

Hueco Mundo, the realm of the negative souls that become soul eating monsters. It was a giant desert that spanned pretty much everything one could see, with only some dead trees and sand dunes as decorations.

That wasn't where I was.

Sure I was in Hueco Mundo but I had no interest in the desert part of the world. What I truly wanted was under the desert.

Menos Forest. Calling it a forest was a bit generous since it was just a giant cave with some hardened wood made out of spirit particles keeping the 'ceiling' up. But it had a very nice little feature to it.

It was filled with hollows!

Not just normal hollows, there were those as well but the real feature of the place was the 'trees' which were Gillian class hollows slowly walking around with no direction. There were even a few odd Adjuchas levels around.

Just like the one that once looked like a giraffe that had it's remains in Rika's mouth.

The eldritch monster of mine was strong and I had the genius idea to make her eat hollows so that she could grow stronger. I wasn't sure whether a hollow that I had obtained could still evolve but they definitely could get stronger since her energy levels were increasing.

So the intent of my visit of this realm was having Rika eat Menos class hollows while killing some myself. I had already gotten seven Gillian's and Rika had eaten eight of them. I was exactly sure about letting her eat the giraffe Adjuchas as it was the strongest hollow we had seen since we came here as I could get myself another Adjuchas minion but it didn't have any impressive abilities so I decided letting Rika eat it might be a better decision. Not to mention the thing looked stupid and I would die from embarrassment if I brought it out for battle against anyone actually strong.

Like what kind of lame ass warrior would bring out a fucking giraffe in battle?! Not even Zaraki Kenpachi would fight against such an uncool guy!

Getting off point. I had thought about going up to the desert and try to find Nel and her dumbass friends but I didn't for two reasons.

Firstly, the desert was huge so searching for them could take weeks without a miracle and the only guy who could make them worked for the weird mustache Quincy king.

Secondly, I had no idea how to explain such a thing to the Visoreds or Urahara. The arrancars would probably get killed by Kensei or Hiyori before I could say anything.

So I decided that this trip would only be about killing hollows in the Menos Forest.

Speaking of killing hollows, a wild Adjuchas appears.

It looked like a snake, like a black mamba to be precise. It's head was completely covered by it's mask so it might as well have been a helmet with fangs.

It's energy levels weren't exactly impressive since they were barely higher than the Gillian's walking around so I lazily walked towards it, and then I was in it's jaw.

An interesting fact, black mambas are the second biggest snakes in the world after king cobras and they are also the fastest ones in the world.

This black mamba Adjuchas let me know that they were very fast as hollows too. If it wasn't for my reflexive application of Blut Vene and Hierro combination, I would have been snake food by now! Guess even the weak have a few tricks up in their sleeves. This one did too even though it had no arms.

Unfortunately for it, it was also far less sturdy then it's other Adjuchas brethren. I learned that when I blew it's head up with a simple release of my spiritual energy.

Whelp, I got myself another Adjuchas, even if it was pathetic compared to Rika. I think I will call it Orochi. A Name that required as much as thinking as the black mamba hollow deserved.

Whelp, that is two Adjuchas, fifteen Gillians and several dozen unranked hollows down and lots of more to go.

POV Change

"Still can't believe that the kid pulled open a fucking Garganta and left to Hueco Mundo." Kensei grumbled at the actions of his favorite punching bag. He was really annoyed at Cain and unlike the past few days he couldn't use training as an excuse to beat the crap out of him.

So he decided to help the girl Cain brought along with him. Sure he didn't get to beat the crap out of her but watching her train with Lisa was pretty damn entertaining. Especially when the former lieutenant of the eighth squad would do spinning kicks while standing on her hands. The dragon girl would go bright red whenever the bespectacled Shinigami did that.

Probably because Lisa was wearing a skirt.

The girl would always get distracted whenever Lisa's panties came into her line of sight and her face would become a bright shade of pink that was noticeable even with all the scales covering her. Ahh to be young and naive again.

"Stop flashing me!"

"Never!" Oof, that kick to the head looked painful.

It was quite impressive, the Visoreds might be holding back quite a bit in their training but any one of them could beat a third seat while holding back, or even an average lieutenant. Those of them who had been Lieutenants could give a captain run for their money and those who had been captains knew that other than Aizen, Unohana, Kyoraku, Ukitake and the old man; none of the current captains could beat them.

The kick that Tatsuki had just shrugged could very well knock out a third seat but the schoolgirl was up in a moment like a champion. Her durability and strength was off the charts, she only needed to hone her technique and get some experience and boom, above average lieutenant level fighter.

And Cain was even more of a monster, the kid had more than once shrugged off punches that could have laid down a lieutenant while sending punches that could do the same when he had fought against Kensei. The only problem the kid had was that he had started too powerful due to his base stats and his hollow ability so there probably had never been any opponent that could make him work for it. So he had no experience in battle against enemies above lieutenant level and even against those he could get a win.

But this morning he had been training with Kensei in a battle where both of them were fighting as strong as a weak captain.

Honestly, the rate they were progressing kinda terrified Kensei and he hoped that Kisuke wouldn't do something stupid to alienate them. Especially if the kid he was training was also as monstrous as the ones they were dealing with.

<< Index >>


I may have gone overboard a bit.

Why am I thinking that?

Let's just say that I tried out the one aspect of my powers that I had been neglecting since I came to this world and the results were a bit… intense. And by intense I mean the Menos Forest is now a smaller place and I jumped back into Garganta and ran away from Hueco Mundo before one of Aizen's lackeys came to investigate because I was pretty sure anyone and their last meal felt what I did under the desert.

Guess there is a reason gravity is one of the fundamental forces of the universe.

Inside the Garganta was as it always had been, darker than dark.

So getting out of it was nice.

"Ahh, light!" I said with a wide smile as I tilted my head sideways in order to avoid Hiyori's sandal.

Then I did it agin to the other side to avoid Tatsuki's punch.

"I see that you have missed me." I said with a wide smile as I punched her on her cheek, making the dragonoid schoolgirl fly away.

"So how has everyone been while I was gone?"

"Nothing interesting. Just the same old." Shinji said with his trademark cheshire grin on his face.

"That is nice to hear." I nodded and then I walked towards Kensei, the silver haired former Shinigami captain looking not happy.

"How you been?" I asked him with a smile that was basically the copy of Shinji's.

"I was good, then you came back." The former captain said gruffly but I knew that he was actually glad to see me. Tsundere Kensei was a fact.

"I feel like you are thinking something incredibly stupid." Kensei said but I was bored with such conversation.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Look I kinda need to test something so can you help?" I asked him and the former captain nodded. Told ya he was a softie.

"So what do you need?" He asked as he did a few stretches and I simply gave my command.

"Rika." And then the demonic Adjuchas came out of my shadow.

"Just testing something." I smiled as Rika suddenly threw a punch at Kensei which he blocked immediately, the force behind the hit still sent him flying away though. And Rika wasn't far behind him.

The demonic hollow was upon the former captain faster than the blink of an eye. Her claws slashing at him as he blocked the attacks with his combat knife shaped Zanpakuto. As their bout got faster and faster, I got my confirmation.

Rika was now at the power level of a Vasto Lorde.

This also confirmed my theory that my hollows could no longer go through actual evolutions and get new forms even if they were just as fast and strong as Vasto Lorde class hollows. Somewhat disappointing but I could live with it.


Though at this rate the training ground wouldn't.

"Oi!" huh, Tatsuki has gotten up. Guess she did train after all.

"Tatsuki my dear, how do you do?" I asked her with a smile, doing my best not to look at the bump I left on her forehead.

Though it didn't seem to placate her since she just ran to me with her fist raised high and on fire. She is a dragon after all.

I wanted to see how far she managed to come so far so I simply dodged her attacks, and she was good. Rather than some sort of flash step she simply used fire from her feet to propel her whenever she needed a boost in her speed, her punches were also quite heavy compared to what she had started with.

A few more weeks and she might even be fun to play around with.

Those were my thoughts before the girl flung herself to me and then opened her mouth wide, from where a bean of concentrated heat came towards me point blank. Meaning I couldn't dodge it this time.

And fuck was it hot! Her breath attacks was pretty damn impressive, it was more than likely as strong as a Gillian's cero!

They grow up so fast.

POV Change

Urahara Kisuke was having fun.

The fact that he was entertained by chasing a high school boy with a sword in hand while sometimes kicking the said boy to or through rocks probably said something about the man's mental health. Honestly the first sign was probably when he had thought that releasing Kurotsuchi Mayuri from the Maggots Nest was a good idea about a hundred years ago.

In his defense Mayuri was a brilliant scientist and had been quite helpful with his Research and Development Institute. So what if the blue haired man had some questionable methods when it came to consent, not like he was the first nut job employed by Soul Society.

Still, he probably should help Ichigo to get onto his feet now.

Honestly the kid was a goldmine. He probably Wouk never be amount to anything in arts like Kidō or other subtle arts of Shinigami but his fighting instincts were top notch and the sheer power he had would have earned him a very cozy seated officer position in the eleventh squad. Or maybe not so cozy since the eleventh squad was… eleventh squad. Cause there honestly wasn't a good word to describe them.

Honestly, Urahara had to admit that he had been quite lucky while training Ichigo. The former captain of the twelfth squad knew that his training had been highly… questionable. The little spar Ichigo had with Ururu could very well have ended with the little girl splattering Ichigo's brain to the ground along with chunks of his skull and less said about the second phase the better.

He wouldn't admit it but he genuinely had been scared when Ichigo had gotten out of the hole with a hollow mask on. Just the thought of what Isshin and Yoruichi would do to him if he ended up turning the kid into a hollow while training him, shudder, the thoughts were enough to give him nightmares.

But in the end he needed to use high risk training methods. He knew that the Shinigamis sent to recover Rukia wouldn't be kind to Ichigo nut he hadn't expected them to actually pierce his Saketsu and Hakusui.

That was an act that could have crippled Ichigo's soul and it would have if it wasn't for Rukia's powers that had been covering the stabbed points and protected his actual powers.

But still, the kid took to the dangerous trainings like fish to water and he had even gotten his Shikai out of it so Urahara would declare his training regimen to be a success and then he would never mention it to Isshin.

"Kurosaki-san! Please prepare yourself for the next round!" The shopkeeper shouted with a goofy smile as he flash stepped towards the young man and swung his sword.

<< Index

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XagnamGetting out there.


I would expect a lot of people to watch this due to the new anime episode that just released.