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Very Bad Translations


Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 4

Written by inkthief

Carradi, the capital of the Carpe Kingdom.

The Bishops from all the branches of the Church were gathered in the magnificent Valtherus Cathedral in the capital.


"No, don't you know that those scoundrels are stirring up trouble in the North right now! But you're sending an inquisitor to the West in this situation, what the hell are you talking about!"

The one speaking was Alvato, a Bishop in the moderate camp.

His shiny bald head had heated up so much that it had turned red.

The reason was the radical Bishop Milliman on the other side.

"If you keep heating up like that, soon you'd be a head short."

A vein jumped on Alvato's forehead.

"It's just annoying to see that green onion hair of yours."

"Still, it's better to complain about something that's there compared to something that's not there. Heh heh."

"If you don't want me to pluck all that hair out today, you'll have to answer my questions, Bishop Milliman!"


Milliman coughed at the sound of Alvato seriously hitting the table.

"If we don't protect the northern part of Carpe, it's obvious that the Church will collapse! Why should we focus on the desolate West?"

Bishop Milliman responded as if it was natural, wiping away his voluminous hair and long beard, which differed from Alvato.

"Wasn't the North originally like that as well? It's also the breeding season for demons, and it's a time when the White Forest is noisy. Besides, there's no evidence that heretics have appeared in the North, unlike the West."

Bishop Milliman and the other extremist Bishops beside him all nodded their heads and agreed.


Unfortunately, what he said was true.

The northernmost part of the Kingdom is a barren land, always full of snow and monsters.

No matter how crazy the Pilgrims of Valtherus are with their swords, there are few faithful ones who make pilgrimages there.

So it always took time to get reports on the exact situation, and the evidence the extremists were talking about was also unclear.

"But that's not the case in the West. There have been reports and signs of paganism already in the West."


"The fact is that the fate of Arsando, who was sent to Torrett to investigate the rumours of a sacred object of Valtherus, became unclear. If you look at the Acushium, you can't see him anymore."

One of the relics of the Valtherus Church.


Bishop Alvato turned his gaze towards the Acushium lying in the middle of the great round table.

'Acushium, the holy relic of light that embraces the miracle of the god Valtherus.'

At the center of the round table was a circular indentation filled with water.

Numerous colourful lights danced in the water, and the terrain of the Kingdom was marked with waves. Different colours of light according to the level of divine power indicated the location of the Pilgrims.

Bishop Milliman of the West.

He said while pointing his finger at the Torrett area.

"Of course, Arsando was a Pilgrim with level 5 holy power. But everyone here knows that his swordsmanship and holy power were quite high to be called just a level 5."


"That Arsando is dead."

Arsando's light disappeared last night.

"It's not clear whether he went to the gods or became a Carcass."

"But, Bishop Milliman. There were two lights indicating Pilgrims in Torrett. If one of them disappeared, it's also possible that there was a sword duel."

Sword duel.

Two Pilgrims fight with their swords, check each other's skills, and then decide the winner.

That said, in the end, both participants are blinded by the prospect of making an excellent sword, so it wouldn't end with a nice cup of tea.

But despite Bishop Alvato's objection, Bishop Milliman once again pointed to a light in Torrett.

"This light is the light of Callius."


"You mean that bastard of the Jervain family?"

Milliman shook his head slowly.

"You've all heard the story."

Callius von Jervain.

Son of the Supreme Ruler of the North, Count Jervain.

The eldest son of the Jervain family which was renowned for its swordsmanship.

And –

"The bastard of the Jervain family."

"Yes. Pilgrim Callius was quite famous within the Order."

Callius von Jervain.

His father, Count Jervain, who was a famous northern swordsman, had wanted the Valtherus Church to take care of his eldest son.

The Church was initially delighted with the huge donation, but soon had no choice but to cry.

It was because Callius' naughty behaviour was beyond their imagination.

"Callius, that idiot bastard and scapegrace, was quite a troublemaker even within the Church."

The moderate Bishop Alvato recalled five years ago.

'The abandoned eldest son of Jervain.'

Despite being the eldest son of Jervain, who are called master swordsman, he had no talent for swords, and was full of the arrogance and pretentiousness typical of aristocrats.

He had no prowess, and he often ignored religious members from within the Church as well as commoners, flaunting the pride of the family at his back.

Wouldn't it be nice if that was all?

There was a large number of people who left the church because Callius constantly harassed and humiliated the religious in every way.

And as if even that wasn't enough, Callius gathered the sons of noble families within the Church and went around doing all the bad things that could be done within the Church.

When he became a Pilgrim and went on a pilgrimage, the whole Church celebrated with naked joy.

"He can't still be alive…"


"Oh, nothing."

Alvato corrected the words that he had unwittingly spat out.

"But what about it. Why does Arsando's death and the existence of Callius lead to sending inquisitors?"

Bishop Milliman shook his head in response to Alvato's words.

"Bishop Alvato."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Bishop, do you think Callius can defeat Arsando with his sword?"



Callius, who had no talent in swordsmanship, even if he died and resurrected, could not have defeated Arsando.

Arsando was a Pilgrim with a promising talent within the Church.

How could Callius win a fight against him?

He had a history of fighting against monks half his age.

His swordsmanship skills were comparable to that of a young monk.

So how could he beat Arsando?

"I think it's impossible."

It was absurd.


"Of course, it could have been an accident. But, more than him beating the odds, I'm more convinced of the existence of heresy, as reported earlier."

"So what you truly mean is…"

Callius and the heathens.

There was an ominous suspicion that there was some connection between them.

"Do you remember Lutheon? The marquis' son who hung out with Callius."

"I remember."

Even if I don't want to remember, as he was an idiot who was on par with Callius.

"Not long ago, the light of Lutheon disappeared."

"Something like that…"

"But, according to a recent report, Lutheon is alive. He had a spear in his hand instead of a sword."

"No way!!"

God of Swords, Valtherus.

God of Spears, Lactus.

"Lutheon has apostatized."


Alvato's chair, as he stood startled, fell with a dull noise.

Lutheon was enough of a fool to make a pair with Callius, but he had been a genius who'd fought for the highest level of swordsmanship.

That he is an apostate!

"He became a cultist of Lactus, the God of Spears."

He turned to a God who was no less than a beast and became a pagan! Sadness turned into anger in Alvato's heart and sublimated.

"So what about Callius?"

"You mean it's very likely that Callius is also an apostate?"

"Yes. Besides, the West is a place where there are many traces of paganism. The last place where the apostate Luteon appeared is also in the West."

Bishop Milliman of the radicals was saying: "It can be believed that Callius made contact with the infidels and killed Arsando.

"Arsando had been on a mission to investigate the possibility of a relic that might be buried in Torrett. His death cannot be taken lightly."

Where there were traces of paganism, the one who should not die died.

So one couldn't help but doubt.

It was a natural process.

"I, Milliman, believe that it is highly probable that Callius is an apostate! I propose to send Steel Justice[1] Inquisitor Ryburn to Torrett!"


Round table.

Among the Bishops seated around the Acushium.

There was no one who could refute Milliman's comments.

'Steel Justice Heretic Inquisitor Ryburn… .'

Alvato shook his head.

It goes without saying his devotion was truly sincere, but the Heretic Inquisitor was famous for his severity.

Alvato considered the moment the Inquisitor would meet Callius.

Whether Callius was an apostate or not, Alvato thought the outcome would be the same.

At the same time.

Torrett's Lord's castle.


After shaking his head and taking one more shot of the wine, Callius exhaled a violent sigh and enjoyed the alcohol sticking to his throat.

"What are you staring at? I'm just drinking my Father's blood."


"Just say you're drinking wine," accused Leone, who was sitting on the other side of Callius.

Dozens of empty plates were piled up next to him, and a large oak barrel full of wine was also lying empty.

Leone looked at Callius with an amazed vision.

"Is there no dessert? Your mouth is so sharp."

Actually, the finances were tight.

Still, as a benefactor, I cleaned out my pockets and served… … .


Leone looked around and saw the servants desperately shaking their heads.

There was nothing more to give Callius, and it meant that if he made more food, he would end up on the streets.

"Isn't there? I was deceived by Leomary. She said that if you turn me into a Carcass and return it to my family, you'll be treated with grandeur…"

"My mother's name is Leonaire, Pilgrim."

"Oh, yes. I've been drinking and my tongue is already twisted."

Hmmm. Coughing, Callius got up from the table full of dishes.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't have any appetite, so I'm going to take a look around the nearby forest."

"Yeah? No appetite…?"

So, what happened to all the stuff you have eaten so far?

Leone had no idea what was going on inside Callius' stomach.

"Did you find the mine? I'd like to see it."

"Yeah? How could that be… It's a top secret, so even the mercenaries outside don't know about it."

Arsando Mirinae also discovered the cave that was the bandit's den while he was exterminating them.

Leone soon realized that it was not a simple cave but a mine where certain ores could be found, and if Leone could develop that mine, Torrett had a chance to grow into a wealthy city of the West.

'These are the settings I gave.'

I didn't know what happened after that.

The company revised the rejected contents, received feedback, and re-corrected hundreds of times.

I couldn't tell if the story was written by me or added by someone else.

It's been ten years, what more can I say?

The story I wrote was slightly revised and reflected, so there were many places where the really detailed parts were skipped.

'I'll have to check it out.'

How is the part that has been skipped over?


"Yes, Pilgrim Callius."

"Callius is enough."

"Yes! Callius-sama."

"I have received a revelation from God."

"Di-, divine revelation!!"

Leone's eyes widened.

"It was a divine revelation to take care of Torrett. As a Son of God, I must see the condition of the mines located here."

"I knew it!"


"Ever since you appeared at the right time to save me, I've always wondered if that's the case! Callius-sama was a messenger sent by the god Valtherus! A Saint of God!"

"Um… that's it."

It's convenient to be misunderstood, but those shining eyes were a bit burdensome.

"…Please guide me to the mine. There may be monsters there, so I'll take care of them."

"Ah! I see!"

At the words of Callius, who pretended to be benevolent, Leone believed like an idiot and led him to the mine.

After a while.

Seeing something in the mine, Callius' expression darkened.

"Why is this here…?"

In front of him, the Church's lost herbs.

A material of the Holy Water called the Tears of Valtherus, were blooming.

Editor's Notes:

[1] 예철의 is being translated as Steel Justice.

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Very Bad Translations


Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 5

Written by inkthief

A panacea that cures any disease and heals any wound.

The Holy Water of Valtherus.

"I don't understand…"

Why is the main ingredient for making Holy Water, called the Tears of God, growing near the local mine?

Callius could not understand at all. There was nothing notable until he entered the mine based on Leone's guidance.

On the surface, it was impossible to see it as anything but an ordinary copper mine.

It wasn't iron ore, it wasn't gold, it was just copper, so there was nothing special about it.

Still, he'd never been here before, so while he was looking around the mine, he found that that there were flowers blooming which didn't match the image of the mine.

"It's ridiculous."

The flowers were right in front of him, a perfect harmony between white and black.

The Tears of Valtherus were originally an essential material for the cult's Holy Water production, but they were completely burned down in a heathen attack decades ago.

As such, the Church of Valtherus was unable to manufacture Holy Water anymore, and it became the starting point for the Church's strength and reputation to plummet.

The Church that could no longer heal the wounded was unable to draw the people's devotion, and the Kingdom became increasingly impoverished as it could not win its wars due to the lack of Holy Water.

Originally, the Valtherus Church and the Carpe Kingdom had great power on the continent.

However, due to the lack of Holy Water, their strength gradually weakened, and now they have taken on a passive aspect.

"But here it is."

An arc was drawn on the corner of Calius's lips, as he touched his chin.

A medicinal herb that is the main ingredient of Holy Water.

Valtherus' Tears were right in front of his eyes.

And Callius knew how to make Holy Water.

That is to say –

'It means that you can carry Holy Water with you.'

Of course, to make Holy Water properly, you need a manufacturing facility to mix it with the other key ingredients.

But did Callius need that kind of perfect Holy Water right now?

'No. Just in case you don't know, it's not completely necessary.'

In this world where potions are far more precious than gold, what if you could make as many healing potions as you like, even if the quality is a little low?

"That's enough."

Half the potency of the original Holy Water.

That is enough.

Even with the slightest medicinal effect it would be a medicine that heals any wounds as if they were washed away.



"Who owns the mine?"

"Of course, it belongs to me, the owner of Torrett's estate."

"Then you're saying these flowers are yours too?"

"Yes, yes. Would you like to have one?"


"Leone. You're a really good kid."

Callius patted Leone's head.

"Hey, what's with this. Hehe."

Callius stroked Leone's head and then carefully dug up the Tears of Valtherus that were blooming.

"But how are you going to use it?"

"It's a secret."

"Ah, that's it. The Church's secret…"

"That's roughly it. If the Church finds out that the secret about this flower has been revealed…"

Callius mimed slitting his neck with the back of his hand.

Leone responded with a firm nod of his head as if he had made a desperate determination to never see that bloody look.

"Of course!"

"Okay. God will watch over you."

Callius tapped Leone's shoulder, then grabbed one of the beautiful herbs and placed it on the back of his hand.

Then soon –

The stigmata flashed with a subtle light and made a soft hiss.

The Tear of Valtherus was gone.


The herb was sucked into the stigma.

You can't put things in that are too big, but if it's just some herbs, you can store them inside the stigmata, just like you would use your inventory.

'This won't damage the Tears of Valtherus.'

If there is a suitable place, it would not be bad to re-plant and culture them.

"Okay. Let's go."


I was a little hesitant at first, but I'm glad I came here.

Not only has the level of divine power risen, but I also got a Life-grade sword and the Tears of Valtherus, the main ingredient of Holy Water. It is a gain that cannot be valued in money.

"By the way, Callius-sama."

"What? Leone."

"Are you leaving?"

"You're asking the obvious. I'm a Pilgrim."

Pilgrims are known to wander.

They are wanderers who never stay at one spot for long.

The reason was also known.

The end of the pilgrimage comes only when you find your sword.

And when you turn the rosary hanging from the neck into a sheath, and put the sword in that sheath.

Only then –

"But why are you asking that?"

"Oh, I actually heard it back then."

During the duel with Arsando.

He'd called out the last name of Callius.

"Callius von Jervain."

Leone repeated his name with admiration.

"Do you know Jervain?"

"That's right! It's Jervain, the Supreme Ruler of the North who are famous for their swordsmanship! Is there anyone my age who doesn't know of Jervain from the north?"

The Ruler of the North, Jervain.

Carpe's Shield, Jervain.

Swordmaster Jervain.

There are so many titles when you speak of Count Jervain.

Jervain, who have been protecting the northern part of the Carpe Kingdom for centuries.

Among those who participated in any important affairs within the Carpe Kingdom, there was no one who did not know this name.

"Are you leaving for the North?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"Uh, that's…"

Leone had a puzzled expression on his face as if asking something obvious.

"This body has left the family and turned to God."

I don't want to hear anything about the family.

'I don't want to go there until I die.'

If you go back to the Jervain family, the characteristics that come with this persona would be revealed, so things would become difficult.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My presumptuous meddling… that's right. Callius-sama is now the Son of God."

Thinking about the divine revelation, Leone fell into his own delusion and kept his head down.

"Let's go. I've seen everything there is to see."


Except for the Tears of Valtherus, the mines here were mediocre.

However, the amount of copper seems to be quite large, so if you exchange with a suitable upper level and export it, the estate will gradually become abundant.

"Callius, this mine has become Torrett's hope."

"Copper is a mineral that has many uses here and there, so the area is bound to improve."

"Can I do well…?"


Leone's eyes looking up at him were full of anxiety.

He was about as tall as Callius' chest.

His youthful face still had the look of a child.

'You're too young.'

Rumours will spread in Torrett that the copper mines are profitable, and the vanished vassals will turn their faces to devour the profits. Then they will become more and more greedy, and might even end up trying to kill Leone.

"…I'll write you an introduction letter."

Callius had some connections with a merchant family suitable for entrusting the distribution of copper.

It was a pretty famous merchant family within the Carpe Kingdom, so it won't be difficult to distribute Torrett's copper.

'Helena de Bolivian.'

If it were her from the family of Viscount Bolivian –

She'll take care of it so I won't have to worry about Torrett anymore.

"Don't worry. You'll do just fine."

Stroking Leone's head, Callius stepped forward.

'She's going to kill me, right?'

Callius remembered two years ago.

A relationship with her that could be called a bad relationship, if anything.

Her accusations against him held up.

A few days later –

Crackle, crackle.

Callius flicked the bag of gold coins Leone had given him and put it in his pocket.

"You didn't need to give me this."

"No. I apologize for only being able to do this much."


"Callius, I don't know where you're going, but be careful on the way to Oliorro."


"I don't know what's going to happen in that town right now because there's a rebellion in Fortress Oliorro."


"Yes, do you know?"

Oliorro's Rebellion.

In fact, it was one of the peasant uprisings stirred up by the pagans.

'But it's too early.'

It should have been done at least three years later.

'Has the timeline accelerated?'

If so, it means you don't have time to relax like this.

The shadow of the pagans is getting darker, so this side can't stand still either.

'I'm going to the North.'

To the master of the Spirit Sword who is waiting there.

A few days later.

Inside the Torrett Mine.

The spot where Valtherus' Tears used to be was picked clean as if there had never been anything there.

The man, who was looking at that place with sharp eyes, did not match well with the environment of the mine due to his neat and luxurious attire.


"Ryburn. Callius has already left Torrett a few days ago."

"Is that so. We were one step late. Where would you say his destination is?"

"Neither the Lord of Torrett nor the local residents know where he is going."

"The whole of Torrett is covering for him… Is it okay to leave things like that?"

"Not yet…"

Tuk, tuk.

Inquisitor Ryburn, who patted his index finger with his arms crossed, sighed as he shook his head.

Tuk, tuk.

"If you're not sure, wouldn't it be better to not say anything?"

His mouth was smiling, but his eyes were sharp as frost.

He is Steel Justice Heretic Inquisitor Ryburn.

A powerful Paladin with a level 3 divine power and a Spirit Sword.

During interrogations, he is a bloodthirsty Heretic Inquisitor before whom it was said that only the truth could be confessed.

"Sorry, I'm sorry! I'll correct it!"

Ryburn walked past the man with an indifferent gaze and exited the mine.

Inquisitor Ryburn raised his glasses and murmured.

"Bishop Milliman said that there might be a relic of the Order hidden here."

The Church was aware of the possibility.

However, Inquisitor Ryburn confirmed that there were no relics here.

'Is Bishop Milliman wrong?'

Or did someone take it?

Inquisitor Ryburn put more weight on the latter possibility.

'Callius von Jervain.'

Trash of the Swordmasters.

Talentless bastard.

He, who possessed such a foolish swordsmanship, won the duel against Arsando Mirinae and quietly disappeared.

"Maybe, he took the power of the relic."

I don't know what kind of relic it is or what power it has, but the Church's relic is a mystery itself.

Even if something's not likely to happen.

The relic could have been enough to make it happen.

If Callius, who had that garbage talent, monopolized the miracle of the relic –

"Any sign of paganism?"

"I'm looking around the area, but still…"

There were no signs of paganism.

Arsando, who was investigating under orders from the Church, died.

The probability is high that it is a relic.

That incompetent Callius killed Arsando?

Callius took on the power of the relic?

He killed Arsando and disappeared.

Even though he took the power of the relic, he did not report it to the Church.

Why would you do that –

Because there was something to hide.

Then he –?

"It's heresy."

Steel Justice Heretic Inquisitor Ryburn.

A faint smile spread across his lips.

"Heresy in the name of God."

Clean up –

Ryburn's usually indifferent eyes were full of joy.

"Callius von Jervain is a heretic."

And the residents of Torrett who covered for him, as well the Lord of this place, are all heretics too!

"They will be thoroughly interrogated."

Editor's Notes:

None for this chapter.

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Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 3September 25, 2021In "sword pilgrim"

Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 4September 26, 2021In "sword pilgrim"

Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 1September 23, 2021In "sword pilgrim"

September 27, 2021 · Posted in sword pilgrim, translation · Tagged sword pilgrim, translation ·

2 thoughts on "Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 5"

Asteroid says:

September 27, 2021 at 9:14 am

Nice going.

Btw thnks for cap

Liked by 2 people


anemptyexistence says:

October 10, 2021 at 8:54 pm




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Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 4

Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 6

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Very Bad Translations


Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 6

Written by inkthief

Tick, tick.

The shadow of Callius moved with the beat of the flickering flame.

The fire was a comforting warmth, illuminating the dark forest where Callius was camping for the night.

As he stared blankly at the fire, many thoughts floated up to the surface of his mind, and then sank back again as the mind became calm.

A newly acquired sword.

Callius looked at the sword Arsando with his gray eyes.


Grade – Life Sword.

Inhabited Soul – Arsando Mirinae.

Arsando Mirinae's Carcass.



With his sword stuck between the tree roots, Callius tilted his head back to rest against the tree, and closed his eyes.

It was me who was in charge of the overall story of [The Pilgrim's Path].

However, I had been getting more and more tired from the heavy workload, so I was not able to properly create the characteristics of each character.

At that time, I sat on the company rooftop bench and called her.

"Mister writer. You need my help again, right?"

The woman with a bright, sunny smile was an employee of the design department. With a smile on her face, she handed me a coffee and sat down next to me.

"What is it this time? Oh, that bastard, Callius von Jervain! I know. I got inspired while designing him. He's so handsome, isn't he?"

She spoke of the characters she had created as if she was dealing with living people.

"Callius must be a bastard. Yet, he must also have the dignity of a noble. I wish he would be different when he is a Pilgrim and when he returns to his family."

I shook my head and wrote down the details of Callius that Yoo Yeon-Hwa was talking about.

She closed her eyes and tapped her lips with her index finger. There was a trembling around her eyes.

Every time, it was a weird thing to see.

But I knew.

Every time she did this, a firm character setting was given to a sloppy-looking character.

Callius von Jervain.

He is the eldest son of a master swordsman, but a fool with no talent in swordsmanship.

However, the appearance that inherited the blood of Jervain was unmatched in the Carpe Kingdom. But maybe it was a joke from God, since his fate was a series of misfortunes.

"Even though he's weak, he's constantly putting in effort without other people's knowledge, but his character gets crooked because he doesn't get any results! A noble among nobles who has the arrogance and dignity characteristic of the aristocrats, but sacrifices himself to death at the end!"

I jotted down her advice in a notebook, along with whatever came to mind.

"Um, something is lacking… Is there anyone who likes Callius by any chance?"

"Well. I hadn't even thought about that part."

"I wish there were. But it's even more heartbreaking because it's something that can never come true. Ah! It hurts my heart."

Unrequited love.

I don't think it's a very feminine idea, but there's nothing wrong with it.

I nodded my head over and over again.

"But it's so sad."


"Callius dies. The matter of his sickly body always comes up."

That was true.

Callius dies anyway.

No matter which route he takes, he is given a forced choice route where he has no option but to die.

Because of his character.

[Nobility's Duty]

Noblesse Oblige.

Due to this characteristic, when living through the rise and fall of a nation, Callius always makes an absurd self-sacrifice.

"If you follow this storyline, there is no way for him to survive."

A really handsome man.

Although he is the eldest son of a count, he is a symbol of misfortune who is thrown away because he has no talent as a swordsman. Callius, whose character concept screams the word 'crazy'.

Players will encounter Callius at least once no matter which route they take, and he will have an unfriendly relationship with most players.

Even if they become friendly, this guy will be useful only once.

When he falls on the inevitable annihilation route, Callius sacrifices himself, saying it is the duty of a nobleman.

It is only before he dies that he repents his mistakes and it is his first and last act to help the player – by dying.

「Callius von Jervain」

「Occupation」 – Pilgrim.

「Spirit」 – Level 6

「Divine Power」 – 1351/1351.

「Talent」 – [Bard's Blessing – Best]

「Characteristics」 – [Verse of Grace] [Nobility's Duty] [Scapegrace Count] [Four Verse Composition] [Prodigal Son of the Order] [Gluttony]


Strength – 2

Agility – 1

Skill – 1

Health – 2

Faith – 3

The character is very messy.

No properly useful characteristics.

But that's the original character.

A character that doesn't grow in importance in any route, doesn't do much as a villain, and is ambiguous as an ally.

That's Callius.

"At least one… I wish there was at least one. A route where Callius lives on."

She smiled bitterly.

She felt sad for a game character that wasn't even alive.

"Oh, and it's too bad that he doesn't have any talent. Please put in at least one."

"Um… what would be good?"


After thinking for a while, she said ah! and exclaimed.

"Is he surprisingly talented in music?"

I burst into laughter at the sight of her smirking as she said this.

She twittered like a swallow and chirped like a sparrow, but she was a comfort that was invaluably precious to me.

But the longer we spent together, the sicker she got.

A gloomy sky.

It was a dark day's early evening and the sky was full of black clouds.

I couldn't help but watch her funeral from a distance.

"You said it was suicide?"

"Yeah, I don't even know how that can be… because she was always smiling."

"Why did she die?"

"I don't know, there was no will or anything."

My comfort was gone.

[Callius von Jervain]

Tuk, tuk.

The next day after her funeral.

I went to work, sat down and opened Callius' settings window.

'At least one… I wish there was at least one. A route where Callius lives on.'

Her voice was still vivid in my ears. As if possessed by something, I began to edit Callius' settings window.

"One route where Callius lives."

And –

'Is he surprisingly talented in music?'

One talent.[1]


Callius woke up and grabbed Arsando.

The bushes shook, but soon a roe deer appeared and disappeared.

"Did I fall sleep?"

Callius added more firewood to the slowly dying bonfire.


The sputtering flame grew back in size by eating the firewood he threw.

Callius, while staring at the flame, considered the status window with gloomy eyes.

'I didn't know that things at that time would continue like this.'

「Calius von Jervain」

「Occupation」 – Pilgrim.

「Spirit」 – Level 4

「Divine Power」 – 2971/3251.

「Talent」 – [Bard's Blessing – Best]

「Characteristics」 – [Verse of Grace] [Nobility's Duty] [Scapegrace Count] [Four Verse Composition][2] [Prodigal Son of the Order] [Gluttony]


Strength – 19+(10)

Agility – 15+(10)

Skill – 7

Health – 15+(10)

Faith – 20

Three years have passed and my status has changed a lot.


Eat a lot and digest a lot.

Digestibility – Top

Absorptivity – High

If I had known that this would happen, I would have added something like a genius. If I had talent, I wouldn't have had to go through all this suffering for this past three years.

"I wish there was a way to get a Spirit Sword at the start, then there would be a possible route of getting a Vision Sword, and I would have just been able to smash everything with momentum."

Why is nothing easy in life, before or now?

[Verse of Grace]

Relieve the pain of the target turned into Carcass and receive a favour.

The first trait acquired by this is the trait of Gluttony.

'Callius is a character with a weak constitution, so Gluttony is not a bad characteristic for him.'

Whatever you eat, it absorbs and digests nutrients at its best.

On the surface, it seems like it is just rice or food being digested, but depending on how you use it, it can mean more than that.

Besides, the time period here mimics the Middle Ages.

'There are a lot of cases where people die from eating something wrong.'

The Gluttony trait was indispensable as it reduced the number of such cases and provided the best digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food eaten.

'Because it digests or decomposes even up to intermediate poison on its own.'

Callius looked at what was marked as a talent.

"The only talent I have is…"

Callius took a leaf of grass and brought it to his lips.

Open your mouth and let the wind blow.


An unbelievably soft tone resounded through the forest.

If you listened quietly, your ears were purified, your thoughts disappeared, and a sense of supreme satisfaction bloomed in your heart.

Even though it was dawn, the beasts raised their heads and began to gather to hear Callius's grass flute.

"It's absurd."


When he stopped playing, the animals ran away as if he had never been.

"Is he surprisingly talented in music?"

Had I known it would be like this, I would have put some other talents in it.

"… No, this is good too."


Walking through the meadow, Callius played the grass flute.

A fantastic tone reverberated through the forest.

"I found traces."

The man shouted with joy when he found traces of the bonfire.

"Okay. Then where is his destination?"

"But that's…"


Inquisitor Delruin had a face that he didn't quite understand.

"Come on, tell me."

As he was urged, Delruin began to confide as if he had no choice.

"There are unusually many footprints of animals in this forest. That's why…"

"It is difficult to discern the direction. Is this what you mean?"

"Unfortunately… yes."

It's so amazing that my nose feels stuffy.

There are so many footprints of beasts that it is impossible to pinpoint their direction.

How many beasts are roaming around, making it look like nobody can be tracked through this mess? Did they pass by in groups in the woods?

'It's not like it was a herd of water buffaloes… … .'

Even as Delruin was speaking, it was difficult for him to understand this situation.

Are you saying that Callius can even do magic? Magic potent enough to dazzle the beasts and make them erase his footprints? Or was it a spell?

"You may not believe it, but…"

A sigh came out.

Anyone who hears these reports will scold back. Shouldn't you yourself believe it if you say something that doesn't make sense?

However, Inquisitor Ryburn's expression was quite different from what he expected.

"Maybe it's the power of the relic."



All of these situations are possible in the face of a miracle imbued with the power of God.

Why didn't I think of that?

Delruin greatly admired Inquisitor Ryburn's insight.

"It looks like it's going to be longer than I thought."

"Yeah, I guess… there are a lot of variables."

Pilgrim Callius.

No, the pursuit of the apostate Callius, who stole the relic, seemed it would take longer than expected.

Viscount Bolivian.

In the office there, was a woman who twirled her ink-stained pen gracefully.

A woman with red hair and green pupils, but with slightly ferocious eyes.

The second daughter of the Bolivian family.

It was Helena de Bolivian.


"What's the matter?"

I'm in the middle of reviewing the documents in a good mood, but you're breaking the flow.

Helena thought she should deduct Butler Alfredo's salary.

"A letter has been sent to the lady. Courtesy of Count Jervain…"



Helena, who snatched the letter from the butler, immediately frowned.

"What kind of face does this bastard have!"

The source of the letter was the guy who couldn't be ignored. A con artist who dared to deceive the daughter of a merchant family and extort gold coins!

"You bastard, Callius… Since you stole my gold coins last time, you should just hide and live like a mouse!"


Helena, who broke the pen stand in anger, immediately opened the envelope.

"Just you dare ask for money again. I'll go to the North this time! I'll grab all my money back from the Jervain family!!"

"Considering the hardship, time, and cost of going to the north, it's a no-brainer. Miss."

"Shut up, Alfredo! I know!"

The green pupils quickly went over the letter from top to bottom.

However, a frown gradually formed and only doubt remained on her face.

"Torrett? Copper mines?"

You're asking me to distribute copper from Torrett's mines out of the blue.

Of course, mining development and distribution is not difficult. Torrett is just a small town near the border.

There will be no proper manpower there, so you can send manpower from here.

All the profits from that will come back to Bolivian as gold coins.

You'll have to go to Torrett to get the full picture, but for Helena, it's nothing to be sad about.

"But something's strange… it smells of something other than money."

As she squinted her eyes suspiciously, Alfredo raised his arm and sniffed.

"I came here today after washing my face. Maybe the Lady…"

"What nonsense! Alfredo! I washed today!"

"That's right. I'm sorry."

Helena, who was glaring at Alfredo with an annoyed face, suddenly widened her eyes as if she had remembered something.

"Wait, Torrett?"

Torrett, Torrett.

Tock tock. Helena, who was holding a broken pen and touching her lips, rummaged through a mountain of papers, and pulled out a report.

"Yes, Torrett. Alfredo. Did I mention that the Inquisitor was heading to a village near the western border a while ago?"

"Yes, I heard that."

To the merchants, information is money.

In addition, information about the Inquisitor is inevitably sensitive.

The rise and fall of people become clear depending on where his footsteps reach.

"There are only a few villages near the border. There was a rumour that Arsando, who went to Torrett, was dead, if that's true…"

The puzzle is put together.

The narrowed brows straightened, and a faint smile spread on her red lips.

"Why did the Steel Justice Inquisitor go to Torrett, was it because of you?"

Callius von Jervain.

Aside from how he killed Arsando, how did he even attract a Heretic Inquisitor?

"If it's Callius, it could be."

Not long ago, Lutheon, who was close to him during his monk days, apostatized.

"Is it because of that?"

It's not clear, but Callius must be being pursued anyway.

The distance from Torrett to the Bolivian family is about ten days.

If you estimate the time when the letter arrived, the picture is drawn slowly.

"Have you been caught by now?"

Or maybe he's already been arrested and questioned? No, I mean tortured.

Ahaha! Helena smiled as she tilted her chair back.

"Doesn't a God still exist? I can finally see the bad guy who cheated me, Helena de Bolivian, get punished."

Oh, there's Lord Valtherus.

Helena smiled with great satisfaction and straightened her back.

"But, you won't die, right? You must return the five hundred gold coins that you scammed from me, Callius."

"He is the eldest son of the Jervain family. No matter how much he is abandoned, his bloodline will not go anywhere. He will not be killed."

"Right? So you can't die. I'll have to pay back my disgrace and get back my gold coins tenfold from him!"

Bang. Helena, who resumed stamping her paperwork, hummed to herself.

Editor's Notes:

[1] It seems like when the "original" character setting is being discussed with the designer, Gluttony and Bard's Talent shouldn't be present yet, but that's how the author wrote.

[2] 사시작비 is now Four Verse Composition.

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3 thoughts on "Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 6"

anemptyexistence says:

October 10, 2021 at 9:03 pm




hike22 says:

October 13, 2021 at 2:33 am

ty for the chaps

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mrmuunster says:

October 25, 2021 at 12:14 am


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Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 7

Written by inkthief

Woong, woong, woong.

"It's not going well."

Subtle divine power overflowed from Callius' body.

His spirit was now 4th grade.

Both the amount and purity of divine power had changed remarkably compared to before.[1]

In this world, spirit is the measure of one's prowess.

And the uses of divine power are limitless.

What if you focus your spiritual energy on your eyes?

'The range of sight increases.'

You can see quite far.

What if you put your spiritual energy into your ears?

Auditory acuity increases.

If so, what would happen if you let the spiritual energy flow evenly throughout your body?

The answer is –

"Temporarily increases the physical ability."

「Callius von Jervain」

「Occupation」 – Pilgrim.

「Spirit」 – Level 4

「Divine Power」 – 2971/3251.

「Talent」 – [Bard's Blessing – Best]

「Characteristics」 – [Verse of Grace] [Nobility's Duty] [Scapegrace Count] [Four Verse Composition] [Prodigal Son of the Order] [Gluttony]


Strength – 19+(10)+10

Agility – 15+(10)+10

Skill – 7

Health – 15+(10)+10

Faith – 20

As one could see, the physical ability increased by +10 due to the purity of the divine power that was originally level 4, but when the whole body was covered with divine power like this, an additional +10 was added.

Body strength, agility, and even health.

They were of a level that could not be ignored since as much as 10 more was added.

"Looking at the diminishing divine power…"

But you couldn't keep it for long.

Divine Power – 2442/3251.

That was because the divine power was rapidly decreasing.

At this speed, most of the divine power would be consumed in about 15 minutes in battle.

"It would be difficult to use it in practice."

So Callius was training.

As he walked, he was emitting divine power with his whole body. He was circulating the spiritual energy throughout the body and gathering it in one place.

Originally, divine power resulted from one's belief in God.

Borrowing from God in return for devotion.

So it was the power of God.

Therefore, divine power, despite seemingly being one's own power, was not truly so.

It's in my body, but it feels like it's not mine.

To put it more simply:

"It feels coiled around my skin but not attached to it."

Therefore, it was not difficult to draw the energy into the body and circulate it.

This was similar to cardiopulmonary exercise in which you breathe in air and then exhale again.

The divine power was exhaled again when inhaled. The expelled divine power was weakened and could not be re-used.

It took some time to recover.

So –

Callius was now training to contain that divine power within himself.

To prevent the divine power that had entered the body from escaping again, he was training to catch it.

It was a kind of storage.

Wouldn't it be more efficient to have the divine power in one's own body rather than drawing it from the atmosphere?

Of course, it wasn't an unfounded idea either.

'The characteristic should have become available.'

It had been over three years since Callius started doing this.

Gradually, little by little, a speck of spiritual power was established in his lower abdomen.

Just a little bit more.

With a little more, the divine power would be fully established and a talent would be unlocked.

For the Pilgrims of this age, divine power was simply a borrowed power.

There were few Pilgrims who wanted to do something like Callius.

"If there are, it'd be the Paladins."

Paladins were appointed by the Church only after finding their own swords.

This was a training method that was possible only with their level of experience and enlightenment.

Hence, disciples were sparse, and even if there were, not everything about oneself could be taught. Isn't that one of the principal characteristics of those bound by religion?

"It has meaning only when you realize it for yourself."

Therefore, there were very few people who practiced this kind of cultivation like Callius.

Besides, the training he did –

'Unique-grade technique.'

[Six Peak Flowers Bloom in Late Season – 만화봉육 (晩花峰六)][2]

Grade – Unique

Six buds blooming in late season.

It was a technique that maximized efficiency by creating buds in the body with divine power.

When they reach maturity, the six buds bloom at once, and petal-shaped sword energy flows from the tip of the sword of the master of this technique.

Start with six buds, that one by one bloom into six peak flowers, and then blossom into twelve flower offerings – it was a divine technique.

Six Peak Flowers Bloom in Late Season.

A technique created by Saint Stella, who was originally a genius and highest level Paladin who disappeared hundreds of years ago.

Her divine technique was lost until three years ago.

When I took over Callius.

As soon as I took over my new life here, the first thing I found was Stella's Six Peak Flowers technique.

The darkness hides the deepest under the lamp, and Stella's Six Peak Flowers Technique was hidden under the flowerbeds of the Valtherus Church.

Of course, such a setting was also created by myself, so it was only after I found the Six Peak Flowers Technique that I could be sure that this was the real-world version of the game.

"I mean, it didn't go well."

Even if it gathered, it was difficult to transform the divine power into a bud.

Perhaps it was a technique that was still above my level, and it was not easy.

All the ideas I had created and hidden initially came out of my brain, so I was furious because I couldn't learn it myself.

Three years had already passed by.

He couldn't reach even the initial level of the Six Peak Flowers Technique.

But Callius did not give up hope.

It used to be because he was under-levelled, but now it was a little different.

Physical abilities that had been strengthened through quests.

The constitution changed with the characteristics of a glutton.

And the quality of spiritual power had risen to a higher level.

It was bringing a glimmer of hope to Callius, who possessed wretchedly abject qualifications.

'Not long to go.'

One or two threads of divine power gathered together in the Elixir Field and wrapped around it.[3]

The divine power, which had lumped together inside the Elixir Field, had now grown to the size of a pea.

Beads of sweat dripped down Callius' forehead.

Sweat trickled down his cheeks and dripped onto the ground from the tip of his chin.

And right then –


Callius' footsteps stopped.

The silver light that had spread from his body faded and he took a deep breath.

"That's it for today."

[Divine Power – 353/3251]

It was because he'd consumed most of his divine power.

There was still a long way to go, and it was a dangerous forest path where you couldn't know what would happen next.

I used up most of my energy to immersed in training, but not anymore.

As the times are what they are, various variables exist here.

For example.

"A bandit or a monster."

Or a Pilgrim.

Since there are such dangers, it is impossible to concentrate on training by consuming all my divine power.


'I heard that Oliorro was captured by the rebels.'

The story is flowing is faster than expected.

At this rate, the aftereffects of Lutheon's apostasy and the pressure from the pagans will be even more severe.

Now I can no longer enjoy my leisure.

I have to move quickly.

"I'll have to go to Tristar for now."

Tristar is known as the largest nightlife city in the Carpe Kingdom.

From there, I will head to the famous Trish Auction House to collect the other ingredients for Holy Water.

The Pilgrim's Path will become more and more war-torn –

… and the appearance of the pagans will become more and more frequent.

As a result, internal strife will happen within the Church and the Kingdom will become a mess.

The northern part is busy with the invasion of monsters, and the Empire will take advantage of that time to eat Carpe.

Life is at risk wherever you go.

There is no safe place, inside or outside.

Shouldn't there be a way to heal my body by making Holy Water?

"It'll be a while before I can grab the Thunderbolt Sword from that damned bastard."

Callius murmured to himself and took another step.

The destination was Tristar.

Carpe's biggest nightlife city.

Inside the Valtherus Church.

The moderate leader, Bishop Alvato, privately summoned a Pilgrim.

"The Pilgrim Esther Sol Ciliad greets Bishop Alvato."

"Oh, Esther. Come here."

The Pilgrim, Esther Sol Ciliad.

She was a Pilgrim with hair coloured like water that shone dazzlingly in the light.[4]

Esther's blue eyes sparkled like crystal, and at first glance it looked like she was always crying. Because of this, her nickname used to be Weeping Esther.

The nickname was because of her twinkling eyes, but she hated that nickname.

So most of those who called her Weeping Esther were struck by her fists and had their teeth or noses broken.

Bishop Alvato, who recalled those old memories for a moment, smiled fondly.

"Yes, I've called you because I've got a job for you to do."

"What is it?"

Esther answered with an expressionless face, as if she was not human.

Alvato smiled bitterly at her standing there like a statue.

"You have to go to Tristar."


"As you know, apostasy is on the rise, and the situation in the Kingdom is not good."

Meanwhile –

"There is a Pilgrim who is suspected of possessing a holy relic. You know him well."

Alvato handed her a document.

The name written there was –

"Callius von Jervain…"

Her eyes, which had been blank consistent with her expressionless face, narrowed in an instant.

"Bishop Milliman, of the extremist faction, has sent an Inquisitor. But that Inquisitor is Steel Justice Inquisitor Ryburn. He is Bishop Milliman's man."

If –

If Callius really had a holy relic, and it fell into Ryburn's hands –

"You must not allow Bishop Milliman to get the relic."

Bishop Milliman, the leader of the extremists.

He seemed cautious for his position, but he was quite reckless when it came to the pagans.

It may have been because of the seeds of revenge that had been sown in his past, but Bishop Milliman's purpose in the present situation was putting both the Kingdom and the Church in danger.

"It's not good for us to touch the Empire now. It's still time to crouch low and accumulate our strength."

So, he called Esther.

Esther Sol Ciliad, the genius swordsman, who was showing the greatest growth in the current Church.

Her genius and sincerity even caused mentions of her as the next Saint.

She was qualified enough for this task.

"All right."

"I've prepared everything. All you have to do is start your journey. If it's Tristar, there won't be any difficulties. And you never know, this time, the item you are looking for might appear at the Trish Auction House."

Bishop Alvato shook his head, clasped his hands and stretched his back.

"Bishop Alvato."

"Yes, do you have any questions?"

"Yes. What if Pilgrim Callius doesn't have a relic?"

What if he doesn't have a relic?


"If there is no direct or indirect evidence of collusion with the pagans, it would mean that there is no sin."

If he has no sacred objects and has no affiliation with pagans, then he is without sin.

So you can just come back… …

"It would be fine to have a sword duel."

"Um? Uh… I guess that'd be fine."

"Okay. I'll go right away."


Esther's footsteps as she closed the door seemed light for some reason.

Sword duel.

"Did you have such a bad relationship with Callius? I never knew."

Esther, who never showed her emotions, came out of nowhere with such a proposal.

Bishop Alvato smiled bitterly.

If there were any sacred objects, he would die as a sinner, and even if there were no sacred objects, he would die at the hands of Esther.

Death was the only option.

Editor's Notes:

[1] 성력 is spirit, or spiritual power. 신성력 is divine power.

[2] 만화봉육 is being translated as Six Peak Flowers Bloom in Late Season, shortened to Six Peak Flowers Technique.

[3] 단전 (pronounced: danjeon) is being translated as Elixir Field. This is the same as dantian in Chinese medicine.

[4] 물빛 (lit. water coloured). Pale indigo.

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2 thoughts on "Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 7"

anemptyexistence says:

October 10, 2021 at 9:10 pm




hike22 says:

October 13, 2021 at 2:37 am

kill them all, our mc!

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Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 8

Written by inkthief

"Thank you. Thank you so much..."


Grains of light scattered in the wind and gradually disappeared.

In front of Callius, the child's Carcass, which had come from a corpse torn apart by the claws of a monster from the nearby forest, disappeared.

[Artemo's Carcass – Complete]

[Skill + 1]

「Callius von Jervain」

「Occupation」 – Pilgrim.

「Spirit」 – Level 4

「Divine Power」 – 2371/3251.

「Talent」 – [Bard's Blessing – Best]

「Characteristics」 – [Verse of Grace] [Nobility's Duty] [Scapegrace Count] [Four Verse Composition] [Prodigal Son of the Order] [Gluttony]


Strength – 22+(10)

Agility – 15+(10)

Skill – 7 -> 8

Health – 15+(10)

Faith – 21

A forest near the metropolis Tristar.

He had rushed to complete the quests received by turning the many corpses he saw on the way into Carcasses.

Fortunately, there were no difficult requests, so he managed to complete the quests as if it was a pastime, and his abilities also went up a lot.

Strength, faith, and even skill, which was rarely affected, rose.

Even though it only increased by 1, it seemed that the technical proficiency had risen.

Of course, you would know more precisely only once you went back to practice. Still, Callius shook his head with satisfaction and asked Artemo's parents.

"There are a lot of monsters around here. Why are you living in such a dangerous place?"

"You don't know the situation, Pilgrim. There are many peasants living like this. I've lived here as a herbalist since the old days so I can't leave here… If we left, what work would we do to put food on the table?"

"… But you might die. If you move to the city, you at least won't die from monster attacks."

But Artemo's father shook his head, saying that wasn't the case at all.

Compared to the North, there were not many, but there were monsters here as well.

There were many examples of ordinary beasts eating humans and turning into monsters, so any other place would not be much different.

"No. Even if we became residents of Tristar, the heavy taxes would make it impossible for herbalists like us to survive…"


After all, being a resident of Tristar would cost you money, and the taxes collected would also be huge.

They would rather live comfortably outside the city, in the forest.

They were attacked by nobles inside the city, and attacked by monsters outside, so it was the same for them either way.

"Then –"

"Oh, yes. I will never forget this grace."

It was time to part.

But Callius didn't budge, as if he was waiting for something.

"Ah! Pilgrim! Are you going to Tristar?"

"Yes, yes."

"Then tell Cedric of Trish that you've come to collect the debt of the herbalist Armo!"

"… Cedric of Trish. Here it comes."


"Nothing. Please elaborate."

"Yes! He owed me a debt the other day. At that time, he said that he would pay me back! I am a poor herbalist, so I have nothing to offer to the Pilgrim, so I can only do something like this…"

"You don't have to."

Callius replied sternly, but it was just a pretence.

There was a gleam in Callius' eyes. Cedric of Trish.

This was the reason why he had to cross the damn forest road to find that young corpse and complete the quest.

"Pilgrim! If his benefactor left without any recompense like this, Artemo will never able to rest in peace! Please accept my sincerity!"

"I can't help it if you say that. I'll go see Cedric of Trish."

"Thank you, thank you!"

After saying his goodbyes to the herbalist and leaving the forest, Callius saw a plain and a city beyond. It was Tristar, the city ​​of nightlife.

"Cedric of Trish. Good."

Cedric of Trish.

A giant figure in a behind-the-scenes organization called Krasion that existed not only in Carpe, but even extended to other countries.

"If it's Cedric, he might be able to help purchase the supplementary materials for the Holy Water."

Cedric was aggressive and difficult to make friends with.

However, once you became friendly, you could easily maintain a good relationship for a long time.

Being friends with him brought many advantages.

'I can get a lot of information.'

He dealt with various things in the underground world as well as very private information, so you might get the news you need.

For Callius' survival and purpose –

It was good to get acquainted with him.

"The line is too long."

As soon as he finished thinking, what he saw was a long procession towards Tristar.

Various people were lined up waiting to enter. From simple travellers to high-ranking mercenary leaders.

'Are there any nobles?'

There might have even been unknown aristocrats mixed in.

Since it was an era with little entertainment, Tristar was always crowded with people.

Callius joined the tail end of the incredibly long procession.

The sun was hanging slightly tilted in the sky.

It'd been about two hours.

Just at the moment the people in the line ahead disappeared and it was Callius' turn.


"… What?"

Someone tapped Callius on the shoulder.

"… What is it, you?"

"Oh, my shoulders are too broad. I'm sorry. But, brother, are you blind?"

Two people somehow bumped into each other's shoulders and started arguing.

The other party's hair was short and his body was muscular.

The man's voice gave was rough impression, and he was tattooed all over.

He looked like a local bully.

Callius stared at him for a bit because he felt a little absurd, when suddenly he was booed.

"What is it? If you don't want to go in, get out of the way."

"Hey, if you're going to fight, fight somewhere else. Fighting in Tristar won't get you anything."

The guard in charge of the gate into Tristar also looked at him with an annoyed expression.

The bully raised his fist at Callius, who had been standing still all this time.

"Ah! You're annoying me!"

It was then.

"This guy!"


Suddenly, Knights of some noble family rushed in and pointed their swords at the bully as well as Callius.

'What's this?'

The arguing bastard was still chattering, as an aristocratic young man walked proudly among the Knights.

"Heh heh, does Tristar let in a lot of problematic people like this?"

"... Who are you?" The guard asked.

Even at a glance, the young man's clothes and attitude were befitting a noble, so the other guards rolled their eyes and looked on.

"I am Baldwin de Lutens, the eldest son of Viscount Lutens."

"Oh, it's Sir Baldwin. My apologies, I didn't know."

The young man shook his head as if it was natural and began to open his mouth.

"I came a long way here to Tristar on my father's orders to broaden my horizons, but I didn't expect to see something like this as soon as I arrived. Should I take care of these issues?"

"I'm sorry. Hey, what are you all doing, quickly take them away!"

Callius, who had swords pointed at him by the Knights, was now pulled away by the guards.

It was an unusual situation.

It was only now that Callius realized, that the bastard and the nobleman in front of him were one group.

'In Tristar, even a nobleman has to stand in line to enter.'

But that guy forced the guards into debt as if he had solved a problem for them.

"You must know that my father has achieved many victories recently. It must not be long before he ascends to the rank of count."

"Yes, yes, of course."

"But, are you going to keep me standing here? The sun is quite hot."

"Is that possible! Please come inside."

His thoughts were right.

After waiting for two hours in line, Callius was brought away from the gate, and the nobleman who had just arrived proudly entered Tristar.

A vein jumped on Callius' forehead.

"It's ridiculous."

Why does the saying 'got my nose cut with my eyes open' come to mind? It's crazy.[1]

It's so outrageous that I'm not even mad.

"I'm a Pilgrim. Do you think it'll be okay if you treat a Son of Valtherus this way?"


He'd hoped that would work, but no luck.

"Why, you want to pull out that sword? Like I said before, Lord Pilgrim. I don't know about other places, but drawing a sword won't solve anything here in Tristar."

"Keuk, if you pull out that sword, you're dead. Even if you survive, you won't ever be able to enter Tristar, so if you still want to pull it out, try it. Even if the owner of this city is Gerald of the Valtherus Church, Tristar's laws are strict."

That was sad, but true.

The Valtherus Church had long since lost all positive public opinion. Even Gerald, the owner of Tristar, who had become a Master in the Order, did not show any consideration to the Pilgrims. Rather, he hated the Pilgrims.

Tristar was such a place.

It was the city ​​of nightlife. However, the law was applied far more strictly than other places. Once somebody caused a problem, they would either be imprisoned or, in severe cases, prohibited from entering the city at all.

Once banned from entry, one would never be able to enter again. So, if possible, no one would want to cause any problems here.

Because the being who could be said to be the owner of Tristar was one of the Five Masters, a person who exerted great influence in both the Kingdom and the Church.

Because he was Gerald Gestav.

'Gerald the Judge.'

No matter how high-ranking a noble, or how powerful a Paladin of the Church. Gerald, a Paladin who had risen to the ranks of the Five Masters, did not tolerate anybody making a fuss in his beloved city.

Besides, he was recognized by the Kingdom and even received the title of honorary marquis, so what could anybody say?

"Hey, let go of me! I can walk by myself!"

The bully was let go by the guards, and Callius walked with him away from the gate.

"Brother, think of it as just stepping on shit. If you don't have the strength, you should think with your head. If neither of them works, you should just keep your mouth shut."

Jiggle, jiggle.

The bully tossed a money bag up and down, and said words that Callius didn't know whether were teasing or comforting him.

"If both don't work, like me, listen well and get money. Hahaha!"

"How much?"

"What, what? Oh, that noble had a lot of money, he gave me five gold coins for just this kind of work. Here, take this."

The man smiled widely at Callius, who was still looking at his money bag, and tossed a silver coin from his bosom.

Callius' lips twisted as he received the silver coin.

"I earned it thanks to you, so this is my gratitude. See you again next time!"

The moment the bully turned around and was about to disappear.

Callius grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Don't you think that's not enough money?"

"What? I felt sorry for this bastard, so I gave him a piece of silver and it wasn't enough? Let's see, let's see, so I look that soft?!"

I was generous and threw him a silver coin, but the other party didn't even have the common sense to be grateful.

The bully quickly clenched his fists.

But he was one step late.

Callius' fists were faster.

"Ahh! What, what?! You hit me now?!"

In front of the screaming bastard, Callius raised his fist again with cold eyes.

"If you made gold coins because of me, wouldn't it make sense to give out gold coins instead of silver coins?"

Hearing what Callius said as if it were the most natural thing to say, the bully pulled out a dagger from his bosom.

"Damn this bastard, I almost got persuaded for a moment. Do you really want to die?!"

"No, I want your money."

"You crazy guy!!"

Whiiig! Pak!

"Ahh! Fuck!!"

He swung the dagger, but Callius grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

The dagger missed and fell to the floor helplessly, and the man was struck in the face by Callius' palm, causing his nose to bleed.

Just like a child being dealt with by an adult, the fight between the two was one-sided.

"Show me your good intentions, or don't. I think either way is fine."


Callius pulled out Arsando.

Seeing the energy flowing out of the sword, the man's throat bobbed up and down.

The bully was quick to judge the situation.

"I, I'll give it to you!"

The effect was great.

Callius got five gold coins.

He now had fifteen gold coins and one silver coin in his hand.

"Well, then I'll just…"

"Who told you to go?"

"I don't have any more money! Let me go!"

Callius shook his head.

"I don't have any money, and, and my head is useless, Pilgrim! Even if you turn it into a Carcass, I'm sure it's going to be a worthless sword!?"

"That's not certain."

"Spare me! I'll do anything!"

Oh, finally a good word came out.

"I suffered the worst of insults today. Lutens, who dared to fuck me."

Until I find him –

"You won't have your freedom."

The bully, Bruns, thought.

Looking at his eyes and actions, this guy was a real stone-head.[2] And Bruns had somehow got himself firmly caught by this crazy idiot.

He was really unfortunate.

Editor's Notes:

[1] 눈 뜨고 코 베였다는 -> Eyes were open and nose was cut -> proverb, like being a sitting duck.

[2] 또라이 -> Stone-headed -> i.e. one who cannot understand others, acts crazy, etc. A crazy idiot.

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2 thoughts on "Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 8"

anemptyexistence says:

October 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm




hike22 says:

October 13, 2021 at 2:43 am

big brain noble, ngl

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Sword Pilgrim – Chapter 9

Written by inkthief

A few hours later.


Callius, who had barely entered Tristar after some circumstances, walked the streets with a little admiration.

The small flowerbeds beside the streets were also beautiful, and the buildings were all built with different aesthetics.

All the residents had bright faces, and there was even a beautiful fountain constantly gushing out water in Tristar's central square.

"It's different, seeing it in person."

"Have you been here before, master?"


He gestured with his chin at the bastard, Bruns.

"Did you say you know where Lutens is?"

"Of course. I've seen all kinds of people, but that Lord was crazy because he wanted to go and gamble immediately!"

If it's gambling.

Then there is only one place where he could be.

That is, Cedric's gambling house located in Tristar's downtown area.

'I'll take care of him and see Cedric if I get a chance.'

Following Bruns's directions, Callius walked down the streets.

After walking for a while, the surrounding buildings started to look shabby.

Callius' eyes narrowed.

"This is it! This is a secret gambling place only known to those in the know!"

"Is that so."

At Bruns' words, Callius strode in first.

Upon opening the half-broken door, a shabby table and a few chairs could be seen scattered inside.

It was then –


The sound of chains rushed down from the ceiling, and something hit Callius.


It was a giant iron net.

An iron net perfect for imprisoning people.

The place was a trap.

"Hahahaha! You were following me like a mutt without any doubts! Older brother! Aren't you really stupid!?"

Bruns was sporting a smirk as he mocked Callius. Then, new thugs of the same type as Bruns revealed themselves all around.

"Hey Bruns! You've caught a big fish again this time!"

"Bruns the Angler! Since you caught even another Pilgrim this time! Good job! Haha, catching a Pilgrim. How much money is this guy worth?"

"As long as you sell it to the Lord, he won't have to worry about swords ever again. We're just sitting on a cushion of money!"

Perhaps they were thinking of selling Callius.

There aren't many Pilgrims, but there are those who target them due to the nature of their wandering pilgrimage. It is easy to find cases where the Lords preparing for a territorial battle imprison Pilgrims to save on armaments and exploit them into making swords.

"How much can we get this time? I think we might even get more than a thousand gold coins?"

"What thousand gold coins? We might get more than three thousand right now."

"You idiot! Where do you find a lord who can afford to pay such a high price? There are thousands upon thousands of those who want to sell their country to the Empire because they don't have money."

Running away is going to be annoying.

"Hey, who has the paralytic poison?"


As the poisoned dagger was handed over, one of the two archers threw it towards Callius.

However –


"What, did he stop that?"

Callius easily deflected the dagger using Arsando.

"What are you surprised about? Throw it again! Even if he's a Pilgrim, if you throw a bunch at the same time, he can't stop them all."

It wasn't a bad idea, but Callius didn't wait for them to implement it.

Whiiik! His sword flashed in a long invisible arc, evoking a sense of ferocity.

Kkiiig, kuguuung!

"You crazy!!"

The iron net was sliced apart.

Since the net holding him was cut off, it was obvious what would happen next.

Ahhh! Help me!

Bruns urinated in his pants as he heard the screams of his brothers from all directions. The Pilgrim's sword was relentless and neatly reaped the lives of the surrounding thugs.

As if one sword had split into dozens. It was a swift and sophisticated sword.

Bruns didn't even understand how that kind of sword could be wielded.

During the course of his dirty deeds so far, he'd seen the swords of Knights a few times.

Their swordsmanship was fine and beautiful, but the sword wielded by the Pilgrim in front of him now, was not.

It was just a killing sword.

A monotonous but sure way to kill people, without any pretentiousness and form. It was a sword adorned with the flesh of its enemies.

There was no hypocrisy in it.

Bruns felt that it was an extremely practical swordsmanship.

After a while.

Callius was seen walking away from that shabby thief's house with a blood-stained sword, and Bruns was following him.

He whimpered and carried his brothers who had turned into Carcasses in his arms.

"You're slow."

He was struggling to walk with as many as a dozen Carcasses wrapped in a bag.

A total of twelve swords. The larger the number, the greater the weight. Bruns felt so heavy that he thought he was going to die, but he tried to smile with a blue face.

"I, I'll speed up. Master!"

Bruns and Callius took the Carcasses and headed to the nearby weapon shop.

"It's a good sword. Are you going to sell this?"


"Hmm… all right. One gold coin each."

"Hey! Just one gold coin for my brothers?! Make it at least three!"

"Brothers, what are you talking about? Bruns, did something happen to your head?"

"Oh, just give me that! Huhu."

"Why are you crying? What the hell."

Leaving Bruns haggling with a red face, Callius looked around.

'Is Trish Market over there?'

As the sun went down, it started getting dark. The lights went out in the villagers' area, but the other side was different.

Rather, colourful lights started twinkling as if waiting for the night, and the places started crowd with well-attired nobles.

And in the basement of that glamorous area, there will be a Trish Black Market that sells anything.

"Master, here you are! I'm really amazing at bargaining, hehe. Check it out! You won't get this amount anywhere else!"


Jiggle jiggle.

The money bag was full.

'Twenty-four gold coins.'

It looked like the swords were sold for two gold coins each.

"Not bad."


The quality was not very good as the Carcasses were made of those small-time assholes.

Since they could be exchanged for 24 gold coins, of course, it was a small business.

Thanks to that, the money left in Callius' hand was now 39 gold coins and 1 silver coin.

'This guy… … .'

Looking at Bruns the bastard, Callius pondered on what to do.

The world he was reborn in was a cold and harsh place.

Clumsy generosity and mercy would only give others a chance to bite your neck.

There was nothing wrong with leaving no weeds behind.


But he was still useful.

Callius would stay only a few days in Tristar, and Bruns' eyes were imprinted with fear and terror that would not soon fade.

It won't be too late to deal with it after the chores at Tristar are over.

"Guide me. To the gambling house where Lutens is."

"All right!!"

The name of the casino was Casino de Cedric.

As the name indicated, it was a casino run by Cedric.

"Master, I've finished all the entry procedures. At your convenience…"

I walked in straight away.

From then on, Bruns' guidance was not needed.

There were a lot of tables, and dealers and gamblers were seated.

There were those who had bloodshot eyes and focused only on earning money, and there were those who prayed earnestly and cried out to God.

And there were also a few nobles who gambled with the Knights around them from time to time.

It shouldn't have been difficult to find the kid of the Lutens family who fucked me in the midst of that chaos.


Obviously, it should have been easy.

Baldwin de Lutens.

But the man was nowhere to be seen.

Anywhere in the casino.

"Why is he not here?"

He should've been here.

When Callius stopped walking and turned around, Bruns opens his eyes wide in surprise.

Then, as if embarrassed, he waved his hand back and forth to make excuses.

"It wasn't me! I've been with master all along!"

"Maybe you've been talking to him in secret."

Sreung, hik!

When Callius pulled out his sword halfway, it made a squeaky sound.

Bruns' face turned white, and cold sweat formed on his forehead.

"I'll definitely find him! I can do it!"

Saying that, Bruns hurriedly ran out somewhere.

Ten minutes later.

I slowly removed my ass from the chair since Bruns had reappeared.


"You're here. Did you find him?"

"Yes, I found him. But…"

Bruns' expression was strange.

Looked for him, and found him, but seems like he saw something unexpected.

"What. Did he die or something?"

"That's right…."


I heard the story.

Baldwin de Lutens.

It was said that he was quite gifted at gambling.

However, in Tristar's casino, he immediately squandered all his fortune and died while struggling in anger.

That was exactly an hour ago.

"What an idiot."

I could go see the body as Bruns was acquainted with one of the casino staff. To be honest, it was hard to believe until I saw it with my own eyes.

After a while.

Seeing Baldwin's body rolled up in a sack, Callius admitted the truth of his death.

Baldwin's body had become cold.

Near the corpse was a glimmer of silver.

It was the light of the Corpse Grace.

"I'll take Baldwin's body."

"Oh? Well, it's a little difficult because he's a nobleman…"

The casino employee gently rubbed his fingers.

He was plainly just asking for money.

When Callius threw a single gold coin, he snatched it with a happy face and disappeared.

Callius immediately turned the cadaver into a Carcass.

Then, with a soft light, the memory of the man permeated into his mind.

Wine glasses were stacked in front of him, and ashtrays were scattered nearby. Stacks of chips piled up all around.

The dealer's bad expression and the similar faces of the casino guards nearby was understandable.

'At first, he did quite well.'

Baldwin was playing dice.

Gambling based purely on luck.

It was incredible to have won that much money just from playing dice for fun.

But he didn't seem to be gambling for fun. The attitude that permeated his mind was different. He was serious, and he was gambling with a desperate determination.

'For the sake of the family.'

The eldest son of the Lutens family.

But the only talent he had, was gambling.

So, he came to Tristar to make money, and to help the family.

I thought he was just an idiot, but it didn't seem like he was.

But that was only for a while.

At some point, he lost all his accumulated chips in an instant.

Baldwin was furious, as if he had encountered something impossible, and as he quarrelled and drew his sword, he was stabbed to death.

'His hope… …'

To get his family's money back.

"That's one annoying Corpse Grace."

"Oh? Master, what are you talking about?"

I ignored Bruns' question and headed straight back to the casino.

Baldwin de Lutens.

I didn't remember it at first.

But seeing his death, I was convinced.

Baldwin's name, I remembered.

Because –

Because he had the settings that I had made.

Editor's Notes:

None for this chapter.

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