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Immortals (Ch. 16)(Exclusive)


Chapter 16

"Isabella Swan!" the principal called out. The small crowd of people politely clapped while Harry and the rest of the Cullens cheered her on. Only a few seats away, her father and other family friends cheered her on as well. Harry could see her cheeks turn pink with embarrassment as she walked onto the stage in her robe. She smiled and thanked the principal while taking the fake, rolled-up diploma from him. With that done, she shyly waved at the crowd and scampered off stage. Little did everyone know, but Bella had asked Harry to make sure that she didn't trip and fall while going up on stage or getting off. Harry kept his promise and magically kept her steady as she walked down the small flight of steps.

They watched her go back to her seat amongst the small crowd of students. The other Cullen "children" had already been on stage. It wasn't long before the graduating class was tossing up their square caps and cheering as the crowd clapped and cheered loudly. Bella was just glad that this was all done. She had much more important things on her mind. She was going to have to focus while spending the rest of the afternoon with her father. Thankfully, that would only last a few hours before she could join the Cullens at their house.

Once the graduation began to break up, Rosalie hugged her family and walked away with Harry by her side. He pulled her into a secluded corner and vanished. The Cullens and Quileute pack were planning to draw the newborn army the following day and be done with it. Obviously, no one wanted Rosalie anywhere near the place. As such, Harry decided to take her away the day before, just in case.

Rosalie sighed when she appeared in the beach house that she loved so much. She was barely able to take a step when suddenly, she saw three Harrys where only one used to be. Her mouth fell open. "I was thinking that we could try something new," all three Harrys said at exactly the same time. Rosalie was speechless. As such, she didn't deny them when they began undressing her and ravaging her body, all at the same time.

The original Harry watched on and snorted as his three clones made her squeal. Now that she had her night sorted, Harry disappeared back to Forks. It didn't take him long to find the girl that he was looking for. The large wolf yelped when a weak Stinging Hex hit her right in her wolfy bottom. It turned its head and glared at Harry who was peeking his head from behind a tree and laughing. The wolf ran at him and Fazed back into a human. Before she could even yell at him for the dirty trick, she was grabbed around the waist and pushed up against the tree. Immediately, his lips were attached to her neck. Leah moaned deeply as he pinned her nude body against the rough bark of the tree. His hand grabbed the backs of her thighs, and he lifted her body up. Her legs parted, and her back arched as his abnormally large penis slid deep inside of her.

Almost instantly, her walls tightened, gripping him hard enough to almost hurt. Her body wanted him to remain inside, and Leah happened to agree.

"Be careful tomorrow," he groaned into her neck. Leah's eyes fluttered as the head of his cock mashed into her cervix over and over. Her g-spot was tingling out of control as he fucked her like an animal, right there in the forest.

"I-I will!" she choked out as her insides clutched him tightly. As he slammed forward once again, she howled as her body trembled through a powerful orgasm.


Bella snuck up to her bedroom to get away from the small gathering downstairs. She hated being the center of attention, and while the get-together downstairs wasn't bad, she still preferred not being the one at the center of it all. This was especially true because of what would be going down tomorrow. She sat on her bed and rested her elbows on her jean-covered knees. Lowering her head, she rested her face in the palm of her hands. Bella was tired of being nervous and wanted all of this mess to end already. That's why when a pair of hands suddenly touched her shoulders, she screamed and jumped about a foot off of the bed. She looked back at a chuckling Harry.

"My God! I'm going to have a heart attack before I reach twenty!" she cried out desperately, clutching her chest while breathing erratically.

"Don't be such a drama queen," Harry told her, pushing her back on the bed. He grabbed her feet and pulled off her shoes and socks.

"What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"Massage," he told her. Bella bit her lip. A massage from him did sound really good, but she had people waiting on her downstairs, and Edward was probably skulking around outside of her window. As if he knew what she was thinking, Harry answered her unasked questions.

"The people downstairs momentarily forgot that they were here to see you. They're enjoying their pizza and whatnot. Edward is currently frozen while hiding in a bush. He won't even know that any time has passed," he told her as her jeans were unbuttoned. Bella's body jerked as he tugged her tight jeans down her legs. Once off, he tossed them aside and sat her up. Her t-shirt was pulled over her head before he unhooked her bra. Bella accepted his kiss as he pulled the bra from her body. Moaning into his mouth, she just sat there while one hand caressed her smooth thigh and the other toyed with her bare breast.

Her body spasmed when his fingertips began to play with the tip of her hard and crinkled nipple. Harry pinched the hard nub and rolled it between his fingers, making Bella moan and arch her back. Harry broke the kiss and lowered his head until her breast was right in his face. Bella grabbed the back of his head and pulled him forward. She shuddered deeply as she tried to stuff as much of her tit into his mouth as possible. She felt him pushing her onto her back and went along with it. As her head hit the pillow, his teeth gently bit down on the tip. The slight pain was overwhelmed by the pleasure that it caused her. His hand crept down from her belly, going over her belly button, and down under the waistband of her panties. Her legs opened wide when she felt his fingers touching her smooth mound. Bella held her breath, waiting impatiently for his touch. He used his fingernails to gently scratch on her mound which made her body goosebump. Letting go of her nipple with a wet pop, he moved over to the other and gave it the same treatment. As good as that felt, she was annoyed that she was being forced to wait for more.

Grabbing her panties, Bella lifted her legs up and slid the damp material off of her body. Immediately, the smell of her arousal became much stronger. Tossing her damp panties to the floor, she opened her legs again and grabbed his hand. She forced it between her legs where his fingers started to stroke her hot and slick folds. Harry let go of her breast.

"I guess you're ready for your massage?" he teased her as his fingers dipped into her opening. Bella brushed the hair from her face and nodded enthusiastically. She squealed when her body was suddenly flipped over. Gripping her blanket tightly, she nearly hyperventilated when he began massaging the soles of her small, soft feet. Little squeaks of embarrassment mixed with her desperate moans while his thumbs dug into the tender flesh of her feet. He worked both of her feet until her body was very relaxed. He then slid his hands over her calves to start on her smooth legs.

"I forgot to ask. Have you decided when you want to become one of them?" Harry asked, conjuring a bottle of oil and dripping it up and down each of her legs before pouring it over her back and ass. He watched as it dripped down her plump cheeks and between the crack of her ass. He then started back on her legs, tickling the area behind her knees. He heard her breath hitch from the wonderful sensation.

"Very soon," she moaned as Harry's hands slid up the backs of her thighs and onto her bare bottom. He gripped her cheeks and started kneading them. Bella blushed as his fingers accidentally rubbed her asshole as he massaged her cheeks. "We want it done well before Rosalie has the baby," she said.

"Makes sense," Harry replied. Harry started rubbing her back while his other hand started playing with her soaking wet pussy. She arched her back and stuck her ass up in the air. As Harry's fingers slid inside of her, Bella silently thanked him for coming over. She was already feeling much, much better.


Later that night, Harry entered the Cullen house only to see the Denali Coven talking things over with them. As he appeared, everyone looked up. He was the only being alive that could surprise a vampire. Tanya, Kate, and Irina smiled sexily at him. He could see that Edward and Bella weren't very close to them. Even though he had worked out the anger and aggression from Irina, he could tell that she probably wouldn't be Bella's friend any time soon. Edward likely picked up on a few negative thoughts from the sexy blonde, which was why they were keeping their distance.

"How's Rose?" Emmett asked.

"Just fine. She's already settled in. I'm constantly monitoring her and will provide her with anything that she wants," Harry told him. What he didn't tell her husband was that right at that moment, she was being taken in all three holes at the same time. 'Poor bastard,' Harry thought to himself. After answering him, he was suddenly surrounded by the Denali women. He thought that they were being extra frisky at the moment, likely trying to prove a point to the Cullens. Unfortunately for them, Harry wasn't about to let himself be claimed by anyone. The closest to being able to do so were Rosalie and Bella, with one being the future mother of his child, and the other being his first friend in this strange world. Even then, he wouldn't be locked down by either of those girls, regardless of how he felt about them. Harry was a free spirit and loved going where the wind took him. However, that didn't mean that he wasn't open to having a dozen or so pseudo-girlfriends.

"They've agreed to help with our newborn problem," Carlisle told him as Tanya hugged his arm to her bosom.

"Really?" Harry said, looking at Tanya with a raised eyebrow. She nodded.

"We've agreed to put off talks concerning you until after the problem has been dealt with. We were just going over Jasper's strategy," Irina said, joining his other side.

"That's good. With the Denali Coven, that should be more than enough to take care of the newborns. The only problem now is with Victoria herself," Harry said. Everyone nodded. He saw Bella shiver, and Edward tightening his hold on her.

"Don't worry, Bella. I have a plan if you guys want to hear it," he told them. Everyone eagerly wanted to hear what he had to say. After hearing his plan, everyone agreed and went their own way. Carlisle and Esme broke off, as did Carmen and Eleazar. Jasper, Emmett, and Alice went back outside to keep practice-fighting, though Alice mostly just watched while using her powers to keep track of everything. She was still having trouble with the holes in her vision that Victoria was creating. Harry had been numbing her head to stop the migraines that she had been getting. Edward took Bella back home where he would stay for the night. That left Harry alone with three sexy blondes who were smirking at him.

"Do you have somewhere we can go?" Kate purred, sliding her hand underneath his shirt. Harry smiled.

"I believe I do," he said, and the four of them disappeared.

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Bella Swan


Harry Potter





Hannibal St.Michael

Can't wait to see how the fight playsout with Harry involved.



Is he going to take the Denali sisters to the each and witness something awrsome? 🤣


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Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)

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Immortals (Ch. 17)(Exclusive)


Chapter 17

The morning air was crisp … cold to anyone still living. Those running through the thick, evergreen forest didn't care about that though. They weren't bothered by such things, since their skin was already abnormally chilled.

One hiss turned into two, which in turn caused two of their party to attack one another. As they rolled around on the ground, ripping and tearing at one another, their newborn brethren continued without them. No one was there to lead them. They were on their own. One after another, they launched themselves from the half-rotted trunk of a downed tree and jumped over a wide stream. Their blood-red eyes were full of anger and hatred as they pelted toward their destination.

Behind them, the two who had been fighting had gotten to their feet and began circling each other. Snarls left their mouths as they lunged and dodged. One had his ear ripped off while the other had a pair of crescent moon bite marks on his cheek. Neither knew why they were fighting, and neither cared. Aggression overpowered their common sense, dimming their instincts to stay alive. As such, they each crouched down, ready to pounce. As they did, they didn't expect someone to grab the backs of their heads and slam their faces together. The ear-piercing sound of metal twisting rang out over the quiet forest. Deer scattered and birds left their perches, scared off by the violent sound.

Both Newborns reared back, crying out in pain as they opened the mouths of their disfigured faces. Their noses had been torn off, and both of their foreheads had been caved in. Even though they were vampires, they weren't spared the sensation of being dazed. Each stumbled around before they felt their legs being ripped off. Before they knew it, their bodies were piled on top of each other and set alight. The man formerly known as Daniel screamed as he crawled away from the flames inhumanly fast, using his arms to pull himself. It was of little use though. Soon enough, the only things left of him were a pile of ash and a cloud of purple smoke.

The small army of Newborns didn't even notice the absence of two of their numbers, not that they would have cared anyway. They were too focused on their goal, forgetting about everything else. As another member joined their ranks, they never looked back or registered the distinct scent of the only non-vampire amongst them. One surely noticed when someone kicked her foot, causing her to trip and slide face-first into a pile of mud. Putting her hands underneath herself, she tried to push herself to her feet, but a thundering stomp caused her head to shatter like a crystal vase that had been dropped on a stone floor. Harry didn't bother burning her. It would be years before she would be able to pull herself back together, such was her state. The Cullens or the wolves would find her remains and burn them long before then. Smiling, he felt as if he had done his duty.

Harry didn't really want to step in and help them too much. He really didn't like mucking around in other Aspects' business, but since he was now tied to Rosalie through a child, he had a right to. He guessed that one or two of them would pretend to be affronted. In reality, they would just be looking for a few future favors. He had done the same thing many times in the past. Even so, he didn't want to make it too easy for them. Already they had the numbers and firepower on their side. Taking out a few of them would just make things a little easier. He suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the clearing where the fight was to take place.

As he did, the Newborn army suddenly burst from the treeline and ran directly for the Cullens. They and the Denalis rushed forward, colliding with the wave of red-eyed vampires. Jasper, being the most battle-hardened, was the first to attack. His first punch took the head off of a Newborn with a single strike. Soon, the sounds of metal tearing filled the clearing.

Harry actually smiled as he watched Alice fight. Using her powers was a major advantage, though Emmett would call it cheating. Taking on two Newborns at the same time, she danced and ducked around punches and twirled around kicks. At one point, she ducked a punch coming from behind, and Harry laughed when the punch hit the opposite Newborn. She took the opportunity to jump on the back of the stunned vamp and tear its head off.

When the flood of wolves joined in, it wasn't even close to a fair fight. Not really caring about any of the wolves, Harry didn't pay much attention to them. The only one that he watched was Leah. From what he could gather by the way she fought, he could see that she was a bit erratic and hotheaded. Perhaps she was just trying to prove a point that as the only woman in the pack, she was just as much of a warrior as the men were, Harry thought. She was by far the smallest of the wolves, but she was also the fastest. He watched as she sank her teeth into one of the vamps and bit down hard. The sound of stone cracking as the vamp's leg was crushed tore through the air followed by his tortured scream. She was shaking his body violently, trying to tear off the leg, and never noticed the sneaky vamp coming from behind. As it lunged, Harry appeared right in its path. He pulled his arm back and swung. The collision between his fist and the vampire's chest was so loud that everyone in the clearing actually cried out and covered their ears. The vampire exploded into a cloud of dust and a few fluttering scraps of torn cloth.

Everyone was stunned for a second. Even Leah and the vamp whose leg was in her mouth were looking at him silently. "Oh, sorry," Harry apologized. "Let me give you a hand," Harry said, wanting to be gentlemanly. He grabbed the vampire by the arms and started pulling. Leah snapped out of it and began pulling as well.

"NO!" Ernie the vampire screamed in panic as he felt the flesh of his belly tearing. Only a second later, his two halves were tossed aside while everyone else finished the fight.


Victoria snarled viciously as she and Edward circled each other. It was difficult keeping one eye on him and the other on her ultimate target … Bella Swan. So far, her plan was working perfectly. The army that she had created was out there doing its thing. Whether they killed any of the Cullens or not wasn't something she cared about. The Newborns were expendable. They were simply there to get her and Bella alone. The only hiccup was that Edward had stuck around to protect the little bitch, and of course, their guard dog was annoying.

"Victoria! Help!" she heard Riley cry out as the wolf snapped at him and pushed him back. The wolf was smaller than the others that usually chased her off. 'He must be one of the young ones,' she thought as she turned her back on the idiot that was under the delusion that she actually cared about him. Even if she wanted to help him, she had her hands full at the moment. Edward struck hard and fast, grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her hard enough that the ground was being torn as she dug her heels in. She fought back, trying hard not to be spun so that her neck was exposed. If he got a hold of her head, it would be the end of her, she obviously knew. The sudden yelp of a dog being hurt filled her ears just before Riley slammed into the side of Edward, throwing him off of her momentarily. For once, she was glad to see him. Knowing that she may never get another opportunity, she ran forward in a blur and grabbed his very frightened-looking girlfriend. This was the bitch that caused her mate to be killed. Finally, she would have her revenge, and if by some miracle she survived this whole ordeal, she would go after the Cullens next. Her mouth watered and her teeth practically dripped with venom as she held the shaking girl tightly. Victoria saw abject fear in her eyes as she opened her mouth and leaned in. At that moment, Victoria felt pleased that her goal had been accomplished.

As her lips brushed Bella's slim neck, Victoria breathed in deeply, savoring her delicious smell. Biting down as hard as possible, Victoria's eyes widened as her teeth shattered, and she reared back. She screamed as pieces of her broken teeth fell from her mouth. She looked at Bella with wide, confused eyes. As she did, Bella somehow morphed into the shape of a very tall and handsome young man who was smiling happily. Even as the sounds of snapping and howling and Riley's screams of pain were going off behind her, she just couldn't comprehend what had happened.

"Sorry, babe! But you're not my type," the man cheekily said as he smirked. Victoria was just about to growl in anger when he lashed out. His hand hit her square in the chest, sending her tumbling back. Before she could get her footing, she was grabbed around the neck by Edward. Victoria screamed in anger as she thrashed around, trying desperately to get loose. She sent the man one last look of pure anger and hatred before her head was twisted from her body.

Once the kid named Seth had finished tearing up the other male vampire, they had themselves a quick bonfire before going back to the clearing. As they did, everyone watched as two Harrys walked up to each other. "Good job!" they said in complete sync and high-fived. When their hands clapped, a bright flash of light left everyone temporarily blinded. When they blinked the spots from their eyes, there was only one Harry standing there. "I told you it would work," he chuckled at Edward who was still worked up from finally getting his hands on the vampire who had been threatening Bella all this time. Harry noticed Alice tense up.

"What's wrong?" Carlisle asked, noticing her behavior as well.

"The Volturi … They'll be here in a few minutes," she told them, which made all of them tense.

"I'll handle them. Everyone go home and stay there for the next hour or so," Harry said. Everyone quickly said their goodbyes and ran off to the Cullen house or back to La Push.


Jane smirked alongside her twin brother, Alec. Accompanying them both was Felix, and the tracker, Demetri. When she was asked to visit the area and take care of any of the problems that they might find, she was of course ecstatic to do so. It had been a while since she had any real kind of action.

Since the Volturi had met with Victoria and had given her army a time limit to accomplish their goals, she knew that Aro was hoping that some of these Newborns would thin the Cullen herd, so to speak. In her opinion, Aro was afraid of the growing power of the Cullens and wanted several of their members as his own. She wouldn't lie to herself. This annoyed her. She should have been more than enough for Aro, but alas, he was known to be a greedy man when it came to hoarding power. Jane wanted to come and flex her powers to show the Cullens why the Volturi were the ones to be feared. Demetri had tracked the Cullens to a certain area of the forest before he suddenly stopped short. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"The Cullens have moved," he said.

"So keep tracking them," she glared, annoyed at being kept waiting. She noticed the strained look on his face.

"I can't!" he cried out before she felt the air around her turn cold. It wasn't just cold for a human, but for her as well. For the first time since she was turned, she actually began shivering. Looking to her side, she could see that her companions were equally flummoxed.

"What's happening?" her brother asked, sounding terrified. All around them, the forest was going dark … too dark. It was unnatural. Suddenly, a clicking or rattling sound was coming from every direction. All of them turned their heads from side to side, wildly looking for the cause.

Demetri jumped as he felt something move beneath his feet. Looking down to see what was going on was the last thing they saw him do. Jane screamed as a shadow burst from the soil, punctured his chest, and pulled the screaming man into the ground. They watched his arms and legs bend painfully in the wrong directions as he was sucked into the hole. Once he was swallowed, the sound of rattling stopped, but it remained dark.

Alec was panicking. Unused to being afraid, he didn't know how to behave. "SHOW YOURSELF!" he screamed, looking around. "SHOW YOUR…"

Jane screamed as a shadowman erupted from the ground and ripped off her brother's lower jaw. Alec wailed in pain as Felix ran as fast as possible. Jane desperately tried to use her powers on him, but it was no use. She was suddenly grabbed and flung against a tree. The tree shattered into a million slivers as her back hit the trunk. Falling face down, she looked up just in time to see her brother's arms and legs being ripped off. Not knowing what to do, she turned tail like Felix and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. The last she heard from her brother was his muffled cries as he too was sucked into the ground.

Harry smiled as the other two ran off. He chose to take out the boy and the tracker. Both were important members of the Volturi and would hinder them greatly. If they were smart they would take it as a sign to avoid the Cullens and the area in general. If they weren't, Harry would have fun dealing with them. As the forest around him brightened and warmed to its normal temperature, he noticed a petite girl hiding behind a tree, trembling violently. Walking over to her, she squeaked in fright and backed up.

"D-Don't hurt me … Please!" she begged, still shaking.

"What's your name?"

She looked up into his eyes, and if she could, she would have blushed. The man in front of her was very handsome. She finally came to her senses and answered him.

"Bree Tanner," she said quickly.

She didn't act like the other Newborns. She was much calmer and didn't seem like a mindless killing machine. She looked young … maybe fifteen or sixteen. Harry didn't have it in his heart to kill the young girl. Instead, he held out his hand only for her to instantly take it. As she held onto it tightly, he said, "I'll take you somewhere safe."

Bree believed him for some strange reason. She felt safe. Looking up at him, she stepped closer so that she was right up against him. He smiled down at her before both disappeared.

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Immortals 17.epub


Harry Potter






Great chapter and I am happy to see that you haven't forgotten about this story



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October 25 at 11:42 PM


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Cursed (Part 2)(Exclusive)

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OCTOBER 25 AT 11:42 PM


Immortals (Ch. 18)(Exclusive)


Chapter 18

As a portal opened up inside of the Cullens' house, both Rosalie and Bella walked through. Emmett and Edward happily hugged their significant others as the portal closed.

"I can't believe what you did to Alec and Demetri," Esme said, shaking her head. She was obviously worried about the consequences of his actions. What would the Volturi do? Would they come over and investigate? Would they attack outright? There were so many questions that couldn't be answered right now.

"We can only guess what the Volturi's response will be," Carlisle joined in. Alice went to his side.

"I'm keeping an eye on them," she assured them.

"Don't worry about the Volturi. I plan to keep them on their toes," Harry said with a wickedly evil smile.

"Harry …" Esme warned him. She was always warning him against his crazy shenanigans.

"Forget about them. I do have a bit of a problem, however," Harry said. He explained that he had found the young newborn after all others had been destroyed. "She's very calm and collected for a newborn. Even so, I'm not letting her near Rosalie or Bella. It's probably not a great idea to let her run around Forks either."

"Where is she?" Esme asked, suddenly perking up. She was the most motherly of the group, so it was only natural that she would be the first to look out for the young vampire.

"By now she'll be in my beach house on the island," Harry said. When the two girls walked through the portal, Harry opened up another for Bree and moved her to the isolated island.

"Alone?" Esme asked, concerned.

"She'll be fine. I'll go back and tend to her in a bit. I just wanted to get your opinion first. I was thinking about taking care of her until she has a firm hold on her bloodlust before releasing her into the wild," Harry told them. Alice rolled her eyes.

"She's not an endangered species for you to tag and release. She's a young girl who's probably scared and confused and needs guidance."

"Do you really want me to be the one to guide her?" Harry raised an eyebrow. Alice snorted.

"Heck no!" she cried out, remembering when Harry and Emmett were having a competition to see who could catch a bullet between their teeth first.

"I'll go," Esme volunteered. "It's not right that she's there all alone."

"I'll go as well," Alice also volunteered.

"I don't know if that's …" Jasper started but was shut down by Alice.

"Don't worry. I'll be watching everything," she said, tapping the side of her head. "And Harry can drop us back off later today … Right, Harry?"

"Sure," he said. He was glad that he wouldn't be responsible for taking care of the young vampire. After some discussions between Alice and Jasper and Esme and Carlisle, Harry opened another portal and let the two women walk through. The portal shut as he walked in behind them.


Bree jumped when the portal appeared in the living room of the beach house. She was still very nervous about everything going on. While she trusted Harry, she couldn't exactly trust everyone else. All her life, she never had anyone that she could put her faith in. Her father had murdered her mother and then went on to abuse her. After finally having had enough, she ran away and lived on the streets of Seattle for a while. The people out there were nearly just as bad. Once she was turned, she was told nothing but lies by Riley as she had soon found out. Being created for the sole purpose of getting revenge for someone else really stuck in her crawl.

Out of the portal walked two very beautiful female vampires. The first was taller and looked like a woman. The second was much shorter and seemed closer to her age. Behind them, Harry walked in. Bree immediately calmed down when she saw the handsome man that had spared her. She was still confused about a few things. Harry wasn't a vampire, that much was clear, but he could do things far beyond what a human could do. Hopefully, she would figure it out soon. When she saw his beautiful face smiling at her, she was on her feet and by his side within a blink of an eye.

"Bree Tanner … this is Esme and Alice Cullen," he introduced them. Harry instantly felt her stiffen while taking a step back. Harry put his arm around her back, and she pressed against his side. "Don't worry, Bree. They're not angry at you. They know you're a victim in all of this," Harry assured her, rubbing her back.

Esme smiled sweetly at her, as did Alice. "Of course, we do! We don't blame you at all," Esme said, keeping her distance for the time being.

"I'm not a vampire, so I can't exactly guide you through life as a newborn. They felt it would be better if you were taught by another female vampire. I can't exactly fault their logic," Harry said.

"Yeah. She definitely doesn't need to learn how to scratch her ass and balls at the same time," Alice smiled and danced over to his other side while smiling.

"Language, Alice!" Esme chastised her while Bree giggled.

"Don't worry. I'll stay here so you can feel comfortable while getting to know them," Harry promised the young girl. She nodded while Harry stepped back to let Esme get at her. Almost instantly, she was mothering Bree in a way that Harry had never seen. It wasn't surprising since the Cullen "children" were already grown and most were technically older than she was. It wasn't long until Bree was comfortable enough that he could leave her immediate presence, though he did stay on the island. Harry took the opportunity to enjoy a swim in the cool ocean water. The wind was blowing in, making the tall, thin palm trees creak and crack as they swayed back and forth. The scent of the salty air was pleasing and reminded him of Rosalie's and Bella's nude bodies. He must have been smiling like an idiot while daydreaming because Alice eventually called out to him.

"HARRY!" she yelled. He looked back and saw her in the distance, standing on the shore. He ducked underneath the water's surface and swam back to the shore in a flash.

"What's up?" he asked, slicking his wet hair back as he walked out of the water. Alice was standing there looking cute as she smiled at him. Esme and Bree flashed to her side almost instantly. She giggled when she noticed Bree checking out his body in a less-than-subtle manner.

"Bree is thirsty. Esme and I would like to show her how we hunt," Alice told him.

"She wants to try your diet?" Harry asked. Bree nodded quietly while her eyes drifted over his form.

"Good for you. I'll drop you girls off at the clearing where the fight happened. Just call out to me when you want to come back," he told them and opened up a portal. All three stepped through before he closed it behind them. With only a thought, he was dried off and dressed again. With nothing to do on the island, he vanished. Reappearing back at the Cullen house, he was inundated with questions. He had to quiet everyone down to keep them from talking over one another.

"Esme and Alice are fine. They're helping Bree hunt deer out in the woods. After that, I'll take them back to the island."

"So she wishes to become a vegetarian like us?" Carlisle asked. Harry nodded.

"It looks that way, at least for now. I'm sure the girls will tell you everything when I bring them back. I've been trying to give them privacy," Harry explained to them. By then, Edward was off with Bella, and Carmen and Eleazar asked to be taken home. They would come back to visit, but in the meantime, they were excited to have the house to themselves for a little while. Obviously, Tanya, Kate, and Irina weren't going to let him stay in Forks without them. They did, however, want to be taken back temporarily to pick up a few things. Harry obliged them all and transferred them back to Alaska.

"If you insist on staying in Forks, you should really get your own place. As big as the Cullens' place is, it's not really big enough for all of us. Not only that, but the humans will begin to ask questions about why so many people are living there," Tanya reasoned as they zipped around the house to collect the things that they wanted. Irina was having a hard time since Harry was behind her, feeling up her sensual curves.

"I have a house in Forks. I just rarely use it. I haven't been there in weeks," he told her while kissing Irina's neck. The blonde vampire gasped and tilted her head, giving him more room to operate.

"Really?" Kate asked. "I assume you won't mind if we move in?" she smirked, sashaying up to him and pressing against him from behind. Her hand reached down and wrapped around his body. Harry felt her cup his crotch before sensually rubbing it.

"Okay, but I do have a house rule that must be followed … No bras allowed," he smirked and Tanya rolled her eyes while the other two giggled.

"Just take us to the house, pervert. Our stuff is packed," Tanya told him. Harry peeked out from between his two lovers and looked at the giant pile of stuff that they wanted him to transport.

"I'm not sure if the house is big enough to store all of that crap," Harry joked.

"Crap?!" Tanya cried out as they all disappeared. They instantly reappeared in Harry's Forks home. Of course, all three girls appeared on Harry's very big bed … completely naked.

Irina and Kate were at his sides, kissing his chest as his hands kneaded their tight bottoms. Annoyed at being left out, Tanya crawled up his body and straddled his hips. Her eyes fluttered at the sensation of his very big manhood resting snuggly between her plump lips. She absolutely loved the heat that radiated from his body. Within seconds, she could feel her own icy body heating up to match his. Her nipples crinkled and grew hard as she softly rolled her hips, smearing her juices all over the bottom of his shaft. Her two sisters were acting like complete sluts as they lay there, groping and kissing every inch of skin that they could reach. Lifting up slightly, she palmed his shaft and lifted it to her pussy lips. Holding it tightly against her body, she thrust her hips back and forth, wetting him from his balls to his head before she placed the tip to her opening. Dropping down onto him, she threw her head back and moaned like a whore. It had only been a couple of days since she had him inside of her, but that was two days too long in her opinion.

Harry mewled deeply and lifted his hips slightly when she enveloped him in her wet grasp. Irina and Kate were happily kissing and nipping at his shoulder and jaw while his hands slipped between their cheeks. As his fingertips brushed over their assholes, he hit them with some of his patented sex magic. Both girls squealed and jumped at the same time. They slapped his chest as he chuckled. Pressing his fingers harder against their tightest holes, he slowly pumped his magic into them. Even though they didn't need to breathe, they inhaled and exhaled deeply and raggedly as the soft pleasure that they had been feeling grew in intensity. Both girls were rubbing their thighs together as beads of arousal dripped from between their lips. Not wanting to leave Tanya out of this, he forced his magic into her body as well.

The results were immediate. He felt her pussy contract instantly. Had he been human, her silken grip might have crushed his cock. Her smooth, graceful body quivered violently as she tightened around him. Tanya felt as if she had no control over her body. Her hips acted as though they had a mind of their own. They rolled back and forth as she fucked him harder and harder. Pushing down hard on his cock, she shuddered as she moved her hips in a circle. Needing more pleasure, she reached down and began rubbing her hard clit while she watched her two sisters gasping and mewling as they wiggled and squirmed in his grasp. She could hear the squelching coming from their pussies as Harry furiously finger-fucked them. Their backs arched, and they squealed loud enough to nearly shatter the windows of the house. Reaching down, she steadied herself by placing her hands on his rock-hard pecs.

Her hips bounced faster and faster until they were nearly a blur. The sounds they were making sounded like two rocks cracking against each other as her ass slapped against his hips. Her juices started to slosh out, leaking all over his hips and stomach. The fierce impact of their bodies made her juices spray around the room, drenching the walls, bed, and sisters. "I'M CUMMING!" she suddenly screamed as she became lightheaded. Her walls hugged him tightly as she collapsed forward. Tanya couldn't keep her body from squirming uncontrollably as her pussy milked his fat cock. Harry, meanwhile, wrapped his arms around her slim waist and was thrusting his hips upward. Her g-spot was being brutally beaten over and over. Pussy juice sprayed in every direction as she screamed into his chest. She was just about to black out when she was suddenly pushed to the floor.

"What the fuck?" she said, blinking her eyes. As she pushed herself up while her body spasmed out of control, she watched as her two sisters fought back and forth over his cock. Irina had just put the tip to her lips when cum erupted from the tip. Kate fought her off and got a mouthful of her own. Tanya's eyes crinkled as she glared at them. She was already planning her revenge as Irina slurped on his cock while Kate worshiped his balls with her tongue.

Immortals 18.pdf

Immortals 18.epub


Harry Potter









Always happy to see an update to this one.


Ken Somers




sorry. just added the files


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