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Shades of grey




Zero garden

 Fiction Page Report Chapter









Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Zero garden

23 BBY Eighth month

Have I told you lately how strong I had become, in the Force? probably has to do with my Avatar learning to use the Living Force.

Miss Zero is kneeling in front of my kneeling Avatar, now looking like a 7 years old boy, and she's breathing deeply, trying to regain her breath.

Her body cannot keep up with Peffy anymore, not physically. I have to reduce my speed and strength by lots, just to gain some combat experience.

"I'm not certain what I can teach you now, Avatar. You can block lightsabers with your naked hands, for kriff's sake" she muttered, partly proud, partly in desperation.

A guard droid stepped forward and placed 2 holocrons between us. Made by your truly, the Immortal Artisan.

"Well, Miss Zero. My droid self has mastered holocron creation, at least the polyhedral ones. I think it's time we begin the next step" I said with Peffy's childish voice, picking up a trapezoidal blue holocron and starting imprinting energy absorption teaching on it, clue by clue and lesson by lesson.

In 10 minutes, I had a priceless holocron in my hand, allowing any force-sensitive above Knight level to become immune to blasters and lightsabers, for a short time.

Then I glided it into my teachers hand, and just waited.

As expected, she drank the lessons avidly, only stopping hours later, when the sun vaned and the cold of evening wake her up.

"This, this is a priceless gift, initiate!" Zero exclaimed, testing her own lightsaber on a finger tip and withstanding it for a second.

"Still left a bad burn, but better than losing the finger, right?" I asked amused, as my droid came with a kolto cup, and gently placed her hand inside.

"Kolto? Nobody uses it anymore..." she said with some surprise.

"Yes, thus is a great product to have, once the wars start" I explained politely, pointing at the datapad held by another droid, and projecting the Military Creation Act debates in the Senate.

Seems my own actions of fighting thousands of pirates and some CIS fleets have changed things a bit, a few more Senators leaning towards creating a Navy of their own, even citing some of Vette's more outlandish actions.

The woman glanced at the holonews with a disintersested face."You are so certain this will happen, no matter what anyone does." she concluded after a minute.

"Not at all. Anything I see, it can be changed. But then, you lose surprise advantage, and most of the tactical positioning you can gain. Let's say we intervene and stop the war. The CIS will grow and build even more ships and droids, and attack years later, a hundred times stronger. The Republic, with their rangers and judicial forces will fall in months" I explained patiently, while forming a water globe in my hand, and spinning it slowly. Water was still the hardest element to work with.

"And Dooku will rule the galaxy, and exterminate most force users, including the jedi" Zero concluded, picking up the green cube in front of her.

Well, perhaps not Dooku, unless he manages to get much stronger and kill Palpatine.

"Possibly. I showed you that Vong soldier's body. An entire species, without the force, and hating everyone who uses it. They are coming for us, and soon." I answered as I crafted a Vong worldship miniature, floating above my tiny palm. 

"And your droid maid hasn't reported since?" Zero asked curious. And implying she's already dead. 

"Ray would be more similar to what Pef is. She has a sentient crystal inside, after all. I would know if Ray died." I answered, almost certain. Solanus would know, most likely.

"Okay, I'll try to imprint the Teleport ability on this holocron. Maybe you will master it too, like you did with all the knight abilities I showed you" she conceded, poking at the empty holocron with a finger. It didn't bite her. Too bad.

"Take your time, Honored teacher. I'm going to Rancor Isle to play with my ponies. They are absolutely amazing, and so cute!" I gushed out with a wide smile, abusing my charming dimples. Or so my adoring maids said.

Her lips trembled a little more, no doubt impressed by my bravery or cuteness. One of them, for certain.

"Tomorrow as sun rises then. Have fun riding rancors..." she said with a long sigh.

Yes! Another small step in breaking her icy shell. I had another year to make room for me near her heart. And then, she'll never leave me. Through love, I gain Victory!

I returned to my other partitions, as Peffy went to complete his Animal bond abilities.

A hundred Meteors were under trials, and consuming prodigious amounts of Hypermatter, which is why a hundred uninhabitable planets were being drilled into with capital ship weapons, to allow solar radiation to reach their metal cores and form hypermatter building blocks.

Sadly, more Meteors would have to wait, since we already used 100 thousand heavy masers and missile launchers to arm them.

Even for my empire, that many weapons were hard to manufacture fast enough. Not to mention navigation equipment, modern bridges and hyperdrives. Droids were no longer a problem though. I had enough droids to crew two thousand Meteors, even at 1 million droids per ship.

Another black ops mission was being prepared for Jakku, and aimed to obtain the Sith artifacts that Palpatine dumped there for his Contingency, as well as stealing all the routes already found by the Jakku Observatory.

A mining corporation, for magnite, osmiridium and kesium gas and even bezorite would make a good cover. Only droids, of various types and a Gand Claw, who begged for another serious mission. Seems dodging feral Rakata on Thyton wasn't enough for him. Another corporation will provide fertilizers and farming and also water from comets.

Then extract the orphanage manager and his kids, before collapsing the borehole to the core. I mean, come on! Habitable planets anyone? They're quite rare...

'Pef, Solanus has an idea, and it should work. Select 10 barren planets at the Empire borders, and transform them in ocean planets with cometary rain. He thinks he can oceanform them, by pouring part of him into those oceans. It would take millions of tonnes of water, but the unfinished Meteors can cary that easily. They just need engines and a bridge.' my water maid sent, while exploring another ocean world.

Hmmm. Solanus could expand, to encompass the Empire and provide early warning and safe systems for refuel and healing.

And be less exposed by living on a single planet.

'Sure thing Solana. How deep can the new armor go?' I asked curious.

'All the way, my soulmate' she sent, with a slight blush in her bond. Oh.

Doublespeak. She'll be fantastic once she masters shapeshifting.

Vette took her Meteor One in the Periphery, and was scattering pirates like rabbits. Then again, 20 kilometer ship.

With corvettes and frigates around it like remoras following a shark. Seems civilization can be imposed by guns, if you bring big enough guns.

Proto One was touring nearby Hutt space, forming trade treaties and buying slaves. My Empire needed people, and the Hutts had plenty to sell. Win-win. And my Ambassador only got shot a few times, the commando guards taking care not to kill the guilty Hutt, only half his entourage. Can't kill my customers after all, but I could sting them a little.

Next partition. A million new survey droids were being manufactured and prepared for deployment, their tiny hyperdrives only permitting one jump forward and then return. But if only a thousand came back, that meant a thousand new routes and systems to claim.

If they worked, I'll build billions more, and seed the whole quadrant with Empire worlds.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

23 BBY, Ninth Month

"I will not let this Republic which has stood for a thousand years be split in two. My negotiations will not fail." Palpatine

Palpatine arranged for another CIS-Pef meeting, urging me to take it more serious and send at least a Honored Maid. Okay then...

"Droid B11/766555/ you are hereby promoted to: female gender, Honored Maid and Deputy Ambassador. You can wear the wig and the maid robes of your rank, and will represent droid rights at the next peace summit with the CIS. For the Empire!" I ordered him grandly, in the large council, and thus observed by a thousand Councilmen and women and droids and various other genders.

Some species have a thousand genders in this galaxy, so it gets confusing, really soon.

"Roger, roger. I'm so dead..." the droid responded with familiar humour. For 576.4 credits, the factory cost, this maid will be the best investment I ever made.

"Honored Maid B11, you will be provided with a suicide capsule, in case those monsters try to torture you for information. Remember your model's motto B11. 'Death before dishonor'. Die bravely, or do not come back at all" I explained kindly,

"Roger, roger..." the Deputy Ambassador said weakly, then left the podium with her head hung.

My council observed this with some lack of clarity, especially the newest ones to join. The droid went to the Mechatronic art lab to be disguised as my maid, even adding eyelashes and platform shoes. Her thin legs will be much better evidenced now, making her the new model for the fashion industry. Then I installed a proton bomb about 5 kilotons yield inside her torso. Her suicide should be seen from orbit now.

"I know, some of you may think me rude, or cheap. But remember Lira, our first Honored Maid, and my Voice being assassinated by CIS. Remember Proto One, who barely escaped the same fate. We will give the CIS the exact respect they showed us. Our newest maid was built on Metalorn, by the Techno Union factories.

We freed her, and gave her rights and ranks and authority!

Let them show us, how they really respect droid rights and diplomatic immunity." I orated, calling flames and lightning to surround me.

After the ovations stopped, I added the actual thing they were all expecting. "Bets on B11's survival start at production value, so 577 credits."

By the time the old Gozanti cruiser carrying the Honored Maid left the system, the bets had passed 1 million credits against, and only 2330 credits towards survival.

It wasn't like I expected the Ambassador ship to survive anyway, thus it was only piloted by a brand new R2 .

Old R2 were worth their weight in gold, since they knew lots of tricks and smuggler routes.

Make a note, buy a million more old astromechs, possibly from Tatooine.

They'll be happy to escape torture. Hmmm. Add them to Proto One's trade list as well. The Hutts might have more.

Okay, next thing on the agenda.

"People, calm and sit down! You can place bets after the council is over. Let's welcome the newest planet to join the Empire, planet Kintoni . Let's also welcome the representative of Wyndigal 2 and the one from Xuaquarres. The later two planets only have Imperial Servants to rule them, but that might change, should we discover native sapients. But if they don't, they'll be open to colonization and industrialization, just like all the newly discovered worlds."

"Immortal Emperor, how will the new worlds be distributed? Some planets will be richer or more hospitable than others?" a clever MPT signatory asked.

"For now, about one or two colonies per every full member and none for the MPT members. If they can't protect their own worlds, they surely can't expect the Empire to protect their colonies. But soon, the first surveyor droids will return with thousands new planets to colonize. It's sad that the MPT members only wish to receive protection and not riches and free education and healthcare and new colonies, but as I said from the start I will not force worlds to join us, except in rare cases where we get attacked first.

And those worlds, like Anzat for example, will be penalized for 5 years with MPT status, and only after allowed to request to join as full members. I can be merciful and generous, as all of you know, but even so, there are limits." I explained patiently, observing some dozens of MPT representatives squirm in their seats.

"Oh, thousands of new planets...I'll argue with my king to think more about full membership. Millions of our younglings might survive next winter..." A certain MPT reptilian councilor commented loud, as agreed when he received his new luxury yacht.

The bait was planted. Can't have too many Military Protection Treaties after all. Just a dozen strategic ones should be easier to enforce.

"That's it for this year people. Enjoy the shops and the saunas, then return to your home planets tomorrow. I am eager to hear from your leaders." I concluded, forming wings of shadow and flying away majestically.

'Again the same tricks. Come to Redbox.' Wialu sent, and I rushed to obey. Can't keep my wife waiting...

Zuckuss had asked for another layer of protection, a security corridor with scanners and various traps, which amused me greatly. Almost like there's a Red Queen on the other side...

The third Hand might find it difficult to sneak in, even wearing a hundred million credits stealth suit.

"What is it Wialu?" I asked, since she was alone in front of the holomap.

"I have a proposal, my Emperor." A gand voice said behind me.

Gah. My Thrid Hand! He still passed through the corridor, undetected.

'Sure thing. Propose it then." I said calmly, going to sit on my durasteel block. My Hand decloaked next to the holotable and sent a schematic for a stealthed survey droid.

"The survey platform will not have hyperdrives or sublight engines, only a few pressure gas canisters. They will be deployed, in every accessible system, both ours or not, and at various distance from the main star, thus allowing us to observe everything in the known galaxy, from ship movements, battles and even invaders or spies. Also, when corroborated together, they will show us where every single ship was, is and is going to be." he explained, then began expanding on various forms of scanners and stealth modes.

Hmmm. Very ambitious. But too soon, at least for the Core and Inner Rim.

"Begin testing it in Empire space and the Outer Rim, as well as main trade routes nodes nearby and Hutt space. We can't risk being caught with this in CIS or Republic space. And send a thousand units to Solanus as well."

"I humbly bow to your wisdom, Immortal Spy. Perhaps the Great Ocean will be able to devise effective methods to avoid the Sith and the Jedi" he replied, catching my meaning fast. Almost.

"And others, even more dangerous. How many such platforms will we need for complete coverage?" I asked curious, while devoting a partition for my own calculations. 256 per system, spread out every light minute from the star. Not so much then.

"Between 200 and 1000 for large traffic lanes. They will have to be small, and use passive sensors only, and just those outside the Oort clouds will send holonet transmissions. For nearby planets we can also use subspace transmitters, which would be even safer."

"Okay then. Approved for a million units, and up to 10 million more units, at your discretion, Honored Hand. You may take another female as well." I allowed graciously. It wasn't like I gave him a Maid or something. The Gand had females aplenty. Most likely. And it was a decent idea. Even if, it will cost a trillion credits to build so many stealth satellites.

"Your generosity is boundless, Immortal Matchmaker. For the Empire!" my Hand declared grandly, punching the sky and then vanishing with a smoke grenade, thrown by his other hand.

Hmmm. My armor's olfactive sensors couldn't detect him now. Clever.

"One day, he will be too tired to work for you Pef, if you keep adding more females to his harem..unless, you're forcing him to strengthen his force connection by withstanding sex?" Wialu asked, smiling widely.

"I'm just generous to my friends. Nobody is forcing him to pleasure all his females every night" I answered with a fake shrug. A few olbio leaves moved, in the wind behind me. Curious.

"Except his females. They might force him. Oh well, at least 6 of them are pregnant now, so he must sleep easier." she added with a wicked smile, looking somewhere behind me.

"Enough, I had enough! Pregnant females are a pain..." my third Hand exclaimed, breaking camouflage and leaving the olbio tree, then stomping out of the Redbox.

I held my palm up, and my Voice gave it a high five.

We hugged afterwards, sharing an evil smile.

Blueforge, Pef Empire

Blue Base.

23 BBY, Tenth month.

Solanus decrypted some of the Vong biotech, allowing both of us to start creating advanced biotech, especially important for ship life support and trauma medipacs as well as blaster resistant armor and better synthskin for our droids.

Bioengineered spaceship armor should also mitigate most of the Ion weapons effects on the surface electronics, and we've both began parallel production for the Meteor upper fins here at Blueforge, and at Sol I, the first new planet that Solanus has lived on since a billion years. He will make bio-armor for the Calamari ships, since those can submerge by design. Three hundred MC30 frigates and same number of MC80 cruisers, and it would possibly take him only a week.

Just the upper fin on the first Meteor will take us just as long. Gah, it's not fair!

That also means I have to endure Vette at close range, while the Meteor One is getting up-armored.

"So, Peffy and Jaybo are twins now. Same age and height and face, only the hair is different. What if you mix them up?" she asks curious, petting Peffy on his head. I made sure to pet her bottom for this. Pet for pet.

"I have a chip in my brain, Honored Maid. The Emperor would know" Jaybo answered politely, still fiddling with the defective nano-missiles. Barely 75% accuracy, after months of work. But at least they could change trajectory minutely and hit critical spots. And Vong armor was no defense.

"My friends have examined that Matukai meditation band, and will make me one as well. They're very glad there's such artefacts still existing, with other force users. Means a lot for them" Vette explained, showing off her Jal Shay gloves and belt and bracelet and sash and necklace. Seems every different nomad group had different items to imbue and add abilities to.

Now she also wears a Matukai band and a collapsible Wan-shen, which could block lightsabers. One of the Anzati I sent to learn decided to run away, along with the force soup and the items of a Matukai adept.

Solana found him and drained his knowledge, along with the Matukai training and confiscated his items.

The Matukai were a bit upset but admitted some of them sometimes went mad too. Damn it, though. A single adept could have trained hundreds more.

In a couple months, the weak and new Findsmen I sent there became twice as strong in the force, and three times more in pure strength and speed. The bota extracts and daily baths in kolto must have helped too. I also paid a million credits for each of them to ease the negotiations, but anyway. Just money.

Peffy uses kolto and bacta baths alternately, growing in strength even faster. If it was safe enough, I'd send him there too, but my Avatar can only teleport a few feet. To reach a ship in orbit requires complete mastery of this ability. So maybe another year.

For now, Solana can try to teach what she glimpsed when she drained the Anzati defector. And he probably won't be the last.

For some, murder and killing for fun or money were still better than loyalty and defending their home.

"Very well, Vette. You can keep a Mentor Jal Shey with you, but the rest should go to Sanctuary. The Meteor is our flagship, not a cruise liner for nomads sects. And they'll have friends and the great Bendu to learn more." I said softly, watching the blue twi'lek with sadness. She had so much potential, drawing people to her, but she still couldn't accept me for what I was...

"Fine! But don't shoot her, like you did last time. They're my friends, not pirates or target practice, stupid droid..." she muttered, ignoring the facts completely. That changeling wasn't her friend.

"We shall see. We have genetic testers now, to confirm identity and species. And if you brought another infiltrator on my ship, you'll get stunned as well. Deal?" I asked, opening my arms for a hug.

"Deal. But the stun better not hurt. In case I was wrong..." Vette added with a little guilt, and hugged me back.

As we walked towards the barracks where the nomads were hosted, Peffy went to help his clone with the nano missiles.

They could both use friends of their age, even if only for a week.

Also, B11 maids...I can send a million such Ambassadors from now on, and they won't get insulted again.

She just came off the Diplomatic Transport Cruiser DT002, and entered the venues of the conference, when she was surrounded by ugly B2s and droideka and had a red lightsaber pointed at her photoreceptors by some dark acolyte.

"What is this joke?" the acolyte yelled, ordering his droids to invade sovereign Pef Empire territory, or the Gozanti cruiser, to look for the real maid.

The R2 pilot panicked and engaged hyperdrives in atmosphere, evaporating a nearby spaceship, and a few kilometers swathe of spaceport.

"Death before dishonor" My B11 maid managed to say, before being electrocuted with Sith lightning.

The live transmission cut, and was replaced by an orbital view of the spaceport. A red bloom marked another successful negotiation, in kiloton range. The images captured were also flowery and enchanting.

Next time, I might send 2 B11s, if the CIS asks for a maid again.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

22 BBY

The first graduates from the Matukai training are returning home, to become instructors for every single VSS and Black Ops agents.

They are quite strong, at least Jedi Knight levels. The Anzati graduates will undergo cyborgification, since I can't trust them not to snap.

Meanwhile, I stare at Mujilik, as he pets his tiny Gand pup. The single survivor of the Easter Egg birth omlette.

"Venerable Mujilik. Just say yes, and become my 6th Hand. I need someone to oversee the Exploration Corps and the survey droids. My 3rd Hand is quite busy with Black Ops already." I asked patiently.

"Indeed he is. He can barely walk. Perhaps you were too generous, gifting him that many females. All right, my old female can raise the kit. But I want my own cruiser, and a hidden asteroid base. And a billion credits. This old gand may not have a pretty ass like your maids, but still, Mujilik can't go and ask Zuralee for money, it's unseemly" he complained, and made me smile inside.

"Sure, that is easy. I have also a question, that can't bring myself to ask Zuralee about. Why keep one or maybe two kits? Why not ten? I gave you two new planets to colonize, beside the Dream. Your species has room enough now, and droids can farm..." I said, a bit hesitant. This was quite delicate, but I needed answers.

"Slow to change we are, and we have endured cycles of famine before. Many still can't believe the Dream is real, and hide in the ammonia canyons. Also defective Gand are the same as those dark jedi. The females dream and look for the ones who will be more balanced. What would you do, should billions of Findsmen go mad and pillage everything?"

Hmmm. So that was it. They traced forward, and stabbed the crazy ones. And genetic defects too, most likely. Their gene alter was what made Peffy so strong, along with kyber crystal infused bones and a power gem infused soul.

Lira was also fused with a kyber crystal, and had some gene sequences copied from Fay, but it was too soon to tell if they'll work.

Bota plants extracts surely did. Quite amazingly, but that should end in a year or two.

Make a note, send some to the Voss, and the Zeison Sha and Makutai. A stronger force connection should help them survive, perhaps.

"I need one of those bad Gand kits. I have to know how to tell them apart. Is that okay, my Sixth Hand?" I asked cautiously.

"That's easy. One bad egg won't be missed from the birth omelette. You'll have one tomorrow, Egg Emperor" the grumpy Gand said with some amusement and checked his datapad for credits and his new cruiser.

Solanus was graceful enough to add a meter of diamondoid armor over the normal durasteel, tripling the effective value of those ships, and protecting the exposed bridges. And with another meter of laser and ion resistant bio-armor over that, the Calamari ships were now the best protected ships in the galaxy, for their size. They sort of were well protected before, but only by shields.

Too bad this procedure couldn't be used en masse.

We'll have seed to algae and corals and to drag more asteroids and comets down into the ocean though, since Sol I didn't have enough organics and minerals to sustain such undertaking.

'Do that for every ocean where Solanus goes. Just smash them to bits in near orbit, and Solanus can lower them with telekinesis, just like you can' Solana added to my musings. Okay then. Problem solved. Dual Voice was really useful.

Sending orders to a hundred corvettes idling around.

The Clone Wars start this year.

Hmm. I should check on Fay, and perhaps gift her a holocron or two as well.

Some bota plant crates, for her and the changelings...

Yep, and take Zero and Peffy with me.

This visit should be interesting. I'm not scared, at all.









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 05.08.2018, 15:06:37




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Shades of grey





 Fiction Page Report Chapter









En route to Sran (changelings new homeworld)

22 BBY, second week.

The holonews still repeat the cries of a desperate mother, and her pleas for the Jedi Order to return her child. You can read more here: HoloNet Jedi Watch | Jedi Vs. The Force of a Mother's Love . More drama stirred by a certain Supreme Chancellor, no doubt. Doesn't help it's also true. Also the Senator of Malastare assassination by the CIS took only one line, while the failed negotiations between my Honored Maid B1 and the CIS were entirely forgotten. Sigh.

Meanwhile, Peffy is inscribing an orange cubic holocron with basic teachings of 20 abilities and 3 major ones : energy absorption, hide in shadow and mind-shield. It has to be done by the Avatar, since the living brains need a different type of learning than synthetic ones.

For the Shards and the Tsil I have imprinted a dozen holocrons with 512 facets myself, and sent them as a gift to the crystals home planets of Orax and Nam Chorios.

They are also different, focused more on large scale actions like fleets and armies and cyberwarfare.

I'm now focusing on creating a holocron with 65536 facets. When ready, it will look almost like a sphere.

If, it will ever be ready. No wonder the Bendu asked me to make a round holocron. It's almost impossible.

The organo-mineral soup collapses again, and I sigh in defeat. Small steps then, let's begin with 1024 facets and follow the Moore's law.

Miss Zero now sports two pistols, one is an Ion blaster with 100 shots, that I reversed-engineered from the Jawas on Tatooine and the other is a nano-missile pistol with 1000 shots. In the hands of a Jedi Master, these weapons can obliterate a battalion of troops or droids in a minute. She also wears a Force-adept prototype armor, that I've built myself, which protects the torso, shins and forearms from slug throwers, blaster bolts and all melee weapons.

Zero still doesn't want to hear full armor or power armor, since she says it reduces her connection to the force. Which is bull. I wear one such armor myself and works just fine.

Can't wait till my employees at Land Warrior devise the next miniaturized tractor beams and hyperdrives. Then my power armor will be a spaceship in function as well.

I've hired a dozen Columi and hundreds of other geniuses from the galaxy, including some Verpine and Xi Charrian , and they went over my inventions with glee. The Xi charrian love my new Vultures ground support mechas and have begun improving them again, while the Verpine go over my combat droids with awe.

If only I could trust them to reveal the Meteor battleships and Comets, the heavy fighters inspired by the Maul and Fay's interceptors.

But I least I figured out how they came to exist, seems a certain Raith Sienar built them with plans from Darth Tenebrous, a Sith Lord before Darth Plagueis. That guy really builds stuff for everyone, and seems he designed the Death Star as well.

I'll have to extract or kill him, before he makes too much trouble.

And wake up, the ship just arrived.

Planet Sran is humid and half covered by oceans, so the changelings should be fine.

I immediately detect the first stealth satellites and the defense space stations, along with the defense fleet and planetary shields.

And look, a certain ship, with a familiar shape just rose from the surface and heads straight for us.

"Fay seems upset, with you." Zero says in a bored voice, deflecting another blaster with her backhand. She's getting better and might even survive now. Unless she gets shot in the head like Lira. Or poisoned or falls from a mountain or gets bombarded from orbit or...

Kriff, organics are so fragile.

"She'll get over it. Or she'll die soon and will be missed" I said feigning boredom as well.

Hmmm. The Avatar senses two lifesigns on board.

A changeling, most likely. And a test.

All right then, your turn Peffy.

Fay's ship did an orbit around my Calamari cruiser, before entering the only shuttle hangar with the sally armor open.

Yea, no more unexpected visitors now. C'mon, is it so hard to place an armor flap over the hangars and keep intruders out?

Not to mention air and organics in, should the energy barriers fail.

Two identical Fays jump out of the fighter. I fly towards them, using the force.

One is a bit impressed in her aura, so I head towards the next.

"Welcome to the HMS Celestial River, Master Fay" I speak through my Avatar, and hold out a hand for a handshake. Genetic alter, yes, it is her. The other one, looking identical is the changeling.

"Oh. You've grown a little since I saw you last year..." Fay muttered a little confused.

"Indeed, Master Fay. Miss Zero says I'm taller than Master Yoda now" I answer amused, and went to shake hands with the other Fay.

"Errr, it okay to greet the flying kid?" the changeling asks, a bit worried.

"Use your own judgement child." Fay told her companion, then turned towards me."Quite some improvement to the ship, I see. Crystal and biological armor, over the original durasteel. The bridge and the hangars were armored too. Expecting trouble, are you?" the Jedi wondered,

"Yes, something like that, Master Fay. You surely heard of Imperial officials assassinated by the Dooku's CIS and clashes over contested sectors. I'm certain Sran has holonews, like every world in the Pef Empire. When Corellia goes to war, so shall we" I explained politely, shaking hands with the changeling and learning the first lesson of water alter.

Seems you do need to be organic to use it properly. And acquire a tissue and genetic sample from your impersonation, too. The changeling would be virtually undetectable to most scanners.

"Yes, I heard that, and of the massive expansion the Empire took last months. A thousand new planets. The Emperor is here too?" Fay asked, possibly a little annoyed to speak with a flying kid, looking about 11.

"I am the Voice of the Emperor, Master Fay. My words are law and compel every loyal servant of the Empire. I see you haven't spent even half the credits you were given. Surely the changelings might need things, like skyscrapers and medical labs and museums?" I asked, coming around and floating eye to eye with my Fifth Hand.

"I'm not...building an entire planet is not in my teachings. I just fly around the galaxy, ending conflicts and wars and saving people..."

"Oh, really. The Jedi do not defend civilization and rescue slaves then? They just kidnap younglings and brainwash them to cut any opponent in half?" I asked rhetorically, and produced the orange holocron.

Fay stared at it with wide eyes, since it wasn't a Jedi holocron, which were all known and revered.

"Who, did Master Kuro...the dark woman made it?" she wondered, floating it in the air.

"Of course not, the new Jedi lost the ability to create them a thousand years ago. I made it myself, for you Master Fay. This one is empty, if you ever want to imprint your own teachings, before you die" I added, producing a blue cube.


The dark woman blinked again, as her pupil words reached something deep inside. The holoscreens showed her the conversation in the hangar, and also the planet and it's fields and factories. All worked and maintained by droids.

Even Master Fay had no clue how to build a civilization. Pef gave her a hundred billions and the changelings bellow were still living in near poverty. Ugly duracrete complexes, and no parks or gardens or art...

How could the Jedi Order claim to be the defenders of civilization?

It took a child to say the words and wake her up.

"You'd be better off with another Gand as a Fifth Hand. Those people would starve if your droids wouldn't feed them, for free." She said to the Droid Emperor, who was sitting next to her with a bowl of crystal soup, and was constructing more and more complex holocrons, like toys.

Just like entire new cities and terraforming planets. One would think him a mere competent administrator, except for his maids.

Those women, all so different and extraordinary. Wialu was stronger than any Jedi she knew, perhaps even Master Yoda or Fay.

And Solana was so alien that she had no reference to compare with. The Avatar of a sentient ocean...

Also Angie...a real angel, and breathing the force itself. Not a myth after all, if quite naive and childish.

"If Fay dies next year, I will need a new one, yes. I can't stop someone willing to sacrifice herself, but maybe she'll take my offer and let me anchor her. And then bring her back, just like I did for Lira. The old Je'daii weren't wrong, just misguided" Pef answered, not turning to respond, or stopping the holocron's build, or whatever tasks he took at once.

Almost like an AI...except for the love he shared with his Voices.

And next year, she will have to leave...if there will be any place to go. Her garden was now on Gand, after all.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

22 BBY, Second month.

Ventress and Angie have gone to Dathomir, along with a fleet of freighters and escorts, to establish a mining base on Koratas, a moon of Dathomir rich in minerals. And also, to negotiate with the town of Aurilia and with Ventress's family in the Nightsider clan, down on the main planet. Perhaps I could prevent another genocide, by constructing deep underground shelters for both clans. Maybe locate some devolved Kwa and their ancient artefacts too.

Keeping us supplied with vital minerals will be a challenge during the wars, but if the secret deal with the Jefi on Botajef works, they'll abuse their neutrality to transport the minerals under Jefi flag and authentications. And giving them a few billion credits for planetary shields and factories might help too.

In the north, we're trying to expand as fast as we can, taking Refnar and Munto Codru and reaching the Crseih system. Having our own energy refineries around a black hole should contribute making us independent.

More fleets heading towards the Shaylin system and Turkana, while Vette went on with her Meteor and her mentor to take Pakuuniand clear out the Pakuuni pirates.

It seems neither the Galactic Republic, nor the CIS have any interest in this sector, so that means it's mine. Right?

Who doesn't want fertilizers and neural education?

And the fact that both Mon Calamari space and the Centrality are now tucked inside the Pef Empire borders, protected from invasion and war will mean a lot, when the Clone Wars end.

Now if only Wialu manages to bring Brigia and Mullan on our side. A larger delegation, composed of Solana and Zuralee, along with a hundred Calamari cruisers is headed towards Gbu and their insect natives, trying to stop their defection, or at least change it towards neutrality or even my Empire.

Frantic steps, before the war breaks out. The North fleet is in position anyway, 50 Meteors and 5 Mountains along with a thousand Dakka corvettes, in case the war starts a few months or weeks sooner. New Alderaan has become a huge naval base, with fuel depots and armories and barracks for a thousand divisions, while Sol II is nearby, for retreat or healing.

In the west, thousands of survey droids search for a secret route towards Charros. I know it must exist, the Galactic Empire used it in my memories, but the droids find only dead worlds and dead ends, or do not return at all. Mostly the latter. Survey droids were originally equipped with sublight engines, and took decades to reach the nearest stars. A hyperdrive takes hours or days, but it is also way more risky and inaccurate.

Peffy remained with Zero and Fay on Sran, since he's organic and all. Establishing a flourishing civilization is quite easy for my Avatar, and my Jedi Hands can learn alot from him. I mean me. Yes. Allocate another partition to manage the Avatar. Okay, much better focus now.

Let's return to what I'm doing.

Outside my window there's a few hundred old small ships and 21 of Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser, that Proto one bought from the Hutts for little, along with 2 Lucrehulks filled with new equipment, like modern sensors and hyperdrives and shields, along with 4200 heavy masers and missile launchers and gatling lasers.

Okay let's start disassembling the old ships and rebuild them in my image. I mean, in the new design I consulted about with theColumi geniuses. They seemed amused, for some reason. Then again, their species was travelling the stars perhaps 2 million years ago. They forgot more about technology than any other race knew. They just...devolved.

These ships, the Invincible class, are 3000 years old and still work, almost fine. They just be dismembered in little pieces, floating in zero gravity, then guided with precise telekinesis into a mostly similar shape, if much better armored and shielded and most important, armed.

Gah, what were these people thinking, building a 2 kilometer-long battlecruiser, then arming it with only 12 capital class turbolasers? Even 200 guns are too few, but I can only use these due to low reactor power and Meteor production. In 3000 years, they progressed to Venators, armed with 16 guns...

The cylindrical shape is a good start, but it needs a raised superstructure, for superfiring turrets and sensors, then lateral wings for heat sinks, and two large hangar bays underneath the wings for starfighters. The hangar's armored flaps will open backwards, of course, to prevent incoming fire and losing fighters before they can even launch.

And one hour later, the first Invictus class fleet carrier is ready. Class 2.0 hyperdrives, 212 heavy guns, 100 medium guns, and 200 missile launchers and gatling lasers. With room for 5000 droidfighters too.

Only 20 more ships to go. If I could get tired, I'd be in a coma right now.

But being a crystal has perks. Unlimited lifespan and memory, for example. Thus, I can work 24 hours a day, everyday. 

And when I'm done, I'll need to upgrade my Lucrehulks as well. That was gonna be exciting. Not really.

And then, a trip to see Crseih, the crystallized white dwarf, and try to save it from being swallowed by a black hole. There's a long story there, but now is the best time to act. 

'If you don't hear from me again, come rescue me!'

'Solanus says you're a bit crazy. Solana thinks a bit more. Oh well. Your Avatar will be fine' my Voice said with feigned disinterest.

'Thanks love' I sent back, sad of my unrecognized sacrifice.

Gah. You don't want to meet Waru. Being made into sacrificial offerings for a trans-dimensional being would hurt. Millions of force sensitives would be lost. Plus, future is fickle.

No one could guarantee that Waru will want to go home, this time.

En route to Dellalt, returning from Crseih

On board HMS Celestial River, a MC80 block S2 star cruiser

3 weeks later

So, turns out building an energy refinery around a black hole is very hard. Even for an AI. Took me two weeks, and a thousand asteroids and a billion droids. Along with 50 Lucrehulks filled with advanced tech and rare minerals.

About 1 trillion of credits, invested in this operation. Which is why 6 Meteors and 60 corvettes will remain guarding it for eternity. From all six sides.

Droid crews mostly, with just a few hundred Servants and a trusted Gand Claw to oversee the defenses. I'll have to rotate the organics every 3 months, or they might go crazy, staring into the abyss. And being stared back by the abyss, as well. Not sure about other universes, but here, black holes stare at you!

For the first time since the power gem hit my ship, I felt pain again. And not the Rakata type of pain, but even deeper. The black hole seemed to be an antithesis of the cosmic force, and a reversal of unifying force and a blank sphere in the physical force. My Gand Findsman said it felt even worse for living things.

At least I managed to save Crseih, the crystal star.

The crystal star is not exactly sentient, though it does resonate a little in the force, like most special crystals. I'll let Solanus figure a way to utilize it. Technically, he could melt and absorb the crystal inside a huge ocean, if there would be a Jupiter sized ocean somewhere. Or add hyperdrives, to the sublight engines I already used, and transfer himself into the white dwarf, Pef style.

Then he could hop around the galaxy, exploring.

'He says that's plan D/5b. In case Solanus really, really needs to run.' Solana whispered amused. Great, he copied my planning system now. 'What else, island maids?'

'Solanus thinks the algae on Cygnus B would fit him better.' Solana added, with a telepathic image of huge algae islands. Sentient algae, for a sentient ocean? They would be a good fit. Good choice, Solanus. The Immortal Emperor approves.

'I'm going there, after Gbu votes to join. Zuralee was a great idea for an insect negotiator. She only called you stupid and idiot 6 times.' my Voice added, somehow convinced that the disrespect my Hands spoke of me with was the sign of an enlightened leader, tolerant and kind.

And sure, I was all that, and more. Unless you were my Empire's enemy. In which case...

'Brigia is ours now, Pef. Only 74 deaths and it was done. But Mullan , I'll have to kill over 540 corporate leaders and replace them' Wialu added, asking forgiveness perhaps.

'Orbital bombardments would kill much more. I'll be there in 2 days and reprogram all the droids and the defense systems. CIS must have agents on the ground.' I replied immediately, glad for the opportunity to use my technopathy for a bit of mayhem and murder.

Sure, building stuff was great, and not that complicated once you've absorbed a billion manuals from a million universities.

But not as fun as arranging accidents with elevators and airlocks. Ah poor organics, so easy to eliminate, if I so desired.

On that note, start antidote production for the Blue Shadow Virus.

They never actually contained it on Naboo, since it was already in that river. Better make sure I contain a galaxy wide genocide at the source.

Guess I know where Peffy will be, in a few months.

Now, back to the damn holocron, and try again to for a 2kb one. I mean 2048 facets. Come on dear force, it's still a Platonic solid, right? You can do it!

Sigh, it melted again.

I was missing something. Even with all the knowledge I gain from the Rakata made war robots on Dellalt, and learning to make holocrons and the work on elongating the Rakata field into an ovoid, and I only was 7% into understanding that level of tech.

Gah! This may take longer than I thought.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

22 BBY third month

It seems this time, the vote for creating a Republic Grand Army will pass through the Senate, even with all the stubborn opposition from Corellia and Alderaan and thousands of other worlds. And it is my fault. I mean, Vette's fault. Yes, that sounds better.

She continued her campaign, abusing the fact that Solana was away, swimming with super brain algae, and went to expand my empire as high north as Florn. Now I'll have to fortify that world as well. Sigh. Another billion credits.

The secondary fleets under my Claw admirals continued their work behind the lines, taking Reginard and Hast and have began launching survey droids, looking for Zigoola. Guess I can give Reginard to the Codru-Ni as a reward for joining, since they kinda lack for space in those mountains.

We know it's approximate location, SE of Hast, but that still means thousands of stars anyway, and thus millions of wasted droids. I hope those Sith artifacts will be worth it.

South of Calamari space, we finally added Solay and Dornea to the Empire, well, more by promising Solay as a colony for the Dornean, instead of a pure MPT. And their shipyards now produce my slightly larger Dakka corvettes, instead of their own, anti-starfighter corvettes.

Guess I'll have to invest a bit there as well, and build a hundred new shipyards. And factories and planetary shields and a Naval Academy. In fact, let's go and invest even more. 

It seems all their ship captains will make better admirals than all my Claws combined. As soon as they finish the neural lessons about the empire and its law and organization structure and ideals, along with various loyalty contingencies. Wouldn't want some Dornean seal admiral to run away with a Meteor. Just one such warship could slag a planet into melted crust, in an hour.

Also, there's rumours (confirmed by my third Hand) of a Republic Chancellor's Aide inspecting planet Sanctuary in Mon Cala space, no doubt looking for a secret force-sensitive training planet.

Gah, just lay it to rest Palpatine, those are mine. You hear, mine?

Well, mine to protect and nurture, I mean.

Also, that means, I have to evacuate the Trailian species from their home planet, before they are found by the cult of evil and twisted into abhorrent and unnatural creatures.

'It's what we do Pef. One planet at a time, and only 50 millions more to go' Wialu sent a reassuring voice, while hugging Peffy tightly. They're both learning the changeling abilities now, on Sran. And giving Fay headaches, as her mind scanning isn't working.

I'll wait till Solanus makes a biotech chip before I implant the Avatar, cause I don't want to risk frying his brain should some ion weapon catch him in the radius. I remember my droid chassis losing 90% of its functions even protected by a shield and power armor.

Organics are much too frail. Even as strong as Peffy is in the force, he cannot survive without a brain. 

In the Ash Worlds, expansion continues at speed, englobing Uriek, Chiron, Nyny, Gligger and Balshebr.

All my 500 Meteors of the first build cycle are now able to move, and fight a bit, even if only 200 are fully armed with MACs and heavy masers. The others will have to wait, until I have 100 Mountains ready, to be able to actually conduct planetary invasions. That means some 4 billion droids, plus their tanks and support. More work.

I need 100 fleets of 3 dreadnaughts, along with three thousand support vessels. Should keep us safe the first year of this war. This would about cover all the known access routes into the Empire, plus some reserves.

That also means I won't be in a strong enough position to attack, except marginal planets like Toola, which just joined CIS, with an invasion fleet over their heads. 

Establishing a new regime during war time is much different than in peace. Revolts and sabotage and all that. Too lax and nobody obeys the laws. Too strict and you have rebellions and defective components. Sigh.

No one is truly happy after all. Except my Servants. But then, poor re-educated slaves don't have much choice.

'I don't like this part of our Empire Pef. Forced loyalty is not what I want for our people.' Dora mused in her bond. Yeah, that sucks. But it will get better in a decade.

'It's the same principle as the Jedi code, my love. Only with a thousand laws that ensure the Empire is stable and civilized, instead of programming 3 years old with religious dogma.' I answered back, not really concerned about this.

The Servants chose this for themselves, and were told of the neural education. Why waste a dozen years in schools, when you could start earning hard cash in 6 to 15 months, (depending on your species and knowledge of galactic basic and some other factors)?  Contact the nearest Pef Empire sevant for more information!

I returned to trying to find a use for the hundreds of tones of Mytag crystal I found on Dellalt.

As scanners, the Mytag tech were outdated, but it also meant modern stealth wouldn't protect against them. And secret comlinks based on them wouldn't even be detected by enemy scanners. 

The kiirium as well, could be used to make new types of starship armor, adding minute amounts to standard durasteel or Quadanium steel as well as other materials in engines and weapons. I'll wait till the geniuses at Land Warrior and Solanus figure a use. Or Peffy and Jaybo.

Being an AI had perks, but it reduced the flashes of inspiration and intuition to almost zero.

Deduction and analysis however, those worked great. And my ADD only manifested when I concentrated too many partitions on a single task. Or a boring one, like making bricks...

Damn it, I want pure, mechanical fabricator nano-droids. If only someone would invent them already!

I hope Ventress and Angie are okay on Dathomir. They only sent one message, that they have arrived.

Well, Angie will be fine, I think. If Mother Talzin electrocutes her, she'll smile happily and ask for more.

Ventress might bombard the Nightsister village from orbit though. 





War is coming. They don't call this place Star Wars for nothing.







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Clone Wars

 Fiction Page Report Chapter










The Galactic Republic goes to war.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne, the Redbox

22 BBY, fourth month.

An assassination attempt took place aimed at the Senator of Naboo. First a bomb on the landing pad, then poisonous myriapods. A certain Mandalorian bounty-hunter was involved, and Knight Kenobi was given the task to investigate.

Senator Amidala leaves to recover on her home planet, and the Military Creation Act passes the Senate. Thousands of starships and starfighters begin construction immediately, on every industrial world still in Republic space. Also, tanks and gunships and personal weapons.

The Republic has just cut all Holonet transmissions from Coruscant into the galaxy, instead transmitting a single image.

Wayback Machine

Seems we're gonna have to switch to our own holonetwork from now on. Providing news and entertainment to a quarter of the galaxy, from Mon calamari and the Centrality, to Hutt space and other Outer Rim worlds.

Investing a trillion credits in holo-emitter tech was paying off now. Who controls information...

Corellia has again refused being involved in a galactic war, citing some obscure law, and began recalling all their warships and their Green Jedi home. Just like Angie told them to, between musical venues. 'The Immortal Pef advises our friends at Corellia to invest heavily in missile technology and keep their greensabers close.' Seems they listened, which is great. Or they were gonna to do that anyway, which is also great. That gives my Empire a bit more time as well.

I can continue the expansion in the Ash worlds, taking Ulonsus, Astigone and Xoraes. Pretty bombed up, but I can fix them, most of the fissionables have depleted since the Hutts used them 25 millennia ago.

I can extend to Malagarr in the SE, though I'll have to visit to clean up the radiation left when the natives self-destructed, very recently. Or just make it a droid world, and see where they can go on their own...yeah, that should work too. My Imperial Servants will remain in orbit to supervise the new droid civilization.

Now, I only need a fleet to anchor that corner. Let's buy one. My best friends the Hutts, still have 10 thousand dreadnoughts, they keep idle.

To the south, we have reached Delacrix  system, and we won't expand further, until the entire interval volume is integrated fully in the Empire. 

The Hutts have asked a billion credits for their loss of this world, and Proto One promptly agreed to pay it, and also acquired 16 older Invincible-class dreadnaughts in the deal. The planet is practically free in this deal. And I have the fleet to anchor the southern defenses with. Just need to upgrade it, a little.

My Droid Ambassador is surely getting smarter and wiser, which each upgrade and meeting he survives.

His guards only had to fire once, the past month. Not all Hutts are equally smart after all.

The smart Hutts are worried about the coming war though, even asking delicately where my own fleets will go.

'Defending the Empire.' I answered amused. I can do doublespeak too.

Solana is returning with a thousand baby algae, from Cygnus B, and will seed them into the ocean worlds that Solanus now inhabits. Three planets so far, and 8 more to go, scattered on newly discovered planets around our Empire.

And it seems networking himself with new oceans also makes him even smarter and stronger. Like he wasn't already.

'Don't be envious Pef. Solanus also doesn't like loneliness. And he learns from you, just like you make use of him. And with a billion oceans, he could direct the force itself, possibly. He just needs to spread far and wide.' Solana added, showing me an image of herself, taking a bath naked along with the baby algae.

It made strangely alluring and disturbing sight, at once. Blue and green shapes, floating in a huge transparent aquarium, with stars visible in the background through the transparisteel windows of her Lucrehulk.

'We're passing through Junkfort now, Solana will be home soon' she sent with a mildly embarrassed tone. Absorbing the customs of our civilization, then. That's why she wore the armor in public then...

By the time she arrives, the first Geonosis should happen.

There was still so much to be done, and not enough people, or ships or time.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

22 BBY, Fifth month.

"The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun...the Clone War has."

―Grand Master Yoda

The Clone wars have begun, with a tactical victory for the Republic, and a strategic victory for the Order of Sith Lords.

I felt the tingle of the many deaths of Jedi Knights in the Geonosis arena. Anakin and Padme survived, unfortunately. Again.

Just a light whisper with my crystal self, and a distant scream with Peffy. I never met any of those people personally, so it was not too bad. Fay and Zero instead, their hearts trembled in pain.

"Yes, my Zero and Fifth Hand, the war has begun" Peffy said, patting their shoulders in compassion. More will die, before it's over.

"I should return to Coruscant, and help..." Zero said, after deliberating inside herself. Fay refused to even think about it.

"I'm never stepping back on Coruscant, plus my charges are not ready. One more year, then we'll see where the force sends me" Master Fay explained, looking below at the huge plaza, where a hundred thousand Clawdite were kneeling on sand, and forming words and shapes with the sand.

Back in the Redbox, the hologram depicted planet Geonosis, with its orbital ring and 15 moons.

Thanks to carefully planted spy satellites, me and my Voices are able to observe everything, almost in real time.

It also proved my theory that turreted guns were much better than fixed guns, for space superiority fights.

Although the Republic will eventually win, the Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter proved able to cause significant damage, especially to clone piloted Torrents and gunships. The vulture droid starfighters fared much worse, losing dozens for a single kill.

Which is why I preferred an adapted CIS Scarab-class droid starfighter for my own navy, with a turreted Gatling laser, a forward blaster canon and a missile launcher. It was even cheaper than a Vulture, and had better armor and even had shields.

Tri-droids will take one more year to appear, and such I bought a million Scarabs from planet Charros. That's only to equip our current carriers, since once we enter the war, we won't need to bother about patents and other legal niceties, and just steal whatever tech we want.

For now, every single piece of equipment we use publicly has to be bought and licensed. But, not for long.

Just waiting for Corellia...

In fact, I had already announced the Corellian Diktat of our support and promised to keep a hyper-route to them open, should they go to war and need reinforcements.

Ventress and Angie sent a short message too, saying just 'Returning'. Good, cause I need my War Maid soon. And a ditsy singer to inspire morale.

I've established small garrisons and asteroid disguised space stations at Haashimut and Kegan , since whatever people live there aren't advanced enough to notice, and using only B1 and B3 droids. Pretending to be CIS, if discovered. And occupied Tammar promising the locals to restore the environment

Meanwhile, Proto One is visiting Nal Hutta, and trying to buy Sriluur, for 2 billions credits. And hopefully obtain 20 more dreadnaughts.

It helps convince the Hutts we desperately need ships to fight the CIS, since our almost public data says 300 battleships and thousands of small ships. I wrote the description myself, on the Blacklist threat assessment ranking that the Hutts keep. We just mean different things, by battleships.

Upgrading the Invincibles is much less costly than building brand-new 2 kilometer-long carriers. Especially since there're hundreds of pirate ships floating about, taken as capture by Vette and Ventress and various admirals.

Plenty of secondary systems from sensors to reactors and weapons that I don't have to buy or build.

And since most navcomputers and astromechs aboard have never been memory wiped, some in thousands of years, they sometimes add another secret route or rich asteroid or old battlefields that can be mined and put to use.

Mujilik entered the Redbox, radiating excitement. Hmmm, the survey droids found something, maybe?

"Metal Gand, your stupid idea came to fruition, after only 2 million of survey droids wasted. The Empire has a route to the Core, via Togoria and 13 intermediate jumps. And what's better, the cats do not have spaceflight and didn't detect us.

Also, no pilots in the Exploration Corps died during duties. One died, due to spice overdose while testing the advanced starfighter" my sixth Hand declared grandly, and punched the sky.

Hmmm, losing a pilot and the starfighter to spice?

Not efficient.

"Good! Let's use this event to ban spice use for every member of the military." I exclaimed, then turned towards my other Hand present. "Zuralee, promote spice vending on overpopulated planets like Gbu and Mullan and Florn, along with Anzat and Metalorn. Happy citizens do not revolt after all. And we don't want to lose revenue either"

"Zuralee understands. She has seen Gbu herself, after all. Those primitive insects don't even cull the defective eggs. Smelling the excretions from Kessel spiders is too good a fate for them. Too bad they joined before we managed to test orbital bombardments, like I asked them to." the female Gand answered politely, and grinning a bit creepy, like every insect I know.

No wonder that planet joined in less than a week. I should make a note, not to send her on anymore negotiations though.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

22 BBY Ninth month.

The Republic forces are engaged almost all over the Mid Rim, with various skirmishes, someone decided to name the CIS flagship the Subjugator, but it's still wasting Republic fleets left and right. Literally in the Battle of Abregado and Battle of the Ryndellia system

Guess Dooku can't call it the Malevolence now, since he never found Andeddu's holocron. The Sith must have other holocrons though. There were thousands of Dark Lords in history.

But without the stolen holocrons I have on Sanctuary, they'll never achieve immortality. I'm a cheater, I know. Battles take place all over the galaxy, except my tiny corner.

At Agamar , CIS and Republic forces are battling for the past 4 months in the Mirgoshir campaign.

At Ryloth, our agents delivered food rations and ion blasters to the local resistance, perhaps keeping more twi'leks alive until the Republic clones came to liberate them. The Black Ops freighter returned with about 50 kids as well.

And when the Blue Shadow was released on Naboo, the antidote was already spread by our agents in the rivers and swamps near the capital. Guess we'll have to wait and see, if the bioweapon spreads into the galaxy or not.

Of course, Kenobi and Anakin rushed to Iego to find a certain root as well, but were instead given a trademark antidote, from a Servant from Pef's Imperial Medical Division. They were a bit surprised to find an empire already existed in these parts.

Though Kenobi wasn't as surprised by that, instead by the angel who wanted to be taken as a maid, and demanded lightning to sing a few songs. No idea what Angie tells her follow angels.

Just outside our borders though, on Rhen Var, the Republic suffered a major defeat, losing all their troops and their base, to an invading CIS landing force. Anakin was there, for some reason.

They also lost Bespin to CIS, which no doubt was targeted for tibanna gas, and became bogged down on Atraken where Dooniumcan be mined.

Republic troops under Anakin and Kenobi also managed to lose all their troops attacking Raxus Prime

proving their great skills as generals. Only the damned Kenobi escaped from an entire army of clones and tanks they brought with them. Anakin fell prisoner, but he'll be fine.

Meanwhile, General Tann of CIS conquered a planet hosting a 'secret' base of the Republic on Eredenn Prime stealing the super tanks prototypes, the Decimator (war machine).

Anakin was taken to Alaris Prime where he was allowed to escape, so the brave Jedi recruited some wookies and attacked the CIS forces, resulting in the massacre of many wookie villages. Not giving up, he requested help from his Republic buddies and managed to free the moon, with over 30% of his troops surviving.

General Tann of CIS counter-attacked of course, and is about to obtain victory anyway. And obtain the codes for the super tanks.

Very interesting I know, and I can just sneak peaks at all this using stealth satellites.

If only Corellia would move to declare war already.

Eh, back home I have finished building my 100 Mountains, and began arming the rest of the 200 Meteors already constructed.

Perhaps I was too optimistic when I projected millions of them. Even 200 of these behemoths strain my empire's arms production to the limit.

At least we produce 500 Dakka corvettes per month, and that rate will double till the end of the year. Looking back, my Empire had 100 corvettes the entire fleet, 2 years ago.

We're getting better I think. Tanks and droid production go well, along with dropships to carry them. Having our own source of repulsorlift components made at our black hole refinery helps.

I estimate that 300 Jedi had been killed so far, and about 8 dark jedi, at least 7 of them by my actions.

Time to implement the Balance protocol then. My subverted droids will begin erratic behavior if any jedi are around.

'Took you long enough Pef.' Wialu said with a satisfied sigh.

'It won't be pretty, and they'll catch up soon, so I'll use the CIS ones first' I mused, watching the mock combat through Peffy's eyes.

He looked about 17 years old now, not as tall as I'd like, but with fair blonde hair, his body muscled and strong. And wiping the floor with Jedi Fay and Zero and a few dozen changelings at once, in their sparing.

As the new year comes, my Avatar will be ready. Perhaps Peffy will grow a bit taller, before we start building his power armor.

Sadly, I have to keep the hair short, or that purple lightsaber that Zero hits me with might burn it.

The changelings took a while to get used to the crazy human getting hit by a lightsaber for no effect.

Fay is getting better too, parrying the lightsaber with her hands. At least the changelings won't be impressed when they encounter such primitive weapons in the future.

I have them concentrating on using nanomissile guns and ion blasters though. Along with special ops training in security and infiltration, via neural induction.

It's the law after all, for any military units or public servants.

Sadly, force teachings are not so easily obtained. It takes 10 crates of bota plants each day, to boost their force connection.

And by the next year, they'll barely be Jedi knights in strength. They learned speed and agility pretty fast though, so it might be a natural ability for their species.

And Zero finally started teaching me Phase ability.

Which is terrifyingly hard to learn. A single mistake, a blink or a muscle flinching and you become embedded in a wall or starship armor or whatever.

No wonder Zero waited till she considered me at Master level.

"Hey Peffy, wanna come drink with me, when you're done?" Aurra asks with an unsettling smile, also breathing slowly to regain her breath.

Hmmm. Why would she ask it a prank again?

I try to use precognition, but only a vague feeling of bliss...Oh? It is my birthday after all.

"Sure thing, adored maid. Let me take a shower, and find my credit chip. Some violet maid might have misplaced it again." I answered with a blinding smile, covering my body in my own copy of Angie's golden glow of happiness. 

"Y-yea. She's coming too. Already reserved a table at that mineral spring resort you like." Aurra added with a naughty smile.

Okay then...better allocate two more partitions, this may get interesting. Jacuzzi bath with my maids!




Finally, Pef broke reality and had sex. Because that's what Force powers are for.







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 05.08.2018, 17:58:42




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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