
 Good About Life?​

My father once told me that I was the quietest infant he'd ever seen. That I was born a coward.

Being born with a Power Level of 50 wasn't bad per say. It did mean I was lower than average.

Not exactly a fine example of parenting, but for a Saiyan all that mattered was strength. All Saiyans need to meet a certain level of strength on Vegeta to gain anything. Even something basic like parental affection.

My name was Dive and yeah, I was reborn as a Saiyan in the Dragon Ball universe.

Normally anyone would relish the chance to be born in that most popular fictional universe. To grow strong, fuck all the babes, and do all the cheat to get all the power levels.

I didn't. Or at least, I lost that luster very fast.

Being born weak was bad enough, pretty sure if I wasn't aware as a child I might have died from sheer negligence, after I was old enough that my mother didn't need to feed me herself. My father would always berate me for being weak.

When I started to manipulate my ki and play with it, make myself faster or stronger, or silly enough, to act out my childhood desire to look cool making ki blasts? Oh that just made it worse. Because now my parents and those around me had expectations of me.

After nearly dying against the wildlife with my "father" encouraging me to grow stronger, I forced myself to meditate over and over again till I learned to suppress my ki and sense it somewhat. I stopped any display of growth or strength, and let me tell you, Asian kids got shit on me. Try a disappointed Saiyan parents.

I was seen as weak or even cowardly. At the utmost someone might see me as the brainy type, and consider me smart. When I was old enough to just live on my own, I left home for the last time to get make it would on my own. Got my own house and everything.

Remember the whole "either you be strong or you're worthless" thing? Yeah, that independence didn't last long.

A Saiyan named Nach just crashed into my home one day and decided to live in it. I didn't know what her problem is because when I ran away and got another house, that crazy bitch followed me. No, this was not a love crush thing, I'm pretty sure she just wanted to have someone to boss around, and I was that prey.

I was afraid and tired all the time, feeling like I must fight everyday to stay alive. Sometimes I even had to, against Nach, other Saiyans, the wildlife.

So I did what any Self Insert in Dragon Ball would do. I started working on my power cheat.

Oh I didn't write it down or anything. I just kept thinking about it, refining my options, before settling on something simple that didn't need a fucking flow chart to follow.

First I needed to get the hell out of here.

I went to an old mechanic called Spin, and kept begging him to teach me about spacecrafts, anything about them, how they are build how they worked. Anything.

He beat me up and told me to scram. After I healed I went back and got beaten. Again and again till he finally accepted and figured I was worthy. Those zenki boosts were someone I guess. Again, it wasn't because of petty "you convinced me with your determination" or something cheesy like that. I was just strong enough that he couldn't beat me aside at that point. He likely just wanted a second set of hands to carry things for him.

Spin was like any typical Saiyan, and while there were other less assholeish, he was the one most knowledgeable about spaceships. I treated the whole thing like working under a boss I disliked, in a job I hated till I made enough money to get something I want. Only in this case, what I wanted couldn't be bought, I wanted knowledge, expertise and skill.

Nach was glad I had a job. It meant she could make fun of me about it, my being a Low-Class Saiyan Engineer and steal my lunch money. Literally.

Also yeah, I was alive to see the annexing of our race by King Cold, and being made his servants.

Fun times. No, really they were. No one gave a shit about you, if you were weak at that point, since everyone had other things to worry about. Which mean that I could study spacecrafts in peace, get everything ready for my escape, and most eyes wouldn't be on me.

Of course, eyes that weren't Nach.

"You're planning something."


Where the fuck did this come from?

"You're planning something." She repeated while I was reading over the schematics of how to disengage a ship's telecommunication frequency, or change it to mask it as something else. "You look like your anticipating something. Spill."

"Spill what? I'm just studying stuff like normal!" I tried to act dumb.

She didn't buy it, kept pestering me, saying she'll beat me up if I didn't tell her. I kept insisting I had nothing, and she kept arguing with me. My plans were so close, there was a ship in maintenance that finished, and about to roll out soon. I just need to sneak into it, change the call sign, and other identifiers, head to a remote planet that sells black market stuff, break it up for parts and sell it, buy a new ship and head to Namek.

All good an easy. I just need not to screw up at the last moment.

"For fuck's sake! What the hell is your problem with me!? You break into my home and basically force me to live with you, you take my food and any stuff that I could own, beat me up like your fucking ragdoll, and now you're just asking me about shit that I didn't do! What is your malfunction!" I blew up at her. Shit.

Nach looked surprise for a second, almost smiling. No wait, she's smiling and it's terrifying. I couldn't see her move. She punch me in the gut and laid me down on the floor.

"Because you piss me off." She said.

I coughed looking at her confused.

"You piss me off, you walk like a warrior, wrapping your tail around your stomach. You're cautious and aware of your surrounding like you're in a battlefield. You're actually pretty good with your energy that you can move stuff with it. Yeah, I saw you grabbing your ship fixing shit with your energy, and throwing it to your hand--You're teaching me that by the way." She smirked as she said this. Reveling in telling me how I wasn't as ignorable or cautious as I thought. Then her eyes narrowed. "But you're a coward.

"You're afraid of everything and everyone around you, and above all." She grabbed my collar. "You look at others fighting and look disgusted, like being a Saiyan Warrior is beneath you, as if you're ashamed of your heritage. I can see it in your eyes, you think you're better than everyone when you are so weak, you never even tried to fight me." She gritted her teeth in rage. "And that fucking. Pisses. Me. Off!"

She sat on me and starting wailing with her fists till I lost consciousness.

I slowly healed from Nach's latest beating, while preparing the optimal time to get on that ship and escape.

Except of course, something else had to come up.

"Hey!" Called someone. Forced myself not to panic as I saw a very familiar face. Infamous spiky hair, and a scar on his face. It was Bardock, the future Sun Wukong's expy's father. "You're Dive, right? Heard from Spin you're the best mechanic around. Think you can look at our pods." He gestured to the Attack Balls.

"S-Sure." I hastily nodded.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

No. Calm down. It's just a normal fix up job, no need to be hesitant or worried. Just do the job and get out.

Doing a check up on their pod ship, was routine really. One needed more fuel, and to fix a part that made it use up more fuel than it should. Another needed a tweak to its navigation, to it lands better while flying next to other Attack Balls, and not crash too close to one.

I fell into a flow as I just did the work. A few hours and all five pod ships were in near-pristine working conditions.

"Right, that's it." I said cleaning up my hand with a work towel.

Bardock nodded. His teammate, the fat one whistled.

"Damn, if we had him, he could have fixed yours and Tora's ships. Although it was funny that you double up in Gine's ship, and him in Fasha's." The fat guy laughed out loud.

Bardock looked interest.

No. No no no nononononono.

He check his scouter. I naturally came up to a PL of 522. Very Low-Class for a warrior.

"Hmm," he grunted. "We're gonna have to train you a bit so you'd stay alive, but yeah it can work."

"I-I...I don't have an Attack Ball?" I tried to argue.

Bardock looked at me with amusement and an 'are you serious' look. "Attack Balls are a dime a dozen. Go get one registered and meet us tomorrow at hanger nine."

I just nodded and ran away.

I had a choice at this point.

Do I go with Bardock and make another escape plan later? Heck, maybe if I'm lucky I could find a ship on whatever planet we're going to invade, and just hightail it from there.

Am I actually that lucky though? So what? This is either the universe telling me to go on adventures with Bardock "the Scientist", maybe avert his fate or change the plot, or maybe this is a peggy sue where you change one thing, and go on grand adventures, training and growing stronger together.

Or I'm going to die. Because let's be realistic, I never won a fight in this life or my past one. If I go then I'm going to die.

I need to escape. Tonight.

I can't go back home though. I can't say nothing, she'll be suspicious. Nach would notice something. She's a fucking bloodhound always watching of me, for her own amusement.

If I tell her about Bardock volunteering me to his team, she'll likely stay up all night just to make sure to escort me to my doom later on. She's a bitch like that.

No, I have to hide and go tonight.

I lowered my power level to less than three hundred so it wouldn't be obvious that its me. Then I just waited around the launch hangers, trying to waste time till tonight.

Just my fucking luck, Nach came to snoop around.

"Hey, Nach. Looking for Dive?" Asked old man, Spin.

"Yeah, hear from Veil, he got on Bardock's team. Ha! That idiot's first taste of battle is gonna be on that suicide squad. I came to laugh at him!" She said, beaming.

Spin, that asshole, just chuckled. "Don't know, he's around I guess. Haven't seen him in a while, but you can't look around. Don't break anything!" He finished with a shout.

"I know how this shit works, sheesh!" She waved him off.

She started looking around, and I lowered my power level even more.

I kept moving around the hanger while she did, to avoid her.

Almost like destiny, I found myself at the ship I planned to escape in, and hide in it to escape her. It was fuel up, repaired and good to go.

Nach scoffed, slapping herself in the face. Then turned Scouter on.

I lowered my power level to as small as possible

"Hey, Spin!" Nach shouted. "Did you have any kids around here?" She asked.

Why was she asking about...

I'm a fucking idiot. Of course a power level that's too small would just look like a kid sneaked in.

"Huh? No." He shouted, and activated his Scouter.

...They're gonna find me. They're gonna find me and asked about what I'm doing here. Why is my power level so small when I'm not injured. They're gonna demand answers.

I won't be able to escape. I won't be able to get out of this hellhole and live. Fuck, I'm not gonna survive!

I needed to, I needed to...

"Woah!" Shouted Nach.

"What the fuck!?" Screamed Spin.

The ship turned on, it floated up, and broke out of the roof, taking off quickly into space, almost hitting another ship on the way.

I was out. Holy shit, I was out. Fuck me, I just acted.

"Hahahahaha," I was hysterical. "HAHAHAHA WOOOO!" A howled out shout. My first real laugh in this life.

A voice then came on the ship's communicator.

"Dive, THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Shouted Spin.

"HAHAHAHAHA, YOU ARE SO FUCKED!" Nach laughed, before Spin told her to buzz off, and let him talk.

I turned off the comms.

Fuuuuuuck, I didn't take out the comms or the tracker, or any of the other stuff. I didn't have time.

I'm gonna need to stop somewhere and do that. No, they will know I can do that.

I'm gonna need to stop the engines, get outside and do that, then head to my destination.

Thankfully, there was a spacesuit and I could fly.

I almost lost my cord to the ship twice, but I managed it. Next stop, Frieza Planet 369.

"This ship is top of the line, this can get you--" Said Martus the one who runs the black market on Planet 369.

"Listen here," I got into his face, gritting my teeth in anger. I bit back any insults as I just don't have time. "I gave you a pretty good ship, in good conditions. Don't bullshit me about any of the small stuff, I just want decent ship that will do a roundtrip. As long as you don't give me junk that will break mid-flight, you can have the one I brought."

"Okay, okay, sheeh. You Saiyans, really aren't ones for negotiating. I'm suppose to go low, you go high and we meet somewhere in the middle." Said that slightly scared, but bravado looking Martus.

"I don't care, I just want something functional."

The ship Martus gave me ran out of fuel too quickly.

Thankfully, it did so after reaching Namek. That fucker.

Then again, I did make multiple pit stops, to remove any trackers on the ship (of course there were a few), and shake off any followers.

It didn't matter, I crash landed onto the planet but I was alive. After resting, finishing up any food I have, and then completely destroying my ship till there weren't any scraps of it left, I headed out in search for the Namekian Dragon Balls.

It was a long trip. The Z-Warrior made it look so fucking easy with that Dragon Radar.

The natives were thankfully nice, if apprehensive to me. My not coming with any invasion plans, or hostility helped. They seemed sad after sensing my ki. I didn't want to think about it.

A guy named Moori offered to help me. We kept traveling for weeks from village to village trying to find which one had Dragon Balls.

"Dive, may I ask you something?" He said one night while we were camping having finished dinner.

"Go ahead." I waved him off.

"You told me your wish for the Dragon Balls is to not be afraid again, but what do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Why does it matter?" I bit back, maybe a bit too hostile.

He raised his hands in a placating manner. "I just want to understand, my friend." He said. "The wish can only be made in our native tongue, thus I want to understand if I were to speak it for you. I need a clear wording to use." He explained.

I kept my eyes narrowed for a while longer, before clenching my fist, taking deep breath, and slowly letting it out in a shudder. I looked down at my lose fist, while reminiscing about everything I went through till now.

"I'm tired." I said in a low tone.

"Eh?" Moori blinked at my quiet answer.

"Do you know..." I trailed off as I gathered my thoughts. Moori thankfully waited patiently. "Do you know what it's like to live all your life in a battlefield? To never feel safe. To always be afraid that at any moment you could die, either to some other people having a bar fight, or because you accidently pissed off the wrong person. Or, or someone just woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day, and takes it out on you." My voice slowly got louder, before I stopped it from being screaming, and spoke at a normal volume again. "That's what life was like for me on Planet Vegeta. I might be a Saiyan, but I was never like them. I don't belong there."

I looked up to see Moori looking at me with a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry for prying and opening old wounds, Dive." He said.

"It's fine." I waved him off, looking down at the four Dragon Balls we gathered. "I just need to get this over this quick and then...Then I'll be at peace."

We got the rest of the Dragon Balls very quickly soon after, reaching Grand Elder Guru's house for the last one.

...That Moori. Was that slugman doing some test of character bullshit on me?

I let it go, no point in being angry. My goal is so close.

"Hmm, you look like you have a heavy heart. Are you sure your wish is what you want?" Asked Guru.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure." I sighed, tired of everyone asking me that.

"Come closer, child." Said Guru. I looked around to see everyone's reaction. The guard, Nail I think he was called, didn't look worried in the least, and no one else seemed to care.

I walked closer till I was in arm's reach. I tense as Guru placed a hand on my head, feeling his ki move about.

"Hmm, you've had a harsh life child. There is no malice in your heart but there is war within you and a lot of bitterness." He said.

"One's thoughts aren't a crime." I scowled. Yeah, I wished a lot of the people in my life would die or just suffer for the hell I went through, but I didn't act on it.

"That's only because you never had the power to act on it." He said. "I can awaken one's dormant potential, with it you'd be strong enough to never fear your opponents."

I thought about it. It would have been so easy to say yes. This was a classic Dragon Ball power up, but...

"No thanks. If things work out like I want, hopefully I'll never have to fight again." I said back.

"Very well." Guru nodded.

I was allowed to have the last Dragon Ball and we went outside.

Moori called up Porunga, and meeting the buffed up Dragon was...an experience to see. I actually lost my train of thought for a while, as an old childish feeling returned to me.

This was a dragon and that was fucking cool.

"State your first wish." Porunga said, looking amused but pleased by me.

"I wish for immortality." I said. It was the obvious one. Seriously, why did no one ever do this?

I felt the chance instantly, all my old aches faded away and my body burst with a power I've never felt before. I started to smile, feeling...actually relaxed for the first time. Ever.

"Your wish is granted. Now state your second wish."

"I wish to never lose my mind. To never be insane or go mad, or for my mental health to deteriorate." I explained. I don't know if endless willpower would have worked, but ultimate as long as I don't go mad with power, and become some classic DBZ villain, then it should be fine.

Moori looked surprised but smiled at that.

"Your wish is granted. Now state your third wish."

I turned to Moori and smiled.

"This is good bye. Thanks for everything, Moori." I said. "I wish to be transported to Yardrat."

"Good bye, Dive. I wish you find your peace." Moori said back and made my third wish.

Suddenly I was elsewhere, the environment and sky completely changing. There was barely any feeling of movement, or maybe I'm not quick enough to catch it.

With a pep in my step, I walked around, looking for Yardratians.

It took a day or so to find a Yardrat. Once they could see I didn't mean them any harm, they welcomed me with open arms.

They were pretty jovial people, and I actually had fun for the first time in this life, interacting with them and playing some of their games.

I met up with a Yardrat Elder named Pybara, who agreed to train me in their ways.

Months and then years past before I fully learned everything in their arts. I have nothing but time after all.

After I was sure to have mastered every single skill, learn everything I can, that's when I was ready to leave. I had one last destination.


...I had no fucking clue how to get there.

It took a long while to pinpoint Earth's location with ki sensing.

One of the people I befriend here was Cola. He was a pretty cool Yardrat, actually an engineer like me. He offered to help me build up a ship from all the materials they had around, but I wasn't feeling up to that.

I wanted to use Instant Transmission for planetary travel already.

I wasn't impatient though. I didn't jump the gun and just go to the first planet I felt Namekian life on.

I studied the feel of that world over and over, having to jump to another signature once, since that planet was being attacked by Bardock, which didn't happen on Earth.

I looked around for a while again, slowly and meticulously, even going into meditation as I was taught for close to an hour.

Finally, I found it and after looking around to the life energy on the planet, I was sure of it.

"Who are you!?" The Guardian of Earth said in alarm.

"Relax, I came in peace. I don't want to fight or anything." I said, raising my arms placatingly.

"That technique, where have you learned it?" He questioned wondering if I'm an enemy.

"Space." I deadpanned. "Look, I just want to enter the Room of Spirit and Time, that's all."

"You know about that room?" He asked with wide eyes. I nodded. "And why should I let you do that?" He tested.

"I could kill you and your servant and there's nothing you can do about it." I said with a dry tone.

Power Level-wise, I was beyond anything the Dragon Ball era can throw at me. Heck, I'm pretty sure now, I was stronger than Raditz when he first arrived.

"Look," I sighed and tried to seem nice, but I was losing my patience with how close I was to the final part of my plan. "I'm not lying. I mean you and this world no harm, I just want to enter that room." I said pointing to the door. "And train, that's it."

"And what will you do once you've grown stronger? That's assuming you survive that place." Kami asked.

"That's my problem to worry about." I said in a sharp tone.

After a few more tense moments, Kami reluctantly went and opened the door, I went into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, standing at the center on the other side, seeing the expansive nothingness before me.

"Hey," I said to Kami and Popo on the other side. "Look," maybe I just didn't want to leave a bad impression, but I felt like I had to say something before that door closed. "I'm...sorry about being harsh, but...No, there's not much else to say. I wanted to get here, and I wasn't gonna stop. Sorry." I could seem to think of the right words. "You asked what I will do when I get stronger," I said, giving him a soft smile. "I'll go out and just live. That's all."

With a confused but calmer and more amicable Kami and Popo behind, I began to walk into white void. Kami gave me a warning about the room's time limit were I would be sealed in afterwards, but I just smiled and nodded.

I walked deeper into the endless room and didn't stop.

I walked till I died from how tough the room's conditions were. I got up and walked till I died again.

I didn't walk back out.

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Monday at 8:57 PMReport

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Nach was a naturally angry Saiyan woman.

At least to anyone who met her.

She hadn't always angry, there was time when she smiled, laughed or had fun in some activity. Or a fight.

Yet, it all soured away over the years.

If she were to sit down and think about it, it all began by meeting him. Dive the Deserter as he came to be known, for those who bothered to remember his story.

Dive was just a weakling really when she first met him. She found a nice furnished home with a lower power level inside, and decided to take it. The young man inside was relatively handsome, so Nach thought: "Meh, I'm in the mood. Let's fight and fuck."

She would win obviously. They both might be Low-Class Saiyans, but there were levels to that, and she had been approaching Mid-Class over the years. A few more and she would fully enter it.

Except, that Saiyan, Dive as she found out his name, didn't give her a fight. He didn't do anything. He literally jumped out the window and...left.

It was fucking hilarious. She never remembered laughing so hard in her life.

But then as she sat in that house she kept thinking about him, and just got annoyed. Why didn't he even...try to fight her? Throw a punch, something.

But no, he relinquish any possession or anything of value he held in this house, just to escape her. It wasn't because she's ugly, she was very sure of that.

His expression before he ran. It just nagged at her. A mix of loathing, resignation and fear. It just pissed her off.

Nach eventually got bored of living alone in that house, so she tracked Dive down, and crash into his new house, telling him she's living with him now.

Again, that loathing, resignation and fear were there. She was excited as he stood his ground this time. She thought he might actually fight her now.

Of his emotions, resignation won however, and so he let her stay. Nach just felt more annoyed at the weakling.

From there living with Nach, she kept pushing him. Wanting to see what makes him tick, wanting to see if what would make him span, even just lash out in some way.

Nothing worked. Dive always kept bottled up his anger, and let her down what she wanted.

The one time she tried to play keep away with his engineering books, that's when he stood up to her.

"If I can't study, I can't do my job, and if I can't do my job, I can't get food. And then I starve and die. Sure, you don't care, but the fun luxury ride ends."

She threw those books back at him, losing interest since he had a point.

At that point, Nach wasn't sure why she always felt angry at Dive, only that she was. It's only in hindsight that she understood.

Dive wasn't some normal weakling without a Saiyan spirit. He had it, but channeled it in learning rather than fighting. It wasn't because he was smart.

She had seen many times where he grew frustrated, angry, or even crying to himself at a concept he couldn't understand. She had seen him trying to use his inner power in different ways, than just energy blasts. It was...actually neat to watch.

Dive did have a passion, a fighting spirit inside him, but he always suppressed it. He never acted on his anger. He was like one of those weaker races that knew when they faced a stronger warrior, and could do nothing but lower their heads and obey, just so they can survive.

Then came the day where King Cold, of the Cold Empire took our planet and race as servants. It was mortifying, but what can they do. They can't win against the likes of Cold.

Kinda like how Dive was with literally any other Saiyan.

That's when she felt it. Rage.

Not in the heat of battle or like when someone insulted her, and she needed to break their teeth in.

She felt rage at herself, at the other Saiyans, and above all at Dive.

Because what? Did their submission to Cold just show that underneath their Saiyan heritage, their pride, they were all just cowards like Dive?

There had been many who rebelled against King Cold, and even wanted to fight him.

King Vegeta put them down like animals. His mighty strength showing why he was the king.

The "lucky" ones who were able to slip past King Vegeta, to reach King Cold couldn't even reach him. His minions made easy work of them.

And so, the Saiyan Race came to serve the Cold Empire.

The strong ruled over the weak as is natural.

When Nach faced Dive afterward, and he saw, saw and understood feelings and realization of their race's new status...

He said nothing. He didn't nod, didn't smirk, didn't show any emotion good or bad, about what he felt about this change, or about her.

Dive just accepted it.

And Nach grew to hate him for it.

She hated how for him, his race's enslavement meant nothing. That for him, it was as if nothing changed.

She hated how he just kept forging on.

Nach hated Dive...because she realized she, at that moment, was just like him. Someone that would bow their head, to not fight those stronger, but just try to scrap by to survive. Some pride did she have.

And then came the day were Bardock, the highest of the Low-Class Warrior, likely soon to reach Mid-Class in a year or two, found Dive's talent in machinery worth recognition.

Nach didn't see it that way. She got some of the ideas ship fixing just from reading Dive's left over notes, and books. In secret of course. Give her a few months, and she would surpass Dive in his oh-so-vaunted possession.

She even went to his workplace with Spin to taunt him. Maybe being forced to go somewhere, were he has to fight would break his "pacifism" in avoiding any fight.

Then...everything went insane. Like cool insane, but also weird insane.

Dive stole a ship. Right in front of her.

Nach couldn't process what happened for a few moment.

Dive stole a ship, and in broad daylight.

The act was so brazen that no one could have reacted in time. Saiyans didn't have deserters. They didn't have weapons to shoot him down. By the time the message got around that the ship was stolen, Dive had already left the planet.

Does Dive even realize that now he's gonna be hunted by them? By the Frieza Force? He'll have a bounty on his head, how the hell does that weakling expect to survive away from her.

Because even if he didn't know, she had protected him. There were other Saiyans that saw him as a meal ticket, that she punched away. Besides, when she beats him up, she lets him heal in full, so he grows stronger. He owed her his cushy life where no one but her approached him.

But above all.


It was hearing that laugh the set her on edge. Made her grit her teeth in her sleep.

She had a feeling that Dive was planning something, anticipating something. She thought maybe he knew about someone that can teach energy using technique. Some secret shipment of food. Some mission to a planet where he'll be away from Planet Vegeta thinking he'll escape her.

As if, he has to come back home after all, and she'd be waiting if she wasn't on her own mission.

But no, he elected to run away on his own.

Nach understood then. The reason why she felt like Dive gave off the feeling of a fighter, while being a coward and utterly weak. He was preparing.

All this time he was preparing, and, and, and Bardock must have forced his hand.

So he just pulled that crazy stunt move, and rocketed off away, breaking free from her, the Saiyan Race, the Frieza Force, he just escaped from it all.

Then Nach grew disappointed and angry. All of this, all his inner battles and focus and it was for nothing. The idiot panic. He didn't even realize he left the comms on, letting Spin and her shout at him.

But he ignored them. He didn't say anything back. He just shut off the comms and continued on his way.

Nach didn't care. Dive would be found and then killed. Even if he used his smarts to escape he would still die because he's weak.

The idiot didn't even have time to take out the normal tracker on the ship.

Then mid-way into space, Dive's stolen ship went off the grid.

It must have been destroyed, huh. Thought Nach. She decided to forget about Dive the Deserter and just move on.

What an idiot. If he had put his drive to run away from fighting into growing strong, he would have been worth something. Worth so much more.

But then she heard it on the grapevine months later. Dive turned up at Frieza Planet 369.

He was alive!? How?

His ship lost all trackers and communication.

The latter could be done without a problem if he knew exactly where he was going, and wasn't planning to talk to anyone. The former however, even if you got rid of the pieces inside the ship, you'd still need to remove the antenna and receiver on the ship's back.

Then it occurred to her.

Dive actually went out mid-ship flight to do the modification. The crazy sunnvabitch actually improvised and managed to escape after all.

Now, he now was going to be hunted, but he was a Low-Class Saiyan, so not a priority.

Not for her he wasn't.

Nach felt elated, excited...and angry again.

She remember his screaming laugh when he ran away. She had never heard him make that sound before.

But it wasn't his joyous laugher that pissed her off. But what it meant.

Dive genuinely, had only expressed happiness when he left his planet, his people, his Saiyan heritage behind. A Saiyan being happy that he no longer had to be a Saiyan.

It enraged Nach, and so she went to hunt him down. She was just one Low-Class Warrior, so it was okay for her to head off on her own. She didn't matter, but that didn't bother her.

It turned out Dive was an extremely sneaky little shit. Seriously, so goes to a black market, sells their top-of-the-line Frieza ship for cheap, uses half the money to bribe the dealer not to tell where he was going (which she had to counterbribe by threatening to make him feel unimaginable pain), and then goes to get the most bland model of all ships, that was good enough for one trip.

And then, he goes around making multiple pit-stops before reaching his destination.

Why did he expect someone to go after him? He wasn't important, just doing the token effort to stay hidden would have had him under the radar.

But he went above and behind in hiding himself. He didn't even tell anyone where he was going, or set the coordinates to his real destination, until he's way into his trip away from anybody who might track or follow him.

Did he know she would follow him? Is that way he was so cautious? That asshole!

She kept up her search, till she received a most grave news.

Planet Vegeta had been destroyed by a meteor. The whole of the Saiyan Race had died, due to having been called back by Lord Frieza for some "important" mission.

It was clearly all bullshit. There were way too many coincidences.

There were still Saiyans alive. The Prince--because of course--General Nappa and Bardock's kid, Raditz.

That was it. Nach realized. Three Saiyan males were left and her were left of her race.

Maybe there were others. Maybe some escape like Dive, or some didn't heed Frieza's call in time and didn't make it back.

Then the thought hit her.

She was alive because of Dive.

If she didn't been focused on finding him, she would have surely perished with the rest of her race.

...Something broke in Nach at that realization. A crack formed in her heart.

No! She rejected it. No, that has to be wrong.

Dive was a coward. Dive got lucky. She was a Saiyan Warrior, she could survive anything--

Survive? Not fight?

Since when did she started thinking in that way.

Her Attack Ball was registered within the Frieza Forces. She got a message from Prince Vegeta ordering her return to Frieza Planet 79 to regroup with the remaining Saiyans.

What does she do?

Does she...does she return and work underneath the Prince and Lord Frieza? Just work under the boot of her race's oppressor, and the brat of a prince? She had heard about Prince Vegeta's temperament.

Was...Was she the last female Saiyan? Would...would she be used as some broodmare to repopulate their race? They didn't need to, they had those DNA technologies that could rebuild a race to use, if they really wanted to, and it would be more efficient.

Should she really go along with this?

An insidious thought entered her mind.

She could run away. Do as Dive did and just...escape? Who would stop her?

But she couldn't. She wasn't Dive. She had to be realistic.

Dive was one Saiyan among hundreds of thousands. Who'd miss him?


She was one among four.

She couldn't escape. She would be hunted and found right away.

An incoming message came on her notification.

"Nach, was it? Of course, it's another Low-Class Warrior. You didn't answer the last message, I don't care for your reason. I, Prince Vegeta, order you to head to Frieza Planet 79. Do you comply?" It was obviously not a question.

Her choice was made for her. She answer affirmative and went to the designated point.

That crack in her heart grew, and now it fully became a fracture.

In the end, she was even more of a coward than Dive.

For the next few years, Nash lived as a servant to Prince Vegeta and Nappa. Like Raditz, another Low-Class Warrior she was used as a punching bag and someone to boss around.

Thankfully Vegeta didn't want her around as some womb to use, or anything of the sort. He literally just wanted another pair of hands around and someone to lord his position and rank over.

It was both insulting...and to Nach's shame, a relief that she was look down upon so much for her Low-Class status.

Nappa didn't have Vegeta's disgust at the idea of sleeping with her. Her only solace was, thankfully regardless of power levels, a punch to the dick, was a punch to the dick. That dissuaded Nappa from future attempts, but he did beat her up something fierce.

And that's how she lived.

Head to a planet, slaughter the natives, report to Prince Vegeta and the Frieza Force. Rinse and repeat.

Vegeta and Nappa lorded their status and power over her and Raditz--whom she got paired up with a lot. She didn't like pairing up with Raditz unless ordered to. The feeling was mutual.

Raditz thought she was a raging bitch, after trying to get into her pants didn't work.

And Nach thought...well, she thought he was a poor copy of Dive. Raditz was smart, resourceful, that was true. But he was the cowardly sort, never going into a fight he can't win, the number of time he put his life on the line, were almost never. He knew how to "choose" his battles as he liked to say.

Nach knew the hypocrisy and flaw of her reasoning. She didn't care.

Raditz reminded her of Dive, yet was like a bad mirror version of him, and that annoyed her.

Then she realized she was thinking about Dive, when there was no reason for her to think about that Deserter, and she would just feel angry even more.

Another thing that she was wrong about, it wasn't just her, Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz that were alive after Planet Vegeta's destruction, there were other Saiyans. They just died over the years. Nach wasn't sure if they annoyed Vegeta, so he sent them on suicide missions, or Freiza would send someone to off one whenever he's bored.

So on top of everything, there was always this lingering feeling that something might come at her, and kill her one of these days, and she would know about it, or can overcome it. That paranoia helped once. A species that was pretty tech savvy, hacked her Scouter wirelessly and tried to show her there was no lifeforms near her, in order for them to ambushed her.

Had been her from before, she would have fell for the ruse. But something felt off. No life forms? She hadn't spend enough time on that planet to have managed that, and so she had to rely on her hearing and smelling to counter the ambush when they jumped her, and destroy their hacking device.

And her life just continued, missions, taking Vegeta and Nappa words, and self-loathing at not fighting back.

Till one day, she was sent on a mission to a planet called Earth.

Raditz had a self-imposed mission of finding his brother, after finding the coordinates Bardock had placed into the infant's Kakarot's pod.

The mission was allowed because beyond the occasional jobs, not much was expected from Raditz. He reported to Vegeta, and the prince waved him off, saying he didn't care what Raditz did.

Except for a small caveat.

"Do take Nach with you though. She had been taking longer and longer to finish her mission, maybe a primitive planet would be more her speed." Vegeta said with a chuckling smirk.

Nach said nothing. She could only take the implied insult and carry on.

"Oh, because she's a weak bitch whose barely managing to stay alive, right Vegeta?" Nappa had no subtlety and just voiced the insult out loud as he laughed.

"Very helpful, Nappa. The Low-Class dead brain might not have gotten it." Vegeta deadpanned, before just chuckling and rolling with it.

"...Will report to you when it's done, Vegeta." Nach had to grit her teeth to not say anything more, and just turned and walked away with Raditz in tow.

Raditz tried to say some stuff, half to comfort her, half to get in her pants. She punched him in the face and ignored him, going on her way.

"You're putting him on a pedestal." Raditz said at the opening of his pod ship.

"What?" Asked Nach.

"Dive. I know about you chasing him when he deserted. You act like he's this cunning daring guy, that escape the might of the Saiyan Empire. He's just a grunt that was lucky and got away." Said Raditz.

Before Nach could answer back, Raditz entered his pod and closed the door behind him.

For a moment, Nach really thought about blasting the Attack Ball with Raditz in it. Who would care? Vegeta certainly won't give a shit, but she would be reprimanded for "damaging equipment" and losing "precious Saiyan assets".

So she let it go for now. Remembering to pay him back in their next sparring session.

Reaching Planet Earth was easy.

Finding Kakarot? Not a problem. The power levels of this planet were a joke. Nach thought the place might serve as a nice vacation spot. Just relax and do whatever she wanted.

At least till Frieza came to take the planet and rename it with a stupid number.

Nach decided to just let Raditz do whatever he wanted here. She couldn't bring herself to care about what he was doing.

It's his family reunion, let him handle it or fuck it up.

That might have been a bad decision.

Facing four weaklings, Kakarot, the Namekien, that bald short guy, and the bald old guy seemed like a joke. They were all so weak, that there was no way Nach could take that fight seriously.

In the beginning she and Raditz dominated the battle. Nach thought her first thought about this planet was right. This place would make a good vacation spot with entertainment like this.

Then everything started to go wrong. She could pinpoint the exact moment the battle started to go to the Earthlings favor.

While Kakarot and Piccolo took on Raditz, Nach took on Krillin and Roshi. She was annoyed at having the weaker opponents, especially when she was stronger than Raditz. Him having a power level of 1500 and her being 2000.

But she figured she should let him deal with his family feud, while she played around.

The Earthlings fought desperately as if their lives depended on it, which well, it did. Then she came to witness a hilarious scene of Kakarot holding Raditz by the tail.

"Give me your word, you both leave here and never return." Kakarot said menacingly.

"I will! We will I mean! We'll leave and never come back, right Nach?" Raditz said desperately while looking at her. Telling her with his eye to just play along, but she didn't feel like it.

"Hahahahahahaha, no, no. You can just kill him, I don't care." Nach couldn't stop grinning at the hilarity of this situation. It would be hell of a story to tell later to Vegeta and Nappa. Let them have fun turning their attention on Raditz for a while.

"You'd just let your own friend die?" Krillin asked, looking agast.

"Friend is a very strong word." Nach charged up an energy ball. "In fact, you're all taking too long with all this talking and pleading." She aim and fired her energy blast at Raditz, seemingly making it look like I killed him. There, that's enough help to get him out of that sticky situation.

The four Earthlings gathered to facing, thinking me the only threat now.

"Well come on then," Nach gave a nasty smirk. "Do your best, it's not gonna make a difference in the end."

And so the fight continued. Krillin and Roshi acting as support while Piccolo and Kakarot, no, Goku were the main hitters.

Nach got into the rhythm of things, just playing around and enjoying decimating her opponents, no matter how many attacked or how quickly. They really should have left that old man home, he was nothing but a liability.

She showed this by moving much faster than the Earthlings could react, appearing meters away behind the group, and behind Roshi.

"You should have been nice to your elderly and let them stay home. End Shot." Nach laughed as she fired a large energy blast that would vaporize their weakest member. Incinerating Roshi till not even a body was left should break their spirit.

Only for Krillin to get in the way with a ki sphere in both hands, as he began to fire his Scattering Bullet, hoping to wheedle down her own attack, but it didn't work. Nach's ki beam was weaker, but still it blasted Krillin fully, taking him out of the fight.

"Krillin!" Goku and Roshi shouted.

"That fool." Piccolo muttered.

"You, you..." Roshi in his bulked up form, threw away his half broken glasses. "You will pay for this." Roshi gathered up his energy, but Nach didn't pay attention to him as Goku and Piccolo attacked her at the same time.

It was a joke, anything that they could do was a joke. Seriously why struggle like this, when they are so much weaker? What drives them? Nothing would change.

Only the Namekian that she slammed away mid-fight returned with his arms extended and wrapping all around her like a weird disturbing hug.

"Get your filthy hands," Nach kept pushing against her hold, slowly breaking Piccolo's arms. "Off of me!" She had enough room to fly up.

"Thunder Shock Surprise!" Roshi threw his arms at Nach, launching a green electric energy at her.

"AAAARGH!" Nach shouted as she was electrocuted, and held in place in the air.

Goku prepared a Kamehameha.

"No!...I won't...lost...to you weaklings!" She was able to power through the electric energy cage, and she could see Raditz making his way sneakily toward them. She grinned as those Earthlings wouldn't know what's about to hit them.

Piccolo prepared a Masenko.

Raditz was closer preparing an energy blast of his own, then looked at Nach and just smirked.

"You bastard!" She shouted, the Earthlings thinking she was screaming at them.

She broke free from the Thunder Shock. Piccolo and Goku fired their attacks, Nach in desperation fired a ki beam from her mouth, scorching her throat and mouth from not being used to this attack yet.

Raditz fired his own ki blast at Goku.

An explosion went out all around.

The fighters were shocked and were silent.

Nach's smoking body hit the ground, she was lucky to be alive, yet she had never felt pain like thie before.

Raditz attack was stopped from an unexpected source. Krillin was alive and has used his own Kamehameha to cancel out Raditz's Saturday Crush.

The group was surprised by Raditz still being alive, but also relieved Krillin was alright.

"Well," Raditz said. "I was gonna return the favor. Sorry about that, Nach." His grin showed he wasn't sorry at all.

"I will...fucking...break you when this is all over." I said through gritted teeth, surprising the Earthlings that she was still alive.

The Raditz wailed in on the group, now taking them seriously given how their carelessness wounded them so much, against warriors that really should have been no trouble for them.

As the four Earthlings fought, they couldn't help but keep splitting their attention back to Nach who did nothing at the moment, as they worried of a sudden attack from her.

That distraction costed them.

"Gahk!" Roshi coughed blood with Raditz fist in his chest.

"ROSHI!" Shouted Goku and Krillin.

"Finally! One down!" Raditz hollered in laughter. "There you go, Nach. Caught you the one that caught you. Ha! That rhymed."

"You, you'll pay for this!" Goku's ki blew up, increasing with his rage, as he, Krillin and Piccolo attacked with new vigor. But that boost from anger didn't close the gap between Goku and Raditz enough. The Saiyan Warrior was sure of his victory.

Nach stood up, having rested enough, and decided to just end this farce.

Only it seemed like Krillin wasn't keen to be hoodwinked again.

"Solar Flare!" He shouted as he had sensed Nach coming, and launch a strong white light that over took Nach's vision.

"Aaaah!" Nach screamed as she was blinded.

Somehow the little twerp had seen her coming.

She tried to get her baring, firing energy blasts in front of her, but all she heard was a shout from Raditz. Wow, in a field of enemies she ended up hitting him. Okay, that was definitely funny but she would laugh about it later.

Yet the moment her eye sight was back, she saw Krillin with a full powered Kamehameha.

Nach had no choice but to use her secret weapon.

She gathered her energy quickly to her straightened knife hand, moving the energy like a funnel over her fingers to the middle one and pointed at Krillin.

It was her fastest attack, with great piercing power, yet it was too weak.


"Swift Stab!"

The large blue beam and thin violet ray went past each other.

Nach got a full powered Kamehameha from Krillin to the face, completely launching her off the battlefield.


Krillin spat out blood, as he held the hole in his chest, falling to one knee.

"Krillin!" Goku cried out, but Raditz wouldn't let this chance go.

Raditz wailed on Goku then, completely outclassing and beating him down. Piccolo stood to the side trying to see what moment he can attack the Saiyan invader, as he didn't know if Nach was out for the count, or would return.

Suddenly everything changed at once.

A power level suddenly spiked rapidly near them. It was coming from Raditz's pod.

"Leave my daddy alone!" Came the child's shout, as the Attack Ball broke up with the half-breed, Gohan covered in orange and red energy flying straight at Raditz slamming into his chest, critically injuring him.

"What the fuck!?" Nach couldn't believe it, as she watched from where she was under some rocks.

How is this possible? For a child to go from a power level of 2 to over a thousand in seconds.

The boy after critically injuring Raditz, fell back down his power fading just as his anger did. Raditz knocked the kid aside, which was easy even with the little strength he had.

Then Goku held Raditz into a full nelson, while telling Piccolo to using his special attack once more.

Nach couldn't believe her ears. These Earthling, why are they not afraid of death? Yes, she had seen beings from worlds she invaded fight, when they have no hold, but well, that's because they had no option. They fight or they die, even if the end result was the same.

But here? They will die to take out a threat to their world willingly.

No, that wasn't the surprising part. It was that Goku, a Saiyan was willing to do that.

Yet Nach had to act, she was injured from all the direct hits she took, and couldn't complete her mission on her own.

"Special Beam Canon!" Piccolo fired his attack.

Just as Nach fired her own at Goku.

"Aaaagh!" Goku's strength was loose enough for Raditz to get out of it.

But Piccolo's attack hit Goku all the same.

Raditz stood shocked at this event, unable to believe it happened.

Nach dashed with all her strength, pick up Raditz and flew away.

They can't afford to keep fighting with their injuries.

The Earthlings had "won" for today.

The two Saiyan decided to lick their wounds and fight another day.

Things couldn't get any worse.

After reporting back to Vegeta, telling him of the events that transpired, telling him about the fight--and something called Dragon Balls that came up in the battle between Raditz, Goku, Krillin and Piccolo, and how they can't revive Roshi with it--their leader's answer was a damming one.

"Raditz and Nach, I honestly can't believe how lower my disappointment can get anymore, when it comes to you two. I'm done, you are both expelled from my command." Vegeta spoke through the scouter.

"But Prince Vegeta, we couldn't have anticipated the Earthlings resistance! We still took most of them out, so if you'd just give us--" Nach tried to argue.

"You killed an old man, a weakling that managed to take you by surprise and beat you, and this Kakarot only died to his own ally's attack. You two are a comedy act." Vegeta said back.

"Please Prince Vegeta--" Raditz tried to grovel.

"I don't want to hear it, Raditz. You and Nach are a disgrace to our Saiyan blood, and if you have any sense in those in those empty heads of yours, when we get to that puny planet for those Dragon Balls." Vegeta paused. "Don't get in our way." He said with a menacing low tone.

The line was cut.

Nach and Raditz sat down in silence.

Raditz looking shocked at how in a day his world turned upside down. From his belief on Saiyan strength, to his belief on his place with his race, what's left of it, to his belief on what courage and strength were.

"What...What do we do?" He said, his tone lost. Nach wasn't sure if he was talking to her or himself.

Nach took off her scouter, and gestured for Raditz to do the same and hand it over. Raditz did so.

She destroyed them.

"Nach, what the hell?" He shouted.

"You asked me 'what do we do?', the answer seems pretty clear." She stood up. "We help the Earthlings."

"What? Are you insane?" Raditz stood up and shouted. "We killed most of their allies. Heck, they probably won't believe us about Vegeta and Nappa coming here."

"That Namekian didn't seem like their friend, but an ally of convenience. We go to him and tell him. Then we train and prepare." Nach squared up to Raditz looking him in the eye. "There is no third option out of this, we help out the Earthlings and maybe survive a bit longer once we take out Vegeta and Nappa, given that I don't think Frieza gives much of a shit about it. Or we sit with our tails in our hands, till Vegeta and Nappa kill us." She narrowed her eyes. "No tricks, no fast talking, you in or out."

Raditz took a moment to think, and after a long while he let out a sigh.

"Fuck it," he then looked up and grinned. "Let's pull a Dive."

Nach weakly punched him on the back of his head.

It took a month of a game of cat and mouse to find Piccolo--as the Namekian could sense their ki and could hide his--who took Gohan to train him.

After that with the warning given, and a tentative alliance forcefully made, the warriors of Earth and two Saiyans could do nothing but prepare.

"So, kid," Raditz said while taking a break from training. "What was your dad like?" He sat next to Gohan and asked him.

"Oh, he was the best! My daddy was the strongest in the world. He was so cool." Gohan looked down, suddenly remembering that he was gone, but spoke in a hopeful tone. "I can't wait to see him when he gets back."

Raditz surprised Nach by showing tact, in not mentioning how he was able to beat Goku.

"Goku was a fierce warrior, his fighting spirit was second to none, and his drive to improve and fight strong warrior was, begrudgingly, something to admire." Piccolo stepped up as he recounted some stories about the fallen Saiyan.

"Ha!" Raditz grinned, growing more happy and excited the more he listened. "Even without his memories, he still had his Saiyan Warrior spirit. That's my brother!"

Nach wanted to hit him for his callousness since they were responsible for that "brother's" death. The other Earth Warriors seem...to accept Raditz's words in the intended spirit at least.

Working with the warriors of Earth was not an easy prospect. Yes they were technically on the "same side", but it was obviously an alliance made, because a greater threat loomed over everyone.

Nach just focus on training, growing stronger, while also helping the Earthlings prepare for Vegeta and Nappa. They were...interesting.

While the humans were weak in body, they still hunkered down and trained with the Saiyans, even while knowing stronger foes were coming. Their improvements were astonishing. As if once they knew a new power level was possible, they were able to strive towards it. Their spirit were commendable if nothing else.

Raditz and Nach had grown leaps and bounds, as they trained together and with the Namekian. Piccolo was the one with the greatest rise in strength among the Earth Warriors. While the others might be helpful, Nach only counted herself, Raditz and Piccolo as the only real fighting force.

Even then, it will likely come down to her and Raditz to face Vegeta, if everyone together managed to take down Nappa.

And then...they die to Vegeta's hands. Probably.

Pessimistic? Maybe. But Nach didn't want to lie about their chances.

Then...the absurdities of Earth began.

"I'm...I'm sorry, what? The Otherworld? There's an...Otherworld? And Goku is training there, and knows about our problem." Nach had never faced a situation as...bizarre as this.

"Yeah! That's how a son of Bardock should act. Fighting and growing in strength even after death!" Raditz shouted with a grin, just accepting the news without question.

"No, no! Don't just accept this." She pointed at Piccolo who delivered the news. "I call bullshit on this stuff. Where's your proof?"

"The Dragon Balls, we have brought people back from the dead before. As to how I know? Kami told me." Piccolo gave his usual gruff another.

"Kami? God?" Nach asked with her jaw dropped. "What, you're religious?"

"It's not being religious. Kami is literally there on the Lookout and you can actually meet him." Yamcha pointed out. "Besides, where do you think Dragon Balls get people back from?"

Nach just stood there dumbfounded.

"...You know what, prove it."

Nach met the Guardian of Earth, and while he looked weak he was able to communicate with the afterlife--which was a real place--and even ask King Kai (basically the God of North Galaxy) so she can talk to Goku.

"...So yeah I should be seeing you in a few months. It will be a close call, but the Dragon Ball should do it." Said Goku from the Otherworld.

"Huh..." Nach replied the same as she's been doing for a while.

"Are you okay?" Asked Goku.

"I'm talking to a dead guy because his world's god asked the God of North Galaxy if I can talk to you, which you are doing by using his telepathy, like it's a phone line. I'm...processing here." Nach explained.

Goku just laughed.

"Oi, watch it! You're already on thin ice kid." King Kai said back.

"Y-Yes, my, um...L-Lord?" How exactly is she suppose to address him?

"Oh just call him King Kai, that's what I do!" Said Goku cheerfully.


Goku spoke to King Kai placating him for a bit, before he turned to Nach again.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." Goku said. Nach nodded before realizing he can't see her and said for him to go ahead. "How's Chi Chi and Gohan doing?"

"I don't know the first one, but the boy is doing good. Raditz is really trying to do the whole 'cool uncle' thing." Nach rolled her eyes.

"Hehe, that's...kinda hard to imagine." Goku laughed.

"You're lucky." Nach said back, to which Goku chuckled some more. "The boy is growing strong," Nach felt like she should say something more. What do you say in this situation to a dead father, who isn't gonna be dead soon, to reassure him his kid is fine. "...He misses you." She settled on the simple answer. "And he...can't wait to see you when you get back."

"Thank you," Goku's sincerity made Nach feel awkward. They were enemies months ago, and now they're just...chatting. While one is dead. That is not gonna stop being weird. "I have to get back to training though. See you when I'm back, Nach. Thanks for letting know how things are going there."

Nach wanted to asked him something, but could feel the mental presence disconnect, and let it go. She wanted to ask if a certain Saiyan she knew was on the other side. Now that she thought about it, given how Otherworld works, as she just learned, would he even still have his body?

"Yo, you done?" Yamcha, who had come with her here, asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Nach nodded.

"Hmm, farewell then." Kami made a grunting noise, before nodding at them. Yet his pointed stare irritated Nach.

"What?" She said with a frown.

"You and your friend, Raditz--"

"Not friends." Nach felt the need to point out, but Kami just continued as if she didn't interrupt him.

"Are the third and fourth Saiyans I had ever seen. I'm trying to ascertain what a typical Saiyan is like." He commented.

"'Fourth', you met another Saiyan than us and Goku?" Nach asked in interest.

"You call him 'Goku'?" Kami asked.

Nach waved him off. "He uses the one he gained here in his life on Earth, rather than his old one. He didn't even know he was a Saiyan till Raditz and I showed up. I don't particularly care, I call him 'Goku' because that's who he is now, an Earthling. Raditz uses 'Kakarot' because he's family, so that's fine as well."

"I see," Kami nodded. "To answer your question, it was many years ago. Years before I even met Goku. A young man with a tail wrapped around his waist appeared here, without any warning. He demanded to use the Room of Spirit and Time, and would have likely fought me, if I refused, and just went ahead anyways."

"What happened? And what the 'Room of Spirit and Time'?"

"Let me answer the second one first. The Room of Spirit and Time," Kami pointed back to the building in the middle of the Lookou. "Is a room in which for one day that passes here, one year passes in their once the door closes." Nach's eyes widened as she immediately understood the implication. "However the room has a few conditions in how it works. For one, there is only enough food in there for two people for one year. I say two people, because going in there alone without someone to talk to will drive you insane. Thus I always recommend for someone to go in there with a partner, or not spend the full year inside." Nach nodded slowly fully listening now.

"Right, I'm guess it's tough in there?" Nach asked.

"The further you move away from the building on the other side, the harsher the environmental condition become. Now, I'm sure you just can not stand still, without asking why I'm not letting you use it. The original reason I would have told you was because the conditions there are just that harsh. With your current power, you will likely die than grow strong. Now?" Kami paused. "Remember when I said there are conditions to using the room? This is the second one, you can only use it for 48 real world hours. Only two years inside, then the door shuts and you're sealed in forever."

"Wait, you mean...!" Nach looked to the room's door.

"Yes." Kami nodded. "The Saiyan man entered and I do not think he had any intention of leaving." He sighed. "It took a year of work, to make it operable for a one-time single use for Goku when he was younger, but he could only stay there for one month as the conditions were too harsh." He said. "I've been working for close to 28 years now to completely make the room operable again. It would take me two and a half years to be done, so it should be working again soon."

"And the Saiyan inside?"

"I'm afraid that I can't fix, without a greater deal of time, or power." Kami paused. "Then again if he's alive after all this time, I do not know if he would still be sane. No, it might be for the better that he can't leave."

Nach just deflated. Here was a ticket to power and it was unusable. She let out just a amused reigned huff.

"Did he tell you his name?" She asked. "Can you remember anything at all about him?"

"He did not say his name, no." Kami shook his head, before a thoughtful look came to mind. "However that Saiyan he looked...resolute, resigned, yet at peace with himself."

"...I see." She didn't know what that told her. It wasn't an answer, or even a clue about Dive, but it was something.

Still though, as Nach turned to leave with Yamcha, she thought about Kami's description of the mysterious Saiyan. Resolute and resigned? That sounded like Dive.

At peace though?

She wasn't sure what that pointed to.

The fight...actually didn't look that bad. Somehow...one might even say they were winning.

Nach had a constant feeling that things were too good to be true.

When Nappa and Vegeta had arrived they berated and insulted Raditz and Nach for "going native", but the two Saiyans were resolute in standing against their former bosses.

It felt...good. Fighting for a good cause. Or at least, kicking an evil asshole's...ass. She couldn't think of good quips at that moment.

The humans, Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha had fought the Saibamen, along with Piccolo and somehow survived, after Nach and Raditz warned them about the plant monsters.

The humans thankfully retreated afterward so they don't become a liability. It was honestly infuriating to Nach that it slipt her mind that Gohan was also on the battlefield. The boy grew yes, and maybe Piccolo might have been counting on young Gohan's rage as a secret weapon, but looking at him now, he definitely wasn't ready.

Nappa fired his Break Canon from his mouth, a surprising attack in the middle of the chaos.

Piccolo jumped in front of Gohan, ready to sacrifice his life for the kid.

Only for Raditz to jump in front of Piccolo and tank the ki blast head on.

An explosion occurred, and when the smoke clear, it showed Raditz standing tall. Singed and steaming from taking the blast but smirking at defiance.

"Is that the best you can do, Nappa? What, you can't fight a real battle?" Raditz said with a grin.

"Raditz," Nach spoke with her teeth bared. "Stay there, be ready to defend against anything."

Nach's tone left no room for argument. It was time to end this.

Gohan was an annoyingly emotional kid. Not that Nach could tell much about kids, she never spent much time with them. But the boy was also smart, helpful and just have that annoying quality where you can't help but be, if not attached, then friendly with him.

Plus Raditz never stopped trying his "Cool Uncle" shtick, which unfortunately...endeared the duo to her.

So now she was pissed.

As Vegeta's scouter showed. Raditz grew from his former power level of 1500 to 6000. As for Nach? She went from 2000 to 7500.

Nach dashed in at full speed body slamming Nappa, before moving behind him, and stopping his momentum with a kick.

"Y-You fucking--" Nappa shouted as he forced himself to stand up, only to be hit by Nach's new move.

Rather than gather ki into her hand, she send it to her foot. It took much longer to learnt to do this way, but it was worth it. After all, feet are stronger than fists, right?

Her foot glowed with purple energy, and once she spun and delivered a roundhouse kick to Nappa's chest, she released that power all at once.

"Brutal Ram!"

Not just the force of the initial kick, but the ki beam afterward, slammed and pierced right through Nappa's chest.

The large bald Saiyan laid on the ground begging Vegeta for help, but the result was obvious to all present. Vegeta killed Nappa without any thought or care.

"A Saiyan that can't fight is useless to me." Vegeta said as if brushing aside a bug.

Nach clenched her fist something fierce.

"Piccolo," Raditz thankfully was on the ball. "Take my nephew out of here, quick." He looked at Nach, and they both nodded. "We'll deal with this."

Unlike Vegeta, Raditz and Nach had learned to sense energy. Goku had arrived.

It was time for three Low-Class Warriors to take down the Elite Royalty.

The fight against Vegeta, unlike with Nappa, was a bit more difficult.

Oh sure it went great at the start.

For many years to come, Nach was going to relish the look on Vegeta's face as the three Low-Class Saiyans rushed and not only managed to make a decent showing against him. But then, even with his power level of 18,000, they actually managed to rough him up a bit.

Nach still smiled as she remembered getting a surprise Brutal Ram on Vegeta. She watched as the prince looked enraged at her, then noticed the blood dripping down his face from a wound on his temple.

In hindsight, Vegeta could have maybe won had he just kept his cool, and continued to fight the three Saiyans. But at the fact that he was struggling against the Low-Class Saiyans, that Goku, the one that had been the weakest was giving him the most challenge, even overpowering him with that Kaio-ken technique at time. And that Nach, the one he dismissed as not worth anything either as a fighter or a broodmare, had made him bleed, Vegeta was just enraged.

The Saiyan Prince flew into the air, gathered all his power deciding to just destroy them all, and the planet along with them.

Goku and Raditz stood side by side, powering up their own attacks. Nach rolled her eyes as she saw them prepare the same technique with Goku looking surprised before matching grins with Raditz.

No, it wasn't because she was jealous on not joining in with the same attack. When Yamcha offered to teach it to her, she accepted with Raditz jumping in, since a new technique was cool and all. But she didn't focus on it to develop her own technique.

Gathered up her ki into the tip of each finger, Nach held her hands apart then moved all that gathered ki into a single point between her hands, letting her make a green heavy ki sphere between her palms. The ki orb grew and grew and grew till she was physically holding it between her hands, now pushing it in to keep the ki from leaking, and stay between her hands.

"Galick Gun!" Vegeta fired his attack.

In unison, Goku, Raditz and Nach fired their attacks back.


"Heavy Ballista!"

The Brothers Kamehameha was a blue dense beam of the combined might of Goku and Raditz. Nach's emerald beam had a huge ball at the front, with the majority of the ki being fired at the start, with the rest pushing afterwards.

The Low-Class Warriors attacks slammed into the Prince's supposed planet destroyer, and held it back.

It was a stalemate, and the fact that Goku, Raditz and Nach could manage it, enraged Vegeta to push all he could muster into his beam.

Then Goku went Kaio-ken X3.

The three Saiyan's attacks overtook Vegeta blasting him out of the sky.

The group, Goku, Raditz and Nach felt tired, with Goku feeling strained from pushing his Kaio-ken technique to the limit.

But they had won.

Three Low-Class Saiyans, tired and bruised but they won against the Elite.

They let their guard down. That's when everything went wrong.

Goku sensed that Vegeta was alive, but by that point Vegeta had made his Power Ball and transformed into a Great Ape.

Raditz and Nach ended up transforming as well to their own horror.

Nach had never trained with that transformation, and thus lost her mind to the rage of her inner ape. Raditz had a bit more experience with the transformation, thus held onto his mind, at least enough to point himself at Vegeta.

Nach however had attacked both, unable to discern friend from foe. Vegeta had an easy time with them, laughing at their pitiful state all the while.

The one solace was Yajirobe of all people, at the prompting of Goku, had managed cut off Nach's tail with his sword, where she fell back to her normal form, knocked out of the fight.

Vegeta was assured of his victory.

Then Piccolo returned in his Giant Form.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Vegeta shouted before Great Ape Raditz and Giant Piccolo ganged up on Vegeta.

While being a Great Ape and having full control of his mental faculties, gave Vegeta a strong edge. Raditz could only focus on facing Vegeta, not able to actually fight well, or at all beyond wild attacks. And Piccolo's Giant Form was one he hadn't used often lately and rapidly drained his stamina.

However Vegeta did not counter on one thing.

That his Great Ape form, made him a giant target.

With a surprise Kaio-ken X4 Kamehameha, Goku blasted a hole through Great Ape Vegeta, finally ending the battle. The Power Ball dissipated with no energy to keep it going.

The Saiyan Prince crawled to his ship, wanting to escape.

Piccolo prepared to end him, Raditz agree at first, till a tired and unable to move Goku pleaded with them to let Vegeta live, saying to give him another chance.

Piccolo expected this, and thought Raditz would disagree.

But Raditz was fully onboard.

"Hahahaha, look at you now, Vegeta. The Prince, running with his tail between his legs, beaten by a couple of Low-Class Warriors." Raditz was relishing this. "You only get to live because my brother is a softy. You're alive because we let you get away. Remember that, when you go on about your spiel on Saiyan Royal might."

Vegeta gave a glare full of hatred to Raditz, as the ship's door closed, and the Saiyan Prince left Earth.

It was the most fierce battle the Earth had ever faced, yet victory was conclusively theirs.

They had won without any fatalities on their side, and their enemy was forced to flee.

Victory felt good for the Dragon Team. A feeling of relief and relaxation overcame, them as they gathered and sat in Goku and the other's hospital room--paid for by Bulma--to celebrate the fact that they survived the ordeal.

Raditz was boasting about the teamwork they all did. How him, Goku and Nach managed to not just stand up to the Prince of the Saiyan but beat him.

He wouldn't stop bragging about that story, and even embellish it while telling it to Gohan, who was just listening and smiling to placate his uncle. Gohan wasn't really buying his uncle's retelling because, well, he was there to see it of course.

There was one thing that weighed heavily on Goku's mind however, after everything was said and done.

His best friend, Krillin, and his teacher, Master Roshi were now gone for good. The Dragon Balls couldn't bring them back.

The jovial mood turned solemn, and while Raditz wanted something to cheer everyone up, he couldn't. After all, he and Nach had been the ones to kill Roshi and Krillin.

It's why with a false hope that Nach said her next words.

"Namek." Nach said.

"Bless you?" Yamcha replied.

"No," she growled at the idiot making him flinch back. "I'm saying remember what Vegeta and Nappa talked about. About Piccolo, and thus Kami, having come from Namek, thus it's likely they have Dragon Balls there." There was a look of surprise and interest at her words, but also wariness at going with this idea, only for it to turn up nothing. "Look, if Kami can make the Earth Dragon Balls, then why wouldn't his people on his home planet know how to do the same? Heck, they might even have their own set of Dragon Balls."

"Even so, you can't revive someone back after a year had past, or they had been revived before." Tien said with a frown.

"Yes, but that's the case for the Earth Dragon Balls, we don't know what the Namekian set would have." Nach argued back.

"Yeah, besides," Raditz joined in on her idea with enthusiasm. "What exactly have we got to lose? We either find Dragon Balls on Namek or not, they might revive the old guy and Krillin or not. In the end it's worthy a try. If nothing else, it's a space adventure." He grinned. "Whaddya say, brother?"

Goku didn't need to think about it. He smiled and offered a thumbs up.

"I'm in, Raditz."

The trip's preparation were simple enough.

Last year Bulma had taken Nach's ship to study it and make her own. It was finished months before the Saiyans' arrival, and thus upon Goku's request to make a gravity chamber added to the ship so they can train, Bulma didn't see a problem.

Also Kami offered his own ship, allowing the group not just to find out the coordinates to Namek, but for Bulma to improve on her spaceship's engine. And learn Namekian, but no one batted an eye at that. Bulma is a genius, she can just do stuff like that.

"How high do you want the maximum gravity setting to be?" Asked Bulma the Saiyans about the settings she'll make for the gravity chamber.

Nach and Raditz answered before Goku.

""Yes."" They said in unison.

"A hundred and fifty it is." Bulma nodded.

Within two weeks the ship was readjusted and complete, and with that the Dragon Team was on its way.

The group consisted of Bulma, Goku, Raditz, Nach, Yamcha and Piccolo. Gohan was forbidden from going as Chi Chi wanted him away from this "fighting stuff", since he didn't need to be part of it anymore. Plus he has to go back to his schooling.

Goku sneaked Gohan in before they left.

"Wha, Gohan! Goku, what did you do!?" Bulma shouted upon seeing the stowaway.

"Uuuh, come on, Bulma. I wanted Gohan to spend some time with me, since I've been gone a while. Chi Chi said it's his developmental years and all, so we should hang out. Plus space is like science and stuff, so it's also educational." Goku sheepishly smiled, while rubbing the back of his head.

"Ha! Welcome aboard, little guy!" Raditz kneeled and raised a hand to high five Gohan, who did so with an embarrassed grin. "And good on you Kakarot. The boy does need to hang out with Saiyans, and training is a good bonding exercise, you know."

"You're just saying that because you don't have to live with Chi Chi. Goku is the one that will have to deal with her, when we get back." Nach pointed out, causing Raditz to laugh, and Goku to nervously chuckle.

"Hey, why are you up, kid?" Nach asked as she saw Gohan up and about, when she had went to get midnight snack from the fridge. Even if they don't have day or night cycle.

"Ah, Ms. Nach," Gohan started before calming down. "You surprised me."

Nach went and sat down next to the kid. "What's up?" She said bluntly.

"Nothing, it's just..." Gohan trailed up before looking up at Nach. Seeing her usual frowny expression, he quickly expressed his worries. "I'm not doing as well as Dad and the rest of you guys. It's not that I don't get the training and martial arts, I do and it's fun but..."

Nach watched Gohan struggle a bit more with his thoughts before she found what to say.

"You don't like fighting, do you?"

"Huh?" Gohan looked to Nach with surprise that she caught on, and worry that she would berate him, for being 'weak'.

Yet, she did something he didn't expect. Her expression softened to one of understanding.

"You're a smart kid, Gohan. If you want to just study and shit, then that's fine." She told him, making the young boy feel...relieved that he could just do that. "You don't have to like fighting beyond spending time with your dad," she told him. "But you do need to know how to do it, and to keep training."

"I see..." He looked down dejected, as Nach's answered turned to what he originally expected a Saiyan to say.

"Do you know why I'm telling you to train, and to keep growing stronger?" Nach frowned at the attitude, but was patient. Gohan was a kid after all.

"Because that's...what Saiyans should do?" He said, parroting something Raditz said.

"No," Nach shook her head. "It's so that you can keep studying, having fun and living your life how you want."

"Eh?" Gohan blinked in surprise.

"If you don't like fighting and don't want to make it what you do when you grow up, that's fine. As I said, you're smart, study, learn to do smart shit like...make and fly spaceships like Bulma or whatever." She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "But also keep your training and strength as a backup. So that no one can suddenly come one day, and take away the things you love or care about." Her eyes looked as if seeing something far away. "So that no one can just takeover your life, making you do whatever they want, not what you want."

Gohan didn't get if Nach was talking about something else, but understood her words, and nodded taking them in.

"Thanks, Ms. Nach." Gohan nodded with a wide smile. "I'll try better next time I train with you guys." He actually sounded excited.

"Good, here." She handed him a book.

"What's this?"

"Ship's manual. Bulma or her dad wrote it, I think."

"W-What do I do with it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I dunno. You're the smart type and that's a book. Read it I guess." She shrugged, not sure why he didn't like her borrowed gift.

"...Thanks?" Gohan smiled while tilting his head. He didn't want to tell Nach that just because he liked reading, doesn't mean he liked reading any book, but he appreciated the sentiment.

We should have stayed on Earth. Nach thought, tired and afraid of her current situation.

The group had reached Namek in one months. And it only took them so long because they encountered other people and other planets on the way.

Still, they made good time, had some good training sessions--didn't reach all the way to 150x Earth's gravity, but made it to 120--and bonded a bit in their time of close proximity in the ship.

When the Dragon Team reached Namek, to their elation they did find the Namekians had Dragon Balls, and were the people there were friendly and amicable them. Also, their wish to revive their dead friends, which they realized they could do without worry, was one that the Namekians were fully agreeable to help with.

Nach, Bulma and Yamcha stayed on the ship. Bulma because she didn't want to get sweaty traveling around. Yamcha to "protect" her. And Nach wanted to train in the gravity chamber some more.

Raditz, Goku and Gohan went to gather the seven Namekian Dragon Balls with the Dragon Radar.

Piccolo had went off on his own to learn of his homeworld, his race and his origins.

"So Saiyans looking for the Dragon Balls, huh." The Namekian Lugo, said with a chuckle as he walked around with them. "Just like the Fearful Saiyan." He chuckled.

"The what?" Goku asked.

"There's no such thing. No Saiyan worth his tail is fearful." Raditz objected.

"It's a story from years ago." He told them with a reminiscing smile. "It was Elder Moori that had been the one to have met him. The story goes that a Saiyan who lived a harsh life, holding nothing but fear in his heart, came here to wish to vanquish his fear. He travelled from village to village facing challenges to test his mettle, and to see if his spirit is one of good or evil.

"After gathering six of the Dragon Balls with the seventh being at the Grand Elder's house, he went there and met with Grand Elder Guru. The grand Elder gave him his final test, what will he do once his wish is granted, and to that the Fearful Saiyan said 'he just wants not be afraid anymore'. The Grand Elder offered him strength that would let him never fear an opponent again, but the Fearful Saiyan decline, saying he doesn't wish to fight anyone, and would have no need if his wish is granted. The Grand Elder could see the Fearful Saiyan was not evil, and thus let him have the seventh ball to make his wishes." Lugo finished his tale.

"I have so many objections to that 'Fearful Saiyan'." Raditz said, unable to keep himself quiet anymore. "Seriously, what kind of Saiyan is so afraid that when given the chance to be strong, he refuses it because he doesn't want to fight anymore. What the heck is that?" Raditz was just confused at the Saiyan in this story before growing thoughtful. "Although the Saiyan in that story weirdly sounds like Dive the Deserter."

"Dive the Deserter?" Goku asked, while Gohan listen attentively.

"Oh yeah, it's a thing that happened what I was a kid." Raditz went on to retell the story of the Saiyan who escape Planet Vegeta on his lonesome, and managed to evade everyone, even the Frieza Empire, having never been caught. "I mean, it's pretty badass that he broke out with a ship, in broad daylight, and no one managed to catch him, before he gave everyone the slip, but..." He shrugged. "Doesn't change that the guy was seen as a massive coward for deserting, just because he didn't want to head to a battlefield."

"Huh..." Gohan was thinking on the two stories, and what Nach had told him when the two of them talked that one time, on Bulma's ship.

"Hmm, he sounds like he was more like Bulma. Strong in the head but not the body." Goku said.

"I'm gonna tell her you said that when we get back." Raditz said with a grin.

"No, please don't!" Goku paled at his brother's words.

"You know there is more to this story." Said Lugo.

"Right, his wishes." Said Gohan.

"Oh yeah, what wishes did he make?" Said Raditz.

"I don't remember. I know the first one was immortality, not the other two, but Elder Moori said it was the second wish that was more important. The third wish was going to some different planet." Said Lugo.

"So wait, there's an actual Immortal Saiyan somewhere out in the world?" Raditz look on with wide eyes.

"That's a shame." Goku said, making the rest look at him. "I think he should have just trained to get that power. I mean, I get it, but I think he should have gained immortality by his own efforts."

"Ha! Right on, you are brother." Raditz slapped Goku on the back.

"Is that where the story ends?" Gohan asked.

"Supposedly some years ago Elder Moori summoned Porunga to ask him how that Saiyan was doing, and you know what the dragon said?" Lugo grinned, really getting into the storytelling, and capturing the Saiyan's attention with how they leaned in. "'Till this day, he is training'." He said with a deep voice.

Goku and Raditz actually laughed, looking impressed, while Gohan chuckled, saying that sounds like his dad.

Then everything started going to hell as Vegeta arrived on the planet, and with him the Frieza Force. It was a small solace to learn that the two weren't actually working together.

Both antagonistic parties were looking for the Namekian Dragon Balls.

Bulma's ship was easily found by one of Frieza's scouts, seeing Bulma and Yamcha in front of the ship. The scout said he was under order to kill everyone on the planet, and fired upon the ship damaging it, to remove their escape route.

Then the scout's face paled as he saw a power level from within the ship rise to level he never encountered before.

10,000 PL.

30,000 PL.

The scouter exploded off of the Frieza scout's face, barely managing to see the number being 60,000 and rising.

The last thing the scout saw before he died was an irate Nach was suddenly in his face.

From then on Nach--after taking Bulma and Yamcha somewhere safe, with Bulma putting the ship in a capsule to work on later--when on the offensive.

The Saiyan woman felt mighty. Beyond anything the Frieza Force could throw at her. When she inevitably met Vegeta once more, she laughed at how she could sense he was just half of her power.

She had grown leaps from her fight, and the training with Raditz, Goku and Piccolo in the gravity chamber pushed her even higher. And she showed Vegeta that. The gap between their strength, the power of the so-called Low-Class Warrior.

Nach let him live with that humiliation, just as Raditz and Goku once had.

Meanwhile as Goku, Raditz, Gohan and a returned Piccolo faced their own opponents of the Frieza Force, and gathered intel, understanding the situation, they acted to evacuate and hide the Namekian villagers while hiding their own set of Dragon Balls.

Goku went ahead and ended up facing Frieza and his goons, Dodoria and Zarbon. They were utterly no match, but Frieza himself?

It was Goku that was outclassed and easily at that. Nach in the neck of time, came and whisked Goku away, all her former bravado gone, as she only thought about hiding herself and her friends.

They were far over their heads, and to twist the knife, Frieza casually revealed what she suspected so many years ago. That he was the one to destroy her homeworld. He was the one to end the Saiyan race.

While carrying the knocked out recovering Goku, it was just her luck to be found by Vegeta, that sneaked abord Frieza's ship, killing the crew and using their healing pods. He returned with a power closer to her, maybe even higher.

But she couldn't fight him. She couldn't do so while protecting Goku and hiding from Frieza's scouters. And so, Nach had to grit her teeth and ask Vegeta for his aid, using the information Frieza so casually reveal to push the Saiyan Prince to, not be on her side, but work together against Frieza.

Then after a game of cat and mouse with Frieza, his troops, the bloody Ginyu Force that arrived after all the chaos, and having to gather the last piece of the Dragon Balls.

Goku and Nach ended up injured heavily due to Captain Ginyu's bullshit, and that was a mess and a half to fix, that almost resulted in the death of the two Sayians. The last of the senzu beans had been used on them, but even then, they weren't in fighting form yet.

The sky grew dark as the Namekian Dragon is summoned.

At the house of Guru; Dende, Goku, Raditz, Gohan, Nach and Piccolo stood before Porunga, ready to make their wish. Vegeta there ready to kill Dende is his wish for immortality wasn't granted as well.

The first two wishes were easy to grant. Revive Master Roshi and Krillin.

Krillin was revived, but Roshi refused. Thus the second wish was to transport all Namekians on Namek to Earth.

"Alright, you did your bloody goody-two-shoe bullshit. Now make. My. Wish. Give me immortality!" Vegeta growled, ready attack the group, and blast Dende right out of the gate.

Dende received a telepathic message from Guru, who was using the last of his strength to do so.

Dende spoke.

"Your wish is granted." The dragon a grin on his face, as he gave the young Namekian boy a thumbs up.

"YES!" Vegeta shouted to the heavens, laughing at the approaching Frieza, before looking down to himself in concern.

The Dragon Team looked to the elated Vegeta, the enraged Frieza and the...laughing Dende.

"Why are you laughing kid?" Vegeta said taken aback.

"Elder," Dende coughed. "Grand Elder Guru told me, to summon the Immortal Saiyan." He smirked.

The Dragon Team looked in surprise, confusion and a little bit of hope.

"Yeah, what of it? You're looking at--"

The Namekian Dragon Balls began to fly only to drop to the ground, inert, turning into regular round stones.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DRAGON BALLS AND WISH, YOU MONKEYS!?" Shouted Frieza as he reached them.

The world shook. It seemed as if there was a quake across the whole planet with lightening raging in the sky, then quickly as it came it ended.

"For ten thousand years I laid dormant! And now that I've finally awakened, it's time to conquer the Earth!" A powerful voice bellowed and echoed across the world.

Spoiler: Dive the Immortal (Character Image Approximation)

Between Frieza and the Dragon Team and Vegeta stood a warrior they had never seen before.

The sheer ki erupting from him, burning red like the color of his hair, fur and tail, dwarfed anything they have ever felt. Even Vegeta was left speechless, terrified to utter a word let alone move.

Only Gohan managed to say something.

"Th-This is Namek," Said Gohan, making the warrior's eyes turn to him. "S-Sir."

The Dragon Team and Dende wondered if they had brought something much worse than Frieza and Vegeta upon them.

"Hahahahaha!" The warrior just broke down and laughed, dispelling the aura of dread completely. "Hahaha, 'this is Namek'! Oh god, holy shit, kid, you're a riot!" The warrior laughed some more.

"You!" Shouted Frieza. "Stop laughing you literal monkey and answer me! What have you done with the Dragon--"

"Just a sec!" Said the Red Saiyan. "I, hehehe, I'm getting it under control." He took a breath, and let it out with a smile as if he was releasing the rest of his laughter with it.

Nach noticed that with all that laughter, the Red Saiyan was wiping a tear away from his eyes. As if he was using the laughter to push through a loss. She could swear he looked familiar thought.

Nach's eyes then began to widened as so many things she learned, knew clicked, and she could see his face, overlaying the Red Saiyan's. Maybe it wasn't perfectly the same, but the similarity was there once she looked for it.

"Haaaa, okay, okay, I'm good now. What were you saying?" Asked the Red Saiyan.

Frieza fired a beam at him to the shock of those present. Then to further shock, it did nothing. The Red Saiyan didn't even need to defend himself. There was no scratch upon him.

"Dammit, Guru, you should have summoned me earlier." The Red Saiyan muttered under his breath. He didn't acknowledge Frieza's attack earlier. As if it wasn't even worth noting. "So Freezer," he spoke with a casual tone, bereft of any worry, as well as any animosity. "How bad is your day going?"

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