
It is Lord Frieza to you, ape man." Frieza sneered, looking like he's about to blow him away with an energy blast. "And not anywhere near close to what will happen to you."

"I'm afraid that's not really possible as you are now." Said the Red Saiyan.

"Oh really," Frieza fired a massive ki blast directly at the Red Saiyan. "And how about..." The words stopped in Frieza's mouth. Even the Dragon Team behind the Red Saiyan couldn't help but gasp in shock.

It's one thing to tank a ki attack unharmed, it's another to just...will it to dissipate.

"I told you." Said the Red Saiyan, his voice and stance relaxed, like he was having a friendly conversation.

"What? How!?" He demanded.

"I can sense a lot of power inside. It kinda feels like it's behind several doors." Said the Red Saiyan. "Why don't you open them up? Otherwise..." He gave a condescending smile. "If I were to so much as touch you as you are now, you'd be incinerated."

Frieza paused for a moment, then slowly began to laugh, his chilling voice rising higher and higher.

"You know what, ape? Never let it be said I'm not a generous ruler." Frieza started powering up. "I suppose I should demonstrate how utterly helpless you are."

To the horror of the Dragon Team, Dende and Vegeta, they sensed and saw Frieza's increase in power.

He went through his Second Form.

His Third Form.

And ended with his Final Form.

The Dragon Team and Vegeta were shaking in despair, and hopeless defiance in the fact of the Galatic Tyrant's true power. They never stood a chance.

Only Goku and maybe Nach might have stood a chance from their recent zenki boost, and that's only if they had time to recover.

The Red Saiyan whistled. "Really shows why you're the emperor of the universe and all."

"I'm glad you acknowledge your inferiority, ape." Frieza spoke in a mock cordial manner. "Maybe if you beg for mercy, I might grant it to you."

"Nah, it's fine," the dismissed reply made Frieza scowl again. "First," to the shock of the Dragon Team, the Red Saiyan raise a hand filled with ki toward them. Before they could react, he fired and...they weren't harmed. In fact, they felt better. Fully healed up to 100% and even more. "There. That should be enough. Do me a favor and keep a safe distance, okay?" He told them before turning back to Frieza.

"Oh, I assure you there is no need. After all, all of you will die regard--"

"We're moving."

Before anyone, or even Frieza, could react, the Red Saiyan moved grabbing Frieza by the face and flew dozens of miles away.

A small quake, followed by a loud crack was heard as the Red Saiyan threw Frieza into the ground, causing a giant crater half a kilometer wide crater.

"Oops! Damn, I thought I used less force. Okay, work with even lower." The Red Saiyan said to himself.

"Wha-What was he? Who is he!?" Vegeta spoke after Frieza and the Red Saiyan left, finally finding his voice.

"The Fearful Saiyan!" Dende shouted with relieved joy.

"The what?" Asked Vegeta.

"Tell us on the way, let's go!" Goku said with excitement as he fly to watch the battle with his own eyes. The others followed.

"There was literally nothing 'fearful' about that one." Piccolo commented, him and the others that could sense ki still following the battle.

Dende told the Namekian story, which Goku, Raditz and Gohan already knew, but added some missing details.

"His first wish was for immortality, his second wish was to never lose his mind, and his third wish to was to be sent to a planet called Yardrat." Dende explained.

The reached the fight easily enough, to watch Frieza looking battered, and attacking the Red Saiyan fiercely in anger.

"What's Yardrat?" Asked Gohan, breaking the groups focus on the fight.

"It's a planet that house the Yardrat or Yardratians." Vegeta was the one to surprisingly answer. "They were among the more difficult planets for the Frieza Force to conquer, not because they are strong but because that race was just too damn good at running away, with tricks and traps." He clenched his fist. "I don't know why that Saiyan in your story went there. Maybe he wanted to learn their techniques, but..." He looked back at the battle with apprehension. "None of it should have made this Saiyan, whoever he is, this strong."

The group was silent for a while as they watch the battle continue. It looked like the Red Saiyan was on the defensive, even while letting off enough power to equal Frieza who was using 70% of his strength.

"What's he doing? Why isn't he fighting him seriously?" Piccolo wondered.

"He's toying with him because he's so much stronger." Vegeta said with a smirk, reveling in Frieza's suffering.

"No," Goku said catching everyone's attention. "He's not going easy on him, he's learning from him."

"Learning!?" Shouted Raditz. "What the hell would he wanna learn from Frieza?"

"How much strength he should be using." Goku said surprising everyone. "When I went to my first World Martial Arts Tournament after doing Master Roshi's training, I didn't realize how strong and fast I was, without the weighs on. I moved so fast my opponent didn't even see me move. I literally launched him off the ring with a poke, because I didn't know my own strength." He turned back to the fight, studying it rather then watch it happen. "He's doing the same. He's trying to gauge how much of his strength he should be using, and adjusting based on how badly he harms Frieza."

The group winced as Frieza took a knee to the groin. They kept watching the "defensive" battle for a while longer.

Vegeta stood with his arms cross, tense with mixed feelings. On one hand Frieza was being beaten and humiliated by the hands of a Saiyan. Now that he was looking for it, he can see the Red Saiyan was doing so with ease. He was too relaxed in this fight with someone Vegeta always considered the peak of strength in his universe, even if he would rather die than voice it.

Goku however in awe at the sheer skill the Red Saiyan was using. He was strong, definitely, but it was his skill that fascinated Goku. The Red Saiyan just seemed used a style that was loose, focusing on redirecting the opponent's attacks, with the counterattack only coming in the openings the opponent had, or the user makes.

His stance was also too relaxed, like he could change direction on the fly, or move with any new force that hits him, reflextively.

It would be pretty interesting to try and overcome that fighting style, Goku thought. The Red Saiyan was even using his tail in the fight, seemingly not having the same weakness Goku had as a child, or what he used against Raditz in their first fight.

"It's Dive." Nach suddenly spoke with certainty, shocking the people who knew who she was talking about.

"Dive? You mean that," Gohan turned to Raditz gesturing as he recalled his uncle's story. "The deserter who escape the old Saiyan world a long time ago."

"Come on now Nach, I know you hoped he's still alive out there somewhere," Raditz looked back at the battle unusually pensive, as feeling the power level of that Red Saiyan was somewhat humbling. "But that can't be him, there's no way he got this strong in a decade or two, even with immortality."

"I find myself having to agree with Raditz here." Vegeta said with a frown, to which Raditz scoffed back. "But I think the same. It is impossible for a coward that wanted to escape battle, so badly that he risked dying alone on some alien world, would possibly be this Immortal Saiyan." He looked back to the ongoing fight, now feeling Frieza throwing his energy around, seemingly to no avail. "That power, there is no way someone that runs away from battle could gain it."

"Not if you have the Room of Spirit and Time." Said Nach.

"The what?" Piccolo asked, feeling like he should know that name, but didn't.

"Oh! You're talking about that place." Goku perked up.

"What place?" Vegeta growled, feeling annoyed to be left out of the room.

"It's a room where you can train in for a year, and only a day would have passed in the real world." She explained to the shock of everyone but Goku. "The conditions in it are hellish from what I'm told, however if you stay there for more that two real world days, you get locked in there forever." She began to explain her suspicion. "I think what happened is that, Dive arrived her on Namek, made his wishes on the Dragon Balls, went to the Yardrats to learn their ways for some reason, found his way to Earth and was in the Room of Spirit and Time ever since." She turned to Goku. "He's the Saiyan that entered the room before you and just stayed there."

"Well Kami did mention that someone with a tail like me, did do that," Goku said with a thoughtful look. "It took Kami a while to get the room working for just one time again, even then I only managed to stay in it for a month at most." His face then turned serious. "I don't know if this Saiyan is this 'Dive', but his ki..." Goku had a thoughtful look. "I did feel a feint ki in that room, but it was too far away for me to tell much about it, other than it was strong." He shook his head. "It was too long ago for me to be sure if that ki is this Saiyan's ki. It does feel familiar, but..." He trailed off and shrugged.

"It doesn't matter." Vegeta spoke. "This Saiyan is not our people's disgrace that we retell in stories for kids, as a lesson, on how not to be a Saiyan. And your little crush is likely dead somewhere in a ditch. Now, stop sullying the Saiyan Race by saying someone like this Super Saiyan would be that pathetic weakling." Vegeta sneered.

And before Nach could swear back at him, or for the others to chime in, a shout from the battlefield reached them.

"I, actually, am Dive. You're just basically wrong, Vegeta."

The group looked back with wide eyes to see Dive looking at them with a playful grin, as he dodge another ki laser from Frieza.

"You dare ignore me you damn dirty ape!" Shouted Frieza in anger as he could feel his opponent wasn't taking him seriously, for the entirety of this fight. That was his thing. How dare this Saiyan monkey do that to him?

"Sorry, sorry, but Vegeta was being factually wrong. I just had to point that out." Dive said with a helpless shrug, talking to Frieza as if chatting with a casual acquaintance.

It got on Frieza's nerves, even as he focused on calming himself, as he thought of a new plan to deal with this moneky.

"Hmm, I suppose I can not fault you for that, ape. It is always great fun putting Vegeta in his place." Frieza stood with elegance once more, an evil smirk back on his face. "But I'm afraid for you, Dive, was it? I'm no longer amused." Frieza lost his smile, rose into the air and raised a hand to make a Death Ball. His opponent let him. "You are strong, ape. I'll give you that, but I'm the Emperor of the Universe," his sneer turned murderous. "And I will not made a mockery of by some damn Saiyan ape! Let's see if you can survive the end of this world!"

Frieza threw the Death Ball, not at Dive but at the planet. The Dragon Team shouted in horror, trying to move to stop the attack, to do something, but they could feel that it would be too late.

The Death Ball hit the ground and--

Dissipated. The ki holding the attack unraveled and broke apart turning into harmless energy that spread into millions of ki motes, flying in the air.

Everyone present looked to Dive to see his hand outstretched at where the ki sphere was.

"So I take it you're done, huh?" Dive said with what nearly looked like disappointment.

"How? How did you possibly--GAAKH!" Frieza coughed as suddenly the Saiyan was in his personal space, a fist going cleanly through his gut.

"Thanks, Frieza. You've been helpful in helping me figure out how to interact with the real world again, since everything here is so fragile." Said Dive.

"You!...You!..." Frieza tried to express how much anger and hate he felt toward the Saiyan now.

"So I'm gonna give you a piece of advice."

Frieza suddenly felt weak. His power just left him, as if dissipating away from his body like his world killing attack earlier did. There was only the certainty that he would die left...and fear. Fear from the understanding that this Saiyan could have done that at any point.

"In whatever hell you find yourself in," Dive spoke in a low tone but his voice was heard by those present just the same. "If you ever feel someone wishing you back to life with the Dragon Balls," Frieza saw the Saiyan's eyes, and the earlier calmness was replaced with the harsh look, he was used to seeing on Saiyan Warrior. Except this one...this one actually scared him. "Don't accept." Said Dive. "Because if you come back? I'll be here to kill you again."

With those definitive words, ki exploded from where Dive's fist was into a pillar of yellow ki that enveloped Frieza's body. Barely a scream followed. Once the ki pillar was gone, there was no trace of the space tyrant left, not even ashes.

"So," Dive said he suddenly appeared in front of the group startling them. He was running his hand through his hair, and scratching his butt, his aura completely gone. Yet even with his ki suppressed no longer affecting the environment around him, the warriors and Dende could feel his enormous powers, that equaled Frieza's Final Form. "Moori and the other Namekians on Earth more or less told me everything. But I have literally never eaten anything in millennia, so whatever this talk we're about to have, can we do it at a restaurant? I could really go for steak right about now. Or burgers. Or steak burgers!"

The group was processing the demise of Frieza, that he was finally, finally gone.

Except for Goku, he was completely on the same wavelength as Dive.

"It's over." Gohan fell back, and sat down on the ground out of sheer relief. "It's finally over, right Dad?" He looked up to Goku.

"Looks like it." Goku said while staring at Dive, thinking of what it's like to fight the Super Saiyan.

"That was amazing!" Shouted Raditz, in all his excitement walking up to Dive without worry. "How are you this strong!? Why is your hair red? Is that makes you a Super Saiyan?"

"...Yes, you have to dye your hair red if you want to be a Super Saiyan." Dive said with a twitching smile.

Raditz fell on his face from shock, before quickly standing up. "Wait, seriously!" He shouted bug-eyed.

"Hahahahaha, no, of course not!" Dive held his stomach as he laughed again.

"Hey!" Piccolo called out with a gruff voice, cutting through the jovial mood. "That thing that you said when you first arrived, about 'conquering the Earth', is that something you're planning to do?" And suddenly the mood became tense once more.

"Nah, I was just fuckin with ya." And immediately went away with Dive's chuckles and light tone. "The looks on your faces were just ridiculously hilarious."

"So you...don't want to take over Earth or anything?" Goku asked, Gohan standing up again apprehensive but having caught his breath.

"No, I wouldn't even know what to do with it. Seriously, does no one that ever take over a world, think on what they will do next? Because after conquering is ruling and ruling is, you know, work." Dive waved him off. "Nah, screw that. I wanna relax not work."

Goku held his chin with a wide-eyed look. "That is a good point. Why do people that wanna take over the world, don't think on what they'll do afterwards?" He then looked up. "Then again usually they just try and kill anyone they want afterwards, so I don't think ruling the world was what they had in mind at all?"

Piccolo and Raditz looked away.

"Exactly! See!" Dive agreed with the Saiyan Earthling.

"Are you really Dive?" Nach voice cut through the discussion, getting the focus on her. "Are you...actually Dive?" She looked at him nervous, yet hopeful. She almost wanted to ask if he knew who she was.

"S'up, Nach." Dive looked back with a relaxed smile. He remembered her.

Nach however was taken aback. He remembered her and yet his eyes...

It was a completely different to the eyes she remembered. To her, Dive's eyes always looked loathing, resigned, afraid, yet rebellious in a way.

Now however? There was no hatred, no resignation, no fear. There was nothing but calm contentment in them. As if he no longer held any weight on his shoulders at all.

It...unnerved her a bit, at how different he was now from her memories. Yet...

Then his eyes turned mirthful.

"Sorry but I don't have any lunch money on me." Dive said.

"Huh?" Nach blinked in confusion.

"Thinking about it, these pants don't have any pockets. They really should have added those." He said after panting his pants twice. "Actually, I've been a hobo for like, millennia now." He chuckled to him, making Nach feel awkward and confused.

"Yeah I know that feeling." Goku chimed in. "I didn't know what money was till I was 14, when I met Bulma."

"Wait, you're a millennia hobo too?" Dive said with a wide smile.

"Well not millennia, I'm definitely not that old." Goku said back.

"Hobo Buddies!" Dive raised an hand for a high five.

"Yeah!" Goku reciprocated the feeling without thinking, and brought his hand up, and hit Dive's open palm. Dive stopped his hand just a centimeter before hitting Goku's so as not to hurt him. "Ow!" Goku waved off his hand. "Wow, that was like hitting a wall...that doesn't break." He clarified.

"Me too!" Raditz wanted to join in on the high five.

"Sur--" Dive raise a hand only for the mood to get interrupted.

"Enough!" Shouted Vegeta, who lost his patience at the antics before him. He marched up to Dive looking him up, square in the face." Are you really Dive the Deserter, the Coward of the Saiyan Race?"

"If you mean the guy who stole a ship and ran away to avoid fighting, then yeah I'm him." Dive answered back, his relaxed expression never leaving his face. "Although I did not expect I would get to have so many titles or stories about me. I actually didn't think anyone would bother to remember who I am." He said with a thoughtful look.

"How?" Vegeta hissed, ignoring Dive's pondering. "How did you get this strong?" He demanded.

"100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run. Every single day." Dive immediately said back with a grin.

Vegeta let loose his ki in anger. "You think you're being funny!" He shouted.

"Bitch, I'm adorable." Dive just smiled back completely unconcerned.

"Guys, calm down! There's no need to fight away more." Gohan said raising his hands in a placating manner, only for his father to put a hand in front of him, to stop him from getting between the Red Saiyan and Saiyan Prince.

Vegeta gritted his teeth before forcing himself to calm down. Then he glared back up at Dive with a resolute look.

"Do you know who're speaking you?" Vegeta growled.

"Vegeta. I know." Dive nodded, making the Saiyan Prince grin and think he would acknowledge his authority now. "You look literally the same as your father. Just without the beard."

"It's Prince Vegeta." Vegeta said back with a sharp tone.

"Eeeh, debatable." Dive shrugged.

"I am the Prince of all Saiyans, and you will tell me how you attained your power!" Vegeta shouted.

And suddenly their was an invisible pressure on the Saiyan Prince. Dive didn't release his ki, power up or do anything. He just looked at Vegeta pointedly.

The others stood back, letting this confrontation happen.

"Pride or Royal Blood?" Dive finally spoke after a long moment.

"What?" Vegeta blinked at the non-sequitur.

"By what reason are you demanding? Pride? So what you want me to teach you? Why? We're not friends nor allies to help each other, either it's teaching or sparring. Heck, I'd figure with any Saiyan Pride you had, you'd just try to grow strong on your own, rather than have it handed to you." Dive explained his question.

"Don't you dare speak to me about 'Pride', when you have none of it. I am the Saiyan Prince, and that is all the reason I need to command you!" Vegeta spat back.

Dive's smile turned a tad cruel. "The insults don't refute my argument. And it's Royalty then you wanna lean on? Alright." He tilted his head and closed his eyes for a second, confusing the group. "Not counting those of mixed blood, there are currently less than 20 Saiyans in the entire Universe." Dive opened his eyes, staring directly at Vegeta. The pointed look making the Saiyan Prince take a step back. "You are no Prince. You have no kingdom, no planet and no people to rule over. None that would accept you at any rate." Dive looked to the group for a second, before focusing on Vegeta again. "Maybe it's that royal blood gives you some special power? Something that shows why you are royalty?"

"That's right." Vegeta said getting his baring. "I was born with a Power Level of 1000. From birth I had the power to lead the Saiyan Race. That's why I am the Prince of all Saiyans! Your Prince, you word weaseling coward."

"Oh! So Royal Authority is derived from strength, huh?" Dive's eyes lit up in a mocking way. "Because you know, he's stronger than you." He gestured with his head toward Goku. "And if we're talking about innate strength, there is a Saiyan at the edge of the universe with a Power Level that engulfs literally everyone here, sans myself, combined." Dive said, to the shock of everyone present. "And from the feel of his ki, it doesn't feel controlled in a disciplined way, meaning he never trained, that's just basically his strength due to his birth. " Dive then looked thoughtful. "Huh. A lot of anger issues there. Gonna have to go look at that guy and talk to him later."

"Y-You're lying." Vegeta stuttered, making Dive's attention back at him.

"You honestly think I need to lie?" Dive raised and eyebrow before continuing. "And if we're talking about strength in general, then go ahead." He spread his arms. "Defeat me. Show how mighty that royal power is and make me submit." Dive released his ki for a moment, making an aura that looked like thick red and orange flames wrap around him. Vegeta looked terrified of this power, falling down to the ground. Dive dismissed his ki. "In the end, regardless of the argument, you have nothing.

"Even then, those arguments, Pride or Royal Blood, are contradictory. So are you just a hypocrite that switches between them whenever convenient?" Vegeta clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and looked down. "You wanna know how I got so strong?" Vegeta looked up. "I trained and earned my strength. That's all, Vegeta." Dive turned and walked away. Vegeta said nothing.

"...Damn." Muttered Raditz.

Dive asked if the two ki signatures he sensed a bit away, were people the group knew, and Goku confirmed. Dive disappeared to go get them.

And as for Vegeta, he was left defeated on the ground by Dive, without a single punch thrown.

"So looks like it finally stopped." Bulma noted as she and Yamcha stood in front of their cave hideout.

"Y-Yeah, good thing they finally won. If I had been out there, I'd have embaressed them with how quickly I'd have beaten the guys they're struggling with." Said Yamcha with a nervous chuckle, as he could still sense that massive energy that's just sitting there with his friends, not doing anything.

"Riiiight." Bulma deadpanned, with a look that said 'are you serious?'.

Suddenly a large shadow covered the sky, making the pair look up. While Ymacha nearly pissed his pants from sensing the sudden giant before them. They could only see his outline as he was covered his shadows.


"No!" Bulma cried out on reflex, sure that she never did that. She thinks. She might have met girls that annoyed her, but she insulted them to the face, not on their hair.

"Ummm..." Yamcha squeaked besides her.

Bulma barely had anytime to turn to her stupid ex-boyfriend that is gonna doom them all, on something this dumb.



A bright light flashed engulfing the screaming pair.

"Bulma? Hey, Bulma, why are you and Yamcha screaming?" Goku gentle nudged the screaming pair.

"I'M SORRY! I'LL NEVER TELL A 'SOULLESS REDHEAD' JOKE AGAIN!" Shouted Yamcha his eyes still closed.


"Hey dumbasses, what are you screaming about!" Nach's shout cut off the pair, making them see they are around friends, and Vegeta.

Bulma quickly pushed Yamcha back on the ground, making him whine about being manhandled.

"What the heck was that? There was this giant, Yamcha was pissing his pants and..." Bulma is cut off by someone's laughter, and turned only to see a red-haired Saiyan rolling on the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Oh, that's Dive." Goku said, then brought the pair up to speed on what happened.

"You!" Bulma marched up to Dive, an angry look on her face, once she understood what happened. "You scared me half to death, what do you have to say for yourself!?"

"Your scared face was funny, thanks." Dive grinned back, not getting up from sitting on the ground.

As Bulma was berating the carefree Dive, the Dragon Team was discussing what to do next.

"So, we won, now how are we gonna get home?" Gohan wondered.

"Well, our ship is busted, maybe we can take Frieza's?" Raditz offered.

"Nah, it's fine." Dive chimed in, now standing next to the group. Bulma had to look around for a second as the person she was scolding just suddenly disappeared on her. "I can just teleport us all there right now."

"You can?" Piccolo said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's just Ki Connection and Instant Transmission." Dive shrugged.

"What's Ki Connection and--" Goku began asking.

"--Instant Transmission? WOAH!" Goku and the other looked around in surprise.

And were met by a surprised Kami and Mr. Popo.

"How...? No, I've seen this technique once before." Kami looked at the group, looking surprised by welcoming to Dende, along with giving a long look at Dive, to see if there was any malice within him.

Thus Goku, Gohan, Raditz, Nach, Piccolo, Yamcha and Bulma were back on Earth, along with Dende and Vegeta.

"You..." Kami recognized that ki.

"S'up, Kami." Dive said with an easy smile. "Sorry about how I acted last time we met. Not my best impression I'd reckon." He smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head.

"It seems you've been quite through a lot. I can even sense some Ki beyond mortal power within you." Kami calmly approached Dive. "So now that you have attained strength, is the answer you gave me still the same?"

"Yeah," Dive smiled while letting out a big sigh. "Definitely. I really wanna try fishing now. Actually, do you know any good fishing spots? Scratch that, do you know a place where I can get a good fishing rod?" Dive then stopped as he remembered something. "Actually forget about all that, before I can even get a fishing pole," Dive gave Kami an apologetic look. "Can I brought some money so I can buy that stuff? I'm kinda broke at the moment."

Kami was taken a back for a second, as he blinked a few time. He then smiled, holding his staff with both hand to lean on, as he started chuckling to himself and shaking his head.

"Hey, guys, whose the new guy asking The Guardian of Earth for money?" Asked Krillin, having left Lookout lounging area once the group had arrived. He came here after being revived, to find out what happened since Goku left King Kai's planet and returned to life.

""KRILLIN!"" Shouted Goku and Bulma as they and the others gathered around their revived friend, hugging him and talking about all they missed.

"Moori, you old slug! Come'ere!" Dive flew down and bear hugged his old friend--mentally thanking Frieza for helping him learn how to measure his physical strength. He had long since realized and accepted that he did have more friends, than he thought when he left for the Room of Spirit and Time. "Look at you! Gained a few pounds since I last saw you. Going heavy on that water, aren't you?"

"Oh really," Moori smirked back. "What about you and all that fur? What? Have you never heard of personal grooming?" He ribbed back.

Dive was greeted warmly by the Namekian, a lot of them have remembered him, and many of the young ones were enamored to meet the Fearful Saiyan from their stories.

"Actually I've been kinda wondering about that." Piccolo said, having followed Dive around to watch him for a bit, and be sure he's not a danger.

Goku, Raditz and Nach went with him, while Gohan was sent home, and Vegeta was about to wander off, when Bulma offered him a place to stay.

More like, Bulma offered up a place to all the Namekians, and Vegeta as well since he happened to be there. Yamcha wasn't enthused, but seemed to accept things might not be mended between them romance-wise after all.

"Hey, you try living thousands of years without a shower or a mirror, and see how well you look." Dive pouted.

"So this is what happens to Saiyans if they don't shower!?" Raditz asked in horror.

"Chi Chi must never find out." Goku said seriously.

"I'mma tell her." Bulma smirked.

"Bulma no!" Goku pleaded. "She's never gonna let me or Gohan go anywhere, without dunking us in the tub or something for just stepping outside the house."

"Bulma yes!" She said back, having fun at her friend's panicking.

"But wait, you don't look haggard?" Nach pointed out. "You look...hygienic." She gave a neutral compliment. "Actually why is your chest bare if the rest of you is covered in fur?"

"Ki shaving. Gotta give the ladies something to look at." Dive flexed his pecks.

Nach snorted and looked away.

"Oh it's something to look at alright." Bulma said with a sly smile.

"I don't get it." Said Goku.

"I don't want to get it." Said Raditz.

Dive laughed with others joining in.

"So this power that you have right now, that's what the Super Saiyan is?" Goku asked about's been on his mind for a while now. "No wonder Vegeta kept talking about it, it really took out Frieza like he was nothing."

"Eeeh, technically this isn't Super Saiyan. That's a few transformations down." Dive shrugged. "This is more like Ultimate Saiyan if we go by the wiki."

""EEEH!?"" Shouted the Saiyans. Piccolo was surprised by didn't scream his head off.

"This isn't just some weird look, it really is the power of legend?" Asked Nach in surprise.

"'A few transformations down'? So there are multiple levels to Super Saiyans?" Goku asked in excitement.

"Please teach us!" Raditz grabbed Dive's shoulders, trying and failing to shake him, only shaking himself. "If there are multiple levels, then teach us a few. Even I just one. I wanna be the Super Saiyan! I wanna!" He asked in desperation.

"Chill, chill," Dive gently pushed Raditz's hands away. "Let's just take some time off from all of this, and meet up in a week. I'll give you some pointers then." He said. "Mainly get used to heavy gravity training, till you're, hmm let's see, about Frieza's First Form, so you can use it safely without the power overwhelming you. It's kinda like Oozaru in how the rage takes over your mind the first time you do it."

Goku and Raditz firmly agreed, although Goku was already past that level now stronger than Frieza's Second Form, he decided to spar with his friends to help them reach his level.

Nach however was somberly quiet as thoughts of the past came to mind. It didn't feel right. This...this comradery, she didn't deserve it. She couldn't just accept this legendary power being handed to her, and by Dive of all people.

Not before...not before she could...

"Dive," Nach called out with a serious tone halting the conversation. The look in her eyes was as serious as anything Raditz, or her other friends had ever seen on her. "Fight me." She said with the worry and shock of those around her. She looked down and clenched her fist. "Not now, but when I'm stronger." She looked up. "I want to fight you. No running away, no tricks. Just a straight up match."

"Awww, no fair, Nach." Goku whined. "Getting to set up a fight first."

"It's not that," Raditz put a hand on Goku's shoulder, pulling him back. "I think...this is something that's been eating at her for a long while now. Let her do this."

Goku didn't get the full context, but understood his friend need to deal with whatever this was, on her own.

"Sure," unlike what Nach expected, Dive gave her an understanding, kind smile. It only served to twist the pained emotions in her chest more. "When you're ready, we'll fight for real. No quits, no time-outs."

Nach grinned back as she nodded.

"See ya then," With that she flew away, a goal set before her. To grow strong.

To apologize. To make amends. To seek forgiveness.

Nach headed to Capsule Corps, she had a date with a gravity chamber.

"You have to be about the only Saiyan I've seen eating so slowly. Why are you doing that?" Bulma said as she watched Dive eat.

Goku, Raditz and Dive, along with Krillin, Gohan and Chi Chi whom Goku went to pick up, were eating at Bulma's place, with her mother Bikini serving Saiyan portions of food, as she's used to do when they come over to visit. Vegeta isolated himself to eat in a different room.

Yamcha, Oolong, Puar, and blue Launch join in the festivities as well. Tien and Chiaotzu were around before leaving earlier, rather than stick around.

Nach was of course still training.

"It's been literal millennia since I ate anything. I want to savor this." Said Dive as he ate his triple patty burger, with double steak, grilled mushroom, lettuce, pickles and mozzarella spread. He paused in his burger to take a bite of his meat lovers pizza slice, followed by drinking a bit of his spicy beef ramen broth and then a forkful of ramen, before going back to his burger.

"Fair." Bulma shrugged.

"Why are you breathing weird?" Krillin couldn't help but ask, as it's something he couldn't help but nothing.

"Is that some kind of exercise you're doing to eat better?" Goku paused his eating to ask. 'Paused' as in stopped to chew his food, rather than devour it.

"No, that's me relearning how to breath." Dive said back casually.

""Huh?"" Was the reaction to most of the listeners there.

"A long while into my training I got this idea that, putting all my focus into training wasn't enough because my subconscious mind was still working on other stuff within my body. So I thought, what if I moved some of that subconscious focus also into training?" paused to Dive eat a bit more, enticing his listeners while they waited. "So I stopped breathing. I figured that's something my body does that I don't need as an immortal, and wondered if that would improve my training efforts."

"That is dumb. That is not how that works." Bulma immediately spoke up.

"Did it work!?" Raditz beat Goku to the question.

"Oh yeah, it did." Dive nodded. "If nothing else it helped my Ki Control since I sustained myself with nothing but Ki, so that's an extra exercise that I was always passively doing, till it was second nature." Dive eat again. "I can't wait to try sleeping again."

That got the Saiyan brothers more excited on another "possible training method", while Bulma objected on how dumb it was, with Dive agreeing with her. Yeah, his second wish meant he didn't need sleep, so he could focus on training without sleep or rest, but it's not something normal people, or mortals in general should ever do.

Heck, Dive reckoned even immortals needed sleep as well, to refresh their minds.

"Hmmm..." Bikini hummed as she looked around Dive.

"Something the matter, Mrs. Briefs?" Dive politely asked.

"I'm just noticing I'm not seeing any fur shed anywhere." Said Bikini.

The Saiyans perked up at that, as that could be an issue if they reach Dive's transformation. The other Z-Fighters were worried if the Immortal Saiyan might get offended, as they are still figuring him out.

Dive just laughed.

"No," he shook his head. "That doesn't happen. Every single fur on me is filled with way too much Ki to break off. So no worries about that." He couldn't help but chuckle at the random question.

"Is that something we should be worried about?" Asked Goku, suddenly nervous. "Because Chi Chi will get really made if she suddenly has to clean up fur because of me."

"Damn right I will! You're not getting into the house if you turn like him!" Chi Chi cried out, before turning on Dive. "You better not teach Goku, or even more, my baby Gohan to change into this monkey business, you hear me!"

Dive snorted. He was tempted, oh so tempted to pranked the annoying screaming lady right now, but preferred to focus on his food.

"Technically you're already in the monkey business. But don't worry if they reach this transformation, I'll teach them the ancient art of fur cleaning." Dive chimed back to which Goku, Raditz and Gohan looked fascinated. "Or they could just, you know, power down." He shrugged.

"Power down, so it's not permanent." Gohan asked, entering the conversation for the first time.

Chi Chi wanted to chime in, but was surprise by her son trying to socialize on his own, so held her tongue. But if they talked about training, she'll put a stop to it.

"No, normally it's not. If you get tired enough, you go back down to your base state, or you can just power down yourself." Dive explained.

"So why haven't you?" Asked Krillin.

"I've just been pushing myself to stay in this state for so long, that eventually it became my default. I'd actually have to put effort to power down now." Dive had a thoughtful look. "Maybe I should try that later."

The group chatted and continued eating for a while.

"So where are you gonna be staying?" Bulma slyly asked, wondering if maybe having this new beefcake around isn't so bad.

"Hmm, don't know. Probably somewhere in the mountains. I still do have a few errands to run first before I settle on anything." Dive's eyes lit up as he remembered something. "Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" He said to Bulma. "You guys are a technology company right?"

"Not the right naming, but technically sure." Bulma said back.

"Sweet, do you make fishing rods?"


The time came to use the Dragon Balls, both sets of them.

Shenlong was summoned to revive those killed by Frieza and his minions, to which Dive added the suggestion to count in anyone killed by those searching for the Namekian Dragon Balls. This was helpful as it included those killed by Vegeta, something the Saiyan Prince apparently forgot about.

Guru came back to a bear hug by Dive.

After that, all the Namekians were transported by Dive's Ki Connection and Instant Transmission back to Namek, so a wish to do that wasn't needed.

The first wish was to transport Namek to a different location so it can't be found by evil-doers.

The second wish repair the damaged caused by Freiza and others searching for the Dragon Balls.

"Go ahead, Dive." Said Elder Moori. "You have come and helped us in our time of need, and for that we wish to thank you. Please take the third wish, we have nothing else we could want." He said with a smile.

Dive held his chin and thought for a moment, then walked up to Porunga.

Moori and the other Namekian were taken aback by the wish.

"Are you sure about that wish?" Guru asked, as he Dive and Nail stood in the Grand Elder's home.

"I have to say, that's not something I expected anyone to wish for." Nail commented.

"If there's one thing I learned in my long years of meditation is that..." Dive paused, having a wistful smile. "People, life, events. All of it must flow, so just let it be."

"I see," Guru smiled and nodded. "You have matured a lot from when we last met."

"Yeah, same for you." Dive gave a heavy sigh, and intrigued Guru. "It's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh?" Guru tilted his head.

"The amount of Namekians that died, Nail being here, along with the damage done being quite minimal." Dive met Guru's eyes. "You saw all of my memories, right? Even my past life." Nail's eyes widened in surprise. "I was too self-centered and stuck in my own head back then, to really think about it. But you knew what's coming and tried to prepare for it."

"I did. I knew it would all work out, but it was painful to go through, and I knew you had a kind heart, and with your wish aiding you, you could only get better with your training. Thus if we truly needed your help we could count on you." Guru said, revealing that he even knew about Dive's training plan with the Room of Spirit and Time.

"Good, that makes things simple." Dive help palm up and gathered ki into it.

The ball of ki that formed was of white-golden light, looking like a fruit in shape.

"You are giving me your life force?" Guru's eyes widened. "Why?"

"Something I discovered is that immortality and mortality don't mix, so it couldn't have been done before." Dive chuckled. "And you know about the future, don't you? About the threats that are to come. Majin Buu, Omega Shenron and the rest. Like Baby," he paused in thought. "Or Super 17. I don't know the others." He looked back to Guru. "You and your people can help with that. Even if they can't they can aid others that can."

"Dive, while I understand your fears, I should tell you that beyond Majin Buu, I have never heard or seen of the others in your memories, like this Omega Shenron." Guru explained.

A small sigh left Dive, as he felt somewhat relieved. Then he snorted. "Well, GT was always considered non-canon." He said under his breath. "But I couldn't be sure of which threats are coming, so I just tried to prepare for it all, while perfecting my power, skill and control, and hope I was over prepared." He paused before offering the Ki shaped like a peach again. "So please, take it."

"My friend, I can not accept this--"

"Yes you can." Dive cut him off. "Please. Just think of it as me paying back just a small amount of the debt I owe you and your people. You have helped me at my very lowest, and I can't not possibly express that with words alone."

"...You are adamant, aren't you?" Guru said.

"Yes." Dive gave a sheepish grin.

"Very well, Dive." Guru help up his hand. "Go ahead."

Dive placed the Ki Fruit in Guru's palm and light filled the room.

"Oh, can I help you with something?" Kami asked, as the Saiyan Dive arrived suddenly on the Lookout.

"Yeah, I came barring gifts!" Dive shouted with a grin.

"Oh?" Kami raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, these took a while to make."

Dive present Kami with a silver and gold chalice.

"As you probably noticed the two chalices are connected, but only transmit in one way." Dive gathered ki in his hand, and placed it in the gold chalice. The gold chalice lit up with flames made of ki, and immediately the silver chalice was lit up as well all on it's own.

"Interesting. And what would it be used for?" Asked Kami.

"A tracking signal." Dive said. "Basically, the silver one can't be doused off as long as the golden one is lit. And the golden one can't be extinguish until the ki in it runs out." Then Dive delivered the bombshell. "I made it to work for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber."

Kami's eyes widened as he understood. "So that those who train there, never have to worry about getting lost in the void!"

"Exactly!" Dive grinned.

"How long would this flame last?" He said taking the offered golden chalice from Dive to stare deep into it. The amount of ki help in it, now that he focused on it, was staggering. I couldn't even imagine how long it would stay lit.

"Hmm, about a thousand years." Dive hummed.

"Truly?" Kami asked with shock.

"Well, a thousand is the absolute worst estimate, I'm not sure on the maximum." Dive shrugged. "After that when you need to train, just have whoever is going to train, or you, or the next guardian fill it up with enough Ki for a few days worth, and it should be good."

"I see," Kami smiled. "This...will be helpful for Goku and the other protectors of Earth." Kami then frowned. "Although I'll have to warn them not to wander in too far."

"Well, that's your problem then, not mine." The two shared a laugh for a moment, as Kami had Mr. Popo take the two chalices, placing the gold one in one of their living quarters, and the silver one within the Room of Spirit and Time.

"Also I came to give you this," Dive created another Ki Fruit to the shock of Kami.

"This is your own life force." Kami commented.

"It's transferable, yeah." Dive said.

"And you're giving it to me? ...Why?"

"Because as the Guardian of Earth you need to be a bit stronger." Dive said bluntly. "A lot of your tasks would be easier if you were even just at the Power Level range of ten thousand. If nothing else, you'll be able to watch over this world, just a tiny bit longer."

"I can not accept this." Kami said back.

"Like I told Guru." Dive sighed and smile. "It is but a small price for all the help you gave me. Or in your case the trouble I caused you." He gave a sheepish smile. "I'm sure it was a pain dealing with the room being locked, and I did know that was gonna happen going in. So think of this as my apology."

"..You have already set your mind on this?"


With a bit of hesitance, Kami extended his hand and grasped the "fruit".

Instantly he felt the change, his vitality and youth returning to him, strength beyond he had ever experienced in his life ran through his body.

He was not as equal to Piccolo now, but he wasn't helpless against him should the two battle. Not that there's ever a reason for them to do so these days.

The younger Kami looked back to Dive to see the Red Saiyan just give him a nod, and turn to head on his way.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a fishing rod to pick up."

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