
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Ultimatedaywriter replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Event That Never Was


When the gathered devils were good and deep in their cups, Rias made her move. At first, she'd been confused about Riser's actions. Until she started really thinking about it. Riser had few prospects except marrying into the Gremory family. He was the third son less than a spare who fancied himself as a harem lord. Riser normally flaunted his peerage but chose to leave them behind except for Ravel, sitting in Red's lap.

The dragon in question looked positively bored out of his mind and had continued to order more drinks as the party carried on. A stack of plates towered nearly equal to Red's standing height. He'd continued to eat and drink ferociously as the night war on trying the lion's share of every dish. Bottles of expensive Baal, Sitri, and Gremory vineyard wine sat on the table empty. Red didn't look buzzed in the least it appeared that he was eating and drinking out of boredom.

She couldn't really blame him after the promise of a rating game; he was forced to wait until tomorrow. Rias turned her attention to a tipsy Sona who leaned against Red, much to Ravel's displeasure. She had changed, and Rias wasn't sure if it was for the better. Her friend had gained an insight into Red that Rias didn't understand. Sona had pointed to Red confident in her declaration that he was the ultimate challenge.

Rias didn't know how to feel about that. She had invited Red here to entrap him with either sex or societal pressure. This was the perfect time to make her move, and if she didn't, it would slip her by. She didn't believe Riser's words about being forced to marry her. From one devil to another, she could sense bullshit when she heard it. That left her with a question.

Why had Riser made such a claim seemingly drunk as a skunk?

Rias took Ravel's discarded seat. "Are you enjoying the party?" Red asked.

Even though she hadn't known him long, his voice sounded tired. She took his hand in hers from the table to get his attention and attract their guests' attention.

Her mother had traded a mutated rook for one of Rias' rooks. It was all in preparation to bring Red into the family. Rias knew it, and if Riser wasn't a complete idiot, he knew it too. Red's offer was too good to pass up, and by adding Red to her peerage, the door on Riser. Rias was sure her father was in on it, or her mother wouldn't have acted so quickly. They also couldn't afford to break off the betrothal without snubbing the Phoenix family.

"Red, I know we haven't known each other long, but would you join my peerage?" Rias said. The dragon raised an eyebrow.

Many eyes were on her now including. Zekram Baal and the current Lord Bael, respectively. Even her mother broke off her conversation to take note of Red's reply. Her father encouraged her with a slight nod already; she could see calculations moving behind her father's eyes. This move had been suggested, but it was up to Rias to time it. Lord and lady Phoenix glanced at her action before turning their attention to her mother and father. Riser sneered at her. Then she met Red's eyes.

They were much more awake as if all the wine and Ravel's irritation no longer bothered him. "Do you know what it would mean to invite me into your peerage? Rias, I am not like a human sacred gear user; my power is my own.: He raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder to display his fondness for her. "You're right; we haven't known each other long, but you are my friend. Do you need me in your peerage?" Red said.

She almost forgot that dragons didn't think like devils or humans. His admission was as much a threat as a comfort to her. It was meant to say this woman is under my protection. She was confident he knew what this was, but he wouldn't let her be embarrassed out of loyalty to her in public. At the same time, he wanted to let her know that she was taking at least partial responsibility for his actions by doing this. So Rias offered him a mutated rook piece.

Tendrils of energy took the piece from her hand and pulled it into his chest. Rias felt a slight darkening before two devil wings emerged from Red's back. But frustratingly, she could only sense a tiny change in his power. It was like tossing an ice cube in a lake then measuring the water level. The people around her cheered as she successfully added a new member to her peerage.


Her brother was fucked; as she rested, all Riser could do was pace about the room and glance at a box on the bed. Ok, this was exactly what they prepared for. Dragons were big news, and everyone knew there was one in Kuoh. The second it appeared, Riser had her research a means to deal with dragons. All creatures had their strengths and weaknesses, including dragons. She chose the devil edition of Wikipedia to find his answers and came up with a rare herb.

The winter heart flower had a pungent, almost minty smell to it. Even in the box, it filled their room with its scent. Its properties are said to erode a dragon's natural resistances. Unfortunately, to become effective, they needed to apply the herb many times.

"Can you believe how disloyal she is? I can't believe she drools over that beast in public. Aren't I, her betrothed, a pure devil of good breeding and a winner? What does that dragon have that I don't?" Riser growled.

"For now, he has Rias and the favor of house Gremory," Ravel said.

Rias raised an eyebrow. "Yes, even though our houses are allied, they favor the dragon over me. I don't see noble ladies lining up to marry Tannin." Riser said.

Ravel couldn't imagine an ordinary woman could lay with Tannin until she found porn hub on the devilnet. After seeing the monstrous things there, she could believe anything. Then again, Tannin preferred taking on dragon mates. Red might have had different tastes.

"By the way, excellent job stopping Rias from reincarnating the dragon. You really stood your ground." Riser said.

"How is Yubelluna? You promised to call her, didn't you?" Ravel said.

Riser pulled at his collar. "I'll contact her soon; she knows I'm busy. You need my leadership." Riser said.

Ravel sighed. "What's your plan? Red needs to ingest the winter's heart or rub it in his skin for it to take effect." Ravel said.

"Ah, I did find a solution. Here you go, memorize this." Riser said.

Ravel looked over a set of instructions to find Red's room. "Now, you should probably take a shower before rubbing it in." Riser said.

She must have heard him wrong because it sounded like he wanted his little sister to rub the herb into her own skin. Then he wants her to find the dragon's room and proposition him. Yes, her brother was a pervert what devil wasn't; yes, he often let other devils barrow his peerage members for a night, and he added her to his peerage for the little sister spot. But surely, he wasn't suggesting that she go over to the dragon's room and offer him her precious virginity. No, if their parents ever found out about that, he'd die regeneration or not.

"Ok, one-sama, which hole should I offer him my mouth or butt," Ravel said.

Riser didn't even flinch. "Either is fine, but he needs to ingest some of the herbs." Her dear brother grabbed her breast pinched her nipple, then frowned. "They're a little on the small side, so make sure to concentrate a lot of the herbs around them. "Riser said.

He was drunk; she rationalized it quickly. Ravel's doting brother would never treat her as a tool to be used. Still, Riser smiled like it was the most brilliant plan in the world. He even opened the box and began grinding the herb down for her.

"Sorry I can't join you in the shower; we need to save time." Riser said.

If she was angry with him before now, she was furious. She had given him her report on the herb so he could drug Red's wine. This application of the herb wasn't her idea.

Ravel dried off after her shower to see a large jar of creamy green lotion. On a nearby desk was a note. "I've gone to call Yubelluna good luck." That was it; just good luck whoring yourself out to the dragon so I can call my queen.

Ravel slowly and methodically rubbed the lotion into her skin, careful not to leave any smudges. She was his bishop, so Ravel would do this and rat her brother out later.

She knocked on his door, and it quickly opened. Red towered over her engulfing her in his shadow from the light within his room. He stood closer to 3 meters than 2, and blue gaze had already become resigned to her earlier antics. But, of course, acting as a magical girl nerd to someone she'd just met was a little annoying.

"Ravel, what are you doing here at this hour in your nightgown?" Red said.

Ravel opened her mouth then closed it all the pickup lines and conversations starters she had studied left her. Tears began to well up in her eyes beyond her control. "My brother sent me here as a peace offering. I'm, to show you there are no hard feelings." Ravel said. She let her valuable tears drop to the floor. Crying on demand was a talent all Phoenix family members learned at an early age.

The mighty dragon sighed and moved out of the way. "Come in. I'll get you something to drink." Red said.

She almost felt sorry for the dragon until she saw his room. Not only was it more significant than hers, but it had been cleaned recently. Red had piled a collection of jeweled amulets on a nearby writing desk, each more fabulous than the last flowing with their own magical auras. Indeed the wealth of a dragon was incomparable to that of a mere daughter of a noble family. In the corner, she found two pairs of worn panties on a golden chair.

Before she had even begun to explore the room, Red handed her a golden jewel-encrusted cup of hot chocolate. The cup itself held an enchantment to cool the drink held within, and the wealth didn't stop there. Paintings covered the walls of monstrous scenes of battle and carnal delights. They clearly didn't belong to the Gremory house. Indeed the lord Gremory would have shown off such works of art or displayed them in his drawing-room.

"Lady Venelana gave me this room since I'm now a part of Rias' peerage. Don't look too deeply into that painting, or it will draw you in. It holds the soul of an archdemon." Red said.

And he hung it in his new room, an ancestor of the 72 trapped in a painting. Could she be freed, or was it permanent, and what being could have committed such a crime against the underworld? The other painting wasn't much better; it was a scene of shifting flesh and carnage. But unlike the carnal painting, it didn't hold a demonic aura. She looked back at the dragon currently sitting on a red bedspread surrounded by riches.

In his eyes, she saw a flicker of the greedy dragon within. There was a game here, there had to be, but she couldn't for the life of her figure it out. Why would a dragon allow himself to become a member of a devil's peerage if there was nothing to gain? So what did he gain from becoming a member of Rias' peerage? There were clues here all around her.

Influence was Ravel's first hypothesis, but influence to achieve what. Know what the enemy wanted more than freedom, and she had the tool that would enslave him. Not only did it seem that this dragon gained influence over the Gremory household, but he moved some of his hoard to the Gremory estate. Did that make this place a foothold? Was he attempting to conquer the underworld one family at a time, but why the panties seated in a golden chair?

She put that thought aside for the moment. Her brother needed to remove the dragon's resistance to fire to have a chance. Even the strongest opponents could be felled with the proper leverage.

Then the dragon pulled an American brand beer from a cooler and began drinking. Ravel glared at another piece that didn't belong. What was a Styrofoam cooler doing in such an opulent room? It looked even more out of place than the panties.

"Why do you drink such cheap swill?" The words came out more cutting than she wanted.

"For the familiarity tasting, it gives me. Even if I can't get drunk drinking, this helps me remember happier times and become drunk in another way." Red said.

That was much more than she thought she'd get. "Are you angry with your brother for sending you here? Sometimes people don't think before they act even if they have all the time and opportunity to." Red said.

His shift in conversation was jarring, to say the least. "It was my decision. What do you think I'm too young to have a little fun?" Ravel asked.

"You're a devil I couldn't guess at your age." The dragon said, half distracted. In his hand, she saw him roll a red ring in his palm. Even at a distance, she could feel incredible amounts of power radiating from it. The power was similar to a painting on the wall. He closed his hand, and the feeling vanished.

"I'll have you know, I turned 18 a few months ago. Age is such a human concern anyway, and we both know you are far removed from humanity." Ravel said.

The dragon raised an eyebrow, and his gaze turned dangerous. "I smelled the herb you rubbed on yourself in your room. There is no other scent like it in the Gremory lands. It's so sweet and minty; why would you rub yourself with that before coming here." Red reached around to her back and pulled her close. Already she could feel something had changed between them.

She couldn't help but feel her cheeks blush. Immediately she knew she'd made a mistake. The description only said that it wore down a dragon's resistances. She assumed that meant its resistance to magic and physical damage. To stop him, she grabbed his arms and raised the heat. Not only did the dragon not notice it seemed to entice him

He lunged forward and nipped her ear, and her body shivered out of her control. Ravel felt it between her legs and closed them to hold him back, but the dragon was already lost. He ripped off her nightgown and laid her out on the bed. Though his grip was gentle, the underlining strength behind it was terrifying. And the look in his eyes, the control he'd had moments ago, was slipping away.

"I'm sorry, if you had stayed away, I might have resisted." The door suddenly opened to reveal Sona Sitri, eyes wide and staring between Ravel and Red. Bright blue feather dragon's wings emerged from her back as she seemed to teleport forward.

"What is that it smells so," Ravel watched Sona suddenly shudder before taking Ravel's hand to suck on the young Phoenix's fingers. Of course, this wasn't happening; she did her research, what was going on. But, oh Satan, Ravel felt Red pick her up and spread her cheeks. Why had she been so thorough with the application of the lotion?

She groaned as he licked her ass repeatedly while Sona moved to lick and suck on Ravel's breasts; Ravel moaned as the two of them licked and sucked on her body. Sona wasted no time flipping Ravel over to straddle her face.

This wasn't happening; it couldn't be; it had to be a delusion from the herb. Perhaps there was a hallucination effect when it encountered devils.

Sona smothered that comforting thought by shoving her dripping cunny down on Ravel's face and began rubbing. The Sitri heiress moved on to Ravel's stomach, kissing and licking while Red continued to give the Phoenix's ass a tonguing. Ravel wanted to scream but couldn't find enough breath under Sona's twat. Red for his part withdrew and something hard pushed against her butt. It was too much; she tried biting Sona's clit to shock her out of whatever this was but was met with a powerful wet splash for her efforts.

Ravel felt Sona's legs wrap around her head, trapping her nose against Sona's ass and forcing her to continue chewing on Sona's clit. Finally, the force against her ass vanished, and she heard Sona gag. After a few minutes, she heard Sona swallowing, and Ravel allowed herself to sigh it was finally over.

She waited for Red to come to his senses, only for Sona's hand to reach down to spread Ravel's delicate lips. Ravel gasped; they wouldn't dare, the cursed herself. Neither of them was in their right minds, and Ravel had told the guards to leave them. Ravel felt Sona's tongue at work. Her cunny had never felt so good, but something else hovered in the wings.

Ravel forgot her predicament and enjoyed Sona's tongue at work until she felt herself climax. At that point, something large and powerful fell upon her in her moment of weakness. It pushed against her between sweet clenching undulations and swept past her defenses like a thief in the night. Her hymen tore, and the sharp pain vanished as her Phoenix flame healed the wound. She felt herself swell almost to breaking, only for her immortality to repair the damage.

I awoke with a hangover in a sticky bed with both Sona and Ravel in my arms. The events of the last night were a blur. First, I'd smelled something oddly sweet while decorating my room in Gremory castle. Then I heard a knock on the door and nothing.

Sona and Ravel clung to my body; each was covered in sperm, concluding that we had sex the night before. But unlike Sona, Ravel had a massive amount of leakage between her legs. I reached a hand down and slipped a finger inside her. Ravel let out a cute moan before snuggling against me.

Alright, I took her virginity. That wouldn't go over very well. So what was I going to do? My phone alarm sounded, and I knew I only had a few hours before the rating game. Sona rolled out of bed and stood up before looking around until she saw me and then Ravel.

"This isn't going to go over well. Taking my virginity can be forgiven with enough gold and a show of power." Sona reached down then glared at me. "Why is my virginity intact while hers isn't? Sona asked in a dangerous tone.

"Sona, do you remember how you got here?" The devil girl blinked the shook her head. "I opened the door then blacked out. All I remember is smelling something minty." I said.

"Minty, now that you mention it, that's the last thing I remember before everything goes black. We should check the security cameras.

Rias yawned as she checked through the footage for the appropriate time. "Did you really take Ravel's virginity?" Rias said as she found a meeting between Riser and Ravel in Ravel's room. I turned to the blonde-haired girl who only stared at the wall screen and crystal-clear audio of her meeting with Riser. Another video showed Ravel shaving in the shower.

"Wow, I wonder what our parents will say when they hear Riser sent you to stack the deck in his favor. Cheating isn't new but using an aphrodisiac to force him to take your virginity just to kick him out of a rating game seems a little much." Rias said.

She then swapped to the cameras in my room. When Ravel first entered the room, it appeared I was normal. I even offered Ravel some chocolate milk. Then things changed the longer Ravel stayed in my room. Sona arrived soon after I'd started on Ravel to join in.

"Wow, Sona impressive throat technique you can barely tell you have a gag reflex." Rias changed the view and put the video in slow motion. "You don't want to miss this Ravel. It's the moment you become a woman." Rias glared at Sona. "If only we could see her face."

Sona looked a little sheepish for her own actions. My second alarm rang, and I suddenly only had an hour before the rating game.

"Go ahead and get ready. I'll take care of this situation." Rias promised, and I felt relieved at least there was someone I could rely on.

I leaned down and kissed Rias on the cheek. "Thank you! I'll make it quick and return soon." I promised.

Sona grabbed my arm. "Don't get overconfident; this shows us that more than anything, you have weaknesses like any other creature," Sona said.

I froze for a moment, unsure of how to reply. Sure, this plant had turned me into a made fuck machine. But I had already developed resistance to it. Not a skill, but as a black dragon, things like poisons had less effect on me the more they were used. Among dragons, black dragons were some of the hardiest.

They teleported me to a simulation similar to Kuoh of all places. Unfortunately, I'd been so late that there wasn't any time to talk shit before the match. While disappointing, I understood.

So, I flew up. Immediately two bursts of negation blasted towards me. I let my aura erupt. Waves of powerful QI blasted around me on all sides, erasing the negation with power alone. That's the thing with hacks; they only work on enemies who are relative to you. I lifted my finger and blasted the soldiers one at a time with fireballs no larger than marbles. When they struck, they quickly expanded into black explosions of flame and death. Some took multiple buildings as they swallowed the landscape in devastation. When the explosions ceased, only craters of flowing rock and steel remained before hardening into crackling chunks. It was the power of controlled dragon fire by condensing a fireball made of the stuff down to the size of a marble; I greatly enhanced its destructive power.

Enchanted bullets flew into my swirling aura only to lose their strength or yield to my anti-projectile armor set. Before the blackout, I had investigated Kamekkusu Vassago. The devil's demonic energy flared, and he grew to a gigantic height before flying up to meet me in battle. Four more of my fireballs took care of his remaining pieces. Finally, the devil brandished a warhammer and charged.

"Die, you beast feel the might of my hammer." Kamekkusu Vassago said.

He swung down, and I caught the handle of the hammer before it struck me and stopped him cold. I held up a fireball and prepared to detonate it point-blank. Before I could, the battle ended, and we were teleported out.

Sona made her way to me with her parents and sister with me. "That was awesome; you pointed, and then explosions appeared. Very cool, Mom, Dad don't you think he's a powerful devil. He's become a friend of Sona. I'm sure he will make high class in no time." Serafall said.

"Ms. Sitri, please don't crowd the young man just after a battle; his blood lust may not be sated after facing such an unworthy foe. I timed the match it lasted only a 1min and 15sec. Let me introduce myself. I am Zekram Bael; you are a member of Princess Rias' peerage. I expect great things from you, my boy." The old demon said.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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