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[NSFW] For Honor (ATLA Waifu Catalog Zuko SI)




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Threadmarks: Prologue- Fire Rises

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JeskThe one who is always lurking


Summer 99 AG

Coast of the Wulong Forest


Waking up in a ship is not the best experience one can have, the waves thrashing against it and my own body barely waking up make for a weird experience. The feelings and memories I have now are not helping at all, but this is what I asked for.

I can't believe I'm still making decisions with my dick; the company offers me the chance to be a contractor and make the most out of my death situation and I waste no time going for the Avatar world because I wanted to fuck Azula…well at least I will make her voice actress happy.

And if I'm being honest with myself, it will make me happy too. Stupid incest why does it have to be hot when it's not real life…whatever I better prepare myself, uncle maybe already waiting for me at the deck, our morning routine hasn't changed much since I was exiled.

Finally I get out of bed, put on a robe and head towards my waiting teacher, I got to give Iroh props for being so patient with me, I'm not a patient student.

Pausing by the stairs I catch my reflection in the metal, a hairless head excepting a ponytail, I'm changing this as soon as possible, I like to have long hair and this this won't do at all.

At least I don't have a scar, or rather a scar on my face. An angry burn mark in the base of my throat is the result of my decision to speak up against injustice, the company changed things because of my choices but I needed to have a scar that was non-negotiable.

Instead of having my face burnt and having one of my eyes almost blinded by my lack of vision, I was taught to never breathe easy, that my life was worthless and every breath I took was a gift from my father. What a joke.

The mole under my eye for maximum trouble is taunting me in my reflection too, maybe I should have chosen something different or a less morally objectionable lure but in the end, I simply chose the easiest route to power.

Moving on I ascend the stairs nodding to the crew as I pass them by, they are surprised by the gesture, and I can't blame them before my arrival I treated them like dirt.

That's changing now, if I'm going to rule these people at least I won't be an asshole.

While lost in my thoughts I keep going up the stairs until I open the door.

When the sun touches my skin for the first time in this new life, I feel like I've lost my virginity all over again, there is a rush of energy and the feeling of fullness in my stomach.

I'm only a baby Kryptonian and I already feel like I can take on anything.

Praise the sun~

Perhaps choosing this over that super hardcore DIO build was the right option.

I am now a herald of the sun; I wonder if the spirit Agni from this universe is a relative of Rao…I shouldn't waste any more time on these useless thoughts.

"Good morning uncle"

"It sure is, I'm surprised you woke up in such a good mood considering there is still no sight of the avatar"

Aaa…sneaky old man, he is trying to test my temper, were it not for my communication talent I wouldn't have noticed.

"The sun lifts up my spirit besides I have a hunch that he will appear in a few months"

"Really?" he seems genuinely curious so I will oblige him.

"The avatar is supposed to be an airbender, who are famous for being pacifists, perhaps after the destruction of his

home he decided to sequester himself and pass away in solitude, most people don't live more than eighty maybe eighty-six years, that means that in one of the poles there is a new avatar"

I can see him mulling over what was said, his shoulders sag and he seems genuinely sad over the possibility that the airbenders are now extinct.

Of course I now better, but this gives me an excuse to go to the north pole and then to the south pole, my first target for this life will be the future spirit of the moon, I'm unsure on what will happen to her if Tui survives, perhaps the fish will keep her as a backup.

Then I can go to the south pole and if everything goes as planned, I can arrive before they wake up Aang, then I can just fuck him up while he sleeps, take Katara, go back to the Fire Nation dethrone Ozai and conquer the world…this is going to be stupidly hard to do.

Perhaps it won't be that hard, but plans tend to go awry.

As long as I remain a baby Kryptonian, things could go wrong, however in some years once I have all the power of a fully mature one then this world doesn't stand a chance.

"Prince Zuko, would you like to start?" he is hesitant as he talks not wanting to provoke a bad reaction for me.

It may take a while to change his perception of me, this is gonna be a chore.

"Yes, let's begin"

"Good then get into position, relax, and feel every breath you take"

Doing as instructed I move taking a familiar stance one foot forward, one back, one arm punching out and the other down back.

Before my arrival I could have never dreamed of calming down, but as I am now, that's no longer a problem.

I can feel it the chi inside of my body pooling in my stomach and with each breath it gains power, never before have I felt such power in my body, but it makes sense.

Fire benders get more powerful with the sun, flaming comets and even volcanos, as a kryptonian I am now closer than ever to the sun.

With a roar I expel all the energy that I can in a single breath, an avalanche of flame bursts froth from my fists and manages to start the melting process of the hull.

The fire wanes and I feel breathless, a smile comes unbidden to my face.

"That was excellent Zuko"

"it's all thanks to you uncle, I finally learned to listen"

The old man smiles and comes closer.

"Perhaps then you will finally join me in drinking my morning tea"

"Today that doesn't sound so bad"

We are close to the western air temple so the trip to the Northern Water tribe shouldn't take too long…I think.

Several days have passed since my awakening and uncle is still surprised by how much I've advanced in such little time; he has declared me a prodigy. All thanks to the company.

Regardless now that I'm no longer behind in my firebending studies I can take some time to relax and soak up the sunlight that will make me a god. Yep nothing can go wrong…

Huh, usually fate always does something when i-

"Pirates! Men prepare to be boarded"

There it fucking is, damn murphy. I open my eyes and get up from the floor.

A soldier comes running towards me, he takes off his helmet and starts to speak

"Prince Zuko there are more ships coming at least three more, perhaps you should abandon ship with the general, we will cover your escape"

I can see it in his eyes, this man is prepared to die for me. He wants me to run…and that only makes me angry.

I am Zuko, prince of the Fire Nation, descendant of Sozin and Avatar Roku, I will not dishonor myself by running.

"Soldier don't be so grim; we will fight, and we will win and if we are fated to die here, we will die together"

I put my hand on his shoulder to show my sincerity as I look into his eyes.

"Get me my armor and my swords, I'm gonna show this pirate scum what happens when they attack a vessel of the Fire Nation"

He smiles and goes to fetch my things.

Well let us start a carnage.

Captain Zu

I love the war, or more accurately I love that the war has been going on for so long.

Where once convoys of ships sailed without fear because of the naval presence of the Northern Water Tribe but since they got out of the war there are now only brave and foolish people traversing the waters here and some Fire Nation ships with plunder from the inside of the Earth Kingdom.

Truly, war is great for business.

Our newest target is more than likely a ship with treasure, there may be some firebenders guarding it, but we have the numbers. This is gonna be as easy as taking the money of a beggar.

"Captain we are ready"

"Then don't waste my time and board it"

Heh, it really is a pirate's life for me.

The shouts of anticipation fill the air as we get closer and closer to ramming our objective.

The moment comes and we are in position.


My men charge at my order, the first one to make it on board of the enemy ship is hollering insults at the people on the deck.

The idiot always liked to scare his opponents, one of this days he is going to get himself kil-


A blast of flame engulfs the man and throws his charred corpse overboard, in the silence that followed we could even hear how my iguana parrot breaths.

The silence was broken by a young voice.

"For Agni and the Fire Nation"

A battle cry and a call to arms, the sound of armored boot pounding on metal and the heat of flames was all that followed it.

Author Note: Hello my people, i failed to deliver my promise but i will try to do better. Honestly life just got in the way. As always you can find the next chapter on my Patreon for a dollar and the one after that for five. The links to the discord server are also there for my Patreons, thank you all for your support.

Patreon:Check me out!!!

Also here is the image that inspires me to write this new story https://www.deviantart.com/zarory/art/Firelord-Zuko-898845882 it's amazing you should check it out.

i'm gonna do whatever i want with canon and putting some backstory and revealing somethings from the comics so spoilers eventually, also i'm gonna add fanon stuff so if that sort of thing it's not to your liking don't read more. This is going to be a story with an absolutely overpowered protagonist by the way.

One last thing i ship Zucest much like Azula's voice actress who was the one to start the ship and i will defend my right to fullfill that dream. Have a nice wednesday and i will see you with another chapter next week.

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May 18, 2022Report

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onlyDayzd, pingmaster35000, Tenderroast and 424 others like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter 1

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG

Coast along the Western Air Temple

"… What will we do with a drunken sailor?

What will we do with a drunken sailor?

What will we do with a drunken sailor?

Early in the morning!

… Way hay and up she rises

Way hay and up she rises

Way hay and up she rises

Early in the morning!

… Shave his belly with a rusty razor

Shave his belly with a rusty razor

Shave his belly with a rusty razor

Early in the morning!"

Ah praise the sun~

"I can't believe you are still singing that song"

The tired voice of my uncle appears behind as I take my morning sun bath, something that has become a routine and some sailors are even saying that it is the secret as to why I'm becoming so good at firebending.

"It's a very catchy song and you were not upset yesterday when you got drunk along with the crew an told me to sing and I started singing a sailors song, in fact you were one of the voices saying we should sing it all the time"

Uncle makes a face as if he was trying to forget that ever happened.

"Nephew, you have to let go of the past if you want to see the future"

"That just sounds like an excuse to forget your mistakes"

"I want to talk seriously with you" his eyes told me that whatever I said next was going to change everything

"What's wrong uncle?"

"You killed many men yesterday and you have not said anything about it, you also ate very little…what I want to say is that if you feel bad…if you feel remorse or guilt, you shouldn't be afraid to show it, no matter what they taught you in the palace"

Seconds pass by as I deliberate on my answer, in the end I decide to tell him the truth.

"I'm ok uncle, I don't feel guilt or remorse for their deaths, ever since I was…punished by my father all I felt was rage and shame, a burning desire to regain my honor by any means necessary.

I've changed form the kid that once was afraid to sacrifice lives, I'm no monster though…at least I don't think so, I just don't believe these people should be mourned for, they were pillagers, killers and more likely than not rapists and in my heart, I feel that justice has been served"

Iroh looks up to the sky as if looking for an answer before suddenly he looks directly at me

"You said you 'felt', does that mean that you don't feel that way anymore?"

I take a deep breath as I close my eyes and start to speak

"I don't, not in the same way, I'm angry uncle unbelievably angry at my father, how dare he question my concern! how dare he shame in such a way! he who has never personally taken to the frontlines of this war wants to tell me that soldiers can be replaced!"

Fire burns in my chest at the words and fire rises from my feet as I continue speaking

"I remember your face after Lu Ten died and my own feelings of loss, I know that every soldier has a family and I didn't want them to miss their sons like you missed yours, like I missed my cousin. I don't want soldiers to die for nothing. He was planning to sacrifice them as a distraction without telling them anything not even planning their possible escape!"

"Zu-o! C-lm d-wn" my uncle speaks but his words are distant and faint in my ears, the meaning just out of reach.

"I'm ashamed I didn't fight harder for them; I didn't want to raise my fist against my father and those men are most likely dead because of my inaction. Before I thought that if I could earn the love of my father all would be better. But I had a dream, a vision of the future and in that vision I saw the truth, that no matter what I did or what I sacrificed in his name my father would never love me!"

As I open my eyes a scene from hell appears in my vision there is fire all along the deck of the ship, a sea of flame has spread and if it was not made of metal, it would surely have sunk down into the depths of the ocean.

Fuck dammit! I lost control of my own fire.

Shit is Iroh dead?

As if to answer my question a path opens in the fire around me and Iroh come running to me and immediately starts checking me everywhere.

"You…You are not burned, you were not burned even as you surrounded yourself in flames, I'm very happy you're ok Zuko and we will talk about what you said later but do you know what this means?"

My uncle is frantic, and he has a glint in his eyes that I've never seen before something that I only ever experienced among the most zealous of people back on earth, a true believer.

"Umm…that I'm immune to fire?" I'm really trying not to freak out, I really don't like that look, fanatics are dangerous people, faith is all well and good but zelotry usually brings destruction.

"Zuko you…you have been blessed by Agni, this is surely a big sign of his favor. In recorded history only some of the most dedicated and pious men have received such a blessing"

Did…did I just trigger a chosen one trope because as a kryptonian I'm immune to changes in temperature? Seriously what are the odds.

"This changes everything, no matter how you look at it your father must forgive any previous offense that you committed, as long as the Sun acknowledges you as worthy the people will follow you"

"Perhaps you are making too much out of something that has almost no importance now uncle, the fire sages have long been out of favor among the nobility and with the Fire Lord himself"

"You don't need to remind me that the thing that is most revered right now back homes is the Fire Nation itself, but Zuko this is divine providence Agni hasn't been active in the world for generations, not since the time of Avatar Kuruk"

"Perhaps we should test it later, we can go up into the Temple and try there so we don't damage the ship further. The last time I was here we left quickly since we didn't find any traces of the Avatar, now that I've grown, I would like to examine it more closely, perhaps they have some scrolls about contacting the spirits"

"We should also tell the crew something, they will panic if we say nothing" his voice sounds innocent, but it's filled with hidden meaning

I can see through your manipulation uncle, you want me to tell them what happened so they can spread rumors, it is no secret that sailors are some of the worst secret keepers in the world.

"Sure, but let me soak up more sunlight oh and before I forget" with a simple motion I stamp my uncle's forehead, the symbol of the stamp is the flame of the Fire Lord.

"Zuko what did you do?"

"i just hit your head so you can think a bit more clearly, now go wake the crew and make them clean up my mess"

Iroh leaves, no doubt pleased with this development. In another life he abandoned his country for me but there is no doubt that as a prince he cares for his people and having me as Fire Lord is better than having Azula as Fire Lord.

Speaking of whom, I knew there were some incestual overtones in their interactions but the feelings I have for Azula are more complicated than I could have ever thought.

She is everything that Zuko aspires to be, Fearless, Strong and Decisive. And as Zuko I love everything about her in a way that is not normal for siblings, her cold demeanor, the sarcastic remarks and that frightening intellect.

Honestly, it is almost too funny how Zuko only liked Mai at the beginning just because she reminded him of Azula when she was gentler. For Agni's sake when we were kids we played around as if we were married and did that damned play in which we kissed at the end.

Well, i guess it's not so bad.

"Uncle I have a question"

We disembarked on the temple after it was made clear that the ship needed repairs after my little temper tantrum, and I couldn't help but notice something that I hadn't thought of before.

"You can ask me anything Prince Zuko" Iroh was the picture of serenity itself as he prepared his tea, the smell was great and carried a hint of cherry.

"Why is this place so clean? I didn't question it the last time we were here, barely a week after my banishment, but I'm looking around and I can't help but notice the distinct lack of corpses" I took the offered cup, blowing air into it before carefully taking a sip.

"Ah that" Iroh's face turns grim before he continues "My Father used this place many years ago to stage attacks against the Northern Water Tribe, this place served as a temporary base while he was campaigning against them" He pours himself a cup and takes in the scent of his creation before slowly drinking it.

"Then why is it not used anymore? There are still many warriors and benders in the north pole" The tea is great, no wonder it became famous after a week when the shop opened in Ba Sing Se

"Zuko, there are barely a hundred benders in the city at the north pole, I know that seems like a lot, but the army of the Fire Nation has two hundred times that number of benders in the army, and it was even larger at the beginning of the war and there used to be another two settlements in the north pole that are now nothing but crumbling snow, we simply have not conquered them"

"Then…did they surrender?"

"Of course not, they are proud warriors, however they are not dumb they lack the means to make any substantial attack on us and we decided that the Earth Kingdoms were a bigger problem than them"

"Then are we at peace with them?"

"Oh Zuko I wish we were, we are at war still, we simply haven't been fighting. There is no doubt in my mind that they will attack us if we try to make port on their city"

The political panorama of this world is quickly becoming clear, one would think that the heir to the Fire Nation would know more, but I guess Ozai decided not to waste any resources in what he saw as a suboptimal heir.

Now, how do I infiltrate a place where I would stand out like a sore thumb, seduce a princess and then escape with said princess.

Author notes: Wolo my people, thank you for patiently waiting for an update i slept late last night and i can barely move but i made a promise so here it is. The next chapter is up on my Patreon for a dollar like always, i also forgot to mention last time but i put up a Patreon goal, if i start making a hundred dollars, one of the regularly updated stories will recieve an extra chapter when it's time for an update. The story will be chosen via a poll on Patreon. So that's cool.

Patreon:Check me out!!!

Now i asume you will have questions about Irohs decision to ignore what Zuko said about Ozai but it makes more sense if you think about it from his perspective, Zuko has changed for the better and the primary figure of Worship in the Fire nation has 'blessed' him but Zuko is clearly against Ozai and there is no Avatar around. Clearly he would assume that a fight, most likely to the death, will happen and that is something that in the original timeline Iroh refused to let hapen so here he is using the most powerful technique that mankind has, he focused on something else and is ignoring reality.

Also i know Agni being worshiped is fanon but i don't care, i like the concept and if the water tribe can have fish that represent the ocean and the moon the fire nation can have the sun being reprsented by a dragon, i will fight for my right to do whatever i want with canon.

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Last edited: May 25, 2022

May 25, 2022Report

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onlyDayzd, pingmaster35000, Tenderroast and 358 others like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter 2

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG

Fire Nation Colonial Village

I had completely forgotten about this place, then again, I never really liked the character of Jeong Jeong so it makes sense that I would forget about it since this village is closely related to his introduction.

This place is beautiful the pagoda style buildings with enough lamps to illuminate the growing city and extravagant arches, even if most of the wooden homes are identical in their make each one has their own unique decorations and colors.

This place surrounded by mountains and a forest is somewhere I could see myself living if I had the need to hide.

Aang must have been insane, the original Zuko too. They made these people abandon their homes and destroyed this beautiful place, just to make the borders of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation the same way they used to be.

No wonder there were assassins trying to kill Zuko so often that the idiot needed the help of the Kyoshi Warriors once he became Fire Lord.

I'm not going to make that mistake, Fuck the balance and the other Nations. The only thing that should matter to a ruler is the wellbeing of his subjects besides as a kryptonian I will be ruling them for a long time.

That reminds me after I moved the stamp from my uncle's forehead, I was waiting to finally be able to have more credits to spend and the time has come, I'm gonna buy the complete stress defense, honestly I'm just buying it to prepare for when I meet Azula that girl can makes me crazy and not in a good way.

That leaves me with five credits and I'm going to buy my way out here with them, exit stage left is mine.

"Zuko get out of your room, come and enjoy the place. It's not every day that we can enjoy food and good company in land"

Of course, my musings had to be interrupted by Iroh once again.

"I was simply getting ready uncle; you know that my hair grows kind of fast and since we are not at the palace, I'm the one who has to take care of it" it was the truth but I was also putting some make up on my lovely love spot so that a riot didn't occur when I left.

"You young people put too much care in how you look" he sighs at the end, the man acts as if he were a hundred, the man is only fifty five years old.

"Well, I am a prince and so are you if I remember correctly, so you should have some care of how you dress"

"I have more fun when people don't feel pressured by my status besides even if I'm a prince I'm also a soldier" the laid-back tone in which he answers is amusing to me.

People often say how different my uncle became after his trip months after Lu Ten's death, I'm curious if he found enlightenment by meditating or if he is putting something in his tea.

"Uncle you were a general and I know for a fact that you never went anywhere without the appropriate attire"

Finally, Iroh is defeated, and I hear how he leaves grumbling about losing an argument with someone so young.

We had stopped in this place because after leaving the Western Air Temple, the ship was a little too burnt up and we needed some metal to fully repair it.

Luckily one of the crewmen had heard that the once small colony by the river had grown into a proper town almost a city and so we ventured from the ocean into the river and finally disembarked.

People where very happy to see us, which is not surprising, from what we learned later soldiers started this as an outpost and because of that all soldiers are treated with an amount of respect usually reserved for nobles.

The ship is being repaired and I have an idea on how to peacefully infiltrate the Norther Water Tribe, the key is in the Northern Air Temple and the mechanist that live there.

Not only is it a place where I can capture one of the most brilliant minds in this world but if I help them make the hot air balloon and then accidentally make it go in the direction of the Water Tribe and we crash land there I can pass of as being one of them.

Sometimes my plans scare even me, sadly I'm running out of time, summer is ending and if don't get there before they free Aang I'm gonna have to suffer through canon, something that is less than ideal.

Sadly, giving the crew a proper vacation after they have worked so hard is necessary, it will also distract them from the fact that I'm now basically immune to fire.

Time to enjoy a night on the town.

Once more the spirits are playing tricks on me, everything was going great. The crew were drunk, no surprise there, the soldiers were enjoying being pampered by the women of the town and being praised by them when they showed a little fire bending and my uncle was destroying people as he played Pai Sho.

Nothing out of the ordinary, until one of the drunk morons that works for me let it slip that I'm immune to fire and that according to the legends of our people I was blessed by Agni and so I was destined to rule.

This reveled that not only was I the exiled prince that everyone had heard about but now they wanted to confirm what the idiotic drunk said.

In any other circumstance I would have simply acted like a spoiled brat and left them there, but Iroh had the brilliant idea to attack me as soon as he saw that I was planning on running. Truly with a family like the one I have I need no enemies.

The startled people quickly looked for water and ointments to treat my burns but after the fire died down, apart from my shirt becoming ashes and revealing my bare chiseled chest to the world I was not burnt.

The cheers that followed were deafening, more and more benders started throwing fire at me. I felt like Baldr from Norse mythology taking hits from something that couldn't hurt me for the amusement of the people.

All of that leads us here with someone I really didn't want to see yet, War minister Qin, someone that reports directly to the Fire Lord and a consummate opportunist.

"Prince Zuko, what an honor is to see you and that in your travels you've managed to get the attention of our most revered spirit"

The fucker is trying to be polite but I'm sure he will quickly get out of here and tell Ozai of this development.

"War Minister Qin, what is a person of such august stature doing in this place?"

Iroh is confused but I think he is happy that someone in the cabinet of Ozai just saw me brush off any and all fire attacks.

"I have family here…yes…I was visiting firefly while we prepare for the next move of the Earth Kingdom" This guy couldn't lie to save his life or perhaps he is simply unprepared to face the questions of the Dragon of the West.

"Oh I would very much like to greet your family" his face is quickly starting to become ashen "However I have a new place to visit in my quest and I must hurry, The Northern Air temple is close by"

"Th-The Nort-Northern Air Temple!"

"Yes, rumors abound about people flying close to the temple, even if none of them are the avatar, investigating such instances is important"

Iroh is looking at me confused but it seems that he is willing to see where this is going

"I also heard another rumor from the people here that years before a group of refuges tried to settle the temple, but they were never heard of again, as someone that cannot yet return to his own homeland, I would like to return the bodies of those people to their home"

I can see the gears move in Iroh's head about what I'm insinuating, another atrocity committed by the Fire Nation, those people that I talked about are now dead or worse, slaves.

"My nephew is correct, we cannot leave any clue pass us by and I would be honored if you would join us, to talk more about the situation" he puts his hand around his shoulders and pulls him close

"General Iroh i-I couldn't possibly-"

"I insist, sit and talk"

Getting that balloon is going to be easier now.

Author note: wolo you awesome people that lurk on the internet, it is i, and i have brought you a new chapter that, i think has no gramatical mistakes...anyway, as always the next chapter is on my Patreon for a dollar, do know that the money is for medicine speaking of which, did you know medicine in Mexico is cheap as hell compared to the US, well i certainly do now, i'm visiting my grandparents and i think i will stay here for a while, not a problem since i have citizenship thanks to my parents. i went off the rails there for a moment, see you in two weeks.

Patreon:Check me out!!!

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Jun 1, 2022Report

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pingmaster35000, Tenderroast, Ty2bp and 352 others like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter 3

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG

Fire Nation Colonial Village

"I've heard rumors minister Qin, about how brilliant you are and the way you quickly come up with new ways to wage war. Tell me does your inspiration come from the temple the prince intends to visit?"

Sometimes it's easy to forget that the jolly man that drinks tea like a madman was once the heir to the throne and as such he has training in the double speak that is common at court. Honestly uncle should just take the blunt approach to this problem.

I've never been one to pay attention to such games, and Zuko well, it would be generous to say that teen Zuko had any way to discern such things.

"I appreciate your compliments, but I don't like what you are implying even if we had any auxiliaries working for us .and I'm not saying we have, I'm still an engineer a designer and a craftsman, I would ask that you respect that"

At least minister Qin has realized that lying to Iroh will be useless or even hazardous for his continued survival. Him being blunt and doing away with the war of words that was about to begin is also a point in his favor even if he is trying to minimize the…position of the Earth Kingdom refuges that call the Norther Air Temple home.

At best they could be called conscripts as the lands that they used to live now belong to the Fire Nation and as such they are technically now from the Fire Nation and subject to the authority of its government, at worst they could be called prisoners of war doing forced labor activities.

The truth of the matter was somewhere in between, for now I will remain silent and simply observe what happens.

"Tell me the truth minister, are the people under your control treated fairly?" Iroh had a face full of hope and this time his hope was not misplaced.

"They are, in truth they are mostly an autonomous people, they don't pay any tribute or offer any men to the war effort, the only condition is that they provide their help in expanding the knowledge the Fire Nation has about certain mechanical issues"

I suppose that is the truth from a certain point of view and his answer had calmed the restless heart of my uncle.

"Then if your curiosity has been sated prince Zuko, I will take my leave and hope to see you again"

The man stood up and was about to turn around before I spoke

"I would like one last thing minister, I need an introductory letter, my curiosity has not changed if anything it has been piqued even more. I wish to see the men working for the Fire Nation"

Minister Qin appeared resigned, he could not stop me, not without a direct decree from the Fire Lord and Ozai was far enough that such a thing couldn't be acquired before we arrived at the temple.

"Very well, you will receive your letter as well as the route to take when you visit the temple that will lead you to the leader of the village"

With those words the minister finally left. The silence around us was finally broken by my uncle.

"Tell me the truth Zuko, what are your intentions towards those people?" his voice was heavy, and I could see him preparing for some grand revelation, I think he has finally stopped avoiding the words I said about Ozai. His excuse about talking later was exceedingly transparent, Iroh simply preferred a world in which a son wouldn't kill his own father.

"I will make sure the people living in the temple become my subordinates, I want them to build weapons for me, those weapons will serve as leverage to get my real objective"

I'm not going to lie to Iroh, not if I want him on my side. It's time to make my case and hope that he loves me enough to go along with my plans.

"You want the throne" he closed his eyes and turned his face towards the sky clearly waiting for an answer that wouldn't come.

"I'm sorry uncle, but this is the way. If there is to be peace in the world once more, I must remove Ozai from the throne, if I want to find my mother, I will need all the resources of the Fire Nation to

look for her and if I want Azula to be a better person I must get rid of what is poisoning her mind"

Every word was the truth, even if I have selfish desires over the things that I mentioned, it doesn't change the fact that what I've said is true.

"Zuko…there has to be another way, if we really find the avatar he-" he spoke with a breaking voice, he was grasping at straws and we both knew it.

"The avatar has been missing for a hundred years, our people cannot wait any longer, they've shed enough blood in this war and the innocents from the other nations deserve to live their lives in peace"

There can be no hesitation, if this world is going to be mine, I will make it into a utopia, that reminds me that I should take care of the places that are being heavily contaminated.

"I know that it's a lot to ask but I will do it anyway, will you help me uncle? As I make our home a better place"

"Zuko I've followed you unflinchingly since you were exiled, I may not approve of your choices, but I respect them. I will help you. This journey that you've started, I will see it through to the end"

Iroh is a good man, a good uncle and a good father, it is a true pity he was born in an age of war and that the rest of his family are terrible people like me, at least I'm better than Ozai even if my reasons for doing good are more for vanity than for the sake of doing good.

I stand up and walk to him slowly, stretching out my arms and giving him the signal that I want a hug, he doesn't hesitate and does so.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you when you have taken care of me, I hope one day you can be proud of what I do"

If I ever die, hell surely awaits me for taking advantage of the kind personality of Iroh, thankfully I have the body of a god now, dying is not in the cards.

"No matter what you do I will always be proud of you as long as the path you walk is your own"

Summer 99 AG

Route to the Northern Air Temple

Once I'm in charge one of the first things I must do is naming the areas of the sea, I just found out that there really isn't a name for the place where we currently are navigating, not even northern sea or frozen sea, no it's just the sea close to the air temple.

It shouldn't be bothering me, but it is. In other news this world is fucked up I just saw a fucking dolphin piranha an animal that is known for eating humans, shit I know dragons exist, but they are benign creatures in comparison to whatever horrors exist in the seas of this world.

Speaking of the dragons, Iroh has informed me of them and after we visit the Southern Water Tribe, we will head directly to the Sun Warriors' ancient city so that I can be taught by Ran and Shaw.

I'm almost tempted to turn back just so I can see a live dragon and maybe get my own, Druk must have already been born as he was a juvenile dragon when Zuko was in his twenties in the original timeline.

Shit, I just realized that I'm quickly becoming a Targaryen with my plans to get a dragon and fuck my sister…there are worse things in life. Like the dolphin piranha.

"Zuko, you seem unusually focused today on your meditation" even after all that has been revealed to him Iroh maintains a cheerful disposition that I can't help but envy, it would have made the first days of my exile more tolerable.

"I'm contemplating the future uncle..." i sigh before continuing "that's a lie, I'm thinking about the dragons. Legends coming to life, can you tell me about them"

"Certainly, but my words can hardly compare to the majesty of their being, the masters are enormous easily capable of devouring a man whole, their movements are graceful and measured like a beautiful dance and their fire Zuko is something that I can't even begin to describe"

We stood on the deck of the ship in a companionable silence, the sound of the waves barely disturbing the scene. Dragons, the masters of fire bending.

"Did they really teach you how to breath fire like them?"

"Would you like to learn? I warn you however that it can be dangerous"

"Show me"

He opened his mouth but before he could say anything more we were interrupted.

"Sir the Temple, we are close"

The shout came from lieutenant Jee, he has mellowed out a lot after we killed those pirates together and shared some drinks on the town. He is also one of the most exited at the prospect of me being chosen by Agni, if only he knew the truth.

"Its time to get ready, tell the helmsman to get us as close as possible to the left side of the temple in our current direction"

I have a great plan.

Author note: at the begginig i was thinking about Iroh and Qin having a little war of words but i realized that a man like him would probably fold pretty easily so i changed the scene and if it feels a little weird it's because of that. i'm also sorry for neglecting to answer anything from the last update, life's been pretty hectic since i came to Mexico (the last time i was here was when i started highschool and then i moved to the US because of my parents work) i've decided to stay, so i was looking for a job etc. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter, i will try to answer what i can and as always the next chapter is on my Patreon for a dollar.

i hope you all have a nice week, i will go watch KENOBI now.

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Jun 8, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter 4

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG

Northern Air Temple

For a while I had feared the number of stairs needed to reach the summit of the temple, going so far as to prepare myself for the things my uncle would say since he is not the most physically fit at the moment.

It was all just a waste of mental effort because the mechanist built a fucking elevator, it really shouldn't surprise me since this guy somehow made the Fire Nation tanks run on steam, this man must have been the reason, or one of the reasons for the rapid technological advancements that were present in Korra's time.

"This" Iroh said with a pleased look on his face "is really convenient, we should have these installed back in the palace, the novelty of this object alone would bring prestige and I'm sure those fat nobles would love it"

I looked at his belly when he said that last part and he didn't miss my stare either.

"You shouldn't judge so easily prince Zuko, this" he patted his stomach "is a well-earned reward"

I couldn't help but snort at his declaration "Perhaps you are right uncle"

The elevator keeps rising and there is a brief instance of silence before Iroh grabs my shoulder and turns me towards him.

"Zuko, are you happy?"

"What? Why are you asking that right now?"

"Zuko the path you've chosen is not an easy one, it will be filled with conflict and pain. However, none of that matters as long as you are happy, to me your happiness is the most of important thing in the world, after your health of course"

Taking a moment to collect myself I think about the answer, and it arrives almost immediately.

"I am, no matter what happens this is the right path"

"Good, you will be the greatest Fire Lord that has ever lived"

The confidence in his voice raises my ego quite a bit and he is not wrong. I will be the best.

Finally, we arrive at the workshop of the mechanist, which is the name the man goes by, which is weird but I'm no one to judge.

"Minister Qin why are you back so soon I- "confusion and panic come to his face "You're not minister Qin"

"No, we are…guests and perhaps friends" a smile was on my face as I looked at the man.

The mechanist was nervous and afraid, even as I tried to be friendly. Glancing at Iroh he quickly figured that I needed some help, he must have forgotten that I was not the most charismatic person in the room.

"Please speak freely, minister Qin mustn't have been a very good friend or superior to you. We are here to remedy the lack of tack he's had with you"

The tone of voice was perfect, calm, composed and overall friendly. Learning how to speak properly should be a priority.

"What do you want with my people? You must know that I was pressed into serving the Fire Nation and that they threatened us with wiping us all out" there was anger and resignation in his voice, this man had chosen to submit in exchange for the lives of the refugees but there is still a semblance of defiance in him.

That spark of rebellion that would be ignited by the Avatar resulting in his genius being turned against us, but it can be repurposed by me, after all I can offer him something that nobody else can.

"I want nothing from your people" this time it's my voice that answers him "what I want is you, or rather your genius. Will you be loyal to me?"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Zuko and I'm the crown prince an heir of the current Fire Lord, right now I'm planning to end this war but if I am to succeed I will talented people like yourself and I can offer you something that nobody else can"

"Yo-You want to end the war" the incredulity in his tone was evident but he continued more angry than surprised "never mind that, what could you possibly offer me, money, I don't want it, women, I had a wife whom I loved with all my heart, and I will not replace her. Tell me prince what do you think I would sell my soul for"

"Do you know of Agni?" My question caught him off-guard, and he seemed to be getting angrier.

"What does the sun spirit have to do with anything?" Iroh at my side was looking as lost as the mechanist. He clearly thought that me being chosen by Agni would mean little to a man of the Earth Kingdom.

"I was recently blessed by the sun and He has spoken to me through visions-"

"Zuko you've spoken with Agni" the reverent tone in Iroh's voice cut through my explanation.

"Uncle please, I'm trying to speak" he opened and closed his mouth a few times but finally let me speak "As I was saying the sun sees everything and has informed me that your son can't walk, if you swear your absolute loyalty to me, He has promised to heal him but if you betray me, he will die"

They were rightfully shocked at my words, the idea of a spirit intervening in the material world was something out of legend, what will really happen is that I would use my powers granted to me by the catalog to mark Teo and using the one time heal granted by my talent to help him, limiting it to only heal him.

"Think carefully about my offer mechanist, I will be waiting in our ship in front of the hidden entrance that leads to this workshop, to heal your son I will simply need to touch him, and he will need to spend three days in the eyes of the sun" with that I motion to Iroh that we are leaving, and he quickly follows me.

"Do you think he will accept Zuko?" uncle asked the question as soon as we started descending

"Of course he will, he would be doing practically the same job as before and as another incentive, besides healing his son, I will stop the war"

Just as I expected the man came to us that very night and professed his loyalty as long as I healed Teo, he also had the condition that no person living in the temple knew of our agreement.

After accepting I made the trip to the place where his son was resting and quickly stamped him and left, as we traveled back to his workshop the conversation turned to his current project, the war balloons, and I provided the answer to his little conundrum in how to control it, after explaining the idea of a valve that allowed the pilot to release the hot air at will.

The man left pleased that his son was healed and with new inspiration for his design that was going to become a key piece in the next part of my plan.

Finally, a new day arrived and after my morning sun bath and meditation I could finally start training some higher forms of firebending.

"One of the most important techniques of a firebender is the ability to charge an attack whether alone or in a group, it requires patience and strength of will, you must be able to control yourself if you are to control your own fire"

He took a stance, legs opened wide with bent knees one arm at his waist and the other extended both with a fist ready, he started taking deep breaths and I felt as the very air around us got hotter and then a little ball of flame appeared in front of his extended arm, the fire was getting bigger going from the size of a fist into the something as big as head.

Then, he let it go. A torrent of flame more powerful than any other I've seen Iroh do was let loose, it was lucky that we were doing this on what little land there was at the hidden entrance because I'm sure the ship would need to be repaired again if we had done it there.

It took me a second to realize that this was the attack that destroyed the wall of Ba Sing Se and that I was absolutely going to make it mine.

"It's your turn Zuko and remember you must remain in control"

"I have a question before I start"

"As always I will answer the best I can"

"Is that stance really necessary?" it looked similar, but it was not quite the same as the one he used in the show

"It is and it isn't, once you master this technique you can modify the stance but as you are beginning to learn it the stance is necessary as it uses your whole body allowing you to better concentrate on the fire"

That made sense, without another word I took the stance and prepared myself, taking a deep breath and then another, the chi in my body was moving from my stomach into my arms and then into my fist.

Sadly, my elation at performing the technique broke my concentration and released the attack prematurely. The stream of fire was impressive, but it could not compare to the one that Iroh had released.

"That was a magnificent first attempt, nephew, it was almost perfect" he was cheerful and the fatherly pride in his voice stirred something in my heart.

"Thank you uncle, you are very kind but it was far from perfect, I will need at least a day to completely master it if I am to use it in a fight"

I was curious however about other master level techniques of firebending, this one was supposed to be one of the basics, but I doubted there was any other technique with the same destructive potential.

"Uncle can you talk to me about what you will teach me as I practice"

"Sure, but I will require tea if I'm to speak for so long, let me get that out of the way"

Iroh left and my attempts to fully control the strength of my attack began. I spent at least fifteen minutes of nonstop bending before he returned accompanied by some of the crew carrying a little table, a tea pot and two seats.

"I'm ready to speak now Zuko, mmm, a yes. You are familiar with the next technique, Fire Augmentation, a master firebender must be able to control any fire in his surroundings, anything ranging from the small flame of a candle to a raging forest fire. You have already trained this when you first started your trip and most recently you saw how I quickly dissipated the fire you created on the ship when you lost control"

A memory came unbidden to my head of Ozai seated on the throne surrounded by fire that grew as his mood worsened, the sudden change in mood ruined my next attempt as the fire was too chaotic as to be compacted.

"Why was I training it before if it's something a master should learn?" Iroh didn't miss the depreciation in my tone and frowned.

"You were an impatient student, but I let you practice because I thought you were ready for it, you are very talented Zuko don't ever forget that" there was finality in his tone, and I knew that he would not have anyone contradict him.

"Very well, continue to tell me of other advanced abilities"

"The Fire Missiles are a more advanced form of the fire stream, powerful firebenders can shoot long streams of fire that follow the target as they move. Another technique is the Intertwined fire stream, an advanced move that is also based on the basic fire stream. The performer directs two powerful fire streams at their opponent, though by intertwining the two streams, a massive, comet-shaped fire stream is formed that has more power than the single stream."

"You will of course teach me how to do them in the next three days, as my promise to the mechanist is fulfilled won't you uncle?"

"Those and more, I've noticed as you train with some of the men that now that you have Agni's protection you are not dodging their attacks and while that isn't a problem it could become one if you ever are attacked by any other type of bender, so I will teach you two more abilities. The Jet propulsion technique allows you to conjure huge amounts of flame to propel yourself at high speeds on the ground or through the air"

I remember that one, it looked pretty cool and if I master it I will be able to fly when boosted by the comet.

"What is the other one?"

"It's one of the few defensive abilities firebending has the Wall of flames, it can be either a situated explosion or controlled inferno, this wall of concentrated flames acts as a barrier to incoming attacks, very useful against waterbenders"

"I have a lot of work ahead of me before I can properly be a master firebender"

"With how fast you've learned this past week, I can confidently say that not even Azula would be your equal in learning speed"

"You do know she is younger than me right?"

"True, however she was directly taught by Ozai, she had an advantage, but now you are being taught by me who is his equal, so her advantage is negated. Shall we continue?"

Author note: Wolo you awesome people of QQ, i hope you are having a good wednesday. as always it is my sworn duty to remind you that you can find the next chapter on my Patreon for a dollar, but at this point you already know that. i have a question for you though, do you think i should give a proper name to the mechanist? cause he doesn't have a normal name and it can be weird to call someone mechanist over and over, any thoughts on that will be very appreciated.

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Jun 15, 2022Report

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pingmaster35000, Tenderroast, Ty2bp and 285 others like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter 5

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG

Northern Air Temple

The promised time has passed, and my vow has been fulfilled, the very same day that the mechanist saw his son stand on his own after so long was the day I knew I had a loyal subject for life.

Iroh was also impressed at the benevolence of the sun and his willingness to help me in my schemes.

The prototype balloon is almost done, the only thing missing is the propeller that allows the control of the forwards and backwards motion. As a side project he has begun altering the engine of my ship making it more efficient and augmenting the amount of energy it generates. The results are very impressive; the speed has almost doubled.

"Zuko" Iroh is once again interrupting my sunbath "Zuko"

"Yes uncle" I couldn't really hide the exasperation in my tone as I turned to the direction of his voice "What do you need?"

"I know you asked me not to bother you, but you haven't told me how exactly you plan to get into the Northern Water Tribe" ah the joys of a worried parent.

"I guess you won't take 'don't worry about it' as answer" sighing. I stood up and headed to the little table that was usually set up for my uncle to drink his tea as he watched me train, Iroh noticing my direction followed me.

We sat down in silence while I came up with a good way to say that I was planning to take the mechanist on a trip with the balloon and I was then going to crash it inside the water tribe city, meanwhile Iroh heated up some tea with his bare hands.

"You need to show me how to control heat, I think it would be even more useful than throwing fire" in my mind I could already see me disintegrating people with my own hands once I had enough control of the technique.

"It is a very advanced technique nephew one that has been passed through from father to son, only those who are destined to be Fire Lord can learn it, my grandfather Sozin has been the only one to truly master this ability, he was capable of taking the heat of lava itself in order to cool it" he took a sip of tea and passed me cup before he spoke again.

"I've given you enough time…What are you planning Zuko?"

Time to confess "The truth is that I plan to take the mechanist's newest invention for a test drive and if that test drive conveniently allows me to infiltrate the water tribe, then all the better for me, don't worry abo