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Revenge of the Sith

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Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Zero Garden.

20 BBY Next week

My Avatar really is a packed body of muscle and testosterone, and here is truly at home. Flowing through the velocities, with his chest bared in the sun, and warm grass caressing the soles of his feet.

Surrounded by women, from a dozen Atoa priestesses, to two dozen Dathomirian witches, some Fallanassi girls, a dozen Miraluka, a couple Makutai girls, some humans and twi'leks, like Laranth Tarak and togruta, and even two Tholothian former Jedi Adi Galliaand Stass Allie .

Perhaps half of them, the formally married wives, are looking at him with love and adoration.

The other half, with confusion and wonder.

And stop. 100 repetitions at 4x speed. Heart rate nominal, no energy spent.

I can fight 100 Masters and not break a sweat.

"Well, most beautiful ladies...anyone wants to step in and spar? I promise to only use one finger" I asked gently, looking over the women with child-like eyes. And holding my middle finger up. Forehead flicks are the norm now, since the tumbling and the embarrassment work wonders.

Miss Zero had to press her hands to her chest, to stop herself from exhaling. She's almost ready, now that the agelessness ability is returning her to a hormonal teenager. The force bond is so strong I can feel her heart tremble.

"If I had my lightsaber, you would regret that..." Miss Gallia whispered to herself.

Really? Let's see.

"Please, use my Mandalore sword, Miss Gallia. Still has a plasma blade." I replied with a charming smile, flinging the Darksaber hilt at her.

And....not fast enough, pretty Jedi. Ding!

Her headdress flew off, letting her curly black hair flow in the wind. Wow, she was even prettier now.

I remained staring, as she recovered and hit me in the shoulder for no effect.

Amazing. Why didn't Jedi bother to have kids? They would look cute beyond belief, with such pretty mothers.

"Avatar, you're said that out loud, again" Aayla Secura said in a fake whisper, while enjoying the show of seeing her Masters getting trashed flawlessly.

"Beauty is a gift, and it has to be praised wherever you find it." I replied softly, grabbing the blade and poking Master Gallia in her plexus. And knockout.

Check vitals, she'll be back in 5 minutes.

"Anyone else?" I asked louder, then placed the plasma blade between my teeth, so I'd have two free hands to tie the cord on my pants.

A few gasps arose from the more newbie jedi.

"Stop showing off, Greyshade! Now the girls will need an hour to meditate again" Zero chided me friendly, kicking my chin and snatching the darksaber by the blade.

Which she then threw carelessly at the Culexus droid waiting invisible some 30 meters away, making the hilt disappear in midair.

Who's showing off, you dark witch? That is my trick!

She must have memorized the location of the Culexus droids though, to be that precise.

"Sure thing teacher. I'm just going to fly around a bit. All these hungry looks make me shy..." I answered mildly, having remained frozen in midair too, where the kick had lifted me, some 7 meters above the grass.

And flying, flying, flying. Look! My green ithorian friends, and allies against the Vong.

'Hello to you too, colony of sentient trees. The Sun is wonderful today indeed' I replied telepathically to the colony of Boff trees.

'Those Makutai girls have fallen, Sun of Suns. Your stunt just now, or perhaps the words about babies. Or both...' the trees whispered in my mind, glad to be of help with the Grand Polenization Plan. GPP.

'But no one from the cold Jedi, eh?' I asked sad. Damn, their crazy fanatic abstinence.

'Not yet. But Miss Aayla is close. Perhaps with those warm waters of yours...' the wise trees mused, a bit confused. Sun and water, and fresh seed, why did mammals had to complicate life this much?

'No clue either, dear trees. Females are a mystery' I whispered to myself, flying off into sunset.

Redforge system, Pef Empire

My crystal self is watching intently the last battles against the Separatist holdouts, those rich and careful enough to be independent of the Mustafar control node.

Like on Ord Thoden , a mining planet rich in lommite, and thus able to mass produce droids and tanks, even without imports.

Their troops are armed with DX-2 disruptor pistol and other hi tech weapons, making it dangerous for organics to engage. Supported by Tenloss Syndicate as well.

The First Mechanized Legion, with 10 Titans and a thousand Gauntlet tanks, supported by 1000 more power armored BX 11 commando droids and Stinger II gunships is engaged in battle around the capital, but the Seps can't stop the mighty walkers.

Makes good propaganda too, as those shields just seem to recharge faster than they can be depleted.

Almost. Just redirecting 70% of turbolaser and blaster fire into the hell projector, the continuous shoulder lasers and the maser cannons.

And there it go, the first Titan has to retreat now, the shield capacitors have overloaded, the missiles and torpedoes have been expended as well. The frontal armor has a thin cortosis mesh, so the Titan survives the concentrated Separatist fire, even if his weapons melt.

No matter. Two more Titans step in. And a pincer movement of tanks and power armor catches the defenders from the flank.

Advance! And liberate the planet for your Emperor!

The B11 droids rise from their prone positions, and begin running towards the enemy lines.

It's glorious! No animals have been hurt in making this documentary!

Next planet, Kalee . And ending the Huk civil war. Well, not really civil, with massacres and famine and slavery, but I didn't invent the term.

Cause, Grievous? Not a bad guy, just mad.

His planet was occupied and enslaved by the Yam'rii insects, with the aid of the Jedi. He had some real bones to pick, with the Jedi.

Yea, gonna solve that problem for you, cyborg General. Those insects have many limbs to rip off as well.

Well, for now. We dismember slavers, cause it scares the rest.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Zero Garden

20 BBY, next month

The Jedi are getting restless, perhaps sensing their future fall.

"You can't keep us here, Avatar. The galaxy needs us. There are younglings scattered..." Master Ti said, with her other Former Council members flanking her. Quite impressive, not in argument but in beauty.

"They aren't scattered lovely lady. Less than 50 younglings and initiates are missing, most of them due to irresponsible Knights or Masters who took them to remote worlds, for which we have no route. About 4000 of the little ones were collected by our agents." I replied with a shrug, which was quite difficult while doing one finger push-ups, upside down.

Because this Avatar body...he can do them, at least a thousand with every finger.

And look impressive to the ladies of course.

"What? did you even find them?"

"Gand is the homeworld of the Findsmen, most beautiful mistress. And we have thousands of them. Plus a good intelligence network" I replied politely, switching to my little left finger.

There is no try, little guy! 1001 push-ups and were done for today. With the push-ups, at least.

"That's...certainly correct, Master Ti. I was rescued from an Inquisitor that I couldn't even sense. Maybe..." the most amazing near-human that I've seen, Stass Allie said softly. Almost there, pretty girl. Almost.

"No, Master Allie. We cannot laze in the sun, and hot baths. The galaxy needs us. People are suffering..." The fierce Togruta Master protested, while enjoying the sun, and the cold lemonade.

"You should know we did help, where we could, without being obvious. The attack on Coruscant, on the Kuat, on Balmorra...and thousands more places. Just keep in mind, that from 58 Jedi that were aided in the preparations, from schematics and ships, to bombs and lightsabers, only one survived.

Lord Palpatine is very strong, in his own way. Master Quarmall is now his right Fist. The Jedi he captures, he turns." I answered, with a slight tinge of pain.

Something was wrong...

Or someone.

Voice check...not them. Maids? Yes. But where? Mandalore?

Alicia Greyshade.

Where are her bodyguards? The Justice droid is still transmitting...even without his head.

Flowing black armor...the Emperor's Shadow Guard , kidnapping my wife.

Possibly Thull Wulain, the leader, going by the pike...

Place a marker on him, and see where he goes.

I should have done something about Sun Guard . But Ventress didn't kill them now, since she wasn't working for Dooku.

The Thyrsian had their own prophecy for the Son of Suns .

Which Palpatine cleverly distorted to serve him. But not for long.

We'll send fleets to the Eshan then.

And to Serroco as well. Then Jebble . Time to reclaim all the former Mandalorian worlds, and make sure this kind of thing stops.

We should take Shili , the Togruta homeworld, and make contact with The Silent which were based there.

Those seemed interesting, in a creepy kind of way, and possibly force users or biological shapers. Either would be great.

Enough dally. I should go.

"So, we're forced to stay here, while the Sith Empire grows stronger and converts the force-sensitives into Inquisitors?" Master Ti asked with a bit of pain.

"Not all the time, most enchanting lady. The girls need to get trained and reach their peak. But yourself Miss Ti, you're about as strong as you'll get. Maybe 20% more, if you follow the treatment I prescribed. You can come with me to Shili, and convince them to request an MPT." I answered, after flipping to my legs.

" want more Togruta girls. You're not very subtle, Mister Greyshade" the Jedi woman said with a frown and a cold voice.

Of course, I do. Togruta are fierce and kind. Carnivores but diplomats. I want many more.

"Well, we are tracking Ahsoka Tano anyway. She'll join our colorful flower garden soon enough. What do you want, Miss Ti? My protection for your people, or Palpatine's mercy?" I asked gently, as my ship began descending to pick me up.

"Kriff. I had seen enough flowers for a year." the woman proclaimed with a sad tone.

Huh? Just say yes or no.

"She meant yes, Avatar. And you're still talking your thoughts out loud" Master Gallia said with an amused voice.

Well, pretty is pretty. But sadly, duty calls.

"Still out loud Avatar!" the beautiful Tholothian yelled after me, as I hugged the Togruta Master and flew up towards the hangar door.

"You can let go now, Avatar Greyshade."

"Hmmm. On Mandalore, the women we defeat, become our wives. I try to fight only the prettiest women though. Or I'd have to marry a million girls." I answered gently, but kept hugging the woman, a bit tighter. Like 3% more.

"It's not going to work..." she replied coldly, poking my arm and making me let go.

"The Jedi Order is gone, my lady. We'll make new traditions, if we survive the next 30 years. Maybe Gray Paladins or something"

I whispered softly in her montrail, then went to enjoy the jacuzzi. Alone.

Redforge, Pef Empire

next second.

This plan wasn't gonna work too well, if the wives were so easy to capture and turn.

And this was a trap, of course. Alicia, the poor girl, was already dead, or infected with something.

Palpatine wanted my empire to stop expanding, and didn't have ships or troops to fight me. For now.

So he used the hostage trick.

A more important wife like Lidia or Clara would have plenty security, but the 6th Mandalorian wife, touring the devastated Mandalorian sector with food and medicine? Not so much.

The electro-pulse weapon short-circuited most droids, And Alicia didn't qualify for VSS.

Simply, I didn't think to update the VSS budget with a few trillions. Kriff.

Too focused on ships and tanks, and battles. And forgot about the minor things inside.

Boonta was approaching 500 millions people, which was great. Junkfort 200 millions, Celanon 400 Millions, Botajef the same.

For a few months, it was okay. And as living became worse in the Core, more people will emigrate.

Stacking a trillion people on one planet was crazy. A single attack could kill them all.

The answer was spreading out, and try to stay somewhat self-sufficient with foodstuff. At least the basic staples like cereals or meat and fruits. Mix the genes more, to cover for potential genetic disorders or illnesses.

I should start making some mixed communities, adding various elements like Firrerreo regeneration, Epicanthix mind resistance, miraluka force sight, and hundreds of other near humans. And if the Tholothian were ageless...

Like tiny mineral additions to steel, these new genes could make the steel of humanity into durasteel.

And there were a dozen non-human races which could reproduce with humans, creating hybrids, like zabrak, and twi'lek and togruta. If Master Fay was such an example, strong in the force and biologically immortal, maybe other would appear.

No maybe, the Force was stirring the galaxy into wars, to mix genes by brutal means like enslavement and rape.

But this could be done civilized and with love.

Lots of love.

'Thanks for experimenting on me, Pef. I feel used now' Dora, my pregnant twi'lek Voice whispered in the bond. She didn't really mean it. That kid will be loved. A lot.

"I want Peffy's babies. At least 10" Lira added shamelessly. Sure thing pretty one. We'll try it again.

"I see now. You're lucky the Avatar pleases me. Or else" Ventress mused, focused on her battle plans.

"I don't mind at all. Not sure when I'll have time for kids, but we could do a few..." Wialu concluded with a shrug.

Luxum and Solana grumbled something about wrong species and fairness.

'Luxum, how do your Shards make babies? Cause... I don't think I know how you pollinate each other...' I muttered on the Voice chat.

'Errrr. I'll research this, for a few hours Pef. Your crystal self might be compatible. I hope you are...' Luxum said softly, and a bit embarrassed.

Hey, you really are the prettiest Shard I've met. And I already love your soul.

'I' the Shard Voice whispered in a crystal kind of sob. Great, she went to talk with her mother. About having babies. That was gonna be fun.

'This is very interesting for me as well. Solanus thinks it might be possible, in a few years. Oh! I'm too young to have kids...' Solana exclaimed, in a water wave kind of panic.

Errr. Having Solanus for a father-in-law...really weird. But the kids should be awesome!

'Solanus will remember this!' my water maid sent amused.

Kriff. No privacy anywhere.

"You're trying too hard Emperor. Wanna drink?" Zuckuss asked with an insectile grin, and offered me a glass of brandy. The most expensive brand. Because he deserved it.

"Sure. Let me pour it over my armor. Maybe I'll get drunk too" I said out loud, but still pouring the drink over my helmet.

2000 credits per shot. But, it made me feel better.

"So the alcoholic droid says. You're gonna make 10 thousand more Findsmen?" my third Hand asked from the couch in front of me, which was still empty.

New trick ? Then again, 50 quadrillion budget for intelligence. They better make nice things.

"For a start. I'll visit Gand when this Titan shield starts working as I want. At least 80% reflect. Damn those Rakata. Couldn't have left blueprints somewhere." I complained with a bit of desperation.

"At least your Avatar has the second largest harem now, after fourth Hand Kikipi. That guy...has at least 800 wives already. You're falling behind." Zuckuss proclaimed with a click of mandibles.

For now. He got a head start, King Kikipi. But I don't just go after largest pectoral glands. I want spirit, and fire.



Palpatine is a murderous bastard.






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 10.08.2018, 00:43:46




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Cold War

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Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Gandia, the first Gand city

20 BBY

I can be generous, I said it many times.

Which is why I made Gandia a dream city, with parks and waterfalls and skyscrapers. Enough room for 20 million people, when the whole Gand race is 1.7 millions.

The tall buildings are made of quadranium steel and diamondoid windows and are plated with 10 centimeter plates of real gold.

The most modern droid chefs and medidroids, state of the art holonet and holotheaters, repulsorlift trains and 20 million jacuzzi baths, in every home.

10 spaceports and 10 planetary shields. 50 million droids, and two Mechanized Legions stand ready to defend my first friends.

And now, 9000 males and 1000 female Gands, which have completed their flash memory training becoming explorers and starship captains await in the Aurodium Plaza, plated with real aurodium of course, to receive the greatest gift. The Force.

I hope I don't have to do this individually, but I'll do it if I must. This only take a single partition anyway.

My AI mind is working continuously on a thousand tasks, and monitoring the galaxy in real time through hyperspace emitters.

"My loyal subjects. Your Immortal Emperor remembers his debts. When he was weak and feeble, your Findsmen found him and rescued him. When your heroic predecessors, the Hundred Explorers, gave their lives to create the Dream, I was there and I remember. When the evil corporations started the war on freedom and liberty, I was there. And many Findsmen or officers lost their lives winning the war. Now, we are victorious. But we must not forget, that other evil beings hate liberty, and will come for us, sooner or later. Will you let them take the Dream away?" I proclaimed rhetorically.

The Gand before me clicked and hissed in denial. No lungs or vocal cords for most of them. They sort of needed the Force, and gene alter to modify themselves. A few had adapted naturally, but we could give nature a hand.

"Indeed, fresh graduates. We will not give them our freedom. Now, who wants to live forever?" I asked grandly, holding the Ragnos scepter in front of me. Everyone? Good to know.

Start with test subject 00001 and autorun.

Sigh, still only individual activation.

This will take 3 hours at least.

Now what else is happening out there?

Corruption and collusion on Centares? Arrest the big guy, fine the other 44 people involved. 30% of total wealth, each.

Be more careful, next time.

On Gibbela our droids were torn to shreds by the locals and turned into plows and pots.

Sigh. Sent a Titan and a few Servants on flying platforms, outside the range of those claws.

The Vong will have similar shapeshifters, so it will give my Titan a good test.

On Nam Chorios, a native is not what he seems. The Plague became sentient and created a humanoid shape as a vector. It is a droch genetically altered by Beldorion the Hutt. His torso and fingertips are covered in razor-sharp toothed orifices. He has the same ability to leech life. And spread the infection.

Calls himself Dzym . Kriff. If he gets of the planet, trillions will die. Or everyone.

Test every non-lethal munitions, then increase damage, up to 50 megatones. I hope I don't have to glass the planet...

Hey that was a Tsil focused beam! Good to know you're helping, guys.

906 people on the spaceport are dead, 4 kilotons of proton bombs and some 300 Tsil force beams.

It looks dead, but shoot it again my droids. Till tomorrow.

And no more spaceports, till we cure the plague. Air drops of food. Damn it, who makes this kind of things?

'I didn't sense anyone like that Pef, when I killed that dark hutt.' Asajj said at once, with some panic.

'It's like the Vong love. You have to sense what should be there, but it's not.' I explained patiently, moving to the next and the next planet.

Aha, planet Obredaan . The Imps are sniffing around, testing the waters to see if we want the cortosis deposits or not. Decloak and destroy the corvette. Let the Venator run.

Launching V-19 fighters? Okay, blow it up, and bring me a few ionized V19. They have good engines.

And claim the mines, of course. Cortosis is a strategic Empire mineral, to craft Baneblades and Titans and Terminator power armor, not toys.

Planet Ord Tessebok is unclaimed, and has 3 billion people? Most of them refugees?

Most excellent. We need engineers and miners. Start training the refugees, and keep the biometric scans active.

Less than one in a trillion people are force-sensitives. But with refugees, the chance increased a thousand times.

The lucky ones are usually favored by the force.

Planet Selnesh ...nothing there, except a cool name. Mining and shipyards then.

And yes, we claim planet Orinda . It is a great planet. Land and oceans and all.

What else?

Ah. My Avatar is on Shili.

And Alicia...T&I center? Really Palpatine?

'Triumvir Arnold. Leave no survivors on this op. Start jamming ImpSec now' I ordered over the Pefnet.

'HK-47 wants a Terminator armor when he succeeds.' the triumvir said a bit amused.

'If he succeeds. Assume the place is rigged to blow. And make sure it does, after.'

'Most commendable, Droid Emperor. I estimate about 6 thousand prisoners in the cells. What do we do with them?'

'The same thing we always do, my friend. We save them, teach them, and then send them to fight' I answered with virtual shrug.

'I'll keep an eye out for suitable damsels, happy to be rescued. The Avatar can't have the second place in the harem race. And I do have 6 eyes as well.' the Culexus droid said smugly.

I know you do Arnold. I made you, after all.

'You're a good friend, Arnold. But don't give HK-47 shatter guns again. They make a mess' I said with a cringe, as another wall was sprayed with brains. Kill them softly, damn Sith droid!

'He likes it that way. Not everyone is as subtle as you, most exalted Emperor' Arnold replied amused, snapping two necks at once.

"I know my sociopath friend. I'm a misunderstood genius. Now tell me, does it work?'

'Most of the times, surprisingly. Come with me if you want to live? How gullible are these organics?' My Assassinorum droid named Arnold complained, while puffing sleep gas, then cutting off heads and eviscerating guards and torturers, invisible and silent.

Hk-47 instead... He made lots of noise and explosions of gore and guts, sometimes impaling a guard with the spine of another.

Sigh. He really has too much fun being invisible.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

20 BBY Next day

The Altisian cruiser school Chu'unthor has finally arrived. Took them long enough.

And sorry, but you have to surrender the lightsabers, as you step off the ship.

Damn it, I so want to dismantle their ship and rebuild it. Class 4.0 hyperdrives? My Meteors are 1000 times heavier and can do 5.0

A few pretty ladies, as expected. Callista Masana for one, but Ash Jarvee is nice too. The force shines through them, like soft sunlight through flowers.

These are the heretics? The cast outs from the Order? I want a million more.

The men are subtly different too. A gray haze, the alignment shifted. But still, no babies on their ship, only padawans.

"Welcome to the Celestial Throne. I am Pef" I said politely, inviting the delegation to sit at the Council table.

A hologram of the galaxy was lit above the table, with green glows over the Pef Empire space, and red arrows for incoming invasions. The Hutts and neutral systems in blue, and the Sith in black.

Made a scary story. We were not ready. No one was ready for the future.

" I am Jedi Master Djinn Altis , the..." he started saying, and saying the wrong thing.

"We know everything, Mister Altis. Your past and your future. Just yesterday, we stopped the galaxy dying once again, on Nam Chorios, this time. The plague took human shape and wanted to board a ship. What do you want, Mister Altis?" I asked politely, examining the delegation with a few Zeison Sha tricks.

They wanted repairs, then hiding away.

Then dying on Belsavis.

That place gave me the creeps.

"The droch plague...unbelievable. How did you stop it?" he muttered with dread.

"With weapons, of course, and the Tsil crystals helped weaken it with their force powers. Our droids are still busy incinerating the remains, and the bodies of those people that died next to it. Watch" I answered softly, replaying the event captured by my droids and starport security.

The playback lasted 7 minutes, and people could be seen dying as the droch leeched their lives to maintain itself.

"And the crystals helped, with those beams. I never knew they could do that" Geith Eris commented, after the playback ended.

"It's probably not dead anyway. Force plagues need different solutions than pure firepower. We may need to drop the planet into a black hole. That should cut the droch off from their power source" I mused, maybe a little loud.

"You're not sure? How could anything survive a black hole?" Callista asked confused. Duh, the Force can do anything.

"We make gravity altering plates and repulsorlifts and hyperdrives components from black holes. This type of technology is xenoarchaeology tech. Maybe a billion years old. Even the Celestials could play with black holes and make puzzles out of them. What about cultures a million times more advanced?" I answered with a suffering sigh.

My crystal self might be fine in a black hole too, though I didn't want to test that. Accidents happen.

"And the red arrows? More such things?" the last jedi asked, pointing at the red arrows on the hologram.

"Eh, extragalactic invasions are simple enough. Ships and troops. Only plagues are dangerous." I said gently, waving the map away.

I had 78% chance to stop them all, even now. In 10 years we'll be much safer. And in 30 years...99%

The rest was luck.

"Well, your Empire is certainly prepared, already heading off most routes of invasion. You used the Clone Wars to position your forces, for the future." Master Altis said after a few minutes of thought.

Of course, I did. I wasn't gonna beg for a starfighter and hope my torpedo hits the right thing.

And lose a quadrillion lives to wars. Stupid Jedi. And Sith. Damn it all.

"So, tell us, Mister Altis, what do you want?" I asked again, a bit harsher.

"I want the people on my ship to be safe. And learn...whatever I can. You likely don't even care about Palpatine..." he muttered with some doubt.

Of course, I cared. The galaxy needed a bad guy, and Palpatine was doing great.

"Well, our laws are simple. No flashlights, no evil ways. You kidnap a child or mind rape someone, and we'll dismember you, publicly. Miss Kuro trains some girls down on Gand, and Miss Fay is on Ruul with other jedi refugees. Kids under 13 stay with me"

I stated calmly, turning the holomap back on, and zooming in to watch Asajj kick ass at Kalee, and having her Titans stop those insects like bugs. Billions of bugs...

Huh. Maybe Triumvir Bond will like to help?

'That seems such a great idea. Freedom, but with bloodshed and stomping bugs. You're the best, Immortal Pef!' my faithful droid exclaimed with glee, and started selecting his most lethal operatives, to stop the flood of enslaving bugs.

"That're liberating Kalee?" Miss Callista said in wonder.

"Eh, training troops and tactics. A few billion slaver bugs make excellent testing grounds for my generals and new vehicles" I explained politely, noticing that the tracks of my tanks became clogged with insect limbs.

Make a note, increase tracks width by 20%. Should help with muddy terrain.

The shoulder lasers on the Titans needed more power, to slice chitin at first pass.

The masers worked okay. The Perhaps install a dial to turn it down when needed... Using it on units without heavy armor was overkill.

Proton torpedoes worked fine, but may need to increase the autoloader. Missiles too.

Too many things can fly in this galaxy...

But those armies, spreading out well over the horizon. They need to be thinned out. Some artillery units maybe?

Those proton cannons from the CIS should work. And sonic screamers, perhaps mounted on the medium tanks?

Two sonic guns, in a twin battery, amplifying the sound waves...

"Errrr. Mister Emperor? You're talking out loud and scaring the girls" the young Jedi Knight muttered, a bit embarrassed.

"Huh, you're still here, eh? So, you gonna stay or what?" I asked a bit curious, raising my photoreceptors towards the heretic.

"Well...with some reservation. Ruul seems quite far from here, and safer..." Master Altis mumbled, a bit weirded out. I know, I got a bit strange locked in here. And Ruul was indeed a reservation. Watching the Jedi in the wild...going to water themselves at sunset...but, I kinda liked Callista a lot. And Ash was nice too.

"You girls, go see Miss Kuro first. But be careful, she's really, really weird. And scary." I told them, while floating towards the door.

I get to see the famous Altisian cruiser! My fans on the Holodiscovery will be amazed, when I publish the documentaries next decade.

"He said Master Kuro is scary?" Ash whispered confused.

"What can scare this Pef? He's quite scary himself..." Callista murmured, in a low voice.

"I know. I have a bad feeling about this..." Ash said with a tinge of terror.

Eh, you'll survive. Possibly.









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 10.08.2018, 11:03:07




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Son of suns

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Planet Gand, Pef Empire


20 BBY

"So, dear Ahsoka is hiding on Takodana as I said. We'll claim the planet as well." I mused, in a quiet voice. Any Force nexus is better kept in my hands. Just in case.

"As you say, Emperor. Qwi Xux is hard to find. I believe she's hiding." My third Hand explained, a bit upset he was fooled by a teenager.

"No matter, we'll take them all that we can find, and then sweep again, a week later. She's smart but hunger will drive her out" I answered with a snort.

"This humble one bows to your wisdom, oh kidnapper Emperor. She will deduce we missed her and left for good, then come out to search for food. Or ambush our droids somehow."

"So don't land. High altitude Stingers. Now, about the Iokath thing. Got any clue so far?" I asked, not really expecting a result this soon.

"It should be past the Red Twins somewhere. If is very critical, I could expend some Findsmen..." he said hesitantly.

Eh, Zakuul was around there too, so it made sense.

"Not at all. Just wanted nice tech faster. But the Cereans, the Omwati and the Columi should be enough, for now. " I said calmly. Tech was booming all over the galaxy, especially military and intelligence types. And sadly bioweapons too. Because no evil overlord should forget bioweapons.

"And then, Belsavis. We have 3000 ships blockading that planet now, do you think we need more?" Zuckuss asked, a bit cautious.

"Not for now. I want us to finish liberating Sullust and Darkknell and then expand a bit. I sort of wish we had Eriadu, but they need to see evil, before they beg us to save them..."

"It doesn't matter Emperor, we can reach Terminus via Bespin. Senex and Javin don't like Palpatine, at all. And then all the Freestanding subsectors in the south will be ours. Forever and ever." Zuckuss proclaimed grandly, punching at the sky.

"Not until Bomis Koori IV is pacified and the gran on Kinyen agree to join in. Which they will as soon as Palpatine starts bombing their cities. But as long as the Moshaw Dark Star black hole is obtained, it is our victory." I said gently, wondering who made black holes so rare in this galaxy. They were great factories.

"I say we arm the Sanyassan with spears and send them at those CIS droids. We could get rid of both of them. Or do you want more furry wookie things Emperor?"

"We'll be fair, and give them slug rifles with bayonets, and fiber ponchos. And even sabotage the shields, and take out the artillery. I do need more cyborgs, especially in the south..." I answered truthfully.

Cyborgs were quite cool. Stronger, faster, easy to control...too bad mines were so rare in the galaxy.

Make a note to begin mass-producing land mines. Cause skull and bones signs to mark minefields were very cool. They didn't even have that here, these savages! Space mines too, while at it. I did have to interdict plenty of dangerous systems.

"We do have a lead on planet Nirauan , Pef. It pulses strong in the force, as well. That planet Hijarna was also easy to find. Do you want us to remake the Rakata empire?" Mujilik spoke next, having sat quiet till now.

"Well, the numbered Meteors will be much stronger on those planets. And their force fueled ion beams as well. I'll work on a maser beam as well, for the Vong. But if the insane Sith decides to attack, we need fall back points were our fleets can regroup." I explained patiently. Having even 100 Rakata planets of my own would be perfect.

"That's...not very probable, is it? We have a non-aggression pact, after all." Zuckuss said naively.

Who else had non-aggression pacts and broke them at the first opportunity?

Nah, the mad guy will surely attack, unless we did first. Just mustering forces.


Planet Echani, Independent.

Six Sisters Hall

I stared at the 5 women lying unconscious before me, then turned towards the last one. Bria. Hmmm. Bria Grayshade. It did sound good.

The youngest and prettiest of the Six Sisters of Echani Command, and possibly the fastest.

"Now Miss Bria, we have like 20 minutes till your esteemed martial arts colleagues regain their senses. We could just kiss and make up..." I said softly, measuring intently the deviations of the Fibonacci series of her body scan. Plus 15% in the chest area. Her kids will not be hungry.

"Take off that armor, and you'll see why Echani fighting was not only self-defense, but a form of self-expression, and a means of communication. You rely on servo motors for speed and strength, Avatar." the woman claimed, hooking herself even deeper.

"And then we kiss and make up? You promise?" I asked after taking of the helmet and smiling wide.

"I'll have to wipe that smile off your face, Mandalore. And make sure to kick you where it hurts. I promise" Bria said gently, and smiling back in an enchanting way.

Good thing I came prepared, and wore only a pair of thin pants under the armor. Took me a second to jump out of my armor. Hand-to-hand works better like this. 

Those abs muscles took hard work to chisel, you know? 

"Please most graceful warrior. Let's dance" I proclaimed with another charming smile.

Oh. Vicious kick? From the start? My wives would leave me if the little guy gets blown off.

I let her show me all her moves, taking care not to damage her too much. A poke here and there at 2% speed.

She was amazingly fast, for someone so cute.

"Stay still, and let me hit you!" she exclaimed frustrated, after some 10 minutes of dancing.

And step in and grab her soft bottom. "I'm staying, my dear Bria. But, only for a week. I do have to work, you know..." I muttered in her ear, as she pounded on my chest weakly.

"Promise?" she asked after her breath became less composed.

"Already did. So, you kiss me first, or we go at once?" I asked curious.

She went first. Huh.

Planet Thyrsus, Sun guard

20 BBY, Next week

The planet is now under blockade, and awaits my decision.

Kriff. Collective punishments suck though. But no punishment at all, it's even worse.

"Message the Sun guard to come up, Captain. Or we'll have to go down ourselves" I said with some pain.

In movies, the heroine gets rescued in time, and all is well. Yea, this is not that kind of movie. Alicia was alive, but her mind was gone. Neural probes tend to do that.

At least her funeral pyre could be seen from orbit.

"Avatar, one named Kenix Jir has replied. He said the Son of Suns will come and vanish you" the comdroid replied after a few minutes.

Sigh. That's not what it means.

"I accept. Begin landings Admiral, and use stunners where possible." I commanded on the Pefnet, the military encrypted holochannel reserved for secure traffic.

Bria hugged me with one arm, and with some worry.

She has been able to read feelings and emotion through combat. To an Echani, a combat between two people said more than hours of talking. They saw a certain purity in the way techniques were used in battle. But this kind of fighting will be different.

"At least their second regiment was destroyed at Wode . They won't pose much trouble." my new wife said, with enchanting naivitte.

"The Sun Guard has served Palpatine for a decade. And Damask before him. And now they also have Shadow Guards, some kind of dark jedi. You'll see soon, what the son of suns means..." I mused wisely, and tapped the holomap again.

Not that I actually needed to, even with just the Avatar. But nobody else could connect with technology like I could.

Let's see... White armor, red armor, black uniforms...there. Black armor!

Proton torpedoes can sink battlemoons, and these guys didn't have Terminator armor.

One down. Some 30 more left. That's how you deal with force adepts.

Cloaked ships and proton torpedoes. Will ruin most people's day.

And make a pretty blooms, like suns appearing out of nothing.

15 minutes later, the Shadow Guards, with their black armors, waiting in ambush were gone, and the commando droids wearing Hydra armor started sniping the rest of the Imperial troops, leaving only the Red armors intact.

Okay then, my turn.

"See you soon, most beautiful princess. I have a prophecy to deliver" I whispered to Bria, then went to enter my power armor, then jump out of the frigate, and glide down towards the first Sun Guard regiment, defending their planet.

By the time I landed, only about 700 Red armors remained, clustered together and holding spears and blasters in all directions.

Man, how dumb could these people be?

Boom! I left myself fall the last hundred meters, then pushed the soot and dust away with a force push.

"Behold, the Son of Suns has come! Fire and wrath, like the heart of the sun. But cold, and somewhat upset. Upset at you, Sun Guard!"

I proclaimed, creating wings of fire to my sides, and amplifying my voice with sound alter 20 times.

A brave Sun Guard took a shot at me, so I lifted him up then ripped his limbs off. I was talking here!

"Still upset at you, Sun Guard. They call me Mand'alore the Charming, because a few girls like me. But then, one of you decides to kidnap and torture my wife. Not cool, not at all. Your lives are mine now. And pray I will spend them wisely. Now kneel!" I boomed even louder, just below organic lung failure. And pushing mind alter of course.

These guys should be happy they had any brains left, unlike Alicia.

As they fell to the knees, I could feel defeat and desperation, but also hope. To be alive and witness the prophecy come true.

"I need 10 of you, who have higher rank. Come closer." I demanded in normal voice, while walking slowly towards the regiment.

"I am in command now, Mand'alore" one of them said, trying to lift himself up.

Nah, I didn't order that. Let's press him down with telekinesis.

"Come on, move faster, while you still have knees to walk on!" I demanded, with a bit of cruelty.

After a fearful look at their former comrade, now without any limbs, they did.

"So, the Sun Guard serves a Sith Lord, and the dark side now? Have you changed your name to the Dark Guard?" I asked curious.

"That's...just rumors" another one objected, confused.

"And before him, before you served Darth Sidious. You served Darth Plagueis, the Muun named Hugo Damask. And aren't the Muuns those that have banked the Clone Wars, both sides at once? One regiment serves Palpatine, the other regiment Dooku, or Darth Tyranus..." I mused out loud, checking for some clues in their aura.

They didn't know...why would they? More religious fanatics.

"We didn't know, Mand'alore. Palpatine trained those with powers...and gave them black armor..." their leader explained...and hitting the key point. Suns are not black, are they?

" armor and red force pikes. Exactly as the defenders of sunlight should look" I replied, not even amused.

An awkward silence fell as these guys meditated on their outlook.

"Well, then. I will need this planet to request admittance to the Pef Empire, or this star system will have a new sun. You can run now..." I continued in a bored voice, and flew upwards.

Damn idiots.

'Clean up whatever Imperials you find, HK-47. Violence limit 5.' I sent to the genocidal droid. No nukes or bioweapons.

'Oh, level 5, how generous of you, son of the immortal droid. By the way, you have good taste Avatar. I approve of that Jedi woman, Shaak Ti. Of all organics I know, I would kill her last..." Hk-47 replied in an approving, if disturbing tone.

'Stick to the targets I give you, crazy Sith droid. There will be trillions of Vong to kill, soon' I replied in a more friendly voice.

'Hey, you're not bad. This op was quite fun. And the one before. I might not kill you, as long as I'm having fun' Hk-47 proclaimed, while murdering dozens of imps per minute.

The ships in orbit were scrap now, as well as the defense platform with the starfighters.

They were in the way.


Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Celestial Throne

Hmmm. Ruul11 reports a new Jedi seeking refuge. A verpine named Beyghor Sahdett .

But, if I recall correctly...

'Detain him with ray shields and call Miss Fay. That seems to be a Sith Fist' I answered after a short check.

Quite a lot more Jedi escaped this time, with Yoda on Coruscant. But...the green monkey was too easy to trick.

Avoiding learning some skills, left you open to double and triple agents.

And even my Empire wasn't impossible to trick. Just much harder.

And there were too many force-groups out there, just as easy to turn, just like the Sun Guards.

"Emperor, what are we going to do with Dilonexa XXIII ? The Jedi have an Agricorps base there."

my third Hand asked, having sat beside me for 33 seconds. But he stepped on nanobots now, and those were hard to fool.

"Plant users eh? We'll hide them on Sanctuary, just like the Silent. What did you find at the Temple of Eedit ?" I asked, more interested at the last part.

"Looted. Only some scrolls and tablets, which my agents couldn't read. Also, some kind of nexus, deep underground."

"We will take Taanab as well, even if it's exposed. And Corsin too. That location will be a key point. I'll send Meteor 6 there." I said gently going over the trade route maps in my mind.

We will lock Mandalore behind our borders, and inspect all ships passing through.

'Solana, any chance with Manaan?' I asked in the bond, looking to the east.

'Eh, it's going slowly. But my fleet in orbit should keep most bad things away'

"Manaan and Corsin. Two more Rakata planets. You plan to instal gates then" Luud'al-ud concluded after a minute.

"Still far away for that, my friend. Just setting traps for now" I mused out loud, my focus on Ruul.

Sigh. No Fay, don't talk to the guy...

Sonic beams and withdraw the air Ruul11. Make him show us his new talents.

See! Glowing eyes. It's quite simple. Now freeze him in carbonite. I want to teach my Zero how to drain dark jedi.

Fay wasn't gonna change, not in time. A paragon of light, that one. But Zero...she was close. Soon she'll be grey.




Can't locate Zakuul or Ioktah on any maps.  Guess we'll never get to see them.







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Planet Mandalore, Pef Empire

Charming Castle

20 BBY Two weeks later

Once Corsin was taken, with a few bribes and promises to gain local support, there was no more need to maintain a pretense of Mandalorian neutrality. Their princess was murdered by the Galactic Empire, as rumours said, and were not denied. People were outraged and wanted safety.

"We cannot confirm of deny allegations regarding the circumstances leading to the death of Alicia Greyshade, wife to the Mand'alore. But rest assured, our officials will punish anyone involved.

In other news, Corsin and the Echani Six Sisters worlds have requested to be admitted as probationary members into Pef Empire, under MPT. A fleet of 30 Meteor-class battleships have already took station to protect our interest in that area.

A minor skirmish occured when the Imperial Army were evicted from Thrysus, a planet under the Six Sisters rule."

" This was the official statement of the Pef Empire's Fourth Hand, King Kikipi of Toong'l , and we already can guess, who our officials punished and where." The beautiful Togruta anchor commented, pretending to chafe at censure.

The Senators and other politicians who cared about galactic matters would have guessed already, and most of the galaxy didn't care.

It was very likely half the galaxy didn't even know, about the now ending Clone Wars.

They would see the same face, if a bit uglier, of Palpatine on the holonews, then shrug and go drinking or watch sports.

That Pef Empire fleets claimed Chalcedon and dismembered 30 thousand slavers, and freed 15 million slaves? It wouldn't make the news.

Maybe an archaeologist somewhere would blink and say, Chalcedon? What that planet on the test about ancient civilizations? No, that was Corellia, I think.

That Pef special ops raided Ventrux and looked for secret labs? Maybe a bounty-hunter somewhere will remember a deal in that sector.

'Emperor, the labs are empty. It appears for about 2 or 3 months. We were too late' The lead officer said, with a sad tone.

'Just making sure Major. Unit 988 found our target, on a different planet. Begin biological and nanodroid sterilization. Then nuke the labs, twice' I said with a bit of worry. Chasing biolabs was hard work.

Jenna Zan Arbor was one of the best minds in the galaxy. And I kinda liked her, in the same way I liked Hk-47. But she needed supervision, and samples, and funds. And most of all, loyalty programming.

Planet Simpla-12 was interdicted, and some 5000 criminals caught and tried.

About 500 of them will survive, with mnemonic therapy and a new job. Miss Arbor included.

And HK-47 will have a mad scientist to guard and torment.

'She'd better be as smart as you say, boss. Or else, off with her head!' the new comedic relief droid proclaimed, with righteous tones.

'Let's wait on that, at least till I have a million clones with her brains. Then I might put you both in a cage, and bet on her' I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Why are you laughing Peffy? Staring at the news and eating popcorn..." Bo wondered, looking at me strangely.

"Just weird thoughts in my mind. So, how do you like Bria?" I said, noticing a few bruises on her cheek.

"She's okay. Fast and smart and hits like a rancor. A bit like you, but much cuter" my wife muttered in my neck.

Let's heal those wounds, and check...Yes! Another baby!

"Our kid must be safe Bo. I'm taking you to a sanctuary" I whispered in her ear, and caressed her belly gently.

"Our kid...this is great! Padme is pregnant too, although I'm not sure with who..." She said with some confusion.

"She was married with that Skywalker guy. I think the kid would be his..." I said, perfectly certain.

"And you do have hair samples from when he fainted here, and you scanned his brain for fractures. We can check. So, when are we leaving?" Bo wondred with excitement.

"Today, of course. We'll just say goodbye, and promote Alise to Prime Minister. You'll have some 3 year vacation on a tropical island, with jacuzzi baths and the nicest girls to keep you company. Though only Dora is pregnant, I'll have to insist a little with the others..." I mused, lost in reverie.

"Oh, a secret island with secret wives. Scoundrel! Are they pretty?" Bo Greyshade asked coyly.

"You want me to have ugly kids? Of course they're pretty. Just, not real warriors. My first friends in the Empire, and I love them greatly" I answered gently.

"You softie. Wait, one of them is a blue twi'lek, the Blue Maiden?" Bo asked, remembering something.

"Errr. Yes. But punching buttons to fire missiles is not..."

"She's my hero! You got that freedom fighter for a wife? That's amazing! Who else?" she said excited. So, Vette is Bo's hero? When did that happen?

"Well. Lira, the Togruta Voice..." I whispered in a secretive voice.

"Didn't she die, like shot in the head?" Bo wondred, blinking confused. It was a scandal at the time...

"Voices to the Emperor can't die. Well, they grow back if they manage to die..." I explained, half sorry.

"So, like cloning, but with memories intact?" she deduced instantly. Well, not that easy, but yes, in essence.

"Pretty much. And I'm also a Voice. So, if I get blown up, wait a few years before you remarry. Okay?"

"But not Alicia...she won't grow back..." Bo said with a sob.

"No. A clone of her will be fresh. Like the stormtroopers. And I hate..."

"I know you do Peffy. It's slavery. At least those jedi did the right thing and bombed the cloning bases, before..."

"I wish they did Bo. That was not the jedi"

"But, who else did it? she asked, with wide eyes. Huh, might have said too much...

"Our government cannot confirm or deny..."

"Oh, shut up! I'm proud of you Peffy. You're not just charming, are you?"

"I don't know...let's find out" I said gently and kissed her neck, in a charming way.


Planet Coruscant, Sith Empire

Sarcev Quest remained straight, and just bowed his head one degree.

"Yes Master. We are 99% this was the work of that Avatar. Jamming transmissions, killing every witness, and turning the survivors into suicidal maniacs. It was payback for the blonde wife."

"But you're not sure, Darth Questor?" Lord Palpatine asked curious.

" The Sun Guard terrorist left a recording saying that the son of suns is here, before his freighter exploded, and vaporized the Imperial Royal Guard Academy. The bomb is estimated at 200 megatones, salted with cesium and hafnium. That continent won't be usable for five thousands years" his new apprentice, like the 6th in one year, explained politely.

"So, it's a warning then. There were about 800 Sun Guards on Thyrsus, before they defected"

"I believe so, Lord Sidious. 34 Imperial Navy ships also encountered miscommunication problems, and were blown up. We lost a million soldiers, for a pretty blonde who knew nothing, except gossip. And the verpine didn't report back..." the former Agricorps Jedi said a bit impressed.

Kriff. What had the galaxy come to? Making Sith Lords from trash who didn't even pass a padawan test?

And the Jedi enclave at Belsavis had 3000 Pef Navy ships, just happening to rest there? It was a show of force, for certain.

"No matter then, we'll recover our loses and strike when we're ready. The Outer Rim is of no importance after all. What about Corellia?" Palpatine inquired with some dismay.

That region has started building ships like crazy, and taking over nearby systems, relying on the Meteors they received as war reparations. What reparations? They barely contributed at all!

And where did they found so much credits? Those slimy droids from the Galactic Bank again!

Funding both sides, to make huge profits from the interest rates...

"Well...the Corellians certainly have credits and an ally in the Pef Empire. They expanded to Rendili and Columus and Tinnel, and it seems they'll take Byblos and Denon next. Trying to link with the Pef Empire no doubt. Not going the help them once the Imperial worlds start producing again, since we outnumber them 1000 to one. At least. But as the Kuat shipyards are still under repairs..."

"I know, my apprentice. I'll ask the Senate to vote for another loan. Damn those compound interest rates..." Darth Sidious muttered in weary voice.

Planet Gand, Pef Empire

Gandia, The Celestial Palace.

20 BBY Next Month

The new Celestial Palace might cost over a trillion credits, if anyone would sell it.

It is our version of the Imperial Senate, but it hosts the much simpler named Large Council.

It was time for our citizens to understand the difference between civilization and those outside it.

"My friends, and loyal subjects. It has been a slow climb till now, as our Empire began gathering resources and allies, and spread civilization to the Outer Rim, and other worlds plagued by problems. But behold! In 5 years, the Pef Empire has grown, and encopasses half the galaxy. We have fought hard, against pollution and famine, against piracy and slavery, against evil corporations and dark jedi. Even now, our troops are bringing freedom to a hundred worlds, every day.

But that's just the beginning. We are 9000 inhabited planets, but millions more systems need our help to become free. So, as the Voice of the Emperor, I beg you all, to allow immigrants and refugees to come, and populate this vast expanse we claim our home. They will be our doctors and engineers, farmers and miners, all bringing wealth and happiness to your planets.

You have seen Gandia, rise from tribal planet to a galactic capital. You can see the skyscrapers, the shipyards, the prosperity.

And I promise you all. In a decade, all our worlds will be at least as great.

Those of you, who joined our empire under a Protection Treaty, think for the future. Is slavery and oppression worth it, when you can all have this? When our people could have decent houses and food, or hot water?

We have the technology to harness black holes. But we only use those products for war?

I say we can do better.

Thus, we have decided to support the expansion, with credits from the Galactic Bank, to encourage people to come and be happy. We have trees and grass and oceans, that poor people on those hive worlds in the Core have seen in pictures only.

If a planet has a million people living on it, it is wasted and lost. We can do a thousand times better. First our commercials nodes, like Boonta or Celanon, the more and more, untill the whole galaxy is teaming with life and prosperity.

The Emperor himself is willing to subsidize every new immigrant with ten thousand credits, and start a new life and a family here in the Pef Empire. Just imagine. 10 trillion credits, received by every planet that accepts a billion hard working people, to build and work and create civilization.

Do you want to be rich, honored members of our Large Council?" I said grandly, letting the holo transmitters carry my voice to the huge aula.

Perhaps 1000 of them didn't understand what a trillion is. And how taxation brings that money right into their coffers, after a while.

The Imperial Servants agreed with patriotic fervor, but also because they were educated in finance by flash memory units.

Make a note, imprint all the delegates with Servant one star programming. At least high school education, that is.

Make that two stars, so they know the laws of the Empire as well. Know them perfectly, and have to break a finger when they break a law.

Three stars Servants were imprinted to impose the laws, as ship captains or governors, so it was a bit too much.

Other Voices spoke next, going the hardships and the achievements in details, as well as a few Hands.

A bit like theater though, since the delegates were here not to vote, but to observe and report back home.

Voting will be done in the small council, by people who understood the impact of their vote, not following petty interests.

Already some delegates were trying to abscond with the aurodium handles of their armchairs.

Sorry mister wookie delegate. The Emperor has predicted this, and transmuted a micron mesh in the interior of the armrests to Molecularly bonded armor , then covered that in cortosis mesh. I couldn't break it with my Terminator armor. But it was close.

Our next generation of warships will have a thin layer of this material as well as the new reflector shields and thermal shields.

Once I figured how to keep the thickness and length stable. My test starfighter crumbled into a tiny ball.

Very heavy tiny ball.

Could barely lift it.

But it should work to reinforce the Titan's legs and torso and reduce weight by half. And my Terminator armors too. T-1000 is coming soon, in a galaxy next to you.

Ah, it's my cue now. They're gonna love this.

"One more thing, esteemed delegates.

While our Empire recognizes force users of various sects, not all their practices are allowed. Memetic and mnemonic imprints are reserved for our special operations units. That means by our professional assassins, for those new to galactic basic.

Plasma blades and other elemental force-constructs are restricted for rare cases of national defense, and again, only by our licensed operatives. That means, against invasion or dark jedi or death cults. Not for sport.

Bioweapons, nano-weapons and force-created plagues are reserved for threats of extragalactic origin. And as we are the frontline for those invasions, we may have to use them, in the future, on those alien enslavers. We have our own large arsenal, so you can feel safe. If they come, they'll die screaming.

But I'll be very clear. Do not fuck around and start tinkering for fun. Or I'll find you, and rip you to shreds. And your soul as well. This warning goes to everyone, everywhere and will not ever be rescinded. Plagues are not toys. You play with this, and I will never let you die, and torment your soul for eternity. Now, enjoy our nice town, and have fun!" I concluded the gathering, with a charming smile. Strangely, nobody smiled back. Weird.


Planet Honoghr, Independent


Ah, making threats is fun. All those two cred doctors will think again now. Maybe. Not likely.

But meanwhile, let explore the nice Honoghr Rakatan temple I have right next to my border.

Technically, it's in Kessel, and we have a spacestation in orbit, but the locals wouldn't know.

The events in my memories, with this planet getting devastated by CIS toxins didn't happen, since the hypernode to this system was guarded by my ships.

So, there's more life and less dying natives.

And Rakata droids. Which are super nice. No idea how the locals were supposed to control them, since everything about them is alien, except the weapons. Which are blaster cannons.

Nevermind, technopathy is still the best power.

The droids seem similar to spider tanks or droideka, but I'll call them Rakata temple defense droid .

Since that's the planet. Now salute with your arm cannon!

See, it works, even if I don't have a clue how to interface with the operating system.

Anyway, force-fuel droids! With crappy armor and guns. And no vocoders. And no thumbs.

Sigh. Stay here guys, I'll take a look inside.

Altar to some fish monster. Come on! Where are the gates, the holocrons, the books with all the tech?

I got 9 droids, which I'll have to dismantle and learn how they work...

Hey, you can loop a force circuit like that? Well, if it works...

I'm beginning to believe that Rakata were idiots, just using things they didn't understand.

'Your confidence in Rakata tech is your own preconception Pef. They are gone after all.' Solana said wisely.

'And they were just organics. Hate fueled organics. Kriff. I need an expert. A real Master. This is all hogwash tech. Jaybo can make better droids!' I complained to the ether.

'And Jaybo is the template for your Avatar. Don't diss the kid. He'll be strong' Wialu added amused.

I know! My first, adopted son. Who grows too slow. And is shy around girls.

Let's go home, Rakata droids.

want to dissect you in peace.

Redforge, Pef Empire

Rakatech lab.

20 BBY , next month.

Well the tech in the Rakata droid power core still can't be duplicated, nor is the Mind Prison or the Star Map from Tatooine.

I can analyze it all I want, there's blackboxed components, and some structures that have more to do with art, than mechanical engineering. And possibly bits of claws and other body parts from whatever animals.

Some components are clearly organic, like neurons and nerves, while other are materials we didn't even know they could exist.

Some kind of tree sap, that remains cold, no matter the temperature inside the core. That's more than a superconducting fluid...

Sigh. Much to learn, I have.

'Solanus wants a Rakata droid too. He thinks he can use the power core for a spaceship reactor. And he wants a Rakata forcefield as well. I'll send him the Star Map from Manaan, once these fishguys stop worship it like a holy relic.'

'It's okay, adored Voice. He can have that Star Map from Dantooine. And my old MC30 frigate has a forcefield. There's two more starmaps Kashyyyk and Korriban, so we'll get them all sooner or later.' I sent, feeling generous.

"So, you sent your our new Hands to Teta, Belsavis and Endor? " my third Hand asked curious, sneaking around the lab, where a thousand droid parts were flying in mid air, now impossible to fit back. Oh, the three Findsmen who mapped the route to Teta.

"Yes, with their new females, and Servants and VSS and a numbered Meteor each. Aren't I generous, my friend?" I said gently,

then waved the swarm of rakata parts into a crate, for later work.

"Well...they will have ten thousands ships each, and a billion droids to command. If they get turned somehow..." he said worried. Yea well, anything is possible in this galaxy, but I took precautions.

"They will die, and we'll make new ones. Come, let's go outside and watch the new Meteors II being assembled" I requested politely, floating towards the space station's hangar door.

A million engineers, a billion droids and a trillion nanobots were working hard to prepare my Empire for the next conflict.

The outer armor was a bit thinner on the new Meteors, only 1.5 kilometers of steel, but of that 5 meters inside were made from quadranium steel and 10 meters outside were plated with durasteel. Just like the Imperial star destroyer armor.

The extra space, made room for a thousand more reactors and shield emitters and gravity interdictors. The ship lost a lot of mass, and with the extra power they'll reach 3.0 hyperdrive speed, the same as the Vong ships. Can't have my battleships arrive too late for a fight, can I?

The fins and the armored maw of the sharks were also being laced with a thin mesh of cortosis and phrik filaments, to increase thermal and beam absorption 3 times.

Over all, the durability will increase 10 times, while doubling the cost. If only I had enough money...

Oh wait, did have money now. A quintillion credits would buy me a lot of ships.

There, I even added a pair of hanger under the lateral fins, for a thousand starfighters. Thin armor for the hangars and no connection to the inside of the ship though. If the shields failed, the lateral fins will get shredded anyway.

For defense, we'll add those continuous laser turrets, that worked great on spider droids and Titans. Let's put 1000 of them.

And for attack, 4000 heavy masers, 1000 hell projectors and 1000 ion cannons, and a large battery of long range turbolasers like the Recusants have.

Only 10 of them, in one huge armored turret. No more being kited by long range fire. It's good that we have energy for all those weapons now.

I finally got to have lateral eyes on the shark, two huge gravity and hyperspace interdictors, to help me hold in place a large Vong fleet.

And perhaps a worldship too. Not sure.

The maw was widen a bit, since we had space, and will have 100 MAC cannons and a force-ion beam projector, like the ones on the Devastation dreadnaught and Meteor 3.

Jenna Arbor is working on a kyber laser beam, but that will take years, even with all the staff and resources I gave her.

The back of the new Meteors will have 20 tractor beams, to hold starfighters in place while the defenses shred them, and the front will have 200. They help guide the ferrous slugs to target very accurately.

More computer cores, more hypernet power, more slicer banks, more transmission jammers. More cargo space, for consumables and fuel. Now range increased from 10 thousand to 100 thousand light years. Nice, right?

Hmmm. There's still room left. Especially outside, on the sides. Let's add 100 proton torpedo launchers on the sides, each with their own turret with a missile launcher on top.

And the same for all turrets of the heavy guns.

More missiles can't hurt. 6000 more missile launchers will help thin out those huge starfighter swarms.

Total cost 5 billion credits, for each Meteor II. 30 trillions for this batch of 6000 Meteors II.

If my wives all dance for me one hour, they'll cost more.

Damn, I do have a bit too high cost wives.

'That's because you're sweet and gullible Pef. Who pays one trillion for a lap dance? Even though Clara is very pretty...' Lira commented from Sanctuary, where she was about 11% into mastering the mind shield.

A bit slow...Zero learned it in 2 weeks.

Then again, she wasn't a jedi master with 100 years of meditation and training.

'So, you like Saro and Bo?' I wondered, a bit cautious. Women, not really easy to understand.

'Of course I do. You have great taste. Bendu says so too. Bye'

Sure thing, Lira. We'll try that baby making again. Later.

Cause the Avatar was insisting vigurously with Vette now.

Planet Sanctuary, Pef Empire

Silent Circle Island, Hobbit Villa 3V

"That's it. Right there! Oh holy. This is much better than water sex" My blue twi'lek maid exclaimed with joy.

"We're only getting started, my sweet love. But tomorrow, we must let Lira join us. She really wants some." I said, blowing a whisper warmly in her ear.

"Fine. Because I love her. And she deserves to feel...ah. There! Faster!"

Redforge, Pef Empire

-staring at the stars, and the hulls of new ships

"Good work there, Emperor. I must try that thing too. My females should love it as well" my third Hand mused wistfully, as we stared at the Meteor shipyards, and compared harem stories.

"Yeah, it feels really nice. But that damn Kikipi...he's got 20 more!" I complained with a groan.

"Well, he's doing his part to repopulate Toong planet, after that comet disaster. Duty is a mountain, you said once, wise droid. We must all carry it, and do our best. I'll sacrifice myself and take a new female too. And not because Zuckuss did. It just my duty" he replied wisely.

Yeah. We were all paragons of duty. That was a perfect reason.




Rip Alicia. Beloved maid, wife and sister.







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 10.08.2018, 16:54:05




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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