Questionable Questing

Gusfes, KinKrow replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Big Brain Dungeon (Danmachi Jumpchain)


"You've reached 100 in your Magic Ability," Hestia said, one morning as we were going about our normal morning routine.

Good heavens, she even did the toothbrush dance, and had dragged me into it. I'd been terribly unwilling, of course. She'd really had to bend my arm behind my back.

The reflection of a six-foot seven man dancing next to a four-foot seven shortstack hadn't been amusing enough a thought for me to simply go along with it when she'd first asked, no sir.

"I need to go see Lenoa to finally learn a damn spell," I say, practically vibrating from excitement, "I've got my eye on an enhancement spell that oomphs everything?"

"Everything gets oomphed?" Hestia says in faux wonder as she finalizes the update to my Falna, "Are you sure? Everything?"

"Everything," I solemnly affirm, "Modius Temperance amps up all physical parameters and efficiency and broadness of Mind usage. The effect is weaker than a specialized boosting spell, but it's a far more wide range of effects than any other spells of similar utility, and is a short chant so less prone to failure. If the Mage skill really does synergize with Wicca Hazel, it might boost to a similar level of effectivity as normal buffs."

Hestia hums at that and pats my back with both hands, before leaning over. Her breasts press against my back and she places her lips next to my ear.

"Spend the day with me," she whispers, warm breath making hair on my neck and arms stand in excitement.

"I spend time with you every day," I tease, "That's why I go work so early on weekdays."

She rubs her eyes sleepily and glares at me, "And wake me up every morning for an update."

"At your own insistence," I roll my eyes, "We could just do it at night beforehand."

"No!" she turns her face to glare right into my eyes, "I have to say goodbye to you every morning! Besides, it's okay if you skip today, it's Friday!"

"Oh, Friday, of course. I'll just total my normal schedule for the sake of a selfish woman," I sniff pompously.

"Selfish woman that updates your Falna," she imperiously corrects me.

"Three-day weekends are nice on occasion," I instantly shift gears, a false simper in my voice.

"They sure are! I'm going to grab some clothes to change into it!" she waves an arm in excitement, "I'll wear something you made me!"

In my first life, 'Jump Zero' as it were, my grandmother had taught me how to sew at a young age. It had been with an electric machine, but she'd taught me how to make small repairs by hand. Over my time here, I'd refined that skill via increased intelligence, spatial and bodily awareness, and good old refusal to pay tailors any money for clothing.

I simply bought cloth and made my own clothing. Fuck this city with tourist trap prices, it's almost worse than California's rates. Almost.

A few moments later Hestia walks out in a white blouse and yoga pants with a long jacket I had designed to be something of a cross between a robe and a hoodie.

The first technological innovation I'd introduce to this planet is zippers.

I miss zippers.

"Looking good," I smile and flash a pair of thumbs-ups, and she puffs up in pride as she registers the truth of my statement.

"I know!" she declares, absolutely devoid of humility, "I picked out your outfit too!"

She tosses larger clothes in front of me and I glance at them before huffing in amusement, "We're going matched?"

"As matched as we can without you wearing pants as tight as mine," she says with a leer at my ass, "You sure you don't want to wear any?"

"I prefer range of motion and not having my balls squeezed in tight cloth just to look good," I admit, sitting up to get dressed, "Honestly I'm shocked you wanted tight pants with how it would make people look."

"Let them look," she shrugged, "They can't touch."

"You're a showoff," I tease.

"Proud of it, too!" she declares. Her eyes are closed, face in a smug smile, with chest puffed out and hands on her hips.

I roll my eyes, "Okay, champ. I know where we're going for the first bit of our day out."

"Where to?!"


Hestia slumps, a terrible lump of glumness at my chosen location.

"You took us to your workplace," she grumbled in disbelief, poking the ground outside of The Witch's Secret House.

"I hit 100 in magic and I am getting my damn spell," I calmy ignore her whine at that, "Besides, I need to tell Lenoa I won't be showing up for work today."

The short god'o'hearth perks up at that, "Really?"

"Yes, Hestia, you successfully emotionally blackmailed me into spending the full day with you. Not only am I not going to be making money in the Dungeon, I'm also not going to be doing my old job as well," I grumble.

The brilliant, beaming smile Hestia shoots me is tough to ignore, but by god, I'm a superhuman with a superbrain and I can ignore anything I damn well please.

I pat her on the head, "Now let's head on in."



"Lenoa," I greet the old witch, "I'm taking the day off. Also, I hit a hundred and I'd like the Grimoire you've held for me."

"Fifteen million," Lenoa instantly shoots to me, trusting my word, while Hestia chokes at the price.

"Here you go," I say, pulling a pouch with the pre-counted money out and Hestia chokes harder, staring at the bulging back.

"Have fun on your date," Lenoa waves me off, "Don't read the Grimmoire until your day is done. You'll be indisposed for a while after reading it."

"Will do, and thanks for the advice," I nod and turn towards a brilliantly blushing Hestia.

I take her arm in mine with a wink.

"Let's get," I smile down at her, "It's just starting to brighten up outside, and we've got a full day ahead of us."

My only answer is a squeak, and the quick shuffle of feet to match my gait.

Yeah, a day off every now and again won't be bad.

Rarely.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Nisiris replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Life Of Bolton: Evil Hidden


289 AC

Eden POV

"Olvo! Our shift ended!" A youthful male voice shouted in the darkness that was iluminated by just a few torches.

"Finally?! Fuck yes! I take first stand!" Another youthful voice shouted back, making the primary young man put on a grimace

"Idiot! You know that belongs to the seniors! I don't want to get shortened pay because you fucking cant withstand somehow colder water, AGAIN!" The man grounded out, it wasn't like the rest of the showers assigned to them, and shower, how funny name, for water falling from the top of the ceiling, still, even if the water was colder than in the senior stand's where it was hotter, it was still hot, or rather lukewarm, which was still hot against the North cold winds...

"Ahhh, fuck, I forget about that..." Olvo grimaced, making the young man sigh, of course, he did, after all, the first thing he did with his pay was to bury his anger and sorrow in the ale and the new vodka their lordling came up with...

"Well, let's just go shower, or they wouldn't let us to the tavern, and I could get some good warm meal in me right about now..." He said with a smile, already imagining the juicy meat and the soft mashed potatoes...

"Yea... You are right, thanks for the safe, Richer." Olvo said with an easy-going smile, making now named Richer shake his head, his friend was too dumb sometimes, sometimes because at other times he shoved frighteningly sharp mind, teaching Richer never to underestimate his friend and co-worker...

"Yes, let's go wash that shit of us..." Richer said, making Olvo nod, they were the newly named Night men that worked with shit, a literal shit, something that would be a shaming thing, if not for the good pay, like really good for the quite easy work of just transporting few jars that stopped to stink once they closed them with lids, and transported them to other places, that already stank from the amount of shit they or other groups delivered there...

Not like it was that much of a problem, as their lordling seemed to consider their noses, as such, all Night men were actually clothed in some kind of leather clothes that clung to their bodies, and on it some kind of cloth that was washed in some strong herbal water, making them stink more of herbs rather than shit they worked with, and their mouth were same, as they were always ordered to have some kind of special cloth shawl that had small pouches in it, with some strong smelling herbs, which mostly killed any stench from even the strongest shit, as it was common for one jar to fall and break, or just break because it was too heavy, making all the shit it carried fall on the ground...

One time, one time, it happened when they didn't care to put on these shawls on their mouths...

One was enough, from that time Richer, Ovlo, and all other Night men who heard the horrible story of puking, to always wear the shawls when they moved the jars...

With that, Olvo and Richer get prepared for the end of their day shift as they walk to the special building that was just for the Night men, where they can shower with soaps and change into their normal clothes...

After that, like most of the days, they would hit taverns, as it was common for them, as most of the time, the Night men, or any man or woman working directly for the lordling, had big discounts on the meals and drinks...

Yes, they could visit a Soup kitchen, where meals were free, but eating every day the same shit was just too much, especially now that they could afford to have better meals...

Eden POV

"W-what?" The woman fearfully asked, it was common sense to be cautious in her job that earned her family a living, not that she needed to fear so much, in years, these few months seemed to be her safest, she knew why like the rest of the women in the same profession as her...

It was because of their little lordling no man ever again dared not to pay or force himself on them, not after the examples their little lordling did to these offenders...

In truth, she at first thought it was folly to go to their lord with grievances of men who used their services, their bodies, and yet didn't pay after that, always saying the same shit, them being too loose, or not being able to satisfy them, and thus not deserving their coins, that it's their fault...

Something they mostly get used to, it just wasn't worth trying to get back on them...

But that changed...

They saw, they heard rumors of the guards and men who dared to lay their hands on little lordling female servants...

Some kind of hope bloomed in the younger girls, the more naive, more inexperienced of the true darkness in the men...

So she and the rest of the older ones tried to tell them not to do it, even if they were concurrence for them, they still didn't wish to see them end in some horrible way, just for the younger ones thinking they knew better...

How surprised Naya was when the news of the investigation on the men who shied of paying for their services came, how wide-eyed she was when one of the guards asked her if she could recognize the men who didn't pay for her services...

At first, she still had little thought of it being a joke, a summer farce, but no...

Once, she saw the men who didn't pay her or other women in her profession and some of her friends being dragged into the castle if they didn't have a coin or demanded to pay double for their dishonor of not following the trade deal on their end, she knew it wasn't a dream nor a mummer farce...

Their little lordling stood on their side...

Domeron Bolton actually stood on the sides of whores...


That made Naya stop, even the little voice in her head whispering that the lordling was just after their bodies were squashed as everyone knew their little lordling was still a child, actually old like her own daughter who still didn't flower...

That changed things, at first, at first nobody knew how to react, the younger ones who came to the lord acted all smug, not like Naya or her older friends would say anything, as the younger ones gamble actually paid off...

From that time, Naya and other girls or women could notice guards being stationed near their street, something that previously wasn't common, at first came the fear that they no longer could work, but that was quickly squashed down when the guards seemed to ignore them, just standing there even when some of the braver or stupid, more stupid men came to ask for their services...

The guards ignored them...

At least until some drunk seemed to take no as an answer, at first Naya was ready to move, they long ago learned it wasn't worth it to fight drunken men, for they could bring danger on themselves...

But then, then, when they were ready to leave the older woman, one of their friends, to get hit or forcefully fucked, something even she was aware of and knew not to resist a drunken man, the guards actually moved...

Taking the drunkard to their barracks and asking if any of them needed help...

From that time...

Every time there was a problem, they could ask guards who stood in their street, even their clients noticed the shift in the air, making them more respectful of them, not daring to bring guards eyes on themselves...

Naya, Naya, and others, the older ones who remembered, the older times, still waited for the other shoe to drop...

They weren't as naive as the younger girls, and it seemed their hunch was correct...


Just not in the way they thought...

"Y-you want to-to what?" Naya carefully asked the woman before her, a woman who was flanked by two lordling guards, the same ones who were known to follow mostly just the lordling's orders...

"Our milord, Domeron Bolton, wishes to create establishment, for you and all other women and girls in your profession, giving you a safe and warm place to conduct your business, with the protection of our men against all offenders, warm showers, a place to rest in your time off, and medical help from any possible pox, and every day one moon tea for any girl or woman who doesn't wish to carry a child." The woman, Estrid, the woman rumored to be raped and yet still serving the young lordling faithfully and actually being his head maid, told Naya something just out of the dream...

Looking at Estrid, Naya understood that even if the lordling were capable of fucking, he would need them, not when he had women like Estrid in the castle, something that made Naya glad and a little disappointed, no matter how old they grew, any smallfolk female had at one time a dream of being taken by the lord...

"And, and there wouldn't by any strings?" Naya asked, making Estrid look at her in a somehow sympathetic light.

"There are always strings, especially when it comes to nobility, but, but our milord Domeron does truly care for his subjects, all that I listed to you is true, all our milord ask for is twenty percent of any of your deal, and in exchange, he will make sure you will always be protected and have right to chose with who you wish to sleep or not, milord will not demand anything more of you, food, a place to rest, medicine, cleaning, all of it will be done for you, actually that is the reason why twenty percent of your pay, milord needs to pay for the medicine, guards guarding the establishment and other things that are needed for it to run..." Naya...

I didn't know what to think, twenty percent, it was...

Much, but if all that Estrid said was true, it was actually a good deal...

"And..." Now Naya looked at Estrid.

"If you, or some of your younger girls, even your children or any child of a woman who works in there wish to have better future, or just alternative for their work, milord is willing to have them learn by the side of the castle staff children their numbers, and letters, even possible to work directly for milord..." Naya wanted to say yes, she really wished to say yes right now...

Just the vision of her children having a better future than their mother...

Than her...

It was, it was too good...

"I- I need to speak with others..." Naya somehow reluctantly said, fearing angering Estrid, even if they both were smallfolk, they moved in so many different circles, where Estrid was on top of smallfolk, Naya and others like her were on the bottom...

She really didn't want to pass this chance...

"That's understandable, milord actually expected this, and thus you have a week for the decision, after that, you need to give your answer, as building your establishment takes time, and milord doesn't like wasting time..." Estrid said with a smile, yet more strict tone at the end of her words, making Naya understandably nod her head...

Still, if it was true, Naya needed to speak quickly with others, this wasn't a decision she could make alone...

"Good, once you decide, please visit the castle, the guards will let you if you say why you are there." Naya nodded at Estrid's words, her mind still running through the possibilities...

Even if half of it were lies and the other half a truth, then it was still worth it...View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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