
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Kingcarlos replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Celestial Beast of Tech (One Piece, Celestial Forge)


It has been three days since I arrived in Dressrosa, and I am cursing it to hell and back. First, the travel to get here was awful. Second, I had the distinct displeasure of having a one-sided figurative dick measuring contest with Caesar Clown since the shitstain actually took offense over the fact that I said the facts, I AM (or soon will be, depending on how you look at things) the greatest scientist in this world. If that was not enough, I was now stuck in clean-up duty.

Well, sorta.

You see, Ceasar is a brain-dead stupid piece of scum in so many ways that there aren't enough hours in a year to describe. After an exhibition of the results from the Smile fruit, I could confidently say that this was a near-complete failure of an attempt at a barely passable joke of a drug. The mere thought of such a pathetic product tarnishing my test subje... companions of the Beast Pirates makes me annoyed.

Thanks to my understanding of Taimaninverse, a place where body modifications in biological, magical, and mechanical ways are more or less commonplace and extremely advanced, as well as the intelligence level and general knowledge of Dr. Gero from Dragon Ball, I have an in-depth knowledge over biology and how organisms can change.

Looking at the formulas it is clear that Caesar only did part of it, since the basic formulas for what they call Lineage Factor are somewhat right. I might know a much more precise and advanced one, but it is still a solid start for research. But, the second part for the formula of SAD is just, Gods it is as if he just threw things at it until it more or less worked, and the moment it did he stopped trying to improve the formula and proclaimed himself a genius over the work a monkey on adrenaline could do better.

It was just that bad of a formula in my eyes, I would have spit in the face of Caesar over how bad of a job this is, but I wouldn't even deem him to be deserving of my spit.

Give me some time and the formula for SAD should be fixed to a considerable degree rather easily, the final results being WAY better in my eyes. After I calmly explained to Caesar how incompetent he is and how his every breath is an astounding endorsement of abortion, I showed him some of his mistakes (just some as even my intellect couldn't fathom a list large enough to mark all of them), and, after a while, Jack proposed a deal. I would help fix the formula to the best of my abilities before they begin production on large scale and, in exchange, we would pay less for the fruits when delivered.

It was an interesting deal, but Doflamingo wasn't exactly thrilled by the prospect since the revised formula would be a bit more expensive to produce while we would be paid way less than he clearly wanted.

Not that I minded, he would still be getting at least three times the price of production of the fruits as well as an alliance with our Beast Pirates who are growing stronger by the day, he has nothing to complain about, and even if he does, he should just shut up and thank us for it.

Well, even if pinky doesn't have anything to complain, I most certainly do. Fixing the mess Caesar made with his formula and making it right is ridiculously difficult since I had to fix it from the very start. As I mentioned, the 'Lineage Factor' was not really correct, as mentioned it is a valiant effort but it is still far from perfect, and I had to fix it. It was rather interesting to see how the much more perfect theory I had imprinted in my mind would do with fixing some of the imperfections of the theory from Vegapunk that Caesar most definitely stole (I am shocked he can count to a higher number than the fingers in his hands).

Fixing and improving the Lineage Factor theory up to my standards took me a whole day of work. It was not easy to detect all the kinks to fix the theory to a much more ideal state, and that was the EASY part. Caesar's method for the making of SAD was, well, a sad failure. Seriously, it would have been easier to just restart from the get-go at some points, but I just did what was needed, and looking at the formula I am not surprised that the failure rate is so high for the fruits.

The SAD chemical produces entirely random transformations that are completely out of the control of the user, which was a huge and tremendous waste. Not only that, with the several redundancies the time for the fruits to grow was twice as long as it could be, and the growth process was far too complicated and hard. After two more days of effort in my theory crafting, I can say for sure that the new theory was a much greater success.

Now all fruits could work as perfect zoan fruits, even if they can't fully turn into animal form, but the human-beast form is entirely possible. Not only that, the fruit can be eaten without interference with other regular devil fruits, which means regular fruit users can eat them. Not only that, the chance of success increased from one every ten fruits to one every four fruits and there is even a chance of one every seventy working fruits to be an Ancient zoan, which is about as likely as for other zoans in the wild. If I can analize a few Mythical and Ancient Zoans, the chances of them appearing should rise considerably as well.

Speaking of which, I should go to East Blue soon, if only to snatch Sanji for experiments, get the rare sword from Zoro, and steal some blood from Luffy as he has a God-level mythical zoan. Studying it should be very interesting for sure and may help me improve this formula to produce mythical zoans.

Also, I may need to test the fruits with the demon radar later though, maybe it would let me check which one will work and which won't.

Also, I need to later study ways to extract the fruit's effects from those who failed, since I wouldn't like people who can only stay laughing all the time in the crew, and if it also means I can extract the fruit powers from others it would be nice.

And also that, and this, and... Fuck, I have far too much to do.

Looking down I pat the head there and mention.

"I must say, I am glad you are helping me here. I wouldn't know what I would do without you." I say and the happy hum together with the louder suction sound sends shivers down my spine.

Oh yeah, Baby 5 is definitely a keeper. She was completely innocent regarding actual sex, but in three days she went from a blank slate to having a perfect blowjob technique. A fast learner indeed. I haven't yet actually fucked her, I am far too busy right now thanks to needing to fix that shitstain's pathetic work, but I do love the fact that this girl is more than willing to spend as many hours as needed underneath my desk blowing me or sucking my balls, all without complaints or anything of the sort as long as I compliment her work.

Her companion? Not so much.

"I am not feeling you work there, little princess." I say as I look back at the woman with her face shoved on my ass, her tongue going back to work as I say this.

This one was a direct 'gift' from Doflamingo, the former crown princess of Dressrosa who, in this universe, seems to have been captured instead of being killed by Diamante.

Wearing her pink hair in a braided ponytail with two pieces hanging down from the sides, she had pale skin, a nice body with childbearing hips, and D-cup tits together with pink nipples. She was currently wearing lingerie with open slits to said nipples as well as her cunt and asshole, with a vibrator in each of said lower holes.

She was very much obedient towards me, or to be more precise towards the orders given by Doflamingo. I bet that he has Rebecca in his hands and Riku in the fighting pits which means that the two princesses from the Riku family, Rebeca and Violet, have no choice but to obey pinky.

Well, even if she wasn't all that happy about her current situation, it is not like I would actually torture her for my pleasure. She is just here to give me sexual relief in exchange for the pink idiot not harming her daughter. It is more a business transaction at this point really. As for the toys being used on her body as well as the chemicals in her body, they are my personal creation, I took about twenty minutes making the excellent aphrodisiac and sex toys that were currently doing their work inside the married woman working down there. I would need actual time to tame her, but keeping her on the edge while constantly increasing her sensitivity with the vibrators was a piece of cake for me, even when I did not put in that much effort into making those toys.

I still have to give preference for my actual job, but at least me making those aphrodisiacs and sex toys as well as making a superior Lineage Factor theory seems to have counted for my system, which is a nice added bonus. And how did I know that?



Extremis Formula (MCU) (200): Another attempt at creating super soldiers, this formula creates a virus that can enhance a person to superhuman strength, reflexes, and endurance. Additionally, normal Extremis users gain the ability to generate extreme amounts of heat through a complex metabolic process, generating heat from their bodies up to several thousand degrees Celsius on any part of the body they desire. When regenerating body parts, the wounds take on the appearance of burning ashes while growing back the lost body part, in a matter of minutes, and cooling into regular skin, flesh, and bone. Be wary however, as this makes you light up on thermal sensors, and should your body heat up too much, you may end up exploding. Keep this in mind.


Short Development Time (Generic Video Game Developer) (200): Working at a smaller game company means that sometimes you get contracted out by a bigger corporation to make a game, and they want it ASAP. Well, at least now you can work fast enough to keep up with the deadlines. Usually, anyway. Either way, expect to do half again as much work as you would normally get done in the same span of time, all without losing any quality to your work!


It was rather weird, getting two Gatchas one followed by another so fast, but I was not complaining. The Short Development Time perk was a HUGE boost since it speed up my work by 100%, which helps me immensely. As for the Extremist Formula, I can't help but smile at that one.

The formula was 'flawed' when I compared it to the Lineage Factor formula I developed, but it was not really an issue. No, it was another different avenue entirely from the original one I have in my hands! I would need to work with that as soon as possible, but it was a huge advantage that could not be ignored as it could be used on anyone to grant them an immense regenerative ability and the capacity to produce heat to an obscene degree.

Its flaws, however, were numerous as right now it was entirely unstable and the user could quite literally go 'boom' at nearly any time. No, that formula would need a lot of work, but with my developments in the bioengineering camp with my latest perks, it would not be hard to improve on this formula.

A smile forms on my lips as I think about if I could get a perfect formula on myself, be able to regenerate any body part as well as produce heat that wouldn't lose out to Akainu's magma and perhaps even cold that would make Aokiji shiver. Then make myself a stupidly strong Smile fruit of the Mythical type (Vegapunk could make one with his flawed research, so I can definitely do better!), get myself some strong weapons, oh boy.

I am gonna reach Yonko level in combat sooner or later, and it is gonna be, wait for it, legendary!

"I am coming!" I said as I grabbed Baby 5's head and pistoned in and out of her mouth-pussy (because it really felt like that). She moaned at the treatment, probably for thinking she was being useful, which she totally was.

After a minute of this, I pushed my dick to the base inside her mouth, unloading directly in her stomach. I remove my dick after the first two or so spurs before releasing it all over her face, painting her white with one spur even hitting her eye.

Looking at what I did, I smirk as I turn to the princess moaning from the toys and speak.

"Clean the maid for me, Mommy."

She shoots me a disgusted look but I do not care as she does as ordered regardless. I decide I deserve a short break, moving behind said the former crown princess. Her ass was definitely quite big and round, and the toys are covered in obscene amounts of her pussy juices, she was a total mess down here but I did not care about the mess. She was a desperate woman who wanted dick right now from just about anyone, and I was the good samaritan who would give this mommy what she wants.

Removing the toy in her pussy, I do not hesitate as I fill her right back up with my dick this time. Oh yeah, Doflamingo deserves some sort of gift for this, he certainly is giving me plenty of goodies here, and high-quality ones.

Note to self, get me some more princesses, because if Scarlet is any indication then they are definitely worth the effort. Damn, do all Royal Pussies cling to you like a vice trying to snap the dick out? I must investigate this phenomenon a few more times before I reach any conclusion.

I wonder if Kaidou would mind sending someone to kidnap the desert princes playing bandit? I will ask him for that later.


3° Person P.O.V.

Doflamingo sighed as he finished the last report of his underground weapons trafficking empire in the Blues. According to this report, Tsuru had once again taken down one of his Smuggling-ships by 'accident', she promised to return the said ships but there was no mention of the several million in weaponry inside it and Tsuru seemed intent on stopping the trade on the region just because the weapons were doing their job right. That had to stop, especially since this shipment was carrying the weapons destined for three of the five great Mafia Families of the West Blue. Replacing them in time would be an annoyance, and Tsuru was not making things any easier by her constant interference. Especially with Capone Bege being a rather impatient man and causing chaos everywhere.

Frowning a bit, Doflamingo recalls that the man had bought several other large Weapons-shipments over the last year and that since then the chaos in the West Blue mafia has only increased. Joker was no feel and it was quite obvious that Bege was responsible for the newfound chaos in the region, which could be great or terrible news depending on what happened. As a weapon and slave dealer, Doflamingo was well aware of how the chaos was a great opportunity for expansion, but the Shishibukai preferred when the chaos was controlled by him, not made by some idiot with a hardon for killing whoever he is working with.

Seriously, if those five mafias continue to not notice Bege's tendencies, then they likely deserve to die out anyway.

As Doflamingo finally finished with his work as he signed the last of the documents and sent Viola to deliver it to those that needed it, he noticed the displeased expression and worry on her face. Most likely due to her sister, and if her expression was anything to go by then the criminal overlord could well imagine what was going on.

That was good news, really good news as far as Doflamingo was concerned.

The group sent by Kaidou had been staying in Dress Rosa for almost a week now and things went pretty decently. Kaidou's son was clearly a golden goose in Joker's eyes, and pleasing him would only ever be a positive as far as Doflamingo was concerned.

Truly, his decision to hand over Baby 5 and Scarlet to the man had ultimately turned out to be a boon beyond his wildest expectations.

He didn't know how Kaidou had produced a Teen who was basically Vegapunk number 2 from his loins, but he didn't care how that was possible either. The improvements which Markus had done to the Smile formula were invaluable and that would make Doflamingo's influence grow massively soon enough all over the world. Sure, the revenue of Kaidou was going down a bit and he would still be his main buyer (money here was less important than the defensive umbrella that Kaidou provided for the Doflamingo family in New World), but the sheer number of people who would want to buy the improved Smile Fruits would Sky-rocket without a doubt.

He could sell those fruits for them at a much higher price by comparison and any and all losses would lower considerably, and if he could expand the plantation amounts then all the better. The Beast Pirates wanted to buy a fixed amount each month, whatever was left Doflamingo could sell as he wishes.

The new formula would make great cash for sure, but Doflamingo grimaced lightly as he remembered the temper tantrums which Caesar Crown had thrown several times after being mocked by Markus for being unable to make a better Smile Formula. It had taken a lot of effort to pacify the man, which means gifting him some of the whores he would have otherwise sold as slaves in the auctions.

Honestly, what was up with scientists that makes them want to think with their lower head as much as they do with the one above? Not that the underworld king could say much, considering he routinely had hordes of girls in his bed, including the second princess of this kingdom who he enjoyed many, many times and several other women, including several of the slaves he would sell later.

Still, he was willing to sacrifice a few more girls as he did not want to risk losing Caesar's cooperation as, despite Markus mocking, the man was highly competent and was one of the best scientists around, even if he was certainly no match to Marcus or Vegapunk.

To stop the constant whining regarding the better scientist, Caesar was sent back to Punk Hazard. It would take a few days and the materials would be sent soon enough, by then the new formula would be completed and after some testing, the improved results should be shown quite clearly.

Thinking of something he grunted.

"Oh right. The Tournament is taking place soon. Hmm, I saw that some members of the other Yonko crews are coming over to participate, should I have one of my Crew participate too? We need more experience in combat if we want to stand tall here in Dressrosa, not just depend on me. But still, that so many want to come to get their hands on this thing, it is even a bit funny." Doflamingo says as he looks at the fruit in the box he has with him.

In it was an Ancient Zoan fruit, if he was not wrong then it was none other than the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus, a strong fruit for certain that he almost wanted to use for his own crew or to gift to the Marines in exchange for the return of his 'mistakenly' confiscated ships and to have Sengoku tell his bitch to get the fuck out of the way from the Shishibukai! But, this was as great a chance as any to help curry favor with the Beast Pirates, and Doflamingo doubted anyone would be able to take down that monster Jack in this tourney.

Yes, that would work nicely, and he could let Diamante and his boys participate, go learn more on how to fight in New World, and become stronger as Doflamingo could feel it, times were changing and soon the wave of the New Era would arrive, and he would make damn sure that the Doflamingo Family would stand at the top by the end of it!



"I know."

"Bored, bored, bored."

"I know."

"Soooo bored." Yamato said as she walked the streets of Dressrosa.

The enchantment was a bit missing now, mostly because she was in this place and couldn't 'stretch her limbs' as she usually did, there was nothing to fight and nothing much she could do right now. No, she was stuck in this place and she was feeling bored as she wanted to fight or cause some chaos.

Have fun, so to say.

But, her 'babysitter' wouldn't let her do any of that. How could she be Oden if she couldn't forcefully create a harem, cause chaos, and do any and all sorts of insane things and look awesome all the way?

"Can't the two of us at least spar a bit, Su-san?" Yamato proposed.


"Well, calling you Susanoo all the time feels like a bit of a mouthful, and we are friends so a nickname shouldn't be an issue." Yamato said proudly.

"... You do realize I am merely a Teigu, a weapon of my master, right?"

"What of it?" Yamato said dismissively. "You are still Susanoo, the same guy who would fuss over my way of dressing, take care of the cleaning of the room, and, well, accept me for who I am." Yamato said the end there a bit bashfully.

Susanoo stared for a moment longer before showing a small smile.


"So, about that sparing session?"

"No." Susanoo cut her off. "My energy reserves are limited and I need to be close to master to properly recharge, it wouldn't do to exhaust myself fighting far away from him when I don't even know how he is doing now precisely?"

"Then it would be fine if I were to just drag him along too, right?" Yamato said with a bright smile. "Sheesh, why be so complicated, he just needs to come too. He has been stuffed in the lab for far too long doing boring stuff if you ask me. He must be bored to no end."


"Ahh~~, Ahh~~."

"Oh yeah, keep shaking those child bearing hips, princess." Marcus said as Scarlet continued pounding her in doggy position, underneath her was Baby 5 in a 69 flicking her tongue against the clitoris of the former princes of the kingdom.

Said princess yelled loudly as another orgasm rocketed her body from the situation, the tremors in her pussy causing pleasure through Marcus body who came just as well.

"Oh yeah, let me help you propagate the next generation of the Riku Family. Ain't I nice?"

The princess didn't say anything, not wanting to answer, but kept bouncing back on the cock deep inside her pussy.


"Cery bored there, only focused on his research and stuff. He needs to relax." Yamato said and Susanoo looks pensive as he more or less understood what was going on in the lab beneath the table, but it was also very true that he had heard how the sunlight was important for one's health condition.

Susanoo, as a qualified househusba... Bodyguard, of course, should give priority to the well-being of his master. But he also had a clear understanding of how many days before that might be a problem, so he spoke.

"We can wait a few more days. And if you are bored you could always see if there is nothing of interest in the theaters in town or something." Susanoo pointed out.

Dressrosa was a capital of culture, art, and more. A more and more prosperous kingdom since the change in dynasty, or return to be more exact.

There were theater shows and more happening every day, more than enough for Yamato to enjoy, but she wanted to truly mark her first outing with a 'bang' so to say. She wanted to do something to mark this travel as something truly special.

Seeing Yamato's expression, Susanoo thought for a bit before he presented her with a pamphlet he got a while back from the hands of a grunt of Doflamingo.

"We could also come to see this." Susanoo proposed, showing Yamato the pamphlet.

It was a pamphlet that was being seen all over Dressrosa, an invitation for the Corrida Colosseum where a competition would happen soon with a great prize in the form of a rare Ancient Zoan.

"That is perfect, Su-san! People all over would come and I would be able to show just how strong I am, and this fruit would suit me very well as well!" Yamato said as she turned in the colosseum's direction and shouted. "Let's go! I have to go to compete."

"SIGH, the competition is in a few days. You can sign up for it now, though." Susanoo said and Yamato looks a bit irritated before she sighs.

"Fine, but you are accompanying me to train."

"Get someone else, I already said I can't accompany you." Susanoo said tiredly to a Yamato that was no longer listening and instead was running to a desert hill nearby to start her training.

This would be her first showing, and she would make the name 'Oden' glow brightly once again or her name isn't Oden!View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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How could you?!" Rhea Royce was thrashing and screaming with her arm caught in Daemon's hand, the moment he had landed Caraxes in Runestone she had descended upon him without letting him even say a word.

Four months had passed since Baelon's claiming of Vhagar and during that time there was hardly anything else anyone in the capital would speak about, Daemon included. He could be found boasting throughout the city's taverns to anyone who would listen about how great his son was.

The youngest dragon rider Westeros had ever known and he had needed no urging from his father to push him into that decision. 'Baelon the Brazen' the people of King's Landing had taken to calling him, an homage to both his grandfather and his Royce heritage.

Were Daemon to choose which of his children would be so brave as to claim Vhagar he would not have chosen Baelon. His son had always been bookish and preferred to stay inside getting whatever knowledge he could from books than to play with the other children. The maester told Daemon that often the only times Baelon would leave the library was if Alyssa was pulling him along.

That Baelon had not been present in the capital. The boy there had not only claimed Vhagar but made fast friends with Rhaenyra along with any young Lordlings he could and was regarded as a charming and well mannered child. Perhaps it was true that a dragon affected the personality of their rider.

Baelon was the youngest dragon rider the Seven Kingdoms, and possibly the world, had ever seen yet even young Dragon Lords needed to return home to their mothers once all the excitement was done. Baelon and Alyssa had taken a ship back to Runestone along with Ser Steffon while Vhagar flew alongside them.

Now Daemon had finally found time to leave the capital and fly to Runestone and even though Rhea showed no sign of calming down the guards approaching with their swords drawn were enough for Daemon to release her.

Thankfully Daemon's wife did not attempt to attack him again as she stood breathing heavily, her face red from a mix of anger and exertion.

"And what, my dear wife, have I done to earn your ire?"

"What have you done?!" Rhea looked like she wanted nothing more than to take another swing at him but restrained herself. When she spoke again her voice was lower, "Our son, Daemon. You threw our four year old son to the largest dragon in the world on the slim chance that just maybe he would managed to claim it."

Daemon attempted to interject but Rhea wouldn't have it, "What would you have done if Baelon was unsuccessful? Would you have thrown Alyssa to Vhagar after the dragon was done eating her brother?!"

"Baelon claimed Vhagar himself. I had no part in it," Daemon was more than a little proud of that fact.

"You had no part?" Rhea scoffed, "The boy's father only speaks to him in Valyrian. His father has him wear his hair in the Valyrian fashion. His father gave him a dragon egg while he was a babe in his crib. His father took him on a dragon ride when he was barely old enough to open his eyes. And yet he had no part?" She spoke more to herself than to Daemon.

"Baelon loves dragons. He always has. Any scrap of knowledge he can get from the Freehold he consumes greedily," Daemon defended himself, he knew what she was trying to say and he disagreed. After all he had warned his children not to attempt claiming Vhagar.

"Alyssa loves dragons. Baelon loves you," Rhea said with more than a hint of bitterness as they made their way towards Runestone's solar, "He wants to be just like you, he always has. The only thing a boy his age wants to be is their father. So take some responsibility."

"If you want to mark me as the reason for why our son I'd the most secure he has ever been then be my guest."

"More secure? Don't be a fool," Rhea dismissed, "Tell me Daemon. When the Sea Snake decides that our side has too many dragon riders and potential dragon riders, who do you think he will send assassins after? Fearsome Prince Daemon, wielder of Dark Sister or Baelon the 'Brazen', four year old boy not even old enough to hold a large stick let alone a sword."

Daemon's fist clenched around his sword, "Let any assassin lay a hand on my children and House Velaryon, along with Driftmark, will have naught but a page in a history book as their legacy."

"It is not that simple and you know it. You are no fool, so do the math Daemon. A dragon rider, the best fleet, the largest treasury, and a Lord Paramount. And what does your brother have besides your own Caraxes? A secondary house and a four year old boy? Those are not good odds."

Daemon took a seat and downed a goblet of wine before pouring himself another, "We have the rightful heir."

"Do you? Were the question who was to inherit Runestone and not the Iron Throne, Rhaenys would be the heir."

Less than a fortnight after Baelon left the capital, conversation in the Red Keep had turned to a new topic. A Council was to be held at Harrenhal and every great Lord was invited to take part in choosing their next King.

Daemon thought his grandfather had grown senile in his old age. A King wasn't the High Septon or Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, the people he ruled over didn't get to choose him.

In peace only a King could make another man King of seven kingdoms and in war only dragons could. Jaehaerys had followed this logic well throughout the majority of his fifty year reign, even going against the wishes of his wife to do so. Why now, when the realm was closer to civil war than ever before, did Jaehaerys decide that a weak and indecisive man who let his Lords make decisions for him was a good king?

Daemon could not find the answer no matter how hard he searched.

"But that is not the question and thus Viserys will be king. Rhaenys has already been passed over once before. Her having an infant son changes nothing. Do Saera's bastards have a claim because they were born after she was cast from the family? No. They do not."

Rhea sighed and gave up the argument before it could start, "I assume you are here to secure support in the Vale?"

"Boremund is already preparing his banners and Corlys is readying his ships. They are prepared to fight for Laenor's claim."

"Then you would find more success at Pike or on the Arbor," Rhea scoffed before continuing sarcastically, "Runestone has barely enough men to equal Lord Baratheon, you cannot expect us to match the Velaryon fleet as well."

Daemon rolled his eyes, "There won't be a war so thankfully you won't be called upon to match their strength. But we cannot be seen to do nothing while Corlys threatens us. You will begin to muster your troops and meet with the other Lords of the Vale and be sure they are supporting the right side."

"You do not control me Daemon. Nor do you control Runestone," Rhea glared at him from across the table, "And in case you haven't noticed, I, a woman, just so happen to be the ruler of Runestone and Jeyne Arryn will be Lady of the Vale, what makes you think that we will support Viserys and not Rhaenys?"

"Your son is Viserys' nephew. Whether you sit in Runestone with no support shown towards Viserys or raise an army and lead it in his name that doesn't change. As far as Corlys is concerned Baelon is on our side and thus so are you."

Rhea sighed and Daemon knew she agreed before she spoke, "I will write who I can and make a show of training some more guardsmen, but other than that there is little I can do. Now, will you be staying in Runestone long? Our children have missed you."

Due to everything going on Daemon had been unable to visit his children and had even missed their Name Day earlier that month, "I will stay until the morning and give them their gifts and then I will return to Harrenhal to meet with our allies."

"They will be glad to see you," For a moment the two sat in awkward silence, neither knowing what to say now that they weren't arguing.

"Have you heard the news from Dragonstone?" Daemon asked eventually.

"No, I'm afraid word does not travel as quickly to Runestone as to King's Landing," Rhea sniffed.

"Rhaenys was seen making a trip to Dragonstone atop her Red Queen and she was seen leaving with another dragon accompanying her. Lena has claimed Silverwing."

Rhea snorted, "Well she certainly acts fast. And what was the king's reaction?"

"He was unhappy obviously, but due to his unwillingness to name Viserys heir there is nothing he can do. He gave Baelon no reprimand for claiming Vhagar, doing so for Laena would show clearly who his favored candidate is. Now, on the subject of dragons, where is Vhagar being held?"

"I have had the walls of a stable broken down for her, for all the good it does. She can have no guards and at anytime she wishes she could leave. I would say your Caraxes is welcome there but I fear Vhagar has taken up all the space."

"And my son? How has Baelon taken to his dragon?"

"He goes riding upon her everyday, often with Alyssa," Daemon couldn't stop the proud smirk from spreading across his face nor did he try to. It was good his son had not turned out lazy and unwilling to take the time to properly get used to his dragon, "Go and see him now. He and Alyssa should be finishing their studies now and I have work to do."


"Father," Alyssa cried out the moment she saw him and immediately rushed towards him while Baelon hung back.

Daemon wrapped Alyssa up in a hug and took a moment to examine his children's guards. One was Ser Steffon, the Darklyn knight who had served Daemon's father while the other was Ser Willam Royce the wielder of Lamentation.

Ser Steffon was a brave and good knight who had served his father well for five years, he was decent with a blade as well though not one songs were sung of, his true strength cane with his loyalty.

Ser Willam had the same black hair and blue eyes of Daemon's wife. He was brave and honest as well as loyal to his cousins. He was a great swordsman and only made better by the Valyrian Steel he wielded. When Daemon wanted a sparring partner while in Runestone Ser Willam was his preferred choice.

If Daemon were to be honest he would say that there were scarce other knights in the Seven Kingdoms he would rather have guarding his children.

"How have you been my dragon?" Daemon asked in Valyrian while smiling towards his daughter.

"Amazing father!" She exclaimed with a large smile, "Bael has taken me riding on Vhagar as many times as I want!"

"Yes, your brother has never been able to deny you anything," He almost spoke Valyrian but stopped himself when he looked towards Baelon and remembered what Rhea had said.

Baelon's face flushed slightly red, "It is a brother's duty to spoil his sister," He proclaimed after a moment.

"Yes it is," Daemon said while ruffling his hair, "And it is a father's to spoil his son. Now come with me and see the gifts I have brought you for your Name Days."

Alyssa looked shocked at his words and a frown spread across Daemon's face, "You did not think I forgot did you?" To which Baelon and Alyssa quickly shook their heads as Daemon began walking towards where he left Caraxes.

Alyssa quickly grabbed Baelon's hand and began dragging him after Daemon with a large smile across her face while Ser William and Ser Steffon fell into step behind them and Daemon found himself thinking that if Alyssa would always smile like that then perhaps even being behind the Velaryons for the Iron Throne would not be so bad.


Well this came out later than was planned so I'm sorry for that. I had a funeral to drive to a few states away so for obvious reasons I was more focused on spending time with my family than writing which I think is understandable.

Once I got back I was focused on catching up with my schoolwork so yeah this chapter is coming out pretty late.

This chapter was pretty short and honestly I'm not super happy with it but I wanted to get something out to you guys so you got this sort of in between chapter before a timeskip. I hope it was still enjoyable.

New chapter coming Friday and at some point I owe you guys an extra update but that probably won't be this week.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Gusfes, Kingcarlos replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - I am 100% a hero, trust me!


Cao Cao was a hero.

No, not because he was born with the strongest Longinus, nor because he was a descendant of a legendary military commander, or because he was trained for years under the tutelage of the very best teachers Indra, his patron, could find.

Yes, yes, it seems weird that a revolutionary against all forces that attack humanity was under the patronage of one such supernatural existence, but the Hero Faction was only ever the enemy of the oppressors and those who harm or use humanity.

Beings like the Vampires, the Christian Pantheon that make use of humans in their petty squabbles, monsters, the crazy fuckers in the Greed and a few specific gods. Certain groups like the Norse, Hindu, Buddhist, and most of the Shinto did not harm humans so they had no beef with the Hero Faction and many heroes in the past were helped by Gods anyway.

But none of those matter as to the reason why Cao Cao sees himself as a true hero. The reason was-

"What has that idiot done?" Cao Cao grumbled as he saw the reports of the war that started between Heaven and Olympus.

Having to deal with the members of his own faction and making sure they did not do stupid shit, now THAT was a reason Cao Cao firmly believed made him worthy of the title of Hero.

Rubbing at his temples the leader of the Hero Faction had to wonder what did he do wrong to deserve having to deal with Cardin's bullshit. It was supposed to be a simple mission, just rescue some nun that was about to be sacrificed for the benefit of those overgrown pigeons, but instead of doing just that Cardin had captured the whole delegation that was sent, and then he actually faced and captured one of the Four Archangels!

Cao Cao was trying to see the positive here. He understood that this was huge, the recruits of the faction were all excited over it as that was proof that humans could take down even those beings so high up and the morale was higher than it has ever been. However, Cao Cao could also see the troubles here.

Heaven has contacted the Grigory and the two were fighting the Geeks, that was great news in a way since it means those forces were occupied with one another, but that also meant that the meager protection they normally impose in their territory in the human world was in an all-time low. With the exorcists, Amazons, and huntresses of Artemis busy fighting the war for their higher-ups, none of them was around to stop the actions of the vampires, werewolves, and evil dragons that decided to rampage around Europe as if it was their personal playground.

"What am I to do?" Cao Cao said in frustration.

"Do about what, darling?"A seductive voice came from the door of his office, making Cao Cao turn his gaze towards its origin and a rush of blood go directly to his loins.

Walking in was not a girl, but a woman. She is a very beautiful woman with a very curvaceous and erotic body coupled with a huge pair of breasts that could put even Gabriel to shame by comparison. She was wearing her combat gear that, funnily enough, looks a lot like a bunny suit but was made out of the highest of anti-devil technology that the Taimanin organization had to offer. Having her brown hair down with bits going downwards to her jiggly huge butt, her red eyes looked with care and affection at Cao Cao.

"Thinking on what are we to do regarding the problems in Europe. Your daughter's boyfriend put us in quite a hard position, Shiranui." Cao Cao said making the Milfiest of Milfs giggle a bit in a way that made her huge tits giggle a bit, bringing the attention of Cao Cao to them.

Shiranui saw this and gave a coy smile.

"I see that you are a bit stressed, would you like me to help 'alleviate' it?"

Gulping loudly Cao Cao shook his head and forcefully, with a herculean amount of effort, took his eyes away from the woman.

"No, humanity's wellbeing must come first." Cao Cao said seriously. His mind ran extremely fast as he calculated plan after plan regarding what the faction could do and how to solve the problems with as small a backlash to humanity as possible.

Shiranui moved to him, sitting her big ass on his table and forcing Cao Cao to look at her by using her feet to force his face to look right at her.

"You sure you want to be thinking of that right now?" Shiranui said in a husky tone that send Cao Cao into a near frenzy of lust.

He really, REALLY loves Milfs.

"But, humanity?" Cao Cao said in a small voice, his rational mind losing ground fast to his lust after not having fucked any of his harem members for the last two months since they were in missions all over.

"Cardin was the one to make this problem, so let him deal with it. If he and his group are strong enough to defeat Gabriel, then they can do something about what is going on without troubling our army." Shiranui said and, with a viable solution to his rational problems, his upper head gave up this hopeless battle and let the lower one do its thing.

Heh, being the leader of the faction has its perks sometimes, he guesses.


Cardin's P.O.V.

Being a leader sucks balls.

Seriously, why the hell did I accept the position of leader of the R&D department of the Hero Faction?

Sure, it lets me do pretty much whatever I want and delegate most of the most troublesome obligations that might come to the job to Tanya who gladly does them, but when a message from my boss about me having to 'deal' with the problems in Europe arrives just as I was bending over my cute Mary and preparing to discipline' that 'bad girl'. It is good that she has an amazing ass since her liking for spankings is quite something.

Still, couldn't Cao Cao be considerate of my circumstances and wait until a better time to send me these orders, like, never?

What is even the point of being the boss when you had to deal with your own mess? I just wanted a cushy job of being able to do whatever and then let others deal with the consequences, dammit!

... I hope Real finishes with Gabriel's modifications soon, I sure could use some holy pussy right now.

"SIGH, such a drag." I said as I sat down in the conference room of the strike force, a fervent argument over what we should do next to fulfill the orders.

I let the others discuss strategy for a bit before I just say my brilliant idea.

"How about if we destroy the vampires?" I suggest, making everyone stop and look in my direction.

Seeing that this shut up the rest I explain.

"The main reason why the monsters and such are all rampaging right now is due to how there is no nominal force that cares to stop their general actions right now." I explain. "The monsters feel they can do whatever they want since there is no force against them who will stop their actions. However, if the most troublesome bunch like the vampires lose their base of operations and suffers a huge blow, then whoever is left won't dare to act rashly and the others would go back to their lairs in fear of what might happen to said lairs."

"Hit one enemy hard to scare the rest, it might work but it also might provoke the others into joining forces against us, not only the ones rampaging right now." Zettour pointed out.

"Bah, those monsters only understand the rule of the strong rules the weak. As long as we are strong enough they won't risk fighting against us." Rudersdorf said while hitting the table.

Sheesh, the old man sure was loud for someone hitting his sixties. Loud, tall, imposing, if one was to think what a general should look like you would probably imagine something close to him.

"Uhm, if I may?" Valerie raised her hand meekly, making everyone turn in her direction. Taking a deep breath, which did wonderful things to her chest, she continued. "The vampires aren't that strong. When I was living there I saw them and know that the only reason why they still exist as they do is because of the barriers around the region they live in. We could just use the route I and Gaspy used when escaping to bypass the barriers, the rest should be easy if we have enough holy swords and fire magic."

Nodding in her direction I think about the day I found her. She was skin and bones and was trying to run from vampire hunters together with Gasper, naturally, I saved them both since the two are at least hybrids that have Longinus level gear... and were totally fuckable after getting some meat in their bones. Sure, I did not yet touch Gasper as the little trap still is training to control his gear but whenever we meet I make sure to let my Mind stone influence his mind a bit more and I lace his food with female hormones as well as a drug to make the dick smaller.

What? Even if I am a hero, I am very much a bad guy as well and in this hentai-like nightmarish world, I won't let silly things like morality hold me down.

Seeing the others start considering the idea I almost smirk, the fact was that the Tepes and Karmila factions would both eventually become sword enemies of mine regardless thanks to the Drawbacks, if I could eliminate both now before they could start becoming a nuisance then all the better. In the end, if I will be an enemy anyway no matter what then I have no need to play nice or wait for them to properly strike at me.

"Everyone, I understand the wishes of all present." I speak clearly, bringing everyone's eyes to me. "To save humanity and give it a brighter future, that is the core ideal that we in the R&D division strive for. Every new technology, advancement, or new recruit is all for this objective. However, even if our goals are noble, others will not want to see our rise to be their equals, so we must do whatever is necessary. The vampires are one of the worst of the worst amongst the supernatural, enslaving tens of thousands of our people to serve as little more than snacks. They look down on humans even when we are the superior ones, proven by how any child of a vampire with us is superior to those born amongst those filthy pests."

I look and noted that Valerie straightens up at the mention of hybrids like her and how they are the superior version of those vermins.

"Make no mistake. No matter what you may think, the Tepes and Karmila factions will undoubtedly become our enemies and something we must deal with. I do not say that this would be an easy fight, but this will not only save hundreds of thousands who are suffering daily in Europe in the hands of the supernatural, but we can gain something incredible from this." Turning to Zettour I ask. "Tell me, what do you believe we could we accomplish if we could add eight thousand Damphirs to the forces of the Hero Faction?"

Zettour stops and puts his hand on his chin.

"An interesting idea. After some proper military training, and with the right weaponry, it wouldn't be hard to topple one or two governments and start an Empire."

... I don't know if I should say if it was or wasn't expected that the German military commander would think of making an empire the first chance he gets.

"Let's not be too hasty just yet. But this amount of armed forces certainly would be a great boom for our forces just like the hero clone army bellow." I say.

I questioned Valerie before, the villages around the main palaces of the Tepes and Karmila factions are all populated by damphirs and the descendants of damphirs with humans. They are all at least 50% human and should all despise the purebloods who treat them as food and slaves. If at least eight thousand of them join our forces, and we combine it with the magic army and the hero clones, well, we would still be weaker than a force like the Grigory but we would be getting close.

And all that in just a few short years of the Hero Faction even starting, Give me another decade and I will fucking rule this world... or leave the job to Cao Cao while I enjoy the benefits of ruling this world.

Yeah, the latter option sounds better.

"Speaking of which, did any sacred gear appear in one of the clones?" I ask just in case.

Those things do seem to like showing up in weird places, after all.

"We have detected a few in some of them, but at most they were mid-tier gears and nothing more." Tanya said. "I spoke with Visha and the others in my squad who will start training the clones into a proper fighting force, but we would like some people with more experience in close-quarters combat."

I nod at her request since it makes sense, those clones were made using the genetic code of heroes from the past and most of them would tend to have much stronger physiques compared to regular humans, not making use of that would be absurd.

"We can make use of the exorcists we captured, just tell them to help teach the clones everything they know, but do not instill any of their religious nonsense. The last thing we want is for one of the clones to actually start praying and manage to bring the attention from Heaven to us since we are technically in their territory." I say, thinking it entirely too funny that I forced the Heaven into a war while my base of operations is in Brazil, a country under Heaven and Church's influence.

"Would that be safe?" Nikole asks in doubt over my idea. "They still have not accepted our beliefs even after the use of the hypnosis machine to help them, would they actually do a good job?"

"Nothing to worry about, dear." I say easily. "We can just say that they either help us, or we will torture their precious archangel they believe so much."

"But, Gabriel isn't even here. She is in Under Eden being used for the experiment." Nikole said.

"True." I acquiesced. "However, those exorcists do not know that fact. Threatens them with harming Gabriel, maybe mention that those they are teaching will be sent to help fight monsters predating humanity, that added to the machines should help those exorcists to do their job."

Thinking for a bit I mention.

"Also, make sure to give the exorcists doing their best some sort of reward, even if small, and any exorcist slacking or failing should be punished harshly, but nothing our healers can't deal with." I say. "I am sure that Rudersdorf should be able to deal with that perfectly well."

Carrot and stick is an ancient method that is used to this day for a reason, it works most of the time.

Being satisfied I continue.

"When we infiltrate there are a total of three min targets we must focus our attention on. First is King Tepes, the leader of the Tepes Faction." I say as an image of a man with a somewhat handsome look appeared, with white hair and red eyes he was quite distinctive. "He isn't particularly powerful, but he is the one who has the leashes for the werewolves, beasts enslaved by the vampires of the Tepes Faction. Take him out and the Werewolves should revolt and kill the vampires for us, lessening our job considerably."

It is good that Valerie told me about this, or things would have been a bit complicated for sure. The pure blood vampires aren't huge in numbers but they keep their control over the damphirs because of their control over the Werewolves. Werewolves are highly resistant to magic, are incredibly salvage, and their physical might is only below that of a dragon when on the same level. They would be an especially troublesome bunch to deal with if we attacked head-on, but if we remove their shackles then we could just let the monsters consume one another while softening them up for us to sweep in at the end.

That this 'king' is the abusive shit sperm donor that sired Valerie and proceeded to make her life a living hell of abuse and starvation, well, I certainly wouldn't complain about making that one suffer. I wonder if I could remove his soul and put it in a seal where its worst nightmare keeps playing on repeat, he would certainly deserve seeing as he made my girl cry in the past.

"Next, we have this one." I say as a new image appears from the projector. This one was a female who has medium-length white hair alongside the signature red eyes of the Vampire race. For attire, she has on a dress that partially exposed her upper torso alongside a bit of her abundant cleavage and a belt around her small waist with a skirt that shows well her phat ass. She also has a crown on her forehead, as if to further showcase how important she is.

She is 100% fuckable, that is for sure.

"Presenting to you, our second main target, Carla Cromwell. She is the leader of the Karmila Faction and, as strange as it might sound, someone we should try and bring back alive if possible. From our investigations, she has been pushing for a more lenient and kind way to treat humans and seems to want to find a way to coexist, an near impossible dream considering the very nature of the pure blood vampires but she still tries it. If we can capture her and 'educate' her properly she should be able to bring together the remnants of the vampires that would spread out around the world and let them see our point of view." I explain.

At this point, Mary raises her hand.

"Yes Mary, what is it?" I ask and she looks at me intensely before she speaks.

"What 'point of view' would that be, sir? Isn't our objective to simply eliminate the supernatural races?"

I move my hand in the negative.

"Close, but not quite. Our lives are short, Mary, far too short when compared to those of the supernatural. Everyone in this room would be dead or close to it in eighty years or so, except for Valerie of course. Eighty years is nothing to the supernatural, even if we can cow all races into fleeing, that would only last while we are alive. The best way would be instead to, forcefully if needed, make the supernatural races spread their genes and integrate into OUR society. It may not seem like much at first, but if more and more of the supernatural races breed with a human then the number of hybrids will increase, if these hybrids then breed with humans again, and again, and again, in a few generations a larger and larger percentage of the human population would have stronger physiques and magic reserves. Thus why I advocate for the capture of the females as much as possible while we try and exterminate the male members of their society, thus forcing the breeding to be with humans."

"So you intend to use this method to defeat the supernatural?" Zettour asks with a hand on his chin.

"That is my preliminary idea at least, yes." I say easily enough. "This Carla is just an example, if we can capture the leader of one of their factions and have her as a spokesperson to make at least a few vampires to get out of hiding, then all for the better."

Seeing that everyone was considering my words I continue for the last image and the most difficult one to deal with by far... for most, anyway.

"Finally, the highest priority target and the one I must be the one to face. Edwin Black, a Satan Class fighter no weaker than Gabriel. If not for the fact that I would have Durandal and Excalibur in hand I would not even bother trying this, but with those two and my gear I should be able to do something about him." I say simply. "I will, however, need the help of Rerugen to deal with this guy's gravity. Inform the man that he better go train more as his help will be needed, not to just stay doing paperwork all the time."

I think for a bit before speaking.

"I will want two weeks to train to see if I can better mix and improve my battle capacity for this battle. Everyone needing remedial lessons will be my sparing partner for this time around. Valerie, you come as well to treat anyone injured."

I see many faces turning pale as I say that many would need to come be my punching ba... suffer under my ha... Be my sparing partners. Yes, just be my sparing partners.

... I wonder if I should go check on how the new body of Sieg is doing, the 'guy' should be almost ready by now. At least this time no one will be able to have any doubts about the existence or lack of a penis in his body.

Under Eden does a fine job in custom build clones, after all.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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