
Six months came and went in a blur of time. I couldn't in good conscience leave the Mirai timeline behind, without seeing things through. Part of that may have been the fondness I gained for Future Gohan with the memories I received, though a large part of it could be attributed to something much more important.

A busty, horny and loveable milf.

To be quite honest, I could have created my own Dragon Balls and used the wish from them to recharge Shenron quicker so he could be summoned again. But I had time to spare, and with the option of two Bulma's all to myself? That's the kind of thing dreams are made of.

I've grown massively in strength. Yet, If I was actually fully one hundred percent focused, I could have grown even stronger. But the fact of the matter was, I only focused fifty percent of my time on training. The other fifty percent, I spent on relaxing and spending time with the pair of Bulma.

A lot of that time was spent in bed. Especially when they got adventurous enough to take me on together after two months and turned my nights into a Menage A Trois.

The light shining in from the window, illuminating the room with the radiance of the rising sun drew my attention for a moment, before my eyes slid down to the two exhausted ladies slumped over my thighs.

Mirai Bulma as I called her in my head, was slumped over my left thigh, her beautiful blue haired cascading downwards like a curtain and hiding her face from my gaze. But, I would only need to look at my other thigh to see her mirror image anyway. The fruit from the Tree of Might I'd given her, had restored her youth and brought her back to her prime. The same age as the Bulma of my timeline. They were honestly identical in everyway, and the only way to tell them apart was the fact the younger of the two was stronger, and Mirai Bulma's ki felt just a little bit older, a little bit more mature.

Fondness flowed through me and I reached down to gently comb my fingers through her hair, causing her to nuzzle into my palm.

"..It's almost time." I sighed wistfully.

"You're leaving soon huh?" her voice rang in my ears, and I noticed a blue eye peering up at me through the curtain of blue.

"Here I thought you'd be out of it for hours yet." I snorted. I'd been very thorough with her through the night, focused most of my attention on her because it would be the last time. So much so I ended up breaking the bed and had to conjure a new one for us to sleep on...and continue our fun.

"If it wasn't for that fruit you gave me, I definitely would be," Mirai Bulma gigged, "Though, even with that my entire body feels numb, you really gave me it hard last night."

The fruit. She was talking about the Golden Fruit, renamed from King Yemma's fruit. The tree had sprouted from the seed I planted within a few weeks. And since then, It had grown three of the fruit every single month. Oddly though, there were no seeds in the fruit. It made me wonder just where Chronoa got the one she gave me.

...Though, I wish they'd waited. They'd eaten them right then and there to double their power instead of following my advice and waiting until their power had grown much higher for more gains. And when I asked, they just waved me off and smiled at me like they had some secret that I didn't know about.

Oh well. At the end of the day, it wasn't a big deal. Despite how easily they took to learning ki techniques from me when they asked me to show certain ones to them, they were not combatants and had no interest in being so.

"Well, you were kind of asking for it, just look at what you were wearing." I replied teasingly, pointing at the discarded heap of blue tights, black leotard and high heels that went with the hairband adorned with bunny ears.

The younger of the two had let her older self know just how much I adored her in the playboy bunny outfit. And so I got two bunny girls waiting for me in the bedroom last night when I returned from sparring with Gohan and Piccolo. It had taken months of instruction from both myself who had got the information directly from Son Goku and Piccolo who had watched Son Goku assume the transformation in Otherworld frequently, but he'd finally managed it just a week ago. He managed, to ascend beyond even the legendary power of a Super Saiyan, to become a Super Saiyan Two.

"I definitely underestimated how much you liked us in those outfits though," she continued, before adding, "Pyon." with a teasing little wink.

I smirked, god last night was amazing. You haven't lived until you've had two Bulmas dressed as bunny girls worshipping your balls.

"..Still, todays the day huh?" Mirai Bulma sighed sadly, "Time sure has flown by these six months. I don't think I've ever been so happy and content in my life, or if I have been I certainly can't remember it."

I opened my mouth, before stopping and closing it. I didn't want to leave her behind. I can visit this timeline as I please thanks to Chronoa, but I didn't want to leave her behind regardless.

"....Yeah," I nodded solemnly, "There's just one more thing I want to do before I leave and it's just a matter of me using Instant Transmission and beating it into submission."

We fell into a comfortable, if sad silence.

"I don't want you to go." she admitted after a few moments of it.

Well. I guess, if she was going to come out and say it I can bring it up myself, though I'm not going to force the issue.

"I don't want to leave you behind." I replied in kind.

She was silent again for a moment,"...Bulla wants to go with you." she revealed.

I nodded. I already knew that. She'd been badgering me for months to let her come with me when I left this timeline. Especially after her mother outright told her, that she didn't want her becoming sexually active until she was the same age Bulma herself was when she set out on her journey for the Dragon Balls. Meaning fifteen. Still another good few months off.

With how angry she got that day, it was lucky she'd already managed to become a Super Saiyan, otherwise I think she might have just ascended then and there. That one poor island she ran rampant on, I pray it's having a nice time in the afterlife.

"I gave her permission if you said it was okay." Mirai Bulma admitted next.

"And you're okay with that?" I asked in surprise. After all, Bulla had never met her grandparents, and they would be getting wished back soon. As would everyone else, including Son Goku and Vegeta.

"She's just following the advice I gave her, and the same advice my dad gave to me that inspired me to set out looking for the Dragon Balls in the first place," the blue haired mother smiled at me, "He always encouraged me to go for what I wanted as hard as I could, no matter where the wind would take me."

"Dr. Briefs is an interesting guy, that's for sure." I mused with a chuckle. That sounded just like him. He was a very understanding man who doted on his daughter and did everything he could to ensure her happiness. I really liked the guy.

"Yeah...that's why I came to a decision of my own," she suddenly grinned, getting me to look down at her in confusion, "Wanna know why we ate those fruit you gave us last night without waiting?" she changed gears all of a sudden and asked.

"..Humour me." I replied drily I've got no idea what she's up to right now.

"Well, you remember that stupid dance you showed us and tried to get us to do a few months ago?" she asked.

The Fusion Dance? A few months back I'd pounded them both hard, fucked them in any and every position I could think of. I even conjured a strippers pole and bounced one up and down on my cock till she was a drooling mess with her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and had the other one dance for my entertainment while I did so. I'd teasingly showed it to them and said maybe they should fuse together and try their hand at taking me on, see if they could keep up then.

"What about it?" I asked, "Did you guys try out fusing?" Though, I don't see how that has anything at all to do with the previous subject of Bulla wanting to come with me when I returned to my own timeline with Bulma and Dende.

"Yes, something like that," she confirmed with a smirk, her small soft hands pressed against my thigh and she pushed herself up so she could look me in the eyes, my own fell to below her chin where her large, round breasts dangled almost lewdly on her chest, twin pink peak nubs looking incredibly appealing, "And do you remember what we've been mainly wanting to learn from you?"

"Instant Transmission?" I wondered. Because, that was generally the one thing they were most focused on learning, the pair of them. I don't blame them either, it's such an amazing technique.

"Yup," she nodded, her smirk turning almost vulpine with smugness, "And what does learning that let us do?"


"Ugh," she rolled her eyes, "Honestly Kakarot, it's Spirit Control, that thing you've been abusing religiously since you got it from that wish."

"..And what does that have to with the Fusion Dance?" I questioned.

"Oh for crying out loud," another voice came from my other thigh, and the younger Bulma pushed herself up to glare into my eyes, apparently having feigned sleeping to, "We're the smartest bitches you'll ever come across, no matter what timeline you hop to, and you taught us an ability that let us experiment and augment ki." she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes to make sure I was following along, and when I just stared at her bemused, she huffed and got up off of the bed on wobbly legs, her older self following suit.

"And we're scientists studly, so we obviously researched similar things," Mirai Bulma added as they met at the foot of the bed, "Like Piccolo's ability to permanently fuse with other Namekians."

"What that means is," the younger of the two picked up, puffing her chest out and smirking at me proudly, her entirely naked body on full display, "Like the geniuses we are, we created a whole new ability from the dance, using information from Piccolo and Spirit Control."

"We learned how to make it permanent." Mirai Bulma finished, standing alongside her younger self and just as naked as she was. They were almost physically identical. The only differing between them on that front, is the older of the two of them having slightly large breasts and hips, a bonus from motherhood.

My eyes widened, "Wait..seriously?" I gaped at them, my eyes settling on Mirai Bulma as I processed what they meant, "But what about this time? And your parents, they'll be getting wished back soon."

"I told you didn't I?" she shrugged at me, "Dad always encouraged me to go after what I want. And I want you. Besides, Bulla might be a super tough Super Saiyan now, but I'm not letting my daughter go off on a crazy time jumping adventure without me. And this world will be fine without me."

"Two Bulma's are even better than one Kakarot," the younger Bulma, my girlfriend winked at me, "If our calculations are right, and they are, because when are they ever wrong? We'll be a much bigger help to you and your whole saving the universe from getting erased thing."

"Try not to let your cock get too hard okay stud?" Mirai Bulma giggled, "Just sit back and enjoy the show." she turned to her younger counterpart as she said that, and wrapped her lithe creamy arms around her identical, pushing up against her. Their large, doughy tits squashed against each other lewdly and before I could say anything, they both leaned forward...and kissed.

It was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen. And as soon as they did, their ki surged and they both began glowing a bright, blinding blue that blotted their forms out. It was so bright I had to cover my eyes.

But I felt it without having to see it. As their ki's merged together, becoming a stronger combined might...and then began to shoot massively, massively upwards. It was the largest growth of power I'd ever felt, outside of a transformation like Super Saiyan.

And when the light died down. Only one Bulma remained. But she had the presence of both together. Clad in clingy white pants with slits on the sides, and a black vest with gold shoulders that showed off their toned torso, their beautifully large, yet incredibly perky tits straining against black chest bindings that barely contained her bodacious cleavage.


"What'ya think Kakarot?" she preened as I stared at her gobsmacked, sensually running her hands up her curvy hips, over her torso to the underside of her tits where she cupped them and wiggled them teasingly at me, "The all new Super Bulma is here now, and I'm so hot I make the sun look cold."

...She wasn't wrong. Bulma was always amazingly hot, gorgeous even, one of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen and could make a model stare in envy as she walked passed. But, this fusion of the future and present Bulma? Her skin had a radiant glow to it, the few tiny imperfections she had, like a tiny little bend to her nose, things like that, were all completely gone. Her stomach was tighter, her hips flared out even more amazingly, and I think her tits are even a little bit bigger than either of them had before, or at least rounder with a deeper cleavage.

And her power was insane. Greater even than my own base form, more than double it!

I found myself licking my lips, "I think you need to lose those clothes and get over here," I said, lifting a finger and beckoning her back to the bed with me, "I need to break you and give this new body of yours a test run." already blood was flowing to my groin, my limp dick beginning to rise like Korin's Tower piercing into the sky.

"Oh really~?" 'Super' Bulma rose an eyebrow at me, and a second later, the metamoran clothing covering her form disappeared, "Interesting, isn't it? The clothing is as much a part of me as my fingers or toes. I can make them disappear or reappear at will." she explained when she saw my own eyebrows raised in interest.

Hips swaying mesmerizingly, she sauntered towards the bed, reaching down to grab the discarded pair of bunny ears the younger of the two Bulma's had been wearing last night and slipping them onto her head, before kneeling on the bed and crawling towards me.

For once, I could go all out on my girl without hurting her, even with as strong as she- they had been before, I was still just that much stronger that I had to hold back., but not anymore. I fucked her so hard the entire building shook and I'm sure the city itself began vibrating a bit. It was a good thing West City was a ghost town due to the androids, or there would have been a mass panic.

Still, 'Super Bulma' or not now, and even stronger than me in the base form, she still couldn't keep up, and when she got cocky for a bit initially, well, she wasn't for long when the 'Ultra Dick Form' came into play. I screwed her into a sputtering, squealing mess.

Sadly, I have things I need to do today, so I couldn't waste all my time doing her. So we cut off early, so I could accomplish what I needed to, and so she could get feeling back in her legs quick thanks to her regeneration and go about making sure we had all the things we needed that we were taking into our timeline with us. Like the vaccine for the Heart Virus that killed the Son Goku of this world.

So once I was ready and dressed, I placed my two fingers on my forehead, sensed up to the lookout for a familiar group of powers and used Instant transmission to teleport on up.

As soon as I appeared there, I had to dodge out of the way of a glowing blonde missile. Bulla cursed as she slammed into tiled flooring of the lookout, before immediately pushing back up, ignoring the smashed tiles beneath her, "You're gonna get it th-" she went to say before pausing as she saw me, "Oh, hey daddy." she greeted me, the aggression leaving her face.

"Finally calmed down have you sister?" a smooth, baritone voice spoke up from behind me, "And to think, if I had just called father up before, I could have gotten back to my job much earlier."