
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Questing Knight replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Otome Wolf (ASOIAF/MobuSeka)


So, this one is a bit short and thus I could finish it quickly. Plus, I am not exactly sure how to properly connect it to the rest of the story.

Thus, inspired by the LN, I decide to call it a side story. Enjoy!


Mylene tried her best to not twitch. Such an act was unbefitting of her status. In fact, it was unbefitting to even the lowest of the commoners. Thus, she must ensure that she did not perform the act known as twitching.

Her right eye twitched regardless.

As the queen of the realm, it was important for her to know the events that occurred in the land. Admittedly, it would be a very hard task – close to impossible – to know everything that occurred

in every corner of the realm. So, at the very least, she should know the things that occurred in the capital city.

For example, she would know what was currently popular among the nobility and rich commoners – merchants and the like. Works of literature tended to be popular for being able to appreciate them was a sign of being a learned man. Mylene herself liked to read as well for it was one of the few entertainments that she could do without wasting too much time. With her husband being…himself, she was quite a busy woman.

Thus, when she heard of a book becoming a sensation, she wasted no time in ordering her servant to acquire one. Once it was in front of her, however, she immediately regretted her hasty decision.

The Chronicles of Dragons

How Aegon Targaryen Conquered the Seven Kingdoms with His Sister-Wives Visenya and Rhaenys Alongside Their Pet Dragons


Eriyul ​

Eriyul was likely the pseudonym used by the author of the book. It was a common thing that many have done. Normally, it would be rather hard to deduce the true identity of the writer from the pseudonym alone since there tended to be no relationship between the real and fictional name. She could, however, make an educated guess.

Eriyul. Erijul. Eri-Jul.


There was no proof that this deduction was correct, of course, but considering how the very title alone mentioned…sister-wives – she must ensure that that term didn't make it into the vocabulary – then the book must be about the story of the conqueror with dragons that Julius told to Erica.

If her memory was correct, her daughter did request a large amount of ink and paper.

"That little rascal." The Queen stated before sighing.

She didn't know how Erica managed to get the book published without her knowledge. Perhaps that was one of the downsides of having gifted children; when they decided to be mischievous, it could happen in a very surprising way.

As had been stated, the book was quite a sensation and the white-haired woman could see how. Taking place in the far past when the land and the ocean were still connected to each other, the protagonist of the story was the eponymous Aegon Targaryen, a dragon rider with an ambition to conquer a continent called Westeros and become the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

There was nothing unusual about the story. A young conqueror was a rather common theme in the story. Being set in the far past was also nothing strange. The dragon was quite a unique take, being a trusted mount instead of a monster to be slain, but wasn't something to write home about. And even the incest part wasn't that noteworthy since this book wasn't the first – and likely wouldn't be the last – to have such a…topic.

No, what made the book such a sensation was two things; despite committing such a taboo, Aegon Targaryen was depicted as an overall good king (not a good person though; you couldn't call yourself that after threatening a lot of people with fiery death if they didn't kneel) and the incestual relationship between him and his sisters was a loving one as if it was a normal marriage (more so on Rhaenys; not so much on Visenya). The protagonist was pretty much not the kind of person that would commit such a wretched act.

"What does it say about Roland and me that an incestuous marriage is better than ours?" She bitterly thought.

According to her informants, unsurprisingly, the book was denounced for its scandalous content. However, the same scandalous content also made many buy the book; likely because they were wondering if it was indeed true. One could say that it had become forbidden fruit.

Also, just as unsurprisingly, many lower noblewomen bought the book. She supposed it made sense since those women to have…questionable taste.

Mylene pinched the bridge of her nose once more before opening the book and continuing where she left off. Not for the incest, of course! The political and war aspects were the ones that interested her!


With the harvest season coming soon, Leon Fou Bartfort found himself being much busier than usual. Sure, the harvesting itself was still several weeks away, but the preparation must be made before that. The warehouses have to be cleaned, the blades of the scythes sharpened, the routes being planned, and many more. There was also how it must be done as fast as possible to prevent the crops from rotting in the field.

"My back…" The boy complained upon returning home.

"Oh, stop complaining. It's your job, deal with it." Jenna – his sister – said, causing him to give her a glare. "Go pour yourself some lemonade if you're feeling that weak."

"Eh?" He turned his attention toward a pitcher containing the beverage. "It's very rare for you to be this nice. What's the occasion?"

The girl simply rolled her eyes before turning her attention to the book in her lap. Clicking his tongue, Leon went towards the pitcher and a nearby glass before pouring himself the drink. As he drank it, his eyes went towards the cover of his sister's book, finding out that it was the one about incestual conquerors, something that she had been reading since…

"Wait, didn't she start acting nice when…?" He thought for a bit before suddenly…


"What the hell?!" Jenna dropped the book and looked at her younger brother. "Why are you…?!"

"J-J-J-Jenna!" Leon spoke to her in fear. "Y-Y-Y-You're n-not considering m-me as…"

"As…what…?" She was confused for a bit…before remembering the book that she read. "Oh, hell no! Get your mind out of the gutter! I am feeling a bit nice to you and that's the conclusion that you come up with?!"

"A-Ah…" He sighed in relief. "Yes, yes, even you would know that brother and sister marrying each other is…"

"Oi, what do you mean by saying it like that?" The girl glared at him.

"Brother and sister could marry each other?"

The two siblings immediately turned their attention toward the third voice and saw that it was Finley. How long had she been there?

"You know, that might not be a bad idea." She spoke, causing her older siblings to become pale. "That means we don't have to think about dowry…"

"Jenna, you explain it to her!" Leon exclaimed, not waiting for a reply before running back towards the field.

He'll take working in the field non-stop over dealing with this incest bullshit.


With the harvest came also the harvest festival.

Once more, it was something that Ned found to be similar yet also different. It might sound strange that the North – the land where winter was the harshest and crops had problem growing even during summer – would celebrate an event where food was consumed in large numbers. However, there was only so much food one could preserve before running out of space; thus – rather than letting the remaining food rot – the festival was held to use them.

Plus, it would be one last happy moment for many Northmen; those who would not survive to see the next summer.

Currently, he, Jilk, Angelica, and several of her followers were watching an entertainer juggling several balls at once. When he was done and then bowed, the spectators gave him a thunderous clap.

"Let's continue our small adventure," Ned said as he moved his feet.

In order to not cause too much scene, the noble children – and one royalty – were ordered to travel incognito if they wanted to see the festival with their own eyes, donning a cloak to do that with the hood obscuring their faces. It was a strange experience – to not be recognized and acknowledged – but it wasn't a bad one.

The boy stopped for a moment when his nose noticed a smell of a certain food: meat pie. It reminded him of one of his vassals, Lord Wyman Manderly of the White Harbor. He remembered once visiting him and receiving a feast in his honor. The former Lord of Winterfell personally wondered if it was just an excuse for Lord Lamprey – as he was known – to consume a large number of foods.

Of all the food served at the feast, his meat pie was to die for, especially the lamprey one. Ned wondered what his friend was doing now.

"Probably holding a feast for the anniversary of my death." He thought with a small smile before walking towards the stand.

He gave the stand owner – an old lady – several coins and received a small rabbit pie in return. He bit the food and enjoyed the taste of rabbit meat, onions, celery, and carrots mixing together in his mouth, creating a wonderful sensation.

Spoiler: Rabbit Pie

"Jilk, Angelica, you should…" He was about to offer it when he realized something. "Guys? Girls?"

He was all alone at the festival.


"I-I just want to see the…"

"No, Lady Angelica. There's no need to bother yourself with those peasant foods."

"Indeed. Those foods should not enter your mouth."

"If you're hungry, we could just return to the palace and get ourselves some proper food."

Jilk clicked his tongue, pretty much disagreeing with their opinions. What did these girls think they would eat during an adventure? Oh, wait, they wouldn't go in one. At most, the only dungeon that they would enter was the one where entering was mandatory to graduate from the Academy. One that had been mostly cleaned.

He started to think that Julius had a point when the latter commented on how the nobility was becoming too pampered. He still wondered what he meant by "pampered even by Southorn standard" though.

Speaking of his foster brother, thanks to the girls suddenly pulling Angelica away from food stands, he lost sight of him in this sea of people. The last he saw Julius, he was heading toward the stands which meant that if he wanted to go after him, he would have to leave the girls.

Sure, there were boys among Angelica's followers, but considering they couldn't even stand up to the girls, he couldn't trust them. Meaning that he had to trust Julius to keep himself…

Wait, this was Julius he was talking about. His foster brother would definitely be fine.


He could still see the palace from where he stood, so he was not entirely lost. He had a dagger in his boot, so he was not unarmed. Finding his companions in this sea of people would be difficult. Thus, he decided to enjoy the rest of his time at the festival alone.

A pity.

As he moved from one stand to another, Ned was starting to understand why Wyman Manderly and Robert loved to eat. There were smells that he recognized: roasted chicken, smoked fish, fresh fruits, and more. There were also smells from the food that he never had in the North, like grilled corn on the cob and pumpkin juice.

He still believed they should have employed restraint. Last time he checked, Lord of the White Harbor was no longer able to ride a horse.

The Prince was about to decide to turn around and went back home when a pungent smell hit his nose. A pungent smell that he was very familiar with.

Finding his way toward the source of the smell, he found himself in a stand that was farther away than the rest and was practically abandoned except by the owner, most likely due to the smell in question. The one manning the stand – a man who wouldn't look out of place in the North – noticed his arrival.

"Greetings, young boy." He called him in an accented Holfortian. "You're interested in the smell?"

"I am," Ned replied. "This smell…it's fermented fish, right?"

"Yep. Rakfisk, the delicacy of Scania." The man smiled before raising a finger. "Wait here."

He went back to the stand to retrieve a small wooden box that contained slices of fish. The former Lord of Winterfell put his head closer to be able to smell it better. It was indeed the smell of fermented fish. Many who lived in the coastal area in the North would often make this food, especially in preparation for winter.

Spoiler: Rakfisk

"Come on, boy. Have a taste. It's on the house." The man offered before chuckling. "If you could, that is."

Accepting the generosity – and challenge – Ned picked up a slice and popped it into his mouth. Immediately his tongue was hit by the pungent salty flavor combined with the strong acidity. This… was definitely the taste of the North.

The taste of home.

"Boy," It was clear from his tone that the man was impressed. "Do you by any chance has the blood of the northern people in you?"

"I have to look up my family genealogy." He didn't exactly answer the question. "How much is it?"

"Well, a single fish cost 5 Dia. If you…"

"Sorry, sir. I don't intend on buying just a fish or two." He smiled. "I want to buy the rakfish by the barrel."

Later, many of the kitchen staff gave their resignation letter.


"L-L-Lady Angelica, I would s-say that this is the most unwise!"

"C-Correct! There's simply no need for you to…to taint your mouth with this…abomination of a food."

For the first in her life, Angelica ignored the advice of her followers, staring hard at the plate of rakfish in front of her.

When Julius returned from the festival, he brought with him some souvenirs: barrels of food that he called "fermented fish." If one asked her, she would state that "rotten fish" would be a more appropriate term. The exodus that occurred in the kitchen confirmed her thoughts.

She at first wondered if he got tricked by a seedy merchant. But seeing him starting to consume dishes that used fish as an ingredient and not becoming ill, perhaps it was indeed a genuine food. A very smelly one, yes, but food nonetheless.

Even Jilk stated that it was an acquired taste after trying one…before heading towards the nearest toilet.

Her father had suggested that – in order to make her relationship with Julius smoother – they should have something that they could enjoy together. Seeing him enjoying the rakfish, Angelica decided that she would be able to enjoy this…fermented fish as well.

This was just a fish. Nothing compared to the training that she had to endure!

Using a fork, she stabbed a small piece of the fish and put it into her mouth. It took her entire will to not immediately puke it out as tears started to form in her eyes.


So, canonically, this would be where Julius became enamored with grilled meat. Ned, of course, decided to have his own favorite food.

You can thank Ramsay for the inspiration: :p

Spoiler: Ramsay and Fish

Also, a curiosity; how do you think Ned would react to Lord Manderly's "special meat pie?"View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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 Creative Writing

Heart Transplant (Cyberpunk / One Piece)

 Thread starterAnzer'ke 

 Start dateMonday at 8:08 PM 

 Tagscyberpunk one piece

First Prev4 of 4


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Light And Hope Are my Wings!

Yesterday at 11:34 AM


Now to be fair those are outliers extreme outliers you pick up a gun in one. Piece your either a badass or a mook and nooks outnumber the badass.

GhostKing 666

Bringing Nightmares to life evey minute

Yesterday at 12:09 PM


Shatterdome_Maintenace said:

Now to be fair those are outliers extreme outliers you pick up a gun in one. Piece your either a badass or a mook and nooks outnumber the badass.

And the same is said for mooks using swords and their fists. A badass is a badass no matter what weapon they use, and mooks are mooks no matter what weapon they use.

Tactical Tunic

Glorious Burgerman of Eagleland

Yesterday at 1:03 PM


GhostKing 666 said:

None of that is even hinted at coming to past. You are confusing fanon with canon.


Spoiler: It's all there

You may have a point there about guns, but our positions seem to have reversed.


Yesterday at 1:12 PM


While interesting, none of this is really in the realm of what may happen in the story. Law's a medical genius, not an engineer or biologist, so anything like the superweapons ain't happening.

On that, I wonder what kinda mischief the grump makes with the more advanced tools of Cyberpunk, considering with a standard medical kit he's already doing wonders that Gloria never imagined possible.


GhostKing 666

Bringing Nightmares to life evey minute

Yesterday at 1:13 PM


Tactical Tunic said:

Spoiler: It's all there


Now this is not the thread for this type of debate so drop the speculation.


Anarchism ho!

Yesterday at 2:16 PM


GhostKing 666 said:


Now this is not the thread for this type of debate so drop the speculation.

It's also not the thread for VS debates, but that hasn't been stopping you so far.

Neither is particularly on topic, but speculation at least has some bearing on narrative and hence on the story.


By the Horns

Yesterday at 3:34 PM


What Devil Fruit(s) would suit David or the Crew best?

Last edited: Yesterday at 3:36 PM


Potato and Chip

A time traveling Mollusc from another planet...

Today at 12:14 AM


So I don't know much about the Heart Pirates, this is mostly speculation, but I have to assume that they're going to transition to becoming a new local gang. Maybe not a big one, I don't know how open they are to recruitment, but a new power none the less. Though probably not one that holds territory. I mean, they have the logo already with their smiley face symbol, they have uniforms too. Even their name, "The Heart Pirates", sounds like a gang of organ thieves.

At the very least I doubt they'd have issues finding new members, considering Night City is the city of broken dreams I'm sure there are plenty of desperate medical professionals or students who would be willing to sign up with a medically focused gang. Maybe even former trauma team members.

Actually, how much of their medical knowledge and techniques are teachable to locals? One Piece as a manga can get pretty cartoony and has a plethora of powers which can boil down to "person trained good" and there are plenty of special techniques that can slap physics around for a bit. If those are teachable any possible new recruits could get really scary. Battle surgery sounds fucking terrifying honestly, even if nobody else has space manipulation powers.

Anzer'ke said:

And it raised one very important question in Gloria's head. Replacing her worries about dying with a far more sobering thought.

How in the fucking fuck was she going to pay for this?

Yeah... that's probably why the Heart Pirates are going to terrify people. Ordinary, gang, and corpo alike. I'm sure they aren't able to hit every accident zone but Night City has enough violence daily for the group to eventually pick up people from every walk of life if they want to.

Granted its only been one update but if the Heart Pirates keep it up people are going to think their name refers to how they steal patients from trauma teams by swooping in and grabbing the victims themselves. The unfortunate understanding being that they expect to be paid for their "help". With the unspoken threat being that refusal means you'll end up as a new source of organs or something.

Now I don't know if that's what the Heart Pirates are actually like, but Night City residences are going to be expecting that and its not like these guys have another source of income. The issue then becomes, what happens to people who can't pay with cash? A payment plan? Favors to be called in later?

Its not like people aren't dying constantly in Night City, Law could easily have people indebted to the Heart Pirates at every level of power, on ever street corner. Maybe law could hold their hearts as "collateral" until said debt is cleared (it fits with the name)? I don't know how the Heart Pirates operate, but Law does sound like he can be pretty ruthless when he wants to be. And its not like holding onto someone's heart would hurt them with his power. It just means that when he calls in for "payment" (like say for knowledge on how to get home) said person can't refuse.

Mashadarof402 said:

They dissassembled a TT team, literally, and then jacked a platinum covered client, the corpo limo, from right under their noses. Before vanishing into thin air. In full view of two TT AV heavy response units.

If the Heart Pirates are consistent while also demanding payment of some kind they're going to become something of a terror as well as maybe even a begrudgingly liked group in the city? For the corpo its pretty terrifying to know that even with payment to trauma team you could still end up being grabbed by a bunch of teleporting backstreet doctors. Meanwhile for your average ganger or citizen getting loaded with surprise medical debt (I assume the Heart Pirates want to eat after all) or a favor to be called in at a later date is terrifying... but its also a better alternative to just dying in the street.

Anzer'ke said:

Just imagine being in one of those AV-4s and arriving to find your buddies need to be reassembled. Like a Mr Potato Head. Or whatever horrifying equivalent children's toy they have in the dark future.

That's how rivalries are born, or eternal enemies. I'm sure as time goes on the trauma teams will grow to hate the new "gang".



Today at 12:21 AM


Potato and Chip said:

Maybe law could hold their hearts as "collateral" until said debt is cleared (it fits with the name)?

"I ain't paying Law!"


"Yeah! Cause I have a jar of dirt! I have a jar of dirt~ guess what's in it~"

Potato and Chip said:

If the Heart Pirates are consistent while also demanding payment of some kind they're going to become something of a terror as well as maybe even a begrudgingly liked group in the city? For the corpo its pretty terrifying to know that even with payment to trauma team you could still end up being grabbed by a bunch of teleporting backstreet doctors. Meanwhile for your average ganger or citizen getting loaded with surprise medical debt (I assume the Heart Pirates want to eat after all) or a favor to be called in at a later date is terrifying... but its also a better alternative to just dying in the street.

Click to expand...

If anything, Law would probably have a cheaper payment plan than TT's. The only problem being that they are limited in ability to scale up operations unlike TT.


Potato and Chip

A time traveling Mollusc from another planet...

Today at 12:29 AM
