
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Writerwith Badgrammar replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Nier: Automata; Stranded Shard (Worm CYOA/Nier Automata/OCInsert)


Chapter 18. The Blind Men and an Elephant (III)​


"That is quite an assumption," Devola commented with narrowing eyes.

"But it does make sense why he shows such a reaction at the mention of No, 7." Popola pointed to her sister.

She told them about her theory about his nanobots, about how the Doctor once was a part of a group and probably settled down at some place at one point and how they are aware of his status as a human, and how he had an encounter with No. 7 personally or at least witnessed how dangerous the ancient entity from the frontline.

"I guess." Devola hummed. "And you got this all just by asking a few questions? Quite sharp ones, aren't ya?"

"It is just a simple deduction." She grunted. Anyone who has spent time as much as her with Li would be able to put the two and two together.

"Don't be modest, A2. You did a great job. Actually, I do not think any other android could put these facts together so easily." Popola complimented her.

"Your notable deduction aside, you come to us with these theories for what exactly?" Devola asked.

"So I can know just how serious that nerd needs help." She said honestly. "I am… not the best person to decide this kind of thing." Point her at enemies, and she would not hesitate to cut them down even if it could cost her life to protect him, but this? True, she knew the basics of psychology to differentiate between an insane person and a healthy one, but Li's problems seemed to be too complicated. "You two, though, you two are medical units. You two could help him in this."

For him, she would ask even YoRHa if it is possible. However, given their current situation, that is not an option.

The twins shared a glance, seeming to relay a silent message just by doing so.

"We will do our best," Popola said warmly.

"Not gonna screw this like before, trust us," Devola added solemnly.

'I hope so because if you did, then death would be the last thing you are gonna wish for.' A2 thought darkly. She quickly expelled that ruthless thinking from her mind. There is no need to be too extreme about it." Before you tell me about him, I want to ask something."

"What is it?" Popola inquired.

"Are you familiar with the tale of blind men and an elephant?"

"Tale of Blind Men and an Elephant?" Devola echoed with a blink.

"That…that is a fairy tale, right?" Popola inquired, her eyes shifting to her sister questioningly.

"Sounds like it, and it is probably an old one." Devola frowned and rubbed her chin.

"You two do not know?"

"Never said we don't. It just… that is old data," Devola replied while massaging her forehead.

"And you two are old androids, one of the oldest models even." She insisted.

"It wasn't that simple," Popola answered in her usual tender voice. "The last fairy tales distributed was around 6000 years ago when the Replicant was still around, after human extinction and alien invasion, they are not produced anymore."

"We may be old, but we have to constantly upgrade our platform and processor so we will not be left behind," Devola continued while rubbing her temple as if trying to dig something from her brain. "And due to our circumstance… let's just say while we manage to get a good platform, the same thing can't be said for our memory processor."

"Doesn't mean we don't have them. We do have plenty of Old World data." Popola smiled.

'You know they were already extinct long ago but you still have the data about them in your personal memory.' A2 must admit their dedication is indeed impressive.

Perhaps mankind has seen something inside them to appoint them as the overseer of Project Gestalt.

"We shared them among ourselves. The fairy tale section should be with…" Popola trailed and gave her sister a look.

"Me and I found it." Devola grinned before said grin faltered. "Unfortunately, I only have one version, but according to this data, they share a similar beginning save for the end anyway, here goes:

"One day, there was a bored King. To entertain himself, he ordered: "Bring me six homeless blind men and an elephant." His servant did as he ordered, and when they came, the King promised the six blind men a reward if they could guess the elephant's exact nature by touching only parts of its body. "

A2 found herself baffled for a second. What kind of entertainment did that guy seek from six blind men touching each part of an elephant and having them guess it?

"The poor blind men, upon hearing that, were joyous, for the King has granted them a chance for a better life, a life of luxury and freedom from poverty. Thus the blind men began to gather and stepped forward. One of the blind men touched its protruding tusk, another touched its broad back, while one touched its long nose.

"It has a decisive edge. It has a vast leathery skin. It has a long and thick neck. Each answer of those six men was different. Hearing this, those six men began to worry that they got the wrong answer, so they began to argue, insisting their description of the elephant was correct.

"In the end, none of them have the answer that satisfies the King. He sends them all back to the street where they belong. While watching their disappearing figures, the King sneered derisively: "Ha, those fools, they only know just a small portion of the elephant, but still they pretend to know the animal completely and are not even ashamed in the slightest." And so the King laughed at their foolishness. He returned to his bedchamber, entertained, and decided to end his day."

At the end of the story, she creased her eyebrow while pursing her lips. "So the moral is not to make assumptions just because you know a fragment of the whole thing?"

"Correct. However, in this version, it wasn't just that." Devola chirped. "Wanna make a guess?"

It wasn't just simply don't make assumptions, but there's another. A2 let out a slight hum as she recalled the story again. The King, the Blind Men, and an Elephant…

"Be rational." She answered. "Had those six blind men didn't argue and acknowledged their blindness instead of insisting on their version of descriptions, then perhaps they could figure the elephant's exact shape somehow."

"Again, you got it right but it is still incomplete." Devola smiled amusedly.

"Yeah? And what is it?" She isn't in the mood to play a riddle. Can't they just get on with it?

Apparently, they must sense her annoyance as they both let out a giggle.

"You aren't wrong, A2. However, sometimes being rational is not always fine. Before considering what you think is "rational" you shouldn't let your desire blind you first." Popola explained. "It was their desire for the reward and free from a life of poverty that caused them to argue, thus disabling them to work together and think calmly."

"It is easy to be still blinded even if you are being rational sometimes. It happens to many people even. We are not an exception." Devola continued while gesturing to both herself and her sister. "Remember, you are the one who decided your goal, not your emotions."

Blinded by their desire and thus cannot see the truth.

What does it have to do with her? Did that AI try to say she was blinded by her desire to protect him and thus could not see the truth about him?

Something that she needs to think about alone. For now, she wants to know more about what the twins have to say about Li. Perhaps it could give her further insight about him as well.


"We are close to them already. Are you sure this is a good idea?" A2 asked.

"I am sure," Li answered with his familiar smiling face while adjusting his visor. "No Logic Virus on them, and they also look like a structured group."

"A structured military group." A2 pressed the word carefully. "They are armed soldiers. They aren't settling a base but moving in a vehicle, which means they are on a mission." And interrupting a squadron on a mission is not wise.

What if they reported them? YoRHa is already on their trail despite a treaty between them. A2 wouldn't put past them to send a squadron of E units to retrieve him. And that still doesn't count them knowing her, even if she is in disguise now.

Chloe has given them the details. 15 androids, moving in three vehicles with one is a considerable truck, each armed, and A2 had seen the weapons they carried. They are not your usual androids' weaponry. In fact, by design, they looked almost similar to the ones she used recently, Li's weapons.

"Then what do you suggest?" Li asked curiously. "Because you had seen what they carried, you tell me if that didn't warrant some investigation."

"Oh, they did but can you just let me and Chloe go there while you are spying behind your camera through us? Or send a unit like before?"

"We agree with her," Popola commented. "Sir, we should escort you back for this matter. It can be dangerous for you."

The last thing they expected was for said "Sir" burst out laughing.

"Dangerous for me, ha. I've been hearing that a lot recently, and while I can understand the sentiment, trust me when I say this, I am the most dangerous person among us."

"I damn well know that," A2 answered before the twins could. "As long as you have that thing with you." She pointed to his visor. "You can make us explode any second." She ignored the twins' look and solely focused on him, who now regarded her with a surprised face. "But knowing that it still doesn't make the worry go away; anything can go wrong. Anything."

A stray bullet, a slip from the foot, a slight distraction. Everything can go wrong just by one simple misstep.

And unlike her, humans are less durable and cannot be fixed as quickly as androids.

She can't see his eyes beneath his visor, can't tell what he feels from his stoic and hollow face but…

But there's this melancholic yet also heartened atmosphere around him somehow.

"... thank you, A2." He said to her tenderly. "But believe me, I will be fine."

He resumed his walking, cutting her from replying. Chloe – loyal and devoted as always – followed behind him without even sparing them a glance.

She noticed the twins staring at her. Both apparently don't like their current situation. They both approached her silently.

"This isn't wise." Devola hissed. "We shouldn't bring him with us."

"I agree." She grunted. "But that nerd is right. He isn't some damsel in distress. Among us, even Chloe, he is the scariest one here."

"He is a human." Popola voiced her disapproval. "No matter how he modified himself, the result of our reading yesterday was still the same. Beneath that nanobot suit of his is an injured man."

'I wouldn't be sure of that.' Because that said human blocked her serious attack – something that made herself fidget internally just remembering it. An attack that could send what was supposed to be something more robust than your average android flying.

Even now, she still remembered how their short and brief clashed when their metal collided.


Li might be an injured man beneath his suit, but that doesn't make him vulnerable. He survived before having his nanosuit, which means something. Because she is sure as fuck that your average humans would stop breathing not long after they arrived in this chaotic World. Not to mention judging by his story, his environment wasn't exactly friendly. It was the opposite, as a matter of fact.

Perhaps they could survive for a year or so. However, just one misstep, one slip, where they entered an area filled with Maso particles – which cannot be detected so easily – and they would die. Li only survives because he possesses high intelligence and is a genius in technology, thus capable of building devices that enable him to combat Machine and detect them.

"Trust me, Li can defend himself if it comes to it," A2 said calmly. "We just need to focus on covering him so things won't go wrong."


They arrived at their destination not long after.

Passing through one of the ruins, they were granted by the sight of a campsite. It wasn't big but not small either, and the way they were arranged, A2 noted they probably did not mean for a long settlement.

There are guards, three of them, and they are on alert, judging by their stance on their weapons.

'Alright, so how are we going to do this?' A2 wondered. Approaching armed people in a group would-

"Hello there!" Li hollered happily while striding toward them with Chloe on his toes.

The white haired android felt a vein popping in her forehead as she watched the man walk without any care for the World. She also heard what sounded like palms meeting forehead from the twins.

'Of all things he did! What's wrong with him?!' This isn't like him! He is always not a fool who charges immediately and- 'Calm down, A2. They know we are already here anyway. We allowed them to detect us, so him coming out just like that is fine. It won't make them suspicious.' She rationalized his act while hastily following him, the twins not far from her back.

"Stop where you are." One of the guards ordered and pointed her weapon in their direction.

Li stopped in his track, yet his demeanor remained cheerful. "What? No General Kenobi?" He asked. "Wait, now I think about it, since there was a split culture in the early 20th century, Star Wars might not be a thing anymore." He mumbled. "That explains why no one ever wondered why I stand on the high ground."

Isn't it just to get a better view of the field? There's another purpose that he sometimes stands on a higher place?

One of the guards who watching them curled her eyebrows. "I don't know what you are talking about but you are a bold one for sure."

Li blinked. "Well, at least you got one of the replies right, somewhat." He mused. "In any case, hello, my name is Doctor!" He introduced himself. "And the girl here is my assistant, Chloe." He gestured to Chloe, who stepped out from his behind.

"Greeting." She greeted them cordially.

"And this stunning and beautiful woman is Alexa, my bodyguard."

Stunning and beautiful? She felt her face reddened somehow, which was strange. He did often call her those two but why just now it-

Wait, what did he call her again?

"And you might know the twins, Devola and Popola." He introduced the pair with a prideful voice.

At the mention of the twins, the guards' faces tighten but only for a brief moment before they return to their stoic expressions.

"We know them," She stared at the twin before gesturing to them. "But not you three, and you have names." Suspicion is still evident in her eyes but they are less wary now. "What achievements did you attain to get one? What was your mission?"

"You haven't heard of me?" Li inquired back. "I am the Doctor."

"That name means nothing."

They… didn't recognize him? That is weird. Most androids in this region should be aware of the Doctor's identity and appearance by now.

"Hmmm, well let's just say I am-"

"Excuse me."

A voice interfered, and they all turned to see another android walk out. A female unit clad in military garb as well but there was a coat draped over them, a white coat similar to Li's.

She could see Li stiffened from the corner of her vision, the muscle on his right arm coiling, and his smiling expression gone.

And was it just her, or did that AI's expression become colder?

"You are the Doctor?" The new incomer asked. "The Doctor, as in the one who recently distributed the newest wavelength technology to androids in this region?"

"Yes, I am." Li answered tonelessly. Then he smiled and placed a hand on his hips. "And who may I speak to?"

"Well, my designated model is Research Model number 1164, but my higher has granted me the name, Hazel." She introduced herself. "If you are the Doctor, then perhaps you know what is this?"

She pulled out some device from her pocket and showed it to him. It looked like a radio yet had an unorthodox design.

Li stared at the device. "Contrary to its appearance, that thing isn't a phone or radio. It is a device that works as a signal emitter and stabilizer of a particular wavelength. It worked by tuning the area's signal and empowering them to manifest physically, allowing that manifestation to act as a propulsor. A device that is actually part of a set."

Hazel stared at him in astonishment. "You got that all just by one short look?"

In response, Li merely taps his visor with one finger. "My invention allows me to analyze stuff easier. I can spell out the composition if you want to."

Her face broke into a grin. "Oh, you're the real deal, alright." She said as she extended her hand to him. "I've been looking at your inventions since arriving in this country, sir."

Li grasped her hand and shook it. "A fan of my work, I see."

"I definitely am," Hazel admitted. "Your technology is unorthodox yet efficient, the materials also cheaper. The maintenance is a bit troublesome, but the end result is worth the problem."

"Why, thank you."

A2 stared at the interaction between them. So far, things have seemed to be okay. Even the guards' features also softened further.

"Ah, I've been a poor host. Come in, Doctor. I have a few things I want to talk about with you."

"Oh, so do I. After all, I came here because I detect the unique signal and frequency technology through my locator."

"Interesting. Mind to show me your locator later?"

"I am not."

They both entered the settlement, and the guards nodded approvingly. A2 simply offered them a grunt while the twins smiled politely. Chloe, meanwhile didn't even bother to deign them and simply followed her Father.

As they went inside, A2 observed further the settlement design. It is your standard military camp, the size wasn't large, and she marked a few areas that could be used for fire cover or emergency escape in case things went wrong.

Things might be good, but that won't stop her from always being ready for combat.

'Are those power armor?' She wondered as she noticed something peculiar about a few units. No, they aren't armor but a suit. True, their design with mechanical tubes and cables lodged into it give the vibe of armor, but taking a closer look, they are better to be called suit than armor.

"Hazel, who are these people?"

She was broken out from her stupor when a new voice chimed in.

She turned and the first thing she noticed was that this new female android was big, two meters in size, muscular yet slim. With short blonde hair and green eyes, her facial feature sharp, she was also clad in a similar suit she had seen in a few units before.

'An elite force.' She concluded. 'Five of them, including this woman, she is probably the leader.' She thought.

"Ah, Heather, this is the Doctor and his companion." Hazel introduced them.

Heather's eyebrows narrowed. "The one you endlessly spoke about ever since discovering his techs?"

Hazel's face reddened, but she nodded. "Yes! And he is actually just as I expected."

The tall woman turned to him. "Oh," She made an impressed noise. "If Hazel said that, then you must be quite outstanding."

Li laughed easily. "Not really. I am just your average android that wishes for the betterment of all androids."

Hazel's face brightened. "That's a noble goal. You shouldn't be so modest, Doctor."

Li merely tilts his head. "So, where did your group come from, actually? Definitely not this country, I assume?"

"And how do you know?" Heather asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Your guards kinda gave it away. Not means to brag, but I am pretty much quite known in this country, especially this region, have been active here for months and distributing my techs here and there. And Hazel probably knows it too; YoRHa and I have some... relationship."

"A poor one, I believe." Hazel's face was marred by a scowl. "From the local rumors, I heard they have been harassing you and prohibiting the usage of your technology."

Heather snorted. "That sounds like them. Those newest models led by that Commander of theirs."

A2's eyes narrowed at her particular phrasing. This woman sounds like-

"You sound like you knew the Commander personally," Li said aloud what she was thinking.

"Oh, I don't, but I knew someone who is acquaintance with her," Heather answered. "And I heard plenty enough. Did ya know? She used to be part of Resistance."

The Commander did?

"She was?"

"Yeah, then she got "promoted" and became the Commander of YoRHa." Heather explained while making a gesture with one hand. "Shame, personally, I think she could do better on the field than up there."

This is new for her, and here she thought she was also a YoRHa's unit. Did the Commander know Captain Rose and everyone back then when they were deployed to Pearl Harbor?

"Well, the Commander did a good job personally, in my opinion. Can't expect the new kid like YoRHa to steer the whole thing by themselves, no? That is a recipe for disaster." Li mused.

"Perhaps, but isn't that just part of life? If the androids keep restricted, then they would only like a human baby that never grows." Heather pointed out.

This time it wasn't Li who answered but Devola from behind.

"Those restrictions are necessary for the war," Devola commented, a biting tone tinting her voice. "Perhaps if the situation is peaceful such things won't be beneficial, but in our situation? They would only hinder us."

Popola added from her sister's side. "Freedom in the middle of the war is right and all, but you must know the proper time to establish that concept. Hierarchy, structure, and restrictions are necessary no matter how you don't like it in winning the war."

The tall android turned her attention to them and A2 took one step closer to the twins.

"You two are models Popola and Devola," She stated. "I didn't expect to see one of your models here, given your history with this country."

"Well, let's just say recently we got a blast from the past," Devola replied with a knowing grin. "A nice blast, that is." She tilted her head. "You have a problem with us?"

Heather snorted. "Ask me a hundred years ago, and I will definitely say I do but now?" She shook her head. "Now I don't give much care." Her sharp eyes narrowed. "Nevertheless, I don't have a problem with hierarchy and everything. What I have a problem with is the one that runs the show. This war has been going on for thousands of years, and we barely have any advancement. If something keeps going for that long, there must be something wrong with the higher up there."

'Not the higher fault. It is because the Machine is playing God with us for their own sake.' A2 thought grimly. This war has been going on so they could keep evolving by using them, which irks her to no end.

In any case, Heather isn't wrong. Had she didn't know the truth, she would have agreed with the bigger android but still… She doesn't like the way this woman phrases her words.

"Anyway, Hazel, we just finished resupplying a moment ago. We're gonna leave shortly. Do your speech quickly if you want to and call me afterward."

The woman in the suit left after saying that, not even bothering to give another glance.

"Forgive Heather. She has gone through a lot," Hazel said softly. "She wasn't always like that. The war just… it takes a toll on all of us."

'No kidding it is.' A2 thought while crossing her arms, eyes focusing on the retreating android.

"It's fine, I understand. I have been treated androids in here and there." Li let out a sigh. "I can see how it putting pressure on their minds."

Hazel smiled. "Yeah, I've heard you also playing a show on them as a form of entertainment. I suspect you do that to mollify their stress, right?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"That's good then. This World could use more androids like you, Doctor. You who cared for your fellow androids and wish for their betterment."

Indeed, Li is a good man. Even with some eccentricities of his, he still cares for others.

"You know, if you want to, we can help you, Doctor," Hazel said. "We can provide you with lab, shelter, and materials for you to work."

A2 blinked. A recruitment spiel was not one of the things she expected.

"You know I already have a contract with YoRHa, right?" Li asked.

"I do, however, let cut all the pretense, Doc. You know if you keep following regulations, then you will get nowhere. Android like us, we need to spread our wings, getting creative, if you know what I mean." She wiggled her eyebrow playfully. "As our Creator says, rules are made to be broken."

Li snorted. "Of all things you adopt, you pick that one?"

"It worked, didn't it?"

"I suppose."

Hazel giggled and took a step forward, her arm sneaking into Li's.

A2's eyebrow twitched as she watched how the android enclosed herself on him. What is this woman trying to play at?

"Why don't we continue this talk in my tent then?" She asked lowly, her eyes fluttering, and somehow, for an unknown reason, A2 wanted to punch that ugly mug of hers. "We might be in a hurry, but I can empty some time for you."

"Hmm, tempting offer." Li smiled knowingly. "But I didn't even know why are you here and what your mission is."

"I will tell you all inside, shall we?"

Oh, hell no. No some hussy who just barely knows him will get-

"Before I go, can I ask one more thing?"

"My, impatient, aren't you? Sure, what is it?"

Li's smiles widen a bit.

"Do you by any chance know someone named Doctor Ariadne?"

Doctor who?

Hazel's eyes widened a little bit, and her smile stretched into a grin. "Oh, you know Lady Aria-"


What the fu-

Whatever she gonna said, she was unable to finish it as Li's right hand plunged into her stomach.

"I knew it. There is no way the Army of Humanity or Resistance could possess this tech." Li remarked mockingly. His usual smiling expression was gone, replaced by a sneer, and adorning his face was a splotch of his victim's blood. "You guys are Indenpendist."


Then all hell broke loose.

Flashes of green lights breeze through her vision and four androids appear out of nowhere, surrounding the human with their weapons poised. Heather is the closest one as she has a giant sword swung down with the intent to sever his right hand from Hazel.


She draws out her weapon, red electricity crackling around her figure. Not gonna make it! Not gonna make it! She is not gonna make-

Her worry and fear halted as a flash of blue lightning exploded violently from Li's entire body. The backlash of it was enough to propel the whole attackers away, sending them crashing to the ground painfully.

"The Independist, oh shit!" Devola cursed. "Shit! Of all groups we meet, it has to be them!"

What the fuck is Independist?

No, question later!

As Berserk Mode starts to ignite her engine, steam pours out from her body and lips. "You two, go first, Chloe, secure Li. I will-"


The AI's cold voice made her turn to her and find the blonde haired woman standing in front of her, between her and Li.

"You damned AI, this isn't time for your-"

"You are free to leave. However, none of you shall interfere." Chloe cut her coldly and raised her hand, a spear emerged from nowhere and she grasped it. "This is Father's order. You all will not stop or join him in this extermination."

His order?! Did he…

No, he knew, ever since the beginning. He had his suspicion about them. He comes here not to study their tech.

He comes here to kill them personally.

She snapped her gaze to Li and found the man staring at them. Then wordlessly, he turned his head away and, simultaneously, a translucent spherical barrier encased them. She hastily looked down and found five small devices settled around them, blipping with blue light. She realized those things were the ones responsible for this barrier.

"This barrier will keep us safe. Worry not; they are sturdy enough despite being built quickly. Father has set them up ever since we arrived."

"That is not the problem here!" Popola shouted angrily. "You can't expect him to fight against the entire squad alone!"

"You haven't seen what he is capable of." Chloe declared in her usual monotone. "Watch. Watch and see just how powerful and magnificent your God is."


'What in the name of all Gods was that?!'

That was what Heather thought as she groaned from where she crashed unto. Pain stung her receptors but she cares not. She pushed herself, her eyes quickly shifted down, and to her relief, she found Hazel clutched in her arms. She is alive, there is a hole in her gut but she is alive.

Not gonna live any longer if she doesn't get treatment soon.

"Color me surprised. You managed to snatch her from me." The Doctor spoke with a whistle.

She glared up at the perpetrator of this mess. She cares not why he did this and who he is, but he is a dead robot to her now!

"KILL THAT BASTARD! AND MEDIC, COME HERE!!!" She yelled as she pulled out emergency medicine from her pocket and injected it into Hazel who was gurgling out blood.

"He... He got my abdominal aorta circuit." She rasped out. "I... I am..."

"Stay with me, Hazel. We will get you patched up soon and kill that bastard." She barked, tone filled with sadness and anger. Her friend... her friend, she is-

"N-No use, i...its..." She coughed out another glob of artificial blood. "I... I wish... to see more... the World... I want to..."

"HAZEL! Stop saying such a thing! You will live! You will be fine!" She cried out, her eyes hurt, and her vision became blurry. "You will have your chance to travel to the ruins you looking for! I promised you, didn't I?! So stay with me and you will..." She trailed off as she noticed the smaller android had stopped moving, her usually bright eyes dimmed, and the light no longer existed there.

She felt her heart clenched at the sight, a wail emanating inside her mind and threatening to come out from her throat but she held it. She held it back. No, emotions have no place right now, not when she is on the battlefield.

She lowered Hazel's head, carefully placing her down. Her beautiful frame is blemished by the blood that drips from her lips.

That man is going to pay!

She snapped her head to the Doctor, who remained standing and observing them. What kind of face he made, she didn't know due to his visor but she didn't care anymore.

"You will die." She hissed.

"One day, I will but definitely not by your hands." He replied casually.

She sneered. The arrogance. She was about to move but noticed that she couldn't even twitch a single circuit of her body other than her head.

What the hell?!

It was then she also noticed that her girls also didn't move. They are still rooted in the ground they crashed into, and those who haven't gotten a chance to attack him before are also petrified of where they stand. None of her units moved despite her order to kill him or call for a medic.

She tried to lift her arm and move her feet but it was no use. She didn't even feel them, the sensation of moving her body. It is as if she is born without limbs.

She opened her lips to yell but found not even them could move.

"This is too easy. Just one flick, and I got you all. So easy." He said in a voice that closes to whining. "Perhaps I should tone down the difficulty a bit for you. No platform hacking then."

Hacking? Is that what this guy did to them? Hacking?!

But how? No alarm system, no warning, no foreign sensation, nothing! Even when Logic Virus infect them, they felt something at least but this? One moment they were fine and then they turned into a statue!

Then all of them returned. The sensation of having a body, of having limbs. The feeling of touch and air. They all rushed back like a vacuum devouring oxygen.

She gasped, clutching the dirt beneath her, flexing her fingers, body shivering and her core beating rapidly.

What the fuck was that?! That is not hacking! Hacking is nothing like that!

She tilted her head up and glared at the man, hatred evident in her eyes. "You! You damned piece of shit!" She spat. Despite her rage, she eyed him warily now.

That shit before calmed her head somewhat, allowing her to think rationally again.

What just happened is something he could do again, and from what he said, he can reenact it anytime soon. If he did that when they were attacking...

"Not coming?" He asked. "Oh, you don't need to worry. I won't use them again. It will make the entire things too easy." He smirked. "I want to try to enjoy this, so at least give me some opposition, tin can."

She bristled. This man, he is underestimating them!


Their suits flared up, emitting a signal that matched the frequencies in their area. Their system synchronized with their optics and they all flickered.

The team she leads isn't a newbie. They are professional veterans with years of experience fighting this damned endless war.

Without any words or commands, they already know what they should do. Four of them appear around the man in less than a second, weapons swung. Spears to the face and throat, swords to gut and hips, and two guns already loaded in preparation in case something like the previous case happened again.

And then their target disappears in a similar yellow light.

What the hell?!

A cracking noise appeared from behind them. She hastily spun and found the man behind one of her gunners, her neck already snapped 180 degrees.

Her sister, Larkspur, the other gunner, screamed. "LILAC! YOU BAS-"

To her credit, she managed to remain focused as she cut off whatever she gonna say and teleported herself to avoid the man who was also blitzing behind her. Creating distance between them, she twisted her rifle and aimed it where he was supposed to.

At the same time, the four of them also teleported to where the man was, weapons plunged at him simultaneously.

Only for him to disappear once again.

That... how the hell-


Whatever she gonna say was cut off as she was just in time to see the man jam what looked like a stake into her chest. To the gunner's credit, despite gurgling out blood, she still managed to swing her rifle in an attempt to hit him.

Unfortunately, he was already gone. She hit nothing but empty space as she fell down.

"He can teleport too?!" One of her unsuited girls hissed. "How?! He didn't even wear the suit!"

It mattered not how. They should stop him, now!

Two of them teleporting again. Chasing after him, the remaining two, meanwhile waited for him to make an appearance before activating their teleportation. There are cooldowns in between jumps. Sure his seemed to be lower than them somehow but if they timing their attacks right then...

And it is as they predicted. Two of her units were avoided but not Heather and her last girl.

'Got you, you bastard!' She thought viciously. Her broadsword is midway to his head while a spear from her soldier is pushed into his stomach's direction.


To her frustration, they missed again!

'He has no cooldown.' She realized with a shock. Unlike theirs, whatever method Doctor used to teleport, he could do it anytime he wished.

They will be going nowhere at this rate! He will pick them off one by one!

"Take down the emitter!" She barked as she witnessed another unsuited unit killed. "He is using our system somehow!"

They will do it the old way. It is not like they are weak by any means. They are stronger than your average androids, not as much as YoRHa's unit but still a powerhouse on their own.

One of her girls immediately accessed the emitter's system, shutting it down for good. As it did, the man stopped blitzing around. Apparently, her guess was correct.

It is a bit too late though. He has already taken down all the gunners, only melee units remain, but it doesn't matter. She is more than happy to get close to beat the shit out of him!

They all now brandished their weapons and wordlessly charged at him.

In response, he opened his palm and she saw a group of something globule shaped and tiny floating there.

Then he tilted them in their direction.

And dozens of black metallic tendrils sprout out from there expeditiously.


They moved their bodies nimbly but the sudden appearance of those things with neck-breaking speed caught their guard off. From the corner of her vision, she saw her sisters got caught one by one. She ignored what happened to them, her eyes solely focused on her own path.

'They're branching, each of them.'

She ducked, sliding under one of the tendrils, then pressed her legs and leaped, avoiding another one that struck her lower body. She gripped her sword tightly and roared as she swung it, clashing it against tendril that nearly got her in the head but to her shock, they were tough. Tougher than they looked.

In a spawn of a second, her mind realized that she would not be able to penetrate it. She hastily tilted her weapon, allowing the flat side of her sword to deflect the attack, then she abandoned it as three tendrils came and about to skewer her.

Snarling, she used one of the tendrils as stepping and jumped as strong as she could. She reached him. She draws out a cylinder shaped object from her pocket. Pressing the button on it, a sword made of red molten light burst out from its edge. The blade was so hot even the temperature near it rose just by its presence.

This is a weapon she keeps as a hidden ace, made by a combination of technology and magic, crafted by Hazel for her.

It's a fitting weapon to use against him.


She swung the hot blazing sword down to him like a vengeful hammer. Air screeching, the smell of a burned object permeated, her weapon sliced the cursed android into two like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Or at least that was what she hoped.

Her eyes could only open up in shock as her sword stopped on track and the radiant heat shrouding it snuffed out as if it was never there by the black tendrils that came out from the man's back and captured it.

"Hmm, and I thought it was an actual lightsaber. Turns out it is only a failure upgrade of my high-frequency blade." He said blankly. "Well, at least you people are creative with it."

"FUCKER!" She screamed in his face and brought her head down, intent on headbutting him.

In response, he also brought up his head, colliding with hers. Instead of him getting hurt, it was her, her vision filled with darkness and static the moment their heads met. She stumbled back, hand clutching her bleeding head. She glowered at him with hatred.

"What the fuck is your head made of?!" She spat.

Black motes shrouding his forehead, the man grinned widely. "Nanomachines, girl! They harden in response to physical trauma!" He let out a chortle. "Sorry, but you can't hurt me."


She swung her fist to her face and he offered no resistance. The attack hit him on the cheek, yet his head didn't budge, not even an inch, the same black tendrils crawling on his skin, preventing him from getting injured.

She growled and pulled out her emergency dagger but before she could deliver her assault, she caught sight of something glowing beneath her. It was his left hand, the palm opened and letting out ominous light.



She let out a howl of pain as heat washed over her abdomen and violently flung away at a tremendous speed. Still, she fought the sensation, clenching her teeth; she flipped her body, rolling to lessen the impact damage.

She grunted as she sprawled on the ground. As fast as she could while still in pain, she pushed herself up and...

And was granted by the sight of her soldiers massacred.

They are hovering in the air, bodies twisted and mangled under the grasp of coiling and twitching black tendrils, their artificial blood dripping like a raindrop to the earth below as their limbs and parts are torn apart.

One still alive, her head swallowed by the squirming black tendrils and she struggled. Her fists desperately punching it, trying to loosen it grasp but-

A sickly squelching and popping noise echoed as the thing simply bent, curbing itself and crushed her into a pulp.

Death... everyone is death, all of them. Not a single unit is alive.

'This... this is gotta be a nightmare. How? How could it possibly-'

"Hmmm, so much for the elite units."

The cursed being's voice came from behind her and she spun on reflex and surprise, her fist extended with the intent to pulverize his very being but she missed. She only got glimpses of yellow light where he was supposed to be.

'Yellow light? The teleporter but... we...'

"Those things,'

She spun again, founding the white coated monster pacing around, stance casual and regular as if he didn't just murder her entire squad in cold blood.

"You plant broadcast devices in several places, and then those things will release unique signals connected to each other and encase the entire area with it." He spoke in a plain and nonchalant voice. "Then those suits of yours will allow you to synchronize your body with the wavelength it emits, thus allowing you to travel across said wavelength like a signal. Basically, you become linear with a specific wavelength pattern, then you "slipped" through it and boom, you're there, teleportation!" He smacked his palm together with a snort when said the 'boom' part. "Naturally, it wasn't that simple. Normal humans brain cannot make the calculation to detect the wavelength, let alone somehow make their bodies in tune with it, but androids? They can. So do me as long I coated in my nanobots."

Perhaps it was the horror. Maybe it was her mind still trying to comprehend what exactly occurred and wishing today was a nightmare. Still, she found herself responding to his words.

"How did you able to..."

"How? Your teleporter was designed by me. I can recreate them anytime I wanted I wish. I give you B for the upgrade to make it less susceptible to hacking but I stop developing that Flying Thunder God imitation for a reason. They are failed byproducts of my attempt to create a dimensional portal. Not to mention it will only fool the Machine a few times before N2 got bored with them because just a simple slip and your body will explode everywhere."

His long rants are lost to her grieving mind, but one. One stood out above the rest.

"Y-Your design?" She croaked. "I-Impossible! All techs were designed by Lady Ariadne! She worked them with... with..."


"This Doctor, he seemed to be an interesting android. He used different math and codes but his tech is similar to ours." Hazel commented.

She remembered. It was when they blended with the Resistance and Hazel discovered his inventions for the first time.

The research model was so excited when tinkering with the whole thing.

"I don't believe it. Some of them are even more advanced! It is like figuring out a new formula. I can use one of these to enhance various projects in our base after returning from this trip! I will send this to our HQ for them to study these things better!"

If what she heard from him is true, then no wonder they are very familiar and similar with the newest cutting technology they possess but that means... that means...

No, no. NO! There is a high probability of traitors existing in their rank after their investigation and causing that accident but to think...

To think it is this who man betrayed them and was responsible for sinking half of that island and killing everyone.

"TRAITOR!" She screamed in as much anger as she could.

All the suffering. All the drawbacks. All the things they could achieve were gone in a flash because of this man. Because of his betrayal, they are left only with stragglers now.




A hand sprouts out from her chest through her back.

Some warm liquid welled up in her throat. She tried to swallow it back down and noticed it tasted like the artificial blood she had built with.

"Did you know how I felt on that day?"

The traitor spoke but his words rang hollow in her ears. Coldness and pain spread to her torso, so much so that she could not focus.

She had been stabbed from behind but...

It hurt... it hurt... who?

The traitor is still in her sight, so who is the one that...

She mustered her strength as best as she could through her dimming vision. A disbelieving gasp rasped out of her lips as she saw the backstabber.

It is Hazel.

Impossible, she... she is dead, I am sure of it so...

The supposed dead Hazel then pushed her arm further, drawing more pain out of her, and she spoke, voice cold and unforgiving. "Dieeeee." She hissed.


That one word, that one exclamation, finally broke her.

"W-Why...?" She asked with tears shed from her eyes.

Death. All of her sisters were dead, killed ruthlessly by a traitor. They died not in glory but in a whimper, all those years fighting, and it ends like this. Not only that but she was also betrayed in the end by the person she... she...

The future they envisioned... it has no different than what waiting for them before they decided to fight for their freedom.

You betrayed us as well? Why, Hazel? Why? Didn't we promise to be together? Didn't we promise to explore everything and... and free all the androids from-

Her thought was unfinished. She doesn't have any strength, her system is shutting down, and the programs inside her stopped functioning, fallen and broken like a well-putted card stacking blown by the wind.

"It felt like that."

The last thing that resonated inside her head was the cold and unforgiving of the traitor's voice.


To quote what DiscardedProfile said:

"If you have a tinker truly wanting to kill you and they're already established enough to have combat tech, I'm pretty sure the accurate response is to freak out because while this is mentioned in Worm, it's never truly a focus. Tinkers are terrifying opponents."

It was never a battle, it was a damn massacre the moment Li wanted them dead, the question is just how he wished for it to go. I hope I did well enough to portray how one sided this battle is despite Li not showing all of his tricks yet it reveals more of his character and personality.

Also, you can't make the enemy unsympathetic to a degree, this is still Taroverse after all. :V

The next chapter will come out a week or more possibly, my thesis deadline is a month away and I haven't done anything yet so it's time for me to stop procrastinating and work on it. Worry not, I will put some Omake in here and there to keep things lively.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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