
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Unfortunate_Soul replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - One Charge at a Time (Worm SI, Power Manipulator)


AN: Sorry for the delay in uploading this chapter. I recently fell back into an addiction of mine. Fighting it has been tough and I relapse every now and then. I hope that this doesn't happen again.

Sorry once again for letting you guys down. Here's the next chapter.


"Where's your car?" He asked.

Blackwell choked in his hands, her mouth making incomprehensible noises. But reading her mind told him where she kept her car.

In a parking garage half a block away from here.

The reason she didn't keep it in the school was so that the students won't break the car's windshield or windows, puncture her tires, scratch its paint, or do any other kind of damage to it in general.

Smart of her.

"Where is the key?" He asked.

Again, she gave no answers, and again, he got the answers from her by reading her thoughts.

He knocked her out with a simple application of his Biokinetic power and had her carefully sit down on her desk. Then he took her handbag and rummaged through it.

The car's key was there.

He put the key in between his hands and captured its dimensions with his power by molding his flesh around it.


"Jasper. Don't use your power in the middle of the class." Taylor whispered to him with faux urgency and he looked at the bone key in his hands.

It was a near-perfect imitation of the key he was holding in the other timeline.

With this goal achieved, he closed the other timeline where he'd just tortured Blackwell for info.

He looked at Taylor and rolled his eyes. "Chill out Taylor, no one is looking at us."

After all, he was using Byakugan and Multitasking power to make sure of that.

"That's still no reason for you to get sloppy." She hissed before she looked at the bone key. "What is that anyway?"

"Key to Blackwell's car."

Taylor frowned in confusion "Why do you have the key to Blackwell's car?"

He gave her an unimpressed look. "Because I'm going to steal it. Why else?"

Taylor gripped his hands, her fingernails digging into his arm. "You're not stealing Blackwell's car."

He rolled his eyes, not feeling the least bit of pain due to his enhanced skin and muscles. "Well, I'm in need of a car. And unless you have one lying around..."

"I don't. But that doesn't mean you should steal other people's cars. That's… wrong."

"Not if you do it to someone like Blackwell."

"No." Taylor shook her head "Doing the wrong thing is wrong, whether you do it to a bad person or a good person. Why do you even need a car anyway? Can't you just teleport to wherever you want to go? Or just use one of your bazillion powers to go to where you want to go."

"First of all, I don't have a Bazillion powers." He only had about 30 of them. "And secondly, I recently became a sugar daddy. And I need to get a ride to my new girl." And her terminally ill brother.

Taylor gave him an unimpressed look. "So you want to steal Blackwell's car because you want to impress a girl."

"No, I just want to take her, her terminally ill brother, and their belongings to a new apartment." He said, rolling his eyes "Of course, I want to impress her. And it's not stealing. It's just... indefinite borrowing."

Taylor pinched her nose. "Jasper. You can't just steal Blackwell's car because you want to impress a girl. That's just wrong."

"Yeah. But this is Blackwell."

"No, Jasper."

"Yes, Jasper."



Taylor sighed. "…you have a lot of money, don't you. Why don't you just use some of it to buy a new car for yourself?"

"Because I'm underage you dummy."

"Well… can't you just take the form of someone else with your powers, create a copy of their IDs and buy a car in their name?"

"Well… that's a surprisingly good idea." Why hadn't he thought of that before? "Yes, I'll do just that." And he meant taking someone else's form when he rents or buys an apartment for Alice and her brother. Not the car part. He was still going to steal Blackwell's car. Because he was a vindictive asshole like that.

"Thank god." Taylor sighed before she tapped the desk. "And who is this girl that you're trying to impress."

He did a cursory reading of Taylor's emotions and found that she was feeling a bit of envy that she was doing her best to suppress.

'Taylor, if you are really that interested in me then you should have accepted my proposal.' He thought. "An upper-year girl. She has a nice ass. Though her tits could use some work."

"Didn't you say the same about Amy this morning?" Taylor asked "And here I was worried that you would go after Amy."

"Well, I don't mind going after her, if she wants a sugar daddy as well." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at Taylor. "There's a lot of me to go around for the ladies."

Taylor gave him a look of disapproval. "I am still not sure if you're joking about the Sugar Daddy part or not."

"Why, you interested?"

Taylor shot him a look of disgust before she turned away from him in order to focus on her work.

He looked at the front of the class where the teacher was droning on about the history of Earth Bet. Half the class was asleep and the other half was either playing with their phones or chatting among themselves.

He tapped Taylor.

She ignored him.

He tapped her again and continued tapping her until she whirled around at him.


"I'll not come back with you after school."

"And where will you be going?" She asked. "Are you going to the Rig?"

"Of course not." The farther he remained from Piggot, the better. Although he did need to go there sooner or later, to get his Healing certificate. "I need to buy a new Second-hand car for my sugar girl and give her a ride across the city."

Taylor shook her head. "I'm half-convinced that you're just making things up at this point. But do whatever you want."

"Of course." He said and closed his eyes before he laid his head on the desk and tried to get a nap.


The bell for the last class rang, and instead of going to that class with the other students, he walked toward one of the nearest boys' bathrooms. One that was empty.

He walked inside and then activated Invisibility, Byakugan, and Slow-Mo.

With that done, he teleported. Again and again, till he arrived at the nearest parking lot half a block away from the school.

There was no security guard or electronic park system watching over the Parking Lot. But there was a CCTV camera watching over the entrance and exit to this place.

He cut off one of its wires while in his Invisibility and then, just to be sure, he changed his form to match that of one of the E88 wannabes in the upper year.

With that out of the way, he followed Blackwell's memories and walked halfway through the parking lot before he arrived in front of a nondescript black car.

He walked over to the front door and slipped in the key before twisting it.

The front door opened.

He went in and started the engine.


Good, the car seems to be in good shape.

He then looked out to make sure that there was no one else in the parking lot.

This was still office hours so none of the drivers were in the parking lot and this car was well hidden from any outside observers due to its position in the middle of the lot.

He took out a slab of biomass from his Inventory and put it over the car's rooftop.

Then he used Ranged Biokinetic and spread the biomass all over the car's colored surface before giving it a shiny metallic look.

The once black-colored car now looked white.

Then he went over to the number plates and made similar changes to them. He put a nondescript white layer over the number plates and then created an entirely random set of numbers.

Now, no one will realize this as Blackwell's car.


Still in his E88 wannabe disguise, he sat back into the car and drove off, parking in a predestined location.

There, he parked the car in an alleyway before he walked over to the main road and waited.

Time passed.

Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty Minutes.

After an hour had passed, he started to see some of the Winslow students start trickling through the streets, walking in pairs or groups as the ones whose houses were close to the school walked back to their homes.

He waited.

Five minutes later, a blond girl hurriedly walked into view. She held onto her bag in a tight death grip and looked left and right every now and then before she lowered her gaze.

Alice looked like a woman who had just robbed a convenience store and was trying to escape the crime scene without getting attention to herself.

He guessed that it was the $1000 he'd given her that was making her act this way. But if she was trying to be inconspicuous, then she had failed utterly in that endeavor.

Even now, he could see some of the students giving her side glances, wondering what she was hiding and why she was hurrying off like this.

He had changed his appearance back to himself by now so she was able to recognize him as soon as she saw him.

A visible sigh of relief left her body as she looked at him and then she increased her pace, almost running toward him.

She came to a stop a foot away from him and bent down to heave in a few deep breaths.

An athlete she was not.

But she had a nice body and the way she was bent over reminded him of the way she had bent over on that table and had lowered her skirt.

He expelled those thoughts from his mind.

This was not the time for that.

"I… hah… I thought… that you wouldn't come." She said in between deep breaths.

"I'm grateful for the confidence you've shown in me." He snarked.

Alice regained her breath and looked at him with eyes filled with nervous anticipation, and a bit of fear and distrust. "So… are you really coming to my home. My mother's boyfriend…" She shivered and hugged herself. Using Telepathy told him that this was just an act that she was putting on to get more of his sympathy even if she really was afraid of her mom's boyfriend. "He'll probably be at home right now. He goes to work during the evening hours."

Probably to sell drugs to his clients or whatever shady deals these kinds of people do.

"Yes." He said.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked "You can… this is not going to be cheap. Can you really pay for me and my brother? If you cannot, then please tell me right now. Can you really get my brother healed?"

"I can." He said and made a show of reaching for his back pocket before he reached inside his Inventory and took out another bundle of money.

He showed it to her discreetly, well aware of the curious gazes of some of the students passing by.

Alice's eyes opened wide upon seeing the money and her hand automatically started reaching for it.

He slapped her hand away and tutted. "Not for you. This will be used to rent an apartment and buy some groceries so that you and your brothers won't starve in the upcoming months."

Alice nodded, looking unsure of herself.

"Well, come with me." He said and led her through a few alleyways.

Alice seemed suspicious about the entire thing but she followed along quietly without a single word. Even if half of her was anticipating meeting his friends in one of the alleyways, being held up at knifepoint, and then being raped by every single one of them.

The fact that she still walked behind him despite those thoughts made him realize how brave she was. And the lengths she'll go to in order to help her brother.

And then they arrived at the alleyway with the car.

He opened it and held the door for Alice.

She forgot about him and stared at the car in wonder.

"Is it… is it yours?" She asked in an 'I'm not sure if this is real' voice.

"No. I stole it. Now get in."

His words seemed to have brought Alice back to herself and she blinked.

She wondered about the legality of sitting inside a stolen vehicle for one exact second before she nodded and slipped inside.

After driving for half an hour, they finally arrived at a suburban area, not much different from the one where he lived along with the Heberts.

Except, this one was clearly in a worse state.

The Mown grass in front of the various houses had reached knee-high, the grass spilling onto the sidewalk and even reaching the main road in someplace.

Some of the houses were abandoned or occupied by hobos, others were either burned down or destroyed in some other manner. Most of them had graffiti drawn over their walls. And as for the houses that still remained standing, half of their glass windows seemed to have been broken and replaced by wooden planks. One of the houses even had iron bars outside the windows.

The road was filled with potholes, and rubbish strewn everywhere, the mailboxes were either broken or absent entirely, and the trees looked like they hadn't been trimmed in decades.

Definitely not a place where you would want to raise your family.

He wondered if Alice's father would've relocated if he hadn't been stabbed to death by the ABB gang members.

He drove through the neighborhood and people stared at the car from behind their windows in suspicion.

Some of the guys who were walking around threw discreet, greedy glances at the car.

"There," Alice said and he stopped in front of one of the houses in a similar state of disrepair.

But then again, with a drug addict for a mother, and a long line of boyfriends to take place of her father, was it any surprise that the house was in this condition.

Before he could get out of the car, Alice held his arm in a vice grip.

"Are you really sure about this?" She asked, throwing nervous glances toward the house, her breath getting noticeably heavier the longer she stared at it.

He nodded at her and put his hand over hers to calm her down.

That seemed to do the work because she let go of his hands.

He got out of the car, locked it, and then walked toward the house, Alice following a step behind him.

He opened the front door and was immediately assaulted by the heavy stench of cigarette smoke.

He switched off his sense of smell and applied an air filter over his lungs before he entered the house.

The house was dark, half the windows replaced by planks and the other half covered by curtains.

'When was the last time they had opened the windows to air out the house?' He wondered before he looked around.

What little he could see of this house did not bode well for its occupants.

Clothes were thrown haphazardly over the floor. The floor itself was matted with mud and dirt, and broken furniture and pieces of wood gave the feeling of him walking into a murder investigation.

It was surprising to him, to find that people could actually live in such a house.

It was especially surprising to him since, in all of Alice's memories, the house was always in a clean and pristine condition.

Either she had surpassed the memories of the state of disrepair this house had fallen into, or this was a recent development.

"Hey! Alice, ya back home?" A drunken male voice came out from somewhere inside the house and he saw Alice go still.

He put a hand on her shoulder and frowned when she flinched at the contact.

She slowly turned to look at him and he gave her a sincere smile, hoping it would work in abating her fears.

"Go to your brother and started packing up." He told her.

He wasn't sure if his Persuasion power was at work or if she just didn't want to deal with this person because she quickly bolted up the stairs.

"Alice! I fuckin' asked ya a question." The man's slurred voice rang along with heavy footsteps that came closer and closer until...

A tall guy with shaggy hair and a rotund stomach wearing khaki underwear and a half torn wife-beater walked out of the living room, a bottle in one hand and a cigarette butt in another.

The man took a look at him and paused. Then he squinted.

"Ya ain't Alice." The man slurred, almost stumbling to the side before he held onto the wall to stop himself from falling over.

Well… this was a disappointment.

For some reason, he had thought Alice's mother's boyfriend to be scarier. Larger than life. Filled with tattoos. Muscular build and all that.

This guy looked like a wind would blow him away.

Though… he could see how even a guy like this could spread so much fear in a young girl's heart. And that pissed him off.

The man took a moment to get hold of himself before he started lumbering toward him with unsteady footsteps. "And who in the mother fuckin' fuck are you?"

Alice's memories of the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her mother's boyfriends ran through his mind and he made his decision.

He did not talk back. He did not banter. He did not question the guy. Or threaten him.

He simply took a step forward, cocked his fist, and threw a punch.

His fist shattered the guy's jaw and sent a dozen of his teeth flying to the dirt-covered floor.

The guy collapsed to the ground and laid there, blood slowly pooling out of his mouth.

Well, can't let the guy bleed out or the police might come to check up on it.

He used Ranged Telekinetic and healed some of his wounds so that he won't bleed to death. Then he walked around the house, careful not to step on any of the clothes, beer bottles, or other stuff lying on the ground before he arrived at the living room.

The living room was not in any better state. An old box-sized TV played a baseball match. The couches were put haphazardly in front of the TV. Cigarette smoke covered the entire room.

And in one of the sofas, lay a naked woman with cum flowing out of her pussy and smeared over her face and hair.

the woman seemed to be utterly unaware of her current state, a needle stabbed into her arm, her eyes staring vacantly into the distance.

Alice's mother.

Studying her biology told him that she'll lucky if she lived past this year. Unless someone like Panacea or him healed her, she was beyond saving.

He did not heal her.

He heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and went out of the living room.

He found Alice at the end of the stairs, holding a backpack on one shoulder and a young, sleepy boy with similar features supported with her other hand.

She was staring at the unconscious form of her mother's boyfriend with a vindictive expression, making sure to hide the scene from her brother.

When he came out of the living room, her eyes came up to meet his own. They stared at each other for a few moments before she looked away and started to lead her brother toward the front door.

"Where are we going?" Her brother mumbled.

"To a better place." She answered, and then froze as soon as she opened the door.

A simple use of Byakugan told him what was wrong.

He sighed and went out of the house, and found four scraggy-looking men in dirty clothes standing beside his car.

"Eh… Sweet ride you have her, twinkle boy. Mind lettin' us see how well it does on the road." The largest man spoke, and the others started chuckling as if he had just told the smartest joke of the decade.

Really, they were trying to do this in broad daylight?

He really was not in the mood for this.

"Why don't you pieces of shits fuck off to the gutter you crawled out from before I send you down there myself." He said.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Jasper." Alice's worried voice came from behind and he knew without even using Byakugan that she was hiding her brother behind herself.

There was silence for a moment before the leader of these trash mobs chuckled. "Heh… Pretty boy thinks he's soooo much better than us. How bout we teach him his place boys?"

"That girl… Ain't she Cindy's?" One of the others asked.

"Aye… that she is. Fucked her mum good and proper a few nights ago? Bitch fell asleep halfway through though."

"With your tiny dick, of course, she did." The first one said and the others burst into laughter.

"Mine is bigger than yours. Wanna see?" The man snarled, which only made the others laugh even more.

"Hey, boss. Should we take the girl as well?" The third guy asked. And man… this guy looked especially ugly, even when standing alongside these… people. It looked as if a pig, a weasel, and a hobgoblin had fucked his mother and god couldn't decide what to make of him so he gave him features from all of them.

The leader looked thoughtful for a moment before he smiled. "Aye. Take the car. Take the girl. And teach a lesson to the bitch boy. Sounds like a nice day to me."

He took a deep breath. "Okay. My patience has reached its limit. I'll count to five, if you shitbags have not fucked off by then, then I'll not be responsible for what I do to you next."

This prompted another laugh from them and another hurried and urgent 'Jasper' from Alice.

He turned to Alice and gave her a reassuring nod.

Then he turned to these bastards and started counting. "One."

Their laughter slowly trailed away as they realized that he was actually serious about this.


The leader took out a switchblade from his pocket and flipped it over his hands. With Byakugan, he saw Alice tense up behind him. She looked ready to bolt at any moment.


The leader made a gesture and the others started to surround him.


He made a gesture with his hand and Alice retreated into the house. He didn't want her to taken a hostage in this fight.


The leader lunged at him with the switchblade.

He activated Slow-Mo.

The world started moving in a slow-motion and the switchblade slowly crawled toward him.

He moved to the left and dodged the switchblade with ease. Then he took the leader's hand and twisted it.

His grip slackened and the blade started to fall to the ground in slow motion.

He took it out of the air and stabbed it. At their leader's dick.

He watched in slow motion as the leader's eyes bulged to comical proportions before his mouth opened wide in a painful, slow-motion scream.

It was fucking hilarious.

The others had their eyes similarly wide open by now. Eyes that turned fearful as he started to walk toward them in slow motion.

The ugliest one of them backed away, and stumbled, falling toward the ground in a slow motion. The second one, the one who had claimed to have slept with 'Cindy' looked frozen in fear. And the third one took a novice boxing stance.

He moved toward the third one.

The guy threw a punch.

He dodged it with the ease of a math professor doing simple additions and subtractions before he threw a punch of his own.

His fist caved in the jaw of the other guy, shattering the lower part of his face in half. Blood and teeth flew out of his face as his eyes rolled up, his face contorting in a rictus of pain as he started falling to the side.

The Cindy fucking guy seemed to have come out of his frozen state and was backing away from him.

He threw a straight punch at his diaphragm. Hard enough to bend the guy in half.

The scene looked almost comical to him in slow motion. And he watched as blood and spittle flew out of his mouth as he fell to the side. His pants started to stain brown.


As if they didn't already smell bad enough.

He moved toward the last guy who was still on the ground. The ugly guy who had suggested gangraping Alice.

The guy looked at him pants-shitting terror and was trying to get away from him while on his back.

He jumped toward the guy and landed on his crotch.

The squishy meat splattered under his boot and he used his Ranged Biokinetic power to heal the guy so that he'll survive, but never properly heal from this ordeal.

The slow-mo ended and the pained squeals and moans entered his ears all at once. One of them was even calling his mama. Oh, it's the first one who he stabbed on the dick.

He walked over to the guy and gave him a hard enough kick to knock him out.

He looked at Alice who had come out of the house and was now looking at him like she was seeing him for the first time in her life.

"Come." He said.

She stayed frozen in her place.

He walked over to her before he took the duffle bag from her shoulder. Then he took her hand and led her toward the car.

He saw some of the people looking at the scene from inside their houses. But they hid as soon as he so much as looked in their direction.

Alice made sure to cover her brother's eyes as she sat inside the car but he had no doubt that the boy had heard enough to get a clear picture of what just happened.

"Do you have anything else in the house?" He asked as he put the duffle bag inside the trunk.

Alice nodded.

He looked at the downed thugs and then gave her a nod. "Go and bring it. Quickly."

she nodded frantically before she quickly ran inside the house.

Two rounds later, she had all the important stuff inside the car and he was driving away from this shitty suburban area.

Alice gave one last look to her home from where she was sitting beside her brother who was now sleeping on her lap.

"What's his name?" He asked.

"John." She replied "John Bennet."

The same initials as James Bond. And the same introduction style. He almost laughed.

"Alice. Let's go and look for an apartment for you and John?"

Alice nodded and then bit her lips. He read her thoughts and sighed.

"Jasper" She said a moment later as their car arrived at the main street.

"Go ahead. I know you want to know."

Alice gulped and asked, "Are you a cape."

"Yes." He said. No point in hiding this when she had already guessed the truth. The money, the car, his fighting skills, and his confidence. To her eyes, he was either a cape or the son of some rich billionaire.

And since he was going to Winslow (and thus, not the son of some rich billionaire), that could only mean that he was a cape.

Alice nodded. "Thank you. For doing this for me and my brother." Then she paused "Are you a hero?"

He laughed.


Spoiler: Powers Given so far

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