
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Silver W. King replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Too Badass For This NTR World's Plot (Inside An Adult Game As A Former Hero/FGO Reincarnation)


Isabella was worried. For the past weeks she felt nothing but worry and anxiety.

It all started when he didn't see Mars in the town for two to three days. That was fine, Mars would sometimes get so focused in his silly sword stuff, that he'd forget to walk around in town and interact with people, or see her. That's when she'd have to go and pull him back from his hole and get him to hang out with people again, so he doesn't become detached from everyone.

Sure, Mars is a good boy that likes to help around town, so he'd do that on his own eventually, but she didn't like when he didn't hang out with her.

So she went to his hut to find him as usual.

Except he wasn't there.

So Isabella waited for him to give him a scolding for being gone for so many days.

She wait.

And waited.

And waited till it was night fall, only then did Mars return, looking completely tired, although his clothes were clean, and he smelled good like he just took a shower.

She barely got a word in, before he plop down on the bed was right away in dream land. He was gone to the world and her, leaving nothing but snoring.

Isabella covered him with a sheet, and left to go back home pouting and annoyed.

The next day she went bright and early, the sun barely beginning to rise, so she can catch that sword idiot early before he did anything.

Except Mars wasn't there. This time she went looking for him around town. She couldn't find him anywhere in town. Wouldn't he be working now, doing odd jobs to get money for food?

Was Mars starving himself so he could train!? Isabella thought in horror.

She quickly ran back home to make some food, then headed to his hut, hoping that maybe he'll turn up some time within the day so she could catch him.

So she waited.

And waited.

And waited till it was nighttime again, and Mars arrived.

"Mars, where have you been!? Where you outside the village? I couldn't find you anywhere! Do you know how worried I was? Why--" Isabella began her rant, not pausing this time.

"Hey, Isabella." And like before Mars plop down on the bed and was asleep the second his head touched the pillow.

"Why...are you avoiding me?" She deflated as now her words were falling on deaf ears.

She tried shaming him once or twice, but Mars was dead to the world. Only snores were here.

Isabella left the wrapped food for him visible on the table he had, and left.

She'd try again tomorrow.


A week. A whole week went by were Isabella would try to catch Mars and he would be gone, or the moment she saw him, he'd head off somewhere, moving too fast that she couldn't even call out to him.

Since when was Mars that fast?

Her parents told that she was missing her duties in helping her mother those past few days, and to stop obsessing over the boy. He was alive, in good health it seems and that should be good enough. They then gossiped on how they heard that two Heroes had been staying in their town, rather than the bigger one next to them. Isabella dismissed their gushing as gossip. It's not like anything exciting happens here.

One day, Isabella had enough, and just decided to go find Mars when it was still dark before sunrise. To her shock she found him awake, having eaten the food she now usually left him, and was heading off somewhere.

That was her chance to confront him on his behaviors and what he had been doing these past days.

But... a part of her was curious. Worried that he was doing something he wanted to keep a secret from her. It hurt that he didn't trust her.

Of course, Mars wasn't keeping a secret, he just genuinely didn't have the time to sit down and talk to his childhood friend, but the heart aches without following logic.

So Isabella quietly followed him. Thankfully this time Mars walked in a luxurious pace. Like he was enjoying just walking to where he was going without hurrying or worry about being late.

Mars made his way a bit outside town and...

Beauties. So many beauties everywhere.

A brown haired woman with looks that were a mix of a working woman and a wealthy merchant's daughter. From the cross on her neck, and the aura around her one can see that she was a nun of sorts, yet she held a weapon. A warrior healer? She aura was like that of a dependable older sister.

Then there was the short black haired girl with...moderately bigger chest than most. Isabella didn't look down at her own chest to compare. No siree. The short girl gave a little sister feel, that made one want to cuddle and spoil her.

And then there was...

There was...

Isabella gulped.

That big redheaded older woman. Isabella had never seen a more beautiful woman. A noble--

No, a royal. She could only be of royalty.

But how? Why would royalty come to their little town?

"Ah, I thought I managed to come early this time?" Mars said to the group.

"You are. We were was just finishing up Irena's warm-up." Said the only guy in the group.

He was also a redhead, and was very handsome with that aloof look on his face.

...Mars is better. Isabella said to reconfirm it to herself.

"I'm ready for whatever you'll throw at me, Lord Cloud!" Said the brown haired girl.

"Hmm," the red haired beauty made a sound. Even her voice had a mature allure to it. "Dugal is coming around with your morning partner for the day. Are you ready?"

"Eh!? I didn't even have time to do warm-up or stretches." Mars said in a slight panic.

"Well, you should have done it before you came here." Cloud said.

Cloud? She called him 'Lord Cloud'. So is he a noble? ...It's a coincidence that he has the same name as the Hero, right? Isabella started wondering in a panic. Since when was Mars hanging out with people like that?

A roar had her snap her head to the sky. Her eyes widened in terror.

There was a wyvern coming toward them. That it was carrying something was unimportant. A monster like that near town would be a catastrophe.

Isabella cursed herself for thinking nothing interesting happened in her hometown.

Then the wyvern dropped something before landing near Cloud, who petted its head.

The thing that crash on the ground however made Isabella pale in terror. At least the wyvern looked friendly, or under the Hero? control.

The grizzly bear in front of Mars definitely wasn't friendly.

"Errr, Lord Cloud, isn't this one a bit too big?" Mars asked nervously with his sword out. Isabella wondered when did he get a real sword, before dismissing the thought.

"Weak point and tough skin. You need to find the first, and learn to deal with the second, or just power through it, which ever comes first." Cloud said nonchalantly.

She moved to run in and protect Mars from the monster, or buy him time to run.

"Eh?" She couldn't move. No, someone was holding her.

She looked back to see the black haired holding the back of her shirt. When did she get behind her? No, not important.

"What are you doing? Let go! We have to help him." Isabella cried out.

"You're interrupting training. He's safe and fine." The stoic girl said, then changed her hold to grab Isabella's shoulder, as the shirt was starting to strain from Isabella struggling to break free.

"What do you mean 'training'? This is crazy! Let--OOMM MHFF!"

The stoic girl had enough of the pink haired girl, and was about to knock her out, but a look from her master told her not to harm the girl, just keep her quiet. So the stoic girl just covered Isabella's mouth with her other hand.

Isabella thought the worst was about to happen, that she would watch her childhood friend die horribly in front of her, with these crazy Adventurers letting it happen on a whim.

Yet the battle that happen wasn't anything she expected. Isabella couldn't follow everything that happened. Mars was so fast, his blade moving so swiftly she couldn't see it at times.

Injuries piled on the bear, while none came to her Mars.

Mars is amazing. She thought.

Yet managing to best the bear for so long caused Mars to get overconfident. The bear managed to knock away Mars sword in a lucky yet quick swipe of its arm, causing the sword to fly out of Mars' hands.

Panic filled Isabella as Mars was being chased around by the monster, that was quicker than it's size would suggest.

"Don't let your guard down just because your faster. I believe I already made the point on overconfidence." The redheaded beauty said, a calm look on her face, despite the situation.

"I know, Lady Frillite!" Mars shouted as he tried to shake off the bear.

"It's an animal. It has some smarts, but it mostly acts on instincts. Use that!" Cloud called out.

"Yes, Lord Cloud!" Mars shouted back.

Seeing his sword, he dived for it, only for the bear to be upon him.

Isabella screamed behind the stoic girl's hand.

Mars grabbed the sword, instantly turned and just as the bear lunged with it's mouth open, Mars stabbed under the bear's chin, the sword going up the beast's neck, and out its head.

The bear crashed down on top of Mars.

"Nooo!" Isabella didn't realize she had been let go, as she ran to the field. "Mars! Mars! Don't worry, I'll..."

The bear shook, and a groan was heard from under it. Then to Isabella's astonishment, bit by bit the bear was being lifted.

Mars was lifting the bear with her muscles arms over his head, before throwing it aside.

"I did--Eh? Isabella, what are you doing here?" Mars said in surprise.

"Mars, you... you're--" 'Alive' she wanted to say, but she didn't get the chance as Frillite spoke up.

"Mars." Frillite came and placed a hand on the boy's head as a healing aura covered him. "You won and survived however, do not think of using the opponent's weight like that is a good strategy. If it was something bigger than a bear you would have been crushed to death."

"Right, thank you for your guidance, Lady Frillite." Mars nodded enthusiastically.

"Hmm," She nodded. "And good job, your efforts are showing. Despite your complaining, you never cease to train and don't give up. Keep it up." Frillite moved her hand from healing him, to patting his head.

"R-Right." Mars smiled, a blush coming to his face. "I won't disappoint you or Lord Cloud, Lady Frillite."

Oh no, Isabella realized the worst was about to happen. Mars is being seduced!View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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