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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, sinereal replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Seigyou Tensei - Legitimately Employed Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei SI)


Seigyou Tensei - Legitimately Employed Reincarnation



Of course, even with the city rebuilt, it wasn't quite livable yet. Namely, none of the buildings had furniture. Nor was there any food in the city. Those weren't really my problem, but… Sprite being the little completionist and overachiever she was, promised to have it taken care of by morning. So, for tonight, we spent the night on the Roxy.

Almost immediately however, I saw a problem. If I wanted to use Roa as a future air travel hub, I needed to build facilities. So, Sprite and I went back out and took care of that. We put in three new airports, creating a series of three smaller, walled areas outside of Roa itself. One, a civilian airport for unloading just passengers, where they would then go through customs if they were traveling here from somewhere outside of the country. The second, a cargo port, for loading and unloading large shipments. The last, a private airfield for my family's personal use.

The last field was where we set the Roxy down onto solid ground for the night. Everyone took some time to stretch their legs and enjoy the evening air, before we eventually ate supper and hit the sack.

The next morning, I woke up and took care of the usual morning routine, before heading out to the top deck. Or at least, that's where I intended to go.

"Are you hungry, master Rudy?"

I sighed, turning a mild glare on Lilia. "Just Rudy, Lilia." The redhead smiled and after a moment, I smirked. "Sure, why not?"

Following Lilia into the mess, I found breakfast already waiting. My eyes focused on the curvy redhead as she bent over the table, filling a plate for me. "Looks delicious."

"Thank you," she murmured, smiling happily.

I slipped up behind her, laying my hands on her hips and gripping her tightly. "The food, too."

"Master… the others could be here any moment," Lilia breathed.

"Let them," I shrugged. Grabbing my plate with telekinesis, I guided Lilia away from the main table and into a corner. Putting the plate on the table, I pushed Lilia firmly over the table and flipped the black skirt of her maid uniform up, before reaching up and jerking the top down, freeing her pale, soft titties. Unzipping my pants, I fished my cock out and slid into her from behind, drawing a moan from the redhead that she quickly stifled by covering her mouth. Then, I grabbed her hips and fucked her into the table as I used telekinesis to eat my breakfast at the same time.

I finished my breakfast and left Lilia with a womb full of cream. Slapping her pale ass, I helped her up and pulled her into a kiss, before heading back towards the deck—leaving behind a satisfied, out of breath, mess of a woman. I did make sure to clean the table with magic though—I wasn't a filthy heathen. Fucking in a kitchen or dining room is fun, but I knew better than to leave a mess behind.

Walking with a spring in my step, I stepped off the deck and dropped to the ground below. The grass was still the green of late summer/early fall and was wet with morning dew. I moved away from the docked Roxy and created a stone chair and table from the ground, before dropping my coat on the table. Then, I settled into my usual morning practice routine.

It was as I was going through aerial maneuvers that I was joined by Aisha—Roxy, Norn, and Zenith not far behind with Ruijerd and Elinalise bringing up the rear. Aisha slipped seamlessly into my practice, moving in to strike at me as I parried the blow. "Did you have to? Really Rudy?"

"What?" I asked, attacking her right back as she bounced around the strike and moved to attack from a different angle.

"You know what you did!" Aisha growled, blasting at me with a Water Ball.

"Why don't you tell me what you think I did this time?" I countered with a Wind Ball of my own, blasting the water apart into droplets.

Aisha conjured a sword of ice and moved in to slash my chest, and I matched her with my own ice blade, the two locking up and leaving us facing each other. The little redhead glared at me, green eyes narrowing at my own. "You and mom had sex in the dining room," she hissed.

"No we didn't," I countered, shoving her off with a grin and a laugh. "The Roxy doesn't have a dining room. Ships have a mess and a galley, not a dining room and kitchen."

"Same thing!" Aisha sent a fireball at me.

I countered with water, before blasting at her with wind, sending her tumbling before she quickly righted herself. I had just a moment to hear the crackle and see the blue flash and responded instinctively, conjuring my own lighting. The two bolts danced between us for just a moment before zapping down into the ground. "You really going to begrudge your mom enjoying herself?"

Aisha pouted as she paused across from me. After a moment, she whined, "No. It's just… I don't want my brother to be my dad!"

I laughed, moving over and pulling her into a hug. Aisha clung to me as she hugged back and I lowered us to the ground. "I'm still just Rudy, Aisha. Paul is…"

"A living failure," she muttered.

I sighed. "He's still your father. I'm not going to try to replace him."

Aisha nodded against my chest, before looking up at me, most of her face hidden by my shirt. Mischief danced in her eyes and I could hear the grin. "Good. That would just be weird. Unless you want me to call you daddy~."

I groaned and hugged her tighter, until she began to squirm and struggle. Reaching down, I gave her a quick spank, before turning her around and pointing her towards where Roxy was finishing her warm-up exercises. "Go play with Roxy. I'm sure she'd like to have a sparring partner."

"Gah, fine," Aisha grumbled. "Thought I was going to get big brother time."

Reaching down, I mussed her red hair. "I'll be happy to give you 'big brother time' whenever you want, but at the moment, Norn needs me more. And I promised to help her. Now, get."

"Yes sir~."

"Brat," I rolled my eyes, sending her on her way and heading over to Norn myself. I watched her stretch for a moment, checking her form. "Hey."

"Hey," she grunted, but didn't look up from what she was doing.

"You ready for magic training?"

She sighed. "I guess. Don't expect a miracle or anything."

I rolled my eyes and held out my hand. "Come on."

Norn took the offered hand and I pulled her up to her feet. I moved us well away from the others—still in sight, but far enough that they couldn't overhear. "Won't need the spear for this."

The blonde nodded and planted the weapon in the ground. We moved a little away from it and I stopped her. Moving in front of her, I reached out and took her hands. Norn raised an eyebrow, but I smiled down at her. "Can you cast Wind Gust?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

Moving around behind her, I lifted her hand and pointed it out at the empty grass field ahead of us. "Cast it for me."

"O-okay," Norm murmured, a bit of a hitch in her voice for just a moment. Clearing her throat, she focused and, a moment later I felt the blast of wind.

"Good job," I said, before taking her other hand. "Now this one."

When she repeated the feat with her left hand, I had her do it again with her right, then left again, alternating several more times as I got her into a rhythm. "Alright, now, we're going to try something new. I want you to cast it from both hands at the same time. You ready?"

Norn hesitantly nodded. "Mm."

I brought both her hands up, just under her breasts, facing each other. "Breathe in. Start channeling." I slowly pushed her hands out. "Breathe out, release."

A massive gust of wind blasted out, making our hair and clothes flutter as wind rushed in from behind us. "Good, good. Now. Right, left, middle. Quarter power. Go."

I let her fall into that rhythm for a while, working up a bit of a sweat as she did, before stopping her again. "Can you cast it from your feet?"

"Yeah. It's how I launch myself," Norn confirmed.

"Great." Letting go of her, I moved off to the side. "So, watch. This is what you're going to do."

Then, I demonstrated. Step forward, right kick, Wind Gust. Right foot down, right straight punch, Wind Gust. Repeat with the left side, followed by a two-handed Wind Gust. Turning back to her, I smiled. "Got it?"

Norn frowned, but nodded. "Sure."

"Alright. Now, make your way across the field like that."

The blonde didn't ask questions, she just began moving, casting as she went. "Let me know when you need a break," I called to her as she passed, but Norn just focused on what she was doing.

For all that she claimed she sucked at this, Norn had mana to burn. My guess was, whatever spells she had managed to learn, she had doubled down on casting to wear herself out to exhaustion, then followed something closer to my own original routine of casting, taking a break, eating something, then continuing to cast. Only she had done it a lot. So while she didn't have Aisha's sheer talent, Norn had way more mana than Eris or Roxy had even now. At a guess, I'd put her somewhere between Eris and Sylphie… but that was a huge gap to occupy, because Sylphie was just that strong last time I had seen her and had likely only gotten stronger.

Finally, Norn reached the wall and I stopped her. Growing a couple of chairs and a table out of the ground, I asked, "Sprite, can we get something to eat?"

"Of course, master," Sprite answered.

I conjured a jug made of ice, along with a couple of stone cups, and filled the jug with water so cold it was almost slush. Sitting down, I gestured for Norn to join me. She sat and a moment later, Sprite Sent a plate of cold fruit, sliced meat, crackers, and cheese to the table. "Eat," I instructed, before pouring her a glass, creating a twisting breeze around us to cool her off.

Norn slowly ate and drank, relaxing into her seat as she did. "…Thanks."

"So," I began, "why do you think I'm having you do this exercise?"

"I don't know."

"Think about it, then answer," I said, making myself a little miniature sandwich with turkey and cheese. "Sprite, do we have any mustard?" A glass jar appeared on the table full of brown mustard, along with a knife. "Thank you much."

Finally, after Norn had eaten several mini-sandwiches and fruits of her own, and drank a good two glasses of water, she said, "It's so I get used to casting it frequently."

"Good answer," I nodded. "Air Running is just a modification of Wind Gust. You have to adjust how much force you're going to use with each step, and you have to do it as fast as you run. You're essentially creating a platform of compressed air and launching yourself with and from it at the same time. You've already got the timing down, you just need the rest of the stuff. So we'll work on that next."


"Yeah?" I sent her a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'really?'"

Norn shook her head and looked away. "Nothing. Are, are you ready to start again?"

I considered her for a moment before leaning back in my chair. "Nah. I want to sit here a few more minutes."

"Mm." Norn nodded, picking up a grape and popping it in her mouth.

Seeing an opportunity, I modified the table a bit, lifting the plate, cups, and jug off onto elevated tables moved off from the center while turning the center into a dungeon maze. From the floor of the dungeon, a group of figurines rose up. Myself, Eris, and Ruijerd on one side, and groups of enemies hidden throughout the maze. "So, there we were, making our way through a dungeon on the Demon Continent…"

Norn perked up immediately. She had heard of this game from Eris but never actually played before.

I grinned as I advanced our figurines through the maze, before coming to the first group of enemies… And then dropped a secret door behind our party and revealed the horde of goblins coming at us from behind. "Oh no! Norn, you have to save us!"

Norn's eyes went wide as she leaned in.

Hook, line, and sinker.


Norn wobbled a bit as she blocked a slash from my stone sword with her bladed staff, but the smile on her face as she leapt away, ascending through the air before diving back at me couldn't have been pried off with a crowbar. Our weapons clashed again and I grabbed her staff, jerking it out of her hands and blasting her away with a Water Ball. She managed to recover before she hit the ground and instantly began bouncing through the air, throwing spells at me.

I countered what needed to be countered and launched a few attacks of my own, forcing her to evade. A glint in the sky on the horizon drew my attention and, in my moment of inattention, I found myself tackled and borne to the ground. We tumbled in a tangle of limbs and Norn wound up on top of me, one of her hands holding both of mine above my head, the other clasped around my throat. The blonde panted where she sat in my lap, sucking down air. Her hair had come loose from the tail she'd put it in and strands stuck to her sweaty, red face while some dangled down and tickled my nose.

I smiled up at her. "Good job, Norn."

I casually broke her grip on my wrists and sat up. Norn nearly fell back before I caught her, hugging my sister against my chest and petting her back. Norn went stiff for a moment before she relaxed and rested her chin on my shoulder. Hesitantly, her arms wrapped around my middle and squeezed back—softly at first, then tightly, as though afraid I'd let go. "…Thanks, Rudy."

"You're welcome."

We sat like that for a while until eventually, a shadow fell over us. Looking up, we found the Eris descending beside the Roxy, the ground rising up below it to create a cradle for the airship. I started to get up, but Norn didn't let go. Rolling my eyes, I forced myself up with telekinesis, the blonde latching on like a limpet. "Come on, hop down so we can go see the others."

"Carry me."

"Sure. Piggyback?"

Norn nodded and hopped down, but only long enough to slip around behind me and hop up onto my back. "Giddyup."

We made our way over to the port side of the Eris, meeting up with the others as they gathered around. Norn dropped down to the ground as soon as we got close and made her way over to Zenith, who pulled her daughter into a hug. Leaning down, I heard Zenith speaking quietly into Norn's hair as she held the girl. "I saw what you and Rudy were doing. I'm so proud, Norn! Good work!"

"Th-thanks," Norn blushed, her gaze falling to the ground.

Roxy stepped up to my side, chuckling quietly. "Someone's in a good mood."

"She just needed a success under her belt," I answered quietly as the cargo bay door slid open in front of us. Before it was even halfway open, (a white-haired missile streaked towards my chest) there was a gust of wind and a white-haired missile streaked towards my chest. I opened my arms and caught her, spinning around to bleed off momentum.

The girl in my arms jumped, wrapping her arms and legs around me, squid-like. And then, I was being kissed, lips meeting my own as Sylphie wept and shook. I hugged and kissed her back as the others laughed and the group from the Eris made their way down the ramp.

Sylphie pulled back, breaking the kiss and resting her forehead against mine. Short, unruly white hair framed a pretty face and blood red eyes. Her ears twitched and she giggled as she reached up and wiped tears from her eyes. "Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cry."

"Hey, it's okay," I assured her, reaching up and helping wipe away the tears.

"I, I can't help it. I'm so happy to be home!"

"Welcome home." Leaning in, I kissed her lips again, earning a quiet giggle. "Come on, let's go see everyone else."

"Un!" Sylphie nodded, before letting go and dropping onto her own feet. She stepped back and I took a good look at her. She wore a black and white suit, under a green and white cloak, with a set of cool looking sun glasses hung from a little loop sewn into her top for that purpose.

Spoiler: Sylphie

I pulled Sylphie back towards the group and smiled at what I saw. Hilda and Phillip were caught up in a hug, the man and his wife kissing as Sauros held them both tightly. Elinalise, Tallhand, and Zenith had pulled Ghislaine over to the side and were chatting. Roxy and Ariel were likewise caught up in their own conversation. I was mobbed a moment later by the blonde form of Sylvia as she caught myself and Sylphie up in a teary, wet hug, Elin following her mother closely and latching onto her sister's legs.

And over the blonde's shoulder, standing there at the top of the deck, hands crossed over her breasts and looking particularly smug as she looked over it all was Eris. Our eyes met and she smiled—that soft smile she usually reserved for the bedroom. I sent her a nod and she moved down the ramp, making her way over to her mother, father, and grandfather. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Ruijerd leaning against the hull of the Roxy, watching as he spoke quietly with Kishirika. The curvy woman turned her head my way and smiled, while Ruijerd looked up and met my gaze for a moment before returning to his conversation.

"It's good to have you back, Sylvia," I said, giving the blonde in my arms a squeeze.

Sylvia snorted. "Please. Call me 'mom,' Rudy."

"Mm… nah," I teased, and the woman pulled away and pouted, before sticking her tongue out.

"Rudeus," Ruijerd spoke up from nearby as he approached. "May I speak with you a moment?"


"Eris as well."

I sighed. "About that time?" When he nodded, I gave Sylphie and Sylvia a squeeze, and patted Elin's head. "I'll be back in a few," I told them, before pushing them gently in the direction of Aisha, Lilia, and Norn.

Catching Eris's eye, I jerked my head off to the side and she nodded. She excused herself and hurried over as we made our way away from the others. Finally, Ruijerd stopped and turned to face us. "So… this is it?" the redhead asked, arching an eyebrow.

Ruijerd nodded once. "For now."

"Where do you plan to go?" I asked, and the man shrugged.

"North, I think." Looking us over, he smiled. "You've grown. You are both warriors now. You don't need my protection."

Eris put on her frowny face, glaring at the taller man. "That doesn't mean you need to leave, idiot!"

"I do," he countered, before reaching out and laying his hand on top of her head, stroking her hair. A look passed over his face as he looked at us both, full of happiness and sadness both.

"What are your plans?"

"I think… I'm going to look for a place to resettle the remnants of the Superd, before I go back to the Demon Continent and make contact with them. I'll also search the Central Continent for any others that may be in hiding that Sprite hasn't found yet."

"I'll set aside some land, if you decide you want to settle here. I can put together something like the other villages for you."

"Thank you, Rudeus. For everything. You have done much for me, and I know you plan to do still more for my people. You have my deepest gratitude."

"Thank you, for watching over us," I told him, reaching out and clasping his arm.

Ruijerd's bike moved around from the side of the Roxy, settling onto the ground beside him. His pack sat strapped to the back and looked to be bulging with supplies. Ruijerd raised an eyebrow at that. "You're letting me keep it?"

Eris scoffed. "It's a gift." Eyeing him skeptically, she asked, "You've got your phone?" When he nodded, her expression softened. "If you don't call, I'll be mad."

Ruijerd chuckled at that and ruffled her hair again. "Very well."

With that, the man secured his spear and climbed onto his bike. It rose up off the ground and he turned one last look on us. "Let us meet again."

Eris leaned into my side as we watched Ruijerd ride away, heading for the exit gate. I put my arm around her and gave her a squeeze.

"I don't like it."

"I know." I sighed and pulled her back towards the others as Ruijerd disappeared through the gates.

When we got back to the group, I was met by a smiling blonde. She looked to Eris for a moment. "May I?"

Eris snorted. "Yeah, go ahead. Rudeus, we're going to take a couple of trucks up to the manor. Sprite says it's livable now."

"I'll meet you there," I nodded, and Eris left.

Ariel smiled as she stepped closer. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be."

"You're just tall," I countered, to an amused look from the blonde. "Look, I'm still going through my growth spurt, okay? I've got a couple of years to go. Then you'll be looking up to me, not the other way around."

"Yes, but in the meantime, the view looking down is nice…"

"The view looking up is pretty nice too. Could be better…"

She rolled her eyes, before pulling me into a hug. I hugged back, feeling her soft, delicious curves under her traveling dress. Ariel… grabbed my hand and moved it down to her ass. I raised an eyebrow and gave it a nice squeeze. At the same time, she grabbed my own ass and squeezed. I squawked quietly and she giggled. "It's nice to finally meet in person."

"Same," I agreed.

We both let go and she tucked herself against my left side. We didn't walk very far before my bike set down in front of us and the back seat popped up. I helped Ariel up onto the seat and took my own seat, before taking off slowly for the palace. "Surprised you didn't have Eris drop you off in Ars."

I heard Ariel scoff. "No. I'm not going to live there. I… I can't look at the place without seeing everything it was." Ariel sighed. "Eris tried to take me back, you know? She picked up me and Sylphie, then Sylvana and Elin. Then she flew back to Ars. It was as I was looking down at the palace from the deck that I realized… I don't want to be there anymore. I want to be here. With you, and the rest of my future family. I'll just have Sprite project holograms to Ars and never actually tell them I'm not there. Because as long as the nobles think I'm there, they aren't here."

"Surprised you left any alive."

"Mm. Me too," she murmured. "But no. I only punished the ones who had committed crimes and only within the bounds of the law. Only a few were actually executed for treason." She paused for a moment before saying, "Your uncle and cousin were executed."

"Never knew 'em."

"I did," she sighed. "Luke… I thought he was my friend. It turns out that no, he was just there to spy on me for his father, my brother, and that fat pig. I suppose… I always knew I couldn't really trust him. I always had to play the degenerate princess around him, competing to see who could out-do the other with their sexual conquests." I turned my head to look at her and Ariel shook her head. "Sorry."

"It's fine. If you want to talk, I'm here."

"I know." She took a deep breath and held it in for a moment, before letting it out in a gusty sigh. "Right! Today is supposed to be a happy day! Not a day to lament over wasted years and poor decisions. So, are you ready for the big day?"

"What big day?" I asked, turning us onto the main street leading up to the center of the city and opening the bike up a bit.

"Your wedding? Weddings, I should say. Roxy, Eris, and Sylphie. Then myself."

"…They're really going to do them that soon?"

Ariel laughed. "Rudy, yes! I only talked them out of doing it tonight and postponing things for tomorrow in order to properly prepare."

"Prepare? What is there to prepare? Last I knew, it was just going to be a small thing."

"'Small' is a relative term." She paused, before asking, "Rudy… you weren't thinking you were just going to marry all three of them in one ceremony, were you?"

"Yes?" I asked, figuring that was the simplest solution which would suffice.

"Anta baka!"

"Hey now, Eris is supposed to be the tsundere throwing around Asuka's lines."

"Does she really?"

"Oh yeah," I chuckled. "She used to a lot. And Rin's. A few others, too. It was kind of cute to see her confused face every time I called her by a new woman's name. But seriously, they each want their own ceremony?"

"Yes!" Ariel yelled from behind me. "You idiot!"

I sighed. "Fine."

"Oh, don't be a baby. They all have simple tastes—as you should know. Unfortunately… our wedding will need to be this week as well. Preferably within a day or two of theirs. And it will require a bit more pageantry."

I felt like I was repeating myself as I asked, "That soon?"

"We need to solidify this alliance now that you're back in the country and you and Eris have been sending flying ships all over, announcing your presence to anyone who happens to look up. Which means a very public marriage and producing an heir as soon as possible. It's bad enough that I won't be your first wife, but given that we have a monopoly on the spread of information outside of the Adventurer's Guild, I don't think most people are going to realize the order of things."

"Sorry, but—"

"It's fine," Ariel brushed it off as we zipped through the last wall and onto the grounds. "I understand my place, Rudy. I understand what we are to each other."

We had outdone ourselves putting the place back together. It was almost exactly as I remembered it. I slowed us to a stop in front of the main entrance, lowering the bike to the ground. Getting off, I helped Ariel down, only to pull her to my chest. A bit of mana had the earth rising beneath my feet and bringing us even in height, drawing a smile from Ariel. "Ariel, just because we're only friends now doesn't mean we can't become more."

"I know," she murmured, resting her forehead against mine. "It's what I'm hoping for. I don't want a loveless marriage, where I have to seek out someone on the side to fill my needs. I want… I want what you already have. A family. A spouse. Cute sisters and lovers. People who I can trust. Who love me and whom I can love in return." She hesitated, then licked her lips. "You'll treat me kindly?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"…I, I have some ah," she hesitated. "Proclivities. From my time as a royal in Ars. You won't… look down on me if I indulge?"

Raising my eyebrow, I sent her an amused look. "That depends on what it is. If you're into animals, I'm going to have to give that a hard no."

"No, no," Ariel shook her head. "Uh, ryona. And uh, NTR. The kind where another woman takes my man! Or where I do it to her. Either/or. And a few other things… Sylphiette kind of, um, awakened that particular desire. Humiliation, too."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I'll play with you. As long as it's just play."

"Of course!" Ariel nodded.

Grinning at the blonde, I quietly added, "I really hope you're into handholding and lovey-dovey, baby-making sex in the missionary position for the express purpose of procreation while we stare deeply into each other's eyes and kiss. With the lights out. 'Cause it's happening."

Ariel's cheeks turned a cute pink. "I don't know if my heart can take that kind of thing…"

"Also shibari."

Ariel immediately rolled her eyes. "Just because I was Japanese in a previous life doesn't mean—"

"So, no shibari?"

She hesitated, then grumbled, "Yes, please."

"Thought so." I leaned in and pecked her lips, before stepping the two inches down off the mound of earth I'd made and taking her hand, pulling her towards the house. "Come on. Let's go… plan four weddings."

"Don't sound so thrilled," I could hear the eye roll.

The door opened as we approached and Lilia beamed a happy smile, holding it open for us. She went into a small bow as we approached. "Welcome home, master. Your highness."

""Just Rudy/Ariel.""

Ariel and I shared a look and a chuckle. Grabbing Lilia's hand, I pulled her along as well. Pulling her into my side, I grabbed a handful of her ass through her dress. "Come along, maid. We're not leaving you out either."

"As you wish, master."

"She's very cheeky, Rudy. You should discipline her more."

"I should discipline you," I muttered.

Ariel simply grinned. "Threaten me with a good time some more."View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Nelyahros01 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - My Romatic Comedy is Drowned in Fire and Blood


I walk now down the corridors of the Red Keep and take a small amount of pleasure when I see Otto Hightower. He is being working because my brother has been beside himself with the pregnancy. I don't hate the man, well I do dislike the fact that Viserys chose him over Daemon and thus had to choose him over myself. In fact I quite like him in that I like seeing him jump when I approach him, not knowing if it is Daemon or me, Jaehaerys.

Greeting him now I say "Ah Ser Otto Hightower, the strenuous tasks of the day must be weighing on you. No doubt you're doing a fine job as Hand of the King given the trying days these are. But don't push yourself too far, it is important rest or else you may climb so high but fall when you strength fails you and never rise to climb again."

He almost jumps out of his skin, which I have to say amuses me greatly when he sees me approach, almost jumps out of his skin. But he is a man of more logic than emotion so he is able to piece together that Daemon would have added a snide remark there. Or at least something that is more snide than what I said now as he states "Prince Jaehaerys, no wait you must be Jaehaerys since Darksister is not at your side. Yes the days are growing harder as we have a tourney to hold and the King is beside himself."

It takes all my strength not to show a look of disgust that the fact he is doing all the work for a tourney that my brother called for. I look him now in the eyes and he takes a step back, not knowing what I will do next as I state "You're a well learned man Ser Otto. But to say that you can tell because I took off Darksister, now that is something that comes off a little foolish doesn't it?"

I use the term 'I took off' to mess with him and fear takes his eyes as he thinks he might be alone with Daemon Targaryen at night in the Red Keep. Not a witness in sight to give testimony to his kidnapping or demise. Yes I do find it amusing and take a measure of satisfaction in that. Why wouldn't I, this man needs to lighten up and at times I feel like one of our dragons should lite him up if he goes on and on about the Faith this and knowledge that.

He's doing his best to stop his hands trembling in fear, so I put him at ease "It was a jest Ser Otto. I am not Daemon but Jaehaerys. But keep my warning in mind for the walls have ears and should Daemon learn that is how you apart he might act on it. Or he might not, after all this could be all some clever ploy to have him separated from his sword, a ploy that is not beneath you."

Now that was a slight because I know he has much to do with Daemon's current position and court, truth of if Daemon was unfit as Hand, Master of Coin or Master of Laws aside. He also at this point is not sure if I am Jaehaerys or Daemon and takes another step back saying "Why no that was not my intention Prince Jaehaerys."

Chuckling in a rather menacing manner I inform him "Oh that's the thing Ser Otto, if intentions were the only thing that mattered, I guess King Aeyns the first of his name would still be King and there would never have been a faith Militant Uprising. Or at the very least, King Maegor the first of his name would be known as Maegor the Righteous for he won the trial by Seven and the Faith Militant proved they were godless by not honouring it. And yet all of that is not to be."

As I walk past him now I stop and putting an arm on his shoulder feel him squirm as I say "Keep in mind two things Ser Otto, first is that you a very capable steward and should be commended for that" my grip grows slightly tighter now as I say "the second is that you are from Oldtown the heart of the Faith of Seven. Given how faithless the followers of the Seven have proven, it would be highly unwise for you to constantly be little one who could burn Oldtown to the ground and make ash fall like snow."

One can say it is an unwise King who lets his servants know he needs them and they are not replaceable. There is rewarding loyalty and then there is letting the old guard crush the new, letting them grow fat and complacent. It is a folly that Viserys should correct before it is too late for him to do so.


I now return to my chambers and find someone else there, a frail yet familiar figure with pale skin and even paler hair. She moves about making the bed that Rhaenyra messed up I look upon the ghostly visage of my aunt and say "Honoured Aunt, what brings you at this hour to my room?"

My Aunt, barely a year older than me looks upon me now. She gives me a soft smile and says "Your niece was here until late so I stayed with her. She ruined your bed so I took it upon myself to neaten it out for you."

Nodding now, I walk past her and tap the side of my dresser, none can see it but that is where Blackfyre rests while I am away. However my aunt does not leave now and asks "Did you quarrel with your eldest brother again Jaehaerys? You know that my mother, your Grandmother would have hated to see the two of you argue?"

In response to that I bite my tongue in regards to Grand Mother Alysanne. There is no need to bring her up to my aunt, it would only hurt her, not to mention my grandmother was dear to me. Instead I just say "There are many things that I feel she would not like and there are many things she would try to right in her mind. But we must not forget that she was not without fault."

My aunt crosses her hands on her hips when I say this and asks "Of all her Grandchildren, you were the one she loved the most. It would break her heart to hear you say that about her right now."

Countering those words, I respond stating "No it would not, your mother was Queen Alysanne, my grandmother. She would not find fault with what I just said. She would want us to recall the good and the ill about her. All that she was loved for and all that she was not. She was very intelligent and charming when she wished to be. But she was also without compromise, stubborn and opinionated. In fact if there is anyone to blame for why my tongue is so sharp, my Grandmother can take the sole credit for it."

Now that is me giving her too much credit, but my Aunt slowly nods her head in agreement with me saying "I guess that is why you were her favourite. You did not care for it and spoke as she taught you to and did so to her without fear. I wonder has she lived, would she have wished to see you upon the Iron Throne as king instead of Viserys. What was her final gift to you nephew?"

I pause now and consider not answering because my aunt was present when Grandmother passed away. Not only that but the entire family knew what that promise was. So I did not think I needed to repeat it, but do so out of kindness now saying "She made Jaehaerys promise that he nor the one who would follow after him would force me to wed. A part of me wants to think it is due to her seeing Daemon and Rhea Royce's marriage and it barely even exists that led her to grant me that boon."

"I think it is due to her fondness of you and she knew of your love of your cousin Rhaenys. Or perhaps as you would put it, was to right wrongs she may have done in the past. She was fond of you even more than I and even in her last hours it lit up her face to see you arrive." My aunt states this to me now and I have to admit, that she does have a point, at least the second point she made, she may have asked for such a boon to stop me going the way of my other Aunts.

But regardless of that now I state "Aunt Gael, while it is nice to see you again. You must remember that I was only ever a year your junior. And it is highly inappropriate to be visiting my chambers or even be here now as the night drags on. I'll escort you to your own room."

I hold out my hand now to her, but not before strapping Blackfyre to my side as Aunt Gael takes the hand and asks "Is that really necessary Jaehaerys."

In turn, I now look at her in the eyes, drawing her gaze back to my face. She holds my stare for but a moment before turning away as I say "If I were on my own, then no. But with you I shan't take any chances Aunty Gael. After all I promised my Grandmother that while I was present, no harm should befall you."


Slowly the assassin made his way through the darkened halls of the Red Keep, he was no Faceless Man, no Shadow Assassin. But he would get the job done all the same. The Queen had a very large and open window, not easy for any man to reach, unless of course, the killer knew how to climb.

And climb he did not as he found purchase among the smallest parts of every brick that made up the Red Keep. He made his way where no light fell, ensuring that he was not seen by the guards. Ensuring that he was not caught before his task was done, the blood of a Queen cost a pretty price and he would live to see himself make use of all of it, not just some of it like he had already.

Nimble as a cat, he climbed until he reached the open window, finding the room to the pregnant Queen unattended. Because why of course it was unattended, it was late at night, and all were asleep. The Kingsguard stood at the other side of the door ready, but they would not be in time. No they would not know until it was too late, the knights and all their pretentious oaths.

All of them just hired killers like him, only they can pretend to be righteous about it all and he is not. No he will kill the pregnant Queen in her sleep and thus striking at the true target, the unborn child. Too long had the abominations walked and ruled the land of Westeros. Now this murderer, this assassin would do his part in aiding the world to be rid of them.

Not that he knew who actually hired him or who actually paid him. That would be to messing and now just like a cat he tip toes his way into her chambers. Seeing the sleeping Queen and getting drawing his blade, an sharp dagger. A simple slice to the neck would do the trick, not messy, not loud and no stupid knights to getting alerted to his presence.

His dagger now gleaming in the moonlight, he drew just out of arms reach of the sleeping Queen. And just as he took a step forward and prepared to swing down. In that moment of being off balance, something or rather someone grabbed the arm with the dagger in it. Another blow smashed his throat causing him to drop the knife, the hand that had done so clamped down on the assassin's mouth stopping him from crying out in pain, while the other caught the falling dagger and slammed between the ribs of the assassin and up into his lung

The letting go of the mouth for but a moment, the unknown assailant delivered a chop to the assassin's neck, taking what little air was left out of the assassin now as he almost fell to the ground. But the one who had struck him such a blow did not let him, grabbing him by the throat with one hand and twisting the knife with the other. The assassin was lifted up off the ground and taken to the where the knife was removed from his ribs and stuck into his throat as he was cast off the side of the red keep.

The pale moonlight illuminated the face of the man who had did this, the neat long Valyrian hair with the purple eyes that looked upon the assassin now with other disdain. Before he died in those fleeting moments he knew the face of the man who killed him, the face of Jaehaerys Targaryen, who as those who had faced his wrath knew him as 'the Dreadnought'. For it was well known that Jaehearys dread nothing at all!View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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