is the status of our so called..ah.. relationship?" nothing much came to mind. Friends, comrades… More didn't came to him at the moment with their distracting ministrations. The answer shocked him effectively once again this morning.

"It could be concubine-bonds but to do that we would've required sex, which we obviously didn't have." The ex-Malfoy explained and shook her head, trying to get rid of the perverted fantasies. "No, with your unconditional love to us and we came to love you in time, it seems we are married. It is also the only type of bond that would allow us complete freedom like it does." Every other bond would leave him with control over them in some manner. 'That you put a ring on each of us was nearly symbol enough for that.' She added happily in her thoughts.

While the other three found that pretty neat Harry just stammered. "Married? We didn't even have a wedding or something." While his mind was in turmoil a small part thought how only his bipolar luck could manage this. "How did this happen?" he exclaimed in shock with his eyes wide.

A suddenly dejected Bellatrix asked and rolled a bit of from him getting his hand free. "Don't you want us?" she wouldn't leave him over something like that, but was disappointed that he didn't seem to want them.

Just now noticing the one step away from crying Bellatrix Harry quickly amended. "No, no, no. It's just that this all happens so fast and I didn't expect that. Like Narcissa said I love you, probably. I am not so sure myself what that is though. My upbringing didn't really prepare me for something like that." While he said his piece Harry took Bella's hand in his to reassure the fragile witch that he wouldn't reject her. From all four of them she needed support the most with his opinion being the centre point of how worthy she saw herself. Not really healthy but that's how it was.

"Good, because it still has no way out of it with the slave-bond as a basis." Commented Andromeda and after a bit of thought she continued. "Well that's not entirely true there is a way to break it."

This time more careful Harry asked. "Not that I would want to break it, but which way would that be?" When it was broken it wasn't even as if they couldn't pursue a normal relationship, but without the whole bond thing hanging over them. He just didn't say it out loud or Bella, who again snuggled, smiling into him, would take it as some kind of rejection.

Andromeda grew mischievous, stopped massaging his balls through the boxers, but gave them a firm squeeze and said. "Well, you would have to impregnate us and afterwards the witch could decide to break it." While she said that Andromeda's hand joined Bella's at his shaft, feeling his cock pulse in her hand. It was way too long since she had sex with a man and not just her fingers. Her pussy was nearly overflowing with juice as she couldn't even complete circle his shaft with one hand.

Somehow her stroking him kept Harry calm, not that he was in a shortage of female flesh at the moment, but he commented. "Really? Why is that? I thought marriage meant till death do us apart and not until the woman is impregnated." It certainly was a weird condition to be sure.

Marcella picked up having quite a bit experience with marriage herself. "With the wizarding world and its laws it makes sense. You could see the bond as a way to force a witch into a relationship. Then, when she is knocked up she is obligated by law to marry the father. The marriage ritual and vows one would take make the part with until death do us apart, which is why I had to kill all my husbands. The bond we have could be equal as a marriage, but harder to achieve because the kind of love required is hard to come by in wizards." At his befuddled look she explained further. "Why do you think so many witches are without partner? McGonagall, Amelia Bones, Pomona Sprout, Madame Pomphrey, Professor Sinistra, Irma Pince, Bathsheda Babbling and many many more."

Harry just laid there thinking until he responded. "I just thought that their husbands died or something." There was a war after all before he went to school. That still didn't explain that they were without man or woman after ten years of peace. Just then a thought occurred to him and he asked Marcella. "Is this how you had Blaise?" otherwise she would've more children with her other husbands.

The dark-skinned witch just nodded and replied in a quiet voice. "Yes, one of them was able to trap me into such a bond with a contract he put up. It only needed blood of me to be valid, which wasn't hard to come by when one prick at the finger was enough as I picked up the piece of paper to read it." The marriage didn't hold long after the bond was broken by her. She killed the bastard in the first month. It was a good thing he like all wizards underestimated witches and didn't included countermeasures in the contract. Lucius was smarter in that regard to control Narcissa with potions.

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit? Not all wizards are sexist pigs are they?" at least he hadn't really noticed it, if it was true. That all of them laughed at him wasn't really helping him understand the situation. Though the stopping of Bellatrix's and Andromeda's ministrations was a mixed blessing. Wanting it to continue and unsure if he should.

Narcissa shook her head and explained still cuddled up at his muscled body. "Why do you think Bellatrix and I were the only female Death eaters besides Alecto Carrow? We were only there because of money or because the power wasn't to refute. The rest were all men, thinking women belonged in the role to birth children and be accessories to their husbands." She briefly drew circles on his chest and went on. "Other examples would be Minister Fudge, the sons of Death eaters, from what you told us Ron Weasley together with a big majority of the boys in Hogwarts, except some muggleborn."

Bellatrix nodded her head confirming what her sister said and Andromeda commented. "It's true. I was lucky to get Ted who didn't hold this view. The only other option a witch had was to ensnare a wizard with love-potions and control him with other potions or spells instead, like Molly Weasley did to her husband. Not that she needed it with Arthur, but she always was a bit of a control-freak."

Looking back, it made sense that Arthur was so under Molly's thumb never really talking back to her and doing practically everything she told him. "Well, thank you for telling me, but we really have to get up and start looking for a sign of civilisation." Now it made a little more sense that he only got female members to his team so to speak. It supported the theory that someone thought he would view them the same as the rest and fight alone.

Just then Harry noticed the attire the woman wore for the night. Or lack thereof, presenting their nude and gorgeous bodies. Still he shook his head, gathered his considerable willpower and went out of bed when he was able to move again. His cock was on full-mast and demanding Harry to fuck these women right now. None the less he slipped out of the prison of female flesh, although his boxers somehow decided to abandon him, leaving him in only his birthday suit.

The black-haired man called over his shoulder as he fled from the bedroom. "I make something quick for breakfast." Shortly before the door would close the green eyed wizard couldn't help but look back and catch a glimpse of the four goddesses in the room in all their glory. He vowed to gather up his old Gryffindor courage and transform the disappointed expressions with happy ones as soon as they found a populated city and he was sure he should do this. Only his nobility stood in the way, which was more bothersome in this instance.

After clothing in their armour the group had a quick breakfast where they decided to put some wards over the city. It seemed like a good idea, one could never know if it was of use later. So they built a massive ward-stone in the form of an Obelisk in the middle of the square, enchanting it with various wards. Animal, insect and Muggle-repelling, a little temperature regulation wards to make the hot and humid climate more bearable and a ward to imitate a Patronus to hold the Lethifold's at bay. Several runes were drawn into the obelisk so that the wards wouldn't disappear, at least not in a normal lifetime.

When it was finished after a few hours, Narcissa inquired "Should we walk or go by boat? Most city's lie at a river or coast after all." They could wander in the jungle and lose themselves or choose to travel on the river with the chance to find a city or settlement.

Andromeda responded. "I think to travel the river would be safest, despite the unhealthy appearance of the water." Not to mention that in the forest could lurk more dangers. On the water it was at least clear from where the danger would come. Still the green and muddy water was simply unappealing. To fly as dragons was out for the time being. One couldn't know how people would react to that.

Harry agreed. "Yes, I think it best to travel on the river." With that decided the group conjured a big enough boat together with some paddles and levitated it into the water. Once inside they climbed on board. Four stroke, while Narcissa looked for dangers or anything of interest. None of the group noticed the tingling feeling in the back of their minds that was there the first time they entered the city disappear. Not that they had noticed it to begin with as they entered, to gentle it was to be noticed with a passive search of their minds.

With the charms on the boat for reduced resistance from the water it went easier and faster. The journey still lasted more than a week and their stored food wouldn't hold out much longer. On the way to a sign of civilisation nothing much was encountered. Only some upturned trees, crocodiles and other animals occupied the river, who ignored them due to a animal-repelling ward they set up after a nasty encounter with the beasts of the river.

Other than that just the rustling of trees sometimes caught their attention and all of the group could've sworn that there were some human silhouettes to be seen. These were different from normal ones though. "Better than nothing" was Andromeda's opinion.

At day eight the jungle lost some of its denseness and a bifurcation appeared. One for staying on their way and the other going in the eastern direction. In the end it wasn't as if they knew where to go so simply stayed on the main river, which evolved into a massive delta in front of them, propelling them forward and speeding things up.

Again a route had to be taken, this time they choose the way west. Despite all the problems this land had one couldn't deny that it had a certain beauty to it. A raw and savage beauty but a beauty none the less.

At the end of day eight the ocean stretched before them, leaving them with little options. No town was encountered on their way here. Only wild animals and parasitic worms and more unpleasant things in the water were seen for the duration of the journey. Sleeping wasn't a problem, the war hardened them for bad conditions to sleep in. The jungle functioned as a loo for the animals so it was good enough for them, with no place or patience to set up the tent every time.

Marcella's voice brought Harry out of his nearly asleep mind. "Look, there is a ship." She pointed towards the horizon and true enough there on the water was, made out of wood going away from them, a ship. It seemed the inhabitants weren't that advanced in technology, when wood was still used to build ships. The sails it had instead of a motor was also a good indicator for the technological advancement.

"Do you think we should contact them?" asked Narcissa it could be a way to information and from there they would've to see what to do. On the other side it could mean danger.

Andromeda responded. "I think we should. Everything is better than to go astray." She was confident, that if these people proved hostile then all of them could easily deal with them. The only problem was the possible language barrier. Though, there were spells for that.

The others were quick to agree as well, having enough of wandering about and hoping to find some people. All could be hostile towards them for whatever reason. In the end it was more important to get information about the land than to worry about possible responses to their arrival.

The ship was far enough away that to row after it would be pointless and exhausting. With the time of day being night they couldn't even hope to be spotted. So they transformed into their dragon-forms. They took off and pursued the ship. After a short while the group was near the vessel. Not many people were on deck, to be precise it was only one guy with a lamp burning, sitting there to watch out for dangers. The guard didn't even notice the arrival or that they transformed back before getting on deck.

In short order the guard was overwhelmed, stunned, bound and a silencing spell applied so that no one else noticed what was happening. Bellatrix woke the guard with an enervate spell after everything was done. A quick glamour hid their slitted pupils for the time being. Normally the spell lasted two hours at most.

"What?" said the still somewhat sleepy guard as he noticed his predicament of being bound and helpless, only then took he note of the five figures standing in front of him. Four females and one male. "Who are you and what do you want?"

Unfortunately, no one understood a word what the guy just said, but Harry wanted to make sure. "Did anyone understood a word he said?" it wasn't a big deal with having access to language spells, but annoying none the less. All four of his companions shook their heads in the negative, so he applied the spell for translation on themselves. A nice bonus was that you would learn the language that was translated faster, just by hearing it.

Just as Harry wanted to ask questions the captive screamed for help which was understandable, but disrupting the questions the green eyed wizard wanted to ask. Of course Harry could force him to be quiet, wanted to do it without magic first though. When the guy didn't stop it seemed Bellatrix took offence.

"Crucio!" The eldest Black exclaimed nearly snarling and a blood red light erupted from her hand and impacted against the subject of her ire. It stopped the shouting in its tracks, replacing it with agonizing screams.

Bellatrix held the curse for ten seconds and let go to say. "I hope you're more cooperative next time my master asks you something." The venom clear in her voice. Harry would've preferred a more refined approach but you couldn't have anything. Luckily the guy yelled enough words for the spell to work.

The green eyed wizard said to Bellatrix. "Thank you Bella." While scratching Bellatrix under the chin, which prompted her to literally purr. Some may say it was over the top, but in this instance Bella's uniqueness helped to sell the act, terrifying the guard hopefully into giving them information easier. That she saw anyone displeasing him as trash was something Harry came to accept after a few years with no significant change. The only thing he could do was control her impulses as much as he was able. The other three only looked on in amusement, having seen that many times.

Turning to the now wide eyed and fearful guard the only wizard of the group asked. "Now, I have a few questions and I would like them answered. Can you do that?" the guy even pissed himself, which too was understandable. The Crucio did that to first time victims, letting the muscles convulse uncontrollably. A good thing Bella didn't hold the curse longer or he might have crapped himself too. Harry took the frantically nodding of his head as a positive response.

"Good." Harry said smiling a little disturbing smile. "I want to know where we are and who's ship that is?" He inquired, the name of his victim was of no importance to him at the moment. The Imperius curse could've given the answers faster, but that curse was something Harry would only use in an emergency. Free will was not something Harry wanted to take from anyone, knowing how it was to not be able to do what one wanted to.

The dark haired guard answered still with the occasional twitch. "You are in the Summer Sea and this ship belongs to Grandok mo Digi." When he wouldn't be afraid for his life the guard would have drooled at the sight of the women with the man.

The response brought a smile on the groups faces with Harry asking further questions of the terrified guard. It turned out they were in a region known as the Basilisk isles or Basilisks in short. The ship they were on was one of the corsairs transporting slaves to the cities in the so called Slaver's Bay, Volantis, Lys or others. The practise disgusted Harry and his group so the green eyed wizard asked more questions. The guy who ran the ship was only a minor corsair. The bigger ones commanded settlements made of pirates named Port Plunder, Black Pudding, Sty or the Whore's Gash all doing practises like slavery, plundering or worse.

"What do you guys think?" Harry asked his four companions when the guard was stunned again. It was a good thing the guy was a coward so he didn't need to cause more pain to him.

Pretty disturbed by the practises of the region they landed in Marcella said heatedly. "I think we should kill this human trash!" indicating to the unconscious guard. The things done to the slaves were just wrong. "Then all the others!" The other women nodded their consent to that idea. Once upon a time the Black sisters would've nothing against slaves in form of muggle-born or half-bloods of their own, well at least Narcissa and Bellatrix before Voldemort or Lucius happened. Andromeda was always wary of the pureblood ideals and acted as such.

Harry was torn. He could kill these obviously sick men and sail away or do what his moral compass told him. To help the slaves out in general. In the end his saving people thing won out like most of the time, which prompted him to sigh. "We will take control of this vessel and go from there." The group needed a ship after all. From the info the land wasn't colonized at all and their little boat wasn't that suited for the sea. The captain would be killed or controlled if uncooperative, depending on the scale of his refusal.

Decision made they disillusioned themselves and went to the cabin of the captain. It was no wonder that these pirates were on the bottom of the pecking order with what they saw. Only one guard, who was nearly asleep, the rest either sleeping normal or drunkenly. No organisation or discipline to speak of. In this instance it made the task of getting into the captain's bunk nearly too easy. The disillusionment wasn't even needed. The ship itself wasn't in a good condition either. Chunks were missing out of the planks and other parts were withered away from the water or time.

"Alohomora" incanted Narcissa as the group of five arrived at the door. The spell did nothing, again indicating the pathetic security on the ship. Anyone could easily kill the captain like this with the door open.

"Either he wants to be killed, is too confident, simply dumb or his people are pretty loyal." whispered Marcella as the door creaked open, showing a simple bed with their target lying in it, snoring loudly. He wasn't alone, but with a woman. The chance she wasn't a slave was low to non-existent after what they heard. They entered and the invisibility got cancelled. Their target was of medium height five feet and six inches and bronze skin. The hair was black with a lot of grease in it, having apparently not many opportunities to wash himself. Which got reinforced by the smell.

Silencing and locking spell were applied, Andromeda bound and woke the target up after removing the woman from the bed and binding her to the nearby chair still asleep and cutting her off from the outside noise. No sense in frightening her.

Grandok mo Digi woke up with a start and saw five people in his little cabin he didn't recognized. Four women and a man. All wore incredibly expensive looking armour and different weapons of the same quality. Before he could say anything the man began to speak.

"Good evening Grandok." Harry began. "We just want to privateer your ship. I hope you have nothing against it." The green eyed wizard said pleasantly to the captain of this vessel with a smile on his face.

The response was predictable. "I'll kill ya" Grandok snarled while trying to jump off the bed and attack this intruder. Only then he noticed the bindings restricting him and tried to break free. The ropes tightened as a response.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. The bonds will only get tighter the more you struggle. A fruitless effort I assure you." Explained Harry still with a pleasant air around himself. The messy haired man still hoped for a relatively peaceful solution.

Grandok still struggled and nearly cut off his blood flow and air in the process, but could stop before it happened. "Fine!" he spat. "Kill me then, ya bastard." The captain said defiantly, while glaring at his opponent.

While Harry sighed in frustration Bellatrix was ready to curse her next victim until the green eyed wizard held up a hand, stopping her. "If I wanted you dead I wouldn't have woken you up." Stated Harry. "No, I want something different from you."

"And what would that be?" asked the still angry Grandok. In the back of his mind the pirate couldn't think of anything this man could want from him. There wasn't much gold on board and only a handful of slaves. These could be bought at nearly every corner in these waters.

While Bellatrix pouted at being denied to 'educate' this idiot to properly address her master said master replied. "Easy. I want to know why you do what you do." He could read his mind, but only passive Legilimency was used to ensure the truth was said, he was no Snape who broke into people's minds just for the fun of it.

"What do you mean?" was the now confused reply, despite not knowing what this guy wanted Grandok still glared at him. With a frown on his face though, no one could say that he was the sharpest mind around.

Marcella took over for Harry seeing that he struggled to put it into words or couldn't really believe that someone had to ask this question. "He means to ask why you enslave people and sell them like cattle." The distaste and repulsion clear in her voice as to leave no doubt what exactly she thought of the business he participated in.

"And why does a pretty little slut like you wants to know that?" leered Grandok at Marcella with poorly concealed lust in his eyes. "If you can suck me off good, maybe I keep you as my bitch." Stated Grandok with a cocksure smile on his face, showing his yellow and rotten teeth. It wasn't a good indicator towards his intelligence to say something like that to his captors, while being bound tight.

Harry nearly face-palmed at that response and attitude. The guy couldn't know it would open a powder keg, but one would've to be pretty dumb to say something like that in such a situation.

In response to it Marcella smiled, which Grandok took as a positive reply. Everybody who knew Marcella though, knew that smile meant pain. Despite their anger Andromeda, Narcissa and Bellatrix felt towards this trash, the three of them let Marcella do it.

"Oh really?" she asked in a tone voice as if she couldn't imagine something better, while sauntering over to the bedside. Once arrived the Italian woman inquired further with an innocent expression on her face. "You would really do that for me?"

"Of course!" came the confident reply of the pirate captain. His brown eyes undressing the beautiful woman before him.

Marcella tapped her chin as if to contemplate it in earnest and finally responded. "Well, then I have only one thing to say." She stretched down to his ear, suppressing the urge to gag at his stench and whispered sensually with a bloodthirsty smile he couldn't see. "I'll make you scream."

Quick as lighting she fired a pale blue light at the still smiling idiot. While the Crucio was well and good for torture, Marcella liked variation, which she got with the more exotic blood-burner.

Marcella held the curse for a minute, letting the pig scream his throat raw while his veins got visible all over the body with some of them popping, making his skin red at the affected parts. When the curse was lifted, she gave him a backhand for good measure, letting a few loose teeth fly out of his mouth. When Grandok caught his breath minimally Marcella spoke with the venom she had to hold back before. "I would never let filth like you touch me. Now, if you don't want to scream some more answer the question of my husband truthfully!" The Italian woman spat the sentence out as if it was a chore to speak with this trash.

After another few calming breaths the pirate nearly wheezed out. "I do this, because it is easy money and not many options are available in this parts of the world." Normally Grandok would've made a threat of some kind, but refrained from it. People who could inflict such pain without touching him weren't to be trifled with. "Why do you want to know anyway?" he asked with his head hitting the bed, resigned.

Seeing that his companions were calming down a little Harry responded. "I wanted to see if you would have to be killed or are of some use to us." With the Legilimency reading Grandok's surface thoughts Harry could see he told the truth in regards to his choose of career. "You satisfied me for now. So I want to propose something to you." In emergency the corsair could still be killed.

Now a bit more hopeful, but still afraid the captain of the ship inquired. "And what would that be?" maybe it was something to better his life with. After all, Grandok wasn't all that good as a corsair, having only taken up that route for the easy money, not that it was all that much in the end. One could only hope. 'Otherwise they would've killed me already. I think' He thought.

Harry conjured a few chairs for his companions and himself. When the green eyed wizard sat down he continued. "Easy, I want to stop this disgusting business known as slavery as much as possible, while building up a good life with my wives." At that he indicated to the four women besides him with a warm gaze and smile towards them. "When I can make the life of other people better, then it is only a bonus." That statement of claiming them as wives won him four radiant smiles in response to it.

Grandok still couldn't understand something like this and asked baffled. "Why would you do such a thing?" all people in this waters only thought of themselves or in some cases their family, if there was one that still lived.

Andromeda answered before Harry could with the coldness creeping back in her features. "You might not understand it and it isn't important right now for you to understand." She waved her hand dismissively and asked with her grey eyes boring into the skull of Grandok. "What's important is are you in or not?" it wasn't relevant to her if he said yes or no, died or lived. Either was ok with her, as long as he kept his hands to himself.

The captain of the vessel mulled all this over in his mind. In the end there wasn't that much of a choice. He was at their mercy, had no understanding of how dangerous they really were. The most important thing though was something else. Here was an opportunity to get a better life. Admittedly there was a chance of it being lies or wrong. On the other side the lives of him and his men couldn't get any worse when he was honest with himself, so he replied. "I'm in."

Harry clapped his hands and exclaimed. "Brilliant. I have a few more questions though." Harry vanished the ropes binding Grandok and letting him regain some feeling in his extremities. When the brown eyed man looked more comfortable Harry continued. "I want to know how many ships you have under your command, where your base is and everything else of importance."

"I have only this one ship, no base to speak of and maybe fifty men under my command." Stated the pirate, counting the things he saw as important. "At the moment we have no load in form of slaves or otherwise." When the five people in his cabin looked to the bound and still naked and sleeping woman on the chair, he amended "Ok, maybe a few."

Narcissa just asked with big pleading blue eyes directed towards Harry. "Can't we just kill him?" this guy reminded her too much of Lucius to be comfortable around him.

Harry massaged his temples and responded. "No! Everybody deserves at least one second chance, this is his one. When he blows it we can still do it." Indicating to the squeamish pirate with a wave of his hand and went on saying. "We have a lot of work to do. Where are good places to start the construction of a base?" he had no desire to live on a ship for the foreseeable future.

Despite the tension in the air and the four women seemingly wanting nothing more than to kill him Grandok answered. "Pretty much all of the Basilisks are already claimed by other corsairs." After a few moments of thought he reluctantly said. "We wanted to sail towards Volantis, maybe you could start there, but I doubt they will be very welcoming of people who want to free slaves."

Bellatrix curiously inquired further despite her instincts telling her to geld this trash, but Harry's wished were more important now. "Why is that?" The woman would still have an eye on him though.

"It is because they are slavers themselves." Started Grandok mo Digi uncomfortably. "It is a focal point and essential in the slave-trade. Many centuries ago it was funded and never gave up its slaves." He shuddered at that, while the others listened. "The rumours of the practised magic from priests and other things don't endanger it to the people of the basilisks other than a location to sell slaves."

At the mention of magic that place just went up their priority list and the group exchanged looks. "We will be going there none the less." Stated Harry. "Tomorrow you will announce us and that we will sail to Volantis." The glare Harry send Grandok shut him and the coming protest up.

With a raised eyebrow towards the others he asked. "Everybody ok with that?"

In response came four. "Yes, husband/Master!" while they gazed at Harry with warmth, loving it when he took charge.

Grandok had one question, though. "And what should I tell my crew?" he wasn't that broken up about having lost leadership. He was just the only one with a minimum of discipline. The questions of how they came onto the boat in the middle of the sea didn't even enter his mind.

Bellatrix in her typical fashion just said. "Tell them that Harry here is the new captain, having taken the post from you during the night." It was only natural after all. He led them for ten years quite successfully in the war.

Harry of course went to protest. "Wait a minute. I don't …" he didn't come further as he was cut off by the four women in the room.

Marcella just interrupted in a kind of smug voice. "Just accept it Harry. You might not like it, but you are a natural leader!" she thought that Harry should be used to it by now to lead people, but the notion of being normal his disgusting relatives gave him was still sometimes coming to the fore. The other three just gave various comments of agreement with Marcella's assessment.

While it was amusing to watch the display before him Grandok interrupted. "I meant your names. You know mine after all." He couldn't introduce them without names after all.

That stopped the discussion and Harry responded, remembering that he didn't introduced himself or the others. "Oh. Where are my manners?" next he pointed at himself and said. "My name is Harrison James Black, but most just call me Harry." Then he pointed towards the others and introduced them. "These beautiful ladies are Narcissa, Bellatrix, Andromeda and Marcella Black. My wives." While naming each one he pointed to the lady in question. Refering to them as his wives gave him a warmer feeling than he thought it would.

At the end Grandok had wide eyes and despite it already having been mentioned asked incredulously. "All four of them are your wives?" now he counted himself lucky to keeping his mouth shut after the curse or it would've ended not good for him, that much Grandok knew. Insulting a man's wife in front of him, especially one who could inflict untold amounts of pain wasn't a good idea. He could see trouble in the future. With the bodies of goddesses they had it would attract much attention. The trouble would be for the men, if the ferocity these women defended themselves and their marriage was any indication.

"Yes we are. You better remember it!" exclaimed Bellatrix in a cold voice accompanied with an equally cold stare at this pathetic worm. Her master may have given him a second chance, because of his generosity, but she would make sure to remove Grandok should he prove to be a threat. When he nodded with a white face she somewhat satisfied.

Content that everything was cleared for now Harry said. "Now that everything is clarified we can go to bed." A quick space enlargement charm was applied to make place for a second bed that was separated from the other through a conjured wall.

"Andromeda could you put …" noticing that he didn't knew the woman's name he asked Grandok. "What's her name?" pointing to the still sleeping woman.

Staring wide eyed at the now more than doubled space and new bed the ex-captain answered. "Her name is Molla."

"Right, could you put Molla back in bed with Grandok, no sense in frightening her more than necessary." At that his gaze settled on Grandok and his eyes turned a little colder as he added. "I hope for your sake she has nothing bad to say about you." With his piece said Harry conjured a curtain for the women to change behind, while he slipped out of his armour and stayed just in his boxers.

When they were finished changing the group put the armour in a conjured trunk and locked it tight. Molla was put back into the bed with Grandok and they slipped into their own bed, again with Harry in the middle. For good measure a force field was erected. It was weak and would only hold out a physical assault of maximum two people, but sufficient in this case. At this point they couldn't really trust Grandok to try something after all. Shortly after climbing into bed all five of them fell into the arms of Morpheus.

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