
mean I've known it was possible for a while, I've almost completed my Time Machine at this point," Future Bulma shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee, "But knowing it objectively and meeting myself from the past are two different things."

"Well, at the very least me getting dragged here has given me a newfound appreciation for Kakarot," Bulma hummed, "Honestly, this timeline sucks. Bulla's an interesting girl for sure, but I'm so glad Kakarot ended up being brought to life."

"Yeah, lucky you," Future Bulma rolled her eyes, "You robbed the cradle for a literal few month old clone of Goku who can see the future, is way smarter than Goku and who is apparently already strong enough to smack around the androids before Vegeta ever even showed up for you."

"Hey, he still has all the memories of living up to fifteen, and that's the age we were when we set out looking for the perfect boyfriend," Bulma pointed out, then clicked a few buttons on her scouter, scrolled through the photograph folder she had and a moment later, a hologram of Kakarot nude, "Besides, look at him, he's practically sex on legs."

Future Bulma's eyes went to the familiar, yet unfamiliar boy. She'd never seen Goku during his growth spurt after all. Her eyes lingered on his barrel like chest and absurdly defined torso muscles, "..He's still a bit small," she noted before her eyes were drawn down to between his legs and the heavy length hanging deeply between his thighs and she bit her lip, "Though that's definitely not small at all."

"You should see it when it's hard, or when he's using that beefy form of his, I can barely get my lips around it's so big and thick," Bulma replied smugly, "And besides, he went through another growth spurt while we were here thanks to some weird power up thing he did, he grew like three inches, he's nearly as tall as us now. If he grows even the same amount Goku did when he goes through his growth spurt, he's easily gonna clear six five."

Future Bulma cupped her chin as she eyed the image of Kakarot, "You think he's interested in trading up?" she teasingly asked, "I've got a certain more mature appeal to me and teenagers never change, they all love a milf."

"You wish." Bulma snorted

Oh, Future Bulma really did. She hadn't been with a man in years, and never been with one in her life who apparently adored her as much as Kakarot did this younger version of her. Apparently to the point where he'd given her more power than Gohan had last she seen him outside of his Super Saiyan form and regeneration on freaking top of that to make sure she never truly got hurt.

The two main flames of her life were Yamcha, and Vegeta, with a string of one night stands here and there. One hadn't given her what she wanted, even when she let him sleep with other women while the other got her pregnant and fucked off. She hadn't even seen him since the day Bulla was born. He fucked off after that to train and only came back to die uselessly against the androids.

She loved her daughter more than life itself, but she really should have went for Goku when she had the chance. Hell, Krillin was a superior choice to Yamcha and Vegeta. Honestly, she'd rather give Roshi the night of his life than get back together with Yamcha or Vegeta. Fucking pricks, she gave them all they could have ever needed and they screwed her over in the end.

So yes. Teenage stud Kakarot? Who provided for her younger self and gave her more than anyone else had beyond her parents? Sign her the fuck up.

Too bad she never went through with that initial idea she had as a kid to train Goku into perfect boyfriend material, she might have gotten the partner she always wanted if Kakarot was anything to go by. And heck, if she was invested in a boyfriend who trained like him, she probably would have came to the gravity chamber idea a lot earlier and the world would probably have never turned out this bad.

"Quite a bit yes." she admitted to well...herself.

Her younger self sighed and leaned back into her chair, "...Honestly, he's probably gonna hit on you regardless, not to brag...actually, yes I'm bragging, he's got a real big soft spot for me," Bulma smugly replied, "And you are me. No doubt he's gonna give you a bunch of those fruit from the Tree of Might, just one of them will add a good five hundred years to your life span, bring you back to your prime age and apparently give you just a bit more power than this Vegeta guy apparently had when he arrived on Earth here."

Yes see, that was what she was talking about. He was going out of his way to feed her younger self stuff like that and making sure she was strong enough to protect herself without having to waste her life training like a meathead, while also making sure she lived as long as she wanted and getting to keep your youthful looks.

See, that was the kind of partner that deserved to have her let him fuck other girls and not Yamcha.

"...I won't really mind if you fuck him," her younger self broke her from her thoughts with a sigh, "He deserves it way more than Yamcha ever did, a million times over. But, I've got first dibs, I've not had the chance to have full on sex with him yet." Huh, they really were the same person, weren't they? They were totally on the same wavelength.

Her lips curved up into an eager smile, "Really?" Future Bulma purred, "Well, a bit slow on your part, but I'll definitely be taking you up on that."

"Gimme a break you old slut," Bulma huffed and crossed her arms, "I'd only broken up with Yamcha a week when we started on the journey towards Namek, I was horny as fuck with him around me so much and looking like he was carved from marble, but I didn't want to just jump right back into full on sex after Yamcha."

"Fair enough I guess," Future Bulma laughed, "But..I'm at the point where I'll happily take a ride on him if he wants. Don't blame me if he takes a liking to the more mature, curvy Bulma." she winked teasingly at her younger self.

"Oh...I think you'll be in a for a big surprise." Bulma smirked right back at her future counterpart. After all, she was willing to bet her older self had never taken anything the size of Kakarot, nor a lover so demanding and untiring.

With his regeneration and infinite ki generator, Kakarot only stopped if he wanted to. Otherwise, he could go for as long as he desired.

Which reminded her. When they had some alone time, she should get around to wearing that little bunny suit for him that he loved so much, she hadn't gotten the chance to yet and he definitely deserved it.

"So it should be somewhere around here?" Piccolo asked as we floated above the Northern Mountain Range of North City. He held the unconscious and bound form of Android 18 under one arm, while Gohan had Android 17 slung over his shoulder, both still bound by my knock off of Gotenks' Galactic Donut move.

"Yo daddy, do you know the specific place?" Bulla asked, "Cuz honestly, there's so much shitty mountains around here it'll take forever to find it if you don't."

"Not specifically no," I shrugged, "But I've got a good idea on how to find it and if it doesn't work out I'll just scour the place with Multi-Form clones, with how I can go it shouldn't take long regardless."

"Well alright." she shrugged.

I spread my ki senses out over the entire mountain range and no more, and then with Spirit Control I focused it intently, searching every nook and cranny for any ki signatures that stood out.

I could sense everything within the mountain range. From the fish, to the birds. From the dinosaurs to bugs. I could pinpoint them as easily as if they were right in front of my eyes.

But yet, nothing stood out beyond that. I tried for a good few minutes, but nothing at all stood out. 'Gero must have something that blocks ki sensing..somehow.' I mused. Which made sense considering it's impossible to sense the ki of the androids.

When I opened my eyes I found Bulla smirking at me as she floated upside down, crossing her arms and legs, "So, any luck?" she teasingly asked, as if she already knew the answer.

Probably due to the frown on my face.

"Just a set back." I shrugged as I called upon my magic, merging it with my ki. White bolts of bio electricity crackled off of my form as my power tripled and then the air rippled around me as I began forming clones en masse.

Bulla yelped as dozens, tens of dozens, then hundreds of me appeared, while Gohan and Piccolo merely calmly flew up above to observe.

"Go." I commanded.

There was a mass of grumbling, but all seven hundred plus of my clones did as told, all with a battle power over a million and began tearing through the air at blinding speeds. One even cheekily smacked Bulla on the ass as he flew passed her.

"Daddy's such a pervert." she floated around to face me after getting turned around by the tide of...me's, a deadpan look on her face.I could see Gohan palming his face up above me in my peripheral vision.

"Well, we've got time for now until they find Gero's lab," I smirked at her, "And daddy's at his weakest, why not try and beat him up while we wait?"

"...Daddy knows just what to say huh?" Bulla grinned eagerly, unfolding from her sitting position and lowering herself into a stance mid-air, her aura bursting into life around her.

"I almost feel sorry for Vegeta." I heard Piccolo comment from above, before Bulla flew at me.

An hour went by. And while having fun with Bulla and getting a taste for her skills, I've made some decent progress and growth myself abusing the Kaioken that I learned from Son Goku thanks to Shenron.

"Not bad!" I praised as I blocked an overhead hammer blow from Bulla from above with my forearm. The bone creaked from the strength of the blow, but already through the course of us sparring for the last half hour, my power had risen quite a bit through zenkai's.

With my power weakened so thoroughly due to the Multi-Form, it was the perfect time to blow off some steam with Bulla. And also to try out the Kaioken. And what a doozy that technique was, even just using the very basic form I'd felt my bones crack.

"But not good enough," I smirked as I lashed out, my foot connecting with her knee from below. She hissed as her knee popped and made to pull back, but I used the forearm I was blocking with to snake up into her guard and grab her fingers and pull her down into me, her back against my front and my arm wrapping around her throat. "What you gonna do now little girl?" I breathed teasingly in her ear as she bucked against me and tried to apply her currently greater strength to throw me off.

No luck for her. Bulla is good, very talented for sure. But she's a novice, she suffers from the same problems Trunk did. She's rough and has very little experience fighting beyond sparring with Gohan. She doesn't know how to apply that talent and strength of hers though. Not yet at least

Her aura flared to life around and she tried to force me off, but it was a simple matter to flare my own to counter it. It was a nice try though.

"Damnit!" she growled and even tried to bite into my arm. She whined in pain though when her teeth only met a suddenly formed piece of bio armour though.

With a sigh of annoyance, she stopped resisting and slumped into my hold, "Fine, you win." she relented.

"Daddy always does." I teased with a laugh loosening my grip on her throat.

I was about to let her go when her perky bubble butt began to wiggle against my front pressing into and grinding against me, "What are you doing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

I could hear the smirk in her reply, "Well...since daddy has done so much for me today and even won, I should reward him right daddy?" she looked over her shoulder at me, evil filled eyes meeting my own.

I could have escalated right then and there. But I didn't, "Don't go pushing to hard now, you might regret it later." I warned her.

She rolled her eyes, losing the playful facade "Oh c'mon Kakarot," she huffed, becoming serious, "Do you know how many guys I know my age?"

"Nope." why would I?

"None, exactly none, I've never even kissed a boy before." Bulla retorted, annoyed.

"What about Gohan? He's not that much older than you." I pointed out, just for logic sake, as much as my instincts demanded that I shut the fuck up.

Her nose wrinkled up, "Ew, no," she denied that route immediately, "Master Gohan's my big brother, there's nobody I look up to as much as him. But I ain't interested in him like that at all for that reason."

She turned in my hold then with my loosened grip and wrapped her arms around my neck and stared me in the eye, "You're hot, you obviously think I'm hot and we've got a fun little back and forth going on," she pointed out, "So let's fuck and have some fun, daddy~"

We'd drifted far away enough from Gohan and Piccolo we could get right down to it here and now.

"Tempting, very tempting," I mused, before slapping her on the ass and getting a surprised squeal out of her and making her let go of my neck. Man, she has really nice ass, "But, as much fun as it would be to give you a pounding that would make your mother jealous, no." I flatly denied her.

"What, why?" She demanded, clutching the bouncy round ass cheek I just gave a little spanking too.

"Because I'm in a relationship already, and unless Bulma okay's it I'm not gonna fuck other woman," I replied, and just as I did, a rush of information flowed into my mind as one of my clones dispelled itself, "Plus, I've found Gero's lab."

Bulla blinked before shrugging, "So, if I get that version of mom's permission you'll fuck me?" she asked, ignoring what I just informed her.

"..You know what?" I rolled my eyes, "Get both of their permissions and I'll fuck you so hard you'll get a zenkai strong enough to let you slap around the androids yourself."

"Alright then!" Bulla pumped her fist into the air, "Let's get a move on then and go find this Cell freak or whatever!"

We met up with Piccolo and Gohan again, well after I used the healing ability I'd gained from both Piccolo himself and King Cold to heal Bulla and regenerated the damage I'd taken myself.

And from there, once I dispelled all my clones we flew over to where my memories told me the remains of Gero's lab was.

"So..this is where they were made huh?" Gohan mused as we touched down atop the levelled out tip of what was once a mountain.

"Yeah looks like the main lab was destroyed though," I hummed, looking around. The more things change, the more they stay the same huh? "Here." I said, walking over to the centre of it, where there was a pair of large rusted silver doors.

I kicked them off their hinges, letting them fall to the bottom with a massive bang, revealing a set of ladders that went all the way down.

I hopped in and free fell down, the other three following behind me. When I got to the bottom and made my way inside the sub lab, it was incredibly dark. The only light coming from flashing pods and computer lights.

"A sub lab, how cliche." Bulla snorted.

I paused as I was making my way through towards the far end. There, on the wall were a multitude of human sized, coffin-like capsules.

13. 14. 15. 16. And even 19. Those were the numbers labelled on them. And through the green windows on them, I could make out the vague shadow of humanoid heads.

"Tch, you were right huh?" Piccolo grunted as he stopped beside me and stared at them, "So there really were other androids, and these 13 and 16 are apparently even stronger than these two pieces of trash huh?" he asked, gesturing to the android in his arm that he was carrying around like a sack of garbage.

"Yep, but they're not active now," I smirked. It should be simple for Bulma to reprogram them, "Besides, they shouldn't be anywhere near a threat to Gohan now, or you really considering how much your power is growing."

"I suppose so." Piccolo grunted once more, and fell in line with me as we continued on.

Finally, at the end of the lab, right beside the huge computer mainframe, I found what we were looking for. A huge glass tube filled with green liqiuid that reminded me of my gestation pod as a baby. And within it...was floated a huge green cicada like insectoid creature, the size of a full grown man.

And it was staring right at us with bright, fear filed, slit crimson red eyes. Huh, he's already conscious.


"So this is Cell?" Gohan hummed in interest as he made his way over to the tube.

"..Not exactly impressive to look at is he?" Bulla snorted.

"You'd be surprised." I laughed lightly as I walked over and placed my hand on the massive glass tube. When I did, I could finally sense him. It was odd really It felt like I was sensing so many people I knew clumped together. Oddly, I could even sense myself. Not Goku, but my actual self.

It's only been like half a day or so since I got here. How the hell did Gero's little machines get my cells implanted within Cell already?

Well I'll give the creepy old fuck this much, he's real competent when it comes to his machines.


Wanna know something interesting about ki? The more and more skilled you became with it, the easier it was to sense it, and the more you could pick up the general nature of people through their ki.

Cell, even in this form is strong. Almost as strong as Bulla. But...he's filled with maliciousness. Even reprogramming him will be impossible now since he's actually fully awake. He can't move right now, but I can sense his panic. I can feel his ki growing bit by bit. Tiny, tiny amounts, but this water he's within, it's facilitating his growth. I'm assuming it will continue as such until he's strong enough to reach his Imperfect Form, and then he'll be able to break out.

Luckily, he's so weak in comparison to me right now, that I can deal with this easily enough. I pushed my fingers into the glass of the massive liquid filled tube and gripped hard. A moment later, it shattered loudly into millions of pieces.

As soon as it did, Cell began to shriek in fear as the water splashed to the ground. I wrapped my hand around the huge bugs throat and lifted him into the air.

"..Kakarot what are you doing?" Gohan asked, frowning at me.

"He's full of evil, he can't be reprogrammed at this point," I shrugged, "I'm getting rid of inherent evil ingrained into him by Gero and giving him a blank slate to start clean." I added, before he could let nay of that moral shonen nonsense get in the way.

There were many techniques I'd picked up from the information I'd gotten from Shenron. So, so many I probably couldn't list them all. But one specifically I got from both Kami and Piccolo was called Fission. It was what allowed the Nameless Namekian to split himself into two beings, one good and one evil.

Usually, I would not be able to apply that to anything but myself. But, I know everything of the Yardrats techniques that Son Goku and Cooler had learned. And you need to be able to effect others with your own ki through Spirit Control to take them along with you when using Instant Transmission. Cooler even, used Spirit control in conjunction with the Ultra Form and his Bio Armour to create his new final form, the one he used to vastly surpass his brother Frieza.

With this knowledge, I can apply Fission to other people. 'Well, so long as they lack the strength to put up a fight against me.' I mused. I wouldn't be doing this for every evil person I came across. But Cell right now, while I know what he could possibly do in the future and is filled with malice, has not actively committed any sins.

Enhancing my ki and control to the very limit, I spread my ki through Cell and mentally grasped onto the the malice filling him. I followed that malice to the core, that which it originated from, that which filled him with the desire to cause pain and suffering.

And I trapped it within a bubble of my ki. And then I pulled.

A moment later, I lowered Cell gently back down as dark, evil ki surged out of his form like smoke into a sphere of ki within my hand, bit by bit as I dragged it out of Cell, his power followed suit and dropped dramatically. When I was done, he had only a mere tenth of the strength he had before.

'Hmmm.' I eyed it. I could destroy it. But...I have a better idea.

I lifted my other hand and created a portal to my personal dimension. Reaching through, I grabbed one of the fruit from one of the Tree of Might and pulled it out, closing the portal.

Then, using applications from the Mafuba, I brought the evil ki of Cell together with the fruit and sealed it within the fruit. The orange fruit darkened from a bright orange, to a muddy brown.

"....Did...did you just?" Piccolo gaped at me, eyes wide in shock.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Bulla asked.

In reply, I merely tossed her the fruit. "Here you go, eat up, this should give you a massive power boost." I replied with a grin.

It probably said a lot about how much Bulla already trusted me that she merely shrugged after catching it, and took a massive bite out of it, followed by a second, and then it was gone. And her aura of ki exploded into existence around her as her power rose by more than half.

Damn am I good or what?

Cicada Cell(Pre-Fission) Battle Power: 5,000,000

Cicada Cell(Good) Battle Power: 500,000

Mirai Bulla Battle Power: 11,620,000

Mirai Piccolo Battle Power: 11,787,500,000

Kakarot Battle Power: 287,507,977


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