
Planet Dubrilion, Pef Empire

3 days later

The system fell to us fast, as the CIS fleet here has retreated at speed, the second they saw 700 Meteors emerge from hyperspace, so we're only leaving a standard pacification 3 Meteors fleet to guard and begin the liberation of these oppressed people, and the mining and exploitation of the natural resources, of course.

And now let's jump, towards Bescane. We should reach it in 12 hours. Further south, my Dornean Admirals push as hard as they can, and should reach planet Garqi in 10 hours.

Thus finishing the major encirclement of the CIS forces in this part of the galaxy. Almost. There is still one more node to capture, at Borosk. Still, too far, for now.

As always, we're leaving small fleets to claim and pacify the minor worlds on the way, and letting the smaller Navy ranks gain real experience with skirmishes and planetary invasions.

Sure, they make mistakes and waste dropships and droids and tanks...but it's only credits. I'm not gonna force choke a general or vice-admiral over holoconference, just because a dark jedi general was more clever. The battles will be won, eventually.

One learns much more from a loss than from a victory, after all. And victory in the CIS war is certain, anyway.

'Why do I have to go to Dantooine, there's nothing there?' Ventress complained over the voice bond.

'You are an Admiral, with 200 Meteors in your fleet. And Mygeeto is an important target, that we want captured mostly intact. Try not to die, yet.' I answered, a bit amused.

'Oh! Just say so, you...' she muttered, now more pleased with her mission.

'Yes? Myself what?'

'Generous and magnificent crystal head. Giving me the chance to die in glorious battle, against the corrupt corporations sucking the blood out of the poor people' Asajj proclaimed, in a fake heroic voice.

She'll do just fine.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, the most outspoken critic of Palpatine, from planet Uyter , called Lexi Diobarely escaped assassination, by some imperial goons. The one with a red lightsaber was stopped only meters away, by a droid Ambassador from Pef Empire.

The planet is in outrage, and wants to secede from the Galactic Empire.

Peffy will have to go, and 'negotiate' an MPT, and perhaps a personal union as well. She seems nice.

This will also open the flood gates, to more defections of former Republic worlds, towards the Pef Empire. It wasn't even a fake assassination, except the lightsaber guy. That was a dark jedi we captured and brainwashed.

I wonder if Kenobi was also the same kind of 'negotiator'. It would make sense, wouldn't it? How many female leaders were so kind to him?

Further to the galactic south, the Trellian Fleet has descended to Syvris, then Gamorr. Next offensive will be towards Molavar . 30 more Meteors are heading there as well, and might reach Molvar next month. Because, from Molavar there are attack routes to Geonosis, Tatooine and Ukio .

Those Ravagers pirate at Rishi need to be exterminated as well, and planet Scarif will make a nice prize too, for those of us deploring that planet being burned alive.

Another 2 fleets of Pef Navy, with 30 Meteors each, are heading towards Corellia and Duro. Cause we're not gonna let the evil Sith Empire attack our allies, would we? Palpatine has already demanded the Corellian Diktat to hand over the Green Jedi. Our fleets take whatever CIS planets they find en route, including Onderon and Ambria, which is found deserted.

Not gonna happen, one-armed disfigured Sith Lord. You have a role to play, terrorizing the galaxy into becoming very appreciative of the liberty in Pef Empire. But that's about it.

Another fleet is being prepared for the long jump, from Korriban to Empress Teta, in the Deep Core.

The five Claw Explorers that had already visited Theta, on their mission to Thyton, are going through final preparations of mastering mind-shield and mind-fog and hide in light. Just so they can last 10 minutes in Korriban system, before they jump.

Survey droids kinda break down when attempting this jump, although the coordinates are known. More Force shenanigans, no doubt.

In the galactic south-west, the Pef Empire enclave also contributed, liberating Cerea from the CIS, and starting to fortify that trade node with shields and defense platforms.

They do not even need ships as much, since my Imperial Servants there already used a trillion credits to construct droid factories and shipyards, and bought thousands other small ships. We do have about 15 mining corporations in and around Endor system, and a few inhabited planets to draw workforce and naval officers from.

Planet Bakura will be liberated next, and provide repulsorlift tech and more minerals for your ships and gunships. They will be important later, I'm certain.

On Kashyyyk, the wookie homewolrd, there's again a four-way war, with the wookies trying to eject the Imperial stormtroopers, the CIS droids shooting everything, and our troops shooting the CIS, and sometimes sniping stormtrooper officers, and arming the wookies with more effective weapons and blaster-resistant uniforms. That means weapons like Tof Soren Hunting Rifle and large ponchos made of vongtech biofiber and plasteel.

At least only the naked CIS droids shoot at my troops. And the wildlife. And the flora.

Sigh. This is just like Vietnam again, only with 5 kilometers tall trees. My battledroids are not good at climbing trees. Nor are my tanks.

Planet Muunilist, Pef Empire

20 BBY, Next week

Muunilist has fallen. The creepy Muun bankers were even richer than I thought, with some 12 quintillion credits in the accounts, plus stock and rare crystals deposits worth at least that much yet again.

And even better, we found financial evidence of collusion between various banking corporations and the CIS leaders. They are relieved of their properties and funds, and my Empire becomes the richest in the galaxy.

Also, important at this time, is the Mining Guild, based on Empress Teta, with its billions of mining worlds around the galaxy. Because of course, for every million of life bearing planets in the galaxy, a billion systems were discovered without life and were used only by miners or smugglers.

Only three of my Claws mapping the Daragon Trail from Korriban to Teta have returned, but the sacrifice of the other two won't be in vain. We can jump directly to the Deep Core now, bypassing Coruscant.

Still, I get to have three more Hands, which the Force clearly favors, and a route for the Deep fleet at Stenos to follow.

Wialu will lead 6 Fade II frigates, 6 Mountains, 30 Meteors, 400 Muni destroyers, 100 Recu carriers and 500 corvettes.

A small fleet, just 1000 ships, but the gain for losing their firepower in future conflicts, as they will guard the Deep Core and the S-thread booster hyperlanes that form the access from Coruscant...yea.

They'll be worth it. Plus Teta has some 300 billion people, that will be very useful for colonization.

My first gigantic ecumenopolis, that I will empty out, and reduce to some 30 billions. I mean really, what point is it, to stack people like bricks in 500 floors of underground bunkers? I can populate 100 planets with those people.

The empty spaces, deep underground, can be used for factories and storage and even shipyards. Humans will be happier leaving on the surface, and enjoy the sun and wind and trees...at least I hope so.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned...

'No Pef, people will be happier. And less poor and sick. Don't doubt yourself now!' Lira sent with strong conviction again.

The other Voices agreed as well, even Luxum, who was sunbathing now, outside her droid suit.

Didn't know crystals like to sunbathe...

'The Shards are still alive Pef, not synthetic as you. We need the sun, or we wither and die...' my Iron Maiden explained patiently.

All right then. The living crystals of this galaxy were more like plant life.

'Need anything, dear Shard?' I asked with some concern.

'Not yet. I have some fellow Shards and the Black Ops preparing for the Mustafar operation. We did colonize planet Kallidah since it was deserted, just like you said. Mustafar is only a 4 hours jump away from there. Contact with Polis Massa is difficult, but our agents did spot Master Yoda. Just like you said.' the former Iron Knight replied, with a tinge of sadness and regret.

Gland to see my memory is still accurate. Some things did stay the same, which makes my job easier. 'Okay then, Honored Voice. Once we take Teta and Jerrilek , you have a go. May the Force be with you' I sent, in a soft tone.

'We're departing from Stenos now, Pef. See you on the other side.' Wialu sent with a slight worry in her aura.

She will be fine. The route was mapped now, and Wialu has enough firepower with her, to take on a major fleet. Like the Teta Defense Fleet.

And now, it was time to create a new currency, the Empire Credit or the EC. Or the Official Pef Empire Currency, the OPEC .

But, since Palpatine couldn't refuse the name of Empire Credit, I went with that.

Which I will print myself, replacing the defunct Republic credit with my own currency, and force the whole galaxy to bend to my will. Because printing money? It was a power as great as the Force, and much simpler to control.

Now, let's make the official announcement, the formation of the Galactic Bank, empowered by the Pef Emperor to emit currency and being backed up by the gem and stock deposits on Muunilist. CIS's assets will be confiscated by the Empire as reparation for the war, and distributed to the worlds afflicted by the conflict.

A galactic version of the Marshall plan, and simply buying the loyalty and affections of thousand of planets devastated by the Clone Wars. Also stealing everything the Trade Federation and Techno Union owned.

The CIS resistance will falter soon, since salaries and ship maintenance and all the operating costs for droids will not be available anymore.

Sorry, but now the Clone Wars really have to end.

It was fun and profitable while it lasted, but now the lights have to turn off. Because, you can't pay the bill if I have your wallet.

Planet Coruscant, Galactic Empire

Imperial Palace. Minutes after.

"Emperor Palpatine, they can't do this! The wealth of the ING banks is incalculable!" a mook from some unimportant planet exclaimed, realizing the magnitude of the event, much too late. Sheev saw what it meant, in a second.

How could he didn't see this? This Pef Empire was more worthy of an opponent than he first imagined.

Not only they had those large Meteor dreadnoughts, which plowed through the CIS fleets like water, but they were also politically and financially astute.

And his Darksight ability wasn't working on whatever that Droid Emperor was. Possibly one of those sentient crystals, most likely. A few of his agents reported the droid used force powers, which meant...something.

The Iron Knights escaped his purge, being hidden behind the Pef fleets and spies of this new empire, the Corellian Jedi has stayed home and survived Order 66, even though he begged them to fight and save the Republic.

Even his Jedi purge didn't work completely, the younglings escaped and moved to a hundred worlds, a few Masters escaped, some with holocrons...

And his pride and most prized apprentice, Darth Vader...had died ignominiously when the Jedi secret plan was revealed. A proton bomb, the Jedi? How did he miss that!

Imperial agents were searching the deep levels on Coruscant for hiding Jedi and their holocrons but merely a pitiful dozen were found and sent to re-education. Perhaps one or two will break and become Inquisitors...

The rebellions springing everywhere, with anti-sith propaganda, had to be the work of the surviving Jedi as well.

His new apprentice Pong Krell , a former Jedi Master, was barely able to hold his own in a fight. And wasn't even human!

Kriif and sith spit!

At least the new galactic currency was called the Empire Credit, so it would be usable without problems.

His clone facilities were destroyed, no doubt by secret Jedi plans, and the simple soldiers he was recruiting instead were...not good. Pathetic and feeble.


Even his identity as a Sith Lord was revealed, by that greedy archaeologist who dug on Yavin 4.

That bitch Senator Lexi had escaped, most likely because Dooku had left orders to his acolytes to hunt down the New Order's enemies.

But worse that everything else, Master Shaak Ti had cut of his right hand!

And then she escaped...

Many of his carefully arranged allies were dead, including Xizor and Sienar...

No matter. He was Emperor now. He had all the time in the world, to fix this mess and bring order to his Galactic Empire!

If only his trusted Cronal sorcerer will show up already. Why wasn't he responding?

Sheev needed a spy master, one at least as good as that elusive Third Hand from the Pef Empire.

He will have to use the rank of Fist, for his lieutenants now, since using Hand or Voice would be seen as copycat.

Now where to direct his anger and hate, for today? Tarkin nodded towards him, from across the table. Great!

"Yes, Moff Tarkin? You have another plan?" he asked politely, but stern.

"We can't let the galaxy think us weak, Emperor. Let me take a fleet to Geonosis, and execute Base Delta Zero on those insects. I have some reports, from the former Republic Intelligence, of operatives subverted with those creepy mind worms." Tarkin, the only competent Admiral he had left, advised.

Damn that Carida conference, and the Venator bomb, that should have been stopped. A thousand loyal and competent naval officers were lost, by a simple miscommunication. He did order that damn plan stopped!

"Do as you proposed, Moff Tarkin. The Geonosians must be punished!" Darth Sidious proclaimed grandly, his left hand covered in lightning alter.

The orbital bombardment would erase any evidence the Geonosians might have, implicating him with the Clone Wars. Plus, they were insects. They should all just die!


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Planet Mygeeto, Pef Empire

Next week

The galactic markets still tremble at the momentous changes caused by the new currency, but as the credit value stays the same, and is still backed by the Vault-spire from Muunilist, the oscillations should stop.

Especially since the Pef Empire is buying every important company who's stock plummets. It's basically free assets!

Their headquarters are all being moved to Pef space, like Columex and Botajef and Lianna, also to Boonta and Celanon.

This will give billions of my people new jobs, and attract more immigrants, especially for worlds situated at trade nexi.

Sadly, the new acquisitions at Merson and Ambria only bring huge hordes of pirates on my fleets, and well equipped pirates indeed. If my Orion corvettes didn't have cloaking, the pirates would have won the battles. Also, the Crimson Nova mercenaries are very hard to fight, with B11 droids. Asajj will fix that.

More ships are headed there, and also to Zeltros, the pheromone paradise.

Mood altering scents won't work well on droids and operatives in power armor though, but even the shortest shore leave is liable to lose me a few loyal Imperial Servants. I will need a vaccine.

My third Hand likes the Zeltrons though, since they will make excellent operatives, once imprinted with loyalty and special ops neural programming.

Maybe Ambassadors as well. Bring a bit of 'party' to those stuffy embassy discussions.

Because Zeltrons, they'll shag anything with the right organs, and even without. They see it as a challenge.

And Peffy could take long vacations there...

Anyway, the Deep Fleet has arrived at Empress Teta, and promptly blockaded the system, cutting off carbonite supply to the galaxy. And Palpatine's access to planets like Byss or Tython.

The world was completely under the pall of the Mining Guild. When war was declared by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Empress Teta was forced to support the Separatists against the Republic. Those nobles who remained loyal to the Galactic Senate expatriated to Coruscant to avoid the conflict in their home system. 

Didn't quite work, did it? The Pef Empire didn't wait, for you to surrender to Palpatine.

The Mining Guild was nationalized by the Pef Empire, and Emperor Alor Keto arrested and proven to have been a puppet of the Mining Guild for 300 years.

His wife, Koyi Mateil was named Regent Empress, till a certain Keto descendant could be found and installed as a proper Empress. Serra Keto is hiding on level 644 under Coruscant's surface, and is being shadowed by our Culexus droids.

'Time for an extraction then. Serra will train a year with Miss Zero on Gand, to forget about lightsabers and learn to love grass and scorpions' I mused to myself.

'Another wife for Peffy?' Solana said amused.

"Well, Serra is very cute, and will be an Empress...as nice and greedy as this twi'lek Koyi Regent is, she will only be tolerated, not loved by her people." I explained wisely.

'I'm sure Peffy can marry them both, and give you more heirs, to pamper with trillions of credits.' Wialu said in turn, since she was having tea with said Regent right now, explaining her role as a legal instrument of the Pef Empire. A billion credits as a hiring premium seemed sufficient motivation for her service.

'Okay, I have work to do my dear. The Hyperspace Navigator's Guildhouse needs to be properly scanned and copies made after all their routes. The Great Library of Cinnagar the same, and some artifacts removed for the Celestial Library.' Wialu said with a hint of tiredness.

Well, at least not that many people were killed there. The Teta defense fleet was like 5 thousand years old and was defeated with ease.

And Peffy...

Planet Columex, Pef Empire

He is busy pampering Lidia Greyshade, the Merchant Princess of the Commonality.

"See, my dear...30 trillion credits. Empire Credits too. Just say what you want, and I'll buy it for you..." I told her, circling her chest with a credit chip, made of aurodium. I got her like 50 types of rings and jewelry, all aurodium, but she loved the chip the most.

"I want a husband, to stay by my side...or at least a few babies..." Lidia muttered, grabbing the chip with industrial strength in her fingers.

That merchant princess title, wasn't just an empty title. She really cared, about money and jobs. And love. But more about credits. And perhaps babies.

"I can stay a few days, and work hard on that children part. Harder, than before..." I mused softly, in her neck.

"Y-you scoundrel husband! Do your best, my love..." she replied, with a coy look.

Okay then, let's do it like on the Discovery Channel!


Planet Mygeeto is mostly uninhabited, with a single major town called Jygat , with maybe 15 million people.

But Mygeeto, the planet's internal fires long since cooled, and had left a colossal deposit of precious stones within its crust and mantle. The immense assets of nova crystals and fields of lasing crystals made Mygeeto one of the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. It hosted artesian crystals and relacite and many other precious minerals.

The droid factories on the planet were powered by a huge Energy crystal harnessed with the aid of an Energy collector core .

I think I'll take that, thank you very much.

Not for a Death Star reactor, but for my new Nano-droids plant at Redforge.

Plenty kyber crystals here as well as metal used in durasteel. Guess it can be made into a mining and forge world as well.

Let's make some thousands tank factories and a hundred more Biplane factories.

And now that the ownership deeds for the Kessel mines have been nationalized from the Mining Guild, the Kessel fleet can move in and end slavery there, and quarantine the system for good.

Nothing in our out, no more smugglers for glitterstim.

That Kessel asteroid is a prison key for that Abeloth monster, not some plantation for entertainment drugs.

Plus those black holes can support at least three more energy refining factories, to produce components for starships.

Not sure how Palpatine will react to Teta and Kessel being taken, but whatever.

His Galactic Empire is at my mercy now, both financially and militarily. Because just one Meteor can take on 200 Venators.

And his empire lost Calamari, Corellia, Feroest and Rendili as shipyards.

Of course, the Galactic Empire has a thousand times more worlds and population, but without minerals and half the corporations wealth.

His Imperial navy and army will take at least a decade to organize, and be plagued with rebellions and worlds outright defecting.

And that stunt he just did?

Geonosis being bombarded and the surface boiled by a hundred Venators? Caught live on tape, or holorecorder, by some unknown reporter, who was killed by pirates on Tatooine, next day. Not gonna make him more friends, for sure.

And next, the Fondor shipyards will be vanished as well. Hey, they are CIS still, right?

The stealth fleet will reach them tomorrow, and hopefully blow up the ring of shipyards at Fondor as well.

Palpatine will only have Kuat left, which has only been Republican from the start, and now Imperial Shipyards, fortifying their defences every day.

Maybe the real Jedi remaining will get lucky and sabotage them as well.

Redforge system, Pef Empire

two jumps away from Gand

20 BBY, 2 weeks later

There are beings that Jedi call voids. At first sight they seem to give off no real energy, rather like a hologram. But only beings with great power can project a simple blank to a Jedi.

-Obi-Wan Kenobi

It was lucky I returned when I did. Caught 16 Imperial Spies, all using state of the art camouflage and encryption/decryption equipment, attempting to infiltrate the core space of my Empire.

Different species, different ships, or infiltration methods, but all pretty much foolproof.

Unless you're an AI and have hundred million spy satellites watching everything. Then is much less foolproof as a matter of luck. And here, luck means...the Force.

One individual was even special, the rare kind. A Blank in the force, or a Void in the Force .

Almost missed him too. Just the partition logs keeping him highlighted made me remember him. He is now being analyzed and prepared for cloning at Blueforge. Guess the Force did listen to my problem and sent me someone worthy.

In my memory, there will be more, some Umbaran siblings, so I'll make a note and pick them up when they're born.

There will be a few more people I need for this experiment, Aayla Secura who is hiding on Vjun,

and Tholme with T'ra Saa , who are helping the wookies on Kashyyyk. And leaving no trace of their actions, like ghosts. Saa is a tree, so on that planet makes sense she'll be invisible.

But Tholme and Secura, they use a conscious variant, called Force cloak, which is possibly the same as Zero's and Wialu abilities. Hide in light, but not just invisibility but a mnemonic erasure, making people forget they exist.

This is the kind of powers I need, not bashing people with a flashlight.

I could have a whole division of Officium Assassinorum agents, able to penetrate most defenses with ease.

'If they have Vanish, they would be a good addition, Pef. Only the old tree has sensed me till now.' Wialu said with a thoughtful tone.

'Still doing okay love?' I asked a bit worried. She was really far away...

' Yes dear. Planet Jerrilek is mostly open for colonization, after the droids clear up the debris and start the seafarms. Should support up to 3 billion people no problem. And there's some really ancient ruins underwater, maybe older than Solanus' she explained, in a more excited voice.

Okay then. Ruins over a billion years old, sure worth grabbing.

'Don't rush Wialu, send survey droids around, and exploit the Hyperspace guild to grab whatever planets are safe to take near Teta. We have a decade to let things rest now.' I said softly, then returned to my work.

The nano-droid builders were pretty basic, but I had to exploit the window that the attack on Coruscant gave me, and grab them before they became an Imperial weapon.

Palpatine was using his Sith knowledge already, to create the X-series infiltrators, with the force blank ability.

And he only became Emperor 2 months ago. Let's hope he sent me the original, and didn't keep gene samples for replication.

He would have though, even without cloning facilities ready. He wanted to become immortal as well.

But if this was the original, he would need at least 3 to 5 years to make more. And I think he is.

He must have been certain his agent won't be caught. And he was almost right.

Kriff, he will have Cronal, that Sorcerer of Rhand to help him soon, and then Thrawn...if the Imps ever get to explore to the west.

Make a note and have Nashira find him, and drain him. That Darksight ability, it was almost a path to victory by itself.

Just for large scale planning, but still, a galaxy was exactly the right place for it.

Back to the droids, reset their operating system to default, since I don't need to make explosives from stomach acid, and start creating new code.

This will take a while....


Planet Renatasia, Pef Empire

same day

Clara has become more beautiful, I think. Or it's just me being in love...

I hugged her with one arm, and look over the various leaders of the nations of Renatasia.

"Esteemed leaders, you don't really have much choice. We are still at war with CIS. The Sith Empire has been reformed on Coruscant, the Hutts still have enough nukes and bioweapons to wipe off half the galaxy, and the Centrality has internal problems you can't imagine, since you're a single species down there." I said politely, smiling a little at the dozen angels trying to entertain the guests, but only making them awed and weirded out.

Even my Gand Captain and officers seemed strange to them, and these guys were pretty much humanoids.

"Avatar, you're saying we're prisoners, here in Pef Empire?" some guy who was important asked furious.

"The planets open for colonization are also open for Renatasia. But, in a month or two I expect the CIS war to be over. At that time, individuals who wish to explore the galaxy will be free to go. But for now, the only outgoing traffic is military or bulk transports, not passengers. Imperial Servant jobs are also available, for those who want to work in the Administrata. The shipyards in your system have already began making freighters and transports and cargo haulers, while the seas on Renatasia III are being seeded for aquafarming." I replied gently, but with a shrug.

"If that's true...two months isn't that long. I'll go reserve a ship for myself..." another guy said, with a thinking voice.

You do that my friend. Someone has to buy those ships and pay the wages.

"Meanwhile, I suggest you sent aside any differences, and form corporations with clear aims. The Empire will gladly participate with capital and perhaps even safeguard your ships from the millions of pirates beyond our borders. Or not. Renatasia still has overpopulation, you can do your part as well" I finished and turned to leave.

The heads of states stared after me, or perhaps at Clara's ass, as we left.

"You were pretty harsh, they just want to see for themselves" my wife admonished me with a frown.

"And come back with 'suggestions' from the Sith. I told you they had began infiltrations" I said softly in her ear.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need a lot of cash to set the CENINT to modern standards..." Clara demanded shamelessly. And correctly.

Hmmm. Okay then love. Keep walking to my room. And locking doors.

"Very well, beloved wife. Strip naked and dance for me. I can offer a trillion per hour" I said shamelessly, while leaving my armor and laying comfortable on the couch.

"Huh, the things I do for my people..." she mused wisely, while slowly taking off her boots.

I know my dear. 'For King and country' is such a good way to say it.

Also, it's good to be king. It has a great view at the mountains.

Planet Vjun, Pef Empire

Bay of Tears

I'll have to tour the Empire someday, and fix all these desert planets like Vjun .

I mean, in person. With my Avatar..it was just for pleasure.

And there she is, hiding in a cave, and eating a Whip-smelt, cooked over a lightsaber. How did the might Jedi fall...

"Miss Secura? Enjoying the dark?" I asked amused, appearing next to the Twi'lek Jedi, and turning off the stygium cloak and the invisibility.

I was enjoying this a bit too much.

"Kriff! Who are you?" she demanded, pointing her flashlight at me.

"I am the Voice of the Immortal Pef. Avatar Greyshade. And lightsabers are proscribed in the Pef Empire." I explained calmly, snatching her toy by the blade, and confiscating it.

Then, I turned around and started walking out, still keeping the button of the saber pressed with telekinesis, so we'd have some light in the caves.

"Hey! where...he's still holding my lightsaber...by the blade..." the bewildered beauty muttered, and running after me, to avoid being left alone, in the dark.

I stayed silent and mysterious after that, dodging her attempts to grab her weapon back.

Ten minutes later, we reached the River Whipping, and my ship.

No need for a flashlight then, but an air alter umbrella, for my new friend. Since outside it was raining acid.

Nice planet, Vjun. A dark nexus as well, though not for long.

"Come, let's not dally in the rain, pretty twi'lek, or the rain might melt your clothes...and give me ideas" I explained politely, throwing the thing dramatically, and having Culexus 0055 grab it and make it vanish in mid air.

"Where did it go? What..."

"The ship, Miss Secura. I have other matters to attend to, beside collecting scared young women from dark places" I said gently, guiding the girl towards my ship.

"Where are you taking me, I can't fall into Palpatine's hands..." the girl demanded, with a tinge of panic.

"Hand. Just one. Seems our favorite Sith Lord lost his right hand to some Jedi assassin" I explained politely, as the shields and then then hangar armor closed behind us.

"You're strong in the force Mister Greyshade, but I can't sense your alignment..."

"Huh, you can't? But it's so clear. It's in the name, after all..." I mused wisely, taping a nearby guard droid for its treasure.

A holocron, looking almost like sphere, with 4096 facetts. And grey in color, of course.

My best work so far, if I can humbly say that.

"What is that? It feels like a holocron, but I never heard of that shape..." the former Jedi wondered, as my droid dropped it into her hands.

And bye bye, into the land of knowledge, most beautiful twi'lek. There should be plenty knowledge inside that you can access, even with your feeble learning.

I left the girl to study, on a comfortable 30 centimeter pillow, and went to see about the Château Malreaux and it's secrets.

Sith holocrons, forgotten tech, automated defenses. Count Dooku really had great taste in castles.

Nothing I couldn't handle, except the voices. Those were annoying.

Let's start drawing them into the scepter then.


Two hours later, the acid rains stopped, and a ray of sunshine pierced the thick clouds, perhaps the first time in millenia.

Still only about half, but wouldn't do to drain the nexus completely. This planet will make a fine training planet, just without agonizing spirits and roaming souls.

This lingering after death was a problem, with both Jedi and Sith adepts, clinging to the material, in the hope of convincing others to use their ways. Not full force ghosts, since that requires quite a high level of mastery of the Living force and Cosmic force both.

But, desperate attempts, like the voice of Master Jinn, or who knows how many others. Wisps of consciousness, piercing the noetic soup which made the mnemonic lake of cumulated memories which formed the force.

The more I learned how the thing worked, the more creeped out I was.

Billions of pilot and engineers, from millions of races, implanting the same ideas in the mind of the new generations on newly formed civilizations, locking the galaxy in a cycle of repeating the same type of technology for a million or a billion years.

No wonder ancient systems could interact with new systems, and even take them over. They used the same architecture design, the same principles...kriff.

Let's hope Solanus will be able to guide the very currents of the force, once he gets stronger.

The 12th planet was being oceanformed now, and thousands will follow, as soon as we had enough ships and...what do we have here?

A triangular holocron? Thanks Dooku, you shouldn't have. Even after you died, you still bring me gifts....

Let's check again, maybe he has more hidden caches...seems not.

Now, let's go the the next planet on my route. Here Culexus 0055, hold this pyramid for me, wouldn't do to have some ancient Sith Lord jump out and eat children. And the scepter as well.

And let's go back to my Fade frigate...and explore the wonders of the galaxy...

Hmmm, the girl needs a bath, and food, and perhaps some bota and a bacta tube...

"That will be enough, dear maiden. Go wash and see if the armor fits correctly, we are having dinner in 30 minutes" I said sternly, after plucking my holocron away.

"Please let it be hot water..." the girl prayed in a low mumble. Oh, I think you'll like the jacuzzi then.

Sigh, a galactic wide civilization, and I had to reinvent jacuzzi?


Not to mention swords and the military tactics of competent preschoolers.

Sure, martial arts and even melee weapons had a role, sometimes. I used them myself, like three times. Mostly on Mandalore, where it was appropriate.

But all the time, in every situation? Tanks? Lightsaber! Sniper? Lightsaber! Submarines?


Even the ranged weapons were made to function like throwing lightsabers at each other, with turbolaser or blaster bolts .

The girl returned some 20 minutes later, her face flushed in relaxation, and wearing my light armor variant, for force users.

Thin overlapping scales of phrik on vulnerable joints like wrists or neck, and cortosis mesh on vital parts. A pistol and a short sword on the hips, hanging from a Jal Shey belt. Verpine shield, laser on the armguard...

She didn't wear the light helmet, with the makutai headband and shock absorbing foam. Yet.

"Let's eat, Miss Secura, we are still a long way from Phateem " I said softly, pointing at the table my VSS cook had prepared.

"Who made this armor, it fits me perfectly...?" Ayala wondered, holding the helmet with one hand and inspecting it curious.

"People I know, made the individual parts. I assembled it after I scanned your body" I replied politely, tasting from some exotic Kuat dish, looking and smelling like Thai or Japanese dishes .

Hmmm. If their food was the same as their work ethic, they'll soon begin producing Victory-class star destroyers, en masse.

And in a few years, the Imperial-class. Gonna have to point that out, to the remaining male Jedi.

I had no use for them...unlike these pretty, never touched girls...so ripe to introduce, to the joy of making babies, not steal them.

"Phateem is in Galactic Empire now. It will be crawling with stormtroopers"

"Well then, you'll have to teach me force cloaking. It would be a pity if Palpatine loots the Halls of Knowledge , right?" I asked a bit later, after I finished crewing.

"That..., I only know the basics. And doesn't always work. And why would I teach you anything, you kidnapper?" she asked, a bit too loud.

"You aren't naked and dancing for me, pretty twi'lek girl. But if my holocron is so boring, I can drop you of at Taris, along with a clean pair of clothes..." I said, almost joking.

"L-let's not be so hasty, Avatar...and why are you wearing a lightsaber?" She demanded, again, too loud.

Sigh, another Vette.

"This is a darksaber, most beautiful maid. See?" I asked holding the thing aloft and turning it on, then rotating it for more effect.

"Huh. It is black. How can light be black?" she wondered with some confusion.

"In the darkness, there is a light. And in the light, there's darkness. And in between, balance..." I recited, then stopped. She wasn't ready yet.

"Grey...now I get it, Mister Greyshade. Clever pun. But, the darkside has to be avoided and..." she began, with a dogmatic ideas firmly in front, like a righteous holy maiden. Let's cut that short.

"You know...I am Mand'alore too. The planets of my mandalorian people were glassed from orbit, with amplified light, by your Jedi. Too much light can do harm, you see. I prefer the shade myself." I said with a dismissive tone, and had the saber hilt glide back to the small of my back.

And re-engage the hibridium casing. The darksaber was a symbol of rank, not a weapon.

If I ever needed a sword to stay safe, the problem would be with my poor decision making, not my fighting skill. 

"And now, Geonosis was glassed from orbit by the Sith. I understand now. You think us both the same." the girl whispered in a wavering tone.

Yeah. Exactly the same. But much cuter. I let her finish eating, before turning to the more pressing matters.

"So, now that the scattered Jedi can't roam the galaxy freely, to kidnap children, you think they'll start making their own, or just die out?" I asked in a polite dinner voice.

"Errrr. Haven't thought about that...I know some younglings escaped..." she answered with a confused blink.

"Well, Kenobi is gonna have kids soon. His wife insisted, you see. But, relying on other people to make kids, for the Jedi to steal them and mind rape them into good soldiers...that's not gonna happen much anymore. Palpatine will kill them as soon as they're found, and in the Pef Empire...we don't tolerate slavery. Maybe the Hutts will let the Jedi form enclaves..." I mused in a thoughtful voice, pouring more brandy for myself, and tea for the girl.

Without hands. Or hand gestures. Because those are silly.

You lift with your mind, not with ectoplasmic hands.

"The Hutts hate the Jedi just as much. The Order is truly gone, this time. Unless..." the twi'lek mused, with a flash of inspiration.

"Yes?" Please offer yourself to carry my children...

"Unless we can strike back, and kill Palpatine and his followers. Then we can restart..." she whispered with faint hope.

"Nope. Our Empire has a thousand ships defending Corellia now. Because they make their own kids. But if they start kidnapping from other families, I'll glass their temple myself. Or something. Maybe just rip them apart. The poor planet isn't guilty after all"

I said politely, then had my droid produce the holocron again, and drop it on a nearby pillow.

Then I rose and went to my bedroom, where I had two Dathomirian wives expecting me to contribute to the population growth.

"Duala and Talia, my most beloved wives. Sorry I got delayed, but an Avatar has to work for a living, not just lay in bed, all day" I proclaimed grandly, while my clothes flew off, by magic.

"It feels like evening to me. Now get back here, and show us that trick again!" Duala exclaimed with a smile.

Really wicked smile.


Redforge system, Pef Empire

Okay then, enjoy your hard work Peffy.

I'll just compose new self reproducing algorithms, and test them on a hundred metals, to make the nano-droids produce durasteel at least.

So far, just pig iron and steel, not even stainless steel. Kriff, material synthesis was a hard science.

Maybe I should visit the Gree, and bribe them to teach me?

But they wouldn't, would they? Not untill the Vong were at their door, and maybe not even then.

And the Sharu, on Rafa V? They might be interested. I'll have to evacuate that planet or the whole system, and harvest all the life crystals and well as the Firkrann crystals.

Then I will attempt to awake the Toka with the mindharp from the Great plastic Pyramid.

And hope they'll be friendly. That will surely go well.

'What do you think, Solana. We want the Sharu awoken now, or later?' I asked in the Voice bond.

'Let's wait, till this war is over. And we build some bases in the Rafa system. And Clara sets up her Intelligence network. And have a few Oswalt explorers link more planets together with hyper routes. At least a year, Pef' my Voice advised me after a few minutes of thinking.

Right, couldn't let half the Centrality starve, once the hyperlanes were cut at Rafa by whatever event happens when the Sharu wake up.

At least we had more routes now, such as from Akrit'tar to Renatasia, and from Tund to Malagarr.

The Oswaft were helpful already, although keeping them fed was a pain, when they left their Open Sea.

But they liked having angels to ride on them, so it balanced out. Only three Oswaft were curious enough to join the Explorer corps though, and only Lehesu was willing to wear a hyperspace beacon stapped to his body.

Anyway, they kept finding new systems at the edge of the Open Sea, so still good.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, a fleet reached and liberated Mimban from the CIS and pirates, and ensure that Palpatine won't have easy access to devices such as Force detector and useful crystals like the Thaissen crystal or Kaiburr crystal .

In the galactic north, our fleets took 300 planets in a week, as the new B11 droids and the Gauntlet tanks speed up conquest times by a factor of ten. 

Planet Ithor is now being 'protected' an advance Pef Navy fleet, cause I don't want the Imperials getting the best botanists in the galaxy. Plus, their special trees will be important later.

The Stinger II and Biplane II flying droids have also appeared in small numbers, just testing their effectiveness against live enemies.

Droideka II and III wardroids are still kept back, since they're too expensive to throw at the remaining CIS fortified lines. 

I guess it's time to give Luxum the go ahead for the Mustafar operation.

Not deactivating the CIS droids, but having them turn sides, and become loyal Pef droids.

Such a handy tool you left for me, Palpatine. A galactic wide control network, for all the CIS droids and their ships? 'Go Luxum!'

'We're beginning now Pef. Stage I in progress. Interdicting fields activated. Stage II will be the Black Sun operations on Mustafar. And I'll look for your HK friend, if he's down there. For the Empire!' my Shard Voice said calmly in the essence bond.

About 20 billion droids and 100 thousand ships were left in the CIS inventory, most of them in the galactic south, and the droids mostly outdated models like B1 and B2.

You'll be quite welcome. Even as poorly designed as you are. A few upgrades and they will serve as garrisons on a million primitive planets.

Let's have our wookie friends know to withdraw for a day. And make contact with the Jedi on Kashyyyk.

Cause we're claiming that system, and blowing away anyone who rejects our generous offer.

In the south-east, our fleets have taken Molavar, Ukio and Tatooine, and are heading towards Rodia and Ryloth. Jabba being dead makes Tatooine an easy target. Except for the sand. Droids suffer in sand. Who knew?

Another Pef fleet is preparing to siege Umbara, and complete that part of the center offensive.

Planet Daalang is also being sieged, and will make an excellent trade nexus in the future.

I guess it will fall to our Navy in 4 to 5 days, despite their extensive networks of space mines and fortified asteroids. 

Time to take a trip to the Temple of Pomojema on Mimban, and see what a Rur crystal amplified a thousand times feels like. I'm such a cheater...

Planet Mimban, Pef Empire

20 BBY, two weeks later.

The CIS is defeated. The droid armies and their ships have turned arms, and began detaining all the CIS leaders. Where possible. Some of the CIS leaders were smarter and had not linked to the droid control center.

The Separatist leaders on Mustafar were captured alive, and will stand trial for war-crimes, as it is fit. The galaxy needs scapegoats, and Palpatine can't be touched for now.

And that new Sith Lord frogg, Palpatine's new apprentice, was killed when he also tried to debark on Mustafar. Sorry dude. Red lightsaber, we have you on holocamera. Quite a coincidence, that Palpatine tried to end the Clone Wars at the same time as us.

And on the twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth...

Planet Ryloth, Pef Empire (almost)

Dora was doing her best impression at an Ambassador, with a Marine organic division and a dozen twi'lek Servants around her. No droids for now, as the native twi'leks suffered under CIS occupation.

"Mister Syndulla, I assure you, my words have enough weight, in the Pef Empire. The troops I brought are meant to bring security, not oppression." my green twi'lek Voice argued, a bit exasperated.

"They'll listen to a twi'lek dancer? I find that hard to believe, no matter what titles you are bestowed with, Voice Greyshade" the leader of the free twi'leks said, with some derisment.

"They have to listen. A Voice of the Emperor is more than a title. My words are law, for every loyal citizen." Dora said calmly, but enerved inside. Ryloth wasn't exactly egalitarian. Yet.

"And if some of your troops loot and pillage, the rest will listen to a woman and arrest the perpetrators? " the man asked worried.

Duh, what are we, the Trade Federation?

"They'll shoot themselves, if I so order, Mister Syndulla. And there will be no looting anyway. I have a trillion credits to spend on this planet, and uplift our race from gunpowder and steam engines to modern technologies. Our children will build spaceships, not dig in coal mines." Dora replied sternly, pointing subtly at the Pef fleet stationed around the space station.

The man looked around, with a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, this time the cycle of slavery will be broken. If only this new empire could be trusted.

"How can I trust..." he began asking, when Dora flipped an aurodium chip at his chest.

"Here. 100 billion credits, to spend as you see fit, for this planet. The Imperial Servants will oversee the reconstruction, as long the planet joins us voluntarily. But if not, we'll take the women and children and leave the rest of you for the Sith. Maybe Palpatine will be more merciful than he was at Geonosis." Dora replied with a cold voice, waving the man outside of the conference room. Ouch, that was harsh.

'We kinda need Ryloth, love. At least as access route to Yanibar ' I whispered to her in the bond, while my mind was expanded to encompass the whole galaxy at once. This upgraded power was amazing!

The galaxy was open before my senses, even places and planets I never heard about. It wasn't darksight, but pretty much similar. Maybe greysight?

A hundred million inhabited planets, and people dying everywhere. And around the galaxy, a dense grey haze, like a distant fog, blocking almost everything. 

Still couldn't sense the Vong, but other things were much clearer now.

All except the west parts and the deep core, also covered in thick force mists.

The Hutts had huge guns, able to shatter planets in one shot. No wonder they were so smug and confident. Also had nukes and bioweapons stockpiles, enough to destroy the galaxy a few times over.

And in the middle of the galaxy, sucking on the black hole in the center, a devouring entity...gah.

Thanks, dear Force. Just what I needed. Nightmare fuel.

That black hole was so enormous, billions of times larger than normal ones, and yet something had already harnessed it.

I'll deal with that later. For now, bare necessities, like food and clean water for quadrillions of sentients.

Those credits won't be enough for everyone though. I'll have to prioritize investments to the most populated worlds. For this size, the galaxy was very poor. 

More abominations at Belsavis and....kriff, too many. Everywhere!

This galaxy was so sick, like a hundred cancers were eating at it, from every side.

Even in my own corner, the Force wounds of Malachor and Yavin pulsed, like pustules of puss and hate, ready to burst and infect trillions. And 500 more planets, around the galaxy, all screaming in muted grey pain. Rakata colonies, from the Infinite Empire, most likely.

And on Tatooine...a Rakata mind, still alive. Huh.

I could use that, and get some more knowledge. Because these primitive nano-droids?

Not what I needed. They'll be useful to transmute the Meteor's armor into steel, and perhaps some higher form of steel, like quadranium or durasteel. But not belskar or alusteel.

For that, I needed much more knowledge.

Make a note, start melting 6000 more Meteor hulls. 2000 of them Mountain-class, for troops and supplies.

The galaxy was even bigger than I thought. And my Empire was way behind in population and productivity, barely competing with the feudal Hutts.

So many force-sensitives, some scattered, some together like the miraluka.

Another possible training planet, Alpheridies. Gain force-sight and a dozen more abilities, with just a few years of...

Let's send a fleet there now, and another to Roche. Those genius insects would be wiped out by Palpatine otherwise.

Another to Obroa-skai. To Manda. To Gibad , and prevent a genocide with bioweapons...

To Cyrillia and take custody of 10 billion droids. Guess I'll go myself. That did seem to be a large number and was close to my location. Maybe take Sarrahban too. A monopoly on most laser weapons would be nice.

And have Bo Katan Greyshade take custody of the Kyrimorut colony.

To think I already have so many Jedi living there, like Kina Ha and Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy . That girl...nevermind for now. Still too young.

But not too young to train. And a Kaminoan Jedi...she could help me with my cloning...

I was cheating a bit too much.

Etain Tur-Mukan was also there, along with her Master Arligan Zey and another Kaminoan, a geneticist named Ko Sai .

Hmmm. And the Altisian Jedi were on Yarille, also in my empire. In the capital city Yen Bachask , doing relief work. Nice guys. I'll keep them.

A fleet will arrive there in 2 hours, to liberate the planet from whatever CIS remains and make contact.

Perfect day indeed.

And Peffy...

Phateem system, planet Phateem

Ashlendu Mountains, Halls of Knowledge, vault 31

He is looting the Halls of Knowledge, of course. Not by himself, but he has the VSS and a few maids to help.

"How did you know this entrance wasn't guarded?" Miss Secura asked, with some awe. Or just wonder.

"I used the force, of course. I think, I'm pretty much the strongest man alive, at this time. There's a few women who are really close though" Peffy answered with some amusement.

"Women? Master Shaak Ti isn't even.." Ayala complained, with a confused look. Huh, so you think that woman is strong? Not really. In comparison.

"Come now. Master Ti is eating raw snails on some jungle planet now. These strong women don't use lightsabers. Now, Miss Ti is quite special in her own way, after all, she did cut off Palpatine's right arm and lived to tell about it." Still had to run from Skywalker though.

"And Master Yoda? You think you're stronger? Is he okay?" the former Jedi asked worried.

"Exactly the same, only he eats raw roots, in a dark cave on a jungle planet. And because he didn't have children, his race will become extinct, in some 20 years. At least Master Mundi fathered some 7 girls already. Gah, now I have to arrange a marriage between the last two Neti. Can't let that race go extinct as well..." I muttered, loading another grav pallet with books and scrolls.

Damn idiot Jedi, you could have stored all this data on a single holocron facet. And maybe lose it.

Make a note and print backups for all the things I have so far.

Holocrons tend to get stolen...A lot of times by myself.

Anyway, Force cloak is pretty simple, once you learn the trick. Just a wave of Mind Alter, set on autorun and deleting yourself from nearby minds with the opposite of memory imprint.

I could undress a thousand women in a large room, and they wouldn't know who did it...

Ah, I have a great trick to play on my maids in the garden on Gand.

Change their clothes with different ones. Ha! When they realize it, it will be quite fun.

I could do it with my eyes closed as well, but probably won't bother. Why waste such a great view at the mountains and valleys?

"Okay, we stole everything. What now, Avatar?" Miss Secura the Jedi asked, as the last grav pallet with knowledge was being glided towards the secret tunnel.

"Now we vandalize the place of course, writing graffiti on walls, true things about Palpatine and his Galactic Empire. It is a Hall of Knowledge, after all. When the Imperial Intelligence arrives, they need to learn things too. Here, a paint spray!" I exclaimed in a joyous tone.

"You planned this all along? Even had cans of paint ready?" the green twi'lek asked in awe. Or perhaps confusion.

"I had a great Master called Naruto. I just follow in his footsteps" I answered truthfully.









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Shades of grey




Return of the Jedi

 Fiction Page Report Chapter









Planet Atoa, Pef Empire

20 BBY

The events of Delegation of 2000 continue to shock the galaxy, as 188 of the delegates, which were about 3000 now, were arrested and executed.

Planet Atoa requested to join Pef Empire, since we seemed much safer, especially after Moff Tarkin landed his Acclamator spaceship on top of the crowds protesting the formation of the Galactic Empire, then had his stormtroopers disembark and shoot the survivors.

Everything caught on camera, of course, and distributed by most liberal news channels.

And Miss Saro is quite a beauty , and powerful force-user herself. Peffy will have to make sure to bestow her a few babies, as a collegial gesture of personal union.

Also, the Enslavement of Kashyyyk didn't happen anymore, as the brand new Executrix star destroyer was pulverized when approaching Kashyyyk. That took 30 Meteor MAC shells, so quite tough. Tougher than a Lucrehulk twice its size.

The surviving stormtroopers on Kashyyyk were allowed to embark and leave the new Pef Empire protectorate. Without tanks and heavy equipment, which I generously gifted to the wookies. Also took custody of some 9 Jedi helping the wookies and had them sent at Ruul, without lightsabers.

Planet Trandosha , in the same system was occupied a bit sooner, by our troops, since it was CIS planet.

The cold war is becoming colder, as the Boonta trials begin, various captured CIS leaders being paraded and made to confess all their crimes. Starting with the obliteration of Boonta, and similar attempts at Lianna and Duro.

And Master Ti is now in front of Peffy, on planet Null .


Planet Null, Pef Empire

Dooku had owned much of the planet, and thus it was forced to join the CIS. However the regular citizens, the Nulls held the Jedi in high regard, for some reason, and hid the Togruta Master in a remote village.

"Well done, Miss Ti for that Sith right hand. Now, I will need your lightsaber, if you wish to remain in the Pef Empire" I demanded sternly.

"Not that lightsabers even work on him..." Miss Secura added with a suffering sigh, and looking fabulous, in her new form fitting light armor.

"Master Yoda warned me to be cautious of your Empire, Avatar Greyshade. He has foreseen a great danger in you, even if uncertain. Grey, you are..." the Master Jedi replied, hand clenched on the hilt of her weapon.

Sigh. Guess I'll have to convince her, Mandalorian style. Accel x4 !

"You asked for it, adorable lady. You're lucky I still have some bacta tubs, not in use" I replied with my own sigh, teleporting behind her and breaking 3 ribs and her right clavicula. With a few light taps. Power armors are very strong.

She immediately switched the flashlight to her left hand and attempted to strike me with it.

Who brings weapons to a fist fight?

Two more ribs and her left forearm followed, as I held the plasma blade in my gauntlet.

She tried to hit me with some mental attack next, and I sighed again. Really? Dark Lords have tried that, 10 times better.

A forefinger flick and she was knocked out, flying 50 meters backwards. Thank you, Tsunade-obaasan. You're a good mentor too.

"Thank you for going easy on her, Master Greyshade" the twi'lek Jedi commented, with an aura of defeat and sadness.

"Don't mention it, Miss Secura. I saw Miss Ti getting eaten alive, by the Ancient Abyss on Felucia. Not gonna happen now, but still, some people need to learn when not to fight" I replied gently, and had a droid decloak and carry the woman into the bacta tank. Naked.

Miss Ti made me fight, she could deal with the consequences.

She is really beautiful though.

"You said that out loud" Ayala commented wisely, staring at my hand. Huh, still had the lit lightstick glowing in my hand.

Forgot about the plasma blade, burning at 15 thousands degrees. For 10 minutes. Beauty does that, to man.

"If she wants kids, they'll be so cute..." I muttered, lost in the peisage of mountains and valleys.

Here Culexus 0055, catch!

Another lightsaber vanished in midair, as I threw it carelessly over my shoulder.

"How...the invisible droids..." Miss Secura muttered in a flash of inspiration.

Yes...and the dozens invisible VSS around too.

Now practicing the force cloak I printed on their holocrons.

Cause I share, you know? People like it when you share.

"Okay, let's go to Mandalore, and collect the new Jedi who arrived. Gah, I bet I'll have to feed thousands now!" I complained loudly, leaving my armor and the medical bay behind me.

"I thought you'd be taller..." Ayala observed wisely, checking me out curious.

Not you too!

"I'm still young. Then again, I'd rather stay like this, then get fat as a planet and need sublight engines for every step" I replied wisely as well.


Planet Atoa

'Solanus will remember this' my water maid sent, a bit amused.

Hey, why are you spying on Peffy? You have treaties to sign, and stuff.

'Your future Teta Empress has arrived. She looks nice. Should be good for 10 kids at least' Solana added with more humour.

Right, Serra Keto . Another lightsaber prodigy.

Guess I'll have to beat up of lot of Jedi women. That's sounded wrong. But it's exactly what I'll do.

Mandalorians know how to treat their women. And I'm their boss, so I gotta set an example.

Hmmm, another nice one called Fy-Tor-Ana was spotted on Coruscant. 'Yes, sleep gas and extraction too, Culexus 0047.'

Those Inquisitors have already began snooping around. And that Solace cover won't hold for long.

And those Jedi on planet Ruul...

Let's have the B11 Reservation Administrator call the male Jedi, and explain the threat of the Kuat Yards.

Show them the new ships, and what Palpatine does with them.

'No, the Pef Empire is still fighting Separatist holdouts, and is not about to war a Galactic Empire. But we can get you to Balmorra, and link you with other rebels. They have thousands of droids and a several ships. Yes, you can have lightsabers, once you leave our Empire.'

There! 14 brave Jedi males have agreed to attack Kuat, and perhaps even survive, if the proton bombs on those ships manage to miss.

'No, the ladies have to stay, and look after the younglings. Do you know how to feed and wash a child?'

Well, I doubt these Jedi women know about kids either, but it sounds reasonable.

'Yes, the Force be with you too' Good job Ruul11.

Maid robes? Well, if you really insist, sure. Colonel? Don't push it, metal head.

"Emperor Pef, you've been silent for a long time..." the high priestess said, after staring at my armor for a long time. It was quite a splendid armor, now embedded with some 50 different types of crystals. I carried the big Kaiburr Crystal in my droid's torso though, stuck to my crystal self. Away from Mimban, it only boosted my powers maybe 5 times, but it was more than enough, for now.

"Yes, contemplating the Force, Lady Saro. Here, I have a small gift for you, and the other girls. 50 minor Force abilities, that should get you a bit more able to perform your old rituals. And a few bottles of vitamin and medicine, that have to be taken every day, one drop at every meal. And don't worry about the new towns and shields, they're free. I like to keep my droids busy, you see..." I answered gently, waving a metal chest closer.

When she opened it, her heart fluttered a little. Gems and jewelry, crystals and credit chips, and on top, bota vials and holocrons.

The light illuminated the church, like a treasure box, but real.

"This..I don't know what to say" the High Priestess murmured with a tingle of greed and grace. Yes, I know, shinny things and forbidden knowledge. Every woman I know has fallen for one of those, till now. So why not both?

"Be nice to my Avatar when he arrives in a few days, Lady Saro. Women tease him a lot. And this gift...only a trillion credits, perhaps. Let us know if you need more." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

For such a nice planet, this was nothing. I paid this much for a lap dance, once.

Would have paid more, but Clara wanted a massage and a hot bath.

Planet Coruscant, Galactic Empire

Imperial Palace

20 BBY, two weeks later

Emperor Palpatine was seething with anger, barely masked.

Rebellions and Jedi everywhere!

His prized Kuat Shipyards damaged, and out of commission for at least 2 years!

True, the dozen Jedi than attacked the shipyards were dead, along with the hundreds of war droids and rebels they gathered on Balmorra.

Even worse, a second Imperial-class destroyer was lost, before it could be launched. His dear Exactor blown up, by a single proton bomb, since it's shields weren't active while being fueled. Sith spit!

The route to Deep Core cut, and this Pef Empire abusing their participation in the Clone Wars to confiscate everything not nailed down, and many times the nails too.

Kashyyyk, and his valued workforce for the Death Star lost, as those monkeys prefered to become circus animals for that crazy droid emperor.

He did finally got a glimpse of him, as he unleashed a terrifying spell on Mimban, scouring the galaxy with a piercing cold gaze.

That Pef must have sacrificed a million virgins to gain that much power, for one hour.

Something he must have found on Korriban, now that he figured out how to use the old hyperroute to Teta.

And war wasn't an option, not for a decade at least. A thousand Meteors, most of their mass just iron, but those slug guns...truly powerful.

The Death Force cult, and his loyal Cronal on Dromund Kaas, no longer accessible now, with Korriban blockaded.

Another Sith Lord, he had to be. Something like the famous Darth Revan perhaps, since those Imperial Servants he captured would rather die than spill anything.

And careful to keep the Jedi in 'reservations' disarmed of lightsabers.

Why didn't he think of that sooner? Gather them in one place and them burn them all out.

Now he had to beg for loans from this new Galactic Bank, just to keep his empire running.

Whatever Tarkin said, another currency would just inflate and be useless in a year, without the crystals deposits guaranteeing the value on Muunilinst. Kriff.

His Master was right. Without the banks...any empire was just a decoration.

No matter, he'll increase taxes again, and subsidise his military buildup that way. In a decade, the Galactic Empire will have enough ships to crush those Meteors.

But he will need bigger ships. Those new Mandators...yes. A thousand Mandators to crush those Meteors, and retake Muunilinst.

"Emperor, we need to make an example of these revolts on New Plympto and Balmorra" Tarkin said politely, his keen eyes awaiting his order.

"Just the cities, Moff Tarkin. We may need the free land later. And try to avoid reporters this time." Palpatine said, controlling his anger, barely.

"By your command, Emperor" Tarkin replied brusquely, and left to teach those rebels scum a hot lesson.

"And this Trade Federation uprising, around Farstine?" Moff Grant asked, pointing at the holo they received .

"We have our battleships. We have our droids. If Palpatine wants our wealth, let him come and take it."

―Marath Vooro

A mere Vizier, defying the Emperor?

"You heard the insect, Moff Grant. Go and take it. I want that wealth" Palpatine said with a gentle smile.

"It will be done Emperor. If I can take 3 more fleets..."

"One fleet, Moff Grant. There are a hundred more places our ships need to be" the Galactic Emperor commanded, pointing at the door with his new cybernetic hand.

"By your command, Emperor" Moff Grant declared obediently.

Now, let's go and meet that silly B1 Ambassador from the Pef Empire.

"Most exalted Galactic Emperor Palpatine, the Radiant Immortal Pef wishes you glory and wealth. What is that this humble Corsca Ambassador can do for your almighty self?" The droid asked, looking ridiculous with green paint over the face and hands, and blue robes.

"The people of the Galactic Empire need their fair share of the funds that the Pef Empire has repossesed from the Separatists.

Those were in large part Republic credits. And..." he started to say.

"Your eminence, it was by your New Order declaration, that the former Galactic Republic was abolished. If any funds were left at that time in foreign banks, they are now lost. It is basic natural law. Finders keepers. Not to mention, the hardships and horrors of war, that the Pef Empire has endured, at the hands of those greedy corporations. Anything else?" The cheeky droid replied, even interrupting him.

Kriff! What hardships? What horrors? They used mostly droids...

"I understand, Honored Ambassador, but as a Galactic Bank, isn't it natural for credits to loaned, to your gracious neighbours? Not to mention the star destroyer lost, in that deplorable incident..." He argued eloquently. And definitely mentioning the Executrix. no doubt a show of force, to prevent other incursions. He will have to withdraw from Teth as well.

"On the matter of loans, of course a line of credit can be open for the mighty Galactic Empire. We'll even maintain the same interest rates last used for the Galactic Republic. 25% interest rate, annually, and compounded. Please have the Imperial Senate vote on this matter, as soon as you desire the funds. As for that medium cruiser, it was preparing to attack an allied polity. We should notice that your brave stormtroopers were galantly allowed to embark their transport and return to the Galactic Empire. "

The so called Corsca Ambassador replied serenely.

25%! That was a joke for the Republic Senate, not an actual workable loan!

And his Imperial star destroyer was not a medium cruiser, even if it was 12 times smaller that a Meteor...

He will have to rush production of his own dreadnaught, the Eye of Palpatine. Even without a crew. He will use that AI to control the droids.

And the stormtroopers were forced to leave all the tanks and artillery behind! Billions of credits in equipment, donated to those scum wookies!

Including some very new prototypes, now being reverse-engineered by those cheating....

"Very well, Ambassador. A confirmation vote will happen this week. For 40 quadrillion Empire Credits." Palpatine asked greedily.

Even half, even a quarter...

"A line of credit, most exalted Emperor. 1 quadrillion, and nothing more, untill interest is being deposited to the Galactic Bank.

Please show us you can be trusted, with this huge amount of Empire Credits" The Corsca Ambassador replied coldly, almost like a Muun.

Hell, colder than a Muun.

Sith spit!

"Most agreeable, Ambasador. We need to rest now, but I'm sure we'll talk more, next week"

"Once again, we wish you enormous glory, your magnificence. Pleasant dreams, Emperor Palpatine!" the absurd droid Ambassador said politely, then left without a bow.

So rude!


Planet Atoa, Pef Empire

Nice job B11 Corsca. That was a beautiful play.

Now to my own play. Because all men and women, are merely players. And this man, a player and then some.

"Yes, most beautiful priestess. This is my fate, to marry whomever the Empire needs me to. And compared your beauty and holiness, no woman even comes close. You didn't even hit me once, the whole week I've been here. A paragon of goodness and love, that's who you are, Miss Saro!" I exclaimed dramatically, hugging the nice woman gently with one arm.

"Oh, poor boy. Those harpy princesses are all the same. Greedy for money and abusing their husbands. I'd be happy with just a tender touch, and sometimes a little gift" the priestess replied, returning my hug with shyness.

"You should know, I imported a new technology from some distant race. Perfect for an icy planet like yours. It's called Jacuzzi, and it warms and soothes the body, and can even smooth skin and increase fertility. I will gift you a few hours of use, although you certainly don't need it, my lady. You seem perfectly fertile to me, and more. Please let me show you.." I pleaded with real emotion.

"Well, it does sounds enticing. Should I take a few priestesses with us, or is it just for two?" Lady Saro asked, with some anticipation.

"In theory, it might work for more. But let's not push our luck. If you decide to invite a few beautiful girls next time, I'll think about it. I promise." I answered, absolutely truthful.

These priestesses were truly holy and kind. I will take them all, and worhship them one by one.

Then, shower them with pure love. Then wash the love off and do it again.

Thank you, dear force. You truly blessed me so.

Planet Corellia, Corellian Diktat

20 BBY

"Honored Councilmen. The Radiant Immortal Pef, has entrusted me with this message. As the Republic is no more, your most enlightened polity should reject paying homage to the new Sith Empire, created by Palpatine. We do not advocate military resistance,

but instead a gradual border extension, and economic growth." My Corel droid Ambassador proclaimed, as a grav pallet was dragged inside the Council Hall.

"And how are we to do this? Corellia is no position..." the Diktat started to reply.

"You forget, Honored Councilmen. You are also the winners of the Clone wars. Rendili is just a few jumps away, it is your right to claim that system as spoils of war. Expand to Tinnel and Duro. I have brought you 20 quadrillions of Empire credits. Let the poor immigrants come, and use them. Build ships, like your DP20 frigate , but with 40 missile launchers not just 4. Build the new Strike cruisers that our Empire is building by the thousand. Build shields and defenses. Because the Immortal Pef has seen wars a million times worse coming. Some from inside, some from outside the galaxy. And if you are not ready...there will be no more freedom in the galaxy." The droid proclaimed dramatically, shaking its green hands at the sky.

"20 quadrillions..." the Corellian Councilmen murmured, somewhat surprised at the largesse.

"If you manage to spend it, I have mandate for more, much more. Become strong, friends. The fleets the Pef Empire has guarding Corelia will stay, and be ceded to your use, ship by ship, once you have qualified crew to man them.

With the major shipyards in the Core destroyed, or damaged, Corellia has the lead now. Also, meleenium for durasteel will be provided at any rate you can consume, but not for resale." The droid added, then turned around and left, kicking the lid from the crate full with trillion credit aurodium chips.

More angels sang, as light burst out from the crate, and illuminated the faces of the Corellians with golden smiles.

Ah, money. Things are much easier when you can throw them around like...diamonds?

Huh, I could build myself a spaceship made of diamonds.

I bet the Arkanians will love to sell me that much diamonds.

Hmmm. About money...

'Wialu, do you need anything there, on Teta?' I asked a bit concerned.

'A trillion credits for now, or ten. Just rooting out the local Sith club. They make nice pendants and amulets though. Recursive algorithms casting various spells. Really nice stuff.' My Voice said proudly. Huh, still draining more poor Sith wanna-be's

'Keep the prince alive. We may need a scapegoat someday' I advised her, since I already knew.

'Gah, you cheating droid! Why do you know these things, from 70 thousands light years away?'

'The Force?' I answered with a shrug.

'And what are you doing on Tatooine?' She demanded, in her other voice.

'Draining a Rakata...really nice stuff.' I answered amused.

'Lucky you. These guys suck...' Wialu complained, as if increasing her own strength by half wasn't enough.

Planet Tatooine. Pef Empire.

20 BBY

This Rakata guy isn't alive. But not dead either, The Imprisoned One is a memory imprint, or worse. It's a Mind prison which has an interior composed of an infinite expanse of white nothingness but with some rudimentary access to the outside world.

If I was organic, or didn't come prepared, this thing would have possibly taken me over.

I just held the soul snare in front, and let the Rakata criminal flow in, thinking he was escaping.

Quite strong in the force too, almost half my strength, even powered by that huge crystal from Mimban.

And let's drain the sucker...

Wow, jackpot. Nanotech expert, and of Rakatan nanobots, bending quantum strings into letters, and writing new natural laws.

Not a good scientist, or even a competent criminal, but still...useful.

And he knows so many force skills too. Well. Half as many as I know already, but different. More...sadistic.

Using nanobots to re-write brains? Duh.

Who does that? And why bother?

Flashing memory holograms work better, and don't make zombies, anymore...

You can print aurodium. Or platinum or whatever.

Just need a huge energy source. Like that energy crystal I confiscated on Mygeeto.

Now, that's done...let see what he knows about Sharu and Kwa...

Just how to catch Kwa super-soldiers in mind traps. Well, who knows, I might find one of them too.

People just don't die very well in this galaxy.

'And I'm very grateful for that, Immortal Pef' Lira, my Togruta Voice, once reborn, commented wisely.

'Wait...Immortal Pef. You can bring me back to life?' the Rakata asked, somehow sensing my Voice bond. Ah, essence listen. Nice skill.

'Look mister shark. The evil Rakata, who terrified the whole galaxy and murdered trillions, they thought you such an insane criminal, that they built this nice mind trap, and locked you inside, not to be released ever. So, you tell me. Will I bring you back to life?' I asked him back, using the same language as the Selkath from Manaan, the kelto making planet used. Cause yea, still a Rakata colony, with some Rakata artifacts hidden about.

'Ehhh. if you put it that way...I guess not' the Rakata muttered, then disappeared, his essence drained.

And now I had a huge cave, with this box called the Mind Prison, hundreds of dedicated cadavers of some miners, and a billion nanobots, floating about looking for organic brains to turn into zombies.

Sigh. These were the guys who chased down the killiks?

Gather round, my new soldier nanadroids. Tatooine has too much sand. Let's make some mirrors, and reduce the heat a little.

After the sand is outside the atmosphere guys, don't rush!

See, you lousy Anakin? You could have eradicated this sand yourself, instead of complaining to your girlfriend that 'it's getting everywhere' Damn emo.

Now I have to organize a kidnapping and 'miraculous conception' and impregnate Padme with your frozen love.

Just because you hated sand.

Hate is bad! It lead you to the dark side...and a funeral pyre, a bit earlier than before.

At least this time, if you come back as a ghost, your age and ghost aspect will fit.

You didn't see Luke growing 70 years younger as a ghost, did you? You did not. I had to do something.

So retconning the canon, with a nuclear bomb seemed appropriate. Thank Lucas, for the great idea!

Plus, as a young female slave, Shmi was likely raped countless times. That wasn't truly an immaculate conception, was it?

Not like I'm gonna do it. Say thank you dear force.

You'll get your Luke back, to toy with and smack down a thousand times.

But I'm keeping the girl. My Leia won't dance in no mail bikini for no Hutt.

Unless Peffy gets elected Hutt leader somehow.

Eh, not even that hard. I have 455 plans to take over the Hutts.

Though plan 1 will work anyway. Money.

Now, let's finish whatever details I have to fix on Tatooine.

'I found the starmap on Manaan, Pef. But it needs someone...a mammal I guess' Solana whispered in the bond.

Of course it does. More organic brains to mess with. Stupid Rakata.

Hey look, a huge Kryat dragon, guarding another starmap, here on Tatooine.

Yes yes, my dear nanobots, you can take over his brain. See, I can be generous!

Now let's open him up...Kyber crystals!

What a surprise...what can I do with a 50 centimeter kyber crystal?

Eh, they can make lasers and ion guns stronger.

And a huge lightsaber for my Titans.

Say...100 meters long. Or more? Possibly 200 meters.

We'll see.

I know, I said the flashlights are stupid. But that's because they're too small!

If I make the beam 3 meters thick and 200 meters long...now it's a close defense weapon, or it can cut mountains to make new passes, or make roads on Kashyyyk . And dig out geonosian hives. Also, it will look absolutely fabulous.

Never forget that something cool is better than just functional. If you're rich enough.

'I want a big Titan too. It would be much nicer than just a droid to pilot' Luxum confessed with an embarrassed tone.

See! Thousands of Shards will want to be the living heart of a Titan, leading the Empire Legions in battle. From well behind the lines.

But imagine a Niman adept, throwing a 200 meter long plasma blade at some enemies, and then have it boomerang back in its huge Titan hand.

Cool? Hell yes!

Redforge, Pef Empire

20 BBY, 3 weeks later.

The vote for the quadrillion credits loan passed in the Imperial Senate, with only 78 delegates being executed for opposing it.

Padme Skywalker escaped with the aid of masked strangers, and has fled to Mandalore, although she doesn't remembers the trip much. The stress was too high, and she had never slept better. For 48 hours, no less.

On Coruscant, certain military units of the new Imperial Army have risen in revolt, leading to open fighting, on the streets and the underground levels.

"The Imperial Crematorium. Each transport carries twenty dead Imperials. In the time that we have been here, nearly one hundred officers and troopers have been reduced to ash."


A former general in the Republic army, the man had enough, after witnessing the callous way the Galactic Empire burned the fallen soldiers to ash. Including his sons.

Gentis began a rebellion, aided by former subordinates, and the new classes of graduating Imperial Cadets, throwing explosives all over the capital. The officer's club, various Stormtroopergarrisons, the Comm Towers, and a supply depot were all destroyed. Imperial Plaza became ground zero in the battle that erupted, as "terrorist" forces—in truth, hundreds of the newly graduated cadets—swarmed through the city streets, fighting with the Empire's clone forces.

Other forces joined in, the Gray Paladin group, and militant members of Whiplash , whose identities were always unknown, but were very well armed and trained and informed.

Even though Emperor Palpatine had 10 Stormtrooper legions on Coruscant, the magnitude of the attack was much worse than he had envisioned. A dozen Inquisitors and over 500 high ranking officers, including 3 Moffs were ambushed and killed, and several secrets laboratories were burned to the ground.

Dal Perhi , the Vigo of the Black Sun criminal group, and hundreds of his lieutenants and bodyguards were also killed, possibly because they clashed with the Jedi before.

A dozen female Jedi and Gray Paladins vanished from the Imperial Intelligence's surveillance as the their very headquarters, the ISB Central Office was hit with a barrage of proton torpedoes, followed by incendiary missiles lobed into the holes left by the torpedoes.

At least a thousand data analysts and competent slicers died in the attack, while the data servers were copied and then purged by a vicious cyberattack. The insult was followed by a proton bomb detonated underneath the complex, creating a large sinkhole that the whole complex crashed down into.

However, the revolt was put down efficiently, after the Emperor himself took command and directed the counter attacks.

It was however, too late. The tallest building on Coruscant, named Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center was also targeted by the Jedi, and was toppled with a proton bomb at its foundations.

The name Whiplash was painted on a thousand streets and high rise buildings, with some kind of insidious paint, that just won't come off! Metal plates had to be welded over that paint.

Other slogans were written by masked men on cultural and art institutions, claiming Palpatine is a Sith Lord and worships demonic beings, and rapes small babies before breakfast.

Preposterous! The experiments on babies were done at night, not in the morning. Although, during night is technically before breakfast...

Anyway, a dozen jedi were killed in the attacks, though the loss of the Sith and Jedi relics from the secret meditation chamber was incalculable.

Even the neutral's Galactic Bank building, and the embassy of the Pef Empire, was painted with slogans asking to deny loans for the tyrant and his regime.

Let's hope the cold and callous droid bankers won't care about this smidge on their sovereignty, and stop the loans completely.

This was the work of isolated individuals, driven mad by grief and greed.

"Very nice work, Colonels Arnold and Bond. What about the actual Culexus operative, who masterminded the operation?"

I asked my Assassinorum Triumvirs.

"His escape route, with his rescued females as cargo, goes through Dorin, then Ithor. After that, he'll stop on Mandalore to pick any newcomers, and return victorious" Triumvir Bond replied in a competent tone.

"Okay Honored Triumvir, advise our Whiplash friends of the danger of engaging the Galactic Empire on Coruscant itself, and evacuate as many, to other large population worlds. " I said with tired sigh. You don't hide people in jungles, you hide them between billion others.

"Already being done, Droid Emperor. The Fibonacci-compatible females will be delivered, for your Avatar to impregnate." Triumvir Arnold replied in the new austrian accent I made for him.

"Great, remember though, positive deviations in the chest area are not a disqualifier. The children get better nourishment from larger chests"

"Re-organizing, 14 more specimens of Coruscant comply with new parameters. New operation code: Lactis. Biometric scans updated. This unit also has a new request" Bond spoke politely.

"Sure thing, Triumvir Bond." I said curious.

"Additional budget of 28 trillions. Female agents may prove 25% more effective, once chest enhancements are complete. Also, they can begin replication, generating new agents for minimal costs.

So, 100 million agents, recruited and trained from local backgrounds, then generously improved. The cost includes more than just silicone implants. It's training and equipment and weapons and encrypted coms."

The Culexus Assassin droid said, very wisely.

"Approved, for the good of the Empire!. Now go, I have war Titans and a new Terminator T900 power armor to build." I ordered, trying to focus on the Rakata nanobots.

"I want one too, Emperor. And a thousand Hydra armors with the new Taozin nodules , for my agents." Triumvir Arnold demanded gruffly.

"Of course, my loyal followers. Both of you, and the Third Hand behind me will receive the new armor. You know I share with my friends." I proclaimed grandly.

"Cheating droid. There's no way you could have sensed me. Not today!" My Third Hand exclaimed in fake anger. Or real anger, no idea.

"Why are you here, my friend?" I wondered curious, while pouring him a drink.

"The Bendu operation is complete. The Order of Dai Bendu , along with their families, was extracted from Ando Prime and relocated to Sanctuary. The mighty Bendu is very pleased." he replied with a smug voice.

"And the Pathfinder-class scout ship ?"

"We have a few units already. Two of them en route to Redforge, for your purview and two more were sent at Land Warrior RD. The next ones will go to Malagarr and Sol V." the Black Ops Triumvir replied in a most professional tone, jumping on the couch and stealing my brandy bottle.

Good. The same type of tech that the Rakata force-field used, to redirect the energy of incoming fire from shields to weapons. After I fixed all the problems bound to come, as with every new technology, my ships will have shields five times stronger. Not too shabby.

Now I could upgrade all my ships with that tech. But first, the Titans.





Is Luke Skywalker the son of the a Jedi, or the son of a Sith? 

I'm kinda ambivalent. 









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 09.08.2018, 20:54:33




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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