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Sound of Heroes by BANIX

 Anime » My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア Rated: M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Yui K., OC], Words: 78k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Nov 19, 2019 Updated: Jun 9354Chapter 14- Preparation

"A-All Might! I think I figured out a way to utilise One For All properly without injuring myself!"

The eyes of the Symbol of Peace lighted up at his successor's words. What did Midoriya come up with this time?

"I got the inspiration after what Onpa told me about how he trained himself to use his quirk." All Might listened patiently as his protege began to start his muttering. "Why use 100% if only 2% is what you need? Why waste the other 98%? Learn how to pace yourself. Start from the lowest output that I can manage without breaking my body before working my way up, that was what he told me. That is also what you are doing, right? It has to be. If you have been continuously using 100% for every single thing you do, there would have been a lot of collateral damage done whenever you are out doing hero work. The only time you go 100% is when you have to attack, like the time when you fought the nomu! You only use 100% at the point of contact between your fists and the nomu!"

All Might's face breaks into a grin after hearing the speculations made by Midoriya.

"Splendid work, Young Midoriya!" He cannot help but heap praises at him after hearing that. "I honestly thought it would take you a lot longer to reach that conclusion on your own, but you exceeded my expectations once again! You are right, it is just not realistic and possible to keep going 100% for every single thing I do with my quirk. I would not be able to sustain my muscle form for even half an hour if I did that. The trick is knowing how much you need to use and whether you can control the output of One For All as what you desire it to be."

Both master and pupil grinned at each other. All Might grinned in pride at his successor while Midoriya grinned in happiness at reaching the correct conclusion. The starry night sky blanketed the Dagobah Municipal Beach Park where they are at.

"So how much of One For All do you think your body can handle right now, Young Midoriya?"

"I-I'm not sure." Midoriya admitted. "This is why I called you out. I think it would be wise to learn how to limit the output of One For All under your supervision instead of trying out on my own. Recovery Girl is mad enough at me as it is for constantly breaking my bones."

All Might inwardly winced at the thought of an angry Recovery Girl scolding the both of them. He had learnt the hard way to never piss off the elderly healer.

"There's only less than two weeks till the Sports Festival, Young Midoriya. Think you can manage to maintain a constant 5% output by the start of the Sports Festival?"

Midoriya sported a determined expression at his question.

"I-I'm willing to try! I need to be able to do this!"

"You will still need to work on increasing your physical fitness and capabilities in your own free time so that you can eventually handle the full power of One For All, but I suppose now is a good time as any to start on learning how to control 5% of it." All Might mused. "Alright, enough chit chat. Let's get started!"

"Yes sir!"

He didn't get enough sleep.

Although to be fair, it looks like everyone is the same. Kirishima comes into class as though he had a big workout beforehand. Kaminari comes in with what the class dubbed the 'Whey Look' with both thumbs sticking up in that idiotic manner. Asui comes in with her hair still dripping wet as though she had gone for a swim before the start of the first period. Jiro and Yaoyorozu both have a lethargic look on their faces. Midoriya's forehead is on his desk, obviously trying to catch up on lost sleep before class starts.

He himself would have gotten a little more sleep if he wasn't trying to clear the misunderstanding between him and his parents last night. He knew something was very wrong when his father tried to give him the talk.

There were a few of his classmates who didn't look any different from their usual selves. Hibiki looked the same as per usual, still sipping on his morning cup of coffee and waiting for the caffeine to kick in. Todoroki is still being an ass. Bakugo's legs are on the table like always, his earphones plugged into his ears and ignoring Iida, who is trying to get Bakugo to take his legs off the table and 'behave in a way that befits this great institution'.

Class went on as normal. Responses were lacking in every lesson because of how tired most of them are from doing their own respective individual training after school. Nobody has any energy left to answer their teachers' questions save a few. Any questions in english class were automatically thrown to Hibiki as always since he is Present Mic's favourite, something which Hibiki always grumbled about.

Basic Hero Training today is more of a gym session to let them all do whatever they want to train their own respective quirks considering the upcoming Sports Festival. There were some who decided to train by throwing themselves into combat, like Bakugo and Kirishima. Others like Iida and Midoriya chose to work on their physical fitness. Yaoyorozu simply studied a book with a spine thicker than his forearm.

Shinso decided that he might as well use this time to improve on his hand-to-hand combat. He needs a sparring partner since Hibiki is using this time to run laps around the gym with Midoriya.

He ended up sparring with Ojiro, who had kindly agreed to his request. Ojiro is arguably the most proficient in hand-to-hand combat in the entire class. He is the best choice.

"You cannot simply react, Shinso-san, unless you have extremely fast reaction time like Bakugo. You need to predict what I will do next before I start doing it. Also, you have to stop telegraphing your attacks. It makes you too predictable."

Both Togata and Ojiro said the same thing, which means that learning how to predict his opponent's moves is something that he needs to learn quickly before the Sports Festival.

"Is there a way to… learn how to predict?"

"Unfortunately, that is only something I learnt how to do after years of training myself." Ojiro said sheepishly with his hand scratching the back of his head. "All I can say is that you should expose yourself more to different kinds of fighting style so that you will not get blindsided by something unexpected."

A loud boom resounded where Bakugo and Kirishima are fighting it out to test the limits of their quirks. Everyone had quickly given them a wide berth when they started it.

"Why don't I show you a few ways to restrain people?" Ojiro kindly suggested. "You will try to restrain me while I will do all I can to get out of it. Sounds good?"

"Fine by me." Shinso said with a grin. "Thanks a lot, Ojiro."

"No problem. Now, let me first explain to you the basics of arm locks…"

There are two things that he needs to do to allow himself to acclimatise himself more and more with One For All's full power. The first is to improve his physical fitness. The second is to improve and train his control over One For All. Since he will be training himself in the latter under All Might's supervision every night, Midoriya decided to use this gym session to train his physical fitness instead.

Thus, he is now running laps around the gym with a few of his classmates. Iida had lapped him many times already thanks to his Engine quirk. Uraraka is somewhere behind him. Sero is swinging himself using the tapes produced from his elbows to train his maneuverability and to increase the duration in which he can use his quirk. Onpa is running beside him. Like him, Onpa is not using his quirk, aiming to use this gym session to simply improve his physical fitness instead.

However, he is barely winded even after running for so long while Midoriya is starting to run out of breath. How many laps had they completed thus far?

"Made any progress with your quirk?"

"A little." Midoriya tried not to pant as the two of them made small talk while running. The longer he can keep up their conversation while constantly running at 70% of his max speed without using his quirk, then it means the better the improvement in his fitness since he first enrolled into U.A.

"I'm still... working on it, but thanks to your advice, I… think I found a way to use my quirk without breaking my bones all the time."

"Good for you." Onpa replied, somehow still having enough breath to hum a tune under his breath. How is he still not winded? Just how fit is he?

"Want to go straight for the obstacle course? You know, spice things up a little, have a little race and all that." Midoriya turned his head to where Onpa is pointing in front of them. A few of their classmates are there. He easily spotted Tsuyu, Ashido, and Tokoyami there at the obstacle course. It seems that they are taking a brief break from whatever they were training themselves in.

"Race you there." Midoriya decided after a few seconds. He needs to push himself even further than before and what is better than a little competition?

On an unspoken signal, the two of them simultaneously shot off in a burst of speed, unanimously deciding to not use their quirks since the whole point of their gym session today is to simply train their physical fitness. They got to the starting line of the obstacle course at about the same time. With a jump and a push, they easily cleared the low wall before they started hopping over small flat platforms jutting out from the ground.

Onpa started to gain a small lead when he climbed a vertically hanging thick rope faster than Midoriya did, allowing him to reach the top faster and continue their little competition. Midoriya had to make up for it by running even faster when he finally cleared the rope obstacle.

The next obstacle was to clear a horizontal wooden beam with the thickness of only a foot wide placed at least three meters off the ground. One wrong step and it will be a painful fall for any of them. Looking at the gap between him and Onpa, Midoriya decided that now is not the time to let his fear of heights overtake him. He also cannot afford to be slowly walking through the narrow beam.

So, he ran on it, trusting his sense of balance to not fail him.

It did close the distance between him and Onpa since Onpa had slowed down a little at that particular obstacle. The two of them are now at the climbing wall as they both tried their best to clear it faster than the other.

Midoriya's muscles are screaming in pain at this point but he knows this is just what he needs. He needs to push himself even further in order to improve. He needs to learn how to squeeze out every bit of energy he has on reserve and just keep going, like what All Might always did in the face of adversity.

It's all about going Plus Ultra.

Both of them reached the top at about exactly the same time. They don't even have the time to look at each other before they start sprinting again up a steep slope. Once they cleared this, they would have reached the endpoint.

Midoriya could hear some of their classmates cheering for them. Guess the little competition between the two of them had garnered some attention from their classmates. He could even see a set of floating gym clothes at the endpoint waving at them enthusiastically. Is Hagakure acting as the referee?

To Midoriya's disbelief, Onpa is slowly pulling himself ahead as he picks up even more speed by running faster and faster. How is he able to do that?! Just how much stamina does he have?!

"Annnd... finish!" Hagakure announced dramatically the moment the two of them raced past her at the finishing line. "Woohoo! Great job, you two! That was so fast!"

"Onpa won though." Tokoyami spoke up as Midoriya and Onpa tried to catch their breath as they both leaned against the wall. "He is just naturally faster when it comes to running."

"Midori is just too rigid!" Ashido spoke up in that bubbly manner of hers. "He needs to be more flexible! Don't be an Iida! Got it, Midori?"

Midoriya nodded as he tried to catch his breath. Flexibility? That is definitely one thing that he hadn't been training himself in since he was so absorbed in trying to put on more muscles.

"Can't believe the two of you cleared the whole thing so quickly without your quirks, ribbit." Tsuyu said with a tilt of her head. "That's some crazy amount of stamina the both of you have."

"The better my stamina, the longer I can use my quirk. Improving my stamina is something I have to do if I want to be better." Onpa replied as he stood up and stretched, his pants not as loud as before. He turned around and offered a hand to Midoriya, which he took.

"That was fun, Midoriya. We should do that again sometime with our quirks."

"Oh, that's right. If Midori managed to get his super strength under control, he's going to be so much faster!" Ashido exclaimed with a clap of her hands. "Count me in too! I wanna try racing both of you!"

"Same here, ribbit."

"If it comes to a race, Dark Shadow and I won't lose too."

"Me too, me too!"

"You sure, Hagakure-chan?"


The usual class banter started again and Midoriya cannot help but let out a smile. He looked down at his clenched fist in front of him. Progress is small and it is not as fast as he hoped it will be, but it is still progress nonetheless. His physical fitness alone is already good enough to match even Onpa. If he ever got One For All under control, even if it is only less than 10%, how much faster and stronger will he be?

How will he measure against his classmates in the Sports Festival if he managed to harness the power of One for All? Even if it is just a fraction?

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"H-Huh? I-It's nothing!" Midoriya squeaked out at Onpa's question.

"Midoriya! Just speak your mind! None of us here will eat you. We are not Bakugo."


Ashido whistled in clear surprise.

"How did he hear us with all the explosions going off around him?"

"I have no clue."

"Hey Onpa, try changing Bakugo's voice again!"

"Nah, don't feel like it right now, Ashido. Maybe at the Sports Festival?"

"That's a great idea! Imagine him going all girly sounding in front of the whole of Japan-"

"FUCK OFF AUTOTUNE!" Bakugo roared out as he continued to fight against Kirishima on the ground below them, his explosions getting bigger and bigger as the fight dragged on. "DO THAT TO ME AGAIN AND I WILL END YOU!"

"Hey, Sparky Boom Boom. You are really easy to rile up, you know that?"


Kacchan getting teased? Midoriya wouldn't have thought it was possible until he enrolled into U.A. People like Onpa and Shinso definitely have no qualms pressing all of Kacchan's wrong buttons. Then again, Midoriya has to admit that even he himself has no idea which of Kacchan's buttons are the correct ones. Are there even any correct buttons to press in Kacchan's case?

To make things worse, lately more and more people in his class are thinking that teasing Kacchan is a fun thing to do due to his explosive reaction to pretty much everything. Onpa and Shinso definitely have no problems taking every given chance to do so despite their obvious dislike for Kacchan's rude personality.

This is why he has to defuse this situation before the entire thing explodes in everyone's faces, quite literally.

"Uh, guys? I think we should just leave Kacchan alone-"

"Hey Bakugo! Can you sing for us?"


Ashido, not you too!

"How did you survive middle school with Bakugo, Midoriya?" Tsuyu questioned. "He's so unlikeable."

Tsuyu! Please! Just stop it! Kacchan can hear them!

"Kacchan is not all that bad-"



The explosions below got louder as the fight between Bakugo and Kirishima got more intense due to Kacchan's building rage.

"Not all that bad? You sure about that, Midoriya? He's acting like a prickly pomeranian."



"See?" Onpa pointed to an enraged Bakugo below with a cheeky smile, who is still busy trying to take down Kirishima. "Isn't his barking so damn cute?"

"Onpa! Please don't antagonise-"


"Oh, he decided to ignore me in favour of Kirishima. I'm so hurt." Onpa purposely put on a hurt look and to Midoriya's horror, Onpa said the forbidden word that immediately got the battle Kacchan had with Kirishima to take a brief pause as an equally brief silence descended upon them.

"And I thought we were friends, Kacchan!"

Kacchan's body twitched once, then twice, and Midoriya hurriedly scampered away when Kacchan's body twitched the third time. He has no wish to be involved in whatever is about to happen next, had seen it too often to know where this is heading to. It was the correct decision to take as in the next second, a loud explosion rocked the entire gym and an angry Bakugo could be seen rocketing towards them.


"That's what you said that got Bakugo so riled up earlier? Kacchan?" Shoji asked in disbelief as he and a few of his classmates sat together at the same table for lunch.

The last part of the gym session was a terrifying yet hilarious cat-and-mouse game between Bakugo and Onpa, with the former trying to hunt down the sound manipulator as they raced across the entire gym. Fiery explosions and sonic booms clashed and the whole of Class 1-A wouldn't be surprised if the whole of U.A. heard the din. The chase only ended when their homeroom teacher decided that enough was enough and promptly erased both their quirks with a glare.

(There were many people who were secretly disappointed when the chase ended, because Bakugo's reaction was indeed a hilarious sight when he doesn't have things go his way and it is a lot more fun when they themselves weren't on the receiving end of his rage and explosions.)

"Figured that the only word that can immediately tick him off is the nickname Midoriya called him by. Guess I was right. Man, his reaction was hilarious."

Judging from Onpa's unrepentant grin, he probably would continue to try to piss Bakugo off whenever possible. Committing such an act would have been akin to a death wish for most of them, but Onpa had proved himself to be more than capable of handling Bakugo at his worst. Besides, he did manage to single handedly deal with the Nomu by himself for a period of time, the bio-weapon designed specifically to kill the No 1 hero in Japan. That alone spoke volumes about his combat skills.

"Huh, what I heard from Hagakure was that you called him a pomeranian."

"Ah, that too! Doesn't he make you think of one? Especially when he goes 'die die die'? It's like a dog going woof woof woof."

Everyone took a moment to try and visualise Bakugo as a pomeranian and… damn. They can actually visualise that image in their head.

"He's definitely going to try and kill you during the Sports Festival. I'm surprised you made it out in one piece when Bakugo suddenly went crazy earlier."

"Eh, I'll be fine, Jiro. I'll just mute him when it happens."

"Or you can just make him go woof woof woof during the festival."

A brief period of silence descended upon them.

"Sero, you are a genius."

"Thank you, thank you."

"Is this really a good idea?"

"Relax, Shoji. At least I'm not as heartless as Shinso. If it were up to him, he would make Bakugo run around like a dog at the Sports Festival the first chance he gets."

"I'm a little afraid of what kind of chaos you and Shinso-san can do if you two were to work together, Onpa-san."

Onpa simply let out a dramatic sigh.

"Me too, Yaoyorozu. Me too."

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