
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Nisiris replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Life Of Bolton: Evil Hidden Behind Benevolence


289 AC

"Hmmphhppp!" Boy of no more than ten years wriggled in the chair he was bound to, his mouth stuffed and held by a cloth, as his wide eyes frantically looked around.

"What to do, what to do with you..." I heard myself mutter, my voice immediately giving of my position to the kid in the chair, we were alone in the room, I didn't fear, as even if he was not bound to the chair, I still had two years of sword practice, with hand to hand combat, or rather amateur boxing as there weren't any martial art other than with weapons there in North, I think just Essos or Yi Ti has more in-depth knowledge for hand to hand combat...

Where Ramsay was just a child, a very broken and twisted child, but child nonetheless, making this all harder...

"Hmmph?!" Ramsay tried to say, making our eyes meet, our very similar eyes...

"You know... This is much harder than I thought, I thought that I just needed to see you kill you, to slit your throat, and be done with it, no longer any possibility of you coming back biting me into my ass..." I chuckled, normally, I couldn't speak so crudely, I needed to be seen as more, and still as any man, the fence I always need to thread onto...

It was tiring, and now most of the time, I could feel it, this weren't numbers, this wouldn't by order as previously, this time, this time I'm to kill another human being, and with my own hands, and to most degenerate way, I'm about to kill a child...

Fuckung child...

"Hmpppp! Hrrrrmp?!" Ramsay's eyes shot open at my words of killing him, finally realizing the situation he is in.

"I wonder, do you now understand that what you now feel is the same feeling you made these two women feel? The same feeling you would make an innumerable number of people feel if I let you go?" I asked, watching Ramsay trash in his bounds, trying to get out, not listening to me...

"Why I even try, of course, you don't... If you could feel empathy, you wouldn't ever do it... But then what it says about me?" Why did I even speak, I just should kill him...

Did I seek a justification for what I'm about to do?

"In the end, we aren't so different, are we? It's just that my reason for doing things isn't for personal pleasure..." I mumble with a self-describing laugh...

"Hmmppphhhmppp!" Ramsay trashed more as tears and snots flew from his eyes and nose the more I came closer to him, the fear in his eyes so vivid, so...

So much...

"F-farewell little monster, maybe once I'm done in there, we will meet in the place where people like us are going to." Saying so, I didn't wait any longer, not risking myself from running from this, as my hand moved, helping the sharp obsidian dagger in sliding Ramsay's throat...

I watched how he desperately looked at me, making my left hand my right one that was shaking so much that I almost dropped the dagger...

"For what it is worth... Im sorry that it needed to come to this..." I whispered, seeing the life leave Ramsay's body...

He was a monster in the making, twisted, depraved, a monster in human skin...

He was my half-brother...

He was...

He was a child...


"M-Milord, are you alright?" I looked at the voice, seeing Wolkan, who was now looking at me with a worried expression, flinching when our eyes met, I wondered what he saw in my eyes...

"Yes... Or, I will by... Do not worry for me." I softly said, my words seemingly provoking something in Maester as he stood straighter.

"You need to forgive me, milord, for doubting your answer, it is, it is about the war?" Wolkan asked, making me chuckle, maybe it was because of war?

No, I knew why I was so...

Looking at my hand, the hand that had done the deed, made me see the lifeless eyes of a boy, a boy who I could save if maybe I took him before he became what he was...

Or not, I just do not know, and that is what makes me think the most...

"No, it isn't, even if I wish it were, tell me, did any message arrive meanwhile I was preoccupied?" I changed the subject, no longer wishing to think about the eyes that looked so much like my own if I just stopped holding myself back...

I wonder, will I make the same eyes when someone finally comes and kill me?

Will I too?...

No, let's not think about that...

"No, I fear nor milord, even if..." I looked at Wolkan, who seemingly knew I changed the topic deliberately but was wise enough not to pursue it any further, even if he clearly saw that it still weighted me.

"If? What news you bring me, maester?" Asked in a soft voice that so reminded me of my father.

"Ser Davos already start his journey to our lands, without the dragonglass, seemingly prefer speed." Ah yes, that could complicate a few things, but with the raids, I understand why Davos doesn't want to risk making his way to our shores via ships, especially after my informing Wyman about a possible enemy base on Skagos island that is near our shores...

Still, there was no need to worry about Wyman touching the trade goods, he was more shrewd and intelligent than to pursue such short-sighted action...

"Good, at least some good news." Wolkan nods at my words.

"And I finally got a message from my... A friend in Citadel that the exile Qyburn is more than interested in your knowledge milord and will make his way to our lands once he finds a safe passage, which with the current situation could take time." I nod, dammit Ironborn, I need Qyburn, or at least his knowledge, already, the Red Cross building had a secret underground workshop that I made for him or any other person whose knowledge could utilize the tools I had built...

By the gods, just buying lenses for the microscope will cost me a lot...

But with the knowledge Qyburn has, and with the fucking magic being in there, I expect miracles from the man, especially with the more modern tools...

Still, maybe I should hold some of the Ironborn we catch, Qyburn would need an experimental subject, and I reject the idea of using my already small population for his projects...

"Two good news in one day, truly, miracles do happen..." I chuckle, electing disapproving look from Wolkan.

"I jest, I jest, it is just... You know I see you an as close person of my, right Wolkan?" Wolkan's eyes widened at my sudden change of topic.

"I-I honored milord, I-" Wolkan wanted to say more just for me to lift my hand.

"None of that, you practically raised me, you were the one who actually took me from my mother loins, which, now that I think about it, makes you my longest knowing person, so, tell me... Wolkan, if, if I will one day did something so horrible even old gods would turn their gaze from me, would you... Would you still wish to know me?" I asked, the question just popped into my head, yet still, my eyes didn't leave Wolkan's own...

"I... Milord..." Seeing how Wolkan didn't know what to say didn't sour my mood, it actually helped me to understand something...

"No need to tire your mind on the answer, it was just a meaningless question, now, if you can, leave me, I still have things I need to think through." Wolkan looked like he wanted to protest, but I no longer looked at him but at the fire in the hearth, so warm, yet so dangerous...

And as I heard Wolkan's retreating steps stop, I looked at him, making me see a very determined expression of my maester who stood by the doors.

"Milord, if you, if you permit me, I would ask you to not think of IF, it is, as I learned, a meaningless, I do not know what weights your mind so, milord, but, but you are our future lord, and as you said yourself, milord, you, you never bothered about IF, so, please, do not start now... You are our little lordling, and, and I'm sure there are plenty of people in the castle who would share your burdens milord..." With these words, Wolkan left the solar, leaving me looking at the closed doors.

"Heh..." I smiled.

"Hehahahahaha!" My laugh wasn't beautiful, not even to my own ears, and yet, the more I laughed, the more I felt my chest beat more freely, the more I felt my shoulders shed any imaginary weight...

"Yes... Yes..." He was right, wasn't he?

I shook my head, my vision was a little blurry from the laugh and little tears that threatened to fall...

I still felt the lifeless eyes, but somehow, the idea of them being my own no longer bothered me so...

"I really shouldn't mope around... There is plenty of work, firstly, there is a need to prepare the conserved food for Davos to trade with, then there is the little mishap in masonry..." There was too much work for me to feel bad about myself...

"I have people who care about me... Hm..." I didn't need to see my face to know that there was a smile on my lips...View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, fanharem replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Stop it, Bro~ (One Piece x Baki *Later*)


Ch 19: A Fiery Bonding of the Devils (3)

"This is too much," Nami whispered as their ship's sail was already bunched up with the wind currently opposing their flow while looking at almost 40 ships chasing them at a great pace. Of course, the ship's most trustworthy 'engine' was currently holding two large pedals just for cases like these and rowing like hell!

However, Nami's 'normal' panic wasn't shared by everyone.

"Just how much do you eat, you pig!" Carmen scowled but no matter what she said, the woman with a natural hairstyle similar to flames brought a plate of cooked sea king tuna meat and set it in front of Alvida who had already devoured 5 more plates worth of meat without any indication that she may be feeling full!

"Don't mind it, honey," Alvida smirked and licked her lips, "I'm only getting started. It's not an easy task to satisfy me once I get going."


"I see, so this 'Aura' that seems to be present in the most organic and inorganic materials can help you recover but you have yet to define just how much of aura you can take and going over your limits, or instead, overeating will have adverse effects to your body. Hmm, and living beings especially are shown to make full recovery... right?"

Nojiko gained another level of respect for Reiju when she helped Nojiko summarize her devil fruit's current abilities. "Exactly," Nojiko nodded, "But... I'm afraid what would happen if I take and others don't recover."

Giving an answer grimmer than Nojiko expected, Reiju smiled, "That's why enemies exist. Make use of any opponent you have to stretch the limits of your understanding about your devil fruits... the abilities a person gains at the very beginning are merely the tip of the iceberg. Devil Fruits of all kinds have amazing potential that needs to be explored gradually."

"Sigh... I miss Usopp... he would have shared my fears..." Nami groaned and felt actually... stupid to even panic at this point. She was clearly normal. She knew that. But being surrounded by eccentrics, her sister included, made Nami wonder if she made a mistake getting lured into this ship by treasure and even more, wondered if she should try and change.

'No... Nami, you have to be the voice of reason. If not... we all could seriously die!' She shook her head before her gaze fell on a giant region of mist and fog up ahead.

"Brody, this might really be a trap!"

With Marines just surrounding them from three directions, it was clear that this was a trap. A poor one at that. But Reiju made it clear that poor traps are often backed by confident expectations and they might just meet their match here.


Every gaze turned to Brody, awaiting his orders as he laughed.

"It's fine! I became a pirate to freely pick a fight with anyone I want! If I meet a good challenge here then even better!"

While others smiled alongside Brody, not even trying to think that seriously since he wouldn't but still managed to laugh at the end of the day, Nami felt her intelligence threatened by this logic. But, as a Navigator... she felt that this was a tide that she must never go against. Sighing, she demanded, "Fine! But who amongst you is the strongest beside captain?"

"Me!" Alvida was quick to nominate herself as the orangette turned to look at Reiju who shrugged, "I'm so-so..."

"No need to humble," Dropping all her worries, too, Nami gave a mischievous smirk, "Captain, Alvida, and Reiju will deal with enemies then!"

"Hah! Hell, no!" Brody grinned even more mischievously, "You've got a staff, use it! Ain't nobody going to be a basic bitch in my crew!"

"Eh? But... They have guns!" Nami hissed.

"Train and until then, just catch them by surprise," Brody smiled.

"But I still think—"

"Nami!" Brody looked at her, "You'll do just fine. Give it a whirl. Experience battles. If you can't fight even after all that, then it's fine. I'm still here. But, fighting is easy. The aim is always to defeat the enemy the quickest no matter how you like!"

Emphasizing the point he wanted to make with actions before words, Brody suddenly picked one of the cannonballs near him and threw it to yet another ship, laughing, "There are no rules for us!"

"Truly... what did I get myself into..." Nami sighed.

"You mean you've actually never fought with marines all this time?" Nojiko's question attracted her attention.

"Why would I?" Nami shrugged, "But given our situation, I just might need to... wait, why are you grinning?"

"I don't know... I've never fought so I'm a little excited." Nojiko smiled sheepishly and looked at Brody, "Captain, where should I kick for the greatest effect? Head? Wait... am I even that flexible? Oh, maybe legs or—"

"When confused, aim for the crotch you should!"

"The crotch?"

With utmost severity, Brody nodded, "The Crotch."

"Oh! Look, beyond the fog... it actually looks like a ship," Carmen looked toward their destination, and indeed, within the region of fog, the group could see a ship's silhouette.

The Warship Island.


"Oh, Fukurou, you're back!" The round green-headed man could be seen jumping in the air from one position to another before dropping by the unknown cliff. His bruised face could be seen by his comrade but the duo was interested in something else.

"So? How much was his Doriki?"

"I- It was," Fukurou gasped for breath with his zipper mouth unzipped and looked at the duo with a grave expression, "2060!"

His comrades' expressions changed before one of them growled, "The last time you measured my Doriki, it was about 2100 and it doesn't involve the increase of my strength after using my devil fruit. I'll take care of him. You should keep that device and deal with Reiju."

"Yoooiii! Fine!"

But when it rains, it pours.

*Gero Gero*

Fukurou took out a tiny sail from his pocket and picked up the speaker phone built on top of its shelf as the eyes of the snail shifted from dull and lifeless to pale brown, "Reporting from Unit 8, Sir! The Devil Back Pirates are approaching the Warship Island from the intended direction. Captain Smoker from Loguetown, on his way to Grandline, chanced upon our pursuit and has decided to lend a helping hand."

"Oh, my fucking god!" One of them groaned, "Unit 8's Captain has a Devil Fruit using Merc, right? Get him to delay Smoker."


Fukurou set the speaker back on top of the snail as it made a quiet 'gacha' sound and slept.

"So?" Fukurou looked at the 'leader' of the group who scratched the back of his head, "Damn, that Smoker is troublesome. But, nothing we can do about it. We need to keep our record clean so we have to get all three of our targets. Let's go!"


"Here we are..." Having crossed the foggy perimeter, the Devil Back Pirates finally docked their ship near an inconspicuous location and away from the group of civilians they saw working in the fields. After all, they would have no way of knowing if all these men were part of the elaborate scheme but Reiju thought that being without a large crowd was better for them.

The Island, for the most part, seemed 'stacked' with one cliff at the top and various others layering around as one got closer to the sea level. And from a certain angle, this Island did resemble a warship but their interest did not gain priority over the urgency of their situation. He might have laughed it off but the crew needed to figure out what kind of trap was set for them and then figure out a way to move past the fleet after them. If it comes to the worst... Brody would happily carry all of them on his back and just swim away.

"So... we split up?" Brody inquired.

"Why?!" Nami's glare sharpened, "We'll stick together and when we come across anyone who's trying to hurt me, you can deal with them... of course, I'll throw a punch or two but this world isn't ready to witness my glory!"

Brody blinked and shrugged, "Sure, you can tag along with me."

"Wait, wouldn't it be a foolish mistake on my part to go unprepared?" Reiju smirked as she took out a pink-colored canister marked with a white '0' and the can suddenly rotated while releasing a sharp pink glow with a burst of pressure that served to peel away the clothes Reiju wore while covering her in the very same glow as 'something' solid soon became more apparent and under everyone but Brody's stunned gazes... transformed.

"Did I watch that happen?" Carmen whispered.

"You did, Bitch Cook..." Alvida whispered.

"Hmm~ Jealous?" Reiju looked at others and winked as they couldn't help but take a moment to gawk at her. In reality, they had seen this outfit before— when Reiju crashed onto the ship. But... this is the first time they saw her 'wearing' it.

Her body was covered by a form-fitting, extremely low-cut, short pink dress, and a purple cloak shaped like butterfly wings. Her suit was decorated with yellow target-shaped ovals on pink background right above her breasts. The end of each 'wing'-like cloak had a mark reminiscent of the number 0. Her forearms were also covered by pink gauntlets, and purple and white round elbow pads. Finally, a pair of white and pink boots with strange spherical padding reached her calves and a blue ascot covered her neck. The depth of the dress by itself went past her navel and only then rounded off to the rest of the dress and her head was decorated by earphones marked by the number '66' on each side.

Looking at Nami with a bit of amused expression, Reiju giggled, "This is a Raid Suit, an invention from my former Kingdom. When I wear this suit, it boosts my raw strength, speed, and durability greatly including my ability to manipulate toxins within my body. It's so strong to the point that the only reason I was even 'defeated' by Captain was that he sweet charmed me."

"Hnegh!" Brody gave a cheeky grin, "Don't you forget that even sweeter punch that sealed the deal!"

"I don't believe you!" Nami narrowed her eyes.

Reiju's boots suddenly gave a soft whirring sound and she floated in the air, "Oh, I can also fly."

"Yep, I'm going with her," Nojiko nodded.

"Me, too!" Carmen still looked star-struck while Nami pouted, "T-That's nothing... flying sucks..."

Everyone looked at Alvida then who waved her mace and set it over her shoulder before smiling, "Of course, I'm going alone. I'll only be held down by others but, I've promised the Captain to save your sorry lives so if in danger, Call the most beautiful woman of the sea!"


Alternative Title: Nami is the New Usopp


If you guys have nothing else to read then do give Paradise of Infinity (slow start; multiverse ff with avatar as the first world.), filthy gamer in narutoverse (Naruto, oc, partial gamer) and Quest Maker (Soul land, not available in qq forums alone) a try~~View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, fanharem replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Stop it, Bro~ (One Piece x Baki *Later*)


Ch 20: A Fiery Bonding of the Devils (4)

"What exactly are we looking for?" Nami questioned as she and Brody climbed up the slope of a hill. She did begin to struggle but she hadn't actually been 'useless' since childhood. Stealing from pirates and then physically carrying all the stolen treasure did refine her body even if barely so even if climbing was physically exerting, she managed. Meanwhile, Brody hummed and looked around, "It should be something challenging. They went out of their way to set traps and even send those freaks even if one of them was disappointing... But my gut says that I'll have fun today."

"Again, your gut?" Nami sighed but she didn't question. The last time his gut was determined, they ended up discovering a devil fruit. But Nami couldn't help but stare seriously at Brody, "Brody... you know who's after us, right?"


"Of course, I know who's really after us," Reiju smiled as she made way through the forest alongside others, "But telling you that would scare you off."

"Scare us?" Carmen frowned, "Do you think it will be that easy? I won't change ships just as I won't change my views on cooking. It's an art, like dancing!"

Nojiko looked a little dazed as she smiled, "Even if it gets scary... what's the worse that could happen? The reason I am here is that Captain inspired me to be here. If he... could bleed for me, I'm not above the sentiment either."

"See? A sweet talker," Reiju smiled as she could empathize with Nojiko, "But if you want to hear it and still stick around... I guess, I will be colored impressed. While it is true that I defected from my Kingdom which is highly militaristic in nature, they alone cannot mobilize the special task force sent after us and outside of Grand Line at that."

Nojiko frowned.

"Is it because of—"


"You?" Nami frowned, "What else besides ruining a Kingdom could you have done then?"

Brody chuckled, "Not every incident reaches the paper. But... you could say that I am a person of great interest. So? Scared? You know, if I really do tell you the actual existence and should someone hear me speak of it... they will chase after you, too."

Nami gulped, "On the other hand, don't. I'd rather not have such an existence after me now that even you are putting it on a dangerous pedestal..."

"Haha, true. After all, many people are aware of Cipher Pol Department that works under the World Government but aside from the knowledge known to the officers, only a few are aware of the Cipher Pol's 9th Division— CP9, which carries out massive risk-related assassination without being hindered by public laws as such they can even kill whoever they wish. Of course, I just heard about them from my..."

Brody looked back at Nami who had a pale expression while she stared at her captain with a gaze that had given up on very hope itself.

"Ah... I said it..." Brody blinked and then looked around, "Don't worry! Cheer up, no one heard us!" Brody grinned when his expression shifted and he suddenly pounced at Nami before embracing her and rolling away as a large slice gash tore into the ground where she stood seconds ago.

"Oh, but I did."


"So? Want to leave yet?" Reiju smiled as Carmen and Nojiko had frowns on their faces.

"I said, I won't change ships. What kind of a cook leaves their mates high and dry?" The flame-haired woman narrowed her eyes, "I don't think my rival would do this either. To be able to compete with him next time we meet as a Pirate Cook, I must be a pirate, too!"

Reiju smiled but her eyes suddenly widened and she disappeared from Nojiko's and Carmen's view before reappearing behind them as a metallic sound rang when something 'sharp' struck her even if the duo only felt a light gust pass by.

"Your determination makes my heart bloom like Sakura in Spring, Yooiiiii! But, you must be buried to fertilize that Sakura!"


"Truly... having trust and all that is fine but it just gets so infuriating when he won't even acknowledge my beauty! As if Reiju is more beautiful. Bust size isn't all that! What about height? I'm taller so my breasts look a bit smaller despite them being the same if not bigger!" Alvida grumbled and struck her mace against a tree that stood in her way instead of walking around it.

"But... heh, I'm the Vica-Captain of the Devil Back Pirates. My bounty will increase soon enough and my beauty will spread! He'll have no choice but to acknowledge my beauty! Wait... what if our popularity attracts even more cun—"

Alvida suddenly felt wind 'graze' past her and then SLICE several trees in front of her. Turning back with a cold frown, she saw the stunned 'Egg' Man standing on a trunk of a tree with his mouth zipped up.

"Did you just try to sneak attack the most beautiful pirate?" Alvida narrowed her eyes.

Slowly unzipping his mouth, the green-haired man replied in an even tone while regaining his composure, "You aren't the most beautiful pirate. The Title of the Prettiest Pirate of Grand Line is held by Boa Hancock, Chapa."

Smirking viciously, Alvida hissed, "Clearly, whoever that Cock is, Boa or Mona, she clearly hasn't taken a stand next to me and you... don't you think I'm like our Captain. The results will be different this time and there won't be an Ocean to protect you after you fall into it."

Jumping down, the opponent narrowed his eyes, "So, you really have eaten Sube Sube no Mi, Chapapa."

"I have. How about you tell me who you guys are?" Alvida smiled, "You can do that for me, right?"

"I am trained by the secret organization of world government, CP9. I know not to share secrets, Chapa!" He hissed as Alvida's eyelids jumped in surprise. Smirking wider, she added, "I see. So you can't probably tell me your name, too, right?"

"Exactly! Fukurou is a name only usable by my colleagues, Chapapapa!"

"Fukurou of CP9," Alvida narrowed her eyes.

Fukurou's eyes widened.

"Who told you that?!"

"You did," Alvida smiled sweetly before rushing at him while wielding her mace!


A marine ship slowly approached the large fleet that encircled an unusually large ship. It had massive gliders with metal frames all around an unusual hull. The ship supported three massive structures with all three of them sporting massive sails with the number 8 printed on them alongside the Marine's Emblem. The entire fleet surrounded the foggy perimeter known to be around the Warship Island year-round.

The Seafaring Marine Branch— 8.

Leaning against the railing of the slightly worn-out Marine Ship of his, Smoker inhaled from his cigar deeply and then let out a smoke-filled exhausted sigh, "Tashigi... look at that. I smell pigs."

Next to Smoker, a petite woman wearing her blue hair around her neck with her dark brown eyes framed by red-rimmed glasses nodded earnestly. She wore a blue jacket and trousers alongside a yellow shirt with a sword belted to her thin waist. Adjusting her glasses with her gloved hand, the woman named Tashigi couldn't help but question, "Captain Smoker, what are we going to do? Commodore Royale will most likely try to hinder us."

Now 'decorated' with another grey jacket, Smoker narrowed his eyes, "Nelson is not a problem... that letter will finally be useful. The problem is still that man. Although his skills cannot hurt me, his unusual approach stopped me once before I was knocked out by heavy pressure... there was someone else that day."

"Do you think someone will try to help Brody Hanma escape?" Tashigi questioned with a worried expression as Smoker exhaled, "Only one way to find out."

Their ship was soon allowed to make contact with the largest ship of the fleet and the duo was soon led into the middle structure of the ship where they met an extremely obese man that may have most likely lost a few functions of his body sitting on a massive chair with a purple coat barely covering his body and revealed his large stomach riddled with scars from the stretch of the skin and a blue emblem of the marine tattooed above his navel.

Staring at the man calmly, Smoker greeted as expected from his lower rank, "Sir Commodore."

"Hngh," chewing on a piece of meat, the Commodore of the 8th Branch nodded, "Smoker, huh. Well, your ship's position is—"

"I can't even listen to you without wishing to blow my mind by staring down at the barrel of a rifle," Smoker commented and shook his head, "As the Commodore appointed by the Headquarters, I am arresting you for obstruction of justice, employment of criminals, and hunting of endangered domestic animals of Grand Line for busted myths."

Smoker took a letter and handed it to the nearest officer before he looked at Nelson Royale, the Commodore of the Ship coldly, "And also for daring to order to me, you fat bastard. Did you think your hunt for Sennenryu went unnoticed? Just outside, your own lieutenant revealed that you even took a child as a captive for more information."

"Wait! Arrest me, that's impossible—" Unwilling to have his time and this much manpower wasted, Smoker's body disintegrated into smoke and covered the entire room, promptly capturing the Commodore and the mercenary by the name of Eric who possessed a devil fruit ability, too, hiding behind one of the pillars of the room.

With Nelson locked in this massive throne room itself since nobody could literally carry his weight any longer for the man was so obese that even his legs failed to function, Smoker looked at the Lieutenant of the Fleet, "Send the captured girl back to her village after all this is over and keep your men encircled here. One of the pirates can spread dangerous toxins and the more people we send in, the greater the casualties. I'll leave with my men. Make sure to keep in contact with Den Den Mushi."

"Yes, sir!"

With the entire fleet changing hands from one Commodore to another, Smoker returned to his worn-out ship instead and proceeded towards the Warship Island with no intention of letting any criminal walk past him!

"Captain... what of the Straw Hat Pirates?" Tashigi finally inquired.

"Leave them be! If they foolishly entered calm belt then they deserve to die!" Smoker bit back an annoyed hiss.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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