

With only a thought, Harry took over a small house that was for sale in town. Of course, he didn't steal it. He transferred money from some rich, scumbag politician to his newly formed bank account and used that to pay for it. Within seconds, the house was his and fully restored and decorated. When he decided to leave, he'd donate it to charity or something.

His favorite part of the house was the giant, fluffy bed which he was happy to break in.

Angela was lying on her side breathing heavily while she watched Jessica's back arch as she screamed out in another orgasm. Harry was thrusting fiercely between her parted legs. While Angela wasn't a virgin, she had never even come close to being in a situation that was so sexually charged. She looked down at her body and blushed. She was completely nude with rock-hard nipples and the upper part of her inner thighs were glistening with wetness. She had just come down from her own mind-blowing orgasm. Now, all that she could think about was getting fucked by him again. She got up onto her knees and waddled behind Harry. She kissed his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Just feeling his muscles nearly made her cum again. Her hands slid down his six-pack and onto his member. One of her hands began lightly brushing his arousal-coated cock while the other dipped down and cupped his swaying balls.

Having never done this kind of stuff, at least she knew what boys liked. Girls loved to talk about sex as much as boys. She gently started massaging his sack that was thick and bloated with cum. Peeking around, she saw him using his thumb to rub circles over Jessica's swollen clit while she trembled violently. Suddenly, he lifted Jessica up until she was straddling one of his thighs. She slowly rocked her hips back and forth, smearing her juices all over his leg. Right after, Angela also found herself in a similar situation. She couldn't help herself and, like Jessica, she began grinding her wet, hairless pussy all over his thigh.

Harry leaned in and kissed Jessica deeply. It only lasted a minute before he claimed her mouth as well. Angela happily opened her mouth and let his tongue in and even added her own. When he broke the kiss, both girls were breathing heavily. He smiled naughtily.

"Now, why don't you girls kiss?" he said with a hand on each of their asses. They looked at each other and blushed fiercely. When he squeezed their naked asses, they slowly leaned in and kissed. Angela's heart was beating wildly as she experienced her first girl-on-girl kiss. She was rightly nervous at first, but as the seconds passed, she found that it wasn't so bad. It was even kind of nice. Jessica was a good kisser. Both suddenly moaned when they each felt a finger press against their virgin backdoors. Their warm, wet tongues slipped and slid over the other as Harry's fingers traced the rim of their assholes. Angela could feel the arousal dripping from her pussy and leaking all over Harry's leg. They both leaned in further until their breasts were rubbing. Harry's hands were never idle, going from their asses all the way up their bare backs. They broke the kiss and Harry leaned in as well. Soon, she found herself in a three-way kiss.

It seemed that despite giving each girl multiple violent orgasms, Harry wasn't done with them yet. Somehow, he had arranged their naked bodies on the bed. Jessica was on her back while Angela was on top of her, face to face. Their naked tits were mashed together as was the rest of their bodies. Suddenly, Angela saw Jessica make a stupid, lustful look and knew that she had been penetrated. He must have pulled out because right after, she too was stuffed full of his magnificently long cock. Shuddering out a whorish moan, she rested her face against Jessica's flushed cheek as he began thrusting harder and harder. Soft, feminine squeaks left her mouth every time that his cock battered against her g-spot. Her body rocked back and forth with every thrust of his hips, making their nipples rub and further adding to the sexual pleasure that they were feeling.

Angela had just let out a moan when her head was pulled down and she was kissed by Jessica. She deepened the kiss as Harry pulled out of her and slid back into her friend. The two girls kissed and moaned until they each came around his fat cock. Angela felt him place a hand on her ass as he spread her cheeks. His thumb pressed into her asshole as he pushed his cock deep within her. As she cried out and came on him, she felt warmth spread throughout her body while she was being filled with his seed. Jessica shuddered when he pulled out of Angela and filled her as well. Once he was done, he repeatedly slapped his wet cock against Angela's upturned ass. She moaned and wiggled against Jessica who mewled as well. She suddenly jumped when Jessica gasped.

"We're late!" Jessica scrambled onto her feet. She grabbed the wall to steady her shaky legs. Angela gasped as well. "Shit! We need to be home in five minutes! Let's go, Angie!"

Angela and Jessica rushed to put their clothes back on while Harry stood there happily and watched. Both girls quickly kissed him goodbye before rushing to their car in the driveway. As they pulled out, Angela groaned.

"What?" Jessica turned to her.

"I can't believe that I cheated on what's his name!" She covered her face.

"Ben," Jessica reminded her and smiled and teased her.

"Shut up! Besides, aren't you with Mike?" Angela reminded her.

"We're on again, off again," she simply said.

"Weren't you on again?"

"I was until Harry invited me to his place, then we were off again. If Harry ever leaves, we'll be on again," Jessica smiled deviously. They both looked at each other and burst into giggles as they drove home while trying to figure out an excuse to give their parents for being late.

<< Index >>

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JUL 27, 2021 AT 10:00 PM


Immortals (Ch. 5)


Chapter 5

In a dark, back alley of Port Angeles, a group of men was drunkenly laughing while harassing a lovely young woman that was passing by. She begged for them to stop, but that only made them laugh harder. When she felt that there was no one man enough to help her, she heard the sound of hope emanate from the darkness beyond.

"Such contempt, such villainy. How can anyone hope to find peace when the inmates are running the asylum?

One of the scumbags pulled out a handgun and grabbed the woman. Holding the gun to her head, he looked nervously back and forth, hoping to spot the one talking.

"Just walk away, guy!" another one yelled out, pulling out a switchblade.

"How can there be justice when good men stand by and do nothing?" they heard the sweet voice of their harasser.

"Where is that voice coming from?!" another one yelled out frightened, looking around the darkened alley in a panic.

"It is everywhere … and it is nowhere …"


Suddenly, as if the shadows themselves took form, her savior stepped into the light.

What they saw was an out-of-shape, white man with a black trenchcoat, a neckbeard, a gray fedora, and a katana at his side.

"BAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!" they all laughed, slapping their knees and hugging each other while trying to keep from falling down. When they had finally gotten a good laugh, the leader pushed the woman to the side, and she fell to the cold, hard ground.

Pointing his gun directly at him, he said menacingly, "You should have stayed at home, hero. Any last words?"

They saw only the slightest of nods. "To those who are about to die, I tip my fedora to you."

They burst out laughing again, including the leader. "Just finish him, Johnny," one said, slapping his friend on the shoulder.

Johnny squeezed the trigger. As gunfire echoed throughout the alley, they saw only the flash of bullets meeting metal. The katana spun through the air with such speed and grace that they were sure it was cutting through space and time itself. Clangs rang off the brick walls and sparks shot in every direction as the fedora-wearing vigilante sliced every bullet to pieces.

"What the …" was the last thing that they heard Johnny say as a katana blade exploded through his back, coated in blood. As Johnny fell to his knees, his killer was revealed, fire blazing in his eyes as he pulled his katana from his chest.

"You son of a …" the man with the knife yelled as he charged forward, intent on avenging his fallen brethren. As he swung his knife, the vigilante countered with an uppercut with the blade, removing his knife-wielding hand before swinging low and removing his leg at the knee.

As blood sprayed out, he fell to the ground and slid down the alley floor. He screamed in agony while his severed hand landed only feet away.

While his friends watched in horror, one was roundhouse kicked in the chest, sending him flying to the ground. Before another could react, their attacker was moving. He ran and jumped off the alley wall and kicked him in the face, sending him crashing into a pile of garbage bags. The last one looked on and screamed as he ran off in fright.

"M'Lady, you are safe now," she heard him say. Looking up, she could see the moonlight glinting off of his greasy, unwashed hair. She had never been so turned on in her life. As he helped her up, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Watch out!" she yelled in terror, just as one of the downed men had gotten up and pulled out a gun and fired. Before she could even yell, her savior was in front of her. She jerked as a loud clang rang through her ears. When her head cleared, he was holding his blade in the sexiest way possible. She watched as the armed gunman looked down just as his shirt began to turn red, and he fell to the floor. The bullet had ricocheted off of the sword and had struck the gunman, she realized!

Unable to control herself, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him harder than he had ever been kissed.

"Was that really necessary?" Edward huffed as Emmett was holding his stomach laughing.

In place of the fedora man was Harry, smiling happily. The girl and the attackers were all gone.

"I said that we could just take the next alley," he said, annoyed. He had read their minds and knew that they weren't good men. He didn't want to bring Bella near them.

"Bleughhhh!" Bella threw up against the wall.

"Now see what you've done!"

Harry chuckled and tossed him a bottle of Pepto Bismol. "She'll be fine in a minute."

"Did you really kill those men?" Bella asked as she gagged from the gruesome display.

"They're fine. They'll wake up tomorrow alive and healthy and think that it was all a horrible nightmare. Hopefully, they'll learn a lesson from the experience," Harry told her.

"Was the girl even real?" Emmett asked, his arm around Rosalie's waist.

"No. I just wanted to see how those men would act. Not very nice, if I'm being honest. They're lucky that I'm in a forgiving mood tonight," Harry told them.

"Would you please act right?!" Bella pleaded, walking up to his side. "I asked you to come to the movies with us so that they could get to know you."

"Bella, that is the real me. That's how I always act. You know that," Harry rolled his eyes.

"I know … but could you at least hold off on your murderous tendencies … please," she said, and when he saw her big, brown eyes, he couldn't resist.

"Fine," he huffed. "No more murders tonight," Harry agreed. "Now drink that Pepto."

Bella shook her head. "I don't like how it tastes."

Harry shook his head and snapped his fingers. Bella immediately held her belly and looked happier. "Thanks. I feel better now." Harry handed her a bottle of mouthwash.

"To get rid of the vomit taste," Harry told her. As she gargled, Emmett chimed in.

"Will we ever see the sword guy again?" he asked eagerly.

"Let me tell you. The Fedora Samurai Simp is the hero that this world needs … but doesn't deserve," Harry told them, staring out into the night sky and earning a snort from several.


After they had finished the movie, they went out to eat. Even though Bella was the only one that actually needed food, Harry still ate with her so that she wouldn't feel weird about being the only one eating.

Once they finished, they went back to Forks to call it a night. It was getting late and Charlie would surely want her home soon. As Edward drove her home, Harry was hanging out inside of the Cullen house, sipping on his cherry ICEE. Rosalie eyed the red, frozen drink.

"I've always wondered what those tasted like. Unfortunately, all human food smells like dirt to me," she said. Harry placed it on the table and slid it to her.

"Try it out," he told her. She shook her head.

"It'll just taste bad. I've tried human food before," Rosalie replied. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Just try," he repeated. She looked at him warily and lifted up the paper cup. Wrapping her plump lips around the plastic straw, she sucked in slightly and drank down the smallest amount. Instantly, her eyes widened, and she looked at the cup in wonder.

"That tastes incredible! How is it possible?" she asked, sucking down some more.

"I'm tricking your mind to know how it really tastes. Don't worry, I'm vanishing it before it goes into your belly," Harry explained.

"That's amazing!" she said happily. "Hey …" she complained as Emmett took the cup from her. He quickly drank some down before spitting it out and gagging.

"That tastes like crap!" he exclaimed. Harry just smiled. Rosalie looked between them and laughed hard. Harry chuckled.

"Go ahead and taste it again. I'll be good," he promised. With a little more caution, he drank some down and found that he too liked it greatly.

As they drank their treats, Harry asked, "So where are the others? Jasper, Alice, and your parents."

"Alice and Jasper went out hunting tonight, then they decided to spend some alone time after. They'll be back in the morning. Carlisle and Esme went out on a boat trip. They'll be back in the morning as well," Rosalie explained. Harry smiled to himself. That technically was true, but still dishonest. Rosalie actually wanted to talk to him without the others present and asked them to make themselves scarce.

"So … is there anything that you two would like to talk about?" he suddenly asked, making Rosalie freeze. She sighed.

"You already know?" she asked, setting down her ICEE.

"Of course," Harry replied.

"We wanted to talk about the pregnancy thing," the beautiful blonde confessed.

"Emmett and I have been talking almost nonstop about it. He knows how much it would mean to me, but …"

"It would cause problems. Mainly because it would mean another man being physical with you," Harry finished. "Understandable."

"Yeah," Emmett joined in. "Just the thought of another guy touching her ... " he drifted off. Rosalie touched his forearm in a loving way.

Harry nodded. "First of all, even if you both agreed, I'm not sure that I would. When you consider how long that I've actually existed, having children is extremely rare for me. It doesn't happen often," he told them.

"Also, even though it may not make a difference, I'm not technically a man. I shed my humanity a long time ago. I'm neither man nor woman. I exist as energy … a soul. When I take a human form ...," he indicated to what he was now. "... it naturally comes out as male because that's what I was originally born as. It's what I see myself as."

"That's not the only concern. There's the time that I would have to be away from him," Rosalie added.

"And no offense, but what if you decided that you suddenly loved her and wanted her for yourself?" Emmett asked.

"As for the time, I wouldn't worry about that. While affecting the flow of time on a large scale is a bad idea, I could put a sort of Time Bubble around the house so that time moves much faster within. Several months could pass on the inside while only days pass on the outside," Harry explained. This had Rose's eyes widening.

Harry turned to Emmett. "My emotions are much more muted than a human's. While I can feel things like love and anger, they don't control my actions. I don't really feel things like jealousy or envy. There's no chance that I would try to keep her for myself. There would be no need for that."

"And you wouldn't be open to helping me?" Rosalie asked, looking at him with sad eyes. Harry almost turned away. His one weakness was seeing sadness in a pair of big, beautiful eyes. One of his past wives had figured that out and would use it to convince him to do damn near anything. Harry sighed. The things he did for a beautiful face. Perhaps he was the true simp.

"Fine. If you decide to go that route, I'll help you," Harry told them while standing up. "Now, if you'll excuse me," he excused himself before disappearing. He reappeared above their large house and took a lazy flight around the area. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of rain and pine needles.

He flew around taking in the view of the mountains in the distance before hearing a loud howl. Flying toward the noise, he saw a large, gray wolf running through the forest. Harry already knew about the pack of shapeshifters that lived nearby. He had even spied on them a bit. This particular wolf was smaller than the others, but faster. Judging from her thought patterns, she was a female. That was a bit surprising. All of the others were male. Deciding to have a bit of fun, he dropped down.


Leah Clearwater was not having a good time. Only recently, she had phased for the first time and scared her father so much that he had a heart attack and died. If that wasn't bad enough, her younger brother phased right after her. To add icing to the cake, she was now the only female wolf and had to share a brain with her former lover who had imprinted and left her for her cousin, Emily. It was worse than those old, cheesy soap operas that her mother loved to watch.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, something began rising from a cold, mountain stream. Looking closer, she saw that it was a man. It was the most handsome man that she had ever seen. As he rose from the water, she could see him dripping from every muscle on his body. He was only wearing a tight pair of swim shorts as he used both hands to brush the wet hair from his face, and he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. She didn't know what had come over her, but she could swear that he was illuminated in a way that showed every inch of his glorious body. And was it her, or was the song Unchained Melody subtly playing in the background. As she heard the words, "Ohhh, my love, my darling", her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she panted heavily.

Suddenly, he was gone. She looked from side to side when a hand slapped her wolfy rump. She yelped and thought, "What the hell?"

Turning around, she saw the man completely dressed and smiling.

"If you want a taste of this doggy treat, then you better catch me first," he teased and took off running into the forest. He was faster than she thought possible. Shaking her head, she growled. She'd teach him a lesson for spanking her wolf ass! As fast as possible, Leah tore after him into the dead of night.

Immortals 5.pdf

Immortals 5.epub

Harry Potter






Partner sharing isn't really my thing but from what you've written I'm guessing if Harry impregnates her it's a once off event so she won't be one of Harry's girls, I could be mistaken though. This is an interesting story, the only shame with Twilight is that all of the main cast are already partnered up and it looks like you're not gonna be breaking them up, so I can't tell what the game plan is going to be for this story. It's still really good, and I can't wait for the next chapters for this and your BtVS stories.



Darth Xion

Didn't Harry say that their souls have to handshake i.e. partners have to get close together? Now he's open to a cum & dump event. Not sure how this is going but I get a sense of troubles from the author's perspective. Especially if he wants the main cast to retain their identity




Samurai simp the hero! A baywatch scene & wolf ass smacking action. Harry is pure Troll! Interesting pairing situations wonder how this will go. Thanks for the chap. Nice work!



Jeremiah D Gorsuch

Did you just have Leah imprint on Harry? That would be funny and a surprise for Harry if it happened. Something out of his control and ability to change.



Ken Somers

HAHAHA Smacking Leah's ass then taking off.



Frenzy the Bat

So is this it for now? Just crossovers?




Great chapter! Cant wait for more.



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October 27 at 4:11 AM


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October 25 at 11:42 PM


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October 23 at 2:16 AM


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AUG 16, 2021 AT 9:36 AM


Immortals (Ch. 6)


Chapter 6

Leah Clearwater panted while in her wolf form. While she was the smallest of the pack, she was also the fastest. Her speed really showed as she tore through the forest chasing her prey. The good-looking guy was keeping two steps ahead of her the entire time. Sometimes he would let her get close, only to turn his head and smirk before picking up speed again. Just ahead, she saw him take a flying leap over a river canyon that cut between two rocky hills. Following his footsteps, she too jumped as she reached the edge. The jump was far, and she was barely able to make it. As she landed, she didn't see or hear him.

Trying to calm her ragged breathing, she listened for him. She heard nothing to give away his location. No breaking of twigs, no heavy breathing, nothing. Leah took the time to get her head straight. 'Who was that guy?' she thought to herself. At first, she thought that he might be a vampire, but that wasn't right. He was beautiful like one, even more, beautiful if she were being honest. But he didn't look like a bloodsucker. He didn't have the paleness that the Cullens did, nor did he have the strange colored eyes. There was also his scent. To her, vampires smelled like a mixture of sickly sweet vomit and dead rats. The man that she was chasing smelled incredible. She couldn't describe it. It was like a mixture of every scent that she loved. If she could, she would wrap herself around him and fall asleep while smelling him. That's how good it was to her.

Where he had come from, she didn't know. She didn't know where he had disappeared to either. Sniffing around the area, she couldn't even pick up a scent trail from him. That shouldn't be possible. With her senses and his incredible smell, she should be able to track him from miles away. He was nowhere to be found. Calming down, she fazed back to her human form. The chilliness of the air didn't bother her naked body thanks to the ever-present fever that burned through her. Both she and the other wolves found it easier to think things through while in human form. There was also the bonus of keeping the rest of those idiots out of her mind. Looking around for any clues, she spotted what appeared to be a freshly broken branch on the ground. She walked up to it and bent down to pick it up.

"Nice ass!" a heavenly-sounding voice rang out through the quiet forest.

"EEEK!" Leah cried out in embarrassment, covering her ass with both hands and turning it away from him. Unfortunately, she forgot that she was nude and ended up showing him a lot more than her ass.

"HUBBA! HUBBA!" he cried out happily, checking out her sexy figure.

Leah's wide eyes landed on the man that she had been chasing. For a moment, she forgot the compromised position that she was in and just feasted on the beauty that he radiated. Her heart rate increased as did her breathing. When he smiled at her, she felt her face flush completely red. Thankfully, around this time she remembered her nakedness and squeaked in embarrassment, covering herself up.

"That's a shame," he said. "I was enjoying the view." Leah's eyes narrowed.

"I bet you were, Pervert," she replied, shielding herself from his gaze.

"Me? A pervert?" he scoffed. "I wasn't the one chasing a half-naked man around the woods."

She was about to reply with a snappy comeback but was cut off. "But you're right. It isn't right letting you stand there naked while I get to check you out. You should have the same opportunity." Before she could say anything, she was greeted with the finest example of masculinity that she had ever seen.

Her eyes happily slid over his body, taking in each and every muscle. When her eyes landed between his legs, she gasped while her legs nearly gave out. Hanging low was the largest cock that she had ever seen. Not even in the pornos that she and her friends used to watch and giggle at did she ever see one that big and thick. It was hanging half-erect like it was just waiting for her to finish bringing it to life. Without thinking, she traveled the short distance that was keeping them apart. First, her hands softly landed on his sides. She felt the warmth radiating from her perfect skin as her hands climbed higher. As her hands drifted over his pecs, she could feel the rock-hard muscles slightly flexing underneath his delicate skin. Meanwhile, she forgot that she was equally nude and was basically inviting him to touch her as well, something that he was only too happy to accept.

His hands started by resting on her flared hips. Giving them a squeeze, he allowed one hand to drift down and over her smooth thigh while the other climbed up her ribs and onto her soft, perky breast.

Leah shivered as his big hand encased her soft breast. Her eyes fluttered as he slowly massaged it while his other hand slipped between her thighs. When his fingers touched her rapidly moistening pussy, she couldn't take it anymore. She needed it right then and there. Almost instantly, she moved her hands down his chest and over his tightly muscled abs. When her prize was finally reached, she took it in both hands. Leah marveled at the way that her fingertips couldn't even touch. Not only that but there was room for at least another hand on the beast hanging between his muscled legs. She wasted no time and started slowly working his cock to full hardness. When she heard him softly moan, Leah smiled to herself, happy that she could bring a sex god like him any kind of pleasure. Her hands began to move faster, starting at the base of his monstrous meat and sliding all the way up until only the head was poking out.

Pleasured moans and squeals escaped her lovely lips as his hand played with her sloppy wet pussy. She suddenly squeaked in surprise when his strong hands grabbed her by the ass and lifted her up. Her legs instinctively parted, and soon, her wet, naked pussy was pressed against his six-pack. What he was doing was quickly answered when his lips started tasting the coppery skin of her chest. Biting her lip sexily, she gasped and mewled as his lips peppered her medium-sized breasts. Leah wiggled around trying to stuff her hard nipple into his mouth when he took pity on her. Latching onto the hard nub, he added suction just as his tongue touched the tip.

Leah's eyes widened as she threw her head back and screamed. His tongue was vibrating around her nipple as his finger touched her asshole. She didn't know what he did, but it felt as if bolts of pure pleasure started at her asshole and quickly traveled throughout her body. When it finally reached her hard, sensitive clit, she shuddered and started grinding herself on him.

Harry smirked into her nipple as she rubbed herself on him. He could feel beads of her arousal dripping down his belly and onto his cock. The girl was wet and ready for more. Lowering her body a bit, the length of his cock rested against her soaked slit as he pushed her back against a tree. Leah was shuddering and grabbing his cock, trying to stuff it into herself. He pulled his hips back enough so that she could place the head inside of her burning hot slit. Once it was in, he didn't bother going slow. He knew that she was more than human and could easily take a good, rough fucking. As he slammed all the way in, another feminine scream left her pretty lips while her eyes widened dramatically. His cock rubbed every single pleasurable spot that she possessed at the same time. When his cock slid across her g-spot, Leah's body began to tremble, and when it rammed into her cervix, Leah's pussy clamped down on him.

He groaned into the side of her slender neck as her tight walls enveloped him. She was so incredibly wet that it made it easy to continuously penetrate her despite the insane level of tightness that he was experiencing. The best part was the sheer amount of heat that was radiating from her groin. It felt incredible to pull out, only to push back in and feel the hot wetness coat his cock. Unable to stop himself, he began to piston faster and faster.

Leah was hiding her face on his shoulder while trying not to make stupid noises. It was very difficult though. Every time that his cock was batter her sensitive g-spot, her pussy would flutter over his fat member. Her back was being pressed hard into the rough bark of a pine tree while being brutally fucked. If she were a normal human, she'd be in some serious pain. Luckily, she could handle a bit of pain that would soon fade away. Just then, his cock hit her cervix again, and she opened her mouth to yell out an expletive. Harry had other ideas. He claimed her lips and began sucking on her hot tongue while one hand slipped between her cheeks and started toying with her asshole. All the while, his huge cock stretched her poor pussy beyond anything that she had ever felt. She had always thought that Sam was big, but he was nothing compared to this man. Leah shivered and thrashed in his grasp. Her hands gripped his broad shoulders, and she felt the hard muscles hidden beneath his delicious-looking skin.

Wanting to taste that lovely skin, she kissed and nipped at his shoulder as her pussy creamed his thick, thrusting cock. A shuddered breath escaped her lips as her hard nipples rubbed against his wide chest. It was too much stimulation coming from too many places at the same time. Her pussy squeezed his cock tightly, and when his finger hit her asshole with the same pleasure-inducing power as before, she damn near blacked out. Screaming at the top of her lungs, her pussy exploded and sent her juices spraying out all over his body. She was thrashing so hard that she was surprised that she didn't go flying out of his grasp.

While in the middle of her explosive orgasm, she didn't realize that her yells had been heard. Harry felt more of the wolves coming over to investigate and decided that Leah deserved a bit of privacy. Disappearing from the forest, both reappeared in Harry's house. Leah's mind was completely focused on the pleasure that she was feeling and didn't even notice that she was now on a soft, warm bed. Her body was still bucking and spasming as Harry finally let loose. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she trapped him inside of herself as she felt him begin to cum. She gasped at the sensation of being filled by him. When he had finished, he pulled out and laid beside her.

Breathing heavily, Leah exclaimed, "That was fantastic!" Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, drawing Harry's attention to her perky tits. Leaning down, he kissed each nipple which caused her to moan. While peppering her breasts with kisses, his hand slid down her belly and onto her neatly trimmed bush. As his fingers brushed over her very sensitive clit, Leah arched her back and cried out. "Wait!" she squeaked. "Let me rest first," she begged, closing and crossing her legs tightly.

Harry captured her nipple between his teeth and gently tugged on it while she ran her fingers through his hair. "While I recover, why don't you tell me who you are, and how in the hell we got here all of the sudden?" she asked, trying to pull his attention away from her breasts. Her body shivered when he licked her fevered skin before kissing her lips. When he broke the kiss, he started explaining.

Immortals 6.pdf

Immortals 6.epub

Harry Potter


Leah Clearwater





Great chapter, though kinda short. Any chance for more?



Matthew Johnson

Damn.... can't wait for more.




This was honestly the one I was waiting for. Well worth the wait.



Pure Dingo

Nice, always thought she got a raw deal. Did she imprint or was it just sex?



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October 27 at 4:11 AM


Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)

October 25 at 11:42 PM


The Dread Lord of Essos (Ch. 27)(Exclusive)

October 23 at 2:16 AM


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October 20 at 9:54 PM



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AUG 27, 2021 AT 7:30 PM


Immortals (Ch. 7)


Chapter 7

"No way," said Emmett, disregarding Harry's statement.

"I bet you I can! In fact, I'll bet you a hundred bucks that I can cause Alice to get so mad within five minutes that she'll yell at me," said Harry, smirking at Emmett.

"You know what? I'll take that bet! Alice hasn't yelled in anger in years," said Emmett, smiling wickedly.

"Alrighty. The time starts as soon as we're in the same room together. When I start, you follow my lead," said Harry, rubbing his hands together mischievously.

"You're on! Let's go," said Emmett, and they both left the forest clearing and ran back to the Cullen house.

A few seconds later they both walked through the front door and found the entire family in the living room in the middle of various activities. Emmett sat down next to Rose while Harry plopped down on the couch next to Alice.

"Like I was saying earlier, the whole concept of marriage is ridiculous. I know that I've been married quite a bit, but that just means that I know better than everyone else," Harry started up as Alice's head snapped in his direction. "I mean I'm all for people falling in love and whatnot, but why spend thousands of dollars on an engagement ring and wedding when you can just buy her a friendship bracelet and be done with it." A frown appeared on Alice's face. "It might be okay for all the suckers out there, but I'm not falling for the so-called 'man trap' again." Alice had a serious frown now.

"You're saying you'd never consider having a wedding?" asked Emmett, smiling as he wrapped his arm around Rose's shoulder.

"Well, if the right girl came along I might consider it," said Harry as he placed his hands behind his head and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. Alice smiled a bit at his statement and went back to reading her magazine. "Of course it would have to have a cool theme ... like a Gilligan's Island wedding," stated Harry as a matter of factly. Alice's head swung back in his direction so fast that Emmett nearly lost it.

"That would definitely be cool," said Emmett, trying not to laugh.

"I know right! I was thinking that the bride and groom would dress like Mary Anne and Gilligan. The maid of honor would be Ginger and the best man would be the Professor. The Skipper would obviously be performing the ceremony."

"Obviously," stated Emmett. Rose was looking back and forth between the two like they were nuts. Alice had a vein forming in the middle of her forehead.

"And you can forget about spending thousands. They have some great stuff at the Dollar Store. Does it really matter that none of it matches? No sir. My decoration budget will be thirty-five dollars and not a penny more," Harry smiled. Alice's eye was beginning to twitch.

"What about food?" asked Emmett with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I'll buy it in bulk from Costco. I'm thinking half a Hot Pocket is good for each guest. Throw in a small bag of Cheetos and you've got yourself the makings of a two-course meal." Was it just Harry or was that vein in Alice's head starting to throb?

"What are you thinking for dessert?" asked Emmett in a shaky voice.

"Twinkies and Ding Dongs. Their choice. Individually wrapped of course. It adds a touch of elegance," Harry stated seriously. Esme obviously knew what they were doing. Her smile and sparkling eyes gave it away. Carlisle was just shaking his head. Alice was on the verge of having a fit. Poor Jasper had to rub her arm to keep her from lashing out.

"I assume that we'll at least be toasting you with champagne?" asked Emmett, snickering.

"Nope! Sprite. It's bubbly and clear just like champagne but at a fraction of the cost. We gotta keep it classy so I'm thinking twenty-ounce bottles. And I don't want the classic 'best man speech'. I'd much rather have a comedy roast. Talk about how I gave the bride STDs and how you first met me snorting cocaine out of a hooker's navel and stuff like that," said Harry happily. Alice was pinching the area between her eyes and breathing heavily.

"Got a good location in mind?" Emmett asked, his face twitching a bit.

"You bet. You know that lovely reservoir two towns over?"

"The one right next to the city dump?" Emmett asked for clarification.

"Yep. A few fake plastic trees and plants and it'll make a kick-ass lagoon. I know it's downwind and the smell can be a bit funky, but I was thinking that we could provide free samples of Vick's Vapor Rub that the guests can smear under their nostrils. Problem solved. Oh and don't worry about seating. I know a guy that has fifty lawn chairs I can borrow. They're a bit rusty but that's nothing a little spray paint can't fix. And the best part is that once the wedding is done, everyone can grab an armful of decorations and walk them over to the landfill." Alice had placed her hands over her ears and was shaking her head from side to side. Unbeknownst to anyone else, he was sending Alice visions of his "next wedding". She could see the guests gagging when the wind shifted.

"What about the bride's dress? They can be expensive, you know," asked Emmett, biting his lip.

"Already taken care of my friend," said Harry, shaking his head. "Why spend thousands or even hundreds on a dress when that old lady who lives down on 3rd Street can make it for twenty bucks. All you gotta do is provide the material. And I mean sure, she can't see very well so the seams come out crooked but who cares? You only wear it once then it goes right in the dumpster," said Harry, exhaling a relaxing sigh. Alice was twisting her crumpled magazine in her hands.

"Hmm. Twenty bucks you say? That's a bargain," Emmett said, smiling widely.

"Sure is. She does smoke like a freight train and owns way too many cats, but I'm sure a can of Fabreeze will take care of any lingering odors," said Harry, examining his fingernails. Alice was rubbing her temples.

What about the bride's accessories? You know? Like the veil?" asked Emmett, leaning forward a bit.

"Well, I was thinking since it's going to be Gilligan's Island themed, we can make one out of an old throw net. You know, the kind you go fishing with? You can buy them used at the Bait and Tackle shop. You just gotta wash off the fish stink and you're good to go. Then you take a pair of garden shears and a roll of duct tape and ..."


"AAARGH!" Harry cried out, clutching his nose. Alice disappeared in a flash, leaving everyone stunned and Emmett laughing loud.

"I can't believe she punched you," muttered Jasper. "I was even using my powers to calm her down," he said, shaking his head. He zipped off after her.

Harry was blinking away the pain as he touched his tender nose. "She can punch hard for such a tiny person," he stated.

"You know … she didn't actually yell," Emmett smiled, pointing out the loophole in the bet. Harry rolled his eyes and tossed him a hundred-dollar bill. As Emmett gloated, Harry didn't have the heart to tell him that he had stolen the money from his own bank account.

"Serves you right," Rosalie smiled. "She has a particular love for weddings and finds themed weddings to be sacrilegious."

"If she decides to stay mad, then I'll make it up to her," Harry chuckled, shaking his head at the crazy girl.

It had just turned May and the students of Forks High were beginning to get restless. They could feel summer getting closer and closer. Harry was still doing his thing. Sometimes he would go off and explore the world for a few days before coming back to Forks and spending time with Bella and the Cullens. He found them pleasant to be around. Not only that, but the wolf girl, Leah could barely function unless she was provided orgasms by him at least a few times a week.

Everything wasn't perfect though. The Cullens were keeping an eye on a situation that was getting worse and worse over in Seattle. People were disappearing at an ever-increasing rate leading some to wonder if there was a serial killer on the loose. Harry didn't get involved with that, since they weren't bothering him. The Cullens had their theories but that was for them to deal with. Harry already knew that it was vampires creating a small army. He'd deal with them if need be, but for the moment he'd let the Cullens decide how to handle it. Even so, he made sure to keep constant tabs on Bella just in case. Leah didn't need it since she could easily take care of herself and had a pack of monstrous wolves to watch her back.

Rosalie and Emmett had been trying to get to know him better. It was clear that Rosalie wanted to have a baby, but they were still having a hard time making the final decision. Harry and Emmett had built a decent friendship over the past couple of months. Harry had even found a fun pastime of irritating Alice. She was such a nice and bubbly person that he found it funny to see her lose her marbles.

"Harry? Can you hear me?" Harry suddenly heard in his mind. Rosalie's sweet voice was easy to recognize. She must have been intentionally trying to talk to him through his mind for him to pick it up so easily. Normally he blocked most of the voices from his head.

"I can hear you, Rosalie. What do you need?" he answered back.

"Can we talk in private … just the two of us?"

Rosalie gasped when suddenly, everyone and everything stopped dead in its tracks. The rest of her family were as stiff as boards, and there wasn't a sound to be heard. Looking through the living room window, she could see tree branches swaying in the wind in the distance, but closer to the house the trees were still. She could even see a moth frozen in place mid-air. She found it extremely eerie. When Harry confessed that he could slow time, or even stop it, she believed it. But somehow, seeing it was a whole nother story. She reached out and poked Emmett. He didn't even blink.

"Now, how can I help you?" Harry asked. Rose turned her attention from her frozen family back to him.

"Emmett and I talked it over … many times in fact, and we also discussed it with my family." She took a deep breath. "We're ready to have a child."

"Really?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded her blonde head.

"I did want to ask a question though. The baby will technically be yours and mine …" she said. Harry nodded at the statement. "Well … how will Emmett fit in? I mean …"

"He wants to be the father?" Harry assumed. Rosalie once again nodded. "I'll stay out of the way unless I find you to be unfit parents, or the baby is in danger. I have a responsibility to make sure that any child I have grows up happy and healthy. But as long as you both take care of it properly, I'll take a backseat to the child's upbringing," Harry explained.

He'd been in this situation before. He'd had children with women that didn't want him around afterward for one reason or another. He usually respected their wishes, but still stayed close to keep an eye on the child and provide anything that he could for it, whether the woman liked it or not.

Rosalie let out a sigh of relief. "But you'll stick around, correct?" she asked. The family enjoyed having him around. His powers alone were a major boon in keeping them all safe. Not to mention that if the Volturi ever found out about her having a baby, they'd investigate for sure.

"For at least as long as the child lives," he told her.

"And you'll protect it from the Volturi?" she asked.

"Of course. You don't need to worry about them."

Rosalie nodded. "I'll discuss this with Emmett and talk to you again soon."

"No problem," Harry smiled. Before he unfroze them, he moved Emmett's arm and stuck his finger in his nose. Sitting back down, Harry snapped his fingers just as Rose rolled her eyes.

"Hey! What the …" Emmett exclaimed as his family laughed at him.


"So, where's old Special Ed at?" Harry asked as he splashed Bella in the face with a handful of warm Caribbean seawater.

"He's discussing the whole baby thing with the rest of the Cullens," she said as she jumped up to avoid a big wave. Harry watched her breasts bounce as she did so. As always, when he brought her to the familiar stretch of uninhabited beach, he changed her clothes into a bikini. Like always, he chose the most skimpy and scandalous one. Bella didn't mind, since she had been through this dozens of times.

"Then why aren't you there?"

"I chose not to be. It's Rosalie's decision, and she still doesn't like me much. I figured that she wouldn't want me there, and I don't want to cause trouble. Besides, I already told Edward how I feel about it," Bella said

"Oh? And how do you feel?" Harry asked, wondering about her mindset.

Bella bit her lip in a cute way. "A little jealous, but also happy. If you give her a baby, then you'll stay longer, right?" Seeing him nod, she smiled and went on. "If it means that you'll stay, then I'm all for it." Harry chuckled.

"How gracious of you." He then appeared before her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Lifting her up, Bella gasped at being in his arms again. On instinct, her soft, smooth legs wrapped around his waist as her arms encircled his neck. "I assume that you still plan on becoming one of them?" Bella blushed and nodded.

"I've spoken to Edward about it. Even though he isn't thrilled about the idea, he still agreed." She saw Harry smile naughtily.

"Then perhaps one day you'll want a baby of your own. I'll be more than happy to put one in your belly," he teased, squeezing her smooth bottom. Bella squeaked in embarrassment before smacking his shoulder. She yelled in fright as Harry tossed her twenty feet into the air and let her crash back into the water. When she broke the water's surface, she moved the wet hair from her eyes and sputtered. She didn't notice that her top had come off until Harry wolf-whistled at her.


"So, you both are absolutely sure about this?" Harry asked again. They both nodded.

"If we decide to have another child, then I'll be having it with a muggle girl to keep things fair. You did say that you'll help us with that, right? You know … to keep the girl safe and healthy?" Emmett asked, holding Rosalie's hand.

"Yes. If that's what you decide, then I'll keep the girl alive and healthy, along with the baby, of course," he promised.

"Good. Can you give us a moment?" Rosalie asked him. Harry nodded and faded away.

Harry avoided listening to their private conversation as they said their temporary goodbyes. For Emmett, it may only be a week or two. For Rosalie, the time away depended on her. When she was ready, Emmett walked off, and she said, "Okay, Harry. I'm ready." With that, they disappeared.

Rosalie was nervous when they appeared in a small but beautiful beach house. She could see that it was incredibly sunny outside as she set her suitcase down. Walking to the window, she looked outside. "Where are we?"

"On an uninhabited island in the Caribbean. I bring Bella here quite often. Though, I did add the beach house just for us. I stole it from a South American drug lord," Harry smirked. Knowing that she was nervous, he walked up behind her.

"You don't have to worry. Everything will work out just fine," he told her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and smiled. Harry reached out and took her hand. He could feel how cold it was, but the temperature or hardness didn't bother him. Together they went out for a walk along the beach. Harry temporarily removed the sparkle from her skin, which she was happy about. They spent a few hours talking about themselves and their lives. After a while, Rosalie began to calm down, and her nerves settled.

"How about we go for a swim?" Harry suddenly asked. Rosalie suddenly realized something.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit because someone didn't tell me that we were staying on a beach," she said, placing her hands on her wide, sexy hips.

Harry just smirked. As he snapped his fingers, Rose suddenly felt the sea breeze on her bare body. Looking down, she could see that her two-piece bikini consisted of three tiny triangles and a lot of string. She gasped and covered her body the best that she could, which wasn't easy. Rosalie was spilling out of every side.

"Harry! This bikini is obscene!" she complained. Harry laughed.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Bella did," he told her. Rosalie raised one of her perfect eyebrows at the statement.

"Bella wears one of these?"

"Yep. She looks great in it too," he smiled. Rosalie huffed and let her arms fall to the side. Harry's eyes traveled over her gorgeous form.

"What would Edward have to say about that?" she snorted.

"As it happened during her abandonment, I don't think he'd have much to say. And if he did, I don't think my reply would be too kind. Now let's go!" he said, scooping her up in a bridal carry and running into the splashing waves.

Immortals 7.pdf

Immortals 7.epub

Harry Potter






Very nice to see an update to this story... it's actually the one that convinced me to join. Probably because there seems to be little to no crossover between HP and Twilight, which seems odd. The teasing of Alice at the beginning seemed quite forced. Nobody would not know that Harry and Emmett were full of bullshit. I'm curious how things are going to work out because it seems wrong for Harry to not be involved with his children or their mothers. When this started, I kind of pictured the Cullen family missing several of the male members.



Yup same I joined by twilight but it's def my fav.


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