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Ranobes » Updates » War Online » Chapter 66: Mirella Llyne part-1





Chapter 66: Mirella Llyne part-1

War Online

"It's a long story. Do you have time to listen to it?"

Wil eyes lit up, "Yes, a background story of the king. One should never miss this kind of event because it'll always end with a quest."

He dragged a chair and gestured her to take the seat, "please."

As she sat on the chair, Wil just stood before her respectfully. 

Looking at him, she pointed at the bed indifferently, "Don't be too formal. You can sit there."

"Thank you." As Wil quickly sat on the bed freely, Mirella said, "The story starts 5 years before my birth. 33 years ago…"

Suddenly, everything around him changed.

Wil found himself in the middle of the Courtroom in the form of a spectator while he can no longer hear Mirella's voice.

"Unskippable story mode, huh… Let's record it for now."

In the courtroom, Wil saw a middle-aged man with grey streaks of hair and beard sitting on the throne. Beside him, there was an empty seat that belongs to the Guardian of the Kingdom, Archangel Raziel.

All the ministers were different from the present day except for Duke Nukegan, the son of the prime minister and the brother-in-law of the king.

"Your majesty, it's been a month and yet, there is no sight of our Royal Legion's second squad. I believe they were already dead.

I request you to release and bring back Lord Raziel. Only he can solve the issue," spoke prime minister.

Upon hearing his suggestion, the King growled in anger, "Prime Minister Aedan, if you aren't my father-in-law, I would have punished you to death for speaking that murderer's name."

"But, we don't have any choice. That monster destroyed three villages. We lost three hundred of our elite soldiers. Currently, there aren't any movements from the monster. But, what if it starts moving again? I request you to think the people of our kingdom just one more time," pleaded Aedan.

"Ok, fair enough. Then, let me ask all of my ministers that are sitting here before me. Tell me. Is it ok for you to put your life on a traitor who killed the entire royal family including my father, your previous King?"

As the silence ensued in the hall, the King continued to ask loudly, "tell me. Is it ok for you to put your life on a creature that isn't even human?

Tell me. Are we that weak that we have to forgive a criminal just because they will be useful?" 

As everyone still stayed silent, King looked at the prime minister, "I'm sorry but I'm not willing to put my trust in him just because our kingdom faces danger. I'll put down the monster by myself."

Looking at the scene, Wil frowned, "Hmm, Raziel destroyed the Royal family? That's new. Guardians are restricted by their oath. Hmm, unless… they became harmful to their own kingdom, after all, their oath is to protect the Kingdom/city, not their rulers."

The scene around him changed.

This time, Wil is in the middle of a red desert.

There are the King and five hundred elite soldiers. The least of them is around level-300 and the King himself is a level-396 warrior.

Before them, stood an extremely beautiful woman in green robes but the only issue here is that she isn't quite human. There are green wings on her back that are shaped like a fan.

Looking at her, Wil was stunned as her looks were quite similar to Mirella, except that she has a flat chest.

"A Dragon? Does that mean Mirella isn't a human but a half-dragon? Interesting," Wil continued to watch as the plot continued.

The battle started between the Royal-Knights lead by the King and Level-300 legendary grade Dragon before them.

2 days of battle went in a fast forward and ended in an hour. And the result is 356 casualties while the Dragon fainted with heavy injuries.

As Wil expected, The King who was attracted by her beauty captured her instead of killing her.

The scene changed to the underground prison.

Wil saw the King entered the jail and looked at her, whose wings were cleanly cut off while she looked normal without any injuries, "it's been 5 months since we last meet at the battlefield.

This is the Black Citadel Penitentiary. It was built by our Ancestors to hold monsters like you. Your abilities are restricted as long as you are here. Therefore, you have no chance of escape. I'll make you pay for all the killings you have done."

She growled, "you humans are the ones who broke our agreement and entered my territory.

Hmpf, don't act as if you are victims.

You greedy humans always coveted our dead bodies and make weapons out of them. You already lost your chance.

No matter what, I won't ever release my true body and let you take advantage of it."

The scene changed once again.

Wil was still standing in the same cell. The only that's different was that King sat beside her and she leaned her head onto his shoulder while he was talking about outside affairs to her.

A few minutes later, the scene changed to a different time where King was holding the Dragon's hand with a smile as her belly bulged a little. 

Then, the scene changed to the Court.

Duke Nukegan was congratulating the King with a smile, "Congratulations, your majesty. Looks like the medicine truly worked. At long last, our Kingdom will have an heir within a year."

The King smiled in happiness.

The scene changed to the Queen's room.

The King's expression doesn't look good as the Queen died during childbirth and an unhealthy baby girl was born.

Once again, the scene changed to the cell.

The Dragon was caressing her one-year-old baby with a smile while the latter was sleeping peacefully.

Just then, the King entered the cell with a darkened expression.

Before she was about to greet him, the King spoke seriously, "give me the baby. She'll grow in the palace from now onwards."

As the Dragon was startled by his tone and expression, she didn't believe his words, "Your majesty? Why?"

Hearing her response, the King frowned, "what do you mean, why. Don't you want my daughter to grow as a princess?"

"Tell me the truth, your majesty. If you wanted her to grow up like that, you won't wait until a year passed. Did the news leak about us and you want to hide her? No, don't tell me, you want to kill our daughter…"

The King growled, "Shut up your nonsense. Hand over my daughter, right now."

As the scene changed once again, Wil let out a curse, "F*** If you want to show me the story, then give me some clarity. Don't cut the scenes as you wish, System…"

Wil was standing in a private training ground. The King was beating down an eleven-year-old Mirella in a spar.

As she was down once again, the King spoke coldly, "stand up, Mirella. The burden of the entire Kingdom will be on your shoulders in the future.

From now onwards, you should stop thinking that you are a girl and never shed a tear. If you ever lose to a man, it must be because he's skilled than you, not because your physic is weaker."

"How the f*** did that Princess died? Since she was born unhealthy, maybe her condition worsened as she grows up and eventually died? Anyway, it's not important. What important is the Dragon...

What happened to her birth mother? Is she still alive? Ugh… Half infos are the worst."

 War OnlineNovels online

Ranobes » Updates » War Online » Chapter 67: Mirella Llyne part-2





Chapter 67: Mirella Llyne part-2

War Online

In the story scene mode, Wil continued to watch while recording it automatically in the background just in case.

Mirella is now 15 years old.

Even though her body is well developed, there wasn't any trace of feminity in either her face or body language. Even hair is short, although this didn't let males getting attracted to her.

The weird thing is that even straight females can't help but gaze at her as she was walking through the door and stopped before King while holding the helmet in her arms.

One can say, she has the natural charm that can attract anyone, a trait that was passed down from her mother.

Bowing to her father, Mirella spoke, "Your majesty, our squad has successfully subjugated the leaders of the rebels that were burning the fields of our farmers for the past three months."

The King nod with a smile, "Yeah, I heard of your feats before you even arrived at the capital. Not everyone can fight those five rebel leaders at your age. You didn't give up even after getting heavily injured.

Good job, Mirella. You are fierce and strong just like your mother. Here is the reward for your success."

A frown appeared on Nukegan upon hearing the King's comment.

The scene changed to a private room where Nukegan was chatting with his father, Aedan.

"Did you hear what Byron commented today? Mirella is fierce like her mother. Everyone knows my late sister is a bloody coward. She fears even a small lizard. I wonder what's wrong with him."

Aedan replied, "You are complaining too much about him these days. Isn't he praising our Lessie? What's wrong with that?"

"What I'm dissatisfied with is that little girl. Hmpf, at this rate, Byron will sure let her sit on the throne as the King. He already decreed everyone to call her as the Crown prince. I just can't accept a girl sitting on the throne. 

Don't you want your grandson to sit on the throne? He had a chance of becoming the King, you know."

Upon hearing him, Aedan frowned, "Whether it's a King or a Queen, prince or princess, its Byron's right to decide the fate of Mirella.

I'm warning you. Don't dare to think of any funny business behind my back."

The scene changed to another room where Mirella is fighting an assassin in the middle of the night.

"Who sent you?" asked Mirella coldly after defeating him.

The assassin immediately took out a small flask and crushed it.

A poisonous gas spread around the room and he died on the spot while Mirella fainted.

The scene once again changed to the private conversation of father and son.

Aedan grabbed Nukegan's collar with a fury, "are you the one who did it?"

Nukegan asked with an expectation, "did she die?"

Aedan slapped him on the cheek furiously, "how dare you send an assassin to harm your own niece? Mirella is still unconscious. Pray that my grand-daughter will wake up. If she doesn't, I swear, I'll be the one who will send you to Black Citadel and imprison you for eternity." 

As Aedan left in a fury, Nukegan frowned, "how's that possible? She's just a little girl. Why didn't she die on the spot?

According to that Master Alchemist, it was made from Sonebil's blood. A powerful person like Byron can indeed resist that poisonous gas but even that little girl can resist it? Strange…"

The scene once again changed to King, who looks very weak as he stood before a cell.

He spoke without entering, "As a King and a son, I still can't forgive you for killing my family. But for the sake of my child, I'm releasing you from the imprisonment in exchange to protect my daughter."

In reply, he heard a voice from inside, "Your majesty, I'm still bound by our oath of protecting the Kingdom. I can only keep my promise as long as she's worthy." 

"Then, make an oath that you will guide and train the future generations. You make them sit on the throne only when you find them worthy of it."

The scene once again changed to 18-year-old Mirella reading a letter from someone.

"Hmm, what's this? My father was poisoned? His death wasn't because of the accumulation of heavy injuries? No name is being mentioned…"


The surroundings disappeared and Wil again saw Mirella sitting in the chair continuing to talk, "I still wasn't able to find out who sent that anonymous letter ten years ago. I received letters for a while but it stopped once I became King. 

But, over the course of time, what I found that the mastermind behind my father's death is Prime Minister Aedan and his son, Duke Nukegan.

Naturally, Lord Raziel can easily find the truth but he refused to involve in Royal family matters.

Not to mention, according to him, my late father wasn't worthy to be a king. It seems 65 years ago, my father was only spared because he was a kid. So, I can't depend on him either."

Suddenly, her expression changed. Wil clearly saw so much of hatefulness as she continues to speak, "One day, I'll remove everyone that's involved in my father's death."

Wil then asked, "what about your biological mother?"

"Oh, her? Lord Raziel said he freed her long ago. Not sure about her whereabouts. Anyway, it doesn't matter."

"If you knew they are culprits, then, why not punish them directly?" Wil then continued before she replied to his question, "I see. There are no definite proofs."

Mirella nodded, "and if I corner them, then, they would rebel. They have a lot of authority and support in the palace. If the news about my birth will be revealed, then, even Lord Raziel can't stop me from being dethroned.

I need to kill all of them silently not only because of revenge but also to protect the throne so that it won't fall in the wrong hands."

*Ding. Help the King in the quest of her revenge

Description: The King has enemies in and outside of the palace. Help her killing the members on the list. Prime Minister Aedan, Duke Nukegan, Grand Duchess Rikilda, Earl Umphrey, Countess Christaire, General Adinet, General Gawyne, General Godelot, General Issat, Viscount Godefray, Viscount Serle, and Viscount Jehanson.

Reward: Depends on the enemy killed. The higher the position, the greater the rewards.

"F*** there's a prime minister, a Duke, the only Grand Duchess, two Earls, four Generals, and three Viscounts.

Earls usually serve as Mayors. So, I have to take down two cities. Viscounts control the NPC towns. So, that's another three towns. They aren't much of a problem.

But, Generals? That too, four of them? Each one can command at least a hundred elite soldiers. No, even if I try to ambush him alone, still he'll be nearly level-300. For a level-150 guy like me, it's impossible.

That Duke can be managed but Grand Duchess... it'll be very tough.

Ugh… this quest is very dangerous and will take a long time. But, helping her will solidify my position in the Kingdom.

Let's just help her for now. When the time's right…"

After accepting the quest, Wil spoke, "Your majesty, I may not be of much help to you, right now. But, I'll try my best to help you take your revenge in the future in my own way."

Mirella smiled, "thank you. I hope you'll be able to do that, one day."

*Ding. Your favorability with King increased by 10

*Ding. King's favorability reached 70. You met the requirements of upgrading your nobility.

*Ding. Do you want to upgrade your nobility badge and rise to Earl?

 War Online












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Ranobes » Updates » War Online » Chapter 68: King's Medallion





Chapter 68: King's Medallion

War Online

Looking at the notifications, Wil was stunned on the spot as he didn't expect favorability rise by another 10 after hearing the story and reach 70 so quickly.

Only then did he remember that King's favorability rose by 10 when he first became Viscount. "Hmm, that's right. I see… King's favorability starts at 30. I thought it would start at 0 since the King has the highest authority.

Come to think of it, I never got the chance to interact with a King before in my past life. Bran is always the player's representative in all wars and meetings.

With this, now, I'll be the player's representative for the Llyne Kingdom in the upcoming war.

Nah, I shouldn't be careless. There are eight more players who killed Cerberus and obtained an audience with the King. Anyone who has a chance to meet the King might turn into a competitor. Nevertheless, I'm the one in lead."

"Time Traveler, Hello…"

As Wil came to his senses, he apologized to which Mirella asked, "Where are you so lost in thoughts? You aren't responding for a while."

Wil replied, "It's nothing, Your Majesty. I was just thinking about how to complete my mission. Even though I cannot help you in assassinating your enemies, I can help with finding out the identity of the one who sent you the letters before you become the king.

I have a lot of friends who are very intelligent. They can deduce it once they hear the whole thing. If you can show me those letters, I can copy them and find out their identity. You can at least find out who your ally is. Not to mention, they know the complete truth and maybe, even a witness. They are probably hiding in fear." 

Mirella thought for a while and said, "Hmm... what you said might be right. After I became King, I'm more restricted and monitored except during sleep time. Maybe that's why that person stopped contacting me.

Here, take this…"

She suddenly took out a medallion that was hanging around her neck and handed it to Wil, "this medallion is a symbol of Royalty. With this, you can not only enter the palace and request an audience with me; you can even command a few Royal Knights and soldiers and will be treated as a member of the Royal family in the entire Kingdom. You can also protect yourself from danger. 

Honestly, the reason I'm giving you this medallion is because of Lord Raziel. In the past ten years, I have never seen someone he evaluated very highly.

He said the fate of mine and Kingdom is tied with you. As for the details, he didn't say anything and told me he didn't know anything else.

That's why; I trust you with this. I hope you won't misuse it to commit crimes and go against the laws of the Kingdom. If you do, then, I'll show how you terrifying a King's wrath can be…" 

Ignoring her warning at the end, Wil curiously inspected it as soon as he took it from her hand.

King's Medallion

Owner: Mirella Llyne

Grade: Legendary

Description: The medallion of the King. All members of the Royal family possess this medallion. Even an outsider is treated as a Royalty anywhere in the Kingdom as long as one shows it.


Access to Imperial palace of Llyne Kingdom.

You can command 50 Royal Knights or soldiers with a maximum of 100 levels above you. You cannot command a General or a soldier who outranks you in nobility.

50% discount on all purchases in NPC stores across the kingdom of Llyne. Doesn't stack with the same effects.

Access to the Royal treasury. You can rent the weapons from the Royal treasury and by exchanging with fame. 

Access to Black Citadel.

Access to Royal Library.

Access to the Royal guest room.

You can rent any Auction house and Battle Arena in the Kingdom once every week for free.


Teleportation: You can teleport from any place within the Kingdom to anywhere in the Kingdom of Llyne at any time as long as you visit the place once. You cannot teleport to the Imperial palace and no combat zones. CD: 12 hours.

Barrier: Release an invincible barrier that blocks all types of attacks for 30 seconds. Ineffective against a player's attack. CD: 10 hours

Wil inwardly gasped in a surprise, "This… What a stroke of luck."

He stood up and bowed as a part of etiquette, "I'm honored, Your Majesty. I'll not let you down."

As the sun began to rise, Mirella also stood up and walked to the door. Then, she pressed her ears on to it and listened for a while.

With her superior dragon senses, Wil knew Mirella was able to hear across the corridor. So, he stayed silent.

After a while, She looked at him and said, "no one is outside. I'm returning."

As Wil nodded, Mirella pulled the hood over her and opened the door silently and then, quickly disappeared from his view.

Wil didn't care much about whether she'll get caught again or not as he was extremely delighted while gripping the item in his hands.

"With this, everything becomes easy. I wonder whether Bran also enjoyed such privileges back then.

No, he would still enjoy such privileges even now. But, it doesn't matter.

Sooner or later, I'll make sure the Reverie Kingdom will be destroyed. Only that way, Bran and his guild's development will be slowed down.

Before that, there's an even more important mission. I should stop dad's assassination. Only 11 days left."

Wil smiled as he thought, "It's as if the heavens are helping me even outside the game. Or else, of all people, why would Silver be here? After this is over, I should discuss checking the transactions with him. Oh, but first things first…"

Keeping the medallion in the inventory, he took out the Silver nobility badge. Then, he received a notification once again.

*Ding. Requirements are met. You can upgrade to Earl.

As soon as pressed on accept, the Silver nobility badge turned to Gold color and he received a bunch of notifications.

*Ding. Congratulations, your status rose to Earl.

*Ding. Congratulations, you are the first player from the Llyne Kingdom to become an Earl. You received 1000 Fame and 10 Gold as a reward.

*Ding. Congratulations, you are the first player in the Xynnar Continent to become an Earl. You received 2000 Fame and 30 Gold as a reward.

*Ding. Congratulations, you are the third player in the world to become an Earl. You received 2000 Fame and 30 Gold as a reward. 

*Ding. You are summoned by the King.

*Ding. As an Earl, You'll be given a few plots of land and a Mansion to live. Go to the Imperial palace and receive your reward from the King.

"How the f*** there are two more people who became Earls before me? It's only been 10 days since the release. Must be a legend class user for sure. At the very least, I'm satisfied that Bran's progress is behind me."

Nobility Badge

Grade: Gold

Description: The badge that represents the nobility status in the Kingdom.

Effects: 50% Discount of all purchases in East Ocean City.

30% Discount of all purchases in the Llyne Kingdom.

You can hire guardians 75 levels above your level for a maximum of 200 in number from all the cities and towns of Llyne Kingdom.

"Oh boy. Looks like they tone down the power of Earl too, during the first major update. It used to be 150 levels above.

I guess I'm already making changes in the game from the past. But, then, again, with King's Medallion in my hand, it's not much use to me other than having numbers. That's also good when taking down the city." 

Without having anything else to do, Wil just sat down on the bed again and continued to enjoy the free exp.

Two hours later,

Wil was laughing as he was reading an exciting verbal fight against Imperials and Resistance. No, it's more like between the supporters of either of them.

Just then, he received a private message from Snow Dew, interrupting his entertainment.

Snow Dew: Big Brother Time Traveler, need help right now.

Wil was startled at first as it's been a while since he had any contact with the father and daughter pair. The last time was when both of them joined the guild and Flame Emperor handed his share of corrupted gold coins.

Since it's the first time they took an initiative to ask help, Wil quickly responded while wondering whether it's an ambush from Resistance.

Time Traveler: Right now? What happened?

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Chapter 69: Invitation to Lunch

War Online

As Wil started to think whether the Resistance finally decided to take action and ambushed Flame Emperor and Snow Dew, he received a quick reply. 

Snow Dew: A level -130 Heroic wild boss got mutated in the middle of battle. It only has 12% HP left. Not sure, we can hold out for a very long time. 

"Oh, it's just a monster, huh. If it's a level-130 mob and is mutated, then its maximum HP will increase to 36 million, the same as a level-160 Heroic mob. The same goes for its abilities.

No wonder, they are asking help. If both of them died and no one attacks in 30 minutes, then, it will reset." 

Time Traveler: I'm currently stuck here. So, I can't come but I'll send Remia and other guardians as your back up. Send me the coordinates. And only focus on defense and dodging. Nothing else… 


Using the contracts, Wil sent the message to Remia and the other four guards to go to the coordinates he received from Snow Dew.

After the matter is done, Wil continued to read the arguments between both sides. Soon, he got bored with it. So, he changed to Kingdom forums where all the players of Llyne Kingdom can read and post.

This section was mostly filled with players who belong to the capital city. Everyone was having a discussion about the unofficial event that a hundred member NPC army were on some kind of expedition in the new wild zone.

Although a lot of players started following them, because of their low level, they weren't able to follow for too long as the Army didn't have any intentions of helping them out.

Some players tried to force them to fend off the monsters that were attacking them but they were killed by NPCs along with the monsters.

After that, many of them backed off while only a few skilled assassins were able to follow them successively until the end.

As for Angel race players, none were able to follow them from the sky before the presence of monsters flying in the sky in all range of altitudes.

Meanwhile, only Rigel thought the matter might have something to do with Wil as it isn't a coincidence that he went into the palace two days ago. Then, became number one in Kingdom rankings after going into the new wild zone with ten NPCs. Now, just one day later, the King sent an army to a level-200 zone.

After thinking for a long time, Rigel put aside the humiliation he faced and tried to contact Time Traveler for another friendly discussion. But, he didn't expect that Aster and most of the boys in Scarlet were offline and taking a break upon Wil's order.

As for contacting Mountain Rock or Fiery Snake, it's useless since they never contacted their boss directly. Aster was the mediator between Wil and everyone.

Without any other way, Rigel once again decided to consult his leader.

After another 8 and a half hours passed, Wil finally heard notification sound while he glowed for a second. 

*Ding. You leveled up.

"Finally..." Wil sighed, "It took almost an entire day for me to level up once."

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

He unlocked the door and opened to a soldier standing outside.


He said, "Lord Time Traveler, You are being summoned by his majesty."

"The soldiers returned already?" thought Wil, "it shouldn't be this fast, right?" 

Wil said, "Sure, let's go."

"Um… forgive me for asking. Will you go dining room like this?" said the messenger.

"Eh? Dining room?" Wil was taken aback in a surprise upon hearing that he was being summoned to the dining room instead of the Courtroom.

With uncertainty in his tone, he asked, "Is his majesty summoned me to have lunch with him?"

The messenger nodded, "yes."

Wil then said, "okay... Give me 5 minutes. I'll change and come."

After closing and locking the door, Wil removed the equipment and changed the clothes after picking a luxurious looking one from the wardrobe as he didn't need to wash up or brush because the player's body is always fresh.

Looking in the mirror, Wil examined himself, "Hmm, I look very ordinary. As if I don't suit these clothes. Should I have not adjusted my face and body during the character creation?

No, that was necessary since my face might give away the relation between Scarlet Security and Vulture group.

This face should represent the Young master of Scarlet because my real face already represents the young master of the Vulture group.

Since both faces look only a little bit similar while body structure and age is different, most people will think I might be a cousin of myself instead of thinking that I adjusted my appearance.

Why? Because no young master of a Giant corporation would do that. Even if they do, they'll adjust it to become more handsome."

Looking at the mirror one more time, Wil commented, "Let's just avoid mirrors here. Yeah, let's do that."

Reaching the dining room with the messenger, Wil saw a long table that has at least a hundred chairs.

There are more than fifty dishes that spread all over from one end to another end of the table and twenty servants on standby while another twenty servants keep on bringing the dishes and arranging them on the table.

There isn't a feast or anything.

All of this is arranged for one person that is sitting at the end of the table.

No, two persons because Mirella suddenly decided to invite Wil while she was waiting.

Looking at him, Mirella smiled, "you came. Come, join me for lunch."

Wil thanked her and sit at the other end of the table just like how he used to eat with his dad at his home.


Meanwhile, at a certain convenience store, a female sat before Min while there is a closed sign outside. 

As she tried to convince him, Min replied with a stern tone, "I'm sorry. But, I'm a lone wolf. I'll remain as a mercenary no matter what. I won't join a guild not now, not ever. Please, you can leave…"

The young woman smiled as she stood up, "what's the hurry. You can think of our offer slowly. We'll meet tomorrow again."

"Whatever," snorted Min as he gestured her to get out.

As she exited the store and sat in the cab, she dialed a number, "Hello, Alex."

"Baby, I'm in a dungeon, right now. Just hold on for a while."

A few minutes later,

"Ok, tell me. Did you persuade Death King?" 

She replied with a darkened expression, "No. It looks like Min is adamant about staying as a mercenary."

"How about offer him double?" suggested Alex.

The girl replied, "I already did that. He refused to budge even when I tripled our offer. C'mon. How can someone reject a salary of Three hundred thousand dollars per month? That's three million credits.

Even my dad only had an annual salary of two million dollars."

Alex then joked, "Maybe, you should try seducing him."

The girl then replied with a flirtatious tone, "Hmm, that's not a bad idea. He looks cute. Totally my type."

"Hey…" shouted Alex.

"Hahaha, someone sure is jealous out there," The girl laughed and then said, "I'm just kidding. Jokes apart, I have another way to subdue him. I can use my dad's influence and arrest him. After booking him in several pending cases and putting him in jail, maybe, he'll listen?"

"First of all, don't try to ruin someone's life just because they don't listen to you. He isn't even our enemy. And secondly, Cherry, you are the daughter of a police chief, not some Mafia King. If things get out, you'll drag down your father's reputation. Eastern Continent is different from here. Don't ever do that…"

"Mafia?" The girl's eyes lit up, "Hey, I got another idea. Don't worry. He'll voluntarily join our guild."

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Chapter 70: Book of Alchemy

War Online

Since a player practically has an infinite amount of capacity to eat, Wil was able to try every dish that servants cooked.

To not embarrass Mirella, Wil just tasted each dish like a noble, instead of wolfing down even though he felt they taste more amazing than real-life food in a high-class restaurant.

Looking at his table manners, a smile appeared on Mirella and Wil received a notification.

*Ding. King liked your table manners. Your favourability with Mirella increased by 2.

"This... Even this will increase the favourability? I guess I should thank Storm for that for teaching me from young."

After finishing their meal in silence, Wil stood up and bowed, "I'll excuse myself, your majesty."

Mirella then said, "No, wait for a second."

As Wil looked at her curiously, Mirella clapped twice and all servants started leaving the room. Even the guards left the dining room and closed the door while standing outside.

Meanwhile, Wil's thoughts went haywire as Mirella started to walk towards him slowly, "damn, the way she walks is damn sexy. Maybe, she fancies me? You fool… Just look at your face and level. There's nothing about you that can attract her aside from these wings.

Ugh… do those developers have to create such a figure and even give a passive charm skill? Anyway, it's a fact a romance between NPC and players is forbidden. Hmm, still, one can marry an NPC even if they can't kiss or do other stuff.

As long as they reach certain conditions, one can even marry a high ranking noble or their daughter to gain nobility but each condition is different.

I remember a player named Zack even was managed to woo a princess of one kingdom in the South Zalfari continent and attained prince status. But, that's after the second or third major update."

"Hello… Time Traveler… Hello…"

By the time Wil came out of his thoughts, he saw Mirella was standing right before him and waving her hand with papers before his face.

"Ah, I apologize, Your Majesty."

Mirella sighed, "Seems like you have this habit of losing in thoughts. Anyway, here… take these."

Wil saw a stack of parchments in her other hand as she was handing to him.

Just then, Wil received a notification.

*Ding. You received a Quest

Description: Investigate the identity of the hidden ally of King after reading the letters.

Rewards: 5 million Exp, 500 fame, 10 Gold

Failure: Favorability with Mirella drop by 5

"This is one generous reward. I guess cracking it might be hard."

"I don't need you to return them. Everything in there is already in my memory. I hope you'll be able to find out something with your connections that I failed to solve. Since you gave me hope, I expect you'll not disappoint me."

Wil put the quest item in his inventory and replied, "I'll try my best to finish it."

Mirella then said, "Ok, you can leave."

Wil turned around and walked away leaving her alone in the dining room. After exiting the room, he saw the messenger was still waiting patiently to escort him back to his room.

While they were on the way, Wil suddenly stopped as he thought of something, "Can you take me to the library?"

"Royal Library? I'm afraid we can't. It is only available for royalty. Outsiders aren't allowed there," replied the messenger.

Wil smiled, "don't worry about it. Just take me there."

"If you say so…" The messenger changed the route and took him to the Royal Library while thinking, "Just because you are a guest of his majesty and ate lunch with her doesn't mean you can do everything as you wish. You should learn your lesson for once, lowly immortal."

Reaching the entrance, Wil saw there are two guards who are in level 260s.

The messenger then said, "Lord Time Traveler, I'll wait here."

As Wil nodded and started walking towards the guards, the messenger sneered, "Let's see how you will go past those two. I remember even a Duke was kicked out by them."

Meanwhile, as Wil reached them, one of them spoke sternly, "Halt your steps, right there. This place is off-limits for you. Return."

Before even two seconds passed, the messenger saw their guards' legs started to shake as Wil took out some object with a thread hanging on either side and showed it to them.

They hurriedly bowed and apologized at the same time before Wil entered the Library, stunning the messenger on spot.

*Ding. You entered the Royal Library. You receive 20 Exp every second.

*Ding. You entered a no-combat zone

"Cool…" *Whistle* Wil let out a whistle feeling the effects of free exp once again, "although, it's five times lower, still, something is better than nothing."

Unlike the city library, the Royal Library doesn't have levels but is very large. It's as big as the Courtroom and has thousands of books placed neatly.

"Hmm, certainly, this place is better than that guest room. Even if I receive less exp, I won't get bored. Although, I wonder whether I can find any high-level skills here…"

Just like he expected, after searching for an hour, he indeed found a bunch of skill books but alas, none of them suited him. Every skill book is related to sword techniques. 

Thinking that he won't find what he wants, Wil took out one random book and dragged a chair and then sat on it as he flipped the page.

After reading a few pages, Wil nodded in appreciation, "this is a good romantic-novel. What is its name by the way… Oh, Devil and the princess. This title is very familiar. Ah, I remember it now. It's Sierra's favorite…"

Suddenly, Wil stopped and his face became dark as he threw the book away. "Of all the things, why do I have to pick out this trashy novel? Let's read something else."

Wil took another novel from the shelf, "Secrets of Queen Iseut?"

After an hour, Wil was engrossed in reading the story of Queen Iseut, the only wife of the fourth King of Brinad, one of the Kingdoms in the Xynnar Continent.

She is a nymphomaniac, who secretly slept with her father-in-law, her brother-in-law, her nephew, niece, and even her son-in-law.

There are also others including a General and a Duchess.

She was caught by the King when she was sleeping with a Royal Knight and his beautiful wife and was executed on the spot along with the Royal Knight.

"What's funny is that the wife of the Royal knight became Queen, at the end."

After putting it back in the place, Wil searched for an adventure type of story this time but his eyes stopped moving as his gaze landed on a thick book.

Royal Book of Alchemy

Description: Contains the experiences and recipes invented by Hubertus Llyne, the only Grand Master Alchemist ever existed in 2000 years history of the Llyne Kingdom.

Purchase: 5000 Fame

"This… Legacy of a grandmaster… Hahaha, what a fortuitous encounter. If what I think is right, I can be Alchemist too."

Since he had more than 20000 fame, Wil didn't hesitate to spend it and purchased it.

As soon as he did that, the book disappeared from the shelf and appeared in his inventory. Wil didn't take the book out and calmly continued to inspect the books before taking out an adventure novel written by one of the retired Royal Knights about their King.

Half an hour later, as Wil continued to read the book, he suddenly received a notification.

*Ding. Someone is calling you from the outside world.

"Hmm, Silver?"

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Chapter 71: Cericia makes her move

War Online

Looking at the familiar number, Wil thought, "Silver? I wonder what he wants to talk about…"

"Yes, Silver"

"Hello, Young master. Thank god you are fine. I knocked on the door several times but you didn't open. I was worried," said Silver.

"I'm inside the game. If there's nothing important, I'm disconnecting the call, right now."

Silver immediately said, "Wait, Young master. Don't disconnect. There's something I need to report. Earlier, I was informed by Miss Rodin to threaten someone here."

"Hmm, Cherry wants to threaten someone? Who is it?" asked Wil with a frown as he knew it was her first time visiting the city. It might not be possible to make enemies within a short time.

"Someone named Chun Yongmin. She told me that he's an owner of a small convenience store. Originally, I want to complete it as it wouldn't take us long to subdue a mere shop keeper like him but I was present at the airport when Miss Rodin acted rudely towards the young master.

After remembering that, I can't help but…"

Wil smiled as he interrupted, "I know. And you did the right thing. Moreover, she isn't my wife to order you guys as she wishes.

Do one thing. Find out everything about this Chun Yongmin and what she wants from him.

If you can't find anything important, just tell her you'll do the job after hearing the full details.

Be adamant about it no matter what and tell her that it's my order as a last resort in case she dares to flip out."

"Ah, Yes…" Silver was astonished upon hearing out Wil's order. After disconnecting the call, Silver mumbled, "Young master is very different compared to a month ago. It's as if he became mature after coming to this city and living on his own.

Even at the airport, the young master I know will get angry feeling humiliation and immediately call his father and tell him about it. But, he just laughed as if he didn't take it seriously and left the place.

I should have a talk with Aster once and report to Lord Philip, later."


One hour later,

Wil's reading was once again disrupted by Silver.

Realizing that it was Silver, he quickly lifted the call, "Yes, Silver. What did you find?"

Silver replied, "Young master, Chun Yongmin is the son of the owner of Wyoming Food mart. He is a classmate of Lee Jiwon, a tenant at our Scarlet apartments.

He's currently working as a part-timer there because his dad is in poor health. No criminal records or hidden background have been found yet.

As for Miss Rodin, as you guessed, she instantly flipped out the moment I said I need to hear the details. She threatened me with Mr. Rodin and then, Lord Philip's name and locked herself inside the apartment after finding I was still adamant about it.

I apologize that I wasn't able to get any information from her."

"Oh, that part-timer?" Listening to him, Wil replied, "I know that guy. Don't worry. We can find out in other ways. Tell our boys to keep an eye on him. If she's the same girl as I knew 8 years ago, then, cops would arrest him for sure. If that ever happens, call me."

"Yes, Young master…" Silver once again fell into thoughts, "Is this even the Young master I knew? Just what happened in the past three weeks that he changed this much…"

Silver immediately dialed a number, "Hello, Aster. We need to meet, right away."


Back to the palace, Wil stayed in the library until the evening before joining the dinner with Mirella on her orders.

After finishing the dinner, he went straight to his room and sat on the bed before taking out three books from inventory.

Putting aside the two skill books, Wil opened the Alchemy Book with an expectation.

"What a f****** scam."

His expectations filled face turned red and almost threw the book in anger.

"I can't believe I of all people got scammed by the system. There's no f*****g legacy in it. I thought I can become an Alchemist while continuing to be an adventurer."

Unlike what Wil expected, it is just a book that contained the experiences and recipes of a Grandmaster, who belongs to the royal family.

Still, Wil at least thought of reading it once since he bought it with a large amount of fame. After reading it for an hour, the anger on his face already disappeared and was replaced with astonishment.

"Damn, this is a needle in a haystack. Hahaha, I can't believe I lucked it out."

Even though there is no legacy, it contains lots of recipes of legendary grade potions and pills. That alone is enough to satisfy anyone. So, Wil no longer considered it was a scam and even thought of placing it in the Bank Vault.

After carefully putting away the book in inventory, Wil then looked at the two skill books he purchased from the library with 1200 Fame and 3900 Fame respectively. Thus spending a total of 10100 fame and left with only 11100 fame, which he let the nobility badge consume thereby filling it up to almost half of it.

"I still need 11900 fame to meet one of the requirements to become Marquis. I guess I'll miss the achievement of being the first player but these two are also important. Can't do anything about it."


Description: Pull your enemy into your illusion of eternal darkness and blind your enemy. Cost: 2 Mana per second. CD: 1 hour


"So at the maximum level, it costs 2 mana per second and has a cooldown of 1 hour huh. Even though it's a great skill, it will work best with an Assassin's hands. Let's not learn and give it to Aster instead."

After throwing it inside the inventory, he took the second skill book in his hands with a big smile. 

Arrow Shower

Description: Shoot a magic energy Arrow into the sky and rain a shower of arrows upon the enemies in an area with 100 meters of the radius. Each arrow contains an attack power of a normal arrow. Cost: 3 mana per arrow. CD: 12 hours.


Looking at the skill, Wil continued to smile, "With Gravity Suppression, I can make everyone kneel and then, rain arrows on them from the sky. How wonderful that combo is… I really love AOE skills."

He instantly learned the skill and the book disappeared.


The crescent moon was covered by the clouds and complete darkness descended on to the world. Of course, this has nothing to with the players since its midnight, and half of them logged out as soon as it went dark while the other half are still leveling in the dungeons.

Since players outside of the Aynor continent don't have fire torches or knew the existence of night vision Skill, the large guilds came up with the strategy. They saved the five dungeon tries that are given per day until it gets almost dark.

They go into the dungeon and level up until sunrise when the new day starts. Looking at them, free players and small guilds decided to follow their strategy, and eventually, it spread all over the world.

Obviously, fights between the guilds can't be stopped when one guild solely wants to occupy it and kick out others using an opportunity that the dungeon cave can only accommodate 200 people. 

Of course, this has nothing to do with Wil as he was happily sleeping on a comfy bed in the palace while still enjoying free exp.

Suddenly, his beautiful dream was disrupted by a notification.

*Ding. Someone is calling you from outside

He looked at the number, "Silver, again? At this time?"

"What is it?"

"Young master, sorry for disturbing your sleep. But, it is an important matter. You are right about Miss Rodin. Police arrested Chun Yongmin at his house 15 minutes ago while claiming that they found drugs in his convenience store."

Upon hearing it, a frown appeared on Wil and he sat up immediately, "I knew it. That b**** didn't change one bit. It's a planted evidence, isn't it?"

Silver replied, "Yes, there's no doubt about it. Chun Yongmin's official statement is that he was being framed. He'll be tested for drugs tomorrow morning but it won't be of any use since the Colonel here is saying there's clear evidence. The poor guy still doesn't know that Miss Rodin is the one behind it. But, we still don't know why is she targetting him."

Wil then asked, "what's the statement of police?"

"According to police, they raided the convenience store in the middle of the night after getting an anonymous tip.

The statement says that 1 kg of stuff was being found in the storage room. He's now being interrogated as a drug seller.

What should I do now, Young Master? Should we save or leave him be?" said Silver.

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Chapter 72: Gains from the Realm of Light

War Online

"Young Master, should I save him or leave him be?"

Wil thought for a while and replied, "bail him out and get the details what feud Cericia has with him.

Don't divulge the relation between me and Cericia.

Just tell him that I'm a friend of Lee Jiwon and saw coincidentally saw the arrest. Using our connections, we found the mastermind behind his arrest. Simple."

"Understood, young master."

30 minutes later, Silver called him once again. 

"Is it done?

Silver replied, "Yes, Young master. He just went home but the case looks strong. Honestly, I don't think its worth to clash with the police over him.

They haven't informed the press too. I bet once he agrees to Miss Rodin's demand, the case will be closed.

I'm also worried about Miss Rodin's reaction once she realizes Scarlet is involved."

Wil then said, "It doesn't matter. I want to know what Cericia's demand is. Just tell me what you found."

"Looks like Miss Rodin also play the same game young master plays daily. She wanted Chun Yongmin to join her organization. When he didn't agree, I guess she wanted to use force to subdue him. It is a good tactic I should say…" explained Silver.

Upon hearing him Wil was taken aback, "just for this? Alright. I know how to deal with it. By the way, contact him again and find out her organization's name and his in-game name."

After disconnecting the call, Wil logged out immediately and dialed a number as soon as he stepped out of the capsule.

"Hello, Williard?"

"Hello, Uncle Walter. Sorry for disturbing you at this time," spoke Wil as if they are close.

On the other side, while Walter was also taken aback upon hearing this changed tone of Wil, the latter continued, "there's a situation here regarding Cherry."

"What happened?" asked Walter as he quickly stepped down from the bed.

"Ah, nothing happened to her, Uncle. She's fine. It's just she used your authority and arrested an acquaintance of mine in a drug bust over a petty feud inside a game.

That guy is still a High school sophomore. Although I bailed him out, the case is still there."

"What… That little… I'll immediately enquire about it," growled Walter as he disconnected the call.

15 minutes later, while Cericia is busy cursing around Wil and throwing things away in anger, Wil received a call from Walter stating that everything is solved.

After the matter is settled, Wil returned to the game and continued to sleep to enjoy his free exp.


The next day afternoon, in the royal guestroom, Lord Raziel and General Gerrad were standing before Wil while the soldiers were carrying large pouches and put it on the floor.

After they were done with it, Gerrad sent them away and said, "His majesty ordered me to hand over your share of the gains from the hidden realm. Excuse me…"

As he excused himself and left the room, Raziel took out a small pouch and spoke, "as his majesty promised, you can have any one of the items present in this storage bag."

Instead of taking out the items one by one, the Archangel just poured all of them on to the floor as if they were just worthless items in his eyes.

Hundreds of augment-stones, Hp and mana potions, a Heroic grade pet scroll, a Resurrection scroll, three skill books, and four level-200 epic grade equipment fell on the floor.

But, nothing caught his eyes as his entire attention was on the last two items.

Fragment of Light stone

Grade: Heroic

Description: One of the fragments of the stone of light. It can be used to purify any corrupted items under a legendary grade. Need 31 more to craft a Light stone.

Light and Dark Boots

Grade: Legendary

Level: 200

Class: Anyone

Hp: 3998750

Defense: 675333





Special skill: Every time you successfully dodge an attack, your movement speed increases by 20% for 5 seconds. 

Wil heart skipped a beat, "A legendary grade boots."

After glancing at both of the items for a whole minute, Wil sighed "Damn, what a loss."

He closed his eyes and picked up the glowing stone, "I'll choose this stone, Lord Raziel."

"Eh?" Raziel was clearly taken aback by his choice as he expected him to choose the legendary grade boots. But, he didn't question Wil's decision and waved his hand. All the items on the floor disappeared and went back into the storage bag.

"Okay, now that my job is done, I'm leaving." Raziel then turned around and walked away while Wil bowed lightly and sent him away.

After he exited from the room, Wil quickly locked it from inside before taking out a corrupted gold coin from his inventory without caring much about the seven large pouches on the floor.

After placing a corrupted gold coin on the bed, he touched it with the stone on his hand.

Suddenly, it glowed for a fraction of second before he received a notification.

*Ding. You purified a corrupted gold coin.

"Good. Now, let's continue with the rest."

He took out one of the pouches from the inventory and poured the coins from it on the bed.

After spreading it evenly, Wil then started touching each one with the stone and purifying it while receiving continuous notifications.

Two hours later, 

*Ding. You purified a corrupted gold coin.

"Finally." Wil stretched his body as he added the final gold coin to his currency.

Looking at the number of gold coins, a smile appeared on Wil, "with the addition of 3675 gold coins, I have 4355 in total. Now, let's see my gains..."

It was only after that, Wil opened the pouches to see his gains.

The first pouch contained light fruits. He skipped it and threw it aside as he already knew about it's effects.

Then he opened the second pouch to find small crystals bright red in color emitting the heat.

Fire Crystal

Grade: Low

Description: Crystals formed by the mixture of lava and volcanic rock over the years. Use it on equipment to increase their damage.

Effect: +10% fire attack when used it on a weapon, +10% fire resistance when used it on other equipment.

"only low grade? Ugh... Not much of use to me."

Then, he threw the third and fourth pouches aside as they too contain low-grade fire crystals and light fruits.

As he opened the fifth pouch, he saw fire crystals smaller in number but bigger in size.

Fire Crystal

Grade: Medium

Description: Crystals formed by the mixture of lava and volcanic rock over the years. Use it on equipment to increase their damage.

Effect: +50% fire attack when used it on a weapon, +50% fire resistance when used it on other equipment.

The sixth pouches contain several medicinal flowers and three red loti while the last one contained normal gold coins.

Fire Lotus

Description: A lotus that was grown on a lava lake.

Effect: Consume to gain 20% fire resistance permanently.

Medicinal Flower

Description: A material used for crafting potions. 

Then, he started counting all of them before placing them in the inventory.

"296 Light fruits, 165 low-grade fire crystals, 18 Medium-grade fire crystals, 3 Fire lotus, wow... 126 medicinal plants and flowers. Oh... 135 gold coins, not bad. If only there are high-grade crystals... sigh...

Now that I'm done with it, there's only one thing left to do..." 

Wil left the room and started walking towards the Courtroom.

As he reached the entrance, the guards who were on standby stopped him at first but then apologized and gave the way as soon as Wil took out the medallion.

"Who could have guessed that there's such kind of monster in the abyss. Your majesty, if not for Lord Raziel, there would have been many casualties." 

Wil saw Gerrad was in the middle of recounting the events that occurred in the hidden realm to Mirella while everyone was listening to him very intently.

Curious as he is, Wil grabbed a chair and sat down in a corner in the residents' section as he didn't get to explore the Realm of Light.

All of a sudden, Mirella called out, "Time Traveler? What are you doing there? Come forward."

After getting spotted by the King, Wil stood up and walked towards Mirella while the entire audience turned their heads towards him.

Wil bowed and greeted Mirella, "Greetings your majesty."

After enquiring him, Wil took out his Gold nobility badge and said, "Previously, I forgot to report to your majesty about my promotion to Earl. I apologize for causing a disturbance."

Upon hearing him, none of the ministers took the matter seriously as it's mandatory for every Earl to report to the courtroom so that they can receive plots and a Mansion to live. Not to mention, this is the man who found the hidden realm.

Except for a few who have displeasure written on their faces, the remaining just maintained silence waiting for their King's response.

Mirella waved her hand with a smile, "it's fine. Since you have done a great service to the kingdom, I reward you with something good.

I, Mirella Llyne, 632nd King of Llyne Kingdom hereby appoint you as the Mayor of Deloris town."

"Eh? An NPC town? The f***"

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Chapter 73: Mayor of Deloris town part-1

War Online

"I, Mirella Llyne, 632nd King of the Kingdom of Llyne hereby appoint you as the Mayor of Deloris town."

Upon hearing the verdict of the King, Wil was indeed taken aback as he was about to request to become the Mayor of East Ocean depending on their high favorability. But, he didn't expect that Mirella just decided instead of asking whether he wishes to become the Mayor of a certain town or not.

As she clapped once, a soldier entered the courtroom with a badge, land deed, and a key on a silver platter.

As the soldier reached him, Mirella added, "You'll be given 60000 square meters of land for personal use and a Mansion to live in."

*Ding. You received a Quest.

Description: The King has appointed you as the Mayor of Deloris town.

Reward: 60000 square meters of land and a Mansion.

Failure: King's favorability decreases by 50.

It was only after that, Wil sighed with a little relief as he accepted and completed the quest, "I knew this chic won't disappoint me. 60000 sq meters is equivalent to 60 plots of land in East Ocean City. And if I consider the capital city, then, it is even 100 plots. Very generous.

But, there are two issues here. One is NPC towns have no bank, no auction house, no battle arena, no port, no library, and very few restaurants, smithies, and labs. With a low player population, there is also no chance of profitable businesses. At least in the present situation. 

The second thing is that there's a little security and the town is easily conquerable if it's invaded by a huge army. Once the players' level improved, those large guilds will set their eyes on conquering NPC towns to develop personal towns.

Unlike a city where they need to be earl and need permission from the king to control it, an NPC town didn't have too many restrictions.

As long as they replace the vacant position with a Viscount Player, the palace won't send an army to punish the players.

If I have to cover all of these missing things, I need to spend my personal fortune to build them and hire guards. Huge expenditure but fewer returns… But, even that isn't even a problem.

The problem is that I want East Ocean city, one of the three cities in this Kingdom with a port. If only Mirella asked me what I want as a reward… Sigh…"

"Time Traveler, You are spacing out again…" Mirella spoke suddenly and brought him back to his senses.

Apologizing to her again, Wil took the three items and placed them in inventory before thanking Mirella as a part of courtesy.

After staying in the courtroom for an hour and a half, Wil exited the place as Mirella announced the end of the day.

As he decided to return to his city to carry out his next step, Wil waited for another hour in his room before he walked towards the King's chamber to say goodbye as a part of etiquette since he was a guest of her.

Of course, the real reason is to try his luck for one last time to see whether he can convince Mirella to let him become the Mayor of the East Ocean city.

"Is there something you wish to say, Time Traveler?" asked Mirella as soon as he stepped inside her room.

"Your majesty, Now that my business with the palace is finished, I'm returning to East Ocean city to tell the news to my friends," replied Wil.

Mirella nodded and then said, "You must have been surprised to be appointed as a Mayor all of a sudden, aren't you?"

Just then, he received a notification.

*Ding. Someone is calling you from the outside world.


Looking at the number, Wil rejected the call instantly before replying to Mirella, "If I should be honest, my wish is to be the Mayor of East Ocean City someday."

Understanding the meaning behind his words, Mirella just smiled and said, "Is that so? Hmm, you are an Earl and even a resident of East Ocean city. So, there's nothing for you to be appointed as a Mayor of the city but Earl Ravus is an honest man and is very loyal to the Kingdom.

There's no reason that I can fire him or transfer him to a smaller town.

Perhaps, if you managed to become a Marquis in the future, I may able to grant your wish. I'll even make an exception for you and let you be the mayor of both of them. 

Contributions to the Kingdom are the right way to climb up the social ladder. So, work hard as the Mayor of Deloris town.

I hope you will increase your social standing soon. The higher you climb, the more you can help me weed out my enemies. Good luck."

Wil smiled as he bowed, "I understand, your majesty."

After saying goodbye and leave the room, his smile froze, "damn… if you can't grant me East Ocean city, you should have left a route for me to have it in another way.

Now, even if I wanted to, I can't claim the city because I'm already a damn Mayor of another town. I won't able to get recognition from the king even if I use force and becoming a Marquis isn't easy. I already spent half of that fame on the alchemy book and those two skill books."

Exiting the palace, Wil didn't stay in the city much longer. He quickly reached the City temple and entered the teleportation formation.

A map of the Kingdom that was divided into ten regions appeared before his eyes.

Like every other Kingdom, each region/district has a city as its headquarters with two NPC towns and 30 beginner villages here and there near to them whereas the Capital district has Llyne city, four NPC towns, and 60 beginner villages around it.

If one considers a kingdom is in the shape of a full moon, then a small crescent moon shape on the right is filled with the nine districts that contain the towns and cities while the remaining tenth region that almost covers 70% of the Kingdom is comprised of the new wild zone and the other locked wild zones.

The perimeter of the outskirts will start with level 100-110 monsters and then their level increases in deeper regions filled with different landscapes.

The same goes for the region where cities, towns, and beginner villages facing their level 21-100 wild zones. That's how the map changed after the first update.

Looking at the Deloris town, that's pretty much near to the border of the country, Wil mumbled, "Since she promised that I can control Deloris town and East Ocean city once I become Marquis, then, let's make it my administration capital and let the city be my commercial capital."

Wil paid 2 gold coins and teleported to the town.

*Ding. You entered Deloris town

As he stepped outside of the temple, he saw there are a lot of residents roaming on the streets but wasn't able to see a single player while he was on his way towards the Mayor's mansion which led him to think whether there is even a player that changed their citizenship to this town.

As he reached the mansion, he saw there is a middle-aged gatekeeper around his level at the gate guarding it even though there was no Mayor inside.

As soon as he reached there, before they say dialogues like halt, stop right there or return, etc… Wil immediately took out his mayor's badge, which has a simple word Mayor of Deloris with winged Lion in the background.

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Chapter 74: Mayor of Deloris town part-2

War Online

As soon as Wil showed the badge to the gatekeeper, he was stunned at first and rubbed his eyes to see the badge again whether he was dreaming or not. After confirming it's real, tears filled his eyes as he bowed to Wil. 

After a while, he calmed down and greeted Wil with a bow as he introduced himself, "My name is Borris, milord. I used to be the Steward of the mansion but now I'm currently working as the gatekeeper. Forgive me for the unsightly display. It's been a very long time since we had a mayor. I thought his majesty had abandoned the people of the town."

*Ding. Favorability with Borris increased by 20

As Wil unlocked the house with his key, he found the inside of the house, a bit old and dusty.

Borris then said, "as you can see, it's been 15 years since the last mayor used to live… Just give me a day, milord. I'll make the house as good as new and will hire the necessary staff for it."

Wil nodded with understanding, "okay, now that I'm here, you don't need to work as the gatekeeper anymore. You can continue to be the Steward of this mansion and hire two gatekeepers. Take this 100 gold for now and get to work."

*Ding. You appointed Borris as Steward to your mansion.

*Ding. Favorability with Borris increased by 10

Since hiring maids, cook, and gatekeepers for the Mansion has nothing to do with him as a Mayor, Wil had no choice to spend his personal amount. But, he didn't flinch even a little bit and casually handed the amount as he was so rich that he doesn't need to use his card to buy gold anymore for a while.

After handing him the money, Wil then asked, "Where do I take charge as the Mayor, by the way?"

Borris replied, "Actually, There's a mayor's office in the Town administration building, but since it is very small, the past mayor changed that last room on the left as his office. After cleaning is done, you can use it."

"Okay, you can continue with your work while I'll go and take charge right now."

After leaving him, Wil walked towards the town center, where he saw there are all normal classes Association buildings, Adventure association, and Town Administration building and a fountain in the middle for attraction.

He entered the administration building and saw elves as receptionists as usual.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" asked an elf named Syvis.

Unlike Melina and others in East Ocean City, the receptionists here are humble and asked him politely to which Wil smiled as he showed them his mayor badge, "I'm the new mayor of this city. Can you show me where my office is?"

As soon as they heard him, the three elves stood up in a shock while Syvis uttered, "Ma… yor…? I apologize, Lord Mayor. Here, come this way…"

Wil reached the 3rd floor of the office and saw his cabin was indeed small as Borris mentioned. It's the size of a small bedroom with a desk and chair. There's a cupboard, and a wardrobe in the room but they are empty for now. It's up to Wil to use them however he wishes.

On the desk, there was a stamp that says Mayor of Deloris and has a dent on it in the shape of his Mayor's badge as if someone crafted the desk that way so that Wil put the badge on it.

"Lord Time Traveler, all you have to do is to put your badge on it and you will officially take charge of this town. And every day, you have to put the badge inside of it for attendance. Your daily work starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m." 

After giving her a simple nod, he put his badge inside it. The badge perfectly settled there in the space as he received a bunch of notification warnings.

*Ding. Once you take charge of this town, your citizenship changes from East Ocean city to Deloris town.

*Ding. Once you take charge of this town, you'll be removed as the Guild leader of Scarlet and drop down to a normal member. An outsider can't lead a Guild. 


As Wil already decided to bring the Scarlet guild to the town and let Silvershapers guild to develop in the city, Wil pressed confirm. 

*Ding. You are officially Mayor of Deloris town.

*Ding. A mayor's panel has been added to your character. Please check it out for details.

*Ding. Residents need to know that a new mayor is in town. Do you want to make a system announcement in the town or region?

"Hmm, if I consider the region… Let's see… this corresponding town is Regmore and the city is Eldershore? Hahaha, is this so-called fate? White Tiger, now, you are really doomed for sure. Before your company collapse, I'll kick you out from the city the second time."

He immediately selected the second option and the system made an announcement all over the region.

*Ding. Player Time Traveler is being appointed as the new mayor of the town.

*Ding. Mayors Quests are opened. Residents of the town can now accept the quests issued by the mayor at Adventurer Association.

Receiving the two consecutive system announcements, all the players who are currently present inside the city, the two towns, beginner villages, and those who were leveling in the wild zone were also shocked. 

Boomerang Guild residence;

Boomerang is a level-96 Blademaster who left the capital city with his 235 guildmates and settled in Deloris town after suffering huge competition from other guilds over leveling spots.

Because this is the northernmost region of the Kingdom and is in the border between two neighboring Kingdoms separated by a barrier, it was the last choice of all adventurers as many would consider it as a risk to develop here, thus resulted in only having a player population of mere 39000, if one excludes players from beginner villages and the people who already left.

In comparison, one can say it is the same size as a top guild from the capital city. 

Still, since it was a small guild and won't need much investment, Boomerang comfortably settled here coexisting with another small guild since there are no tensions of having guild branches in NPC towns because it would need a mayor's permission unlike in the city.

Other than having small issues regarding leveling spots with the Imperial guild and pinpoint guild from the neighboring city, they wouldn't need to worry about anything as almost all of them are just college students and so are average-level casual gamers. 

As the rest of them went to dungeons and wild zone to level-up, Boomerang was storing the equipment in Guild storage. Just then, a system announcement has been made across the region.

"What? Time Traveler came to this town? No, wait a second. He is a mayor? Hmm, as the resident of the town, I should at least congratulate him personally, right?"

Not just him, similar reactions were seen everywhere in the region even if it was for a short time. After all, Time Traveler is the number one ranked player in the Kingdom. According to casual and average players, he's the strongest player in the Llyne kingdom.

While many players didn't have much of a reaction other than getting shocked for a few seconds, the scene is entirely different in beginner villages.

Because of the presence of Time Traveler, now, many beginners begin to consider moving into the town and hoping to have a chance of getting into his guild while the rest were skeptical about it as even a noob knows a city is better than a town.

It's not like they are in a real-world where one would need to pay food, rent, taxes, etc… that they need to consider their budget and prefer towns. So, for a casual player, NPC towns aren't much useful. 

And there is one more place that has a completely different atmosphere.

Barren Lands, Level 95-100 zone;

A group of 10 belonging to the Imperial guild was fighting the heroic boss Cerberus. Since most of their levels are in the late nineties and their leader is even higher than the boss, they easily overpowered it.

Just when the boss entered a berserk stage in the last 1%, suddenly, everyone heard the system announcement. While the seven of them are also stunned for a second, a darkened expression appeared on the other two while the last one, their leader White Tiger roared, "Time Traveler, damn you…"

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Chapter 75: Mayor of Deloris town part-3

War Online

As soon as White Tiger heard the notification regarding his arch-enemy, he dashed towards the three-headed dog in anger and madly attacked it with all of the skills without caring about anything.

As he killed it and the drops fell on the ground, White Tiger thought, "Is this a coincidence or a planned strategy against me because I put a hefty bounty on him?

Hmpf, this isn't East Ocean city. I have taken over not only this city lead position but even the so-called also our rival, pinpoint guild with money. I even planted several subsidiary guilds in the city. Now, more than half of the players inside the city are actually under me. Let's see what you can do this time.

And, this time, I won't foolishly raise the bounty on you. I know it'll be useless because of your level. That's why... I'll wait… wait until the average player level increases to 200.

After that, neither the default guards hired by the system nor the ones you'll hire for your protection will save you.

Just you wait. I'll demolish the city you'll painstakingly develop before your eyes."

Meanwhile, in the Mayor's office, Wil took his seat after realizing the badge won't budge until his working hours are done and sent a message to Aster after sending Syvis away. 

Time Traveler: Aster, we are shifting our base of operations to an NPC town named Deloris. I'm now the mayor of this town. Tell everyone in the guild to shift to this town. Our Scarlet guild will settle here permanently. As for Silvershapers, they'll continue to develop in the city.

Time Traveler: I'm sending you 500 gold coins. Silvershapers should be expanded into all other eight cities. Each branch manager will have the same salary as Fiery Snake. They should sign the contract in real life.

Time Traveler: Let MountainRock take care of the selection and sign up process. After all, he is the guild leader. If there are any issues, you can help out but that's it. You'll stop involving in that guild's business directly from now onwards. If he can't do that and thinks he's incapable, tell him to step down. We'll choose someone else as the leader and make him a branch manager in another city.

Time Traveler: Oh, by the way, tell Mountain Rock to make an application to open a guild branch here. And tell Flame Emperor and Snow Dew to contact me if they have any problems with my arrangements.

After messaging him all the orders at once, Wil then opened the Mayor's panel.

Name: Time Traveler

Nobility rank: Earl

Designation: Mayor

Place: Deloris town

Free System announcements per day: 3

Deloris town statistics:

Area: 15.02 square km

Total number of residents: 3781

Number of native residents: 3258

Number of players: 523

Number of Guilds: Two

Number of Associations: 9

Number of Stores: 8

Smithy: 2

Lab: 2

Restaurants: 5

Street Food Stalls: 26

Agricultural fields: 7895 

Agriculture tax: 2%

Commercial Tax: 15%

Current tax rate per week: 52 gold, 36 Silver, 52 Copper

Tax rate to the palace: 50% 

Current Funds: 83 gold, 12 Silver, 10 Copper

"No wonder, the income is so low. It's funny that there is a double number of agriculture fields than residents. Most of the town area is occupied by fields. What can I do with a mere 52 gold?

It's just 52 gold per week and in that, 26 gold will go to the palace. I don't think it's possible to develop this town with it. 

Oh, I guess, this is how I can give announcements huh…"

At the end of the panel, there's an option of the announcement, which lets him make a system announcement inside the town or give a personal notification to the resident of the town whoever or wherever he might be.

Once the free announcements were over, he had to pay 5 gold coins for every system announcement and 10 gold coins for every personal notification.

After getting to know all the information about his town, Wil exited his office and came to the ground floor where he saw the only three employees of the Administration building were busy lazing around.

As soon as they saw them, they stood up and greeted him formally since they didn't have the time to do that before.

As an elf named Cellica offered him a chair to take a seat, Wil smiled and waved his hand, "it's fine. I'm here to enquire if there are available lands to buy. I'm an Earl, by the way."

Wil showed them his nobility badge as above Earl, a player can buy the locked plots and even stores.

Another elf replied quickly, "Absolutely, Mr. Mayor."

A map of the town appeared before him as she started explaining, "As you can see, this is our town. Outside of this core region of the town, where residents live, the north and eastern regions are filled with entirely agriculture fields.

The southern region is a way to go to other towns and cities. The western region has a total of 250 plots of which only these 25 are allowed to be bought. As an Earl of the Kingdom, you can buy 25 plots of the remaining 225. The plots cost 5 Gold each and for you, it's 2 gold 50 silver.

Oh, there are also 12 stores that are built inside the town which are currently empty. Others normally can only rent them for 1 Gold per week. As an Earl, you can buy such stores for 10 Gold. There's no discount on this purchase.

Wil smiled, "I'll buy everything."

"Everything?" The three of them were stunned on the spot as they didn't expect it. They were astonished by the fact that their new Mayor is someone who had lots of gold. After all, to buy fifty lands and 12 stores, he had to pay more than 200 gold.

As they were about to get a huge commission for selling the lands, which is greater than their salaries, they forgot a simple logic that the money he paid will end up in his own pocket at the end of the week. After all, Wil is the mayor of this town.

But, even if they discover it in the future, they weren't able to do anything as Wil was buying the lands officially and he's an Earl while they are simple commoners who are working as civil servants.

Before they get out of their shock, Wil took out the land deed he got from the King as a gift and showed it to them, "this is a deed of 60,000 sq.meters of land on my name. His majesty gave me the liberty of choosing the area. Considering the area of each plot is 1500 sq. meters in a town and I'm buying 25 of them, I'll be taking all of this 97500 sq. meters of land in the restricted section and the other 25 plots of land that's available.

Bring the deeds of the fifty lands I showed you, 12 stores, and register this land deed in the reports. Here's the money.

Wil casually handed out a pouch containing 245 gold to Syvis while the youngest elf named Nuala hurriedly went to the 2nd floor to bring the stack of land deeds.

As the process is going on, he received a message from Flame Emperor.

Flame Emperor: I heard that you want to shift everyone to Deloris town? Do you know that the town the closest thing to the border? Once the barrier between the Kingdoms is lifted and incase, a war broke out, the town will be the first one to get destroyed.

Time Traveler: Well, I have my plans for safety too. I took everything into consideration. Oh, by the way, I found the item that can purify the corrupted gold coins.

Time Traveler: However, since I can't implicate you to follow my decisions unconditionally, I will immediately purify the corrupted gold coins that you have with a 1500 gold commission if you want to leave the guild.

Time Traveler: But, if you decide to remain, you will have freedom like before but you can't question my decisions.

Flame Emperor: 1500 coins? As I expected. You sure increased the amount you offered me last time as soon as you found the item. 

Time Traveler: Don't get me wrong. I invested quite an amount to get the item very quickly. As you can see, it's not even a week since we get our hands on the corrupted gold. So, what do you say? Will you follow me and risk it without asking any questions or will you pay the commission and return to being your former life?

As he was waiting for the Flame Emperor's answer, Wil received a system notification.

*Ding. Someone from the outside world sent you a text.

As he opened the notification, he saw it was from his old number. This time, she sent a threatening message.

XXXX: Meet Cericia before tomorrow's sunrise or else you will pay for it.

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Chapter 76: Flame Emperor's choice

War Online

XXXX: Meet Cericia before tomorrow's sunrise or you will pay for it.

"Huh? What's with these childish threats? It was fine until last night. Did that old man's brain got haywire or something? Or maybe, that b***h complained against me?

No, it's impossible. Unlike my dad, He's a police chief. A person at that level won't foolishly choose to believe their children's lies. If I'm right, he'll still be angry with her, right now.

Even if he weren't, at least he will be on my side.

Not to mention, sending a message a second time will give away his identity. If that happens, how could he ensure the marriage if he threatens his potential son-in-law? There's something wrong here.

Wait a second. What if he doesn't have anything to do with it? What if my mobile phone was never with him? What if…"

While he was in the middle of thinking, the elves brought the land deeds and handed over it to him.

After the process is over, Wil went back to the Mayor's office on the 3rd floor to wait for Flame Emperor, SnowDew, and others…

Meanwhile, he sent a message to Aster.

Time Traveler: Aster, do one thing for me. Call our branch office and ask them to track my old number, right now. I also want to know the locations of it during the past week along with call records.

Shadow Blade: Understood, young master.

Time Traveler: By the way, where are you? Why aren't you here, yet?

Shadow Blade: I'm on my way, Young master. I'm still inside the wild zone and trying to return to the city to teleport. Currently, I'm looking for a safe spot to log out and complete the Young master's order. 

Time Traveler: Okay, text me when you arrive here. We can talk about my mobile phone details directly. 

While he was waiting for Aster's report, Wil received a reply from Flame Emperor.

Upon reading the message, Wil sighed, "I didn't think this guy is so decisive. Well, if they are losing their opportunity, I can't do anything about it."

Flame Emperor: I'm sorry. I think we choose to be free again.

Time Traveler: it's alright. Everyone has their own paths to choose... You can teleport to Deloris town here. Then, come to the mayor's office. It's in Town's administration building. Let's finish our deal and done with it.

At the same moment, he received a message from Snow Dew this time.

Snow Dew: Big Brother Time Traveler, I'm not leaving the guild. 

"Eh? Snow Dew wants to stay?"

Time Traveler: But, your dad just messaged me saying that both of you will leave the guild.

Snow Dew: That's his decision and this is mine. 

Unknowingly, a smile appeared on Wil as read the message, "This girl…"

*Ding. You stayed inside the game for 55 hours. We recommend you to log out soon.

Wil ignored the warning from the S-grade capsule as he already decided to log out once his conversation with both of them over.

Not to mention, how can he log out when his mayor's badge was stuck inside the table, which can only happen once his working hours are over. And there's still 75 minutes left for it. 

Time Traveler: How about this. Your dad is coming to Deloris town. Tag along with him. We'll talk about the rest…

Snow Dew: Sure…

"Looks like this little girl grew up a bit…"

One hour later, Wil was standing before the window and looking outside, "tell me, now."

Aster, who was standing beside him, replied, "Young Master, your mobile phone is actually in our apartment building all along. There are no additional call records from it except for sending the message to your new mobile twice."

"So, the mobile phone is with Cherry, eh… If that's the case, she was also the one who send the death threat the first time. For an entire 2 hours, I was scared of my life and hid in a capsule. If I don't teach her a lesson, I'll change my name..."

After calming himself, Wil looked at him, "okay, you disband the guild and go to the Adventurer association to form it again and invite me and others except for Flame Emperor and Snow Dew.

Oh, and try to gather info about the Imperial guild and its allies. Since we became neighbors by coincidence; we might as well cut him down, right now. Just plant new spies in all in their enemy and ally guilds."

Before he speaks further, Aster replied, "don't worry about him, Young master. I have done that job, long ago.

Lu Heibei thinks he captured this city with his subsidiary guilds but he doesn't know that our spies were the ones that were gathering the members and increasing his guild strength for him.

That's how the Imperial guild became the number one guild in Eldershore city very quickly. The moment we take over the company, we'll claim everything."

"Wow, the way he brings out results is so scary indeed. Looks like I really underestimated his intelligence," Wil was stupefied on the spot and then smiled as he patted the shoulder, "well done Aster. Oh, by the way, this is for you…"

Wil then took out the skill book he saved for Aster and gave it to him.

Looking at the illusion skill that can make the enemy go blind, Aster took a step back in a surprise, "this is… amazing. Young master, I can't take it. It's too precious. Maybe, the young master should learn it."

"When I giving you something, just take it, will ya… Moreover, I don't need it. It's suitable for an Assassin like you. Practice the skill and master it. Now, go…" Wil snorted as he folded his hands.

Aster nodded and left the office with an excited expression after learning it.

Gazing outside from the window, Wil mumbled, "Okay, the matter with Aster is done. Just when will these father and daughter arrive here?"


Reverie Kingdom;

In an illusionary realm, Bran was fighting against a level-100 legendary grade Giant Serpent creature.

Unlike Wil, Bran was wearing his original equipment, full level-100 epic grade from top to bottom.

Looking at the enemy that only has a few hundred thousand of health, Bran unleashed his strongest move, Sword of Zenon, a skill he bought in the first system auction.

Sword of Zenon (Max)

Description: Let the sword absorb the magic energy in the surroundings and strengthen itself. Your next attack deals the damage with 100 times your attack power. CD: 1 day. Cost: 100 mana.

He motioned the long katana in his hand as he turned around 360 degrees for once and slashed the air.

Magic energy in the surroundings started to envelop the long katana and became a Giant sword as it sliced the snake in half and ended the final wave.

*Ding. You defeated Sapphire Grieve Viper

*Ding. You completed all the waves. 

Panting heavily, he sat down on the ground, "Finally… man… it took me 60 hours to finish this trial. Fighting these legendary grade bosses one after another is really tiresome. I wonder how my real body is holding up." 

As he returned to the cave, the spirit of High-Elf Eden said with a smile, "well done, my successor. You had indeed exceeded my expectations.

As a reward, I'll give you two choices. Your first option is three unique skills of mine, one per each wave. Your second option is unsealing those two treasures of mine, right now. Make your choice."

After thinking for a while, weighing out the pros and cons, Bran spoke, "I made my choice. I chose to unseal the mythic grade weapon and accessory."


Deloris town;

Before the town temple, Flame Emperor was speaking emotionally with Snow Dew, "my little snow, now that daddy will not be with you to protect you around, you should already be wary whether it's the people or the monsters. Whenever you are confused about something, don't hesitate to ask for help. I'll come straight to you wherever you are and..." 

Meanwhile, Wil, who stood on the side started to grumble, "Do you need to be so dramatic about it? It's not like you are leaving your daughter at her mother-in-law's house. You'll still see her every day at your home."

Flame Emperor then patted Wil's shoulder, "if things go wrong in the future, don't forget that you have an ally in the capital."

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and get out of my town. I'm getting sick of this drama..." Wil sighed and gave a simple nod in return.

 War Online












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 War Online












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