
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, 0Jordinio0 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Hybrid (Skyrim Self Insert)


My heart was absolutely racing as I jumped to my feet, my right hand igniting with red hot flames while sparking, crackling blue power exploded into existence in my left and whirled to face.

"Good instincts." the ethereal blue form of Sinding nodded approvingly at me. And despite appearing before me in such a weak man's form, there was a massive, intense pressure pressing down on me.

I jerked to a stop, just before I thrust out my hands and unleashed the magic in my palm. I clenched my hands together, dispelling the magic and dropped down to one knee, "Lord Hircine." I said respectfully. As fucking annoying as it was to bow down and be respectful at the drop of a hat, it was the best play to make. It was in my best interest not to draw his ire, especially with what I'm planning.

"No need for the ceremony young hunter, I have no interest in it," Hircine waved me off, gesturing for me to rise back to my feet. I did as bided, "Though, I believe you have something of mine?"

I forced myself to remain calm. The pressure Hircine exuded, was intense. I was jittery and could feel the adrenaline humming in my veins. My fight or flight instincts were a hair trigger from rampaging out of control.

I have killed wolves. I have killed sabre cats. I have killed bears. I have killed bandits. I have killed even Draugr that had escaped their resting places and even felled a mighty troll with powerful regeneration. That meant nothing in the face of the ultimate hunter. The god of of the hunt.

"Yes." I replied simply and held up my hand towards the gods ethereal avatar, holding out the white ring sitting upon my palm.

"I thank you young hunter," Hircine dipped his head lightly once in recognition and plucked the ring from my grasp, where it immediately disappeared, "You have impressed me. Your ability to stalk your prey undetected and leave without a soul knowing of your efforts was marvellous and you have done me a great service."

"It was nothing Lord Hircine," I played it off. In the end, it wasn't all that hard to accomplish, "An opportunity was presented to me to accomplish a goal, and I merely took advantage of it. The fact that I could retrieve your ring was mere icing on the cake."

"Hmm, I will not ask how you knew my ring was stolen," Hircine hummed and nodded slightly, "But tell me young hunter, why did you want the soul of a werewolf? I can sense a grand ambition from you, an ambition I have not sensed from a mortal in a many a year. Does it perhaps have something to do with the soul of the vampire you have taken as well?"

...He could sense the soul of Vighar? Or was he simply watching the entirety of Falkreath since Sinding was here and saw me?

He'll most likely be able to tell if I lie, so maybe playing it straight is my best bet? I have a bit of his favour right now, so being up front with it might work out the best.

"It does," I answered, "I want to be strong. More than strong, I want to stand above all others and gain the power needed to let me do as I please. And the method I thought of, needs the soul of a werewolf and a vampire."

"..I see.." Hircine trailed off for a moment before snorting lightly and beginning to laugh, "How audacious of you young hunter! I see what you want! The power of the beast and the power of a creature of the night. That would indeed make for a powerful combination."

He was amused, and was laughing. That was a good thing right?

Hircine kept laughing for a good few moments before calming down, "Quite the task though. To achieve such a form, you would have to destroy the tether that links those souls to not only myself, but Molag Bal as well," the Daedric Prince of the hunt mused lightly, "You would need a lot more power than you have now to accomplish such a thing. You picked your targets well though, I do admit. The soul of one I would see punished for his transgressions against me, and a vampire Molag Bal, fickle as he is, has most likely long forgotten about."

They were more targets of opportunity, "Luck favoured me my lord." I replied humbly. As I mentioned before. It really was just plain luck. Sinding, in his human form I could take, but as a werewolf? Unlikely. Unlike the game where werewolves were a joke, in this world, the true werewolves are monstrous beasts. Even in human form they are multiple times stronger than before they were bitten, and when they transformed, their strength and other physical abilities was massively increased even further.

And there is no way in hell I could have taken Vighar. Either in his base humanoid form, and definitely not the vampire lord form. Only absurd existences like the Last Dragonborn could take beasts like that one on one and win.

"True, luck did indeed favour you. But, you will find young hunter, that luck is indeed a major factor in a true hunt," Hircine replied idly, and then began stroking his chin, "Still, it is quite the creature you aim to become. A true predator of predators. What will you call it? A werepire perhaps?"

I chuckled, no way, that sounded cringe as fuck, "I was thinking more along the lines of a Hybrid," I shrugged, "After all, the werewolf and the vampire are only two thirds of the set that I'm going after."

"Hoh?" Hircine leaned forward in interest, I had his full undivided attention "Your ambition is great indeed. Tell me, what other manner of creatures power are you planning on taking for yourself? The power of the bear perhaps? The crocodile? The shark?"

"None of the above," I smirked. Interesting though, he had confirmed the existence of the were crocodile and were shark that were mere rumour and myth to both my lives, "Though, the crocodile is close I guess. It is a lizard, just one higher up on the food chain."

Hircine's eyes went wide with realization and a wide grin split across his face, "Ah, now that is an ambition I did not foresee at all. Your desire for strength is greater than I thought," the god shook his head, "I have underestimated you hunter. To take the power of the wolf and vampire for yourself is a lofty goal in of itself, but you will not be satisfied with merely that I see. You desire the soul of a Dova."

"That's the plan." I nodded, crossing my arms.

What kind of soul gem can hold the soul of a dragon? No Grand or Black soul gems would be able to do it. At their simplest, in the mortal realm, dragons are the mightiest beasts of all, the children of Akatosh, Demi-Gods.

I don't want to simple be a hybrid of werewolf and vampire. I want to become Dovakhiin as well.

The only soul gem I can think of that can possibly hold the soul of a dragon, is Azura's Star.

But, I don't need the full soul of a dragon. I just need part of it, enough to empower my own soul and become Dragonborn. Then, even with that meagre amount, with the strength of a werewolf and a vampire lord, I may be strong enough to kill dragons myself, or at least survive in the battles that will ensue around them.

Bit by bit, soul by soul, I will devour the souls of the dragons. I will become the most powerful in the mortal realm. And with the combined regeneration of a werewolf and vampire lord, and the immortality of a vampire, I will be unstoppable.

"How very interesting, I take my words from before back. I have met only one mortal like you, and they became my sibling," Hircine laughed, spreading his arms wide, "I will be watching you with interest young hunter. In fact, how would you like to be my champion?"

..Wait, what?

"Sorry Lord Hircine, but I don't want to be bound to anybody, that's the whole point of going for these things the way I am, or I'd just become a werewolf right here and now." I replied.

"I respect that, but I do like you young hunter, your boldness and ambition resonate with me," Hircine mused, before smirking at me, "What say we make it a competition?"

I gave him a confused look, blinking slowly, "Competition?" I wondered.

Chuckling, Hircine clicked his fingers, and suddenly, a familiar white marble ring with a roaring wolf head decoration slipped onto the middle finger of my right hand, and the fur atop my torso was on my bed and replaced by a different, much more luxurious looking piece of fur armour, with a furry collar at the back and deep plunging neckline and sleeveless arms.

I could feel the power emanating from them both. The ring itself felt so much different compared to what it was like before.

"I have un-cursed my ring, and you now wear the Savior's Hide," Hircine explained looking me in the eye, "Take these and be my champion. With them, I have first claim to your soul beyond any other should you accept. The competition is simple. If you manage to accomplish your goal, I will relinquish my claim on your soul and you may keep my artifacts and do with them as you please."

"Wait, seriously!?" my eyes flew wide open. I wasn't fucking expecting this at all! The ring alone let any were beast fully control their transformations without any training and transform back and forth as they pleased. And the Saviors Hide in game offered magic resistance and poison resistance. But, the power I feel coming off it, is insane! And I could feel the magic coming from it spreading all across my body. It alone was probably tougher than steel armour!

"I am indeed serious," Hircine dropped his arms and nodded, "So what do you say young hunter, will you take me up on my challenge?"

With Hircine's Ring and the Saviors Hide, things I'd be leery about going for right now, are easily well within reach. The Saviors Hide specifically is perfect for letting me get my hands on another incredibly amazing piece of armour, one worn by somebody that shouldn't be all that far from where I am right now either.

And being the Champion of Hircine affords me a certain measure of protection from other Daedric Princes and will let me operate much more freely and with much less hesitation.

..And in the end. Hircine's realm is definitely not the worst I could end up in after death as far as risks go. I only need to be stronger than the rest so I'm the predator and not the prey.

"Sign me up," I grinned, "I'll take you up on that challenge Lord Hircine."

Hircine laughed and clapped his hands, "Splendid, splendid!" the god of the hunt crowed, "Tell me my champion, what is your name?"

"Yormin Fafning, be sure to remember it, because everyone will have their eyes on me some day in the near future." I introduced myself boastfully, I was on a high, my luck could not have been better!

"Descending Dragon eh? Quite the fitting name," Hircine happily nodded, and crossed his arms over his chest, "Use my artifacts well my champion. And hunt well, for I will be watching!"

And then the Daedric Prince was gone, as if he was never there to begin with.

Laughing at the absurdity of it all, I fell back onto my head and just lay there for a moment, coming to terms with what just happened.

Things really are going incredibly well for me right now.

'I suppose the next course of action is getting a bit power like he said I'd need. But, I'll need to get my hands on another black soul gem for that.' I mused.

There's a certain other powerful artifact I should be able to get my hands on easily enough. A special mask that allowed the user to summon the spectral soul of a Dragon Priest to fight for them. In other words, an incredibly powerful person from thousands of years ago, and incredibly vulnerable. A sitting duck, just like Sinding and Vighar.

Even just a fraction of the power of one of them would increase my own power massively.

And from there, I think I may head back to the Evergreen Glade. The place where my old home sat just weeks ago before it got burned to the ground during the scuffle between the retarded Stormcloaks and the impotent Imperials.

There's a certain burial mound not far from my old home. I'd came across it many a time and had been told by my father it was most likely a remnant from a large battle and many a proud and honorable Nord was probably buried within.

I now knew though, that it is the grave of a dragon.

'Before all that though, I need to make some money.' I mused, my eyes going to the enchanted fur top sitting on my bed.

Good thing anything enchanted was worth quite a bit of money, wasn't it?

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Ranobes » Updates » War Online » Chapter 77: A talk with Silver





Chapter 77: A talk with Silver

War Online

After sending off Flame Emperor, Wil then turned to Snow Dew and said, "Since you made your choice, I'll remind you once again. Here, everything I order had to be followed unconditionally.

Unlike other guilds, we don't level up together. Whether you level up on your own or party with strangers is your wish. Unless you are in serious trouble, you shouldn't send a message asking for help.

And If you really need help, don't hesitate to ask in the guild and me.

This is how you'll become truly independent."

Snow Dew smiled and bragged in response, "of course, I already know about that, Big Brother. Dad told me about it. Not to mention, I'm stronger than him, you know."

"This girl…" Wil shakes his head with a smile… 


After his working hours are over, Wil logged out and stepped out of the capsule.

One hour later, Wil was happily eating chow mein, a simple eastern continent's dish as dinner while watching the news.

*Ring* Ring*

Looking at the number, Wil rejected the call and mumbled, "I don't know what is that you want to talk about that you had to call me twice and sent a threatening message, but now that I know you are the one who dares to send me the death threat, do you still think I care what you want to talk about?

Soon, you'll know how deep I bore grudges. Oh, that's right, I forgot to call Silver…"

Wil immediately dialed his number, "Hello, Silver."

"Young master?"

Wil then said, "Wherever you are, come to my home, ASAP. We need to talk."

Within 15 minutes, Silver reached Wil's apartment.

Opening the door, Wil turn around and spoke while going into the kitchen to clean the dishes, "close it. And sit wherever you like."

After a while, Wil sat before him and said, "I called you here for two things. First, Cericia. As you can see, Mr. Rodin left her in our protection. But, she was going here and there, causing unnecessary trouble.

That's why, from now onwards; she won't step outside of her house. Appoint a female bodyguard for her. Whatever groceries or the female products she needed for the rest of the week will be handled by her. No matter what, she shouldn't put a single step out of the house."

"I absolutely agree with you, Young master. Looks like even Mr. Rodin thinks the same. Just today morning, He called me and said to house arrest her for a day."

"Eh? Cericia is in house arrest?" Wil was clearly taken aback by Silver's report.

As Silver nodded in confirmation, Wil thought, "I see, that's why she's calling me, probably for either a truce or for a challenge."

A grin appeared on Wil as he said, "good. Then, we shouldn't disappoint Mr. Rodin. We'll House arrest her for the next 3 days.

First, deactivate my old SIM card. Then, take her mobile phone away and also wifi router and television from the apartment. 

If Mr. Rodin calls, then, tell him that I'm teaching my fiancée a lesson by house arresting her for sending a death threat against me because I saved an innocent fellow. As for others, you can ignore or reject their calls…

Somehow, if any police dare on entering the compound with a search warrant with a stupid reason of her acquaintance making a complaint, warn them that they and their families will have to face the wrath of the Scarlet group. If some higher official contacts you, tell them they can contact her father for it."

Looking into Silver's eyes, he calmly raised three fingers, "Remember, Silver. For 3 days… she should be out of contact with the world.

In this day of age, even a day without the internet, mobile phone, and television will make one go crazy. I bet 3 days are enough to let her know that she can't mess with anyone she wanted to."

"Lord Louis?" Looking at Wil's expression as he raised the fingers, Silver mumbled in a shock to see the old Mafia lord on Wil for a few seconds and similar words resounded in his ears from his memories, "Remember, Philip, Storm, and Silver. For 7 days… He and his subordinates should be out of contact with the world.

Let send the police department into chaos by making the rest of their higher officials disappeared. Killing them is easy but they should know that not even police chief can mess with Vulture group."


"Little kid is becoming more like his grandfather. I guess the change might have to do with him living independently. I wonder how Phil will take this news. After all, he doesn't… Sigh…" Silver came back to his senses quickly and nodded, "yes, I understood. It shall be done. And what about the second thing?"

Wil's expression turned serious, "this is confidential. You are someone who is with him for almost thirty-five years.

Everyone knows that you and Storm are practically like younger brothers to him. That's why I can trust you with it.

But, Dad must know what I'm about to say. Can you really keep it from him?"

Silver frowned at first as he never kept a secret from Phil. Still, he nodded after deciding that he'll think about it after hearing the news.

Wil then said, "Within a week or two, there'll be an attack on dad. Not just a simple ambush from the enemy but someone from inside.

Dad ignores my warnings. So, I'm telling you to be careful."

Silver frown became deeper as he asked, "What is your source? Is it credible?"

If it were before, Silver wouldn't have thought about it deeply as Wil was just a 19-year-old kid to him but after talking with Aster and seeing the changes in him personally, Silver decided to treat his words seriously.

Wil replied, "I can't reveal who it is but I'm also not sure about its credibility either. That's why I want you to track all the accounts of our elites.

No, not just their accounts; look into their family and relatives' accounts and see if there's a huge transaction near or over 100 million dollars happened in the past month or two or not.

One must at least take that much money to try to assassinate someone like dad, right?"

After listening to him patiently, Silver shook his head, "no, assassins can never take full payment upfront. It goes against our code. It always goes with 10-50% in advance and the rest after the job. That's how it works.

And, young master, you greatly underestimate the value of Lord Philip. Mafia Lord isn't a title given to your dad by others but is a position given by all Mafia Dons to the leader of the strongest gang.

Even though our Vulture group is no longer as dominating as when your grandfather is alive, still, the value of Lord Philip's head is at least 10 billion dollars and can even go as high as 50 Billion dollars. So, we are always alert in each second.

Even if it's an advance, it'll cross a billion dollars. One won't be foolish to keep that much money in banks. Still, it doesn't hurt to check them once. I'll do as you said and inform you within three days."

"Fi… Fifty… Fifty billion dollars?" Wil's mind clearly was shaken by the shock. As he drank water and try to calm himself, Wil thought, "That means my life is even more in danger than I thought."

Then he asked, "Then, what about me, Silver? If his enemies can pay that much money, then just to see him suffer, surely there must be a bounty on my head, right?"

 War Online

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Ranobes » Updates » War Online » Chapter 78: Williard Smith?





Chapter 78: Williard Smith?

War Online

As Wil asked whether there was any bounty of him or not, Silver replied with a smile, "actually, Young Master doesn't exist yet."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Looking at Wil's confused face, Silver gave a detailed explanation, "I'm not sure whether you are ready to know this or not. So, I'll explain it to you on the surface.

You see our Yarlford city doesn't look as it seems. Before you arrive here, you saw that the guards inside the compound increased from usual 50-100 to three times, right?"

As Wil nodded, Silver continued with his explanation, "that's just for the sake of appearances. Our real security lies in our city, itself.

Ever wondered why there isn't an extremely low crime rate in our Yarlford city?

Ever wondered why no one dared to even attempt to kidnap you much less an ambush even though you used to have little security?

It's not just because of Lord Philip's name. 

We have eyes and ears on every inch in the city. Whether it's the police, fireman, a simple IT employee, lawyer, doctor, teacher, or even a prostitute, etc… we have people everywhere.

One word from us, whether it's the enemy in the street or a betrayer in the city can never escape out of the city. They can be killed by anyone at any time.

That's how your identity has been kept secret from the entire world.

Of course, it's inevitable that once you graduate from university and turn 21 years old, your identity will be revealed as Williard Smith… Ah…"

Silver immediately shut up his mouth and became silent. 

"Huh? What did you say?" Wil looked at him with a frown.

Silver coughed and tried to divert the topic, "anyway, Chun Yongmin's father invited me to their house for dinner today. I will make sure to extract all the information from him this time, young master. If you'll excuse me..."

Just as he stood up, Wil spoke seriously, "I'm sure they won't mind waiting 15 minutes more. Can you please get back to the topic? If I heard you correctly, you said my identity will be revealed as Williard Smith, not as Williard Ravens…"

Silver sighed, "Please don't talk about this topic with your father. Lord Philip was the one who was supposed to tell you.

As you already know your father wants you to take over as the new chairman of Scarlet group after your graduation. Who do you think is the old chairman? No, it's accurate to say, chairwoman…"

"You mean…"

Silver nodded, "yes, your late mother, Scarlet Smith. So, to make your identity more secure, your surname will be changed to Smith. Even on your college graduation certificate, it'll be written as Williard Smith. Once, you finish your graduation, you'll be CEO as well as the chairman of the Scarlet group. 

I hope you will not talk about this until lord Philip talks with you. He'll be angered if he knows I told you."

Wil nodded in understanding and send Silver away.

After he was alone once again, Wil lies down on the bed, "Sigh... what a fate. After dad died, I changed my identity to Williard Smith using mom's surname but who could've guessed that I have to live with the same surname even if I didn't run away.

Then again, 50 Billion dollars bounty? That's 500 Billion credits.

Just how much money do these mafia groups have in secret, anyway? Even in 2025, the richest guy only has 182 Billion dollars worth of property.

Well, I guess it is expected. It's not hard-earned money anyway. After all, most of their money comes from casinos and the rest were the taxes these businessmen pay as a contribution.

Hmm, casinos… Now that I think about casinos, I have seen a couple of casinos in the game in my previous life.

Should I build one at East Ocean city?

But, it's a risk though. Unlike in real life, the system doesn't allow cheating and I might really face losses if someone hits a jackpot. Well, it's worth trying though. If it doesn't work, I can just demolish it and build another one.

How about making a list and see what is left to do…"

He quickly sat on the bed and opened the laptop.

Then, he started writing a checklist.

Gaming Company: Done

Silvershapers: Done

Idol group and actors: Not yet

Architects: Not yet

Fashion Designers: Not yet

East Ocean city: Not yet

Investment in-game: Done

Heibei Corporation: Not yet

Saving Dad: Not yet

Sierra: ???

As Wil realized what he has typed unknowingly while going with the flow, he immediately let his thoughts astray while the memory of a pretty girl appeared in his mind.

"Thanks, Wil. Because of you, I completed my assignment in time…"

He quickly erased the word as he mumbled, "it's already been 2 years since I last saw her and yet…

Sigh… it's really tough to forget your first love even if you went back in time. Forget it, I have already moved on. Anyway, let's continue. Hmm, what else there is to do…

Nah, let's stop here. There are too many things I have yet to finish. I can think of other goals after these. Let's make a list of what to build in East Ocean City, instead.

Let's see... I have 53 plots of land. Each plot in the city is 1000 sq.m. So, that's 53000 sq.m. I guess it'll be more than enough. All I need to do is to find the best Architect to plan.

Laboratory for Alchemists 

Smithies for Blacksmiths

Restaurants with multiple kitchens for chefs

Weapon store

Potions store

A separate store for materials like augment stones, scrolls, etc… 

An entertainment agency for artists

Work area for fashion designers

Shopping mall 

Private Battle Arena 

Private Auction House

Private Bank

A high-class hotel with rooms having the same effects as royal guest rooms

Private Library

While writing a long list of what he planned to build, Wil yawned, "let's just resume it tomorrow. We have a lot of time." He immediately closed the laptop and slept.

The next day, at 8 a.m., Wil logged in.

*Welcome to War Online*

As soon as he logged in, Wil received a text from Aster.

Shadow Blade: Young master, looks like guilds of "Resistance" somehow found about our move and decided to become more active. A big-scale fight just finished between Ouroboros and Paradise for the wild boss.

Shadow Blade: Our allies are asking whether Scarlet left Imperials too and decided to settle elsewhere…

Reading the message from Aster, Wil sighed, "if only I became the Mayor of the city, I would have already kicked them out of the city by now. Well, let's go with plan B, then."

Time Traveler: Since they asked for it, then fine, we'll go to war. Call everyone for a meeting in an hour. I'll tell you about the meeting place in a few minutes.

After sending a reply, Wil started walking towards his mansion to check whether the work is finished or not.

Reaching the gate, Wil saw two gatekeepers around his level.

As he took charge as the mayor, his appearance and name have been integrated into the minds of the native residents of the town i.e. NPCs.

So, the gatekeepers quickly recognized him and greeted him before opening the gate without Wil having to show his mayor's badge.

Entering the compound, he saw a gardener planting the flowers. Ignoring him, Wil entered the Mansion and saw it was sparkly clean and everything is arranged properly.

*Ding. You entered a no-combat zone.

Wil bitterly smiled, "I guess even I can't attack anyone in my house."

As he glanced around, he mumbled, "strange. How come there's no one here?"

"Hello, anyone here?"

As Wil spoke a bit loudly, suddenly, a servant wearing an apron and a chef hat rushed from the kitchen.

As she hurriedly bowed, the lady spoke, "greetings master. My name is Ciara. I'm in charge of cooking. Is there anything you would like to eat to drink?"

Wil replied, "Just any fruit juice would do. By the way, where is Borris?"

Ciara replied, "He's upstairs to check on Dessie. Uhh, she's in charge of chores. It's been more than one hour though."

Just then, a notification sound rang in his ears.

*Ding. Your servant Dessie and Steward Borris are missing

*Ding. You received a Quest

Description: As a part of her job, Dessie went to the 2nd floor to clean but failed to return. Steward Borris went to check up on her and he went missing too. Investigate the mystery.

Reward: 10k exp, 12 silver.



Novels online

Ranobes » Updates » War Online » Chapter 79: World inside a portrait





Chapter 79: World inside a portrait

War Online

Looking at the sudden quest prompt, at first, Wil was excited that some terrifying being lives on the 2nd floor but then after looking at the rewards, a frown appeared on him, "only 10K exp, and 12 silver? Sigh… do I have any choice… my 100 gold is still with Borris, after all."

He accepted the quest and said, "Ciara, in a couple of hours, there'll be guests here. Will you alone be enough to cook for 10 people?"

Ciara placed her arm with a fist on her chest and replied, "Leave everything to me, master. Borris already bought enough ingredients for the next week. So, we have plenty in the kitchen."

Wil nodded, "okay, I'll leave the menu to you, then. Get going."

As she rushed back to the kitchen, Wil started walking towards upstairs while sending a message to Aster.

Time Traveler: 2 hours. Our meeting will be scheduled in 2 hours at my mansion here at Deloris. And just in case, remind them that either only the Guild Leader or Vice guild leader can represent their guild in our meetings.

Shadow Blade: Understood, young master.

Reaching the first floor, he saw everything was perfectly cleaned and properly arranged too. He didn't roam around and continue to climb the stairs.

Wil frowned as he saw the corridor of the second floor is also the same, which means the servant cleaned it too.

"But, the quest says they went missing here. Maybe, one of the rooms?"

As soon as he saw the doors on either side, he realized the interior of the second floor is completely different from the first or ground floor. Perhaps, it is intended for guests. So, it looked more like an inn or a hotel.

On a long corridor, there are six rooms on the right side and five on left, with doors closed.

Wil opened the first door on the left and looked inside to see a perfectly cleaned room with a properly arranged bed, wardrobe, etc…

*Ding. You stepped inside Mayor's guest room. You receive 20 exp for every second.

A smile appeared on Wil, "cool. Not as good as Royal guest room but at twice effective than Vip rooms in an inn." 

The first room on the right was also in the same condition and quite identical to it.

Wil started opening each door one by one and closing it after finding there's nothing wrong.

But, when he opened the fifth door on the left, he saw it was dusty and have spider webs here and there. Unlike the previous rooms, this one is also bigger than the rest.

He stepped inside the room…

*Ding. You entered the Mayor's room. You receive 30 exp for every second. 

There are no signs of two of them but as soon as he saw the cleaning equipment and a portrait on the wall, Wil immediately came into a conclusion.

He walked towards the portrait and takes a closer look at it.

It was a portrait of a pot-bellied fat middle-aged man with a bow in one hand while gazing at a dead lion below his feet.

As soon as he inspected it, details appeared before him.

Portrait of Brier

Description: It is the portrait of Brier, who served as the 35th mayor of Deloris town.

Since there wasn't any other info, Wil frowned, "that's it? It seems like this is a normal portrait but my intuition tells me that this is the source of trouble. Is it the spirit of Mayor haunting this room?"

To test his theory, he spoke loudly, "wherever you are, come out and return my servants."

But, there was no response to his words.

"If you want to play hide and seek, then, suit yourself but this is my house now. Anything that is not related to me doesn't have the right to stay here. Just like this portrait."

Wil then walked a few steps and reached out for the portrait to throw it out.

As soon as he touched it, suddenly, his surroundings changed to a cleaner room, and then, received a notification.

*Ding. You entered an Illusionary realm

Looking at the notification and his surroundings, his lips curled up, "now, this is interesting."

An Illusionary realm is an illusion world created by the power of the mind. Its power depends on the user or the item that casts it. The more powerful the user or item, the more trouble it is to break.

There are many types of Illusionary realms. Some have monsters inside it. Some have treasures while some have memories.

But, there are common rules that all types of Illusionary realms will follow. One is that its power cannot be changed once it was cast and the caster can't control it.

Second is that once the defensive mechanisms disappear, the illusion realm will also be destroyed.

Third and final rule is that everything inside is just an illusion. You can be trapped forever but cannot be killed. Even if someone died, they'll just return to the real world.

It was one of the ways to exit the illusionary realm, although, for some strong Illusionary realms, people will just resurrect instead and go through the same thing over and over again. 

The place Wil was in is actually the same room and same mansion. He instantly realized it's the memory type. A relatively weak one that shows the memory of the person.

"According to Borris, it's been 15 years since the last mayor. So, I guess I'm at the same time period, right now. Maybe, both of them are also here. I need to find them first. But, before that…"

After Wil checked his skills and realized they weren't in grey, a grin appeared on his face, "good, then let's solve it in my style."

He opened the door and exits the room and saw there's an NPC at the end of the corridor who look like in a hurry for something. Before the other guy gets to ask who Wil is…

Wil raised his bow towards him and conjured a fire arrow. Before the NPC knows what's going on, an arrow that made of fire struck in his throat and he fell on the floor. A clear amount of shock was seen from his lifeless eyes. 

Wil slowly walked as he took the bow in his hand and started to climb down the stairs without glancing at the dead body.

Reaching the first floor, he walked towards one of the rooms but then, as he heard sounds coming from the ground floor, Wil turned around and continued to climb down the stairs.

As he further went down to the ground floor, Wil found two level-100 soldiers are dragging away the Mayor while the latter is pleading. From the corner of the hall, he saw four servants are watching the scene. To his surprise, two of them were Dessie and Borris.

*Ding. You found missing servants

*Ding. You completed the quest. You received 10K EXP and 12 silver.

Wil ignored it and put his entire attention is on the soldiers. 

As soon as they turned around, Wil thought it was a chance and without giving any warning, he conjured a big Fireball and threw at one of their backs.

As it struck it one of the soldiers from behind, a crt appeared and he died on the spot while his body continued to burn for the next ten seconds.

The Mayor and the other soldier jumped away in instinct after seeing him dead.

"You two, what are you doing there. Come here. Let's go back," As a cold tone resounded across the hall, "Master…" both the servants cried out in excitement at the same time.

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Chapter 80: Mayor's secret stash

War Online

Following the voice, as the Mayor and a soldier saw a stranger aiming the bow towards them, the soldier spoke raising his guard up, "who are you? Are you interfering with his majesty's decree?"

Honestly, Wil can actually solve this by simply taking out his King's medallion but he didn't do so. Instead, he replied coldly, "If there are any soldiers waiting outside, call them now before you end up like him. If not, you are free to run away."

As the soldier glanced at the charred body, he felt fear and shouted, "Soon, all of you will be hunted by the Kingdom" before trying to run away from there.

Just when he ran two to three steps and almost reached the exit, suddenly, a huge pressure dawned upon everyone and all of them were forced to kneel on the floor.

"Argh... What's happening?"

The soldier and mayor shouted at the same time as they felt something is pushing them on to the floor and they were helpless against it.

While the low-level servants weren't able to hold on and fainted right away, the soldier and the mayor were stuck on to the ground and struggled to move with everything they got.

But, how can they rise... After all, it's an absolute suppression. Glancing at Wil, Mayor Brier spoke with extreme difficulty, "please, he... help me..." 

Wil ignored his plea and looked at the soldier coldly, "you could have lived if you just run away silently. I don't like threats you see, whether it's a real one or an empty one. Now, you shall die with everyone…"

As the colors on Brier's face was drained upon hearing Wil's judgment, Wil's words resounded the hall, "Heavenly push."

As soon as he spoke his strongest move, the system asked how much mana he intends to put into the attack.

Selecting mana as high as 50, Wil unleashed the attack and a huge gust of air erupted from his body in all sides pushing away everyone else away from him.

After that…

Well, there's no more after that. Everyone was dead including the mayor and his servants. Once again he found himself before the portrait.

Borris and Dessie also returned to the real world, although Wil found them lying on the floor, instead.

"Hmm, probably because they fainted even before they died." 

Turning his attention towards the portrait that was broken, Wil mumbled, "I don't need to know your worthless story and the following quest. Even I know that Lions are considered scared inside this kingdom because it's the symbol of the kingdom. That's why there are no Lion beasts inside the wild zone or dungeons.

Unless it's corrupted, you cannot kill a Lion. And as a Mayor, you dared not only hunt it but also make a portrait out of it... You really deserve to be arrested."

Then, he looked around the room to see if there are any other objects like these. He threw the portrait, clothes, and things on the floor as if he was searching for something.

After throwing away all the clothes from the wardrobe, Wil finally found a palm-sized silver box embedded with gems on top.

Oriole's box

Description: It was filled with money she saved secretly without telling her husband.

As he tried to open it, the box opened easily, and found gold and silver coins inside of it. "Sigh... only 23 gold coins and 36 silver coins in total? I guess I expect too much money from these poor.

Let's hope, I find at least a decent amount in Mayor's safe. Usually, every higher official of a kingdom is a corrupt one. But, the important question is where is it that he hid? It must be somewhere here..."

After rummaging around all the room for 10 minutes, Wil finally gave up and decided to look elsewhere.

Before leaving the room, he woke up Borris with a good slap on the cheek and ordered him to throw away everything inside the room and buy new things.

Borris nodded dumbly while a nice red print is on his right cheek.

It's not because Wil lacked water to sprinkle to wake him up but when he saw both of them made him work hard to bring them out for a mere 12 silver, Wil flared up in anger for a second and thought he should at least gave a light punishment.

Because the cleaner was a lady, he didn't bring himself to slap her for such a little mistake. So, Borris took the slap instead.

Leaving the lady in his care, Wil came downstairs and roamed the first floor, which has a mini library, although it is more like a couple of bookshelves with normal books; There is another bedroom that's as big as the one from the second floor.

Unlike the room on the second floor, it doesn't give any exp. It's just a normal bedroom with a king-size bed, a mirror, a bathroom, a wardrobe, and a couple of normal paintings on the wall.

"Hmm, if they have a bedroom here, then, what was the box doing in that room? Did this guy steal it and hid it there or something?" Wil started to think while a frown appeared on his face.

The first thing he did is to walk towards the wardrobe and search it.

Just as he thought, he has found a huge safe in a hidden compartment inside the wardrobe.

After clearing out the wardrobe, Wil looked at it closely and saw there's a dent on it just like the table in the Mayor's office. Upon inspecting it, he found…

Mayor's safe

Description: A safe of Mayor that is used to store the town funds and personal money.

Current owner: Time Traveler

"It looks like this isn't a personal item of past mayor but an official Safe. Let's open it and see if I can find something."

As he inserted the mayor's badge, he turned the handle and opened it to see a few documents on the top shelf. The middle row and the bottom row were filled with gold coins.

"What the f***"

While the middle row has a lot fewer gold coins, the bottom row is completely filled that more than 10 coins dropped on the floor the moment Wil opened the safe.

Looking at gold coins, Wil cursed out, "you f*****g Mayor, just how much corrupted are you? The entire town tax only has a mere 26 gold per week after paying the contribution to the palace and yet, you amassed such a wealth…"

"Either way, I lucked out," Wil grinned and started collecting the gold dropped on the floor into his inventory. Just when he tried the same with the middle row, the number didn't increase but a separate pouch has been created and occupied a space in the inventory.

Wil was taken aback seeing the situation, "is this also corrupted gold or something?"

As he inspected one of the coins, Wil didn't found anything different. It's just that all the coins he absorbed from the middle row were stored into a pouch while it was fine with the bottom row.

After realizing that the number of coins in the pouch matches with the town funds that's shown in the Mayor panel, Wil came to the conclusion that all the funds and tax will automatically get collected inside the safe and get stored in the middle row.

As for the bottom row, it was past Mayor's personal stash.

After absorbing all the gold, he looked at the top of the inventory and gasped after seeing the number.

Gold: 8156

Silver: 26

Copper: 59

Augment stones: 78

Inventory space: 126/5000

"Damn… After spending 800 gold and getting 1500 gold from Flame Emperor, Originally I used to have around 5200 gold. Now, it's 3000 gold further increase. If a mayor of a town has such a high amount, I wonder how much city mayor has… and those Dukes and Duchess have in their vaults."

"It really makes me wish to go on an expedition to conquer everything," Wil grinned as he takes a look at the documents on the top row.

Wil didn't touch the documents believing they are worthless after seeing a big X mark on all of them and closed the safe. 

"I guess the Kingdom took back all the lands he possessed after arresting him."

90 minutes later;

In the dining room, along with Aster and Wil, nine members sat together while Ciara, Borris, and Dessie were bringing the dishes and placing them on to the table.

After finishing the feast, Wil smiled, "as everyone knows, today's agenda is about crushing Resistance. Let's start it, shall we?"

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Chapter 80: Mayor's secret stash

War Online

Following the voice, as the Mayor and a soldier saw a stranger aiming the bow towards them, the soldier spoke raising his guard up, "who are you? Are you interfering with his majesty's decree?"

Honestly, Wil can actually solve this by simply taking out his King's medallion but he didn't do so. Instead, he replied coldly, "If there are any soldiers waiting outside, call them now before you end up like him. If not, you are free to run away."

As the soldier glanced at the charred body, he felt fear and shouted, "Soon, all of you will be hunted by the Kingdom" before trying to run away from there.

Just when he ran two to three steps and almost reached the exit, suddenly, a huge pressure dawned upon everyone and all of them were forced to kneel on the floor.

"Argh... What's happening?"

The soldier and mayor shouted at the same time as they felt something is pushing them on to the floor and they were helpless against it.

While the low-level servants weren't able to hold on and fainted right away, the soldier and the mayor were stuck on to the ground and struggled to move with everything they got.

But, how can they rise... After all, it's an absolute suppression. Glancing at Wil, Mayor Brier spoke with extreme difficulty, "please, he... help me..." 

Wil ignored his plea and looked at the soldier coldly, "you could have lived if you just run away silently. I don't like threats you see, whether it's a real one or an empty one. Now, you shall die with everyone…"

As the colors on Brier's face was drained upon hearing Wil's judgment, Wil's words resounded the hall, "Heavenly push."

As soon as he spoke his strongest move, the system asked how much mana he intends to put into the attack.

Selecting mana as high as 50, Wil unleashed the attack and a huge gust of air erupted from his body in all sides pushing away everyone else away from him.

After that…

Well, there's no more after that. Everyone was dead including the mayor and his servants. Once again he found himself before the portrait.

Borris and Dessie also returned to the real world, although Wil found them lying on the floor, instead.

"Hmm, probably because they fainted even before they died." 

Turning his attention towards the portrait that was broken, Wil mumbled, "I don't need to know your worthless story and the following quest. Even I know that Lions are considered scared inside this kingdom because it's the symbol of the kingdom. That's why there are no Lion beasts inside the wild zone or dungeons.

Unless it's corrupted, you cannot kill a Lion. And as a Mayor, you dared not only hunt it but also make a portrait out of it... You really deserve to be arrested."

Then, he looked around the room to see if there are any other objects like these. He threw the portrait, clothes, and things on the floor as if he was searching for something.

After throwing away all the clothes from the wardrobe, Wil finally found a palm-sized silver box embedded with gems on top.

Oriole's box

Description: It was filled with money she saved secretly without telling her husband.

As he tried to open it, the box opened easily, and found gold and silver coins inside of it. "Sigh... only 23 gold coins and 36 silver coins in total? I guess I expect too much money from these poor.

Let's hope, I find at least a decent amount in Mayor's safe. Usually, every higher official of a kingdom is a corrupt one. But, the important question is where is it that he hid? It must be somewhere here..."

After rummaging around all the room for 10 minutes, Wil finally gave up and decided to look elsewhere.

Before leaving the room, he woke up Borris with a good slap on the cheek and ordered him to throw away everything inside the room and buy new things.

Borris nodded dumbly while a nice red print is on his right cheek.

It's not because Wil lacked water to sprinkle to wake him up but when he saw both of them made him work hard to bring them out for a mere 12 silver, Wil flared up in anger for a second and thought he should at least gave a light punishment.

Because the cleaner was a lady, he didn't bring himself to slap her for such a little mistake. So, Borris took the slap instead.

Leaving the lady in his care, Wil came downstairs and roamed the first floor, which has a mini library, although it is more like a couple of bookshelves with normal books; There is another bedroom that's as big as the one from the second floor.

Unlike the room on the second floor, it doesn't give any exp. It's just a normal bedroom with a king-size bed, a mirror, a bathroom, a wardrobe, and a couple of normal paintings on the wall.

"Hmm, if they have a bedroom here, then, what was the box doing in that room? Did this guy steal it and hid it there or something?" Wil started to think while a frown appeared on his face.

The first thing he did is to walk towards the wardrobe and search it.

Just as he thought, he has found a huge safe in a hidden compartment inside the wardrobe.

After clearing out the wardrobe, Wil looked at it closely and saw there's a dent on it just like the table in the Mayor's office. Upon inspecting it, he found…

Mayor's safe

Description: A safe of Mayor that is used to store the town funds and personal money.

Current owner: Time Traveler

"It looks like this isn't a personal item of past mayor but an official Safe. Let's open it and see if I can find something."

As he inserted the mayor's badge, he turned the handle and opened it to see a few documents on the top shelf. The middle row and the bottom row were filled with gold coins.

"What the f***"

While the middle row has a lot fewer gold coins, the bottom row is completely filled that more than 10 coins dropped on the floor the moment Wil opened the safe.

Looking at gold coins, Wil cursed out, "you f*****g Mayor, just how much corrupted are you? The entire town tax only has a mere 26 gold per week after paying the contribution to the palace and yet, you amassed such a wealth…"

"Either way, I lucked out," Wil grinned and started collecting the gold dropped on the floor into his inventory. Just when he tried the same with the middle row, the number didn't increase but a separate pouch has been created and occupied a space in the inventory.

Wil was taken aback seeing the situation, "is this also corrupted gold or something?"

As he inspected one of the coins, Wil didn't found anything different. It's just that all the coins he absorbed from the middle row were stored into a pouch while it was fine with the bottom row.

After realizing that the number of coins in the pouch matches with the town funds that's shown in the Mayor panel, Wil came to the conclusion that all the funds and tax will automatically get collected inside the safe and get stored in the middle row.

As for the bottom row, it was past Mayor's personal stash.

After absorbing all the gold, he looked at the top of the inventory and gasped after seeing the number.

Gold: 8156

Silver: 26

Copper: 59

Augment stones: 78

Inventory space: 126/5000

"Damn… After spending 800 gold and getting 1500 gold from Flame Emperor, Originally I used to have around 5200 gold. Now, it's 3000 gold further increase. If a mayor of a town has such a high amount, I wonder how much city mayor has… and those Dukes and Duchess have in their vaults."

"It really makes me wish to go on an expedition to conquer everything," Wil grinned as he takes a look at the documents on the top row.

Wil didn't touch the documents believing they are worthless after seeing a big X mark on all of them and closed the safe. 

"I guess the Kingdom took back all the lands he possessed after arresting him."

90 minutes later;

In the dining room, along with Aster and Wil, nine members sat together while Ciara, Borris, and Dessie were bringing the dishes and placing them on to the table.

After finishing the feast, Wil smiled, "as everyone knows, today's agenda is about crushing Resistance. Let's start it, shall we?"

 War Online












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Chapter 81: Meeting of "Imperials"

War Online

Deloris town;

30 minutes before the meeting, one by one, representatives from the seven guilds started to teleport to Deloris town.

One of them is Scarlet's biggest supporter, Evernight guild leader, Supreme Master who came to the town together with Justice League guild leader, Green Lantern.

After looking around, GreenLantern can't help but turned disappointed as he hardly saw any players or any stores on the way while Supreme Master still looks around the town in interest.

Green Lantern then said, "Ricky, are you sure you want to stay ally with the guild? They even shifted to this little town. If you make your move right, you can even take over the faction."

Supreme Master shook his head with a smile, "that's because you aren't seeing the big picture here."

GreenLantern frowned, "I know they have a backing of Scarlet Securities but it seemed like they don't want to expand their guild and only wants to stay as a non-combat guild."

Upon hearing him, SupremeMaster replied with a smile, "I told you, didn't I? You can't see the big picture here. Ever wondered why there isn't a single piece of land available in our city?"

GreenLantern snorted and answered, "It's because everything is sold out, obviously…"

He suddenly turned his head towards him, "do you mean he's the one who bought everything?"

"Absolutely not. You can see all the stores except Flame Emperor's are run by Dreamwalkers.

But, according to the information I gathered, they only have 25 stores inside the city that they are currently running and 10 plots of land outside the city, which have labs and smithies.

It is a fact that all the cities have around 50-60 plots of land available to buy. So, I think the remaining lands were bought by Scarlet.

You see… Time Traveler became Viscount very early and he has the Scarlet group as his background. So, he won't be lacking gold once the currency exchange opened.

And now, he became Mayor. So, I bet all the lands here are gone too," replied SupremeMaster in the hopes of letting this info get into his cousin's head clearly.

GreenLantern then frowned, "I wonder why he isn't building anything, then. It's not like he lacks money…"

SupremeMaster nodded in agreement, "it is one of the things I want to confirm in this meeting. I also want to know what he is waiting for if he really bought them.

If he doesn't have plans to develop them, yet, then, I'm planning to ask for a piece of land for rent so that we can develop it instead. It'll be a win-win situation for both of us. That's my agenda for today's meeting."

A while later, both of them arrived at the gate and saw the two gatekeepers were refusing to budge while a couple of players want to enter the Mansion and meet Mayor.

"Who are they?" as Greenlantern asked, SupremeMaster shrugged his shoulders, "who knows. Let me text ShadowBlade. I don't want to face that embarrassing situation."

As soon as he texted to Aster that they arrived, Aster exits the Mansion and appeared at the gate.

A frown appeared on his face as he saw two unfamiliar players were at the gate.

"Who are you two?"

Boomerang's eyes lit up upon seeing Aster, "Hello… I'm Boomerang. And this is Deltashot. We heard that Time Traveler became our mayor.

We're just here to greet him. As you can see… our guild was based in this town. So…"

Aster nodded, "I understand. I'll inform Young Master but it isn't the time. We are expecting guests now. So, please leave. I'll notify you in the future when he agreed to it."

Both of them nodded in happiness as they weren't directly rejected and left the place in the hopes of meeting this number one ranked player.

After sending them away, Aster looked around and found SupremeMaster and GreenLantern were watching the scene from far away while standing under a tree.

As he personally led them inside, both of them looked around to see the spacious hall filled with exquisite furniture, paintings, and a chandelier handing in the middle of the room.

Greenlantern whistled as he thought, "this one lives in luxury even inside the game. Truly an envious b*****d."

After everyone gathered in the living room, Wil went downstairs in luxurious clothes, which he bought from a clothing store in town for 3 gold.


As the servants were busy clearing out the dishes from the dining table, Wil spoke as he stood up, "as you all know, today's agenda is about Resistance. Let's discuss this elsewhere. Follow me…"

While the rest of them wondered why they need to change places, they stayed silent and followed Wil to the second floor and entered the Mayor's private room.

After clearing out everything, Wil ordered Borris to fill the huge bedroom with chairs so that he can use it as a meeting room instead. It was done so that no one should get the feeling that they came for nothing.

*Ding. You entered Mayor's guest room. You'll receive 30 exp every second. 

As soon as they entered the room, everyone started to get free EXP, and amazement filled their faces. Not even Aster was an exception to it as he didn't expect there's a room that can give 100K exp per hour.

"Take a seat," gestured Wil as he sat in one of the chairs.

As all the guild leaders took their seats, Wil said, "In future, Mountain Rock will attend meetings as its representative, thus making us a nine guilds-allied faction."

Everyone nodded indifferently as if they didn't care about it since it's already a fact that Silvershapers, the biggest guild of East Ocean City is already a part of their alliance. 

Looking at their expressions, Wil continued, "Okay, now, let's get into the matter directly. Aster, give us the statistics of our enemy."

Aster nodded and stood up, "let me brief you the complete info we have on Resistance.

On the surface, it made up of nine guilds namely Redwings, Ouroboros, Battlecrushers, Greybreaker, Earthstars, Swiftmane, Rise of the Skull, Hellguards, and Mystiques.

But, there are three more guilds joined unofficially. They are Winged Inferno, Chaospikes, and finally, Bloodsins, which is a well-known Assassin guild that's shown to be neutral."

"What… That's not possible. Bloodsins can't be on their side. They even walked away during our fight with Ouroboros.

If they have joined, we would have suffered heavy losses," interrupted Cloudstorm, the leader of Paradise guild. Wil saw a clear shock on his face.

"I trust Aster's information. His Intel gathering ability is top-notch. If he said Bloodsins are our enemies, then, they are our enemies. Whatever their stance doesn't matter with me," as Wil looked at him and commented, Cloudstorm shut his mouth and stayed silent while Aster continued.

"So, Resistance is made up of 12 guilds with a combined player population of 36785. On the other hand, if we exclude Silvershapers and Scarlet, our side with 7 guilds has a combined player population of 23768.

If we include Silvershapers, it's 39887. So, you can say, almost 80 percent of East Ocean city players are already involved and it's clear that they have the upper hand."

Upon hearing it, the facial expressions of the guild leaders changed and went into deep thinking as to how did the enemies were able to develop so fast while keeping them in the dark… 

Meanwhile, Aster continued, "It doesn't end there."

Now, according to the members of the guilds, LittleSeven, the leader of Redwings is the leader of the faction.

But, I suspect, in reality, the one who calls the shots is a different one."

Upon hearing it, Wil asked indifferently as if it wouldn't matter to him, "who is it?"

Aster replied seriously, "I can't say for sure since I lack enough info to confirm it but there's a high probability that it is Dreamwalkers."


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 War Online












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