
Stop calling me that you dick!" Bulla switch her attention from me to glare over my shoulder at the one talking to her.

I snorted and turned to face him, an incredibly tall pale skinned man, clad in a spotted green carapace, a gnarled wooden staff held within one of his hands, "Greetings father," Perfect Cell completely ignored Bulla's anger to smile genially at me, "A bit late are you not? I suppose you were kept back longer due to that odd, yet incredible surge of power I felt coming from Bulma?"


"You know I'm not actually your father right?" I pointed out, huffing in amusement, "And yes, it seems that they decided to fuse together into a single Bulma permanently so the Bulma of this time can be with me as well."

"What an incredibly unpredictable woman," Cell hummed before pointing the head of his staff at me, the sign of his position and the former staff of Kami, "And, is there a problem with referring to you as my father? Gero made the imperfect, imbecilic Cell that would never truly be Perfect. You are the one who created me from that foolish Cell, the path to true Perfection."

I honestly didn't mind at all to be honest, "Call me father if you want." I shrugged. He only called Bulla sister to rile her up, due to the fact that she'd eaten and devoured the evil parts of his soul.

"Perfect." His smile broadened.

"So mom went ahead and done it, huh?" Bulla spoke up as she powered down, her aura disappearing and her hair reverting from gold to lavender

"You knew she was planning that?" I rose an eyebrow at her.

"Sure, they both told me about it when they okayed letting me go with you if you let me," she shrugged, before narrowing her eyes at me, "Speaking of, you're letting me come right?"

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes, "Honestly, I'd take you all with me if this universe wasn't en-route to get blown to shit without everyone."

"Hmm, yes this Zeno," Cell hummed, nodding his head, "Even in the few meetings I've had with King Yemma since taking up the role of Guardian of Earth, he's been very tight lipped about him. Truly fascinating that even those that oversee the afterlife, the very gods of this world are terrified of this being."

Cell quickly reached his Perfect Form within a few weeks under my guidance. From what Bulma had told me of going through Gero's files, he'd needed to reach a battle power of ten million before he'd been able to reach his Imperfect Form. I'd fed him fruit from the Tree of Might, four hundred and seventy five of them in total actually to reach that stage. And then, once he'd evolved to his Imperfect Form and stayed under the watchful gazes of both myself and Piccolo for a while, I'd went on to let him absorb Android 17 and Android 18.

...He had actually been very hesitant to do so. And had actually outright refused. It wasn't until I done a little something to let him know that only evil ran through those android's bodies, did he comply and absorb them and reach his Semi-Perfect form, and then his Perfect Form.

From everything I'd managed to glean. Cell enjoyed fighting, and he enjoyed his own greatness. But with all the evil within him torn out, he was a kind soul. He honestly reminded me of the arrogance of Piccolo, yet with the kindness and patience of Kami.

And with Dende to unlock his great potential...well, I'm very sure he is vastly stronger than the canon Cell. When I asked of him later, to take up the position of Guardian of Earth, to guide this world and be the holder of the Dragon Balls, he had gladly accepted. That was three months ago now, and since then he had been under the tutelage of not only Mr. Popo, but Dende and Piccolo himself.

"Honestly, I still find this hard to believe," Bulla crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "I've felt your power at your very highest output, in Super Saiyan Three, if we weren't in your own dimension at the time the amount of energy you were outputting would have probably cracked the planet in half."

That was more due to just how obscenely hard Super Saiyan Three was to control. I'd spent the last six months constantly refining my control over the Super Saiyan Transformations. It only took me a month to get full control over the first form. Thankfully, Son Goku's memories came with a lot instructions and knowledge on the forms, and even Super Saiyan 2 wasn't that hard to gain full control over, the real problem had been the heavily increased aggression. The power output itself was much easier to keep a hold of.

But Super Saiyan Three? It worked on the route of overcharging the super saiyan ki, a lot like kaioken, but at a massively increased scale. The strain on the body was massive, and my entire physical body is used as a conduit for that energy. It was why in that form, my hair extended massively down to the back of my knees. It was a form that needed a tremendous amount of ki generated in the first place to even begin the step of transforming, which was why I suspect Son Goku in the canon timeline initially took so much time to enter the form, and that sheer amount of heavy, dense ki could cause tremendous damage on the surroundings if not controlled. I had a much easier time of it thanks to both my tail that offset much of the energy output I needed and worked as an extra conduit to infuse my generated ki into, and the fact that it was much quicker for me to generate that ki because of my infinite ki generator.

Still, even now while I've been at it for two and a half months, it still takes a bit of time to enter the form and my control in it while decent, still isn't the best. But, I can at least reliably enter it right now without well pulling a Goku and shaking the entire planet, as long as I'm careful. And my temper is a hair trigger in that form also.

"No, trust me, Zeno is so far beyond my strength right now it isn't even funny," I replied, shaking my head, "He could blink me out of existence. Hell, one of his lackeys could."

"Which is terrifying coming from you father," Cell pointed out, "After all, it's not a far stretch to say you could do the same to any single one of us. Well, maybe not blink, but you get my point."

"Eh, I'll believe it when I see it." Bulla shrugged. She may have inherited the same techniques and fighting ability Cell had due to that fruit I had given her containing his evil ki, but it hadn't really changed her attitude at all. At most, it had simply made her a bit more aggressive. I'd made sure to keep an eye on her just in case and was prepared to make a set of dragon balls if the worst happened, but she was fine, as I had expected when I did it initially. "So, when are we leaving?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Tonight." I replied simply. I'd kept contact with people of this dimension to a minimum and had not even went and met the Master Roshi of this timeline. I left ten Fruit of Might for everyone, all of my acquaintances ad even those I hadn't met with Gohan to gift them when they returned to life, to increase their powers and enhance their lifespans massively. If Guru was to believed, a single one of them would allow someone to live five hundred years. So ten of them was basically gifting each and every single one of them a life span of five thousand years.

One hundred and eighty fruit, that was how many I was leaving behind for others to take. Well, some had already taken those ten like the Bulma of this timeline and Gohan and Piccolo. But there were ten fruit each for Bulma's mother, Bulma's father, Bulma's Sister, Chichi, Ox-King, Master Roshi, Puar, Oolong, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Launch and even Son Goku and Vegeta.

The ten for Vegeta are merely a thank you gift for the wonderful sexy daughter he left behind, and for the fact that I totally stole Bulma for myself.

"That soon huh?" Bulla grimaced, then nodded. Suddenly, her aura burst into life around her, "Then I'm off to go see Master Gohan and say goodbye, this'll be the last I see him for a while. Later daddy, prick." she said, nodding to me, then Cell and taking off into the air a moment later and speeding away.

"Goodbye Sister, have a safe trip!" Cell waved after her, a chuckle escaping his lips. When she was out of sight, he sighed and shook his head, "Truly, I'm quite jealous she gets to come along. I can almost taste the fun we'd have travelling through all the different timelines defeating villains, growing stronger together and rising up to surpass even these Gods of Destruction you told me about."

"It would be fun," I agreed. I can almost imagine the horror of popping up in a timeline within the Saiyaman Saga with Cell at my side. The chaos that would cause would be legendary, "I really want to see if you can reach that golden form thing Frieza does later down the line."

"I definitely will be attempting it, we have much preparation we need to do to avoid getting erased by the Omni-King," Cell nodded, he clapped his together around his staff then, "Speaking of preparation, that reminds me father. I, alongside Mr. Popo looked over Korin's tower and found a few of these, I believe you should take one." magic swirled in his palm, and suddenly a pot was in his hand, filled with dirt and a tiny little green sapling sprouting out of it.

"What's this?" I asked, accepting it from him.

"A sprout for growing Senzu Beans," Cell grinned at me, gesturing his arms out broadly, "It seems, at least according to Mr. Popo that the more ki enriched area they are grown in, the quicker and more abundant they can grow. The Earth it seems, does not have a lot of ambient ki, and Korin's tower is an area designed to stimulate that ambient ki. But, your personal dimension does not have that problem and should be capable of growing them abundantly."

"Oh!" My eyes widened. That explained so much. "...Honestly, at this point I may as well give up being a warrior and become a farmer instead." Seriously, two Tree of Might, Yemma's fruit tree and now I'm gonna be planting Senzu Beans too.

Actually, that might actually be fun. There's like a ton of mystical fruit and such about the Dragon Ball Universe. Where would I get my hands on that crazy demon fruit Garlic Jr had?

"And you'd still be far more productive than Dr. Gero," Cell grinned, he went to continue but the sound of heavy foot falls coming from his new home alerted us to an approaching someone. And a moment later, a towering behemoth of a man clad in green armour stepped out, "Hello Sixteen, come to watch the birds?" he greeted the android pleasantly.

"Good day Super Kami Cell," Android Sixteen inclined his head in greeting, "And yes, I am." after saying so, the android walked passed us both, though he paused and eyed me thoughtfully for a moment before continuing on.

Well, his whole programming used to be about killing 'Son Goku' before my Bulma got to reprogramming him alongside the other four, Androids 13, 14, 15 and 19. All of the reprogrammed androids are actually living up here on the lookout and are under Cell's command, as force of good to protect the planet.

"Super Kami Cell?" I raised an eyebrow at him, a grin tugging at my lips as amusement filled me.

"Mr. Super Kami Perfect Cell actually," Cell grinned as he corrected me, "But for you father, you can just call me Cell."

"Learn that from Dende did you?" I asked.

"I thought it only fitting, after all I'm at least partially Namekian, and part Piccolo and Kami specifically, and I'm Guardian of Earth." he pointed out.

"Well, have fun with that then." I shrugged as I opened up a portal to my personal dimension - I should really name it actually - and placed the potted Senzu Bean inside it for safekeeping for the moment. I'll plant it later.

"Oh, I plan to," Cell chuckled. He rode out his amusement before his face turned serious, "Are you ready to do it now father? I found it last night and have been tracking it. It is a ghastly thing and if left unchecked will surely lower the Mortal Level of this universe vastly."

"Yeah, it's the only thing left to do here." I nodded. It was an idea that had come to me a few months back. Something to both help this timeline if it was actually a thing, and promote the growth of my personal dimension.

"Very well, place your hand on my shoulder father, I will show you where it is," Cell nodded, before biting his lip, "A word of warning though father. While monitoring it, I felt an incredibly powerful and evil ki within it. For the most part, it was only a bit above a third of the strength of my own full power, but at random intervals it spiked massively to even surpass my own. While not a match for your full power, I am unsure if this is extent of their power."

There's actually someone that strong out and about in this universe? It's a good thing I'm still here then before they inevitably find their way here to Earth, like every massive power in the universe usually does.

"I'll be careful, don't worry." I promised him, then placed my hand on his shoulder.

As soon as I did, I felt my vision shift as I allowed Cell to direct what I saw. My vision was carried deep into the plunging black depths of space, stars and planets whizzing by in blurs.

And suddenly, my vision was filled with the view of a gargantuan, white mechanical sphere, easily the size of the Earth's moon.


The Big Gete Star. And sharing my senses with Cell, I could feel the dark, rage filled and evil ki he warned me of.

I mentally thanked Cell and locked onto that ki signature. And a split moment later, I left the Earth and the Lookout behind as I shifted through space and time to appear above the titanic metal sphere.

"..Way bigger than I thought it would be." I whistled. I really am impressed by this thing.

I took a moment then to just luxuriate in the feeling of being in space, and capable of breathing thanks to the traits I picked up from King Cold, and even talking as if I were back on Earth.

God, I'm fucking awesome.


I observed the Big Gete Star for a good little while. It was obscenely big, but due to my speed it was quite simple to fly and orbit around it, looking it over and searching for a way inside that didn't require me blasting it open.

I could probably wipe it out in one shot if I want with my full power. But no, this thing will be incredibly useful to me. Not only for increasing the Mortal Level of whatever universe I'm in, but also for optimizing the NEET life I so desire.

But no, it's shut tight. I'm gonna have to blast it open I gue-


I was cut off as one a part of it slid open revealing a hallway illuminated by lines of lights engraved in the walls. A moment later, a shiny, metallic silver humanoid figure walked into view. The first thought I had, is that they definitely aren't Cooler.

No, it's someone I really wasn't expecting.

A massive muscular build, ragged white pants, gleaming golden adornments. And even with a metallic body, somehow glowing golden green hair and whited out eyes.

"It's yoouu!! I knew iiit!" Broly hissed, pointing a massive metal finger in my direction. That ki I felt through Cell, so he was the one. "Kaaakaaaarooooooooootttt!!!" a raging green aura burst into existence around him and the metallic behemoth threw himself at me at blindingly fast speeds, a giant meaty metal fist outstretched towards me.


Golden light surged around my form as I entered Super Saiyan and a shockwave that could demolish a mountain erupted as his fist met my palm. But I didn't budge at all. He's strong, really strong. But really, not that much stronger than Bulla in her own Super Saiyan form.

"Broly, didn't you get retconned?" I asked with a snort.

He roared angrily putting all his strength into his fist to try and overpower me and I felt his power beginning to rise, "Kaaaakaaaaroooo-"

"None of that now," I tsked, letting go of his hand and stepping out of the way and allowing his own strength to carry him by me, "Bye bye Broly." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he went passed me, dug my fingers in hard and then ripped his head off of his shoulders.

His body went limp and began floating there in space while I held his head between my hands. I eyed his metallic face, frozen into a snarl.

I raised an eyebrow when wires began squirming out of his decapitated neck on both ends,