

Just In




God-Emperor of Essos and beyond (DISCONTINUED) by Paperpuscher 101

 Harry Potter & A song of Ice and Fire Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, Harry P., Words: 337k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 4k+, Published: Jan 7, 2017 Updated: Jun 25, 2018 1,146Chapter 3: Visiting Volantis

The next morning the group woke up early, as it was their habit. The rations were nearly empty and had to be restocked in the near future. From what information Harry gained from Grandok Volantis was more than a few weeks away, with the help of magic it should only be two and a half minimally.

After the armour was put back on Harry noticed that their 'Host' was still asleep. The same couldn't be said for Molla though, who watched wide eyed around the room. A room which was smaller last night and didn't had so much occupants. She didn't say anything though and Harry had not really the intention to explain it to the woman. All what needed to be told would be said when Grandok informed his crew.

When the captain didn't wake up fast enough Andromeda provided help. She summoned water with a quick Aguamenti, splashing against the man and waking him up, also getting rid of a bit of the foul smell he seemed to emit.

Molla wasn't affected, because she wasn't in the bed anymore but waited, sitting on the single chair in the room with her hands folded on her lap. Only now Harry got a better look at her. Molla had dusky skin, a round flat face and eyes like molten gold. Despite her natural beauty one could see that the time on sea and lacking nutrition from insufficient food did a number on her body.

Sputtering and wet the captain of the vessel woke up with a start. His first inclination was to curse, changed his mind midway though as he saw the five figures standing before him. Now realising that it really wasn't a dream Grandok hurried to clothe himself.

Five minutes passed. In that time Narcissa took down the shield and other spells affecting the room with a simple wave of her hand. The room shrank back to original size, sound could penetrate the walls again, the bed and extra wall vanished and the door unlocked. With everybody ready the group exited.

Harry could only stare at the still sleeping crew incredulity. 'No wonder they don't amount to anything with such a working moral.' He thought with a grimace.

"We really have our work cut out for us!" stated Harry to his four companions all the while waking up various men lying on the floor. It was either done with a swift kick or an enervate spell. Bellatrix chose the more painful way of a strong stinging hex. Grandok collected the grumbling men behind them, ushering all of the lazy idiots on deck.

Marcella nodded her head and replied kind of amused. "Yes, only with your luck were we to stumble on the weakest group in these waters." Otherwise they would've had to fight with near certainty.

Narcissa agreed with that assessment, commenting with a musical laugh to it while the honey-blond beauty hexed a few of the crew herself. "I don't know if it was good or bad in this case." After another hex shortly before the group went out in the open and on deck she continued. "Either we had to fight or train these idiots up to scratch." Both options had advantages and disadvantages.

Andromeda commented as well while they waited for all the crew to arrive and Bellatrix to calm down a little. "We just have to work with what we got. Like always!" their group survived worse than this and would prevail through more.

It took a remarkably long time for just fifty men to arrive. Finally, when all were present Grandok stood before them and spoke. "I want to inform ya all that I have given up control over this ship." Here he pointed towards Harry and his group. "This group is now in control of the ship." It was short and to the point. No word as to what would be done was said though, so Harry took over with a sigh.

Interesting enough nobody so much as protested in any form. 'Either they are all still drunken, tired or simply don't care who leads them.' The green eyed wizard thought as he made his way before them with his wives at his side. He still found it weird to accept the idea so easily, but having fought with these four for so long Harry knew he could trust them. Their actions spoke for themselves.

"Greetings to you all." Harry began. "Like Grandok already said my companions and I have privateered this ship." With a flourish the wizard pointed to his wives and said. "This are my wives Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda and Marcella Black." He found it better to mention that now or some fool would bring himself in an unfortunate situation. "My own name is Harry James Black." With introductions out of the way he began to explain what would happen next.

"With that some changes will be implemented." Stated the green eyed man. "First of all this ship will no longer be in the business of slavery." That seemed to be bad news, a commotion broke out on the ship. Before something could happen in the tumult or Bellatrix decided to burn a few idiots Harry intervened.

"SILENCE!" he bellowed with a voice enhanced from the sonorous charm. To emphasize his point an aura of emerald light surrounded him. His eyes glowing with nearly unrestrained power. "If someone has a problem with that, then I have no Problem, when these people leave at our destination. Volantis." It was stated calmly but still held the same power of the exclamation before.

It seemed though that one of them was foolish or brave enough to say. "And what would stop us from simply killing you?" asked one of the crew with a little stutter in his voice. At that some shouts of agreement broke out and murmurs as well.

"How dare you …" shouted Bellatrix. The rest was interrupted from Harry who just raised his hand. The green eyed wizard wanted to solve that himself. Not to mention that this guy wouldn't have survived Bellatrix's wrath. One moment later and the idiot would've had a dagger between his eyes.

"It is a good question." The last Potter said and continued with a grin. "Why don't I show you?" he raised his hand and with that the man who said the poor threat. The guy floated in the air and next Harry clenched his hand into a fist. The effect was instantaneous, strangling the idiot in mid-air. It was only a neat little trick and not very effective or fast. For intimidation though, that was another story.

After something akin to fifteen seconds Harry let the body fall to the ground, unconscious, but still alive. With a raised eyebrow Harry asked seemingly bored. "Any more questions?" he knew that was something Voldemort would've done. At the moment he didn't cared though. These people were slavers regardless out of which circumstance they chose the profession. Ten years of war would dull every one's stance on killing.

He said as much. "I and my group have no qualms killing you all and be done with it. So when anyone has problems with the new leadership can quit as soon as we arrive at our destination." With the words. When no one was reacting he yelled. "Get moving. Set sail to Volantis!" Harry and his four companions left their audience.

While the crew scrambled to do the assigned task Harry commanded Grandok. "Show us to where you hold the slaves!" it was time to let these people free. The green eyed wizard turned to Andromeda and Marcella and said. "Could you two stay on deck to supervise that everything goes smoothly?"

"Of course Harry!" responded Andromeda while Marcella just nodded with determination shining in her eyes.

The group made their way through the bowels of the ship. Grandok led them with Harry, Bellatrix and Narcissa close behind him. Molla trotted behind them, something was off though it didn't really seem as if she was afraid or wanted to fight her imprisonment which was weird in Harry's opinion. Narcissa also noticed it, but didn't dwelled on it for too long despite thinking that the woman was brainwashed somehow.

They walked passed the bunk of the captain and deeper into the ship until arriving at the ground-level of it. This door was locked for a change, but proved no obstacle for the unlocking-spell. Once opened Harry could see ten people all with relatively dark skin and hair. More couldn't be handled apparently with only fifty men at Grandok's disposal.

All of them were freed from the shackles but couldn't be relocated until they arrived at their destination. None of the ex-slaves wanted or could go back to their previous lives. Slave or no slave life on the Basilisks was hard, so they took the chance Harry's group presented.

After freeing the slaves Harry, Bellatrix and Narcissa made some improvements on the ship as well as repairing some damage. Like on their abandoned boat the resistance against water was reduced, making it faster. Other than that the space of some rooms was increased and the ship was made impermeable. The improvements weren't permanent, to do that they would need to apply runes and the ship would have to be repaired first.

With the improvements finished and the course set the ship travelled towards Volantis while under the watch of Marcella and Andromeda. It seemed a few men were displeased with being watched by woman and vocal about it, despite that they helped out. Others were more physical once the inhibition of the alcohol wore off. The two made quick work of these idiots, for both cases where they didn't get the hint other methods than just a trashing was used.

Andromeda used only a pain curse of medium strength but Marcella had no such restraint. She performed a more painful spell. The Deprimo got the message across. Although she had to be careful not to blast a hole in the ship with It.

The journey was nothing special and no storm or other interferences happened other than meeting a few ships of rival corsairs. These got ignored and left behind, due to their faster ship. Not that it would've mattered when they simply could've set them on fire with a few spells.

One thing they had to do once they were save in the harbour was to buy Food. The supply they brought with them into the new world was by now empty, the food the corsairs provided tasted disgusting together with not being very nutritious. For now, they made due with nutrition-potions designed to give them all what the body needed much like a ration bar for soldiers.

Another thing despite the food shortage was the disgusting odour of the crew together with a nasty louse infection that was quickly taken care of by Narcissa, who couldn't take it anymore after a single day. Not that it was different for Harry, Bella, Andy or Marcella.

One other thing they found out was that Molla wasn't brainwashed or conditioned, but it was her belief, that made her act the way she does. The golden eyed women originated from an island called Naath, where everyone is an extreme pacifist, only eats fruit and vegetables and believes in the Lord of Harmony. People from this island are also said to make the best slaves, though difficult to obtain, because of the so called Butterfly-fever on the island, which seemed to affect everyone but the natives. Killing everyone in a short few days.

On the presumed last few days before the arrival in Volantis, shortly before the group would wake up, something happened.

All five woke up to the ship being shaken by something, while Narcissa and Andromeda fell out of the bed, waking up in the process. "What is going on?" asked an instantly awake Marcella, who jumped out of bed, joined the two younger black sister's outside of the bed and began changing. A sleepy Bella not wanting to wake up clung to Harry's body. After a third impact and Harry's urging she grumpily got out of bed and intended to inflict pain upon the thing stealing her snuggle-time with her master.

Another something seemed to impact with the ship and shake it. "I don't know, but let's find out." Exclaimed a newly awake and determined Harry in the process of putting his clothes on. Only seconds behind the ladies with his own armour and before Bellatrix, who mumbled something about inventing new ways to torture people, who interrupted her most favourite time of day. She slept much better since she shared a bed with her master and had no intention to give it up or let anyone impose upon it.

In just under two minutes everyone was dressed and out of the room with all their possessions on them, racing on deck. What they found was pure chaos. People lying around moaning in pain and others, that being the minority trying to hide in a corner and hoping that nothing happens to themselves. The reason for this was something unexpected. It was not other corsairs, pirates or ships of any kind that attacked them. Nothing with human opponents was taking place.

No. A sea-serpent was attacking or rather shaking the ship up for whatever reason. It didn't demolish the ship in a rage, but seemed to search for something that required to smash holes into the ship big enough for bulls to pass through. Everybody and everything was still as the gigantic head focused on the ship and the forked tongue came out in the typical fashion of a snake. Tasting or rather smelling the air. The next thing Harry knew he was in the gaze of this titanic reptile, with its eyes resting on his smaller frame. He had to think fast or the ship would sink.

$What trickery is this?$ came the hissed question out of the sea-serpents mouth. $I clearly smell the scent of a strong male nearby. So how come, that you stand where he should?$ The eyes now were narrowed to slits as they roamed over the ship in search of her target.

'Please don't be what I think it is!' pleaded Harry in his mind.

Bellatrix and the others looked ready for battle, but upon seeing his paling face decided to inquire what caused it. "What is it Harry?" asked an agitated Narcissa concerned for him while an arrow was ready to be released from her bow. The blonde black sister had no idea if it would penetrate the hide of the beast, but was pretty sure that it would.

After a few calming breaths Harry gave the serpent a reply. It is no trickery, you have indeed smelled myself, but I'm not one of your kind.$ Now he could only wait and hope she was peaceful like all the other sea-serpents, expect the Selma, were rumoured to be. In their home world at least.

$Then how does it come that you speak our tongue and carry the same scent?$ inquired the now slightly curious but still guarded snake, while smelling the air with her tongue from time to time and noticing that the four females carried his scent also.

"What does it want?" queried a still battle ready Bellatrix, while wondering if the hide had magic-resistant properties. If the answer to that was yes, then they had a big problem should the serpent be out for blood. They could defeat it with their weapons, having slain a few feral dragons as a group, but this battle was in the open water and the opponent had an obvious advantage in mobility, while their forms needed magic to maintain and at the same time were slowed down by the water due to their wings and had to evade the Opponents attacks. Not to mention that the ship sunk faster and faster.

"I don't know but I guess it tries to find the tastiest of us." Commented Andromeda with some sarcasm in her voice, holding the axes in both hands, ready to deal with the situation as it comes.

A slightly amused Marcella exclaimed. "Then it is no contest. Harry is the tastiest by far." It worked somewhat to lessen the tension in the air, but not much. The dark skinned beauty hoped that her husband of a few weeks would survive. She would regret not having a honeymoon with him. They could've had sex on the ship, but Harry nor Marcella or the Black sisters wanted to do it in such an environment. They waited so long they could wait a month more. Now she wasn't so sure anymore if it was a good decision to push it back.

$As far as I know I speak your tongue since birth!$ began the black and messy haired man and continued after he mused on how he should explain the last part.

With a sigh he hissed another reply. And as to how I carry the same scent$ Harry began walking towards the rail and said with courage belying his anxiety under his skin for the four most important people in his life. It would be best to show you.$

With a last look towards his four companions Harry muttered "I hope this works out for me." After that he jumped off of the ship and transformed mid-air, diving into the calm waters below with a splash, sending ripples into the ocean.

A few moments later he resurfaced in his sea-dragon form, though only his head wings and back were sticking out of the waters. I can transform into this form at will and would guess that the scent carries over.$ Now he could only hope for the best.

The woman and some of the crew stared down at Harry in his dragon form. The woman in anticipation as to the reaction of the giant serpent and hoping it didn't come to a fight because of whatever reason. The crew only hoped for survival with a few unpleasant individuals hoping the new captain would be killed so they could do what they wanted again.

$Interesting.$ It mused hissing. $How is it that you can assume the form of an ancient one?$ it or she? Asked of the newly transformed Harry.

'Ancient one?' mused Harry a bit bewildered, but found himself a little numb in front of the large maw, despite his now increased size. I regretfully don't know what an ancient one is, but I can assume this form after I trained in an art of my people.$

Answered Harry truthfully, while observing how the ship was now half under the water and half over the water. 'So much to using that ship.' The green eyed wizard thought he swam near the vessel to pick up his four companions.

That seemed to get the equivalent of a shrug from the sea-serpent as she replied. It doesn't matter the ancient ones are extinct anyway and I was just curious as to how you got the scent of one similar to us.$ If the ancient ones were still alive then it wouldn't have mattered either way. They never came to the surface regardless of what went on.

Harry now with Marcella, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda on his back could only watch as most of the crew tore themselves apart. The slaves attacked and killed their former tormentors, who lay unconscious on deck and the few awake Slaver's defended themselves, so that in the end no one was alive anymore.

'I really should have checked the slaves for aggressive behaviour.' Harry lamented in his mind. The pain they endured under the rule of the slaver's couldn't be forgotten in such a short amount of time. His four companions were much too engrossed in the conversation he had with the giant snake than to try and rebuild order, not that it would've done any good on a sinking ship with chaos on it.

$Is it possible for you to mate in that form with a female of my species?$ inquired the sea-serpent as Harry was lost in thought over the destroyed vessel. It only asked out of curiosity. Despite the fact that he wasn't one of her species by birth he still was stronger than most, from what she could see and feel. It wasn't as if marriage or love counted into the equation. She only wanted strong offspring, nothing more.

$No!$ answered Harry firmly and as calm as he could muster. He wasn't even sure if it was possible or not, but had no intention of finding out. I am sorry, but that isn't possible.$ The raven-haired man said, trying to be as soothing as possible. $I wish you a successful search for a future mate, though.$

The rejection didn't seem to ruffle the serpent overly much and it again gave its equivalent of a shrug and replied back. And I wish you a good mating and healthy offspring with your mates.$ With the last piece said it or rather she descended back under the waves below.

Now that all was quiet again Marcella asked "What did it want?" ignoring that the ship was now sunken and all what was left of the crew was them. They really should have seen this coming with how slaves are usually treated.

"Nothing much" replied Harry, trying to avoid the subject, while he started to gain speed to take flight. He knew the direction in which Volantis lay and simply followed it. Once high enough in the air all four jumped of him and transformed themselves.

Not one to give up so easily and knowing when Harry was uncomfortable with a subject Andromeda asked mischievous through their link. "Come now Harry, you can tell us." After a brief pause she mused out loud. "You know we could get the information out of your skull anytime we want." Mentioning said now used mind-link, forged over the years was kind of unfair in Harry's opinion. His barriers were strong, but wouldn't withstand a combined assault of all four of them.

As Harry swung himself into the night-sky with his feathery wings he let loose a sigh and answered through their link, relaying the whole conversation to them. Like predicted they laughed over what the serpent asked of him, but blushes crept upon their faces as he relayed, with some smugness, what it told him at the end.

Although, one good thing came from all this. They now made the rest of the journey in just the remainder of the day. Arriving sometime after mid-day. Even from afar the city looked titanic in size. It seemed divided in a western and eastern part, connected through an impressively long, though narrow bridge with countless houses and stores on it. The eastern part looked richer and more majestic than the western part, which in turn was fuller and more populous from what they could catch in the air and afar.

In the end the group decided to land outside of the impressive and equally gigantic bay. They flew into the water per nosedive. When underwater all made way to shore and to the docks. Once near enough they transformed back and all five of them made themselves invisible. It wouldn't do to be seen as if they just appeared out of the water in full armour. In that regard they were lucky to have arrived at a not very busy place. There were, a fair few people, but not as many as elsewhere, at least Harry suspected as much.

Once in an empty alley the disillusionment was dropped, a muggle-repelling ward set up and Narcissa asked soft-spoken. "What do we do now?" the plan to use the ship was now dead, for obvious reasons. After a few moments in which they all thought it over the honey-blond proposed in a firm voice. "I, for one, am tired and would like to sleep in a comfortable bed that I didn't had to conjure or transfigure."

Marcella agreed, saying. "It would be nice to relax for a little while." With the war lost and escaping the prosecution, as well as surviving she really wanted to unwind some. Ten years of war could do that to a person, even though the group relaxed from time to time.

Andromeda agreed as well with the question. "Yeah, but what are our plans after that?" she doubted Harry had given up on resolving the issue of slavery as good as he could. It simply wasn't in him to give up on something important to him, if he could help it.

The green eyed wizard only confirmed Andromeda's thoughts with his next words. "Ok, we look for a place to sleep and make further plans to abolish slavery once we are more rested." His voice broke at the last bit as if it was forced out of his throat or unsure about it. Bellatrix wouldn't need to be consulted, with how she nearly concurred everything Harry did, but he did it anyway as he turned to her. "What do you want Bella?" his tone soft and gentle this time.

Bellatrix nearly blurted out, that she agreed with his plan, but then remembered that he encouraged to speak her mind. So she thought if there was anything she disagreed with. Something, came to mind. "Well, I would've nothing against it to relax a little."

That the relaxing she had in mind involved him, herself, a bed and hours upon hours of hot sweaty exercise was unmentioned. For that she had other plans once they were in the hotel, or whatever establishment they found to sleep in. After a while of silence, in which the eldest black hesitated she continued saying. "But I think that we did enough fighting in the last decade." mentioning out loud what the rest of her sisters, Marcella included thought about his plans for the slaves, no matter how disgusted they were by it themselves.

Harry inquired curiously without a hint of heat or anger in his voice. "So you don't think that we could free the slaves or make their lives better at least?" he left it unsaid that he himself had his doubts about that.

From the information he gained as they were on the ship of Grandok slaves were essential in Essos as a thing to trade, workforce or otherwise, be it newly caught slaves or born into it. He had no obligation to do anything, not to mention, that he and his wives would be targeted once their abilities were revealed and their eventual children, especially.

The only spot where slavery was outlawed and never practised lay on the north-east on this continent. In Bravos. Other places were the seven Kingdoms of Westeros. "So what do you suggest we do?" the green eyed man asked gently.

While Marcella, Narcissa and Andromeda looked either disbelieving or proud at what Bellatrix did, something she never did, namely disagreeing with Harry. The witch herself replied. "Find a home and do something good there. Something not so big and consuming of our time and resources." Her violet eyes were impossibly big and nearly pleading with him. "We all know that this continent is as big as Europe and Asia together. Everywhere slavery is practised. We would've many enemies and little allies."

Here Narcissa took over, agreeing with her sister. "Not to mention that we would be making us a target for all the rich people who profit from the business of slavery." Taking his right hand in hers and directing the same look at him as Bella the honey-blond woman said. "We have nothing against fighting, but this, I fear, is a fight like the one at home. One we can't win, in one lifetime at least."

Seeing what their sisters did Andromeda took his other hand in hers and when he looked her in the eye she knew that he only picked up this new quest because he felt somehow responsible, but like the rest of her sister-wives she had no intention to undertake something so big, something that could spell the end of them here where they only freshly arrived.

"They are right, Harry. We could buy all the slaves and free them from their shackles, but new problems would follow." After a shake of her head she continued. "With what would we feed them, when all our money is spent? They could be recaptured, some might even disagree with their freedom, when slavery was everything they ever knew and have no idea how to handle it. Not to mention how violent it would turn, once the former slaves will demand revenge and you had to decide to grant or deny it." Her grey eyes soft and compassionate as she squeezed his hand for reassurance. Marcella just nodded in agreement.

Harry sighed having feared that might be the outcome in all of this. 'But I didn't really thought Bellatrix might be the one to mention it`. So with a small smile on his face he said softly "You are right." letting go of Andromeda's and Narcissa's hands he leaned in to give Bellatrix a kiss. Of course, she was quite eager to claim her reward, swinging her arms around his neck while he drew her closer with his left and held her face in his right hand.

She let loose a moan of disappointment as he stopped and stroked her cheek, saying tenderly with his eyes on hers. "Thank you for giving me such good advice." Looking around himself he added. "All of you. I wouldn't know where I would be and what I would do without you."

Andromeda being cheeky, responded with a small smirk on her face. "Probably dead somewhere, trying to save someone who doesn't know you." Getting laughter from all of her sisters and an embarrassed blush from Harry. Reclaiming the left arm, she said. "Come on, let's find an inn." Marcella took the right arm while the still somewhat dazed Bella walked behind them with Narcissa.

The Translation-charm was re-activated so they understood and learned everything said around them. After a bit of walking the group arrived at a big open street, where a broad variety of things was sold and purchased. What stood out was nearly everyone seemed to have Tattoo's on their face. Some had squares of motley from neck to the scalp, others a wheel tattooed upon the cheek, a mask of feathers, a Skull, Leopard's spots, a coin, flies, a jug or a lightning bolt from jaw to brow.

It didn't seem like something people would do to be more recognizable. After a while the meaning became clearer, when one observed what these people do. That combined with the occupation the people on their former ship held made it obvious that these were slaves.

There seemed two exceptions as to the mentality. Most slaves didn't really look satisfied with their lot, which was understandable. Who wanted to be a slave after all?

Though, the ones with green Tiger-stripes in the face, which seemed to be the city guard, carried themselves with pride. Just like the one who had flames on their cheeks.

This was in stark contrast to the women marked with a tear on their cheeks. Their eyes were lifeless and held no spark within them, as if they were dead, a walking corpse. Harry could imagine what the job of these women and occasionally man was, from the way people approached them. The glances the same men who used these women sent his wives were nothing Harry enjoyed, but he knew that everybody who tried would meet a swift refusal and or pain.

After a while of wandering and sightseeing Harry decided to ask a guard about a place where one could find a nice bed and food. The guy pointed him to a place named the Merchant's House. Whoever named the place hadn't the greatest imagination. From the information they received it was located on the Fisher-monger's Square. The ever-present smell the city seemed to give of consisted of many things. Fish, flowers, some kind of dung. It was also rich, dead, rotten and earthy.

Together it was a weird mix that was rich, rank and pervasive.

The Square like everything else seemed huge. On it were a tangle of palanquins, elephants dragging wagons full of goods and much foot traffic. In the centre was a statue, which had like all the other statues up until now, no head. There were vendors for cod, sardines, sailfish, barrels of mussels and clams.

In front of one stall hung eels. Another displays a gigantic turtle stung up on its legs by iron-chains, heavy as a horse. Inside casks of brine and seaweed and crabs. Some even sold chunks of fish with onions and beets of some kind.

Harry got dragged out of his observation by Bellatrix. "Look Master, that should be the place." With that the black and curly haired beauty pointed towards a monstrosity of a house, for this worlds standards anyway. Four stories tall in-between the warehouses, brothels and taverns of the waterside. Like on the whole way to the tavern eyes seemed follow them, though none approached. If it was due to the predatory graze they possessed from ten-years of war or their aura Harry didn't know and at the moment he wouldn't question it either way.

Once inside they saw the large common room. It was a cavernous warren bigger than the great hall of Hogwarts by a small margin. It contained a dim lit maze of hundred private alcoves and hidden nooks. The blackened beams and cracked ceilings echoed the voices of the people within. Sailor's, merchant's, traders and all kinds of strangers laughed at, cursed or in some cases cheated each in more than a dozen language's.

On some walls were iron rings, with some holding slaves. Harry had to restrain himself to not free them all. He could with near certainty take on all the people in the tavern with his group, but certainly not the city.

Some had ebony skin and feathered cloaks, others were pale skinned voyagers or extremely hairy men, which gave Marcella a shudder for whatever reason or even people who wore a mask to conceal their faces completely.

It wasn't easy to get a table with enough space, with being as busy as it was and in the end Harry had enough and 'convinced' some others with a few compulsions to search for somewhere else to go. Everything seemed to have a kind of sweet beet in it and if not then it contained something sweet none the less according to the waitress which received four venom filled glares after being flirtatious with him and scrambled to get away as fast as she could. To give the chef's in the kitchen the order or because of the glares his four companions sent her Harry had no idea which.

The dishes weren't really bad tasting, but not good either. It would fill their stomachs better than nourishment potions though. The group was accustomed to Harry's cooking, something the cooks in this establishment could only learn from when Marcella had anything to say about it.

Shortly after all the food was eaten Harry went to rent a room for the night. Once at the innkeeper he asked. "How much does one Night cost for five people in one good room?" the owner of the establishment dragged his eyes away from a both with an old woman sitting in the shadows and turned to Harry.

"For five people that makes one honour per two weeks in a room on ground level." Was the short reply of the man who was more than a little on the fat side, but otherwise had typical volantese features. He had some jewellery, which indicated the popularity and or good location of the inn.

"What would I get for these?" was the inquiry shortly after he pulled a galleon out of his pouch, showing it to the man. From what he saw an honour was smaller than a galleon by far, more of the size of a knut or Penny with a skull on one and crown on the other Side of it.

Taking it from Harry's hand the man inspected it for a short while and replied "Should get you a month and a half for five people, together with food." Not letting the design bother him overly much. Gold was gold regardless how you pressed it.

"Good then I would like to stay a month." Handing the man, a galleon the green eyed wizard continued. "Keep the rest for good service." After getting the key to their temporary quarters Harry made his way back to the table. Narcissa sat there way too innocently, but at the moment Harry had no desire to deal with this. The suspicion that a guy who didn't knew the word no got what he deserved so it wasn't even all that important.

"I have a room for us." The raven haired men announced quiet happy at the prospect of a good night's sleep and food other than tasteless potions. When he was seated again the rest of the sweet wine was drunken and not shortly after they were in their room.

A moment after the door was closed and Harry in the beginning of making himself ready for bed the four women exchanged looks and nods for confirmation. It was time to start with what they planned on the ship. Again, spells were applied to the room, but a locking-charm was sufficient for this.

Just as Harry was in the process of removing his plate armour arms encircled him from behind as the voice from Andromeda floated into his ear. "You've neglected to do your duty, husband." She whispered huskily.

Meanwhile the other three women were already out of their armour and picking his apart. How they did discard their clothes so fast Harry had no idea and his mind was elsewhere at the moment anyway, with the Brunettes voice humming as her hands wandered over his now free torso, feeling the muscles beneath the skin.

"You're a mean tease." She began as her hands slowly travelled lower.

"Always showing your attributes, aggravating us and letting us wait." As she finished her hands arrived where she wanted them and kissed him at the neck. Narcissa had taken his right arm starting to kiss her way up to his shoulder, the same with Bellatrix on the right side.

Marcella was in front as the last of the clothing was put away and targeted his chest first and like the others made her way up, to his mouth. "Coming from you that's a compliment." Harry groaned out as he was assaulted by soft, but firm flesh from all sides and their hands doing a marvellous job at finishing their objective of driving him wild.

Just before Marcella arrived at his mouth he growled out as the lust slowly overtook him. "But it is as you said, I have neglected to do my duty as a husband." As he said that Harry pulled Marcella's naked body closer, pressing her against his chest and feeling her breasts on it. One hand at her ass squeezing it while the other held her in place at the back of her head.

"Something I intent to correct!" it was said with smouldering eyes boring into Marcella's own brown ones, which were equally glazed by lust, as she moaned when he squeezed her ass with his now hard length just a breath away and under her entrance, rubbing against it.

The next moment he kissed her with a passion that turned her knees to water and curled her toes, so she simply melted further into his body. Harry didn't know how they arrived at the bed and it wasn't important. What was important is the woman underneath him.

'I have a long night ahead of me' Harry thought as he used his tongue at her pussy to soften Marcella up a bit. In a short few minutes the green eyed wizard had her screaming his name.

The same routine was done every day for the stay.

In order of getting woken up by one or more of the four in a naughty manner, escorting the bow-legged women to breakfast, exploring the city and attractions in the western part, Lunch, thinking about what they should do, followed from dinner at their inn and the by then typical activities of the evening.

The only difference was in the behaviour Bellatrix and the others showed when another female took an interest in him. Mostly the response was growling and glaring in the direction coupled with holding Harry in a possessive way. He himself would react that way when some men would take it too far and they had many men staring at them, not that any approached them. But he had a feeling it had something to do with when he spoke with the innkeeper about their room and left them alone for a few minutes.

Other than that a game named Cyvasse was popular here and reminded Harry of chess. Even if only a little. He played it sometimes with his wives and sometimes with strangers. But, it seemed his luck was more responsive in these games when money was betted in the Cyvasse parlours of Volantis.

At the last day when the group lay exhausted in the bed after a few hours of rolling in the hay Harry spoke. "I have a few ideas as to what we could do." As he said that his hands rested on the rears of Narcissa and Marcella who claimed his right and left side respectively, while Bellatrix lay on top of him and Andromeda curled at his head.

"Oh?" a sky blue eye from Narcissa opened as she pulled his arm tighter into her bosom. "Do tell!" was more moaned than said, but the hand stroking her ass felt too good at the moment, even though the spanking Harry gave her as he pounded her from behind left the blond a bit sore.

With a grin on his face Harry answered her and the others who now tried to give him their attention. "Yes, option one would be that we take up the job of sell-sword or join an already existing company. Hiring out our services to the highest bidder and fight his battles." He moved his hands to their backs, seeing the glazed eyes.

"The second option is, that we find a nice patch of land, raise a family and die of old age in a hundred-thirty years or so, if we wouldn't use the Philosopher's Stone anymore."

"Sounds good." Murmured Andromeda to herself, going with her left hand through his untameable hair, while thinking of a reason as to why Parsel-mouths were vilified as evil when they could get such reactions out of her, her sisters and probably females in general.

"The third idea came to me as I thought about Merlin." explained Harry hoping to get them into the land of the living, the perking up and motions of their bodies confirmed his success.

"I know that magic exists in this world, but not so much and it is distrusted mostly. So I thought we could do it like Merlin and serve a king who meets certain criteria. Practically introducing them to the idea of magic with good deeds etc."

It was Narcissa who answered first "I don't think the idea of being a Mercenary is one for us." She shifted a bit so that her chest pointed to his side. "We would make money I supposed, but we have more than enough anyway."

Marcella picked up, where her sister left off. "Not to mention that we wouldn't have a real home, but live on the street so to speak. That's something we have done enough in the past." Letting go of his arm she propped herself up on her elbows and gazed at his face. "I am more for a permanent home. With possible children in the far future the life of a Mercenary is impossible anyway."

Bellatrix proved once again valuable insight, despite her tendencies to just follow, as she held tighter onto him now that his sides were free. "I think we should go with the Merlin idea, but not as servants. I won't serve a Muggle even if it should be a king. Having an alliance with one is as far as I would go."

That would be as far as the eldest Black was willing to compromise. In the war she saw just how deadly people without magic were on their own, but at the same time the distaste towards them didn't really diminish, it only gave her a reason and no fantastical belief to hate them.

"One thing is for sure. I won't live in a region where my children are in danger of being slaves. Despite our magic and everything at our disposal. I won't risk such a thing!" exclaimed Andromeda passionately. After having lost Nymphadora the youngest Black wasn't taking ANY chances with her possible new child or children. Not if she could help it. And to live in a land where they could be enslaved for their power or whatever reason wasn't a risk she was willing to take.

"So the first option is definitely out." While he pondered their options he played a little with Bellatrix curly hair. "When we want to escape slavery then the Seven Kingdoms or Westeros as it's called would be our destination." Bella wiggled her hips and ground her still wet cunt into his groin, waking up certain part of his anatomy, which had seen much use in the last month. He groaned and held her hips in place with his hands.

"You're insatiable, aren't you Bella." As he massaged her firm and shapely bum Harry grinned and said. "Even going so far as to let me fuck you in the middle of the street under a Disillusionment and soundproof charm." He kissed her neck, saying huskily. "Naughty girl."

Bella moaned as she felt him stir and grow. "I can't do anything against that. My ex-husband had never much interest in me, then came seventeen years of Azkaban and ten years of war. Now that I have it." Here she grabbed his arms with her own, pinning him down she looked him dead in the eye. "I won't give it up!" The next moment she was impaling herself on his re-hardened pole and began bouncing up and down anew. "Ah, so good."

Meanwhile Narcissa groaned "Really Bella, fucking our husband in the middle of the street." With her hands over her face. She could understand the desire, but wouldn't go that far, even though it really was a whole new experience with a man you love rather one you loath.

"Don't be so surprised Cissy. She isn't the only one after all." Commented Marcella, looking at Andromeda who tried and failed to appear innocent. To be fair though it was difficult to appear innocent while getting your cunt eaten out. Marcella for her part guided one of Harry's talented hands at her entrance. He was such a dedicated, multi-tasking husband.

With an unconvincing sigh of sadness Narcissa joined the renewed activities. After all she too wouldn't give up what she now got in form of Harry as her husband.

Another few hours later the group lay asleep in a mass of entangled limbs, exhausted.

The next day before their departure it was decided to travel towards Westeros. Not per ship, but flying in their sea-dragon forms. Circling between flying and diving, when the wings are tired. They only had to restock on food, so a few more seeds for plants not in their collection were obtained. Pinchfire, Sting-me-not, Dragon Pepper, Sweetgrass and Firepod among them.

Before the departure though, they wanted to see the part of the city no foreigner is allowed in. The eastern part of the city. Up until now they made due with only the western part, but the curiosity won out in the end.

The so called 'infiltration' was easy enough with a few spells to conceal their presence from the guards. The Black Wall was their first stop. Like the city their group arrived near on this world, the structure too was made out of black stone, but had none of the grease quality from before. Apparently it was harder than diamond and sucks the light in. Like its counterpart in the jungle the second was true, but the first needed a test, which Harry and the others were reluctant to do in front of witnesses.

Harry had no desire to see what was inside the wall. With a high probability only rich, arrogant Idiots, who think themselves better than all the rest, because of their birth. In short a stagnant community with little to no contact to the outside and centuries of incest. It wouldn't surprise Harry if they had all these rules with needing an invitation to be allowed inside, because of their physical deformities, not to mention mental problems. In the end It didn't matter.

The next stop was the Temple of the Lord of the Light or R'hllor, like the Deity also is called. It was an enormity of pillars, steps, buttresses, bridges, domes and towers flowing into one another as if they had all been chiselled from the same colossal rock. A hundred hues of red, yellow, gold and orange meet and meld into the temple walls, dissolving into one another like clouds at sunset. Its slender tower twists ever upwards like frozen flame reaching for the sky. Truly and enormous and grand building.

The front doors had the symbol of the religion on them. The flaming heart of R'hllor. The interior was just as grand as the exterior with a grand many people in it. The private army of the flaming hand was easy to spot with their flame tattoos on their cheeks and ornate armour over orange robes, as well as wearing spears shaped as writhing flames.

There were other people who had an extra flame-tattoo on their forehead and chin. In robes coloured in all the colours of the flame.

Like luck will have it they came just in time for a speech of the high priest. He was a tall and thin man with a shaven head and the typical tattoos on it for his station. His skin was white as milk, with a voice that is high and carries well.

It was just evening as it began with the lighting of fires all across the temple with prayers in the local tongue. High Valyrien. From what Harry could gather it was a religion based on a dualistic point of view. The god of R'hllor was the good guy and the so called Great Other the bad one. Fire and Ice, Life and Death, Heat and Cold. It was also a rather simplistic view on the world.

Light couldn't be without its antithesis darkness. When one doesn't exist, so does not the other. Death is needed to support life and darkness needed to rest easier in the night, nobody would like to sleep in full view of the sun.

It is rather easy to paint the light as good and the darkness as evil, although both can be used for bad and good things. Light can be used to blind someone, just as darkness can be used to rob someone of their sight only in a different manner.

Too much light destroys, lets plants wither and burn up, the same with darkness. Harmony is to be the important thing. Just like magic got labelled as 'light' and 'dark' from wizards everything else too, got labelled. The point alone that fire throws a shadow is proof enough that both can't be without the other, even though shadow isn't the same as darkness.

In the end it was nice to see the culture of another civilisation, but got them nothing, expect an aversion to the faith of R'hllor. Seeing human sacrifice in form of immolation can do that to someone and all because they want the favour of some deity.

Sure, there were rituals that involved human sacrifice, but they were either really 'dark' or 'light'. It depended on the intention of the caster. Even though for light side effects selfless self-sacrifice out of love or a similar 'good' emotion would be a requirement. Mostly for protection. What they did here looked more like a waste.

"Let's go." The raven haired man said to the four women, who stared at the spot where the man still burned, but his screams long since silenced. Turning and walking out of the temple without anyone sparing so much as a glance at them. Had they stayed a little longer the group could've seen a woman clad only in red, with copper hair, pale unblemished skin and a red and gold chocker necklace sitting snugly on her throat containing a ruby walking towards their spot and locking around in apparent search for something she couldn't see but marginally feel.

After leaving and finding a fitting location to transform they departed from Volantis, the First Daughter or like some called it Old Volantis. The new destination was Westeros.

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