
Out on the surface of Lacrima, Pef examined the house of Shiru and their belongings.

Not that a mystery of this scale would be solved by a smart detective finding a hidden clue. On the contrary, Pef expected to find nothing amiss. And he did. The house was clean and perfectly normal.

In fact, the life and everything about this Shiru was perfectly normal. For a smart man living among not so smart people.

Conflicts with other kids, good grades, mixed reports from teachers...Pef could hardly imagine living a childhood again among regular children.

'That drawing on the east wall. It's a Black Magma strangling vine. And that thing being strangled is a bone, not a dead tree.' the glove mused aloud.

'So, it's an infection then.' Pef replied with a shrug.

That wasn't even important. An infection with something that could only affect non-standard a universe filled with qi users.

Exactly the opposite of the Worm brain plague, which was designed to infect qi users and transmute them.

Actually...perhaps that was the clue. Same origin perhaps?

'Compare the brain worms and the nanites.' Pef asked on a hunch.

After a long minute, the glove sighed audibly. 'Same technology, I would guess. Protein re-sequencing, femtometer scale engineering, stem cells modifications, bio-electricity qi arrays, no formations, no pattern of cultivation at all.'

Pef nodded to himself. Someone was playing the same game from the other end, using advanced biotech to create biological vectors able to influence the qi, and yet staying off radar, giving out no emissions of traceable qi.

'Can we copy this tech for ourselves?' Pef asked his trusted orange glove.

'Of course. In fact, we can even incorporate these stomach bacteria as an Awakening scheme. Mass-produce them, and distribute them among the population...we could have a billion cultivators, not just a million.' the glove said with a slightly interested voice.

Pef sighed. So, that was it. A trap, presented as a potent cure and expecting dissemination. A billion infected, just waiting to be taken over.

'But we cannot control these things with qi. And their maker can. Probably using some form of technopathy...' Pef replied in a slow voice, while Blinking himself back to his capital.

Only Lia was home, the other women roaming around, looking for new places to colonize.

"Hey Lia!"

"Pef! Finished constructing that Taichi method?" His wife asked with a loving tone, and come to hug him tightly.

He patted her back and then Lia's muscled posterior. "Yes, my love. I also found something very dangerous. Like these."

Pef continued, holding his palm out and presenting a dozen nanites enveloped in a telekinetic barrier.

Lia's eyes flashed as she took over the field and began examining the tiny machines with her Maker senses and ability.

"It's like the worm plague...but inert." she mused out loud, then twirled a finger to produce a thin glass vial holding a creamy liquid.

"Yuan's tears?" Pef asked in surprise.

"It is the best cure in the universe, hubby. We all have a vial of life-saving tears." Lia replied with a tiny shrug, and drew out a single globe of liquid, barely visible.

Pef blinked. He didn't have a vial... Anyway, not the time to complain, right now.

The nanites were pushed into the liquid tear, and vanished with a spark.

"It's a plague alright. Not sure what it does, but seems to be able to survive some extreme conditions, like heat or acid." Lia reported as she reviewed the test in her mind.

"Yep. They grow inside the stomach. And they can fake a qi meridian, in large numbers."Pef answered with a frown, then confiscated the tiny bead of floating tears and moved it inside his inner world. His avatar self would know what to do.

"Okay, this does seem like a potential threat then. Sending a Legion-wide notification, to all Soldiers and higher ranks." Lia said with a determined voice, and began composing her qi messages.

Pef teleported for a minute into his Monarch office, scanned the officials and their documents with his glove and fled at speed. Sure, the title was nice, but he wouldn't actually do the work of a monarch, ruling over a billion people with 10 billion problems.

He could instead pay a hundred appointed Ministers to do it for him. And perhaps they even do a better job, as they were trained and had time to consider all those problems.

Sure, most of them were normals, and had to be replaced every 30 years or so, due to death. But new people always arrived to replace them.

The trappings of power always attracted people, and it seemed it was something of an honor to have served as a Minister, especially for normals.

However, there were a dozen or so cultivators that stayed as administrators for the past thousand years, and formed the backbone of the Monarchy. They even seem to like their jobs, for some strange reason.

Pef Blinked away, reaching the General's Institute of Higher Qi learning, or the standard magic academy on the planet.

A hundred Saints as teachers and mentors, a few Legion Deities as overseers, and a sometime itinerant visitor known as Lady Winter.

Pef landed on the couch next to Cellia, and glanced at the mind-jade she was reading. Reports on the exploration of Phi-09 galaxy, by Ji Firalli.

Pef had read that report as well. Forty-five planets able to support life, and a thousand more terraformable.

"Dropping by, again?" the stern woman asked him in a glacial tone.

"Why not? Visiting friends is a basic human right..." Pef explained with a joyful tone, and hugged Cellia with one arm.

The Ice Goddess glanced at him with an annoyed look. "You're still not forgiven for recruiting Artus in your Legion."

Pef shrugged and leaned into her side. "Artus was an ignorant shaman with delusions of godhood. Don't tell me you don't see it."

Cellia grit her teeth and set down the green mind-jade. "Perhaps. Just like I am just a lowly country witch, who has lived for too long..."

"Well, it's never too late to start reading and educating yourself. Now both Artus and Volcanis can serve a greater purpose, and without damaging the environment with glaciations and heat waves."

"Damn idiot. Just because you're don't have to be smug about it." Cellia muttered in a tiny voice.

"How far along are you, to become One with the World?" he asked, referring to her sword arts cultivation.

The blonde goddess shook her head, making her blue light blue hair highlights shimmer. "I can draw out eight blades now. So perhaps a few years..."

Pef held his palm out, and drew just four telekinetic swords out of his fingers. "Look Cellia. I only have four swords, and I'm halfway towards the next stage. One with Heaven. The number isn't that important."

Cellia sighed. "You don't count, with your cheating glove. We, the other people have to take it all step by step. No jumping stages, just because some spirit makes it so."

'Hey! I'm not cheating...just expediting things, a little.' the glove complained in outrage.

Pef chuckled. 'So, my orange glove how likely is it, for a 12 years old boy to beat up a Core beast, with his tiny fists?

'That's...well. You needed an impulse. It worked out, didn't it?' the spirit replied in fake shame.

Pef kissed Cellia on her cheek, and Blinked away before her retaliatory strike could hit him back.

This time, he reached orbit first, then Blinked again into the outer atmosphere of this system's gas giant.

'Zeus is a stupid name for this planet.' the glove commented as Pef began descending into the hellish depths.

A huge thunder bolt crashed into Pef's body as he passed through a gigantic methane cloud.

'Zeus is the god of thunder. Works out fine, right?' Pef muttered back, as he circulated his qi and absorbed the energy of the lightning.

Layer by layer, the atmosphere of the gas giant became denser and hotter.

However, Pef was now a High Divinity, a 3rd Tier God. He could survive even inside a sun, and did.

The gas giant was merely a test bed, where he refined various types of qi energy. From lightning to heat and ice, metal and water from metallic hydrogen, gravity and wind, and lastly his sword skills.

Deep inside the gas giant, moving a sword was a billion times harder, and only a Saint ranked sword would resist getting crushed by pressure and heat.

But telekinetic blades were basically planar forcefields, not really impeded by the material world.

Pef opened both his palms, and extended 8 telekinetic blades of his own. Sure, he had reached One with the World with only two swords, but that wasn't enough for the next stage.

He would need a hundred swords at least, before trying to achieve One with the Heaven stage.

And if he had tricked Cellia a little, it was for her own good. Now she would stop having this block about sword numbers and focus on the important part.

Just like he had. Wisdom.

But wisdom without power was also useless.

Pef set aside wisdom for a bit, and focused on gaining more power.

Hands out, he slashed around, with one hand, and defended with another. A million forms in quick succession.

Slowly a ninth blade emerged on top of is finger. Then a tenth, on the other hand.

Ten blades! It seemed a huge achievement, but Pef also remembered his Oracle wife having ten telekinetic blades at Saint rank. He was four orders of magnitude dumber than her...not a godly incarnation of sword talent.

Perhaps a thousand swords, to compensate for his meager skills?

Pef spun around in another set of sword katas, moving at impossible speed, though the metal-dense atmosphere.

Two more telekinetic blades formed, after another million repetitions.

In his inner character page, the sword stats climbed another percent. Knowing yourself to the last decimal was a bit of a cheat, but not that much. Not when he would have to conquer entire universes.

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Oct 26, 2019Report

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Threadmarks: Reason

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Slowly, very slowly, Pef cultivated towards the next Tier.

He had seen the current Archdemon reach the 4th Tier, and was quite certain of the required steps to achieve this for himself.

In fact, the Legion's standard cultivation method contained all the steps up to 6th Tier, or the Elder God Realm. However, the General in her immense wisdom, had neglected the slight problem of ascending while separated from the logistic chain, without the normal instructors, skill manuals, Legion energy pills and tactical memory jades.

Pef did have the glove, from a certain point of view, yet unreliable and uncertain type of instructor.

That he even survived to this day was more happenstance and luck than careful guidance.

The thousands of dead ancestors could attest to this, all while wearing the Xi name and the orange glove...and his own son, Hero.

With a slight push, Pef began popping out of the dense core of the gas giant, surrounded by a nimbus of hot gases and electric fields. A few seconds later, he broke free and sped away, reaching the void and a stable orbit around the gas giant Zeus.

There was a space station nearby, one that hasn't been there before.

With a Blink, Pef arrived on-board. A Guardian golem scanned him and then lowered the impaler gun. "Pef Xi, Legion Soldier, recognized."

Pef sighed inward and examined the modern station with his coresense. Quite modern and powerful the new station, especially the energy lances. The weapons could shatter a moon, going by the energy readings, so not too shabby.

He locked onto the command deck and Blinked there. "Commander! Welcome back, finally..." the green haired recruit exclaimed at once. A Monarch...and one he didn't know. Druid origins, quite certainly.

"Must have lost track of time...cultivating." Pef explained in a terse voice.

"... As you say, Commander. The Zeus battlestation has been emplaced here 56 years ago." the guy explained in a wry tone.

'And I never noticed?' Pef asked inwardly.

'Exactly. You're pretty much a moron.' the glove replied amused.

Pef sighed again and sat down into a command chair, extending a hand to tap the touch screen array.

A holomap of the galaxy opened, as well as a dedicated military com channel, rapidly logging various demands and orders down the command chain.

'Gimme a short resume.' Pef asked in a tired tone. Trying to create a big picture from disparate demands for Legion maize supplies and activated purple jade beacons made little sense to him.

'Well...the first 13 galaxies were colonized without much problem. It's the Purple Veil Galaxy that seems problematic.

Those Shadow Ants seem to provide a nice training environment and plenty of target practice. Legion losses remain stable, at less than 30 percent per year. Victory presumed to occur in less than a century.' the orange glove said in a military tone.

Pef almost spit his teeth out. 'You must be kidding me! 30 percent losses?' he asked in a horrified voice.

'Exactly. Out of 55 billion new Legion recruits last years, 16 billion have died on the battlefields of Purple Veil galaxy.

Seems pretty relaxed to me.' the adjutant glove replied, in a fine example of machine logic.

Pef blinked and checked the Legion's statistics. Roughly 34 thousand colonized planets, in this universe...100 thousand training camps, total Legion personel: just shy of 1 trillion. About 5 percent of those were new recruits...

"You served at this Purple Veil?" Pef asked to make conversation.

The green haired guy nodded proudly. "Yes, Sir. I lead the assault of that jade beacon mine in the Scorpion Arm. Nasty business there. Lost most of the regiment. Then Lady Aria came and cracked their planet in half..." the man explained in a wistful voice, and flared a demonic blade to prove his point. Demon bone, and glowing white with sword intent.

"One with the World..." Pef remarked absently.

"Yes, Sir. Down in the get better very fast." the station officer replied wisely.

However, the seat was already empty.

Gathering momentum, Pef Blinked towards that galaxy at high speed, and kept accelerating.

Each Void jump became longer with every second, and light second. 20 Billion kilometers, 50, 100, 500...900 billion kilometers.

As Pef reached his new limit in length, he began pulsing the jumps faster. Instead of 1 per second he could instead do 3 then 7 then 10. With 10 jumps every second, he achieved 1 light-year travel each second.

'And thus you begin to reach towards your true potential.' the glove murmured softly.

'Just, shut up. 16 billion dead, every year. And it never crossed your mind they need not die?' Pef replied angrily.

The glove stayed shut.

In a few hours, Pef left his home galaxy already and began accelerating again, as the inter-galactic void was much less straining to pierce than the void inside the galaxy. Less dense, if that made any sense.

By the next day he already reached the outskirts of the Purple Veil.

Tremendous flashes and discharges of qi filled the void, as a myriad of Legion spaceships engaged the tubular vessels of the Shadow Ants.

Pef crushed into the battlefield like a comet, glowing silver and shooting beams of sword intent. A thousand beams at once. One with the Heavens was indeed a terrifying weapon, especially towards lower tier cultivators.

Silent cheers followed him as he rushed towards the next space battle. The void didn't conduct sound, not even in this universe. Behind him, an entire formic armada was broken into scraps.

Circling the galaxy in ever tightening orbits, Pef cleared the major engagements and vanquished most of the insectile opposition, before heading towards the deep core of the Purple Veil, and the formic capital.

The defense station didn't pose more of a problem than the regular warships. His sword intent had passed the 50 percent mark, and could pierce any known material already.

As Pef lithobraked onto the surface of the capital, the shockwave alone pulverized the nearby ant soldiers, levelling forts and mountains and creating a hundred kilometer wide crater, all devoid of life.

"You have one hour. Show me your sincerity." Pef proclaimed with a qi infused voice.

'The ants are presumed to have a number of last resort weapons. The Oracle herself proscribed the fleets from attacking their homeworld.' The glove advised him, and earned a faceslap.

'It doesn't matter, and you know it very well, my orange glove. If kind words won't work, I'm certain they'll listen to reason.' Pef replied in a sad tone.

Reason appeared in his hand, the gun almost quivering with anticipation.

As always, the glove's spirit drew back and let the gun speak instead.

'Don't tell me. You want me to sing.' the power word weapon said sarcastically.

'I actually don't. We're the aggressors here. Just keep them honest.' Pef muttered with a shrug.

It didn't take an hour for a formic delegation to assemble, including a dozen tier 2 Ant Warriors and a Royal Ant Queen.

The queen herself was a Tier 3 Entity and seemed reasonably powerful to anyone else. Her shadow was moving in strange ways, appearing quite menacing.

But Pef knew better. An ant was merely an ant. In this case, literally.

'A human ruler?' the queen asked hesitantly with her mind.

'The Legion isn't a humanocentric organization. The fledgling wing in this universe is a mere accident, thus conscripting mostly humans. But in the wider multiverses, the Legion has a trillion species as its members.' Pef said in a level tone.

'You have a Galactic class weapon in your hand. And it seems operational. We surrender.' the queen said after a few seconds.

Pef nodded. Reason always wins.

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Last edited: Jan 21, 2020

Jan 21, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Devil

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PefVersed in the lewd.

"My Queen, let's attack him...maybe..." a scarred warrior ant said while glaring at Pef.

Pef shook his head and began pressing the foolish ant into the ground. Soon, the chitin began to crack and the ant bit the ground, leaking white juice between the cracks. "Don't mistake compassion for weakness, warrior. Your armies only fought our new recruits, serving as target practice."

The Ant Queen stepped forward and began morphing, changing her upper body into a humanoid form. "Please don't kill him, my dear T'lik warrior isn't even a million years old." she explained in an embarrassed tone, like apologizing for a child.

Pef nodded an offered the Queen his hand, then drew her into his inner world.

She looked around in wonder, as the inner world was already the size of a galaxy, filled with stars and planets...and many of them inhabited. "I thought my constellation was great..."

"Well... I am a bit special." Pef replied a bit smugly. " But still, most of this is because of the Legion's cultivation method. I reached the second tier in 80 years. My third tier ascension took a thousand years. And I'm close to 4th tier."

"My name is Shiara, the 87th of this name. And it took me 12 million years to ascend to High Queen Realm...or the third tier, like you call it." the ant queen said hesitantly.

"Do you want a human body shape, my dear?" Reason wondered while examining the ant with a curious glance.

"She is?" Shiara asked a bit confused.

Pef smiled kindly. "Reason. The weapon. A Veritas Legion power word gun. Her maker is a tier eight divinity, our General."

"...We never stood a chance, die we?" Shiara whispered to herself, eyes wide with awe.

Pef shrugged. "We will begin converting your people to the Legion's cultivation. Soon we will be ready for the final expansion plan, and your trillion ant soldiers will have their role to play as well. That's if you want equal rights. I don't have much use for slaves." he explained politely, while arranging a table and some tea.

"Equal rights, huh? The whole universe then." she mused softly while sipping a touch of warm tea.

"For a start. I had planned to try for the next sword stage, One with the Void. Sadly, this is only a tier 1 universe, and the Heavenly Tribulation will not allow me. So we need to leave the universe." Pef said with a raised eyebrow.

"That sounds...intriguing. How would this mass conversion occur?" she asked in deep thought.

Pef smiled and glanced at Reason. "That's simple. You just listen to reason."

The woman dressed in the metal armor opened her mouth and began to sing.

Meanwhile, the real Pef spread his coresense over the entire ant homeworld, and clenched his gloved fist, drawing the planet and all the locals inside.

Then he sped up, Blinking towards the other ant inhabited planets. In a few days, thousands of colony worlds were absorbed into Pef's inner galaxy, while the ants themselves began converting to the Legion's indoctrination method.

'Set course towards NE quadrant. Let's recover the other gun, before some savage manages to take control. That would be pretty bad.' the glove advised him while plotting a course on his retina.

'Pretty bad you say.' Pef muttered while pulsing his void blinks at high speed, leaving the Purple Veil galaxy devoid of life behind him.

The Legion's troops continued their training in the relative safety of his inner universe, while Aria joined Pef's Avatar on his private beach.

"Hubby, you're back!" Aria exclaimed happily and jumped into his lap.

At her bosom, a black puppy tilted his head and blinked at Pef.

"That's the Xi Patriarchy knife?" Pef asked to make sure.

The puppy growled menacingly and tried to bite the hand fondling Aria's peaks. The teeth slid off, finding no purchase.

"...Well. The Patriarchy is long gone, folded into the Legion about...three thousand years ago." Aria said with a shrug.

"And my dad just gave you the knife?" Pef asked curious.

"Nah. We fought and I beat his ass. Your sister rules the Blue regiment now. Mine is Green." Aria replied in a childish voice, while examining Shiara with piercing eyes.

Pef sighed and sipped his tea.

'How long was I lost to the world?' he asked mildly.

'....The harsh truth or the kind truth?' his friendly glove asked teasingly.

Pef grit his teeth and pushed his speed even further. A billion light years to go.

As he passed through clusters of galaxies, he began spreading his Legion's regiments, like seeds for new colonies.

Once in a while, Pef stopped if he detected cultivators, and promptly absorbed their worlds into his galaxy.

More and more new races were converted into the Legion, while thousands upon thousands of new galaxies were seeded with Legion regiments.

His inner galaxy was producing new recruits at an astounding rate, given they were functionally immortal while birthing dozens of children per couple.

Shiara was birthing entire regiments at once, millions of ant eggs, all nearly trained recruits. Even the new larvae were already at Earth rank. It took less than a decade for each birth cycle to reach maturity and then grow into adult soldiers.

Crossing into divinity was still difficult, but Monarchs and Saints by the millions were not too shabby.

'That's our target. The Singularity Galaxy. And as you can see, they might pose a bit of a problem...' the glove said in a grave tone.

Pef waited a few minutes while observing this galaxy intently. He could sense trillions of cultivators, many of them into the Sovereign, Monarch and Saint ranks. And a few hundred much higher.

'Devils.' he concluded with a tired voice.

'Luckily they are not real ones, like the scary devils from the Great Realm. White eyes, not violet. No hexapod power armors. Very likely only the leaders have strong soul attacks. careful.' the glove advised him in a strange tone.

Worried? No...more like challenging.

Pef's summoned his water clone then the fire one, and began fusing them together. This fusion took a lot of work, even for a Peak Tier 3 god.

Slowly, a devil simulacra formed from this combination, and he grinned widely at Pef, before Blinking towards the nearest planet.

Pef began assembling more divine messengers, and sent them as spies towards more planets with lower ranked devils.

Soon enough, new information began filtering in, language, customs, the Dynasty organization and ranks and everything else.

'They have two Archdevils...' Pef muttered in dismay.

One of these tier 4 was already a difficult opponent.

Two of them was impossible.

Inside his inner world, Pef's Avatar and Reason stood in front of a holographic map of the Singularity Galaxy.

"We have parity in soldier numbers, but our cultivation method is better. If we achieve surprise, a victory is possible." Reason said in a thoughtful voice.

Pef glared at her for a second, before returning to study the map...and the projected enemy disposition.

"If." he answered in a mock tone, then closed his eyes.

Direct conflict would be horrible, and would cause at least 90 percent attrition, even with surprise.

He could take on the tier 3 devils, even a dozen at once, most likely. In a long campaign, opportunity for catching some of them off-guard was a certainty, especially with the glove's guidance.

But two tier 4?


'We need the devils to fight among themselves. And then...' he decided.

Reason glanced at him and nodded. 'Yes. Start working on a plan then, Commander.'

Pef smiled and turned towards his Ant Queen. "We can sell ant soldiers as slaves..."

Shiara glared at him. "Nothing above Sovereign rank." she muttered in a defeat voice.

Pef nodded eagerly. "Sovereign soldiers will do."

With a huge slave army, a daring devil could conquer a galaxy, right?

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Jan 22, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Deviltress

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Trade city of Dusk Lumen.

Pef and the ant warrior T'lik arrived at the city gates dressed as merchants, and followed by a hundred ant soldiers, all marching in eerie step.

"Halt! Name and business?" the devil guard demanded arrogantly.

Pef flared his qi for a second, just enough to impart detterence. "Rogue Trader Pef. And my merchandise." he explained in a mild voice.

The guard nodded respectfully. " Magrave Silentia does need more slaves...okay" then gestured to his fellow guards to open the gates.

As thus, Pef entered the devil city without a fight and marched onwards till he reached the Magrave keep.

A sumptuously dressed deviltress waited beside the keep entrance, lounging carelessly on a bench.

"Slaves? Perhaps trained ones?" she asked in a bored voice.

Pef nodded and smiled widely.

"Very well. I'll guide them to the training pits. You can barter with sis, while I enjoy a few matches." the woman said with a grin, and walked inside the keep trippingly.

Pef stared at her seductive posterior for a second, before he shook his head and entered the main keep, while T'lik and the 'slave' ants followed the devil woman towards the fighting pits.

Of course the devils would need to test and asses the merchandise before buying. Only natural.

A Tier 2 devil appeared by his side as he entered the main hall. "You seem dangerous." the devil remarked casually.

"Eh. Perhaps. But only if I don't get the price I want." Pef replied with a blinding smile and a kind voice.

His escort, whom was likely the guard captain or such nodded. "That's exactly what I said, Trader. Magrave will arrive momentarily."

Pef used the time to admire the luxurious hall, decorated with master-class paintings, friezes and bas-reliefs. Literally tons of precious gems, rare metals and even qi infused jades stones decorated some art work, making it even more valuable.

'Seems we did come to the right place. This Magrave should be rich enough to purchase a billion soldiers.' Pef thought to himself.

'Only if she wants them. Make sure she wants them.' the glove replied in a caustic tone.

Pef sighed and settled to wait. The deviltress was no doubt taking a long, warm, foamy bath while enjoying the power of keeping the strange visitor waiting at her pleasure.

An hour later, with a strange qi flash the Margave throne was suddenly occupied.

"I do like the slave soldiers. But they're a mere curiosity for gladiator games. And their strength is...pretty good for their low cultivation." Silentia proclaimed in a regal voice.

Well, a planetary magravate was more powerful than most kings, and she was also a Tier 3, or San-daima in local speech.

"I know, Magrave. I do have more like them. Millions." Pef answered without raising his eyes.

" that's a number I do love very much. Sis, how many would you need to quell those upstart naga barbarians to the north?" the deviltress murmured in a curious tone.

"Oh? A present? For me? By the Archdevils!" a young voice replied in a sultry voice.

Pef glanced at the source, and almost lost his breath. Legs to die for, and hips to lose sleep over. And her was pure art, if someone was really appreciative of DxD as art.

He checked the big sister's, and she was even prettier, if that was even possible.

His blood rushed to his head for a second and Pef had to look away, before he lost all control.

'Oh? Perhaps a few more wives?' the glove teased him mercilessly.

Pef sighed inward, but secretly approved. He didn't travel a billion light-years to find more wives, but if the opportunity arrived, well. Why not?

"90 millions I believe. Too bad there aren't some of higher rank..." the younger sister replied after a minute of calculation.

"Shadow ants do rank pretty fast in combat. If they survive. Umbrakinesis is decent, but more suited for underground and subterfuge combat." Pef explained politely.

"See sister? Do try and keep the poor ants alive. They'll cost me a small fortune, I expect." the Magrave muttered with a slight wince.

"Transportation void vessels, as well as feed and weapons are all sold separately." Pef continued with a wide grin.

The Magrave sighed and waved him closer. " always..." she said in a more subdued tone.

"If you would be so kind Magrave, and propose an initial low price that I'll undoubtedly refuse." Pef said in a slimy voice.

Silentia sobbed a little and took out a large vellum book, and began writing.

A week later, the first reports from the northern constellation began to arrive, with great victories for the devil side, and quite minimal losses to the slave army.

Furthermore, thousands of the slave ants had already ascended towards the Monarch rank, increasing their value a dozen times.

The Magrave invited Pef for a new negotiation, as she no doubt began having a bit more grandiose dreams, with this large, obedient and disposable army at her command.

"Trader Pef. Or should I simply call you Pef? We'll be collaborating for a long time, I suspect." the deviltress said in a noble tone.

"Not very long, Magrave. Now that my merchandise has proved its value, I expect more Dynasty nobles to contact me for cannon fodder troops." Pef replied politely, and drew back a little.

"Ah. But we could be such good friends, my dear Pef. Perhaps you've noticed I never found a worthy husband?" Silentia whispered in a low voice, with a serious undertone.

Pef rose an eyebrow. "Buying slaves will not suffice to achieve a Barony status, Silentia. You'd need a dozen major worlds to apply at the court. And then the Baron strength challenge. You're absolutely beautiful, so your opponent will likely not kill you, but you won't like being a submissive concubine for a Baron."

The woman nodded wisely. "You're right. But, you could champion for me, my dear Pef. You are strong, right?" she asked in a slightly challenging voice and a piercing look.

Pef look into her eyes and blinked, a bit confused.

'Say yes!' the glove exclaimed in a victorious tone.

"I am quite strong, yes. Do you like me though?" Pef asked in a curious tone.

Silentia blushed a bit. "I just asked you to marry me, idiot!" she replied in a high pitch voice.

The idiot nodded wisely. "It seemed so to me, but I wanted to be sure...sure."

"Why said yes?" the deviltress said in a tight voice.

"Why not? You're really pretty and..." Pef stared to say as the woman jumped into his arms and began kissing him.

In a minute, they were both groping and fondling each other, exploring the other's body.

Silentia dragged him into her bedroom and on top of her as she fell down onto her soft bed.

Soon enough, the room was filled with moans.

Much later, Pef woke up with his face englobed by two nice plump breasts.

'I have a devil wife...' he muttered inward, and he began suckling the juicy peaks.

'And she has two sisters.' the orange glove added as encouragement.

Pef turned over, placing Silentia on top of him. In the doorway, the two devil sisters were blinking at him with wide eyes.

"Your sisters are here." he murmured into her chest.

"I want a Barony too" Strella demanded in a childish voice.

She was quite a decent troop commander, so Pef didn't mind. The Northern worlds were all under occupation now, under her leadership. Not a single major world though, only backwater planets.

"A Barony sounds nice." the third sister mused out loud.

Pef glanced up, to see how Silentia would react.

But she just sighed in defeat. "They always want me to share..." she explained in a pitiful tone.

Pef sighed as well. Family was like that. "I think Strella would make a decent Baron, with an army behind her. But..."


Pef didn't even know the third sister's name, her being a rather solitary person, mostly interested in arts. And gladiators.

"Krissa is rather strange, I admit. But I've seen you admire her ass." Silentia said in a teasing tone.

Pef nodded in shame. "You're all very beautiful. And Krissa has the most perfect ass in the universe." he answered gently.

Krissa glanced at her own ass with a surprised face. "Oh. That's why all the males avoid my eyes."

Pef sighed again. "You could be our Minister for arts, maybe?"

"Yeah... A Barony does sound like a lot of work. So can I get some of that now?" Krissa asked with a teasing tone, staring at Pef's hanging fruits.

"When did I ever said no to you?" Silentia muttered in a sad voice, and waved her closer.

Soon enough, Pef and the three sisters began enjoying their new marriage.

For example, the longer part...


Versed in the lewd.

A dozen warrior ants served as regimental commanders for the Legionary Ants, as they began conquering the nearby planets over the next year.

However, all the fun had a price. The neighboring Barons did indeed notice the expansion of the Magrave Silentia, often right up to their borders. Sure, these worlds were mostly savage and undeveloped, due to being the very border of the galaxy, but the presence of a large professional army made them nervous.

"Baron Lufiel demands that you halt your aggression and withdraw into your proper territory, Magrave!" his delegate proclaimed arrogantly.

Even the delegate was a Tier 3 devil, if not a strong one. Still, he expected to promptly deter the weak Magrave with his mere presence.

"How many like this one, in Baron Lufiel's court?" Pef asked curious.

"Err. San-daima realm disciples? Two I think." Strella replied in a careless tone.

Suddenly, Pef exploded into action, flaring his sword qi, and pierced the delegate devil with a dozen sword beams.

The arrogant devil could only watch his body vanish, as his head floated towards Pef's hand. His gloved hand.

'I'll begin extracting the tactical data from his brain' the orange glove said as the devil's head vanished into the glove pocket.

"Well then. I guess we go to war." Pef announced to the stunned Magrave court.

The three sisters blinked at their husband with new eyes.

"His soul jade slip will be broken now. The Baron will be prepared." Silentia mused out loud.

Pef shook his head and smiled. "Nah. Why would I kill such a perfect slave?" he replied with a smirk in his tone.

Silentia blinked, then stared at his hand. "Oh. That's how you gained that big ant army..." she realized with a shiver.

Pef shrugged mysteriously.

"You three will need to keep the other delegate under pressure, while I breach the Baron's defenses. Here, weapons and armor for all of you." he continued while withdrawing three sets of weapons and armor crafted from adamantite and greater demon bones.

They weren't Legion standard level artifacts, like the Legion knives, but for this galaxy they were indeed top tier.

"Whoa. They are amazing, hubby!" Strella exclaimed while caressing the artifacts with love.

"One of my wives back home has a talent for crafting. I'll let her know you like them." Pef said with a wry voice.

The women glared at him for a second, before accepting reality and sighing in defeat.

"Just this sword is worth an entire Barony." Krissa observed with a knowing look, while trying a few sword moves.

"The weapon is useless without skill. And only Strella has reached One with the Sword stage." Pef remarked a bit in dismay, while observing their movements with an expert eye.

Silentia nodded in silence.

"We'll need to train a few years..." she agreed after a few more minutes.

"You can spar with Shiara and Aria in my inner world. You'll get better very fast." he explained as he drew all three of them into his inner galaxy.

His eyes turned towards the guard captain. "You will act as Magrave for now. Do a good job, and you may keep the rank."

"As you say, Lord Pef. Lady Silentia will make a great Baron." the devil replied with a dignified voice.

"For starters, yes. But why stop there?" Pef mused out loud, then Blinked into high orbit, and began preparing the fleet for invasion.

The new Magrave sat on his throne thoughtful. 'Really dangerous then, her new husband.' he thought to himself.

The attack occurred by surprise and speed, rapidly enveloping and setting siege to a few major planets in the Lufiel Barony. The local troops were overwhelmed by the 3 billion ants, none under Sovereign rank.

The Baron's forts and orbital defenses were a bit harder to reduce, when Pef wasn't present, but as the assault took place over a hundred worlds at once, half of them were conquered in the first week.

Meanwhile, Pef lead the main attack towards the Baron's homeworld, defeating a dozen Tier 2 devils and capturing them for re-education.

Soon enough, the focus of the war changed to a few highly defended planets, as the Barony's territory was quickly occupied by the Legionary ants.

In orbit above Lufiel, the fighting was the fiercest, with a thousand defense stations, a dozen fortified moons and a large fleet of devil warships maintaining a powerful defense.

Pef could only flicker about, supporting one fleet or another while keeping watch for the higher devil ranks.

A month later, the Barony was almost defeated, only the capital remaining unoccupied, when a huge warship, a hundred times larger than the regular vessels, displaced into the system.

"This is Count Argil. I see you're trying to claim the Baron rank, newcomer?" A strong voice reverberated throughout the system, no doubt a strong Tier 3 as its origin.

Silentia appeared beside Pef, clad in armor and glowing with sword qi. She had also reach One with the Sword stage, after brutal training and beatings from Aria.

"Indeed, Count Argil. I, Magrave Silentia hereby claim the Lufiel Barony as my own. And I have the strength to take it and keep it." she proclaimed in a noble tone.

The Count appeared on top of his warship, and gestured them closer.

"Magrave. Perhaps you do have the strength. You may proceed to challenge. Baron Lufiel, will you defend your station in person or by champion?" the Count asked in a dismissive voice.

His disciple flew into range and landed on the hull of the warship. "Baron Lufiel sent me to deal with these upstarts. I will uphold the Barony." the Tier 3 disciple said in a rather reluctant voice.

The Count eyed his doubtfully then shrugged. "And from your side, Magrave?"

"My sister Strella will uphold challenge with this weak devil. And my husband, Lord Pef will battle the Baron himself."

Silentia explained as Strella appeared beside her.

By now, Strella had achieved her One with the Word sword stage, and she even had 4 telekinetic swords rotating around her.

"Challenge accepted!" the disciple proclaimed arrogantly, flaring his own sword qi.

In a flash, Strella and the devil began exchanging sword strike and soul spikes, and seemed quite balanced in power.

Then a fifth glowing sword stabbed the devil disciple from underneath, impaling him from bottom into his wide open mouth. With a flourish, the head parted from the body and then into Pef's hand.

"Brains!" Pef exclaimed with a grin, as the head vanished from sight.

Count Argil sighed visibly and glanced towards the planet.

"Come up, Baron Lufiel. Today, you win or you die!" the Count said in a powerful tone.

Baron Lufiel flew up from his palace, and landed on the warship with a gloom face. "Is there a need for such barbarian custom? You can take the Baron rank!" he pleaded a bit weakly.

Pef smiled and dashed forward, fainting a sword strike to the chest, then spinning half-way for a decapitation blow.

A violet beam hit Pef's shoulder, evaporating half his body.

'Damn it. He was faking!' Pef yelled inward.

His sword strike too bounced from the Baron's own sword, leaving him the loser of this first exchange.

Pef flared his qi, glowing silver as a hundred sword intent beams hit the Baron from all sides.

He flew back a bit and observed his target. The Baron lost his right arm and grabbed his ornate sword with the left hand.

"You have some skill, outlander. But Sky Unity of this level won't be enough. You will die today, and these women will be mine as prize." the Baron proclaimed defiantly, while measuring Silentia and Strella with a perverted look.

"There is a sky above the sky." Pef replied calmly, as he drew out his Legion knife.

His sword qi expanded widely, and a thousand sword beams pierced the Baron with increased strength.

Then his Legion knife flew at speed and stabbed the Baron into his heart, and severed the soul.

The Baron's body flew into his glove as well. Tier 3 bones were always useful, after all.

It took a few minutes for his shoulder to regenerate back into shape, but Pef waited calmly. The challenge was won.

"Baron Silentia, congratulations! First year taxes are waived to recover your investment. And we'll see each other soon, I expect." the Count said in a level voice, eying Pef with suspicion.

Pef nodded and grinned. "My wife Strella wants a Barony too. But we'll need a reason to invade, so it may take a few years." he replied in a polite voice.

The Count chuckled amused and shook his head. "Not that many years, I suspect. This slave army of yours makes people uncomfortable."

Pef blinked as if confused. "I have billions for sale. All they need is buy from me, and we'll be friends." he explained as if was only natural.

The Count raised an eyebrow, glancing at a nearby Legion warship. "Oh? You pose an interesting problem young one.

Come, let's talk business then. Billions for sale huh?" the Count muttered as he opened an airlock leading into his warship.

Pef smiled widely as he followed the Count. His plan was working rather nicely.

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Last edited: Jan 24, 2020

Jan 24, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Lasciel

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PefVersed in the lewd.

In the end, Count Argil departed with 48 billion soldier ants, and a couple ant warriors to lead them into battle, only on loan.

He was also much poorer now, and would have to use that army to recover his investment, by conquering a few Baronies and perhaps even another Count territory. Although mere Sovereigns soldiers would not suffice, even in the billions.

"I will listen to your advice, Lord Pef, and train the army towards the next ranks before taking on a Count. A few million Sacred realm ants would be great, if they indeed level up as fast as you promise." the Count muttered with a worried look.

"Yes. This is exactly my point, my dear friend. Test and train them with some weaker opponents before you dream of a higher station. And don't attack a devious Count like this Baron was, who might be strong but feigning weakness. Go for the most arrogant." Pef advised him as a parting gift.

Count Argil blinked in surprise, then nodded. "I think I have the exact target now. I expect you to reach a Count rank soon, my friend."

"Me? Never. Too much hassle. I'll have to mount a new expedition and acquire more ants, in case there will be more customers." Pef declined politely and flew away.

"Never say never, Lord Pef. You're too strong for a mere Baron." the Count whispered as he turned towards his jade formation controlling the warship.

With a flare of qi, his ship and the transport fleets he bought entered a spacial tunnel and vanished from Lufiel's orbit.

Consolidating and converting the conquered devils took another year, while the Barony army doubled once again, still mostly ants but also some naga and devils from the Magrave territory.

Then a large fleet filled with devil soldiers and bristling with weapons was detected at the border.

"Baron Lasciel. She's rumored to be quite a beauty..." Silentia explained while leaning in Pef's lap, and reading the holomap.

Pef nodded while groping her peaks. "I win either way, so let's meet her." he said teasingly.

"Scoundrel!" Silentia yelped and pinched his thigh.

She vanished into the inner world while Pef split apart, leaving a clone behind as he Blinked at speed towards the incoming fleet.

"Can I take a ton of Black jade?" Krissa asked the clone in a meek voice.

The clone blinked confused, then glanced towards the treasury. "What for?"

"A frieze to depict the conquest of Lufiel?" she replied airly.

The clone shrugged and nodded.

With a wide grin, the devildress blew a kiss and ran towards her next art project.

'A ton of black jade can fuel a thousand warships.' the glove said in a sad voice.

'But there's a thousand warships right ahead?' Pef replied with a smirk, as he stopped in front of the incoming fleet.

"Lord Pef! We come in peace. I mean, to purchase soldiers for war..." Baron Lasciel said in a hurry.

Pef grinned widely and Blinked on-board her flagship.

"I'm listening, my new friend. All my buyers are my friends." he proclaimed in a grandstanding manner.

Lasciel had pink hair and eyes, and quite a curvaceous body and her shy manner was quite attractive.

Pef admired the deviltress for a minute while she blinked at him in confusion.

"Friends...I could use a friend." Lasciel murmured a bit awkwardly.

"Right! So, who are you going to war with, Lady Lasciel?" Pef asked with a curious voice.

"The Tarken brothers. They out-right demanded that I become their mistress. And be shared between them." Lasciel said in a desperate voice, and her bountiful chest shook in sobs.

'She's playing you, idiot!' the glove explained annoyed.

Pef nodded inward. 'But it's such a great play. I want to see how far she'll go.'

'Think with your other head, damn moron!' the glove muttered, then fell silent.

"And, how many brothers are they?" Pef asked while sitting down next to his customer.

"Six! Even if I wanted to, it's impossible. I cannot please six devils at once!" the woman replied with a frighted voice.

Pef blinked while examining the Baron again. She had the golden aura, the hallmark of a reborn expert.

"You already lost your Barony and fled?" he asked to make sure, since the Tarken Barony was in the opposite direction.

"I have wealth and some soldiers, Lord Pef. But I would need a strong champion if I'm to uphold their challenge." Lasciel pleaded while pushing her chest up, quite appealingly.

Pef glanced around the command bridge, where a dozen tier 2 devils were straining to resist ogling their boss.

"Let's talk in private, dear customer." he proposed on a whim.

Soon enough, Pef was taken into her private chambers and showed a large amount of sincerity.

Her pink twin peaks were especially convincing. After a few hours of hard and long negotiations, they came to an agreement.

"My dear Lasciel. Once I restore your Barony, we'll have to return the favor and conquer the Tarkens. My wife Strella needs her own Barony, and you'll be positioned right between her and Silentia." Pef whispered into her warm and sweaty neck.

"Oh, I don't mind being sandwiched between them. Not at all." Lasciel murmured lasciviously.

"And being my wife." Pef added in a wry voice.

"Yes! I mean... Of course, my lord husband. How soon can we reconquer my worlds?" Lasciel wondered in a throaty voice.

Pef drew her into a long kiss while his Avatar began consulting with Reason, and his wives.

"The Tarken Barony is much stronger than Lufiel was. Then again, we have Lasciel's forces and our own." Reason mused while observing the galactic sector map.

The Avatar glanced at the newest slaves, the two tier 3 devils converted from Lufiel's disciples.

"Strella and these two can handle 2 Barons, I think. Lasciel herself at least one. Okay." Pef decided as he returned to kiss Lasciel's pink lips.

"We'll need a week to gather some forces. And you need to train a bit as well. Luckily I have the exact training ground for you, my dear." Pef explained wryly as he drew Lasciel into his inner world.

Silentia smiled at her new sister wife warmly. "Lasciel my dear! Training in the sword by myself was so boring. So good of you to come." she greeted her while offering a warm embrace.

"Baron're so nice. We'll be good friends, right?" Lasciel murmured while pressing her chest into Silentia's.

"Training for now, Lasciel." Aria demanded while morphing her black puppy into a black sword.

"Oh my. Green hair, so pretty!" Lasciel exclaimed as she parried the sword strike effortlessly.

"One with the Heaven!" Aria exclaimed while flaring her own sword qi to the maximum.

The Avatar poured himself some green tea and sat down to watch the catfight. This Lasciel deviltress would need lots of work to tame, as under her sensual outward appearance she was a rather skilled fighter. Aria could barely keep up.

Silentia sat down beside him and sipped some tea deep in thought. "I need much more training." she admitted in low voice.

"Lufiel and Lasciel have both reach One with the Heavens stage. Keeping a Barony is much harder than it looks." Pef replied via his Avatar.

Silentia nodded, eyes glued to the sword fight. After a minute, Aria's head was sliced off and fell.

Pef sighed and revived his green-haired wife. "Reason, you're next." he said in a somber voice.

Aria came to sit beside him as Reason began playing with Lasciel, gently.

"I take back my objection. She is quite useful." the nature goddess murmured as Reason kept poking at Lasciel's ribs with light finger taps.

"How can you be so good?" Lasciel asked in despair, as she couldn't even touch Reason, while getting trashed effortlessly.

Reason glanced at Pef then sighed.

"You're on par with your husband, Lasciel. Perhaps a bit better in speed." Reason said without opening her mouth.

"I'm that good?" Lasciel asked in surprise.

Pef burst in laughter. "I'm probably the trash of the Legion. My wife Lia is at least a thousand times better than me." he admitted shamelessly.

Lasciel's high spirit fell to the ground. "Oh. I'm barely better than trash."

Reason glared at Pef then turned towards Lasciel. "Forget the idiot, my dear. This is your merely starting point and you'll get much better. The moron started with a stick. Now he can fly, but he still wields a stick." The armored woman explained as she led Lasciel away for private training and cultivation.

"Another golden find, hubby?" Aria asked with a mild voice.

"She came to me!" Pef defended himself logically.

"The gold is special then?" Silentia concluded wisely.

"If you reach tier 7 and die, your soul gets reborn in a new body. Some memories also filter through, though you need to reach tier 7 again to achieve complete rebirth." Pef explained softly, while hugging Silentia and Aria to his sides.

"But...Archdevil Yamon has a gold aura!" Strella said in surprise, sitting down at the table.

Pef blinked.

"Huh? Seems I need to change my plans a bit. It would be a pity to kill this Archdevil then." he mused a bit too loud.

Silentia blinked in surprise, then turned towards Reason as she was sitting on the warm sand beside Lasciel and imparted knowledge and cultivation via a soft lullaby.

"I see. You're actually much stronger than you appear, my lord husband." the new Baron realized with surprise.

"Not really. But my weapons are too strong, indeed." he said in a more level voice.

He hoped they'll be strong enough.

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Last edited: Jan 24, 2020

Jan 24, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Veritas

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PefVersed in the lewd.

As the combined armies under Lasciel and Silentia fell upon the Tarken forces, the difference in strength and training was immediately visible.

Ants were stronger than bipeds by nature, but aided by the Legion cultivation they were ten times stronger than a normal Sovereign rank would be, by pure physical strength. Combined with their natural shadow affinity and a host of weapons and armor provided by the Legion's smiths...

Lasciel worlds were re-conquered with less than 1 percent loses, while millions of luckier ants promoted to Monarch and even Saint ranks. Meanwhile, the levy army conscripted by Lasciel in desperation fared much worse, losing half of their numbers when fighting unsupported by Silentia's troops.

Thus, Pef decided to mix the troops together, and use the devils for flanking, enveloping and other such tactics, where their lower cultivation levels wouldn't matter that much.

Immediately, the results of the battles changed for the better, and the campaign began to progress at rapid pace. In two weeks the main assault reached the capital world, defended by two Tarkin brothers and their elite divisions.

"Your show now, ladies. These two aren't all that strong." Pef said after scanning the two tier 3 devils.

Strella and Lasciel lead the attack on the capital, while Pef trimmed the few tier 2 devils he encountered, and promptly subdued them as slave fighters. Sadly, re-educating them would take at least a year, so these captured devils will not be immediately useful. The Tier 1 devils in this galaxy were all in a loose state, merely sentient qi gas without a body, so they weren't an issue.

"Ah, my mistress has returned!" one of the Tarkin brother exclaimed while licking his lips.

Lasciel took aim and launched a barrage of sword qi beams, forcing the devil to evade in desperation, and not entirely intact. His left hand was shattered into strips of meat and bone.

"I have returned to take your head, cretin!" Lasciel yelled while chasing after the wounded devil.

Meanwhile, Strella and her 2 lieutenants engaged the other Tarkn brother, and with such an advantage they promptly chopped him into bits, leaving only the devil's head intact.

Pef collected his new recruit for re-education and Blinked in front of the running devil. "Did you just call my wife your mistress?" Pef asked in a rather upset voice.

"You! The slave trader?" Tarkin wondered while looking back towards his pursuer.

Pef sighed and sliced off his head while it was turned. "This one was quite a moron, my love." he said with a shrug while collecting the body parts into his glove.

Lasciel smiled widely and hugged him. "Thanks, for protecting my honor." she whispered gently.

"Uh. I'll be sure to tarnish that as soon as we finish this battle." he replied wryly.

Lasciel blushed and pounded his chest in shame. "Idiot"

Pef nodded wisely as he scanned for the remaining resistance pockets.

"All units, land and restore order." he commanded via the Legion's qi channel.

Soon enough, thousands of Legion warships began unloading their troops and commenced securing prisoners from the surviving Tarkin troops.

Lasciel's troops landed as well to resume their posting in their army barracks or street patrols.

The population seemed quite happy to see their ruler return to power, and filled the streets with dancing and singing.

Pef landed at the Baronial palace to find Lasciel livid. "Look! They looted my palace! All the statues, even the jade marble tiles!"

Pef chuckled amused and drew her into a hug. "One week to repair and rearm our forces. And then we exact revenge."

"Yes. I think I'll join you for this war as well, though with only a few troops. I need to maintain order now." she mused out loud.

"It's okay. Your troops are kinda useless, so it won't matter much. Bring a higher tier division and most of your commanders." Pef said after considering the situation for a minute.

Silentia appeared next to him, and glanced around at the bare walls.

"I could let Krissa come here and decorate. Your place is kinda dour, my dear Lasciel." she said with a smirk.

"Not you too!" Lasciel muttered and sobbed.

The Tarkins had lost a big portion of their army trying to defend the new conquest, so Pef had numbers superiority now, plus the training bonus.

A hundred Legion warships departed towards the more peripheral worlds in the Lasciel's Barony, to eliminate the remaining Tarkin garrisons and re-establish order. With a Saint onboard each other these vessels, they should not have trouble pacifying the outer planets.

New ants emerged from Pef's inner universe to repair the regiments to full strength, and some urgent ship repairs were also finalized.

Then, Pef and his armada departed towards the Tarkin Barony, to secure it for Strella and revenge Lasciel's honor.

However this time, the Tarkin were prepared for war and awaited them in force, troops mobilized, forts and defense stations with maximum shields and weapons ready.

Pef, Silentia, Lasciel and Strella emerged side by side to confront the remaining Tarkin brothers.

"Look brothers! Three new concubines have delivered themselves to our doorstep." an arrogant devil proclaimed, while his nearby underlings cheered.

"Bow to your knees, beg for mercy and you may keep your lives as slaves!" Baron Tarkin spoke with a powerful voice.

Pef scratched his cheek while measuring his new opponent. 'Any ideas?'

'We do not bow?' the glove suggested innocently.

Pef sighed inward and drew his knife.

"My wife Strella fancies herself to become a Baron. Who will uphold the challenge?" Pef asked in a mild voice.

Before anyone could answer, a familiar Count-class warship appeared above the battlefield.

"We are here, you may proceed with the challenge." Count Argil proclaimed in a noble voice.

Baron Tarkin grit his teeth visibly. "I will defend my station, Count Argil." he replied in a more subdued voice.

His words were followed by a rapid soul spike, aiming to extinguish the challenger immediately.

Pef held his palm open and released his own soul spike, twirling in a silver helix and dispersing the attack.

"Try something else, former Baron." Pef added with a wide smile.

A black sword with a violet edge appeared in Baron's hand, and it began glowing white with sword qi.

Pef manifested his fire wings and sped forwards, and began launching his own sword intent beams, hundreds at once.

Baron Tarkin strained to defend, but a few dozen curved and hit one of his brothers to his side, mincing his body into small bits. "Brother!" the other three devils yelled at charged to attack as well.

Lasciel picked her own target and drew him into melee to the side, while Strella did the same.

Pef Blinked behind the Baron and collected the prize devil head, and kept attacking with fewer beams, keeping the Baron occupied.

A yell sounded from Lasciel target, making the Baron lose focus for a second. It was more than enough, as Pef's knife flew like a missile and severed Tarkin's soul.

Soon after, Strella managed to cripple her own opponent, just as Pef arrived beside her. He sliced once to decapitate the wounded devil and collect the head.

Then he glanced at Lasciel, who was quite busy dismantling the first speaker, the rude devil brother who wanted her as concubine. Fingers and toes flew away, then femurs and the other organs, as Lasciel blurred her new sword like a lawnmower, until only a wailing head remained.

"You may keep your life, as a slave."Lasciel spoke in a glacial voice, flicking the severed head towards her husband.

Count Argil arrived beside Pef and smiled friendly. " Lord Pef. It has only been a year and you've gained two more Baronies for your wives."

Pef nodded and shrugged. "This was without intention, my friend. They attacked Lasciel and lost."

Count Argil sighed. "You realize Count Tarkin is now your enemy, right?" the devil asked with a wry voice.

Pef blinked. "Actually... I had no idea. Which camp is that Count Tarkin in?"

The devil sighed again. "Some people do have the devil's luck. Archdevil Yama."

Pef nodded and smiled." Would you be so kind, and...?"

"Already done, Lord Pef. By association, you're now in Archdevil's Yamon camp." the Count explained with a smile.

"Any demands for a slave army?" Pef asked with his merchant voice.

"Naturally, my dear friend. I have a million Sacred realm ants now. Lord Yamon had noticed this as well."

"They will not lose their bodies as they ascend, you know? Like all beasts, they cross into the divine realm intact." Pef added with a grin.

"Oh? That would make a big difference indeed. Nobody has divine soldiers by the million. It would be quite a game changer..." Count Argil mused to himself.

"Still only ants in front of an Archdevil, my friend." Pef said rapidly, to prevent the Count from getting ahead of himself.

"I realize that very profoundly, Lord Pef. I have met both of them, and they cannot be fought. Not with numbers." the devil replied thoughtfully.

"But one with an army, and one without...millions of divine ants would tilt the balance, right?" Pef argued with a wide grin.

The Count nodded furtively.

"Do not speak of this anymore. Lord Yamon will send a disciple after I inform him. And do not haggle for the price. He will not barter with someone like you." the devil advised him as a parting gift, then flew towards his warship.

Pef grinned widely as the warship sped away.

"Let's finish this conquest already." he said with a content voice.

The Legion began moving again, taking prisoners where possible, or just blasting their enemy apart when not.

By the next year, the three Baronies were mostly pacified and turned into Legion's forward bases in the Singularity galaxy. Now, Pef only had to wait for the devils to split into factions and begin their inevitable war.

He was going over the normal business beside Strella, helping her consolidate the Barony when he felt a menacing aura enter the palace.

'We have a guest.' the glove said in a cautious tone.

Pef nodded and Blinked into his office. A golden aura met him at once.

"Lord Yamon" Pef said politely.

"Veritas." the Archdevil replied a bit surprised.

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Last edited: Jan 24, 2020

Jan 24, 2020Report

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LurkerOfTheFics, aJadeTree, Doctor Blood and 20 others like this.

Threadmarks: Yamon

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Pef stared at the Archdevil with even greater surprise.

"Veritas Legion, Soldier rank." he answered after a few seconds of thinking.

The Archdevil sat down with relief visible on his face. "I never met anyone who remembers."

"The aura is a big clue, silver and gold carry the reincarnation memories with the soul. Although not all reveal anything useful, mostly bits of skills and random knowledge." Pef said in a knowing voice, as he began pouring tea for both of them.

"Any news from the outer realm?" Yamon asked after sipping some tea.

Pef nodded gravely. "All the Realms are united in a great alliance against the invaders. And we're still losing badly."

Yamon sighed and fell silent. "That sentient weapon that Yama must be a Legion weapon then. And it's why you're here."

Pef held his hand out and the power word gun emerged into his hand. "It's merely a sidearm in the Legion. Doesn't work that well against nu-goliths." he said in a grave voice.

Luckily, he had another way to deal with them, when the time came.

"Yours is already active. I only have this thing, and is broken." Yamon muttered in low voice, producing a palm-sized cracked badge, sporting a deep gash two thirds of its length.

Pef poked it with a gloved finger.

'It's a Devil Totem Badge. Basically the ignition key to their hexapod power armor. Badly damaged, obviously.' The glove explained in a sad voice.

"Tell it to allow access and repairs from Veritas. Then I can fix it, to a small degree." Pef said in a calm voice, then sipped more tea.

Yamon rose an eyebrow then stared at his hand. "You have another artifact. I didn't even notice it." he said while observing the glove with wide eyes.

"It has oracle powers, thus it blocks casual detection." Pef explained while summoning his Legion knife.

"Oh! Another one. And this one is fully functional, right?" The Archdevil wondered with an admiring gaze.

"I've fought an Archdemon some while back. He had a golith sting, although also a damaged one. Perhaps the golith had him, is better said. That galaxy was surrounded by a magic barrier, giving the Archdemon immense control over the locals." Pef added helpfully.

"The invaders are already at the gates then. I fear the Devil Realm might have..." the Archdevil muttered softly.

"They are still fighting. As is the Legion, and the Dragon Realm. Not that sure about the others. Fairies and liches never made good soldiers." Pef mused out loud.

"So you can fix my hex armor?" Yamon asked in a pleading tone.

Pef shook his head. "Very little. But enough to withstand a Tier 4 for some time. Maybe 10 minutes."

Yamon ginned widely. " Really? 10 minutes is a lot. Here!" he said in a happier tone.

Pef took the badge and stored it into his glove. "Black jade, naga cores, anything with stored qi?" he asked after reading the necessary materials from his inner repair screen. He wouldn't pay for the repairs from his own pocket.

Yamon held his palms out, beast cores and various types of jade emerging from his storage rings.

Pef poked a dozen of them, as directed by the glove, collecting the necessary materials for the badge repair.

"Now we wait. A week or so. My glove is quite proficient at battlefield repairs." he explained wryly.

Yamon nodded happily. "Great! Now. Tell me about these soldier ants of yours. Numbers?"

Pef grinned as he resumed his Rogue Trader persona. "Up to a trillion of them, if you want them with a decent cultivation, Lord Yamon. But, as they level up they do become quite powerful. And without equal as they cross into Physical God Realm."

Yamon nodded wisely. "I know. We did manage to push a few of them over the divine threshold in our tests. And they did not disperse like all devils."

"Plus... I need to participate in the final fight. It's a reasonable way to recover my artifact, before it self-destructs. You do want your galaxy intact and not as space dust and gas, right?" he asked curious.

Yamon blinked cautiously. "Self-destruct, huh? So Yama is trying to subvert that weapon, just like I've heard from my spies. Spending megatons of active jade for rune circles, and blood sacrifices."

"Power word guns are tier 7 weapons, Lord Yamon. They are designed to erase entire universes if ordered. Sure, that gun is probably nearly depleted, so it won't collapse our universe. But a galaxy is much smaller." Pef explained in a warning voice.

The Archdevil stopped to think for a second. "The only way you could be present there...if you were a Count."

Pef sighed in defeat. "I'll start getting ready to relieve Count Tarkin of his station then. If he doesn't attack first. This Barony was where he raised his sons, after all."

Yamon's eyes glinted with a faint trace of violet. "Heh. You do have the devil's luck, Veritas soldier. But it is to my advantage to replace one of Yama's supporters."

Pef nodded and poured more tea.

"Now Lord Yamon, make me an offer I can't refuse, for these trillion soldier ants." he asked politely.

"Here." the Archdevil said, passing him a storage ring.

Pef swiped the ring into his glove, without even checking the contents. He wouldn't refuse anyway, like he just said.

"I will need these soldiers unloaded into my inner galaxy." Yamon demanded in a mild voice.

"Sure. Let me in and I'll expel them directly." Pef replied with a kind smile.

Instantly he felt being drawn inside, and didn't resist.

A large galaxy, as natural for a tier 4 emerged around him. Billions of devil soldiers were already training hard inside, millions of them at the Saint rank equivalent, and hundreds into Tier 2.

"You were preparing for war for a long time." Pef observed in a calm tone.

"You're not worried about being in my power?" the Archdemon asked curious.

"I am here. There is no reason for worry. After all, I am the reason." Reason spoke from the Devil's avatar side.

"You! You are the sentient weapon?" Yamon realized in terror.

"Breaking the Great Alliance knowingly is cause for erasure, as agreed by her Devil Majesty and the General in the alliance treaty. So, you were asking about being in your power?" Reason asked with a mocking voice.

"... Never! I was only curious." he answered with a shaking voice. Suddenly, the devil felt he has let a bomb inside his stomach, instead of devouring a naive prey.

"That's what I thought. It would be a pity to obliterate so many souls." the armored woman added then vanished.

Pef patted Yamon's shoulder with compassion. Luckily, the guy listened to reason.

"Let's finish the ant deal then, powerful one." he said gently as millions of warships full of ant soldiers emerged around them.

In a minute, the transaction was concluded, and Pef was expelled from the devil's dantian post-haste.

"I'll be back next week for my armor." Yamon muttered and stepped away, disappearing from Pef's senses.

Pef sighed and poured himself more tea, while going over the ring's contents.

"That cheapskate!" Pef murmured as he observed he was paid three times less than the normal rate.

Then again, those soldiers will not remain slaves very long. For a few years loan, the Archdevil overpaid a thousand times.

Pef smiled and Blinked himself beside Strella, steaming teapot in his hand.

"Wanna go shopping, my love?" he asked with a warm voice. So much wealth had to be spent after all. Hopefully on something to aid cultivation.

This many high tiers in the devil galaxy hinted at some powerful aids, maybe pills or such.

Strella nodded eagerly. "There's an auction house in the Tarkin trade nexus. I heard they have all sorts of pills and rare plants that can even open meridians!"

Pef smiled even wider. "That's just perfect then. Let's go buy them all. Hopefully Count Tarkin will also give me a reason for war."

Strella grinned mischievously. "You're the best, hubby!"

Pef nodded wisely and drew his wife into a long kiss.

Another fused clone split off to oversee Strella's Barony as he Blinked towards his destination with Strella in his arms.

As Pef departed, an invisible form glided after him, keeping pace effortlessly.

'This outlander is quite fast. But he is walking into Tarkin's territory like a fool.' the hidden shape noticed in surprise. 'I wonder what he spoke with Yamon about.'

The glove sighed inward as it detected the unwanted follower. Damn idiot couldn't keep out of trouble.

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Last edited: Jan 24, 2020

Jan 24, 2020Report

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PefVersed in the lewd.

As Pef came to land at the city gates, a squad of devil warriors blocked their path.

"What now?" he asked himself rhetorically.

"Name, rank and purpose?" a guard captain with a Tier 2 cultivation demanded arrogantly.

Someone should have taught these morons that arrogance was not a survival trait.

"Baron Strella" she said in a cold voice and flared her qi.

"You have guts coming here, after murdering the Count's sons! Arrest them!" the captain proclaimed and gestured his guards to advance.

Pef sighed and began gathering qi to obliterate the morons.

"Halt! Step aside!" a loud voice demanded from above the city gates.

The guards stepped back, and fell to one knee in respect.

A fat devil floated down, almost like a balloon. "Baron Strella? And husband, I presume?" the guy asked in a honied voice.

"Indeed. And you are?" Strella asked dismissively.

"Magrave Kontre. And I am in dire need of a Barony. Perhaps even a concubine, if you manage to survive the challenge." the devil said after liking his lips in excitement.

Suddenly, Pef had a wonderful idea. "A Magrave? I could use a noble rank. If this fat pig would dare accept my challenge." he mused to himself, without looking up.

"Oh? Such disrespect to a noble, from a mere slave trader. But, I did hear you were involved directly, even killed a Baron, right?" the Magrave asked in a more level voice.

"Do you accept the challenge, Magrave Kontre?" another voice spoke from nowhere.

"Baron Firestorm! Weren't you dead drunk a minute ago?" the Magrave asked in astonishment.

"What if I was? Answer the challenge or run in shame!" the loud voice demanded, then hiccuped for some unknown reason.

The fat devil grit his teeth, then smiled pleasantly. "Of course I accept. I never lost a challenge in my life!"

His size began increasing greatly, till the guy was larger than an airship.

Pef sighed inward. Then he punched the center mass, expecting the fat devil to explode like a balloon. Instead, his fist sunk into a spongy layer of blubber.

"Haha. This idiot trader tried to punch me!" the Magrave laughed, as the spectators and the guards joined him into joy.

A slimy discharge covered Pef from head to toe, restricting his movements.

'What the hell is this?' he asked inward.

'Analyzing. Complete. This is snot. Have fun!' the glove replied in a second.

Pef felt like puking his guts out.

In a few seconds the snot began to harden into an elastic foam, blocking Pef's vision.

Pef cursed the crazy perverted devil and flared his sword ki, and then Blinked above the floating balloon as soon as an exit hole emerged.

Then he kicked downwards with greater force, while covering his leg in ice.

The Magrave crashed into the ground, and spit a bit of blood. "You hurt me? The great invincible Kontre!"

Pef called onto his water spirit and formed a larger ice platform, which he began pressing over the inflated devil.

It took a minute and more screaming, then the balloon popped into blood and blubber, splashing everyone in the vicinity.

Pef formed a water shower and began cleaning the snot away, while grumbling in disgust.

"Hahaha! This was the best challenge I've seen this millennium. Congratulations, Magrave Pef. Taxes towards my Barony are exempt for a decade, just for this great show. Hic!" Baron Firestorm proclaimed from the top of the wall, then gulped from a large wine gourd.

"Great fight, husband." Strella said while keeping him at hand length.

"Better I was covered in snot than you." Pef said in a low voice.

"And a noble rank might be useful too." Strella mused while stepping back a little.

'I'm not contagious!' Pef cried inward.

The glove giggled like a child.

"What did he say? That slime was snot? Ewwww!" the locals began voicing out loud.

"That guard has some on his boots."

"Nah, those are only exploded eyes."

"Ah, I was worried for a second."

As Pef entered the city, an invisible force parted the masses, rumors spreading at light speed to warn people of the impending health menace.

Strella walked a meter behind him, the very imagine of a respectful wife.

Behind him the guards argued what to do.

"So, we're not arresting him anymore?"

"You want to touch snot?"

"Ah, he's too far already. Focus guarding the gate!" the captain ordered after thinking for a second.

"You're the best boss!" another guard commented and punched a nearby onlooker in the stomach.

The crowd dispersed at speed.

The magic avoidance aura lasted for a few kilometers, before Pef entered an inn and rented a room with a bath.

An hour later, someone looking completely different left the inn and met Strella at a nearby restaurant.

"Let's never talk about that." Pef asked in a pleading voice.

"As you say." Strella replied with a smirk.

Soon after eating, they walked towards the auction house, where a Tier 3 devil was serving as doorman.

"Only nobles are allowed!" the guard said in a warning tone.

"Magrave Pef and Baron Strella." Pef answered levelly.

The doorman's eyes widened, and he drew back a few meters to avoid contagion.

"Please do not touch anything, Magrave. People have to live here." the guard pleaded as Pef and his wife entered the auction house.

Pef sighed and folded his hands into his sleeves.

The first floor did have a few shops, but they had very few precious cultivation aids, mostly weapons and charms.

After exploring the first floor, Pef eyed the stairs towards the next floor.

A violet chain blocked the stairs, for some reason.

As Pef approached, a hidden door opened to the side.

"Esteemed guests, access to higher floors required a violet jade slip. We can also sell you one for a million white gold coins, or something equivalent." a warm voice explained.

Pef turned to observe the auction host. A cute deviltress with J-cup breasts, and wearing a tight kimono.

Pef nodded and smiled gently. "Price is no matter, my dear. Get me the highest level access, plus front row seats at the nearest auctioning."

The deviltress smiled widely. "Of course Magrave. Please follow me."

Soon enough, he and Strella were seated in a private room, while a high ranking auctioneer arrived to manage these precious clients.

"Slave business must be highly profitable, Magrave Pef." the new arrival commented as he poured some fragrant tea.

"Indeed. A client of mine bought billions of soldiers. I made a killing." Pef mouthed as agreement.

"Count Argil is quite famous these days, indeed. As are your beautiful Baron wives, to a lesser extent." the devil mused out loud.

Strella smiled pleasantly.

"I hear you sell pills and herbs?" Pef asked directly.

"Of course. War is a very profitable business." the auctioneer muttered absently.

"I want them all." Pef said calmly.

The devil blinked in confusion. "We have millions of..."

"Good. All of those, and everything else you manage to find in the next year. Sacred rank soldiers will sell even better." Pef replied curtly.

"Oh! That is quite...revolutionary. does seem a good business model, if you can find these slaves for cheap, I suspect." the auctioneer probed gently.

"All it takes is long travel to distant galaxies, conquering entire interstellar empires and then force them to deliver you slave soldiers. Huge investment, huge profit." Pef nodded sagely.

The devil took out an inventory jade slip and began consulting his reserves.

"Some herbs are so rare they might sell ten times higher on auction." he mused probingly.

"It's okay. I trust you won't charge me too much. Not if you want to still be here next year." Pef replied with a genial smile.

The auctioneer blinked as the words impacted inside his mind. "Oh. Of course. Baron Strella. War. No wonder you dared to appear here."

"Exactly. Now. My herbs, pills and anything that may help. A few cultivation methods if they deal with light or dark." Pef demanded sternly.

"Everything you need will be brought here in a few hours, Lord Pef. Till then, please feel free to explore the higher floors." the auctioneer said hastily, then fled.

Pef sighed and began climbing the floors. Every shop, he made sure to buy some trinket or another.

Then he reached a strange shop, Universe Emporium.

Inside a young boy with a silver aura was sitting on a tall chair waiting for customers.

'Tier 3 weapons. And war puppets!' the glove exclaimed in wonder.

'A maker?' Pef wondered as he examined the boy with new eyes.

"I am not for sale, Magrave Pef." the boy spoke softly.

Strella glanced at her husband curious.

"As you wish, returner. Pack everything and give me a price." Pef said instead.

The boy glanced around the shop and sighed. "Wherever I go, it's the same. Some moron ruins my livelihood by buying everything."

"You don't want to sell these weapons?" Strella asked in wonder.

"One per month, sure. I sell everything, they kick me out. And I have to move to a new planet." the boy complained and sobbed.

"I could use a warsmith for my army. And we'll never kick you out." Pef said gently and set his Legion knife on the trade table.

The boy's eyes widen in wonder as he caressed the knife lovingly. "It is exactly like in my dream. How?"

"It is exactly like your dream. Only they are not dreams, but memories. You have seen this before. In another life." Pef explained seriously.

Strella placed her adamantite sword beside the Legion knife.

The difference was immediately apparent. However hard did Lin try to craft a Legion class weapon, the sword was a thousand times feebler.

"Oh, you have another smith?" the boy asked in a pleading tone.

"And billions of soldiers. We can never have enough weapons." Pef replied with a chuckle.

"Even so. This smith is so skilled. Maybe better than me." he whispered to himself.

Strella held a hand out and her sword flew into her palm. "So, wanna join us?" she asked amused.

The boy nodded unconsciously. "I might learn more..."

"My name is Strella." the deviltress introduced herself as the boy began collecting his wares into storage rings.

"I know, Baron Strella. There's a huge bounty on your head, and it has a drawing. Though, you look much prettier in person." the boy said in a childish tone.

"He's so cute, hubby. Can we really keep him?" Strella asked greedily.

"He's also older than you, Strella. Much older." Pef muttered and shook his head.

The boy walked towards Pef and offered his hand. "Drake"

Pef shook his hand and waited for his glove to confirm his suspicion.

' Dragonkin. About 10 million years old. They mature slowly so this one is merely a dragon pup. Now all we need is a fairy.'

Pef sighed inward and walked towards the next set of stairs.

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Last edited: Jan 25, 2020

Jan 25, 2020Report

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Last edited: Jan 24, 2020

Jan 23, 2020Report

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