
Soul Broker

The Twins. The Riverlands.

We were stopping off at yet another castle so that the king could be feasted by yet another noble family. This castle was actually one of two owned by the Frey family that had them linked together to make a bridge.

We needed to cross that bridge so as to keep going north and the Frey's had become quite wealthy over the years by charging people for the privilege of safely getting to the other side of the river.

Not that they were charging the royal convoy. If anything I imagined that our stay here would cost the Frey's quite a bit. I also suspected that in the near future it would be merchants and lesser lords who paid for this visit when the Frey's increased to toils they took for the privilege of crossing their bridge.

While I had been named the Master of Whispers I wasn't yet well known in the Seven Kingdoms, and because of this I was seated more towards the back of the hall and asked to sit with one of the many daughters or granddaughters.

Walder Frey had both of many ages due to his habit of replacing wives and breeding like a rabbit, she was called Roslin Frey, and I felt fairly certain that in the books/show she ends up being the wife to Edmure Tully. She was also a prospective bride for Robb Stark.

It seemed clear to me that Walder Frey had seated his guests carefully. Most of the attention was on the royal family and other important guests, and there were of unmarried men more towards the back who found themselves in the company of one of House Frey's many unmarried ladies.

No doubt my position on the Small Council, even if it might prove to be a temporary appointment, had resulted in the reasonable attractive Roslin Frey being seated with me. The intent would be for her to try to gain my attention. She might go as far as to sleep with me, and then let her lord claim I'd soiled her, resulting in a shotgun wedding or something like that. Or would that be a crossbow wedding?

I was actually open to the idea of taking a wife because it would help me to blend in and to be accepted as a local lord. The Freys could afford to give me an impressive dowry and while I had plenty of ways of making money my new position would be more secure if I had a little wealth to back me up and an alliance with a noble family even if they weren't a popular one.

Perhaps I could do better than a Frey, but she was

here and giving me signals that let me know that she'd been told by someone to flirt with me.

This was a secondary concern for me as I'd discovered that the further away we got from King's Landing the harder it was becoming to make deals. People here were less desperate in this case of the smallfolk and more cautious when they had something to lose.

There seemed to be something about King's Landing that made people wore willing to risk everything. It seemed to affect the nobles as well, I was having trouble even finding out what would be willing to bargain for.

Even the queen, who had seemed eager to do business with me at first, was keeping her distance as if she'd come to realise what it was she'd been dealing with. At least she hadn't sent anyone after me. I was too useful to kill outright and too dangerous for her to want to keep close.

My hope was that things would be easier again once we returned to King's Landing. I didn't need to worry I'd made plenty of deals already, and Will Spears, who was now part of the court, seemed happy with the most recent one I'd made. I would make many more bargains once I got back to the Red Keep of that I felt sure.

"I can't imagine going that far north" Roslin was saying "I hear that the Starks all lie with wolves to keep warm at night".

Well, that could be true in the case of the Stark children as they should have their direwolf companions by now.

"I'm sure that in Winterfell they think that the Frey's sit around all day

counting the coin they make from charging people to cross the river," I said "It's just gossip".

Since I wasn't fooled by Roslin's act I decided to be frank about what she wanted.

"Would you be willing to travel north?" I asked, "With me I mean".

The young woman, who was older than some of the women trying to ensure a husband I'd noticed, needed a moment to think.

"I couldn't leave with you, my lord," she said "It would be improper".

While I wasn't a lord people referred to me that way and I didn't think it would be hard to purchase some land if I got a good dowry.

"I know you're looking for a husband," I said frankly "I'm not sure I'd be a good husband, but you would get to travel and even see theRed Keep.

Although I warn you now King's Landing is not a pleasant place to live".

The young woman seemed shocked by my willingness to stop beating around the bush and get to the heart of the matter.

"I really should be married by now" Roslin Frey confessed to me "Father is always pressing us to find husbands so he can clear up some room. I don't really want to go, but once he's dead I don't know which brother will take his place and what they will do with me".

For a moment I considered her words.

"I'll be honest with you Lady Frey, I have enough money to keep you comfortable even if my position as Master of Whispers doesn't last and at least with me you'll get to see some of this world," I said, "It wouldn't be a loving marriage, but I have no intention of letting you be harmed".

One day I'd desert her, but I could make sure she was comfortable as my widow as I wasn't a total bastard, and she was still young enough to remarry when I left this world. Assuming that everyone here wasn't killed and turned into a wight.

"Then we should talk to my father in the morning, my lord," said Roslin.

The old man who ran this place and I would sort out the details between us. The young Frey woman seemed eager, perhaps she just wanted to leave before her father died and her brothers started fighting over everything.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Siva POV

Those eyes...

She inwardly shivered as she saw the same eyes...

But, but that was impossible, that man was away, she herself saw him depart, with wishes for his slow and painful death in this war, if someone heard her thought she was sure she would be punished, killed, or worse...

She heard what lords liked to do with women, she herself had already lived through it...

But these eyes...

He was old as her own boy!

Yet... Yet...

Those eyes were the same...

"Siva, no last name?" By the old gods...

He even had the same voice...

She, she already regretted her coming there, but...

But her child disappeared!

No matter how problematic little Ramsay was becoming in these later years, how worrying his gaze on her sometimes made her, as if he was looking at a sack of meat and not his loving mother, she, she still saw him as her little boy, born of rape or not...

"Y-yes, m-milord, I-I came with re-request." She managed to say, inwardly shivering, she, she really didn't want to know what laid behind these eyes, the same eyes that belonged to the man who killed her husband and raped her under his hanging corpse...

No matter that she didn't love Strone, her late husband, as it was more marriage to unite her family with Strone's, he was still a kind and hard-working man, who showed her kindness, he didn't deserve that fate, all because he didn't want for Lord's permission for their marriage...

"So I heard... Well, tell me why did you come to me." Why why does she feels so vulnerable?

He was old as her own son!

She, she shouldn't feel so, so weak...

"I- My son, my son disappeared milord and, and I wish to find him, I, he, he is your brother!" She almost shouted, her nerves just too strained to even think about her actions, she flinched when she heard those men behind her move, suddenly remembering her position...

What she didn't expect was to see the boy pinch the bridge of his nose...

"A half-brother, a bastard, still, it's true that it does concern me to some degree, and I would be a bad lord and worse family man if I didn't worry about him, I see myself as better than my father, so yes, I will help you, and look for Ramsay, and yes, I already knew of him, it's just I wanted to visit him, and you much later and invite you to live in the castle with me." Her eyes opened wide, and she...

She didn't expect him even to hear her out, wishing to use his more childlike innocence to help her, what she, what she didn't expect would be so, so mature way of speaking...

Yes, she heard his speech on that yesterday's parade, but she thought, like most of the people, that he just remembered some mummer script his servants or maester wrote for him, not, not that it was actually him speaking...

By the old gods, he was still a child!

But, but hearing him now, it almost made her stop, and what he said?!

He, he wanted to invite them to live there?

To associate with them?


They were, she was just some smallfolk woman, yes, yes she knew she looked much better than most other women in her years, but her look didn't exactly help her find any other man who would wish to bed her, not after, not after rumors of her belonging to the lord somehow spread, making most men just look but never speak or touch her...

And, and even if North was looking on bastards much better, she knew, she knew they were still ostracizing bastards...

Hearing that the little lordling wanted them to live with him, maybe?

Maybe once they find her little Ramsay, they can finally live in fantasy?

Even if she was to share a bed with that man again, live in the castle, have her needs taken care of...

Her body, it was sufficient sacrifice...

Maybe with their help, her little Ramsay would again become like a normal child?

"I already have there three my bastard siblings living in, so you wouldn't by first, so don't worry about not belonging there, this is North, and Old Gods doesn't look if the child is born in marriage or not, I would welcome you and Ramsay there with us." She heard him speak, but it still all seemed like a fantasy...

Why, why he had so scary, so scary eyes and tone, but did his words sound so sincere and pure?

"Can I call you Siva?" She nodded her head, it would be more than impolite and against the rules if he was calling her more familiarly, she was still a smallfolk woman...

"Well, Siva, I can see that current affairs are taxing on you, so why don't you go and sleep it off, Estrid will show you a way to my bedroom where you can bathe in warm water and then rest in my private servant's rooms that are much better than any Inn in our Eden town, meanwhile I promise you that I will look and send someone to search for my half-brother." She almost stopped at the stark contrast...

The way he smiled, she, she almost felt shivers run through her, and yet, and yet when his words registered in her mind, she couldn't help but choke out yes, and thank you, as the now named Estrid gave her gentle hug in support, all the while the little lordling kept smiling...

Yet somehow, the way he smiled no longer seemed to remind her of that man, of his father who raped her...

His smile felt, felt more...


These were her thoughts as she let herself be escorted from the room by Estrid, who held her in one arm hug...

Domeron POV


Now I understand why his father wanted her so, if she looked like this now, just how beautiful she was in her younger years?

She didn't have the beauty or grace of the supposed noble ladies, what she had was a quite natural beauty, the next-door-milf look...

And somehow, I'm glad not having still hormones to mess with my head...

Because I can see myself to...

Use her in such a vulnerable mental state...

And cucking my father...


"Ramsay, you little shit..." I mutter, a such good mother from what I saw, and he was such shit...

"Well, your loss..." Im very willing to bind that woman's feelings of motherhood on me, and not just because I really wanted to feel such love, even if Estrid still gave me somehow mother love, it was more strained after that incident...

And, I'm not ashamed to say that I actually desire to feel loved...

Maybe once I'm older, I can change that love into something more, as Siva is very, very attractively mature, but for now, I would satisfy in transferring her love for her now-dead son to myself...

I just need to find out how I would break the news to her, maybe say that there was found a dead body eaten by wolves?

And If I behaved as a child saddened by his brother's death, maybe she would latch onto me...

Yes, it was quite a degenerate line of thinking, but I'm a selfish person, and it's not like I wouldn't return the love she would give me...

Im not such a big bastard, but I'm very willing to return the affection with affection...

Well, I need to now come up with a believable story and tell her that the corpse is in such a bad state that I wouldn't show it to her because I had already cremated Ramsay's body...

It was good that North didn't follow Seven, as Old Gods were much more open, making it possible for Lords or any man to marry as many women as he wants, all I need is to make it work, which could be actually the reason nobody is trying it...

Well, Arya was never a fan of Seven, not like Sansa, in such, I could actually use that distaste of hers in making her accept, or even help me to have more women, just to spite the supposed Lady behavior Sansa and Catelyn with septa Mordane always push onto her...

Hmm, maybe I can fuel that distaste even more, it's not like I would mind Arya joining me or having a relationship with other women, as long as I would be in that relationship, too, actually, that could help stop any possible succession fights...

"Well... It's not like I would know until I try..." I whisper under my breath...

Yes, Arya's rebellious attitude was a very good aspect to use for my desires, as long as I make Arya believe that it's her desires too...

What is more against the faith of Seven than the woman-with-woman relationship?

"Maybe just a sister and sister relationship..."

The smile I wore could be quite worrying as I fantasized about Arya and Sansa in bed, just preparing each other for me...


I sat at my desk, and sighed as I closed my eyes. Of course Abigail lied to me. I spent hours observing and dissecting the cursed and energies in that desecrated church, and came to a singluar conclusion.

The curses were real, but it was enforced by both Lady Death and Lilith. Lady Death is my enemy, but she can't reveal herself as one publicly without making a huge scene... in the old timeline I would have made a huge scene finding out.

Why? Why would she have done this in the original timeline? What did I do, when I genuinely loved Lady Death at this point?

Lady Death was, of course, too powerful for such a curse to affect her. Since she was in on it, then of course she wouldn't have been a target. There was no other option, she resents me for something regardless.

Why? Why did she do this, and right after I became her Saint?

"Arion, we need to talk." I sighed as I opened my eyes to see Lady Death standing across from me. She knows I figured her out.

"The old me would have done anything for you....What did I do to deserve this?" I asked calmly, and Lady Death looked unbothered, not even refuting my findings.

"Making you a Saint was a mistake." I gave her a withering stare as she took a seat.

"Finally, something we can agree on." I replied and her stare became cold. I honestly felt like she might just end me now, but I felt emboldened. She wouldn't dare kill me, the Goddess of Justice would interfer again.

"I need you to die, so I can select a new Saint. Making you a Saint weakened our position in relation to Lilith's Gate. You had the right personality, but now my Scythe was dulled, and you couldn't kill with a touch outside of war anymore." So she regreted her decision, realized she lost a valuable toy, and wanted to start over. Elisa or my daughter would have inherited the power to kill with a touch.

"So instead of just asking me to step down as Duke, you made a deal with Lilith to kill me." At this, Lady Death opened her mouth and closed it.

"Fuck." She uttered.

"You stupid bitch." I spoke harshly, and Lady Death scowled. "So Lilith wanted revenge, and you needed to select a new Saint." I said with a tired tone. "Why not just rescind my Sainthood since apparently you were too stupid to just have me step down as Duke?"

"How could I? You were the perfect Saint that the other Goddesses were jealous over, even before becoming a Saint. You cared for the meek and hungry, you protected the innocent and cared for the sick. I couldn't ask you to step down, you were too qualified." She kept me around for bragging rights?

"So with that in mind, please just die. I can't kill you directly, but you dying would make things so much easier." I frowned at her request, shaking my head at her causal request for me to kill myself.

"I'm just going to go to the temple and step down as Saint." I didn't want to do it because bringing people back to life was extremely valuable, and was useful in the war. No need to capture prisoners for questioning when we can just bring any corpse back to life and question them.

But giving up that power was better than the Goddess of Death trying to get me killed indirectly.

"No, that would hurt my reputation." The Goddess of Death reminded, as if that was more important.

"At this point, I don't care about your reputation." I replied without care. "And the Goddess of Justice and Time already know you are full of shit."

"You'll have to step down as Duke as well, I can't allow you-" You think I give a single fuck about that at this point?

"Fine. Anything else?" I asked, now annoyed, and she froze in place. I'd give it all up if it meant getting away from this bitch.

"I… Can't let you do this. You would hurt your wives-" Lady Death tried to excuse, but i could see that she was just worried about herself.

"I'll get a divorce. You already let that curse make Marilyn cheat on me." I reminded her, not bothered by the requirements.

"That was all her actually, she chose the method of betrayal that the curse placed on her. Blame yourself for being a boring spouse." Lady Death corrected, and I stared at her, a million thoughts and emotions going through my head.

"How about you cut the crap and I don't go telling the Goddesses everything? I'm sure they would be curious why a Saint of Death is praying to a different Goddess." I replied with a darly amused tone.

"Oh, you can't. I am blocking all of your prayers, unless they are going to me." Cunt. "A few things real quick, first never use my power on the undead again, it's gross, second you forgot to donate to the church-" Like fucking hell.

"I didn't forget, I don't want to be your Saint, remember?" I asked the greedy cunt blandly.

"With that in mind, just kill yourself." Lady Death prompted as she faded from my office.

"...Yeah, as soon as I get access to the Dragon Nests we'll see about that." I muttered to myself. I started jotting a few things down on parchment, and nodded to myself as I corrected the fourth task.

Preparing for the War against the Empire of Light.

Force loyalty of male staff at Manor.

Finding the Dragoon Spear and Wyvern Crown.

Divorcing Marilyn. Killing Lady Death, and/or giving up sainthood alongside all titles as Duke and a noble.

Find out what the hell is going on with Elisa.

Breaking a Holy and Demonic Curse.

Ending the practice of The Ranch.

I was well on my way towards utterly crushing the empire of light with production of the Auto Staves now underway, something I needed to inspect personally here soon. With my knowledge of the terrain and tactics of the Empire of Light, I would crush them.

I was making decent progress on killing and reviving my male staff, but I could speed it up by posioning them all and then reviving them. Restoring the fear in their eyes was critical.

I was waiting for a response from the Temple of Time, with my offer to help them with acquiring the land they wanted. I would personally help them tame the area if it meant getting the location of the Dragons Nest. Lady Death doesn't even know WHY I wanted it.

Recent developments had turned divorcing Marilyn into killing Lady Death, which meant getting demons into the Temple of Death while she was visiting, as only pureblooded demons and other divine beings can kill divine beings. It was funny that a weak little Imp could kill a goddess if they were lucky, but I can't. How comical was that?

Elisa was a troublesome problem as I kept her locked in her room with Holy Dame Guards. The Church was… Not happy to find out that their Dames had been murdered, even if I brought them back to life.

Now… The curse. I needed to figure out how to break the curse, because this petty whore of a goddess wanted me to die because of her mistake.

Amazing how quickly her claims of loving me turned into wanting me to die because of embarrassment, from the first timeline. Even if it was more practical to have a separate Duke and Saint, she could have just made the correction.

I could have just stepped down as Duke, giving the title to my sister. Some nonsense about me wanting to focus on my divine duties or whatever, I would have done it too if Lady Death had asked… The curse was useless.

The only explanation I had was that Elisa and my daughter both were unsuited towards being killers. They didn't have the bodies or training…. Maybe my daughter could have if she wasn't being raped growing up because of the fucking curse.

"Who knew the divinities were incompetant?" I asked myself. Why value a saintly personality when you yourself are a unnecessarily cruel bitch?

I shook my head as I moved on to the last item…. Ending The Ranch. There were three other Ranches, with the other three Dukedoms presiding over them.

I think I might have a way of handling the situation, but I am not sure. The process of converting a mixed breed into a human is not simple. It's a matter of equivalent exchange, the blood must go somewhere into a living host.

The practice itself is forbidden, because if you go one one hundred percent while transferring essence you get an over abundance and the target becomes… more.

Two hundred and fourty ago- No, I'm ten years in the past so it's two hundred and thirty years ago now. Two hundred and thirty years ago, the Demon Lord of the time was an experiment conducted by a Wizard that became a Warlock. His daughter was a half breed, a Haileen. A child who could not take off a bone mask no matter what.

He is the one that discovered how to transfer essence, and he transferred his daughters essence into a regular human. He became just like his daughter, while his daughter became fully human.

The Warlock experimented on this boy, adding more and more demonic essence from any half breed he could find. He thought he was doing the world a favor, curing halfbreeds with the sacrifice of a single orphan boy that he could kill at any given moment.

That poor boy spent every waking moment being tempted by Lilith, to enter a contract. Never before had such a powerful specimen existed, a demon worthy of the title of demon lord without ever once taking an innocent soul.

The boy, with the last remnants of his sanity called for justice, and then fell, becoming the Demon Lord of Exoneration. He killed his creator, but spared the young girl who knew nothing. As he made his way to his throne, he judged people as he went, sparing those he deemed innocent and killing anyone he deemed guilty. No one could stand in his way, not without dying fultily.

Sounds like a fair ruler, right? Well the only problem was that his judgement was impared, and he killed innocents with cruel logic. The Goddess of Justice was made aware with this final plea, having been personally been attending to a serial killer in a nunnery, an infamous case that inspired literal demons.

The Faith of Justice went on a crusade to mercy kill the Demon Lord of Exoneration, and they succeeded after calling on a Hero and a Saint. The matter is a sore point for the faith, mostly because they failed to kill the Demon Lord of Exoneration in a merciful manner.

I discovered of the existence of this technique in the scrolls of the dead, in the Temple of Death, and as a grown man at war I used it in order to deal with a Vampiric Plauge. I created a super vampire out of a war criminal that attacked his own civilian centers and attempted to frame it as our attacks.

Doing this cured the innocent victims from becoming vampires or ghouls, and the resulting vampire was easy to kill. At the time, the Church and the Prophet were angered by me, but I ignored them because I knew I did the right thing. I had the power to kill a Demon Lord myself and could sense the strength of the monster I created.

What is the point of strength if I can't even save the people in front of me?

But no. The tenets of the Church required that I kill all demons, without mercy… But those people didn't choose to become demonic, they had it forced on them. I didn't feel a scrap of guilt for forcing a murderer of innocents into a demon, but that was yet another point we disagreed on.

Turning humans into demons was unquestionably evil… Was that why the Goddess ignored me? Did that whore of a Prophet request I get punished? I know she wanted me to die, but did she look for any excuse to punish me? I wouldn't put it past her at this point.

I took a deep breath as I sat at my desk. There were too many possibilities as for why the Goddess never warned me of the situation back at home. Maybe she didn't want me to ignore the war. Maybe it was punishment for the little disagreements I had with the Church.

Telling me would have gotten me killed, I think. So keeping me alive to fight her war as her Ace was the only logically reasonable answer.

I know that I am going to be a political enemy of the Prophet, so I was in a sense competeing with her for the Goddess of Death's affection.. But now the Goddess knows I hold no affection for her. Not any more.

I shook my head, and considered my decision. The King and Queen will be upset at me for this, but I was tired of looking over my shoulder for risks. I think I need to take a break.

I got up, and left my office. Wordlessly Kaleb, my personal butler followed me having been waiting outside the office the entire time.

"You look troubled, Master Airon." Kaleb mentioned, and I felt the irritation of knowing he was fucking my wife in the previous timeline.

"Tell me, Kaleb, why did you disrespect me after I defeated Damien in our duel?" I asked as we walked, and Kaleb sighed.

"It seems to me, Master Arion, that you are actually asking why everyone disrespects you." Kaleb asked, and I glanced at the older man. He was tall, well built, with graying hair.

"You can answer that question if you wish." I replied, ignoring the very minor slight. His suggestion wasn't wrong.

"It is because you are pathetic." Kaleb said bluntly, and stopped walking to listen.

"Explain." I demanded with a slow, cold tone while staring at him.

"Right now is a perfect example. You should have killed me for even daring to say such a thing, but everyone knows you won't. You have been like this your entire life, which is why the Goddess of Death adores you." …I am too merciful? Regardless, he was dead wrong about the Goddess loving me. Perhaps before, when she loved me enough to make the mistake of granting me sainthood, but not now.

"You hate conflict, you are too forgiving. Your friends growing up walked all over you, except when you trounced them in spars. Even if you were smarter, stronger, and better looking than Damien you would have made for a weak ruler. You ARE a weak ruler." Keep on digging you son of a whore… Eight years of war changed that, I promice that.

"Do you know how many people your Father killed when he was establishing himself? You hadn't killed a man until you had to execute a murderer, and I watched you do it. You cried, and didn't eat for days. You, the heir to Requiem, the one to become Lady Death's Scythe, couldn't stomache killing. We are doomed the moment a war comes to Frost." Kaleb seemed to make peace with the face he was going to die, and spat, making it land on my face.

I took out a handkerchief, and wiped off my face as Kaleb watched my reaction.

"...Lady Death expects me to be saintly, be kind and treat people fairly. She chose poorly, since my position requires me to act as you described my Father." Someone I feared until I gained the confidence of being a world class fighter.

"A killer that is unforgiving." I tossed the handkerchief aside without care, towering over Kaleb as I took off my coat, placing it on the guard railing of the staircase we were next to.

"You see, I could just kill you right now, and Lady Death would disaprove, but that is part of the powers she gave me. Anyone I bring back, I can kill instantly as I pass judgement on them. But tell me, Kaleb, how do you think the Goddess feels about beating you until you ask for death, and then using my ability to end it? As long as I don't directly kill you before using her gift to send you back to the afterlife, wouldn't that satisfy her requirments?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"...What happened to you?" Kaleb asked a mild fear on his face. "The old Airon would never even consider this."

"I was forced to kill my brother, you son of a bitch." I threw a punch and he tried to block but that just sent him into the wall. I was on him in an instant, beating him with my fists.

"Well? Isn't this what you wanted? An angry ruler that crushes all disobedience?" He wanted cruelty? Fine.

I started breaking his bones with careful, quick strikes, making sure he would live. His screams of agony alerted the guards, rushed up the stairs with weapons drawn to see me beating Kaleb.

Good. They needed to see what happens when I am angered. I looked at the guards as I stood over the sobbing old man, and drank in their fear.

"You may now explain yourself to Lady Death." I snapped my fingers for dramatic effect, and Kaleb slumped over dead.

"Get rid of the trash, and eject his wife and son from our land. They can live in Margits territory all for I care." I dismissed. "They are allowed two days to sell their property." I spoke, and the guards saluted before picking up Kaleb's body.

Hummm… Now I need a new Butler.

It was a shame to kill someone that finally told me the truth, but he wasn't wrong. The North was a place of cruelty, and that cruelty was justified by keeping Lilith's Gates under control. It justified the four Monster Girl Ranches we kept around the Kingdom, it justified why we tolerated mixed breeds while the rest of the world considered them cursed beings.

My best friend, Jarrett, is a Tiefling, a being that was at least 1/32 demon. Jarrett was the legal limit of one eighth, considered human enough to be trusted in society. He experiences occasional discrimination, but at least he had rights in the Kingdom of Frost. Most kingdoms are foolish for ignoring the power of mixed breeds.

(For context, a Mongral is a being that is at least 1/32nd monster, with 1/8th being the legal limit to be considered human enough to be trusted by society. Monsters and demons being different kinds of bad news.)

I will write up a letter to Jarrett after lunch, I needed his advice. Knowing him, he was likely in some bar sarenading some virgin barmaid. Sucks not to have a wingman, doesn't it you horny bastard?


Authors Note:

A free cookie to those that bet on something like this.

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