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 Original Fiction

The 3rd Law of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

 Thread starterKrazeKode 

 Start dateApr 14, 2022

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Threadmarks 20 — Lost Love 

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Apr 26, 2022


Labby felt her Qi churn as her great master's Qi meshed with her own. She felt lightning crackling through her being, as a vast calming presence reached out to her. A bond, through which she could sense her great master.

His Qi was like spirit herbs, tinged in their smell. The Qi drew Labby closer, and she felt safe in its presence, a comforting warmth that she'd grown familiar with even before Labby had known who she was.

Her great master had given her the life she had, he'd given her what her siblings lacked. She was great now. She was Labby. The Qi acknowledged her presence, she wasn't the nameless rat she'd been before, she had a name and a master and a purpose to fulfil. It burned in her Qi, in her name and she could feel her Path as surely as she could feel her great Masters.

And now she was finally able to talk to her Great master and express her gratitude.

Labby greets her Great Master!!!

Labby sent excitedly, as the Qi flowed through the bond like a smooth stream of water following the path of a vast river.

She felt relieved. She'd greeted her great master. She'd talked to him. He'd heard her voice. Excitement burst forth through Labby's mind like a raging tide. As her Qi began to soak in his, growing just from his mere presence.

She'd learn and learn and learn some more until she'd seen it all. And she'd find him many many herbs, and feast on them. She'd learn every divine pill there was that her master made, even if she had to learn the squiggly scribbles her great master wrote down in his notes.

Labby rejoiced, feeling a burning desire to learn, bud within her. She'd be the greatest disciple her master had ever seen!


I heard Labby squeak delightfully, crackling with sparks as a flood of emotions flowed through our newly formed bond.

I heard Labby shout excitedly, and I felt her happiness at being able to talk with me distinctly in my chest. Happiness permeated her bond, flooding over, not that it'd take more than just a glance at her sparkling fuzzy form to be able to tell that.

I stared at my little companion, feeling a bit strange at how Labby had grown on me so much in just over a month now. It felt odd to be able to talk to Labby, and yet, perfectly natural at the same time.

I stared at Labby for a moment, unsure of what to say, before I simply ended up scratching her head gently, as I felt her delight flow through our bond.

It's nice to talk to you Labby. I'm sorry it took me this long to finally get to it.

I sent the words to Labby, feeling extremely strange at being able to project my thoughts outwards like this. I sensed confusion travelling through the bond as Labby squeaked out loud.

Great master… Did something wrong?

She asked me as if the very thought was alien to her. I stared at Labby, starting to realise that her opinion of me might just be a tiny bit inflated.

I certainly didn't pay as much attention to you as I should've. I wasn't prepared or fully appreciated the responsibility that would come with taking you in.

I sent back and smiled when I sensed Labby being extremely confused as to what I meant. I rubbed her head once more, sending a sense of care.

Don't worry about it. I'll be looking after you as best as I can now.

I sent and got another excited squeak from Labby.

Labby is eager to learn from her great master! And to eat many many wonderful pills!

Labby exclaimed and I burst out in laughter. I'd forgotten my spirit rat was a hardcore drug addict.

I wiped my eyes of slight tears from my unexpected laughter, as I had Labby jump into my pouch, and comfortably seat herself in. My gaze travelled back to Yan Yun, standing with a quiet smile stuck on her face and I paused in my mirth, staring at her.

A quick look at the spirit art of binding showed me that whatever changes Yan Yun had made, had improved the art by a significant margin. It accepted Labby's Qi with ease, merging it with my own within my dantian and I could sense my Qi, bolstering Labby's cultivation as well.

I saw the smile fade from Yan Yun's face as she realised I was staring, as she coughed. "It seems like the bonding went well, Junior brother."

I nodded my head, dipping it in gratitude. "I appreciate the kindness you've shown Senior Sister. Not many have been as kind as you've been, even after you knew about our secret," I replied, out loud, as I lifted my head to flushed cheeks.

"N-No need to mention it brother," Yan Yun replied, her voice faltering as I sensed her Qi churning, saw her face grow red and I stared at her once more.

What was she so flustered about?

I paused once more at her behaviour. Was her finding about our little herb trade something she should be so embarrassed by? Was she just not used to gratitude then? I'd left the question hanging of what she'd been doing, not willing to get her more involved than she needed to be. But it was somewhat obvious that she'd been trailing us.

I wasn't willing to believe that we'd meet up as a coincidence in a random far off alley in the city on the very day I leave the sect. Far too random. Then the question raised itself again, why was she so interested in me?

"Is something wrong?" Yan Yun asked me, as I sat in silence for a while.

Taking a deep breath in, I spoke up.

"I'm very grateful for your help, Senior sister. You've been kind to me, kind to keep the secret and swear an oath as well, kind to help us out with the thugs and kind to assist me with the bond," I paused for a moment, staring at her confused expression.

"But… I fear I don't understand what I've ever done to have caught the eye of someone like you. A prodigy well known in the sect and otherwise. I wouldn't see what you'd want from an outer sect disciple like me, who's been unable to break through for a long time now," I asked, speaking in a single breath.

Once more, I sensed a turmoil in her Qi, as it flared, this time accompanied with golden sparks, similar to what Labby did when excited, but far more potent. A strike would leave me unconscious within a moment.

"I-I… just. I was just…" I saw Yan Yun speak, her voice catching in her throat.

A deep red flush rose on her whole face as I sensed her distress growing. I was about to speak up, and let the topic go when I heard a voice carried by Qi sound out.

Yan Yun thinks you and the boy are lovers.

"Leiyu!!!" I heard Yan Yun scream in outrage, her deep red flush turning a harsh shade of red as Qi burst out in thunderous outrage.

Yan Yun's delusions need to be stopped now. It's been weeks and Leiyu is tired and so is Zu Ri.

The spirit spoke once more before the voice was cut off, and I sensed the girl arguing with her spirit within her mind.

I heard a powerful burst of laughter tear itself from Su Lin's mouth as I saw the guy fall on his back, clutching his gut.

"Me… and this guy? Lovers? By the heavens I've seen it all today," Su Lin muttered, before devolving into a fit of laughter once more and I felt like nothing made sense to me anymore.

"But what about the spirit herbs and the pills… What about the oath?" I asked, unable to hold my mouth.

"Spirit… herbs?" Yan Yun asked before I saw her eyes shot open in surprise. Her gaze travelled to my pouch, and then to Labby, before returning to Su Lin, and the alchemical items he carried for me.

I could almost see the gears turn in her head.

"You thought… we were lovers?" I asked in utter surprise, as a storm of lightning Qi swirled around me, accompanied by the mad laughter of Su Lin's voice.

"Y-y-you two aren't- I…" Yan Yun faltered, as her voice died down. I never knew humans could turn this red.

"I-I need to go," she muttered as Qi exploded near me, in thunder, the blast throwing me back from its impact. Dirt flew in the air, and I coughed, caught off guard by the explosion.

I rubbed my eyes, clearing them of dirt as I made sure Labby was alright. Opening my blurry gaze I saw a distant figure surrounded by lightning gliding away at high speeds through the air, with her face buried in her hands and a quiet scream echoing through the grassy hills.

I looked over to Su Lin rolling in the grass, holding his gut with a pained expression as he laughed in silent agony and decided that I did not want to know what had just happened.

"Let's head back to the Sect eh? My love," Su Lin said, devolving into another fit of laughter.

I shook my head, getting up as I picked my stuff and began to walk back, shaking my head. Chuckles burst forth from my mouth as I walked, the mix of emotions in my chest finding a release in the form of laughter as they mixed in with the excitement of experimenting with the new herbs and cauldron.

The shopping trip was over at last, and I felt impatient, to test out all the new things I'd gathered.

It was time to get back to science!



Apr 26, 2022

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Threadmarks 21 — Spirit Herb Cultivation 

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Apr 26, 2022


I parted ways with Su Lin halfway up the hill, the sect was on. As he handed me my new cauldron, I realised that I could've simply stuffed all the herbs inside it, making carrying everything far easier. Feeling a bit stupid while simultaneously amused, surprised and confused from what had happened with Yan Yun, I made my way back to my room.

Labby had fallen asleep once more in my pouch, and I could sense her slowly but surely growing her cultivation base, as more and more lightning Qi began to gather in her tiny body. The art that Yan Yun had given was clearly helping.

I noted the absent silver pill where she was sleeping, but I'd already expected that she'd eat it. I couldn't sense anything harmful in it, so I let the thought go. I couldn't survive if I lived being hyper-paranoid about everything.

I walked into my room, somehow opening the doors with my feet while balancing the many items in my hand, as I jumped around, to make sure none of my porcelain petri dish substitutes fell. Not after I faced down actual thugs to keep them.

"Well, at least I'm back now," I muttered, entering my room as the sweet and, oddly relaxing scent of the many spirit herbs planted in my room hit me.

Somehow, before I'd realized it, this place had become home to me.

A small pang of pain went through my heart, as I remembered my old home and friends, but the joy of crafting new and wonderful pills, as I tried to understand more and more about this world was enough to break through the gloomy emotions.

I sensed Labby stirring in my pouch, and I realised that I'd inadvertently been sharing my emotions through our bond. I was about to cut off the connection when affection poured through the link, mixed with awe and respect. It took me a moment to parse through the jumble of emotions before a smile blossomed on my face.

"You sweet little troublemaker, so cute even when you sleep huh?" I said out loud, laughing as I took off my pouch and carefully kneeled near my desk, letting Labby sleep on my desk. I'll have to look into creating a more comfortable home for her to stay in, and possibly someplace I could construct filled with enough electric Qi.

"Maybe I can even try and get some electrostatic reactions going. I wonder if that'd help with the Electric Qi," I muttered out loud, petting Labby's head slightly before I stood up and began to go through the items in my hand.

I placed the spirit stones together, and the spirit herbs in another bunch as I put them in my herb drawers, which I'd reinforced with some simple hinges to prevent another Labby invasion.

I took out the heat-sensing stone, and had a quick look at it, wondering how I could make something a bit more precise from it. I pocketed the item for now, as I moved to the thing I was most excited about.

My second cauldron.

I'd been fairly excited about getting it, but the many events happening today had distracted me. The cauldron was made of some kind of metal, most probably iron but I couldn't tell for sure. There were small lines carved throughout its body, with small circular indents at the bottom end to place spirit stones in. I highly suspected the design wasn't just decoration, but actually some form of heat conduction method the cauldron was using.

A neat little lid would cover the whole thing shut, but since the caldron was connected with my Qi, I could sense the inside without having to look. It would be far easier to experiment with Qi pressure and its relation to the Qi saturation of the pills now, with this present. Alongside actual measurements of some values for the creation requirement of the basic pills that I could create.

I went up, quickly grabbing my notes, as I sifted through them. One of the issues I'd been trying to work on had been how to standardise Qi. And if that was even possible. One neat thing I'd found out had been how all spirit stones had a precise size and quantity of cut established by the empire for them. Meaning roughly each spirit stone worked as a rough measure of how much amount of Qi was present in it, making it usable as a standard of measurement for Qi until I could find something more accurate to replace it with.

The second part was how spirit stones were, quite literally, solidified Qi. I went through my notes to take in the observation of how one of the spirit stones, after being spent of its Qi, had been slightly lighter in weight.

The revelation meant that Qi had an intrinsic association with mass. But that didn't match with my observations with how Qi worked when in my dantian, or even when simply expelled outwards.

Perhaps there was some inherent form transition of Qi to mass? A formula that worked both ways? A mid path to add on to the transition between energy and mass. Not a question that'd be answered today I suppose.

I flipped through a couple more pages, before I remembered something I'd planned to do, but had forgotten a while back. A test that I had in mind, with regards to my cultivation and my spirit herbs.

I looked at my notes with regards to my tests and scratched my head.

"Time to cultivate for once I guess."


A deep breath in. A deep breath out.

The Serene Mist arts flowed through me, as Lu Jie's memories guided me through the cultivation method. Qi bubbled forth in my dantian, swirling and pushing against the boundaries, trying to push through and break past the limit's they'd been confined to for months now.

No change.

I continued, repeating the process, as Lu Jie had done for months on end until he'd given up all hopes. I felt a sour taste in my mouth as my concentration began to falter. I pushed through anyway, continuing through the process as Qi circulated around me.

I tried to reach out to the Qi of the spirit herbs around me. Qi pulsed through my being as I cultivated, yet the lid on my dantian was closed shut.

The sensation was like pushing on a wall with a single finger. My cultivation refused to expand, the essence of the world refusing to move as I asked it to.

I sighed, opening my eyes. It'd be dumb to try and do what Lu Jie had done for months with no success to be found. Even with the high amount of Qi present around me due to the spirit herbs, my knowledge of cultivation itself was minimal, and I was still stuck at the peak of the third realm.

I got up from the spot I'd chosen to cultivate in, as I walked to my shelf of notes. I picked the one where I'd tried to simplify and make notes from a book that tried to talk about cultivation but spent far too long in nonsensical philosophy instead.

Walking back, I seated myself, as I began to go through the pages from the start. From what I'd read, and knew from Lu Jie's memories of cultivation, the path to immortality seemed to be fairly well defined.

Twelve realms, three dantians, and five circles. I wasn't sure what the significance of these numbers was, and I was hesitant to dismiss them as random coincidences. This was a cultivation world after all.

I flipped through the pages, reading what each realm had to offer. The first circle of Qi was fairly simple. The first realm was the foundation realm. The formation of the first circle which was the entirety of your dantian. You gathered the heavenly Chi from the world, converting it into Qi, as your first circle was formed.

After that was Qi gathering, which simply expanded on the dantian and reinforced it, and finally was Qi shaping. The third realm, and the realm at the peak of which I was stuck.

I flipped the pages once more, opening the notes on the second circle, and the fourth realm of cultivation. Core formation was a tricky realm, as to break through, cultivators had to form a second circle around the dantian and condense it into their dantian.

A process that was likely to cripple you if it went wrong. It made sense that this exact point was where most cultivators got stuck and failed to breakthrough. And why actual cultivators were all in the fourth realm or above.

The first three realms were like having a single step in the cultivation path. You have Qi, you have a dantain, and you can explore abilities, gain spirits, use spiritual weapons, like a tutorial before the real game began.

The fourth realm, Core formation, changed things. Your path begins to reflect itself in the world around you. The mark of your cultivation, starting to impose itself on the world in the form of a budding domain as it projects the fundamental truths of the cultivator's path. Similar to the static presence around Yan Yun, or, for a stronger example, the moonlit forest I saw when the sect Elder's spirit came out.

From what I'd read, the Qi would change qualitatively at the fourth realm, being far more potent. I wanted to see if Qi density was actually a thing and if Qi was being compressed inside the dantian. It added to the mystery of what exactly Qi was in the physical sense.

Beyond the fourth realm was Core shaping, Golden Core, and so on and so forth. The thing that caught my eye, was the very peak of cultivation, a realm attained by a handful of people ever. And the name that it was called.

The Twelfth realm and fifth circle of cultivation. Core Shattering.

I hummed to myself silently, thinking over ideas. Wondering how that may be related to a crippled cultivation, and perhaps there were some similarities to be found there. It may just be impossible tangents that I was grasping at.

I kept going through the notes, the many many writings on possible pill formulas and effects, for explanations of Qi. For possible applications and things, I could make. A filter? A portable burner? With a cultivator's body, disease was much less of a concern, but perhaps some kind of Internal healing device, a Qi injector? It might help with Su Lin's brother's crippled dantian. Maybe I could even try to make a generator.

Ideas upon ideas filled my head, old and new ones merging when suddenly I stopped on a certain page. A page, where I'd not written much, but had simply drawn circles, two circles overlaid in one, chasing one into the other eternally.

For some reason, I'd changed my cultivation to follow this pattern, something about the dual motion, as if weighted on both sides in a perpetual sequence of circles had just felt right to me. The reaction with the essence had told me that I was on to something as well.

Yet, despite having looked at it, I'd failed to come up with any possible reason. Why was this split cultivation method better? What was different? What was different from Lu Jie's methods? I'd had no breakthroughs in my cultivation. It would've been extremely obvious had I suddenly broken through. Yet something had certainly changed.

I'd chosen to leave the topic be, occupied with experimenting with alchemy instead, but, I found the question growing. An eternal cycle in the Qi's circulation, perhaps there were some hints hidden. Like the question of why circles? Why was the dantian a sphere and not any other shape?

It somewhat made sense if we went with the lowest state of energy being a sphere for the dantian, yet, from what I knew, Qi circulation followed a path of circular rotation as well.

I sat pondering over the thoughts for a moment before an idea struck me. Taking a spirit stone, I seated myself along with the spirit herbs. Closing my eyes, I let go of Lu Jie's memories, diving into my own mind.

I circulated my Qi, first in a singular circle. The Qi from the spirit stone slowly but surely began to shift to my cultivation, drifting into my dantian at a slow trickle. I let the Qi flow in, as I continued to cultivate before I split the circulation of my Qi in two. Two parts, one chasing the other in an infinite circle. Two loops forming an infinity.

The Qi from the spirit stone froze, stopping its flow.

Yet, I could sense something else shift around me. The essence of the spirit plants moved, their Qi pulsing as one. I could sense the spirit herbs around me, their essence trying to move towards me, as the Qi of the world slowly but surely began to trickle towards me. I nudged the Qi from the spirit stone, moving it outwards as I guided the essence of the spirit herbs.

Two cycles, one into the other. A duality of perpetual motion. Harmony within the flow of Qi itself. I tried. I failed. I tried, and I failed again.

The essence spread around, floating through the spirit herbs, within my reach, yet untenable. It was like moving many limbs at once, and I faltered, breaking the flow of Qi many many times. I went back to try again.

Essence floated in a void, and I drifted the Qi around me within the spirit herbs. This time, something changed. A link, a cycle. The herbs began to swivel, their essence being channelled, as Qi began to move within them. A cycle, at the centre of which I sat as the spirit herbs began to cycle their Qi in sync with me. I was their anchor, the root of a wide tree made of Qi.

Time passed in a blur, as I drifted through the endless void. A singular anchor, to a hundred motes of Qi. The core of a web of life.

The Qi flared within my dantian. Essence swirling in a torrent as the spirit herbs all sucked the Qi within themselves, as tiny threads of Qi extended into me. Something changed within my dantian, something that I couldn't yet understand. A blurry shape began to form within.

I felt sweat drip down my back, as I felt my mouth turn dry. I opened my eyes, finding my room completely dark, as moonlight lit up the corners dimly.

I felt exhausted. A sensation I'd almost forgotten in the weeks I'd been here, as a cultivator.

A gentle gust of wind passed by, as I sensed Labby stirring, and rushing towards me. I sensed her curiosity and concern, but I simply rubbed her head quietly, letting her be for the moment as I took a look around me.

A lush green sight full of plants extended all around me, the spirit herbs now taller than they'd been before. Patches of spirit grass peeked through the gaps of the wooden floor as they covered this corner of the room.

Qi flared, from the now tall spirit herbs that'd grown around me, drifting in the gentle wind and I smiled, pleased to see what I'd created.

My very own spirit herb garden.



Apr 26, 2022

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Threadmarks 22 — Changing Cultivation 

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Apr 27, 2022


Sunlight drifted in through the windows, and I heard the birds chirping in the distance. I was grateful that I could go a week or two without sleep, as last night, that had been spent in a blur of cultivation within my newly established spirit garden, wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

Paper and scattered books covered my room, lying in a mess of words and pages. I sighed, closing another book with no hints on what I'd created last night. I turned my eyes to the lush green area where my spirit herbs had been planted. Many of the less potent herbs had grown significantly, with some of the stronger herbs budding new leaves. Spirit grass covered the floor in that specific corner, and the amount of Qi in my room had increased by a significant amount.

I chuckled as I saw Labby running like a cat high on catnip, she chewed through the spirit grass and grew more and more excited to be surrounded by so many spirit herbs.

I looked through the books lying on the floor once more, before I picked another one, and began to go through them. Something had to have some clue on how I'd managed to form the spirit garden area.

Another few hours of going through books resulted in no new results. None of the textbooks had any mentions of being able to grow herbs and spirit grass simply by cultivating.

"Guess I'm stuck."

Great Master! Herbs! Pills! Can Labby eat?

Labby asked, her mouth already filled with a couple of stalks of spirit grass and I shook my head in silent amusement.

Yes, you can eat Labby. But don't overdo it.

I sent to Labby, and I felt her joy rise as she jumped right into her leafy heaven. I'd looked up if spirit herbs could be overdosed on as soon as Labby had woken up. Thankfully, the effects were similar to catnip and simply wore off with time.

I took a breath, as I decided to go through what I'd done last night once more. The first step involved changing my cultivation, two loops of circulation, in a shape vaguely similar to infinity if I had to name it. The definition was inaccurate as there were no lines, but areas and volumes of Qi being moved, but the directional rotation would match.

The next step was reaching out to the essence within the spirit herbs, and then… something.

I scratched my head, as I tried to go through the feeling once more. A link connected me to the grove of spirit herbs. I could reach out, from here, and begin cultivating, and the herbs would start to draw Qi within themselves, channelling it slowly but surely, towards me.

I somewhat regretted not having taken notes, as I'd made the changes last night. Even though I was pretty confident in my ability to replicate things, some notes would've made it easier to closely analyse things.

Instead, I'd let my impulse get the better of me, as I'd sat down within the little patch of herbs, and cultivated all night long. I was honestly surprised I hadn't simply gotten restless and moved on, or gotten exhausted.

But instead of any of that, I'd been soothed, comforted, almost like invisible unseen pains from my body had left me, as the Qi within my dantian had begun to grow after a very long time. The growth had been marginal, yet, it was like providing a drop of water to someone who hadn't drunk anything in months.

The feeling was addicting, and I had begun to crave it. I could see why so many cultivators were baffled by the idea of not cultivating now. The growth was addicting.

As a result of my obsessive cultivation through the night, my Qi had begun to change. I could feel the essence of the spirit herbs, thoroughly mixing within my own Qi. The mist arts that Lu Jie had cultivated remained, but its presence was diminished. My Qi was beginning to change, to follow the new path I'd chosen, and I suspected, the more I cultivated, the faster these changes would progress.

I paused for a moment, frowning. Did I really want to do this? Keep going down the cultivation path? Who was to say that I wouldn't be like any other cultivator, and eventually begin to chase strength and power above all?

After months, no, years, of stagnation for Lu Jie. Today, I'd taken a step ahead. I was still at the peak of the Third realm, and so my Qi would only grow marginally no matter how much I cultivated, but even that, had been something Lu Jie hadn't experienced for months.

Even such a small step made me almost break out in a smile, filled with delight. It wasn't quite the addiction of a drug, but rather, the addiction of working hard and having your efforts pay off. That mixed in with the sensation of your Qi and very being growing was a sensation I'd sensed for the first time, and even just that was enough to change my stance of cultivation already.

I sat in silence, thinking over things.

Cultivating had ultimately led to Lu Jie's untimely demise. Perhaps I could argue that it was due to his weakness, yet at the same time, Lu Jie was me. At least, I was him now. This was my reality and this was my world to live in. Could I really walk down this path? I didn't want to fight. I already knew what my path was, and it did not involve violence.

Yet… perhaps I'd been naive. Trying to not look at the reality, that I couldn't achieve my dreams with growing my cultivation. Without gaining some measure of strength.

The conflict in my Path, left me worried, as I felt my Qi being unsettled. My path was not one of a cultivator. I wished nothing of the world of fighting, and conflict and death, and dumb young masters and sect elders. Yet, cultivation was required for me to grow both as an alchemist, and to explore the science behind cultivation.

Great Master… is worried?

I heard Labby's voice, speak out, as she walked closer to me. Her fur glistened with pristine black, but I noticed a slight white spot forming on her forehead, tinged with an odd gentle Qi, that reminded me of the night sky. The effects of the pill perhaps.

I smiled, with an apologetic expression. I needed to practice not transmitting my emotions to Labby so much.

A bit, Labby. I've found a conflict in my Path.

I replied, feeling my Qi starting to unsettle even further, as I frowned.

Labby doesn't understand, what is Great Master worried about?

I looked down at Labby, gently patting her head, less to soothe her, but more for my own comfort. I sat there in silence for a moment, wondering if I should tell what was essentially a child with an inflated opinion of me, that I wasn't the infallible thing she assumed me to be. Neither was I some wise saint, but instead, just a guy doing nerdy things all by himself in his room. Something that hadn't changed much from my past life into this one.

My path isn't supposed to be one of chasing the heavens. My path is one to bring the heavens down and break them into understandable sections, making them tangible things with concrete rules. Yet, to do that, I need to cultivate, and get stronger, and get mired into the very world I am trying to escape.

I paused for a moment. I'm not the infallible great master you call me Labby. My talent is low, and many exist who are much more powerful than me.

I said, and I sensed confusion coming from Labby. I sighed. It made sense that she wouldn't understand. She'd barely had a mind for a few days now.

Labby doesn't understand. The Great Master can simply deny the heavens, and not fight if the need doesn't arise.

I heard Labby speak, accompanied by a squeak from my mouth and I stared at my little rat in surprise.

Great Master isn't great, because of his strength. Great Master is great because he is kind and clever, and because he helped Labby be who she is today. Because he is her Great Master.

The Great Master wishes to learn about the world but doesn't wish to be like cultivators. If so, then the Great Master can simply follow his own path. Why does he have to follow the martial path and not his own, to grow in strength?

I stared at my little rat in wonder for a moment, before laughter burst through my mouth. I laughed, silently, as I felt my Qi settling down, from Labby's words. I can't believe I'd been so fixated on trying to avoid turning into a cultivator that I'd forgotten my original goal.

Wasn't the entire point to start a new path? To spark the ideology of science, to have people try and see through the mysticism, and see what made things work?

I smiled, shaking my head.

Thank you, Labby. I needed that.

Labby is pleased to be of help!! Can Labby have a spirit pill?

I broke out in laughter once more at her clever tricks, and gave in, as I dug out a spirit pill and handed it to her. Labby picked the pill, and I could swear I heard a giggle in my head as she ran off. I sat there silently, feeling amused, as my Qi settled down.

My path was clear. All I had to do was forge on. And the first steps would begin with trying to find out what was different with my method of cultivation.

I got up from the floor, sorting and setting the books in a pile, to arrange at a later point. Leaving Labby to her pill, I walked to the door and began to head out.

I needed to talk to the Old Man.


The familiar scent of alchemical potions touched my nose, as I heard the bubbling noise of the Old man brewing some kind of potion.

I paused outside the chamber, sensing another presence inside. I heard the voice of a boy, saying something before the Old Man said something else in reply. I waited outside, till their talks had finished, and watched as a disciple walked out, with his arms tied in a cloth.

Someone got injured in a spar it seems.

I dipped my head, receiving a slight bow of my own as I walked past the boy, and into the chamber.

"Oh, Lu Jie, it has been a few days since you came," the Old Man said, turning towards me with a gentle smile.

I bowed, greeting him. "I apologise for not coming more often, master. Some things had come up, and I'd needed some items to buy from the city," I replied, deciding not to mention the events that had taken place for now. It'd take too long to go through them.

"The city huh, I see I see," the Old Man replied, his eternally narrowed eyes narrowing even further as he rubbed his long thin beard. Just how did he see with his eyes always closed?

"Well, since you are here so early. I assume something has come up? You don't seem injured to me," Old Man asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm not injured, but I had a few questions. About cultivation."

I saw his eyes widen just a tiny margin at that, as he stared at me, the pleasant smile falling slightly.

"Do you wish to return to your old path? To try and grow your cultivation once more?" the Old Man asked.

"No, I don't wish to do that. I don't wish to return to my old Path. I hadn't lied when I'd said, I truly wish to learn alchemy. To do so without being prepared to follow through wouldn't be an offence I'd be willing to give you master," I replied.

"Then why come to me, my dear apprentice? This old man isn't a cultivator after all."

"Master, I just realised. To progress alchemy, ultimately one needs to cultivate, don't they? Higher realms and more Qi would be required to make stronger pills, in the end, the paths were the same, just with a different focus. A cultivator could be an alchemist, and an alchemist is always a cultivator. The only difference that lied was in what they wished to achieve with their strengths," I said, in one breath.

"That is true. Yet not necessarily. You don't have to grow, to learn alchemy. The knowledge is there to be gained. Yet, it is also true that the only way to grow as an alchemist is to grow your cultivation. Many alchemists choose to rely on pills to push past their limits or to gain wealth and make potent elixirs that could increase their strength to an extent. There are many ways to go about things." the old man said, and I nodded.

"But the Path remains the same," I returned and I saw the Old man pause.

"I wish to follow a different path master. And, I wanted to ask for your help. I don't have enough knowledge to know where I've gone wrong. Neither do I know where to look. Nowhere near enough books, or texts, to try and find similarities."

The Old Man walked towards me and gently patted my shoulder. "I'd made a mistake, thinking you were running away after your defeat, Lu Jie. Your ambitions are much beyond this old man. What is it that you need help with?" The old man asked.

I took a moment, as I began to explain the spirit herb garden, alongside the change in my Qi to the Old Man.

"Hmm, I've heard of spirits of the forest. In a land far to the west, outside the empire itself. The spirits are known to nurture groves and thickets filled with potent spirit herbs. But, I'm afraid this old man doesn't know much more than that. Perhaps you should try and look through the library?" The old man said, and I stared at him as he casually dropped a massive bomb on me.

"There's a library?!"



Apr 27, 2022

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Threadmarks 23 — Sect Library 

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Apr 29, 2022


"You didn't know about the library, Lu Jie?" the Old Man asked me and I found myself stuttering. I went through Lu Jie's memories, trying to find any mention of the library. As it turned out, Lu Jie had heard of the Library when he'd first joined the sect and then had made the extremely smart decision of completely ignoring it as it wouldn't help him at all to grow his cultivation.

I wanted to facepalm so badly.

"No, master," I finally replied. "I'd forgotten about the library."

The Old Man hummed to himself, looking at me with a strange expression. I probably looked like an idiot right now. I certainly felt like one.

"Well, I suggest you have a look there. The sect library in the outer sect is open for all to visit. Though there are certain sections in the library you can only access once you have collected enough tokens from the sect," the old man said, and I paused. Right, the tokens were another thing that I'd completely overlooked.

"Whatever the result may be, this old man wishes you well on your path, Lu Jie. Establishing a spirit herb garden and linking it with your cultivation is an idea this old man hadn't thought of in his wildest dreams. Yet here you are, my apprentice, already taking steps towards surpassing me," the Old Man replied with a chuckle, and I felt both grateful, yet slightly apologetic for the Old Man.

He'd never had the leisure to chase such wild dreams in his life, and here I was, aiming to demystify all of cultivation itself.

"Oh, no need for that gaze, Lu Jie. This old man is content with his place in the sect. Being a humble alchemist, with a sharp and hard working apprentice, is all I'd ever wished for. The further you go Lu Jie, the more proud I will be," the old man said, and I bowed. I could tell he'd left one thing out of his desires. His grandson.

"I'm grateful to have you as my master," I replied, and the old man nodded contently, smiling back at me.

"Now go on, and have a look at what insight you've gained. They often reveal the secrets of the heavens upon introspection," the old man said, and I dipped my head as I headed out.

Time to go visit the library.


The sect library was near the top of the outer sect peak, alongside all the other buildings of importance. Being a part of the outer sect halls for all new disciples that joined, the library was conveniently near the area where all the crafters and scholars tended to be.

Which was another thing that Lu Jie had never had an interest in. The fact that the sect didn't just harbour cultivators on the martial path, but even those of the fine arts. Which was mostly just poetry and other kinds of writing, but alchemy and cultivation formations were also a part of it. The latter was something I held quite an interest in.

Formations were something I'd been taking a glance at when trying to study about cauldrons. Often, the carvings on the cauldrons were part of one, but more so than not, formations were often formed by characters arranged in an amulet with the Qi set arranged in specific patterns to cause certain effects. The merchant selling his ward had been one such example. And I suspected there were probably formations that'd allow me to create an electrically charged area for Labby to more efficiently cultivate her lightning arts in.

I walked through the entrance area of the upper areas of the sect. The inner areas of the sect contained a central path that extended down the hill, all the way to the end of the sect boundary, outside which were the open plains and forests where the spirits roamed freely. The top of this path was where all the buildings were.

The sight was quite similar to the city if I were to ignore that every passing person was a cultivator and in a realm close to mine, if not higher. This explained to me why Lu Jie had had such a low view of his own cultivation.

I glanced at a couple of cultivators in the Fourth realm and above walking by, lightly dipping my head as I passed them. I sensed the gaze of one of their spirits lingering on me for a moment before it seemed to lose interest.

From the looks of it, none of them had been disciples. Fourth realm disciples were talented enough to be in the inner sect grounds, or they had joined the sect as cultivators, finally getting a wage from the sect, alongside what I assumed were other benefits.

I continued on my path, my hand reaching to my pocket for Labby instinctively. I'd let her stay in my room, where she would undoubtedly chew through quite a few of the herbs today. The realisation of how often Labby had stayed by me made me feel melancholic about being away from her. But some distance was always good between people, spirit or not. Especially when one of them was a child. I'd hate it if my parents were around all the time after all.

Eventually, I found my way to the library. The building itself was built in a very traditional style, with little embellishments to be found. I observed the area for a bit before I headed inside.

I let my senses expand, trying to see if there were any other cultivators present. Nothing besides a couple of disciples. I froze in my steps for a moment as I sensed a massive presence looking at me. I bowed respectfully to whichever elder I'd caught the gaze of.

Holding my breath, I waited in silence, as the presence receded and I took a sigh of relief. One could never catch a moment of relief in this place. Not with this many powerful cultivators around.

I headed further into the library, making my way in as I tried not to gawk. I didn't begrudge Lu Jie over many of his choices. His defeat, arrogance, and every choice that had led to the unfortunate death he'd had were pitiable. Yet this one choice. I begrudged him a bit. It'd have saved me hours of work, had I known about this library.

Perhaps I was shoving my lack of thought on the matter upon Lu Jie. It didn't matter in the end. What was done was done. And it led me through some very interesting ideas and theories as well. Trade-Offs, in the end.

I let my gaze travel through the library. Scrolls and thick texts were lined all across. Large characters denoting various sections of books, and jade slips I could tell contained many simple arts.

It was a fascinating sight, and I stood around for a moment taking a look when my gaze fell on one of the counters set near the entrance.

"The rat boy, Lu Jie, is it?" the voice spoke, without looking up from the scroll of parchment the elder was writing on his desk. I recognised the figure as the elder who'd granted me the art to bind Labby and I bowed in greeting.

"What is it that you're looking for today, disciple? I hope you haven't lost your spirit already. Though from the looks of your binding art, it seems that you're doing well for yourself," the elder said, as his hands smoothly switched out the parchment for a different one, not disturbing the stroke of the brush in the slightest with the movement.

"I still have my spirit, honourable elder. I was fortunate enough to get some help with the binding as well," I said before I added. "I'm looking for some books on spirit herbs and cultivation. Possibly something that could aid in the growth of spirit herbs," I replied honestly. If someone was going to be helping me out, then I would not say no.

"Spirit herbs and cultivation you say," the elder spoke, as I heard a chime-like voice ring from behind them. "Xin Yue will guide you towards the section," the elder spoke, as I saw a misty figure manifest. A woman stood behind the elder, her face covered by a pure white cloth, and her body draped in flowing robes that let only the slightest of snow-white, almost translucent skin peek through.

"Many thanks for your guidance, elder. May I ask for your name?" I asked, wondering how the same person was working in two different sections of the sect.

"You may refer to me as Tian Feng," the elder said, and I bowed once more.

"Follow along, disciple," the spirit added in a melodious whisper, as I felt like I was stranded once more inside a lonely forest, as the moon shone down upon me.

I walked behind the spirit, floating like a ghastly figure, and I noticed that her feet still touched the ground, albeit barely. I stared at the spirit in front of me, a living bundle of questions and wonder. If shooting lightning from your fingers was quasi bullshit magic, then this was a full on dive to the deep end. An endless quarry of questions to be answered and to be explored.

I heard a giggle ring around, like the sound of a bell ringing on a gentle breeze. "I can sense your curiosity, disciple. Perhaps it'd do well to learn to temper your emotions?" the spirit said with a slight laugh and I blushed.

I felt embarrassed at being teased like a child, but I didn't let the thought linger as the spirit stopped soon.

"This should be your destination," she whispered, and I nodded. I went to the shelf, looking through the books on the shelf alongside the many scrolls as I picked them out one at a time.

Carrying around a dozen in my arms, I stopped my book horde, deciding to find a place to read them first.

I turned around to find the spirit still floating behind me. "The child has accepted my gift, disciple. It'd do you well to look after her well, as she grows. Her's is a new path, different from her kind. I suppose such is the case with you as well," the spirit whispered, as I felt an icy chill brush past me. A shudder went down my spine, as I felt an unseen gaze look at me from all around before the spirit vanished.

I stared blankly at where the spirit had stood, thinking over her words for a while, before I shook my head. Labby would grow just fine, and I already knew to be there for her.

I walked with my pile of books and scrolls, finding a suitable place to place them down, as I found a grin covering my face. Excitement filled me at being surrounded by a veritable mass of knowledge and I wondered just how much more might be available to the inner sect disciples. I tried to put a lid on my bursting desires as I opened the first of the books from my pile.

It was time for some good ole magic research!



Apr 29, 2022

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Threadmarks 24 — The Second Floor 

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Apr 30, 2022


Labby leapt through the spirit grass, lightning flaring all around her. Qi burned within her with a fervent crackle, as her fur shimmered from the sparkles of lightning surrounding her. She let herself run wild, as she ran through the heaven of spirit herbs all around her.

Her great master had created a miracle! Labby almost felt herself turning dizzy from excitement at being so thoroughly surrounded by spirit herbs all around her. Her core ached to bask in the Qi and her instincts screamed at her to tear through the stalks, and chew through the spirits down to the roots.

She resisted. Her great master had instructed her not to eat through the spirit herbs. And she knew now, that if she waited, her great master would turn the spirit herbs into wonderful pills for her to eat.

Labby crackled once more in delight, envisioning sitting on a pile of spirit pills, on a throne that she'd lay claim to, under none but her great master.

The idea pleased Labby greatly and she found her desire to eat the spirit pills growing. Labby shook the thoughts off, walking through the stalks of grass and beautiful spirit herbs that her great master had grown as she patrolled the area for safety.

She may have also lost control and taken a couple of bites, but surely her great master wouldn't mind such a small amount?

As Labby was about to eat another stalk of spirit grass, she heard a scratching noise come from the door. Her ears perked up, swiveling towards the direction the sound had come from as she rose to stand on her back legs to look above the tall grass.

Orange paws peeked through the gaps of one of the windows in the chamber, before the furred form of her nemesis revealed itself to labby. The evil orange cat had made an appearance.

Labby tensed, as her fur crackled. This was surely a trial from the heavens for her. To have sent the evil cat to the precious Herb-heaven. The heavens themselves must have been envious of her treasure.

The evil cat put its vile paws on the windows, jumping onto the table where her master kept his notes. She saw the creature's nose twitch as its gaze drifted onto her, and moreover, the precious heaven of spirit herbs that she protected.

Labby felt anger, rising from within. She wouldn't let the beautiful haven her master had created fall into the evil cat's hands.

Filled with righteous fury, Labby crackled with thunder, letting her Qi flare. Standing tall on her feet, she stared at the evil cat, and then, with all her might, she shouted.


Silence descended as Labby stared at the cat, looking at her unfazed before it began to walk towards her.

Labby didn't give up, going for another try as she let out a loud shout.


The cat walked closer, and closer, and Labby decided that there was no other option. She flared, letting thunder burst from her body, as it descended towards the cat. Sparkles and cackles of lightning rushed towards the cat, as it finally reacted to her anger, with a swipe of its paws.

Labby jumped running away, as she saw the Cat licking the paw where she'd sparked it, a small black mark denoting her attack.

She couldn't give up. Not like this, but she wasn't strong enough to protect her haven!

Labby tried to reach out to her great master. He could help chase the evil cat away, before it ruined the precious haven of spirit herbs. Her Qi flared as she reached out, yet she found her great master too far away.

The heavens were cruel to her today.

She watched as the cat was about to enter the patch of herbs, when an idea struck Labby. She let out another squeak, trying to catch the cat's attention.


Labby shouted, with another sparkle of lightning shooting out. This time, the dastardly cat stopped, the slight burn on its paw was still fresh in its mind.

Labby can show you something better! Labby tried to say to the cat, trying to reach out with her Qi. Yet, she realised she couldn't. The cat had no Qi in it. It didn't even have a name like she did.

It was the same as she'd been, before her Great Master had found her. Before she knew who she was.

Labby squeaked, as she ran off gesturing for the cat to follow. The cat stared at her silently for a while, before curiosity won over hunger as it followed behind.

Labby quickly climbed the drawer of spirit pills. Grabbing onto the little ledged in between, Labby put her paws in between the hinges as she flared her Qi and pulled. The cat, catching on, leapt upon the drawer as it too, began to paw at the drawer.

Soon, the hinge came off with a click, as the drawer propped open. The path to the greatest treasure of her home was revealed.

Labby rushed inside, surrounded by spirit pills. Her mind spun as she almost began devouring them, but no, she had a purpose to fulfill! She sparkled, warning the cat to stay back, as she picked a few spirit pills with her paws and mouth before jumping out.

Tribute. For the demon cat. Swear fealty to Labby and Labby's great master, and Labby will give you these. And more as her Great Master will make them.

Labby sent, her intent carried by her Qi. Even the cat understood the idea of serving one for something in return. It meowed, to Labby, before its paws pulled a pill closer and it began to chew down.

Labby picked a pill of her own, as she watched the cat grow more and more excited from eating the pills. Soon, the demon was flipping on its back, and rubbing itself against the desk as the Qi from the pills began to revitalise it from the inside.

Eating her own pill, Labby watched on the cat, pleased at having fulfilled her purpose. She'd shown the great treasure to her enemy, winning over its loyalty for her great master as she protected the haven of herbs. She had gained her first minion today, one in what would surely be many, for her great master's pills tamed even the foulest of beasts.

And so, in a daze, and filled with pill infused excitement, Labby proclaimed the beginning of her drug empire.



Spirit herb cultivation: Unlike regular herbs. Spirit herbs required one to nurture not only the plant, but also the Qi around the plant. Many spirit herbs required certain specific kinds of Qi and locations to be grown. Even now, the empire has only been able to reliably grow only a fraction of the herbs available in the wild. With most potent herbs found in difficult to reach locations, that were often too dangerous for any but high realm cultivators to travel to.

As such, the task of growing herbs reliably, has been a subject of great interest for many alchemists. For it'd allow many pills to be refined much easily. Yet as of now, it remains but a dream of many a scholar like myself.

I breathed out, closing the book. Adding it to the pile of books sitting on both sides around me. To much of my disappointment, I hadn't found much on a cultivation method that could channel additional Qi through spirit herbs to a cultivator. Like a grove that aided in people's cultivation.

But the hours-long reading spree through the books had resulted in quite a few insights into what I'd achieved. The spirit herbs within that grove were a part of what I could equate to being a chained formation. A living breathing one. And I was the anchor of the formation consisting of the many threads of Qi.

When I'd cultivated, spirit grass had begun to grow around me. Not only that, but, I'd increased the growth of all the spirit herbs as well, by varying amounts. One theory I had was that the cultivation method I'd been using caused the spirit herbs to cultivate with me. Allowing them to grow faster than me.

It worked in conjecture, my thought that spirit herbs and plants, and other such things couldn't be cultivated. But nothing was there to say, that they couldn't be made to cultivate.

If I could induce the spirit herbs to grow, simply by cultivating amongst them, then I saw no reason not to do it. The spirit herbs also acted like mini dantians supplying me with hints of Qi from all around, after they'd consumed most of it for their own growth. The Qi from each herb was a minimal amount, yet when combined, it started to make a difference.

Yet none of this explained how I'd done something like this in the first place. Or perhaps, I'd simply not looked deep enough. It could be that one of the reasons the spirit herb garden of the sect was secured so much was due to this property. What I had was nothing but a small patch of spirit herbs. I couldn't even begin to envision what a garden at the scale of a sect could do for a cultivator, if they used it properly.

Another thing to mull over, as I researched more. But having gone through almost half the books in the shelves I'd been pointed at, I was starting to suspect that this section of the library was not going to contain the answers I was looking for.

My gaze drifted across the library, as I saw a well dressed disciple walk up a flight of stairs, up towards the second floor. I got up from my chair, walking towards the upper floor, when I heard a voice speak in my mind.

"The uppers are closed to you, disciple. You'd need to exchange sect tokens to be able to go through them."

I froze in my steps, at the sudden telepathy before I recognised the voice to be elder Tian Feng. I bowed, staring at the stairs up with slight frustration when I heard a chime ringing in my ears.

I noticed Xian Yue, the elder's spirit, floating for a moment, before she vanished from my sight. I stared blankly, wondering what that was all about, before I began towards the direction she'd been in.

Walking through the shelves, I felt a presence right on the other side of the shelf and I paused before I bumped into the person. Taking a moment, I looked up and saw deep purple eyes turn towards me as someone stared back at me.

"Apologies, senior, I'd heard the spirit call for me," the person said, bowing lightly, and I stared at him. The garments denoted it was a guy from the outer sect, though his features were extremely androgynous. I could sense him, being in the middle of the third realm.

There was an odd presence to him, and I felt slightly unnerved the longer I stared into his blank unmoving face. It was as if he wore a mask.

"No need, and I wouldn't bother with the Senior thing if I were you. I doubt I'll be making it much higher than I already have," I replied, feeling slightly awkward.

"Ranks are ranks. Senior is both higher in cultivation than me, and in age. Respect is due from my part," he said, in a neutral cadence, and the sensation of being slightly unnerved returned.

I was about to walk away when I heard the boy speak up. "Is the senior also looking to enter the second floor?" the boy asked, and I paused for a moment before returning a nod.

"Yeah, I need to look through some books. And I think they might be up there," I replied.

"This one also desires scripture from the upper chambers. Perhaps seniors could work together with this one, to earn enough sect tokens?" the boy asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

"You mean, you want to do a task with me? To access the upper floor of the library? Why me? We've just met afterall," I asked the boy, curious and a bit skeptical at the sudden offer.

"The task this one was looking at requires the need of two. This one had been looking to find someone to do the task with, when the spirit of the elder guided this one here. This one graciously accepted the path the spirit showed. Zhin Ziu, this one's spirit also says that Senior smells of spirit herbs. The task requires herbs as well," the boy said and I hummed in thought.

On one hand, I thought the offer had arrived far too conveniently. Like, I was just thinking about going up there, and here I was being offered a task to do so. On the other hand, the spirit had clearly been luring me here, and I didn't like being sent on fated journeys or being played by the whims of spirits.

"There is no need to decide now. If Senior makes up his mind, then we can meet near the sect gates on the eve of the full moon in five days at sunrise" the boy said, his face still completely devoid of any emotion, and I was beginning to wonder if he had facial paralysis of some sort.

"Alright, I'll think about it," I said, and turned around, when I stopped for a second. "What's your name?" I asked and the boy smiled for the first time since I'd met him as his dark black hair fell down the side of his face in long bangs, coming loose of the single silver hair pin tying them together.

"This one is called Yi Liuxiang," the boy said, and I could swear I heard the giggle of a spirit ringing in my ears.

"I'm Lu Jie," I replied, as the boy bowed, and I began to head back to my table, before I headed back to my chamber. The name remained in my mind as I walked.

What a strange boy, Yi Liuxiang.



Apr 30, 2022

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Threadmarks 25 — The Dao of Maths 

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Apr 30, 2022


I walked into my room, to the sight of an orange cat lying on its back as a tiny rat sat on top of its belly, licking its paws.

Labby froze for a second, as she saw me come, before she jumped from her table and rushed towards me.

Labby had protected the spirit herb haven from the evil cat, Great Master! Labby has also made the cat its loyal minion!

She sent me the words, accompanied by a series of excited squeaks, as my eyes went to the cat squirming on my desk as if extremely high on catnip. The slightly ajar drawer to the spirit pills and the open window to the room gave me sufficient hints what may have happened, and I walked to the shelf to check how bad the damage was.

"Huh, only a couple of pills. I'm actually impressed," I said out loud, sending a sense of pride to Labby, who stormed in with a series of squeaks as she jumped about among the spirit herbs.

I shook my head, almost jumping in surprise when the cat had walked over to my feet, and began to aggressively rub itself against my feet. I shook my head, giving a couple of pets to the feline, threatening to tear through my clothes with its claws if I stopped.

"I'm turning into some kind of circus. The strangest one around, with an electric rat with a pill addiction, with an orange cat as a minion," I said out loud, snorting.

After a couple more minutes of petting, the effects of the pills seem to have worn out, as the Qi was slowly absorbed by the cat's body. Most of it being expelled in its breath.

With a couple of meows, the little feline promptly showed me its fuzzy butt as it jumped right onto my notes, leaving the print of its paws as it jumped outside the window it entered from.

"Cats never change no matter the world, huh?" I muttered, before I turned my gaze towards Labby, happily squeaking in the midst of tall spirit grass.

Staring at my little rat-child, I decided that it was time I taught Labby a few things. The first step would probably be basic maths. I did wonder how quickly Labby would learn these things. It might work as a good way to estimate her mental age as well, because physically, I was pretty sure Labby would be an adult female.

Walking towards my little patch of spirit herbs and making a note to trip off the random spots of spirit grass and properly containing and sectioning the area so that they don't take over the room, I called out to Labby.

"Labby, I think it's about time I taught you a few things."

Great Master is going to teach Labby how to make pills?!

Labby exclaimed, with a loud squeak and I rubbed my nose, when an idea struck me. "Not quite. I will be teaching you something just as valuable. And if you manage to successfully do it, then you'll get an extra Qi pill today," I said, feeling like I was feeding a child drugs to get them to do maths. Good god, what had my life come to.

Labby will do it! Labby is eager to learn from her Great Master!

Labby squeaked happily, and I could almost see her drooling at the prospect of more Qi gathering pills. My spirit rat was a glutton among gluttons.

"Alright, well. Hmm, you can't exactly hold a brush to write. Well, let's start with learning how to count then."

Labby already knows how to count! she exclaimed and I paused.

"You can count? Well, what's this then?" I asked Labby, drawing a one, on a piece of paper and holding it out in front of Labby. I saw her stare at the symbol as she tilted her head before her ears drooped.

Labby doesn't know…

I heard her speak, almost as if afraid of disappointing me. I smiled, as I put the paper in front of her.

"It's one. It means one of something. Like there's one of me, and one of you," I told Labby and I saw her stare at the page.

But, Labby doesn't think this is one? One is not up to down, standing straight up. It's left to right, flowing along the earth.

I stared at Labby, confused about what she meant, when I realised. I'd written one like '1' where the one she was mentioning was the character for one.

I drew out the symbol for one, and showed it to her, and Labby nodded her head. I drew out two and three and so on, and showed them to Labby.

"You can read these?" I asked Labby, and got another affirmative from our bond. I just realised that I'd completely taken a rat knowing how to speak for granted. How did she know the words, who taught her? What about these numbers? Could she read as well?

"Okay, Labby, I'm gonna write something. Tell me if you can read it," I asked Labby, as I began to write down the characters in the language from here, before holding it out in front of Labby.

The laws of cultivation, and the origin of Qi.

Labby sent back to me and I stared at her silently. "Who taught you to read Labby? Or to count?" I asked Labby.

Labby doesn't know. Labby knew how to do it when Labby became Labby. Labby thinks the Qi told her, when it asked for her name.

"The Qi… told you? When it asked for your name?" I said out loud, unsure of what that even meant, as I simply got another affirmative from Labby.

"Do you mean, the Qi actually talked to you?" I asked, and got a negation. Huh, something else then.

The Qi only spoke once. To ask for Labby's name. The rest, Labby knew as surely as she knew what the sun and the moon were, and what the heavens meant.

I stared in wonder, trying to understand what that meant. Was the Qi capable of storing information? Was it some kind of intelligence? Were there actual deities involved? I mean, the fact that I was here would suggest that souls were a thing. And that I somehow died while preparing for my physics test and was sent here.

"Can you ask the Qi questions?" I asked Labby once more.

Labby doesn't know. The Qi doesn't talk. It doesn't like Labby much either. It says Labby's name is not from here. It wanted to call Labby, La Bi.

And of course the Qi had a preference in names as well. La Bi, so it was following the language from here. And not from here… was pretty clear in what it was referring to.

I sat in silence for a while, thinking over things, before I shoved the thoughts for a later point. I'd think over the possibility of the intelligence of what I'd thought was a fundamental force of nature at a later point.

"Let's resume your lesson," I told Labby, drawing the English equivalent of numbers, and then the structure of decimals and arranging numbers around, alongside addition and subtraction and more.

Hours flew by in a blink as the day began to set. I sensed a shift in the Qi, as the lunar Qi in the air began to increase. There was to be a full moon soon.

I could sense Labby's eagerness as she greedily absorbed this knowledge, and I could sense her Qi churning as her understanding began to grow.

It was a strange experience, to be able to sense the problems Labby faced from my link to her, and be able to guide her, and I could feel her Qi trembling, as it began to swirl around her.

Labby… think's Labby understands. The "zero" master refers to is absence. The absence of something can be used to add value by ten, which is what master calls a "decimal" and it forms a cycle that goes on forever and ever.

A cycle born from nothingness.

I nodded at Labby's reply, as I felt a swirling motion of Qi grow in her dantian. Lightning Qi churned, as her Qi began to grow. I felt the essence around me trembling, and watched in muted surprise as Labby fur began to glisten. The mark on her forehead grew to form a crescent moon as Qi churned before settling down.

I think I just made Labby breakthrough into the middle of the first realm, by the power of maths.



Apr 30, 2022

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Threadmarks 26 — Drug Explosions! 

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May 1, 2022


Labby felt Qi thrumming in her core. The vague mass of Qi at the centre of her foundation now slowly but surely solidifying, as shimmers of Lunar Qi began to mingle with the Lightning Qi. A conflicting mixture of a soft gentle Qi, with the volatile thunder waiting to erupt.

Labby could see her understanding of the world grow. She'd understood one cycle of numbers that her Great Master had taught her, and now, the Qi echoed his words, as many, many cycles all around the world began to be obvious to her. What was cold but the absence of heat, and the heat, the lack of the other. The night an absence of light, spirit the absence of the physical.

The absence contained a symbol. A meaning that she'd never known. The numbers the Qi had whispered to her, took on a different meaning altogether, as the new symbols lit up in her mind, like beacons of insight.

"Labby… are you okay?" her Great master spoke, his face covered with concern for her wellbeing.

Labby squeaked back at her Great Master. Labby thanks the Great Master for granting her such profound knowledge.

She sent to her Great Master, bringing her paws together in a respectful gesture. Her Qi had grown, as the Lunar Qi had strengthened her. The light of the moon, the light that showed the absence of heat and warmth.

Labby could sense the boon from the spirit grow within her core, strengthening itself. She was still far, far from attaining a form more suitable to a disciple of her Great Master. But she had grown, and she had learned and that alone was enough to please her greatly for today.

"Good job on breaking through Labby. The steps in between realms are easier to take, yet no less challenging. Each step will form the path to your growth, similar to how the numbers grow by singular increments each. Well, there's also fractions, then ratios, irrational numbers, and real numbers not to mention complex numbers but that's getting a bit too far ahead for now," her Great master said, and Labby found herself tilting her head.

She could sense the ideas from the bond she shared with her Great Master, yet the idea of unending numbers and portions of a whole baffled her, so much so that her head began to spin and Labby let go of the thoughts for now.

Labby is eager to learn more! She exclaimed to her Great master, pleased to see him laugh at her words.

"Alright, then, let's start with the basic science of matter and atoms now. The building blocks of the world"


I put a sleeping Labby into a comfortable corner to rest. My gaze drifted outside, finding the morning sun rising, and I laughed at the thought of how envious I would have been in my past life if I had known people could shrug off two all-nighters with no trouble.

I noticed the little spot of white fur forming a crescent on Labby's forehead, and Lunar Qi inside her core. The spirit pill had clearly done something, and I could sense Labby walking on a different path than the one she'd taken before.

The words of the spirit, and how it mentioned Labby's path differing from others of her kin, played in my mind. A part of me wondered just what would've happened, had I not caught Labby that day in my room. Would her life have been better off, as just a simple rat, unaware of the world?

I didn't know the answer. I couldn't guess what could've been. Yet, I didn't regret my choices either. What had been a simple desire to gather more spirit herbs had ended up giving me a precious and dear Junior sister, who followed my desires and passions to learn, albeit fuelled more by a pill addiction than anything else.

A part of me was bothered by the respect Labby held for me. I had been trying to ignore it, treating her as a child, who'd become aware of my faults the more she learned about the world and saw the truth for herself. But her growing knowledge only seemed to lend itself to further devotion towards me.

I'd thought it'd simply been the result of an impressionable mind, like how a duckling would think the first creature it saw was its mother. And yet, clearly, there was more to it than just that. Perhaps it was also a part of me, trying to run away from having to live up to Labby's expectation.

I felt like I'd been misleading her into having an inflated expectation of me, as her image of me, and my image for myself was in conflict. Yet perhaps I simply refused to accept that I really was her master. Not a great master, more of a senior brother, if you'd ask me. But the role of an elder guiding her was still mine, and it'd do me well to act like one.

I walked to my collection of spirit herbs, that I'd bought from Granny Lang. I'd probably want to add some of these to my spirit herb garden. Taking out the heat sensing stone, I flexed my Qi, lighting a fire under my new cauldron with a thought as I prepared the ingredients.

I couldn't sit around, while my junior sister was making breakthroughs. It was time to make the first of the three pills needed to become a Junior Alchemist and graduate as an apprentice.


"Ouch! Goddamnit that burns," I shouted, putting my hand back from the blazing hot fire. I pulsed my Qi through my stinging fingers as the fire subdued and I let the Qi from the cauldron dissipate.

Another failed test.

I scratched out the temperature requirement, and the Qi pressure requirement, as I applied a salve on my fingers.

Stupid cultivation pill with stupid requirements. I grumbled to myself as I looked through the texts for the creation of the pill.

Poison Flame Pill: A pill formed of seven poisons, based on the raging heat of the Flaming tongue grass of the southern deserts of the empire. A pill at the peak of the first realm, capable of granting a cultivator immunity to the seven poisons present within, while burning through the impurities within their cultivation.

Excruciating pain will be experienced when consuming the pill as the purification process takes place.

The pill needed to be refined at an extremely high concentration of fire essence, yet the process was extremely delicate, any changes in the Qi pressure of the cauldron caused the fire to burn through the herbs instead of refining them, or in this case, lash out and burn my hands instead.

None of the herbs being used were poisonous, but from what I read, the ending result was a fairly poisonous mixture with a solid restriction on which realm of cultivator can ingest it safely. A pill that I definitely wouldn't want to consume to test the effectiveness for myself. Some other method would have to be used for that. That is if I can even create the darn thing in the first place.

Cleaning out the cauldron of burnt herbs I took a break and set to the task again. I crushed the herbs, using a simple mortar and pestle to mix and grind them as the steps showed. I added the mixture to the cauldron, feeling the essence being released as the leaf itself was crushed. Ruptured cells didn't hold Qi as well in them was another thing I'd checked with this preparation method.

Opening my drawer, I took out the flaming tongue grass, grabbing it by the small end at the bottom portion of the stem, where the flames didn't reach. Quickly, I added the herb to the mixture and poured in some Qi filled essence water, and a simple elixir before I shut the lid on the cauldron.

Qi instantly gushed forth, as the Qi water reacted with the spirit herbs, drawing their Qi out, and the fire grass added fire essence to the mixture. I could sense the rising temperature and I let the flame under the cauldron start.

Adding another spirit stone to fuel the fire, I quickly churned my Qi through the mixture of herbs and essence, submerging it throughout the cauldron. A benefit of the small cauldron I had was the lowered requirement of Qi needed to make a single pill, at the cost of needing more time.

Yet, the time aspect was counteracted by the Qi spreading far more evenly, as I found the channelled Qi travelling through the cuts and lines carved into the cauldron itself, in a circular shape on the bottom end like a head coil dispersing the heat.

Another thing I was definitely going to check out.

Focusing back on the task, I nudged the essence of the Qi in the caldron. The fire essence in the mixture churned, trying to erupt out in random directions and I stirred the pill mixture slowly but surely, as the water evaporated, the essence being absorbed and condensed together into the crushed herbs, thickening the mixture.

I felt the heat of the fire increase, intensifying the Qi pressure to not allow the Qi to spread away and expand, despite the increased energy. The Qi churned, swirling like an inferno of fire, and I felt sweat dripping down my back.

I focused my attention on my Qi, the cauldron, a part of my body, an extended limb that I controlled. The Qi around me began to swirl, as I drew the essence of the herbs together. Something was forming in the cauldron.

A shape formed, as the water was almost all evaporated. A thick mixture of herbs swirled in a raging hot cauldron, slowly but surely coming together into a singular circle.

The Qi intensity ramped up, the Qi of the pill-pushing back against the Qi pressure permeated throughout the cauldron.

I pushed, increasing the flames as high as I could as I burned through the spirit stones. Qi churned, struggling, refusing to take shape as I held on.

The Qi pushed, I pushed back. The Qi tried to break through, I held on.

I sensed a burning inferno condense itself under the pressure of my Qi pressure, the fire, taming itself as it bound itself to the pill.

I'd done it.

I gasped, exhausted, with almost all my Qi expended on the task. I still had a ways to go with Qi efficiency. A grin covered my face, even as sweat covered my whole body. I'd done it!

I extended my senses towards the pill, trying to see the result. With care, I quickly opened the lid to an extremely hot cauldron, setting it aside as I looked in.

A burning sphere, like a chunk of earth with lines of lava running across it, sat in the middle of the cauldron. Silently I inspected the pill, frowning when I sensed fire essence leaking from within.

The pill shouldn't look like this.

Hesitantly, I sent a pulse of Qi within and jumped back as fire exploded in front of my face. An inferno raged from within the cauldron as heat pulsed out in waves, swirling around in one place.

I stared at the swirling mass of fire raging around in my cauldron before a laugh broke itself from my mouth.

Silently, I crossed another list of requirements for the Poison Flame pill and made another entry within a new section.

It seems I'd just found the recipe for creating exploding fire pills. Exploding drug bombs, just what I needed.