
PefVersed in the lewd.

A few hours later, Pef had finished exploring the auction pagoda, and bought everything that seemed remotely useful and plenty that wasn't.

Then as he and Strella and Drake were descending the stairs, the previous auctioneer devil arrived.

"Lord Pef. If you are ready now, we can begin." the guy said politely, while eyeing the weapon maker with a risen eyebrow.

"Sure." Pef agreed and followed him to a warded room, inscribed with hundreds of defensive arrays.

'Scanning and logging these formations. Some of them are battleship-class shields!' the glove said as Pef patted a nearby wall.

"You know about inscriptions, Lord Pef?" the devil asked while laying out samples of every type of herb and pill.

Pef nodded sagely. "Not to this extent, but I can figure out what they do." he replied in a softer voice.

"A man of culture, I see." the auctioneer muttered to himself.

"Do you sell manuals for these?" Pef asked curious, while glancing at his newest dragon recruit, who was also fascinated by the arrays.

"Primers and intermediate levels, yes. Advanced arrays, no. Those five barrier inscriptions were donated by Lord Yama a million years ago." the devil sail proudly, pointing towards a poem written in five lines, and glowing violet warmly.

Pef blinked in surprise, and swiped his glove over the violet inscriptions.

'Tier 4 arrays. Copied. Analyzing. Protection from scrying, elements, soul attacks, sword qi and mind probes.' the glove announced proudly.

'Uh. If we could implement these for our armors...' Pef mused inward.

'Tier 3 protections should be possible. You'd need a Tier 4 maker to reproduce these correctly.'

"You sold Yama something truly valuable, huh? Perhaps a strong weapon that looks like a club?" Pef asked gently, without looking at the auctioneer.

He could hear the devil gulp in fear anyway.

"That's...not something I can reveal, Lord Pef. Armies are nothing compared to an Archdevil's might." the auctioneer muttered in a calmer tone.

Pef turned and began poking at the merchandise.

The pills were nice, and would provide sufficient qi boosts for fast ascensions up to Saint rank, though of course the glove called them low tier and trash.

"Okay. These pills are exactly what I need for my soldiers. You have anything stronger?" he wondered politely.

"Yes...but they are also dangerous. Dao pills can even kill someone without the required affinity." the devil explained while laying down a few more pills, with colored lines decorating their middle.

'Water qi, fire qi, earth qi, sword qi, devouring qi, slaughter qi, bloodline increase pill!. Our dragon pup could use one of them, I think.' the glove exclaimed in surprise.

'Shiara as well, I would say.'

"They look great. All of them, if you please." Pef demanded in a level voice.

The auctioneer nodded knowingly and set another storage ring to the side.

"Now the herbs. Problem is, once the storage jade container is opened, some herbs might flee, others dissolve or lose concentration..." the devil muttered as he lay down a dozen palm sized boxes.

Pef smiled and just patted each box with his gloved hand.

'Oh? They do have quite a selection of valuable things. Except the one in the middle with the black inscription. It's a Nether Death Mushroom. We don't want death qi...'

'We don't. But maybe Arden?' Pef asked inward.

'Him? Perhaps. He should survive and benefit, I suppose. Liches are not harmed by death qi.'

"All of them too" Pef decided after a second.

The auctioneer blinked confused then eyed the exact black jade box with wary eyes. "Oh well. If you say so. I do have a dozen more like the one in the black jade. Some explorer brought these mushrooms saying they would be hugely valuable, but nobody wanted to buy them. Til now."

"Death qi is indeed not easy to use. One needs to cultivate death qi, which is pretty difficult, after all. But I know someone who does." Pef explained in a mild voice.

"The universe must be large enough then. We collect samples from a hundred galaxies, and we never encountered such a being." the auctioneer said in wonder.

Pef nodded sagely. "Ghouls, liches, rock worms, necromancers, ghost shamans...there are some who use death qi. Not on this side of the universe though."

"Well, storing the death mushrooms isn't profitable anyway. You may have them all at half price." the auctioneer decided after a minute.

Pef smiled amused and nodded. Dumping unwanted stock.

A set of cultivation jade slips appeared next, placed on the table by the salesman.

Pef poked them curiously and let the glove simply copy them. "Low tier, all of them. Anything else?" he asked in a bored voice.

The auctioneer kept producing hundreds of rare items, from beast cores to bones and rare metals.

"Drake, you pick anything you want. Making weapons is your craft, right?" Pef asked in a teasing tone.

"Really, anything?" the boy exclaimed in awe and began purchasing megatons of various metals and gems.

The auctioneer watched in bewilderment as his inventory was being emptied by a young smith with unlimited funds.

"... And all the Deep Core Iron you have." Drake demanded after an hour of urgent shopping spree.

"All right...now I am rather empty. The auction will begin in 10 minutes anyway, if you fancy other items like slaves and treasure maps?" the devil said in a satisfied tone, while handing Pef a large invoice bill.

Pef scanned the bill in his glove, and had half of his own huge pile of wealth transfer into a dozen storage rings.

Then he just placed the storage rings on the table. "Nice trading with you. Remember to collect the same for me, over the next year. Keeping too much cash on me is not profitable."

After a quick check of the coins and jades traded, the auctioneer smiled widely and handed over a violet badge with 6 glowing inscriptions. "Of course, Lord Pef. You are now our best customer beside the Court."

Pef stored the badge and began heading towards the auction hall.

The hall was packed with nobles, although two seats were left free right in the front row.

"I'll wait on the side." Drake muttered in a low voice.

Pef thought for a second. "It's fine. We'll all wait here on the side. They'll probably won't have anything I want anyway."

As the auction began, various types of restriction enveloped the stage, and then the presenter began announcing the wares, from battle mounts to cultivation methods, rare crystals and cores, pets and slaves of strange species.

Pef just watched a bit bored, as he already had all of this and better.

"And now, the final item on today's auction! We will not divulge what it is, so you'll all need to decide for yourself if the price is worth it." the auctioneer yelled as a cage was brought to the stage.

'You want to buy her' the glove advised him before the cover was even lifted.

"One million coins!" Pef proclaimed in qi infused voice.

A thousand eyes focused on him, and immediately the rumors began.

"It's the new Magrave, the one who squashed Kontre!"

"The snot guy? Ewwww!"

"Can you see inside the cage?"

"He sells slaves, right? Perhaps it's a strong slave?"

After a minute, the auctioneer glanced around the hall. "Any other takers? If not item 566 will be sold for 1 million coins. Going once..."

"One hundred millions!" A gruff voice spoke from behind a loggia screen.

"Count Tarken? He buys slaves?"

Pef smiled widely at the news.

"Five hundred millions!" he said a bit amused. Now this was a proper auction.

"What is in the cage? I'm dying to know!" a fat lady said in excitement.

"Three billions!" the angrier voice spoke from Count Tarken's balcony.

"Fifty billions!" Pef added as if it was pocket change.

"We could buy high-grade weapons for all the ants..." Strella muttered in dismay.

Pef nodded sagely and patted her shoulder.

"Mere pocket change, my dear." he spoke a bit too loud.

"Sixty billions!" Count Tarken yelled furiously.

"One hundred billions!" Pef continued and giggled.

"One hundred and one billion! And you better not overbid me!" Tarkin growled in a cold tone.

"Uhhh. One hundred and fifty billions!" Pef said with a wide grin.

The balcony exploded in shards and debris, as the Count flew out in rage.

"You murderer! It's not enough you killed my son? Now you steal the precious fairy too!"

Pef scratched his cheek in confusion. "A challenge is not murder, under law. And here, it's an open auction. It's not my fault you're too poor to afford this item." he replied in a reasonable tone.

Rumors and whispers filled the hall as the nobles spoke to each other.

"That is correct.... the law is like this."

"A challenge? But then?"

"Count Tarken is a sore loser?"

As more rumors reached his ears, Tarkin grew red in the face and floated in front of the auctioneer.

"You will sell me this slave, or bear the brunt of Archdevil Yama!" he yelled with an apoplectic tone.

"Oh? But Magrave Pef has the higher bid." another voice spoke from somewhere.

"Who said that? Lord Yama will have your head!" Count Tarkin yelled looking around for a target.

The hall became suddenly too small, as an Archdevil's presence appeared inside.

"Is that so, Count Tarkin? My head?" Archdevil Yamon asked in a teasing tone.

The hall fell silent, everyone holding their breaths.

Count Tarkin bowed then rose straight. "Lord Yamon, I was instructed by Lord Yama to purchase that slave in the cage!"

"And nobody is stopping you, Count. Raise the bid." Yamon spoke in a deceptive voice.

"... I don't have enough." the Count muttered looking around desperately.

Pef grinned widely. "Auctioneer, why have you stopped?" he asked politely.

"Errrr. Right. Item 566 will be sold for 150 billions. Any other takers? Going once, twice, sold!" the devil proclaimed out loud.

Pef nodded and gestured for the cage to be removed from the stage.

"This means war!" Count Tarkin growled with hate in his eyes.

"Oh? War is nice too. Guess I won't sell you any soldiers then." Pef replied in a teasing tone.

Count Tarkin spit some blood and fled at speed.

Yamon turned towards Pef and nodded before vanishing as well.

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Last edited: Jan 25, 2020

Jan 25, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Count

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Pef entered the warded room again, to find Yamon examining a small girl with ethereal wings emerging from her shoulder blades. And she had golden blonde hair and no aura.

'How can she have no aura? Isn't that her soul?' he wondered inward.

'Fairies are strange. There're rumors they keep their souls inside a mystic pond, much like liches use phylacteries.' the glove explained in a weird tone.

'What else?' Pef asked curious.

'It's baffling. Where did she come from? And the dragon kid as well.' the glove said cautiously.

Pef patted the girl's head and drew her inside his inner world. Reason will know what to do, like always.

"You have it?" the Archdevil asked sternly.

Pef held his palm out, producing the repaired badge. The crack was smaller now, and there were faint violet lines glowing on the artifact.


"Indeed, and it's even working now! And you overpaid for this slave. Is it for her blood?" Yamon asked warily.

"I believe so. Lord Yama probably wants her blood to unlock the weapon." Pef replied sagely.

Archdevil Yamon hummed to himself for a minute. "Another service for me then. I'll return to you 50 billions as compensation." he decided and handed over another storage ring.

Pef took the ring and smiled.

"Some support at the Count challenge would be great. Especially if Lord Yama makes an appearance." he asked politely.

Yamon nodded, deep in thought. "He is here, right now. I'll escort you to your territory, or you might not make it alive out of here."

Pef rose an eyebrow and glanced at his glove. The bastard didn't say anything.

Soon enough, Pef and his escort flew at speed towards his new Magrave planet.

It took very little time to arrive, and they caught the invaders by surprise.

"Baron Firestorm?" Pef asked in surprise.

"Oh you're still alive, Magrave?" the devil Baron wondered as Pef began producing warships and troop transport to defend his domain.

"Quite alive, yes. I take it you accept the challenge?" Pef asked curtly.

The Baron's troops were already in mid-attack, as he probably expected Pef to die in the Tarkin domain and leave him a free Magravate to occupy.

"Errr. Hic! I must have mistaken your lands for someone else..." The Baron muttered a bit fearful.

"I understand. But I am in need for a Baron rank. Forfeit the rank or die." Pef demanded more aggressively, flashing his sword qi and flying closer.

"I forfeit! Take the Barony!" Firestorm yelled in panic.

"I have observed the challenge. Congratulations, Baron Pef!" Yamon proclaimed regally, appearing into view by surprise.

"Lord Yamon! Eh...guess I'll retire to my vineyard then." the former Baron muttered in defeat.

"All local subjects, you now serve Baron Pef! Let me know Baron, if your new subjects rebel or disobey. I love crushing traitors." Yamon proclaimed with a system wide voice.

Pef nodded in thanks. As Firestorm was not dead, there was a risk of revolt perhaps.

Now all the Baron's Firestorm troops were his own, plus whatever forces Magrave Kontre had in reserve.

Pef began to now familiar task of organizing his territory, appointing overseers and magistrates, cleaning corruption and setting up new schools and roads.

Rebuilding a dozen major worlds and a hundred minor planets did take some time, so another year passed like magic.

Then one day, an auction messenger arrived at his palace, with even more herbs and pills and rare metals.

Pef promptly paid the bill and waved the merchandise into his inner world, to boost his troops even higher.

"Lord Pef, I heard Count Tarkin is gathering a huge army. I expect you know why." the Tier 2 messenger said softly.

Pef nodded and smiled.

"I guess it's time for war. Wanna watch?" he wondered amused.

"You mean, right now?" the devil asked in panic.

Pef split off a clone to manage the Barony and pointed at the sky. "Come!"

With a Blink, he and the auction devil arrived in orbit, and they were instantly surrounded by thousands of warships.

"Oh. You have more ships than a Count!" the messenger exclaimed in surprise.

With another Blink, they arrived on the command bridge of his flagship.

"Engage!" Pef ordered to his ship captain.

With a flash of engine qi, the war fleet departed towards the Tarkin County, with 10 billion ant soldiers on board, and some other surprises.

Tier 3 shields around every warship will allow much more aggressive tactics, like full on assaults of static defenses.

Other magic arrays were inscribed to block sensors and scans and even mind probing.

By next day, the fleet split off a dozen wings heading for Tarkin's major worlds, while Pef remained leading the main attack fleet.

He reached the Tarkin homeworld just before their own fleet was ready to depart.

Beams of qi cannons, and Pef's own Sword qi beams began decimating the Tarkin fleet, surprising the defenders.

A few Tier 3 and a dozen Tier 2 devils flew up from the planet, to help defend the devil fleet and the vulnerable devil soldiers.

Pef expelled his own converted Tier 3 and a dozen Tier 2 devils , including a couple of Tarkin's own sons.

Then Shiara and her own escort of Ant warriors joined the fight, mainly to protect Pef's fleet from being fried by any devil.

"Hahaha! You dare attack me, Baron Pef!" Count Tarkin yelled with a powerful voice.

"Of course I do. The war was declared a year ago, after all. And look, your sons have also joined me!" Pef yelled back, informing the entire system of his deed.

"How can you have that many soldiers and ships? Didn't you sell them to Argil?" Tarkin asked in anger, while staring with hate at the traitor sons.

"I sold the only the surplus, of course." Pef answered in amusement.

The fleet engagement continued for a few days, til it was clear that Pef had an advantage, and the devil fleet withdrew behind the defense platforms and forts.

To the devil's surprise, Pef's fleet advanced to engage the forts directly, withstanding huge energy beams and returning fire.

Pef also flew out, supporting an attack or another at crucial moments, then retreating. He had to maintain his qi reserves after all.

By the next week, a thousand defense platforms lay in ruins, while the fortified moons were all occupied by Pef's troops.

Pef had lost 2 of his Tier 3 devils and a handful of Tier 2, but he had captured even more from Tarkin's side. By the next year, he would be even stronger.

"Send a champion or face me directly, Count Tarkin!" Pef demanded as more and more County worlds began falling to his ant troops, while the capital lay defenseless.

The void flickered and bent, as a Tier 4 divinity arrived in the system.

"Baron Pef, must you pursue this vendetta to the bitter end?" an Archdevil voice asked in a polite tone.

Pef glanced towards the hidden space pocket. " I am afraid I must, Lord Yama."

"...Then, I have no choice but to..."

"Observe the challenge as is our law!" another Archdevil spoke in a powerful voice.

"Lord Yamon!" Yama exclaimed in surprise.

"There are only 13 Counts in our galaxy, Lord Yama. Of course I have to witness a challenge for a Count rank. And Baron Pef seems strong enough to take and keep this rank, right?" Yamon spoke in a mild voice.

"It would seem so, Lord Yamon. We will observe the challenge together." Yama muttered in a sad tone.

Pef sighed in relief. It seemed Yama was about to attack him just before.

Count Tarkin flew out from his palace, arriving in from of the two Archdevils. "My Lords. I will defend my station in person." he said meekly.

"Proceed!" Yama allowed with a nod.

A long tube appeared in Tarkin's hand, pointed right at Pef.

'Don't let the liquid splash you, Soldier. You will die.' the glove warned him just as Pef Blinked to side and began unleashing a thousand beams of sword qi at the Count.

Although the Count was also only a Tier 3, he seemed to endure the barrage without harm.

'Enchanted armor?' Pef suspected inwardly and drew out his Legion knife.

'Yes. Tier 4 armor, made by Yama. You cannot pierce it with your crappy sword skill.' the glove said in a mock voice.

Pef sighed and Blinked again, dodging another globe of liquid. It smelled of death qi and venom, so it would likely hurt a lot, if it didn't kill him immediately.

Slowly, his energy reserve began to dwindle, while the Count wasn't even breathing hard.

Then Pef smiled, and Blinked again, lining his Voidcutter skill to bisect Tarkin and Yama behind him.

Yama's eyes widened in surprise and he tried to dodge, but the void space was locked.

Tarkin and his armor parted like air in front of the planar sword skill, which went on to impact Archdevil Yama just above his dantian.

The Archdevil fell into two pieces, qi flowing like blood out of ruptured meridians. The devil tried to grasp and reattach his other section, but another Voidcutter flew out forming a cross, bisecting him vertically.

Pef sliced casually to decapitate Tarkin and then stabbed Yama's head with his Legion knife.

Just then, a Heavenly Lightning fell, as retaliation for breaking the rules. Pef endured the punishment, while watching Yama die in front of his, brain fried by lightning and body chopped into four bits.

"Well...That was the most absurd Count challenge I have ever seen." Yamon said in wonder.

Yama's legs began fleeing towards the nearby planet, although much slower than a Tier 4 normal speed.

Pef Blinked again and stabbed the attached dantian, just as the next Heavenly Lighting bolt fell from the sky.

With a silent scream, the Archdevil died, and his dantian cracked open, releasing huge piles of jade, coins and artifacts, as well as warships, soldiers and slaves.

Pef grinned and swiped them all inside his inner galaxy, while staring at his own prize.

Another Veritas Legion power word gun, if one desecrated by decryption arrays and blood inscriptions.

Pef bit his finger and grabbed the gun stock.

"What took you so long, big idiot!" a woman's voice quipped at him.

Pef turned to observe the weapon's avatar, dressed like a Buddhist nun, even the shaved head. Being assailed by Yama for a million years must have been hard.

"You have endured much, my dear. But don't worry. I am here." Pef said in a soft tone.

"I had faith in our General and I was saved. Nothing to do with you, lazy moron! Now give me some red jade and let me rest." the weapon demanded arrogantly.

Pef sighed and broke the immersion. Women were always so fickle.

He glanced around to find Yamon watching him with wary eyes.

"Congratulations, Count Pef." the Archdevil said in a polite voice.

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Last edited: Jan 25, 2020

Jan 25, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Faith

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Pef nodded tiredly towards the Archdevil.

"We need to talk seriously, Lord Yamon. But not right now. Tomorrow?" Pef asked gently.

"I understand. That tribulation seemed horrifying and you must be tired." Yamon allowed gracefully and vanished.

With a Blink, Pef arrived inside his warship and promptly fell into a bed, dead tired.

Taking on the Tier 4 devil was rather reckless, and his qi was also depleted. Some sleep sounded great.

'Don't forget to allow your ascension to begin.' the glove reminded him.

Pef flicked the Ascend button and crashed into a deep sleep.

Inside his inner world, two identical women talked silently, without words or signs.

Pef's Avatar sat on the warm sand beside them, as the universe grew around him.

A dozen dwarf galaxies formed on the outskirts, and the qi concentration began increasing again, by an order of magnitude.

Aria watched her husband with worry and love, then ate another qi pill. "And there he goes, ascending once more." she murmured in a soft voice.

Strella leaned on her shoulder in support. "Isn't that good?" she wondered.

"Not always. And not for me. I haven't even reached Tier 3, and he's now a Tier 4 !" Aria grumbled in envy and admiration.

"And I'm a Tier 3 but you can easily beat me in combat." Strella muttered back.

"If you join the Legion, you'll be ten times stronger. Maybe more." Aria answered and poked her ribs.

Strella nodded. "I think I will. I am already three times stronger, just from your training. I want to fight Lasciel on equal terms!"

Aria smiled widely and hugged her sister wife. "Lasciel isn't a good target to aim for anyway. Lia would be. She had ten swords at Saint rank. Now she's a Tier 2 and has over ten thousands. When she crosses into Tier 3..."

"Oh! She sounds formidable." Strella said in agreement.

Aria nodded and glanced at the sky, which was ever so distant.

"I'm going exploring after we return. Perhaps I'll have some fortuitous encounters as well." the green haired goddess decided while her eyes remained fixed on the distant sky.

"So brave. What if you encounter someone like an Archdevil?" Strella asked curious.

Aria hummed deep in thought. "Pef killed an Archdemon at Tier 3. And then this Yama guy. I'll manage." she answered confidently.

Strella sighed and sipped more tea, then ate a qi pill as well. Free pills were great.

A rush of energy coursed through her veins, and she felt another meridian open. Her strength increased yet again.

On the sand, Reason caressed the other woman's head, growing her hair by a palm length, then formed an armor around her torso. 'You're a weapon, my dear. Made in her image.'

"Faith. It's a good name for you. Want to pair up with Aria?" Pef asked via his avatar.

The new woman shook her head in silence.

"No rush then. Tomorrow we begin organizing my Count territory. And then, we recover the ants and head home." he decided after some thought.

"Our home is not here." Faith spoke suddenly. Obviously, she meant the Legion.

"Yes. But the long way home starts here. Even a Tier 4 is a mere ant in the outer realms." Pef mused out loud.

"There is no Tier 5 you can kill here, for a fast Ascension." Reason added in a logical voice.

Pef nodded sagely. "Devouring qi. Tell me about it." he asked while holding out a devouring qi pill.

"It is the basis of the Legion cultivation. You keep what you kill. The stronger the enemy, the more of his Dao you absorb into yourself. Beasts have tiny bits of Dao, mainly aimed at survival and reproduction. But other races have much more." Faith said in a lecturing tone.

"How many Tier 4, for a next rank?" Pef wondered with a glance at the new weapon.

"A dozen, a hundred, a thousand? Beasts have too little." Faith explained gently and fell on her back, watching the sky.

The Avatar waved a hand, forming a stone pillar filled with inscriptions and arrays. "This isn't my knowledge. Must be from Yama, right?"

Faith nodded silently.

"Good. What else do I need?" Pef asked turning towards Reason.

The weapon shook her head and sighed. "There are 3000 Great Daos, 81000 Minor ones, and 108 Supreme Daos. You have half of a Great Dao, and a few more at lower tiers. To touch the Paramita, and see the other shore...you need a dozen lives til Tier 7. Not a chance, for you. Perhaps Lin and Lia, if they are lucky. Maybe Lasciel, if her nature doesn't kill her sooner."

Pef nodded at her words. Being told he was an idiot wasn't new, but there was no choice.

"Then I go directly for Tier 8. Steal stuff from my kills." he decided resolutely.

"Void and Devour then. And Dao of Lighting I expect. You'll get billions of tribulations on that path. It will hurt." Faith replied with a pained sigh.

Pef nodded sagely. "Pain is okay."

Faith nodded as well. "Suffering is the nature of all life."

Reason glanced towards Aria and smiled. "She will reach Tier 5 first, I suspect."

Pef turned in surprise, watching Aria pet her black puppy knife.

"I don't mind. What about the fairy?" he wondered.

"Misty? She must have been here for so long..." Reason mused to herself.

"Hidden away?" Pef asked in suspicion.

"Obviously, just like this Drake kid. But fairies need their pond to cultivate. They wasted 500 million years..." the armored woman said in sad voice.

Pef blinked in surprise. Older than that Rock Worm?

"Misty, come here." he asked the fairy.

The fairy arrived at a slow walk, looking at him shyly. "Yes, Master?"

"I'm not your Master. We are the Legion. And the fairies are allied with us. You are home here." he explained gently.

The young looking fairy began crying, perhaps in relief.

"When can I see my sisters?" she asked between sobs.

"When we leave this universe, I think. It may take some time, but you can have fun or learn until then. Once we find a pond you will have cultivation again." he added in a soft voice.

"Can I learn these magic formations? They seem familiar." Misty asked while pointing at the stone pillar.

Pef glanced at pillar in surprise. "Sure. It will be slow, without memory jade."

"I have all the time in the world." Misty said with a wide grin.

Pef blinked in confusion.

"Our tiny fairy is time frozen. Whoever placed her here was a Tier 7 or higher." Reason explained with a knowing look.

"I want that!" Pef muttered in wonder.

"Paramita. Dying once is not enough, idiot!" Faith muttered with her eyes closed.

Pef sighed and fell on his back as well.

"Please sing something. Ascending takes so long." he asked while watching his stars fly farther way, so slowly.

Reason began singing, filling the universe with life and joy.

All over the inhabited planets in his inner galaxies, a trillion cultivators listened to her song and Ascended without any effort.

Some time later, Faith began singing too, joining her voice in perfect pitch.

On her bench, Aria ate another earth qi pill, and felt herself grow stronger. By the time the song ended, she had too Ascended into the next Tier.

"That's such a cheat!" Strella muttered in envy.

Sadly, everyone else was busy and didn't reply anyway.

Faith appeared beside her and poured some tea in a yellow cup. "Pretty devil. You love Pef?" the weapon asked without moving her lips.

Strella nodded in awe.

"Then welcome to the Legion, recruit Strella. And remember, without love...we are nothing." Faith spoke out loud and leaned to kiss her forehead.

In a minute, Strella began sweating in huge pain, as the Legion's cultivation began remodeling her genes and organs.

"It kinda hurts." The deviltress whispered softly.

"More than being tortured by an Archdevil for a million years?" Faith asked in a curious voice.

Strella shook her head in silence. "I can bear it. For a year, maybe." she answered after regulating her breathing.

Faith glanced at Pef and sighed. 'Lucky bastard.' she sent with a qi pulse, then flew away.

Pef smiled and leaned his head on Reason's shoulder.

Soon enough, the moon had another crater, shaped like an idiot.

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Jan 25, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Beast

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PefVersed in the lewd.

The next day, Yamon returned and blinked in surprise, finding Pef had already ascended to Tier 4.

"Lord Pef...this is a surprise indeed."Yamon muttered, sitting down at Pef's tea table.

Pef tapped the wall, activating a few high level arrays to ensure privacy.

"Veritas Legion has a rather peculiar cultivation. Our enemies are our food." Pef allowed with a thin smile.

The Archdevil nodded cautiously. "I remember them being rather feared, even the normal soldiers. So that's why those ants grow in ranks so fast."

"Tell me Lord Yamon, what was the purpose of that army again?" Pef asked with a wide smile.

"...To defeat Yama." the devil said thoughtfully.

"Already done. Now, I will need my Legion recruits back. But I am willing to trade all the devils that Yama has in return. It's fair, right?" our hero asked in a mild tone.

Yamon blinked and then nodded in defeat. "I see. On the other hand, I am without rival now. It's not a loss, even if I spent tons of pills to upgrade my ants to higher levels."

Pef grinned victoriously and held a hand out. "Come visit my galaxy, Archdevil. Easier to unload my troops that way."

Yamon sighed and shook his hand, vanishing from the world.

Soon enough, the devil unloaded the Legion ants and their ships, while Pef distributed the ants onto various planets to continue training.

Millions of them were already upgraded to Saint rank, and over a billion to Monarch level.

A hundred were already Tier 1 divine ants, which was quite a big boon. For Pef.

"When I am ready to open the gate, I will need your support, Archdevil. Perhaps the enemies are already besieging it from the other side. Better to fight them at a choke point." Pef argued via his avatar.

Yamon hummed to himself, while eying Faith and Reason as they sparred with light-speed moves.

"It will take some years to gain full control over the galaxy, but I will have trillions of weaker troops. If I could make contact with the Devil Realm..." Yamon mused and sipped the fragrant tea.

Pef nodded and offered him a White Meridian Pill. "It is the same for the Legion, Lord Yamon. We are without support and aid here. But, with this pill and the wealth of knowledge from your armor, you should be much better prepared. "

"Is this a Legion cultivation pill?" Yamon asked while examining the meridian pill with his coresense.

"Well, it's a weaker version made with local materials. But it does boost the soul greatly. And goliths target the soul most of the times." Pef said politely and then sipped more tea.

"The devils and the dragons should be mostly fine then. We do have stronger souls, both in attack and defense. More defense for the dragons, of course." Yamon replied with a glance towards Drake, the young dragonkin smith.

Pef nodded as well. Drake was merely a Saint rank, but his soul strength was near his own, or Yamon's. Which is why the boy could soulsmith Tier 3 weapons, despite his low cultivation. The extra memories carried with the silver aura helped as well.

"Anyway. My Count territory will remain as a Legion bastion here, since I earned it fair and square. I think Krissa might become the new Count after I leave. And I trust you will support her, right?" Pef explained with a gentle voice and a hidden threat behind the kind words.

"The artist sister? Well...she would make a rather poor soldier, I guess." Yamon mused out loud, eyes glinting while he considered scenarios.

"Krissa would make a decent warrior, after receiving the Legion's cultivation and sword skills. Count level at least. But warriors are not soldiers. We march in step and die screaming, while facing enemies a thousand times too strong. She is a more individual type." Pef replied with a sad voice.

There was no need to let Krissa die pointlessly, just like his clothes designer did. Lady Si. Artists did make poor soldiers.

Perhaps she would survive, even if the Legion did not.

"I will watch over her, Veritas soldier. You spared a trillion devil lives by eliminating Yama for me." Yamon decided as he gulped the white pill and exploded with qi.

Pef glanced at Reason with a knowing look. 'I'll make sure he does.' the weapon replied wordlessly and then spoke a few Words.

'You are too kind for this cruel world, silly Pef.' Faith added with a head shake.

Pef nodded sagely and poured more tea.

He had to visit Count Argil next. Slavery wasn't an option anymore.

Outside, he was already busy reorganizing his County, an entire galactic sector, replacing corrupt magistrates and building civilization. The higher standard of living and education would propagate outwards through trade or conflict, just like it did in Archdemon's galaxy.

In a year, he replaced all the subordinate Barons with his Tarkin slaves, while Drake crafted a few war puppets from their corpses. Tier 3 puppets, when armed with high level weapons and armor would serve as a deterrence, until his regiments gained enough strength to hold their own.

Leaving behind a billion ants and humans and other races for a starting colony, Pef then gathered his new wives and left for home, picking a different route to seed more galaxies with Legion regiments, creating a wider path of civilization in this savage universe.

A few years into the trip, he came to a stop, detecting a suspicious emission in a galaxy nearby. Or lack of one, better said.

He extended his qi senses, mapping this galaxy and feeding the return data into a holographic map, inside his inner world.

The two power guns arrived next to his avatar, and examined the map with worried eyes.

"Something bit a slice from this galaxy?" Faith muttered in disbelief.

The pizza shaped galaxy was indeed missing a sector, like some huge creature had munched on it and then left.

"A Tier 4 entity. But not a very intelligent one. Probably a God Beast." Reason spoke with an amused voice tone.

"The hell? Beasts eat galaxies?" Pef grumbled in dismay.

The two weapons smiled in tandem and glanced at their resident dragonkin. "It's not a dragon, at least."

Drake perked up and arrived at the conference to stare at the map, forgetting about the inscription he was writing.

"Uh...this thing must be huge. At least three galaxies wide." the young dragon mused while miming a jaw with his hand.

"Or it could be smaller, but has powerful gravity powers...like black hole strength or such." Misty added with a tiny voice.

They all turned to stare at her. "You know something about this thing, Misty?" Pef asked in a soft tone.

Misty nodded hesitantly. "Prophecies. Eater of suns. Devourer of worlds. I thought they were myths..."

Pef sighed and sat down, going over options in his mind. Leaving that thing out there to devour stars could be bad, if it gathered enough energy to reach Tier 5. Everyone would lose.

"I am a Tier 4 as well. And I have Faith and Reason on my side." Pef decided after a minute of silent deliberation.

Reason coughed in amusement. "You are barely a Tier 4. But well...we can't let this thing grow stronger. Faith?"

The other weapon sighed in suffering. "Fine. Just this once!"

Pef sped up, searching nearby galaxies while spreading out ships and troops all over.

By next week, he found another damaged galaxy and had a vector to follow.

Following the path of destruction, Pef Blinked towards the next galaxy and the next, for a few months, until the path ended.

'It must be nearby, right?' Pef asked his orange glove.

'Yes. The last galaxy was damaged merely years ago. The culprit is here.' the glove replied in a warning voice.

Pef looked around again, senses extended at maximum.

Then he Blinked away, as the void morphed into a huge claw and tried to grab him.

'Really! When you say here, you mean right here?' Pef yelled in outrage, and flashed his sword qi around randomly, sword qi beams going for millions of kilometers and spinning around.

By chance, one of the beams hit something invisible, outlining a wolf shape for a second. The beast vanished at once, folding the void around it and fleeing.

Pef drew out his power word gun. 'Be so kind and hold that thing for a minute.'

"By the Generals's Will, this space is locked. You may not move, beast." Faith proclaimed with golden Words, impacting the Void in waves going all round.

The Beast was revealed again, right above Pef's head.

Pef exhaled in relief, watching the frozen beast stare at him with hateful eyes.

'What is that? he wondered. It looked less than a wolf, and more like badger, if distorted.

'Probably a God Beast. It does have Laws engraved on its flesh and bones.' the glove explained with a wry tone.

Pef took out his Legion knife in his left hand and sliced, trying to sever a front paw from this beast. His blade rebounded painfully and his arm felt numb.

'Damn it. Is it invulnerable?' Pef muttered in defeat.

'Try your skill, idiot. The god beast is made of Laws.' Faith advised him in a friendly tone.

Pef listened and locked his target. The void fell still and silent, even starlight dimming visibly. Then the Voidspiltter skill hit the beast's forward limb right at the shoulder.

A huge screech emerged, leaving a deep gash on the beast limb, but not severing it.

Pef grit his teeth and kept adding more strikes, needing a dozen skills until the limb was finally severed and fell away.

Soon after, a dozen lighting bolts fell on Pef, causing enormous pain, and a tiny bit of enlightenment.

Faith seemed rather happy instead, enjoying the free energy. 'You are useful after all! More. Hit it again!' the sentient weapon demanded rather greedily. The glove and the knife seemed rather happy as well, the Heaven's tribulation serving as repair and energizing juice.

'It hurts! Wait a minute.' Pef growled back, adjusting his circulation

Meanwhile, all his wives and the other guests emerged from his inner world to observe the beast.

Drake grabbed the beast forelimb and examined it curious."This is amazing stuff, Pef. We can build Tier 4 weapons from it."

Pef sighed and prepared to endure more pain. Such was his fate, and he couldn't curl and cry right now. That will come later, in his private space.

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Last edited: Jan 26, 2020

Jan 26, 2020Report

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PefVersed in the lewd.

"The heart of this beast contains immense amounts of Devouring Dao. The eyes are imbued with Void Dao. And there are thousands of minor daos grafted into the flesh and blood." Reason explained to his avatar, after most of the God Beast was dismantled into parts.

"So you say I should cook it and eat it?" Pef wondered out loud.

"No! Damn idiot. These are Heavens Laws! And you want to cook them?" Reason exclaimed in a horrified tone.

Pef shrugged in defeat.

"Eat it raw?" he proposed with a meek tone.

"Try a single drop of blood. You should not die, I guess." the armored woman allowed with a nod.

Pef wasn't filled with confidence at her words.

Before he could try it, Drake poked a jar of blood and ingested a drop with a curious face.

He soon began steaming and growing red, while his cultivation grew rapidly, until he reached Tier 1 divinity. And then he promptly exploded into blood mist.

"You said it was safe-ish..." Pef muttered while restoring the dragon kid back to life.

"... For a Tier 4, I said. Then again, live testing works as well. Congratulations, Dragon God." Reason declared gently while examining the newest divine smith.

"It hurt a lot! But I learned so much!" Drake yelled victoriously, then swiped another drop of blood into his mouth.

The dragon exploded again, making Pef's eyebrow twitch a bit.

He revived the crazy kid but kept him still with an arm on his shoulder. "Go and meditate now. Try to make sense of your new powers." Pef advised the foolish kid with a chuckle.

"Right! I do have new senses..." Drake murmured to himself, then flew up towards the moon. In mid-flight, the kid Blinked away.

"Go on everyone. Take a few drops and grow." Pef allowed to his wives and higher troops.

Soon enough, they all exploded into gory bits, and had to be restored to life.

"So much power in a drop of blood..." Pef mused to himself, while pouring a drop into a wine gourd, then mixing it gently.

Misty stepped forward and licked her finger after tapping the wine mix.

As expected, the fairy also exploded into mist, although her glass-like wings remained intact and pristine.

"Are they a separate thing?" Pef asked while examining a wing with his coresense. It appeared to be solid silk with qi veins and tiny crystals embedded into it.

"Fairies are complicated. They mix illusion and reality into their cultivation, thus higher tiers are unfathomable. You never know if what you see is really there, or even real at all." Reason explained and poked the wing with a finger tip, making it shatter into motes of light.

Pef clenched his fist and reassembled the fairy back to life, to find she had grown a few centimeters.

"Hehe. I can cultivate now!" Misty exclaimed happily and gulped a mouthful of blood wine.

In a second, she was again reduced to bloody mist.

But her new body was now a teenager, and seemed to have Earth rank cultivation of some sort.

Pef glanced at Reason in confusion.

"She is using the blood as her pond substitute. Perhaps the fairies spike their ponds with Godbeast blood. It would make sense." the weapon reason with a thoughtful look.

"One more sip, and I can fly again!" Misty demanded and gulped the wine once more.

And indeed, the fairy crossed into Sky realm now, and didn't explode anymore.

Misty seemed kinda tipsy instead, flying wildly and bouncing of trees.

"Well, diluting the blood makes it safer then." Pef concluded sagely, and sipped a bit of blood wine himself.

The avatar was infused with energy and heavenly enlightenment, making Pef lose balance for a second.

"It's a rush. But a good one." Pef admitted to himself, while examining his own status page for changes. Nothing truly spectacular, but even a grain of rice was better than nothing.

Reason laughed melodiously and flicked an eye from the godbeast into his hand. "Eat it with your main body, idiot."

Pef nodded and transferred the eye outside, then ate it. His organs and meridians were immediately filled with qi and Void Dao, and Pef stopped in mid-flight to circulate and digest the new powers.

Much later, he opened his eyes and saw a new world, lines of gravity and mass now visible like a new sense.

'Are you seeing this?' he asked his glove.

'The eyes of heaven, they are called. Voidsense, in a word. Try folding space now.' the glove said in an excited voice.

Pef tried to copy what the godbeast did, creating a phantom claw made of void. After a few hours, he eventually managed it, although it was a small claw, the size of a palm, not a galaxy.

'It's pathetic.' he mused inward.

'That depends. Hit that asteroid.' the glove spoke while marking a distant object on his retina.

Pef swiped the voidclaw at the target, then stared in surprise as the void folded to allow the claw to strike and shatter the asteroid from far away.

'This looks promising!' Pef exclaimed happily, and began demolishing a nearby asteroid field as target practice.

'Shape it like a sword now. You don't have a beast's instincts, but your sword training should suffice.' the glove advised him with a smirk.

Morphing the claw into a short sword, Pef sliced again, cutting through a distant asteroid with ease.

On his inner page, the sword intent changed from One with the Heaven to One with the Void.

'It was that easy?' Pef asked in surprise.

'Damn idiot. This is a Captain level skill. You're just too lucky!' the glove muttered as explanation.

Pef nodded to himself, and formed a hundred more voidswords. Now this was a nice boost to his powers indeed.

Whirling them around, Pef demolished a nearby star system, dismantling the planets and asteroids into tiny bits, while adding more and more voidswords.

However, past a thousand swords he could no longer control them with finesse, and had to use a more at once for every strike.

Still, he was a Tier 4 god now, and his qi reserves had grown as well. In a few days, he reached ten thousand swords and used them in groups of ten, more like a flyswatter than proper swords.

Diluting the beast blood even more, he also began upgrading his troops, passing them each a small cup of Heavenly Laws in liquid form.

A trillion soldiers were ascended at speed, pushing them all towards Monarch and Saint ranks.

Sadly, he didn't have enough blood to create a trillion gods. They would have to reach enlightenment by themselves, but it should be much easier now.

Instead, he focused on raising Shiara and Drake, feeding them tiny bits of godbeast flesh.

After a few divine meals, Shiara crossed over and reached Tier 4, and began churning out even stronger ants for the Legion.

Emerging from their ant eggs at Sky rank was a huge advantage, compared to humans or devils who needed to cultivate bitterly to reach that rank.

However, without pills or other aids, ants had a major bottleneck reaching Monarch and then divine tier.

The new Legion cultivation helped, but not to a big extent. Ants were still beasts of a sort, with strong physical bodies but poor talent for cultivation.

They would need to fight, and devour the dao from their enemies. And Pef was preparing to find them that enemy.

Sure, he found more cultivator planets in his path, and some were rather nasty and had to be cleared out, but a few millions here or there were not enough.

Drake achieved his Tier 2 rank just as Pef arrived home in the Lacrima galaxy, while Lasciel was nearly ready to ascend as well.

Even Aria was now a peak Tier 3, and was eager to fly out on her own, and find enlightenment though combat and exploration.

"One year, to rekindle my bonds with my sisters. Then I'm leaving." the green haired woman said watching the holomap intently.

In a few minutes, Pef stopped in orbit above Lacrima.

He was home once more. Pef opened the status window and began reviewing the changes.

Veritas Legion Adjutant-User data file

Name: Pef Xi

Alias: Monarch, Emperor, Saint, God, Legion, Count, Veritas.

Rank: Local universe CIC, Legion: Soldier

OS: Standard Veritas Legion Indoctrination method: compatibility 1.227

Race: Physical God, Tier 4 (improved +53%)

Body stats:

-Strength : 15 115. (Physical God bonus +50%)

-Agility : 17 700. (Physical God bonus +50%)

-Endurance : 14 070. (Physical God bonus +50%. Veritas Adjutant modifier +1000)

-Intelligence : 322. (Veritas Adjutant modifier +1000)

-Wisdom : 187. (Veritas Adjutant modifier +1000)

-Charisma : 951. (charm +9%)

-Qi reserves: 20 133 000.

Cultivation stats:

-Spiritual affinity: Water 31%, Sword 53%, Void 35%, Fire 9%, Wind 3%, Thunder 8%, Metal 5%, Earth 5%, Life 6%, Entropy 2%, Order 1%, Chaos 1%. (Yin and Yang, Creation and Destruction under 1%)

-Core size: Galactic. (9.993 cms radius)

-Core inner volume: Cluster. (One main galaxy , 12 dwarf galaxies. Total worlds: 1.2 trillion)

-Qi purity: 31%. (~1% trans dimensional injection)

-Soul Aspect: Silver. (Combat/Control/Command affinity)

-Soul defense: 8285. +90% bonus (open meridians 1+11)

-Soul attack: 4327. +10% bonus

-Sword Ki abilities: 53%. (One with the Void: stage 1)

-Water Dao abilities: 31%. (Greater Water Domain, ~91000 kms radius)

-Fire Dao abilities: 9%. (Large Fire Domain, ~9000 kms radius)

-Void abilities: 35%. Blink radius: 9 trillion kms, Voidsplitter skill 3%, Recall radius: 800000 kms. Voidsense, minimal.

Divine stats:

- Ki sense: Galactic (~1 million light-years radius)

- coresense: Gigantic. (~3 light-years kms radius)

- telekinetic field: Average. Range 5 meters (Divine strings manipulation: 80%, Gravity generation: 53%, Quasi strings: 3%)

- add-ons: Icesword rune.

- sword intent: Average (Swordforce: stage 4, 53%)

- transmutation/alteration: Huge. (water Mastery, fog and ice: stage 8, plasma: stage 5, condensation: stage 7)

- divination: Minor/???. (trans dimensional injection)

- heartforce: Average. (Diamond Heart stage 3.)

- kharmic luck: Medium. (Minor reincarnation, trace memories, Realm allies, non-causal scars)

- logopedic Dao ability: Medium: 3 words (Legion, Truth, Faith) (Devour Dao: Soul digestion stage 4, 9%, Soul restoration 9%) +Veritas Powerword gun = 81000 words (charged at 8.1%)

- Extra abilities: water clone: stage 8, Ice wings, Ice armor, fire clone: stage 6, dojutsu: stage 4 (helix spike), mindforce: Large 58% (shield, maze, pulse, flay). Clone fusion stage 1.

​One by one, Pef's beloved wives arrived to meet their husband, while the Legion's troops were being expelled for some real time experience. Keeping the soldiers into the inner universe was possibly detrimental, as some features of the real world did not translate exactly.

Lia hugged Pef gently, and patted his neck. "Welcome home, beloved. I was slightly worried."

Pef embraced her silently. With the Oracle, words were futile anyway, as she would anticipate everything before he could say it.

Miya and Blossom arrived next and hang to his arms, longing and desire apparent to everyone.

"Welcome home, hubby." they spoke at once and giggled.

Pef grinned and patted their bottoms in promise.

They Lin arrived and grimaced at the new wives, before her face softened and she drew closer to kiss him in welcome.

"I expect a lot of gifts. Tier 4 at least. You hear?" the soulsmith demanded as penance.

Pef smiled genially. "Of course my love." He checked around, but the other wives were missing.

"Yuan is roaming and mapping a new galaxy. Should be back next year." Lia answered his unasked question.

Pef nodded and glanced towards Zeus, where he detected Qin and Vela, deep inside the gas giant.

"Cultivating?" he asked to make sure.

Lia nodded with a smile. "Millions of idiots brave the depths to follow your footsteps, husband. And those two were there the longest."

Pef grinned at her knowingly. "And you didn't?"

Lia glanced down in shame. "..."

They all laughed and then flew towards their home.

"Silentia, Strella and Lasciel, I'll leave you to get to know the rest. Lin, with me." Pef commanded and drew his maker wife in the inner world.

Lin glanced around for a minute til she detected the newcomers. "Another gun?"

"Yes, she is Faith. The dragon boy is Drake. And the fairy is Misty." Pef explained while bringing over some Archdevil bones from Yama, and some more bones from the Godbeast.

Faith nodded politely upon seeing Lin and her golden aura. "Captain."

"Sorry, I do not remember that. Only some crafting skill." Lin muttered absently, while examining the bones intently.

"I will fight beside you anyway, Captain. You have the right soul." Faith proclaimed and vanished.

A few seconds later, Pef arrived next to Vela and Qin in the depths of the gas giant and stole them away.

"An elf!"

"A fairy!" Vela and Misty yelled while pointing at each other.

Pef chuckled and prepared a table, then glanced towards Lin as she bit from the Godbeast meat curiously.

She promptly exploded and had to be revived, although she was stronger now.

"This is potent stuff, and filled with many daos. Perhaps if I dilute it a bit, make it a long soup?" Lin mused out loud.

Pef passed her a wine gourd with blood wine. "Try this!"

Taking a few gulps, Lin nodded in satisfaction. "Very good Pef. You're forgiven." she allowed while closing her eyes to mediate.

Meanwhile, Pef began interrogating Qin about her life, while Vela and Misty became fast friends and walked away to chat in private.

"I'm almost at Tier 2, hubby! Soon, I'll be able to dive into the sun, and increase my Fire Dao to maximum." the fire goddess replied in a proud voice.

"And Yuan?"

"She is near Tier 3 now. But she was so much stronger before. Just a tiny bit and I'll catch up." Qin explained with an eager tone.

Pef nodded sagely. If Yuan returned still a Tier 2, then Qin will be ahead of her already, just by eating Godbeast meat.

He took out a drop of beast blood and pushed it gently in her mouth.

Instantly, Qin crossed into the Tier 2, the regular rank of Legion soldiers. Well, regular for the Great Realm at least.

Once her body was restored to life, she grinned and hugged Pef tightly. "I did it!"

Pef smiled in amusement and hugged her back. "Rest now, and meditate. The world will look different soon." he advised her by experience.

Meanwhile, Drake drew closer to Lin, and they began sharing soulsmith stories.

Pef stepped beside Reason and offered her some tea, with unspoken words.

The armored woman sighed and sipped the tea while eying him suspiciously. "It's too soon Commander. Finish the beast first, and repair the weak defenses in your mind. We still have some time." she told him in a tired voice.

Pef grumbled and slumped into his seat. "Still too weak, even with voidswords?"

"You think Lin didn't have them, before she died?" Reason asked mildly.

Pef sighed and closed his eyes. Of course, as a Captain in the Legion she would have the sword skill of a Captain.

"And my father? He had the cutting skill too." Pef murmured softly.

"Indeed. You will need to combine them. Make it multidimensional. Strike the goliths in all dimensions at once. Like the General does." the weapon said in a weird voice.

"A Tier 8 skill. The retaliation..." Pef replied with worry.

"Yes. Myriad Sword Domain. A transcendent skill that can kill Tier 7 entities. She was working on that, last time I saw her." Reason explained gently and poked Pef's forehead with a finger.

He fell asleep, as time stopped for some reason. In the dream, he saw someone looking like Reason bend time and space and dimensions with her sword, straining to strike at a wooden pole from two directions at once. With a single sword strike.

She failed and failed and failed, and kept trying.

A billion times later, the pole had two cuts on either side, while the woman fell to her knees exhausted.

When the dream ended, Pef opened his eyes to find Reason had vanished somewhere.

Vela and Misty had come back, and were playing with a puppy by the sea.

Lin and Drake had blown up and awaited resurrection yet again. Some experiment gone wrong, or too well.

Either way, he revived them and expelled both from the inner world. The temptation to abuse Godbeast flesh was too strong for those two.

"Misty, wanna visit my home planet?" Pef asked the resident fairy.

"After I reach Emperor rank! So next week." Misty yelled back and rolled over with the puppy in her arms.

Pef glanced at Vela and sighed. "Ready to break my mind again, dear vestal?"

"Hehe. Always glad to help, Pef. Seeing you cry is so funny!" the elf goddess replied with a wide grin.

Pef grit his teeth, anticipating more pain and suffering for a few years. "It's called learning, Vela. It's what I do."

he answered weakly.

"Your husband is kinda stupid." Misty whispered to her new friend, like this wasn't his inner world, all under his control.

Vela giggled and splashed some water into her eyes. "Just wait til you find one yourself, you minx fairy."

The puppy yelped and ran around, while the girls splashed each other and laughed.

Outside, Pef and Lia shared a bench in his sauna, enjoying the heat and companionship.

"Devil wives. I'd have thought you learned that lesson." the oracle spoke after nearly an hour.

Pef shrugged. "The heart wants what it wants. And they'll be helpful, I think."

Lia patted his leg in defeat. " Lasciel was a ruler. Perhaps even in the Devil Realm Court. And she remembers a lot."

The Tier 4 hero nodded and sighed. "Even so. She'll become an Archdevil soon. A powerful ally here and perhaps there as well."

Lia leaned on his shoulder "A lich, a druid, a demon, a witch, elves and now ants and devils and dragons. Covering bases for the gate." she deduced in her usual manner.

"Hopefully it will work. Allies are important." Pef said in a tired tone.

His Tier 4 body didn't need sleep or rest anymore, but the weight of the world was too much sometimes.

He still slept sometimes, just to remain sane and allow memories to deposit properly.

But Reason's dream scared him. The General tried so hard. A million times harder than he did.

What could he do to help, when even her wasn't enough?

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Last edited: Jan 26, 2020

Jan 26, 2020Report

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