

It didn't take me long to reach them, in fact, they barely noticed me approaching. All five adventurers were gathered around the tarp lost in their own worlds right now. An understandable reaction to - what I assumed to be - carrying up an ally's body from the depths of the Dungeon.

Adventuring was a dangerous profession. Many would barely last their first weeks in the Dungeon without quitting or having the Dungeon claim them. It was just a fact of life for those who took on the mantle of Adventurer.

A fact that these five had been reminded of today.

How to approach this situation then?

"I'm sorry for your loss." Condolences were probably a good place to start. Mortals at this point in time were gonna be more emotionally charged. Framing it with a simple statement of empathy, if they didn't want to talk or continue the conversation, they could take the face value words at that and push me away.

My words caught the attention of the five Adventurers, all but one of whom glanced over with tears or shock still evident on their faces.

A pink-haired girl who had been kneeling at the head of the tarp spoke up first. "Oh...thank you, Lord..?" She trailed off looking up at me.

"Hades. You don't need to call me Lord or be formal right now." Formalities were nice at times, but this was one of the exceptions to them.

The pinkette pushed herself to her feet and gave a small bow. "Emma Flores, Captain of the Tyche Familia."

Tyche, now that was a name that I hadn't heard in years. Especially in Tenkai. What are the chances I'd meet the children of a Goddess of chance?

Emma Flores, Iris Bennett, Oriana Drake, and Primo Libera. Four of the five had introduced themselves while the last just sat with her knees to her chest stared silently downwards. They didn't seem keen on forcing her to introduce herself and I wasn't about to force the girl.

"What was her name?"

"Leo. Leo Diaz." Oriana stated, looking down at the tarp-covered figure. "There were just so many of them. I couldn't keep them all back and they started to get past me/ I tried blocking them, I tried hitting them, and I just-"

Her breathing was getting faster and faster with each becoming shallower and shallower. Hyperventilation, I had seen more than enough souls act this way while in my domain that I began reaching out to perform the usual platitudes and techniques that would hopefully calm her down.

It turned out that I didn't need to. Or rather, I wasn't quick enough. Every member of Oriana's Familia immediately acted to comfort her.

The Familia's Captain immediately wrapped the knight in a hug. As well as the twin-tailed elf Primo, though her height difference made her hug the knight's waist over her shoulders that Iris was.

Even the girl sitting staring blankly still reached out to grasp at Oriana's cuff.

Iris, the brown-haired cows girl meanwhile, took the Knight's spear from her and placed it gently on the ground before wrapping Oriana's hands in her own.

"Breathe Oriana. Just take a slow breath. In and out. Like that." The cows girl took a deep breath in herself as a demonstration which Oriana shakily tried to follow.

"We had to be saved by the Apollo Familia." Emma finished Oriana's statement from earlier, stroking the knight's back gently as she cried into her shoulder.

"I see. I'm sorry they couldn't get to you sooner."

"They did what they could. They didn't even need to help us at all. I'll never be able to thank them enough for that."

"It's not much, but if you would like, I could-"

"Lady Tyche!" Iris called over my shoulder. I turned my head to follow her gaze and my eyes saw red. Not in the manner of I felt immense rage or anger, but simply by the newcomer's appearance.

Vibrant red hair framed her piercing amber eyes in a velvet lining, complemented by a simple red dress that reached her knees only broken up by a maroon belt. She stood just half a head shorter than me so she didn't have to look too far up and myself down to meet each other's eyes.



While I might have not felt intense anger or anything at the sight of my fellow Deusdea. That was not a mutual feeling. To say she looked displeased at me was an understatement. If looks could kill, I would not only be back in my office in Tenkai, but I'd be on the other end of the table this time. Probably being talked down to by Osiris. Yama would just gloat or laugh the entire time.

"It's good to see you again Ty. I was just being told about the tragedy that's befallen your Familia. You have my condolences. As I was just going to offer your Captain if you would like I could-"

"No." She interrupted me, stepping clearly between me and her Familia. "If I hated my children, if I despised them with every fiber of my being and wanted to see them suffer in Tenkai, I'd send them to Batara Kala. If she was busy though, then I'd send them to you Hades."

I blinked.

How was I supposed to respond to a statement like that?


Tyche humped before turning to her Familia. She stepped forwards and wrapped an arm around Oriana's shoulder relieving Emma from her post. "Let's go home. We can lie her down there while we get a proper service done. Cleaner and more comfortable than the streets anyways."

A quick indication to Emma sent the Captain to push past me gently and picked up the body of Leo as her Goddess ordered "We're going home. Don't mind the necrophile. Actually, don't interact with him at all. He's not worth your time or any empty words he throws at you."


The red-clad Goddess marched off without even bothering to look back. The other standing members of her Familia followed quickly behind only offered the barest "Goodbyes" they could before they were dragged out of earshot.

Eventually, only two of us remained.

"You gonna go with them?" I broke the silence first, turning to look over to the ghost of Leo Diaz as she stared at the spot her corpse had been lying a moment earlier. It took her a moment, then she blinked and slowly turned her head to face me.

"You can see me?"

"First thing I noticed."

Technically it was not a lie, but not the full truth. In all honesty, the number of people in Orario, particularly around Babel, was more than I was used to seeing gathered in one place. Sure, there had been a long line of the recently deceased that stretched into eternity back in Tenkai. However, I spent most of my time in my Temple then and only let in one soul at a time. I never really had the time to appreciate so many people their lives.

"Nobody else reacted at all, I can't even touch them or get their attention. Why can you see me?" There was a tone of desperation in her voice evident for anyone to hear. Well, not really anyone I guess. Just me right now.

"My domains as a God are the Riches of the Earth...and the Dead." I explained adding a slight pause for effect.

The adventurer's eyes widened as she stared at me, then back in the direction of her Familia. "If you're..." Leo quieted down for a second before looking back down between her knees. "I'm dead. Aren't I?"

"Yes." There was no need to sugarcoat the statement. She had seen her own body. Had seen the lack of reaction by her Familia. Had seen even her own Goddess ignore her completely.

"Aren't I supposed to be at the pearly gates, or is this my punishment for the life I lived?"

"What makes you think you deserve something like that?" I raised a brow at her words.

"I died barely a month after becoming an adventurer. And I didn't even manage to hold off any of the monsters after they broke through Oriana's defenses, or even die in battle. They dragged me barely alive to the surface and I passed while they were searching for medical help."

I had been wondering why the soul of one who died in the Dungeon was wandering around the surface. Makes sense I suppose.

"I can guarantee you you're not being punished just yet. You need to actually meet a God in Tenkai that oversees your judgment in the first place."

"If I'm dead, but not being punished. Why am I here then? Shouldn't I be awaiting judgment then? Unless you're the one judging me."

"Well considering how Tyche reacted to my presence literally minutes ago. I don't think that would be a good idea on my end."

"Then what's supposed to happen now? Am I supposed to just sit around and wait?"

"That," I sighed sitting down next to her. "Is up to you. You could follow your Familia, surround yourself with people who can't see you and won't notice you no matter how much you cry, beg, and plead. No matter what noise you make, what things you break, mortals can't see the dead. Even the Gods are limited when they descend. Otherwise, Tyche would have snagged you away."

"She doesn't like you." It wasn't a question. It was a declaration of fact.

"No," I sighed. "No, she doesn't. That doesn't seem to have changed since she descended. Then again, not many of the Gods have."

"If she doesn't like you, why should I believe a word you say?" Leo asked as her gaze shifted to look me right in the eyes.

I sighed once more, breaking our locked eyes and gazing up at the imposing sight of Babel. "You don't have to. Maybe you shouldn't even. If you trust your Goddess that much I won't tell you not to follow her example. Forceful of an exit as it was. Just one question before you leave to follow her: What's your plan from here?"

"Well…" It was rude to throw that question back to her after she asked me it first thinking about it. She was asking me, a subject matter expert for advice and I just disregarded her words only giving her one option. Time to double back.

"You asked me what to do now that you're dead earlier. From here you've got two options. Firstly you could wait. Eventually, your soul will disperse and make its way up to Tenkai. You'll be judged for your actions in life and be sent to punishment, a peaceful rest, reincarnation, etc. But that takes time. A long time in fact. Back in Tenkai, the souls I saw who were like that often had times remembering who they were or their actions in life until we began judging them. So that's your first option, wait and watch the lives of your friends as you slowly fade from this world to the next."

"That's…." She trailed off her opinion on the matter made clear by that statement.

"Or, I can introduce you to a psychopomp."

"?" The confused look on Leo's face was satisfying in a way that was hard to put into words.


"It was after I got knocked down by the Dungeon Lizard. Oriana had monsters all over her shield and piercing through her armor and they were too close for Primo to use her magic on all of them. Emma and Iris were trying their best but once I got downed they couldn't handle the party. That's when the Apollo Familia came and saved us-them. She saved them." The ghost corrected herself as she sat down across from me in the kitchen of the House of Hades. We had collectively decided - rather, she had after noticing some adventurers giving me some funny looks - that a God talking to himself in the streets is a bit awkward.

So I invited her home and set about preparing food while she regaled me with the tale of how she died.

Now, the process of getting the dead to talk about what killed them was a process that varied from person to person. Reasonable considering how personal an event that was. Would you want to share with some random stranger about how you had a heart attack pushing a girl out of the way of a carriage? One that was slowing down and wouldn't have hit her anyways.

Gods that was a weird kid.

So instead of getting her to talk about how she died, I pushed her into talking about her Familia instead. All the while I began to work on a nice dinner for my own Familia once they got back from their first day.

"Why does a God of the Dead know how to cook?" Just as she was getting to talking about the Apollo Familia itself Leo cut herself off to ask. A fair question I guess. With how I was introduced by myself and Tyche it would be understandable to see me

"Why do you know how to speak?" I countered as I lifted a lid to check on the rice. "You were surrounded by people who spoke the same language while you didn't understand. You picked it up through osmosis and observation. It was pretty much the same for me."

Nodding at the sight of the rice, I picked up a small paddle and began pouring a small bowl. "Different cultures around Gekai all honor and treat their dead with different rituals. Raika as a warrior city honors its dead who die in battle. They expect to be treated with honor and dignity and a great feast when reaching the afterlife. Meanwhile, in the East, a more somber ritual is held where the body is cremated and the dead are granted a new name to serve them in the afterlife. Part of that ritual involves preparing rice and dumplings to offer the dead as they pass on to the afterlife so they won't hunger and lose their way. As such, just knowing how to prepare some small creature comforts while I pass my judgment on their souls comes in handy.

Patting the rice into a nice round shape, I placed two chopsticks upright in the rice and placed the bowl in front of Leo. Understandably, she looked confusedly at the offered food.

"Is this for me then?"

"Yeah. You can't eat anymore but offerings like that should let you taste the food."

I watched as she tried absentmindedly grabbing the chopsticks only for her hands to pass through them. She pulled back momentarily with a sad look on her face only to see a second pair of chopsticks pull themselves from the standing pair and fall to the table.

Leo glanced back at me with a confused look on her face to which I gave her a nod of encouragement in response. Tentatively, she poked at the new pair of chopsticks and had her jaw drop as it visibly reacted to her touch.

She picked up both chopsticks after that and, after a moment of instruction on how to hold them, reached out for the rice. Like with the chopsticks before, the rice I placed itself didn't react but she still managed to pull out a chunk of food with the spectral chopsticks. Something she immediately downed and began to chew on.

"I can taste it!" That was all she said after swallowing before digging into the rice once more.


I let her enjoy the taste of food once more, stopping only to add some dumplings and other small dishes for lunch and letting her work as a taste tester for dinner while I cooked. Time passed like that for a while as we talked more and she ate giving feedback on my food while I provided more dishes.

Frankly not how I was expecting to spend the day, but her words gave me ideas for what to prepare when I threw that housewarming party.

Then as the sun was setting, I heard Akatsuki's voice from the open window. "We're Home Lord Hades!"

"Welcome back, I'm in the kitchen," I responded wiping off my hands from the final dish for the night.

My children arrived shortly afterward and I took a moment to let them marvel over the results of my labor before I spoke up again.

"Dinner'll be in a bit. How was your first time?" I never really finished that statement properly. I couldn't really with what was assaulting my nose. With what was penetrating the lovely aroma of dinner I had made. "Phew, you all stink. Go wash up. You can tell me everything over dinner."

I shooed my children out the door, wafting out the odor with my cleaning rag. I stopped once I had a hand on the doorframe. "Actually, Mori, you mind staying behind for a sec? I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure thing." Calliope nodded, walking in so I could close the door behind her. I didn't even need to explain why. Without a moment's hesitation, she sat across from the ghost of Leo and clapped her hands together momentarily in prayer before speaking.

"So you're the dead beat I saw in the street."

Leo glanced between me and Calli again and again clearly surprised by another talking to her. "Leo Diaz ma'am." She introduced after a nod from me.

"Leo huh, nice name."

"Thank you." Leo looked down, "I'm sorry for inconveniencing you like this ma'am. You must be busy getting settled in and with your first trip into the Dungeon. I'm sorry to bother you with a request like this but, if you're the psychopomp Lord Hades mentioned. Could you please guide me to the afterlife?"

Silence reigned after the request. Calliope stared down at the bowed head of Leo with a neutral expression for several seconds.

"Don't be so down on yourself girl. You're pretty, really. Could work that tomboy appearance you've got and pull yourself a nice date if you tried. If you've got it, haunt it and all." She said with a shrug, grabbing a cup from the table and pouring herself some water.

Leo blinked then just stared at Calliope a less than neutral expression on her face. "Haunt it?"

The reaper just smiled as I let out an audible groan. "Points for uniqueness but still painful."

"I'll take it."

"You got things handled here? I need to set the table."

"Yeah, we'll be out in a bit. I wanna get to know Leo here more." I left them at that grabbing the plates and silverware.


A drop of blood splashed onto the smooth back of Felix causing his Falna to light up in response. I was proud of the design, a skeletal hand embracing a pomegranate. Definitely better than the first few attempts. There are only so many ways you can make a skull look different before it becomes boring.

"How was your trip today, Ferris?" I asked as I began the process of updating his status.

"Interesting. Nyot sure if it's in a bad or good way though."


"Ferri-chan is generally nyot the one cutting into others for one." He admitted.

"Ah. A healer doesn't hurt their patients after all."

"It's nyot like Ferri-chan hasn't done so before. Back when Ferri-chan was learning how to heal at the Royal Institute, we had to dissect bodies. So I'm not bothered by the act or the gore."

"Was it Calli and Zagreus? Akatsuki mentioned they had a bit of a spat in the Dungeon."

"Nyo, that was just two complementary personalities clashing. It's more...we ran across a corpse before we left. We hadn't even left the first floor and someone died. It's pathetic." I couldn't see Felix's face at the moment, focused instead on his back but I could imagine the look he was giving the pillow.

I didn't respond at first, instead grabbing a piece of paper and placing it on his back, and transferring his status over.

Felix Argyle Lv 1

Strength I-6 -> I - 9

Endurance I-10 -> I - 15

Dexterity I-7 -> I - 10

Agility I-8 -> I - 10

Magic: I-10 -> I - 17


Divine Protection of Water - Increases the effect of Water Magic

Enhanced Condition - Increases the natural healing rate of the user


The Sacrament of the Immortal King - Healing Magic. Uses can resurrect a person and restore them to how they were during their life.

Waters of Life - No Chant Healing Magic. User can empower the natural healing of a being.​

"It's pathetic, yes. I won't argue with that. But I can say that you're making great progress so far. Solid growths everywhere and the best was in magic as expected."

As Felix read over his status, my hands went to work hiding away his Falna. Not for any technical reason or secrecy. To put it in his words "Markings across Ferri-chan's body would ruin Ferri-chan's well-kept skin."


"Honestly, those two."

Rin, much like Akatsuki, had spent her time while getting her status updated complaining about their fellow Familia members' fight. That was two out of five, thankfully Ferris didn't complain himself but if the rest do...I'm gonna have to find out where the wine is sold in this city.

"They are solo operators. Well, Zagreus more than anything. His life was pretty much a solo fight against the world back home. Calli…" I trailed off mulling over how to phrase things. "She has some experience with teams, but she spent most of her time alone or under the supervision of her mentor."

"The Grim Reaper." Rin identified. "The personification of the concept of death itself formed in the 1300s from the Black Death sweeping Europe and crystalized and rooted as a concept and symbol ever since."

"Yes, that would be who I was talking about." That was the specific form of the idea in Rin's world yes. Not so much in the others' apart from Akatsuki's.

"Generally the symbology always treats the Reaper as being a solitary figure. An individual taking the souls of thousands with each sweep of their scythe. An apprentice I can buy, sure. Everyone leaves a legacy, even beings like Alaya have the Counter Force. A team though doesn't seem as believable though. By consolidating the legend into one entity they can elevate its status to a higher level and grant it strength based on its name alone."

"Well firstly, the team environment I was talking about wasn't that specifically. She was in a group for a while before I asked her to join. So this image consolidation thing didn't really get affected." I answered finishing up her update. "That said, you've got more practical experience working in small groups in combat scenarios. Only more focused in more open areas."

Rin Tohsaka Lv 1

Strength: I - 8 -> I - 15

Endurance: I - 9 -> I - 11

Dexterity: I - 10 -> I - 12

Agility: I - 10 -> I - 14

Magic: I - 8 -> I - 20


Average One - Increases the user's ability to learn Magic of all types and their effectiveness.

Thaumaturgy - The user is able to utilize the five basic elements to manipulate mysteries. Grants the user the Mystery and Mage development abilities

Jewel Magecraft - The user is able to enhance their magical abilities by utilizing gems. Improvements are based on the type and quality of the gems.

Development Abilities:

Mystery I - Allows the user to activate a miracle and create magic items.

Mage I - Improves power, widens effect range, and makes mind usage efficient. Creates a magic circle under the user that supports the magic.


Es ist groß, es ist klein. Vox, Gott Es Atlas - Support magic. User can adjust the effect of gravity on themselves. ​

"Our growth is supposed to be enhanced but is 27 points that impressive?"

"It's more than Akatsuki or Ferris had. And in just one day. At that rate, you all can level up in just over a year or so at a minimum."

Adventurers' Basic Abilities were divided into sections with numbers and letters separating each in groups of 100. 0-99 was I rank, 100-199 is H, etc all the way to 800-899 being A and 900-999 being S Rank. If an adventurer wanted to level up, at least one of their status had to be D Rank (600-699) and they had to perform some great feat. With my Familia I had no doubt they'd do the latter, so it was just a matter of working on the former.

"Plus there's the matter of just how many skills and the magic you possess on your Falna already. You're not supposed to get development abilities before you level up. But look at you. Been an adventurer for a week and you've already got two. You're a one-of-a-kind Adventurer already. Your impressive growth just adds to that."

The magus preened under the praise folding up her update and pocketing it.

"If that's all, mind getting Zagreus for me?"


"Oh, by the way, Rin." Zagreus said with one hand on the door. "You're Vice-Captain now."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Pardon has been given."

"That's not what I meant and you know it." She stated to which Zagreus could only shrug. "I'm not gonna say no, but Akatsuki's world was much more like this one than mine. She'd be a better fit for advice on how to maximize what we're doing here than me. Why not pick her."

"Akatsuki might have more experience, but you're the one who came up with the plan earlier."

"I agree with Zag. You'd be perfect for the role. Plus, out of all of you, you're number three on the list of people I trust to call me out on anything. So It's fine with me.

"Wait, who's number two?" Rin asked.

"Ferris." I answered.

With the door closed, Zag took his place at the foot of my bed and I got to work. My ichor dripped onto his back and in moments I was handing him the paper with his update on it.

Zagreus Lv 1

Strength: I - 13 -> I - 22

Endurance: I - 12 -> I - 19

Dexterity: I - 7 -> I - 13

Agility: I - 7 -> I - 14

Magic: I - 5 -> I - 5


Death Defiance - On the verge of death, restore the user's condition.

Greater Reflex - User is able to accelerate at high speeds in a direction twice.

Blessed of Heaven - User is able to draw on the Arcanum of Deusdea they are favored by.


Cast - No chant magic that can be used quickly. Enemies struck take increased damage. Empowered by Blessed of Heaven.​

"29 Points. You're in the lead growth-wise right now." I commented handing over the sheet to my captain.

"We're supposed to grow based on what we do right?" Zag asked with a raised brow as he read it over. "Mori and I were in the thick of things, so us getting more points makes sense I suppose."

"On the topic of Calli and you." I began only to get a groan in response.

"Are you gonna go off on one like Rin did?"

"No, if she called you out on it then I think you've had enough. No, what I wanted to ask is what do you plan to do?"

"Dunno really." He fell back onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. "We need to spend time practicing together, that's for sure. If we get back to back again like in the Dungeon we need to be able to not get in each other's way or someone's getting hurt."

"Sounds like you all have a busy day tomorrow. Might finally do something with the backyard." All this land and all Rin cared for were the internal comforts and her basement workshop. Not that I was complaining really, the baths in this house were excellent.

"Maybe, though last I checked we were tight on cash. Even with what we brought in today we need a lot more before the end of the month."

"A few days of training to work better in the Dungeon is more valuable than diving in day after day. Maximize the profits of each run and all."

"If you're sure, then I guess we'll be staying topside tomorrow," Zagreus said rolling himself off the bed. "More time under the sun is certainly something I wouldn't mind."

"I'm sure you don't. Night Zag."



The moon hung high in the sky by the time my door was opened for the final time and Calliope stepped through.

"How was the trip?" I asked as she let herself slump down onto my bed.

"Long. It's so much farther from here to the afterlife than it was back home."

"Was it too much of a hassle or?"

"No, it was fine. It's just hard to find things to talk about at times when she had no concept of Rap or modern technology really. So we just started talking about her Familia."

"Ah yeah, Tyche's kids. They shouldn't be a problem for you all, though their Goddess might have words if you mention you're part of my Familia."

"Bad blood?"

"She's my Ex."


With that out of the way, I started the process for the last time tonight. A drop of blood on the back and her Falna illuminated the room. Unlike the others, she was quiet for the entire process. By the time the update finished I decided to prod.

"What's the matter Calli?"

"In the dungeon. We found a body but...there wasn't a soul around it."


"Yeah, Zag and I didn't see anything. Only what got left behind."

That was troublesome. Problematic even.

"If...if that can happen in the Dungeon…" She trailed off. I had already finished transferring her status to the page and gently set it aside before lightly grabbing Calliope's shoulder and moving her so her head rested in my lap.

I let my hand stroke her hair enjoying the softness of well-kept hair before responding. "If that's the case, we'll look into it. We'll find the cause, and we'll make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else."

"The Dungeon...when we killed monsters in it, I barely saw them for a second before they dispersed into the walls and floor. They barely had a chance to recognize they died before they were gone."

If that's how the Dungeon treats monsters, or souls in general then what about people like us who don't exactly follow the rules?

That was the question, not exactly put into words but was asked all the same. One I didn't have an answer for really. The Dungeon was something that eluded the Gods. Something that stood in defiance to the might of our Arcanum. I couldn't ease her worries with my lack of knowledge. So instead I moved the goalposts a bit.

I asked the obvious. "Is this about Kiara?"

For her part, Calli didn't react as viscerally as she had the first few times I had mentioned the name. She just shook her head uncertainly. "Yes and no. Zag too 'cause of his Death Defiance. Maybe the others as well if we're not fast enough to save them."

"Zag I trust you and the others to keep an eye on. Same for everyone else in the Familia. You all watch over each other and keep each other safe. As for your friend, we both know she's too hardy to be put down like that Calliope. It'd take more than the Dungeon throwing its weakest mobs at her to even slow her down."

"She's stupid though. An absolute braindead idiot who wouldn't hesitate to charge in to save others like that kid from earlier."

"So you're scared she's gonna get herself killed."

"No, I'm scared she's gonna come back but different."

"It won't come to that," I reassured my child as I patted her head. "I won't let it come to that. You had and will always have my word on that."

Calliope Mori Lv 1

Strength: I - 10 -> I - 19

Endurance: I - 9 -> I - 22

Dexterity: I - 8 -> I - 14

Agility: I - 10 -> I - 12

Magic: I - 0 -> I - 0


Psychopomp - On these wings of blackest night, I shall guide your soul to eternal rest.

Apprentice of Death - Every attack made with the intent to kill has the chance to apply instant death to an enemy.



AN: Holy shit Rin's Falna was the worst out of everyone's to make. Also, Orario Rhapsody is so hard to find information on so I'm taking liberties with the info I do have. Any hard information besides the wiki and the few vaguely descriptive Reddit threads would be appreciated.

I started another, more traditional Catalog story with a Monogatari Start: Mokurokugatari. Updates will bounce between each of these until I drop or finish one or the other. Or until I start another project.


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Last edited: Oct 24, 2021

Oct 23, 2021Report

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