

This pass will serve me well soon enough in getting a decent comfortable middle-class home in the Lowerhive... But I still need to finish refining my Dharma Sword and I will be killing those Genestealers for a variety of reasons before I leave the Underhive for the much more peaceful Lowerhive.

minutes later the rubble from the building were being moved somehow and I grimaced as several Genestealers in full mutations with insect carapaces on their foreheads and an extra set of muscular arms to augment their strength broke out of the rubble screaming incoherently.

But the screams of the Genestealers were soon met with cries of approaching Imperial Soldiers who as a whole spoke in a thundering tone. "Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us, and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win. The Emperor has given us his greatest weapon to wield. So make yourselves ready. We are the First Regiment, and today is our Victory Day!"

They repeated the words as a mantra that even stirred up my own bloodlust and desire to just go down there take a Las gun and begin blasting.

There was no communication between the Imperial Guardsmen and the Genestealer's the moment the Guardsmen braced themselves behind some cover they brought up their Las carbine rifles and began laying out a hail of lasers that disintegrated a chunk of flesh on any Genestealers when hit.

The Genestealers however didnt just stand in the rubble of their operations to be shot for nothing as from large holes bored under the rubble came even larger Genestealers armed with two rocket launchers began shooting missiles to break apart the cover the Guardsmen were hiding behind.

But those larger Genestealers didnt last too long as from across atop another building a loud bang rang out that pierced the sounds of laser fire ionizing the air and the more primitive guns the Genestealers were using.

The loud bang was the report of a sniper taking his shot and the man's aim was true as one of the larger Genestealers wielding heavy weapon ordnance dropped dead as his head exploded.

While the Guardsmen taking the front and church operatives taking up the rear with surgical strikes, they made a decent combination disregarding the Guardsmen being blown to bits as there cover wasn't at all made to be taking high explosive ordnance or a deluge of rounds from a mini gun.

The next issue a few minutes later was how I saw the smaller menial Genestealers who initially unburied the tunnels to their operations had unearthed a large hole and from it a sort of life brought up something that brought me some worry.

"How the hell did they get a tank!" I cursed as Las fire and even grenades shot into the overly thick armored vehicle did absolutely nothing to it.

The tank looked to have been a remodeled mining machine and the Genestealers had repurposed its great horsepower from drilling and tugging around massive amounts ore and materials to instead carry an obscene amount of armor that was complemented with small canons and flame throwers that clearly showed this tank was meant to be used in this very situation as it didnt need to be fast as the streets were so packed.

It just needed to be able to withstand constant mortar fire and any other explosive ordnance as it acted to breach any defenses with its large drills on the front of the tank.

I took in the battlefield more completely and guessed there was a couple thousand Guardsmen down here and normally that would be a drop in the bucket, but the Underhive's streets were so fucking close that even when the Guardsmen were exchanging fire with the Genestealers atop buildings the reality was that the streets were already packed with fighting bodies, especially with the massive tank trudging towards the Guardsmen's position.

Looking past the tank I saw the lift that pulled it from wherever it came from had descended to perhaps pick up another vehicle making me bite my lip as I considered if this was where I wanted to interject within the battle.

Seeing the Genestealer Cults literally roll over any defense and attack the under equipped Guardsmen came with I stood up and my Dharma Sword flashed into my hands as I stood at the edge of the building.

"Split the clouds of heaven with one sword." I said solemnly as I drew upon my Sword Seed and my heart heated up at using a fifth of my Qi, when I sent out as a large crescent moon of silver energy was launched off my blade and with a mighty screeching noise the sword Qi arc cut halfway into the armored tank before it lost its energy.

I then explosively launched myself off my building wreathed in the pure Yang fires of a sun to dodge the Genestealers retaliatory machine gun fire and caused a large explosion of high temperature flames that spread across the rubble of the Genestealers side of the battle.

Knowing that I was literally outnumbered more than a thousand to one I quickly dashed towards the hole where the lift was and with my violently billowing flames wreathing me the las fire and indirect debris that collided with me didnt bring me any harm or knock me off course as I swung my sword sending another powerful arc of Sword Qi that collapsed a chunk of another building to drop onto some entrenched Genestealers as I fell into the lifts tunnel.

Once I fell for more than a few seconds I quickly kicked the square shaped tunnel's wall to bring me towards a corner and then I used my boots to slow my descent as they grinded against the walls.

Looking down now that I wasn't about to fall to my death as I slowed my fall to a much more manageable level, I saw the well-lit bottom was more than a couple hundred meters down.

"This is getting closer to the Hive Sump. No wonder no one found them!" I cursed knowing how the Sump of a Hive City was literally a hellhole as it was so hostile to life with all the filth and pollutants that only mutants and lesser demons that got summoned due to simply how shitty it was down there could survive. Humans never went down there unless it was completely necessary and even then, parties that went down that deep hardly ever returned.

As I approached the lift tunnels end, I noticed how the four walls actually didnt meet the floor of the ground beneath and as soon as I hit the floor, I saw I was in a huge open hanger structure with tanks and other armored vehicles clearly being loaded to battle the Guardsmen up top.

Then there was the angry ant nest of uncountable thousands of Genestealers for as far as I could see that were rushing around in a rat race.

Happy that I was wearing a thick hood that covered a good chunk of my features I quickly ran forward and merged into the crowd before more Genestealers could alert the others as I saw more than a couple of the closer ones freaking out and pointing at me for somehow surviving the three hundred some meter fall.

'Where the hell is the Patriarch!" I cursed under my breath as I was carrying a large pile of metal parts while I ran at a human like speed around the edges of the hanger in search of a large sign stating 'broodlord' here or something as I knew this damn place was going to be a maze and I honestly didnt know if all these monsters had some kind of telepathic connection or something.

But hearing more explosions coming from above as more tanks and heavy munitions rode up on different elevators, I knew I needed to find the Patriarch which should I kill them would send the whole army of Genestealers into disarray and allow the Guardsmen to more easily kill them.

But my thoughts were sent head over heels as from another side tunnel on the other side of the Hanger I saw something that made me freeze in extreme surprise.

Silently with machine precision a contingent of a hundred Interrogators basically Inquisitor's in training, grimly ran into the hanger and executed all who were around them before they all lifted what looked to be a grenade launcher as they took cover and knowing that those crazy bastards wouldn't hide from a simple explosion for no reason I swiftly dropped my parts I was using as cover and jumped into the open hatch of one of the surrounding vehicles.

"Shit!" I cursed as half a dozen Genestealers whirled on me for dropping into their armored troop carrier and not wanting to use my Qi on sending unnecessary sword Qi attacks I dashed forward with my body wreathed again in flames.

With my Cultivation and the two body cultivation arts I had I was easily able to overpower the Genestealers and each punch acted like a heavy bolter impacting them as my fists ploughed through flesh and burnt out the senses of Genestealers before my hands landed upon them.

The tank I was within was then violently thrown towards its side sending me and the ashes of the Genestealers in the tank against the wall before the tank bottom heavy design insured, we didnt end up on its side or anything.

With the brief moment of calm before the Genestealers began shooting at the elite church agents I looked out briefly over the edge of the tank and saw my target of interest as the battle became far more chaotic as seemingly Guardsmen, Church Soldiers, and what looked to be a group of Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle valiantly crying out as they ran into battle in the Emperors name.

Knowing this battle was far too insane for me to simply wander around in a black cloak in order to find the Patriarch, I decided to fully join Humanities offensive after I found some kind of yellow industrial paint, they were using to coat the tank I used the pain on the front and back of the cloak I was wearing by using my fingers to as best I could draw the Imperial Aquila of a set of wings and bird on each of the wings.

"Hopefully they don't just shoot me..." I muttered as I looked around to see where the best place for me to join the fight was.

Three chapters on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

For the Emperor!" I cried out as I dove into the melee pile of church zealots that were engaging likewise in 'honorable' melee combat with the Genestealers.

To say the least my appearance definitely ruffled some feathers as the church's agents bristled at my arcing sword beams and golden flames burning the foes of humanity as I flagrantly used 'the powers of the warp' without being one of their pet pyskers.

But my cultivation enhanced voice that literally acted as weak sonic weak and blew out the ear drums and otherwise disoriented the Genestealers stopped them from doing something stupid.

'Maybe they thought I was some kind of Perpetual or spirit summoned to aid in their battle' I thought as I spun in circle sending a weak spiral of sword qi around me that bisected the crowd of Genestealers that attempted to dogpile me.

"In the holy light of the all-father burn!" I yelled pulling at my single star within me and my surrounding for a brief moment my sight went completely blue as the air surrounding me for a brief moment became plasma making another wave of Genestealers into ash before I coated my sword in my suns flames and strongly stabbed in the direction of the other half of the hanger sending a ray of light as though a solar flare was born there melting all fornications, tanks and Genestealers.

Yet even with me flashily destroying the Genestealers I began to realize a very pressing fact about 40k battles.

"There's no fucking end to these bastards!" I cursed after another five minutes of fighting and having to run my flames outside my body to melt any explosives and bullets launched at me. All those actions had contributed to my Qi beginning to run dry, so I began to look for a way out of the battle in order to recover a bit.

Seeing the big bad Sisters of Battle were still in the thick of the battle I decided to go where the church operatives had created a bulwark in the massive hanger as the guardsmen side of the battle was a constant meatgrinder with no sight from beginning to end as they sought to drown the Genestealers in a deluge of Las fire and bodies.

"Halt who are you!" A man asked and I simply collapsed against a crate of ammo or something in response.

"Just a good Samaritan fighting the good fight." I said tiredly but I was still being alert in order to watch out for any of the church agents to attempt to blow my brains out.

"What is your Hive ID you are obviously an unregistered Pysker? You need training lest you fall to the predations of darkness!" A woman walked out of the shadows of the tunnel the church and Sisters of Battle pushed out of.

'Fuck it's another sister... And she looks to be at a much higher rank.' I thought seeing the grizzled white-haired woman fully clad in highly decorated power armor.

"I needed a moment to rest from using my abilities and I am very clear as to what kind of horrors can be attracted and.." Before I could continue, she swiped her hand and cut me off.

"I order you to tell me your Hive ID civilian or I will shoot you where you sit for refusing to answer a military order!"

The church agents who were setting up turrets and other fortifications to shoot deeper into the massive hanger all whirled onto me with their bolter pistols aimed at me and I sighed.

"Lady... This is the Underhive no one gave a shit about my birth, nor will they care for my death. I have no identification and neither does the vast majority of people down here. Now let's put down the guns lest I panic and panicking psykers are no good for anyone." I said as closing my eyes and beginning to meditate to recover my Qi, but I still had my divine sense's out, and they could sense the motions of all the people around me so I wasn't in any danger that having my eyes open couldn't solve.

After a couple moments I felt through my Divine Sense, the Sister of Battle holster her bolter and clap her hands sending all the other soldiers back to their work as the woman approached me.

Seeing her hand approaching my hood I couldn't help but grumble. "Can you just let me meditate or you my mother or something." As the woman flipped back my hood and took in my appearance.

The woman's face only twitched at my chiding tone, but she kneeled down to inspect my features without actually touching me and finally she stood up with a sigh. "You are clear of mutations... For a pysker let alone having grown up here in Underhive its simply a miracle of the emperor's will that you are so pure of deformities."

I couldn't help but snort at her words and open my eyes to look at her in disdain as I spoke. "I have absolutely zero interest in cybernetics that will mar my pure body with cold machinery and as for Warp mutations... I will sooner kill myself than run around with a third eye and one of my arms turn into a crab claw or something equally monstrous."

The Sister of Battle's face scrunched up at my words before she sighed and gave me a tired smile. "If only all the pyskers of Humanity had a such firm will then they would be our greatest ally rather than a constant threat we need to suppress." Having said that she grabbed what I believed to be a massive Bolter rifle that an acolyte brought her and with a hum she loaded it up.

"I can see you have a decent grasp of your powers as you walk somewhere along in the middle of all the pysker paths will you be rejoining the battle or is your will power too low to continue?" She asked and I knew she wasn't simply asking if I was being a pussy and just opting out of fighting.

She was asking if my willpower was still suitable to battle off the Warps influence in the midst of battle.

"I am still more than combat capable." I said as I had recovered about a solid half of my Qi by now and stood up to meet the gaze of the scarred face of the white haired Sister.

"Heh if anything I bet, I killed more of those Xeno scum than all you girls!" I said challenging making the surroundings girls jeer at me and throw a dirty look.

"Hoho. Well, I haven't fought directly side by side with another pysker so I may be rusty... But put your money where your mouth is little boy. Let's see who kills more with our Servitor Skulls recording the battle." She said pointing as at the semi hidden skulls flying around the roof of the hanger was recording and sending data about the battle, I guess.

For a moment I considered just blustering like a young master, but I shook the arrogant desire away as my sword flashed back into my hand. "Rather than total kills, whoever kills the Patriarch wins the bet and it has to be between me and you not one of your other sisters hitting it with some miniature blackhole missile or something."

The woman laughed and nodded patting me on the shoulder as she stood by my side as we strode past the fortifications. "In that case I have good news. We have used seismic scanning of these tunnels and found the main atrium where the modifications of humans into Genestealers takes place. The Patriarch obviously will be there and will meet his end there in the Emperor's name!"

"Sisters of Battle! We the daughters of the Emperor will purge this world of its Xeno filth and bring order! To battle!" She cried as she ran forward into the thicket of combat shooting the massive bolter using her power armor to mitigate its massive recoil and as a large crowd of Sisters of Battle attempted to pass by me, I ran forward outstripping the sister's leader and became a whirlwind of death as I sent powerful arcs of Sword Qi ahead to destroy fortifications and enemies.

"Don't get left behind then hag!" I yelled proudly as I ducked into the tunnel sister in which the patriarch was supposedly in.

How could I let a bunch of non-cultivators even if they were in power armor out battle me?

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Aug 28, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter XIII

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I had a great number of sword techniques stored within my mind but having just gotten my sword seed I had been abusing my built-in Sword Intent that came with the Open Sword Heart Orifice physique and not actually using real techniques that could push my combat techniques to the next level.

For a number of reasons, the elemental alignment of any sword Arts I was going to learn needed to be carefully examined as obviously water or ice-based sword arts with my Nine Yang Sun Techniques would make using the techniques a dozen times more difficult.

But there lucky were some non-elementally aligned sword arts I could use even here in the middle of the battle as I already had such information downloaded into my brain and had simply practiced the motions in the safety of our vault.

I began using a technique called the Taixuan Sword Arts that allowed me to telekinetically control my sword to fly around at high speeds as I took the more direct approach of literally punching molten carapace from Genestealers into their bodies as my sword telekinetically flew around like a whirlwind of death as I took inspiration from Alucard and how he fought at times.

Even had a decent shield in the form of the armored forms of a couple Genestealers I staked through their hearts with a thick piece of rebar and was using their armored forms as a bludgeoning instrument and more importantly to block the cascade of small arms fire that were being shot at me.

The slog of constant slaughter eventually slowed me down enough that. that hardass Sister of Battle stomped around another corner grabbing a Genestealer and simply smashing its head into paste via a wall with her power armor boosted strength.

"You went down the wrong side tunnel." She chided and I shrugged as I punted a piece of debris down a hallway and decapitated a rushing Genestealer armed with what looked to be a jackhammer.

"No, I was simply killing more Genestealers. You were just being expedient and avoided the trash in order to kill Patriarch." I said quickly and she couldn't fault me for going down a side path to kill more heretics especially as I didnt get lost or otherwise cause troubles.

"Quite... Now look. This is a pulse grenade made specially to disturb the more biological pysker heresy the Patriarch and other higher level Tyrranid pyskers typically use. Now when I yell corpse starch, I don't want to see you collapse like a little bitch when your own psyker abilities fail you and cause a headache." The Battle Sister Leader told me after showing the red painted grenade with an embossed skull upon it.

'Weren't those supposed to be like super rare or something?' I thought before nodding as that grenade shouldn't hurt me in the slightest as my powers weren't based in the Warp itself.

After a few more minutes of desperate pushing through Genestealers where the iron disciple and obscene skill that grizzled woman had showed its worth as she led me through the tunnels with me taking out heavier fortifications while she would without fail land a headshot onto ever poor Genestealer she saw which with the exploding rounds of a bolter, there heads exploded like a watermelon with a firework stuffed into it.

Even when other Sisters of Battle managed to catch up, they would inevitably fall back after being caught by some shrapnel of our battle across their less armored body portions like their face. Now I knew why so many people had cybernetic eyes...

"Alright here the bastard is." The grizzled old Battle Sister said as we stood in front of a large closed, armored door and she hummed in thought as she checked her satchel before cursing about how she had already used her breaching charges before turning to me. "Alright you go ahead and be a gentleman and open the door for a lady."

"Heh a woman like you needs me to open a door?" I said teasingly earning a chuckle from her as I considered whether I should try to use sword qi to cut through it or melt through it with my internal sun.

"Get back I am going to cut a hole through it." I said after a moment of thought and the woman quickly moved back behind me as I held my sword in a laido position charging my sword Qi for half a minute before with a shout a circle of sword Qi launched itself from my now sheathing sword crashing into the metal door ahead of us creating a loud screeching noise as my Sword Qi sliced deeply into the metal.

With a loud banging noise, I could hear my sword qi had cut through the metal door and smashed into the next room firmly alerting everyone we were here.

"Help me push this!" I said as I pushed the large circle I had cut into the door and the woman holstered her large bolter over her back as she braced her power armor clad body against the metal door beside me.

In the couple minutes it took for us to push the multi ton metal metal chunk through the hole I cut through a few more Battle Sisters arrived and quickly helped us push the remaining way. "Sisters, fan formation with a double pincer." She hissed at the other Sisters of Battle as I strode through the opening I made before another wave of bullets and now globes of acid were being shot at us.

I guessed she wanted her Sisters to branch out once we arrived in the room while me and her were taking point? Or was she going to leave me to do my own thing?

Either way the moment I got into the large room before I could even take in its features, I quickly began throwing large fireballs around the room to give us some breathing room.

Once I got properly into the room and behind a bit of cover, I was actually able to see the surroundings and I gapped at the large atrium filled with Genestealer propaganda. There were flags baring there symbol and small quotes about breaking people's chains and becoming one with the 'star children'

Or in other words being eaten having your biomass harvested and made into a basically mind controlled monster.

"Welcome to my home have you come to join our loving embrace humans?" A voice seemed to whisper across my mind, and I staggered before beginning to mentally chant a Buddhist hymn that would keep my mind clear and more importantly confuse anyone who attempted to touch my blank mind.

"Foul Xeno you shall die here for the affront of existence!" The leader of the Battle Sister's roared as she took out an electrically coated sword as she charged towards the now revealed Patriarch who roared so loudly, I felt my ears pop as and the metal in my Dharma Sword vibrate.

A number of Sisters staggered to their knees as the sound attack literally blew out there balance and maybe actually killed a couple but I wasn't able to watch them as I was running ahead to meet the Patriarch and the Battle Sister who somehow used her power sword to dull the sound waves that were aimed directly at her.

The Genestealer Patriarch was for me a large specimen as it was more than eight feet tall and with four arms with each hand having fingers each having foot long lethal claws. The Patriarch not only was highly muscular it was also wearing a thick form of carapace armor around its chest that could somehow block off the withstand the Sword Qi I launched at it with the Qi beams only shattering chunks of its armor as I approached the Patriarch.

"Just die..." I grunted as I dodged under a metal shattering swipe from the Patriarch and then landed a brutal fire coated kick into the knee of the monster before I had to backstep as the Genestealers tail whipped forward over its head and attempted to stab me with the blade on the end of the tail that had ominous green glowing fluid on it.

The Battle Sister leader took the chance that the Patriarch provided with how I had hobbled its knee and it having overextended to stab me with its scorpion like tail as she brought her power sword down with cry and attempted to decapitate the Xeno but the Patriarch screeched as he swiped towards the battle sister but it was for naught as it had to sacrifice its tail to slow the descent of the power sword and allow it to move out of the way but still smashing the woman with its clawed hands sending her flying across the room.

The room wasn't just us fighting though. The other Battle Sisters were fighting the elite Genestealers that probably served the Patriarch as its guards.

"Die human!" The Patriarch screeched as its psychic outcry briefly broke through my hymn but before its clawed hands could land upon the head of the Leader of the Battle Sisters, I waved my hand with a red line reaching out the ten meters that separated us.

"Get over here!" I yelled viciously as with a powerful yank using all my strength, I used my Kasaya Beads to literally rip off the leg I had wrapped my bladed semi sentient necklace around and bring the Patriarch closer to me.

The Patriarch obviously beginning to panic having lose a leg and its tail bent over and began to actually run away using powerful four arms as a sort of replacement for its lost leg at a much slower pace due to its wounds.

"Die with honor monster..." I said quietly making the Patriarch freeze as I landed soft as feather upon its back and the whole room froze for, but a moment and the silence only extended until with a solemn swing of my sword the hunched over form of the Genestealer's Patriarch fell to the ground as I took off its head.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Aug 28, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter XIV

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The Genestealers that were battling the other Sisters of Battle each screamed in unison, a couple moments after the head of the Genestealer collided with the ground. The psychic backlash of the Patriarch's death who acted as the lynchpin to their psychic gestalt sent the surviving Genestealers into an all but totally mindless fury of violence as they abandoned their weapons and charged at us brandishing their claws in a primal desire to simply rip us to shreds.

"Hold firm Sisters! All that is left is to weather the few Xeno filth here before we can begin purging them at our leisure!" The leader of the Sisters of Battle roared as she used her heavy bolter to kill off the rushing Genestealers that attempted to bury us in a wave of bodies.

I was lucky to be the equivalent of a walking heavy flamer and was thus capable of coating my body in an intense corona of flames that would prevent the Genestealers from dog piling me to be torn apart.

Because it doesn't matter if you are an alien monster typically far stronger and durable than a normal human. If you sprint face first into billowing flames that can cut steel, you aren't going to be continuing to run once your senses catch up to the knowledge you are being turned into charcoal.

"You guys got reinforcements coming in?!" I yelled out from within the flames.

"Huh I thought you decided to kill yourself in such flames." The leader called out in an upbeat tone. "Oh yeah, no we are on our own probably as the, The Adamantine Reckoners of Qulemax Guard Regiment will slowly be working its way towards us!"

Was that name of this worlds Guard regiment? Sounds like some asshole got the name out of a hat or off some random name generator...

"What is the name you carry child of our emperor!" The grizzled old woman finally asked as the unending tide of Genestealers seemed to be thinning out.

"Aren't you supposed to give out your name first and stop calling me a child I am more than twenty years old, for fucks sake!" I snarled as a Genestealer somehow fell from the one of the ceiling's supports beams and I kicked it across the room with a flame coated leg.

She likewise threw a bayonet in to the head of a Genestealer that looked about ready to rip off the head of one of her subordinates. "My name Lucia Juniah, Revered Evangelist of the Alabaster Dawn!"

"Names Jake, resident psyker of this shithole of a Hivecity." I called out kinda sheepishly as I didnt have a grandiose title like she did. When I get later into the cultivation ranks I could one day proudly announce myself as something like 'Lord Primordial Chaos Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal.'

Once my Qi began to lower again I cut back on using my flames and switched back to using my sword in close combat while my Kasaya Beads snaked around and absorbed the blood of all the fallen Genestealers and with the massive quantity of split blood the Kasaya Beads were able to grow to the point where it was able to split into separate ropes of beads.

"I cannot feel the taint of the ruinous powers from my own mind and even my rosaria isn't registering that... Barbed rope as something demonic, what is it?" Lucia asked obviously offput by the semi sentient Kasaya Beads that had gorged themselves on the blood of the fallen and were proactively killing off the Genestealers giving us a good deal of breathing room.

For a moment I considered not explaining and telling to simply mind her business, but I knew how the Kasaya Beads in view of any church agent in the know about Chaos demons would be instantly considered an artifact of the blood god Khorne.

I sighed and knew that it was in my best interest to explain my own view of the beads. "You know of Wraithbone correct? Well, when I first learned of my powers, one of the people who helped take care of me down here was a retired guardsmen who survived their tour of duty and more importantly told me about his battles against some Aeldari and the properties of the miracle material."

"Are you saying that you have managed to learn how to create crystalized warp energy that won't have corruptive properties?" Lucia grunted incredulously.

I knew where she was coming from as such a thing as far as I knew simply wasn't done by human psykers as my races of space wizards always tried to throw fireballs or increase pressure around a target in order to blow them up internally. Well, that or they messed around with the Warp directly and ran the much higher risk of being possessed by a demon.

"Yup... Took me a long while but I managed and now I have a set of beads that can act as weapons and restrain my foes as was shown by me saving your ass from the Patriarch." I said referencing the time where I grabbed the Patriarch and pulled it away from her when she got knocked to the ground.

"No, the Emperor merely showered his divine light upon me, allowing me to serve another day." Lucia said seriously we all sat down behind some cover with the flood of Genestealers seemingly having ended.

"Well in that case I feel his divine light calling me to go home and have some rations. I have killed the Patriarch and I rather not stick around you know what I mean." I said lightly and the few Sisters of Battle around the Lucia and I tensed.

Lucia nodded in understanding as she knew that once the battle was over, she was obligated to take me and unregistered psyker in. "We will be hunting you down kid. The information you have just on how to make noncorrupted warp materials will see to this Underhive being turned upside down to find you. Not to mention that although you aren't all that powerful now anyone in the know will see you as a high-quality talented recruit once you have been bound to the Emperor's light."

My face scrunched up at the mention of having my soul bound to the decrepit rotting corpse of the Emperor of Mankind. "Yes, well that's in case you find me and good luck finding me in this Underhive of more than ten million souls."

"Sister's let us push into the heart of the Genestealer Xeno's birthing rooms and cleanse them of heresy!" Lucia roared as she wordlessly led the half a dozen surviving Sisters of Battle into one of the larger side rooms.

I instantly saw what she was doing. She couldn't just let me go, but if she was preoccupied in destroying the birthing rooms of Xeno filth... Well killing Xeno's was far more important than dealing with a non-hostile and non-Warp touched psyker who could be retrieved earlier at her leisure.

I groaned as my aching body made its displeasure known as I went through the hole, I cut into the armored door to get to the Patriarch, and I made my way down the tunnels in the direction of the main hanger to see if I could find a way back to my vault.

Another set of commission's came out for this after I got some genshin chapters done.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Aug 28, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter XV

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I was lucky while I was running to find a tunnel that led to the spider domain which was congested with the remains of a bunch of Genestealers fighting the occupants of that Cistern's mutated occupants, but I was able fight my way through and finally find the tunnel that led to my vault.

"Home fucking sweet home..." I grumbled as I pushed the vault door closed.

"Are you injured?" Elesmere's voice carried over from a corner of the main room and I saw she was sitting on my bed in a meditative position.

"Nothing more than a few bruises." I spoke before I shucked off my jacket and shirt to inspect myself. "I am going to get cleaned up I feel filthy to put lightly." I grimaced as I felt some Genestealer blood get smeared across my face as rubbed my eyes in exhaustion.

"Very well Jake. Also, I have completed the Diamond Body technique as you have described it."

I grunted in acknowledgement as I went into the side room and threw off the rest of my clothes and shoes as I lifted up a large water drum and placed it on a hook with its hose hole hanging towards the ground, but the hole was stoppered with a metal plate with a bunch of toothpick sized small holes that allowed the water to escape similar to a shower.

The best part of having a star inside your body is that you can always make hot water on demand especially in an apocalyptic world of suffering.

I couldn't help but groan in comfort feeling the scalding hot water falling on me as I sat down on a little wooden stool just enjoying the feeling of the hot water washing away the blood that coated me physically and mentally.

I definitely realized my cultivation and especially the hymns that soothed my mind were keeping me from a total freakout.

Thankfully I was able to have a small freakout in the comfort of the hot water massaging my body before I got my shit together after reminding myself that killing that Patriarch literally could have saved this planet from facing an Exterminatus.

"Now I just need to get out of here before those Sisters of Battle and any other church operatives decide to flip the Underhive on its head." I muttered as I began washing my hair with a sort of soap that Elesmere made out of some materials she had gathered.

"And do you have some plan for our lodgings in the Lowerhive above us?" Elesmere asked me as I began rinsing out the soap out of my hair.

"Nope... But just like down here there is plenty of unclaimed lost areas we could take over and with it being the Lowerhive I can make it far more inhabitable with some Arrays, as I plan on us actually staying there for a good while." I said between rinsing the soap out of my blond hair.

Wordlessly Elesmere took the rag I had set aside to wash my body and began scrubbing my back as we shared a companionable silence before she spoke quietly. "Jake Bariss of humanity do you know of the frankly insane things you have brought into this world... You may be far weaker than your demigod Emperor of Man but the potential in the knowledge you bear makes you just as much an equal peer in my people's eyes."

I chuckled softly and leaned back lightly against Elesmere and froze as I felt Elesmere's soft bare breasts meet my back as she moved from washing my back and shoulders to washing my sides and front without any amorous intent.

Elesmere sighed as her body wrapped around my back and I felt her hidden muscles contract under her soft curves as her body seemed to meld against my own with her sigh tickling my neck.

"Even with my long life I can't help but wonder every few moments what new wonder you will pull out of your thoughts. that with merely a series of meditations in guide the consciousness in a certain circuit along the body would purge negative influences from the soul and mind is to put lightly astounding." Elesmere stopped washing me as she wrapped her arms around my chest and I felt her chin resting on my shoulder as she whispered gently. "Thank you Jake Barris for giving this Aeldari hope again."

She then slowly pulled her arms out from around me as she pulled back before she displayed her Eldar grace as she stepped around and in front of me as she lifted my chin to look up at her face from the stool I was sitting on.

I was greeted with the sight of Elesmere's long blond hair draping down her back as her perky breasts stood up with no sag but before I could see the rest of her body her face dipped down and met my own as our lips met in a gentle kiss.

"My people are... an emotional people, Jake you will take responsibility for allowing my people to hope for a brighter day and I won't let you escape my grasp." Elesmere said with her eyes literally glowing with Warp light as her desires were plain before she took a deep breath. "But such things should wait till we can actually enjoy such a coupling that's not on a rusted bed."

I nodded in understanding as even I didnt want to lose my vital yang energy in this shithole and not to mention, Elesmere hadn't gotten her own Yin technique yet.

"We need to get going to the Lowerhive, church agents are likely going to be combing the Underhive for me in a couple hours once they finish mopping up the remnants of the Genestealers fortified positions and push them into the Sump."

Elesmere nodded and began putting back on some clothes we scavenged for her, and we both had some clothes knowledge both from her living a long time and I had Home Economics in both middle school and Highschool that taught me how to live without my parents taking care of me.

While I threw on my own clothes Elesmere put on a hair band that wrapped around her pointed ears and we were basically ready to go with us not taking much of anything else than a small bag of stuff containing the credits I still had along with the left-over nutrient cubes.

"By the way how are we going to get more nutrient cubes in the Lowerhive?" Elesmere asked pointedly.

For a moment I wanted to say we could simply come back to basically farm the Spider Domain but coming back through the checkpoints between the Underhive and Lowerhive would be a massive pain to say the least.

"The nutrient cubes are made out of biological edible materials so in the worst case we can always buy massive quantities of food of any kind and mix them up into the cubes... We aren't eating them for taste remember." I muttered at the end remembered how absolutely vile the nutrient cubes of compressed mutated flesh were.

I didnt want to eat corpse starch but if the cost of becoming immortal was eating something foul that countless billions if not trillions ate every single day was needed then I could just pinch my nose and do it.

"Anyway, let's get going. I want to find a place before the church sends out search parties." I said opening the vault door and peeking out both sides before exiting the vault.

Knowing how the Church and the planets Guard didnt have the resources to comb the endless tunnels in the Underhive I still didnt want to chance some agent or soldiers coming across us as I didnt want to just kill off some poor sod who had the unfortunate fate of running into me.


Unfortunately, Elesmere had to leave behind her Wraithbone sword in our vault lest it somehow be tagged as something heretical so once we arrived at the check point, we were thoroughly checked for mutations with a couple female guards taking Elesmere off to the side to check as some male guards had me strip to my underwear to check I wasn't some carrying some 'disease' from being so close to the Sump.

Or in other words they were told to make sure people who were touched by the Chaos god Nurgle the god of disease and pestilence didnt bring some super zombie plague into the Lowerhive, Yes zombie plagues were very much a real thing as the Sump down below was so godforsaken disgusting that people's souls down there could sicken peoples very souls until only the body remains to stagger around which will come to desire the flesh/souls of others to fill the void.

I thought that we would be questioned at the gate but honestly other than checking us for corruption we were quickly pushed through the line of other people who had their own passes as with literally tens of millions of souls down in the Underhive they simply didnt have the time to question us other than checking us for any obvious problems and that our passes were legitimate.

Once we arrived on the other side of the checkpoint we went into a massive elevator with a number of other people and once our short journey ended the elevator opened up loudly and a number of people cried out as for the first time, they saw the darkened with pollution sky above with the planets star dimly visible through the smog above us.

"This air is filthy." Elesmere grimaced before she pulled the bottom of her hood over her nose and she was right as, disgusting as the Cistern air was below at least it a great number of airs recycler's pumping clean air into there for at least the Cistern city.

"Well best to get used to it if we cant find a way into the middle hive." I said as we held hands in order to not get separated in the throngs of people going about their business.

Honestly going into the Middlehive would probably run too close to the more well to do people with a lot more security, so staying here in the Underhive were people can disappear easily is for the best until I can set some more plans in motion once I reach the next cultivation realm.

Finally, as we continued deeper into the Lowerhive we found more residential and small business area's, so I had Elesmere go in to ask a nice-looking old lady who was running a small clothes shop where we could find a place to get our feet under us.

A couple minutes later Elesmere stomped out of the shop and pulled me away as she cursed about overly curious humans. "She wouldn't stop going on and on about how I needed to tie you down with a baby... But anyway she said the credits we got in the Underhive are still good for the Lowerhive but wont be for the Middle so we can get a nice already furnished apartment for a couple months with what we got."

Honestly for about two thousand credits an already decorated apartment that wasn't a shithole would be perfectly fine as I merely needed a place for us to cultivate for another few months before I got to the next realm and once, I got the to the True Realm my powers would sublimate into a higher form and I could create some spatial arrays to if need be, get us off this planet should the worst come to be.

Like Orcs invading. Or Tyranids invading. Or Dark Eldar throwing a blackhole at the planet for fun. Or a Chaos Space Marine contingent landing... Basically I can flee whenever I want.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

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Aug 29, 2022Report

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