
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Ultimatedaywriter replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Event That Never Was


After a late-night filing paperwork and budgeting the various clubs around the school, Sona finally made it back home in time to see a letter on her bed. It was sealed with both the Sitri and the Vassago crests, which could only mean one thing. Her mother had found another suiter.

Sona read and reread a letter sent by her mother. Of course, her parents had found another suiter, and this time, it was Kamekkusu Vassago. Unfortunately, she had only met Tefule Vassago once. Tefule was a giantess of a devil easily 6 meters tall. It was rumored that she could nullify any power or ability before crushing her foes with immense strength.

Kamekkusu was an unknown, so instead of getting rest, she booted up her computer and searched for him on the devil net. She'd like to say he was like Rizer Phoenix, a cocky, arrogant devil with apparent exploitable weaknesses. But, unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Her suitor's peerage was made up of combat veterans. Kamekkusu had clearly taken advantage of the American War ON Terror and taken his pick of the litter. The Vassago peerage spoke in code and moved with lighting speed declaring targets and bringing them down. Each had already become a powerful devil, possibly middle to high class, but their efficiency was astounding. The most impressive part was Kamekkusu's own devil ability. His nullify ability shot out twin bursts appearing as water striking any devil in the air.

Each rating game was the same anyone who took to the air or showed an ability that could unbalance the game was struck. The soldiers quickly cleared the pieces using magic explosives, modified firearms, and heavy artillery from there. They were so fast and efficient her own peerage couldn't compete, and she knew it. Even the power she gained from Red wouldn't be enough as it was.

Her next question was simple, could she beat him. The Vassago ancestor was known as the strategist.

Tsubaki walked in just as the sun rose. "Sona sama, were you up all night watching rating games again. You know it's bad for your health." Tsubaki paused in her nagging long enough to see the letter. "Again, I mean, will we have to entertain a guest soon."

Sona groaned. She didn't know if she should bite the bullet and challenge him to a game of chess or do something a little more permanent.

Yes, she knew what was done to her couldn't be undone. The dragon was out of the bag, or in this case, in her. Even after it first entered her, she felt needs. Sona had scheduled time out of her day to teleport to rain-deprived areas to bless them. But, of course, her devil nature demanded that she charge. Strangely there wasn't a clash with her dragon nature at all.

It didn't take long for her to realize that dragons had to gather a hoard somehow. So she would grant them rain, and they'd give her shiny things in return.

Sona shook her head. Sleep deprivation had taken its toll. Taking a sick day was usually out of the question, but she rationalized that her new duties took some precedent.

"President, are you ok. Is that one of Red's coins?" Sona raised an eyebrow before quickly pocketing the coin.

"He won't miss one." A shiver suddenly swept up her spine. She hadn't taken it because he wouldn't miss it. He would notice it, and his greed and pride wouldn't allow him to ignore it. With her stolen coin, they were guaranteed to meet again.

"That isn't the kind of face you should make while staring at a gold coin. It's messing with your mind, isn't it?" Tsubaki asked.

Sona bit her cheek. She had been almost lost in a pleasant fantasy until Tsubaki interrupted.

"You're lucky I'm too tired to bring out the paddle right now. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to figure out what I'm going to do about my suitor and extort a few arid farming villages." Sona said.

"Sona, you're rich; if you need gold, you can just buy some," Tsubaki said as if it were that simple.

Tsubaki wouldn't understand gold must be earned with deeds or trade-in wealth earned by her own sweat. Using her fortune to buy gold wouldn't satisfy her needs. She knew that from the moment she laid eyes on the gold. It was more than treasure; it was a symbol like the cross was to Yehwah or her own family sigil. Gold had its own value that only a dragon could quantify.

For now, she pocketed the coin; there would be time for that later. Tomorrow she'd have to prepare her peerage for Kamekkusu. If Gremory hadn't already teleported Red away, she'd ask him to join the meeting. Though he had no standing, she wanted him with her.

Then again, nullify or no, everyone walked on eggshells around a dragon of Red's power.

Sona left through a magic circle to somewhere in the middle east. She spread her demonic wings and felt another set spread out from her back. Below her back wings were a set of feathery blue wings. They were longer than her devil wings and felt positively like a storm. The second they emerged, her grip over the atmospheric pressure system around her drastically increased.

"What will it cost me for rain?" An Arab man asked. She pulled moisture up from far-off underground springs and gently coaxed them up even before negotiations began.

This was an essential part of the contract. Sona's price had to be steep but not too steep. A devil's bargain had its rules, and usually, all she'd desire was the darkness within. This time was different. It was a strain not to simply bring the rain.

Sona held up a thick gold coin. "Gold, bring me." She paused in her words and felt another sensation. It was instinctual and not. She could sense the amount of gold this little village could pay to the last gram.

Beggaring the village was bad for business. But as a devil, she had to mark up her price. It was practically an instinct, much like her desire for gold but a fair amount.

"86 grams of gold, and I will bring the rain," Sona said, and the man's eyes widened in shock and relief. He quickly bowed his head and said a prayer to Allah for a Devil's bargain of all things. Sona held out her hand as was the custom." The man grasped her wrist, and they shook. Sona felt the bargain settle into place and her house mark settle on the man's soul. Now, if the deal wasn't fulfilled on his end, his soul was forfeit.

That was typically frowned upon in modern devil society. But once again, her instincts were playing strangely. She knew she shouldn't force such an iron-clad deal upon some poor desperate human, but she refused to be cheated.

High above, the water gathered from various underground streams and condensed into dark rainclouds. Then, finally, the sun vanished, and a cold wind spread through the village. Minutes later, the first drop of rain fell, and she felt the bindings of her deal ease up and a feeling of utter satisfaction. So this was what she did as a rain dragon she brought the rain to the desperate.

The rain fell as far as the eye could see, and already, she heard villagers cheering and praising Allah. Their every word and prayer felt like a slap to the back of her head. Despite that, she still enjoyed the pleasant sensation of a job well done. Hours later, her contractor returned with a small box filled with gold coins.

Not even one could be called pure gold, but they were earned. With a glance, Sona measured out the gold percentages and concluded that they had given her 85.3 grams of gold. The contract was complete.

She had searched hard on the devil net for any contracts for rain. Most of the time, they were ignored. Giving rain to a village wasn't something beneficial to devils. Those who sought to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of their villages often had few sins.

As she returned to the portal, she felt something strange pass through her body. She felt much stronger, and her control over the weather increased just a little more. It wasn't a massive increase, but with time she could work on it.

Fortunately, Sona had booked 12 other contracts, and the odds were good that she would have repeat customers. Moreover, by increasing their crop yield with plentiful water, their villages would grow slightly wealthier. And their ability to reward her would increase.

Sona returned home smelling of dust and sweat. Even with her new ability controlling the water in an entire atmosphere was taxing. Granting rain a dozen times was even more so, but the return was worth it. She poured her new hoard on her bed before taking a handkerchief and polish to the coins.

None were close to pure gold, but they didn't need to be to please her. It was more important to earn her hoard than to have it in the first place. With each gold coin, she felt her strength increase by a tiny amount. While her hoard was tiny for now, with time, it would grow into something vast. In time she might even get larger contracts to move storms out of the way of villages, towns, or even major cities.

She stood back from her work to admire her collection. Each coin had a different mint and a history to them. Despite their poor purity, they still shined pleasantly to Sona's eyes. How long had it taken Red to build his hoard? He didn't have the devil contracting system to work with, but that didn't seem to slow him down at all.

The pure gold coin she had taken from his home had no face other than 1 ounce. She could, a cough interrupted her thoughts.

"So-tan, do you know where I just came from." Sona turned to see her big sister and quickly threw her blanket over the gold coins. Her eyes widened at the action, and she felt her face heat up.

"Was it a meeting about my contracts in the middle east?" Serafall Leviathan, her elder sister, nodded her head. Her sister was dressed in her business suit and held a serious air about her. This wasn't happy sisterly love Serafall; this was my workload has doubled Serafall.

"So-tan if you wanted gold so badly, you could have bought some. Why would you seal a devil's bargain with a bunch of goat herders, with your wings exposed for gold? There are rumors of feathery wings So-tan some think you're an angel. Gabriel was one step from accusing you of angel impersonation. Do you know how serious this is, Sona?" Serafall said.

She grabbed ahold of the gold coin she'd taken from red's hoard and rubbed its face. Both sets of her wings slowly emerged from her back. The first set was her natural black devil wings, but the second was her new but still naturally pale blue feathered dragon wings.

"OMS did mom cheat on dad!" Serafall shrieked out.

"No, a friend of mine gave me a new ability. You know the dragon that's been playing games in Kuoh." Sona said.

"We left that dragon alone because he hasn't caused any trouble, but if he's messing with you, So-tan, you should have told me," Serafall said.

"No, he's been going to a local arcade, and Rias wanted him in her peerage, so we stalked him. Last night we had tea, and he offered me a power he couldn't use." Sona said.

"And you just took it. Sona, you're supposed to be responsible. Rias is the rash one that needs constant watching." Serafall said.

"No, it reacted to my Sitri blood. What are the consequences for my actions?" Sona asked.

Serafall sighed and sat down on Sona's bed. You made it rain in exchange for gold instead of devil energy or their souls. All of your deals were completed quickly and without causing any harm other than giving me a heart attack." Serafall narrowed her eyes. "Are you and the dragon?" Serafall made the American gesture for sex.

At that moment, Sona had never felt more embarrassed. "No, we only had tea and shared pleasantries. His offer was only made to get rid of powers that clashed with his own. But using the powers he offers has consequences." Sona said.

"So-tan I expect to hear this kind of thing about Rias and console Sirzechs. Now he's going to welcome me to the I have an irresponsible younger sibling club party of two. What weakness did you gain?" Serafall asked.

"It makes me want to grant rain to the impoverished," Sona said.

One of the bedposts of Sona's bed snapped off in Serafall's grip. After a moment, she tried and failed to put it back. Finally, the post fell on the floor, and Serafall stood up.

She paced back and forth before coming to a stop. "So-tan that isn't a terrible sacrifice, and you feel much stronger than before. If before you were a 1 and I was 1000, you are now a 5. Your demonic power has increased considerably. You understand we are still in a cold war, and the peace conference won't happen for some time, right?" Serafall said.

Sona nodded her head. "But I need to get stronger, has mother told you about my latest suitor," Sona said.

"Little Kamekkusu takes the rating game seriously. His peerage will be high class soon." Serafall shook her head. "Just beat him in chess and call it a night," Serafall said.

She sucked in a breath and let it out. "What if I can't? His ancestor was known as the giant strategist for a reason?" Sona said.

"So what? Kamekkusu is a tactician; you can tell by his fights. His queen Duke Harris is the one who comes up with all the plans. Kamekkusu only acts as a counter to unpredictable abilities. Just challenge him to a chess match and crush him." Serafall said.

Sure, that's what she would typically do, but she wasn't sure after watching his rating games. Was he really just a tactician never thinking ahead or a clever strategist hiding his abilities? But wasn't there a third option, one that would toss everyone on their head? Sure, this too was a tactic, and she hadn't had time to think far ahead with it. He might not even agree, and then there was her mother. Sona smiled, even if it didn't work and she had to rely on herself, but it would be fun to implement.


She was home and about to introduce her mother to a dragon with enough power to wipe away whole continents. But, unfortunately, he was also a dragon that was a little angry with her, a dragon in human form dressed in demonic armor, and a dragon with a sword on his hip that radiated darkness. He looked like a barbarian come to knock on their door and take their wealth. But looks could be deceiving.

"Hello, Mrs. Gremory; it's a pleasure to meet you." Red stuck his hand out to the empty air and frowned. Then, he stood up straighter put on an air of superiority. "Good evening, Mrs. Gremory I've Rias has told me you have designs for my gold," Red said.

Rias sighed and shook her head. Even a mighty dragon could be nervous. She'd teleported them to the outskirts of Gremory territory to enjoy a stroll. But now, it seemed he'd waste her efforts with his greeting practice.

Her mighty dragon companion took on a grateful expression. "It's great to meet you, Mrs. Gremory; I see now where Rias inherited her beauty," Red said.

Rias slapped her face, which was echoed by Camellia Red's servant. The pink and green-haired wild goddess gave her a pitying look.

"Master, perhaps you should meet Mrs. Gremory before making such proclamations. What if she looks nothing like Rias?" Camellia said.

"Camellia, a woman's mother, is often who she will grow into. Besides, all mothers wish to hear of their daughter's beauty; it's a reflection upon their own." Red said.

Honestly, Rias couldn't believe he said that with a straight face, or he might believe it himself. Either way, she couldn't handle the embarrassment.

"Why don't you introduce yourself and bow as if you're meeting your fiancée's parents for the first time?" Rias suggested.

"I can't see how that could go wrong," Camellia said.

Rias narrowed her eyes. "I'm sorry that I have to be the one to say this, but Red, you must discipline your servant. If my mother overhears her remarks, it won't go over well. You need to bend her over your knee and paddle her." Rias said.

"Oh, big red, my master doesn't mind my attitude. I'm his war general." Camellia was cut off.

Red bent his knee in front of the wild goddess and tossed her over his knee. "I apologize if my servant's words were out of line. Her correction will occur presently." After saying that, Red pulled his servant's pants down without a second thought.

Without a paddle, he spanked Camellia's bottom until the wild goddess broke into tears. It wasn't her first time seeing such a display, but she could have done without the sonic booms. Nevertheless, discipline was necessary, and it made her feel better knowing Red was willing to learn and change.

If her mother had seen a servant acting so poorly around their betters, Rias shivered at the thought. Camellia claimed to be a general, but she had no army here or reputation to grant her standing. Rias knew her mother would see her as just another servant.

"Did you have to be so rough?" Camellia groused.

Rias turned to the servant, who obviously hadn't learned her lesson. "If he hadn't been, you wouldn't learn. My mother is a little old fashion and my father even more so if they heard your snark." Rias shook her head. "It's better that you get this lesson now instead of after this meeting falls apart."

"Why aren't any of your peerage members with you?" Camellia asked.

"They are already at the castle proper dressing for tonight's occasion. Once the deal is complete, we'll have a feast to introduce Red as a business partner to house Gremory. Many nobles will be there, and Red can't afford to look too lax. A lack of discipline breeds uncertainty." Rias said.

"What is your game in this?" Camellia asked.

"Enough Camellia, I already know Rias' game. It's obvious if you paid attention to her earlier words." Red said.

Rias suddenly felt off balance. He knew she wanted to ask him to join her peerage. How hadn't she mentioned anything? So Rias had only invited him to her home and planned to introduce him to her parents? At that thought, she wanted to smack herself. But, of course, they also came very close to having sex, and she had taken him to the outskirts of Gremory territory to explore the countryside.

Her eyes widened at the sudden implication. No, this wasn't about joining her peerage at all. Red thought she was courting him, and she blinked. He might even believe the 720 chairs, and an unasked table was a part of the dowry. Not to mention he was trusting his gold in Gremory hands.

"My mother is going to kill me." Two large hands grasped her shoulders and began messaging them.

"We aren't that late yet. So now let's see the sights. I've never been to the underworld." Red said.

That was shocking to her, but there were other realms than the underworld. Red could have grown up in a divine realm like Olympus or even Hades, for all she knew. Instead, he was a mysterious dragon who seemed to randomly jump in power. Even now, he radiated power like a star.

She showed him the sights like her favorite water hole when she was younger; they swiped a few apples from a local grove and stumbled upon a game of air soccer. The young devils greeted them as their group flew by. Rias felt a hand reach out and dwarf her own.

"That's the tree I fell out of when I was four," Rias said, pointing at a tree covered in holes. "I was a little angry at it afterward and destroyed it a little," Rias said.

Rias waved at the tree, and it raised one of its branches to wave back. It blinked a horizontal set of orange eyes before shutting them and regaining its stillness.

"Wow, you were quite the little psychopath," Camellia said.

She turned to the servant and smiled. While the wild goddess was strong, Rias didn't feel a bit of danger from her. Nope, this was her territory and the strongest being around holding her hand. So why would she feel threatened by some goddess?

"I used to climb trees when I was younger as well. Those were simpler times. What's with the camels?" Red asked.

"Those are the pride of my house. Each holds the bloodline of my ancestor's prized companion. We could go riding later." Rias said before frowning.

The camels were gigantic to someone Rias' size, but they would be utterly normal to Red. She mentally checked that into the good box, but it depended on his animal husbandry skills. If the camels hate him, then her father would never approve. But, of course, they hate Rizer.

She looked through the crowd of camels to see her own Rudd, a large male who liked to spit and bully the smaller camels. While her ancestor's trusted companion was known for finding treasures and whispering secrets, Rudd preferred gossip. All of the camels did all the time. They gossiped about each other, the state of the Gremory house, their allies, and their enemies. But, honestly, Rudd talked too much and spat on anyone who tried to silence him.

After they finished sightseeing, they arrived at her home, and Red's demeanor changed. His aura erupted with otherworldly power. The clouds above parted and dispersed, the ground shook, and she felt his overwhelming destructive force come to bear. At the last moment, her eyes widened at her own words.

How would a dragon act when presenting himself to her parents as her fiancé? Well, it should have been obvious; Sona would have caught on to Rias' mistake immediately. He was presenting himself in all of his power and saying, look at how powerful I am. I'm not doing anything but exposing my aura, and the world can barely stand it. If you want powerful offspring, then I'm the one your daughter should marry. She wanted to smack herself but couldn't because her mother would most likely see it.

The mighty power that had just exposed itself slowly drew back inwards until finally, it formed a layer around Red. Red himself began to glow with so much power, and then she realized that this was the show's second part. So instead of saying, hey, look what I can do but just exposing his aura, Red said, look at my control. Despite how powerful my aura was, I could control it.

Rias watched the aura continue to shift as it condensed. The feeling of danger never left; if anything, it heightened as the power she sensed seemed to sharpen like a blade. It was a feeling beyond just meager control and power. She could feel something deeper to it, like a vast beast ready to strike.

Her brother rushed out the power of destruction at his fingertips, ready to blast Red into oblivion. Only, their power was very comparable. Despite her sensory ability, she couldn't tell which one was stronger. Red nodded his head and rose in the air. Thankfully he hadn't attacked, or else things would get much worse.

Rias could feel her face heating up as she flew skyward, even as Red slowly levitated upward. "Rias, what's going on? Why is the dragon powering up." Sirzechs said.

"I may have said some things that have been misinterpreted," Rias yelled.

So far, this has been a great experience. Rias really was a sweetheart and a great sex friend. The whole pretend to be her fiancé was a bit too on the nose, but she was helping me out so, I'd do her a solid. Introducing myself to devil society honestly couldn't be anything else, but fun and she mentioned we'd ride camels later. I couldn't help but wonder if camels liked coke-cola like they did on my earth. I'm confident I had at least one can of the classic stuff in my inventory.

Fighting Sirzechs Lucifer felt like it would be the highlight of my day. The guy floated up high, covered in the power of destruction in a badass 3-piece suit. If I played my cards right, I could use this experience to power level Mortal Telekinesis. I'd already marked him the second I sensed him. It would be easy to create some light spears and arrows and fire them with light speed. But this was me acting like Rias' fiancé. Obviously, the thing to do was show off; hey, look how God damn awesome I am, don't you want me to fuck your daughter?

It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, and I was rewarded with a spar against Srizechs Lucifer and possibly Rias' parents as well. Rias might even join in, and that would be a good experience for her. But, since I wasn't here to kill Sirzechs, light was out, leaving me with fireballs, Mortal Telekinesis, Death Rays, and Hands of Asura.

My current armor set was built to counter destructive magic. To be blunt, it was built to counter death magic, and it bolstered my Death Ray. Honestly, fighting him without actual destruction-resistant equipment was dumb, but I didn't expect this fight to turn out too bloody. We were posturing more than anything.

I raised my hand, produced five tiny black fireballs, and allowed them to float up and circle around the top of my head, almost like a halo. Then I made a few larger rings and did the same.

Fireballs followed a few rules. The more tightly condensed, the more powerful their explosive force, multiple fireballs stretched control, and they travel through my Fire Manipulation skill. One of the skills I hadn't managed to upgrade much. I hadn't even used fireball much since I gained my light skills. So this was a chance to start power leveling my fire-based skills. I made the third ring as Sirzechs started chatting with his sister. Which meant the fight would probably need to wait until her parents were ready. They probably wanted to see how my powers worked and equip themselves to counter it.

After the twelfth ring, I started to feel my control grow shaky and began to ease them back and dissipate them.

Rias flew over to me, and I took the halos off. After that, they changed form under my control until they formed a box full of themselves.

"Please stop taunting my brother. This isn't what I meant by act as if you were my fiancé meeting my parents for the first time." Rias said.

"Ok, but don't devil respect power. And you said I should act like I am your fiancé meeting your parents for the first time. I have no reputation with them and no deeds to express how powerful I am. My only other method to express my power was by showing it." I said.

Rias sighed and patted me on the shoulder. "We can all sense that your strong you were worried over nothing," Rias said.

And just like that, she booth soothed my worries and ratcheted them up to 11. If they could all sense my strength, then that means they could tell I'd just tripled my power. Not only did that make things more complicated, but now I had to dig for a skill that could hide my strength from devils.

We entered the castle only to be separated. Gremory servants took me to a waiting room. Thirty minutes flew by without another word. Camellia was taken to get dressed while I checked out a few devil magazines. Apparently, there were devil equivalents to many human sports.

One of the more famous sports was hovercraft racing. Devils and fallen made their own vehicles limited by a few aesthetic specifications and raced them. They used anything from the latest and greatest magical engines to nuclear batteries.

A servant walked in. "Lady Venelana is ready for you now." I stood up to my full height in my armor, and the servant gasped. "Please follow me."

The maid led me to a bedroom where lady Venelana was dressed in a set of black lingerie. She rested on a bed full of pillows, her brown hair styled almost wildly. Her legs uncrossed and paused just long enough to show me a hint of brown hair and pink lips between her legs before closing again.

"What an interesting negotiation table. It seems for once I've come overdressed." She raised an immaculately groomed eyebrow. "Greetings, Duchess Venalena. My name is Red; it's a pleasure to meet you." I said.

I pulled my helmet-free, exposing my face before placing it on a mannequin I pulled from my inventory. First, of course, I left the rings I painstakingly braided into my beard. Each gave a boost or resistance, along with the 10 rings I wore on my hands. The rings didn't seem to care as long as they were worn. Several amulets hung from my neck, some with gemstones the size of Rias' fist. Finally, on my ears, some earrings could each block a single fatal wound.

"Oh my, Red kun, you certainly dress like royalty or a dragon with too much gold. Rias said you need assistance laundering it. Surely that couldn't be a concern of such a mighty dragon. You appear so powerful and in charge of yourself. That display earlier was frightening I almost went out there to back up my son. But it was all a misunderstanding." Venalena said.

"I was showing off how could that be misunderstood. Rias seemed very impressed." I said.

"So were my panicking staff and even my husband. My dear grandson might have nightmares now, thanks to you." Venalena said.

"Please, duchess Venalena don't try to cheer me up. Sirzech and I weren't even able to fight or even posture; my goal was to shock and awe, but it seems I only managed to shock." I said.

The duchess laughed and shook her head. "We truly do think differently. It's almost like we're having two different conversations. Tell me, is Rias still a virgin." Venalena said.

I blinked at her words. "She said she wanted to remain a virgin, and I have honored her wishes." The lady raised up and shook her head. The straps of her lingerie slipped down, exposing her nipples. "That's so cute. So has my daughter bent even a mighty dragon around her finger. She told you not to fuck me, didn't she." Venelana said.

The brown-haired bombshell rubbed her temples. "Honestly, that girl, if mommy wants to try out some exotic dick on her birthday, then Rias should say happy birthday." The lady pulled down the rest of her bra straps and exposed her soft pink nipples.

"Do you like what you see? Forget what my daughter told you. It's normal for a mother to try out the boys her daughter brings home. And if you're really worried about Rias finding out, well don't be; she suggested I fuck you as an apology." Venelana said.

Once again, I blinked at the sheer oddity of devils. Was this a lie or just honesty? "Fuck it," I said and pulled my pants off. I hadn't had pussy in a long time. Closed meditation meant closed meditation.

I pulled her panties off, and she gasped. "So forceful, that's certainly a change of pace." I moved forward and kissed the devil, forcing my tongue in her mouth and tasting her. Her titties pushed against my chest as I pushed my dick against her entrance. I picked her up off the bed and moved to her nipples.

Her big glossy pink areolas shined in the lamplight as I snatched one of her nipples between my lips. Venelana was already wet when we began, but she gushed when I sucked on her nipples. Slowly my dick began to sink into her opening even as she bucked her hips. I could feel her silken tunnel tighten at my entrance before relaxing.

I pulled and pushed hard into her, but her body quickly took it, and she pushed back. Slowly I used more strength and enjoyed her. I came too quickly the first time but didn't stop. She welcomed my seed easily, and we kept going.

Like a fucking machine, I continued to pummel her cervix as her devil milf cunny yanked and pulled, almost desperate for more. "If you keep filling me up like that, you might get me pregnant," Venelana said.

I knew devils had a hard time getting pregnant. It was in the lore. "Isn't that the idea," I said.

"Oh yes, fill my womb with your seed and give Rias a new half-sibling. Just really cuckold my husband. I know you can do it." Venelana said, and I came in her again.

It was the weirdest negotiation table I'd ever been to. When we finished, Venelana closed her legs so my seed couldn't escape and winked at me. "Now, while you're here, I want you to fuck my daughter senseless and put a baby into her. This Rizer nonsense is giving everyone a headache, and no one is going to care with another little devil on the way." Venelana said.

"But she wants to keep her virginity until she's married," I said.

"Then I'll invite Rizer here, and you can challenge him to a duel for Rias' hand. Afterward, we'll marry the two of you, and Rias can stop complaining." Venelana said.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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