
Kenji's eyes lit up at the interesting spell he just learned. Create Vorpal Punch Dagger was an interesting name, insofar as he remembered from Dungeons and Dragons that the vorpal blade was excellent at lopping off limbs. It was unfortunate that he didn't have the MP for it yet, but he felt good things about it, considering it's energy cost exceeded his mind control spell. He decides to finish off the ID's and...corpses...before he decides his next move.

Personal Identification Devoured, Moderate Tier – Nothing Gained

Personal Identification Devoured, Moderate Tier – Nothing Gained

Personal Identification Devoured, Moderate Tier – Nothing Gained

Personal Identification Devoured, Moderate Tier – [Spell] Create Fake ID Gained

[Spell] Create Fake ID – A spell that automatically creates fake identification of your desire and appearance that will appear for all intents and purposes to be authentic and genuine.

Cost – 50 MP

Kenji grimaced as he picked up the hand of a corpse. He really didn't want to use his power on a body. Yet he didn't really have a choice in the matter, he needed to get rid of the bodies and this was the only way available to him. He was glad he had acquired the Trait Immunity to Disease, as this was not hygienic in the slightest. He bit down on the hand with a grimace, desperately trying to keep his tongue off the flesh.

Human Corpse Devoured, Moderate Tier – Nothing Gained

Human Corpse Devoured, Moderate Tier – [Skill] West Coast Yakuza General Knowledge (Novice 3/5)

[Skill] West Coast Yakuza General Knowledge (Novice 3/5) – A skill governing the general knowledge of the goings on of the west coast Yakuza, things like operations, important locations, and important people.

Human Corpse Devoured, Moderate Tier – Gain 5 Stat Points

Human Corpse Devoured, Moderate Tier – Nothing Gained

Kenji wiped his tongue off on the back of his left hand, he did not like that at all. With the pile of corpses gone Kenji rose up from where he had been down on one knee. There was a fair amount of blood on the floor from where he had caved in the leaders head, while the safe was also quite bloody as well. He frowned, he have to clean it all up as best as he could.

He quickly allocated the 7 stat points into his INT as he left the room to get some cleaning supplies. He was very pleased with his gains this night, even if he wasn't too pleased at having his home invaded by thieves. Yet he wondered how these people had known that his Father had money in the safe, as it was obvious that they were after the cash as they had skipped everything else in the house.

He opened a window within his Fathers office, putting a square box fan into it and turning it on. He then got the chemicals out and started to clean, first wiping the majority of the blood and solids off and away from any surface. Once the solids were out of the way he got the heavy chemicals like bleach out and started to liberally use them, scrubbing away the mess. While he scrubbed, he contemplated his most useful ability he'd gained tonight, the ability called Fires of Resurrection. He pulled up his stat screen before he skimmed down to his list of abilities and looked up the one he wanted specifically.

[Ability] Fires of Resurrection – Gain the ability to bathe a deceased creature or being in the Flames of Rebirth. Any dead creature bathed in these flames, that has 10% of it's body remaining, will be reborn hale and whole. Usable once a month.

He had gained the power from devouring Ravel's broken hymen blood, which had counted as a Legendary Tier object. After a lot of thought he supposed that the Legendary Tier made sense, after all Ravel was a pure-blood devil and he'd devoured something that could only be devoured once. It was logical that devouring a once in a life time object that also came from a very potent being, a pure-blood devil, would be a highly potent object.

He considered the ability in question, the Fires of Resurrection, to be his most useful gained ability so far. Being able to bring the dead back to life, hale and whole with only 10% of their body and no time restraints was a very potent boon. He have to think long and hard on how to properly use it, and on who he should use it on.

Such an ability would be very coveted by all of the factions, after all from what he can tell it has very few limitations. The only limitation it has is the need to have some remains, while a quick mental perusal of the ability gives him the impression that even ashes would work. He can think of several dead people being resurrected that would garner him some potent allies.

------Sin Lord------

It ends up taking Kenji around thirty minutes of hard scrubbing to get the blood and viscera off of the safe and floor. It likely would have taken longer but apparently enhanced strength levels are useful for scrubbing with a truly unreal amount of force. With the floors clean he'd used his Repair spell to fixed the fist sized hole that he put into his floor, the hole seemingly fixing itself before his eyes.

With the office put to rights Kenji checks the time, noting that he has around five and a half hours left before he had to be on the plane. He would need to get there three hours before his flight left to able to leave on time, so that only left him two and a half hours before he needed to leave. It wasn't a lot of time but it should be enough to hunt down the people who ordered this group to invade his home.

On the other hand, it might be better to wait until he was settled within Kuoh before he Teleported back here to settle up with these Yakuza bastards. He didn't have enough mana reserves to be able to use his Dominion spell yet, which would be a excellent tactic to force these bastards to leave his family home alone. He had 450 MP, and he only needed 500 to use the spell, so it wouldn't take that much more sex to be golden.

He contemplated his course of action for over 15 minutes before he decided that waiting was likely a better option. He didn't want to rush into this when he was still coming off of the high of killing, he wanted to see if his emotions might level off with distance from the subject. With his course set, he went back down to the front door and used his Repair spell to fix the damage done when they forced the door open. Once that was finished he decided to spend the next hour and a half utilizing his Gluttony Sin on various things he could grab from the stores around the city.

------Sin Lord------

30 Minutes Later

Kenji was pleased with his haul as he reappeared within the living room of his home. He had a duffel bag filled with small electronics, around thirty high end phones, twenty tablets, and a assortment of video games. His second duffel bag contained a variety of different books he pilfered from a book shop, several of which he thought might give him some useful skills. Lastly he had ended up grabbing a large travel suitcase to put several high end laptops he'd removed from their boxes, filling it up as full as it could go.

With his ill gotten gains organized and set out before he decided to get on with it, as he only had around an hour left to work. He reached out and picked up a smart phone, examining the sleek high end piece of hardware. He stuck the slim phone within his mouth before he activated his Gluttony Sin.

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – Gain 5 Stat Points

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – [Trait] Signal Booster Gained

[Trait] Signal Booster – Subject boosts the connectivity signal of any electronic device within 10 feet.

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – [Ability] Wireless Charging

[Ability] Wireless Charging – Subject may totally charge any electronic device that is in physical contact within him three times a day.

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] EMP Gained

[Spell] EMP – Scramble any electronic device with this touch based spell that is not hardened against EMP.

Cost – 20 MP

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – Gain 5 Stat Points

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – [Ability] Drain Battery Gained

[Ability] Drain Battery – Subject my totally drain the battery of any electronic device that he is touching three times a day.

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – [Ability] Phone Tap Gained

[Ability] Phone Tap – Subject may tap any phone that is within 100 feet of him. The tap will allow the subject to listen in on any calls or texts the subject makes, range unlimited, duration unlimited. Subject may have up to INT/100 taps up at once. Usable once a week.

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – Gain 5 Stat Points

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – Gain 5 Stat Points

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – Gain 3 Stat Points

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier – Gain 3 Stat Points

Smart Phone Devoured, High Tier - [Trait] Signal Booster 2 Gained

[Trait] Signal Booster 2 – Subject boosts the connectivity signal of any electronic device within 10 25 feet.

Kenji smiles at his gains, 12 out of 30 successes, while dropping his 26 Stat points into his INT. He peruses the various Abilities and Traits he's gained, noting that they all have something to do with electronics. A useful set of gains to be sure, but not necessarily game changing like the Fires of Resurrection were. He continues on, devouring the 20 tablets next.

Tablet Devoured, High Tier – Gain 3 Stats

Tablet Devoured, High Tier – Gain 3 Stats

Tablet Devoured, High Tier – Gain 5 Stats

Tablet Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] Electronic Anti-Viral Gained

[Spell] Electronic Anti-Viral – This spell will clear all harmful viruses, malware, and spyware off of the targeted electronic device, touch based spell.

Cost: 40 MP

Tablet Devoured, High Tier – Gain 3 Stats

Kenji is very disappointed in this group, he expected more from the tablets. He guesses there must be a degree of randomness involved in the selection process. He quickly puts his 14 stat points to use, with four in his INT and 10 into his AGI. He sighs as he picks up the video games next, the last in his first duffel bag.

Kenji ended up gaining nothing from any of the 15 video games he devoured. He figured this was due to the games all being low tier. It would appear that low tier is very hard to gain anything out of, as he hasn't gained any from a low tier yet from anything he's devoured. He shrugs it off, deciding to leave video games alone in the future as they didn't seem to be worth the effort. He picks up one of the high end laptops, carefully balancing the thing in his hand as he puts a corner of it into his mouth.

Laptop Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] Electronic Enchantment Gained

[Spell] Electronic Enchantment – This spell is an Enchantment spell. It will allow the caster to lay an enchantment, a permanent spell, upon any electronic device. The enchantment will enhance a single aspect of the electronic device by 5 fold, from hard drive size, to processor speed, or any other aspect the caster can think of. The energy costs of layering more then one enchantment upon a device will increase in orders of magnitude.

Cost: 1,000 MP for one enchantment, 10,000 for two, 100,000 for three, etc.

Time to Cast: One Hour, Absolute Concentration Required.

Laptop Devoured, High Tier – [Skill] Computer Operation Gained

[Skill] Computer Operation (Intermediate 1/10) – The skill governing the general modern day usage of a computer.

Kenji's smile was ear to ear as he looked at the excellent spell he had just gained. An enchantment spell to enhance a computers aspects had his inner gamer salivating. Not that it was immediately useful at this moment due to his lack of MP, but it would definitely prove its worth later on. The computer operation skill was less useful but any gain was a gain. He was sad that out of 6 laptops he only hit two successes but since one of those successes was so outstanding he could forgive the other failures.

His gaze flickered over to the pile of books. He scooted himself across the carpet to the carefully stacked books. He ran his fingers down the spines as he did so, his eyes dancing over the many titles. He picked a stack of 12 to devour, this one about chess. An appropriate skill if he was going to interact with chess obsessed Devils on a regular basis.

Book (Logical Chess: Move by Move) Devoured, High Tier – [Skill] Chess Gained

[Skill] Chess (Expert 15/40) – Skill governing the game of chess.

Book (Looking for Trouble) Devoured, Moderate Tier – Gain 2 Stat Points

Book (The Amateurs Mind) Devoured, High Tier – [Ability] Chess Foresight Gained

[Ability] Chess Foresight – The ability to foresee your opponents chess moves ten turns in advance. Usable five times a day.

Book (A History of Chess) Devoured, High Tier – [Skill] History: Chess Gained

[Skill] History: Chess (Advanced 5/20) – Skill governing the history of chess.

Kenji was a bit surprised at gaining an expert level of chess, but he supposed it was just the luck of the draw. He also took note that the only book that was considered moderate tier had been a soft back, while the other high tier had been hardbacks. That was a interesting indicator for what book was what tier, definitely something he was going to keep in mind. He put his 2 stat points into his INT before he moved onto the next stack of books, the next 15 books being a mix up of different subjects.

Book (The Math Book) Devoured, High Tier – [Trait] Number Cruncher Gained

[Trait] Number Cruncher – Subject may easily run multiple high level mathematical calculations within his mind with high levels of precision and accuracy.

Book (The Math Book) Devoured, High Tier – [Skill] Mathematics Gained

[Skill] Mathematics (Novice 4/5) – A skill governing math, both theory and practical.

Book (Military Knife Fighting) Devoured, High Tier – [Skill] Knife Gained

[Skill] Knife (Expert 20/40) – A combat skill for knife fighting.

Book (How to Draw What You See) Devoured, Moderate Tier – [Skill] Drawing Gained

[Skill] Drawing (Advanced 1/20) – A skill for Drawing.

Book (Painting the World) Devoured, High Tier – [Skill] Painting Gained

[Skill] Painting (Advanced 18/20) – A skill for Painting.

Kenji gazed at the plethora of skills he had gained, quite pleased with his acquisitions. He gazed over the skills for a few minutes before he moved on to the final stack of books. The final stack of 20 books was split in half, one for various RPG games, the other for fictional books. He was hoping that he might be able to gain fictional or game like spells or abilities, but he wasn't holding out hope.

Book (GURPS Magic) Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] Earth to Air

[Spell] Earth to Air – Transform earth or stone into air.

Cost: 50 MP per cubic foot of earth/stone.

Book (GURPS Grimoire) Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] Essential Food Gained

[Spell] Essential Food – Transforms any kind of food into incredibly tasty, filling, and nutritious food. Essential Food will not spoil, while a meal that would fill one person will fill six.

Cost: 100 MP per meal

Book (Dungeons and Dragons: Players Handbook) Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] Explosive Runes

[Spell] Explosive Runes – Trace explosive mystic runes upon any type of object bearing written information, the runes explode upon reading. Deals 200 + INT damage via shock wave.

Cost: 200 MP

Book (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) Devoured, High Tier – [Spell] Patronus

[Spell] Patronus – Create a temporary spirit guardian of positive energy. Guardian will cause negative energy spirits, and select undead to rapidly flee. Enough power in the spell will see such creatures die in agony. Will induce positive emotions in nearby people and places that will linger depending on how much power is placed in the spell.

Cost: 100+ MP per minute, no upper limit

Kenji was simultaneously disappointed, and very happy. Disappointed because he only had four successes out of 20, even when several of the books were hard bound high tier. Happy because he got some excellent spells out of it, even if the Patronus wasn't likely to be very useful, his inner Harry Potter fan-boy still loved it. He hadn't really thought that fictional books would yield fictional spells but he was happy to be pleasantry surprised. He wondered if it might be his power Shattered Limits coming into play, or perhaps he just had a turn of good luck. It also occurred to him that Gluttony might just be that powerful of a Sin power.

At the end of the day he was just happy that he got four new spells to experiment with later. He knew that when his Devil's Luck ability was renewed within the next 24 hours he was going to use it to try to game the odds for some really powerful fictional spells. With his spoils all devoured he got up from the floor, he needed to collect his belongings and get to the airport.

Authors Note:

This idea kept niggling about in my head, you can blame The Dark Wolf Shiro if you would like.

A fair warning, this is not a Gamer fic. While the MC has a interface that he can see his