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Shades of grey




More War

 Fiction Page Report Chapter










Pef joins the war.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

22 BBY, 10th month

Knight Anakin and Master Kenobi managed to retake the first planet they lost, in the Second Battle of Rhen Var . Projected loses are only 50%, showing their great improvement following their promotions. Also, the first cool-looking walker units, All Terrain Experimental Transport helped the Republic greatly.

The walkers look amazing, so I'll have to acquire a few and build my own, better model.

Both of them heroes also managed to win the Battle of Dorin , forcing the CIS to retreat, by bringing about a parity of forces. The losses were an equal 20% for both sides. One Jedi died, by being targeted by 300 Vultures at once, by some crazy tactical droid.

At Quell , the CIS won again, while the burning Republic star destroyers crashed on the planet, obliterating a few millions.

The Battle of Drongar did not take place, since we had a hundred ships chasing the first CIS fleet poking around. Sovereign space and all that. We'll have to investigate how they reached the system though, since they didn't come through the normal route.

Perhaps those bota plants will survive now, without the rivers of blood reaching their roots in 3 years of continuous war.

In the Battle of Amaltanna, my future maid, Jedi Swan, managed to obliterate her own army and the enemy army as well, remaining the sole survivor. That's 200% casualties. Kenobi would be proud.

And lastly, the Second Battle of Geonosis which marks the end of the year with more massacres and fireworks.

The second the medical frigate left the system, our long ago planted weapon activated far into the Oort could, a shower of ice comets being launched at the planet, their trajectories intersecting major temples and hives on the surface. If any hive survives, they'll be flooded and kept busy for next 5 years. And stop them mind controlling people with worms through their nose, that was disgusting.

The droid Munificent frigate in the Geonosis system jumped to Tatooine and accelerated constantly until it impacted Jabba the Hutt's hideout on the surface. Made a pretty flower as well, less bloom and more explosion though.

And next time, invest in planetary shields. Keeps things from falling from the sky, on your head.

"So, what do think Third Hand?" I mused, watching the holo again, before deleting it.

"Your Hand is glad all our planets have shields, Bombastic Emperor. The expense for getting the technology and producing them independently, seems trivial compared to the risk of random accidents, obliterating key cities or even the entire life on a planet" he replied, opening his claws in a mockup explosion.

"Great. You looked over our first wave of attacks that the Admiralty has put together? Don't answer that. Got any vital target you think we missed?" I asked politely.

"Your wise hand thinks we should anchor the northern flank higher, at Cholganna perhaps. Also, that Centares is too far, for a first wave. Sy Myrth will give us plenty of trouble." the Gand answered, choosing caution over the boldness of Ventress.

Our military doctrine and droid troops were not tested in ground battle, after all, nor in real fleet engagements.

Garrison duty, even on feral worlds did not compare to enemy action.

"All right. We'll go slowly. I predict Corellia will join the war, in a few days." I muttered in defeat.

"I'll send the codes to our agents then. A few days...and a few females, waiting for me on Sanctuary. I'm so doomed" he complained, vanishing with another smoke pellet, this time smelling like strawberries.

Gah. That wasn't why he had access to our biomedical division...

Peffy is dancing with Celine, trying to become cultivated and elegant for the Centrality plan.

The Avatar will need to look a bit older for the scrivener position though.

Let's postpone that a month or two, maybe he'll get taller... Damn Jaybo, could have told me he was a bit small. I don't want to implant femoral elongations in my Avatar. Kriff.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire


21 BBY first month.

"It is possible that the war itself has been only one further move in some greater game."


Pef News:

"It is with sadness and compassion that our Empire joins the Clone wars. Our foremost allies, the Corellian Diktat took half of the step for us, answering the call for liberty of the Galactic Republic. And the other step, it was also taken for us by news of atrocities committed against the sentients of this galaxy, by the CIS.

Our armed forces will not conquer, but liberate and bring civilization to the worlds struggling under the boot of CIS evil corporations. We are hopeful that our small help will mean something, and bring the war to a close faster, saving untold trillions from famine and disease and other tragedies of war" I proclaimed with Peffy's face and voice.

Because, a droid saying the same things wouldn't be that well-received by most of the galaxy. At all.

"We thank the Honored Avatar for his kind words and his future leadership in this trying times. As the Immortal Emperor retreats into contemplation and meditation, saddened by the harsh realities of our galaxy, it falls to us, the Hands and the Voices of the Emperor to bear the weight of the Empire. For the Empire!" King Kikipi proclaimed, punching the sky and ending the feed.

Eh, good enough. Miss Zero was visible for a second in the background of the feed, letting the Jedi and the Sith figure out which side we chose. All our available officials were on that podium, supported by the thousand representatives of the Large Council, about 700 of them humans, and the rest from other various races in the Empire.

Now, back to the actual war.

It seems having installed ion cannons on every ship's bow is even more useful than I first imagined. The entire defensive grid of the CIS forces on Sy Myrth succumbs in 5 minutes of orbital bombardment. Electronics and droid cores spark and explode, shields fall and power grids shut down.

Our tanks having wheels and tracks also works great, allowing them to pass through shields at a slow walk pace, although the light tanks need to turn off repulsors before doing the same.

In space, the 3 Meteors in the first fleet barely even feel the return fire from 50 Munificents and Recusants, focusing their MACs on the 5 Lucrehulks and orbital defense platforms, while the fleet carrier has launched the Scarab fighters then retreated, leaving the corvettes to cover the flanks and guard against surprise attacks on the Meteor's engines.

Just as the CIS defense fleet at Sy Myrth gets evaporated, the Mountain begins the landings, depositing the first division near the

capital, the dropships then returning for the next divisions.

Half of the corvettes and the fighter screen protect the landings, our ground forces a mix of organics and droids, about 10 to one more droids. Our Carrion variants of the Vulture assumed the role of mecha and gunships, supporting the ground troops.

Commando droids and special forces rush to capture databanks and droid control centers and also the actual banks and vital infrastructure installations like reactors and factories.

About 5 hours from the first landings, the retaliation arrives, in the shape of largish fleet, about 200 frigates and a hundred Recusants-variant destroyers with 30 Lucrehulks battleships carrying Vulture starfighters.

They came from Centares, so there's probably a larger fleet forming at Columex. Let's not spring the trap yet.

I want to see how my ships do when outnumbered 100 to 1.

"Playing it close, Desk Emperor. We have no idea how well the Meteors will fare at these odds" Zuckuss mutters, rotating the holomap to see the battle from above.

It was of course the whole point, finding out if my ships were good enough.

Oh, the CIS are clever, I'll give them that. Splitting in groups of 100 to target our engines from behind, while the Lucrehulks mass together to bring 12 thousands turbolasers on a single Meteor. No doubt thinking themselves invulnerable to our MACs alpha strike, due to their upgraded shields.

Star formation then, our Meteors maneuvering to bring their dorsals close, blocking fire from every side with their hulls, and starting a slow rotation using lateral sublight engines.

The Dakka corvettes prowl at the edges attempting to shoot the engines of the CIS fleets as they head towards our capital ships.

Then the range closes enough, and the blue and violet bolts of energy from our ships start crashing into the light armored frigates and destroyers of the CIS, pulverizing and decimating the nearest ones.

That's only 20% of the Meteor's firepower though. The rotation brings the maw of a Meteor in line with the Lucrehulks, and 100 shells fire in quick succession, destroying 5 Lucrehulks outright.

Installing tractors beams around the grinning mouth of the space sharks allows a minute course deviation, enough to target a salvo of twenty ferrous shells onto a single target, much like Jaybo and Peffy did with our nano-missiles.

The explosions impact the nearby Lucrehulks, and 80% of the Meteors guns target each vulnerable battleship in turn, 2600 heavy masers and 300 ion cannons proving enough to shatter even the Lucrehulks prodigious shields.

By the time the corvettes have finished coming about, only half of the CIS fleet is still intact.

Another 120 degrees arc completes in the rotation, and the next in line, the Mountain fires 12 shells at each of 4 Lucrehulks in front of it.

Combined it the already pouring damage, the CIS begin splitting up and trying to retreat.

Yeah, let's not.

The corvettes fire their long range lasers and masers, focusing on the engines only. Only 10 battleships and 20 frigates escape and jump towards Trogan, while 6 Lucrehulks and 28 Recusants are stranded here, and start surrendering and being boarded or having their weapons slagged, then boarded.

The CIS Vultures continue to engage our own fighters though, losing 3 to 1 against my Scarab starfighters. Considering the Scarabs are 30% cheaper, having 300% more effectiveness sounds good enough.

Then again, the Vultures have no shields or armor, and only fire frontally with their blaster cannons. Sigh.

"So, what do you think, Sixth Hand?" I wonder aloud.

"Hmmm. Even a bantha can step in the right poo sometimes. The Meteors worked fine, this time. But we still lost 20 corvettes and a thousand starfighters." Mujilik answered, still not convinced, or happy.

"The Dakka did fine, watch them clean up the Vultures" I grumbled, as the corvettes did just that, closing into laser and missile range from different vectors, and blowing the surviving Vultures up.

Through armor and firepower, I gain Victory!

I changed the holomap to our other targets, but the fleets were not counter-attacked there, not yet, leaving us with 10 more systems in our possession than 6 hours ago.

Of course, only Bimmisaari was important in the larger scheme, while Togoria fell rapidly to our 82nd fleet and its occupying troops, considering the natives rode animals and used metal spears. Our contact Lucrehulks began their work, assembling civilization and defenses, while Wialu headed corewise towards Nazzri, with the purpose of linking our efforts with the Republic.

Now we had Charros encircled, and the 81st fleet was moving in.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Zero Garden

22 BBY, a week later

I smiled at Ventress, who was centering herself after another sparring session, focusing to repair her broken ribs.

"Feeling okay, beloved maid?" I asked, placing Peffy's hand on my maid's thigh and accelerating her healing speed ten times, pulsing reinforcement and dark healing at the same time.

"Kriff, it's not fair. You were only a baby, 2 years ago!" she muttered opening her eyes to stare at my hand on her thigh. No murderous intentions though, just a little hesitation and embarrassment. Eh, critics everywhere!

I snatched her white lightstick and turned it on, then gave it a long lick, taking care not to actually burn my tongue off. Growing it back was painful, the first time I tested this, for my prank.

"Mhhh. Plasma tastes weird" I explained, making a sour face.

"You're weird, damn idiot! Lightsabers are dangerous, not ice-cream sticks..." she exclaimed, grabbing the lightsaber by the plasma beam and snatching it back. Getting slightly better with energy absorption then.

Right, that's why a third of the lightsaber users somehow become cyborgs. You could at least be thankful I taught you to keep your hands intact.

Even if, her palm was still burned, pretty bad. Oh well, I was already healing her body, what's a slight burn more?

"You could remove that hand already, I feel fine now" Ventress muttered in a low voice, but didn't do anything to push the hand away.

"You are not fine Asajj. Hate can give you strength, but you'll be empty inside. Without love...we're nothing. You've seen your Nightsisters on Dathomir. Did they feel fine?" I asked gently, drawing her into a hug. She didn't resist this time, just relaxing and breathing deeper.

"They were strong and fast and powerful in the force. They also knew many magiks, like that crazy droid does, as well" my War Maid answered with a sigh, and hugged me back.

"Indeed. They tap into the energies left by the Kwa artifacts and their ghost forms. Spirits they call them, not even realizing what power they use, is not their own. And Dooku will come for them soon. They are not immortal, Asajj. You have to decide soon, or they'll be gone, whatever survivors remaining collected as dark jedi. You could take 20 Meteors and can guard them, forever and ever, or leave them to their fate." I argued gently, caressing her back and planting my hook deeper.

"Kriff. At least I know it really works, teasing Lira is quite fun, after all." She replied, hugging me harder. And sinker.

"Okay then. I know this great resort, with warm springs and a great restaurant. Let's go celebrate our wedding there..." I whispered in her ear, then kissed her long neck gently.

"Oh! We are that kind of maids, after all..." Ventress realized with some surprise. She was a good kisser. Passionate too. I guessed right.


Interlude CIS

"Master, I can't send another fleet to be ripped to pieces by those monstrous sharks. We'll have to retreat a little in that corner, until the next build cycle is complete. General Grievous will command the new Subjugator, and crush that Pef Empire upstart with five thousands ships. I just need 2 months to put that operation together. The sharks are big, but less armed than a Mandator, after all." he argued to his displeased Dark Lord.

Darth Sidious was mad, his plans thrown in disarray by that new droid army. And a few of those independent Jedi were spotted in that sector as well, Master Fay and the dark woman too. Was this some kind of secret Jedi backup plan?

"No, my apprentice. If that Pef continues at this rate, we may lose Columex and Felucia too, in two months. While their offensive is concentrated corewise, use the Dark Ripper, and get us access to Drongar and Pakuuni and Zigoola. Wipe them out in the north, then conquer Mon Calamari. Most of their fleet is still Calamari ships, and those big sharks have to be made there. They can't have more than the dozen Meteors we seen. Even Kuat only produced 7 Mandators. Big ships take very long to build, after all." Darth Sidious ordered, and the Count of Serrano had to obey.

For now. One day, his Master will make a mistake, and then he'll be the Dark Lord, and rule the galaxy for eternity...

Still, the Sith superweapon will need to be protected, even if it meant leaving a few sectors undefended.

Who to send then? Admiral Trench did well enough at the Battle of Christophsis , destroying 90 % of all the heavy walkers and gunships of the Jedi army, and killing 50% of the clones. Skywalker and Yoda interfering in the battle wasn't his fault after all.

This Pef Empire however, didn't have 9 thousands Jedi to appear from the woodwork at inopportune times either. Just some upstart tactical droid and too many credits to spend.

And about that...it seems someone interfered and reprogrammed a few tactical droids to unleash all available firepower when Jedi were in their targeting sensors. Possibly the work of his Master then. So insidious, this Darth Sidious. Jedi casualties climbed steadily, bringing the new order to fruition, even sooner.


POV Republic

"Only good news we've heard, of this Pef Empire. Slavery outlawed, new cities and factories being built in months. And if Master Fay is there..." Master Windu mused, deep in thought.

"And help us with the Blue Shadow antidote, they have, mhmm" Master Yoda added, smiling kindly.

"Master An'ya Kuro is there too, and not returning to Coruscant for deployment." Master Fisto argued, trying to pierce the dark shroud, and failing again.

"The Force guides those two, taking them where most needed. Join our cause, did they not?" Master Yoda said gently, no doubt reminiscing about his padawan.

"Only when Corellia did, let's not forget. And now the Green Jedi of Corellia stay home, as advisors to their generals, instead of leading the armies of the Republic" Master Ki-Adi-Mundi said with a thinking pose.

"The Altisian Iron Knights of Dweem also declined to respond to our calls, and said they're will be better suited in the reconstruction effort, after the war" Mace Windu said displeased.

"A great dishonor, to those Shards and their Master Aqinos, we did. Excommunicated they are, are they not?" Master Yoda asked softly, his gaze passing from a council member to the next.

"Heresy it is, the meld of the force with technology. They are lucky we didn't cut them down already" Master Saesee Tiin added his opinion.

The Jedi Masters nodded in approval, before moving on the next crisis, the First Battle of Kamino .




Sith and Jedi . Who needs them? Right?







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 05.08.2018, 19:24:15




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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Shades of grey




Good, bad and the Rock.

 Fiction Page Report Chapter










A meteor is sometimes a rock.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

21 BBY, First month, second week

"New droid general… He's unstoppable… Can't hold out for long… General Gr-(static)- is hunting us… Must hurry."

―Daakman Barrek

All my Voices felt another one, added to my heart, since I kept all of them in constant contact with the Voice partition. Kinda had too, for the essence transfer to work. Soulmates for eternity.

"Another Voice, and not me! You lying, cheating, stupid droid. Why don't I get one as well?" My beloved Vette yelled, and pounded my armor with her own gloved fists.

"Oh, your voice is not loud enough, Miss pirate scourge? Are you not the revered Blue Maiden, worshiped on 31 planets?" I asked amused, since her armor now sported a hundred Force scribe inscriptions, half of them by me, and thus in Latin, others made by Wialu and Nashira and even some Jal Shey. She was pretty loud, banging on my chest.

"You know what I mean. A maid is just a toy. No real power, even an Explorer or a three star Servant ranks higher than me.

They just indulge me, and snicker behind my back!" Vette muttered, taking off her helmet and wiping a tear.

I kinda think it's not your rank, they snicker about, dear maid. Your antics however...

"Give it time Vette. Look, I promise you won't get old for 300 years. Just avoid dying through stupidity and being too rash. Maybe you'll grow to love me in a few decades, and understand what my Empire is for. Go to the garden and speak with my Avatar, before you leave, though. Okay?" I said gently, gliding her helmet back over her leku.

"Understood, my Emperor. I'll give Peffy a chance. But, just one!" she said in a sterner voice, and flying away towards her dropship.

Giving me the cold shoulder, eh?

Poor little pretty blue crazy twi'lek. Just wait till I get you in a warm spring...

"Please keep your musings to yourself, crazy droid. Your Hand is trying to figure out the CIS fleet movements." Zuckuss muttered beside me, calculating travel times and fuel consumption for all the ships that just vanished from a number of CIS sectors.

Let's help out a little then. Hmmm. They all stopped to refuel at Raxus Prime, before heading north. Hey, the Republic is the other way!

The Battle of Krant just took place, the CIS losing 90% of their forces, just like the Republic did as well. 11 Jedi died, by our sources and every senior leader in the CIS including dark jedi Sev'rance Tann

A few LR1K sonic cannon firing concentrated bursts at once, on every Jedi in range might have helped too.

In the Battle of Hypori, a number of B2 droids fired in confusion, killing a few more Jedi than expected. Ki-Adi-Mundi, next time wear a helmet. That head makes a big target.

And K'Kruhk , sorry buddy, these crazy droids kept firing for a whole minute at your head., then at the torso. Then kicked a thermal detonator over the remains. Sigh. He has to be dead now, doesn't he?

It was all Grievous fault, damn droid general. Only two cute Jedi escaped, Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura. Almost like some force protected the cute ones. But, that's impossible, right?

In the Battle of Thule, the Republic sacrificed 95% of their troops and equipment, but no Jedi managed to die. Then again, Anakin and Yoda were there, so the odds were skewed. However, they didn't find a Dark Reaper to kill.

Hmmm. Where could it be, that nice toy using the force to kill millions at once?

Nevermind, I saw two new shinnies I have to get as well. The Protodeka and the Dreadnought battle tank . I mean come on! Why aren't millions of these things around, killing clones? You just saw how effective they are, causing 95% casualties against 5 Jedi Masters and a few clone divisions?

True, the Jedi tactics sucked as well, just running straight forward. Hmmm.

Why do I even bother? My partition finished estimating the composition and intended vector for the Dark Reaper fleet.

"They're coming for us, Zuckuss. Probably at our new conquest, Toola . Defense in depth, and only the Meteor One as a battleship. Droid crews only in the support ships." I ordered, sending the required codes towards the northern 5th fleet.

"Vette won't like us using her ship..." Zuralee added, of course taking the female side.

"It's my ship, Zuralee. Plus Vette will be busy this week. My Avatar is romancing her..." I explained a bit annoyed. Giving someone a ship to use didn't mean it was their property. Still, a military asset, and with a Rakata forcefield on board, a strategic asset as well.

"Very wise, Metal Emperor. Using a remote to handle females at a distance. Your third Hand deeply desires to do the same..." the shadowy Black Ops leader mused, having just decloaked when the conversation became interesting, for him.

"Lu'daal-ud , if you can't handle them, just let them go, keep three or one. Females are meant to be a joy and pleasure, not chores." I explained, a bit confused. Sure, my maids were a handful, but also my greatest joy.

"Ahhhh. That's not what your Hand means. We are very happy. But they argue all the time..."

Hah, of course. There's no equality in a harem, after all.

"Ranks, my friend. First wife, then second...and so on. And give them different areas to oversee. Kitchen, kits, money and so on."

I proclaimed magnifically, my hands in the air, one holding a sphere of water and the other a ball of fire.

"That means Zuckuss is higher ranked than Zuralee? But..." my female Hand muttered, realizing her place in the hierarchy of the Empire. After three years.

"Thank you my friend, and benevolent Emperor. I'm going on vacation for a week, and taking ten more females" Zuckuss announced, and flew away.

"You heard the crazy droid, Lu'daal-ud. You're mine to command. Now bring me the expense accounts" Zuralee said gently, and in her native Gand to the third Hand. The poor guy looked at me dejected and walked away in defeat.

"You can't read those accounts Zuralee. Your mind is not protected. But, we can prank him, and make him shiver in fear for a few days..." I explained gently, once I made sure the sneaky Gand had actually left. Unless he can fool pressure plates already.

"I see, Immortal Pef. Still wise, and just hiding behind layers upon layers of ineptitude and silliness. I should get me a few more mates though, some of those new Claws looked delightful and appetizing..." Zuralee said in a charming voice, rubbing her claws together.

Sigh. What have I done?

At least Peffy is having fun...

Ossus, contested space.

21 BBY, first month

"We just lost the Tibanna colonies on Bespin, Ossus will fall within days."

Mace Windu

Solana is leading our own counterattack on Ossus, not waiting for Republic forces helping.

There are literal tonnes of Jedi artifacts on this world, which was once the center of the Jedi religion. And we want them all.

Her own mastery of the force, and some soul snares, should be sufficient to deal with any dark jedi or jedi still on the planet.

Toola, Pef Empire

On the north front, a Dornean admiral was given the task of defending Toola, then counterattack towards Quermia, and secure that hyper route nexus. He'll have to work from a stealthed freighter at the edge of the system, and direct our tactical droids from afar, with an encrypted com signal, using the ancient tech from Dellalt.

Being alive, in the draw cone of the Dark Reaper was guaranteed suicide, in the best case, and much worse, if the force weapon worked as I predicted, and sucked the souls of living beings to use them as coals in a huge furnace powering the weapons.

Our Meteor One flew at maximum speed towards the Separatist fleet, every single incoming turbolaser bolt being absorbed, then returned at twice strength by the tortured soul inside the Rakata forcefield's reactor.

It had to be sentient, always redirecting the damage, with exact power to never damage the heavy ion cannons. It never used, the masers or the missiles or the Gatling lasers, just the Ion weapons, for some reason.

A dozen, then 2 dozens Recusants and Lucrehulks were simply left listing in vacuum, all their shields and electronics fired.

Then a disc ship, about 100 meters wide flew out from the middle of the CIS ship and fired at my Meteor, a beam of red hate, making the red forcefield react strangely, fueling to become even stronger, and wailing in the Force.

I felt the scream from thousands of light-years away, another pulse of pain in my chest, while Peffy reacted much worse, clutching his temples in pain. Those must be the kyber crystals embedded in his cranium from birth.

Breathe my Avatar. It's just pain, and not your own.

Zero paled beside Peffy, holding her chest in pain as well. Guess we know what happens now, when a Sith force weapon encounters a functioning Rakata defensive system. It only makes it stronger.

The whole galaxy must have felt this...

The Meteor fired again and again, even faster and stronger than before, reducing 200 Separatist ships to floating coffins in seconds. Then 200 Ion cannons turned on the Dark Reaper and ionized it for good, melting everything conductive of electricity.

'Check for life signs on every CIS ship, then have a droid-only cruiser tractor the Reaper disc to Sol III.' I ordered to my admiral, as our 5th combat fleet began jumping from Florn back at Toola, and then again, towards Quermia.

'Emperor, the commando droids report every single organic on board is dead and desiccated. Our own pirate subjects on board Meteor One are alive, but mad and gibberish.' he reported, and his voice seemed a little shaken.

What, you didn't expect me to use loyal Servants and officers to test some Sith force weapon, did you? Good to know how these things interacted though. Pain and life drain made it stronger.

'Good work Admiral. Dump those organics into the nearest sun, and continue the operation. For the Empire'

I did wonder what admiral did Dooku send?  Guess I'll find out, once we finish sorting the corpses.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

And with the captured ships, I could create another anchor, to hold the sector while the Meteors advanced, inexorably, taking world after world, and bringing civilization and stability...

'And freedom?' Dora asked, interrupting my inner musings.

'Freedom too, of course. Just, not yet. People need to see the Galactic Empire first, before they turn towards me for salvation' I answered, trying to find a perfect solution for this galaxy...

'Knowledge is the solution, Pef. Solana thinks so, even as her droid troops destroy other droid troops on Ossus, and she digs through ruins. Looking for knowledge, then using it. And there it is, a holocron in the hands of a dead CIS general.

See you soon' my Voice said softly in the bond.

Could it be just so simple? Learn everything?

'I'm very disappointed in these Green Jedi, Pef. Only one sensed me, for a second. And the force calls me to follow and protect him, showing me a Sith holocron...sigh. This job better be worth it' Wialu sent from Corellia, with an almost aggravated tone.

Liar. You would chase knowledge to the boundaries of the galaxy, and beyond. And the mere whisper of a Sith holocron got you agitated. If she ever meets Dooku, she'll torture him for knowledge for a decade, just to make sure she drained every bit.

'You exaggerate, my beloved. A mere week will suffice. Darth Maul only took 4 days, after all.' Wialu answered, now a bit more animated.

Huh. Poor man. Being cut in half wasn't painful enough. He must have died screaming.

Oh well. Let's see what Ventress is doing.

'I found a Dark Jedi Hutt, here on Nam Chorios. He's called Beldorion and is so cute. I only cut off his hands and tail, and he still tries to bite. Now, let's see, how did this soul snare work...' Ventress said absently, no doubt concentrating on digesting the knowledge of that Hutt.

'You're all vampires, I swear. Draining the knowledge and the souls of those poor dark jedi...' Lira concluded, her bond stronger than before she died, but somehow weird, like speaking with an echo.

I might have caused that, using Fay's genes. Ever since Peffy trained with Fay and Zero, they formed a student bond, and it resonated with Lira's bond somehow.

Kriff. Let's hope Fay can't listen into the telepathic chat we carry all over the galaxy. That would be a little embarrassing.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire


"Master Windu still fights on Dantooine."


"Go ahead Zuckuss, explain your strategy and I'll approve it, or not. If you had time to think about it during your vacation" I said gently, already having formed over 700 battle plans to conquer this corner of the galaxy, and 21 plans for the entire galaxy.

What? I was bored.

"I propose to wait until every single world we have attacked has been fully pacified and garrisoned and has defenses established. A single push is necessary, to cut off the CIS on the Perlemian Trade Route, blocking 90% of their supplies, once we deploy an interdictor cruiser and a blockade fleet. Centares is the most obvious choice." My first Hand declared, pointing at the easiest and least valuable target.

"No, the strategy is well thought, but the placement is wrong. The 33rd, 34th and 35th fleets will take Columex, and block off the Salin corridor, then Lianna, blocking 3 trade routes at once. And the 68th and 69th fleets at Rudrig will advance as well, cause we need to take Raxus. The 6th north fleet will descend on Estaria, and block another node. 15th fleet at Brigia will advance to Stalimur."

"Charros is still resisting, Strategic Emperor. We could send more troops..." Mujilik added his opinion. Right, add more chaos to our 100 divisions fighting 1500 enemy divisions. Mostly droids of course, and thus very amusing.

"No, we'll start deploying the E4 and E5 bombs with the Scarabs and Carrions. And push harder with our tanks. They only have a thousand factories anyway. Once we capture the first hundred factories, it becomes a familiar game. And they do not have hero units." I answered, creating a Dota script and sending it to my tactical droids at Charros. The casualties should reach 10 billion droids by the time the planet was taken.

"Okay...not gonna argue with my mechanocidal Emperor, when he laughs evilly." my Sixth Hand muttered softly.

You bet. Where else could I test large army combat in peace? I mean, in war, but safely...and in a very relaxed manner.

Meanwhile, the Battle of Muunilinst takes place, clones and droids battling each other in cavalry charges, with spears. No, really. They ride hoverbikes and impale each other with spears. They're called Clone lancer trooper

Activate the Balance protocols again, and divert the IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank missiles at wherever they see a lightsaber. Maybe they'll learn...only 2 Jedi died. And 95% of their forces. Anakin was there. Sigh.

In the Battle of Axion, the Republic forces lost 100% of their troops and equipment, with a single survivor, Master Yoda. Good job, little guy. A general though, you are not.

In the Battle of Dantooine (Clone Wars) a fierce swordsman called Master Windu took on a whole droid army and won, by himself. His clone troopers just watched, and thus only lost 30% of their numbers. Why are they even there? Wouldn't be simpler to just send a single Master?

Elsewhere, for example at Battle of Esseles (Clone Wars) the clones fought on their own, a single clone division destroying a few dozen millions droids, achieving victory without a Jedi present. So, they can fight very effectively, on their own.

Good to know, and make sure I never fight clones without a Jedi leader.

In the Battle of Brentaal IV (Clone Wars) , the locals tried to defect to CIS and were summarily executed, along with their CIS friends. Some friendly fire occurred, with spies and counter-spies on both sides. In the end, the beautiful Shaak Ti was victorious, only losing less than half of troops and equipment, and a pair of Jedi helpers.

And Peffy, after enjoying the warm maids and fine food and warm baths for a while, has left on a quest of my own, to obtain some critical knowledge, on the planet Rhen Var, where there's a secret tomb.

"I can teach to harness the power of the Force around you, making you immune to the Dark Reaper's effect, for a short time. But this knowledge comes with a risk."

―Ulic Qel-Droma

I'm no Skywalker, but then I have soul snares and can drain spirits just as well as living beings. And that risk you're talking about...no thanks, I don't need superstition and theology. I just need to know where to twist...no so hard.

Oh boy, this guy was first a Jedi Master, then a Sith Lord, then a Jedi ghost... and he learned from Exar Kun...really loaded with skills and knowledge.

And he knew about the famous Tedryn Holocron ?

I wonder where could that be...on planet Ossus perhaps?

'Yes, yes. It's in Solana's hand. Now shut up and let me learn all this' my Voice muttered annoyed.

Great. Peffy can be on Ossus in 4 hours.

'Gah. Stay away, I found it first!' Solana exclaimed in the bond, almost greedy.

'So...you don't want to have Peffy for yourself, to use his warm, muscled body, for whatever you can think of?' I asked curious.

'Kriff. I do want to see him. Okay, I'll share my holocron too. Solana out' She conceded, with a slight blush.

That's my girl. We share the shinnies, so we can get even more.









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 05.08.2018, 20:23:23




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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Wars are long. Deal with it.

Planet Ossus, disputed

21 BBY

As the Greymist freighter landed near Solana, I got to experience the first real Living force premonition, or vision or however you may call it. Through my Avatar, but useful anyway.

The green holocron destroyed, the frozen tree dying...

'Stop now Solana. Have a Culexus droid pick it up and send the cube to Bendu.' I said immediately, and the first danger went away, just like that.

'Oh, someone is coming. That Skywalker guy, possibly...' Solana answered, using her connection to Solanus to extrapolate my warning in a few seconds.

In my memories, Luke Skywalker caused the destruction of this holocron, but his father was even more reckless, so it was quite possible.

The other danger remained, the venerable 5 thousands year old Master was still about to die...

The Culexus droid, with its ysalamiri backpack, and an advanced starfighter, jumped towards Sy Myrth with only seconds to spare.

A Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor appeared in orbit of Ossus, carrying no other than a famous Jedi Knight caled Anakin.

I sighed inward, and ordered our droid army to pack up and begin the evacuation.

This was not the moment to start a fight with the Jedi.

The Hyperspace transport ring was left in orbit and the Jedi ignored our fleets demands for identification, beginning his landing regardless of risk.

"That's him? The Chosen one?" Solana wondered as the starfighter landed abruptly next to us.

"Or so they say. You'll see soon" Peffy answered amused, ordering the Brubb marines and the VSS to stand down. Let's see who sent him, first.

"What is the Pef Empire doing here, this is a Republic world!" Anakin yelled, stepping boldly in front of us.

"Possibly, young Jedi. Our armies have just liberated the planet from the CIS. Are you going to stay here to defend this world, without an army?" Peffy asked calmly, taking off his helmet to reduce suspicions.

"You...a human? And so strong in the Force..."

"I am the Avatar of Pef, Voice of the Emperor and commander of all the armies. This is my Honored Maid, Solana" I answered politely, nodding towards my watermaid, and offering a hand for a shake.

"Errr. Why is the Empire using droid armies?" Anakin asked with a frown, peering curiously at the Brubb marines then at the millions of droids packing up hundreds of crates and loading them into dropships.

"Small population, not wanting to use conscription, no clone factories and enough minerals to manufacture droids cheaply" I answered with a shrug, while a Justice droid came with a pair of glasses of water, for the jedi and myself.

"Water?" Anakin asked confused.

"You're driving, so brandy is probably not indicated..." I replied in bored tone, drinking some flat mineral water myself.

"Your maid doesn't drink?" the jedi asked suspicious. Glad you asked, my new gene donor.

Solana removed her helmet and smiled widely. "My species is made of water, young Jedi. Sunlight is enough nourishment for us"

Anakin gulped some water, staring in confusion at Solana. And leaving tiny particles of skin on the rim of the glass.

I kinda doubted that sunlight was the only explanation, but this wasn't the time to argue.

"So, the Jedi Council sent you, young Knight?" I asked curious, giving back my glass to the droid and prompting Anakin to do the same, unconsciously.

"N-not exactly. Chancellor Palpatine heard from Clone Intelligence of fighting on Ossus, and wanted to make sure the planet is safe." he explained, a little embarrassed.

"Indeed, so kind of him. Now, our troops are packing their supplies and ammunition, leaving for other battles, but we will maintain an outpost here, to warn against further CIS incursions. If you didn't know, our northern fleets just fought off a large CIS invasion, aimed to obliterate all life in Mon Calamari. We have to stay vigilant." I added, producing a short holo of the ruined Sith reaper.

"Ah, that...you defeated the Dark Reaper?" Skywalker wondered in surprise.

"Yes, and the hundreds of ships escorting it. Sadly, all organic crews died or went mad. Lucky we had droids, to keep fighting" I explained pointing at the combat droids around, all wearing cheap fiber chestarmor and pants and tiny visored helmets.

Why not use 10 credits to double their resilience? Plus they looked like a proper army, with uniforms, not naked savages.

"...lucky you did have battle droids. And your droids wear clothes..." the Jedi remarked, somehow surprised again.

"We try to give our soldiers proper respect, and of course, even the Republic doesn't send its clones into combat naked." I argued wisely.

The future Darth Vader stared around, trying to make sense of the new galaxy he just encountered.

"My droids friends, they were naked all this time..." the poor youngling muttered, poking the cheap armor of the nearest droid with sadness.

"Anyway, it might be that since the founder of the Empire was an old droid, he had strange ideas. Please be so kind to let the Republic officials know of our stance. Liberated worlds will remain under Empire administration and protection, and spare the Republic the costs of defending them. After the war is won, a peace conference will decide the fate of those few planets. Our embassy at Corellia will process all demands for relocation or litigation" I explained kindly, guiding the Jedi towards his starfighter.

"So, you're just maintaining a garrison, nothing else?" he asked, again suspicious.

"Just some droids for patrols and a few ships in orbit. The planet is devoid of life, so the Empire won't invest in planetary shields and defense platforms. Our nearest naval base is only hours away, so any future invasion will be swiftly repelled" I answered in a dismissive tone, then watched the Jedi fly up towards his hyperdrive ring.

Clone intelligence my ass. Dooku told his Master that we retook Ossus.

Luckily the young Jedi was quite naive. And only half my strength in the force. For now.

Now, let's see about saving the tree Jedi.

Locating the tree was pretty simple, since I had an idea of where and how to locate him, but waking him up was a chore.

I tried summoning water, and adding fertilizer to his roots. I tried telepathy and lifting him up with telekinesis. I tried fire alter and lightning and Ballistakinesis. See from light, see from shadow, listen from shadow. Nothing.

Damn tree was immune to everything, covered in a layer of impregnable force aura. Which is how he survived the Sith supernova, probably.

In the end, Solana alchemically changed a bowl of water for me, creating a organo-crystal soup, which we slated with cortosis and neutronium filaments and made a new holocron, with just a few sentences. Then, floated the cube up in the branches and turned on the Force-activated functions.

"Wake up, old tree. It's been 4 thousands years already. You'll sleep when you're dead!" The holocron told him, over and over, while a holo-image of Peffy stuck his tongue at him. What? I can learn, even from my blue twi'lek maid, Vette.

It even worked, after a few hours. When the aura turned off, the holocron was expelled at speed, hitting me in the helmet.

Okay, I deserved that. I took the helmet off now, since the danger has passed. Almost.

"Impudent youngling. What has come of the Jedi?" the old Neti Jedi boomed, shapeshifting into a smaller form.

He seemed feeble and weak, so I drenched it with a hundred water globes.

It only seemed to piss the old Master off.

"Stop that, reckless human! Four thousand years have passed, since the Cron Cluster exploded?" he wondered, lying on the ground to rest.

"Probably. There are 23 calendars accepted in the galaxy. Now, I'm gonna heal you up, then send you to the least fanatic sect of the new Jedi, on Corellia. The greenlings haven't had a real teacher for millennia and are pretty weak, but at least they aren't massacring innocents like the zealots on Coruscant" I explained politely, pulsing vigor and reinforcement and gene alter, to reverse the worst of his age and suffering.

"Hmmm. And yourself young human, are from another sect of Jedi? I sense force bonds to your Masters..." he asked cautiously, and avoiding to look at the hole in the ground. Duh.

"I learn from everyone I can. Now, this planet has just been attacked by droid armies commanded by the dark jedi, so you better get going soon, before they return. Keep the green cube, the Jedi have forgotten how to build them long ago." I added, grabbing all his pathetic scrolls and lightsabers from the hole left in the ground and bundling them in his arms, before lifting him up and sending him flying towards the nearest landed Calamari frigate.

What he knew was valuable, not those trinkets.

My droids took him and placed his tired body in a bacta tank, as the frigate took off at speed towards Togoria and then Corellia.

"So, we can finally loot this place now?" Solana asked with hidden glee. In fact, not hidden at all.

"Sure, loot away, my dearest maid. Use the Culexus droids to hide anything glowing in the force, and blow up the ruins with proton bombs when you're done. I'm going to oversee things at Columex and Lianna" I said amused, stealing a kiss before boarding the Greymist for my next task.

The glass with Anakin's and a tiny cut with Ood Bnar gene samples was sealed and sent with a corvette towards Blueforge, where our Astartes project was beginning to take shape.

Still needed more samples, from Durge and any other rare beings like dragons. Luckily that our Explorers confirmed Xuaquarres as a cemetery planet for Duinuogwuin.

We'll need to acquire some samples. And perhaps rescue a few who were old, but could be rejuvenated.

Now, as the capital of the Commonality was besieged by two of our fleets, a third fleet passed it by, jumping to Lianna and trying to keep that planet from being razed to the ground by a demented Jedi Master called Cei Vookto.

Who ever taught him to use hurricane scale force storms to battle droids?

Damn moron, so strong and so fanatic, sacrificing 4 billion people just to keep some Republic factory in Jedi hands...

In fact, isn't he flying in his starfighter right now, dragging huge columns of fire and water after him?

Let's Balance things a little, ah...the R4 astromech made a tiny course correction, clipping a skyscraper at mach 1. Your sacrifice will not be in vain, Master Jedi. Your pulped organs will be added to the gene bank for a strong force connection marker.

He only managed to kill some 20 million people so far, razing only 80% of the capital. And Lianna was a hi-tech Republic world, populated with humans. And he would have still sacrificed them all, for some starfighter factory like it happened in my memories of the Battle of Lianna. Rot in hell, crazy Jedi.

I'll have my special ops copy all the Sienar data, then blow that factory up.

"I now represent a number of planets—the Commonality—and their votes represent the swing votes in a badly divided Senate."

―Simon Greyshade

Let's test the Centrality plan here first, by making myself a liberator general.

Now, where is that slimy playboy Simon hiding? Underground bunker? Perfect.

Seal the doors and cut off life support. Turn up the heat and jam all communications.

The Commonality will need to elect a new leader soon. Let's rescue those on the electoral committee then.

My special forces and commando droids began landings for their new objectives, capturing representatives from the 9 sectors in the Commonality and bringing them up, to the nearest Pef Navy cruiser.

The regular troopers and droids continued their assaults on vital facilities, encircling and ignoring the cities as per standard doctrine. Cities became prisons in an instant, dependent on our troops to be allowed electricity and water and food.

They'll surrender in a few days...or start eating each other.

Planet Columex, Pef Empire

In orbit aboard HMS Celestial River.

21 BBY

Our troops have captured a number of Diamond-class cruiser , which are pretty much the fastest capital ships in existence, in the known galaxy. 0.75 hyperdrives.

One was loaded on a Mountain and dropped at Sy Myrth immediately, to be escorted back to Gand for reverse-engineering.

The Mountain and her two Meteor escorts will begin sieging Centares, and pressure the Commonality to change sides willingly. Almost willingly.

The rest of the Diamonds will be repurposed as fast Voice transports and Black ops vessels, before we can build our own, comparable ships.

And in the meantime, other fleets continue advancing on Saleucami, and Desevro and Paigu and the Vorzyd system , then Troganand Belderone ,securing additional routes for our ships.

Still, only showing about 20 of our Meteor battleships at once, and baiting the CIS to counter-attack us massively at any trade route nexus.

6 backup fleets of 30 Meteors, each await in empty star systems just for this, to crush any large fleet that the CIS gathers to repulse our invasion.

And they will. The Separatists are building ships like mad, but they are also spread out all over the galaxy and fighting the Republic bitterly on a thousand worlds at once.

By my estimations, it would take them one or two months to gather a sizable reserve, perhaps 6 to 7 thousands capital ships and a million starfighters. Just the Trade Federation had 5 thousands Lucrehulks, before the start of the war. And barely 10% of them had been upgraded with weapons and shields.

On Saleucami however, our droids armies are encountering CIS clones, and getting wasted by the million every day.

That will give our generals plenty of experience, so I order a rotation cycle every 48 hours, changing the lead officers to gain them combat experience. Just evacuating civilians and cities first, since we aren't barbarians.

"So, esteemed leaders of the Commonality. My guards are lifting up from the surface as we speak, and bringing the body of your former leader Simon Grayshade. It's a great name too, so I'll be willing to take Grayshade as my own name, should our negotiations conclude successfully." I explained with a warm smile.

I mostly cared about the trade route and the Meridian sector and Nuiri sector that gave me access to Lucazec and Nam Chorios legally.

'Yes, we'll want my planet back' Wialu added in the bond. Right.

And if Antemeridian and Belderone sectors joined without a fight, even better.

"You want us to just submit, and join this obscure Pef Empire?" one of them argued, his eyes shifty and cunning.

"Of course not. We barely know each other, and the CIS is infiltrated in your polity at all levels. We'll start slow, with the standard Mutual Protection Treaty, and we'll discuss further developments in 5 years. Or, our armies and ships can bombard and level any revolting planets. We can terraform them back later and use them as colonies..." I answered politely, bringing a holo-image of the blockade, and showing a corvette firing its ion cannons toward some entrenched droids below.

They wouldn't know what kind of weapon it was, from a red and black hologram, but the wide dispersion circle of the guns was clearly visible.

"This treaty, we retain independence?" a woman with green skin asked curious.

"Autonomy yes. The defending ships and troops will be paid salaries and maintenance by every planet under the treaty, and the Empire will not interfere with internal works, except flagrant hostility or slavery. Travel rights will be suspended outside the atmosphere, during the current war." I explained mildly, as another corvette came about and fired towards the planet, ionizing another droid division, most likely.

"That's...very civilized. No taxation, besides defensive ships in our systems?" another leader, some fat reptile asked cautiously.

"No, why would? I am personally the richest man in the galaxy. This whole war has cost me less than 0.5% of my wealth. I am not the Republic Senate, esteemed leaders. All the planets in the Empire have free education and healthcare and defense. Taxes in Pef Empire are set at 5% of income, which is more than enough." I added, as another corvette came about to fire at the ground, producing enchanting shockwaves in the hologram.

The leaders started fidgeting, their eyes exchanging subtle signals, especially when the large shape of a Meteor appeared in the hologram, preparing to fire at the planet.

"Perhaps, some solution can be found, before our taxpayers are all dead..." the guild master of Atraken said with wide eyes. Hmmm. Your planet might be kinda wasted by now.

"Welcome to the Empire, esteemed guild master. Please give the necessary authorizations to our Imperial Servant, and the fighting on your planet will stop this week." I said gently, pointing at the nearest Servant with a datapad.

"Could you, Honored Avatar, stop that behemoth from firing at Columex? I'd rather keep those 10 billion taxpayers alive, as well"

the interim leader of Columex asked just after, as the holo had rotated to show the Meteor open its huge shark-like maw with the MACs visible through the plasma shields like huge teeth, in two rows of 50 cannons, her eyes and aura pretty much in terror.

It did look impressive, I admit.

"You have an offer for me, esteemed interim leader?" I asked the pretty blonde lady which had inherited the position.

"Well, the name should be easy to gift, although you may need to marry a Grayshade, to make it proper and official. If it's not too much..." she added, remaining pretty calm for this situation. Eh. Sure, why not?

"As a tentative offer, is acceptable, my lady. We'll have to discuss the details in private, of course" I added with a warm smile. And sinker.

"Of course, Avatar Greyshade. I'll order any loyal troops to stand down right now" Lidia Greyshade declared regally, taking the datapad offered by the nearest Servant.

"The rest of you, esteemed leaders, please consider my offer in seclusion, I have cabins reserved for you aboard my vessel. The assassin droids will escort you there right now" I continued in a gentle voice, as a few dozen droids decloaked beside each uncertain leader, and dragged them away firmly.

'Very amusing Pef. You have a family name now' Dora sent with a tingle of jealousy.

'It's your name too, Dora Grayshade. We are family, forever and ever.' I replied with a pulse of warmth and kindness.

The other Voices realized the meaning soon after, and bombarded me with ideas of weddings and state ceremonies. Now, let's get to know our brand-new wife better. Good job, my Avatar!





Remember that word.







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 05.08.2018, 23:04:40




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