
Chapter 10: Other People Have Plans Too


The request from Robert's younger brother has weighed heavily on my mind for months now and I'm still not quite sure if I made the right choice. I had Luwin send my acceptance of the request at Cat's urging, but still had not made up my mind on who to send South when the time finally came.

Only a general agreement that we would meet him at Riverrun was put in the letter and I'm already regretting it. Scowling in my solar well into the night, I find no sudden inspiration on whether it would be better for Arya or Sansa to go.

"Ned?" At some point Cat entered and when she finally got tired of watching my facial expressions, announced her presence. "Is something wrong? Or is supper just not sitting well again?"

The pinched look she gives me is because of Stannis and the ulcers killing him, which has given her all the arrows she needs in her quiver, to get me to spend at least one hour each night relaxing in the sauna with the family. She's even let Jon join us every other night since her sister's raven arrived.

Her childhood friend Lord Petyr Baelish, the one my brother nearly killed in a duel over her, was arrested and executed. Jon Arryn's own letter explained the suddenness of the trial, with the new Master of Coin finding nearly two million gold dragons unaccounted for.

I want to say it's the Lannisters just pushing for more power, but the revelations over what the Kingslayer really did have left me uncertain of even more things. If Ser Jaime has been true this whole time, why should I doubt his brother Tyrion? The man did Robert a great service and is already working out how to recover as much of the missing gold as possible.

"Just thinking about the warding." It's pointless to try and hide anything now, I have no idea how long she stood watching me stew. "Sansa would love to go South, we both know this." The laugh we share at the obvious statement chases away my turmoil and so I decide to trust in a woman's intuition. "But Arya is closer in age to both Shireen and her cousin Robin."

"I'm glad you haven't decided anything yet actually." That's odd, Cat normally hates when I put off business with the South. "Because I'm worried about Lysa."

"So am I." Jon's letter explained she isn't to return to King's Landing for a few years.

With a relieved sigh, she finally slides into her chair across from me. "My sister says that Stannis has been collecting the King's bastards that has me concerned about Bran going."

"I already said I would send a son and daughter to Riverrun and Lord Stannis sent the men and supplies that he promised to the Wall." I remind her that it's too late to back out. "Besides, it's only for a few years."

"Not if Bran becomes his squire." Her voice is flat but her eyes churn with concern.

"So what would you have me do, send little Rickon instead?" He's little more than a babe and I can't help but stare at my Lady Wife as if she's gone mad.

Cat shakes her head and appears to swallow something bitter. "Send Jon instead." My eyes widen in shock as she continues with the kindest tone I've ever heard her use when discussing the boy. "It satisfies the bargain and even though we have our issues, I know he will protect Arya at least." She is his well known favourite.

"What do you really want?" She's avoiding direct eye contact and that's what tips me off.

"..." Sighing at getting found out, Cat tells me her real reason for coming to my solar tonight. "Lysa is just as concerned as I am about the company her son would be keeping at Summerhall. I want to bring her back to Winterfell when I deliver Arya and Jon."

She manages to only have a slight tremble in her lip this time and she presses on when I don't stop her. "While Bran and Robin stay with our father and Edmure instead." With more acceptable friends you mean.

"You know that if Jon goes South to squire for Lord Stannis, he will be free to do as he chooses with his life."

"But it will be with his own name and not ours." And in your mind, that will finally be enough to keep our children 'safe'? "I can welcome him back for a visit once a year, once I no longer have to call him Snow."

It's better than I ever dared hope and I quickly agree. "Alright. I'll tell the boys on the way tomorrow." The Watch deserter still needs to be executed and I need Bran to learn this lesson before I allow him to go anywhere. "But that means you need to break the news to Sansa and Arya."

"You are a cruel Lord." Cat's purr is enough to stir me from my funk. "But fair." She gives me a look that I last saw the night Rickon was conceived.

"Not as fair as you my dear," Letting out a little growl as I rise, I smirk as my lady wife's face flushes. "And now I believe, it's time for this cruel lord to take you to bed." With that said, I peer into the hall before throwing her over my shoulder.

"Don't forget the switch," She hisses when I nearly forget our favourite... tool, in my desk.



The fact that Doran is allowing a pair of Lannisters to dock at Sunspear was almost enough for me to start a riot. But when I was oh so rudely told what was being delivered, I decided I could wait until dinner to cause a scene. Or maybe it was Ellaria who convinced me to calm down enough to listen to the rest of my brother's words?

"You're telling me that the 'Great' Tywin Lannister..." I draw out his name and roll my tongue for emphasis. "Is admitting that his dogs got off his leash?"

"The letter from Prince Joffrey makes it seem like he was the one to push for the apology." Another one of them I have to forgive, what is the world coming to? "And the letter from Varys has made it clear that it's really Stannis and the Lannisters on that ship, who convinced Tywin to sign his name."

"Does this change anything?" I know he's been working with Varys in secret for years now, to keep informed on the Targaryens' progress.​

"It's gotten me intrigued in the dying Baratheon." Doran admits with wry grin directed at the redwood ship, the gold coated figured head too garish even for me. "And I would like it if you went to thank him for me."

That sounds like a really bad idea, even if one that I would love to jump into head first. "You want me to go to the capital?"

"To Summerhall." Corrects my brother as the ramp is lowered. "Stannis has decided to rebuild it and spend his remaining time with his family. Varys says he's even taken in some of his bastard nephews, with the intention to snag a couple nieces next."

"Well that is interesting," I'm forced to admit with a bitter chuckle. "Maybe I should bring the girls with me? You said he wants to spend time with family and one of my girls has to be the same age as his."

The Imp and the Kingslayer almost swagger down the gangway towards us, introducing themselves and strangely the boy squire named Podrick Payne. "I know we aren't your favourite family and that will not change in our lifetimes. But I hope this delivery is a step away from vengeance."

"Just cut to the chase Tyrion," Jaime cuts it with a groan. "You don't spout poetry when the listener wants to gut us."

Giving his brother a a scowl, the cock eyed Tyrion finally reveals why we had to meet his squire. "Podrick here is the one who killed the Mountain. Dropped a rock right on his noggin."

"... I thought it was fitting M'lords." The boy tears his eyes away from the line of girls behind Doran and myself and jerks when he's called on. "I mean M'princes!" His panic scrunches his face up in a way that will be adorable once he grows into it.

"Well I don't think our boring talks will need this brave warrior's presence." Arianne steps forward with my own daughters and takes a shaking Podrick by the hand. "How about we take him to the water gardens, while you handle the lions?"

<< Index >>

Mar 7, 2022Report

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Chapter 11: Take Me To The Rivers


"Now I don't want to embarrass any of you. So I'm going to be highlighting a flaw in each of us that we are all going to work on together." That gets nervous glances to start being exchanged between the trio of teens.

"I am not going to be able to shelter you from the world forever and it's best if we spend the time we do have..." I make eye contact with each of them for a solid five seconds before continuing. "Preparing you all."

"In what ways?" Brienne isn't frightened by the challenge and is intent on earning my respect.

None of them are really adept at the social skills, but they each have another area in dire need of improvement. "All of you need to get better at interactions with your peers." Each of them is heir of a respected house, with Samwell not being disinherited yet because of my intervention.

"I myself have learned how much... easier things are when you can take charge of a crowd." Robert and Renly are naturals at it, but I have to rely on years of drama class to do it even half as good. "Don't hide from yourselves because that will only make everyone else ignore you as a person of value."

"Samwell." The softest of the three gazes up at me with worry filling his face. "You can stay at Summerhall as one of my families household knights as long as you wish. But you need to earn your spurs yourself."

"How?" His eyes roam over his body with grim reality.

"He'll die without proper preparation and I'd like to have his services for years to come. "It's pointless to just shove a weapon in your hand, so we need to get you in better shape first."

Before my sentence is finished, Samwell is already shaking his head in denial. "I'll never be good enough."

"Well if that's how you feel, you really only have a few choices left." I'm not going to force him into anything, I just wanted to give him a chance that his father never did. "If knighthood's off the table, you better start learning some poetry."

"What ever for?" Interupts a very confused Gendry.

"If he can't stir a woman's loins with his body and skill in battle, Samwell needs to stir her heart with other talents." That shuts up my now blushing nephew. "Learning an instrument will help and learning how to dance is a must."

"That's it?" Samwell is in disbelief.

I almost laugh right in his face, but somehow manage to reign it in at the last second. "Oh heavens no Sam. You still need to care about your appearance and that means we're going to start running each morning." I think two miles a day will be a good start for the first week. "And you're going to be lifting weights with Gendry.

"... Oh." The groan from Samwell sounds exactly like me in high school and that does get an amused snort to escape.

"Sorry, but I feel the exact same way." I hate running nowhere, but Samwell isn't ready for much else. "You're also going to doing fifty push-ups and a hundred sit-ups each day. Those can be done at your own pace though."

"That doesn't sound too horrible." Admits the Tarly boy as nothing I listed is anywhere near as extreme as what his father insisted upon.

That makes me smirk like an evil older brother. "Good, because you also need find a house with a distinct lack of male heirs." His eyes widen and I have to silence him before he devolves into sputtering.

"Hush boy. You need to hear the truth about this." He can do what he wants, but he needs to be clear of the consequences each choice will bring. "You can't go back to Hornhill and you don't want to be a knight." Slowly Samwell nods at my blunt words. "So you need to seduce and marry a woman in a situation similar to Brienne here."

The girl with aspirations of knighthood jerks at my mention of her. "And you Lady Brienne..." I emphasize her actual title. "Need a husband who will let you fight. Not many of those and even fewer you would like."

"I know that Lord Stannis." She faces my stare with a firm expression of defiance. "Your best bet is an acknowledged bastard or a risen knight with a lack of land." And preferably someone with a desire to handle the more managerial side of running Tarth.

"You're also going to need to learn how to dance." She starts to protest and I bring out my trump card. "Just think of how much it will improve your footwork and stamina in a fight, while you ignore how silly you feel wearing a dress." I know it produces tangible results in athletes and I'm going to prove it works the same with a warrior.

"We shall have a little duel when before we leave the Peach. When I defeat you while I am wearing a dress and you your armour, you will not be allowed to train in plate until you return the favour." If Syrio Forel can kill a man with a wooden sword, Brienne can kill one while wearing a dress.

With a sigh my nephew reveals he is ready for his turn. "And what about me?"

"You have Houses to memorize, laws to learn, your letters need dire help, and you need to choose a weapon to start training with." It needs to look like I'm training you to replace me after all. "Oh, and then you need make friends with our neighbours while you start looking for a wife." You will have the easiest time of it, all things considered.

"Is that everything?" Gendry almost groans.

The teens are looking overwhelmed and far too gloomy to meet with Bella. "Yeah... I guess."

The next half an hour is spent in near silence and it's only when we can hear bells in the distance, that the teens start to perk up. Gendry straightens in his saddle and tries his best to flatten his hair before we arrive.

"Bella's a year older than Gendry?" Samwell draws my attention while Brienne helps my nephew look presentable.

"Correct." I hum in agreement. "And Mya is a couple years older than her."

"Are you going to make them learn all the stuff I need to?" Grunts Gendry, his eyes revealing how eager he is to share his torment.

"Bella will need to join you and Cressen for sure, but Mya might be more at Shireen's level." I'm not actually sure how educated my oldest niece really is.

Samwell interrupts with a confused voice to accompany his hand pointing forward. "Are those Lannister banners in front of Stoney Sept?"

Following his finger reveals the truth of his statement. I can count at least half a dozen men in red and gold armour waiting for someone and I have a suspicious feeling it's me.

"You lot stay a dozen feet behind me and get ready to ride straight for Riverrun." If Tywin is getting rid of me, I'm making sure Shireen survives. "If this goes bad, take my family to Winterfell."

Ignoring any arguments I kick my dark grey steed ahead of them and snarl back when the trio tries to catch up. They eventually follow my order and remain a safe distance away as I near the Lannister captain.

"Good afternoon to you. Might I ask what Lannister men are doing so far from home?" The man examines me and I vaguely recognize him as one of the red cloaks who serves in King's Landing.

"Lord Tyrion asked sent us to retrieve his niece." Explains the man I believe is from House Serret, the peacock on his shield only confirming it when he turns to face me. "He told me that you asked for her to join her cousins at Summerhall."

That clever little lion, using my own plan against me. "Of course Joy is welcome with us. But I don't think it wise to bring her to my destination here in Stoney Sept." A brothel is no place for a child and I Intend to offer all the ones at the Peach a different life.

<< Index >>

Mar 8, 2022Report

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Chapter 12: Ask Your Father


"Lord Baratheon," As soon as the well dressed man in my father's colours introduces himself, I drop to my knees with the rest of the women. "We are honoured to receive you." The matron is quick to grab my wrist and pull me before the balding Lord Stannis.

The resemblance is easy to see between us and I'm quite surprised by the three people with him. I thought he had a daughter, that's what his letter said.

"And I am thankful for how well you've been looking after my niece." My uncle's eyes lock onto mine and his wide toothy smile eases my nerves. "They have been treating you well?"

"The best they can," I defend the women who raised me with as much fierceness as I dare show. "I've never gone hungry or anything."

"Perfect." Claps Lord Stannis with relief shining in his clear blue eyes. "So I don't have to feel bad about offering everyone here a chance to move to Summerhall with us."

The boy who I know shares my blood looks shocked and interrupts. "You're going to have a brothel?"

I'm not sure why he's so shocked. Lords like whores.

"I need more performers and I think the women here would be excellent as the first dancers in a cabaret." The word means nothing to me and judging on the faces of the three teens, they are just as lost. "The girls who want a complete change of career... I can always use painters willing to make hundreds of the same little images."

"What for?" The pudgier boy tears his scorn filled eyes away from me. "You never talked about needing artist before Lord Stannis."

"Because I just thought of the idea Samwell," Admits my Lord Uncle with a mocking grin. "And to start with, I'll have them all start painting letters with Gendry, on small squares of wood."

His eyes are filled with wild ideas and it seems as if my uncle has forgotten all about us. "And once some of you can do that at a decent level, I'll start having them ink creatures onto playing cards."

He talks about a game where you make words from the jumbled letters and how the painted cards will be used in a strange form of magic. I had no idea my uncle was openly a wizard. Maybe he will teach me, If I serve him dutifully first.

"You must be my half sister, I'm Gendry." With an extended hand, the raven haired boy smiles at me nervously. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who decided to come live with our Uncle Stan."

"Are you a bastard too?" No point being sensitive, he's seen where I live.

He blushes and shakes his head back and forth. "I was a Waters until our uncle had me declared his heir."

"And now he and Edric are both Baratheons. As you will also be, once we leave here today Bella." The words echo in my head as I still can't really believe what's happening.

I used to dream my father would come bring me to the capital and declare me a princess to the world. But now that something so close is actually happening... I can't help but dread the bad luck that will follow. Good things don't happen to people like me.

"I am Brienne of Tarth and it's an honour to meet you Bella." The straw haired girl is nearly as big as my brother and I realize is wearing armour.

"Your just happy to finally not be the only girl in the group," My uncle snorts even as Lady Brienne ducks her head. "Not that I can really blame you. I did invite you with the promise of friends and Shireen is still a few years away from being your equal."

Samwell tries his own introduction, only to frown when he remembers his name was already given. "Uh... I'm Samwell Tarly and it's a pleasure to meet yo M'lady."

No one has ever called me that except in jest. But Samwells eyes shine with nothing but honesty, making my cheeks heat up against my will.

"I'm not a lady. I'm just Bella."

"Not once you walk out the door and I can just pretend we met outside instead." His offer has no hint of mocking, so I find it easier to just nod back at him softly in response.

Being given a chance at a fresh start is more than I've dared hope for in years. "That would be nice."


Jon Snow

Wearing new clothes that are nicer than anything I've ever owned, I wait in line with the rest of the Starks and Tullys. Though at the very end of the line of course. Lord Tully hasn't acknowledged my presence once, but neither has he done anything to make my stay at Riverrun horrible.

Learning that it was Lady Catelyn who asked my father for me to be given this honour was a shock. Though it made more sense when it was explained that Bran would be staying with his Uncle Edmure." It's better to keep bastards away from the true born and she finally had an excuse that my lord father would accept.

As Lord Baratheon and his escort file into the courtyard, I start to get lightheaded when I realize I cannot hide behind my status anymore. Arya and I are the reason he came. I'm going to judged in front of everyone.

"Greetings and welcome to my home Lord Stannis," Calls out Lord Tully from his place at the head of the line. "Please accept this offer of salt and bread, so we can discuss things inside like civilized people."

The bread I was given upon arrival was fresh but nothing special. The loaf prepared for today is something special. It looks like one of the fruitcakes that Lady Catelyn has prepared during the winter and now I finally know where the cooks learned the recipe.

"Look at her Jon!" Arya pulls on my arm as soon as she catches sight of a blonde woman in armour. "I thought Maester Luwin said that women couldn't be knights." She hisses in betrayal, seething beside me as the riders begin to dismount.

"I thank you for the offer of hospitality Lord Hoster," Lord Stannis calls over his shoulder as he makes a dash towards the carriage, pulling open the door for the ladies inside. "I present you daughter Lysa and grandson Robin in return."

The rest of the introductions pass by in a blur, until suddenly Lord Stannis is standing in front of me with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you Jon. I hope you aren't to upset at me for keeping you away from the Watch." Of course Father told him what my plans had been.

"I'm nothing but grateful M'lord." I never thought I could have a better life than the Wall, much less with Lady Catelyn encouraging me to take it.

"I hope you will be up for a round of golf in the morning Lord Stannis," Calls out Edmure Tully with a cocky smirk. "I'd like you to make sure we're playing correctly, before you give the instructions to the other kingdoms."

"Of course," Agrees the visiting Lord easily. "But do you have a squire, or do you need to borrow one of mine?"

That confuses Edmure and he's not afraid to reveal the fact. "What?"

"Your squire is an essential part of the game," Explains Lord Stannis as if it's obvious. "They decide which club you use for each shot."

"Oh." The Tully lord flushes in embarrassment. "I didn't think that part was important and haven't been using them when we train."

"That will get you disqualified from the Summerhall Games." My new Lord shakes his head in frustration. "I'll let you borrow Samwell this time. It'll let me and Jon here have a chance to bond with some friendly competition."

"I don't know how to play though Lord Stannis." I don't want to let my new Lord down so soon, but the truth now is better than embarrassment tomorrow.

The King's brother just chuckles and points a thumb at the boy who doesn't look related to him. "Neither does Sam. It's no big deal and we can go over the rules together once supper is over."

"Will you let me be your squire too?" Arya interrupts and I nearly groan in embarrassment.

Though to my surprise, Lord Stannis just smiles instead of getting mad. "I expect everyone of my wards to learn how to defend themselves. But I'm a little full on squires right now and I don't think you want to send your brother home, just to take his place."

"Could I be her squire instead?" Arya is nothing if not persistent, quickly pointing at the armoured woman instead.

"Lady Brienne is not a knight and she is armed because her Lord Father allows it." Corrects Lord Stannis with a calm voice. "Get permission from yours and you can train just as she does. And if either of you earn it, I'll knight you myself." He's careful to keep his voice low enough that neither Lady Catelyn or her father hear the offer.

Remembering one last thing that might change his mind, I sigh heavily. "Lord Stannis?"

"Yes Jon?"

"We have a couple wolves to bring with us." Ghost, Nymeria, and Summer are all in the kennels right now but I worry about how big they will get.

"You do mean dire wolves, correct?" He doesn't seem shocked or even slightly concerned.

"How did you know?" And why don't you care?

"Rumours are faster than horseback and I think every kid should have a pet." I didn't realize I said the last part out loud and feel my ears heat up with embarrassment.​

<< Index >>

Mar 10, 2022Report

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Chapter 13: Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden


I watch Jon Snow pick himself up off the gently sloping hill and hesitate before the clubs. "What do we need to win this?"

It's been a tougher round than I expected, Edmure really does have an impressive long game. Knowing where the water traps are is also a plus, I'm down six strokes because of them.

Jon eventually hands me a two iron with a nervous expression. "I'm pretty sure this is the one you want Lord Stannis."

"Thanks Jon." I accept the club with a grateful nod and line up my final shot.

The ball sails through the air and vanishes through the trees, hopefully landing near the flag. "If you keep this up, we might even be able to compete in the games." It's not like I'm going to give Jon a choice in it, I need to take part in at least one event if I'm hosting.

I can tell Edmure has been trying to work up the nerve to say something all morning and I sigh in relief when he finally opens up. "I don't want to offend you in anyway Lord Stannis. But my sisters are very important to me and though they are concerned about your plans for Jon here..." The youngest Tully gives my new squire an apologetic look before shifting his eyes back to me. "They aren't going to press for answers."

"Lord Varys is excellent at his job." It's true, just not how I know what I do. "He let me know that it would only make things easier for everyone, if Jon doesn't come back to Winterfell-"

"What!" Roars the betrayed Jon, the hurt in his voice pulling on my heartstrings.

"...Until he has a new name and land of his own in the South." I return the furious stare with a calm one of my own, only letting a single eyebrow raise for emphasis. "To ensure Lady Catelyn no longer sees Jon as a threat to her children."

"...Uh." Guilt fills Edmure's voice as he avoids looking me in the eye for a while. "Yeah."

"So we're making an agreement as men." I place a hand on Jon's shoulder and turn him back around to face me. "The faster Jon earns his knighthood, the faster Catelyn can finally relax."

Edmure nods in agreement and awkwardly calls for Bran to get him a club. "Jon's a nice lad and everything, it's just..."

"I'm always going to be an insult." Growls the shame filled teen.

"That's true," I agree easily, seeing no reason to lie about the obvious. "But no matter how much you love your family, bastards all throughout history have been used to usurp families."

Jon starts to defend himself again, his face puffy and red with tears waiting to fall. "I'd never do that!"

"And I believe you, or I wouldn't have taken you as my squire." I return his gaze with an understanding one of my own. "But the rest of the world doesn't know that."

The boy bows his head and nods in acceptance of that, letting me continue with the embarrassing talk that could very well get me killed if Edmure so chooses. "I'm the King's trueborn brother and I've had those thoughts myself. So all this means is that you're in denial of desires that everyone has, or you're a better man than I am."

"I'm not better than you!" Jon is quick to deny what he thinks is a trap.

"Well it would seem we only have a few years to change that." Shaking my head in mock disapointment, I wink at Edmure to let him in on the game. "If I'm trusting you to serve my family long after I'm dead, I expect you to try to surpass me in as many ways as you can."

When he doesn't look anymore convinced, I shrug and admit what he's going to learn soon enough. "Samwell is already smarter than I am and Gendry takes after his father in the looks department."

Robin and Bran start to squabble once again over which club Edmure needs next and I try hard to contain my laughter. If the two would just stop trying to outdo each other, Edmure would have beaten me three holes ago.

"Why don't you care about us being bastards?" I can tell how hard it was for Jon to work up the nerve to ask and manage to avoid my normal flippant response.

"You should thank the Seaworths for that." I finally answer with a heavy sigh. "Ser Davos is the one who showed me it's not who you are born as that matters. It's the man you die as that the world will remember."

"But I don't even know who I was born as." The response is so pitiful, it nearly sounds like a whine.

"Well..." I trail off and watch Jon perk. "Lord Varys has a few theories about that. Would you like to hear them?"

He nods like a bobble head and I have to grab him before it rolls off. "If Ned Stark is your father, it's either by way of Ashara Dayne, the wet Nurse Wylla, or an unnamed woman from the Sisters."

"If?" Edmure notices that part, just like I had hoped he would.

"Samwell, take the boys and go find the balls." since I can't trust the two youngest to reveal the information in a way I want, I get them to clear out for the sensitive discussion. "We'll catch up in a moment!"

Once they're out of earshot, I turn back to Edmure and Jon with a blank face. "The Lannisters are already getting to take over once my brother's lifestyle ends in the obvious. What I'm about to say could end up with Houses Stark, Tully, and Baratheon, all in danger if revealed to anyone."

Lord Stark might not be your father..." Jon starts to panic when I speak, forcing me to squeeze his shoulder hard enough to get silence. "Even if you do share his blood."

"Brandon!" Gasps Edmure as he starts putting pieces together on his own. "... And Lady Ashara?"

"That's the preferable outcome." MY hard stare gets Edmure to think harder and his mouth forms an O when he finally does.

"No!" His eyes are glued to Jon now and I nod my head grimly. "If it's true, it's been kept secret for a very good reason."

Jon's not satisfied being the only one without a clue and he actually growls at me. "What are you talking about?"

"Who's the only other Stark who was in the South during the rebellion?" I snort back at the frustrated teen, waiting for him to connect the blatant clues. "And why is it a good idea, if we don't ever talk about this again?"

"... Oh." He finally understands and his entire face sinks with the weight of such an idea.

"Exactly." I watch Edmure's eyes soften as they lock onto Jon, but I'm forced to keep talking. "Your 'Father' had a good reason for the lie, if it really is one." I remind them neither Varys, nor myself has proof either way. "But if it is a lie, that would also make you my kin." Distantly I admit.

"I'm trying to put off a civil war. The easiest way I could think of, was setting up a power block in preparation." It worked against Aerys and I can only hope this will work against Cersei when it's required. "Your Father saw the sense in it once before and I hope you can convince him to again."

"How can you just let them kill your brother!" Jon is aghast when I admit why I've left the capital.

If that was the case, I'd be charging at Tywin with sword drawn. "Robert's killing himself with a life of excess and that's sadly every man's right."

I've already gotten word of Melisandre arriving on Dragonstone, with Joffrey quite eager to receive her as his servant. All I can do now is hope the lions and dragons tire themselves out before realizing I'm still alive.

I've gathered as many innocents as I dare and when winter comes, I'll just stick them on a ship with Davos. He'll make sure my family survives. If I can give everyone a fun time before I go, all the better.

<< Index >>

Mar 12, 2022Report

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Chapter 14: Miniature Mischief


This year has been the most fun I've ever had and it's only going to get better once our new home is finished. It is sometimes hard to remember that I need to look sad sometimes. But Father explained why he's pretending he's dying and I can't let anyone else find out.

Only Mother, Davos, and Gendry know and I will not be the one to ruin the fun. Father and the Tullys need to discuss something very serious, so he's left it to Gendry and I to Mya until he's finished.

"And we only need to use the putters?" Asks the incredibly kind Samwell as he holds up the single club.

Father's new squire Jon, chimes in with a frown of his own. "That doesn't sound very challenging."

"Uncle Edmure made sure it will be," Corrects his brother Bran and I try hard not to blush when he hands me the next one. "He said one hole is inside a castle and another has a bunch of bridges we need to go around."

"If we only have one club, why do we need a... caddie?" My cousin Mya tries out the new word while Domeric Bolton covers his laugh with one hand.

"Because it will take forever for fourteen people to all play." And Mother said this would be a good way for us to make new friends. "That's why we need to team up. It's more fair if we go big and little for each team, so choose a partner you don't live with already."

To make sure Mya knows how excited I am to finally meet her, I grab her hand before anyone else reacts. Arya is only a second slower in choosing Brienne for herself, with Bran darting past me for the freshly knighted Domeric.

Gendry and Edric pair up next, taking advantage of the fact the brothers live in separate castles. Joy and Bella realize they are the only girls left and decide to team up as well. Robin is quite to choose Samwell, still believing his mother's words about worthy friends.

Seeing that everyone else has gotten a partner, Jon offers Devon Seaworth his hand with a warm grin. Father really did find me so many nice friends, just like he promised.

When Arya revealed that she intends to make her brother fall in love with Lady Brienne, I promised to help her from the other end. Though I don't think we need to do very much else.

Getting Ser Brynden to agree to train them in both in the morning was the easy part. Making sure both Jon and Brienne think it's a private lesson, that was the hard part.

If Arya is right, seeing Brienne in action will be all it takes for her brother to fall in love. I'm not so sure he's that easy to lead about, but she does know him best.

She was worried Bella might get in the way, since Arya says that my cousin is pretty like Sansa. But after Samwell's very obvious attempts to woo her, my new friend was able to relax. Since it looks like my other cousin is already just as taken with her own northern knight, Arya should be free to plot with no more surprises.

As I watch Gendry take the first shot, I hope he doesn't have to be alone for too long. Father wants him to find someone and I can't tell him to keep girls away from Summerhall just for Arya.

He hits the little white cork ball way too hard it sails right over the course the Tullys built for Bran and Robin. Friendly laughter follows from all of us and Gendry doesn't get mad like Joffrey would have. He just bows with a wide smile splitting his face and joins in.

"Well this is definitely going to be harder than I thought." He grabs a fresh yellow ball and explains once we stop giggling. "These balls go way farther than the ones we used on the full size course."

"Good to know," Arya struts up next and plops down her own white ball. "Thanks for testing it out for us."

Her hit actually has some control and it rolls into the long hollow tube. It curves the ball down to the little windmill, it's slowly spinning arms managing to knock away the ball.

"Argh!" The Stark girl hisses in frustration and gets out of the way. "Stupid wind."

Pretty soon I realize the game is a lot like Barathaball, with Mya responding well when I try to give her advice. She and Bella are going to be more like sisters than cousins, at least that was how Father explained.



It was a tension filled talk with Doran and his brother. But thankfully the still seething hatred of Oberyn Martell was soon directed away from my own head soon enough.

I'm not sure what he hopes to achieve by bringing his children to Summerhall, unless he just wants more chances to kill my squire. Whatever the boy did to the Sand Snakes, was more than enough to get the one called Tyene to inform me that Podrick was her man now.

The look in the young woman's eyes along with the very visible knives, was almost enough for me to agree with her. With a snort at the antics of the vicious Dornish teens, I realize that I know exactly what Arianne Martell wants out of the trip. Gendry Baratheon.

My own hope is for Edric to take a shine to Joy, so I can't even blame the Martells. So far our plans do not seem incompatible and I wonder if we might find a way to work together.

It's clear that Stannis is trying to ensure his family is part of a power block once he dies and as long as he doesn't intend to start anything... I will straddle both sides of my family for as long as it remains possible.

Getting Princess Arianne and Gendry paired off should be enough to get me some sway on my own plans for Joy. If that isn't, revealing how much of the missing gold has been found should hopefully tip the scales.

The waves rock the ship as we near Weeping Town, the largest Stormlands' port along the Sea of Dorne. As the storm increases in it's rage, I'm forced to hunker down and cling to the railing. If I try and go for the cabins below deck, I'll be blown right over board!

"Stannis better damn well appreciate this!" I roar into the wind and nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a response from right behind me.

"I thought you came on behest of your nephew?" Oberyn's Dornish accent is grating and I peer back with a frown. "Not the Lord Baratheon?"

"He's the reason I'm sailing into this gale!" I roar back with a very believable reason and hope he doesn't press any harder. "And not on my way back to King's Landing right now!" I might actually let something slip if he does, I'm having a hard enough time holding on for my life, let alone some secrets.

"Why haven't you called out for someone?" He asks with a shake of his head, right before he reaches out to grab my arm.

"I thought everyone was already down below," I admit with a growl. "Wasn't sure anyone could even hear me."

Oberyn is quick to snort, dismissing that idea immediately. "Podrick turned back around the moment we realize you hadn't made it and he's already halfway up the crow's nest looking for you."

I peer towards the mast and nearly scream in worry at the sight of Podrick slowly pulling himself up the rope ladder. I try to rush forward but the prince's hand holds me back.

"After seeing this..." He sounds contrite and I never expected to hear that tone from him. "I think I'll stop giving Tyene such a hard time. She and you both saw something I missed."

I only stop struggling when I see a pair of sailors start to ascend after my suicidal squire. "Thanks for coming for us."

"Your visit was enough to show me it's not the Lannisters as a whole who must die." He snarls and it's somehow even fiercer than the storm. "But I will kill your father and it will be justice." I can't actually deny that, not after my involvement in getting Father's signature.

If Oberyn will actually leave the rest of us be... I think I might just let him try.​

<< Index >>

Mar 14, 2022Report

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Chapter 15: We Are The Champions


Edmure was quick to speak with both Hoster and Catelyn once we finished the game yesterday and I was just as soon asked to speak with them both. Explaining my desperate need to keep things stable until the time is right was easier without Lysa's presence. If she had joined us, I would have had to curb my tongue when explaining Littlefinger's plotting.

Hoster's own illness helped in gaining sympathy for my plans to give my daughter a secure future. It's the reason he wanted to continue the talks today, with the rest of his family present for input. And I need to remember to be careful about how I speak of Baelish.

"Edmure only really has a few acceptable choices." Catelyn agrees with me as we take our lunch near the river and the children playing around the bend. "Lord Stannis is correct. If my we wish Edmure to bring in a useful ally, it's either Arianne Martell, Margaery Tyrell, or Asha Greyjoy." I try to keep a straight face at how clearly she dislikes the last choice.

"He could try marrying into one of the more influential Westerland houses." My face wrinkles in thought as I try and avoid steering the entire conversation. "Maybe try and split some of the houses in favour of you, if it comes to that?"

Excited laughter gets louder and it's clear the children have finally finished the game. The parade is still out of easy listening range, but we agree to put the talks on hold anyway.

"Who won?" Eager to avoid talks of his own betrothal, Edmure is fast at turning everyone towards the golfers.

"The girls did Lord Stannis," Admits an only slightly embarrassed Jon. "They took first, second, and third place."

"And why didn't I hear any singing?" I adopt a mock scowl as I gaze down at Shireen.

She sees right through it and rolls her eyes. "I didn't think you really meant it."

"Well I do." Selyse adds with barely concealed glee. "So you better tell your friends the words and fast."

With a huff of embarrassment, Shireen does so and brings the other girls to the side for a huddle. But Davos worries it's going to be like when he got caught by his wife, singing 'Fat Bottom Girls'.

"M'lord, are you sure this is wise?" He gives the beaten boys a worried look.

"Don't worry Davos, these young men are all honourable like a true knight." The seven boys perk up proudly at my claim. "They aren't going to let a little bit of harmless japing sour the good mood." I turn my gaze just a little bit harder as I peer into each boy's eyes one after the other. "Right?"

The bobbing heads are enough to satisfy me and I soften my face back to a half smile. "Good. Now just enjoy the song, I did write it myself after all." In French and everything, even if I am definitely not the one who created the masterpiece.

"You're becoming quite the entertainer." Chuckles the Tully heir as a cloud of flies try to get at his wine. "You should ask the King to name you his Master of Games."

"I'm trying to spend more time with my family, not less." I remind him tersely before looking at the now ready girls. "You teach them the words already?"

"The first verse and the chorus," Shireen agrees with a rapidly reddening face.

"Whenever you're ready." I start to whistle the tune for them and grin at how excited Arya seems to be.

My blushing daughter swallows her nerves and starts to lead the song. But half a beat too soon, Arya turns a teasing smirk towards her brothers and screams the next line early.

"And those guys are losers!" That only lights a fire in Bran's eyes and I know the boys are not going to let this defeat stand.

"No we aren't!" Wails a distraught Robin. "Gendry and Edric had the lowest score."

Hissing in frustration, Edric is quick to lay the blame at his half brother's feet. "Gendry's the one who kept losing his balls!" The younger Baratheon turns his glaring blue eyes onto his elder. "He kept whacking them so hard, one of them even burst apart!"

"I believe we're going to be seeing a lot of each other over the next few years." Snorts Edmure as his squires start talking about practising for next time.

"We have more important matters to discuss right now I'm afraid." Changing the subject with a stern motherly tone, Catelyn holds up the bowl mixed with strawberries and peers at me. "My eldest daughter Sansa, she would love this yogourt you brought. What will it take for you to give our cooks the recipe?"

Watching Bran chase my laughing daughter around with a frog, I point at them with my nose. "Just let your Lord Husband know that the match has my approval." Keeping his eyes on South of the Neck, should might even keep him walking around for years to come. "I intend to have her betrothal secured well before I face my end. And I haven't met many lads, that I would rather my little girl end up with."

"I will be sure to discuss it with him." She appears intrigued and so I ease off for now.

"What does your Ned intend to do about the increase in Wildling raids?" Her uncle cuts in gruffly. "The He hasn't been able to push the news from his mind, not once in the three days since he was told.

"Ned's going to the Wall once I return." The proud woman clearly doesn't want me to think my help wasted and is being careful with her words. "My husband needs to speak with the Lord Commander himself, before he decides on anything rash."

"Maybe I should go with you." Brynden strokes his chin in consideration, even as Hoster's eyes simmer with anger. "I'm not needed around here for a while." He doesn't need to be Lysa's tether to her childhood anymore and Robin has a new uncle to fawn over.

"Only three days and you already want to leave again?" The growl from Lord Tully contains more rage than I knew he could still muster. "Is my hospitality that terrible?"

"I thought hearing how Stannis here was able to put aside his own pride and apologize would have inspired you." Brynden looks away from his brother and sighs harshly. "But I should have known better. Just like a trout can't choose it's stream, us Tullys can't choose who we resent."

"Ain't that the truth." Jon mutters under his breath quietly enough, that I believe no other adult heard.

"Is that all you want, an apology?" Hoster shocks us all by taking a moment to calm himself. "Because if that's the price to have my brother back, I'll gladly pay it a thousand times."

He stands up and waits for Brynden to do the same, only speaking again once they share nearly a minute of silence. "I'm sorry Brynden."

"Do you really mean that Hoster?" The Blackfish sounds a little choked up and it's even easier to see his hands shaking at his sides.

"I was scared the rebellion was far from over and thought marrying you off was necessary to our survival." He shrugs at that comment and even chuckles a little bit. "Seems I was quite wrong about that. We did just fine."

<< Index >>

Mar 15, 2022Report

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Chapter 16: That's Not Very Friendly


"If you do that," Jon warns me off from my spur of the moment idea, the second I utter it aloud. "Ned will never forgive you for sticking his daughter with Joffrey and you know it."

He's right, not even Dragonstone has been enough to force responsibility upon him. As soon as Stannis sailed away, my son started ruling the way he always dreamed of.

"But Stannis already has the other daughter with him at Summerhall." "But I've already agreed to send Tommen to the Rock with Jaime."

"You could still send Myrcella to Winterfell or use some of your brother's good will with Tywin." That might work.

I could see if Tommen can stay at Summerhall until Stannis croaks and give him a chance to make Arya weak in the knees. Varys has confirmed that my brother is getting worse and probably isn't even going to last until these games of his.

I might even just bring Tommen to the Rock and have an extended visit with my dying brother first. "Why not both?" Varys can root around Cressen's study and see if he's missed anything that might help my brother.

"Because you know it's a waste to tie both of them to a single family." My foster father reminds me and I realize I've been overlooking a very simple solution.

"Why am I thinking so hard over this?" My sudden guffaw only gets Jon to roll his eyes at me. "You have a son and he's not turning out to be feeble like I feared. I bring Tommen to the Rock and we can give our children the good news on the way."

"What of Myrcella?" Once again Jon has to slow me down and hammer out the details. "Do you still intend to send her to Winterfell?"

"The Greyjoy heir is still at Winterfell isn't he? Ned can let me know if the lad is still a rotten squid or if he's been turned into a real man. "And Ned has had nearly a decade to shape him the same way you did for us."

Jon strokes his chin and considers it for a few moments before answering. "You would need to see what kind of progress Ned has made first. You should bring Myrcella with us and we can stop at Riverrun on the way."

Can't blame him for wanting a chance with his wife. Seeing her in a swimming suit was more than enough for Jon to get some envious looks. And now I know why he keeps humming Stannis' song about fat bottoms.

Tywin was quick to make Jaime's reinstatement as his heir official and has already sent him home. He's also searching for a suitable bride for him and I dread Cersei's reaction once it's been done.

"The dragon is dead and Varys' spy says the bitch remains barren." I'm really starting to get excited about the trip and decide I'll even use it to do some official work. "The Watch keeps sending ravens about the savages massing. Us and Ned can go see if it has any merit while we're at Winterfell."

"But who would run the city?" Cautions Jon with a crinkle in his brow growing into a scowl.

That's the easy part. "My wife is the Queen. She can have her jollies for a few months and her father can actually keep things running."

"He has been helpful in recovering the missing gold." Jon's scowl softens a tad. "And Tywin will be pretty busy keeping the crown prince under control."

"Ain't that the truth." The boy's already taking after me and has a beautiful Volantene woman following him around like a puppy.

"Of course if young Theon isn't suitable, I have seen the way she looks at your brother Renly's squire." Of course Jon has a back up plan and of course it involves those damned Tyrells.



"I'm impressed with the design." I admit when I get my first look at Summerhall. "But more impressed that the keep is nearly finished."

"The Faith will be ecstatic once they see the place," Agrees my darling with that dazzling smile he saves for me alone. "Even happier than you after Stannis unveiled the speedos."

"Impossible." I deny the claim and my body shakes with laughter. "Though they will love how the walls are being made to look like a seven pointed star."

And it will probably be incredibly difficult to take in a siege. The gates are all funnelled into a path only wide enough for a score of men to ride abreast.

"And you're truly alright with this change of plan?" Renly's face doesn't hide any pain at my words and I sigh in relief as my sister finally catches up.

Grandmother was once quite eager to bind Margaery to Renly, but that was when Stannis was a dour grump. The new Stannis has ensured many Stormland lords will side with Gendry instead and Grandmother has seen the need to adapt.

"I only had the idea in my head for a few weeks before Stannis revealed he had a personality." He admits easily. "My brother has done an excellent job making me love him the last few months and I don't feel that burning desire to upstage him anymore."

"I'm just glad this Baratheon will look at me the way you do Loras." Margaery adds, letting a few giggles escape when I glare at her. "Oh don't be like that. Any woman would be lucky to have even a tenth of the love you two hold between you."

"Still can't believe my brother approves of us." Renly finally grunts, his cheeks dusted heavily with pink. "Even seems to like you." Stannis was the one to invite us and he was very clear about including me.

"Still not going to have my team take it easy on him." My defiant growl only gets a warm smile from my love. "Need to make an impression the first time people see Polo played and I'm going to show the Seven Kingdoms who's the best."

My sister snorts at my enthusiasm but I don't let it dampen my good mood. "The same way Renly and the Stormlands will do with Rugby?" She reminds us that Stannis unfairly gave each kingdom a head start on a different sport. "And like how he gave everyone else one to master?"

"Stupid fair play." I'm not above stacking the odds in my favour, my favourite trick is using a mare in heat when I joust after all.

"It's why I've had my best swimmers practice every day and had others train at any of the strange games Stannis invents." Brags Renly, his chest puffed out in pride. "Wasn't going to only have one event the Stormlands dominated in."

"So you gave Loras the idea?" The smirk Margaery levels at me is enough to peel off a layer of my own bravado. "That makes a whole lot more sense. He's really not known for his bright ideas and that one surprised us all."

Renly is about to lie until I cough. If my secret is out, his will be too. "Fine Loras, I'll tell her the truth." His sigh is mostly for show but I know my lips will be paying for my attitude once we're alone. "Edric was the one who let it slip what kind of training Stannis was having his own men take part in. And... I may have just improved on his routine for my own knights."

"And I assume that Lord Stannis' sense of honour will make sure he gives the Lannisters, Tullys, Arryns, and Starks the same information?" With a look of understanding in her eyes, my sister starts to nod slowly. "Probably even had Lord Tyrion bring the list of events to the Dornish."

"What's wrong with Stannis?" Growls Renly with frustration thick in his voice. "Where's his Stromland pride?"​

<< Index >>

Mar 17, 2022Report

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Chapter 17: A Kilt Is Close Enough


"Just remember I'm dying, it's up to you how hard you try." Keeping a straight face somehow, I make sure my black and yellow kilt is securely fastened. "I know I said I would wear a dress, but I just don't have the chest to pull it off. I trust this is good enough?"

Brienne is frowning at the five feet of chain connecting a pair of iron rods in my hands and my distinct lack of any armour. "Are you sure this is necessary Lord Stannis?"

"Tell you what. Since you're clearly intimidated by my mannisness, I'll alter the terms of our bet." Glancing around the entrance hall to the newly constructed Summerhold, I smirk at the iron panels lining both the floor and wall. "Instead of fighting for the right to wear armour, you are instead fighting to decide if the girls take lessons in the training yard with you..."

"Are you serious?" Arya nearly deafens me with her shriek of excitement from her place with the rest of my wards.

"... or dance classes." My smirk grows when Arya's face pales in fright.

"Kick his keister Brienne!" She really likes the way the word rolls off her tongue and the fact that her mother never learned what it really means.

The iron panels alternate between yellow and black paint, with several iron gongs and bells hanging from the ceiling. "Shireen, hand out the supplies please. It's time to start the show."

"To yield or when Jon here calls out a victor." Arya might have hidden her plotting from her targets, but it's been quite easy for someone experienced to notice. This will give Jon a chance to see Brienne in action up close.

Swallowing her dread, Brienne draws her blunted sword with a frown. "If you insist."

"But I've been practising for months, even got a private tutor to help me with my footwork." Syrio Forel was well worth the coin I spent on his services. "I don't want all that work to go to waste. This might be the only chance Shireen ever gets to see me fight." That should make sure Brienne doesn't kick my ass in the first five seconds.

Shireen hands out balls of beeswax soaked cotton to everyone and grins in anticipation. With the children following her instructions to stick them inside their ears with confused faces.

"Selyse, I still need the favour of the most incredible woman in the world." My words get a blush from my wife as she hands me the pale blue handkerchief. "And now my other arm is bare." I hold up my left arm to Shireen and her cousins. "Could I beg the three fairest maidens for favours as well?"

Mya snorts at the comment and shakes her head. "Sorry uncle Stanlee, but mines already been given."

"I guess I'll just have to settle with two out of three." I accept the black silk from a blushing Bella and a yellow one from a very pleased Shireen. "But It's your fault if I lose."

"Ready on three?" Calls out Jon before I get too distracted.

Brienne sighs at the words but does give the Snow boy a confident smile. "If I must."

"You might have heard of the Braavosi Waterdance or even the Dornish Sanddance." I start to strike the ends of my segmented staff against the iron panels, creating a loud boom with each hit. "Now get ready for the Storm Dance!"

As I pick up momentum, the sound grows nearly deafening when I start to slam into the gongs and bells. It's so loud, it feels like waves of sound are crashing into us while I leap away from her unsteady swings.

Every step I take comes with as much force as I can muster, adding even more echoes to the cacophony. As I count the strikes with my chained staff carefully, I grin in triumph when the chains start to get stiff.

Really wasn't sure if this would do anything but annoy her. Glad I'm not going to look like a complete idiot. Though I''m not sure if it's because of the science working out or something to do with the magic of Planetos.

Sparks crackle with each strike of my iron staff and I can see Brienne realize I'm ready to act. She tries to strike aat me first, using her shield to block a counter attack as she throws herself forward. Sadly for a warrior of her skill, I'm not playing fair.

I throw my staff and have to hold back a cheer when it wraps around her. The two iron bars have been magnetized and lock Brienne in place. Her momentum sending her crashing into the floor, with my weapon now holding her firmly against it.

"I think you can call it Jon." I try and get my squire's attention but he just gives me a blank look in response.

"What?" Probably should have given him some of the wax.

"Did I win?" I speak slowly enough that he can read my lips.

"I think so!" Jon roars back, clearly having a hard time with his sudden deafness.

Letting out a breath of relief, I turn back to the audience. "So it's settled. You girls are going to be taking dance classes with-"

"That's not fair!" Arya whines, even while Jon and Gendry start to help Brienne get free from the chain. "She would have beaten you in a fair fight."

"Of course she would have." I easily agree with the claim, getting only a 'huh' in response. "That's why no fight should ever be fair when lives are on the line." My eyes are firm as I make sure the children all have the words hammered home. "If you lose one of those fights, people you love will die... or worse."

"How did you do that?" Samwell blurts out as he tries to pull the iron staff off the panelled floor. "Can you teach me magic?"

"The Storm Dance requires a lot of preparation, unlike the Sand and Water variations." I pretend to consider it, even though my mind is already made up. "I think it's better if I let Syrio teach you all the Braavosi style instead."

Arya's face changes into a bright smile as she suddenly realizes what I've been trying to say. "But isn't that just what they call sword fighting?"

"In Braavos it is." My nod finally gets the last of the betrayal out of Arya's eyes and she throws her arms around my waist in a tight hug.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" She squeals almost as loud as the bells and I know I'm not the only one to wince.

"You're welcome, you little rapscallion." Arya preens at my comment, eager to add another new word to her arsenal. "Now didn't I said after the show it was bed time for most of you?"

Joy and Arya sigh in near unison, though Shireen looks as excited as she was before the fight. "Are you going to tell us a bedtime story?"

That gets a chuckle from the Stark girl and she peers up at me. "Like the ones Old Nan tells?"

"Are hers true or make believe?" I already know the answer but need to pretend ignorance.

"She claims they are tales of the past." Finally getting some of his hearing back, Jon joins the conversation.

"While mine are all made up and are just meant to make you have good dreams."

Shireen is already wondering what kind I'm going to tell tonight and realizes a problem with my plan. "You can't go any farther in the Narnia story though. Edric's not here!"

"I guess that means it's going to be something new." My smile grows enough to reveal nearly all my teeth. "I was thinking it's about time to share the story of Themyscira and it's warrior women."

"Warrior women?" Arya is already hooked.

"The Amazons lead Queen Shirippolyta and her cousins Benna Troy and Myssie Stonesmark." I can see Shireen puff out her chest at that connection. "As well as the guardian they sculpted from clay to act as champion against man's ignorance. Brianna the Wonder Woman."

"Brianna travelled man's world on the orders of her Queen, searching far and wide for any girls in need of either freedom or safety." I point at Joy and Arya, winking once they realize I'm about to include the two of them. "But I guess if you're too old to hear bedtime stories..."

"We aren't too old!" I'm pretty sure even Brienne's voice was part of that cry and I pretend to concede.

"Alright fine, go wash up and get into bed. I'll be up soon to start the story." Everyone dashes of except for the oldest teens and I have to roll my eyes at how hard they are trying to resist. "You lot too. We just spent the whole day on the rode and all of us stink worse than King's Landing."

<< Index >>

Mar 18, 2022Report

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Chapter 18: Meeting The Neighbours


With how much my life has changed already in only half a year, having two older sisters isn't anything I even bat an eye at now. It might have taken me a few days to decide how to handle Ser Domeric, but that's just because he already had Mya's favour before I met them. It's not really fair of me to intimidate someone she met first.

But the Bolton heir seemed to understand my conflict and actually offered to help me train privately. I'm not going to be besting Jon anytime soon, but I finally feel like it's a possibility. Since Uncle Stan likes him, I'll just focus on making sure Bran and Samwell are up to snuff instead.

"Milk." Bella interrupts my thoughts by putting down her painted tiles and poking Sam in the shoulder. "How many points is that?"

"Don't even think about helping my sister!" I snap at my friend just a little bit too harshly. "You know Maester Cressen said you're not aloud to help us anymore."

His eyes dart back and forth between us as my scowl only deepens. "Sorry Bella. You have to add it up yourself this time."

"Fine." Rolling her eyes at me, Bella starts tto hold up fingers as she counts. "One, two, three..." She starts cocky but gets unsure at the sight of a little five in the corner of the K tile. "Six?"

Sam shakes his head and holds up one hand with three fingers and another with all five sticking out. "How many is this?"

"Eight!" I blurt out when I realize I've figured it out first and blush at the cough Sam lets out.

"What happened to not helping?" He isn't mad and seems more relieved that I'm not getting mad at his own assistance.

Hanging my head I can't do anything but sigh in embarrassment. "Sorry... I got a little excited." It's nice to find out that even if it will take forever to learn my letters, the number part at least comes easily to me.

Bella has been promised the entire troupe of cabaret performers once our uncle finishes training them and will even teach her his code along with Shireen. He's keeping his promises and making sure all of us have a future, even if he's been lying to everyone about his condition.

My oldest sister is set to go North after the games as long as the talks with Lord Bolton continue go well. It's horrible, but it seems the Wildlings raided the village of Domeric's bastard brother. The raven was reason enough to excuse Mya and her suitor from any duties today.

My Father was already going North to investigate the growing horde, but now he's bringing twenty thousand blades with him. At least that is what a strangely excited Uncle Stannis told me when he said the games are now set to become a celebration of victory.

"I think that's enough for today," The voice of Maester Cressen makes me glance over at him and whatever has caught his attention outside. "It would seem Lord Stannis has guests and some of you will be needed to keep them separated." What does he mean by that?

"What's wrong?" Shireen knows him the best and catches something in his voice that I clearly missed.

"Your Father just expected your Uncle Renly's party and the Dornish one to arrive a few days apart. Not marching towards our gates from both directions and racing to be the first." The elderly man lets out a snort of laughter as he gets us all moving out the door.

The last thing I hear as the door slams behind me, gets a grin of my own to grow. "Never thought I'd live to see the day Stannis was so sought after."

"Father will be forced to meet with the Tyrells first, since Uncle Renly had to go get them himself." Shireen explains with a confident look in her eyes, even though I can feel my armpits soaking my tunic. "So you and Mother will need to speak with the Dornish party. What do you remember about Dorne?"

Her expression is a perfect imitation of her father's expectant stare and I struggle to find my voice before it. "It's hot, they grow the hemp that Uncle Stannis keeps buying, and woman are equal to men?"

"... Let my mother do most of the talking." She shakes her head in frustration. "Hopefully they take it as a sign of respect that Mother greets them as Father's equal." And not the insult everyone else would? "Samwell, just make sure Bella doesn't say anything to... colourful."

When we all finally get in line beside Lord Stannis and Lady Selyse, it's barely in time to watch Uncle Renly's party. Edric gives a wave when he makes eye contact with me and I wink back as they begin dismounting.

The golden haired Loras offers a hand to someone so similar they have be related. When has her feet on solid ground, she turns her face on the rest of us. I better start helping Shireen and Arya, or I'll have to get a whole lot better in the yard. I'm not losing this vision of beauty to that pretty boy Jon.

Renly clasps arms with his brother and doesn't resist when Stannis pulls him into a one armed hug. "It's good to see you, we really missed Edric around here."

My brother was only gone for a few weeks but I agree with Uncle Stannis completely. I like it better when my family is around... now that I know who they are.

"And what about me?" In mock hurt, Renly steps back and gasps. "You didn't miss your dear brother at all?"

"I have a life time of memories with you, but less than a year with the children." Not falling into the trap, Stannis accepts the Tyrell beauties hand. "And I think the lovely Margaery would agree that Edric is by far the cutest Baratheon man here."

"... I don't know about that Lord Stannis." Margaery counters with a giggle that sounds like honey as my uncle presses a kiss to the back of her perfect hand. "His brother is giving him a run for his gold."

My face heats up so fast I start to worry my hair is aflame, but realize it's just embarrassment when I begin to sputter. "I... You..." Holding in a groan, I try one more time. "Me Gendry."

"He might be the pretty brother," Edric interrupts with a smirk. "But I'm the smart one."

Shireen shares an unreadable look with her father before she exhales loudly through her nose. "I guess you can show Lady Margaery around while I help with entertain our Dornish guests." I might officially be the heir, but this only proves it was a sham to get me a name.

"Who are all these lads and lasses?" Stannis' voice cuts through my thoughts and my eyes finally move to the couple dozen teens with the Tyrells.

"You told me to check any brothels for workers young enough for a different line of work and these are the ones I found." Answers Renly with a look of smug pride. "Even found you a Flowers at one of them. You do still want them don't you?" The smugness starts to fade into concern.

"OF course I do. This is enough people to start rehearsing for 'The Wizard of Oz'." Clapping his hands eagerly, Uncle Stannis pushes Bella forward. "I believe you're the one who is in charge of that."

Bella can understand what the performers have gone through, which will only make it easier for them to feel safe here. I know it took me weeks to really believe my life had gotten better.

<< Index >>

Mar 21, 2022Report

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Chapter 19: Curtain Call


"Are you ready Tommen?" I whisper to my nephew, as we huddle with Renly stage left. "Bella's friends are almost done with the play, you remember all the words?."

He doesn't dare peer out from behind the thick velvet curtains and lets the laughter from the audience calm him down. "I think so."

I tried to get something Shakespearean ready in time, but Robert bumped up the schedule with his surprise visit. The only thing I could remember nearly in full was 'Sweeney Todd'. It sounds like most people like it at least.

"Of course he does," Barks out my younger brother as he puts a comforting hand on Tommen's shoulder. "We're the Princes of Westeros after all."

"Right!" The boy stomps his foot in agreement and his face starts to relax.

The three of us take the stage once the stage is cleared of all the pigs blood and see many familiar faces watching. Robert has Myrcella on his left and Mya on his right, with a very pale Domeric taking the next seat.

Dom seems to be lacking all of his usual wit today. I just hope Robert hasn't been too harsh on the kid while I've been rehearsing.

Arya and my daughter are working on their 'devious' plotting, with Jon and Brienne sandwiched between the two girls. Seeing Myrcella seated beside Robin still makes me blink when I notice them. Is this my doing, or might this have happened anyway, if Jon had lived.

It's even more shocking to hear Arianne Martell let out a genuine bead of laughter in response to whatever Loras said. It seems she and her uncle will be staying for a while... even though I don't actually remember inviting them.

I haven't really seen Varys much since Robert's party arrived either... So it would seem this is it.

As the three of us take a bow, Tommen gets by far the most cheers. His father lifting him over head and showing off his talented son to the crowd, gets Renly to share a laugh with me as he rejoins Loras.

"Only a few more songs from me tonight and then I'll bring the girls back out for something more energetic." My warning gets a groan from my guards who have already heard me practice for weeks and just want me to get on with it. "

So to thank the man who made sure Renly and I lived through the rebellion..." I start to hum the moment musicians begin to play 'Best Friend' and grin when Davos buries his face in his hands.

The chill on my spine spreads when I never actually find Varys in the crowd, making a lump of dread in my throat beginning to grow along with it. Tyrion and Gendry have my plans for the Games and Shireen will be well cared for now.

I'm already caught in the Spider's web. No point in struggling now... I'll just get people I care about tangled up with me.

The band changes tempo and I start my final song, seeing wet eyes forming in the faces of those who care about me. Whatever is left of Stannis inside of me, fades away with a final echo of thanks in my head.

"Who wants to live forever?" By the time I'm on the final chorus, Shireen is sobbing in her mother's arms. Be strong darlings, I know you'll be okay with Bran and Gendry.

"Forever is our today!" The Tyrells are working with Renly to court my heir and Jon Arryn gives Shireen and Bran allies in the Vale. "Who waits forever anyway?"

Robert is the first one to pull me into a hug when I walk off stage on a pair of trembling legs. "Tell our parents I wont be more than a decade myself." His voice is choked with emotion as he whispers in my ear. "And tell them how sorry I am... for not being their for you and Renly when they died."

I know he's also trying to apologize to me but just doesn't know how. "It' s alright Robert, I forgave you years ago. I'm just sorry that I never told you that."

"Just make sure to train your players well, Jon and his Hipball team can't have the complete run of the court." My big brother frowns at first, but he does finally nod back at me.

"Fine..." His eyes go past me and when I turn back to follow his gaze, it's to the sight of Samwell and Bella blushing near some flowers. "If the Tarly boy a decent sort?"

"It pisses the Tyrells off and finally acknowledges the only victory against you." It's one of the few grudges you never really settled yourself.

Robert finally chuckles lightly and shrugs his shoulders. "You're the one who cared about my kids enough to find them. I'll approve any pairings you put forward."

"You seem quite happy to find a more mature Robin." I smirk as Robert doesn't even try to deny it.

"Of course I am, you beat me to the Starks." He grumbles back at me with a slight scowl creasing his brow. "So I had to make sure you didn't take the Arryn's from me too."

Renly has been close enough to overhear the entire conversation and points over towards Arya. While shows off her wolf to the very intrigued Sandsnakes, Edric is frantically trying to decide between two different bouquet.

"Looks like you're actually going to snag both families for yourself." No bitterness fills our younger brother's voice and I sigh in relief.

"It was either this or the Greyjoy hostage." Grumbles a shockingly sober Robert. "Robin and Myrcella will actually let me sleep soundly at night."

I'll see you two at the feast, I need to take care of a few things out here first." I make my secretly final farewell with my brothers and move on to the rest of my wards in quick succession.

When I make it to Shireen and my wife, it's starting to get hard to commit to the choice to go quietly. Varys wouldn't be striking if the Targaryen invasion wasn't going to be soon. I need to do what I can to smooth things over and that means not causing a scene.

"I love you both, more than you will ever know." Something in Selyse's eyes starts to catch on, but I dart backstage and head towards my dressing room briskly.

When the door opens and I catch sight of the bald head in my chair, I hiss out a quick request. "Just let me get the door shut first, I don't want to frighten the children if they find me."

It's barely noticeable in the candle's light, but Varys seems to grow his respect for me. "I can appreciate that. You really have become quite competent Lord Stannis and I'm afraid that's why I'm here now."

"Don't incriminate yourself and make things harder on the Targaryens." My warning finally gets a look of pure shock to appear on Varys' face for the first time since I personally met him. "I already got something painless prepared."

I give the name of a relatively painless poison and pull the vial out of my desk. Just please tell Daenaerys how sorry I am about the circumstances of her birth."

Varys blinks a few times and waits for me to continue my 'confession'. I waited as long as I could to take Dragonstone... but Queen Rhaella just wouldn't leave until it was too late."

"... You never actually sent a single ship after Viserys." The spymaster realizes what I;m trying to insinuate.

"Of course not." The firm declaration gets a shameful expression to grow on Varys' face, even as my own throat starts to constrict. "I'm not a kinslayer."

"It's rare that I make such a gross miscalculation." The guilty admission from Varys makes me smile even as my vision begins to fade.

"Just ask Daenerys and Aegon to spare the children I got clear of King's Landing." I wheeze out and can only hope Varys heard me.

His fleeing footsteps are surprisingly accompanied by cries for Maester Cressen. "Someone get Maester Cressen!" He's really good at faking that tone of innocence. "Help! Lord Stannis won't get up!"

Notes: I had plans for 2 more chapters, but family stuff has come up and I'm just in a completely different headspace. This chapter will probably feel a little off, but the longer I delay the worse it will get because of my mood.

<< Index >>

Mar 25, 2022Report

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Chapter 20: Epilogue 1

1 Month Later: Davos​

Being forced to keep the true cause of Lord Stannis' ailment to myself, is the first time one of my promises to him has been tested. Almost everyone believes he was just good at hiding how serious his illness really was. But Lady Selyse and I both know better and this is the first time one of my promises to Lord Stannis has been tested so.

The Master of Whispers' quick discovery of him, is the only reason my lord even has a chance at life. And the reason he is no longer just called a lord as courtesy. The land once claimed by the Baelish family is supposed to be miserable, so I'm not sure why Lord Varys had a face splitting grin.

It has been tense here at Summerhold these last few weeks. The King delayed his trip as long as possible, in hopes his brother would awaken for some final words. Eventually though, the King's fury drove him North with the army. Seven have mercy for the Wildlings, because the King will not.

Lord Stannis has done nothing but mumble and moan the entire time, with the servants barely managing to get any broth down his throat each day. Maester Cressen is firm in his promise that our lord will recover and that's the only reason we've been able to go forward with his plans.

Though as I pass by a stiff backed Gendry and the lovely Lady Margaery, I wonder how long it will be until her father sends an offer. The pair are trailed by a blushing Samwell and Bella, with the boy refusing to meet my gaze.

The lad may be a slower learner with a blade than even myself, but he's a natural with the harp. He's left the other boys in his dust already and I expect Bella will convince him to play on stage soon enough. Though I'm not sure why Lord Stannis paled when Jon considered learning the harp for himself.

"How are the lessons going?" My voice somehow manages to keep out the amusement as I address Gendry.

"They don't give me headaches anymore." He mutters back and gives Samwell a brotherly scowl. "But I'm never going to be the warrior of words, that Sammie here is." The Tarly heir tries to deny it, only for Bella to let out a string of giggles at her brother's expense.

Trying not to embarrass either lad more than I already have, I glance over at the Baratheon girl instead. "And what about the dance lessons?"

The stories the four rush to blurt out first bring a smile to my face and it remains the entire walk. It only grows bigger when I see Shireen laughing with her friends outside the room claimed by Syrio.

"Davos!" Her voice calls out the moment she catches sight of me. "Did you get a new story out of the pile?"

"Of course I did." Holding up the sheets that her father had written in the strange language he seems to have invented, I watch her eyes shine with glee. "I wouldn't miss story time for anything, we're so close to finding out if Ser Skywalker can redeem his father."

"But why did your father make Jaime kiss his sister?" Arya blurts out and pretends to gag. "I'd never kiss Jon. That's just gross!"

"If you ever want to release the story, I'd suggest changing Ser Skywalker's name to something less famous." No reason to get the Lannisters mad, not when they're one of the top contenders for the assassin.

When we arrive at Lord Stannis' room, we're let in almost immediately. The sight of my Lord sitting up and struggling to drink water makes me lose my voice in shock. Though Shireen manages to avoid that fate.

"Father!" She barely manages to stop herself from leaping onto the bed, restraining herself to a slightly too tight hug. "You're alive." Sobs Shireen, while her Father's arms slowly wrap around her.

"I am." His voice is lacking the charisma I had started to grow used to this last year, but it's not quite back to the old gruffness either. "And it feels like I've been living a dream for months. But I'm finally awake now and feeling like myself again."

"... Is that a good thing?" Leave it to Shireen to jump right to heart of the matter.

My lord closes his eyes and really considers the question deeply. It's almost a whole ten seconds before his eyes open again and I can see them shimmering with guilt.

"Are you happier here, than back on Dragonstone?" He responds to his daughter with a question of his own, his voice heavy with years of turmoil.

"The happiest I've ever been father," Shireen promises without a shred of doubt.

"That means it's a good thing." He pulls her back in for a hug and waves for Bella and Gendry to join them. "I just wish I knew how much easier things are, when you can say sorry and mean it."

Notes: Was going to just release all 5 parts of the epilogue in a single chunk, but I don't want to leave it on such a sad cliffhanger. So this can tide you all over for the next week or so.

<< Index >>

Saturday at 3:35 PMReport

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Chapter 21: Epilogue 2

6 Months Later: Robb Stark​

"Keep going!" My snarl drives the others to follow the already fading trail.

Domeric just wanted to see his brother's grave and no one could fault him for that. So while our fathers and their lords discussed plans in the Dreadfort, we decided to go for a ride. Stupid of us!

The Wildlings had already raided this far South. why did we think it would be safe now just because the army was gathering?

Mya accompined her betrothed, with Sansa and I of course joining them to the remains of the village. Which of course got Theon to invite himself and then Father insisted we bring the Reeds with us.

I thought we would have been fine with two dire wolves keeping watch. But the pair just sat quietly while the Wildlings crept up on the girls.

Theon took a knife in the shoulder when he managed to catch up to the one with Meera, forcing me to leave the two behind. The savages are fierce and swift on foot which only angers me further.

Only one has any idea how to ride a horse and of course that's the one with my sister. When the Wildlings start to split up, I roar back at Domeric to go after Mya.

Lady and Greywind are gaining ground on our own target, now with only a single companion to get in my way. In my seething rage, I don't realize how long the chase goes on. Nor do I notice when we leave Bolton lands and the relative safety the army provided.

A grin threatens to replace my grimace at the sight of Greywind snapping at slower Wildling's leg. And a dark grunt of amusement escapes when he's bucked off the panicking mare, not moving after his skull strikes the ground.

Sansa lets out a shriek when I throw myself at them, sending all three of us tumbling into the snow. Before I even have a chance to react, both wolves are on the Wildling. His screams are surprisingly high pitched and it takes me a few moments to realize who my captive really is.

"You're a girl!" My shock is increased when I realize that neither wolf is tearing out the blonde's throat.

"And you're a madman!" She wheezes back as I approach with my own knife in hand. "You could have killed all three of us with that stunt."

"Why did you, take my sister?" I know the Wildling men would want such a healthy young lady, but not why this beauty would.

"My sister's husband said to grab the king's daughter." Defiance flashes in the Wildling's eyes and I start to wonder why our women are hunted at all. The ones they have are more than desirable to the eyes.

She tries reaching for her own knife and I barely step on her hand in time. "None of that now." My comment only gets a noncommittal grunt and I make sure too watch her closely. "Why does he want Mya?"

"All our dreamers started saying the same thing." Her eyes dart behind me at the same time I hear the crunching of snow. "We're only getting South of the Wall with a marriage." The guarded look calms me and I turn to see Jojen and Meera have caught up. "So Mance said a royal one would be best."

"The King Beyond the Wall?" That would make her a Wildling princess. "That Mance?"

She finally sits up when my shock gives her an opening. "Aye. The one and the same."

"And who are you?" Snarls Meera, still not over her own attempted abduction. "Why shouldn't I kill you?"

I'm forced to step in and lower the spear with my own hand. "She's a princess, we can't just kill her."

"But they tried to steal us!" Sansa hisses at me, enraged at the idea I might forgive her for being pretty.

"And failed." I finally make up my mind and grab the blonde's wrist. "So I'll take her hostage and bring her back with us." That should hopefully give us a way to end these raids even faster.

"So you're stealing me?" She twists her face into an amused smirk and doesn't struggle when I bind her wrists. "I guess this still accomplishes what Mance sent us out for."

"What does she mean?" Jojen is the only one laughing at that comment and I try not to snarl at him.

<< Index >>

Last edited: Wednesday at 3:00 AM

Wednesday at 1:49 AMReport

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Chapter 22: Epilogue 3

2 Years Later: Daenerys​

Marching through the Red Keep, I can't help but take everything in silence. When Drogo had finally admitted he had no plans to cross the Narrow Sea, I was surprisingly okay with that choice. I was already Khaleesi and happy with my life.

But the Usurper couldn't leave my family be and had his agent make his move. Jorah killed my husband and fled with our son.

I never thought to see him again and only pressed on through a newfound desire for vengeance. But my nephew Aegon and the Golden Company found them in Meereen.

They kept my son safe while I travelled to Vaes Dothrak and gained an army of my own. The dragons that hatched in the pyre of Khals, proved Aegon was who he claimed. And I was finally no longer alone in the world.

Once Aegon has his throne, Varys will need to fill us in on where the missing army is. The Usurper is a warrior and our army faced counted barely a thousand soldiers in the city. I'm worried his army will pour out of the Kingswood in the middle of the night and try to retake the city.

While my Dothrakki patrol the outskirts to prevent that, the more disciplined soldiers keep the peace inside the walls. And three dragons circle the city until I call them off... that should stop anyone from doing something stupid.

"Lord Varys." Our Dornish companion calls into the shadows, his voice a barely contained storm of rage. "Where is Arianne?"

Prince Oberyn and his Dornish spears met us in the Stepstones, with rage at this Prince Joffrey for holding his niece hostage. She thought his attempt to mend the family feud was proof he could be controlled... but was very quickly proven wrong when he locked her in the maiden vault.

"She's safe," An overweight man with a polished head emerges with a pleased smile. "Thanks to some shocking assistance from one of Joffrey's white cloaks. Sandor has kept your niece calm while awaited your arrival."

"Any news from the North?" Oberyn hisses back while we near the throne room. "How much longer until Robert has finished with the savages?"

Our spy's face shifts into a glowing smile. "I have some wonderful news on that front." He appears to hold in some laughter before he straightens himself again. "It seems he and this Mance Rayder, both died in the same battle before the wall."

The relief floods into me as I focus on his eyes for any sign of deceit. "Truly?"

"Many of my birds sing the same song," Varys confirms swiftly. "Though they don't quite agree on the details."

"And so this Joffrey..." Interrupts Aegon with a glare at a pair of fallen guards, both white cloaks stained pink. "Is now the one wearing my crown?"

"Joffrey was advised poorly by his Red Priestess." Adds Varys with a conniving smirk. "Melisandre lost interest in him, the moment she saw the dragons on the horizon. She found it quite easy to convince Joffrey, that his Grandfather's sacrifice was needed."

Not willing to remain silent any longer, I make my own voice heard. "And the pretender? What of this King Joffrey?"

"I showed him one of the secret passageways out of the Red Keep." Varys explains, his expression strangely smug. "It's a shame that it lead right to where Princess Arianne and Sandor are hiding. Doubly so, once Sandor informs Ser Barristan of the Prince's orders. These last few weeks."

The spymaster explains how Ser Barristan has been searching the city since the day we took Dragonstone. "He wanted to burn his half siblings..." Varys chuckles for a moment and preens with well earned pride. "Shame how I'd already smuggled the five here, out to the safety of Summerhall."

"The ruins?" I frown at the sight of a dead woman seated on the Iron Throne. Her golden hair and red dress mark her as Cersei Lannister in life, with the spilled goblet of wine showing her cowardice.

"Not since your cousin, Lord Stannis..." Varys has been very firm on laying all the blame at the feet of the eldest Baratheon and was quick to share how I truly managed to escape to Essos. "Decided to have it rebuilt." It seems I have even more to thank my cousin for.

"He even swindled the Lannisters into paying for it." Oberyn's approval only cements my choice to leave Stannis be. As long as this Ser Davos keeps any raven from reaching Lord Stannis, he can be kept from choosing between family.

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Today at 10:21 AMReport

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