
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Brian Boru replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Axe and the Rose: A Disney's Sleeping Beauty SI


AN/: Hope y'all like this. I hope I got across how wrecked both of them are at this point.

Chapter 10

I was woken by what sounded like the world's most massive bellows. Opening my eyes, I was instantly hit by a sharp pain in my left arm and right leg. Looking down, I saw that I was laying among the shattered remains of some ancient oak tree. Oakley in an Oak, the alliteration was kind of funny to my pain and exhaustion-addled mind.

I laughed twice before the movement sent new white-hot pain in my arm. As my mind cleared, I checked myself. It seemed that the rope had not completely broken my fall. At some point I had been thrown from my position on Maleficent's back and had crashed into this tree, the upper branches and leaves enough to break my fall.

Though as I looked at the massive swelling in my left forearm and the agonizing pain in my right calf, I'd likely broken bones in both places. My ribs were bruised but not broken if I had to guess, and the dull ache in my head indicated a mild concussion. All in all I'd gotten off rather lightly for riding a damn dragon into the ground like I were a god of ancient pagan times.

That same broken bellows sound hit my ears again and I looked to see a massive shape off to my right.

Maleficent seemed to have survived her fall, but not without suffering terrible consequences. Her limbs were shattered with at least two limbs showing fractures that erupted through her thick hide. Her remaining wing was a pulverized ruin, likely from how she had plowed a trench a good half-mile long during her crash. From the lumps along her sides, and how she seemed to have trouble breathing, the source of the bellowing sound, I guessed she had at least one broken rib, likely more.

But she was alive and awake, her yellow, pupilless eyes stared at me, and I could tell she knew I was there. Her head, at least twenty yards away from me, lay twisted and lolling about as if she had sprained her long neck, rendering her head immobile.

She was dying, a creature her size would never be able to heal from those wounds. But in her final moments, she was trying to finish me off. That was why she was trying to take those deep breaths, to let loose one final gout of flame. Luckily for her, and unluckily for me, her head was positioned just right to douse me in flames. I needed to kill her now, before she killed me. But where was my ax?

Looking down at my right hand, I was relieved to see that it was still in my grasp. In my panic, I'd gripped it so hard that my hand was one giant bruise, my forearm was one massive cramp and full of torn muscles.

It would have to do.

With agonizing slowness. I managed to get to my feet, I stumbled more than once and I am unashamed to admit that I howled like a lost soul. But I was soon upright, the ax tucked under my right arm as a crutch. My left arm hanging to my side as I struggled not to move it.

And so we started the last part of the fight. I stumbled my way towards her, gasping, wheezing, moaning and yelping in pain as I tripped over the broken ground between us. The ax seemed to glow with an even greater light, as if it knew this was the end.

Maleficent saw me approach and some part of her mind realized what I was doing and so she redoubled her efforts, tilting her head ever so slightly to keep me in her sights. She took more and deeper breaths, but thankfully she seemed to be unable to let loose her flames though twice I could smell brimstone as she nearly managed to let off a gout of fire.




Step-Drag "Hrrgn."



After what felt like an agonizing eternity. I was standing before the great head. Her yellow orbs as big as a cart wheel. Leaning onto my good leg, I raised my ax in my one hand, and immediately realized I wouldn't be able to bring enough force to end this.

Taking a deep breath, I forced my left arm to grip the ax, howling pain filled me and I openly wept, tears and snot pouring down my face. I then lost my balance and put weight on my right leg. I howled in pain and fell, landing on my right side. My ax clattered away from me as I did so. The dragon, seeing my fall, redoubled her efforts again to set me on fire. Though she had no pupils, I thought I could see fear and triumph warring in her eyes.

"God help me, saints help me, ancestors help me, father, mother, Lily, Marigold, Ash, help me." I moaned as I grabbed the ax again.

Somehow, I stood again. I will swear to the end of my days that I felt many gentle hands, both familiar and unfamiliar pull me back up because there was no way I could have stood on my own.

Those same hands seemed to hold me upright, as I took the ax again in both hands, the pain not disappearing but somehow, I could manage.

"For everyone you've ever hurt, rot in hell; Oh Mistress of all Evil." And with every ounce of strength left in me, ignoring the howling pain that filled every part of me; I brought my ax down right between her eyes, just as flames began to erupt from her mouth to immolate me.

The force of my blow slammed her jaws shut just when she was breathing fire. With the normal opening shut, the flames went the only other way.

Like a firework erupting her entire body burst, her damaged organs and ribs too weak to contain the volatile forces within her. Bone, blood, and flame erupted in all directions.

Being at ground center I was hit full force, engulfed in the green flames and sent flying backward yet again, and yet I felt no heat and no pain. A cool soothing feeling filled my entire being. And at the edge of my vision, before I went back into the stygian depths of unconsciousness. I saw dozens of men, men dressed as kings, warriors, and common men all standing before me. All of them seemed achingly familiar with their dark hair, blue eyes, and large frames. But two of them, dressed as humble peasants, I knew so well.

"Father? Ash?" I somehow asked, despite my lips not moving I knew I had spoken to them.

They just smiled, before Father spoke, "You did well son. I am so proud of you. Just be sure to treat her right once you wake up. Me and Ash are going to go find your mother and sisters. We'll be waiting for you. I love you son."

Ash smiled as well, despite me now being the same age as he had been, the same pride of a big brother lit his face up. "A princess, eh? Who'd have thought? Well good luck and don't screw it up. I do want nieces and nephews wandering around. Love ya little Oakley."

Then they turned and began walking away, their forms fading like a mirage. The others also turned and vanished. A feeling of relief filled my entire being, a great burden had been lifted. There was one form that had not left, it was that same spirit that I had met in the depths of Maleficent's dungeon.

King Geselec looked me up and down before nodding, "You've done your ancestors proud. Now go forth and be who you were meant to be. No peasant's life to be your lot. You've the blood of kings in you after all." A small smile was on his lips as he turned and walked away as well, fading from my sight like morning mist under the high noon sun.

A moment later I hit the ground, my skull slammed against the hard ground as hot flames roared above me. I had landed in a small ravine and was spared the worst of the blast, but the impact and the heat of the flames was too much for me and once again I passed out.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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