
Summer 99 AG

Northern Air Temple

The promised time has passed, and my vow has been fulfilled, the very same day that the mechanist saw his son stand on his own after so long was the day I knew I had a loyal subject for life.

Iroh was also impressed at the benevolence of the sun and his willingness to help me in my schemes.

The prototype balloon is almost done, the only thing missing is the propeller that allows the control of the forwards and backwards motion. As a side project he has begun altering the engine of my ship making it more efficient and augmenting the amount of energy it generates. The results are very impressive; the speed has almost doubled.

"Zuko" Iroh is once again interrupting my sunbath "Zuko"

"Yes uncle" I couldn't really hide the exasperation in my tone as I turned to the direction of his voice "What do you need?"

"I know you asked me not to bother you, but you haven't told me how exactly you plan to get into the Northern Water Tribe" ah the joys of a worried parent.

"I guess you won't take 'don't worry about it' as answer" sighing. I stood up and headed to the little table that was usually set up for my uncle to drink his tea as he watched me train, Iroh noticing my direction followed me.

We sat down in silence while I came up with a good way to say that I was planning to take the mechanist on a trip with the balloon and I was then going to crash it inside the water tribe city, meanwhile Iroh heated up some tea with his bare hands.

"You need to show me how to control heat, I think it would be even more useful than throwing fire" in my mind I could already see me disintegrating people with my own hands once I had enough control of the technique.

"It is a very advanced technique nephew one that has been passed through from father to son, only those who are destined to be Fire Lord can learn it, my grandfather Sozin has been the only one to truly master this ability, he was capable of taking the heat of lava itself in order to cool it" he took a sip of tea and passed me cup before he spoke again.

"I've given you enough time…What are you planning Zuko?"

Time to confess "The truth is that I plan to take the mechanist's newest invention for a test drive and if that test drive conveniently allows me to infiltrate the water tribe, then all the better for me, don't worry about me I know what I'm doing"

"Zuko, you do know that you look nothing like a person from the Earth Kingdom, how exactly do you plan to hide your eyes, golden colored eyes are not exactly common even on the Fire Nation itself" he spoke patiently and with as much tact as he could no doubt fearing an outburst of emotion from me.

"Please, the people of the Northern Water Tribe have been in isolation longer than I've been alive and the last time that anyone with an eye color like mine was here was in the time of Azulon, besides I can just say I'm from the colonies and Ozai's parting gift before my exile will help sell my story" I finish the sentence while gripping my throat on the exact spot that my scar is, the flesh is not as tender nor as rugged as in my memories.

A relatively awkward silence surrounds us now that I've mentioned my scar, something that we used to ignore before I woke up here. We finished the tea without another word. The sound of footsteps alerted us that someone was approaching, the mechanist was coming towards us.

"Prince Zuko, excellent news, it's ready the war balloon is finished" the exuberance in his voice was palpable and contagious.

"Congratulations, this are excellent news, you must bring it here and prepare yourself to test it"

"I thought you might say that so it's already down here, your soldiers and your engineer are checking it out for security reasons, I have prepared my tools to make any repair necessary and now I'm ready" the man was almost vibrating with anticipation, a very comical sight.

"You are way more excited than I thought, I should be more excited as I will be the first man from the Fire Nation to fly this century but somehow you have more enthusiasm than me"

"To be honest it will be the first time I fly-"

"Wait, didn't you make the glider your son uses to fly?"

"yes of course, I just didn't fly with it"

"You gave your son something to fly that you didn't even test yourself?" This man was insane.

"NO!, you misunderstood me, I tested it inside the boundaries of the temple and very close to the ground, so I didn't properly fly with it. To be honest I don't fully trust the gliders, but it was a way to make my son happy, so I let him have it, the balloon is both safer and more stable than the glider, so I'm more confident in using it"

"well... great, I want to see the water tribe city north of here, I trust that won't be a problem?"

"It will take a few hours, perhaps we can make the trip faster, hmm" he walks off and starts writing and drawing something on a notebook he takes out of one of his pockets.

Seems like the man is having another moment of inspiration, deciding that leaving him alone was the best course of action, I headed to the ship, I will need my swords as insurance and some food just in case.

It's fucking red, the balloon is fucking red, the only thing missing is the flag of the Fire Nation so all the waterbenders left in the north pole can freeze our asses. Breathing in deeply as I try to calm myself only causes the campfire to rise.

"Did it really have to be red?" I said through gritted teeth to the mechanist

"Well… minister Qin didn't really give me any other color to work with" of course.

"Zuko perhaps you should postpone your trip"

"I will not waste anymore time" jumping into the basket. I motion the mechanist to do the same.

"General Iroh, you should move to one of the other islands, some of my people will soon perform some flying maneuvers to send me off, it will be better if they don't see you"

Iroh nods and tells the crew to start moving, as the balloon steadily rises higher and higher, once we are almost at the halfway point to the temple, it starts moving forward and the shadows of his

people flying above us become visible.

It is a nice spectacle, the movements of the people in the air are graceful and daring, and from on high I can hear them screaming to the mechanist that he should have a safe trip. The man is happy and has teary eyes.

"You've truly made this place your home, haven't you?"

The man turns and closes his eyes a single tear falls to his face before he opens them again.

"Yes and to be honest I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else" he looks fondly to the temple in the distance and to the figures flying around it.

"I give you my word, this place will always be your home"

We finally enter the open ocean, I order him to bring us closer to the sea while maintaining a safe distance making sure no stary wave can fling us into the cold water below.

"Before we departed you had a moment of inspiration, you grabbed some materials from your workshop, and I noticed that you brought some machinery with you. What are you building?"

"I'm making an artifact capable of channeling the powerful flames of firebenders and transforming that energy safely into speed" the man takes out what I can now more or less recognize as a jet engine or a rudimentary copy of one.

"Fascinating, does it work?"

"I haven't really tried it for obvious reasons, but it should work, however I don't know if it will manage to survive some of the more enthusiastic blast from people of your caliber" I shoot him a questioning look since he has never seen me do actual firebending "Your people talked a lot about your great talent, and I saw the way the flames reacted to your mood"

"Can you install it while we are flying? I prefer it if we didn't need to stop until we arrived at our destination"

"It is a relatively simple matter to add it, I just hope it doesn't blow up" I could barely hear the last part but I decided to ignore it, I wouldn't die even if I fell into the ocean.

The mechanist wasted no time and started securing the thing onto the basket making sure that the exhaust wouldn't point to anything important.

"it's ready prince Zuko, after you fire it up" was that a fire pun? "I recommend you hold onto something" the man started strapping himself rather tightly to the metal parts of the structure.

"Noted" I didn't worry about it after all, how fast could it really be. After taking a rather deep breath I aimed a decent attack at the thing the blame was quickly taken in and before I could say anything about the process the balloon moved, the only thing I could think of was to compare the turbulent movement of a ship trapped amid a storm.

I slammed into the railing of the basket and almost felt overboard, this dammed old man must be trying to kill me.

"I told you to hold onto something" he was using that annoying tone of voice all parents use when they speak to dumb children.

Deciding that ignoring him was the better choice, I continued using his newest invention, I was more cautious however and used a smaller more consistent flame to make us go faster, about an hour later, some panic from the fact that because of my flame the air became hotter and we started losing altitude rapidly and a strange encounter with a giant sea crab, we could finally see the last city of the Northern Water Tribe.

"Well prince we are finally here, if you don't mind telling me how exactly are we going to get in and what is the next step of your master plan?"

"Crashing this plane" I really couldn't help myself.

Summer 99 AG

Agna Qel'a, Northern Water Tribe Royal Palace


Sometimes I hated being a princess, the responsibilities and crushing duties were too much for me…that was a lie, I loved my position, and I performed any task from the tribe with a smile, I just wish I had a little more freedom.

It hasn't been long since my betrothal was announced and the one that was chosen is not really…likable, I know dad is just trying to do what is best for the tribe, but he could have at least asked for my opinion on the candidates.

Hahn wasn't a bad man, nor an ugly one, his personality just wasn't the most compatible with mine and it might be childish, but I wanted to marry someone I loved not just for political convenience.

Sighing at the empty room I walked towards the balcony, looking at the ocean and the waves in the distance always cheer me up, the sound of a bustling city reaches my ears along with the smell of the ocean, wait… what is that?!

In the air heading directly to the palace something red and completely out of control if the way it's moving and shaking is any indication, is falling from the sky.

"THIS IS NOT HOW I THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA GO" a voice screamed above me as the figure fell right onto the floor.

It was a teen like me, black of hair and with fair skin like something made out of the most perfect porcelain, a very chiseled body and somewhat odd clothes but the most fascinating thing about him was his face, piercing golden eyes and long eyelashes and the most delightful beauty spot under one of them.

"Hello, my name is Zuko, can you help me up?"

AUTHOR NOTE: hey sorry for posting so late i got distracted watching One Piece on netflix, the G-8 saga is one of my favorites and i had been waiting for it to be translated into spanish. Anyway as always you can check out the next chapter out on my Patreon, and i will update this next wednesday. Have a nice day guys. Also i had been waiting for the 'crashing this plane' bit ever since i first got the idea for this fic.

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Jun 22, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter 6

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG

Agna Qel'a, Northern Water Tribe Royal Palace


Before I could answer his question, guards rushed into the room and quickly took defensive positions.

"Princess are you alright?" one said as he walked forward "You there, get up slowly and then face the wall"

"Of course," oh by the spirits his voice was nice too "No need for such hostility, if my spectacular fall was seen and I have no doubt many people watched as I fell, then you must know that I didn't mean to fall on purpose"

As he moved to face the wall, he gave me a very nice smile and I could see that he found the situation funny, he was mysterious and no doubt strong, or he wouldn't be so calm even as he faced the wall.

"The shout that I gave as I fell would also be proof of my sincerity" he turned his head and looked at the guards "Didn't you hear me screaming?"

"I Said to look at the wall!" The guard screamed and the sound hurt my ears, but I couldn't even reprimand him as I didn't know his name. Nevertheless, I need to intervene.

"There is no need to raise your voice," walking forward I placed my hand on his weapon "please lower the spear, I'm sure our…visitor will not cause any trouble"

The guards remained alert and prepared for anything but the marked hostility from before was gone. I could not help but feel sad at what isolation had done to the attitude of people.

"Turn around Zuko" he did and that infuriatingly charming smile was once again there to greet me.

"Thank you, I doubt many people would have been as gracious as you if a stranger suddenly fell from the sky" he moved with his hands up to his chest in a sing of surrender "So where are you taking me?"

We both looked to the leading guard, the same one that had been talking until now, he looked to his partner who just shrugged his shoulders clearly saying, 'you handle it'.

"You will be taken to the Chief; you will answer his questions and if he deems your visit peaceful, he will allow you to remain for a night or two before you are asked to leave"

Zuko moved in-between the guards with astonishing grace, almost like a dancer performing, all the while he didn't stop making eye contact with me, I felt my face redden at his boldness. No one had ever been that forward even Hahn had barely seen her since we were betrothed.

It felt nice, being desired for who I was, for how I looked and not for politics or status, that such a handsome guy was the one doing it only made it better in my mind.

We all walked in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more tense and with an undercurrent of excitement. It made sense, hardly anything impactful had happened in the last few years, I'm sure the guards would relish being the center of attention and would no doubt tell slightly embellished stories about the encounter later today.

I felt eyes on me as we passed the halls, servants, palace staff and other guards. Nothing unusual as people always stared at my hair or simply at me but I could tell their interest was focused on Zuko.

Who looked as if this was all part of his plan, that smile, those eyes and his confidence is very arousing…I had to bite my lip to concentrate on something else, it wouldn't be good if anyone saw me looking at him like he was the finest piece of meat on the table.

Thankfully we arrived at the throne room where the whole court was already waiting, no doubt they were in a meeting already when the news arrived because master Pakku would normally be with his students at this hour.

Apart from those normally at these meetings a strange man was there too, he seemed very unassuming and the only relation I could see between Zuko, and the man was that they were wearing practically the same clothes.

"Old man!" Zuko said with enthusiasm as he ran to him "I'm glad you're ok" he gave him a hug and then politely inclined his head in a bow.

"Forgive me for not bowing first but this accident that landed us here was all my fault and I'm just glad that my teacher is ok" the stern stares of my father and master Pakku seemed to barely affect Zuko.

"Then this is the perfect time for you to explain yourselves and to tell all of us here how it is that you managed to fall from the sky" I could tell by his tone that dad wasn't exactly happy with them.

"We-" the balding man answered "we flew here" before he could continue shouts erupted all over the place.

"SILENCE" master Pakku shouted "we will all conduct ourselves in the proper manner" it didn't take long after that for the hall to fall silent "continue"

"As I was saying, we flew here in my newest invention-"

"That strange thing with the big basket" Pakku interrupted him

"Yes, I won't bore you with the details, the important thing is that by controlling a device that spews a gas-powered flame we can fly, sadly we had an unexpected problem and we lost control"

"And that is how you ended here" finished my father

The old man nodded and then remained silent, many people started talking in hushed tones, I looked at Zuko again hoping to catch a glimpse of his face.

Zuko didn't seem worried if the way he was looking around at everything, from the walls to the windows and even the tables, was anything to go by. He must have felt me looking because it didn't take long for him to look my way.

Blushing, I tried to look at anything but him. I failed spectacularly, and it felt like we spent years lost in each other's eyes. We only stopped our staring contest when one of the guards politely coughed to get my attention.

"Princess your father would like to see you after this is over"

Nodding, I idly wondered what it was about, it couldn't be about Zuko. Even if I did spend more time than what was proper for an engaged woman looking at him, surely no one could blame me, I had never seen someone like him.

"You are men from the Earth Kingdom, correct?" father asked "but I see that you were well prepared for the cold climate of the north pole" it was an accusation, plain for all to see.

"We are originally from the Earth Kingdom" Zuko answered while opening up his winter clothes "however the war forced us to move, we now live in the northern air temple, that is why we are prepared" a terrible burn scar in the shape of a hand was on his throat it was unmistakable, he was burned by a firebender.

The silence in the hall was almost a palpable thing, it was one thing to know about the dangers of being close to the war but seeing with your own eyes the cruelty of the war was another.

"I apologize" dad made a shallow bow to express his sincere regret "You may stay here until you can repair your hmm, invention, we will be honored to have guests after so long"

Dad's private room behind the throne always seemed a little silly to me but I can appreciate the benefits it brings.

"Yue" it had been a while since dad hugged me "I was scared when they told me-"

"Dad, it's ok. Nothing happened." hugging him back is only natural "Zuko didn't even land close to me"

"Zuko?" he asked with an arched eyebrow "When did get the time to ask his name"

"I didn't ask, he just gave it to me after his fall" he stared at me judgingly "I'm telling the truth he fell and not long after that he said, 'hey I'm Zuko can you help me up', I didn't ask, really"

"I don't want to remind you but-"

"Yes, I'm engaged to Hahn, I remember" huffing I moved to the door "if that is the only thing you wanted to say I'm leaving"

"Yue, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to do what is best for you"

"I know dad. That doesn't make it better" that was probably mean, even if I'm going to go through with the wedding in the end, after all it's good for everyone that I do.

A thought suddenly struck me, if I was going to live an unhappy life after I was married, then nobody could begrudge me having some fun as long as nobody else found out.

Yes, a last bit of fun before living my life as tradition demanded. Zuko is the perfect choice for it too, he's handsome, interesting and he won't remain here to give me any temptations after I'm married.

Now where to find him.

Agna Qel'a, Sparring grounds

I really didn't expect him to be here, but I'm so very glad that he is here. Zuko was training against some of the nonbenders, without his shirt and covered in sweat that was trailing deliciously to the forbidden parts of his body.

It was exiting watching Zuko fight three other men at the same time and not only holding his own but defeating them as he used twin swords, my earlier comment about his movement proved prophetic as I saw him dance between spear thrusts just to put his blade on the throat of his opponent.

"That was amazing!"

"Princess" as one the soldiers bowed but Zuko didn't follow suit, he just gave winked at me when he saw me looking at him expectantly.

"Do you mind me stealing our visitor for a while, I'm very curious about any stories he might have" it was framed like a question, but everyone heard the implicit order in my words and soon left, I tried not to think on the rumors that might spring up from this but in the end I really don't care.

"Hello princess" I really couldn't tell what was so funny to him as he said my title "Let's enter the hut so I can change, I fear that without any physical activity I will soon freeze"

I followed him inside, but I made sure to take my time watching his back and his ass, by the spirits he had an amazing body.

"Call me Yue when we're alone"

He turned with his clothe still in his hands, walking ever closer to me, so close that I could feel the heat of his body, he grabbed my face with one of his hands and made me look up at him, once more I couldn't help but see how handsome he was, that beauty spot was really helping him look exotic.

"You've been staring at me too much Yue" his face was suddenly too close "I can't help but wonder what you want with me"

"I-i-, you are very close" how shameful for a princess to get tongue tied because of a man.

"Does it bother you?" he said as he pressed his forehead to mine, his lips were so close that if I moved, we would no doubt kiss.

"It doesn't"


He separated from me and started putting his clothes on while my heart raced, he was teasing me, and I wanted him more for doing so.

"You came her for some stories, didn't you?" he offered me his arm "I couldn't possibly deny your request but I'm hoping you could show me around"

It really wasn't proper, it would be scandalous and very wrong for me to do as he asked, and I didn't care.

Taking his arm, we started talking about everything and anything, even as the sun disappeared on the horizon and the moon shone on the sky, we kept talking. I felt I had found a true friend, the perfect partner and I realized that I wouldn't, couldn't let him go, I was starting to fall in love.

It was something out of a story but I would ensure I got my happy ending, even if I had to fight for it.

Author note: just a little chapter to create a realistic personality for Yue before Zuko finally gets to claim her, i will also have you know that i talked to some of my female cousins that are about that age and Yue's thoughts are as realistic as i could make them. it was a difficult week, anyway, hope you enjoy it.

As always it is my duty to remind you that the next chapter is on Patreon for a dollar, also to my higher tier patrons some polls have already been published and more will come, so remember to vote. i also would like to say that i'm happy with the progress of my first goal on Patreon, we have 67 out of a 100. i appreciate the support and will be forever in your debt.

Also somewhat related to this do any of you guys know why the patreon app has a bug on the money thing, like it shows me a big amount of money but i don't really make that much, it's super weird and a bother.

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Jun 29, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter 7

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Chapter 7

Summer 99 AG

Agna Qel'a, Water bending training grounds


Yue is amazing. I love her personality -intelligent, opinionated, and driven- and her perfect ass. I know that her dark skin and my light skin will contrast beautifully, when we find some time alone.

It's a shame that we can't spend more time together today, apart from talking with her at breakfast and suffering the torture that was hearing Hahn speak about how great he was and his abilities as a warrior, saying that he could do the same as me if he wanted to.

The guy is delusional but since I will fuck his fiancé, listening to his boasting is the least I could do, speaking of boasting I see that master Pakku's students are nothing special, they are slow and their movements sloppy, it's obvious that apart from sparring with one another and getting their asses beat by Pakku none of them have fought for real.

The old man is a beast though, I would probably have to ambush him if killing him became a necessity. My chances to take him in a fair fight are not zero but I don't think they are above fifty percent either, he is just that skilled.

Out of all the members that can bend in the white lotus, I think he is arguably the weakest, perhaps I'm wrong and Jeong Jeong is the worst of the lot but as firebender I'm biased.

"What do you think Zuko, are they strong?" the voice of the old man breaks me from my musing.

"They are, but I don't think that is the same as being good in a fight"

I can see the idiots behind Pakku frowning at my dismissal of their ability to fight, this place is ruled by hierarchy and while never abusive to non benders I see that warriors without bending are not as respected.

"Perhaps you could put that to the test, I've heard a very interesting rumor" the old man can't fool me, his goal is to see how strong I really am in case there is a need to take me down, truly he couldn't be more transparent if he tried.

"I'm all for it, but I will need to get my swords from the sparring grounds"

The guards were keeping them for me, after all having an armed foreigner walking around would be problematic, more so when that foreigner passes a lit of time with the princess.

"They are here, when I heard you wanted to see us practice the thought of you fighting with my pupils made me get them" he threw a bundle of cloth at me with a wave snow "if you want to you can even fight me"

"I'm not brave enough for that" I said with a polite laugh at the end

"Amak why don't you start" a burly guy with long hair put into a single long braid nodded and enter the designated space

He was the best of the lot; his form was fluid but overly aggressive and I was planning to use that against him. I joined him and bowed as was the custom.


Immediately I close the distance attempting to end this as quickly as possible, but a wall of water forces me to stop, dodging becomes a priority as the wall breaks into shards that launch themselves at me.

I parry what I can't dodge as Amak furthers the distance between us, after all if I can't get to him winning is impossible, but he is underestimating both my resolve and speed at which I can move.

Once his attack is over, I rush him ahain but this time I'm zigzagging all the while I jump from one side to the other, his water whip tries to chase but he it isn't fast enough to grab me, once more he raises a wall but that won't stop me again.

I throw one of my swords at the wall and when I'm close enough I deliver a kick causing a hole to appear on the wall, he has a very funny face now that I can see it from up close, with my remaining sword in his throat he quickly surrenders.

"Would you like to fight another Zuko?"

After some more matches where I showed the water benders the error of their hubris, it was finally time to meet Yue, we had planed it out perfectly she had told her father that she was spending time with the spirits and that she would like to not be alone, he had of course posted guards on the door, but getting out of there is not that difficult.

She will meet me in a shack outside of the city a little bit to the left of the pond where the fish are, I had told the men from the water tribe that I wanted to try and hunt under the full moon, they gave me a map, a spear and told me of the shack where I could spend the night.

Yes, it was all coming together.

Finally, after some waiting, she arrives, looking as beautiful as ever.

"I hope you didn't wait long" she said while letting her coat fall off "It was rather difficult scaling that wall, very fun though"

"I didn't wait long now come here"

I kissed her and she melted right into it, her chest was pressed against mine and I could feel her nipples getting harder as our tongues battled, breathless and panting she looked me in the eye.

"Take me, I want to be yours tonight"

We undressed and then stood naked across each other, she was admiring my body or more specifically a very large part of my anatomy.

"You can touch it, come try it" I grabbed her hand and put it on my cock, showing her how to stroke it, she was obviously aroused if the way she was biting her lip was any indication.

"It's very hot and longer than I thought it would be" her hand stopped at the tip where she played with the tip all the while getting pre all over her palm, then she changed hands and licked her palm.

"Very salty but it doesn't taste bad"

I figured it was time to show her something better, so we moved to the bed, she had my dick on her face and I had my face just above her pussy, it looked incredible and was already starting to leak her excitement, I gave it a kiss and felt as she shuddered from the contact.

"Why don't you kiss it too"

She did just as I was finished talking, she kissed the tip before tentatively licking the pre that was flowing down, deciding that leaving a mess was not an option she went to the base and licked up to collect everything that she had missed while she was waiting.

Not to be outdone I gently rubbed her lips with my mouth, moving with a circular motion and giving little licks all over the place before softly kissing and sucking on her clit.

"Oh!" Yue gasped. "Yes, Zuko! Yes!"

She raised her hips and grinded her cunt on my face, turnabout's fair play so I did the same pressing my cock to her lips until she got the hint and got it into her mouth where it was quickly apparent that would choke if she didn't start breathing through her nose.

Not backing down I made it easier for her by pushing my tongue into her pussy and when she moaned rammed my dick into her throat, the slimy passage contracted deliciously as it tried to eject the intruder.

Once Yue calmed down and realized she wasn't going to die, she started sucking and swallowing in earnest, making it even more pleasurable.

While Yue enjoyed it when my tongue was wiggling around inside of her, she got really needy when I sucked her clit more forcefully. I would've happily done so anyway but hearing and feeling her intense reaction to that made sure I stayed right there and focused on pleasing her. I added a couple of fingers inside of her as well for good measure, stroking and rubbing across her g spot, and after no more than thirty seconds of that Yue came all over my face and fingers.

Taking my cock out of her mouth she panted and the moved to straddle me, she had her ass in full display to me and she quickly shook it a few times making it clap erotically, she put my dick between her cheeks and moved.

"I want you to make love to me right now" she said as she gave me an ass job "I want you to push me down and take me"

Getting back to my feet, I forced her to use her hands to brace herself against the wall. then put one hand on her hip, lined myself up and pushed my cock inside of her pussy with next to no warning. Not that Yue needed any warning, of course. She groaned as I thrust into her, as happy to feel my cock pushing into her as I was to be inside of her at last.

"Yes!" she said, grunting as I drove myself inside and my hips slapped against her ass. "Yes, Zuko! That's just what I wanted! Fuck, yeah, more move more!"

I needed no further encouragement. Having thought about this moment many times, and now that it was finally here and Yue was there for the taking, I couldn't have held back even if I tried.

Fucking her as hard as I could, just as I had fantasized about doing since I had first seen her. My cock speared into her again and again, as deep as I could get it and as quickly as I could. Not letting up at all; every single thrust driving balls-deep inside of the beautiful princess.

And Yue loved it. No matter how hard I fucked her, her moans just got louder and more enthusiastic. I didn't know if I could have restrained myself even if she'd asked, but it was clear that she enjoyed this brutal and unyielding fuck just as much as I did. This was what we'd both been waiting for, and we were proving now just how sexually compatible we were.

Since she loved everything that I was doing, I decided to indulge further. I slapped her across the ass, bringing my hand down hard on her lovely brown butt cheek.

"Oh!" she moaned "You really do like my ass, don't you? Well spank it, Zuko! Spank it as much as you want!"

Taking her up on that offer, I gave her several more sharp slaps across her delectable ass and earned a pleased moan from her each time. Eventually I had my fill of spanking her, at least for the moment, and moved on to cupping and groping her tits instead.

Yue approved of that as well, and the harder I squeezed those perfect boobs in my hands the louder she moaned. No matter how roughly I groped her she was ready to not just accept it but enjoy it. She really was perfect for me.

Changing our positions, she was now straddling me again but this time we were facing each other, we kissed again, our tongues battling for dominance.

I got straight back to what I been doing, fucking her just as hard as before. I got to appreciate slamming my cock deep into her from a different perspective.

Now I was able to watch her lovely breasts bounce in time with the thrusts and got to see the pleasure on her face as she enjoyed the rough fuck. I had already known she enjoyed the way we were fucking, of course. But seeing her eyes close and her face spread into a wide, contented smile as I rutted her gave me a whole new appreciation for just how much pleasure Yue received with every forceful push from my hips.

Soon enough I was given even more to be proud of because Yue's pleasure reached a new high. Her eyes shot open again, and they looked almost crazed as they locked onto my face. "Oh, Zuko!" she shouted. "Zuko, fuck, I'm almost there! I can feel it! Just a little more! A little more, fuck, please!"

There was no need for her to ask, because if I had been able to, I would have spent the rest of My life just like this, with my cock buried deep inside of her. I continued to give it to her, fucking her as hard as ever, and I stared down into her face the entire time. Barely daring to blink, not wanting to miss a second of her pleasure when it came.

I was not disappointed. Yue came around my cock with a scream, and she stared up at me wide-eyed, almost as if she couldn't believe how good it felt.

I knew that feeling well, because feeling her pussy squeeze around my cock as she came was a pleasure too great to resist. My cum flooded her pussy and we fell onto the bed.

"I love you Zuko, my heart will always be yours"

The moment she spoke those words the mark appeared on her chest, just above her heart, the symbol of the Fire Lord. Finally, she was mine.

We spent a moment catching our breaths, we would have probably spent more time fucking but she had to go back before anyone noticed she was gone.

After kissing her one last time and saying goodbye, I got to work on something else, the full moon was out and I felt good, energetic, so I got into a stance I saw several times today and moved.

There was no response and I tried again and again until, the snow moved, the more I practiced the easier it became, waterbending was at my fingertips now and with it the confirmation that there would be no one in the world capable of stopping me.

Author notes: Hey guys i hope you are having a great day, as always i'm here to remind you that the next chapter can be found on my Patreon for a dollar. i would also like to apologize cause i'm sick, i have killer headache and i won't be paying much atention to any comments you yeah, sorry. also today or tomorrow (i'm not gonna lie it's going to be tomorrow) i will be putting up another poll for this story on my Patreon.

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Threadmarks: Chapter 8

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JeskThe one who is always lurking

Summer 99 AG


Practicing all night was worth it, my skill with waterbending was almost at the level of a beginner. I honestly should be happy given the nominal difficulty of training without a teacher but having the same skills as Katara in the first episode doesn't fill me with much confidence.

Sighing, I look out at the utter whiteness of the horizon and remember that this should theoretically make me blind given enough time, which reminds me that the water tribe should all be affected by the UV rays reflecting off the snow and that I've only seen a few who actively protect their eyes.

Resting outside the place where one would normally be given the cold mornings of the place could be suspicious but honestly who would look for me right now.

As if to mock me, the sound of men coming to my place makes me look in the direction of the city and I see that several people are coming in my direction, they seem to be hunters from the tribe.

"Hey, there he is" the leader of the group "Zuko, are you blind"

"No" moving closer to the group I ask back "Should I be going blind?" I fucking knew the snow was dangerous.

"Well not necessarily if I'm being honest but some people do go snow blind here, normally it doesn't last more than a day, but we have some things to protect our eyes if the blindness lasts longer than it should"

At least the bastards had the decency to look for me just in case.

"By the way, Zuko, did you manage to catch anything?"

"Sadly no, there was a wolf pack not far from here last night and they must have scared anything that was roaming around this place"

"Makes sense, some guys passed around here last night and said they heard howling" that was more than likely Yue screaming but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Let's get back to the city, that old guy is looking for you"

We walked back to the city making small talk and me asking the odd question about life on the North Pole, apparently one of the reasons the guys didn't tell me anything about the snow blindness was because it's seen as a right of passage, in their own words if you can handle the loss of your sight you can handle the stress of hunting some of the most dangerous animals of the north.

Finally, we went our own ways, they left to hunt on another spot since there didn't seem to be any prey where I was, and I finally reunited with the old man after not seeing him for two days.

The pieces of the war balloon were scattered about on the floor of the hut that was given to him, some leather from the native animals and some wolf skins were also there.

"Prince Zuko, I trust you've been having fun" there was recrimination on his tone, and I really couldn't blame him, I did crash his new invention.

"No need to be so cold my friend, I would also like to formally apologize to you. I should have given you a warning about what I was going to do"

The old man sighed and looked down on to the mess that was all over his lap "Could you at least tell me what a 'plane' is supposed to be?"

"It's going to be a bit difficult to explain right now, besides I came to ask if the balloon is ready, uncle must be worried about me by now"

"We can leave tonight, and I honestly would prefer that we leave at night, with the temperature descending we could use the balloon more effectively"

Tonight, I guess that leaves me enough time. I would like for Yue to come with me however getting her would mean making an enemy of the rest of the tribe. Leaving her would also not be a problem since she already has the stamp even if it hasn't finished forming, making the chances of her cheating on me zero.

The reaction of the fish is also unknown, and I would rather have them on my side for as long as I'm the captain of my ship. Wouldn't want them going all Godzilla on me.

"Very well we leave tonight, do inform our hosts of it, I will continue to explore the city"

My feet took me along for a ride as I thought about the consequences of kidnapping a princess, maybe I could just kill Hahn, that's an option I hadn't considered, there would be a period of mourning for him and in that time, I should have taken back some of the power from the Fire Lord, enough to consider making an alliance via marriage.

On the other hand, if I make her my official wife that could bring political unrest to the Fire Nation and I'm not sure that Azula wouldn't kill her or that Mai wouldn't kill her. She still had feelings for me at this time. Poor canon Zuko couldn't keep his girl because of the pressure he had on his shoulders as Fire Lord.

I didn't notice when, but I had arrived at my destination, just in time too. Pakku was just finishing his class for the day.

"Master Pakku" I said while bowing to him "Could I trouble you for a moment?

"Very well" we walked into a house that was close to the place "this is my home make yourself comfortable, now what do you need?"

"I was wondering if I could copy some waterbending scrolls to take as souvenirs, no secret techniques or anything like that merely the basics of your style and perhaps some about healing"

"I suppose that there is nothing wrong in letting you copy a few of them, as for your other request I'm afraid that you would have to ask Yagoda and let me warn you, that woman is not very keen on sharing what she knows"

He passed me some scrolls that he had on a table, tossing them to me without much care.

"You can use this place and I wish luck against that old woman, now if you excuse me, I will go and eat"

He leaves and I'm not sure if he let me here alone as a test or he really doesn't care if I end up looking around his stuff, deciding that discretion is the better part of valor. I simply copy what he gave and leave his place.

My body hasn't been feeling as good while we've been here, the lack of sunlight compared to when we were at sea is making me anxious.

While walking to the palace in search of food I end up walking into Yue and the people on the street are suddenly very curious about what we're doing, I quickly get up and help her out as any gentleman would do.

"Forgive me princess, I didn't see you there" the stares lessen but there are still enough onlookers to make me uncomfortable, I never really know if they are looking for anything specific or if they're just bored.

"There is no need to apologize it was my mistake too, but if you feel like making it up to me, I could use the company on my walk"

"It would be my pleasure" I take her arm into mine and speak again "you will have to feed me though"

She laughs and starts dragging me away "That can be arranged"

I notice some men gossiping in the background, they look about my age. Perhaps spies from the fiancée of the lovely lady I'm escorting; the guy must have some political clout if he was engaged to Yue so it's not so far-fetched to think that he could spy on me.

After spending some time with Yue, we had to go our separate ways, her sharing a meal with me was weird to some of the more conservative people in the room.

Yagoda was there as well and after a few introductions, I could honestly see why Pakku wished me luck. She was a nice old lady for the most part but the moment I showed any interest in the healing arts she looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Men have no talent whatsoever in healing, even if it's without bending. For generations women have worked the craft and I know that even outside the North Pole, it was women that usually learn the use of medicine" she patted my hand as if I was a little boy and continued "There is no need for you to learn any of that"

Not wanting to end the meal on a sour note, I elected not to say anything but this only convinced me that stealing was the way to go when it came to this matter.

Fianlly it was revealed that we would leave, the news of our departure were well received even if the people generally recommended for us to leave in the morning, Yue didn't take the news very well as she quickly left once she heard.

I'm going to have to do something about it.

Author note: hey guys i'm alive, still a little sick but not sick enough as to be unable to read, as always it's my duty to tell you that the next chapter is up on my Patreon for a dollar and the one after that for five, also we are getting even closer to our goal of one hundred dollars and when we finally achieve it, all of you will vote to decide which story will get an extra chapter on Patreon so it would be cool if you help, you really don't have to but i will apreciate it if you do. anyway i hope you have a great day and that you are in good health. see you in a week.

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Jul 13, 2022Report

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