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SEP 9, 2021 AT 1:14 AM


Immortals (Ch. 8)


Chapter 8

Rosalie laughed as Harry shot a spitball at a man on the opposite side of the movie theatre. Her vampire eyes easily tracked the wet blob of paper as it sailed through the air of the darkened room before joining the three dozen of its brethren on the backside of the man's cowboy hat. Why he was wearing a cowboy hat in a theatre in L.A. she would never know. She could easily tell that Harry was drawing a penis in spitballs on the man's hat. They weren't even paying attention to the movie. Harry handed her the paper and the straw, clearly challenging her to take up the mantle of "Spitballer Extraordinaire". She snatched it from his hands and bit off a healthy portion of the straw's paper wrapper. Chewing it up until it was nice and gooey, she balled up the paper in her mouth and used her tongue to stick it in the back-end of the straw. With that done, she took careful aim and fired.

"Bullseye!" Harry yelled out when her shot finished the testicle portion of the artwork.

"Shhhhh!" erupted from several different places. Rosalie rolled her eyes and handed him back the straw.

"That's some mighty fine shootin', Tex," he told her, now wearing his own cowboy hat.

"Take that off. You look ridiculous," she smiled at him, talking in a whisper so as to not further anger the crowd. His hat disappeared, and he placed his arm around her shoulders. Rosalie leaned in and rested her head against him. She felt him bury his face in her hair and kiss the top of her head. She always got a jolt, or perhaps a strange feeling when he did things like that. It wasn't a bad feeling. Far from it. She liked the feeling quite a lot. It was a feeling of being human. When she was with Emmett, she didn't feel that way. It wasn't Emmett's fault. He didn't have the abilities that Harry had. When they were together, all that they could do was vampire things. No sunlight, no human food, no spending the day doing stupid human things.

When things like this crossed her mind, she would immediately feel guilty. She felt bad about it like she was cheating on Emmett, no matter that he agreed with this. When she confessed to Harry about her feelings, he told her that it was normal to feel that way. He said that it would just take more time before she was ready. Right now, her guilt was keeping her from truly opening up to Harry. However, she had a feeling that she was close. Neither she nor Harry could tell when she would be ready, but all she could do was keep going until she was.

When she looked up at him, he smiled and leaned down. She closed her eyes and accepted his lips. They started out slow before things started to get heated. Her mouth opened and soon, their tongues were massaging each other while their lips danced. A clearing of the throat broke the magic.

"Do you mind?" an old lady said, clearly not amused by their behavior.

"If you wanna have a go with me, then you'll have to wait your turn. Don't be greedy, Lady!" Harry told her. The woman looked scandalized, and Rosalie smacked his chest. Suddenly, everyone in the theatre froze. "You want to get out of here?" he asked her. Rosalie nodded.

"Yeah. I don't even know what this movie's about," the gorgeous blonde replied. Harry stood up and took her hand when she did the same.

"Can I show you something cool?" he asked. Rosalie smiled. She liked when he asked permission before using his awesome powers.

"Of course," she said sweetly.

"Okay. This will feel very weird, so don't freak out," he explained. He held out his hand and a dome of energy surrounded them. Suddenly, everything beyond the dome turned black. It wasn't just black, it was the darkest of colors that she had ever seen.

"It's the complete absence of light which makes it so dark," he told her, knowing what she was thinking. Just then, there was a loud boom that made her flinch. Her stomach started doing flips, which wasn't very comfortable for her.

"That's the sensation of missing a step that humans talk about," he explained once again. Now it made perfect sense to her. The sensation wasn't very nice, but she was glad to experience another part of being human since meeting Harry. Beyond the dome, things started flashing and blurring. With her perfect eyesight, she could see that it was landscapes that were changing too fast to keep up. Out of nowhere, another boom made her jump again. This time the landscape was static beyond the dome. When the dome fell, she could tell that it was much hotter than the air-conditioned movie theatre, not that it bothered her. There was sand as far as she could see.

"Look over there," he said, pointing into the distance. Rosalie turned and gasped. There was a giant pyramid in the distance, shining white and capped with a golden tip.

"Is that …?"

"The Pyramid of Khufu or the Great Pyramid of Giza, whichever you prefer," Harry said.

"What year is it?" she whispered, too amazed to talk properly.

"2614 B.C.," he answered. "The two smaller pyramids haven't been built yet."

When she told him about her fascination with ancient Egypt, she never expected him to do something like this. "Can we go closer?"

"No, sorry. It's best if we don't interact with the past on a personal level. We could accidentally mess things up. It's better if we look from a safe distance," Harry told her. "I'll create a copy of ancient Egypt in false space so you can explore all you want some other time."

Suddenly, Rosalie jumped on him and began kissing him harder than she ever had. Her jean-covered legs wrapped around his waist as he held her up by her shapely ass. Suddenly, she was placed on a soft bed that appeared beside them.

"Don't worry. No one will be able to see us," he moaned against her lips. Harry broke the kiss and he saw hunger in her eyes, but not for blood. She wanted pleasure, and she wanted it now. Harry grabbed her shirt and tore it from her body like it was nothing. That's one thing he loved about female vampires, you don't have to watch your strength around them. Harry placed a hand on her incredibly smooth belly. He felt the coldness of her skin as his hand explored her smoothness. Her temperature didn't bother him, just like his didn't bother her. His lips found her belly button, and her back arched as her hand rested on the back of his head.

Rosalie closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as his tongue dipped into her belly button. His skin was so soft and smooth and it felt wonderful against hers. His lips began peppering their way up her belly until they reached her bra. Rosalie obviously didn't need one. No vampire female did, but she wore them anyway to keep her nipples from showing when they occasionally got hard. Her bra went the same way as her shirt. It was torn from her body like it was nothing. His hands slid up her ribs, and he cupped the sides of her breasts and pushed them together. Her large C-cup breasts created a tantalizing sight as they were pressed together and formed a deep, lovely valley of cleavage. She saw him staring at her hard, light pink nipples with fascination. Finally, his head lowered and he began kissing all over her perky tits. Harry's clothes disappeared as he settled himself between her legs.

"Harry!" she let out a whispered gasp when he bit down on her nipple. Emmett could never do any biting since there was a very big risk that he would leave her body scarred due to the vampire venom. That was something that a vain woman like her just wouldn't stand for. She felt his teeth pinch her hard nub before he began tugging on it. Rosalie bit her lip and when his tongue started wiggling against the tip, she let out a loud, deep moan. Harry smirked around her nipple and channeled some of his magic through his tongue.

Rosalie's body bucked wildly when she felt what she could only describe as an electrical shock of pleasure strike her nipple and travel down her body until it reached her clit. Already swollen and engorged, it immediately became more sensitive than normal. Just rubbing against her silk panties was enough to drive her crazy. She needed to be free of the rest of her clothes.

"Harry, my jeans," she choked out as he feasted on her hard nipples, going from one to the other before switching back. He had just begun sucking on her underboob when he nodded. Giving her tit one last kiss, he sat up and brought her legs with him. The first to go was her shiny, red, strappy high-heels. He easily worked the buckles open and placed them aside. He held one of her perfect, bare feet to his lips and kissed all over it. Rose's eyes fluttered as more magic was injected into her body through his lips.

Wanting more, she reached down and unbuttoned her jeans. Lifting her bottom up, Harry took the hint and started peeling her skin-tight jeans off of her shapely legs.

The scent of her arousal wafted over him as her jeans uncovered her panties. He continued to peel them off of her, revealing inch after inch of pale, flawless skin. His lips did their best to kiss every inch of her bare legs until finally, her jeans slipped off of her dainty feet. Harry tossed them onto the ground as she smiled and spread her legs in front of him. Now only in panties, he could see a wet spot on the silky, red material. Her panties were so tight that they looked practically painted on. He could see them riding up between her lips and creating the most perfect vision that he had seen in a very long time. Her pale, plump lips were practically hiding the thin string of her panties as they spilled out. In the light of the desert sun, he made sure to block her skin from sparkling so that he could see her wetness glistening off of the uncovered parts of her pussy.

He must have been staring at her wet pussy for too long because he was brought out of his daze by her bare foot rubbing against his naked chest. Rosalie was breathing heavily while she placed her legs together and peeled the panties from her sloppy, wet pussy. He watched as the damp material slid up her perfect legs until they were tossed aside. She was about to spread her legs, but Harry stopped her. He held her legs together and lowered his head. Harry breathed in the heady scent of her aroused pussy while he examined her pussy. Her plump, hairless lips were pressed tight together, and he could see that her clit was pink and swollen. Dragging his tongue from her asshole up to her clit, he made sure to leave a trail of his magic in its wake which had the gorgeous blonde wailing in pleasure. His lips touched her clit with a kiss before moving onto her smooth mound. Her belly was worshipped next before his lips attacked her jiggling breasts.

Rosalie could feel her pussy tingling badly as her juices dripped down and coated her asshole. Having had enough stalling, she pulled him up her body and kissed him deeply as she wrapped her legs around him. Rubbing her wet pussy against him, she made sure that he knew exactly what she wanted. He gasped into her mouth as he lined up and sank into her with one push. Rosalie broke the kiss and moaned loudly. She buried her face in his neck as he stretched her again. Because of her vampire body, she always went back to the perfect amount of tightness. That meant that she had to be stretched every single time that they had sex. Harry absolutely loved it. Her pussy was so wet that he easily sank into her. Once bottomed out, they began kissing again. He had just started sucking on her tongue when his hips moved.

She could tell that he was hitting her with his magic with every thrust. His cock was already abnormally long and when it hit her g-spot, she felt a flare of pleasure that made her walls clamp onto him. They both let out a shuddered moan as her pussy squeezed him tight. It didn't want to let him go. Faster and faster he moved until all that could be heard was their moans and the wet squelching of her pussy being stuffed. Rolling him over, she straddled his waist and rolled her hips so fast that they were nearly a blur. Her tits were jiggling and shaking so much that he had to reach up and steady them. Rosalie cried out and arched her back as she contracted around him. Harry pulled her down and kissed her as he threaded his fingers through her long, blonde hair. Her pussy milked him until he gave her what she wanted. He gripped her ass and pushed his hips upward. She groaned as a thick string of cum spurted inside of her. He kept thrusting and seeding the deepest parts of her. When his balls were dry, she laid down on top of him, making sure that he stayed inside of her. She spent the rest of the day spying on the ancient people of Egypt and making love in the hot Saharan desert.

Immortals 8.pdf

Immortals 8.epub

Harry Potter


Rosalie Hale




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Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)

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SEP 29, 2021 AT 10:18 PM


Immortals (Ch. 9)


Chapter 9

Rosalie buried her face in the bed and moaned as her lover hit that special place inside of her. She knew that he was using his powers to hit her g-spot with every single thrust, and she absolutely loved it. Harry was the only person that could make her lightheaded. Just then, she squealed as her pussy clamped down on him again. This was the thirteenth time in the last hour. She shuddered as he ran his hands up her sculpted belly and over her large, dangling breasts. He caressed them and massaged them in his hands as his cock scraped against her wet walls.

As her body spasmed and jerked, she listened to the soothing sounds of the ocean just outside. They were back at the beach house on Harry's private island. In what was months to them, she had grown extremely fond of this little island. Here she could act like herself. She could lay on the beach and not have to worry about being seen by humans. With only Harry around, she could lay around nude or go skinny-dipping. The pair often swam into the deepest depths of the ocean, looking for shipwrecks or anything that fascinated her. She loved her time here.

His arm encircled her as he pushed all of the way in. Rosalie's gorgeous eyes fluttered as she felt him fill her once again. With his face right next to hers, she couldn't resist turning her head and kissing him passionately. Their lips and tongues danced as his warmth spread throughout her body.

What happened after that was confusing to the vampire. She didn't feel like herself. She was seeing people that she knew, but they didn't really look like themselves. Everything was strange and wrong. It freaked her out so much that she suddenly sat up, gasping and breathing heavily. Looking around only confused her more. She was in her normal room in the beach house. The room was dark since it was night out. She could see the moon and stars out of the window. Harry was sitting up as well, rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Something strange happened. I don't know how to describe it," Rosalie told him as the bedsheet slid down her body and exposed her gorgeous, perfect breasts.

"Let me check," Harry told her. Rosalie nodded and sat still. Harry looked into her mind and chuckled. "Nothing to worry about. You were having a dream."

"A dream?" she asked, confused. The only time that she had been asleep was when she asked Harry to make her fall asleep so that she could see how it felt. It didn't feel anything like that.

"If my hunch is correct, then there's a little critter growing in here," he smiled and placed his hand on her belly. "Yep. I can feel your skin getting soft. Your body is adapting," he explained.

"I'm … pregnant?" she asked, shocked. It had been her goal, but to have it become a reality was something else altogether. Harry snapped his fingers and the room lights came on.

"Lay back and let me examine you properly," Harry said. Rosalie wordlessly laid back, and Harry removed the sheet from the rest of her body. Her nude form was laid out for him. Harry placed a hand on her belly and concentrated.

Rosalie felt tingling in her belly as she held her breath. This was the most important moment of her life, and Harry was taking a long time. It was beginning to make her worry. "Well?" she asked impatiently.

"Our baby is definitely in there and only a couple of days old. Congratulations," Harry laughed as she squealed and jumped on him, hugging him and kissing his cheeks. The kisses on the cheeks turned to kisses on the lips. Then that turned to her straddling his lap.

Harry rolled her over and pinned her down. She looked at him so sexily that he needed to take her. Without asking, she opened her legs for him.

Rosalie and Emmett would raise the child, but she knew that Harry would always be the father of her child. She loved him dearly, and she happily invited him into her body. When she felt him enter her, she pulled his body against hers. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she trapped him inside of her while she kissed him for all it was worth.

Letting out cute, little gasps, shuddered when she got close to cumming again. Harry could coax an orgasm from her body like no one else. Nuzzling her cheek with his perfect lips, he teased her. "You're blushing, Rosie."

Indeed she was. Her face was turning pink as her body changed. Hearing this made her blush even more, and she came hard on him. Harry rolled over and pulled her on top of him, never leaving her body. His hands gripped her shapely bottom and gave it a squeeze. Rosalie looked at him with loving eyes as she kissed him softly and started rolling her lovely hips. Both of them moaned as she gyrated her hips in a circular pattern. He pulled her lower, and his lips attached to her delicate neck. Rosalie mewled as he sucked and nipped on her soft skin.

"Mmm. You're getting warm, honey," Harry told her. Rosalie could feel it. It felt strange to her at first, but after a while, it began to feel good. It felt right. All of this was too much for her to handle, and when his finger brushed over her puckered hole, Rosalie tilted her head back and cried out as she mashed her hips down. Taking him completely inside of her, her walls fluttered over him and began milking him of his seed. Once again, she felt him release inside of her. It was a feeling that she was used to by now. She loved the feeling and loath to give it up. He wrapped his arms around her as her body thrashed until finally, her orgasm tapered off. She laid on top of him breathing heavily. Her eyes felt heavy, and she didn't know what was going on until she woke the following morning, and Harry explained that she had gotten sleepy.


Rosalie sat on the chair with her legs crossed, shaking in happiness. She of course was nude. She couldn't remember the last time that she wore clothes while at the beach house. Any time that they went out, Harry would put clothes on her, but when they returned, Rosalie was the one to take them off. She felt free with them off. She loved walking along the beach or swimming nude. She loved the warm, tropical breeze brushing against her hard, cold nipples. Most of all, she loved having the father of her child staring at her sexy, voluptuous body.

Harry said that they needed to stay there for a few more days. Her body wasn't done changing yet. Already she could fall asleep without him using his magic on her. Her skin was much softer and more pliable. Her body was growing warm and just an hour ago, her stomach growled! She had never been this excited.

"Can I see the baby again?" she looked up hopefully, turning her big, beautiful eyes on him.

"Rosalie, it's just a speck. Even with your vision, you can't see much," Harry laughed. He had already shown her what felt like a hundred times.

"Please," she begged. Harry sighed and waved his hand. A holographic display appeared and showed her microscopic egg. Like he said, you couldn't see much. It was only a tiny dot, but seeing it made her happy. It made it real to her. Harry suddenly walked through the hologram and placed his hands on her bare thighs. Rosalie wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. They remained there kissing while his hands wandered up her sides and explored her naked chest.


Esme was sitting on the couch practicing her knitting when Rosalie suddenly appeared standing in the middle of the living room. Squealing in happiness, she got up and hugged her daughter. She must have squeezed a bit hard because Rosalie squeaked and jumped back holding her belly. "Careful!"

Esme gasped and squealed along with Rosalie who jumped around like they were a couple of lunatics. The noise instantly brought everyone down, including her husband who hugged her tightly. Everyone huddled around her and fawned all over her. Rosalie was blushing pink but was pleased with the attention. At least until Carlisle demanded that she be given a complete medical checkup. Of course, Emmett demanded the same, wanting to make sure that she was completely healthy. She rolled her eyes but agreed.

As she was poked and prodded, Rosalie had to hold back a few tears. She had only been separated from Harry for a short while, and she already missed him. She knew that she was being silly but couldn't help it. He told her that he'd stay away for a few days to give her time with her family. She of course said that that was silly and that he was always welcome there, but he was adamant. She suspected that he wanted to give her time with Emmett, which was probably a good idea. He was her husband after all, and she did miss him terribly.

To her family, she was only gone for a bit over a week. From Rosalie's perspective, she was with Harry for months. When her stomach growled midway through the checkup, everyone froze which made her blush even harder. Esme chastised herself for not being prepared and having the proper food in the house.

"It's okay, Esme!" Rosalie smiled. "You had no way of knowing," she told her mother-figure. Esme waved it off and promised to go shopping as soon as the checkup was done. There was no way that she was missing this. Everyone jumped when something appeared in front of Rosalie. It was a pizza box. When she opened it, she squealed in happiness. Harry had sent a fresh pizza from her favorite place. She had eaten there when they went to visit Italy a month or so ago. Of course, using Harry's powers, she only ate for taste back then. Now she was eating for the baby.

"Thanks, Harry," she muttered as she gobbled down a slice.

"Where is he, dear?" Esme asked, running her fingers through Rosalie's hair.

"He wanted to give us time as a family and not butt in," she rolled her eyes, leaning against Emmett's side. Alice shook her head and smiled. She was dying to ask about her time with Harry but felt that it would be incredibly tactless to do it in front of her husband.

"By the way, where's Edward?" Rosalie wondered.

"Where else?" Emmett snorted, holding her hand.

"With Bella?" she asked. Her family nodded.

"Well … so far you seem to be in perfect health," Carlisle declared. He gently squeezed her arm and felt the softness of her flesh. "I must warn everyone to be careful with her. Her flesh is much softer than before." Everyone nodded.

"Don't worry. I'm still much tougher than a human," she smiled as she bit down on another slice.


Harry spent his time away from Rosalie setting everything up. He made sure that the higher-ups knew what he was doing and got his meetings over and done with. Even though he wasn't with her physically, he was watching over her carefully. He treated all of his past wives the same. While it was true that Rosalie wasn't his wife, she was carrying his child, and as such, she warranted his utmost attention.

While giving her time with her family, Harry explored the surrounding area. Even though he had been in Forks for a while, he didn't do much exploring. He was always with Bella, or someone else. He wasn't surprised when Leah had found him. Apparently, she sniffed him out while in wolf form and tracked him down. She wasted no time in phasing back into human form and jumping on his cock. He fucked her hard and fast right up against a tree, just how she liked it.

On his journey, he had also run across Jessica Stanley, who made it very clear that she was looking forward to some time alone with him. She even hinted that she could call up Angela and turn it into a group date. Harry would definitely be giving her a call soon. Right then, he had other things to worry about.

It was a few days after leaving Rosalie at home that he was called back. When he appeared, Rosalie smacked into him and hugged him tightly. Harry wrapped an arm around her and held her to his side. He smiled and waved at everyone. Bella walked up and hugged him as well.

"I've missed you," Bella told him, hugging him again. Soon, both girls let him go and walked back to their respective partners. With that, Harry froze everyone except Emmett.

"So … how have you been handling it? You know, since she returned," Harry tilted his head toward a frozen Rosalie. Emmett sighed.

"It's weird and was a bit awkward at first, but we've been doing well. I thought that it would be even harder, but I'm glad that I was wrong," he confessed. Harry nodded.

In truth, Harry was tempering his emotions a bit. He was doing the same to the rest of the family as well. It was actually Rosalie that asked him to do it. She didn't want Emmett to suffer because of her desire to be a mother, and she didn't want her family acting weird. Harry thought that it was a reasonable request. He wasn't taking away their free will. He was just making sure that they didn't suffer unnecessarily. He would stop after a while, once everyone got used to the situation.

Harry was happy to know that they were doing okay. He kept an eye on Rosalie but blocked out their personal time and conversations. He had promised Rosalie that he would. When he unfroze everyone, they all talked and discussed the situation and decided the best course to keep Rosalie and the rest of the family safe.

It was the following day that Bella demanded some time with him. She hadn't been to the island in a couple of weeks, and she was getting sick of being cold. She needed a bit of sand and sun in her life. He happily obliged her request. Of course, he forced her back into her tiny bikini and made sure to ogle her at every opportunity.

He watched as she happily splashed around in the warm ocean water. "Hey, Harry," she suddenly said.

"Yeah, Bells?" Harry asked, appearing next to her.

"You know that I'm planning to become one of the Cullens very soon, right? Like not long after graduation," she explained. Harry nodded.

"I had a feeling it would be soon," he said. He reached out and placed his hands on her hips. He slid them up her body and enjoyed the sensation of his hands gliding up her smooth, pale skin. "I'm going to miss your softness and warmth." Bella blushed. She squeaked when he lifted her up by her bottom. On instinct, she wrapped her legs around his waist. She shuddered when his lips found her belly button. Her hands threaded through his wet hair as his tongue tickled her belly.

"W-well … I was hoping that maybe sometime in the future … maybe you would do what you did for Rosalie … for me," she blushed.

"You want to have a baby someday?" Harry asked his lips against her soft skin.

"I'm not sure, but probably," she gasped as his tongue wiggled inside of her belly button. Her pussy was beginning to tingle badly.

"I think that something could be arranged," he said, smirking as he peeled the panties right off of her wet pussy. Bella felt them slip off of her dainty feet as she was lifted further up. Blushing deeply, she opened her legs as he rested her on his shoulders, his face pressed against her hairless mound. She knew that she should feel guilty about fooling around with Harry when she was back with Edward, but she didn't. At least not completely. It was his fault that Harry was in her life, and Bella cared for him deeply. Besides, Edward wanted to wait until marriage for any physical stuff. Harry had no problems pleasuring her in any way that she desired. Just as she thought that her pussy was brought up to his mouth, and Bella threw her head back and screamed as his tongue touched her hard clit. The explosive orgasm that followed was one of the best of her life.

Immortals 9.pdf

Immortals 9.epub

Bella Swan

Harry Potter


Rosalie Hale





Yeah! I really like this story! Hopefully there is more soon



Ok, it's taking a different direction than expected. It seemed like Harry would be completely indifferent to Rosalie and the others, even his own child. It doesn't seem like that will be the case, which is good. I imagine this will continue with all of the vampire ladies wanting to be mothers.



Feels like they're just using him



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November 1 at 11:00 PM


Magically Marvelous (Ch. 9)(Exclusive)

October 30 at 4:02 AM


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October 27 at 4:11 AM


Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)

October 25 at 11:42 PM


The Dread Lord of Essos (Ch. 27)(Exclusive)

October 23 at 2:16 AM


Cursed (Part 2)(Exclusive)

October 20 at 9:54 PM



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OCT 23, 2021 AT 5:01 AM


Immortals (Ch. 10)

AN - Thanks for the well wishes. I still feel like crap, but I'm slowly getting better


Chapter 10

Bella's eyes fluttered as hot water rained down on her, and Harry's hands were tightly gripping her soap-slickened bottom. Holding her up, he pressed her against the tile wall of the large and luxurious shower that they were sharing. Bella couldn't help but grind her wet and throbbing pussy against his rock-hard abs. She loved feeling his lips kiss and nip at the sensitive skin of her neck. She gasped when his fingers accidentally slipped between her wet cheeks and touched her asshole.

"Harry!" she gasped out in a whisper. "You have to hurry, or I'll be late," Bella warned as her body rose up, and his lips moved from her neck down to her breasts. She continued to rise higher into the air, his lips leaving her breasts and kissing down her slim belly. Over her hairless mound, they went until they were at her naked pussy. Bella once again had her legs open for him. He had her body pinned against the wall and was holding her up by her thighs that were spread wide open. Her little pink pussy lips were practically quivering in anticipation. Harry stared at her entrance and watched as beads of arousal dripped off of her and fell onto the shower floor. Remembering that she had places to be, Harry leaned in and licked the pussy juice from her wet cunt.

Bella loved when he showed his physical power over her. Whenever he pinned her against the wall or forced her body into a position that he liked, she nearly came on the spot. It was one of the reasons that she was so attracted to her boyfriend. Looking down just as his lips wrapped around her hard clit, she yelled out in bliss when it suddenly felt like a lightning bolt of pleasure hit her right between the legs. Her pussy started contracting and squirting violently. Harry was drinking down her fluids as her body shivered and wiggled in pleasure. Harry's hands held her firmly and made sure that she didn't fall to the ground. After a few minutes, he removed his mouth from between her legs and placed her over his shoulder. As he stepped out of the shower carrying her, she noticed that all of the water evaporated from their bodies. Harry gave her ass a hard slap before he tossed her onto the bed. Bella looked at him while breathing heavily.

"You better get ready so I can take you back home," he smiled. Bella groaned and flopped back onto the bed. She was going out on a date with Edward that night. At least she experienced multiple orgasms so she wouldn't have to worry about Edward turning her on and leaving her high and dry again. Slowly she got up and began putting her clothes on. She blushed when she noticed that Harry was happily watching her. Her time at the beach with him had been better than she remembered.


Alice Cullen was humming a tune as she danced into the family house. At the moment, she really didn't have much to do. Rosalie was off with their parents doing baby stuff, and because Emmett didn't want to miss a moment of Rose's pregnancy, he had been neglecting his hunting habits. With eyes that were charcoal black, Emmett was forced to leave and go sate his thirst. He wanted to just go grab a quick few deer, but Rosalie put a stop to that. She told him to travel north and get a few grizzlies before coming back home. Reluctantly, he agreed. Alice had hunted just a few days ago, so she was already taken care of. Her husband Jasper hadn't hunted in over a week, so Alice told him to go with Emmett. Even though she could see that Emmett would be fine, she still didn't want her family members to hunt alone.

She often worried about Jasper and made him hunt much more often than the others. He was still relatively new to this vegetarian lifestyle and with his background, he found it more difficult than everyone else. She loved how hard he tried and never chastised him when he failed. Edward was, of course, out with Bella, and she saw that he wouldn't return home until morning.

So with all of her family members out and about, she twirled into the Cullen house not expecting a pair of eyes to meet hers.

"Harry!" she squeaked in surprise. He was practically the only person that could truly surprise her. He once told her that he was normally hidden from her talents, but that he could be "seen" by her if he decided to let her. He had even proved his claims by letting her see his future.

Harry was sitting on the couch watching TV. She bounced up to him and plopped down on the couch next to him. "Hey, Alice," he replied, not taking his eyes off the television. Instead, he was absentmindedly munching on a bag of caramel popcorn.

"What are you watching?" the little vampire asked, looking at the TV.

"It's this show called The Hills. That blonde girl just moved to L.A. and is starting to work in the fashion industry or something," Harry told her. When she heard "fashion industry" Alice was hooked. They continued to watch the show while Alice was glued to the couch. Harry held out the bag of popcorn to her. She looked at it before looking away.

"I can't eat that." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Try it," he told her. Alice looked at it warily but tried nonetheless. Her eyes widened.

"Is that what it tastes like to humans?" she asked excitedly. Harry nodded as she scooped even more out of the bag to eat. When the show ended, Alice groaned in disappointment.

"That show was so good! I can't wait till next week," she exclaimed and instantly went on a rant about fashion. "I love being a vampire, but sometimes it really sucks not being able to go out in the daytime. I'd love to go to L.A. and shop all day long," she said, leaning back on the couch. Harry wanted to laugh when her legs didn't touch the ground. At 4' 10" in height, she was used to such things.

"I can take you anywhere you want to go. L.A., Paris, Milan … wherever you want," Harry told her, balling up the popcorn bag before making it disappear.

"Right now?!" she asked excitedly, hopping to her feet.

"Sure," he replied, standing as well. He groaned as he stretched his back. While he was stretching, Alice zoomed out of the room before coming back only a moment later. She was all dressed and done up.

Alice was very thin and fairy-like in form, Harry thought. Her skin was just as pale as the rest of the Cullens' and had no visible imperfections. Her hair was ink-black and cropped short, and it was styled into spikes that pointed in every possible direction. Alice had very large eyes that were currently the color of darkening butterscotch. Her brows were perfect and delicate-looking, and her lashes were long and full and seemed to flutter when she batted her eyes. A kind smile always seemed to be plastered across her face which showed off her perfect, pearly-white teeth. Harry noticed that Alice always smelled better than the rest of her family. All vampires naturally smelled good, but he suspected that Alice added perfumes and whatnot that accentuated her natural smell.

"I'm ready!" she chirped, rolling on the balls of her heeled feet.

"Got your credit cards?" Harry chuckled, teasing the tiny vampire.

"I never leave home without them," she smiled cutely. Harry shook his head and laughed.

"I believe you. So, where are we going?" Harry asked. Alice thought about it for a second.

"Considering that it's nighttime in Europe, I think that Los Angeles will suit me just fine." She was ready to burn a hole in her wallet. The tv show had lit a fire in her that only a mountain of new clothes could put out.

"Alright. Let's go," he told her, holding out his hand. She bounced up to him and grabbed his hand before they both disappeared.


"Can you send these bags back home? Thanks!" she chirped as he waved his hand and sent bags of her purchases home for what must have been the thousandth time. As soon as they were gone, she already grabbed his arm and pulled him back onto the sunny sidewalk of Rodeo Drive.

Alice was a terror when it came to shopping. If she saw something that she liked, she bought one in every color. Of course, the salespeople practically drooled over her. The commissions alone would likely be more than they made in several months.

As day turned into night, she reluctantly decided to put an end to her shopping trip, but not before making him promise to take her to Europe so that she could empty their stores as well. Harry promised that he'd take her whenever she wanted. When they arrived back at the Cullen house, her arms wrapped around his waist, and she hugged him tightly.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today," she said, looking up at him with her big, beautiful eyes. Harry smiled in return.

"Anytime," he told her before disappearing and leaving her with a semi-truck load of merchandise that she had no room for.

Deciding to go to the diner for something to eat, he reappeared in the parking lot just as Angela Weber was leaving with what appeared to be her family. When she saw him, her eyes widened, and her cheeks turned pink.

"Angela! It's nice to see you again," Harry smiled and walked up to the family. Angela stuttered a bit when introducing him to her parents and younger, twin brothers. Harry noticed that her mother was checking him out while trying to make it unnoticeable. She introduced him as a friend of Bella's that she had met. Before she left, he whispered in her ear for her to come over to his place that night. He could tell that she was incredibly embarrassed but happy nonetheless. Harry went into the diner to order his hamburger to go.

Angela must have been eager because once he went back to his place, he barely had time to finish his food before she pulled up in her car. Meeting her at the door, he ushered her in while taking her coat. He saw that she was wearing the normal outfit for this area of the country … jeans, sneakers, and a long-sleeved shirt.

After hanging up her coat, he moved behind her and placed his hands on her hips. Angela gasped as her body jumped in surprise. Harry moved her hair out of the way and leaned in. Angela's heart was hammering in her chest as his lips touched the side of her slender neck. "I can see that you didn't invite Jessica along. I guess that you wanted me all to yourself tonight," Harry teased. Angela's cheeks burned in embarrassment as a shuddered gasp left her mouth. His hands slid up her long torso and cupped her shirt-covered breasts.

When Harry had invited her over, Angela practically squealed in excitement. She did, in fact, think about calling up Jessica, but decided against it. She didn't want to admit it, but she did want him all to herself that night. She wanted his lips touching only her body. She wanted him to only thrust between her legs. She felt kind of bad for not inviting her friend, but in the end, she figured that they could join forces again next time.

Her eyes fluttered as his strong hands massaged her breasts over her shirt. When his hands lowered and grabbed the hem of her shirt, she lifted up her arms and allowed him to remove her shirt. As her shirt was dropped to the ground, his hands were now all over her bare breasts. Her body trembled wildly as his fingers brushed over her hard nipples. When his fingers pinched and pulled at them, she couldn't help but grind her ass against his erection.

"Your skin is so soft," he complimented as he nipped at her shoulders. She held her breath as his hands lowered, and his fingers began to unbutton her jeans. As the zipper lowered, he started tugging them down. Angela shimmied her hips to help him pull them down. They fell past her knees, and Angela squealed when his hands groped her thighs and his lips began to nip at the skin of her cheeks. She could feel her underwear slipping between her cheeks and creating an enticing view for him. Suddenly, he started sucking on her exposed cheek while his hand crept up the inside of her thigh and touched her wet panties. Her body shuddered as he rubbed the damp material that was clinging to her plump lips. She knew that he would be leaving a hickey on her bottom, but she didn't care. She'd wear it as a badge of honor.

"Bend over," Harry's commanding voice rang through her ears. Without hesitating, she bent over and felt him peel the panties down her legs. She gasped as the wet material that was sticking to her soft skin was removed and a rush of cool air hit her overheated pussy. His hands spread her cheeks apart, and Angela looked over her shoulder wildly as he licked her tight, little asshole. Suddenly, she was in his arms before being placed on his bed. Her shoes and socks were tossed aside, and her jeans soon joined them. All that she had on was the panties that were just above her knees. Harry placed her legs together and pushed them up into the air. Her panties were tugged up her legs until they left her bare feet. She was just about to open her legs for him when he told her to keep them like that. Blushing, she did what he said.

She watched as he removed all of his clothes. She marveled at the size of the monstrosity that was hanging between his legs. His hand was stroking the beast, making it longer and harder than it was only a moment ago. He settled into his position and placed her crossed ankles over one of his broad shoulders. Angela's body shivered as she felt him drag the head of his beastly cock up and down her dripping slit. When it was in position, he plunged deep into her, causing her to cry out in pleasure and arch her back. Instantly, her pussy clamped down on him, and she came violently.

The night certainly didn't end there. Her body was folded into a mating press where her g-spot was nearly destroyed by this massive, thrusting cock. While she was still cumming, she was flipped over and taken doggy-style. Harry violated every inch of her body that night, and she loved it. Near comatosed, she ended the night draped over his naked body where she fell asleep with a big smile on her face.

Immortals 10.pdf

Immortals 10.epub

Angela Weber

Bella Swan

Harry Potter






Thanks for the hard work, take as much time you need to get better. Hopefully you will be back to your usual self soon.



Pure Dingo

Great chapter, glad to see your doing better. Looking forward to your next post.



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October 27 at 4:11 AM


Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)

October 25 at 11:42 PM


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October 23 at 2:16 AM


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October 20 at 9:54 PM



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Immortals (Ch. 11)


Chapter 11

"HEY ROSALIE!" she suddenly heard a voice blare in her ear. A loud and embarrassing yelp of fright later, and she was glaring at the perpetrator while breathing rapidly.

"Do you want to get slapped?" she threatened as Harry jumped over the back of the couch and plopped down next to her. He was the only person who even stood a chance of catching her off guard, and that was because he could literally appear out of thin air. Harry looked out of one of the many windows that adorned the walls of the Cullen house and saw Emmett and Jasper play fighting in the yard. The ground and grass were torn up, and he guessed that Esme would ask him to fix it up later. Speaking of Esme, he saw her huddled with Alice while going over baby books. None of them even acknowledged that he arrived, which Rose found strange.

"Are you making everyone ignore us?" she asked him. Harry nodded.

"Yep. I wanted to ask you about them," he said, pointing over to the two women with the ten-foot stack of baby-based literature.

"What about them?" Rose asked, turning back to the show that she was watching. Harry smirked and spun her until her back was facing him. His hands began rubbing and massaging her shoulder. Rose's eyes fluttered, and she let out a deep moan. She was suddenly glad that no one could see them. His hands continued to caress her pregnant body while he moved her long, blonde hair aside and started kissing and sucking on her neck. Rosalie tilted her head to the side to give him more room. When his hands slid underneath her shirt and cupped her bare breasts, Rose leaned back against him and let him do whatever he wanted to her. As his fingers toyed with her incredibly hard nipples, he continued with his questioning.

"You know what I'm talking about," he told her while the tips of his fingers gently brushed over the delicate skin underneath her big breasts. "They've been acting weird. I try to respect everyone's privacy, but eventually, I'll crack and listen in. I'd feel better if you just told me."

Rosalie smirked as she moved her body around to get comfortable. Grabbing his hand, she placed it on the crotch of her jeans as she spread her legs apart. "If you make me cum, then maybe I'll tell you," she teased as she rubbed herself against his hand.

"Oh really?" Harry chuckled. Rosalie nodded and closed her eyes, knowing that he would never deny her anything, least of all the pleasure that only he could provide. Emmett already knew that there was a possibility that she might be unable to stop herself from jumping into his bed again while pregnant. Their connection was simply too powerful to deny, besides, he was the father of her child after all. He might not like it, but he accepted it. She already agreed that someday he could choose a human female to have a child with that they would raise as theirs. She wouldn't deny him if he needed to take care of her needs while pregnant.

"With your family right here?" he asked as his fingers undid the buttons of her jeans.

"It's making it more exciting," she gasped as he disappeared and reappeared at her feet. Grabbing her jeans, he started moving them down her legs while she lifted up her ass. He could just magic them off, but he preferred to do it the old-fashioned way. Rose closed her eyes and relished in the sensation of his hands sliding down her soft and smooth legs as he pulled her jeans off. Rosalie kicked her shoes off as the jeans reached her feet. Pulling them off, Harry tossed them onto the ground before grabbing her foot. Removing her sock, he placed his thumb on the sole of her foot and added a bit of his godly magic to it. When he started kneading it, Rosalie practically melted into the couch. Immediately her scent became overwhelming. Harry had to use his powers to keep the others from smelling her lovely scent. Instantly, he saw a wet patch appear on the part of her panties that was right above her slit.

"A deal's a deal. So speak up, you con artist," Harry smiled as he gently tickled her foot and made her laugh.

"Esme and Alice have been talking about having a baby as well. I don't think that they've brought it up with their husbands yet, but I think that it's only a matter of time," Rosalie moaned as Harry moved onto her other foot.

"Really?" Harry wondered as he placed his hands on Rose's knees and pushed them up. The crotch of her panties was now fully exposed, and Harry could see how wet that they truly were. The thin material was completely soaked and was clinging tightly to her engorged pussy. He could see the exact shape of her plump and perfect lips through her drenched underwear. Leaning down, he kissed her knee gently and hit her with his power. Rosalie squealed and came hard, her body bucking and thrashing. Harry kept her safe with his powers as his hands explored the vast amount of smooth skin on display.

"Esme especially!" she squealed while his hand cupped her panty-covered pussy. "She's always wanted a baby nearly as much as I do."

"I assume that they'll want to wait until after you've given birth," Harry said as he reached out for her chest and grabbed her shirt. With barely any effort on his part, her shirt was torn completely open, and her perfect tits bounced and flopped around from his rough treatment. Next, he reached down and tore her panties off in the same way. Rosalie gasped as her dripping wet pussy was exposed to the warm air of the house.

"Yes!" she choked out as Harry's fingers started playing with her swollen clit. "They want to see what happens with me so they know what to expect," she confessed.

"Interesting …" Harry said in his sing-song voice.

"Now will you please fuck me?!" Rosalie cried out, opening her legs wide and offering her body to him. Harry's clothes disappeared as he settled on top of her and gave her the time of her life.


Bella was sitting in class with her chin resting on her palm while she unknowingly tapped her pen against the hard surface of her desk. Glancing up at the clock, she sighed. It was one of those rare sunny days in Forks, Washington, and as tradition, the Cullens suddenly disappeared to "go camping". At least they did before meeting Harry. Bella hoped that with Harry around he would use his powers to keep them from looking sparkly when in direct sunlight. It always annoyed her when Edward had to leave her because of the stupid sun. Sadly, Harry hadn't been around for a couple of days. She wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but she guessed that he was having another one of his meetings with the higher-ups.

School had seemed long and boring without the Cullens around to brighten her day. She was just waiting for the final bell to ring so that she could go home and see Edward. English was usually her favorite class, but not today. Today she was eagerly waiting for Mr. Berty to come in and begin class so that the day could end all that much faster. That's why when Harry walked into the class instead of her regular teacher, she immediately straightened up in her chair. She heard the intake of many female breaths as they got a glimpse of his heavenly body. Looking over to her friends, she could see Angela and Jessica blushing while desperately trying to fix their makeup. They weren't the only ones. Practically every girl in class was doing something to make themselves look better. Bella rolled her eyes while many of the boys gritted their teeth in annoyance.

"I'll be filling in for Mr. Berty today since it's clear that he won't be showing up. I'm Mr. Potter," Harry said, grabbing a piece of chalk and writing his name on the board. "We'll be starting on a new piece of literature today … one that I've studied extensively. Please reach under your chairs and grab your books," Harry told them. Bella looked confused. She didn't remember any books underneath her chair. Reaching down, she grabbed hold of the book and pulled it up.

"EEK!" Bella squeaked and accidentally dropped the book onto her desk. The words KAMA SUTRA filled the front cover along with a picture of a crudely drawn Indian couple. Gasps and giggles filled the room. She looked at Harry with wide eyes and saw a cheeky smile across his handsome face.

"Open your books now. Don't be shy," he told them as he walked around the class. Bella sighed and cracked hers open. "Ms. Swan! Be a dear and read position number one."

Bella decided that she was going to kill him. With a red face, she stuttered, "The Piledriver." She could hear her classmates giggling.

"A personal favorite of mine. Used on the girls that are a bit more adventurous than normal," he said, patting Jessica on the shoulder which made her blush fiercely. "Please continue, Ms. Swan. Number two!"

"The M-Mississippi Mudslide," she stuttered, which earned some laughs. She had never been so embarrassed in her entire life.

"A truly advanced technique. One not to be attempted by the inexperienced," Harry declared happily. As he walked up and down the isles, the eyes of every girl in class followed him. It looked as if they desperately wanted him to try out these techniques on them.

"Number Three!" he called out. Bella looked back at the book.

"Over The Shoulder Boulder Holder," she said with a quiver. A loud snort followed many giggles.

"I'm an expert at this maneuver. It takes skill and stamina to achieve your goal, but if done right, it will have them coming back for more. Continue, Ms. Swan!"

With a shaky breath, she continued, "The Ring Around Uranus." As everyone burst out laughing, she had had enough.

"HARRY!" she stood up glaring, crossing her arms over her chest. Instantly, everyone in class froze.

"Yes, Ms. Swan?" he smirked.

"Will you shut up with the Ms. Swan crap! I can't believe you embarrassed me," she groaned and covered her face.

"Relax, Peabrain. You've still got a few hours before school is over, so I figured that I'd come and rescue you. We can hang out until it's time for you to go home," Harry chuckled and sat on her desk top.

"Really?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes. Now gather your stuff," he told her. Bella quickly packed her backpack as all the copies of the Kama Sutra disappeared.

"Will everyone remember what happened here?"

"No. They won't remember anything," he promised.

"Good. By the way, where's Mr. Berty?" she wondered.

"I knocked him out and stuffed him in the janitor's closet," Harry smiled innocently.

"Harry!" she derided him, but couldn't help but smile back. With a snap of his fingers, Mr. Berty's disheveled body appeared at the front of the class. He was standing, but frozen like everyone else.

"Ready?" Harry asked, holding out his hand.

"Ready!" she happily replied and grabbed his hand. She saw everyone begin to move just as they disappeared. A moment later, she reappeared on her favorite beach with Harry by her side.

"Do you want to swim or catch some sun?" he asked her as their normal supplies began to appear. Two beach chairs along with a cooler of their favorite drinks materialized as did sunblock and some very large and fluffy beach towels. Bella thought about it for a moment.

"Sun for now," she said, then squealed and covered her body when her clothes disappeared. "Harry!"

"Tan lines are the enemy of women all over the world," he wisely told her. Since he had seen her naked many times, she huffed and laid on her beach chair.

"What about Eskimo women?" she asked as Harry appeared next to her with the bottle of sunblock in his hand. She moaned when he began applying it to every inch of her exposed body.

"They have beaches in Alaska you know," he said as his hand slid up the inside of her sexy thigh. Bella gasped when the side of his hand touched her burning hot pussy.

"I'll take your word for it," she moaned and decided to enjoy the next few hours with her godly friend.

Immortals 11.pdf

Immortals 11.epub

Harry Potter


Rosalie Hale




Hannibal St.Michael

LOL! Thanks for the update.




Always love seeing an update to this story. This did not disappoint.



John Smith

Please more immortals chapters.



Yay I've been waiting for an update





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Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)

October 25 at 11:42 PM


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